THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TffimSDAY , DECEMBER 22 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Quito ft Lively Bally Succeeded Dullness Yesterday on 'Change. CORN AND OATS WERE WEAK UNTIL LATE Tlitrn Witt lllMHuHloiiyo ( let Itlil of bong Property , Hut Them Were 1'ow IIujliiK Orders Ht * | il lit Cti Oiuctnn , 111 , Doc. 21.-A lively rilly sue- cccdl ( dullness toiliy on Vlntizo. The mar kets wore nil wcakdurlni ? llin forenoon with tlio exception of pnnlsloni , which , Inter , nlthoURh sllehtly lower nt tlio Muit , won firmed up. Corn and oils were especially wi > ik until within flflecii minutes < > C the close , when a chmipo to lltmncss suddenly caused them to recover tlitslr earlier eonsldciablo ICMI. Compared with 1 ist night Rraln Is about J e hlRhor nit nroilnd ntul prm Islons ICc ( 'orn It-ill In tlio ninuiinl of buMnos ? done , ovrccdlns ou'ii th it ot yesterday , and I ho Iliictuatlnns note wldnr. Theio was free sell ing by iiumbci of tlio larger i-ommls-don houses niul for eoiintty acrount. Thcio win little support totlu iniil < et , and loc il bear * appeared to lm\o oiotylhliiR their own w ty , there bchiR little opposition oven by the old bull combln illmi On tlio contr.uyll looked us thouifli thoio was a good OL il of sollbib by Hud IOIIRS. ( onio of Iho prominent receiving t'onreruB oirorliiRs from countiy shlppon iirolncroaslnRmatcililly mid nt lowci pi Iocs , No. 2 yellow boltiR bought In pull of tlio Male ut33o , Thtro also -.otno lltllo sclllns fet foioUnnrrounU Ilii * Ing to finer Miorts ap peared to bo the only snppoitlns factoi , and May , after opening nnih IIMPC ! Jt 40' o , sold off with lltllo reaction lo I5' < i' , tilled lofiom 4ficto too. Iho ninilii't bohiR 1-irRoly ovor- itold , and llnallj eloped with fiom l < c lo ne ' \\iiiMt opened decidedly woik. Nimly ( tvcnthliiKln the wn > of IILWI was IM | onraR- IIIR tn holdpix , rabies vioio loni i , tlio ii'i I'lpls llbi ml and lliadsln ot lopoi ted aiiotln'i HIRO lucioiiM' In tlio allahlo suppb , t > 77 ( MO bu. 'Ihoic was a Roncial illspnsttlon to ct rid of IOIIR piopoilj , but thoio wi'H M i y fi'w buy In , ; 01 dors hoi o , tlio sail-sillily bohiR iimdoation- ccsslons. 'Iheio wti'ialso 111010 ot lesi slioit BcllhiR. , . , Another reason foi thoi wo iknoss was the sharp decline which look pi no In coin mil oats , the wi iKni - > s thi'io belli , ; u-lli clod to a coii'ildoiablo oMonl In pit A good cloal of talk of tlio SIOI.IRO capielly In the northwest being ni-.iily c\h mstid and a pros- met of Iho Kialn tinning to this inflikel was IndulRcd In. At tlio ilci line tin to Rood bu > huh ) a pioiiiliiont local hmiM-whlih has boon nailing lonslileiahly of 1 itn In who it , lint Ihu s imo house was c-icdlli d with soiling fnltly when prhi's aihanood. I'llcosthellnul early Jjc , i allied * sc and closi dslcady at the top. top.In oats thoio was a llboial limlo , Tlio weakness - ness was due lo Incii isotl lliinlilatlon by local mid oitlsldu lotiRs 'I ho only support c.'uuc from Mioils. 1'ilcos foi M i } opened steady declined ' : ( . ' , but lallli d 'si1 , ind dost d stead } at tlio hamo pik'o lo' ( adinconxvi jt'itoi- ilin's clusliii ; , iluu lo Improved buying mil li llpntor elli lilies. Thi' pun Islon Mnilois who sold all tlio pio- duel son tbodoollno jpstcid.n In antlclpulon of'IO.OlH ) lio/s ted ly woio linsj ino-,1 of the day netting tlio stull luck. 'I ho ieall/tn w i * so L' th it the tiadu spcniLiI to tlilaU the bull opoiatoisi3io tin o uuhltb tlio inuiLi't Tlio bu > liu was ltd bC'ud ill ) and \\ilKbt Their hioUu s alone tool , nioiu tli in i noiiL-h d absorb all olfpilngs anil othei bnycishidti bid Hi ) foi wli it thoi w inlod Estlnrittd it-coljits for toinoitow : Wheat 275 cars ; toin 310 tars ; oils , 180 eais lie s , ao.OOO head. The loading finuios raiiRod is follows- dish quotations wi 10 as follows : rrouii Yeiy dull ; pilces equivalent t 12 76(82 ( 80 bid foi second patents 01 stiaUliti WllKAT No 2 spring , 70c ; No .1 sprliiR , 005 GIo : No 2nd , 70o. COIIN I.ov\or ; No 2 ! 0J c ; No. 3 cash 3G'Jc OA'ih No 2' , 2'\ffci0o ' ) ; No 2 white , 34Vi < ! 05'5con tiiii-k : No 3 white , .I0331c. Uvi.-No 2 , 47'sO ' HAIU.ISY No 2 , or > e ; No 3 , f. o. b , , 40B58c No 4 , f. o b ,3ri'i42e. 1'i.AX M I n-No. 1,11.07" . TlMOrnbn 1 > I'll me , V2 00 VoiiK-Mess , per bbl , SI I 7011.75 ; Inn per 1OO His , ? 1040 ; shoit illn , sides ( loose $8.15 ! 18 25 ; diy salted shoiildeis ( boxed 87.87)i800 ) ; short clear bhbboNcd ( ) , * h.750 H HO , Wiusicv niwl filers' llnl'jbed Roods , per R il (1 30. faUOAU Cut leif , 5Kc ; Rianiilaled , 5r standaid"A , " l'ac. IhefollowliiR woio tbo receipts ind ship incutsloda } : On tbol'ioihii-o o\ili : uio loduv tbo bulk mnikot was dull : uoainery , 202)29iil ) ; ill lOtfi'JOu. r.e'KS , llinii stilc'tly frcsb , 243200. ' No Vmk Miirkeli , NF.W Yoilic , Dec. 21 riotlll Uccolnts , 33 082 pkKs.j oxpotts , 170 bills , 31.301 saok tiiaiKutaotlve , Memllor ; s lies , 22 ( ) ( ) ] bbls. Com , Mi Ah Me uly , tali domum' . WIIIJAT ltccolilK | , ll.OOObn ; u spoils , 281 041bn. ! sales , 1 , < )00,001 ) > bn fntuusj 120 ! , ( ) ( bn. t-pot. Spots inoderatolv not l\o foi o\port closing Him ; No 2 led , 753 © 70 < - In stoio in elevators 7i14"70'c ( ' alloit ; 75@77'-c f. o 1 No. 3 it'll , 71VTf72oj iiiiBi illod led , 7077 No. 1 nnitliun , 70'i&7nr ! ; No. 1 bind , HO No. 2 noitborn , TtViATDUi' : No. 2 III waulao , 743 , < S70o ! No. 3 hpilnn' , 09 > 4 dO'iC. OplUms opLiiod weak and , ( T dined fiom * Vc to % o on east cables , fun hollbu by Wall stieot , foiol , bouses and tbnest , to otboi with a lai ! liu-lcaso In supplies east of tbo Itooklos , i acted miif > i > i > ii local ( moilnc and Mi on ; ; wost.olosbu tliniat I85j.\c undoi jcsluida No. 2 , rid , lei' ) ( inbor. 7 1(3.74 ( ' „ ( , closing 74 ies .In nun IV , 7147t.i : , iloslnt ; at 7I' Muili,7777 ! ( < liii l floslni ; at 77"c , May , 7'J 70 O-lOo , closlnj ? ut 70 ic. HVK null , nominal ; wc'atorn , OlQSOo. IlAiu.m ( Jnlot , HAUI.KV .MAI , t Dull. C'OIIN Hoiolpts. 30,100 bn , ; exports , 2- ) 070 ; tin. ; .alis , 000000 bu. ( iituiei. ; 04,01 bu. HJIOI. Spots dull , Ion 01 , closing hloiul No. 2 , 48' ' i I9o In oloator ; 40'iT ' ( ! ! 10' [ ( ! nlloa ungraded nihcd , 40irOOi ; ; bteniuor inlMd.48 CS40'S } options \\4it4i dull , doillnc-d early a , Hellb tliocst and local ioall/liiK , toactli itW3BcM \ wheat and i losing htuady ; Dei-ei boi.48 ti'j.laiiuaiy. IB'.delO L' , oloalnu lOJi lJ.c , eloslnir 51'c' ' , OATS Id i elnls , 24,100 bu. ; u\xnts ] , 38,0 bu ; bales , 295.OOO bu. futures ; 49,000 I Bet ] , bpot dull ; iiiledoaKei and ( lull ; o tloiiH loui'i ' j .Inniiaiy , 30itfUl { ) c' , i-loslni ? 80c ; May , 38 > a38J4c. elosbu- 38 , o ; sp lilloes. No. 3 , 35'io. ' naUid : No. 3 ubllo , 41) ) < Ni > .2. SOi'i No. 2 wblto , 12io ; mixed ncsloi OCa38o ; wblto wt'storn , 404N7o ; Uliltnco , 4 , \\\1 \ \ - I'll in and falily active. Hoi's-Dnll butHloady. HuiiAu-lUw , Him but dull ; icllncil , easy b Monhsis Now Orleans , qulot and stoaii KICKhtoaily and falily ac-tlx ) . I.GCS Unlit iciolpts ; llimei ; uosiom bo B046300 ! lei-DlptH , 3,221 p ic-Uagcs. UIDKS Oiilut nnd steady , Wooi < I'll m and quiet. I'liONisiu.Ns I'nik. Him and nulot. 0 incatB. llrm ; ploKled JiollUs , O'.i" 1'lcM ' liains , llUSi'i middles , Hrmei ; hhort clo , H.70. l.uiil. holier and nnlct ; iMislorn MOI. closed attlO.Vll ; haloa , 250 tloieos at * ll ) ( ! iiptlon ball s. . 250 tlou-es ! lei'ombor10 ) 70 1)1 ) Jtimiaiy. * 10.70 ; .Murc-b. UK ) 00) ) May. no 80 , IHmill-riiiii ; full demand ; \\osteinilali J7W240 ; wuhtc-in cioumerj. 20Jle ; Klg uO Q ulC. OiiLFSK-Modonilo demand : Hun. I'm lUON Dull ; Hteadj ; Ameilcan. H3 , G 1 0.00. Ooi'l'i.ii I'lrmj lake , $1225 , l.UAD .Steady ; domestic , $3 HO. 'fit , bteudy ; btraltn , 110,00. Oiniilin 1'iodiKo Jlaikut. Tbo mniKi't did not show any % cry mater baiiKd In \ nines. Tbo arrival- turliej s : not largo for n holiday season and tbo mail In Hi in. 'Jlioiu U a Klut of clilokons , anil I buy iimrKet lt > \ eiyoaU oniu-count ot liu iiec-lpu. Ai'i'iu-Oood upjilob uio ( Hinted at 13.0 4 00 1 clmlco to fancy , M.uoftr.'JS. llANANAS-'Ouolatlons aie ; Kalr to gc tblppliiK ktoi-k , OOU.2.CO per buncll , llUTrniTlio Ki'iiei al imukut K. steady. 1 bulk of tbo receipts hells ut M5ilbc , und M > bdrct luu-kiiKCH at 1710o , UaAM3Uiiiuts Quututluiu are : lloll i cborry I9f > 0h < < r btil.i boll inl bilttlo , (0 fiOi Into C'ni foil. llo.OO. The ntrlvnli on the iniuUot. nrrlltflit. ( i I iini'y rclory l ilintitiil to Jlnil Qnotailon" ranor nil Iho w y fromUSc to 40c. ( MIII TMA Turf * t in o foot , per dor n oo/f &o : G to lo foot per < lo > < * o OO'BIO oo ; Inr o , fur 'rliooN nml rbun-lici , rncb , holly , per bbl , S2 00 ; mlitletoo . . \MK-Tfio marUnl lines not show nny very malotlnl Pliant In \IIIP ( | Tbcro was n nu\o1ty In ili" market In tbo nay of a black boar uhlcli found n leitdv piitrlnsor. qiiotnlloim nro ! I'lirnsants , JOOdfrjOO ; pralrlo clilrkrn , $10011100 ! itroitM'.f I 01)1 ipi ill. II OOAt 25 ; snlpi ; , Jl 00 ; Jack nlpo. fl.25ftl 00 ; punor. JI.OO : Roldeu plo\crl 20fi 1 r O : raiiMis bnok ducks , 5800 ( Mono red bo , id dmks , $100 ; nnllatd ( lurks , i.i I > W11,70 , blllP ttlnjt ti-nl , J2 2oj urocn wbu 7'ij inlted diii'ks , tl.oO ! Cntnda L'coso , tGI)013)7nOi ) ) Jack rilblls ) , J1.50 ! sinill inbblis , tl.'j'iiilfionuliroN : , 1.00111.2 5 ; nnlclopoiailillcs ICSlOct door saddles , 15 ® toe : antelope carc'isscs , OOlOc ! deer carcnsses , HVWIUc. II \ -Tbo nnil.ct AVIIS opi iof | ked amicry wpnk. No. I , HI 75i37.oOt No 2 , ? 0 00. IIOMIY I lie mnikot Is fit in , good wblto clnor liotiuy 'icln SOIIICP at 17c. lii'vovChoice , $4 60 : fancy , t. > & 0. M \i.\nv uu\i'M 1'ci kcs. taoo O\STt.ns t'liclinnKiil tit UVUfx" per run , ONIONS -llotiio'ixHn ( , 80JSf > C ! fit inlMi , tl.OO nrr cinto. onMIIS rinildi M.anaaGO f Quotations nro : Homegionn . Colorado and Utah , Hoi1 I'oi IAUV the aiihals of tuikojs M > f-ir him not been 1 11,11' and choice stock sold nen- eialh tit 13iloose and ducks 03 Hv Clilcltensaie not wanted nnd dealuis uioglad to sell them at most any PI Ice. I ( ids ' irlclly fiesh lalil , Jtil Sc , inldslor- auc , 2f2 ( ) 1 MM'n I'OT Tors-i'lioioo Mu'catlno and Illinois stoi k M 757T 1 on per bbl VtuOnotatlonsan : " -mall and fit , G'JO 7c , 1 irjje ami hcaj , ) ' > J.V. M. I. oiili Market * . ST Lotus Mo , Hcc 21.I louu Woi ! , . not ( pmlably Inui't Wnt VT ' ( 'u 1 eiinilci yosteuluy ; C'asbC41 , c ; Januaii , bl'm , Mnj , 7'2'c. COIIN Di dined * , f options i Insert -i sh ido liolow jesii nlni ; UtcoinlH-i , Ji ' , o ; Januiiy , 370. May. USe OAT < ( a li. lower , 31c bid ; Ma > , 33'c. KM. DnUiOOc iiskid II Mil -Actlxo ; Mlnncvot-i 04o. Hum I'ncbatued I'dds Kimj , 2'ii22i' ( I'oitK-gnliiti 1025 r/ird hlKhor : J10 12' ' } Uicni'is-l'lnui , 4,000 bbls ; whvnt , 33.000 bn. ; coin , llH.Odi ) 1m ; oats 22,000 bu ; no , none : bn lev , none Sllll'MlNisrfoill , 7,000 bbls ; boat , 10,000 bn : corn 114,000 bn ; oils , 10,000 bu ; tie. ] 3,000 bu , b u ley 2000bu. " " < > ! ! Market. Ni.w .YoiiK , Dec. 21 I'CTitoi.r.tTMDull ; onlj 7 000 bills rh uulin ; bamU it O2'sc olos- buat O2'c bid anil 0 ) lc iiskud IVnnsjU.i- nla spot silos none , laniliiv onllons silus , 7,000 bbK Lima oil sales none , 17c bid. L'otul b lies , 7,000 bbls CoiTONiH > OiiAcllM1 , ; ciiulu , lOc ; lloH , I2o. Tu.i d\v Plimor. KOSINQuiet , steady. Tl'itl'i NTINIDull , weak. LONDON , Dec . -IKi.uurrv LINSUI u-30s pci ( nmitci. I.INsi IDOII , , 1H , 3djl8s4'Jd ! porcwt. Tuill'i.siiNi , Si'liurs 22s Od pci c\M. Knns is ( 'lti 'Miirl.fti. KANS\S Cnv , Mo , Doe. 21 WIIFAT Ir- ni ; No 2 bard. 0202 c ! No 2rcdr.7c N \\eakuiid lowoi ; ? * o. 2ml\od , 32U1J 3c. ! 3c.O \TS-\Vcalc and lowoi ; No 2 mixed , 28' $ © 29c. IU ij-rirm ; No. 2 , 474(3 ( 18c , Hum u In fall demand ; cio imciy , 25U28o ; ililty , 14TM8c. ( Kims I'll in at224c. It ) CLIIT9beat , 88,000 bu ; corn , 14,000 bn ; oats. l.OOo bn. Siui'Jir.Nih Who it , 30,000 bn. ; coin , 2.00C bu. ; o its , none. llnstnrss I'.i-h Is. 1' . C. I , iflln has biicceeded . T. Carson A Son In tboicstauiiint business at C.eno\.i llloden llios. bino sueci'oilLil Ucuifio Oelilci as inopilotois of a gem stoio atayno. . William Osboine , dnu/lsL at Utulni , bis dlsippe nod and bis biotboisaio selllln , ; U [ tbo business. KnjlcliarUSwciiRlr , who bv\o boon inn- nliU .1 me it maiket at Lincoln , bi\o ; boot succeeded by Klines i\Uia\es Cultio 'Miirlu't. Nr YOIIK , Dec. 21. Options ojienod sto.idj 10 points down to 10 points m > , closed steady OS.20 up biles , a 1,250 bias Ini'liKlIng DC. comboitl020 ; Liiiiiiity , * 15 85J&10 00 , 1'ob- ruary , $10 OW.15 70 ; Mnu b , 4154013,1500 April. $1525 ; Muj , 815201530 ; bcptombor $10 K ) . fci'OT UlO-Qulet , slo uly ; No 2 , $10 75. I.lrpool .tluikets. Titvnnroor. , Dec 21 WIIFVT Qulot ; bolder olfet moderatolj , No. 1 ( Jallfornla , Os3d50 4d per cental ; led wesloin sptln , Os 10df ( 5s 10'til pet cental ; No. 2 led wlntoi , 0. , bdi OsO'id poi ( cntal CORN ( Jitlut ; mixed western , 4s per cental llMON Konrf and shot I clou , 500 Ibs , 40 poi cwt ; long deal , 450 His , IPs Cd. Mlln.uikfu drain .Miirki't. MII.WAIIKI v Wis . Doc. 21 \ \ HL vr Steady M.IJ , bO'uC , No 2spilHK , 05o. COIIN Qulot j No 3 , 37c. OVTS Qulot ; No 2 wblto , 34'/c ; No 3 , 8 Q33c- . IlAHI.l V GSC. . ' . U\l.-08'io. _ .tllnnciipolN Wlieat Mllket. MINNI irons , Minn , Dec 21. 'Flailing wa llKbt. and situation lather depressing , KOO demand foi ( ash wheat : so ntj-ono cais .ol at G4c ; ucelpts were 325 cus Uloso : M ij 095ac ; lkc'ombuiG4ic. ( Ou trick : No lliaii 05'5c ' ; No 1 noitboin , 04c ; No. 2 noitboin , 5 NCH Vurk Di y floods H.ukc't. YORK , Dec 21 Business In diy Rood was inodoialo as logaids now demand , bi with a sti ad > ino\riiiuiit In csecullon for 01 dors 'lluio wcio no do\eloin' | nts Tli mukot li btronj ; at both liit and sccon Cotton Mill In t. Nrvv Oni.ivs , li , Dec 21. Qulot ; middle- 9rii' , low middles , Ojfe ; good oidlii ity , 8'ti net iccolpls , 8,0GB biles : RIO-.S , 0,7UJbilc oNpoits to Iho continent , 5,2.10 bales ; stool 304,400 1) ) lies. ItaltliiKiro ( Jialn Market. Itvi.TlMoniMil Dec. 21. Win' vi Weal No 2 ltd spot and Decemboi , 723ic. COIINeak ; mixed spot and yeai , 74'jC. DAISbtcad } ; No 2 vvlillo wc.tein , 4JU41 Tnult rs' Tilk. Oniovno , III. , Dae. 21. I' . G. 1,03111 X Co t 0 Duncan llollln ei .1 Oo : Clio wheat maike 0d w is very mm h on the holhl ly ordoi. The pn d slthmof the nun kot Is about 1 bo same , wit the lorn ; Intoii'st lidded to U , If tinvthbu , th inc reiiM ) In lliadsiu ct'h visible supply c iiise Mime selling. Now Yoik eleai incosaio faltl 111)01 ) ill'J81.1)00 ) bushels of v.bcat and 25OJ biiiols of lloui. I'ho c ish di'inand for goo Riados still continues satlsfacloiy , vvhllu pot Riadi's ofsptliiR wheat aio not wanted. Tb noillHMst iicolpts , GJO cais , show Rrndiul fulling oir.Vo would not bo sin pilMdtoMo holders endeavor to stint a bu mukct at any tlmo. Com was actlvo an weak. The continued belling by recelvt'i agulnst couutiy Klin stalled tbo IOIIRS to scl but on the hioak thoiow.isconsldoiamo cove ; liiRiind onoiiRli local buying to I ally the ma : kot. As heietofoie , wo bollovo 11 policy t M II on Imidspols. In oats the shorts coven fieoly and U'colvots and tiled hums MI fieely , but on bicaks o its \\oio absotbed. looks like a Rood bcalpliu m irket to soil e bulge's foi neai fntuio I'lovlslons opunod tilllo htroiu on outsldo buying. l.lRJa olio IIIRS kept iirli es Him , closing tbo muikot . about the hlRhest pilces of the day , ( JlllUAilOr III , Dec 21. foum-elmiin A , Df to Lockiell Itio- . Commission comp in ; \\heat opened VM'ak and hccnmo v\eal\oi i Itiaditieot'ti % Islblo hiipply , estimates of 1,1 ( cais In thouoitliwe-,1 tomonolowei tabli ami nn Illinois coiiRressnuin's o\pusslon i the opinion that Iho anti-option bill won piss after Now Years. The bull ciowd a MI i bed all tbo May wheat they con ( jot below 70Uc. and the ollor of shot t t < calpors to i ov or caused tliu i losing rail ) to the bent pileos of the day. Wo M nothing tohhakooui conlldenco In whoit I . . . „ , . . H lonrf price Com wia unilor ht'llln , ; by itcelvois and hhlppeis and fnithei h ttln RO by tiled onlsldo IOIIRS Ua idled easy oaily , but closed Him and u chaiiRod. I'lovlnlons weakened , underlie-in iiall/ln b } tbo prominent lonn's , but closi htioiiR , ovcltod and considerably hlRhoi , aft the Cniliihjs turned fiom solloib lo buyo and openly bid up tbo mat Uot. Sl'OUKS AND IIONDS. Tt'iiduiuof 1'ik'cs In tlio i.irly ; Trailing W Upuiirtl. N .w YOIIK , Doc , 21 , The \nlumo of bus ness on tbo htock uxuhango bbowed a fill th fnllliiKolV today , The stock market , taken i a whole , was In u moro bottled btato and i \lolont llnutuatlons oe'cuiiod )0 \ Inunypirt the lint. Tbo tendency of prjcos In the ear tiadlni ; was upward , u decline of > , ' per e-ent DUtlllliia'nndOattlofoedbuiinl ( Chicago U hm Ins had comp uatl\oly llttlo lulliiunco i tbo gonc'ial lUt. bubsquontly Manlin al tan IDSO 2Vi pur contto lldj ) ! , Tdtson lllini ro natlngto 113 and Canada Southern l ? ot & 0 , ' { , In tijinpithyltlithusomoomonts , Konoraladvane'o occuirud , the eastern ai wc'btorii trunk line bharuslmpioUng \ to poi cent , and Chicago lias and dUtlllcrlcsbc ! Qll Ing u fraction uboio lust iilttlit'ri quotatloi The btrongtb of btoilliiK oxcliango , IIOWUM hone ru\l\edthu talk about gold hhlpmunts , and no this the IHIIU-H nmilo u roaowed attack up tbo murkot durliiR tbo afternoon. Itouul nil w us Un > l alDKliU out auU Uio yilco was kuock down from MS to TO , imrtly on report * thnt the IVtunyhtinln had nc < | tilioil control of rer * tnln lines which would ( tlvp It n tinner bold on the r nl trndo nnd partly nn rrpot-U tlmt the I'dtnpniiy MWI polling Imnditodt'ciiro fiituls o June ! Interest on tbo prefcrencp lncoiiip Aflor tlio nun p against ItcndlnR , thlcniin dm 11 sold down 2 nor cent , DIstltlltiR nnd I'nttlcfpodlna nml Missouri Pnolllc l"i poi cent , National Lend 1H per rent , Hock IMiiml and Laekawamm 1'i iior eont , Catnulii Southern 1'4 per cent. ' 1 bo losses olhorwlsd were less thin 1 permit , nitit Itock Island , SI I'nul , Now Kimland , Norlberii 1'no I lie jin f ( rretl , l.oulsIllo , t Nnsln Illo and Atclilsoii hold tPiiiaiktibly well. Ppoculatlon loll olT steady ata fractional roecmiiy fiom the lowest llRUios of tbo iittcrnoon , Tbo I'hlcnRO Nottlitti'stcrii Hallwuy company will tomorrow pnvtho dHldend on the com mon and ptefened stocks duo DccembeT 23 tiuM. This will irle.ioo about tl.000,000 , and will help to casu the money mnrkot. The Test q ijs : The monetary situation U , In fact , remarkably perplexing. Until either the nioichiuirtlsn trade moM'inent tutus do- rldedly In our fa\or or ( onlldetico nmotiR European ln\cstois Is icstored , the mnrkot must conllnuo to bo couftouted either with blRh rates of money or hlRh rates of storlliiR cxclmtnro. The list foity-elght botirs have shown elcarly to wh it extent tlic o two mar ket factors swhiR In opposite dltcctlonson tbo simoplMt Money rates were compiratl\oly easy todnv , and the u'coM-ry In sterling AMIS an iminedlato ronsiiiiicnuu Despite tbo Ron- cm ! bow Udei mont , how oor , nil sound stocks teslstc-d tlio uiTortt lit decllno with per sistency , nnd there were IOIIR Intervals of dullness durltiR tbo day. homo stocks actually aiUnnced , but In Ronetal the tone was hen\ , and towaid tbo eloso the ItidusliluU iiR.iln \leldcd The follow IUR nro the closing nunt-itlons for tliu leailhiR stocks on the New Yoik t-tock et ch UIRO today CT-llV The trade In stocks was 410,000 sh iros. In cluding : Atcblson , 73,000 ; 0. , U. .1 Q , 8,540 ; Nnithoin 1'aolllo , 8,300 ; Cldi ice Gas , 23.700 ; Dlstlllbi ) ; , (8OOO , llilo , 3100 ; .Manhattan , 5,000 ; Mlssouil I'.iclllc , 10000 ; Nation il Load , 5,100 ; No\v in : lind , ( > ,100 ; Norlboin 1'nollli- , a.OOOj lie idhiK. 40,500 ; Hock 1 .land , 0,000 : St I'.iul 10200 ; Siuir , 2280J ; Union 1'aollle , 3,300tsteinUnlon , 8,000 I.oiulon rimiiubil Itrvlon. [ ro/i'icd | | ( ; ' ( ISOlliuJayui ( lonlnn Heiuiett. ] LONDON , DPI' . 21. [ New York Hoiald C iblo Special to TUB Ilth 1 Aialn tboio h is been an entlio nb-pncu of disposition to ontoi fusb specul itlvo tiansactlons on the Stock exchange Tbo mukels pii"-ent little fentiiio of inteiest apirt fioin the 10- covoiy In Amei leans In i espouse to bet- tei iiuot itlons iicolved fioin Now Votk , In otnoi iloscilptlons the tendency \\as gen- oially unf ivoiablo ind inoveincnts no mostly to\\aid lo\\oi pilcis Consols .110 quiet. In the homo i.illu.iy m ukct ai > ut fiom Iho con tinued dun ind foi bouthoistoin ilofoiicd , \vhlch Is \ poi coil up , and in impiovcmcnt of U percent In Hilphton dofeiied. theio v\as a silent decline. I oiolgn stocks \\eio Inclined to weakness bp uilsli vvuio fieoly Mild ; also It and Hung ill in. tli in/es , IIOHOVOI , onlj i tinge f lorn'a to ' per cent. Aigcntini ! discilptlons .110 fiactlonilly louui. In Ameiicans tbcro has been a distinct Improve ment. Denver piefoicnio his ilsui 1 per cent , Xoithi'in 1'aclllc piefoionco \ 1101 cent , Union I'll Hie J pei cent and MlhvankcoH per cint. Gland Tumi ; fully in ilntalnsyestoi- day's advam e , hi In 'B per cent up Jfo\lcan railway Issues arosomouh it steadlei Money was In iiilot ] dem ind Short loins \\eioeaslly obtained at'3 to 1 per cent In the discount mullet bills vveio sc.uco ; those at two and thieo months were iiiui.'d ) at 14 tol' poi cent. Xovv York llonc-j Maikct. Ni.vv YOIIK , Die. 21. MONI.V ON c\ft.- easloi ; ran in fioin 3 to 8 per cent ; lasl lo in 3 pi i i out , closed otfi nd at t per cent. I'niMhMritCAvriM. I'u-ni 5b jiei cent. biiniiM ! IJxoiUNor ! 'h m , with actua business ut $185f for si\y ( d.ij biuKurs bills and $ I 87' { fet dem ind The closing ( | uotatlons on bonds ; bill t uskc'tl San 1'r uit'Kco Mining storks. I'll vvcisco , Cal , , Di'c. 21. The oniehi closing quot itlons foi mining stocks tod.i , II 0 0s if ifd d I'ln mi I it Nntrn. Id IfAvavs Onv , Mo , Iec21. Cloarlnjs , Jl 800,023 M O I'.viiH , Dec. 21 Three per cent routes , 08 O lOc for the account. II Nr.vv YOIIK , Dec. 21 Clciulngs , ? 101OIC IIc , 047 ; b-ilances , * 7,88S,00 ( ) . as IlAi.Tiuour , Mil , Dec. 21. Clearings , $2CCC , s 508 ; balance's , IJU.orJD. Hate , 0 per cent. iy I'lin.Aiil i i'iuPa. . , Dec 21. rioailiiR y $11,000.080 ; balances , J1.73D.D87. .Money , 1 poi lent , MiMl'illH , Tenu , Dec 21. floaibiRS , $435 354 ; bilancos , 1100,000. Now Yoik o\chaiij helling at p ir. Niw OIIMMMI , 1.1. , Dec , 21. Clearings , V. 408HOB , Now Yoik hlRbt commoiclal 70o ill count ; bank1.00 premium fer. I.OIIH , Mo , Doc. 21 Clearings , J4.150 020 ; balances , $544,400 , Money , OQ > 7 pi tent. IXchango on Now York-piu , HOSTOV , Mass , Dec. 21 CleathiR , } 22,30f 707 ; bilances , I2.002.477. .Money , 0 p cent. KxchaiiRoon Now York , pir to lOc dl count. Call loans , 5V : < & 7 poi cent ; tlmo loai 5Vj"iiO'5 pat cent. CiiiiHOO.,111. Dec. 21-Clearlnss , JlO.ini 111. Now Yoik e\i liango , lOc picmluiii. hit ling oxchaiiRC' , dull at # 1 Hf ; i foi bl\ty d : bills , * l.H7i for bight draft * . Money , bteai and uctlvo ut 0 i > ot cent. I.IVK HTOCIC Cattle Sliuiv n Hotter Tune Hogs Sllll On Trllle. OMAHA , Dec , 21. Anothoi day of modern receipts uf rattle has cuilsid pilces btieiiKhon rapidly and are now l&Q2ac lilRli than tut unlay on handy Mlle-ib. About 1 of that advance wan put on today , T Krcatci part of the Miength was the ilnlsbed cattle , but owing the inodoratu inunbi-r on biilo mi cowuiou oilcriugg sold higher us. buje'isnee'iJ them ( o nil nut thWrlinlor * A btincliof rltolro fedfttccMKild for.lfi.uoiiml oilier Hood stuff ( old nt 4 ' ( * flfl'iT There wn n llvoly trftde lit butdier . ( OCK nnd by noon nnytMni ? snlcnble tit nil wn < i out of first hand * Tin Rcnoral mniket rsas fully n dlmo lilcbcr , while tf'iod in fancy Ititt sold Innma . Inslnnce1' o en better than that nnd iiooirr uriides showed u nilvnnco As In iliestecr trade theio were baldly enough entile to Rontoutid and n food many Infei lor ciitllo. sold at an mhaiieeln otrtei to Illl out buyers' droves. Halo were principally nt $3.oim2.U ) with some pi Imo heifers nslilttb in n/fo , ftockois and fi UeM were In Rood demand nttiiln today with iirtJy u limited numboron sile. Thcro weioiiotaney olTcrlnits and only a few teallv Rood fowlois on sale. Prices were strong on all suitable ofTerlngs. Itepiescnt > the sales : about 9,000 bo son sale , \oiyllbual iiuni- bci as compaicd willi tbo inn of late. . The outlook was decidedly against bolter prices , especially from p ickcis , while sblppcis clicap- cnod tbcfi dio\cs about inlckol. Aftoi ship pers wore out of tbo road tbo niakct beuainu e\ccodlin'ly'lnt , ' and pi Ices sb iiled 5 to 10c lower tlian jestoid.iy. Up to the noon bom less ( ban 100 lo ids bad boon sold , and at ibat time tbo in iikot was \orydnll. i'aekei' ucio floor Imjei.s aftoi dinner , and as tbo out- looV H is inoio fa\oiabloal\anccd tboli hid1 a llttlo and picked up about O\LIJ tblnj ; , tbt g Scrofula .Mrs. K , .1. Unwell , Mcilfnrd , Macs , R.IJS her mother lias beoiitaircdof hcrufula by tbo iigont four bottles of tKXSffZa after hating had much other tro ESflRn'iQg atmentand belni * reduced to qul " " ' "l" to a low condition of health , an it n as thought she cuuld not 11 > o , INHERITED SCROFULA. i Cured my llttlo boy of hereditary bcrofnla , which appeare I all oitr ' t ' liU face. I'or \carl had citcn up all bopo ot hla tcroury. when llnallj l was Induced to use V 3f3K BA fcw bottles cured him , and EiKjcS " ° bjmptonisof the Ulseaso remain. Mits. T. I.MATIU iw , llathervillo , Mls . Ouxbook oo Ulool Aa < l Skin Ditea&et mailed free. Svufi Sucinc to , lUiuti , Ca. innrkcl l nnnilnnlly * lcmlyi wllli ntlce n fol lows 1'nlr to Rood imU\o , 13 CiOill 7lii fair to Rood wn ierni , n a.vi4 Wi ( mmon nnd toek olieep.jaafirija filli ROJ ( | lo taolcO 40 to 100- 11) liiinbt tl.HOilpW Itcrc-lptvuud Dlnpoiltlou nf Stork. Oniclnl receipts nnd ill imMtlonot itock us shown by the ImnUsof the Union Stock YanU ciiiiipitiy for Iho twoilyfour bouts cndlntt nt 6 o'clock .v .n , LVcotnlior 21 , lU'j'J ! AVHSTIJIIN I'AOKIMt INTKKi- : . Moxeinrnt uf 11 ORB Over I. nt WrcU bllRlill ) Inrrr neil , C'INCINN TI ODoc21 IPiioclnlTolpRrumto TIIR lit K ] Toinoi low's 1'iloti Current will .ly : Wostcrn 11 ickliiK has buon about 300- 000 hi s for tlioicU , ntfalliM .IJj.OOO last \\ooU and 570,00(1 ( lust \oat , inaUIni : a total of 2HBO,000 slnco NoMMiibor 1 , HKlillist n , 2l ( 000 n \oni ago I'lonilncnt iiltu-is conip'uo ' as follous : I I 1M1 Clllrujjd IH < - SlorU Mmliot. ClUCAdO , 111. , Doe 21. ( Spei-l tl to TUB Hi 1:1 : I'llcoson iiittlooio hlabot nunlii todiAs conip neil \\lth yoitt-idiy thoio \\asiidlnuionco of fioin llV to 15o per 100 InfaMii of srllors , while In romp irNon with tlio ItiXMst litli-os of 1 ist tti-oK ail ail\.nu-o of 20iMo , .i'l 100 Ills Isaiipau-nt Tln'i.ilii Is in I ni-li | illy In tlio bolt or quail Hi > fatcowsaml holfors and Rood , choice < -hl | > pliiK stouts though thoio was seine Improu niont non In tbo soallattas L-I i s Tlini-.mso of tlio bnlno Is found In the fact of a Kio.illv docu-asod sup ply , IONS tli in 85000 head ImUni : .irihod .Incp iMitmdav ns iinilnst 17,480 fet tbo sunn tlino last \uoU. Thorn \\as .1 bilsK domain ! today , and tbo iniall nuinboi on silo i iplilly inoltnl uuny. Hy noon tlio pins AOIO cloatod , s.ilos in.iUlnnon a lnslsof fioin * 1 25 to W no fet pool to oMi.i t-ows mil bulls , * 2 00 to $3 03 for stocUois and focdois and fioin { .I OU to $0 10 foioiy ininmon to ovti.i diossod bout and shipping stoors. Tlio t'.irly hni ; niiilcot was .iclUo and fnllv stoidv , as shlppois bid llboi il oidois to till mid tnuh imuli iscs ncio at about Tuosiluy's iiuot itlons. I1 icUots would not p ij ( bat day's pilcos and aflor abotil 0 oVlock tlin in nKut was cxtrt'iiu'lv woaU. It i-losod fully lOc lowi i at fioinjl 80 to0 40 foi pool to ptlino lots .lUM.mlnu fioin 140 to 100 UN , and -it fiotn $0.15 to 40 bOfor liiMXlPi volKhts Alllioit h tlio flesh loiolptsoioinodoiitothoiooio cnonslistalolio'sonhiuil ( tosuoll tliosupply lo about 48 000 iMany tliousind hois veto Iff t in sollois'b inds.ind tlio ilosi ? bad Tlio oxl i onio i mgoof s ill's \\.is fioin$4 00 to $ b 05. bin 111 UIMO In f-'ood drin mil and sold bl lior. AnjtliiiiK ihiontas siloablo at nn ad- \anco on TIII-SI ( | > 'S prk-oi of from Oo lo lOo pot 100 Ibs. Limbs also sold at better ll uios thin hid proillod foi some tlmo ( list. Tbo InciiMsod llrmnoss as nttillmtcd to tlio Lontlnnod ll ht u-celpls , onlj nboiitaoooulia\huniil\Ld since * itui- d.iy , as atraliist 110.11 ly 31,000 for tlio s imo tlmo 1 ist.ioU. . ' bor ) ) wcie ittotid | at fioin J3.23 to J5 31 foi poor to i-liolto , and thoio \\oiobu\oisfoi pool tocliolio limbs ut fioin } 3 75 torfb 30 Itccolpts : Cittlo , 10,000 , ho s , 30,000 , shcop , 5 000 Tlio I'xo'iliu Toiirn il icports C' viii h Uicolpts lOOOOhoid : shliimonts , 3,000 ho.ulj m.uKot 105j20c blRhoi on best Kr idus ; ibolt.0 nillscs , $5.70 ; no pilmo lo i-Mia jii.idos on Iho iniikct ; othurs. $285 © 525 ; stookois , * 250 "i325 ; cows , $2 50Q.3 25 lions Koci'lpts , 84,000 head ; shipments , 8,000 bo. id ; nmtUot uoiU and 5lc ) lo\\ei ; iiiKoil and pitkois , ( , 2 ( ) ' < ( , G 40 ; pihnc ho ivy and bntohois' ol bts , Sb bO ; pilmu light , JO 20Ub 40. bnn.1' Uocolpts , 0,000 he-id ; shlpmunts , l, ; maiKot sllubtly hUlioi ; nitUos , J3 81-50 25 ; Lsteins , tl 10 4.80 ; lanibb f3 75 Qb 20. Xoiv York I.lvo Stock 'Market. NFW YORK , Dec. 21. HIM v s Hocolpts , 1,507 head , ini'liiiliii/ cars foi sale , miiliot stcadj ; natho stools , $4 ( )0'W4.75 ) per 100 Ibs ; bulls and cows , Jl OOJJ3 25 ; diessud bcif Him ut 88 2e put Ib : fcblpmcnts today , 1,012 , quutoisof beef , tomniiou , 40U buuvos CAIAI s Iti'LUlpts , 774 head ; ni.irkol flim ; \L ils , J500SOOO per 100 Ibs , ; giassors , J2 25 ® 250 ; No-stein c lives , ? 2 75. 91ILLP AMI LIMIIS Kocolnts , 0,580 bead ; sin op , linn ; 1 units'jo pci Ib Inwci ; sluep , * a 00 5 75 per 100 Ills , 1 mills , $0 50J67 00. Hoes KoLOliits , 7,082 be id , InUiidln , : 2 cais for sale ; iiiuikct In in at $ G304i7.00 pel 100 Ibs. til } I.Uobtock M.ultrt. - . . CITV , Mo , Dec. 21. CUiTi r Ko- cclpts , 000 bead ; shipments , 1,900 held ; market actho , 10&2ou blRliei. bblppbiR steels , $3 GO5 00 ; btockois and fcedois , "lloos Itecolpts , 10000 bead , shipments , 1,200 head : the maikot vvas falily active und lowei. closing stion . All giados , 1450 ® G 15 ; bulk. Id 16(8,0 ( 30 SIM n'-Kee-elpts , 1,800 bead ; shipments , OOOIuad : maikot active , alien ; ; muttons , $3 00 4.40 ; lambs $5 GO St. Louis l.licslotk II irkct. ST. Louis , Mo , DPI21. . OATTI.I Ho- celpts , 3,300 head ; shipments , GOO In id ; miikcl 10CJ25c hU'liei ; stoois , J300 JI73 ; extia heavy hooves , $4 902,0 31 lloos KoLolpts. 0,100 head ; shipments , 1,800 head ; miikot 5c IOVIIM ; In ivy , $ i > 10 ® b 05 ; iiacldiiA ifi } lOttd 00 ; Unlit , td 2 ( ) < 1G > 0 fell ! LI Iltcolpts 1,100 head , shlpmont200 head ; inailvot qiilotnitives , * 3 OOS1 00 , choice muttons , $4 b55 25. t > 1)1 ixi Your Oun C'oncliiHlon. Ml. J. O Divcnpoit , maniiKei' of tbo Fort Hi i'f ? Heduond Co , Vt Biagf ? , Cal , luu this to say of Chuinbcilain's Cousli Hemedj ; "I used it for a so\cio cold and coii h and obtained immediate lellcf. In tlio Foil Ui.iRg Keduood Co'b stoio vvo hi\o sold l.ugo ( iii.intities of Gh.unbeiKiln's iiicdl- " For sale by di uggists. TJircepcas ( P. P. P. ) represent Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellets. They ni o not like tlio old- fnslnonctl jiills. Had to tal.o , nnd bad to have taken Incfllcknt , too. Ti y something liettor. With Plonrant 1'ellctfi tlio bcncllt is Instill } ; . They cluimo and icgulato the liver , stomach and bowels. TaKcn In time , they jneient tioublo. In liny taso , they etoe it. And they ctito it < v - itbcy'io mild nnd gentle , lint thorough and cfTeciivo Tlicro's no distui banio to tuo BJ slom , diet or occupa tion. Ono tiny , sugar-coated Pcllot for a laxative tin 10 for u ( utlmitic. Sick nnd Dillons Hcada'ho , Constipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , nnd all ( leinngcmentiof the liver , stomach nnd bowels mo piomptly re lieved nnd permanently cured Tliov'io puioly vegetable , perfectly harm- IcbS , tlio Hnnllobt , nnd the easiest to take but thnt , tlwi'io the thcnprU jill jou can buy , for tbey'io gutiianteed to pivowt- Isfaction , or your money is leturncd. You pay only foi Ihu need j on got. This is tl uo only of Or , Picrco'a inoulcines. SOUTII Union Stock Yards Company , South Oi/naha. licet Caltlo Uo auil bhce' | > miirkcl In Iho ivott COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers , fcouthOmnlm Toliplione 1167 CICBEO | ! ' ' Manll cr8 \V AJ,1 Ml K WOOD , { Market HciiorU l > > mull Biia wlruclietrfully lui iilnlicil upou uppllciillon lor Itnuku , IlliiukN unit Sliitlunor. lor tliu Oily lit Onmliu lor tbu Ytur 1HU.I. Scaled bids will bo received lit tlioolDioo the city comptroller up to4ii m. Dooombo I7lh , IbJJ , for the fiinilsliliu-of books , blank und stationery for tbu city of Omaha lor th yimrlb'JJ. Illunks-'ior Biioh bd will bo fur uUliod by the uomptruller. und only bliU 01 hiich UlanUH lll bo ronsl'lorod , A ccrtlllui chce'k of t.0) ) to ucdimpnuy each bin. Th rlrfht is reserved to reject uny or all bids Oinahu , Neb . Deo. i'Ut , 1B1O. UoiuptroUor. OMAHA Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Directory 9 Mil I rl FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLETING THE WORLD'S FAIR TOWER , * NOW IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION , The Worlds' Fair Tower Company Now olTors an issue of Il/iOO shares of its c.iplttil stock nt pir , full-piid ami non sscss.iblo. The cunitnl stock is $2,000.r 000 , ilivielod into 1IOOJO , shu-Q3 : of $100 o.ich. Outsldo of this issue : i coiisitlorablo portion of the c.ipit il stock has alroudy bcoii iillottuel to the suDauribors. Thta is-juo is now ottered to the public , nnd the anbbui-iption boolcs tvro open nt the olllco ot P. U. Mulr. lijo ituildinfr , Oran- h.i , Neb , : indlll closu on the 2tth dny of Docmnbiji1 , ISOtvt II o'clooli p. in. Subset iptiona will bo payable us foi * lovv-j : 30 per cant on application. J 30 pur cent on nllotinont. 40 poi1 cent 00 divyb uftor nllotinont. All p lymonts to bo tniido to UhiU'lus Lt Hasten , "Trustee. Allotments will brf inndo ininijdliito'y ' after the close of the tiiibsci'iption books The right is ic orvod to lojeotuny subscription in whole or in part If any subscription is wholly icjootod the amount deposited , ou iipplicntion , will bo rclurnovl If onlv n pirt of tha innount applied for by the applicant ia allotted to such npplicvit tlio surplus ntnount p ild on application will bo ap plied on the sums duo under the allot * mont. PREFERENCE n the allotment of hharcs to applicants will bo ffivo'i in the order of the receipt ol uch application by the iiuthoii/cd lucent of the comniny named. CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE OP per hour Allowing 10 hours per day , equals , At GO cents for ouch p ibseuger equals , per ( lay . ? 5IOUO ) , _ ISO days that the Fair will bo open equals . V.,000GOO ) Rcvciiuo from concessions and sale of Souvenir Book and Modal of the Tower , owned by the Tower Conip my . 400,000 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. $9 , ' * for the 180 days > 113.003 Operating expenses | 1UL LIIU ItJU va ) o * " ' - . : - " $ " ' 100OUO ) to bo paid to the 25 per cent ot ( , 'iosa ciirnings ( , , World's Columbian I uobition 2159 ! , ,000 $2.7011,000 Deducting this from the gi-oas tocoiptaivos n.J7UOQ ( ) . . . . -tv i > - * * * * . , - , . - | ) CUiO | ' * - - Ll'lU Will Oili liiibintin tl-J VIU ' * HM v. - hour nnd wo oonlldcntly oounto.j 10OlJpor ) liOJi1. Tliiswill bo fouml n inoilcriito csttiniitovhon auo togjird is hud to the uUr.tctivonojs J of the TO WUR und the RAH experience atoi ( led by u trip tn flirt toil. WOMAN'S BUfLUfXO. at the Etstom The 'iOWHH inlLMtod ) opposite the .nt..mcef . he MIDWAY KAlSANCi ; in the WOHWJ'S KAIll GROUNDS , x aeh poison in inalvlns the iibcont and descent of the 'IOWLU , fjiiina a view of the entire EXPOSITION BUILDINGS. Tlio TOWriMs ever 50J fcot hi-rh nnd 210 feat In diameter. U icquiros nlno complete turns to reach the top , the ( jr.tdo bointf eight per i-ont.n rldo of two miloa in niakiiK' the nscontniid descent ; onsoquontly , nlno Jilloront pictui-os uro ob- survodoftho WORLD'S FA 111 GROUNDS M the ascent ia mudo. A view from the OUSURVATOUY FLOOR not only { fives the vast , KiiioiMina at , vou i- feet , bu also trlves the position of the WORLD S FAIR BUILDINGS , HO that uftor mulling the ascent of the TOWEU any poison ciin go unyuiaodfrom bulldlnflr HI 10 "Istho intention to Imvo two FULL HANDS on the onSJRVATOriY rll STRING ORCIIKSTUA-whioh FLOOR-A1WAS3 BAND nnd n COMPLCTIC will play altotnately fioin the opening of the FAIR m the morning until the clpsq ' contoiof the groatTOWELfc at - An ORCHESTRA will also bo located in the contoi- RESTAURANT at tlio bottom. THB WORLD'S PAIR , TOWER COMPANY. WILLIAM IIAMPDEN .IOIINSTONE , Piosid ont and General Manager. WILL BE ADVANCED TO 20 PER CFNT PREMIUM. AND SUBSEQUENT ISSUES FURTHER INCREASED Aft THE TOWER APPROACHES COMPLETION. .1 Money may bo sent hv Ro-rlstored Letter , Postolllco Mjnoy OidoLip res $ [ Diaft , or Bank Cashier's Uhoulf. For fuithor information uddicbs or call upon F. D , MUIR , Bee Building. 1 704 Farnam Street , OMAHA , NE1B. Agent for the "World's Fair Tower Companyv Call and see ArohlLootVs ljlans. 181G s Strool , Omaha , Nob. Ttio iiulurnt iprclnlUt lnnrr\oui clironlc , prlvalu , blooil rkln olid urbmrjr ( llionici A riKiilnr am ) reKUlcTtO t-ruUiuilo In niLclUhiii. an ill I.IOIMI-I . ami uurdtlintix > liow. In till ) ironiliiK wllli tlio vruuttiit § ui < . cuts caturrli , lokl nmnliuoil t < : mluiil i okiion. nlulii luntoi ami nil lorm uf ( irlvalu dlnuiiiun .No muroii- 11 used Nuiv trtaiuient for lo of vital power rurlloi uuublu to vUU ma limy bi troatml nt lioiuu Uj curropomlenca .Mtillclnu or lii lriiiiionl lunt br m ill or oriirun seciirul ) paoUjJ , nu mirxii tu luUloita coiitciilsornonilor. Onoiicrionullnturvlaw prtfunuJ Ooiiiuluilonrrui CurruipjiUoioiintrlcUr prlvata. IJook ( llr terlu of LifematIrcv. ; oaltelioun'Jtt m.iotfy ia Buua jilU .m tuUm. coaaiUiupfurropl/