Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIH OMAHA DAILY SMTUDAY. - 17 , 1802 , 3
Dl-WE ; NO. 12 1'RAUT , STKlHiT.
Delivered liy rarrlor 10 nny lintt of Ilia slly
' ' ' .
I H'ltnvpq ii'M' -
l'M HOM" t Nlliht Kdltor . No. 2:1 :
N. V. PlumliJnff Co.
Council muffs Number Co. Coal.
The jury In the mse of the state
1'ptci-Kpan was still out nt It oVloclt last
nlpht nml the prospects wcro tlmt they
would ilisnprcc.
General G. M. Doilfro ciiuiti , Sons ot Vet-
crnns , will meet tills evening. All members
nro requested to nttcml , n spcrlal business
ia to be transacted.
J lie remains ofl-Ycil licetor , an attorney
of Hartlctt. la. , arrived In the city last oven-
inK mi'I will bo taken to Thurman todav for
Intciincnt The deceased was 74 years of
JIKO nt the time of his death.
The members of aiirnmpmont No. 8. Vnlrm
Veteran taRlnn , will moot this rvonltirf at 7
o'clock at their hall for the purposes of coins
to Omaha to attend the musfr of encamp
ment 1'lir motor leaves at 7 : " ( ) o'clock.
Suits xvi'rc comnu'ticcd in the district
court yesterday by the followiiiR parties
iiKtiliist ,1. S. Klaimillo. the contractor :
Patrick T.enniin , 200 ; II. II. Van Brunt ,
* 1M ( , Peterson ft Scliooiiliint ? , $1-17 ; Peter
Tholl. $00.
( . 'barter members of encampment No. 131.
t'uion Veteran I.rfdon , will meet for muster
in Clark's ball , Fourteenth street between
Uodtfe and Pout-'las streets , tills evenhiR at 8
o'clock. Punctual nttcudanco Is requested.
OeorffO Crisp , mustcrltiK oflU'or.
There will be a in-ent disposals of cloaks at
Trinity Methodist church tomorrow ( Sun
day ) , at NKK ) a. m. Kvorybody interested U
cofdlaliv iinited. "C'omti witliout money
and without price. " Homi'iuber the place ,
Fourth street and Ninth avenue.
Abe Dennett was lined $ , " . ( ) in pollen co\irt \
yesterday moniiny for iliuulu-nnrhs and s-
Bnultinp ; an olllccr.V. . I ) . ( Sraham , who was
chnrged with committinp tin assault and
battery on ills daughter-in-law , was ilia-
chnrfied , Ills relative refusing to appear
npnlnst him.
Tlio muslcale nt the YOUIIK Men's Chris
tian association last cu'iilng was a splendid
BUCCCSS. 'J'bc music was line and the selec
tions by Mr. Waldo limber and Miss Ollio
Traev 'were a revelation to these not ac
quainted with the power of the slun Ian-
BUUKC The rooms were lillod to their ut
most , capacity.
Mrs. Welsh died yesterday afternoon at 2
o'clock after a abort illness , aued SO.vuars ,
nt her home , 7'- Mill street. The remains
will bo kept at hunkley's for three or four
dnys in order that the friends of the de
ceased may ho reached by telegram if possi
ble. If nothing' is hoard slio will bo buried
ut Fail-view cemetery.
Eli Ilrown commenced replevin proceed
ings yesterday in the district court to ( jet
possession of that portion of the stock of
( roods which was taken from him a few days
ntroto satisfy claims ajraiust his brother ,
Ed N. Brown. Ho claims the property un
der a chattel mortgage executed to him by
his brother for the sum of $ . " > ,00 ( ) .
The ladies of Pocahoiitas degree. Improved
Order of Hed Men. gave an enjoyable enter
tainment last evening at the Masonic tem
ple. A ( food sized audience was present. A
line program was presented , consisting of
musical and literary selections , a number of
talented amateurs taking part. The music
furnished by Henry Burke , the blind musi
cian , war- especially good. ijji _ J
Thomas Dunn was arrested yesterday
afternoon for the larceny of a sack of Hour
from PCt ( isun & Co.'s store on South Main
Bticet Some boys saw him go off with it ,
but when the policeman who patrols Main
street got after him ho dropped the Hour and
took to his heels. At the Elation ho was
found to have J117 in his pocket , .so that the
oflk't'i-s do not think ho was driven to
stealing by the desperation of hunger.
Constipation cured by DeWiU's I3arly
Cleaning Up Mile.
Ill order to clean up our dry Roods
stock wo will offer the en tire stock nt
proatly reduced prices for the next
thirty'daye. Now is your clianco to pet
You can buy u $9.00 blanket for $7.00
" 8.00 blanket for 0.00
Those blankets 7.00 blanket for 5.GO
nro all \vcol , ( i.O'J blanket for 4. GO
western made 5.00 blanket for ; ! .50
1.00 blanket for a.00
Our stock of Indies' , rrontlcincn'ti and
children's underwear is complete and
will bo sold nt greatly reduced prices.
Dress goods , Ilanucls , table linens , nap
kins , hosiery , handkerchiefs ! , ribbons ,
laces , jewelry , cloves and mittens and
iv full line of fcilk umbrellaH. In lact
overfilling in stock will bo offered at a
bargain. Ttiko advantage of tins offer
during the holidays and save money by
buying from ua.
20-1 Main St. and IMS Pearl St.
Seoour line of Itvdies' nil silk liand-
korclilofH , liamisnmolysilk embroidered ,
tit IL'Jc each. Boston Store.
xAi , I'.iit.iait.triis.
Li. Kinnehan is seriously ill.
Mrs. P J. Montgomery Is visiting friends
In Lincoln , Neb.
Mrs. J. P. Bnshnell of DCS Molnes is in the
city , the guest of the family of G. F. Max
well , on Bluff street.
Miss Anuio Weiricli is very ill with ner
vous prostration at her home , on Fourth
street , anil doubts of her recovery iiro enter
W S. Shaw , inspector of insurance for this
district of Jowa , has resigned to take effect
January 1. Ills place will bo taken by Mr.
Bunnott of Cedar liaplds.
Perfect action and perfect , health result
from the useof Do Witt's Little Karly Risers
A perfect liltlo pill.
I'nrs I''iirs.
See our line of furs. Wo Imvo outdone
our own efforts , this season wo show by
far the largest line and most choice
etock in western lowu.
Muffs blurt nt . ' ! ! > , CO. 75,1.00,1.2 , ' ) ,
1.60 , 1.75 , 2.00 , .M , 2.50 to 15.00 in
every kind of fur known , riiildrnn'f
sots in all furs at our low prices ,
Council HlulTts Iowa ,
Special llolldiiy Sain for Men ,
At the Council Bluffs Carpet Store fet >
two weeks , for the benefit of gontlemoi
who desire to make presents to theii
lady fiiouds. What is handsomer irr
will bo butter appreciated than portiors
lace curtains , ottoiniinsacarpotswiojio r
rugs , especially fur rugs , for a snowj
ChristtnnsV Mail orders given espeeiu
Cusi'S In Court.
' "Sober" Burns } , the young man who hole
up thu ticket takcrat the motor brlilgti las
spring , uiul has caused the Jailer inon
trouble than ho is worth , concluded to save
the county the expense of a Iriul and pleadei
( ; uilty yesterday to the charge of highwa ;
robbery and assault with latent to commi
Thi case of the state against Peter ICgai
wnu given to the Jury early in the aficriioon
Frank Hobinsou was tried on the charge
Htcalinga 1'ouplis.of guns from a buggy IK
longing to Dr. H. H. West. The eauo icas
not completed at the hour of adjournment.
"I wHsdcaM'ora year , caused by catarrl
In the head , bat was perfectly cured by
IjooJl'sKarsaparilla. " II. Hicks , Hochestei
For wnnninir guest chumbar * , ball
rooms , etc. , our gas _ heaters ure jus
whut you want. Look at thorn. Clean
coiivcniunt chotip. O. B. Ons and Kloe
trio Lljjht Ca
Doyond nil doubt the Itvrirost and inos '
complete stack of holiday goods ut low
est prit'os Is at Davis' , iho leading drug
and pcrfumor.
Another Sensation Comes Up in the Mes-
choiulorf Libel Suit.
Aflt-r TMMilynU Hour * of Drlllirrntlnii tlio
, lnry llrddr In Tiivor nf tlio Arcmotl
An AllUliullCluirKliiR lbr > I'liiliitllT
\tltb At tempted Corruption ,
After being out tu-cnty-tlirco hours , the
jury J in the f 10,000 damage suit of Oeorgo II
Meschondorf against .T. II. Pace , F. M. Scan-
Ian | anil M. Welkcr returned n venllet at 1
o'clock yesterday iif lornoon in favor of the
defendants , tiud throwing the costs of the
prosecution ou the other fellow. The vote
in the Jury room stood nine to three in favor
of the ilefciuhiuts until 11 o'clock yesterday
morning , when It stood cloven to one. H
stayed ul this llgure through four ballots ,
but immediately after dinner the 0110 man
who hung nut came Into the folil and the
verdict was hmidcd In ,
Mr. Mes.'hcmlorf states that the case will
be appealed unless a unw trial Is granted.
.lust before tin- verdict was i-i-turned by
the Jury n somewhat sensational step was
taken by thn attorneys for the defetidiinls by
llliug this anldavit with Judge Smith :
1 , - , lii-liiR llrst iluly iworn , on oath
Miy : 1 nm innof the defendants In the ra-o
of ( Inn gc II. Mesi-hetidorf vs ,1. II. Pare , M.
Well.i'i-iuiil ! ' . M. rVntilaii , which win yeMer-
< hiy submit icil In the jury nfle-ni li'lul of oxer
elKht days , UiMilvlna lni-4i expense tn the
rounly ; thai I htivi.JIM li-arni'd Hint llcorgo
II. Mi'-i-hriidoif , the jihilnlllf In said CHUM' ,
culled upon anil vMti-il two certain Pi'i-soiis ,
towll : Chin Icy Nh-hnNonnnd Itohfil ll.llunt-
liitflon M'vcrnlly , nnd a Ked each ( it thorn to
- e i-iMtaln jumi-4 and t-iMiii'it ] that they
"silrKlo him. tinplnlntllV , In snld cae , nnd
he would MM- that lln-y v.i'iewi'll compensated
nnd panl , " ineiiiilli ! * and liitcndlnn Iheicby
to cm-nipt nnd iulliience a por-
llou of Mild jury ; Hint hn lepeatcd
snld pioposltlon toeueli of said witnesses nnd
IICBBIMI Ilieni In do this us u favor to him ; that
said I'lmrlev NlrhoNon luiitasoii In Iliu em
ploy of siiid'Meschemlorf ; that Mild nets' weio
done on or about , the nlulit of December lit ,
180'2 , In tin- city ot Council HliilTs , In. ; that
said person * M > spoken to WIMC addre-scd prr-
011:1 : IIv bv thi < . Hl ( li'Ki-ire 11. Jle-cliiMidoi-f as
afoii'stild" , Mini his talk icfcncd plainly to the
case tln-ii on trial , and icferieil Ion certain
jtiioinr jiirnrs then Impanelled and sworn
well nnd 11 uly to try said cause , and said prop
ositions wcro mndi ) nnd coirupt attempts
made before said cause urns finally submitted
to the Jniy and \\hllo the jury were still at
laipc-and li 'fiitv they were I'litrusled to lhi >
caionf tliecnnrt ballllTs. Whrrcupon nllinnl1
rlini-Kt" , the said ( irniiie II. .Mcsi'licndot f with
cunliMiipt of this court. M.Yr.i.KIII. : .
"We want it understood1 said Attorney
Triiniileof the defense iluritifr the afternoon ,
that we do not expect to show that
Mcsclicndorf tampered with the Jury , nor do
wo make any such allegation. All wo expect
to provo Is that he was looking around for u
clianco to get in some crooked work , and wo
have the evidence whieh will substantiate
rVcry claim \Vclher makes in his atlldavit. "
Mr. Mesi-henilofou the other hand , denies
having done what the aflldavit alleges. He
admits Inning had a conversation with
Nicholson and Iluntington , but denies that
anything WIN said with reference to any of
the ' - - " "being
Jurymen'--sticking to him. or
paid for doing so. " He claims that the lllint ;
of thoallldavit was simply a blntt game ,
worked for the purpose of Influencing the
minds of the jurymen in favor of the defend
ants. _
Sick headache , \iclds to 13cechains Pills.
The frrent success Unit attended the
first duy of i.-lo-tk sale has be-on beyond
our most sunguino expectations , every
purcluisor inndp happy. Wo received
many compliments during tlio
day , the slock bctnp frit1 aujiurio:1 to
nny thin ! ; over shown in Council JJlulTs ,
the prices a wonder. Ono hid.v re
marked , our eastern buyer must hive
nearly stele them , onv friend did it for
him. Hemoinbor , the great cloak snlo
will Inst until Christmas. Every gar
ment in our stock nt : i now prieo , a. sav
ing of from & 2.oto ( ) $7.00 on every gar
ment. Ladies , don't bo misled , but call
and examine our stock und tret our
prices bofoio tmrclinsing. You know
full well when we advertise nnythinjrwo
always do ns wo siy : and even n little
Fotheringham , Whitelaw & Co.
Commencing Monday , December 19 ,
wo will give with every SiI.OO purchase
or upwards a beautiful bottle of choice
perfume. Csill everybody. J. .1. Mtiu-
rnth & Co. , boois anil shoes , 6JJ ! ! Drond-
Ilnvii lieen rbled.
The Jury that served in the case of Kilos
against Clouser before Justice Swcaringcn
'J'liursday afternoon demanded its fees in
advance , tiwoai-ingcn was ou the point of
fining each and all for contempt when the
attorneys agreed to submit the case to the
court without indulging in the luxury of a
The case of Fraser against Dukes before
Justice Cones was Riven to the Jury Thurs
day night. The Jury did not keep it long ,
but sending in a scaled verdict they silently
stele away. When the verdict was opened
yesterday morning It was found to bo a dis
agreement. A Jury was empanelled in one
of the other oases , which was tiled during
the afternoon. The whole nineteen are to
bo tried , one after another , without Inter
mission , until they are finished or until
there is a death among the attorneys or the
Cook's Imperial Champagne has stood the
test for thirty years. There is no better
sparkling wino made. It's extra dry.
Being frequently urged to Fell smal
portions of my farm , I liuvo at last decided
cided to plat 200 acres of Enterprise
Place , familiarly known as the Scott
farm , and to begin the sale at once in
live and ton aero lots. I have placed the
same in the hands of Orccnshlclds ,
Nicholson & Co. , who will act in the
matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit
growers , gardeners and those who want
the conveniences of a city combined
with all the advantages of the richest
furmintr land are now given n rare op
portunity to do so , M. Tot'T.
Special 'IYi : Ki'UUrSulc.
' Fine nickel plated copper tea kettles.
$1.25 , sold everywhere for $2.50 ; will
i last a lifetime ntrl never tarnish , Cole
& Cole , -11 Main street.
fintlltril II l.l'UVtl < > ! ' AllMMUT.
C. K. Wurtele , superintendent of the
r Wyoming division of the Union Pacific , is
, lying dangerously ill with Bright's disease
, at Ogilcn. Tills morning W. II. Bancroft
telegraphed Union Pacific headquarters that
Mr. Wurtelo hail been granted a leave ol
! absence , and that Mr. I , . Malloy was np-
pointed actin : , ' superintendent of the Wyonv
ing division during the absence of Mr
Wurtcle , ttio appointment to take effect at
once. Hallway mi-it on thu Wyoming
ivision rcgrot to learn nf thu continued ill
ness of Mr , Wurtcle , who was universally ,
etilcomed by UIOMI who eamo directly undci
his tiupcrvlslun.
Parties trying to Introduce new cough reme
_ dies , should know tlmt the people will hav o'O (
Ur. Bull's Cough Sirup.
nf . A fine Hue of holiday goods , juvenile
- books , choice perfumery and fancy artl
den of all kinds at Doll U. .Morgan A
Co. 's drug store , 7 Lower Broadway ,
1,000 12-U103. at the Boston Store foi
12 < i ! each , hamUomoly bound in cloth ,
' Others get 2oo for the simo thing ,
Boston Store.
No doubt the most complete sloult o
line holiday novelties in the uitv is u
- , Davis" , the leading druggist and per
.Minlrril Wumlincil ,
At the annual meeting of Hazel camp
- Modern Woodmen , held Tliurday evening
t > . following wcro elected officers for tht
. eusulns itar ; W. A. Gihr.nj , vcuerabh
W M Frederick , worthy ndvlset-j
,1 J Stewart , excellent Imnkrr. S U.
Snydrr , clrrk ; J H Clc.r. or ftml M U , Hny-
der t ! , ph\slclatis ; A W Slack , escort ; U M.
licnuott. I wntcbinan , John ( Jllhert. scutry-
man : C. W Atwood and Ovldc Vein , man
agers ; 11.11 Barton and C. O. Saumlers ,
delegates ,
_ ( _
A ; iilhi
The plensiuit favor , gentle action nnd sooth-
ItiB effect of Rvrup of Fies , when In need of
a laxative , and If the father or mother bo
costive or bilious , the "most gratifying results
follow its use ; so tlmt It is the best family
remedy known and every family should Imvo
a bottlo.
Spr < IH ! Clint Milo.
The Boston Store coat sale every dny
until Christmas. All our stock of
lanlos' , misses' and children's coats nt
cost price in addition to the E ampin line
just received , bought at oOc on the dol-
Inc. Don't mies this sale if you want n
coat , wrap or capo. You can't afford to.
Council Bluffs , la.
The snow nnd cold weather docs not
diminish the demand for acreage in the
Klnin tract , 'Ji miles cast of the post-
olllco ; ! iOO acres yet for sale in from ono
to ten acre tracts , suitable for Iruit and
garden. Day & lloss , agents , li'J Pearl
IcO do/.en mouMselino de solo handker
chiefs , silk embroidered , at 16c , JJoc , ! 5Uc ,
oOc , 75c , § 1.00 , $1.25 and Sl.fiO each ,
something that makes a handsome
Christmas present. Boston Storo.
Paul Schneider , the druggist , has the
newest novelties In celluloid and alum
inum goods for the holidays. No one
else carries the line , and they nro ; the
handsomest things you over saw.
Olven away at. I. J. Maurnth & Co.'s ,
5W ! Broadway , dealers in boots and
shoes , a beautiful ehromo fts n Christ
inas present.
Hurt Wlill < ; Ci
Harry Pratt , a horse Jockey , broke an arm
yesterday. lie was sliding down the hill at
the head of Second street on what is known
as a "traveler" and fell under the machine
so that one of the runners passed over his
left arm , breaking it badly.
A little son of W. Simons , who is at the
Ogden house , met with tin accident Thursday
while sliding down the hill on Park "avenue.
The sled ran underneath a wagon and the
boy sustained some bad bruises about the
head and body.
A < 'iir < - lor Croup ,
If your children are subject to croup
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Hemedy at hand. It is a prompt and
certain cure. If given as soon as the croupy
cough appears it will prevent the attack.
For sale by druggists.
If you want n doll see the Boston Store
line. Everything from a doll for Ic to
S17.50 speaking dolls , crying dolls , col
ored dolls , dolls till you can't rest. Don't
fall to make your purchases early be
fore the great rush. Wocan store them
for you and deliver them free. Boston
Store. _
If you want to make u Christmas pres
ent In the toy line don't rest until you
visit the BOSTON STORE , got their
Iiricos and see their line. Everything
that can bo thought of , from all the four
quarters of the globe. All at our well
known low prices. Boston Storo.
Wanted Cash offer for ten shares
Citizen's State b.uilc stock. Must be
sold. Addrcsb E. II. Sheaf c.
Gentlemen , the line.stuno of tall goods
in the city , ju = t received. Uoitor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Given nwny with $2.00 purchase a
nice Christmas present. J. J. Mnurnth
& Co. , boots and shoes , 5 W Broadway )
McPhail pianos nnd Crown organs.
cash or installments. Mar. Bouricius ,
110 Stutstnan street.
Lost u I'lngcr.
John Bennett , a young man employed in
the Nonpareil bindery department , was
running a paper cutter and in some way got
his hand beneath the knife. The machine
works by steam and quicker than n ( lash the
first linger of his left hand was amputated
near the knuckle joint.
r'rom > Vv.-lM'r ( ? .
C. F. Moore At Co. , prominent druggists of
Ncwbcrg , Ore. , say : "Sineo our customers
have become acquainted with the good qual
ities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy wo
sell but liltlo of any other kind. Chamber
lain's medicines all give good satisfaction. '
For sale by druggists.
Special Christinas cutlery sale on
Cole'.scloan clipper pocket knives , razors
and shears. Colo's , -11 Main street.
Brighter limn gas , cheaper than oloc-
trio light and as beautiful : is a. dream
those r.e\v art lamps at Lund Bros.
Coal nnd wood ; best and chenposl
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. H. A. Cos , No.1 Main.
Bought organ stock of C. B. Musi
Co. Will sell thorn cheap. Mar. Bour-
iciiia , 110 , 114 Stutstnan street.
Do you smoke ? Have you tried T.
L ) . King & Co.'s PnrtngunV It's i
chnrmcr. Just light ono.
Free present for everybody nt .T. J ,
Maurnth ft Co.'s shoe store , 53U Broad
See those ojj healers at Swaino's , 73 ;
IvMrpticr Smoked Out.
A lire was discovered last evening about 9
o'clock In the cellar ot W. II. Kncpher's
store on Broadway , near the corner of Eighth
street. There was not much blaze to bo
seen , but when the fire department arrived
great clouds of smoke wore issuing out of
the cellar windows and into the store room.
It was extinguished after some little trouble
and the damage it is thought will be slight
Don't ho deceived by ignorant ,
unscrupulous fakirs and confi
dence men , assuming to offer
" Indian Heme-dics , " nnd who
pretend that tholr nostrums are
made by the Indians ,
and other Klcknpoo Indian
llcmcdles nro THE < ) .MY OK.MI.
I.M : I.MIUN iiniKiiiKS
- Thu word " Klckapoo" Iscopy.
righted and they duru not steal
lie snro yon Rot " Klckapno Komodlcs. "
mid ttf that rter ; linllle or iiicLigu bears thli
'uc.iliiille klgnaturo lluii i
DUtrlliiitlniKrnU , 031 Grand AVP. , Ncir
Hindi , < 't. Tlii'segt'iicilno Iinilaii Hiniuilk's ur
not peddled but ait- told ut ull drug kuru .
T Send three 2-f , Uni | > itop y ] > G l.
thrilling and Inttiiftlr IntereitliiK book of 17U
fffti. eiitltlfil 'MJH : AM ) SCK.MM AUU.MJ
Tcll (11 tbout the lodlauj.
u - \J \ L/i
At 8 o'clock a , mT'lies , day Dec.
20 , I will place on sale the $30,000
stock of Clothing of Kohn & PI arris ,
who recently jailed in Omaha. Watch
for prices. Store closed all day Mon
day to make ready for this sale.
and is fully covered by insurance. The lire
is supposed to have originated in a pile of
empty boxes , but as none of the men about
the store bad been down in the cellar during
the evening its cause is mysterious.
Carl Burhorn. successor to 12. Bur-
horn , has the only now jewelry stock in
city. Many holiday novelties.
The genuine Round Oak stoves , also
fine line of oil heaters. Colo's , 41 Main
street. .
L. P. Judson , civil engincor,32SB'wny.
Scott housf * ; good'ooard ' ; low rales.
Suoxv nt UrliuTnrd.
Cn.vwroun , Neb. , Dec. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Uniti-A ! ] heavy snow com
menced falling last night and this morning
the ground was covered , with at least six
inches of the beautit'uj. Stock is in pretty
fair shape and suffering will not be very ex
tensive this winter.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't , want a headache.
Then use Do Witt's Little Early Risers , the
famous little pills.
Dislodge Bile ,
Stir U\D \ the Liver ,
Cure Sick-Headache ,
Female Ailments ,
I Remove Disease and j
Promote Good Health ,
CoTored with a Taiteless & Soluble Coating. '
Famous tlio world over. !
Ask for Bcecham's und Like no others. J
Of all druggists. Price 2K cents a box. .
New York Depot , 36 Canal St. (
6. W. PANOE ,
The Good Sooaritin. 20 Years' Experience.
f treat fhs following Diseasss :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lanes ; Die.
oases of the Eyeanil Knr.FlUiaad Apoplezy.Heurt
Disease , I.iver Coinulditit , Kidney Complaint ,
Harvous Dobillty , Mental Dopreo-
nlon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnal
oakne3SDIiuctC9.Brht'ani'easoSt.Vltua' ! (
anco"Hlieumatiam , roialysiB , Whlto Bwclllnff ,
Bcrofula , Fovcr Sores , Cuncoro , Tur.TOl'S
and Fistula In nno removed v/lthout
the linlfo or Urnwlns a drop of
blood. Woman with hi-r delicate restored -
stored to health. Dropsy cured wlihout tiipiilug.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal DlsoHoos of all kinds.
S5O to SBOO forfeit for any Venereal Dla-
ease i cannot euro yylthout merouryi
Tajx ) Worms removed In two or thteo Uoure , or uo
puy. IK'raorrholds or riles cured ,
Will eave llfo and liundrcds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Physician -who can toll whnt all (
a liuraun without nuking a ijuosllim.
All correRpondenco Btrlcllyconflclentlal ,
Bout by cxprcas. Addctsa all lettcra to
GW PangleRD ) !
, , , , ,
8B5 Jpoadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
To the owners of the lot ? , narts of lots nnd
real fhtuto ulniltiiu ; ou or udjnoont to thu
streets , iilluyn or nvomi'is heroin nuniud or
hltnatod In whole or In part within uny of
Ihodliiirlcts hurcliiHUcoilliul ;
ton and ouch of yon nro hereby notified
that the elty council ut thu city of Oinuhu will
sit us a Hoard of 1 quaiUutlon , ut thu olllco of
thu elty clerk. In the city hall , Oinulia , No-
hrnskn. ( in l-'rIUav. tlio ll ilnvof Uoeoinbur ,
IBie , from U o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock n. in. , for
the inn pose of oomUlorliit ; and ciiiuilUlir--
proposed levy of special t.ixos and ngso&maents
us shown liy "Proposed Plans ot AsseasnifiU"
uow ou Illo iu the olllce of fiuid city clerk , uua
correcting any errors thoroln , nnd of hen ring
all complaints that the owners of property so
to bo Hssossod und taxed may iniiko : sain
special taxes and assessments proposed tn bu
lovlcd uolnc necessaiy to cover thu costof the
several improvements duly authorized to bo
made and now completed , as follows :
To cover the cost irl pavln * and cnrblnc
Cuss street , from 2. ' < 1 street to 24th street , In
Btreot iniurovoinent district No 430 , sa.d pav-
IIIR amounting In thu sum of fl.Slls.s1. ) . nnd said
curbing to thu sum of KUil.TO. which sild : sums.
It : H proposed , by a report duly adopted by
the city council , to assess on the real e.statoon
uacn Hldo of Utiss Htrcot , from 2'd to S4tli
btrout , according to foot frontaeo and the us-
ilal soalliiK back process In depth to alley ; no
assessment for curbing to bu nmdo west of 23d
street , as the curb theru was laid by private
parties. Halo per foot for paving , i0.4U91 ,
rate uer foot for cm-bin ; ; S0.033.0.
Tocovi-i- the cost of pavini Lowe avonuc ,
from Hamilton street tn Mercer avenue , In
pavliii ; district No. 2 % . amonntinz to tlio sum
of tlUfr > l.t > 2 , which said stunIt Is a
roportdnlr iidnutoil by the city council , to
assess on iho real est'ite on each sldu of Lowe
avaniie , from IlanUlton street to .Morcor av
enue , according to foot frontage and thu
uual scaling b.u-k process In depth to center
of block or 1st alley. Itato per foot , $ I.-'U17. !
The cost of prlvmu approach , amounting to
tliosum ot ot iu.MI , to Uo assessed to tlio real
estalu adjolnlni ; .
To cover the cost of paving Commercial
street , from Sherman avenuu to SCth street. In
paving dlstrlet No. IB' ! , amounting
to the sum of $ ii.I13.C9. ; which sild : la
promised , by a rounrt duly adopted by llio
elty council , tonss-oss uro rata on llio real -
tate on each side of Commercial street , frnn
Sherman avenue to 20th btrecl. according to
foot froiitngo and the usual scaling baclt pro
cess In depth from street IX ! foot , not exepiid-
IIIK the center of block : Provided , that 31 feet
shall be deducted on the frontline of tax lot
24 , oust of Commercial street. Kate per foot.
J3.IIOfi7. The costof prlvaturoadwny.iiinount-
IIIR to the sum of H' > .OI. to bo assessed to the
real estate ndjolnlni- .
To cover thn costof paving and curbing 22nd
.street from 1'opplotoii avenue to thu south
line of tax lot lit ! In street linprovcmont dis
trict No. 47 : . ' , amounting to the sum ot HUM ill ) ,
which said sum It Is proposed by a reportctulv
adopted by the city council to assess on Iho
real estate pro rata , on each side of 22od
street fiom I'opnlcion avenue to south linn of
tax lot ! IU. according to foot frontage and the
usual scaling bid ; piorc * > s In depth from
Rtreet 1U2 feet. Halo per foot. K16.YJI. Thu cost
of private roadwiiy amounting to the sum ot
" X',79 to bo assessed to tbu real estate adjoln-
To cover the cost of pavln ? and cnrblnz
Spencer street , from Sherman avenue to'4th
street In street Imurovomunl district No. I''O ,
amounting to the sum of &KS.S7U.711. which said
sum It Is proposed by R report duly adopted
by thuclty council , to assess pro rata on iho
real estate on both shies of Opened street
from Sherman avenue to 21th siieet , accord
ing to fool , rroiitaico and the usual scalln ?
back process In depth to thu Urst alloy or lll'J
feet. Kate per foot. 14.'JOT. ' * .
To ooveiihocoilof paving and cnrblnir Cth
street fiom 1'ierce street 10 Hickory street ,
In street Improvement district No. 42.J ,
amounting to thu sum of tl.V.M3.)7 ( , which said
sum It Is proposed by n report duly ndupied
by the city council , to assess us follows : 1'ho
cost of private roadwuy. uniount ntf to thu
sum of $ I3".82. to ho assessed on tax lot No.
; i. Th'j lorn.lining cost to be assessed pro rata
on the property on both sides of Cth street
from 1'lerc'u street to IIle'.iorv street , accord
ing to the tuot frontaKO and the usual
seallif ! back process to depth of dis
trict as create I. That pirt : of tax lot II
between the two private roadways not to ho
asso.-scd for curbing as tbu owner put , this
curb In at his own expense. K'itu par foot for
pavlnil.27IU7 ; for curblni ! $ J.71. > 22.
To cover tlio cost of paving In alloy In block
13 , city. In street In.Drovemunt district No. 107.
uiiioiintlin : to the sum of J1.IOI. 14lilch said
sum It Is pmposo.l by a report duly adopted
b.v the city council to assess pro rata on both
slcius of the alley In block 13 , lu'por.llnu to font
frontii'-o and the usual sealniK b.ick process
to tlio ileplh of one lot. liato per foil * , i2.rr.Vil.
To cover the cost anil liianeution for laying
permanent sldo walks Itilil bv I'orI & li'iiio ,
unionntiiu to the sum of $ , ' , HK.W ! ! , hlch bald
sum it li proposud bv n report iln.y adopted
by thu c'lty council to assess on thu real estate
aloni : which said wallo are laid , as follows :
N'JUMfl lots blk 10 City S ! ! r > 81
H 4-5 lot 5 blic 10 " Illl ( O
Lot 6 bile 10 l.'l 1)2 )
hot 71)11 ; 70 47h 03
I.ot8 blk 70 201122
N ) ft lot I blk 73 „ 430 M
S 15 lot I blk 74 ' 21727
N'i lots blk Ul " SVJ 7-1 -
lAHh bile Ids ' 237 2J
hot ! blk 172 " ' 11(001 (
1,011 blk 7 Jerome Park K" > 2'.t '
Lot ! ! bile7 li. > Ml
Iot.ibik7 " li Mi
Lot 10 blk 10 West find Add 87 21
Lot II blk 10 O'J bv
Total ti.Mii 00
To cover tbo cost of constructltiK a suwor In
sewer district No , 10' ) , amonntlirj to the sum
of $1,787.73 , which sum It Is proposed byaio-
uort duly adopted bv Iho city council to us-
( ess on thu ioal nstutn aloni ; said suwur pro
r.itn , according to foot frontajio and thu usual
scaling buck proc-oss , In dupth fiom street ono
Jots inovldod , that corner lots bavins sewer
constructed on twoshlcs sliull bu assessed for
thu loiiKor sldo only. Kale pur foot , $1 Oii'.liT. '
To cover the cmt of sowr , uiirblnu and ( Till-
torlii , and pavlns on the south ono-half of
north 2U fuel of east 28 fnot of lot ; i. C.-ipitol
iiddltlon , nmouniln' to thu mini of $23.0H | ,' Is proposed , by a report
iliiiy adopted by the city c-iiunell. to us-iaxi on
the south oim-half of the north 213 fcut of oust
28 fcut of lot No. HU.ipltol addition ,
Von are further nollllo'l thalsahl " 1'roposcd
1'lan" of Assessment" aio now subject to the
Inspoctlon and examination of any of thu
owners of said lots , partu of lots or pieces of
run ) estate , or the Inspection or ox.unlnatlon
of any other person interested In tain pro
posed assessments , nt thu otllcu of said city
clerk , and that by a ri'purt uf u eominlttoo nf
Biild council duly adopted. It Is proposed that
unless for Kood and siilllelent nause It may bu
otlierwlso ordered and dotorinlncd , that the
costof Bald Improvements respoctlvely lie as
sessed 01 thu several lots , parts of lots and
pieces uf real estate as shown by said pro
posed plans of assessment.
You , and oacb of von. aio hereby notified to
npDi'ar luforosild Hoard of Kqnall/athm at
thu tlmu and pluoo abovu NpuulllPil , to mnku
nny complaint , ttatomunt , or objuullon you
desire concernini ; any ot said proposoJ luvlt-s
und luscaiinents of sneclal taxes.
JOHN Guovns.
City Olnrk.
Oiiiiilin , Nob. , Docemher Uth , IsUJ. dl5d7t
for I ho riirnltbliiK " ( Lumber fur
of Omulm Curt lui Vrar IHUi. :
Scaled bids will 1m reccdvi'd at Iliu olllcuof
thu cltv I'omptiolK'r up to 4 p. m. . Di-rcmhui'
'JO , IH'J'J , for thu fiirnlshliii ; of lumber for the
city of Omaha for tbu year lb'ji. ; lllankb for
such bids fiirnlhlii'il by Hut comptroller. A
oTtltled cbi'ck of Mill ) to iirfomptiny each hid.
The rlKht lb losi'rvcd to reject any or all bids ,
TIIKO. ULKhKN , Coniptrolli'r.
Oiuulia , Neb. , ilix. 1-1 , IbUii. UlOdOt
"Do not leave your Christmas purchases until the last moment ,
but come early- , avoid the rush anil select your presents while our
stock is complete. You can have them laid aside until Christinas
week , at which time we will deliver them to any part of the city
An overcoat , a suit of clothes , suit of underwear , a pair of
trousers , an umbrella , silk ties , silk handkerchiefs , gloves , mitts ,
night robes , smoking jackets , bath gowns , " dress shirts , negligee
shirts , collars , cuffs , silk suspenders , etc. , etc.
All Useful Holiday Gifts.
Cheapest Clothing House in
Council Bluffs.
Special Sale at Reduced Prices
During December ,
Hplces. Oaslii'i ? , Color , Uccleors. Now Style
Itlncks , I'nrnarej mid Uiiuidinns , Mf.n lnc , > s ,
Scales and Spring llalanccs , Butchers' Coats.
Krocks , ( Japs , otc.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
820-822 Main St. . Council Bluffs. la.
nivtiim muu
Anhcuser , Budwcisor. Fii'ist nml Pulo
KEC1S , can loswo orders ut No. UK !
Muin Street , Council Bluffs , lowti , or
Tolopliono I1SJ.
Goods delivered promptly.
Anlicuscr-Duscli Ass'n
- Brewing ,
of St. Louis , Ho.
Omaha Medical and Surgical
i'.i B
Chronic and SomcalDn
t fiicillltlus , niip-initiH and roinudlcs for llio
siiucussful iri'iitnit'Ml of ovury form ot
UUoasus Kiriuiriin initdlcalor
biir-iual lrimtiiKit. | !
53 hods for pjilunts. hinrtl and iittondiincu.
Host ui'coiiinioiliitlons In the wosl.
Wrltj for clri'iiia-u on djformltloi nnd brnrci ,
truakuu , club Icol. ciirvuturrii of uplno. plica , tiini
ore , cancer , catarrli. l > roncliltl , Inlialallon , iilvoirlJ-
I Ity , pirnlynN. opllop-iy. kldntiy , hladdor uyo , ,
l skill mid bliuiil anil all surgical opurnllonii.
of Momon l''liiH : : . Wi ) Imvo lately adilcila lyliiK-ln
> luii rtiii < nt for womini ilnrlni ; conllnumunt. Mrlctly
Pilvaio. Only Ucllnblo Medical Instltiito inaklni ; n
All Illnoil Dhornus nuccomfully tion'oil. ' HyplilN
Illo I'uli-ona ri'iiiovod from Iliu Byntuni without niur-
cury. Notr lU'itorallvo Trcnltnonl for | .u i of S'l-
'I'Ai , IM\S'iil. : Persons nnul.lo to vl lt in may oa
IroHtod lit liomo bjr corropondoiica All coiuniiinl-
cutloniconilduntl l. Muillclnoi orlmtriinu'iiti i'iil
by mull nr uti > ra x , securely pnikcd. nunuirkuKi
Indlcalo romi'iita ur tfiitlcr. l no purional Inlcr-
rlowprcrerrcd. Cell and coimult unori.cnil hUtnry
of yuur caia , and wu will suiul In plain wrappur our
nnflK" . TO MKM * ' "HK l'on ' Prlvato , Spoclal
ur nervous Dlivntva. Imiio-
t > ! iic-y. byphllls , ( iluctanU Vark'ocolu , irilii iiuujllon
HB | .
llrucos , Appliances for Dcfnrinlllai nnd Trutso.
Only manufactory In tbo wutl ot
1110 JIATTKUIKd AND ll l/l'd !
Omalia Medical anil Surgical Institute ,
26th aud Broadway , Ojuuoll Blulfi
Ten mlnutvs rlilo from cuntcr of OmalmaoOuaba
ua Cuuucll illuUii ulvctrlc uiulur lluu ,
Il A pupil nursu at tlio W. C. A. lioj-
] ilinl. cor.Illh uvciiiii > ainl 'Jth atrcut , inliBt bj
L't'twoun-'J iindU : years old ; ofuood uioral cliarao-
icr. Apply ut ouci- .
AV ANTHD-sTlCOXI ) ( illtl.iVAC.H9 fl.03 Pllll
'i i\euk. Apply to .Mra. lluracu I'.vcrutt , 2d ave
mil'inl htli stri'ot , Council IIIulfH
.1) At oncyj. II or t cooil No. 1 cornlco
it innlii'r * . htemly Jill ) lor the rliht men. 11J
( irahl .vSoii. e'ouncll Hlnllo.
'IHVOiilrlB wnntcil to Uo housework. Apply utC21
-L l''lr t iivi'iuui.
AY D 1 Irbt-cliiss i-'lri for liousoworlc. Uood
Apply at la North Klratmruut.
_ _
iJ-Oll UA'CllANliH-A Illca liutlld nil 8. Ttil Rtroot ,
iic'.iriili ; uvuiiuv. cluur nCuiiuuiiibrnncu , for liomn
lu uiunlin. lluiist'oin 1'liio ) or Idnnit/.j i'lao9 pro-
forfeit. Will put In JJiJJiliiJi-j : 3j. UrojiiihluclJ.
McliuUutt & I'o.
17OII r.XriIANlli ; ( iiioil ( .rnoin house on South
till struct for land. ( irounslilcMi , NlcnolBon Jk Co
A llSTUACTti nml lonti * . Farm nml city proportr
boiiKhl iinil BOM , l'113'jj'I'hoiiiaa , Counull
Uliiira. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T/AltM nml city lii-ins. Money laanod on etoo'x
1 nml urnlii. Itoal eilato for nnlo. Diralllnn and
liil lno. renulM. Money lo'iuuil ' fur local Invobtors ,
Louaeu .VTowlu. ZIJ IVurl lrc'Ut.
C'untml mil ) .
Minis In Million's 'u ! 1.
115 lots In I l.i y I hi fi I'.ilnnrj'
r'J luth In .Muynu'i IHI.
KU lotH In Poitor \ IJubb'i.
21 louln llUJr'i ill.
] j liti : In lluur a a. Id.
'r.'Uitnlll lIlKhlillldaiM.
IX lots In lliilchltisan'ii it'll.
l.rilol In Tiirloy'x add ,
ii : lots In Illddlu'uaJ't.
l0 Ints Hi WrUhl'K ad I.
Ill lotHln I'lereii's inlil.
Loin In uv ry iidllUon to tlio city cheap forciin'i ,
oren p.iyni'Miti. i nil an I nan ua. No troilblD to
Hiipor llrondw.iy . ; | ilO'iilld pl C9 fop
wplutilni ; ; choHji for uaili , or will uxotiitnio for
liiipruri'd rosldumo pronorty In Council Illullj.
( icuoimlilulili. McliaHuii , V Co. _ _
/ ( AUIIK.V AND l K'JIT Inii'l ; rlclnut nnd most
VJ'l.oantlliil ' tract In I'olla'rattauilu county : BOH
Knturprlxt ) I'lac'o : llvu nr tun ucrj Iota ,
ulilolds. Mcliuljon AO..IWI llroadw-iy.
" \VI ! WANT It'll acriia uf Intlil wltliln live mlloi nf
i city. Don't cam huw rouifli It Is.
nlilitldi , Mcliolann , V l-'o.
ENTI-IIII'HIHI' : I'liicu. lor fruits or ardons
sulinrlmi ] lioiiim. ilnu ere lots , tnvmr inluutoi
Iruiu muter Ilnu. ( .rcun lilvldi , Nluliolvin & On ,
Ifi KAUM.s tn iix'liAiiKU for lioiisoi ami loti or
1 'ood vacant loin. 'Jl m'rji ol nlc i Knr.lon land
lur ialo ut $ iJ pir iicru. Jolinaion k Van Pntton.
Ii'itUIT I'Alt.Mliiipruvml , a nillu and a half from
HIDliintollk'u , : | .j Dunn ; ' > ruuni liouiu. talilo ,
etc. Will uxulinnzu furroaldunce In Council Dlulla ,
( jruoi ililulils , MshoUon \ Cn.
I ' AflU , 3'4 mill's from city ; wlllhcllnl cut It
Jtakfii tlili wook. lirooiulilolds. Mcliul > un & Co.
T\ru.NTIII.Y PAVMKNTS For wilo. now llvo-
lilruoui IIOUHU , Iritli room , uloclrlo IUHt , ull
iniMlorn lmpriVoini.itB. | uno tilocU from mutor. A
inuilt'l homo. ( iriH > n > hlodi. ! Mc'lidlson i Co.
RKHIllKNUK loti < I fuit front , llvu block * from
Illooinor m-liool , oiti-rod for Halo , for tliln weak
only num. ( iruantlilolda. MuholiDn A Co ,
MONDAVri In II. A. imrlori , clillilran. 4 p. m.i
HiliillB , " ! > ii , m. KoiiInU ncooinl an 1 fourth
Moinloyn.Up. in. lliinlo furnliiliud parllun and clubs.
AddrvBi II. A. Parlorj.Councll Illntri.orliUI I'arnaia
H. . Oinalin. W. K. CliQinliurr ) . Inninictnr.
G AIIIIAOK ruuiorad , rcsaiiools , vnulti nuil
I'ldtunoyj claanod. K. l > . llurku , cltr bid/ .
Funeral Director , Embalmer ,
114 Main Street ,
Council niuITa.