Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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' 'A Country Vast , a Boundless Land , Pro
ductive Valleys , Mountains Grand. "
Jvlilrnco : nM'roRroMlifl Industry In tlm Im-
liorlnl Donmln-Utlll/liin S RO tlrusli
IteiitUtlo Itiilliiu llritinn The
Vounc .Monument
in the northwest Is n rlvor discovered just
100 yours ugo , draining a region rich In nit
the resources of n tcmporato climate , oprl-
culture , pasturage , tlmbor , coal , Iron , gold ,
silver , tUhorioj , great waterpowors , grand
and awo-lnspiringsconery , good harbors , only
1,700 miles from thu nuvlgablo waters of
LiOko Superior and on u direct line of com-
tncrcul transportation from China , Japan
nnd East India to Now York , London and
This great river , formerly called the
"Oregon" hut now Known as the "Colum
bia , " drains a very extensive region and
pours a volume of water Into the 1'aclllo ocean
nearly or qulto equal to thnt of the Mtsslsi-
Ippl Into the Gulf of Mexico. Its main
tributaries rUe near each other , one sweep
ing to ttio north several hundred miles ,
gathering tbo waters of many largo tribu
taries ; seine rising as fnr north as latltuuo
53 = , nonr the head of the Attmbnska river
Which Hews into the McKcnzlo and thcnco
Into the Arctic ocean. Uuforo reaching the
boundaries of the state of Washington these
innumerable tributaries liavo united In onu
grand Htroam , having u volume of water
ludlclcnt to lloat the largest rivur stoamor-j.
Another of the main tributaries of thu Co
lumbia rises witliln u stone's throw of thu
headwaters of the Yellowstone and Missouri
and tbo waters of the Uio Colorado. This
branch or tributary known as Snake river
weeps toward the south and gathers the wa
ters of the Owyhco , the headwaters of which
rise near thosoof the llllinboldt nnd on IU
right oank the Matnd , Bolso , tinlmant nnd
Cloarwnlcr. Before the Snake rlvor enter.- )
the slate of Washington It has accumulated
enough water to form nuothor trroat water
way inr commcrco from thence to the ocean.
Near the central portion of Washington thu
Snake river joins tbo Columbia and further
down towards the ocean many other streams
empty a bountiful supply of water into this
great rlvor , the largest of which Is the mag
nificent Willamette , which rises in sight of
Mt , Shasta and near the head waters of the
Sacramento river In northern California , tbo
\VHlumotto also forms n waterway for coin-
jncrcc , and ocean steamers ascend it as far as
the city of Portland , giving proof that this
troam alone is one worthy of uolo us a com
mercial waterway.
If the reader will tnko a man showing the
region described bo will 1 : > some degree com
prehend the extent of the country "whoro
rolls the Oregon. " With n knowledge of
tbo almost innumerable resources of this re
gion lying upon tbo border of tbo great high
way ot nations , having u situation , with rof-
orcnco to the Pacific coast , similar to that of
Massachusetts , with reference to the Atlan
tic coast , butln a climate far superior : a re
gion with water powers unexcelled by any
portion of the earth , with wheat and fruit ,
coal , iron , marble , granite , gold , silver , cop
per , lead , asbestos , 11 ro clay , cement , tin and
many other useful minerals ; with unrlvnUqd
forests of timber easy of access , fisheries
second to none , great streams of water , line
harbors , beautiful Inland lakes surrounded
by scenlo grandeur rivaling that of Italy ,
Switzerland , or Scandinavia , our great and
glorious country mav well bo proud of the
DOW northwest , Washington , Idaho and
Oregon.and extend to them the right hand of
commercial fellowship , welcoming gladly this
trio of stars , which shinu so brightly , repro-
loutlng thu magnitudewealth and Importance
of the country "whoro lolls the Oregon. "
Western NebniHlcii mid Irrigation.
The year 1692 oucht to see great progress
In irrigation matters iti the semi-arid coun
ties of Nebraska , says the Irrigation Ago.
There arc twenty-five of those counties , end
most of them have abundant water supplies ,
either surface ov underground. The land is
_ very rich , the cllmuto good , nnd the coudl-
tlons such as to make ranal building very
This portion of Nebraska has bad hard
luck for the past seven years. Last year
there was a fair rainfall , and tbo people bad
a taste of prosperous times. It was only a
bare suggestion of what they can have
every year with irrigation. After so
many Reasons of disappointment
nnd so much harsh criticism from
their fellow citizens in the eastern part or
the fitnto , they ought to take especial prldu
in pushing to the front on the present swell
ing lido of Irrigation Interest. If they do so
they will make their lands double the value
of lands in the eastern counties ; they twill
put now lifo into their sluggish towns ; they
will add a glory to thu name of their stuto
which it never possessed boforo.
Irrigation In western Nebraska has mndo
a promising start. It is to bo hoped It will
bo vigorously followed up. Tborols no souse
in the western half of Nebraska boinu adver
tised to tbo country , every two or tbroo
years , as n wretched object of chiinty. It
ought to enjoy oven and great prosperity.
InvndliiK thn.liiss House.
The police of San Francisco , In their war
upon the Hlghblndor.s and other criminal
Chinese soelotlos , have found It necessary to
Invade tbo sacred Joss houso. Tbo murder
of one Chuoy Sue Yce , a Chinese doctor ,
was recently traced to the Chun Ling
Ban Tong socmty , and ns a means
to securing cvldonco it was decided
to break up the incotinc place of the
"council" of the society. This the police
learned was in an old building In the neigh
borhood of the oftlco where the doctor bail
boon bhot down as tin sat wornlng at bis
desk. A squad of police surrounded the
place , and tun of them hroko into it with
11x03 and uledgos. Within , n temple of Joss
was discovered , furnished nnd embellished
nftcr tbo Celestial fashion , The pollcumun
with their axes bowed down tbo god , split
the htiuvy mahogany tabios , laid low idols in
the niches , and knocked to pieces the metal
vessels and other paraphernalia of the
society. Nothing was left Intact but on Iron
nafo containing the records of the society ,
Which was carried off.
_ A Monument to llrlglinin ,
Drlcham Young Is to bo honored with a
monument at Suit Lake City. The Brlgham
Young Memorial association has a fund ol
fStVJUO and has soluctmt the design of O. E.
Dallln , a native born Mormon boy , who was
trained in tbo east uud in Europe. At Jios-
ton ho took a prize in a competition for u
Btatuo of Paul Havero , the revolutionary
lioro , and after erecting tbo statue made a
second visit to Europe , where ho became
well known among urtistn and collectors for
Ills great talent , and for tbo originality a
his work. The general Idea of the inoimrlii
U taken from the U.i botta monument 10
oently erected in Paris , The base is to
bo ten foot high , the shaft . twenty
foot , surmounted with a brouzo statue o
Drlnham Young ten feet high , Tboro are
also to bo sitting llgiiros on tbo basa ant
bronze tablets recounting tbo deeds u
Young , the names of pioneers and their en
franco into the vnllo.v.
The estimated east of tbo monument ox
elusive of tbo alto Is fVJ.OOO.
Dakota Helmut l.undi.
The sale ot school laud In South Dakota
will take pUca on March .M , next , at whlcl
time will bo sold about ' ono hundred and iifty
thousand acre * , no'no of which can be sold a
a loss price than 110 per aero. The sale wil
probaolr add 12,000,000 to the pormanon
ichool fund. Last year was tbo 11 rut yea
* uy school landi were disposed of and tlio
Bvernffo prlco realized | > or aero was a little
over # 14 and the total amount realized was in
the neighborhood of f 1,000,000.
UUlUlnir HIIRO llruili.
Hitherto sago brush has not been consld
ered of much value , either for use or orna
wont. Western genius now promises to
utllUo it and ie p a fortuuo from the count
less acres of It spread over the plains and
mountain vallori. It Is announced that ci
ad aha settler claims to have discovered a
good use lor It. Ho Is turning U into paper
Uyftllmo process , and boiling the branches
of the shrub , ho obtains a pulp which ho
says Is equal to tbo bast mndo from wood.
U is reported that already ho has minufac *
turod a quantity of what Is called " /mco /
brush paper , " which nt 4 > cents per pound
would not n Imndsomo profit. Thcro is In
this nothing unreasonable. The brush con
tains n largo percentage of xvoody fiber.
which Is precisely thb basle substance 01
vood pulp , and the only wonder li that no-
wdy thought of the conversion till now.
Interest * In
Among the bills relating to western Inter
ests recently Introduced In congress are the
allowing :
Hy Mr. Sweet Authorizing the commis
sioners of Kootonal county , Idaho , to erect
irldgo over Kootonal rlvor nt the town of
fry. Plans for this structure must bo np-
irovod by the secretary ot war.
By Mr. Carey Providing that all public
ands undisposed of within the abandoned
military reservations In Wyoming , known n
the Fort l/'otturman / ' bay reservation , and the
portion of Fort. Brldgor within the state , bo
subject to disposal utidor thu homestead law.
\ctual occupants on January 1 , 185)3 ) , nro
given preference right of ono entry. Town
iltcs nnd mineral land nro exempted from
lomostrad entry.
By Mr. Carey Granting 5 per centum ot
ho net proceeds of the sale of public lands to
states for support of common schools. The
) urposo of ttio bill Is to cover sales before
and after the admission of stotos.
By Mr. Cnrov Fixing the prlco of land
ontcrod under the doscrt laud aut nt $1.25 per
acre , nnd refunding all amounts paid Above
that sum.
Driitimtlo Tnlont of Indium.
The noble reds are familiar f ts In the
sawdust urcmi , but it remained for Nevada
o bring before the footlights hidden tire of
ilstrlonlc genius smouldering In the Washoo
and Pluto races. The scene of the debut was
Jarson City , nnd the drama was "Nick of
the Woods. " Local Wnsboo and Pluto par-
.Iclpatcd. John Mack , ns Nick , wns lashed
, o n slake : and brnvos in complete regalia
nnd war nalnt. stripped to the waist , com
menced a wolrd song , accompanied by brand-
shlng knives und tomahawks around the
prisoner. The audience was held spcll-
jound during the dance , and so much real-
sm xvas seemingly thrown Into the move
ments that timid ladles trembled as .tbo no-
larcntly Infuriated savages swooped their
tnlvos and hatcbots in the face of Nick. At
the conclusion of the dance cheer after
cboer wont up from the spectators , und the
curtain was repeatedly rung up. This was the
Irst nppournnco of native actors In Nevada
and the roar seats of the theater were pack
ed with Indians of both tribes.
ninutnim'H ISoss Toiim.
PaulMcCormlck , a wealthy resident of
Montana , who Is known by tha proud title of
the big wblto chief of Yellowstone county ,
declares In all sincerity that hu will drlvo n
'our-ln-hand taam ot elks through the
streets and parks ot Chicago at tbo World's '
'air. A Mr. Marshall of Bnzoman , Mont. ,
[ lossessos n flue herd of thirty-four elk which
no bus boon exhibiting through the state.
Mr. McCormlck bought the entire herd last
week , and two tame antelopes in addition ,
paying $ T5 a head for the elk and $30 each for
the antelopes. The elk are very line speci
men ! . Mr. McCormlck will establish a game
park on his property nt Fort Custor and
will train tbo elk for driving. It would bo a
rounding out ot the Idea for him to train the
nntolopos for cnrnaco dogs , to trot behind
his oik team In Chicago.
Catlfornlu's llulldlni ; .
The California ouildlnt ; at the World's fair
will represent architecture peculiarly her
own. It will bo a reproduction of a mission
house , with all the distinguishing character
istics of an ago long past , and of which little
more than the decaying buildings remain.
Outsldo the portals ono may see the pioneer
of California , long slnco departed. Within
will bo soon the developed California of to
day. It will DO both picturesque and typical.
The cost is limited to $05,000.
Harrlsburg Is to have a choose factory.
Work has bean begun on the now mill at
The Long Pine Republican-Journal is ton
years old.
Revival mooting at Eiwood have resulted
thirty-six conversions.
A movement is on foot at Hartington to
form a trotting Association.
Grant sports wont out the otbnr afternoon
nnd shot two antelope near town.
The Pawnee City academy has 125 students
and is doing very good work this year.
There nro forty-live children under the
charge of the Ursullno sisters at York.
There are not enough houses in Norfolk to
mcot the demand of newcomers who want to
It Is said that Rev. Mr , Button has boon
asked to resign the pastorate of the Hlchland
The Farmers' and Merchants' bank of
Brock has boon incorporated with a capital
stock of ? 30,000.
Rov. James E. Mono , a pioneer preacher
of Perkins county , died on bis homestead
near Grant recently.
E. E. Oavls has rotlrod from the editor
ship of the North Bond Star and has been
succeeded by Rod Smltb.
Mrs. Shadrach Cole of Plattsmouth died
Friday as the result of a fall , which caused
the rupture of n blood vessel.
An election has boon called nt Ponca to
vote on a proposition to boiul the district for
$15,000 to build a now school house.
McCool has an ordinance forbidding "all
children under seventeen years of ngo" from
appearing on tbo streets after 8:30 : p. in.
Bid ? have been asked for the location of
the district reunion of tbo Grand Army posts
of Pierce , Antelope , Ivnox and Cedar coun
Crocker post of Chappoll has received a
silk Hag as a present from the Crocker brl-
gado of Iowa , und the Grand Army bovs of
Douol county are proud.
The proprietor of the Greenwood corn cob
plpo factory has offered to remove his plant
to York If h < ] can sell some stocic so as to In-
croasohls working capital.
Tbo Methodists of Ponca are greatly dis-
satistlod ever the removing of tholr pastor ,
Rov. Mr. Johnson , und claim that there is
bad mismanagement somowhero.
A skull and other bones of a man were un
earthed near Oakland the other day , but
whether thu remains were those of a wblto
man or Indian It was impossible to tell.
A. U. Wood of tbo Goring Courier , who
has been spending the winter in southern
California , returned to bis homo last week.
Ho has furnished Interesting letters to his
paper during bU absence.
For two years or more Mrs. Nancy Frits ,
an old lady who Is very feeble and scarcely
able to got around , has lived at Aurora with
n grandson about sixteen years of ago , upon
whom slio depended to nttond to her business
matters. She bad seine moncv in ono of ( ho
banks and hod boon in tbo habit of sending
the boy for cash when she would need any.
Thu other day the boy went to the bank with
u note purporting to bo written by her asking
that $ -5 bo sent. The next morning It wus
learned that his.story that his grandmother
wanted the money was false and that ho had
absconded. The old lady will no doubt pay
the amount to tbo bank rather than have tbo
boy brought back and prosecuted.
The executive committee of the North Neb -
b MI It a Teachers' association will award a
I'M teachers1 library to the county whoso
teachers travel the greatest number of miles
In attending the next meeting. If ono county
has a representation of six who bavo neces
sarily traveled 11 Hy miles In reaching Nor
folk , making a total of SIX ) mllns , and another
bus a representation of ten who have corn a a
distance of thirty miles , also making a tola
of 300 miles , the two counties would bo
equally entitled to the prize. Tha railroad
certificates will bo usud in estimating dis
tance * . The library will bo composed ol
selected books for teacher * and will bo
placed at tro disposal of tboso whoso at
tendance bai aided In securing it ,
town ,
Mr * . H. L. MoBrldo was fatally kicked by
a borao at Victor.
The Ruthvon Co-operative Creamery com
pany has commenced business.
The Masonic fraternity Is agitating the
question of building un opera house at Who
Tne Chicago Insulated Wire company 1m *
been Incorporated at Chariot City with $ & > 0- ,
000 capital.
Wrny Wright of Cherokee county loft for
Oklahoma uddeuly. and hU creditors were
bustling all ingot after the ; discovered his
absence to get attachments filed on his ef
fects. They will eocuro very littlo.
A St. Louis syndicate proposes to build a
largo memorial college , nnd Clarlnda wants It
located thoro.
Dick Swnrtzbaneh wns knocked down nnd
kicked by Blaine Dillon at n ball nt Vtnton.
nnd was Insenslblu niuo hours. Ho Is injured
Internally. Dillon escaped ,
NcnrlV 200 teachers were present at the
convention nt Plymouth , CorroGordo county ,
ind the meeting was the largest of the Kind
over held In that part of the stnto.
Burlington bos n sensation In which the
'caturcs are nn unfaithful wlfo nnd mother ,
n husband betrayed by a lifelong friend and
i desperate fight when tbo husband found
iis wllo and supposed friend In n compromi
sing situation. Ttio names of the parlies
lave not boon made public.
A well dressed man offered to toke some
Jubuquo people In on a great scheme ot
rnnsportlng the malls. Ho was going to
invo the government adopt the Idea , nnd
lulld tunnels between Important points ,
hrough which cloctrlo cars would run , The
nan is supposed to DO crazy , but disappeared
joforo he could bo Identified.
Another discovery of coal on Ilorso creek
s reported ,
The Episcopal cathedral fund at Lnramlo
amounts to $3,000.
The democrat lo stnto convention is called
to mcot at Douglas April 13.
A mooting will bo hold nt Lnratnle , March
II , to organize n state teachers' association.
' .Tho Haradon Mining and Developing com
pany of Gold fllll has tiled articles of Incor-
Lee Poako , a switchman , wns crushed to
death between the cars nt Cheycnno. His
uronts reside in Galesburg , III ,
'Oho Swootwatcr Gold mid Silver Mining
company has gathered In many valuable
properties In the vicinity ot Lander.
Antolooo nro so plentiful nround Modlcino
Bow that whenever the people nro In want
of ouo they go out and yntik him in by the
Efforts are bolng made to Induce Suporln-
londont O'Hoarnoof the Cheyenne shops to
exhibit his rabbit trophlos at the World's
fair. O'Hcarno is said to bo a master shot ,
with dead rabbits ns targets.
If Charllo Miller does not break jail or
secure n roprlovo ho will'stretch hemp
Api'll 22. Though little ever 15 years
of age ha has two murders to his credit. Ho
[ tilled Ross F. Flshpnutth and Charles
Emerson In a box car .forty miles east of
Cbeyenuo two years ago.
The gallant Sergeant Tobias Erb , late of
the Seventeenth Infantry at Fort Russell , Is
In the tolls In Donvor. Erb ingratiated him.
self Into the affection of n lonely widow near
the fort and she entrusted him with her sav
ings , oirerJ,000. Ho not only failed to wed
Lno widow , but squandered her wealth , and
Is now sipping tbo dregs ot remorse and In
South Diikotii.
Rapid City is moving for reduction works.
The base ball fever is sproadlug In Dead-
Rapid City was sweet slxtoon on the 23th.
She's a darling for her ago.
The democratic statn convention is booked
to moot In Yankton May -5.
Over 17.000,030 pounds of agricultural pro
ducts were shipped out from Madison during
the past year.
The Homostnko company divided $25,000
slnco the llrstof tbo year , raising the grand
total paid In dividends to $4,818,250.
Rich galena was uncovered by Contractor
Jones whllo blasting rock on the railroad
grade near Pactolo. In 1870 nnd 1877 the re
gion was worked for-placor and was consid
ered ono of the best claims on tbo crook , but
dilator years was abandoned , and the past ton
years no representation work has boon done
lu that vicinity. The galena discovered Is of
a steel galena nnd Is considered very rich.
The on ? will bo sent to the school of mines
for and assay.
The Iron Mountain company has divided
$110,000 to dt'o.
Great Falls and the Castle mining camp
are to bo connected by rail.
Helena has raised J25.000 for the erection
of n publio library and auditorium.
A car of ere wns shipped from the Benton
group of mines nt Norhart last week that ran
$185 per ton. The vein from which it was
taken is very largo.
A company Is being organized to work nn
extension of the famous Whitelatch-Unlon
liuid vein nt Unionvlllo. The original mine
yielded $1,500,000 in gold.
The vain in the Anaconda mine at Butte is
100 feet m width , and during the time it has
been worked moro than S U,000,000 worth of
ere have ooon tiUMM out.
The low price of silver has forced suspen
sion of work in the Alice mill and mining
properties in Butto. Employes were paid off
and discharged. It Is feared other proper
ties will bo forced to suspend operations ,
These suspensions are likely to provo disas
trous to an already overcrowded labor
Salt Lake is now moving for reduction
Good coking coal has been discovered near
the Colorado lino.
Natural gas is n blaziog beacon in Salt
Lake's Industrial path. .
Ogdeu threatens to erect " n crematory for
the consumption of garbage.
Gold rock vlblding $30 to the ton has been
uncovered in the Mercer company property
at Camp Floyd.
A not nor coed strllco Is reported in the
Highland mlno at J3ingbam. A vein of high
grade ere was oponcd In the lower workings.
It assays sovonty-llvo ounces of silver and
$10 In gold besides containing 30 per cent
Idaho ,
A strlko In the Kessler mlno nnar Boise
yields $300 oro.
Numerous valuable mineral strikes nro re-
uortcd In the Wood rlvor region.
A raid on the Chlnoito shops In Botso net
ted n largo quantity of unstamped opium.
A company has been Incorporated to build
a railroad from Nampa to Gold Hill , a dis
tance of 100 mites.
Cattle in southwestern Idaho are in good
condition , the owners having laid by an
abumlaaco of feed for winter.
Shoshone Jim has been cornered at last.
Ho is a Fort Hall buck who has made him
self conspicuous in swearing against wbito
man charged with selling liquor to Indians.
It now appears that Jim ran a joint him
Botso City Is developing nnd bulldlna up a
strong opposition boom to Sioux Falls ; S. P. ,
in tbo divorce business. When the courts
opened In the former city last week there
\\oroovort or.ty divorce cases on the cal
endar of the district court' . It is very easy
to secure a dlvorco in Idaho , and , as u local
paper remarks , "peoplo In ndjoining states
are beginning to ' upprociato the fact. " Six
months constitu'to a legal residence , and
some county scats are so remote nnd se
cluded that actions nro never hoard of unti
after they are decided. It is as u&sv to tlo as
to untlo the matrimonial knot In Idaho. No
llcciuo is required and few questions nro
Alone tlm'oust ,
Carson , Nov. , is troubled with a ghost
The Tacoma Glebe and Lodger have con
, A paint mlno has boon discovered In
Grant's ' pass , Oro.
A corps of Rio Grande engineer * Is said to
be operating in the vicinity of Reno , Nov.
San Bernardino countv , California , has
7OIM school children nnd school properly valued
uod nt $550,000.
Captain Packard , ono of the argonauts
died ut ICugono , Ore. , last week , aged 74. Hi
was born In Malnu.
Four thousand rabbits were slauuhteret
In n drlvo In Tnlaro county , California , re
cently. Four hundred men participated.
P E. Her of Omnha , head punticr of the
Boilon stock yard * , San Francisco
pro pen s to add n race track to the plant.
It Is estimated that If the hydraulic mine
of California are reopened uuil worked tliuy
will furnish employment to UTi.Uiiu men and
uild f 10,00)uui u ) oar to the buinots of the
The rcdUcovorcd Breyfoglo mines In the
sou hweau-rn part nf Nye county , Nevada
utterly fulloi to como up to t'-xpuututloiis.
Tney huvo subsided into iiDveriy-stricken
The Fresno , Cal. , Irrigation coinpiny rro-
pnsos to construct a ilutno from Fresno to
the Umber belt of tba Sterns , llliy-&cveu
nllos , to bring down lumbar and water.
eighty thousand nirWt of raisin land nro to
bo Irrigated. ' /tjt
Spokann is to havn another railroad con
nection , Thu Northern Is preparing
o enter Hint city. ftS ofilcials assorting that
cars will bo runniA'g ' Into Spakano before
Vprll I , A punr.intoo of tree right otwny
hrough the city was given Prcaldont Hill.
An nmployo ot ( no 1'acoma electric light
vorus mndo n mt'Uako .In the plugs on the
switchboard of the oloctrto light sjstom.
drains the currant through his nrms nnd
> ody. The force throw him hlch In the nlr
nnd IMX ) volts pnsstid through the circuit nt
ho 11 in P. The llcMh wns burned from his
lands , but the shock did not kill him.
The dlscoverv In Southern Oregon of n
now nnd peculiar 'deposit ot ozokoilto hns
created consldor.iblu interest as Indicating
-lie possible opening of another nnd valuable
ndustry In that section , ns has been the case
with n similar article within n fovc yours In
Jtnh , where the deposit Is now producing
about ,100,000 pounds n year. It U n mineral
wnx which , In Ita ro lined form , has nearly
nil tbo properties of beeswax except stlcid- , Llku other hydrocarbon compounds ,
crude orokcrlto Is used to n considerable ex
tent as on lusulntor for electrical wires.
Many cases of rheumatism , which hnvo ro
slstod thu skill of the profession , have
iiromptly yielded to that wonderful remedy ,
Salvation Oil. " i cents.
Take the news homo to Mary , nnd toll her
Ihnt my cough is gone , nnd that n 25 cent
uottlo of Dr , Bull's Couch Syrup did the
blessed work.
I'OIXTKIM Off lt.lH.ltO.ll ) ll.lTUS.
Mr. A. , T , C2ustln' Vlown on the .Milliner of
dust Tnillltt ItcRUliitlon , .
ST. PAUL , Mlnn. ( Fob. 25. To the Editor
of Tin ; BRK : Noticing from exchanges that
Governor Boyd contomplatoj catling nn
extra session of the legislature nnd thinking
It but lair ho should have the bonoflt of nn
Independent opinion ns well ns thnt of his
skilled advisors In democratic politics , space
Is uskcd In your columns for this open pen
Lulk on the aubjouts of his proposed call. If
lie is correctly quoted ho suggests the ad
visability of a 10 to20 percent reduction.
To understand coinparatlvu rates and the
justice or Injustice of n rate , calls for much
study nnd sctmo experience.
1 am assuming In this letter that It U the
hrmost deslro of the governor to do justice to
the people ns well ns to the railroads , No
use to seek for a motive In this proposed expense -
ponso of nn extra session , whether It Is for
political capital or an earnest doslro to re
dress crlovanco , anuses proposed to DO regu
lated , cuts no llguro with ono desirous of
getting rates ns low as possible and there
fore the following facts regarding transpor
tation nro respectfully submitted to Governor
Bovd :
Talk with the railroad managers or their
Friday Johnson of the Statu Board nnd they
will solemnly assure you that Iowa , rates are
awlul low. Lot mo clto you to n case In
point to show that they are too high by 50
per cont.
From Canton , O. , to East Burlington , 111. ,
is 505 miles. Saddlery hardware Is third-
class for that haul as the olllclal classifica
tion governs from eastern points to tbo Mis
sissippi rlvor. ThU proportionate through
rates on shipments to points woit of rlvor
points for thlrd-classj from Canton , O. , to
East Burlington is .US " cents per 100 pounds.
If the shipment Is io"r Ottumwu , la. , twonty-
11 vo miles west of 'Burlington , saddlpry
goods arn changed to second-class , ns west
ern classification \vlll then govern , and the
local Iowa rate for , that distance and class Is
28 cents. So wo sea the through haul from
Canton , O. . to Ottumwa , la. , Is 5 ( ! cents ,
half of which is for o haul across Ohio , In
diana and Illinois WJA miles and iho other
half for soventy-flvo ihllos in Iowa. Suppose
those goods nro shipped to ICearnoy , Nob. ;
what will bo the elements of charges for thu
haul I It will bo the sum of the through rate
to Burlington , local across Iowa ara the local
In NebrasKa to terminal point. That Is 28
cents , 40 couts and 015 co'nts for Ohio , In
diana and Illinois , 5M mites ; 1100 in Iowa nnd
the 200 miles In Nebraska , or a total or $1.24
for 1OG5 miles. . Suppose a man shipped
10,000 pounds , tho'freight would bo $124.
Now suppose the ton nor mile rnto from
Canton to the Mississippi nvor'was mndo on
the whole distance ( and as tbo sum of locals
make iho basis for through rates it is the
duty of state officials to make locals low
enough to bring through rates ) , then the
local across Iowa should bo 15 cents , and to
Kearney from Council Bluffs 10 cents , or a
total of"53 cents per 100 pounds or $53 for the
10,000 pounds shipment. Thus wo see tbo
Nebraska dealer submits to an overcharge of
$71 on this shipment , and Instead of paying
$ : i ho has to give up S124 , and the governor
talks about n 10 per cent reduction.
Suppose n car of lumber Is shipped from
Rock Island , 111. , to Kearney. The 320 mile
haul across Iowa is fas.22. if it weigh 3"OaO
pounds , and from Council Bluffs to Kcarnoy
it Is $54.25 , making n total of S93.47 for Iho
500 mile haul. If Nebraska rains wore the
same as Iowa rates , $25.48 would bo the bill
from Council Bluffs to Kearney Instead of
51.25. This Is $28.77 of un overcharge because -
cause our railroads hnvo bought up state
olllclals. If lumber rates wcro cut 50 per
cent nn overcharge would still exist on all
shipments made inland ever 200 tnilos.
If a Kearney merchant buys 1,000
pounds of hats and caps In Omaha ,
hU freight bill wlU bo f : ( . If nn Iowa man
buys tbo saino goods thosamo distance from
the market his bill is $4. If a shoo dealer at
Kearney buys 2,000 pounds of boots und
shoes In Omaha his frieght will bo § 12. In
Iowa it is JU for the same work. If iho shoo
dealer lives in McCook , the homo of one of
our state board , the rates on 2OOJ pounds of
shoos would bo $15. Tbo bumo shipment
and sumo distance in Iowa would bo $10.83.
If a hardware dealer In North Plutto buys n
bill of goods of any ono of the several good
bouses In Omaha say it Is 5,000 pounds -It
will call for a freight bill of $35.50. Tbo
snmo shipment and same distance In Iowa
would bo $10.51.
Instances could bo cited through the whole
list of goods shipped , but thu above Is a fair
sample. There is nn average ovorcharcn of
$17 on every car of corn that gous east from
the Missouri river. And Friday Johnson nt
al say , because of through rates wo should
lot local rates alone. Every pound of mer
chandise In Nebraska , oxccptingtbatHhlppcd
to Lincoln , Is based on local rates. Nobrnska
has no through merchandise rates , and our
povornor suggests a 10 to 20 per cunt roduo
Call your extra session , gov'crnor , and the
next regular session will bo able to pass laws
of rates low enough. You hnvo saved the
railroads $0,000,000 to f8,000,000 so far , nnd
you can now save the state a llko amount by
doing your duty. A. J. GUSTI.V.
Ho Jtufutcs Charges Mndo Inierentliilly l > y
un OviirieiiloiiH Klulcur ,
OMAHA , Fob. the Editor of Tun
BIK : : I have nee In business us an archi
tect in this city fort , lx yours. I wns the
flrst tenant to tuovalnto the Merchants Na
tional bank buildlnfr > and I am there yet , I
havn throe chlldronjKvtilch.wcro born to mo
In Omaha , two of tji m m our own homo , I
bold deeds to a bousojaud lot at 1558 North
Eighteenth street , to n house and lot ntUSIO
Orchard xtroet , anVl t'o a houio nnd lot at
4010 iMayno street.Orchard Hill , The two
last named bou ( ft 1 built myself. Yet n
member of the Jr'ith ( Ward club bavs
I have no right" fo make plum for
school houses nmLli > iiMftcrlzod mo as u
man who might puiJfiilb ; ; ; rlp und go any
time. Next vear jiiv , oldojt boy will go to
Omaha's ptiullusnrtools In Miiloof thnattack ,
nnd In thu moantlriia I will claim all the
right ! and privile osH unvo enjoyed so far.
As long as four yours ago I made tin plans
and superintended''tho T-viMity-olchth und
Webster street sr-hool bouse. For tbreu
years past I have done all of South Omaha's
school house work , supervising iho expand- !
turn of tfll.OOO , 1 now hold a rojoliulon of
undorsoment nnd recommendation passed by
the South Omuhu school bourJ.
In the- Lily halt competition 1 was uwardotj
second priza of $700. Last yojr I had undur
construction , utiiong others , thu two most ax-
pensive builillnirs of the season with Iho ux-
coptlon of the Kat'buuli lilocu , being the resi
dence of J. 11. Kitchen and tno UoMon toru ,
und out of the thlrtv urcbltccis in town oul >
two or threoean claim to do a lar/ur bu > l-
ne.s than inysi'ir ,
As far us worldlv DOiNWiim * unu onren.oi.
I nm a pour man , but I objj a to I > . > IHK' nu.ilu
out a irainii liolnnUK'.Ou ' ) | .uspli > or uoio
uho iln IHU kiin.v in- . As in m. fnoi.d.s ,
Ibav du know mmi'Mi | 11 uln li 'heir jud--
tin-HiIH 10 iiivrfrlf un t i'i < v < ni > li ) ui n
mo by u nui'iilivr ' of ihu Fill i Ui.rJ < lub.
Yours truly , .In . ,
Dr. niriioy.noboiuU tiifoau U.c.c bM < j
'Famous" ' Hannagen Startles the Jailor by
Hanging Himself in His Ooll.
lie AiUtneit Ills lVllu\r rrlsnitcM Notnr to
Drink und Then .lumped Oil-Some of
Ills Torinor Kie
City Notes.
T. J. llannajon , who Is better known
about town us "The Famous , " attempted to
cotuiultt suicide by hanging In his cell nt
tho'ilty jail early yesterday morning. Ho
was discovered hanging from the top ot the
cage by another prison or , who called In ttio
nllcr just in tlmo to save his life.
Hannau'un bus nlwavs been u hard drinker
nnd Is sometimes temporarily Insane from thu
effects of liquor. It Is supposed that ho was
iu this cundmon when hu attempted to end
his llfo.
Ho wns arrested nbout midnight Satur
day for ( JlMuruine the police. As ho was
locked up ho salt ) , "Hoy's , goodbyonud don't '
Jrlnlt. 1 was onoo n man but am ono no
longer. I have got to llvo 12,000 years in
boll. " No attention was paid to his ravings ,
ns ho wns often that way when intoxicated.
About 9 o'clock another prisoner hc.ud a
choking sound in llaimagcn's cell nnd cnllod
the jailer. Hnunagcn had lorn up his
llnnucl shirt nnd tied the strips together to
make n rone. Ho luid evidently stood on
the bench whllo ho attached ono end of the
rope to the top of the cagu and tbo other to
his neck and tnon jumped off.
Ho wna cut down and In iho course of nn
hour appeared none thu worse for his oxpoil-
Hanungon Is the man who occasioned n
commotion in thu police court room two years
ago. Judge King was trying a case and the
room was full ot spectators , rinunagcn
burst into thu room jumped ever the railing
and sent out his right list in
n search for Judcu King's jaw. His honor
ducked sclontillcally nnd thu blow went over
him ni'.d landed under the car of Councilman
Pat Rowley , who was standing behind him.
It took the whole availablu pollcu force
about ten minutes to get tbo crazy inobrlato
into a cell ,
itL'it'Uixti ruvnit INFECTIOUS.
Many I'Irmn uud I'rlvntu Cltlons"1'ollovv
thu H\g \ Corporations' I.ciul.
The corporations that control the loading
industries of the Maglo City uro not alone In
their plans for Improvements during the
coming season. Private individuals have
acquired conlldonco from the oxumplo of the
stock yards company and packers , and
plans nro already being drawn for n number
of now business blocks and handsome resi
The vacant lot on Twenty-fourth street bo-
twoun the new loggers & Bock building und
the Stockman block will bo occupied by an
elegant throe-story brick building. Charles
Braudols , who has already erected ouo hand
some business building on Twenty-fourth
street , will bo the ostensible owner. Charles
Singer , the N Htreot dry goods merchant , U
anothnr who has conlldnnco enough in thu
future of South Omaha to erect a business
building. His block will bo erected on his
property nt Twenty-fourth and N streets ,
and will bo ono of the lluost In tba city.
The unsightly wooden buildings on the
northeast corner of Twenty-sixth and N
streets will uKo glvo place to a largo business
block. Frauk i'lvonKa , tbo owner of the
property , will boulu the erection of a hand
some three story brick structure early In the
spring. The now building will bavo a
frontage of 105 foot on N street , mid will boone
ono of the largest single buildings in the
city. Tbo plans for all of these buildings
are alroadv in course of preparation and
work will probably bo bugun as soon us tbo
frost is out of tbo ground.
It Is yet too early in tbo season to form an
accurate Idea of the number of now resi
dences that will bo built this year , but there
uro a number in prospect that will add
greatly to the appearance of the residence
districts of the city. The plans are already
drawn for ono which will bo erected at
Twenty-third nnd B streets by James Hnlo ,
superintendent ot the hog department of the
Cuduhy Packing company. The estimated
cost Is upwards of $5,000 , and it will bo ono
of the most handsomely furnished private
residences in the city. The demand for n
better class of houses for rent is Increasing ,
and several local capitalists are considering
the question of building n number of houses
for rent of a moro expensive and ornamental
pattern than those now In uso.
IIU Child's TC.II-H ir.ele.mcil Him ,
Daniel Kelly is n widower who lives with
his three small children in n cheerless
shanty at Twenty-second and O streets.
Ills wife died two years ago , nnd since then
the children are loft with no one to care for
them while Kelly is oft on bis semi-occasional
sprees. Ho was arrested whllo beastly
drunk Saturday night , and yesterday a naif
starved and shivering child not moro than 8
years old appeared ac tbo pollco station and
tearfully inquired what had becomeof
"papa. "
'Sho said it wns cold at home , and tboy had
been alone all night. Her toira proved
moro effectual than anything else could have
been , nnd Kelly v/us given bis liberty on his
premise to go homo nnd take care of his
children aud appear before Judge King this
Notes About IliuUlty. *
Lewis Williams Is con lined to his room by
J. P. Collins of PlatUmouth xvas in tbo
city yostorduy.
Miss Delta Homan of Beatrice is thu
gu3t of friends in town ,
E , O. Mayflold is convalescing after a
severe attack of thu grip.
T. J. Johnson loft yesterday for a two
week's visit with friends in Iowa.
Tbo masquerade ball at Wordcman's hall
Saturday night was well attended.
Tbo city council will hnvo a lively meeting
tonight. There arn a number of important
matters to bo acted on.
Tbo ladles of the Episcopal church will
glva tbo last of their series of socials at thu
resldonco of J. P. Evors Tuesday evening.
James O'Mara ' , .superintendent of the spice
mills of Muskoton , la. , Is spending n few
days with J , P. Maloney und Moso Hod-
mend ,
The Board of Traan will hold n special
mcotlnir Tuesday nlpht nt Captain Cookroll's
oflico. The city hospital and the location of
n branch of the Omaha Barb Fence and Nail
company nro the most important aubjocts to
bu considered ,
Houry Horry was arrested by Ofllcor
HUinpal yesterday afternoon for Intoxica
tion. Kerry broke away from the olllccr nnd
started to run , but a bullet from HumpalM
revolver whistled In dangerous proximity to
bis car nnd ho concluded to stop.
Rov. Robert L. Wheeler preached a rather
sensational sermon nt the First Presbyterian
The place that Dr. Price's
Delicious Flavoring Kxtracts
have won in the public esti
mation , sustain u * in the as
sertion that for standard
excellence , they have no
equal , livery hotibewifc who
has used Dr. Trice's Flavor
ings , Vanilla , Lemon , Orange ,
Nectarine , etc. , will endorse
the above statement. In
us'nij them you have purity ,
uniformity , strength and finr
church yesterday tnornlnp. Hovailod knco
deep Into politics nnd covered ovor.vlhliiff
from the Chilian muss to the Issues involved
In the cmntnu city election. His blowj-wcro
donlt unsparingly nnd with nn earnestness
thnt showed Unit ho foil ns bo tamed.
tji ( trlppo Stirrrsfttiilly Trout oil.
"I have Just recovered from a second
nttnclt of the grip this year , " snys Mr. .lames
O. .Tout's , publisher of the Loader , Moxla ,
Tex. " I used Utinmlwr-
Iain's nnd 1 think with
Cough Remedy , con
siderable success , only being In bed n little
over two days nijatnst ten duyn for the llrst
attack. The .second nttnci ; I urn satisfied
\vouldhnvobeenoqiiallyasbad ns the llrst
but for the use ot this romcdy , as 1 bad to go
to bed in nbout six hours after being 'struck'
with It , whllo In the llrst case 1 wns ubloo
attend to business nbout two days before
cutting 'down.1" 50 cent bottles for aalo by
Dr. Ulrnoy euros o.xturrh. OKI : bldjr
y I'.Mtliifr ll | > ? mcil with , but Itn-
IlKlons DlllRpncn liiijnliu'il.
JJtshop Scanned has issued the following :
OMVIM , Jnn.'J ) , lb'JJ.-Our holy father , tbo
pope , b.r n dccroo dated January II , ISitt ,
empowers nil ordinaries In plncos In which
the dUoaso called tnlluonz.i prevails , to dis
pense the faithful utidor their jurisdiction
from the laws of fasting and abstinence. Hy
vlrtuo of this decree wo hereby illsponsn the
fmthful of tbo diocese of Otnalui from tbo
obligation of fasting nnd nbstluonco during
the approaching Lent , Hut , in compliance
with the wish of the holy father , wo exhort
thu faithful to make compensation for this
great privilege by bomg moro dlllcont In
prayer , by nsslstlng moio nsslduously nt the
public sorvlcos of the church , by floods ol
charltv , nnd by the prnctlco of voluntary
inortlllrntton , especially bv voluntary abstl-
nonce from tbo use of llosh meat on Fridays.
Permission Is hereby jjivon to bnvo the ex
position of the blessed sacrament thtoo times
a week , exclusive of tiumtnys. Durlnfj iho
oxposttlon the lltnny of the blessed virgin Is
to bo sung , if possible , nnd benediction given ,
provided nlways that the rubrics are ob
Hy vlrtuo of the faculty granted by the
holy father ( January BO. ISSli ) , wo dispense
our diocesans from the laws of abstinence
on all Saturdays throughout tbo year except
vigils nnd ember days until the commence
ment of next lout.
The time of performing the castor duty
of confession unit holy communion com-
moncss on the llrst Sunday of lent and ends
on Trinity Sunday.
The diocesans collection will bo taken up
as follows :
First Per the propagation of the faith
( Ind. and Nog. ) , on the llrst Sunday of Lont.
Second For the holy hind ou Good Friday
( ordered by papal brief dated December ti. ! (
Third For our holy father the pope , on
the Sunday within tbo octavo of the Feast of
SS. Peter nnd Paul.
Ulshop of Omaha.
Neuralgia Curuil In I'lftorn .Ulmttcs.
Mr. J. S. Sturtovnnt , editor of the Wmipaca
( W1O Post , snys : "Last nightChamoorlaln's
J'aln Halm cured my wlfo of neuralgia of tbo
face nnd tooth In 11 ftoon minutes.Vo would
not bo without it , " uU cent bottles for sale
by druggists.
Drun Icnimcss ,
A disonso , treated as such und pormn-
nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary. Homo treatment , lltinnleas and
ofl'octual. Kufor by permission to Bur
lington Ilawltoyo. Send 2c stump for
pamphlet. Shokoquou Chomiual Co. ,
Burlington , In.
" 130 Unfortunates IIolil Cnptlvo Iu
tie IMluco nt 1'oUln. "
The " Pnlaco of Eartli'u Hcposo " Is Tvhcro
the Empress of China holds ucr court and
rules over the Imperial harem , whoso only
glimp&o of the outside uorld fa what they
can SPO in the imperial flou ur-parden. The
present young emperor , in addition to his
eoven lawf ul concubines , hns already no less
than ono hundred aud thirty others In his
' ' article in the Illustrated
liarom. II. O'Shoa's ,
trated American. ! 3uch is the llfo of the
most highly favored of Chlneso women-
prisoners within the palace walls they eke
out an existence In real blavcry. American
women know no slavery but tunt whlrh do-
Iiondj on themselves. Sometimes they uro
overworked. " run-down , " wcnk mid ailing
then is the tnno to turn to the right medicine.
Tbo ono who takes Dr. Pierco's L'avorito
Prescription emancipates herself from her
weakness nnd Ixicomos n btrongcr end n hap
pier woman moro than that a hcdtby : ono.
For all the weaknesses and nllmcnta peculiar
to womanhood , " Favorite Prescription " is a
positive remedy. And because IVs a certain
remedy , it's made a yuaranlccd ono. If it
fails to benefit or euro , in any case , you get
your money back. Can you ask moro 1
Take bromide or notneh , ono ounce ; extract ol
lions , two drachms ; water , eight ounces ; mix.
Take a table .spoonful half an hour bctorc cat-
Inu last meal and at bed time.
Tbo above valuable recipe Is taken from the
Illustrated new book of 1120 pases , which
will send to any address for ! cpnts In stamps.
It Is full of valuable Information for the sick
and the wellnnd Is a most rellabln work , having
bci'ii prepared and published by the most noted
nnd burcessful Specialists In America the
famous aud popular
Whoso successful euro of more case.i of
Nervous , Chronic
Private Diseases
than any other physicians In the United States ,
ilves ; them a iirentlcu jioshexsed by lions of their
professional ( . onteinjiurarles.
In the treatment of
Kings of Specialists
are not to bu round In all the length and bro dtb
of the l.'iim. They have plenty ot imitators but
DP equals.
Consultation free.
Call upon or address with stamp ,
- SLJ v L LJAj \ AJ * v L tU
14th St. , N. K Corner Hth
Omaha , Neb.
Many People Hnvo It nnd Do Not Knowlt
How to Kocognlzo the Symptoms nnd Hovr |
to TroatThom.
Hundreds of people hnvo the Grippe who do
not know It. Not ripcc sirlly tbo final singes ,
but the first Rtnscs. They fool pains in the
head , nnd a bad tnsto In the mouth , got tlrotl
nnd despondent , have chilly sons.nlIons limbs
unit muscles ache. In sotno cnves thrso things
are overlooked. In HUM 'enscs perhaps they
nro considered simply n slight cold. In nearly
ovcry case they Indicate the coming ottlrlupo.
There Is but ono llilnu to do when thoio I
symptoms appear , nnd that Is to take promp
and vigorous ino.isurcH , to fortify nnturn to I
repel the enemy. A lltllo well directed effort |
at Just the right tlmo will accomplish very
much moro than labored efforts afterwards ,
There ls but onu thin ? to lo ( lone , nnd thnt U I
to use n IMIm stimulant , something tliat will |
promptly arrest and In no way Injure , soino-
thing endorsed by scientists recommended by I
physicians , nnd populai because s tMllclent- ,
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Two years RO ,
nnd Instyoir wht'ii thotJrlppo was rnglnthU
was thn Rtnmlnrd romcdy used , nnil rocom-
momlod by the profession. It did moro to
pruvciittbo Drlppc thin all other known or
roeoHimonilod rommllos. It preserved ninny
people In bomb whii would otherwise havn
lunn urlovously slek , porh.ips uvon worsti. It
ls us olllclont to.liiy as over. It rhoiiltl bo
borne In iiiluil tliat other so cnllod whiskies
mnv imt ho 10 nlllulont , nnd If any doiilor ns-
M-rts that Mich whiskies urotlio H.UIIC , distrust
him nt onoe. There Is lint one medicinal
whiskey , and th'it ' Is DnlTy's 1'iuo Mult ,
An Ideal Ccmploxlcri Soap.
Forsnlobynlinrnirniiil KnnyOooi ! l > onioraorlf
unntilo to procure thin Wnmlurf il Noun Rl-mt 9ti
crutN In ntnnips nnil rccclro n cnko by return until.
JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. ]
MPECTAT-Blnn.lnn . Hi > lln Walls ( tlio i.npulnt
Poclnt ? Wnt ! : ) pnt KUKK to iinvono scuUluK u
Ihreo wrappers of Shnndon Hells Bonp.
Mr. Yale
Invented the famous "YALE" Lock.
A thousand other men have tiicd to
equal it , and failed. Others imitate it ,
but all they have produced is a similar
key , and the key has fooled many a
man. The only genuine''YALC"'Locks ,
are made by TllK YAI.E & TOWNIS
the word h YALE" in
some form on lock
and key. You can't afford anything
but a genuine " YALK " when you want
a lock. Sold wherever locks sell.
This Instrument Is use I by the fortune teller I
now ut the I'nlhimn House. It was mitten up I
expressly for tills peculiarly gifted pursuit. Inl
addition to th s a nmnle minor will I u Miownl
in which you can see "your fill nro hiisl/iind , !
wife , cnu'iilos or frlunits , ( Its free ) , l.etteiil
contulnlir. $1 will r uulvc prompt attentionI
Caller jtrantcd : i prhato Interview. I
N. 11. DuvoloiiliiR , Instruotlnj and furnish-1
n ; outllls to those who wish to bueornn loai'h-1
ersln UiNOi-uult Scli'uuu : th it they may buno- |
IK themselves nnd otheis iho wisdom of the |
age , a le.idlns feature ot my work.
P. S. Komomber the place ,
Private parlors B mid II at bund of stairsI
( loft ) cut thlsout us It will not appear again. )
Ladles only.
Max Meyer Sz Bro. Co. ,
Follil Colil Piiutnclu or I'rn ( Jlusm-s from ( I up.
Him BU'i'l Bpuctnolos or II ) n ( iluiaos from $1 up.
Ki > . Tr.tuil ITOC bj-HIilllcJ ( ) | ) tlclaiu.
-OCUI.lST.S IMlKhUltll'I'lONi ) KII.UK1)
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee !
& St. Paul R'y , as represenled |
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
! 'Q New A WKKK
0 Theater , OK
btivunieonth and llarnuy btrcuts.
Thu Wo ; Id Itonownnd
Grand Kalry Spectacular
Box slieoU open Huturday niornlriK ui roitulai
FARNAMlT , THEATRE 11 > 01 > 1V. ' ,
OnuVook Couimcnrlnu .Similar Mnttnej t'oli , K.
roi'utlnir two lilK production * riunilif ilullno *
mill Night , Muiiilar , Tuomlur Wedmudur Mail.
nee unil Nlnht.
Tliurnlir , I'rlilur Halurduy Mullni'o and Nlghl.
mbfsN MUBl'fbi.
The Rooster Orchestra
10c Admits to All tOo