Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Mothers recommend Spanish Court
Face Powilor to tholr daughters. Solil
The tompornturo as roportetl by the
locnl signal service oil.was no follows :
At 7 a. m. , 30 ° ; nt 10 n. in. , 41 ° , nnd nt
1 p. m. , ' 15 ° .
Sheriff Bovil went to Lincoln yester
day Inking with him Stove Slmms , who
was convicted of forgery and sentenced
to ono year In the penitentiary.
Snckott & Lnwlor , proprietors of the
Kdon Musco , have nbout concluded ar
rangements for leasing the old Exposi
tion building from A. .1. Popploton for n
term of years. Should the deal bo con
summated , the Grand will bo run as n
first class , cheap place of amusement.
11. S. McAllister , who has boon agent
of the American refrigerator transit
company at Omaha for the past year and
a half , will bo appointed division freight
ngont of the company nt Denver , with
luribdletlon over Colorado , Utah nnd
\Yrti4 < tnn 1 I ti na 4 1m n ttt\nt n t ltir M f in t n\tf\ \
effect May 1. Agent Mcliwlng , at Kan
sas City , will look after the Omaha ollleo
In addition to his duties at Kansas City.
Fora few dayscommencing tomorrow ,
wo offer Bomo rare bargains , of which a
few are ns follows : Gents' shirts , made
of flannel , tonnls , jorsoysateen. Madras
cloth , worth up to $1.25. your cliolco for
fiOc ( you can see them In our window ) ;
our l)0c ) fur stilt hat IH told by hat stores
for JiiOC ; the biggest snap over offered
by us or any other house Is nn all-wool
black ehovlot suit , saulc or frock , for
$ .5.75 ; a dandy worsted suit wo will soil
you for $7.50 ; the next bargain Is our
810.00 cnHsImoro suit ; In pants wo can
allow the finest line In the city ; prices
range from $1.50 to $0.50 ; wo will save
you big iiionoj. The spring overcoats
which wo olTor during this sale for $0.50
nro sold by ether dcalora for $112.00. Wo
carry the lineal line of Prlnco Albert
Biiits In this city , and our prices bring
them within the roach of everybody.
Also bear In mind that wo are head
quarters for overalls and jeans pants ;
wo carry the largest assortment in the
city ; overalls In extra long or extra big
nbes without extra charge. All wo ask
is a call , Wo don't consider it any
trouble to show you goods whether you
buy or not. People's Clothing House ,
1303 Douglas street. /
In IH5O "Brown's Bronchial Troches"
wcrointioduccd , nnd tholr success ns a euro
for colds , coughs , asthma , nnd bronchitis has
been unparalleled.
C.S.Raymondjewolorrotnovod to tem
porary locationN. E. cor. Douglas & 10th
Awards for Ginln btinply Noncom-
mlsHloned OIllcorH I'riunotod.
Contracts for supplying grain and hay for
Fort Nlobrara were awarded to the
followlnc parties : Oats , 75,000 pounds ut
11.07 per hundred pounds , Ansel Fletcher of
Rushvilto ; corn , IfiO.OOO pounds nt $ MO per
hundred , BraasUt Roes , Norfolk ; hay , 175- ,
000 nt $11 per ton , J. M. Cook , Bassott , Nob.
The four non-commissioned officers wno
hnvo been before the examining board for a
week were Informed today that they had nil
passed and would bo recommended for pro
motion. The young men will leave for their
respective posts today with light hearts.
Therolis i < o ono who professes to know who
will succeed Captain Ray as judge advocate of
the department of the Plattc. The appoint
ment will probably bo mndo soon nfter Sec
retary Proctor reaches Washington.
Captain Ray has boon judge " ndvocato for
this department , for four years and must ac
cording to army regulations bo given another
detail or return to his regiment the Eighth
infantry. He has been absent from
his regiment about ten years , having
been detailed to a position in the signal corns
nt Washington for two yours , in Alaska for
two years , in Europa attending the Vienna
exposition a year , In Texas n year , and four
years In Omaha. Ho prefers now to join his
regiment and have n taste of Ufa in the field.
Leading doctors throughout the country
nro recommending Hnller's Sarsnparilln and
liurdock , us n blood purifier nnd to build up
the system.
Starting Public Improvements.
Hugh Murphy , who has the contract for
curbing Twentieth street from Izard to Lake ,
commenced setting curb yesterday.
The contract for paving the street with
Galcsburg brisk was let season , but
owing to the fact that the water and gas con
nections had not been made , work was sus
pended and the matciial taken toother pav
ing districts. The .struct Is In the same con
dition as last fall , and the city engineer Is in
doubt as to bother or not the work will bo
completed this season.
The chuirmun of the board of puplio works
yesterday issued orders Instructing contract
ors to at once bogla work upon nil contracts
awarded this spring. In pursuance of these
instructions , today J. W. Ettlnger will
begin grading North Thirteenth street from
Grace street to the north line of Paddock
iilaco. Toinpleton & Morrow will begin grad
ing Twenty-seventh street from Leaven-
worth to Mason street , und Ilumann & Mc
Donald will begin the construction of the
newer In districts 131 nnd 13-J.
Every tissue of the bodyevery ( bone , muscle
nnd organ , Is made stronger and more health
ful by ttio use of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Nut In Demand.
The old buildings formerly used at the
poor farm nro not good sellers. .
Some tlmo ngo the commissioners adver
tised that at y o'cloclc yesterday nftcrnoon
they would offer these frame structures nt
public auction to the highest bidder for cash.
The advertisement cost some $ , )0 ) , but it failed
to have any reaching qualities , nnd yesterday
when the commls loncrs visited tno grounds ,
instead of finding n clamoring crowd there
was but ono man present.
The sale was Indefinitely postponed and
most of the buildings will bo torn down nnd
baulcd over to the now poor house , where
they will bo converted into kindling wood.
Hall's Hair Ronowor enjoys n world-wido
reputation forrestoring the hair to bald heads
nnd changing gray hair to the original color
of youth.
Newman Seriously 1)1. )
Bishop Newman was called to Now York
yesterday by a telegram announcing the serl-
illness of Mi's. Newman ,
Before buying that typewriter , why not
look at the bust ( the Callgraph ) I
.4 .V.I O V.VXMXXTH. .
Hallen and Hart will present "Later On"
nt Boyd's Monday evening. There Is slmpiy
n string of plot in it to bring on this match
less pair in tholr songs und dances , reinforced
ns they are by a largo troupe of pretty girls
and good comedians , bright as they nml > o 'em
In thojr various siMjclnltlos. There is more
Biuip and po on In this performance than an
average half dozen of Its kind can boast.
Nonsense pure nonsense but In the hands
of these capable people such bright , breezy
tailing nonsense that you never tire ot it ,
nnd arc not aware that three hours of sweet
singing , splendid dancing and irresistible
fun-inaldiig have slipped by. There Is a
heavy advance snlo and the prospect Is thai
the houbo will bo crowded , as It deserves to
bo. Tie | engagement Is for ono night only.
The fcmnlo minstrel and big burlesque com-
liany will play at tha Grand Sunday , matlnoo
nnd night. The box sheet will bo opened
this morning.
The Pnytoii comedy company will close a
successful week's engagement at the Grand
today , with n matlnco at 2:30 : o'clock , at
which a children's bill will bo presented , nnd
nil school children will bo admitted for 10
cents to any scat in the house , except box
scats ; adults , SO nnd ! ! 0 tents for reserved
seats. TbU evening the closing performance
will bo given , and the bill will bo "Tho
Hidden Hand. "
No gripinp , no imuse.v , no pain wbon De
Witt's Little Early Risers are taken. Small
pllL Safe pill , lic
Several of Them Got Together for Extended
Consultations on Work.
Ucmnvnl of Ono Or.nlc Proiioietl
rlntoiidcut Woolcy's Case
Mount & GrllllnVs Hill Din-
ensued and Passed Upon.
Tno board of education commltttocs got
In considerable work yesterday afternoon at
the Board rooms.
The Wooloy Investigation committee mot ,
and looked over the bills for the construction
of Davenport school. Mr. Wooloy was pres
ent and answered n few questions. The com-
tnlttco Is now ready to proceed with the in-
The committee appointed to Investigate the
condition of the Cass schools mot and talked
couple of hours. There were various
opinions ns to the host method
of relieving the over crowded condition of
the Central school and consolidating the Cass
school so hs to avoid employment of addi
tional teachers In the two schools.
Superintendent Jnmcs was decidedly In
favor of srndlni ; the seventh grade now In
thu Contnl school to the Cass school whcro
there Is room to spare.
Mr. Dubcock was very much opposed to
this plan or any plun that contemplated dis
persing the students of tholowcrKradoi fio.n
thu Central or High school. The committee
will probably meet again before reporting a
definite plan for the relict of the Central
The committee on heat nnd ventilation mot
to Investigate the coal bill for last month
presented by Mount & Urinin , concerning
which there has been seine dispute ns to the
quality of coal delivered. The board has
also charged Mount & Urinin with a Dill of
$21.50 'or repairs upon the steam heating
pipes at the Center ichool , nnd that matter
was discussed.
Air. Cllflord , Janitor of the Center school ,
was present and stated that during the month
of January one of Mount & Urlflln's coal
haulers went to the Center school with a load
of tonl while lie ( Cllirord ) wns away , pro
ceeded to break in the doors of the cellar and
( lumped In the load of coal. Ho then drove
away , leaving the doors open , and when Clif
ford reached the building at 0 p. m. ho found
the steam pines all frozen up and several of
them had burst. Ho expended f-Jl.50 in rc-
puliingthc damaged pipes.
Mr. Oriflln wns present and protested
nguinst paying the bill. Ho said that ho
could have had thu damaged pipes repaired
for $2.iO. ! There was ono Item of SJ.25 on the
bill for u g.illon of whisky. Mr. Griffin siild
no was of the opinion that the whisky
was used to thaw out pipes very different
from those through which the Center school
received its heat.
The bill wns gone over nnd the com-
mltt"o was convinced that while Mount &
Oriflln had in several Instances furnished a
different ( | Uallty of c6hl from that specified
in the contract with the board , yet they had
in nearly every Instance supplied n better
grade of coal than the contracts specified.
The committee will report In favor of mak
ing Mount & . Oriflln pay for the damaged
Tuo committee on buildings nnd property
held n long session in which the plans and
specifications for the Kcllom school were
thoroughly discussed In the presence of the
architects. Several changes wore suggested
and agreed upon.
What a debt of gratitude the world owes
to sucli men as Drs. Ayer and Jenner the
latter for the great discovery of vaccination ,
and the former for his Extract of SarsaparIlla -
Illa the bast of blood purifiers ! Wno can
estimate how much these discoveries have
benefited the race I
- I'ljtGIlT.
lie Is in Imminent Danger and
Charges it to Ills Wife.
The trial of the case of the stnto npalnst
Dell Perkins was commenced before Judge
Kstcllo yesterday nftcrnoon. Perkins is
charged with assault with Intent to kill and
murder , his wife , Llbblo t'erklns , being the
prosecuting witness.
The testimony Introduced bv the state
slums that early last year Perkins nnd his
wife separated , she going to live with her
father at Twenty-fourth and lilomlo streets.
On November 11 , while under the Influence
of liquor , Perkins visited the house and re
quested his wife to go out and buy a bucket
of beer. This she refused to do , when ho
drew a revolver nnd pointing It at his wlfo
said :
"I michtns well end this now as nny time. "
Warren Hlloy , who was present , grahhod
the revolver , knocked Perkins down and held
him until the arrival of the police , after
which ho was taken to jail.
The defense shows that years ago , when
Perkins wns working on the railroad , ho lost
his right lop , for which ho was paid the sum
ofllK ( ) . Ho was sick for some time and
expected to die. While In this condition ho
was married , soon after which his wlfo con
spired with Warren Hlloy to got possession
of his money.
Perkins , the defendant , claims that the
Grosccutlon Is a put-up job , and is instigated
y Ililey , who wants to marry Libbio Per
kins , the nrosocutlntr witness. Ho denies the
attempt to murucr and says tnat at the time
the revolver wns not londed.
Court Notes.
Judge Hopowcll loft the gcnernl trial
docket and Is '
hearing equity cases tn'tho
court room In TUB Br.i : bullulng.
The case of the state against I'at Ford , jr. ,
who shot young Delaney , was called in Judge
Kstello's court yesterday morning and sot for
trial next Wednesday.
The case of Mortimer C. Sweeney against
Frank J. Kamgo Is on trial before Judge
Wakeloy. Sweeney , a discharged engineer ,
is suing to recover $ ! ! 00 from Uamgo on con
tract , The defendant sots up as n defense
that plaintiff was Incompetent and not capa
ble of running an engine.
Dr. Blrney cures catarrh. Dee bldg.
Some Information About This
_ nillonni Kstiitc.
Harry Wlglnim of Katon , N. M. , is stop
ping at the Milliard. Mr. WIgham recently
resigned the position of superintendent of
the Maxwell land grant to accept that of gen
eral land commissioner.
There Is a great deal connected with this
crent grant of land that Is of pub
lic interest. It contains I.TIS.OOO acres ,
a body of land from which
quite a respectable state could bo carved out.
ills located In the northern part of Now
Mexico nnd the southern part of Colorado.
It contains 000,000 acres of valuable coul
latins. About fifty thousand acres have al
ready boon brougnt under Irrigation , and It
Is claimed that this land is unexcelled for
farming and fruit raising.
There nro about ono hundred nnd fifty
thousand acres of timber and eight steam
saw mills arc at work cutting the logs Into
marketable lumber. Mr. U igham snvs that
quite a good many farmers are going tiiero
from the older states , and that it will not bo
ninny yours before the country will bo on-
tlrcly tilled up by n very good class of people.
Dr. Blrnov cures catarrh. Ceo
A Yoiiiijr Woman's M'tilrst Method of
Making an Inqu'ry.
A woman residing on North Twenty-ninth
street nas lost her paternal ancestor , and she
very much doslros to discover his where
abouts , but so great is her modesty that she
Is unwilling for the world at largo to know
that slio numbers a father among her earthly
possessions. Under the circumstances she hit
upon the plan of sending her next door
neighbor to the police station to report that
her father had boon missing for two days.
When asked the name of the family the mes
senger eald they didn't want it known , hut
they lived at 923 North Twcuiy ninth street ,
"My name Is Anderson , " bo naively added ,
' to you may know it's all right. "
Knfttcrn Tout-lots Who Wore Knter-
tulnt.'d In Oinnlin Yesterday.
The second of the Pennsylvania's tourist
parties reached this city at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon , coming In a special train
aver the Burlington.
Secretary Nason nnd u committee from the
board of trade mot the excursionists at Lin
coln and escorted them to Omaha. Governor
Boyd came up from Lincoln with'tho tourists
and joined the board of trmlo and citizens'
committee In showing the visitors through
the city.
Carriages were In waiting at the Union
depot nnd the tourists were taken for a drive
through the city. An Informal reception
was tendered them at the Llnlngor gallery
after which Tun Dnn and Life buildings and
other points of Interest were visited.
The visitors wore then escorted to the Pn c-
ton hotel where a picasa'it hour was spent.
The Second Infantry band furnished bright
and enlivening muslo while the visitors and
cltircns became nc < | ualnnod ,
Members of the party were enthusiastic In
their acknowledgments of the courtesies ex
tended them. So well pleased wore they that
they held an Informal meeting nt which the
Kesolved , That the members of the Penn
sylvania railroad second Ooldcn Gate tour
hereby extend to the members of the board
of trade and the citizens of Omaha their
hearty thanks for the courteous reception
nnd splendid entertainment extended to
them durldg tholr brief visit to this nourish
ing city.
W W. Lord , jr. , wns the agent In charge ,
Miss K. C. Blngham , chnporono ; Charles K.
Rosenberg , official stenographer , and Barclay
Brown , baggage master. The train was nvcs-
tlbulo supplied with electricity nnd other
comforts i hlthurto unknown to transit trains
of this character. The list of tourists wns as
follows :
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. BllllnRS , Dr. Charles
Kcech , Mr. and Mrs. S. Q. lirown , Henry W.
Knight , Mr. and Mrs. HIchnrd Hooves , Miss
Grace Knight , J. K ( Jay , Miss Mary I'eztch.
Mr. and Mrs \V. B , Wheeler , Miss Mary T.
nnd Master W , B. Wlicclor , New York city ;
John M. Burrall , Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Hlco ,
Master Archie K. Hlco , Waterbnry ,
Conn. ; John Clintnberlnln , Miss May
HaKgcnbotlmn , Miss E. B. Justice ,
Mrs. W. H. Laniard , Miss Alice
Lynch , Mr. and Mrs. Willlnm C. Lystor ,
Commander II , Do Haven , U. S. N. ; Mrs. II.
Do Haven Manlov , Mr. nnd Mrs. Pooloy ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. Moore. Miss E. C. Moore
and tnnid , Mr. and Mrs. William S. Uoyburn ,
Mrs. D. S. Stone , Miss Stone , William
Thompson , Philadelphia ; Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Githens. Mrs. C. N. Hoaglnnd , Mr. nnd Mrs.
William II. Sanford , Brooklyn ; Mr. nnd Mrs.
David Guttnan , Wheeling W. Va. ; Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Ivors , Marlboro , Mass , : Mr. and
ftlrs. C.V. . MeCutchcon. Miss M.
W. McCutcheon , Plainlleld. N. J.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. MclCinnoy , Airs. Thomas
Mcohan , Gonnantown ; Dr. Charles E. S.idt-
ler , Baltimore , Md. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Shedd , Columbus , O. ; Mr. and Mrs. B. P.
Tresslor , Allcntown , Pn. : Mrs. M. U West ,
Marlborough , Mass. ; Miss A. E. Wllkins ,
Flushing , L. I. ; Mr. and Mrs. James
Wright , Bristol , Pa. ; G. Ballard , Master
Billard , Full Ilivor ; Mrs. F. W. and Miss
Dlclfcns , John Desbcck , A. Bashclm , San
The excursionists left nt 0,0 : o'clock last
evening for Chicago over the Chicago , Min
neapolis & St. Paul.
For years the editor of the Burlington
Junction , ( Mo. ) Post , has been subject to
cramp colic or fits of indigestion , which pros
trated htm for several hours and unfitted him
for business two or throe days. For the past
year ho has been using Chaniberlaln's colic ,
cholera and dinrrhd-a remedy whenever oc
casion required , nnd it/ has Invariably given
him prompt relief. 25 and CO cent bottles for
sale by druggists.
Two Old Veterans Dorno to tlio
The funeral of the late David E. Kirabull
took place yesterday afternoon from his late
residence , ! 12l South Eighteenth street.
All the city ticket ofllces were closed from
2 until o'clock in honor of the oldest tlckot
agent in the city , and all the city tlckot
agents were In attendance at the funeral.
U. S. Grant post Grand Army of the Ro-
publlc.of which the deceased was an honored
member , was represented by a largo delega-
The remains rested In a massive metallic
casket covered with black cloth with heavy
silver trimmings. At the foot of the casket
was a largo shield of Marcchal Nell roses enclosing -
closing nn anchor of roses. Attached to this
was a card on which wns Inscribed , "To Our
Comrade , from the liallroad Ticket men. "
At the head was n beautiful pillow of roses
and lilies on which were the letters , "D. E.
K. " bearing the card of
, the Friday club , a
coterie of ladles of which Mrs. Klmball is a
member. Across the foot of the casket was
thrown the post flag of U. S. Grant post , nnd
on the breast wns pinned the revered Grand
Army badge.
The service was conducted by Rev. \ \ II-
lard Scott. After reading an appropriate
scriptural lesson Mr. Scott spokij briefly on
the awful suddenness of the blow which had
fallen on the grlof stricken family , and spoke
words of comfort t , pointing out the relief to
bo obtnlncd through prayer and communion
with Christ.
The remains were then carried to the
house , the pall bearers being K. S. Wllcox
and Dr. _ U. M. Stone of Grant post , K. It.
HUchio and D. U Sturgis of the Northwest
ern , J. W. Munn of the Elkhorn and Lyman
Sliolos of the Mlnnaannlla .t Omnlm.
The solemn cortege wended Its way to the
depot , whnro the remains were placed on
the train for Raclno , Wis. , the homo of the
aged mother of Mr. Klmball , where they will
be interred beside these of the father.
The remains were accompanied by the
widow aud daughter of the deceased and nn
escort composed of Messrs. R. U. Ritehlo , .T.
E. Preston , Burt Branch nnd Frank Prophet.
Scluiylor U'nkollold.
The funeral of Schuylor Wakofleld took
place nt 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from
the residence 112i ; ) Is orth Seventeenth street ,
and was very largely attended. A number of
members of the Grand Army of the Republic ,
of which order the deceased was a member ,
attended In a body. The remains were in
terred in Forest L.awn cemetery.
A IJrnln nntl Serve Fo , d ,
Ilor > li'l'H Acid Phosphate.
Dr. O. Worthy , Lancaster , N H. , says : "I
have used it In requiring brain nnd nerve
food as a result of overwork attended with
cxhnustion nnd loss of strength , with Im
paired digestion , with good results. "
Something Successful.
The breakfast and sociable given by the
ladies of St. Mary's avenue Congregational
church yesterday , commencing promptly at
noon , was a decided success in every respect.
There were aoout ono hundred and fifty ladles
present. Thlrty-llvo of the prominent ladies -
dies , both married nnd single , waited on
the tables und the arrangements were so
complete , the tables so elegantly furnished
nnd the repast so delicious that it might with
perfect propriety have been called a banquet.
After bieakfnst thu ladles enjoyed a socia
ble of several hours nnd were entertained ly
n prourummo of muslo nnd callsthenlu exer
cises uy the Misses Allan nnd Ketcham ,
The following nnrrlajo liojiuoi wora Is
sued by Judge Shields yesterdays
Name nnd nddrcw. Atro.
J Wlllluiu Wittiniiss , Harpy county -
1 .MutlldiiSellgintinn. ! > arpy county , , . , 'J.i
J Iiniioa I.nmnn , Council UlulTs 21
\ llorglttt .M. Horciison. Council UlulTs Bl
ItOW Off ) AltK'OVf
Persons eighty yo rs old or over , who hnvo
resided In Oman * for some tltno , are respect
fully requested to correspond with tha under-
signed. KosldcnocrshouM bo stated , Suo-
jeoU of mutual Interest will bo discussed nnd
n society of genial spirits may bo organized
Address H. , J. B. , Room COO , Ben building ,
All Estimate of What n Moo Sunday
I ) niirr Will Cost.
As if fearing thattho human race Intended
making an effort to .break . away from the ex
pensive habit of eating to which it is so uni
versally addicted , the grocers and market-
men seem bent on trotting out now vegeta
bles In advance of the season
In order to make the temptation
to eat too strong to bo resisted. They call it
"garden truck , " but it will ho observed that
In the matter of prices there Is a strong
flavoring of the hot house where the preco
cious plants were born and raised. They look
nice and taste hotter , nnd oven If ttiuy can't
take the keen odire oft the March wind that Is
n month hnhtml eoTimliitn Hmiv thnr rtlii nnil
will take the starch out of your pocketbook ,
Jnst think of it n rolnutol Cucumbers into
CO cents each. Flcruro out what the summer
sensation under your waistcoat costs you nt
that price. It's about on par with a head-
ncho when champngno Is $1.75 a bottlo.
Take splnnch nt10 , cents a peck. If
you know what n pock of spin
ach looks like after If. Is boiled ,
you will undoubtedly declare that It Is like
purchasing holes in the atmosphere at $15 n
cubic foot.
The grocers reluctantly admit that mush
rooms nro high nnd the buyer swears they
are out of sight at 40 cents a pound.
However , everybody can cat strawberries ,
nnd nil they want , too If they nro willing to
pay GO cents a quart ,
The trouble is that about two slices of
strawberry Is about all that Is necessary to
satisfy the ordinary nppotlto nt this time of
There Is no use buying Jockey Club and
and Frangipanl when Bermuda onions nro 15
cents per pound ,
Quinces nro very good nnd dirt cheap at $1
. per box , but think twice before you order
grapes ut 15 cents nplccc.
There is a largo nnd varied assortment In
the market and there need bo no trouble In
arranging Sunday menus.
These articles wilt bo luxuries but n very
short time , for the outlook is promising and
they will soon become necessities at marvelously -
ously low prices.
Kgus have dropped to 12 @l'"c. ' and good
country but'er brings U.'c. Creamery ranges
from ! ) UCZt.c : , nnd the market Is well supplied.
The prevailing prices for produce are as fol
lows :
Lettuce , 5c per head ; parsley , neper bunch ;
radishes , , uc par bunch ; top onions , Oo nor
bunch ; asparagus , lii'-rfu ' per bunch ; cauli
flower , li20o ! ( per head.
Pineapples , SOffllOc each ; oranges , 2. " > ( W7.)0
perdozjgrapo fruit , 10@lfic each ; bnnanns ,
U.'ig.'tOo per doz ; apples , 05c per pecK ; cran
berries , Ific per qt.
MHATS AND omr. .
Roast beef , ISfioloc ; roast pork , 12V < c ; roast
veal , KI@IGu ; roast mutton , 12@13ol soring
lamb per quarter , $1.'JV < 1.5'J ' ; wild Clicks.
' _ ' 0 ( . : ! , ' > c each ; chickens , IHo per Ib ; turkeys ,
ISc per Ib ; duckslio ( per Ib ; geese , 15o per Ib.
' ' 1 ho Spring ,
Of nil seasons In the year , Is the ono for mak
ing radical changes in regard to health. Dur
ing the winter , the system becomes to a cur
tain extent clogged with waste , nnd the blood
loaded with Impurities , owing to lack of ex
ercise , close confinement in poorly ventilated
shops nnd homes , and other causes. This Is
the cnuso of the dull , sluirgish , tired feeling
so general at this season , and which must bo
overcome , or the health may DO entirely
broken down. Hood's ' Snrsnpnrllla has at
tained the greatest popularity all over the
country as the favorite spring medicine. It
expels the accumulation of impurities through
the bowels , kidneys , liver , luugs and skin ,
gives to the blood the purity andjquolity nec
essary to good ho.ilih and overcomes that
tired feeling.
April AVcathcr Predictions.
If n peck of March dust la worth a
king's ransom , and April showers bring1
forth May llowors , la it not right to pre
dict that every day in every month the
limited trains of the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway will continue to
run on the short line between Omaha ,
and Chicago. The electric reading
lamp in every berth of tholr pulaco
ulcophifr cars is tholr own patent and
cannot bo used by nny ether company.
Tiukot ollleo , 1501 Ftirnam atruot ,
A Gambler's Victim Who Knew When
to Quit.
A young man whoso nppoaranco vividly
suggested early vegetables visited police
court yesterday morning and wanted u man
named Elborson arrested forthwith and sum
marily dealt with according to law.
Ho alleged that Thursday night ho was
the owner of -0 In cash and a
gold watch valued at $180. During
the hours of darkness , when wicked
men are supposed to yield themselves up to
the Innate cusscdncss'of their natures , Elbcr-
son invited him to his room nnd the invita
tion wns nwontivl. Tt. was thn snmn nld
story and snmo old sequel friendly game ,
sucker skinned nnd the dead-broko victim
calling upon the oftlcors of the law to recover
his money.
It so happened that a similar case was re
ported only a few days ago , and the gamblers
were arrested , but before the case was called
they had refunded the money nnd thu upshot
of the matter was that the case hud to bo tils-
missed because the prosecuting witness failed
to appear.
This case was still fresh in the mind of the
prosecuting attorney when the youth with
the job lot of sorrowful experience asked him
to draw up a Mr. Elbcrson.
"All right , Mr. Fish1 was the reply ,
"we'll get Mr. Elborson , but will have to
hold you for a witness. "
That was n new ono on the victim ni.d he
concluded that ho didn't want to prosecute.
For fear that the ofllcors would insist on Ills
being nn unwilling witness ho made u break
for the door , without leaving his name or ml-
dross. He didn't even cast a glance behind
him , and in all probability Is running yet.
The officers will not interfere hereafter to
recover money lost in this manner unless the
victim desires to prosecute und will guarantee
his appearance when the case is called for
"An ounce of prevention Is worth two or
tineo pounds of euro. "
Original saying slightly changed but none
the less true.
Don't wait to bo taken down with
"la grippe" butiuno Honor's Sure Cough
Cure , the most thorough prevention of this
dread disease , when taken In conjunction
with Hullor's Snraapnrillu and Burdock , that
lias ever been introduced.
Ills KUIlHK of MoMniinii nt Waterloo
Wax In Hoir-D.Tiiiise.
On motion of County Attorney Mnhonoy ,
John J. Hudo , tha man who shot and killed
Bill McMannls nt'.Watcrloo a few weeks ago ,
was released from custody yesterday nftcr
noon.Mr. . Muhonoy stated that hn was of the
opinion that , Hade wns acting In xolf-dufonso ,
und for this reason ho did not feel llko prose-
cutlng him.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard.
Spring TO-D A Yand a Week Moi e and
SHIRTS An Incomparable Sale of Shirts , SHIRTS . ,
At Matchless Prices SHIRTS" '
SHIRTS Hid So Many of 'Era. ' Tf * - .
Ihd So Many Kinds. -LA 1 fc > b (3 n. SHIRTS
SHIRTS Ihd Such Handsome SI vies. AMD
, . . . .
li t MJm On u'.ii M..I. YOU'lvLx
Such Tony Ones. SHIRTS
SHIRTS M 'Em ' So "
SHIRTS Flannelettes , , ,
35o 45c
Outing Cloths. 45c , 63c , COc. We've SHIRTS
SHIRTS Saloons. OOo to $1.25.
Stockinottos , 7Cc and $1. Got PLAIDS SHIRTS
SHIRTS Jersey Cloths , ? 1 and $1.23. STRIPES
SHIRTS Look in the Window
on the Corner. SHIRTS"
Clothing Co. SHIRTS
Summe Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.
Turkish"ea taken at night
andoccasional doses of Quinine ,
will relieve all pains in the
bones , cleanse the system and
mak you feel like a new person.
Sure cure for liver , kidney ,
and nerve affections. 250 pack
age. Sample for 2C stamp.
Turkisk Cough Cure. The
only cough cure that will re
lieve cough at once and cure
with a few doses. Take no
substitute ; will return money if
it doesn't cure the worst cough
Price SQC bottle.
Turkish Remedy Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Pealed proposals will bo received by fho
Ptatu 1'iintliiK Hoard , at the ollleo of M.'cie-
tuiy of state , ut uny llmo before Tuesday ,
April si , IS'Jl. ufi p. m. . for printing and lifnd-
Intf ' . ' ,000 copies each of the tonuto und house
joiunals und 0,000 coplo * of the session Inus of
It-til. Semite und house journals to bo printed
oil b6ol { ' paper , t\\o pounds pur ( | ill re , wuper
royul ootuvo form , small nlcn type , sl.\-to
jilu L luiiun uuinuuii lliu limiM , nilliuilt lluliuu
cssury blanks , InoKen panes or parnKiuphs.
blanks hutuoou proceedings of uncli day , und
between illlleient sessions of the snmo
day. nut to exceed four pica lines , pnues to bu
samoslzu us journals of ISs. ! , binding half
besslon laws to bo printed on two pound
book paper , small plea type , puses to bo sumo
nl/0 und form us the lu\\s of INN" ) with imir-
glnul notes nnd Index , bound In full sheep.
Proposals will nlso bo iccolvod nt thu Minio
time und plnce forpiintliiK tliosniuuino court
reports and couit calenders and lor fnrnlsh-
tiiK all blanUs , liliuil ; books and ciirnlurs. In
cluding revenue blanks required by the ofll-
eeis of the executive dup.irtincnt of the
stuto for n period of two yeais from dale of
Hamples and estimates of kinds and qunn-
tltly of supplies to bo furnished can bo seen
ut the otllee of soeietnryof stato.
Proposals must state for what price tno
bidder will fuinlsh nil books In thlt > class per
Jingo und fur all blanks nnd cliculurs per
Kudi pioposal must ha accompanied by a
bond In tliu-uiu of M.dOO with IHO or moro
surltlos conditional , thattbn bidder , will , In
eusi'of award , within IIvu days ufter notloo
enter Into contract to do thu work.
Bids 10 bo marked "I'loposals for I'ubllo
Printing , " iMirosvcrotaiy of stuto.
Galley and pugo pi oof for laws and journals
must bo furnished thu Secretary of State , and
all woi I ; to bu delivered In good order free of
cost ut thn ollleo of the Secretary of t-tutu
within ninety days fiom thn datu of contract ,
KlKht to rujeet uny or all bids rosuYu'd.
J. K. HIM * Stuto Treasurer. ) btnto
T II. llr.NTON , Auditor of P. A. , M'llntliig
JOHN O. ALI.K.V , Sucietary of State. I Hoard.
Notloo to Contractors.
lllils will bo iccplvfil by the school board of
the Independent Dlstilia of Carroll , Iowa , for
the election of two Illicit additions to thu ptu-
Bent hcliool houses.
I'lansnnd xpoclflcutlons will bo on exhibi
tion at the ollk'o nfthe inesldoiit , o. H. llooft
In Carroll , C'niroll County , Iowa , on the loth
ilav of Api 11 , IS'Jl ' , until the X'Uth ( lay of Apt 11 ,
It'.H.Hills to ho soiled bids : the board lias the
rl'ht ( to i eject uny or nil bids.
Contractors to furnish iroou nnd snfTlclent
bonds. C. II. HOHFT , Picsldont.
Xotlee to C'tinti'iiftorn.
Notice Is hereby given tliut the School
Hoaid of Dlslilct N'o. 1. la ) Mn county , Ne
braska , will ii > cet\o bids for the Inilldln ot a
school house In I.exlnston , Nebraska , us pur
plans nnd speellleiitlons on fllu with Mr. lt- { |
tLMiliou-u , Aichlti'ct , Hasting , Nebraska , or
ut ollleu of Hoiuil ut I.evlnu'ton , Nebraska.
Said plans can bo Keen after API II 13 , and lilds
will bu received up to 10 o'clock- . ill. Wi'dm'H-
duy , Apill ' * - . IK ) ! , Tlio Houul icsenes the
rluht to rujeet any or nil bids.
Hy older of School Hoaid.
alMUm i : . M. T. LnKUNn , Director.
Transportation l > omiliiu | > nt of thu Inte
rior , Ollleu of Indian AtlulM , Wiishlnclon
April 4. IHH. ,
healed proposals , Indorsed "Pro
posals for lleef , ( bids for beuf must bo submit
ted In sepaiutu en\olopes ) , b icon. Hour , clotli-
lii ) ? , ortiaiispoitiillon ' "
, i'te , < ns tlio ease mny
bin and dlieeted to tlioConiiulssloiierof Indian
Atlulrs , Nos i" ) and ( \Vooster stii-ut , Now
J 01 K , will bureeuhed until I p. in. of Tuesday ,
MuvT ) , IMI ) , forfiiriilshlntt for thu Indian
% ieo ubniit ( WMXIJ pounds bacon , : il.oun.uoo
pounds beef on thu hoof , l.fXM.OK ) pounds net
bfiif , IK'iO.OOO pounds henns.M.OOO pounds bakltiL'
powder. LMuo.OOO pounds i-oin , Mi.000 pounds
foirce.10,0 0K)0 ( ) pounds Hour , llti.O Opniimlsfeed
1 0,000 pounds hard liroud.4ll.0iio pounds hominy.
IK'.UOJ ' pounds laid , ( M l > inels mu-s pork , W.OUO
pounds oatmeal , NW.fW pounds oit . 110.0)0 )
pounds rice , Ji..oro pounds ten , IIT.ouo pounds
eo.usq halt. KW.oiij pounds line salt , : t 10,000
pounds soap. l.HO.OOO pounds siiRiir , and 41.-
uoi pounds wheat. A No. blankets , woolen and
cotton Koods. ( consisting in p.ut of tlL-kluit ,
17.IIOO yards : standaul e.illeo , 100,000 yanls ;
drilling. IS.UOO yards : duel. , fri-o from all sl/-
ns. : tf.oix > jiirds : denims , ftVOO yanls ; -
liuni. : MJO ) , ; KuntuvKy 'IIMIIS. 14.000
vatds ; ehovlot , itr0 ! y.nds : hrown sheotlnjr
' '
'JO.OHUyuiili : bleached '
slieutlup , 4'itWO yards ;
hlckoiyslilrtlii } , ' , I\ooo yards : calico slilitlnjr ,
8.000 yu ds : wlnsey . '
, 4.0'JOyntds ) ; elothliiK , pro-
coiluK , notions , hardware , medical supplies ,
school books , etc. , und a IOIIK list of miscella
neous articles , such as harness , plows , rakes ,
forks , etc. . uml for about ATS wagons lomilrod
for the service , to bo clolhcioil at Chicago ,
Kansas City , and SouCity. ! . Also , for such
wagons ns muy bo required , adapted
to the climate of the Pncllle with Cal
ifornia brakes , dolhercd at Han rr.melsco.
Also , transposition for such oftlio nrtlules ,
poods and supplies that may not bu contract
ed for to bu dcllxercd ut tliu AKcndes.
m.A.NKS. Schedules show Im ; the kinds nnd
quantities of subsistence supplies icqnlred
foruucli Aitunoy and uchool , and thu kinds
and quantities In gross , of all othprRooils , und
articles , tosuthur with.blank proposals , con
ditions to lie observed by I ) Id dors , tlmo and
place of delhory. tormsof contiaut. and pay
ment , transportation routes , und nil other
necessary Instruct Ions will lir > fumlslicd upon
application to the Indian Ollleo In Washing
ton , or A'u. GJ nwff > 7 lt"io ( fr Rtrttt , Nno 1'w/r / ,
Tliu Commissaries of Pulislstuiico , U. H. A. at
Choyiiiinu. Chleaco , I.eoen\\orlli ; , Omaha ,
Saint , IonlsSulnt Paul. and Pranuiseotlio ;
Postmastersut Mom Olty , Iowa ; Vankton , S.
Dakota ; Aikansas City. Caldwull. Topeka ,
nnd Wichita , Knns'is , and Tuuson , Arbona.
Thu rluht Is lesum'd by the jjovorument to
reject uny nnd all bids or any pjit of any bid
and tliesu proposals aiu inUted under piovNn appropriations shall bo m idu for thu
supplies by conjires-i. lllds will-he opened ut
thu hour and day above stated , and bidders
mo Invltud to liu piesi-nt at thu opening.
ChUTinnn CIIKCKO. All b ds mutt bo accom
panied by I'ertllled cheeks or drafts upon
somu United Slates Depository or the 1'lrst
National Hunk ot S\in Krunclsco. Cul. . for at
least UNO pur rent of the amount of the pie
posal. T. J. JIOUGAN , Coniiulsbloner.
Department of thu Missouri , ollleo of the
Chief Quartermaster bt. Louis , Missouri ,
Aorll 7 , Itfll. Sealed pioopsaN , In tiipllcatc ,
huhject to tlio usual conditions will be re-
celveil nt this ollleu und ut tlio olllces of the
Quartermasters at tlio following named sta
tions , until 12 o'clocknoon , central Maudlin !
tlmn , May Ttli , 18UI. and then opened , forfui-
nlshlntf and delivering Wood , Coal and Char
coal , diirlnt ; the IIseal year bek'lnnln .luly 1st ,
li-'ll. ' at 1'orth I.eavenworth and Ulluy , liansns :
1'orts Itcno und hill , Oklahoma Terrltoiy. and
1'ort Supply , Indian Territory : Torts Lewis
and Login nnd ut Demer , Colorado , nnd
fnlimint ? ( lilt htln 11 ml f IL'l.ilinni'i flttr. ! ( Iblit-
honia Teirltory. Proposals for domoiy at
ether points will bo entertained. Hlildors
must state thu plates whciu thuy propose to
make delherle.s. The ( io\ eminent icsorves
the right to rujcct any or all bids , or to
contract for ellher kind of supplies , or such
portion of each us may bo eonsliloied for thu
ne t Intel est of the service , und to wuUo Mich
defects us are not In conlllet with
the law. J'niforenco will bo Riven
to articles of domcsllu production or
manufacture , conditions of quality
nnd iirlco Including In thu nrlce
of foreign production or manufacture
the duty thereon bolng equal. Hlank propo
sals and printed circulars giving full Information
mation will bo furnished upon application
to tills tlllcu or to the Quartermasters of the
stations named , Envelopes containing propo
sals should bu maiked "Proposals forruol , "
at nnd addressed to tlio undersigned or to the
Quartermasters of the stations named abo\o.
O. W. KOjTIMi , Quurtoimuster , U M. A. . Chluf
Quartermaster. m-li-t-u-7-S-D-lO-m-'i-O.
DOCUFA best nnd onlycnpsuloJ prescribed by
rt'Kiiliir phytlclnm for tliu turolof
Oonorliiaa nnd dl cliarKe fium the urinary uruiin.
Inborltcd or iicqulrod. tl.ij per buic.
. K.itnrlayand Sim- Mat.
April 10th , llth and 12th.
The CVIuhr.itcd Comudlonno MHs Vcrnona
In her llrllllant Musical Comedy
Supported hy IIIT own Company of Comudy
and .Musical Taii'iit.
t.rinTIIIAC nuju.Mjw/
.Vow noiiK" , now dunces '
IICMT iniulp , now fnc'cs ,
nctrruttiiiiivf now inylims nnd now riiiinr ultim-
tliiii" .
.NowRatntlali ) Iniiidnoiiio Klrli ,
ciiiliiiiii-cl rl ho lilt of | | , o region , Jlhi limiiitlfully Jnrbcnu'i
. '
new - .oiiKii , Willie the Ollici Uyu" iiiul "lt' Ibo
t-ninoTliltiKOxer Aenln "
" < i * "lii'oti
open Tlinrsilny nt roculnr prices.
MATIN is ia AT
ClilMron , IQccntmnnllnnrti ) of the liousc , Adult * ,
20iiml.'l ! ' rcnti.
Admission , 1C , SO nnd 110 cents.
MArl.VEnAT2.50. - - - - - IIVKNI.-SO AT 8.18
Tlio ( ireiit Ircnrli lllcli ICIckcril An
Cuminiyl Hotter Thnn Jvt-rl : Orclioatrn , ? 8c
Me ; Iliiloiuiy , Wo und We ; ( jiillory "O.s llox.ucol
open .sutiinlay ,
Krvniita , s Hltli.
"l\\oulitn't AlliH It" llio Very Host.
Tor Nine lollnr . See unit llcllnvo.
fndertho innnnKoniont uf 1IAUUV IIINH.
In llielr
uiuuslnKroTlrlHciitlunor cumiuly , fun nn4
Presented by tlio strongest Knrrc-Cnineily Co. In
Ainorlcn bonictlilni ; nun. lirltilit anil entertaining.
Kuropcnii anil Aincrlrnn nmalcnl novollCB. Drlf-
llant music imd ontrnntliiK Uunecs
Don't Miss the Funny Elevator.
I'rhoi ns iminl. * '
Will Lawlor , Manager. Cor llth and l''urnriij ' (
VTKKK OP AIMtll , 0 ,
The Pnmonn Wurrlom , Flritnml only troupe oT < ! f- > .
linincht totlils country. .Murton. llcno imd MncV ,
In "l.c Trcoln Dlahlri , " Ilurtniul Kciuplon In A. U ,
( ' . , Mi'itirny , Tlinrnn '
nnd C'nrlton , niul 11 ( mat of lira4
cln fl Kpi-cliiltlcB , A novelty entortnlniucnt. On *
Iilnia Ailralts to All.
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Bet oj Teeth on Itiiubor ,
. , for HVI ! IIOI.I.AIH. A perfect
QA lltKunrnnti'iMl Tcvtli oxtroctoT
without pain or ilniiKflr. nnd
wltliciut niiiioslliollc.1. ( iolil nnd
silver Illllnt ; * ! nt lowest rntoi.
llrlilKounil Cronn Work. Tectn
" " " " without plates All worn nar-
Kntrnncn , llilli > trccl elorntor. Upon
until bo'ilock.
\\7 / A MTirn AirenH to neil the I'lnlcs
W/ViN 1 l LJ oiotiics Miio
; tlio only
line ewr Invented that holds the clothes with
out plus : iipi-rfout HUCCOSSJ patunt rucuntly
issued ; noli ! only hy nuonts , to whom the ox-
clnslvo rl ht ISK'VUII. ' On receipt of ftlciiuts uo
will send a samplu line hy mull ; also circu
lars ; prlco list and tormn to u cnt. Hccuro
your territory at once. . Addicss 'Cnn I'lH
Li > s ai.oTlins LINK ca , ir iiunuon
Worciistur M-iss
: M-I-S-P-I-T-
It would'not pay the tailor to make up poor material ; therefore , in buying misfits you are always certain to got'clolh
that will give peed batisfactioti nnd long service. Thou ttio tailor takes far more care with his work than is lie-stowed upon
factory work , whore the idea is to slight the garment as much as possible in order to turn out work cheap. Another great
advantage IB that , among our line mifefits , you will find the half nnd quarter sines , and really bettor lilting goods than can
; ound in establishments that deal in ready made clothing. Then by buyjng iniefltB jou nro really putting in your pocket
what the tailor loosed , for jou got ns good as the tailor would make you for jubt about half what the tailor would charge.
All .ilteration done free of charge to insure a good lit.
JB no Merchant Tullor made at 112 00
,0 0 Merchant Tailor Hindu at U 10 2.i OOMorchunlTutlurmiiduut J13 CO t 0 00 MIT-hunt Tailor inaOu ut t30
IB ( OSIorchnnt Tailor made at I wj HO 00 Merchant Tullur niiiilo at . U M 6 10 Merchant Tailor in ulu at 400
Id 00 Murelmnt Tailor iiiadu at 18 ! 40 U ) Murchant Tullor made ut . 1 * TS
15 00 Mricliuiit Tailor HIM u lit 20 ( W ' 10 00 .Merchant Tailor iniulu ut S 00
00 Morchlint Tailor luaduut W
S3 00 Merchiuit THJIor nun a at ai SO I' ' OO.Murohiint Tailor niadout. , ( M
no 00 Merchant Tn ornmdoat MOO U ) CO Merchant Tullor nmdu at -i 00
t.1 0) ) Morclmnt Tailor made ut J CO CO 00 Merchant 1'allor Hindu at 000 15 oa Merchant Tailor niadout , . . . . 7 W
73 09 Merchant Tullor nmdu at. . . , U IX ) TO W Meichunt Tullor mane at 'M OJ Ib W Murclmnt Tullor nmdu ut 8 KN
A perfect fit warr ntod , and all goods sold on their merits. A guarantee In every case just as represented , at the
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.