Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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George Hudio at Once and Torovcf Estab
lishcs His Bight to tbo Title of Oolonel ,
\ nnd Io\vn Drummers In Cent -
t TaoktiMl the " \Vroiiij
Mnn-A. llnlr-I
'J'hcro have been grave doubts expressed
On the ( inlet ns to the right nnd title which
George I hullo , the soap man , hud to ho called
"colonel. " All doubt is now settled , ns cvl-
dcnrcd by the following letter received from
the doughty George , written from Itushvlllo ,
XS'eh. :
"I arrived hero safely with my friendJohn
Stork , of Stewart Mrothcrs. After wo got
rested wo started out to witness the jjhost
tlnncc. Vi'o bad to get permission to puss
through the Hues , and secured a guide. Wth
tny usual good luck I struck some friendly
Indians , hy one of whom I WM recognized ,
linvlng met him when ho was ntMutiawa.
Ho was none other than "Iloclts , " who
participated in the grand pow-wow that
Dr. Ik'llitiRcr ana I had nt Man-
nwn n year n o last Fourth of
Tuly. I feel safe after renewing ncqualnt-
nnco with him , hut I found Hint ho felt a lit
tle sore nt the doctor on account of not get
ting the greased jilff nftcr ho hud fairly
caught It. The doctor had decided that
3 Jocks hml fouled the pit ; , nnd culled It n
draw. Kneks couldn't quite forplve the med
ical uniplro for this decision , nnd it was not
Until 1 had pncllled him hy a cake of soap
that ho acted very good mituredly. General
JJroolto Ithully furnished John and molth
\Vlnchostcrs nnd mules , on the strength of
the insurance we gnvo him that wo had long
experience with Indians , especially at fiiau-
tuvn , and believed that wo could ( top the
fchost ilnnco.Vhru wo arrived nt ca ip 1
wns Immediately recognized by "Kpg. " the
chief ( if the Kicuapoos , to which trlbo Kocks
belonged , nnd was ( jlvon nssuranco wo would
not ho molested. Wo watched the
ilnnco for awhile. The description of the
Khost dniice , ns given by the papers , is noth-
Sngto what wosaw , The endurance shown
is wonderful. I cotntnonccd distributing soup
among them , and they would stop dancing to
look nt It nnd talk nbout It. It was a mys
tery to thorn nnd they didn't know what to
do with It. Hy the nld of Kocks I explained
to them that they should go to their tepees
nnd boll It , nnd then drink the soup , for it
"would mnko them so that they would see the
linnpy hunting ground ns they never saw it
even in tholr trances. They scattered , each
with a bur of soap , nnd the ilanco thus being
broken up , John and I returned ahout twenty
rnlles over the hills to whore General IJrooko
\vas. He thanked us most heartily for stop
ping the dmico , and promised to recommend
the secretary of war to have us commissioned
ns real colonels. If the diinco is resumed it
Is because the effect of the soap soup has
Worn away , and ills no fault of ours. "
A lliUr-Liltlni ; Hpfocdc.
"It Is a sad story , " said nn old railroad
jnan , ns ho coughed two or three times. The
group of traveling mon who had been hilari
ously telling some funny experiences u few
moments hcforo quieted down.
"I was runnln' old 1-12 , " ho continued , "and
Bill Slltes you nil Iniow Bill was flrla * .
\Vo was tnkln' the flyer west and had orders
to run clean through , 'less woworosignalled.
Z thlnlc tlio roadmastor was aboard , and wo
all knew that If wo should pull up wlt'nout n
j-attllii1 good reason ha'd bo after us ,
" \Vo was runnln1 almost full head , I guess ,
for I know the breeze Just hummed when I
Jogged the cab winder a little. The old en-
fcino rocked Just llko as If It was on tlio briny
Seep , only faster. Well , wo was goln' lickety
l > lll up through the northern part of tlmt
town that used to stand by the bend. Bill
was shovcllu' coal llkp a good ono and I gave
the whlstlo n toot now nnd then to let folks
Itnow wo was comln1.
"As I wna sayln' , hoys , wo was lust
Bcoothi' ; goln' round the curve , too. Just
then I cast my eyes as far up the traclc as I
could see , nnd right then Iltaw something
that brought my heart right up 111 my mouth.
i shook nil over. Dili saw the thing as soon
us I did , nnd Bill's eyes bulged ana his hair
teed right up.
N ; * 'Thnro wns something- the track , I
could just see a llttlo white sun hunnit and u
callker dress , and n llttlo red ribbon peekin1
out from a hunch of ns pretty golden curls us
I over see. "
The old man stopped. IIo swallowed mys-
tcrlously a number of times and drew his
norny palm across his eyes. Tne proup of
listeners only moved for a llttlo and held
their breath.
"I couldn't stop , boys. It was no use. The
flyer was heavy , nnd we was goln' nearly
sixty an hour , when I got strength enough
to push In that throttle and slap on the air
we'd struck. "Wo stopped. Hill and mo
Jumped out , shuddered us wo did. "
The group of listeners turned away sick at
The old engineer wont on : "I picitcd up n
wig of golden hair , nnd Bill two or three
pieces of straw and nn old sun bonnot.
"Justthenagnng of ragged Imps stuck
their heads from behind an old barn nnd
liowled : 'Did you ever , over , ever got left ! ' "
{ The group who had listened In horror to the
Old engineer's -sad story looked tired and
faded away.
Kansas Drummers.
The semi-annual meeting of the Kansas
ffravellnfj Men's association wns held ntCon-
cordla last week nnd wns largely attended by
jrcprcsiMitntlvcs of the grip.
At the business meeting Saturday , there
was considerable business of Interest to the
traveling men transacted , mostly , however
of a routine clmructor. Among other things
Jt was decided to appoint a committee ol
rco on each of the main lines of railways in
ansns to solicit membership for the associa
tlon. At present the membership numbers
Rbout three hundred , anil Is continually In
'Creasing. Ills confidently believed that tbfe
tiumbcr can easily bo Increased In a fov
months to live hundred ,
The matter of formingn national fcderatlor
was u subject that attracted much interest
Jtls proposed to invite the various traveling
' associations of the United btntei
En's a national organization , thus mak
j more effective the efforts toward needoi
legislation hy congress , etc. It Is statei
that thcro nro In tno United States somcthim
lllto two hundred and lltty thousand travel
lug men , whoso union Into a national organ !
ration'-It must bo confessed , would form i
decidedly strong federation , and ono whosi
united efforts In any given direction couli
Iiot bo other thuu powerful. This propose *
federation will not effect the Individual slut
organizations or others of a local character
hut will simply ho a union that will hack nl
demands for legislation by the voices of th
traveling won of the entire country. Thl
Voice will ho used always to'good advantage
nnd never to the detriment of local or stat
A vote of thanks was tendered. Senator P
Jl. Plumb of Kansas for his efforts In scour
Jng to the traveling men of the country ai
excess baggage rate , nnd discrimination 1
laver of a consolidated llvo thousand uilloag
A f > n IModo Ooltimuus.
Waitress Wovoliamnoggsanbco'nlam
porkandlatorsautcauucoffanbiskUswotly o
nruwmor Yes.
Waitress Wollwotlyoravo !
Urummur-Qiuinicsomchapmegga n boo f
lainni > orku.tultatcrsaiitcuuiconanbUkits. (
Waitress Informs proprietor that drummc
Insulted her ,
lo\va Drummers.
The annual convention of the Iowa Stnt
traveling Men's association will bo held I
DCS. Molnes on December 5. This ossocii
tlon has an Insurance branch of which man
Omaha nnd Nebraska traveling men ai
members and many of them will attend tt
Bntiual moating.
Now Ycnr Ainiounoeinoiita ,
Every comuicrclal traveler oxi > ccta tin GUI
tomcrs to bcnr la mind thodny of Ms cornlnp ,
and to remember also thnt nothing will plenso
him batter than A fat order for Bomo of his
goods , l very customer ejpccts tbo traveler ,
or ttiohomo horeprcJoiits , to remember him
on New Years Day with sonio llttlo Krecllni ? .
with n wish for success and a proipcrous
tradodurlnp tlio twelve month * . It Is n cus
tom that U annually Indulged In by tlio ] ob-
bititf houses and traveling men of the ca < t ,
nml Is sure to llnil fnvor In the \veit. Noth
ing Is moro appropriate , and nothing more
iinprcdatoil by the customer , than a New
Year announcement ,
.Anticipating Iho demand for thcso an
nouncements , Dan C. Shelley , superior prin
ter , comcrof Fourteenth and Fnrnnrastrccts ,
Oninlm , IIM nrraiiKCd forallnoot cards , com
prising Jlfty beautiful designs , Including cn-
vclo | > cH for tnullltiR. It h advisable to call
early nml malto solcctlons before the most
elegant nattcrm nro exhausted. Alter lo-
ccinbor ir > It iimjbo Impossible to sccuro the
ileslKn you -want. Neatness and taste In.
prliitlii i and tno Ion-oat prices consistent
with the pattern selected , nro guaranteed ,
Tneklod tlic AVroiigMnn.
Two "bad men from Bitter creek" went to
the Kynn , St. 1'aul , n day or two ago , and
roKlstered as lr. ) Engle , Fort Smith , Ark. ,
nnUV. . V. Conkly , San Antonio , Tex. TUo
doctor \vas an elderly gentleman of quaint ,
old-fashioned manners , who had n pleasant ,
easy way with him , calculated to Ingratiate
himself Into the good graces of almost any
ono. Ills partner was n younger and rougher-
lookliifr man , who had the general appear
ance of being a dead game sport. Time hunp
rnther heavily on their hands , and they In-
vltod a couple of drummers to go up to their
room for a a.ulct game of cinch.
After playing' cinch for a short time , n
penny unto edition of the national game was
proposed , and the doctor produced a box of
pennies to use for chips. Things moved along
smoothly until ono of the drummers ran Into
the doctor two or three times and found every
tlmo that the medical man from Arkansaw
\vasloadcdforbcar , Thocliinax came when
the other drummer gathered up his cards
after tnodoaland found himself sitting behind -
hind a spade Hush with a typewriter nt the
head. A peaceful smile ofconlldoncohovorcd
iirouml his face as ho declined to bo helped to
liny cards , and ho aimouncau his intention to
"play these" with the nirof n man who IMS a
month's lioanl paid In advance and credit at
n laundry. The gentleman from Arlumsnxv
hesitated for a moment and finally decideil to
tarrydrawlnjr two cards. Thopentlcman from
Arliansaw opened the ball with 1 cent "Just to
show thnt thcro wcro no hard feelings ; " his
partner raised It 70 cents nnd the drummer
smiled us ho pally saw both Lots nnd raised
them Sl.DO. When It came around , to the Ar-
kansaw man ho raised tlio whole party $ r ,
which the drummer promptly called , and.
began toylnpr with the pot , but turned palo
und looked very wary vhcii the Arkntisaw
man laid down three trays and a pair of
small , but cftcn useful , doucC3. , Two min
utes later two wild-looking drummers were
ponrliiR a tale of woo Into ICibboo's small but
sympathetic car. nnd gesticulating lllto a
windmillvhilo they explained how they hod
boon robbed.
A conplo of detectives were summoned and
the winners were taken to the municipal
court on ncompluintsworn out by ono of the
losers , who gave his iinino ns Uobon. Tlio
otlier Joined tbo Johnson family. The
winners hired a lawyer nndvcro poing
to light the case , -when a proposition
to scttlo was made nnd accepted.
Tbo doctor took out a roll of bills nbout the
size or a loaf of bread , and the drummers
breathed once moro as ho handed them the
amounts that ho had won from thorn.
Then another verdant knight of tbo grip
came tip and meekly Intimated that he would
like that f 10 which'ho had donated to thodoc-
tor down In Cedar Uupids the other day , but
the doctor Intimated that t Si era bad been so
much t.roublo lately about Interstate com-
mcrco affairs nnd original package cases that
be did not fcol like taking the chanocs of
selling an Iowa claim in Minnesota , Attor
ney O'Hcllly dismissed thocasoaftcrthoslick
strangers had paid the costs , and then the
doctor turned to ilr , "Wnito , who was pres
ent , representing the hotel , and said :
"Soo hero , I want you to do men favor. I
hnvo been meandering around tills wicked
world for many a year and most o ( the people
ple who know mo give mo credit for having
scnso enough to go In when it ruins , but they
Hatter mo. Any man as old m I am who plays
poker with children ought to have aguardlaii
appointed. 1'loasaklclcnic. "
Later on tbey returned to the Ilvnn , ana
after paying their bill and expressing their
regrets for the unpleasantness , thny sought
another abiding place to wait for the con
genial atmosphere of Derby day.
Jim Lusk of the consolidated tank line
came In last night fairly ebullient with
praises for ITrank Marion , proprietor of the
Unloa House at ITalls City , for his magnifi
cent Thanksgiving dinner. Jim says , so
sumptuous was the spread that several trav
eling men actually foundered.
Mrs. Wnslow's Soothing Syrup for cliil
drcn teething , softens the gums and allays
all pain. U5 cents n bottk.
The eastern press arc almost without ex
ception unanimous in their prniso of Mr.
James T. Powers and his new comedy "A
Straight Tip , " In which ho opens at the Boyd
tonight for four performances tbrco nlgnts
vnd "Wednesday nmtineo. Concerning the
engagement of Mr. Powers at the Columbia
theatre-Ck'icago , last -week the Herald said
Mr. 1'owcVs Is too well known In Chicago tc
need any Introduction. His support could be
no better. 1'cter F. Daly , who played the
part ot Jack I'ots nnd TPoole , is a very humor
ous comedian , and scored almost as great a
hit as the star. His fund of wit and humoi
seems inexhaustible , and in songs nnd dance
as well ns in droll quips and sayings ho la
equally good. Ono of tno best scenes In the
play wns the pool room on tbo race track ,
where ho appears as a bookmaker. Join
Sparks a ? Dennis Dolan , Is a funny stng (
Irishman , nndUic'iarU. Gorman plays tlio purl
of a yankce. from Danger. Maine , witl
humorous ability. V. T. Ward , as the tramp
nudAl Hart as an actoi la hard luck , were
very clover. "
"U. S , Mall. " an amiable satlro on the pos
tnl service , -will bo presented next Friday tun
Saturday , December 5 and 0at the ( Jran (
opera licuso. This Is the first performance
In the city of tbis skit , which has recelx'oc
considerable notoriety la the east bccausi
ono of the proprietors Is married to Mrs
Harrison's niece. It has met with , succesi
wherever presented and is now on its waj
east after a highly profitable tour of the Pn
clllo coast. It * mirth , melody ntul satire ha
made n strong Impression. The company 1
exceptionally strong.
The deck of the steamship , the Henrietta
on wnlclrPblnoas Fogg Is to make the jout
iioy to Liverpool In Imre Kindt Iy ; s gren
spectacle , "Around tbo World , " \vhl ilch open
an engagement of four nights and Saturda ;
matinee ou thursday evening next at tin
Boyd , is a perfect setting of u now design
ovcrvthiug perfectly built up to the smallos
details , but the principal fcaturo is that thl
steamer sinks la view of the audience , wlilc
has never been done before on any stage i
any production ever given in this country.
Dr. llirnoy cures catarrh , Dee blilff.
Albright's CholeoTAlbrlght L & L Cc
Fourth Mnnoy llnvorU.
FHEMOXT , Nob. , Nov. 20. Sporting Edltc
of THK Hun : Wo are having a Dllllard tou
namcnt hnro and I want your decision on tli
gamo. There nro four moneys in It , 1 , 3 , 3 ,
nnd the first and second are decided an
tucro are three ties for third niouoy ; the
are to play off and do not the other two dre
back and play off for fourth money ? Woul
llkfl your answer In Qlondny morning's UK
H. AI. Carpenter.
or Ans. No player having a claim on four !
tnonoy It reverts to the management.
Albright's ChoIcoT Junction all R.R
In Dr. Ulrnoy euros catarrh , Boo
Throuprh conches Pullman paliu
re sleepers , dining cars , free reclining elm
he cars to Chicago and intervening' ijolii
via the grant Rock Island route. Tick- : -
tllce 1002 , Sixteenth and Fartmm.
Albright's Choice , inonoy made fas
Found and Comtnondod In tbo Career of tbo
' Lat6 B. F. Pelxotto.
Ills Connection ultli Il'nat IVrltli , Ills
Servloci to Ills Country and
totlio Cnuaoof llc-
f _
Yesterday afternoon memorial service for
the Into departed Benjamin IP. 1'olxotto worn
hold In the Temple of Israel , on Harnoy
street near Twenty-fourth. There -was a
largo attendance , nmoag which wcro many
members of tlioordcr oC ll'nnl B'rlth , unucr
whoso auspices tlio services -were held.
A delegation of members of the order wcro
In attendance ) from Liu coin.
The exercises wcro opened by KabbI Uoso-
nnuwltlilho following prayer !
"Eternal Oed find Father : To show honor
to a sainted soul , wo dedicate this solemn
hour , " \Vhllo wltli us herb on earth below , It
\vos brilliant , with the noblest traits , as
crown Is , when studJoil with most precious
gems. IU highly developed moral side ele
vated it to trim greatness , Its highly ma <
tunxl Intellectual part Invested It with true
royalty. From this our purposed contempla
tion of It , wo expect to loam rnoro thor
oughly our duty to Improve our own hearts
and minds , so that wo too may stand forth
conspicuously as noble men \vomcnwhen
death will call us licuco unto another life.
Kecognizing how conscientiously Benjamin
F1. 1'elxotto has lived , wo turn In prayer unto
Thee , inercIfulandlovlngFnthcr , asltlngThco
to grant unto his departed soul tlmt rest ,
trunqulllty nnd peace , In store for the
righteous in the realms of immortality. Ap
preciating the loss his family nnd many a
member of the humanity has sustained by
his demise , wo lay boforoTheo our petition ,
begging Theo to furnish unto those who
weep and murmur the healing balm of con
solation by making them understand inora
clearly the truth that tlio grave ends not all ,
but forms only the portal loading to a moro
hnppy and blessed existence. Amen.
The choir of the temple , consisting of Mr ,
Pcnnell nnd Mr. "VVilkins and jMrs. Cotton
uiidMissMuller Mss Maggie Boulter
at the organ , rendered an appropriate selec
tion ,
Jlr. I. Oberteldcr then delivered an ad
dress on the connection of with the
Onlor oflJ'nalB'rlth , the sen-ices no had
rendered the organization and through It to
Jlr. li , Rosownter then referred to the
political career of Feixotto. Ho stated
that ho had Unown him many years ago when
a boy in Cleveland nnd when ho was later'
sent as consul to Koumanin , anil later still
when ho was appointed consul to Lyons ,
Ifrnnce. Ho nlso spoke of him as a man who
was greatly interested and who labored well
in the campaigns of Lincoln. Grant and
and Hayes. Ho closed with a eulogy of
the man's exceeding ability and uprightness
In his public ana private llfo.
Kabbi Uoscncau thou delivered tlio follow
ing address :
KIs Sunday morning1 , SentcmborSl. In tlio
metropolis of our country. Silent hro the
wheels of industry. The sacred stillness
that reigns supreme adds to the solemnly of
the all-engaging occasion. A funeral cortege
moves slowly and dolefully along a mam
thoroughfare , making its way to beautiful
Cypress Hill cemetery. Addresses , several
lu numljcr , containing words of tht > highest
pralso , have just been spoken , floral tributes ,
showing the esteem in whlcU the departed
ono was held , are found In great profusion ,
ana countless carriages with hosts of rela
tivcs , admirers and friends , desiring to par
ticipate in the last earthly rite , follow the
dead unto the awaiting giavo. It Is not one.
who in lifo dwelt in mansion elegant , clothed
In garments costly , nnd possessed wealth
onormoils , that Is so universally lamented ]
but ono who enjoyed only an humble yet comfortable
fortablo home , dressed in unostentatious ycl
aorvicrablo raiments , and commanded a moderate
orate yet satisfactory income.
The persontowhom woroferis thodoccasod
Benjamin Franklin l olxotto. "What ho did
as high , dignitary of the secretorderof U'tiai1 '
B'rlth , how praiseworthy his career was as
representative of our country , has nirendy
been told to you. It remains for mo yefc testate
state the work ho did for the promotion of re
ligion. Much of the honor conferred upon
him , may have been bestowed , nnd many o"
those present may have attended because o
his former high position in the aforemcn'
tioncd lodge and our government , yet Iwouli'
venture to assert that most , If not all , of th <
honor , and most , if not all , of those present ,
were called forth because of his accomplish'
ments in religion , if by the term religion ii
understood the nobility of the practical lifi
of man and his infludnco as an example tc
other men.
In the profession of law. which ho followed ,
ho always manifested such an unsurpassabli
spirit of honesty , that ho adhered faithfully
to ono of the tlrst principles of the universally
accepted religion. In the discharge of hi :
duties as official of our nation la foreigi
. landsho evinced such faultless conscientious
ness that he curried out a second principle o
the universally accepted religion. In the
encouragement , counsel and help ho extended
to the dejected , despondent and needy , with
out any regard to creed , nationality or race ,
bo revealed such unsurpassable sympathv
that he obeyed a third principle of the uni
: versally , accepted religion. In the welfare of
the Sanitary Aid society of New York , that
looks to the promotion of health nnd the pro
o longation of life , ho displayed such peerless
enthusiasm that ho practiced a fourth prin
ciple of the universally accepted religion.
And so wo could cite one instance after
, another to prove that ho was the idcnl man ,
as far as wo could expect anyone to ho.
over engaged in something that would
result either lu his own spiritual elevation erin
: in the public weal ,
As great as ho was a humanitarian , so
great was ho also a Jew. Kvcry single In
junction which his father imposed upon him
ho executed with willingness and zeal. Like
patriarch , prophet and sago of old , ho labored
for the promulgation and preservation of his
Ho devised Judicious plans for the manage
ment of the IVnaill'riththat looks to the pro
tection of the wife and children of a deceased
brother. Tie assisted In the establishment of
the Cleveland orphan asylum , that offers
shelter , care and love to the homeless and
friendless orphan. Ho hastened tothoroscno
of his oppressed people in Houmaula , gaining
for them , through his ttulefatiguablo efforts ,
civil and religious liberty. Ho gave his
unlimited support to the Hebrew tcchlcal in
stitute that helps In the practical education
of the young'nien and women of our faith.
Ho edited a literary inagazlno by means of
which he disseminated far and wldo n knowl
edge of the lofty truths preserved by Israel
for ages and of the literature it owns. Ho
\vosu very tictlvo member of a congregation
thus helping m the malnteuauco of an insti
tution devoted to the promotion of our ration
al and literal faith.
Benjamin P.Polxottowas kind , sympathet
ic , charitaulo ; Benjamin F. I'clxotto was
ambitious , intelligent , learned , and thus ful-
tilled his mission both as man and Jew.
Descended Irom a grand father who wai a
preacher , and from a father who was a phy
sician , beseems tohuvoluherltedapronencss
to look to the highest ideals , to self-Improve
ment and the amelioration of other's condi
tions. Ho is no more In body. Ho exists
now only in spirit. His memory lot us hal
low. Him let us place up as our paragon.
or The following resolutions were introduced
ir- : by Mr. S. Katz and unanimously adopted.
irho To the president and members of Nebraska
' lodge aM , district No , , and Lincoln City
id led go No. 877 , I.O. B.B. : .
idoy The comnilttoo appointed for the purpose of
oy holding memorial services and draft resolu
ild op tions upon the death of Benjamin F. I'cixotto
beif leave to refort the following :
Death in the inevitable end of all. How
ever well this fact Is known to man ho never
th theless U moved to tears as often as ho Is
forced to encounter Its stem reality. Once
nioro It has invaded socrod precincts to
the departure of Benjamin F. I'clxotto
from life. A family has been deprived
of a loving husband and father , a coun
try of a loyal citizen , n religion of a firm ad-
CO hcrant and humanity of a great benefactor.
ilr That his demise Is the cause of universal
lamentations his acts such tlio
its ; as conscentl-
itso ous discharge of nls duties toward his wlfo
o and children ; his nobiorepresentation of the
United States In foreign lands , his editorship
of a literary magatlno devoted to the cause ol
Judaism , his support of the Cleveland orphan
asylum , and his help extended to suffering
ami nnd women In ulrtlraes , plainly show.
Appreciating such nn enamplary career. It
Is that Nebraska lodge , No. KM.l. O. U. II. ,
through Its committed appointed ut Its incct-
IIIR on November 10. Ib'fti , has issued ncnll for
memorial services to ho held this 80th day of
November alTomplo.Darnel , to give public
expression ofourdeoft 'felt sorrow , and to
draf t suitable rosoluttdils of comtolbnco.
Therefore bo It resolved , That wo extend
our sympathies to the , Unfortunate wlfo nnd
children of the deceasud and to the B'nul
B'rlth order at largo.
And bo ltfurthcrmon , rcsolvcd , That a copy
of those resolutions bcfovvvardedto the family
of the doccoscd and to the Ncmlah and
American laMollto for publication.
I. .Ojir.iin-uir.ii ,
I. H. IllUMCS ! ,
IT , llcsocit ,
Feitt * AI.UEII ,
Committee ,
M. ACRKIIMANPros't ' ,
Lincoln Lodge No. 377.
I. Fin EXI > , Vice 1'resldcnt.
Albrlf hl'd ' Choice , euro advance.
All Music nt Half Trice.
0,000 pieces only lOo n copy ut Moln
berg's , IGth st. but. Capital ave & Dodge.
Dr.Ulrney euros catarrh. Boo bkl.g
Organisms In the S n.
The surface of the spa is nlivo with
vast swarms of inimito organisms , l > oth
plants niul nnhnals , ntul the "Chal-
leng-er" investigations have shown con
clusively Unit showers ol these Ucop
dropping day nnd night like a constant
rain toward the ooze of the bottom.
Dr , Ulrnoy cures catarrh , Bee hlclg.
The now ofllcos of the Great Hook
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth mid Furnnm
strcots , Omaha , are the finest In the city.
Call and BOO them. Tiekots to all points
east at lowest rates.
Albright's ' Choice , great bargains.
The History of Miss ninrgarot Watcr-
innii'i ) Tame Hack.
Mies Margaret "Waterman Is n country
maiden of twenty-two summers. She Is
the rosy-checked daughter of Farmer
Clarence L. Waterman , whoso farm land
extends ever that portion ot the hills of
Sullivan county known ns Jackson Hol
low , says a Harriaburg , Pa. , special to
the Now York Times. Margaret teaehcs
the district school , and all her scholars
greatly admire her , not s-o much because
she hns n. liamUotno face , but because she
possesses a charming disposition and is
pleasing in her ways.
Two years ago , vrh.Ho this fair country
maiden AVIIS on her way to the school
house she caught a fawn. It WHS a lovely
young deer , and Miss "Waterman's heart
went out to tlio animal. She carried it
to school and laid it down hy the side of
the stovo. At noon ono of the scholars
brought some milkanil , the fawn was
fed with all the tenderness shown to a
child. Prompted by'a ' fancy for the great
pootsho named her young captive Byron.
The young buck thrived under the ten
der care of Margaret , and today it is
fondly attached to the country school-
marrn. Byron Is the young lady's con
stant companion. His love for his mis
tress Is ns great ns was the proverbial
littlclaml/s that followed Mary. Byron
goes with Margaret to school and
browses on the hillside near by and rests
in the woodland until school closes , vyhon
ho cantors from his place of abode and
bounds to the side 'of Miss \Vatorinan ,
icks her hands , and'w-alks ' homo with
her , liis proud and prancing actions
clearly demonstrating tno joytit affords
him. . *
Pot Byron hns no' fear of dogs. In
fact , when he Is around the canines glvo
him full sway. Otherwise he would give
them a clip with his sharp hoofs. IIo
has sent many a poor 'dog away yol ping-
with pain. Once upon a time llyron was
badly wounded by a hunter's bullet. Mar
garet , however , nursed him Laekto goot
health. The girl was much distroshot
ever the accident , nnd there uro many
people in that locality who say that the
accident caused an estrangement be
tween her and her sweetheart , the sono
a neighboring farmerwhom she licensee
of attempting to take the llfo of her pet
buck. However correct this vorslon muj
bo , it Is a fact that about the time Byrot
was Avoundod Margarot.and her beau hut
u quarrel.
Miss Waterman finds it necessary to
shut her pot in a pea.attlnios when she
goes to a neighboring village. Durlnj
her absence tlio animal Is unhappy ant
forlorn. Upon her return ho bleats with
joy , llclcs her hands and romps about as
though ho hud been imprisoned for j
month. Singular ns it may appear , the
animal becomes jealous if his mistress
bestows affection upon a child when ho
is around.
Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
A Habblt's Foot Elected Grant.
Five minutes after the official canvass
of the mayoralty vote was completed at
the city hall and Mayor Grant's vote
was returned as 23,109 , there was a big
commotion in a down town business of
fice where sixty employes had made a
pool of hots on the election , says the
Now York
Six of the sixty who had wagered on
23,000 for the mayor divided the big pllo
ofsilvor and greenbacks. '
Ono of the bix , a good natured six-
footer , slnppcd the other on the back in
exuberance of enthusiasm. "Stick tome
mo and you can't loose. I crossed
Scott's name with this , and ho couldn't
win. " .
The six-footer yanked a rabbit's foot
from hia trousers pocket. "You see
that ? " ho cried. "That is the foot of a
rabbit that I shot at midnight In a
graveyard down south. It never failed
to work yet when I brought into piny. "
And everybody went out and drunk to
Mayor Grant mid tliovuravoyard , rabbit.
AVhnt Wo rfrib Mnno of.
Tnko inyourhnnd'rvcrystal of quartz ,
a stick of deal , a elalsytmd an acorn and
you will not llnd in ithpm a ainglo ele
ment of matter thatjip not found In yortr
physical frame. , ( ,
The Babys
Health often g'.voVfond parents
very great anxlety-and caro. S. S.
S. , Is the popular remedy for chil
dren. It la safe , palatable and does
the work. David Zartman. of Independence -
dependence , O. , says :
WKN9tVEB. 3. 8-
Booki on Illood and Skin diseases f rco.
Foil I.ADI US ONI.V--1W. I.eduo'1 1'orloJloal IMlli
the Krcncti remedy , not on Ui6 menstrunl ijratem and
euro mppreiilon from wlmturor cause , 1'romotu
menttruutlon. Tlmo pllli ilioulu nul ba taken due *
.BIT prejonncr. * " " ! I'lllCo. , lluy'ltr 1'rops. , Bpon-
rer , Clar Co. , la. Ueaulnabjr Bliurinin & McConnull ,
" ' t. . near r , 0. , OmsUa ! U. A. Melchor , SoutO
Ouuvliaj M. 1' , Kllli. Council UluOa I ; , or S for Ji
/low / u Colony of Ilcil Anls C5nvo Hlg
Spltlcr Its Qittctiifl.
Frank Gillette tells of a ronmrknblo
flfilit ho witnessed botwcon n largo
tnrnntuln nnd a colony ot red nuts , says
n l-'ort Worth , Tex. , vorrcspotftlout ot
the St. Louts Globo-Dumocrnt. Ho has
just returned from Jnck county , whcro
In tlio canyons nnd hills ho htid been
hunting. .In tlio afternoon of ono day ho
oncoitntcrcd a lurpo spccliniMi of the tar
antula which abounds In Texas. IIo did
not tlnro tp touch or even go near tlio
deadly Insect , which was about llvo
hiehos In length nnd of a rather groan-
Ish hue ; but lie pot n long stick , ono end
of which ho split , nnd by a uuxterous
manipulation secured the tarantula be
tween the prongs , which , coming together -
gothor , held it tight enough to prevent
Its escape , but not tight enoiili { ; to in
jure it. Ho repaired with it ton hill
of largo red nnta which ho had passed
on Ills trntnp a short ttmo before. In
the middle of tlio hill ho deposited
tbo tarantula , releasing it from its
imprisonment. It was rut her a chilly
day , and but few nuts wore out of their
holes. 15ut these fo\v gathered around
tbo stranger , looked at it closely for u
brief moment , and then , ono by one ,
hurriedly entered the different small
holes within which were their domiciles.
The tarantula meanwhile was motionlcbs ,
occasionally blinking its small , sharp
eyes , but not deigning to glunco upon
the small insects.
Hut presently came forth the ants In a
body. Although the tiilo-bearcrs had en
tered the hill by different holes , the war-
riorn all Issued from the same one. First
came a lurcro ant. and then the others so
closely iipo'n the heels of ouch other thnt
the line looked like a blood-red string.
Thosidoof the tarantula WIVH about four
inches from whore the ants issued
from the cone , and they nuulo
straight for the enemy with
out loss ot time. The largo ono In tlio
load pounced upon ono of the furry legs ,
and the others got their teeth In as near
by as possible. There seemed to bo an
alin t unending string of the ants , ana ,
inaminuto and a half , tlio entire body
of their victim was covered with them.
After that the tarantula did not movoa
limb scarcely. At llrst It attempted to
pull away tlio leg attacked by the ants ,
but finding It fastened it shoved along
with the disengaged legs , moving per
haps an inch anil a half : but the re
mainder of Its bodv was soon covered
with the insei'ta , wldcli devoted part of
their force to holding the victim hi
place. The tarantula only killed three
of the ants. These throe ventured with
in the roach Of the jaws of the tarantula ,
which closed its mouth with n sun ] ) , end
ing tlieir existence instanlor.
In four minutes the tarantula wns
dead. There was not n sign of blood
anywhere on its body , though in many
places were evidences of the fray. Near
the head wove scars showing where the
ants had billon deepest. Shortly after
it closed its eyes and allowed it $ head to
sag many of the ants withdrew , but
when there was a convulsive jorlc of ono
leg , the ants ran up again , and this time
roumtneil till every sign of animation
wan gono.
Then the nnts removed the corpse. It
was a heavy body to move , hut they nc-
coinplinhotl it. On the rather lint top
of the hill the pull was hard nnd long ,
but on the liKMlno It was easier. Ar
rived nt the foot , tlio ants diverted the
corpse and returned to their homos ,
some enteringIho holes , others resum
ing1 tlio work they had been Intorniotcd
11 when the tarantula came among them.
Van Houtca's Cocoa Delicious , nuulo In
Tlio Pnslitonublo Hand kerchief.
The maiden fair of olden time who
used to wnvo her white handkerchief to
the knight departing to light her bat
tles , would open her eyes very whlo If
she could see the handkerchief of today ,
says the Ladies' Homo Journal. The
most fashionable are made of crepe llsso i
with nn embroidered udgo nnd in every
color Imaginable , from brilliant scarlet to
palo Nile green , and from jot black to
clear white. Some very unique effects are
produced by contrast of color. The black
handkerchief is usually n square of silk
muslin , with a full frill of line black lace
about It. Any girl can easily make ono
of these for herself. For overy-dny use
the white handkerchief of lawn , with a
narrow hcmst itched border , a very nar
row ono , and n line frill of lace Valen
ciennes not half an inch wide , about It
Is preferred. Kluborato monograms nro
no longo fancied , but instead , the ini
tials of the owner in small letters , and
in what is known ns running fashion ,
nro chosen.
Stated byll. II. Coclirnn.ilrUBRlst , Lancas
ter , Pa. Have puarnutood ovoriiOO Uottlo.s of
nurdock Ulooil lllttow for dyspepsia , sour
stomach , bilious attacks , liver anil kidney
Ho CHviiH tlio President.
Tlio president's grandson regards his
ancestor as his own personal property ,
and enforces his claims under conditions
that nro sometimes somewhat embar
rassing , says the Ladles' Homo Journal.
On ono occasion the president , while
standing on tlio deck of the Dispatch ,
began to address a crowd of people in
the navy yard at Washington. Just as
ho began "baby" McKco , thinking ho
was being neglected , sot up a howl ,
which ho would still nowhere save In
his prandna's arms , so , holding tlio child
close to his breast , the president con
cluded his remarks.
Albright's Choice , easy terms.
The only railroad tram out of Omaha
rim expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , DCS Moines and
Chicago business is the Hook Island vcs-
tlbuled limited , leaving1 Omaha at 4:15 :
p. m. daily. Ticket otllcc , 1002 Sixteenth
und Farnum sts. , Omaha.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Hoe bldg
The Flltrlitof Itircls.
Swifts and swallows fly every year
from Knglnnd to southern Africa and to
the Moluccas , and the restless wander
ing flight of various oceanic birds is still
more surprising.
" .Vo other iritkly Paper contain ! to large a variety of
entertaining and inilructive reading at to low a price. "
Tlila Map , grfntly reducoil , Is tntcen from a twclve-pogo ITlSTnniCAli SouVKNIli
publUlitcl b/Tllis VoilTll'S COMPANIONnnd represents tlic United States lu 1B27 , the
jcnrln which THE COMPANION' was cstablUheJ. Two quaint maps In colon , of Ilio
UnUeiiStatcs In 18'27 ami In 1690 , Illustrate vhlJly tlic cliangca lu our country during
Its progrcii from Ttrclro llllllona to Slxty-Ovc Jlllllons of Inliabitanls. Tun
COMPANION U uo\v rcail every week by more than Two nnd a Halt Millions of People.
Tlila Souvenir jvlll bo itnt to any ndilroi on receipt of a tiro.cent stamp.
FREE to 1891.
Now Subscriber * wlio HCIII ! 81.75 now , " 111 receive ttio pnpcr to Jan.
1 , 18D1 * I'RiK : , niul for a full yrnr from thnt tlntr , Incliullni the I'lVE
KUt'l'I.ISIHUNTK. mention thin pnncr. AildrciiH ,
StnA Check , I'ost-ojfice Order , or Jltglalercd Letter ,
Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism
, , , , Neuralgia ,
Inflammation ofttio Lungi , Klilnoys nnd Ilnwols , Sclntlca , Clillblulnt , Krast Illtoii Tooth.iclio. Hcailacho ,
1'olns In tbo Uncle , Cliost anil I.lnibi , anil all tlio usual
The application of HAWVAVS UKA1IV UKr.IKK , totlio p.irt nnrclnd , will Instantly relieve and noon
euro tlio nutToror Internally In iluncx of from thirty tu nitty UropH , In hall a tuinlilor "III euro In
a feir inomunt.'i , CrniupH. HIULIIIIS , Hour Stonnch , Colic , Klntulnncii , Honrlliiirn , IMnrrbuiiu. Sick lloailnclio ,
S'au Di , Vuinlllnt ? , Cohl Chills , Kcrvoiiiiinsi , flc'ciilfaincsi , and ull Internal pains. U > conti a bottlu. I'oi
nlo t Druzslsti. UAUWAV & Co. , ! B Warren St. ,
National Bank
CapltaL - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 - B7BOO
OOcentnd Dlrectori IUnrr W Tatoi , Vreildeoti
l wltS. Bead , Vloe-Pro3ld nt ; Jiun W. B THIB , W.
V. Done , JohnB. Collloi , U. C. Cuihlna , J. N. a
Fktriok , W. U.B. Huibeioo > bler.
Corner 12th nnl Fornara SU.
A General HunklnB Buslntsa Transacted
Bpedfle for Hy > trl , Uliilnwi.r.ti , KmjMltfi , W k .
fulness , M ntnl iMpreiiionhottonliiir of th
ultlnir In Insanity J Itiullnir to inUtry clour an.1
tloilh. Prmmturo OH ARe , liarroanrw. Lo of 1'ower
in either idx , Involuntarjr Lo e iiiul filwrDiitorrluca
cauHNl tif ovvr-cxeitlon of the brain , lr > tl > uio or
orer-lndiilfenco , JDwh boi eontalni ontmontk'i tntt.
rnont. II alter , orui for 8) . lent liymrJlpreiMlJ.
VVItb itrl > order lor > lx t > o > i > iwlll , nnd i > archa ir
BuirantcD tu refund uoner If tuu cnuumtmiriiu W
fur. . UuironUvitiuuw ! uiilnenulno tviauulitir
11101'araam Street , Omaha
Practice Limited to
Rooms 316 to 320 Jlce Bldg
G. A. Lindquest
MerchantTailorins : :
business mid Invllos his old friend anil pat
luiib , us well as the Konorul pulillUi mill uml
pui't hlsnuwitoulcof linimrtuil oil domestic
' . * livor.vtlilmllrntolusi.uri
ItT/ELIEHED 1874.316 S I5TH5
in tinit ,
even Consumption yields to tlio
wonderful ofTucts of Dr. Tierce's
Golden Mudicnl Discovery. It
won't make ncxv limps lint it will
nuiko diseased onus healthy when
nothing else will. Thuro'n reason
for it , too. CoiiHiiinjition is Lntig-
Bcrofula. For every form of scrof
ula , ami nil blood-taints , the " Dis
covery " a positive euro. It's
the inos' 'tout strength-restorer ,
blood - el .isur , nnd llosh builder
known to medical science. For
Weak Lungs , Spitting of Ulood ,
Bronchitis' , Asthma , Catarrh , and
nil lingering Coughs , it's an nno-
qualcd remedy. It's a guaranteed
one. If it doesn't bent-tit or euro ,
yon have your money back , You'vo
everything to gain from it nothing
to lose.
It's especially potent in curing
Toiler , Salt-rheum , Erzcina , Erysip
elas , Boils , Carbuncles , Sore Kyes ,
Goitre , or Thick Neck , and Enlarged
Glands , Tumors and Swellings.
Great Hating Ulcers rapidly heal
under its benign influence.
C. L. Erickson , Local Acrt.SOB N.lGthSt
Mnrotlmn IS yonn' oxporloncoln tlio trontmontot
A euro Kiinrnntccd hi 3 to Uvo ilaf jxltliou' tliolon
oOiu liour's tlmo.
I'prnmnontljreurpil without pnlnor Inslriiinentat no
cuttltixi iioililntliiz. Tlio roniarkiiblo rumoilr
tnomi tu uioJurn nclcnca Wrlto fur circular ! .
Dr. .Veil row's trrntmoiil for thl * terrible Mood ills-
pnso liai liocn prunoiincpil tlic ino t powerful and
eucruasrul rciuoily uvor dhcovcroil for ( ho nbsoluta
ciirn or IliN illsensn. Ills BUCITIS irltli tills illacnm
linn nt'vor boon equalled. A uomploto cuiiu uiTAlij
A.NTKI-.I ) . Wrllu for clrvulari.
tnd nil wcnVno n of tlio poxunl orirnni , norrounnoii ,
tlDildltr nnddonpiiiuUuifjf nlnolntuly curud. Tlio r a-
lief la luimcdlnto and cuniiloto. |
Cntnrrh , rhcumnllini , nnJ oil rtl omos of thabl03l
llrur , Hiliioj.i niut kladilor pvrmanontlr cured.
nrt ni'iirnlgln , ncrvoiiincia nnd rtlscnw ) of the atom.
Hell cured. The Doctor's "Homo Troatmeiit" for
Indies IB pronounced lij nil who have used It , tabs
the ino t comp'oto nml coiivunloiit romodr ever of-
fnroil ( or the treatment ( if fcumlo illn < mjis. Itti
truly a womli'rful runiccly. No tnitrumonta ; aa
palu. Hoints roiiLAUUS pitoM STU ONLY.
mnrrDlniin jucccsi hns won ( or Mm a reputation
which I * triiljr national In clinrnctor , nnd his vront
annrof nntlcnts rc'oclie ) fruiu tlio Atlnntlo to tha
I'ncltlc. The Doctor U u ( trailimto of "liKdiri.Aa"
meillclno nnJIms had lunicniid cnreful oxporlimco In
lidspllnl practice , and It clnssod ntnime tlio leading
ppi'ClnllsU In modern aclunco. Truatiiiont br curro-
fpomlcnco. IVrlto fur circular ! about each of tha
Ofiice , 1 4th and Farnam Sta
Untrancoon oltlur
We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis no matter of how
long standing. And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. You have
tried everything else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try us. We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient 'to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel bills
and refund your mon
ey if we do not cure
you. Write for partic
ulars ; do not "be hum
bugged any longer.
We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
BEMEDY Go. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Booms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.