Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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M Undo George Honrot's Funny Ex-
M porlonoa In Song Huntlnp ; .
M Tlio Old linit ) t innlli nworo Hut She
H llntril ti Awful Hull Nnpo-
H loon Couldn't Hmoko 1 lie
H Court > .ecleil ( Mcrcj
H CiirrrntnrrdotCft
H 1 iluhi I 01 rest , the famous trafrodlin ,
H a tow junrs befoto his ( loath , snjs the
H Clilentro Ilcitililm pi ij iiiK'iti ' ont 'nto- ;
H mint on a circuit \\hieh ineludud
H Kntisna C lt\ mid bt loicph , Mo , mid
H Milton Nobles who U plnjlng up lit
H lliuliu h this week mid who una u
H member of the trigcili ni's supporting
B cotnpuij ut the time refoirud to , ro-
H Into the following , wlileh cnmu\s a
H capital iileu of the old mini s ' usuull\
H ghoulish humor In Karma Cltj the
H old fashioned "eentoi door ' hud u hot
H torn moulding about Hio ltiehos , which
H wns too miieli unhout tinoo inches foi
H the tr igetli in'a ( , out foot mid legs
H liowcior , it was i st it ion at y utTuir ,
H nulled to the Hoot , anil revolving his
H cue , Porrost worked his loft foot o\or
H the moulding in good sh ipo , but in ntH -
H ompting toiling the right aftoi it ho
H win not so hiii i oitful nnil stumbled onto
H the stage mid wns eiuight on the IIy \ > i
H the leading man JLIioso who wore fa-
H mlli ir ulth the great twiL.etlinii's pceu-
H li iritj in his lntoi lours etn iimigino
H the uuiquu spieitnetis of suppic&sed
H \oeal pj rolcelimea wlileh followed this
H ineideiit On the following oicnlng
H the conipiin\ placed In bt losoph J. ho
H 1 liespinn tcniplo was nn old , Hut hull ,
H Itnown ah Oddfellows' hull , mid it was
H reuiliod bj a long Might of sleep niii-
H iow stiitri without riilings 'lo facill-
H t ilo the ti iiiedian's useent n lingo
H cable hud to be ngged with hi ices and
H bovoii o > os , oxtontling from the side
H walk to the top of the st me "Iho old
H iniin ' a lot ga/ing ut the eontiiianco
H foi about Inn minutes , meanwhile in-
H dulgiug in ehiiuuloiistie guttui-ils
H seized the t iblo \ huge i lewd of men
H mid bins had galhoted ibout the ( loot
H ' 1 lie tinged i m s factotum TooMiAidlov
H theo\ui/o ) llglitci put Ins hinwii
j Bhoiildei igainst the gieat aetot's bnek
H mid boosted him step by step until the
H top was touched J lien Forrest sank
H intoaehaii with in cath mil n gioau
H "D healhciih" ho exclaimed ' Lnst
j night in Kails is Utj thu\ thought I
H was a Inn lequin , and now thevio got
M mo in ti lining for a man o waismunl"
H I obserio Senator George Ilemst of
H Cillifoiui i in hia ueciistomcd scat in the
M Bonate An ovCuliform in who is Hero
H looked down fiom the galleries the
H other dn > a id tiild this storv
M " Uncio Cicoige' and his fiiuiilj woio
1 on the Torsov coast last summer when I
j visited them Living in an adjoining
H colt ige was a well oiown New \orkso
H ciotj man who also had his lainil with
H him lho ladies of the two families
H were rjuito friendly undinanj littlocour-
H tosics were exchanged AVhlehover
H head of a household wont to Now York
H fet n dn\ was obliged to do the errands
H of both families Uncle George'started
B off ono dnj when Mrs X minted him
H to bring hoi n number of songs She
j Biiid theio was out she had foi gotten the
H title of , but alio might rocnll it m time
I H The sonntot stin ted foi Now York with
H out soiling his fi iond again but at n
H \onturo bouglil 4I Oioatnt th it , I Dnolt
M in Mm bio Hulls ' 1 hoOld Mill , ' ' [ iston
H to Minlo of Woo'andarious other
H cliubicnl pieces which he thought
H might include the ono his friend
H could not ice ill Ho icceiicd a tolu-
H pram that cloning , which , in Ins own
H languigo , wits a stunnei ' It boto the
H date line of the Now Terse , } souco ist re-
H soit and wiirfbignod'Mis \ ' Tliemos-
H sago itself was sttullingly biief It
1 meiolj tend
M " 'C ill Mo J'hino Own '
M ' 'lho old ' 1 oiti-nlnor \ us up et Ho
H hunted up Bomo of his racintr ftiends
j and fiankly linn the situution before
H thorn Ho protested that theio had
HB bcon no llntatiou on his pint and ho
HH didn't think it had gene bo fin ou the
H ladj 8 part Undo Gcorgo s' ftiends
H woio so moicd b\ his distiess that they
H didn ttakoudMinuigoof him At their
H suggestion ho wioto an answer to the
| uicss igo ns follows
m " 'Mis X Amllattorod by our con
H fldenco , but n lo\olj woman , Mrs H ,
H his a prioi clitim '
H ' Undo Goorgo'didn'tgo back tothat
H Now Jersoj icsoit for n week nnd tnon
H the New York family had gene to the
H , niountnins Uut if jiu ( wnut to keep in
1 liis good giaccH bo sine mid dent refer
H to his seaside iliitation witn Mrs X.
H You maj got hut t if jou do "
H Mr Wnlpolosbloginph > of I ord lohn
H Husboll Is not u hvoh woik , saislon-
H don rli nth About the best letter which
H lie lslotd Pnlinotston's
prints couit to-
H ply to Lotd lohu's icqiiosl ( miido undoi
H the iuspii ition of the queen and Prince
H Albeit ) that ho would not tocohu Kos-
M Biith
H Pansiunoiii , Oct 10 , IS'jI , 0 p m Mj
M Dear Tcihu Kusscll I lime Just rccoivud
M youi letter toil iv , nnd am told our incssin-
H hcrwnitu for mi answer Mroplj , then is
H lmmcilluto , and Is Unit tlinro uru limits to nil
H things Unit I ito not clioso to bo dictated to
B as to wtioin I tiny or inn } not rccoivo in my
H emi hoiist , and tliut I aliull use no own ditt-
H crotlou In this mutter You , will or coumo ,
M imo yours us to tlio composition ofourmiv -
M eminent I liuio not ilutulnud our inessiai
B tcr Ave minutes ours Blneorolj ,
H Loid Tohn wns mete tomitrkiiblo fet
H hissout mistocuitio insolence , Ins want
H of tact , mid his itnotcrato jobboi \ than
H fet ulij othei political qualities When
H piiniu mimstoi ho was u mete oronturo
H of the couit , md foi lho ouls his prln-
H cipul object wns to thwin t LoidPalmoi-
H , ston'a truly onlightoiiod foreign policy
H In oidot to please the quoou and Prince
H Albeit , who woio thoioughlj wrupped
H up in Aiistilii , Puihsiit , nnd the smaller
H Gui mail slates , mid thoj hated to see
H liboinl etiugglcs encouraged by out
H foreign olllce Pi Into Albeit was n
H perfect despot nt hoint , and his ronl
H bvmimthics weioalwa\s with Berlin and
H Vieiinu
H A good stoti is told on Re\ . Sum
H Jones , an incident that hiippouod when
H the woil Known pioucher 111t.t stinted in
H oMingolibtiu woik , snjs the Atluntii
H Journal Ho went to a small town , nnd
H was told that ho would have a hard
H tlmo in the chinch , ns thoio were
H uumorous fitcits existing botweou the
H nieiubois , and two btothcis , who bo-
H lotigod to the church , ne\ot spoke to
H cneliothot nor did tlioit families
H 'Ilia nicht fet opening the mooting
H nulled Mi , Jones en tei oil the church
H while the chuii nnd congicgution were
H singing
H Comounuc ] band ,
1 Co mo , and around mo Btnin" " .
1 O , boar we unny ou jour suowi wings
1 To my luuiortal borne
H When the center of the ohurch was
H reached Mr Jones stopped in the aisle ,
H wn\od his hut ut the choir and shouted :
H "Stopl stop that sliiglngl"
H • The muslo ceased at once mid Mr
H Jones continued ;
H " 1 huts not u lit soug to bo singing in
this church I nm told tlioro are
brothers mid cousi ns who belong hero
nnd j ot dent spemc to ouch other Now
do you think thcro is nny danger of
hearing the rustling of angels wltig-j
bono nth the roof with such a stnto of
nffaltsi1 You wont heir nny kind of
wings rustic ns long ns that sort or thine
k cops up unless Us n bu//nrd's wiuira "
lho twobrothors nindo ftiends bofoio
the inccling broke up
Mnn > indeed and \nrlous nro the mi-
oedotcs told in connection with oath
taking , snjs the Pittsburg Disnitch A
inr > pious tind paitifullv guileless old
ludwis once railed ns n witness bofoio
Mi ronnjson-D H\ncouit , the How
sttnot police niiigistiiitc
"Is it u fact , join honoi , "isked the
lad j , ' that I must tuko uu oiithJ'
"Cortilulj , mndnni , " lopliod Mi
I ) L\ncourt
Hut I uon't Uko to do sol exclaimed
ho Inly
t You must do so ot go lo piisoii , "snld
Mr D'LyiicOurt "ilictj witneSS bus
got to hive ir
lholndj wns hind to bo poistiudod
Poi a long tune she hold out ugilnst
wliut she termed u ciuol injustice but
utiiilli eonsoutDd to eomplj with the
inagisti Uo s orders She then tools the
book , mid to the suipit o tind amuse
mentof the wliolo loutt nppnd out a
trometidous oith , iftoi whii li she cov
eted hei face nnd ctlcd in pitiful tones
llciivon forglvomo.butl hud to do it "
Napoleon I novel could smoke , il-
thotigh when in 1 pj pt ho sovciul
times nttotnptcd to do so in oulot to
ploi o the ] > eople On ono oicusion ,
when the 1'eis'an ' uinbissndor pro
rented to hnn , on behalf ot the shall , a
vol j valuable and goigoous pipe , all
dlinnonds and i no jowoIj " Nupoleon's
attuud nit filled the pipe and a light
w is ippllcd but In the w iv the em
neiot wont to work no stnnko would
hino apiionrcd until dooinsd ij lie
meiol.v opened and shut Ins lips in the
onoi getio mantlet of n modi uiic il llg-
mo > J ho ittlondunt veuuirod to ob-
sotvo that his mijostj was not ox-
ictlj piocceding in the usu il min
uet and showed him the coticet
wav in which to in m igo his pipe of
pcreo lint the in tptpupil potsistcntly
ictui nod to his bid unit ition ofiwti -
ing , until tned and vexed with lopcut-
cdfnlutes ho at 1 ist desisted , suing
' Const uit , do jou light the pipe , I can
not " So said , so done , md wo mo In-
foi mod tint the pipe w is lotuincd to
him with the tob iceo burning nt u
futious rnto and a tiemendous amount
of smoke boon veiled in v ipoi the
unfortunate Napoleon w i ig lin in dilli-
ciiltv , the smoke which ho did not know
how to gofrid of went down his tinoit ,
and up out thiough Ins ojes ind nose
As soon us ho lcgnineu In cath ho
gispod the woids ' luke it awiyl
What nn infection ! What pigs thov
must ho who smoke ! I am so ill ' And
illweiro told ho wis foi some consid
er iblo time , and lonoutiecd fet ovet-
tnoio the soothing weed
Sen itor Vnnco of Noith Carolina wns
tolling the other day about n coitain
judge in his st ite who was obliged to
call upon in old anrkov to open his
com t , s > i > the 'Wushington cotie-
pondoitof | the Now \oik ltibutio
It w is evidently the hrot time thnt the
duilov hid ncted in the capicitv of
bnlitr Ilo bog in
'Oh jcsl Oh , jes' ' Oh jes ! Do
hono'blo do co t is now on do bench "
lhou , nftci hositiiting foi n momctit ,
ns if not knowing what to siv ho
seemed to hit it , and ended by exclaim
nig'An m iv the Lawd have maicy on
his soul "
And then it wns , iccoidiug to Senator
Yiiueo , that "dc hono'blo do co t" resole
lo the occasion and ptomptlv icmirkcd
' That's inrht , my man , that's light
If there over wns a couit th it needed
the meie } of God its this ono "
Ch luncoy M Dopew tolls a good sto y
nbout his expeiiencelii Pittsbtng dui
lng the national ciraDingn of 1SS4 Ho
wns stopping it lho Monoiigtihelahoubo ,
at which hosteliv dam loiepiugh , the
well-known circus man , was also i guest ,
Dopow md roropaugh , is has often Leon
loininkod bear a li iking tcsomblanco
to each ether Depovv had just I etui nod
to the hotel , uftoi in iking a , Stirling re
public in protection speech ut the opera
house , when ho wns npptoacnod by an
intoxicated Ponnsylvnuiu mossback ,
whoBiid "Mr loropaucrh , if vou bo-
lievein hie piotectionsomuch hie
ns i < iu "ay hie you do , then jou ought
to chum up hie thnt elephant Hnnni-
bil the next time Inc jout circus
comes to Centorwllo , a ho didn't lcuvo
'nough o' my fence Btandin' to make u
shoo peg the las'timo you hie showed
theio "
As Mile Rhcu wns leuvlntr Ottawa ,
Cm ula , the othei evening an old white
hailed gentleman upptouched her in
the sleeping cur , and , with charming
coidmiltj , ptcsentod hoi with a basket
of the most beautiful gtapos , m the top
of which wns a largo bunch of M nechal
Neil roses and the following note
Dear Madame Rhea SVhoti the rust
Napoleon was hi ought ns cnptlvo into
Plv mouth bound by Captain M ntliiud of
the Hollorophon.Iwas born lulj , 1815
My f nth or , who had extensive hot
houses sent to Napoleon a basket of the
llnest hot house gt lpos In seeing vou
in j out ole of Josephine I thougut I
would ask yout uceontnnco ( in joui
charuclct us ompicss of the rionchof )
n basket of the s imo fi uit , thus pot pot
unting the incident nnd paying a tub
ute to the 'ommes3'in the poison of
ono who so nbly tcprosonts hot With
best wishes nnd togtots I ionium deal
madam , votits very tiul > , Kiohaid Nettle -
tlo Ottawa , October 10 , lbbJ " And
the old gentleman added Although
my countivmon called Nupoleon a rus-
cil , my f itlioi had the gto Host admira
tion fet him "
Hon II O. Billings , Into of Illinois ,
but now locatt d in Idaho , made some
telling speoehos in the lito Montana
camp lign , buys the St Louis Republic
On ono occasion while nddresslng a
lttrgo uudletico hogtow foi v id enough
to challenge contridlction "
"Whilsthoto , "hocrtcd , will lift a
voice against the truth of iti" '
Just then n but to in the outskirts of
the ctowct gave vent to ono of thopiero-
ing "hco-hnws" of his tribe 'iholiiugh
yvns on Hillings for n moment , but as
suming nn air of triumph ho lifted his
volco nbov o the din to s ly
"I know nobodv but u jackass would
try it "
Gotiorul Hooker , ti member of the
Mississippi delegation in congress , wits
a gulluut confederate soldloi , nnd lost
his light nun , says the Wushington
Ciiplt il Ills loft hand was wounded
and ho vvours a glove unon it almost
coiibtuntly , Major Powell , chief ot the
geological survey , wus n bravo soldier
on the union sulo , and ho , too , came out
of the win minus an arm , his left ono
Ho mid Gcnoial llookoi mo intimate
ft loads , and their hands of the satno
size , so when Major Powell wunis ti
glove ho buys u pair and gays Send
the ether ono to Kookor " , Likewise ,
when Gouoral HookCr s gets a little
worn ho orders a now puir , ugit says
Send the ether ono to Povvoll "
Aromarkublo mistake was made at the
opening of the industrial fair ut To
ronto Sir JohiMucdouald had made
IiIb opening speefth of congratulation ,
• • "
electric button starting thu mnehlnoiy ,
President Wllhrow invited ono or two
other spoakcrs to aollvor nddrosses
Ono of Jhoin was John Lovs , member of
parliament foi Tomato "Houdvancod
to the front and laid his honvj whlto
lint right on top the oloi trio button
Instuntly there wns u shrieking of whis
tles , tind the ninchinory In the building
begnn to tun The crowd roared with
lnughtor , nnd nftoi much gesticulation
nnd running nbout the tnnnngers stop
ped the pioccollug , and the machinei\
wus restnt ted by Sit John and Liulj
Mme Modjeskiv is fond of ontortnin-
wonts of vurlotis soits blioicnlly gees
mete into society in Now York than
tiny ouo of the acli esses who nro now
ideutlllod with the Ameticiin stage iml
hei i hob o of entertainments is supper
uftoi the ploy She attends a gro it
ninny of thorn ut Dolinonico's nnd gives
about ado/en lilg ones dm lug the sea
son hoisolf The pcoplo me iisiiullv pot -
sonul fiiondsof the actress md nothing
is known about ltm the nowspipon bu-
cnu o she bcdulously avoids public mention -
tion of thom In this she dilTois some
what ft om Mime of the othoi feminine
tnembois of the piotcssion , ,
A stin v is told of u good old homo
ptiun ludy who h id tittondcd tin -omo
time nnd Ppisiopil ehuich in which the
sot v ice was intone I , suvs the Now York
Tribune Meeting the icctot on the
street ouodiiv she sildto him 'Mi
1'istuie , I h ivc a little finot to ask of
jo , I'vo bin a snjin' my ptiiycisin V
now foi nigh nn to lho years , nnd I
would iculy itko tosiy them in O fet n
while I'm glttni'soliusky in Pnow that
I emit jine in ns I used to do" 'lo
pie tso the old ludy the ruclot ut once
give dhections to have the pi ijots
said in G.
A pupil in a bo ndnig si heel In Peuti-
sylv nn i displayed sumo time slnco no
small deft oo of industiy in collecting
mitogt iphs of distinguished litcrnti
Tntnea * l\Us = ell Lowell was ono of lho
nutnbei nddtcsscd lho lcqucst to him
wus , substantially "I would be voiy
liiuch obliged foi youi uutogi iph ' 'lho
lest onso w is ns follows ' Piuy do nets
s thcie iftet , I would bo obliged ' If
you would ho obliged be oblnrod uud bo
done with it buy ' 1 should bo obliged , '
mid oblige , youis truly ,
"J VJII s. Itussri i Low i i r "
In the ot thogi nphy of out gtcit-
gi nidmothcts vis unceitiinsiys Votes
iindQuotics The old duchess of Gui
don u-ed to say to hot Clonics " ion
know my den , when I don t Know how
to spell a woul I alwiys diiiwalmo
iindet it , and if it is spelled wiongtt
p issos for a good joke , and if it is
spoiled i ight it don t in ittet "
The Athon i um lolatos an unocdotoot
Dlcl ens showing his gieat ktiidncss of
ho nt An old sorv int lobund him of
SIjO to covci some hotting looses In
stead of sending the thief to j ill Dick
ens lolned him on a peiibiou of oK ( ) i
ye it ,
need s Snsip uilhi ernes catniih bv
cxpcllnigimptiiity fiom lho blood which
is the cause of the complaint Give it
i tii il
It w is in the yon 1S80 in a thud
rate city called Noufeh item , in the
Dopittmont des Vosges , Pi nice , nbuut
noon , th it wo woiopissiug myfithei
and myself , in ft out of a btoio w hero , in
addition to hutdwate a suuply of um '
munition wus kept foi the use of a
regiment theio , iys a coricspondent
of lho Philadelphia Ptoss Suddenly
wo licind a ton iblo explosion md being
eithot thinwn oi having unconsciously
inn , I know not which wo ut any into
found ourselves about twcnlv yaids fiom
whoio the oxplo-ion occulted , und
could see put of the roof in the shoot
VVe hud haidly leuohcd the building
when n man etimo out of it covered with
powdor/lns ban and bond b lining ,
and largo pieces of llesh hanging from
his fuco and bate n ins Ni vol will I
foigot the horioi of the sight his llosh
was chat led and his clothes putly
but ned As ho touched the sidownlk ho
looked around him ind culled i numo I
did not cnteh Recoiling nonnswot ho
went right biclc into that but nmgfut-
nuco , and in a few seconds came out
bearing in his m m& his child , igirl of
six or be von Those ncmei to hnn lieaid
hi in say
' My d nImp : . uro you hurtr Oh you
nro lluit" ' While the pool little thing
koptsning "No , papa , I inn not huit ,
not nt all , you uro binning , think of
youtsolf , ' und yet the blood was tuok-
ling from hoi forehead whoio the Hy
ing dobi is made a deep gash Both io-
covered , though disligutod foi life At
the tnno I thought theio was nol onlj
ono heio , but two
Who aio the real hotocs of lifo ,
where aio they found and how can they
bo distlnguisiicdi' uro quostioiiB that
ovoiydiy occuttonccs oftou unswoi
better thun the most clnbor tto essays
Such nn unswar c imo on Wcdnosduv ,
when John T co , u cub drivoi , plunged
into Tones'falls nnd at thoilskof his
own lifo attempted to tcscuo the unfoi-
tunato luboior , W J Dennis , who vis
beitig swept nnuv to his denth by the
swollen stt cam , says the B tltinioie Sun
Thnt ho wns unsuieessful counts fet
noth nur in woigning the qu ility of his
net .1 hoi o uro us manv unsuccessful is
successful hoiocs in the woild , uud
those who full mo sometimes noblei
thun thoio who ti Iumph The question
of whothoi a mini oi a woman is a true
hotoot heiolnu does not depend upon
soci il station oi outward ttappings A
, man is not a soldio- hoc iuso ho woms a
uniform , noi is n Jiuio to bo distin
guished by any outwmd minks Wo
may en tei tain hoioos , Itko angels , un-
uw iresand novel reco nUo their ohui-
nctor until suddenly thoio comes a mo
ment of appalling uungor , oi iifemful
dlsnstoi ovoishndows us , und thou the
here stops out from his conce ilment ,
mid we mo uiiia/cd to see that ho has
, the 'atnihm face of a grimy cngiiieet
who has died ut his post to save the
lives of his passengers , oi the fet in of
some wouk woman who has giown
strong in the hour of pot il and tuught
mon the way to luco It , oi the
cab duvet , whom you have soon
tattling up nud down youi city sheets
in anything but horolo fashion -Glvon
the necessary conditions nnd the hero ,
if ho is tiny whoio about , is bound to
Bhow himself i'ho conditions und the
hero woio both in conjunction nt Jones
Palls on Wodnosduy Thoio wasu poet
unknown luboroi in the glipof dcuth
limiting down the stiemn , not a licli
man , whom it would niy to pull out , not
a rolatlvo who cried out foi help
through the volcoof blood oi nuturo
or oven u friend to whom pnst associa
tion gay o a claim , but simply a follow
in dibtress , mid t > bra on the bunk wus
John Lee , the cnbinnn The conditions
and the man bolng both on hand , the
cabman developed line the here and
plunged in to the roBcuoof his unknown
brother A'tot ' nil thuo is much to ba
proud of and thunkful foi in human na-
turo The rough , outer husk of our
humanity of ton conceals heroic und ten
der natures , which nobly lespond when
the ci 11 of duty comes bontotunos , Uko
John Lee , the cabmun , thor have the
opportunity to do a striking and a gal
lant uci that is known of all men , and
wins instant npplauso , Oftener they
contiauo to the end poor privates in the
battle of lifo , nnd novcr sociiro recogni
tion from the world Rut in their quiet
way they may bn morohoioio than the
heroes who mo known , nnd by thuli pa
tient ondurniHM and huivo oxatnplo
mnko lho world unconsciously bettor
nnd blighter
A VeiialUos ncwBpnpoi nlatos that
nmoiig lhaso who came foi wind nt the
end of P o jenr'lST" ' to rocolvo prices
from the Jlutnano-society of the dopirt-
mout was u Uulo hey or six yeiirs ,
P.ugono Pmiln Lovl , who sited the life
of his sister , ttgod two anil ono-hulf
On the 2 < 5th of April these two chil-
ton vveioplnviiigtogothoi lnngnrdon ,
when little Mmlo fell held foioiuosl
Inlon c isk nbout tlnoo feet deep , which
was sunk into the ground and ill led
with water llowlng fioina hiundrv , to
the edge of which she h id venluicd to
g itlioi llowois
Insttiid ot itinning awnj ot hiding
lilmselt , as dilldron of ton do on stub
oicisums , little I ugene uiiiloistiinding
the ditngei whii h his istor tun , nindo
the most liilolligont otlorla to ilri „ f hoi
o t , llrst by bet feet , which piotndod
nbov-o the iv nun , but his hiinds bnlug
too sinull ho soiyod her by her pettl-
coits , then bv her bond , whkh he suc
ceeded in kui ping above the watci till
the uuhnl of his father , whom ho li id
sclitmiothci child to look fet Diugged
outof the lecoptialoof diity wutui bv
hoi fulhet , thepoui litt'o ' gill hud lot <
nil eonscloiisiii ss , md wlionhei biothui
siw this li j begin to er\ and embuieo
hei , covered with mud nssho was
In u similui cliciimsttiiice this hi ivo
boy hid previously given pioof of a
into intelligence Iwo veins bcfoio
the d lughtot of ono Illnot , hi the smno
town , having fallen into n iniii-wntei
ciskLugono hud h istenud toinfoim
her fiithei , who , th inks to this winn
ing VMisublo to bivohts child ftomn
ceil lin death
In almost ovoty gre it disaster iimong
the btc tmbouts of the Mississippi liver ,
siya ti New Oi leans lottoi to the Now
Yoi k rimes , f-oino ideal Hludsoo ur it-
alistie Glvon h is appealed to leave the
nn pi ess of his hoi oism nnd self-suci illeo
upon the ton iblo ov < ut
Chiuity 1 uinbcrt , the simnlo hi ick
ncgicsswloso brivtiysived bo in my
lives in the leceut explo-ton ot the ( oi-
onii , is ouo of these bet oic souls
The uowiung gloi v of hoi life v js
hot hi roism in this list disiistoiin
which forty souls weio hurled into eternity
nity without winning Chnity was
till on tibond the bo it i > y Captain
Blanks us ehuniboi mind J ho ill fated
boit wus iisconding lho livci at the
usual nite of speed , and Cliiiutv was
tow lid the leai of the boit iioniug
when she he nil the whistle blow T he
famihai tooting of the Coiona hid
bcnuly died jvv ly when the most
totiihc explosion that over shocked her
ens took plucc and the gallant
emit Bhlvlicit and shook nnd scouk d
to be puling m two Mummy had
staicolv time to look mound when the
dooi but t open mil the 1 uhes um m
nnploung hot assistance Hi i quick
intuition emio to hoi nil mil she s iw
lb it boinolhing must bo done , md done
quickly , to • • iv o the pissengois Hut
ticdly but ( tlmly.sho went to the pljco
whoio the life piesoiicts note kept and
parceled them out tothototioi stuck
en Indies until ill woto sunpliod but
hoisolf , und , heedless ot hot owiisifety
she led the w iv to the loof
All who hud been piovidod with lifo
piosei vols by lho noble , self sacrificing
old negicss llotitcd on thosuifnce mid
were saved except Mis Hough who
was struck by ti door and diowned bo
ncath the weight above hei head Old
Mummy , after stiuirgnng in the vvutoi
for sever il miiiuti s wns linally rescued
by i rous about Hvci uiisclhsh she
oegged her rcscuot tosuo the whlto
ladies lust mid kavo hei to tike emo of
hei self
Woare coniinc fither Abrnh ini 300 000
moro ' to crdot o llin coon cl cctivo uualitics
of Dr hull h coiuhbprup In Lvcty ia ° o of
coughs , eolds etc
"Ysacirofor " cluipped nnd ibifeil liunils
i tiothiiiK equals the cclcbrutcd caivat ) , ) , , oil
lor su o by all drii0lsts ( Price only JJ
cents a bottle
Minoial wnloi dopot,2nd doot west
P O _
A Jl il I I Inn
Tuesday moining as Luthoi Lm a
son of L L Lv ms , wont to the hold fet
histciini on the lJmbor Dm ling pluco ,
non Sequel ho discovoicd that an nni-
mul , which ho supposed was u dog , was
uoirying one of the hoiscs , s lys the
Santa CtuGil ( ) burf As ho diovo
nc iroi ho saw that the annual w is not
u log , but an exceedingly lively speci
men of the California lion , who wis
making a vicious att ick upon the horse ,
bitting and bcr itching it with leonine
ferocity The bursa was milking the
best , defense oo siblo , renrnig und ku k-
mg , und wus uided by his mate , but the
hnn wus very evidently getting the best
of the light , und would soon have secured -
cured nn cqunio breakfast As young
Lvans , who was on her obtuk , lode up
the lion ciouchod on the gtoud foi i
moment md then rnn oIT to the woods
The hoi i hud bcon badly bitten on the
11 inks in clc and belly , and was nontly
oxhiiustod from loss of blood , but , uudot
propot1 ticutinent , is expected to 10-
Mike no Vn-liike
Hy ilisj clung the symptonis so often tnkon
for coiusumptloii bANJA AWL bus
brough * glnuncss to ninny n household Hy
Its | romptuso for brcililtnr up the cold tliut
too elton Jevclops Into tliut futid dlseise ,
thousands cm bu savid from an untimely
Kr.ivo You muko no iiilstuku by keeping a
bittlo ot this pleas uit remedy In your
equally clTi ctlvo in crmlicutiiic all tracts or
NuHal Cutarili Hoth of these wonderful
Cahforni i remedies nro sold nud warranted
bv Goodman Druif Co II a p iehuo ( , J foi
S. 50
"niuluy Mow Miiiiiilfiui s
Uuidotto "Thoio isn't a business in
the woild , " rotnuiked the division
Bupouiitondont , that can show ono
titlio of the onorgv , progressive splut
and general ontorptisc tliut the railroad
business does "
"Oh , oiino off , " said the ropoitor ,
why theio isult enough entormiso in
youi whole coipoiatiou toiuii ti six
column weekly witli bolloi-plato tniit-
tet Last week you um n giuvel ttuiii
into voui limited oxpiess ut a wutoi
lank , and the next day you broke down
a hridgo and dumped thirty-two freight
curs into the tivat , and tlieio wusn t a
man about the gonaial olllcos , fiom
nroaidont to dooi-kcopui , that ever
know a thing about it until they reud
mi uicount of it in the Hustler , and that
was written by u now lopoitoi , working
on spuco to got in LuturptibO , " und
the disgusted scrihblor wont away to
' do" mi embo lctnout that the direc
tors hadn't ' heuid of vet
WaUiiil Dp Lit crnally
A lctbur lo , dormant coiiUittou of the Hvor
is hardly to boovnrcomu witliUraslIocatliar-
tics mil nauseous clolnrosucs A tcnttci ,
plciuantor and far moro effective uniiins exists -
ists of tirouslng tba i r < an vvben somnolent
'J Ids is Hottotter s bto nach Hittorsvouched
foi by tha wedlcul fraternity , tested bv the
public by many years A resumption bv the
biliary orgin of its sccrotivo function , with
the activity attendant upon health , a return
to reifularlty of tba bowel * and a renewal of
digestion are tha no loss happy and certain
results of UHiner the hitters systematically
its laxutivo effect is never pulnful and
drcncliluir , its tendency bohi ; rather to pcr-
petuato regularly than to produce a copious
action Malaria ucrvousiuss debility , kid
ney troubles and uouraljia it BUbdues effect
the Whiskers must go
A Curious Order loucri It ) the I'lilln *
( Iclpliln .V Itrndintt Itomt
In coiupliuiico with a genetnl ruder
issiti d hy the superintendent of the
Phil idolnhl t A , Reading lnllro id com
p my , the brakomcii und b iggagc inns
tors employed on the loul will bo coin
polled to repot t for duty in the future
with clcnn sliuvon faces , nvs a special
to the St I outs Post-Dispatch This
order hns e iu cd no end of talk among
the men , ninny of whom have hoards
tomaikablo for gruco and hcautv
Rrakemiiti \ \ illliini II Welch sup
put la a bout d iv hi Van
1 > V ko Ho is ns pi oud of his facial udoi u-
mont as n pi icocu is of Its tail , and
tiithui thun siiciitlco his dignity to mi
atbitriiiy into of rilhoad fashion ho
has deiidod to tlnow up his job About
ii vou ago when n similui oidoi wns
issued , Welch wns occupied , ns ho ex
cused himself fet wc irinu whiskers by
st itlug that ho li id aero tin o it 1 his
pxcuso will not go tills yen it is
siuipli a enso of wl iskois und no woik ,
ot stoudv omyloviiient nnd no whiskcts
A nuinuet ot eninloies who on-
joved the luxuiy of u clc tin slmvo
nio now stilleriiig with lho
"gilppe" In conncctloii with the
oi dot doing away with bciuds Is mi
onlor coiimclling the men to keep theii
coats closely buttoned when on duly
TniB means fet the men ism tof Russiun
bath between stations When the su-
poiintondont ot the to id issued his
sweeping oi del for i s lerillco of the
bem ds ho in ido no explanation , but it
is goner illy uiiilei stood that his idc i is
< u have all the mon employed on there
ro id look ns slick us po-isible Accot ding -
ing to his way of thinking a mini ennui I
meet this toqilhoinciit except by huv-
ing n clcun shuion face
in Ohm One
The Chicngo , Milwnukeo & St Paul
Railway is the only line running solid
-tibulcd , electric lighted and stc nn
heated tiultis between Chicago Coun
cil muffs und Omnh i
'Jhobcith leading limp feature m
the Pullman sleeping cms um on thebo
lines if p itented md c iiniot bo used hy
nn othei i illwav company It is the
gtcat impiovcmont of the ago Ti y it
and be ( onvineod
bleeping iiitslcavo the Union Pncfhc
depot Oinihi nt dp m dully , ui living
at Chlcuco nt i ) 10 ii m Pns'-cngcis
tilling tins tnin nio not compelled to
got out of the i irs it Council lilullb md
wut foi then inn to bo clc mod Cetin
in 1 > ts nnd sit cpitigciu boiths nl Union
ticket olllce , 1 jOI luinmiibt
P A NMI , Gen Agt
T P Phi sign , Pass \gt
HOS 1 MISAM Stuht Umiiia Nlu
rOi l cslto 1 a\ton Holul )
Ofllcolours va ra to8p ra sunj , Vg ion m tr
p m
b | idallsts In Chronic Servo : i Skin a 11 lllooil 1)1
; ? r-eon ( > lltntlon at officii or by m til free Vledl
cl ts sci tb > ii ill or cxi it * < fecuroly 1 nckml free
fro nobsmntl i O inmolccs to euro qu ckly safe
ly nn l pcnnui cntly
Horn 11 yulcal dicuy uil li irlro n 11 lin nil n li
rc ser Inli c nco ir 11 I x sli pi < nc lui on
ilinu pi I < • n Hi i fu i i vtrsl itof lotr mslly
ills oinzcil luck ot cnnililo ic < dill u lit for Mu1y
irtuMics nnltlnlslUi nl urlin mroly per l nn
ently mil ptivntcly c ro I C ns lit lrs ) lletuilkiu
1 < UM Van 1 iStr t oml a Nib
Blood and M Mm % sWltia&
r Hilts coipl tely orillcitol vritliu t tbo HI of
more irr Kiofili cryftlpeln fever ser i 11 > t ho *
iilotrt onlnftlntlo Km nnd lo es y [ hUltlc aoru
tlirott nn illi Mnd toni.110 catnrrh etc i cruinnuitly
curud wl tro otli rnlnvofriltel
Kidney , Urmarv AniSctirWSz
qucnt bun \nj \ > r bl oj \ urii < ? urlno Mni < re 1 or
with n Hkjr fedln pnton bUnll n tcic ] buck onorr
bum rIocI cjatttts ttc 1 romptly uuJ eafcly cured
cbartts rtnoonabl j
0 JL Jfol % > * X U XktZa I manent ( ure re-
movnl roninleto without cuttlnK en inito ) rUUIutlon
Li ns i n cfed ut bouiu by pHtltntwltliuutumo mats
1 aln ortionoyance
To Yowl Men and Mifldlo-Aied Men
AQI1DP PI1DD "io awful eirccts of enrly
uUIlfj UUlltJ Vice , which brlntrs orp-aulo
HenLnem , lestroylnx bith mini mill body nltU all
t8Un.aUoJ Ills pi.rin mcutlr c iroil
nnn DPITITOddross thoio who ll vo Ira
UUOi Dijl 10 i aire I ilieinatl\OH hy Improper
li I ilto ices n I hi I nollUry I lilts will li r ifn botb
body an 1 mini ] untitling II em for bush tss ntuuy or
n arrl < i.o
UAinucn Mlor llnsn entering on that happy
lllo uraruofi ijralcl tl Icbl Ity quit , * ! ) asaWtcJ
Is tmMi 1 upon facts nrst nractkal cxpcrlenco ftcc-
oi l-i\eryiatt is imo tally Hi lie ] , II us starling
arluht tl lr 1 moilicli s nro i n i ru 1 11 ir own lu
bat ry eiactly to suit utcn cusi 111 is ulfccllii ; euros
with illnjiry , *
fW-onl I tents lostaco for ccUbrated woris on
chronic rv us n I lei i todl o sen II usmils
cured JfA frl ndlr letter r rail may rave ) uli
turn Binrirliiiiand tiHi ieai da 11 ol lin yours ( o lifo
ttf'No lettirs nnivr red unl ts ulco 11 anltJ by I
cents in rlauns Jlddrns ore ill on
DitKg.TES A. ItRlTS ,
H Id 1 iirnim fctrtet Omalia Sob
WJxl.U feet , to bo built the iiresunt sea I
son on Douglas bt , nc tr 15th , In the
cltv of Oinulia , I < ob , in the very
comer of the best retail troilo of the
cltv btoro will bo built with Inrto
plato tluss front and with cioij
moJcru hnprovemcntto suit tenants
J ha most desirable location in Omaha
foi a lurpo retail or wholes ilo dry
pooilE , millinery or boot und shoo
Tor particulars address ,
P. 0. BOX 22
Otniihu , Nuhiitbku
w rr-nainmsBrnTrirrTTi i iin i rrrrTrr j
A full i tof leotb onrubbjrfor l > uuaranteo 1 to
b • well made as I tales se it out fro u any In ill
oniie hi tils lounlry anl lor wbl-h you woul I b
cl sriiixl over twlco as much
Jeetheitractod wllhoul palnordaiwer anl IU
oullhousudiolof nn k s iltlli roroluurt-Ur
Ovid a id silver UllliikS nl Ualf rales
ballslnctlim C.u irnuteril
I'axtou lllui k , lOlh mul ruriinin SIieels
Tuko Lloyator on 10th titriet
IN Its first stnRCS , enn bo successfully
checkt I bIlia prompt n ef Ajor'a
Cherry l'tctornl 1 ton in tlin Inter
periods of tliut dl cnvc , the coiljh is
wohdctfilll } rclioicdbj thWiiicdlcino
" I Imo mul Ajir • I liorrj lVctornl
with tlio liit ( ITtct In tnv irnrtln
'I Ms MoniUiful pni irntlou tin us mil
n\\ life I lmil a ronslniit ( oiib ) , nltbt
sweats , vmis ( , ri itl > lulnu I in llisli ,
nnd chcn , up hi tin | li > slliii ; On i
b ttlo and n Iinlf of thu I'lrlirnl
mi • A J Lldson , JI 1) , Jllddlcton ,
" 8c\oral cars nrn Inn soioroli III
Tbo ( lottorMRil 1 1mis lu consumption ,
and that tbij iiuld do nothing for nn ,
lnt ndiIii 1 nuns n hist resort , to trj
Aurs Uurrj t'ciloriil Afttr tukliiK
this incdiiilia two or linn niontbs I
wai ( mill , mul iu > lu illh n mnliis ( , i oil
to tbo 1 n cut d i > ' Jiiiikh llllcli ird ,
Diricu , Conn
"ScicuiUcnrsnrjo mini isiicohoiiio
from t ilifurnli bwntir , 1 cditriuti I
bo soicro u cohl tint for s mo < 1uns I
miis c < nllmd to iu > stall hiiii und a
iiliiblclin on 1 ird iiinsiiUipil in } lifo
in il ingrr Hit ] ptulng 11 him a 1 ottlo
of Ajcts Chcirj Vtitiril , 1 lis 1 It
firclj nnd ni ) lungs Mere mi nnstnrid
to a licnlthi conilltlon Shun tlu n 1
liiiolniarlnbl ) ricoininoiiib 1 this prop
niutlon ' J 1) ) Chmullcr , Junction , Vt
Ajei's ' Oheiry Pectoral ,
Dr J C Ayer Si Co , Lowell , Mat
BoWij alll ) ihsI'U 1 rice ! > 1 , sit bottles t5
Till triElllHTLU SOU ! N MINI UV1j
I /Vsliljljl S 11IIS IM til ISO KKMClll FOH
' OUT TI1110AT COUdlls IAIAUIIH t\ll 110A1ISI
Mti um ciliiorici ioi if-ri \ \aiissT
THIS III LAM 1)11 ISl 111 111 1101)1 SIIOUI D
1 rKl uoiof SC > 1)I N tllM UAlj IAS-
111,1 l i in rm itousi
* OII > til ML WIKOI'sTS AT 2"C AMI f0c ft
I'auiuilits ] { nt jinfih oii.ipilu.illouln the
Scden Mineral Springs Co , Lirried ,
" " > ' 1T
\ rS •
r-- - curi lat lilult while e ecrl n ,
55rffe.1WW " I1 * llodlslincw tilimonuof > r
ri ? 3 t fySxt lolMliut nro absort 11 li 11 tl o
% * * & i. r B Wst tlrouli tl o interns i
a ' mil ibrn ( item I atl ir tl o I
/ ' , . I llcMi term c f ( Use l o i I ) rr-
i 1 " i .Itvcrloeal 1 It It also tl t
\it5Kfa 2 * iun clyl itlott illf i c
• wgr Hg r in 1 ill dls aics ot i ifpt
* vj 23r iruiiu Win riuil .l I
I fiou rormloly Ir n.etsts < r
tcntbyiuall COM1ION srv.1 l I in m CO .
78 Mate feti Let , CIiIlu.o HI
. . ,
'A ho Villi 2Ymiu Sjsochilis ,
/ T jRiarN ftuns irna scll i
lr VtjMw fr > \Tl llSKtSE3
rr ' " ' '
w sj * . vM ? • - > 1 •
I y n - \yJ i I ly c r llarro i
1 ( i " ' > 0) ) i ist nbs I itilr
I VnU A// ) / run I hnl for
L2lJML / / / / lo ki The lifo
YgjjWVVV ir y hierot for Ma l
r laMlSa . 'H7j.fexilt ' \ .lS . ii iilorroilr
cosL'i.rtCBorati.i :
Office b E Cor ldtn & Jnckson Sts
Omulia , Neb ,
sf + STTrgFTi ? * THIS NEW
UiP5 , t ? i6f < ? W"'fSU " ' ad ( lllf-'rent Ire n al
GhiiixSH Zt\ * olrs.lse \ pslape vlll Self
KS Cf adjuslli Kl alllieintir ausita
m /J/tFilrtoo1ll : | .uiloisolti ol oily Ullo
S3 , /y il obolllnil ocip.proosea DOCK
* ta * < f tbo IntQatlnoo liiBt oa n per
owft.rlavjuhate-f 7M
c rat rt t Hiaeafy 1 rut non id nH \ -ntlyi f\V
u iUr8 u-eo ili uisioiT ( itiba 10 cucajp , uu
Can bo cut id hi JO to CO din s oy tilt
Mafic tally
Kor lalo only I j II o C ink Co of Omni a.
l I rusk i Wrllo 11 us f or tl o I ( i es an 1 a 1 ir st of
I atienls nho I ave hi en euri tail Iioiu wli 11 vu
la\ui ru tool ilonlir bhlisisit | Use is i II at
liusultraysbiill III oarlll of thui i l o iiimtilysl
elans , ii I ui 111 lho Uscoitry ( f th i Co k llHiuolr
I os 'MAIIIOItl MI'lll not 010 In Iltl/cvor I uvliu
II odlscute 1 as litniir J \\t k ' trui lee to lure
any taao that tan lo iroduutd 111 u wl o liato
latum ereury | tash H K H a ausaltirnasor ( tier
auvirtlsvd reuellts nttli oily teini rurybuullta
tan n w bi prtii oully tun I I y (1 o uo t { It o
MAUICHTMI III of llinujok Kuui lyi o o nulla
Net nonaru of 1 umllutlons It is ut sulunly lu
osslbluf r for any ether ii rs nutio i | ny 111 avn
i irnnuulaura lyiuinuly llkoltlneno tunJrusulta
11 e 11 k lltiue ly Co , lias 1 ee i Ire ith * I otto its f r
foir ) raandliavoalwaya i.lviu I trlott nalltlau
lo i 11 ov arniluaiKlall ) iistonilblc lavhuntail
talotovirlXiuWi i ukli tli Irtuarant ok ol \\a \
t illelt tl ) in st obitlnato i ihuh il u win I ave
tried i very kni wu ru ui ly ui II i-l all hoi a of ru or
ery Urriso nd Willi us an I lit u put you li ion
e l ii < f uvl lente that 10 vl ici s lliu in st skull al
Mark nl atxliat wosayi In lho in I you MINT u > a
mr mauil-ukmi lit bif riyoucan bu leriun
nil y cure I It it the most huroloblonli urllltri ror
kn nn Unt for | urtlculurs All loiters loulldoii
PAiniflU He euro jou nro kettlni ; the Cook
UAUIlUri Ilemi ly ( .on MaMo llemoly
Nouo otbirs aio onuli e I arllia t lull li ir tuba
uli'iiIs lor us uro linouort mil Iruu Is rull | artlo-
ularsfiee Addrets all couiiuunlcailous to
The Cook Hemedy Oo ,
509 South 12th Street ,
Ma pa A Potfect Aft Attain tonUliilrg 24
Frrj fcK" BMiilftil rhotogrjih | representing
HtUb&i ttlUurl wto , | , ,
TMarld Cofto | ( ) | f „
on receipt of yout address
CHASE & SANBORN , I3S BroidSt , Botton
Wf item Dept 80 Franklin St , CHcigo , III
f Pi n Fresh
tl V/ / Can , I3TH& DCObE t > T3 OMAHA , Uk&
BcrFaclliUt0 ApparatusandB.piecidforBurcrssfn !
• Triatcacnt of vsry form tl u'segme yeou r a
Bo rd Attfladanee Host ACkOmmodatona'nWssti iH
rcrWRirEFOKOIRCVIAKSoalJ formities an < > < dH
Braces Irutses Clubfeet 0ur7 si , v&KJ ?
Tumors , Oaacsr Oataxrb SronchlUs InhiUtloniC- '
flestrielt/ , Paralysis Fpiltpsy , KUnuy BlitiirJT
Sy tar Gkinanihlsod andallBurclcalOrcratioiii
iiKiUTKi iTEj.r ii iisni ihas in tiprAimu sryoB
ttoxKn nil iMco MiMiiiS'r ( SrpiCTLT FIIIVAIf )
OUy BoUalle ZtodJoal IatUt Jtn eiauncu Bpic ally of
AM mood Dlitmi tueetrtfo j tretttJ tirpbl ltte t o ioQ
rimoTii tr intht jiiru without totreurr hrn kt ort *
tr 1 aint rorlui * of VITAL I Olt RU 1 • ilt * vnib e to Tl | f
BiBityttttrrnts > lkt ho nebj corrri Qitnri A IcatrniuDtitW
tlcuteoofl.liutlH MedHlo.Jcrla.iruiB.nlK.nttjmi lorab
crMincarc rpHltl itaKirit ole < ] frai0etn tutontoAei' .
Co | inoc > llrloril wprcf red tftadco&iu ) mtjr * nJ
blik.rrorroarrsi F ivj w will itnd U t-Ulu - r ri < ' ' "
book to win , ri ? .DV . .fc.rivP2 ;
llfl U c t sad Yarleocrli Tlttiqui * lee lUC Aildr _
OiiAiifl MKDicArv a BuituinAi msTiiuxa
11th and Dolgo BtrooU , 0UA1IA , VLB
, zL -1 > sJi
AT XKE - > -l
PARIS , 1S59 ,
The Highest Po3siblo Promlum ,
lLEl R&UMFG.Ca .
The President of the Company
18t 1H7 UitlinMi l\v , CIilonBO
220 H. Kith St , OinitiiiNuI , ) ,
Nee 303-404-1 70J04. . )
SHOElAtlSl i
" " " C
SSWS ' { ne . " . . ot loot * * aa m a uUC uH
yd by O il llcndorsjo i , Oo of LlilcaKO-taoJ ' I
torlo.iittliloaLo tlxoiilll , , au a loaflu Lno , I
Wlt-aUouW write HAM ft WAIBON l M I
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U aa < marto t < u Kulibiri ,83