Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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H Who and What They Are and now
H They Look
mi Iho Islanders Fcnr AnticiAtlon nn < l
pi Dislike Our Hoprcsontntlvo
V Asked After Grandma
M Alctorln "
H | Gohftlp About the Diplomats
E { Covyi IgMtit 1800 by Vrwil O. Carnt | r. )
HL - I aMiJSOtom , Jan
H I 1 A / " ' iSpecial to
H A kj/\J teijee-i-tii | °
M'ffi \ m V two aouitorB
H / " A ff Wljl from Montana
H Irmrnl ,1 i whom a tc
H 'ff ' itfe'y publican * h si vo
H MUiM lC Ml , cltcted ara as
H J ' different ns the
H C r rnrwJCTWr Iolcs They have
H ffjPlWlMnWlM mPw lmnly , Bn attrl *
B rJolJlljLll A A JiftJY'f ' ' ) Ul0 'n ' comulon
I T SWi ? - ) • " ' , l nml accordln&t0
H i ; viiii"M | -
Montana men
H ono Is nsjgrcat as Uio other is small T.lo
| i big man Is Sanders anil the llvtlo mnn
U is Powers Sanders is tall , angular , black
U eyed and lilack-l.alrcd. Ho reminds ono
M of Abraham Lincoln and ho has as much
M magnetism nsJamcsG Hlnlne Ho is a great
U orator nnd tioholds hisnudicuco in the hollow
U of his hand llvo minutes after ho nns tlrst
M I opened his mouth He oxcolls especially in
M u the vlndictivo and ho has a poison tafj at the
M A end of his tongue equalizes into that which
M , j mippllcs the vitriol which spurts forth from
T the mouth of John J. IngnllB Ho is well up
B I in Cnglish literature , quote * from pouts ns
L though ho had been raised with
J ! them nnd Is ono of the great lawyers of the
If northwest For the monty odd years dur-
J ; which ho has lived in Montana ho bus been a
HH noted man nnd ho has done mora to crystal
HI [ ie civilization in the croat northwest than
HI ; . . any other Montana citizen He settled first
J | t' ' nt a little mining camp and moved from
By there to Virginia City Ho was practising
HI" ' nw in this mining sottlctncnt during the
Hj ; stormlust days of Montana , when every man
L carried his lifo in his hand , and the road
| | agents ruled the territory The sheriff bo-
HB ; l longed to a band of robbers and road nircnts
HH ' nnd justice was unknown until ono day Sao
J ' i dcrs called the miners together , denounced
i the robbers nnd organized a vigilnnco cmn-
BH ' mitten nnd a set of mining courts He
' pushed this organization so that ho was
Hi ; eventually able to clean the robbers out of
If | the country , and this was not done before
IH there wcro a number of hangings and not a
V few bloody shooting affrays
'i Senator Sauuers mauo money in Virginia
Ik City at the law Ho mads moro nt
< I. Helena and now nt the ugo of lifty-six ho is
' worth about i20l(00. ) ( ho was born in New
' York and married his wife In Ohio wheio ho
His was admitted to the bar Mrs Sanders is n
fli ' . very bright woman She is widely traveled ,
HH : cultured and dignitlcd , and she will I am
HH > " told , lie ono of the leading figures of Wash
Hbs ington Boeicty She Is now presiding with
HHt grace over ttio line residence of Senator
HH' banders in Helena , and Htio is very proud nt
HH ? ' her tinco grown up sons , the youngest of
HH' whom has lust graduated from Exeter col-
HH ; lege
HH/ SKSATon roi\iit ad ins $ $0,000 piluc ,
H $ Senator Power is a tnllu elder thau Sun
HH ders Ho is a little , rapid , nervous business
HH | man who started life as an Indian trader up
HHj | the Missouri river many years ago , nnd who
HHn has been ongacod over since then in trading
HH > with the Indians , the whites and the gov-
HHr crnment , and has madoitpay ' He is worth
HHc tnreo or four hundred thousand dollars , nnd
HH | has a big agricultural implement , establish *
HHI ment ut Helena with branch establishments
HH.l Throughout the territory Hu Is building ono
HHk \ of the llncst bouses in the northwest It is
HHk j on immense marble structure trimmed with
HHjj I granite and red sandstone , nnd it is to cost
HI | ' $80,000. 1 ho red sandstone trimmiiiES ura
HHI exquisitely carved , and it will tuko allot
HHI next year to finish them The house con *
HH | tains about twenty-live rooms , nnd it con
HH ! nists of two stories , a basement and an attic
HH li About six years ago Senator Power got the
H political bee in his bonnet Why it attach oil
HH \ him no ono knows , for ho is no spcukor and
HH ; has heretofore had no political con
HH ' iicctions Ho became a candlaato
HH | , for congress , and was later on
HH > , defeated by Governor Toolo hi the cam
HH i I palpn for the governorship It was bis doteut
HH hero Hint formed the chief teason for his
HH | election to the sonatorshlp
HH : ini.i : , aovuisoii ur omo
| | James K. Cnmpboll will bo inaugurated
HH ; governor of Ohio next week Ho owes his
HH | positiou to his appreciation of pumpkins and
HHj fat cattle It was tbls element ot his nature
HHjj that made him successful in his lirst congrcs-
HHp sional aainpuign and he thereby got'the
HHi promlnciico that makes him today t'no
HH ] greatest man in Ohio Campbell's opponent
H during bis tlrst congressional campaign was
HHI ox-Congressman Little , whom President
HH | 1 Harrison unpointed this summer as a
HH ( I member of the Venezuelan commission
HH ? Little is a tall , sober aristocrat ,
HH ? who belongs to ono of the influential
HHi i families of his county and who considers ,
H' himself far above the ordinary run of inor- '
HHr tula He had represented the dlstrictsin
HHl congrcSs and bo had no doubt of bis ro-olec-
HH | tion Ho did not mix much with the com
HHS mou people , and toward the last oftho cam
HH | palgn when ho and Campbell sDoko together
HHi at u big agricultural fair ho made a scholarly
HHi oration on the intricacies of the tariff while
HHi Campbell devoted his talk to the glories ot
HHi the agricultural show und oiled his tongue on
HHI tno fatness of the cattle and spoku glowing
HH ! words on thu ricti yellow gouion buo of
Hi Grccno county pumpkins After the
HH'i spceches-woroovor Campuoll went around
HHI the fair grounds and snook bauds with the
HHI farmers Ho tallied with Farmer Simplclns
HHjj about his winter wheat nnd praised Mrs
HHf Jones yellow butter Ho chucked the coun-
HHl , try maidens undorthoir chins , - kissed nil the
HHi babies without regard to sex , and
Hi shook hands with old nnd young
HHl alike Mr Little strutted about
HHi the grand stand and received the
HH ; J congratulations of his friends upon his
H' ieffort , nnd when his friends bogged him to
HH > i como out In the evening nnd help ttio crowd
HH' ' , llrc oil rockets nutl uumploCincinnati lager
HH' ihe gravely remarked : "i'liut the ucoplo
HH | must have their snorts but that they would
HH > ctijov them moro if gentlemen did not miu-
{ > glo with thorn " He was not to bo rooted
HH ] from his hotel parlors and the ring politi-
HHi clans ot his party swore roundlv as they saw
HH ! Farmer Campbell doing his political mix
HHl lug , This same kind of a campalgu was
HHf managed by Cnmpboll throughout thu whole
HHf district and the result of the vote was u i
HHf ( greater surprise than that which came after
HH-i the election of pious Dick llishop i
HH some years ago Ulshon was i
HH ' the greatest mixer Ohio had I
Hi over linowu but Campbell is his equal Iio i
HHl was elected to congress and the change In i
HH the vote about the ogrlculturo fair Bhowcd I
HH Ohlo'pumpkins bunt patriotism auy day
HH1 * in the wek
H < i'ho Hon Prod Douglass , accordlngtosomo i
HH ] authorities , seems to be having a hard time i
HHi la Hayti and bo would make a much hotter
HHj minister if ho bad u thorough knowledga of
H the French lauguago The Haytians speak j
HHl French and this is the diplomatic tongue of i
Hi the cobrt Kx-Mlnistor Langston told mo '
HHj the other day of bis difficulties in this regard I
HH ; at the beginning of his mission and how ho 1
H ilmitly ' Bunuouuted them Said ho :
HH i I had a young white man as my secretary , '
HH who was u comuleto master of both Spanish
H and French , and I supposed that i would bo
HH' ' got along through him ; At the tlrst
HH < meeting of the diplomats
a case vary Impor-
H taut to the United States was presented It
HH , was given iu thn Spanish language , and the
H discussion upon it bad to bo conducted in
H French 1 could not utter a word In cither \
H language , mid I rcmemborcd with regret an 1
H opportunity which Cbarlos Sumner had offered -
forod xne but which Iliad refused Ho had i
H told mo that I would some day probably be i
H cajled upon to take a forolgu mission , and I
H that I ought to known French It you care >
H to try I will teach you , ho said .
H 1 was , however , busy nt the tlmo , and had
HH no ideh that I would bo , seut abroad At J
H this in&eting of the diplomats I saw that I
H must master French or I could 1
H Ml do ofllclent service , I was
tuttod for ray opinion and I said
in English that the case was very im
portant to my government and thnt I would
llko to have until 10 o'clock the next day to
putmv opinion In writing I was given the
Spanish papers and I took them homo nnd
had my secretary rend thom over to mo I
wrotomy opinion In Lngllsh and my secre
tary translated it Into French and 1 gnvo It
to the BMcmbly Thnt day , however , I decided -
cidod that if I could not master French
in six months I would throw up my mission
I told my secretary so and ho beenmo my
teacher From then 1 ate , drank , slept and
thought ot nothing but French I studied
all the tlmo nnd practiced on every man ,
woman and child I mot There was no
laborer or beggar so low Upon the street that
1 didn't Hon Jour , monsieur , " to him nnd
there was no woman so ragged that 1 did not
accost her with a French phrase
longer or Bhorter as I was able to mnko
It , The result was that 1 hud n good hold
on the langungoboforo mv six months wcro
up , and upon the death of the French envoy
aLHajtl during the latter part of Ibis tlmo
I dcllvored an eulogy upon mm , My eulogy
was published In the newspapers , and It uas
copied In to/the Journnti of Paris and com
plimented by them , "
I asked I-rol. Langston ns to the objec
tions of the Haytians to Minister Douglass
on account ot his color Ho said :
"I dent think there ctn ( bo any objection
raised to him on that ground , nor on the
ground ot hi * having a white wife Not a
few of the most noted people of the Island
are blacks who luvo white wives , nnd this
was the case of the Into Prosldcnt
Salomon I once heard Salomon mnko
a Bpoech defending himself ngnlnst the
charge that ho was opposed to themulattoes
He said ; "I am n bluck man myself nnd my
wire Is a whitu French womnn and inV vieo
president Is a Haylian as white ns any Cau
casian I challenge nnybody to say that I
have any feeling against any ono on account
of his color "
"I dent Know that Minister Douglass is
unpopular In Hayti , " continued Minister
Langston , but it ho is so It is because thn
llnytlnns nro very jealous in regard to the
annexation or sale of an } part of their Island
to the United States nnd they mny nssoclato
Douglass with such schemes Ho was sent
to Santo Domingo witn Hen Wndo and other
American statesmen to report as to ttio nd-
vlsaoiltty of Us annexation Ho now goes
back to the country on u war vessel and his
secretary , Mr llassott , was , ns consul at
Now York , in the pay of the party which is
now out Of power in Hayti it may bo that
the Haitians fear Douglass I do not know
now Tin : utjsnxs aui : sTKM.rxo uiunv
HcarAdmiral Shufeldt , who bus Just re
turned from , in speaking of the pos
sibility of Kussia objecting to the Cbincso
gaining contiol of Corea , tolls the followirg
story aa to how the Kussians have boon out
wilting the Mongolians as to the boundary
between Siberia and China
The means of communication nro so poor
in China , nnd thu avenues of news are so
few , " sal s Admiral Shufeldt , that it Is im
possible for the Chinese to keep track of the
goings on in their provinces The liussinns
have been steadily inching on the Chinese
Every year they will send n regiment of Cos
sacks with tneir families about ton to fifteen
miles into China This regiment will settle
down , take up the land and cultivuto IU They
take up the boundary stones as they
settle down and put thorn at the
edge of their settlements , ana thu next year
another regiment comes along , takes up the
lnnd below and moves the boundary stones
furtheron towards Poking Thi-so encroach
ments have been going on for years and the
Chinese cannot understand the poructual
shrinkage of their northern frontier
1 heard from a diplomat at Peking how the
last treaty was made betaeen Itussiu and
China At the treaty conference the Rus
sians brought forth n map nearly as big as a
library tabjo and upon this was a big led
line which marked the boundary between
Siberia and China This line gave the Rus
sians a vast amount of new territory and the
Chinese , ns they looked at the uig mup.ttirmv
up thuir hands in holv horror and said that
though they wcro willing to give away some
of their lands they could not ttinkof allow *
ing such a vast slice of territory to go They
wcro anxious to make a treaty but they could
not give away a fifth of their empire
• 'AH right , " said the Russian diplomats ,
' all right , wo will mauo a now proposi
tion , " and with that they brought a now
map of about the size of a sheet of note pa
per , but upon which the red line marking
the boundary was on the very same latitude
as on thu library table map
"Oh , that is all right , " said the Chinese ,
That is moro reasonable , and wo will give
you thut much rather than fight "
Some of the diplomats whom the United
States have sent to China have been rare
birds I heard all scrts of stories about
them during my visit to tbo country last
jear Ono of our consuls at Ningpo , south
of Shanghl , was present ut a dinner given
by the English consuL to the two ons ot
the princa of Wales , who stopped there on
their way around the world The American
consul shook hauds with the young princes
nnd throw his arm around one of tholr
shoulders as ho said :
Wall boys , so you arc the sons of Whales
I am mighlv glad to see you ; und how did
you leave your grandma , Victoria I I hope
she is feeling well nnd I want you to take
my regards to yon when yon go back "
Another consul In the interior of China
was represented to bo in a chronic state of
intoxication and the stories of General
Mosoby and bis lack of a ureas suit are
known to all
Speaking of Fred Douglass and the charge
that ho loses social prestige in Hayti by hav
ing his wife do clerical work for him , recalls
a story which Admiral Shufeldt lolls mo of
ono of our consuls to Cuba nt tbo time ho war
consul general at Havana
This man , " said the admiral , drove the
stags during the intervals of his consular
work "
Another of our ministers to a South Amer
ican country brought his boh along with him
and got him a place as a mechanic in the
town when ) ho was locutod and he tried to
got his daughter a place in thu public schools
but ttio government to uhlch ho was sent
refused to allow it Another minister prac
ticed medicine at tiio same tlmo ho was act
ing as minister , and not n few of our consuls
in out-of-tho-way ports are engaged in busi
iiistsTEit rAi/UEn's ajiiiitio : ; .
It has boon reported that Thomas . Pal
mer , our minister to Spain , will probably resign -
sign his mission in July , but his reason for
doing so baB not been given I am told by a
Micbicau congressman that ho proposes
to make n campaign for the governor
ship of Michigan Said ho : Senator
Palmer would like to have bis uamo
go down into history ns the first native gov
ernor of his state , lie prides himself on his
Michigan birth and ho owns thu same land
now which his grandfather took out not long
after the end of the involution , Palmer
made his first reputation as n speaker as a
ciuididato for the governorship This was a
number nt yours ago There wcro four gub
ernatorial candidates and among them wcro
Slockbridgo , now In tbo United Spates nor
ate , Thomas W. Palmer and Gov Jerome
The contest iu the convention was very cloao
but Jerome was finally nominated , The
defeated candidates then had to go to the
platform and muku speeches supporting the
nomination Palmer made the best speech
ot the trio Ho said It was hardly fair
to ask u man to Bpcak at his own funeral ,
but that his situation was the samu today as
was that of liouapirto'a soldier , who ,
wounded well nigh unto death , had'fallon in
the ranks and hud boon loft by the roadside
on that fnmons retreat from Moscow Ho
lay dying , and as Napoleon rode by ho raised
bis bead and shouted , Viva Ioinpereur ' It
is the same with mo , " said Senator Palmer ,
"I have fought bard ; Tarn wounded nlgn
unto death , but as long as I exist I will shout
Vivo la republican party and long live our
candidate , Mr Jerome '
The speech was In fact , an eloquent ono
It was copied throughout the state and extracts -
tracts from it found a plaoo In many of the
leading uowspupers of the country It put
Palmer to tno front ns one of the great
speakers ot Michigan , und It had something
to do with making Ulm senator a few years
later At the time of his election to the
Bonuto , ex-Senator Ferry und Jay Hubbell
wore candidates , The contest was close and
Palmer came In as a compromise
Fiu.mj G. Caiuentbii
Imported digestion and assimilation
produce dlsordorcd conditions ol the
syatoni whiah crow and nro confirmed
by neglect Dr J. U. JicLeiin'a
Btronethenliiff Cordial nhd Blood l'uri-
flor , by its tonio properties , cures Indi-
ffcstloii and gives tone to the Btoruttcb
$1 nor bottle ,
Walfa From the World of Wit
and Humor
A KeprcfHcr of Kolcmlllo Informa
tion The Umpire Wanted a Con
genial Situation Allowoil Tlmo
to Ilnvo Ills Kits
CnrninrkN of lit < rlppo
A'eip YuYk Tttlmne
If you have bigness of the head ,
A cough and ringing ears , "
A hot nnd feverish cuticle , ,
And eves suffused with tears ,
A bilious feeling bout your waist , .
And aching legs and hip ,
Though far from well you are not sick
You Imvo not lost jour grip , "
If , vou have running at the nose ,
And constant ( Its of sneezing ,
A chilly fooling down your back
As though your splno was freezing
If In a nervous , rocky state ,
Llko one In drunkoo frenzv ,
My friend , yon'vo got the French "La
Or English lniluons\i.
Harmonlousi Iiilinrinuiiinusnrse
To.mis Siftinps : JIo Dr Pulpit
surpassed himself totluv Grand ideas
nml beautifully clothed beautifully
clothed "
She ( uroubod from profound medita
tion ) What did yon bay , dear ? O ,
yes to bo sure Dr Pulpits clothes
Ho does dress wcil olcgunlly Hut 1
wns just thinking whttl ii dowdy his wife
looked Really , she u displace to tbo
church , " . *
DNcixirimtnir n Mimur
Terre Haute Express : When a woman
has boon out in the ruin , nnrtucold rain
nt that , until she litis * jroUen "bedrn } , ' -
gled , " a man of practical tense will lot
her alone Ono old gentleman learned
this fact yesterday
Did you over rolloot . madam , " said
ho to a woman who was standing under
tin awning alongside of him waiting for
the next cur did vou over collect on
the fuel that the atmosphere exerts , : i
pressure of fifteen pounds to the square
inch ? And yet how often do wo boar
the expression , light as uir' '
"I dent heliovo u word of _ it ! " alio
snapped , in a , tone thnttoald hnvo
warned any married in-u to drop the
subject at once
But , mntinin "
l'I don 't beliote it wort ! of it , I toll j
you If there was any truth in it , that
old empty slcull of yours would have
been cuvcTd in long ago "
And u few minutes later an old gen
tlonian might have been seen unndoring
down street in tlio pouring rain , auto
matically holding in n m-rpendiuiilur
position : in umbrella , he had forgotten
to open
Manti'il hxi-lteii'PtiT.
Merchant Tnueler : The footstep '
that took him through the door of the
omploj ment agency was halting und
What do you want'ashed the cleric
behind the desl ; .
"Do you know anybody who wants a
man to ' ell boohs or sewing machines ? "
asked thu tired-looking man
No not at present ? " "
Does anybody want to hire a work
man in a. powder mill , or something of
that sort ? " ' ,
Not thatJkiio\v _ of " , , , , j '
But you know of a shpwfthut wants
a-man to bo liied ; out of a caution ? "
"No , seem to bo the victim of
an exceedingly reckless mood today "
Reckless ? O , no IsiHJhttho sum
mer umpiring baseball games , nnd I
wanted some winter ocoupatioii' ' thut
would sort of keep mo interested "
A Millinnnire in u Pitiable Condition
San Francisco Chonlcle : The men 1
pity most nt New Years time tire the
millionaires They balance their
books and lind that they hnvo not made
anything ilKu as much us they would
like to have made , however much they
have made I don 't know , because my
business does not take mo much into
the haunts of the millionaires , but I
judge 1884 has not boon a good year for
tliuui The other diy si friend of initio
went in to see u well-known mil estate
owner of other peoples real estate as
well as his own Ho found him feeated
at his desk with his bunk book before
him , in a brown study He looked pale ,
and haggard , and ill
"What's the mutter ? You dent look
well " ' "
Dent I ? Do I look bad ? "
Yes ; you look bud " '
Well , I guess you'd look bud too , if
vou had $ -5,000,000 lying idle in the
bank , not drawing a cent of inter
est "
Not Hocked ( or 1'iino Sne ' iit Tn Kit * .
Pittsburg Dispatch : A gang of men
were at work on a city street when a
slight , beardless youth laid down his
pick , and , approaching the foremansaid
to him :
Can I take a lit , sir ? "
Take what ? " nskod the foreman
"A lit I leel ono coming on , " replied
the youug man , without emotion
Why , rortainly , " t > aid the foreman ,
So the young man walked over to a
bit of grass under a leafy tn'o it was anew
now btrcot in thu suburbs and had
Then he wont und washed , h's face ,
came back to his place In the line , took
up his picknnd struck into ivork After
the days work was over tho.young man
said to the foreman : You dent ' mind
iny having lits ? "
"No , I guess not , if you do a fair days
work "
Well , you see , I used to work for a
butcher , an' ho wouldn't lot mo take
llts said it interforrod with business
an'I thought you might fool the same
way about it "
And that young man works hard with
pick and shovel and takes a tit once in a
while , as jou or I might take a drlnlc of
The Irony of ' 1 ratio Igrottirticc ,
.Towolcr's Weolcly : Jeweler ( in cus
tody ) : Your Honor , the olllcor tolls me
I nm under arrest for a violation of the
election lawe 1 would llko to know the
particulars of the ohurgo "
Judge : The evidence , . sir , is your
own confession Hero is a popy ot a
dodger in which you announce thut you
have supplied ropeutorts to several well
known politicians "
t _ _ i
AiinlhoinnH on the Grip
Pttttliurv ChronMC'Tcltamph ,
A racking pain runs thro' my bralu ,
As though mv skull would rend , sir
1 snoero I cboko my back Is broke
Can this bo influenza )
My eyes are red I'm ' nearly deadj
1 wish this cold would menu , sir
With each fresh broeiro I madly suoezo
O , cursed influenza !
'Twas Russia's czar who from afar
This curse to lis did send , air ;
And on "La Gripno" our tongues do slip ,
Hut stick on influenza
Helped to Kill Up-
Tlmo : Hero is an articlethat , was i
handed rae down in the drug store , " i
euld the repot ter , aa ho gave the editor
of the Kansus daily an oblong object
• wrapped hr a uowsnaper "I thought 1
umybp ypu might wish to use it "
"Yeb , ' ' was the reply , as from the l
depths of tKo fiicUnge the editor removed -
moved a cork ana allowed somothinjr to
trickle down his throat , the nrtlclo is
very appropriate and I think wo will
run it on thoijsiao | this afternoon "
Hartford Post : "Ah , Fits'roy , I'm
clad to see you , ' " Bald nn earnest re
former "I tcnitt to know if you would
have any objection to your wife running
for school committeeman on the same
ticket with mlnp ? "
Well , I think I should My wife holds
ono oftico alfcatYv That's enough "
What oml'6' ' , rl should like to know ? "
"Slio's "
tin usuessor
"An assessor ? "
Yes She assessed mo this morning
$ .14.7i for a Winter bonnet , nnd there
are more assessments in sight "
II Wns in llio Slonvoo
Morclmnt Trnvolor "I hvnhi you
wus in or little gniuo ob poktih ins
night ? "
"Yus , sah "
"An'tint Sam Jenkins won ' nil do
money in do aggregation , cz usual ? "
Yes "
Sam Jenkins is or mighty lucky
man "
"So ho is "
"Mobbo bo's got it mascot "
Hits 'is coat "
"Dnt coat got do luckyist pah ob
sleeves I obnh laid my oyis on "
How Hip homli It Wale I tie Up
Evan P. Howell of the Atlanta Con
stitution tolls a story to show how the
south is waking up industrially A
farmer friend of his was in the Consti
tution olllco , ho says , and Howell asked
him how his beo-guma were getting
along Pretty well , " the friend an
swered The bees work pretty hard
all day , and lay up a lioap of honey
But I think they might do a little bet
ter .My mind is running on crossing
them witli lightning bugs , so that they
can work a little at night "
niHio Wns Olilielii' ' .
Buffalo Courier : Her parents think
Elsie the cutest child in the world , and
cortallily for a tlvo-yotir-old this fairy
is wonderfully handy about the house
Slio has n natural ambition to bo help
ful , however , much in the way she may
happen to get iu her laudable but natur
ally not yet very directive desire to
mnko herself useful The other day
her father had a gentleman friend for
dinner , and after the repast told the
little girl to fetch a couple of cigars
from his bos "Dm you find thom ,
Elsie ? " lie asked , as she returned
Yes , pap.i , ahtl I bit the ends off for
you " _ _ _ _ _
CruRir l ut Sensible
Milwaukee Wisconsin : A crusty old
West Hider was informed by his daugh
ter the other day that a eort.iin gludy
girl of her acquaintance was about to bo
married "Ilasi the young man any
money ? " ' dctiuiiidcd the old man The
( laughter cowff Med that ho diu uothavo
wealth Well 1 do you imagine ho-hiis
any traces of"raln b ? " Why 1 sup
uose so , why b jou ask ? " "HecitUoo if
ho hasn't therp-yron't be any brains in
the fnmilj , Unit all "
Wliva Ihoiniit 1j.iutIi .
Philadelphia Inquirer : The funniest
thing in the Career of the carousing
cat is when hi * silts on the back fence
placidly watfihiHg a woman trying to
conic within several miles of him with
a job lot of brii'ia-brae.
Mij > li < > u. to t'tii" .
JJtiiHSm Trllunrtg )
Mine eyes have seen-the coining of the wp-
, rlallUUSSUUl UKttV' 1 .W' v. * *
It is going througa lho.countr.sion a kind of
It is seizing all the people Just above the up
per dip , i / c.
And it still goeR > sueozlngon
rr i
Whv ll-rn I Orpins VnnlHli
New YorkAVeeklv : Philanthropist
Yours is' the first hand organ I have
seen for'somo iWeoks Got too cold for
them , Isuppose
Organist IJetoes so , sigrnor Zee people
ple kecoa windows shut and notta pay
us to morn on.f
l'or ferml ( Jif Citron
Harpers Weekly : "Vv icu cookies
you rudder haf , meester do vwones init
holes in do ( mqedle or do vwones mil
citron in de meedlo ? "
"Ay it dent jiuilik nhny difference to
yeinem , Oi'll tnhk do ones wid do
citron Oi ' m fonder av citron dan av
holes , mem "
Howare of fraudq Rod Cross Cough
Drops wi'l cure your cold
A West Virginia maiden of forty-nino
summers is the plaintiff in a breach of prom
ise suit .
It may ba that love makes tbo world go
round , but an overdose of whisky will do it
more successfully
The human race Is a great ono " Yes , "
said the widow to whom he was engaged , "I
am now on'tho second lap "
A Litchfield , Mich , couule who liavo been
married thirty years , bad n misunderstand
ing about twoye.irs ago , snd Binco thou they
have never spoken to each other , though
living iu the same house
At Portsmouth , O. , the weddlug of Uncle
Aaron Noel , n Clay townshln farmer , aged
eighty throe , to Mrs Lizzio Dawsona widow
of Lucasvillo was stepped by tno grooms
sou , A. N , Noel , ho taklag the mnrriago
license from biui
Thaa and wedlock wait for no man A
Mauch Chunk juryman wus excused that ho
mlgnt go and get married , the lawyers
agreeing to continue their case before eleven
good men and true " .
Hobson Whorp are you bound ) Uomscn
Up to osk mv pictty cousin to marry mo
Hobson Well , good luck to you Hoinsen
Thanks , dear boy Hobson ( an hour later )
Well , didyour pretty tousm say yesl Hem
sen No , the homely thing refused me ,
Miss dumpktns is a very shnrp-spokon
girl " said Dllfklns to ono of his friends
Yes , It has stmtcki me so " "Do you think
she is a womah iwbo would umbo homo
hoppyl" "I couldu't'say an to thut , but I
think you could count on her to make It Iq-
toresllng " JyU
O " said ono high-school girl to another ,
bow 1 do desplso that now Latin teacher
of . " "Thufc&li-iooklug
ours - young man who
this " * Yes ' bo's horrid
cuino yoari" , , and out
ot school fie triesitj ) court mo I wish I could
get oven with hltftjhotno way " Why dent '
you marry hlnvdfiarl"
Landlady's 'dauphtor Mbthor , you tell
that man In the ' front room to clour out at
the end of thoinhfith Landlady Why so ,
my daugbterl ifiiq's a very nice gentleman ,
Landlady's danghjer Re is a fraud , I'vo
boeu through lus.f uiik and found lots of let
ters from a woiiidn to whom ho Is engaged to
bo married , Whit sense Is tuero in wasting
the nice front nib on that sort of a bd.irderi
Wo want ono whoiisn't engaged
Old Mr WlaoWer had been sitting silently
alouo with Miss Autumn for liftoca minutes
Finally ho spoVij Miss Autumn , you are
pretty " Ob Mr , Widower 1" You are
prot " How can you , Mr Widower ! "
"I started to say that you were pretty "
"Oh , you horrid man , atoul" Condemn It
all , woman , " shouted Mr , Widower , rising
and brealcing tor the door , "I wanted to say
that you are pretty near as old as lam Now ,
domino , I think you'ro twice ns old , "
Cooks Jjxtra Dry Imperial Chniu-
imirnr ,
The extraordinary success ot this wino is
duo to tbo excellence of the article Estab
lished SO years ago its proprietors have coti-
stoutly endeavored to improve it It is sec
end to no sparklug | wluu in the woild , as
evldenco of this fact un extract from n letter
of Lord Uhiof Justice Coleredgo of Knglaudi
Send mo 15 dozen of your sparkling wino ,
I I tried It while jn your country and found it
I a superior article " Thousands and thou
I sands could be added if up.tco permitted
NIuo Indian Territory Mon Soon to
Die Upon It
Hcniinlsconocn ur the ntiicsntiio Old
Mnelitno Execution by Shooting
Among ; the Cliootnwa The
Voting ttrnvo Kept IIli Word
Tnlo ofn Gallows Tree
luafi - . _ .3 out Smith , ArK ,
\y\ \ 1 1 1 Jun.U.-rSpecial
er = Li 1111 t0 TIE , " * . ] -
1 a Nine moo Indian
# * 91 territory murder
/ j nlr % ? !
] raitS ] (9l ( ors wnoso d00" "
i pJnSf Hj has been scaled ,
ill I" ! jRflitL "l0 ' 'icircerntcd '
f i
' - iiM.fiMWM / ' n th ° ulitei1 ,
3jpnnnmnasj ! . < awaiting their
! lliVf ) oxeo11"011 '
# > rfp \ > / ( 'ftyi
t Tt xJIb rilH * / , at hand ,
ilMiitiYvn 1 Af , ; | MiiiirWi whllo twentv-six
moro nro yet to bo brought before the bar of
Justice to nuswor for the sumo crime , 'llieso
unfortunates nro Indians , negroes and white
men burdened by lives ol lawlesuess nnd the
evil companion * with whom they have long
been uccustomed to associate , Sumo of
tholn murdered for money , others for re
venge ; and the history of thuir crimes is but
a repetition of of Hourly a hundred
othei s that have been expiated en tba s una
gallows fiom which these men are soon to
take tboir fatal drop
Perhaps no other structure since the
bloody guillotine of the French revolution
can boast of having sunt so many souls into
eternity as the old gallows standing in n
iiulot corner of the jail yard at Poit
Smith This famous scaffold was erected
fifteen years ngo , und slnco that tlmo sov-
enty-two murderers have dropped through
its fatal trap Its victims have been of nil
classes and conditions of lifo and of various
nationalities , nil for crimes committed in the
Indian territory , or that portion of it over
which the United States court for the west
ern district of Arkansas has jurisdiction
oni : or the "oimest" mkv
that ever swung from this gallows and
most of the unfortunates died game was
Dr HcunStowart , a graduate of Yale col
lege and ti man of extensive travel nnd
much intormation Ho had been a ph.vslciuu
on board an English merchantman aim had
sailed the seas lor several years in that
cipacltv , but coming back to America ho
drifted into the Indian territory nnd falling
among evil companions wandered into the
paths of ci imp and paid tht , penalty on the
gallows It Booms that Wiley Stewart , a
cousin of Henri , who was then rosldlncln
the Choctaw nation , had a grudge against
an old doctor living nt Coddo aim hud deter
mined to kill him Henri was ap
prised of Wiley's intention and went
along to sco the deed well done
IJoth men were under the Influence of liquor ,
and all Indian Territory wliislcy belongs to
the fighting kind They rode up to the rail
road aepot ut Coddo while their victim , un
suspicious of danger , stood on the p'utferm
awaiting the train Henri Stewart draw Ins
six-shooter and lircd into the ground , then
Wiley regarding tliat as a signal to begin op
erations , opened lire with a Winchester and
soon brought down his old enuiny Wiley ,
who was ono of tlie most huidened charac
ters in tbo territory , made Ills cscapo and
was never npprehended , but Ilonri was ar
rested for the orinio and was proven guilty
of havnlg entered Into a conspiracy to com
mit murder , and all efforts to save him were
of no avail He nrotcstcd his mnocenco to
ttio lust and made a short sneech on the gal
lows warning his hearers against bad com
pany and strong drink , then
OU.MI.Y vssist a tukuaNomc
to adjust the fatal noose about his neck , ho
budo the crowd turcwcll und whs dropped
into eternltv
Colorado Uill was Stewart's companion on
thu gallows He too died game , but his
courage was moro of the dare devil ,
brnggudqcio kind and not the cool
courage of resignation that Stownrt
possessed Colorado Ullt had killed several
men , but the crime for which ho forfeited
his hie was thn murder of a youug man at
Musbogee , with whom ho became involved
in a difficulty on account of a fallen woman
Two hundsomer men than Henri Stewart
and Colorado Bill would bo hard to Und
Both weio six feet tall and well proportioned
tioned , but Stewurt's leaturcs showed cul
ture and refinement , , while Hills ' were
ruggeJ ahd coarse from the wild lifo of ex-
nosure he hud led in the west
Many other interesting cases have termin
ated on this gallows , and the expert hung '
man who has dispatched over llftv of them
can truly bpast of novcr having made nmis .
Ho pi ides himself on breaking the neck of
every man ha huugs , and says it is an act of
humanity to carry out the sentence of the
law and exact the penalty that stnrn
justice demands , without causing auy
unnecessary suffering to the unfor
tunates whoso lives must be talion
This export hangman has the knot welt uu
dor the chin and then draws it as tightly as
possible without choking When the trap is
sprung nnd the deadly drop nnd dull
thud scone is enacted , the hangman's knot
Is drawn Just bohliul the ear anil the nock Is
iistlt : asm ) ErrBCTUit.l.t linokRV
nnd the victim is wafted into a realm ot
dreams end Into ctormty
The Indian territory with Its peculiar forms
of government has long been n harbinger for
criminals from all parts of the Ltilted States ,
and as there are no moans of extraditing
them they nro safer from molestation there
than In Canada or anvothor foreign country ,
for no requisition Is Issued nmt nouo is hon
ored In the Indian territory Association
with this lawless element has lind a demor
alizing effect on the natives of the territory ,
many of whom are half.breeds.qiiartcr.broeds
and ncgroos It scorns characteristic
of these mixed races to exhibit all ot the
evil proclivities of both the white tnati and
the Indl-in , without the good qualities of
The multltuao ot criminals who are aa >
nually brought before the bar of Justice for
murders ami robborlcs committed In the In
dian territory nro mostly of the mixed
breeds , nnd of the fi.OOU mon Indicted in the
United States court nt Fort Smith within
the past fifteen years for felonies committed
In the Indian territory , loss lhan n thousand
were full bloods The rest were or ttio
mixed breeds , or were whlto men and ne
groes who had bocoiuo adopted cltizons of
the territory Many of them wore fugitives
from Justice fem the states , who found a
refuge m the wilds of the
oxi.v iiisot.fTtit.v sircitirr
within the biond domains of the American
The cases tried In the Untied States courts
are only those whoruin a while man or a
negro is concerned , nit oases where only citi
zens ot any of the Indian nations uro In
volved , ocino before the Indian courts
for trial , if they are over tried
nt till Thu Chnctaws execute by shooting
I once attended a Choctaw execution near
Sans Uois that hud much of the horrlblo
connected with it The victim was a cripple ,
and unlike most Indians w.iswoak and with
out stoicism Ho was the only Indian man 1
ever saw shed tears The execution tool
place ono dreary December day out In thu
woods not far from a rude structure that
served ns a court house The condemned
minis wife and two little children were
sticnding their last hour with lilin , and whun
the sheriff separated them the woman's
screams were lioartionding to hear With
her arms around her husbands neck she
wept ns though her heart Woufd break , whllo
the two little children clung to him und min
gled their tears with their mothers Under
such an ordeal few mon could rofrnin from
tears , nml the tmfortuauto husband nnd
father could hardly be blamed for shedding
tears when there wns scarcely n dry eye
among the few disinterested spectators to
the awful scene The Indian sheilff and his
aeputy , however , showed no fooling in
the matter , neither did the executioner
The poor woman carrying her youngesc
child and louding the other , hurried away
through the woods to gut * out of hearing of
the shot that would mnke her a Widow As
soon as she turned nwuy , the doomed man
quicltly brushed the tears from his eves , us
though ashamed of his weakness , and with
one last look at his wifo'and little ones , told
the sheriff to go ahcaa Ho then soatcd him
self on a blanket spicad on the ground , while
the sheriff hold ono of his bands and a deputy
the ether The executioner , an aged Indian
who hud performed that bloodv duty for
forty years , sat down on n rock nbout ton
yards distant , and taking his six-shooter ex
amined the worning of the cylinder Thu
shcrift bared the doomed mans breast ,
in : ri.i.T ion run iikuimi or ins nnviiT
and pressed his fingers momentarily on the
spoi The white spot left from this pres
sure was ull the oxecutinner had for a tar
get , but that was euough Ho put a bullet
through the center of it The victim gave
ono convulsive Jerk ana fell b.ickwiua , the
blond spurting out from the bullet holes , ono
in his breast , thu other in his back , for the
bullet went through him Ills lingers closuil
tightly , his llesh quivered , and lie was dead
In a few moments his widow and children
returned The poor woman fell on the
bleeding boilv of her husbond and the sad
scene was ro-cnactod , I tonic a piece of pa
per , wadded it up and plugged up the wound
where the bullet entered , to stop thu flow of
blook Then turning away I roue , hastily
from the placa
Another Choctaw execution took place sev
eral weeks previous to the ono Just described
A young , full blooded Choctaw bad been
convicted of murder and sentenced to bo
shot Ho was then ordurod to Jail , but on
piomisingto return on tbo day set for his
execution , he was permitted to go without
guard or bail , bound onlv by his word to re
turn Two months rolled by and the duy for
the youug braves execution ariivod A
largo crowd of people gathered together at a
quiet spot in the woods selected for the
shootingj but thu pnucioat actor in the trag
edy had not nut in an appearance His fa
ther was there , however , and when some
one intimated that the condemned man would
not appear , the augrv father rebuked him
severely and told him that when bis son
gave his word ho kept it His words wcro
soon proven , for his sou rode up to the
crowd und dismounting hitcuod his pony tea
a bush and then miprnuching the sheriff sig-
nilied Ins willingness to meet his into 'I he
sheriff allowed him to select his own execu
tioner Ho selected a cousin who was pres
ent , and then tailing a small piece of whlto
paper , pinned it on his coat Just ever his
heait und standing erect facing his execu
tioner , ho received the bullet in bis breast
and died almost instantly
Fit i Nic Kniiti.n : ,
Increased Activity In Coiumcrctnl . I
mid Itrnl Kntnto Circles M
Salt Lixb Citt , Utah , Jan 8. ( Special I
to Tim Ur.E.1 An unusual amount ot snow M
and rain , which la the mountains Appears as fl
snow , promises n fruitful year , The quos -
tloaothow the precious liquid can bo bet /
secured and applied occupies our city couu/
ell A largo reservoir wns recently oxci/
vntcd at the cast end of Tlrst South IK *
expected to bo cemented to receive the spring
flood * . The mountains furnish natural res
ervoirs of the water needed by Our fields and
gardens , nnd even m a dry season enough
could bo secured by damming up the iiioun
tain streams , building rosorvolrs , etc All tin *
is in contemplation and the many now farms
and gardens that are springing up under the
Impulse of a largo immigration uro sure-to
show the efforts
This city has new n very cxtonslvo system
of electric car lines , and moro are in con
templation The electric ears have Just boon
Btartcd for Liberty park , running down
Main street and nlong the adjoin lug Btrcots
It Is noticeable that the lines are all wolp "
patronlrod , and that the s < stem Works well <
With the rapid expansion of the city In ull
directions , a system of rapid transit Is nulls
pensuble , nnd the electric cars furnish it
Among the oxpuusivo buildings tu bo
oreclod early next spring Is ono by the Auor
bacli brothers , to bo put up ut the corner of
West Teniplo and Second South street , opp > .
slto the Trlbuuo building , Tim Messri
Aucrbauli are Just putting the finishing
touches on a six-story business block on
Main stioct , the l'rosross bulldlnu , which
stitistles every condition of a llrst-class
modern building It bus all The improve
taunts and presents a very Imposing front
Walker brothers have broken ground for.i
row of line terrace buildings to bo rented
early in the season
'Iho principal architect of the city , Mr
Klolting , BhowoJ mo designs of a vorv , residence , costing t. iUUOO which will i Jtt
bo erected iu the course of the summer 1H
Another mammoth hotel is talked of on llio
west sldo It would bo impructicublo to notice -
tico all the tlrst-class buildings In contempla
Business Is gradually expanding , trying
to reach westward whole the depots me
Propel ty on First and Second south , some
four to six blocKs west ot Main , is held at
from ? 12ri to $1W ) per foot , which is very low ,
considering the location Nearer to Main \
Btreet , both east and west , prices wcr foot
have ndviincod from f JoOaud $300 to $ l. "Q and
$ S00 , or even more
The dally papers bore have repeatedly
given warning to these who expect to supply
building malcriul that they must muUe their
pieparutions on n very largo scale , Popula
Hon is constantly streaming in , und it tilts
continues , it will bo impossible to aecommo
date the multitude unless building piucccds
rapidly Fortunately quarries of the finest rod
nnd gray standstono nro accessible by rail ,
the Fort Douglas road having been extended
ns far as park City It is becoming quito
tbo fashion to use tills slonu for fronts , In
many coses to the exclusion of every other
material A great deal of building wns done
Inst year , but there bus not yet been a bulla
lug boom There is every prospect for it
tins ear , and to un extent little dioaiucd of
bi' outcldeiB
While the holidays have undoubtedly
chocked to some oxteut the activity of the
real estate tnnncct the snlos oil the aay
after Christum * nevertheless amounted to
1103,2.11) , ) . The market has a verj decided
upward tendency Among the sales may
bo noticed a good many purchases of acreage
for puilting , ohiofly south mitt west As thn
city limits extend about ono and one-half
miles across llio Jordan , the pait west of thu
Jordan river Is now lecoivtng the attention s. ,
of speculators Acreage can still be had „ STL ?
close to the lines of the business strcots HBH
within fourteen t" fifteen blocks from Mum H
street , at very low prices Twcntj acres H
west of the Hlo Granuo & Western iloimt H
nbout sixteen blocks from Main , was SOTCTTit ' " "
$1,000 an ucre From $ i0 for thr lowest to
t > l,200 for the best , accoruing to nearness tn
main lines of travel , , are about thn prices of
acrcugo west of the river , but lii3ido the oiti
limits , though botb further north and south ,
prices nre raucn lower on tnat side of thu
Jordan New real estate firms are spring
ing up dally • *
The holiday trade is reported to have sur
passed the expectation of dealers 'Iho
hotels are filled with visiting guests , and tbo
anxious demand for houses by newcomer *
A very slmule upparatusforobtuining
an electrical spark is made by a Gor
man physicist ISouud the center of a
common lump chimney is pasted a Atrip
of tinfoil , und another strip is paslod
from ono end of the chimney to the
within a quarter of on inch of this ring
Then a piece of silk is wrapped around
a brush aud the interior of the chimney
rubbed briskly In the dark u bright
electric spark may bo soon to pass from
ono piece of tinfoil to the other eudh ' - m
tlmo the brush is with drawn from the J M
shinny Many ether experiments can J
be tried with tno apparatus
ISvon Satan I cars It ,
Jltwtuu Zftiiiiicifpf
And Satan trembles when ho sees
The wea kost saint upon his snec/o.
All the rage Rod Cross Cough Drops ,
5 cents per bos , sold every where
The New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co not only makes better and
* more stylish , and a greater variety of goods than any other company , but it is
now putting KEEL PLATES on all their Pirst Quality GrOOClssuch as
Arctics Excluders , Lumbermens' and Heavy San
dals , including boys , ladies1 and misses Arties ,
See that the New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co " is stamped in the sole of each
pair of overshoes you buy , and you will get the full value of your money Your
shoe dealer should have New Jersey goods in all widths , from A. A. to W. V ,
With Or without heels Also high Button Gaiters with Leather Button
Fly I am western agent for the New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co , and carry an
immense stock , which I sell At Wholesale Only . I also have a large
stock of PELT BOOTS , ( all free from damage ) and German Socks N
IT LINDSEY , llll Harney St , Omaha , Nebraska
llll III ! 11 ! ! IMlWIl Mill IIIBIIM ITIH I r'TTT } TH ' 1 Till I I ! ! | | | | | 111 | | I 11 | | T