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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY SEE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Labor KColldny Intorforoa With the Vlolblo Supply Statement. HUTCH A HEAVY WHEAT SELLER. Oi > iiflflcrnllo Activity nnd n I'Inner 1'cc'IlnK in Corn trnvlnloni Open Up Nervous Common Cntllo Slow. cnioAoo pnonuoR MAUKBTS. CmcAno , September2. ( Special Telegram to Tup. Ur.R.1 The vUlblo supply statement cannot bo presented In complete form lo-any. Labor holiday Interfered with the prepara tion of statistics ut suvornl points. Indlca- tlons , hoxvcvcr , point to a decrease of 100,000 to 203,000 bushels In the stocks ot wheat , a inoftl extraordinary oxhlnit at this season of the year , and which of Itself would bo con- Brtlcrcd a very bullish circumstance aslcla from the other features of similar coloring. The local feature most discussed waa the heavy and continuous selling of wheat by Hutchlrmon. 'ilmro wns excellent nnd gen- crcl buying all day , but towards thu last n pressure that never censed caused tbo market to yield and much of the day's improvement was lost. Trading was lively , but not extra ordinarily largo In volume. Tlio buying cer tainly was not concentrated. There was merely a rattling lire with small guns that continued throughout the day , the big guns only talcing occasional Interest. 'Iho largo trade In corn , urovlslons nnd outs kept the wheat pit from being overcrowded. Decem ber wheat opened ut TSJfJcnml did not sell off nny. The advance that followed was not In the nature of a boom. The price crept up J c In the coursu of an hour or so with the frequent reactions and rallies that mark u rapid miirkol. The top was reached at TO c , but the price did not get n great ways from 7pV@ 9Jf0 lor n lo > ig time. Shortly before 10 o'clock It broke to 70c , rallied and closed nt 7lJ ) @ 79 c. September wheat opened at 77 0 , reached 7 8c high unrt 77e low , closing at the inside. May started in at 83c , sold up to 83c , down to 83,1 0 , up to 83Jtfc , down to 83o , and closed at 83J o. There wus considerable activity and a firmer feeling In thu corn market for both spot and fuluro delivery. Tlio enormous shipments of Saturday , amounting to nearly 3,000,000 bushels , wns p.irily the cause of the improvement , l it It wus mainly duo to the much lower temperature prevailing In thu extreme west and a fear of Its working down through the corn bell. Deliveries on Sep tember contracts concentrated principally In the bunds of n prominent operator , who had been a persistent buyer for some tlmo pre vious. The opening wus fairly active , and offerings wore light and quickly absorbed. .May and October xvero In especially good de mand , and quickly advanced % c over the closing prices on Saturday , but subsequently reacted und closed with an assured gain of % @ /40 over the resting figures of last week. In outs a fair business wus recorded ut figures averaging about } ga higher. The posted receipts were less than anticipated , with the estimate for to-morrow also only moderate. The strength in corn tended to help oats and there was a modcrato Inquiry for covcring'shorts. Septemberimproved to lltjljjo and there was some changing of con tracts to October at } jj@Xo premium for the latter. Deliveries on September sales were Insignificant and car lot offerings to go to store were fair , No. 2 regular selling el.Icily at lOifc. No. 2 white oats for delivery this month sold ut21c. . The provision trade opened the wcok and the month In a nervous manner. In pork , September deliveries , which were heavy , fulled , contrary to expeclatlon , to show who was * really the director of Ihedcul or squorzo. They demonstrated , however , that the long interest contained a large number of small traders and also that u good many of the short sellers sold against the prop erty In their possession. Cuduhy ulono delivered upward of i0,000 ! barrels. * Deliveries of lard were small und without special feature , but of short ribs they were quite liberal , coming mainly from p.ickers. The short ribs passed out lodged to a con siderable extent with Armour , but this fuct occasioned no comment. The trade were in terested in pork und were disappointed when I the deliveries fulled to uncover the shrewd , and successful manipulation of that urtL-le. Trading throughout the session was spasmodic olid apparently in a go'oa measure of a scalping nature. No outward effort was mudo to control the market , and oven for pork prices were seemingly governed moro by thu whims of thqbo operating ttian by In dividual power. At adjournment lard stood 'at Saturday's last prices , whllo short ribs wore unchanged for October , 2 } c higher for September and 2Wc lower for January. The closing for pork snowed a net dcclino of lf > eon on September , 7c on October and 5o on January. CIIHJAGO LilVI'3 ' Sl'OEK. CHICAGO , Sept. 2. | Special Telegram to THE UKIS.I CATTLE The run was divided between Tcxuns. Common and medium stock , whether natives , rangers or Tcxuns , ruled slow , unsettled nnd weak and dlfllcult to sell so as to make anything for anybody Interested , On the other hand , prime to good natives , Texans or good rangers sold from steady to a shade stronger , In some cases about ,10o higher on prime natives , 7 which were unusually scarce and in good de mand. One lot of westerns sold at 1-1.00 , the top price for along time. Prime Texans sold C@10c higher. Native butchers' stock under went little or no change and there was littla or nothing going on In the slacker and < \J feeder trade. Cholro to extra beeves , $4.35@4 65 : mrdtum to goad steers , 1,350 to 1,600 Ibs , tVMX@i.40 ) ; 1,200 to 1.8.V ) Ibs , $ i.60@ 4.10 ; 050 to 1'JOO Ibs , $3.00$3.t)5 ( ) ; otooJccrs and feeders , } 2.0C@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , f 1.000.DO ! ! ; bulk , $1.76@a.OO ; slop-fed steers , J3.5U ( > 1.20 ; Texas steers. $3.00@2.70 ; II * cows. $1. 5@J.10 ; western natives and half- breeds , t3.2i@1.00 ; wintered Tcxaus , J3.30 ® 8.00. ! 8.00.Hoas There was almost as big a down turn to-sday as the upturn Friday and Satur day. In fact nearly the entire udvancu wus lost , the dcolmo ranging from lOo to 20c , averaging a strong ir > c , with heavy solllnc * down to about as low Ugutcs as uny tlmo las ] week. Light sorts were steady , PKOnUCIS MAUK10T9. CHICAGO , Sept. 3. 1:15 p. m , close Wheat Lower ; cash , T7 o ; October. 77X ° December , 78i ( rS c. Corn Easyciishai ; : c ; October. 33 0-lOu ; December , 33o. Oats Firm ; cash , lO oj October , December , 20)Y. Hyo Cash , 42a Uarloy September , ( Wo. Prime Timoth.v--81.2y. Flax Seed Caul ) , $1,29. Whisky sji.oa. Pork Firmer ; cash , { 10.23 ; October , I10.82JI ; January , f9.15. Lnrd-Stoady ; Cash , 0.18 > , ' ; October , 10.07 ; January , * 5.85. Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $3.0 ( 4.40 ; spring wheat , 11.30 5.10 ; rye , 3.5t 'Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , f4.02K@ 4.75 ; short clear , 5.'J5@5.37)i ; short ribs , | 5.00@5.u5. UuttorQulct ; creamery , 13@18 > o ; dairy , Choose Steady : full cream Cheddars , 7K (37Jfc ( ; Hats , 7WC't8c ; Youm ' American , I 8MO , Iif ( a Steady ; fresh , 14@l5a. Hides UnclmiiKOd : green salted , B c ; light green Balled , 65o ; allou bull , 4 o : groeu tailed calf , 5kc ; dry Hint , 7o ; dry und tailed hldus. Oo ; dry calf , Gt&Toi deaeone , each 20c. Tallow Unchanged ; No , 1 solid packed , ' 4@4Jfo ; No. 2 , 3 > o ; cake , 4)f@-'Kc' ) ' Itoctiluis. > nipniruts. Flour 15,000 12,000 Wieat 05,000 1W.WO Corn. . , 4M,000 078.000 Oats . , .iiTV.OOQ SW.OOO Mvorpoul , Sept 3. Wheat Quiet ; holder * offer apanngly. Corn Quiet. Alliiiifiipulis , Sept , 3. Sampla wheat ateidy to firm ; receipts , 335 cars for two days ; shipments , OJ curs. Closing ; No. 1 bard , tieplcubcr , 77o ; on track , 772(3780 ; . 1 northern , September , TflVc ; October , o ; on track , 75c ; No. 2 northern , Septum- bor , 71c ; on track , 72@74c. Mllwnnkf , Sept. 2. Wheat Firm ; cash , I4kcj Decomber,10J < c. Corn-Dull ; No. 8 , Oats-Dulls No. 3 white , Hyo-Qulot ; No. 1 , 42 > fc. Unrlt-y- Unsettled ; No. 2 September , Provisions Firm ; pork , $10.23. Clnoliinnt' , Sept. 2. Wheat Firm ; No. ' 2 red , 70o. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 34'tfe. ' Oati Dull and easier ; No. 2 mixed , 21& ' Whisky Steady at tl.02. KiinnrtH OluSept. . 2. Wheat Steady : No. 2 red , cash and September , Ol } c ; No. 3 red , cash , M c ; No 2 toft , cash , C5o bid i September 05c. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2lo ; No. 3 white , cash , 2ic. Oats No. 2 cash. MVI : Oliloneo. Sept. 2. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 18.000 ; market steady to stronger ; beovcs , JI.35St4.C5 ; , steers , f3.OOQ4.40 ; stookersnnd feeders. 2.00 3.00 ; cown , bull nnd mixed , ei.UOg2.K ( ) ; Texas cattle , $1.2o@3.70 { natives and half breeds , | 2.75@4.00. Ho s Ucccipts. 14,000 ; market wealc and 10@lGo lower ; mixed , $3.75(34.33 ( ; heavy , eapur.(34.20 ( ; light , 13.05 ® 1.73 ; skips , 3.40@ * litnJ ( Sheep KcpclntH , 15,000 ; market steady ; na tives. S3.2.y < H < 'iO ; western , M.45@3.05 ; Tex- uns , f3.2j@3S3 ; Iambi , fl.OOQ3.00. KiinxiiH oitv , Sopt. 2. Cattle Ho- cclpts , 3,500 ; shipments , none ; stronger feel ing : common to cholco corn-fed steers , $2.00 @ 3.00 ; stockers and feeders , * 1.00@3.00 ; cows , $1.35 ( 2.50 ; grass ranco steers , $1.60 ® 2.40. . Hogs Receipts , 2,003 ; shipments , 550 ; market weak and lower : good to choice llaht , f4.25@l.33 ; heavy and mixed , f3.COCS 4.15. Nntlmnil atomic rani' . I3ft t St. Ijouts , Sept , 2. Cattle Hccoiuts , 1,200 ; shipments , uono ; market steady ; cholco heavy nutlvo stpers. $4.00c4.iO ( ! ; fair to good , $3.70@4.00 ; stockers and feed ers , $ ( ; range steers. $2.00@2.50. Hogs Uccelpts. 1,000 ; shipmenis , none ; market slow and lower ; fair to cholco heavy , $3.80@4.10 ; packing grades , $3.75@4.00 plight , fuirtobest , f4.10@1.40. OMAHA -hlVE STOCK. Montlily Stiitomcnt. Showing tlio ofllelal ro'celpts and shipments of live stock during the month of August , 1859 , nnd the number of head consumed at South Omaha : itnccifTS. DISPOSITION. t I M sir = 2 HAIUtOAUS. GT C. , M. Si St. P. U'y 14,51't 511 $ O. test. I , . Il'y fiffi. 085 Missouri I'uclllo S19 Union Pnclilo 1.003 O.AJN.W , 104 4'b > 4'47U n. AIM 010 47U c. . . &o ' . . 8,8'JU 1.2.17 1S ) < ; . , u. i.&p ' X'l C. St.'P. . M.4BO UlO F.E.&M.V 770 Total shipments Consumed in H.Omulm 17.099 Grand total _ 30.7M 85.917 8.437 Cattle. * " Monday , Sopt. 2. The low prices of last wool ; did not appear to have nny clTcct upon tbo receipts , as ttioro worn 124 oars or frcsn cattle hero to-day , a lurgo run for any day of the weolt , nnd the largest for a Monday since the lirst of lust roontn. About 100 cars of the cattle hero were westerns , und some of the natives were only stock cattle , o that the supply of uativo beeves was very llj ht. The market was stronger on peed heof cattle in spitoof the largo run. Native beeves sold at $3.C3@4 25 , and there were westerns good enough to bring $3 ( X ) . TUoro were two laree bunches of western cows , nnd they , with a few odds und ends , forniud the supply of butchers' stock. Tbo market on this class of stuff was no higher , but the prices paid were about steady with Saturday. Native cows'sold at $1.59512.75 , and rangers nt $1.00. Only n few native stoukers and feeders were ofTo red on to-iluy's market , but there were plenty of westerns. There was some little Inqnlry and a few cattle changed bands at former prices. Stockers brought $1.S5@3.00 , and feeders fc.552.75. ! The trndo in hoes started out nil right in tbo morning at steady prices , but it soon weakened and closed 10u lowor. The light hoes went largely tit KU'5@4.0.r ' . and the full loads of heavy hogs at $ y.7.ri@j.'j5. ; The top prices , however , were paid on the early mar ket. The mnrlcut was nusiicd ut ) last wcok by the flurry in porli , but dealers generally look to sec it KO buck again und perhaps still lower buforo the end of the week. There were plenty of sheep hero , mostly westerns , but tbo trade was slow. Kuooipts. Cattle . 2,500 Hogs . 2,800 Sheep . 1,700 Horsed. . . , . 2'J t'rloos. Tbo following , is n table of prices paid in this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbs..J3.00 GoodstooM. 1250 to 14-VJlbi. . . 3.50 ( rf > 4.15 Good stoors. 1030 to 13 JJ llil , . . 3.1i5 (33.9J Common ctmnors . 1.03 ( c$1.50 Ordinary to fair cows . 1.5'J ( i41.75 FnirtoiooJ cows . 1.75 aai.OO Good to cholco cows . 2.0U QiilA'J ' Cholco to fancy cows , hoifOM. . 2.49 d 2.75 Falrto Kood bulls . 1.50 f&J.OO Good to olioloo Dulls . 2.00 ( icl.W Llgnt stockers and feeders. . , . 2.i ! > ( < 4i.CO Good feeder * . 05'J ' to llOOlbs a.50 ( o)2.90 ) cholco llt'ht | ioffs..T. . il.05 M4.05 Pair to choice noavy hogs 8.75 (83.00 ( Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 3.'I5 Fair to choice mixed noirs 3.80 STKI'.US. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr , 40. . . 1243 S3 05 35. . . . 189(1 ( 3 20 18. . . 1231 375 70. . . . 1350 420 10. . . 1277 3 00 ' coxys. 1. . . 000 1 50 1 . . . 023 1 60 23. . . 075 1 65 1. , . . 1010 1 1)0 ) 6. . , 034 1 150 1. . . . iaoo a 75 7. . . 1001 1 bO STOCUEI13 , 24. . , 075 165 33. . . . 70(1 ( 2 50 1. . . 48(1 ( 200 4. . . . 650 2 03 13. . , COS 2 45 FKUI1BKS , 3. . . 607 2 25 10. . . . 1011 2 05 10. . , 807 255 21. . . . 03 t 8 75 23. . , VSO 2 Co HULLS. 1. . . 1310 | 1 75 1. . . . 13iO 1 75 WB8TKIIN OiTfLB. Owner No , Av. Pr. 20ulcers , rantro , strays. . . 1835 305 C. N. Stem 130 cows , range 827 100 Sslags , raugo. , . , , , . .1317 1 50 2 feeders , range ; , . , . . 1025 235 J. H. Juslay llOsleorn , range 1071 200 Uarker & Palmer U Bteers , taillngs.corn-fed.913 2 30 C , A. PuKsley 47 htoora , range , Tox..1077 2 10 noon. No. Av. Off. Pr. Na Av. Off , Pr 0. . . 2i3 40 t3 50 CO..205 820 f3 60 20..291 3 Itt 04.270 60 3 60 10..300 353 6S..2S4 240 3 60 4..803 355 63..319 60 3 65 tilve Slock Notcn. II. Hohus , f otn Agntc , Col. , was In with n carload of horses. J. B. Dunn , ot Iloldrcgo , Nob. , was In look ing over the market. J. E. Dorsoywn s In from North fiend with two cars of cnttlo. W.O. SwitrU , from Silver City la. , brought in ilro cars of cnttlo. OcorRO T. Row , Silver City , la. , cumo In with two cars ot hogs. F. C. HauUchlor wns In from Denver , Col. , with four cars of cattlo. Mr. J. P. Haitian was in with two loads of sheep from Sterling , Col. Mr. George Molsnor was in from Shclton , Nob. , with two cars of cattle and two of hogs. J. 13. Smiley has just rotufnod from Mil waukee , after a pleasant visit to friends ot that place. During the month of August twenty-three lump Jaws were condemned. These averaged $3.00 per head 10 the shippers. S. K. Hlnclc , Kearney's extensive shipper , had flvo cars of sheep hero from Brush , Colo. , and eiclit cars of cattle from Kearney. Ilitto * Irom Onintin and Counull 111 tiffs. Second class tickets from Omuha nnd Council BluiTd vlrv. St. Pnul tmd the Northern Pacifio to Portland nnd nil Puget Sound points uro now sold ut 835. Passenpers vln. the Northern Pacific tvrc tnken through the eastern nnd cen tral points of Washington territory , nnd are enabled to visit and inspect any portion of the territory , stop-overs boinp Rivon at Spokane Fulls and all points west. Cnnncllnn ttalltvny Comitotittnn. Minnoanolls Tribune : All this talk about the immense subsidies received by the Canadian Pacific is nonsense. It lias not boon aided more liberally than were its American cotnuotitors , and , be sides , subsidies for purposes of construc tion nro not a factor in determining operating expenses. As long as Cana dian nmtls bidding for American trafllc compl'j vvith American laws applicable to them , and pursue none but fair and just t vctics , the clamor for railway re strict , on can make no headway. Hereford's Acid Phosphate For the Tired Brain from over-exertion. Try it. < = ) cr HOUT11 OMAHA NEWS. An Ufy ! Cut on His Head. A strange man , giving bis name as W. S. Mitchell , and boarding at Twoiity-sovcuth and K streets , Sunday afternoon went in the cellar under Folo.y'b saloon , where Hughes formerly had his laundry , and sometime afterward ho was discovered with a hole In the top of his head about two inches lone. Ho was bleeding profusely and looked as though us though he had been struck with some hard material. Some thought ho bad gone to sleep on a table and fallen oft , re ceiving his injury by the full. A surgeon tmd an hour's work stopping the flow of blood and sewing up the rent. Knocked Off ilio Garn nt Humtnond'a. John Rosnaru , of the salt men In the car- icing gang at tbo George H. Huminon d &Co. packing houses , was kuockod off the top of a car Sunday morning , and received a bad cut on the top of tbo bead , almost scalping him , either by being hit by a projection or when he landed on the ground. A surgeon had a flno sowing job to repair the torn scalp. Mr. Kosaaru also received painful bruises on the right arm and loft leg. No bones were broken. Only n Fcinft * "Murder , murder , ho has killed himself , " rang out tbo shrieking voice of Mrs. Daniel Murphy , at 9 o'clock Sunday night , as she whipped round on Twenty-lUth street calling for the police. When n policeman entered Mr. Murphv's homo his nose was bleeding , and as tbo domestic Infelicity ol that liuino had Just resulted in a lively rough and tum ble light , the loving wife thought her hus band bad wound up the fracas with a kuifo across bis face. Couit Tcutnnln I'lonlc. Court Toutonla No. 105 , Independent Order of Foresters , did itself proud at. Its nlcnlc In Ger mania gardens Sunday. Headed by the Magic City cornet band , tbo Foresters made a flno appearance and received many words of praise. Nearly a hundred couples wore in the gardens , and a better served and better pleased assemblage never met in the city. The prizes for the best waltzrs : : wore awarded to William Conrad and Miss Anna Engzer. A Illrtliiluy Surprise , A host of friends of the Uov. Father D. W. Moriarlty , taking advantage of his thirty- third birthday , procured a very flno book case , and , rushing in on him at bis parochial homo Sundav evening , made him a nresont of tbo useful prticlo of furniture and $25 in gold , and made him twice happy by many Kind words and well wishes for success in his labors and many happy returns of his anniversary. A flue lunch was served and a pleasant social a veiling en JoyeU. filled with music , social intercourse and literary enter tainments : SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 5O5 6oullil3li Struct , Ouiuliu Steck Piano Rciiwrlciiblo for powerful Bjmpnthetlo tone , pliable notion und absolute dura bility ; 80 years' record the boat puaran- tco of thu oxcollunco of these intrns- inonts. WOODBRIDGEBROS , DREXEL" & MAUL , ( Successors to John (1. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the Old Sanl , , 1107 Farnam Slnet Orders by telegraph solicited and prornpSy Attendee ! . Telephonu to No. 'ii. "llBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , TJ. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital $101) , 000 Surplus , Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) 52,001) ) OI'FIOUHS ANO DIHEOTO113 : HENUV W. YATES. Pruslilent. l.uwisS. IttEii. Vice I'rosldeat. . A. fi.TMU7.ALIN , * \V. V. MOII8K. Jens 8. COLLINS 11. 0. CUSHINO , J.N. U. I'ATIUCIt , W , II. 0. lIuaiiBi ) . Cashier , THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th ttud I'arnam Eta. A General Hanking Uuslueas Transacted , NATIONAL-BANK. Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - - 3 _ 4O.OOO OMIcors and Directors C. M. Morsctnnn. O. M. liltchctK-k , .los , liarnenu.fjr. . A. Henry , li M. Anderson.Vin. . 0. Maul , \\iircs. : U It. will , lams , A.P. Hopilns , pres.i > WMIIIaril , cashier ; K II. llrynnt , assistant cashier. J iirAfnrA Tl ESTOBLISHED 1351 ( ISO So. suretnresif ch0aBO | , m8. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It ttlll Treating with ( Ho Great * * SKILL and SUCCESS _ \l A.fmTmtf - 'Chronic ' , Neryons anil Priyate Diseases , r - NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood. Paitlnr Memory , Exhausting Dralna , Terrlblo Dreamt , Head and Back Acne and all the cfTccn k < lina to early demy uid pethap * Conaumption ei Insanity , treated ickntlhoUy by new ratthodi with ncver-liilltur success. * SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Oil * ; aaea permaarntly cured. < C9-KIDNKYand URINARY compt InUQleet , Oonorrhoca , Stricture , Varlcocele and all disease * of the Qenlto-Urinnry Organs cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oditr Organs. 49No iperlmtnt . Ace and experience lm portaot. Conauttntlon free and aacred , W Send 4 c.nts postage for Celebrated Worka on Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Ditcatci. Those coittmplsting Matrlam tend for Dr. Clarke'a celebrated guide Male and Female , each IS cenu , both as centi ( stamps ) . Coniult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may lave future suffer. Ina and thaBe , aad add golden yean to life. 49-loolc ) "tile's ( Secret ) Error * , " 50 wnu ( stamp * ) . Medlclnl and wrUiocs tent everywhere , tecure from e po ur . Houn , 8 to 8. Sunday * g to 11. Addreit P. D. CLARKE , M. D. . _ 16000 * dark at * CHICAGO. tU * - Tllfc - CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Vest Route from Omaha mid Council BlufCj to _ HZ THE EAST = TWO T11AIN8 DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL HLUFiTj Chicago , AND Milwaukee. St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Bock Island , Frecport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubnque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , JanesTllle , Bclolt , Wlnona , La Crosse , Aad all other Important point * East , NorthtMt and Boutticnst. Tor through ticket ! call on the tlekei agcat at'jMl ' Tarnam atreet. In llarker lilook , or at Uuloa 1'uciflc Do pot. Pullman Slop n and the finest Dining Can In the world nro run on tbo main llhu'ot the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul Hallway ; and cvury attention la paid to passengers by courteous employes of the . _ . eofnpany. 1U Ml I.I.Kit. OenoMl Manager : j. F.TUCKKli. AnUtint General Manager. A. V. II. CAlU'K.NTEIt , < ieueral 1'aaienger and Ticket Aeent. QKO. K. UUAFFOBD. Asslllaat General raiiengcr ami Ticket Agent. ' u T.J.OL.AKK. General Snpirlntendent. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST- NORTH and SOUTH 1302 PARNAM STREET. Boots and Shoes. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , Succesiora to Heed , Jones & Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Bute & Shoes Agenti for Hoiton Kubbrr Shoe Co. , 1IC2.1101 anil 1101 llarnejr Street , Omati * . Nebraikn. Brewers. STOIIZ Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North Eighteenth street , Omaha , Neb. Cornice. EAQLE COItNWE WORKS , MannBctn ofGalyanizefl Iron Cornice Win Jon-cups nnd metallo skylights. John Kpenetcr , propitetor. > C6and 11U South lUtli street. Paper Boxes. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Nos. 1117 ana 1319 DougUs itrcet , Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doorsi Eto. M. A. DISBHOW A CO. , Wbolcinle manufacturers of Sasb , Boars , Blinds ani Mouliings , Branch office , 12lb tad liard streets , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Bjors , BIMs , Uouldlnsi , stnlr-work an1 Interior hard wood Onlih. VKA-V Norilj 10th street , Omaha , Keb. , Eto. 4 CLAUK STEAM 11EAT1KQ CO. Pumps , Pipes and Engines , BMam- & & \&teSaF- & & > , * U. S. WIND EXQINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , LUllUar wind rallli. 013 and M Jones it , , Omaha. U , V. lioal , AollUK Jlsnnger. BROWNED & CO. , Engines , Boilers aiifl'Geaeral ' Machinery , EheeMron norl , itcam pumpi , saw rallli. 1213-1215 l.cB.vciin ttli target , Omaha. Iron Works. PAXTON & V1ERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrouglit and Gait Iroii Bfiilding-Worlf , Kaiilnes. titasswork , neneral.foundrrmncblnaaiiil blacksmith ma ft. OmMrfiid works , U , 1' . 117. and llth itrjectj Omaha. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wifl'anillrou ' Railing Desk lalU , window guards , Hewer Hands , wlro ilgBi , tc. UJNurtuKtUstreotOmaha. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire ano ; Burglar rroof Safes , Vaults , tail work , Iron ihulteri and tire csi'apti , U. Anifrteu , pruii'r. Corner Kti and Jackson us , SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOUK YAHVS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limitei Not I OH to Contractors. Sealed prnpoKals will 1 > recelvnd at tlio oflico of the County Cleric , DoiulnsCounty. el ) aslca , until p in. , Saturday , .September Hill. 1W. tot thu t-rertlon of soveu (7) ( ) twenty foot apana trestle work , over tne IMplo , bctwean Section * 8U > nd S.7 , township 16 , ruiiKO 12. 1'Uui untl anecUlcatlona to be found In County Clerxu olllee. All bids to bo Bccompniiled by certtned check for V > ) .00. The county reserve/ the right to reject uny or all bids [ BKA l M. 1) . llocii , Counly Clerk , l Implomonts. CHURCHILL PAHKKR , Dsalerin Agricnltoral Impleiuents , Waps Carriages end IniKslcs. Jontu trt < ct. betnccn Mb an < U'lli ' , omnhft , Ncbrsska , aE'i CALF co. , sUrtcolt'l ' Implements , Waaons , Carriages \Vliolcimlo. Omaha , NcbrailR. PARLIN , ORENDORF Jls MARTIN CO. , Wholesale Healers In Agricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons & Bnigto 001 , TOI , 06 and ( V7 Jones itrcet , Cm aim. MOLINEMILBURNA STOD.UAltD CO. , llannfaeioren and jobbers In Wagons , Buggies Rake ; , Plows , Etc , _ Cor. 9th and 1'aclflo strcsjta. Oniaba , rtj a tB M n to r I o I B. _ A. HOisPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douglas street , Oranha , Nebraska. Boots and Shoos. W. V. MORSE A CO. , Jobbers of Boots ani Slices. 1101,1103,1101) Donitlas itreot , Omnlia. Mnnnfactorf , Buramcr street , lloston. Goal , Coke , Eto. JAMES W. THATCHER COAL CO. , Miners anfl Shippers of Coal and ( Me , Hoom SI. U. A NntluimljlKiik Uulldlnit , Omaliu. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. Jotters of Hard anil Soil Coal , 209 Boutli IStli ttriat , Ouiaha , Nebraska. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Snippers of Coal and Coke , III Boulh 13th at. , Omaha , Nub. LUMBERs ETC , JOHN A. WAKEFJELD , Wholesale Lnralier , Etc , Imported and Aracrlenn 1'ortlanlcnicnt. . StaM ngtntfor Mllwnukcuhrdrau Icitment Had ( Jnlncjr wbltu lime. CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in HaidwcM Lunfe Wood carpets and parquet flooring. I'tli ' and Douglas atieets , Omuha , Neb. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale ISth itrcet and Union 1'actnc track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. Yardu Corner 7th and Douglas. Offlci Corner luth and Mouslas. FRED. W. GRAY. Lnmbe\ Lime Cement Etc.Etc \ , , . , , Cormer OtU and Douylas sts , Omaha. (7. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Rinds of Lumber , 13th and California streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Mllllnory and Notions. T. OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Mans au , 210 and 2(2 South llth street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1124 Homer Street , Omaha. Commission and Storage. R1DDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties-Duttcr , CBZS , cliceso. poultry , gamsv 1112 Howard street , Omahn , Nub. Dry Goods and Notions. aE. . SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions 1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth itrcet , Omaha , Nab. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods.Notions . GcmVi furnishing Roods. Corner llth and llaraey i OraaUa , Nobraslia. HELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Importers and jobbers ot Wcolens and Tailors' ' T. 117 Boutb 15th etriii t. jFurnlturo. DEWEY Wholesale Balers : in Furniture , Farniimjtreet , Wmixlin , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Fnrniturs , Omaha , Nebraska. Crocorloa. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries anil Proysiois ; ; , 705.707 , 70) ) and 711 South 10th at. , Omaha. Neb. AlcCORD , DRAUY .fc CO. , Wholsialc Grocers , Itth and Leaven worth streets. Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. W. J. BROA'J OH , Hirflware , Iron and Steel , Eprlnm , wason .stock , hardwnra.luinbor _ , oto. 1209 and 1711 llainer ( licet , Oraaba. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARDWARE - WARE COMPANY. Wholesa'B Hardware , Cfltlery , Tin Plale , Metals , sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Howe scalei , Miami powder and Ismail barboiiwlru. HIMEUAUQII & TAYLOR , Builders"1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' tool and lluffaln scalei. 1W5 Douglas street , Omatia , Neb. Toyisi Eto. ' IT. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Allinins , Fancy Gocfli , Dons * lurnlihlni : goods , clilldrcn' * rarrl es , 1201 l-urnnm street , Umalia , Neti. 0118. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refitel and Lnbilcatlng Oils , A l gre s . me. . Ouiuhtt. A. H. UUbui' , iluimgOf. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper D3 lers. U atinent for Internal anil local u c. Curus In I to 6 dim Noirrlui't > orlnJ < filon. Wlllliotcauiuilrk-lure , ; II curillmnJrD < l ijf MKl'rlitll.00. . o. 4. fc lh ti ( elsr fur niiii or women. I'trvcius Konoiiho a , tftc , Ku nttihcr not Ino4 > tlon. 1'uckuKu lam 30 days , r ully uu-d. I'liee II 00. Wilt rrul a m-ultU trial > ainple of rtinedy No. 1 or t uu roctlpl ol I tts. In stamps lor luntaite. Any one of thne nmull ( t | > rnni't- | ' ly stnt ( Kuleil ) ! > / man on mtlpl ol thii | irliv. 11.00. UUrnlUilkMktrtlUirruix.liuirilrdorsliiKlu.M.lltKras. STANDARD REMEDY CO , ChlCOgO , III. , 'is ! . . . . , ffll l lil'llukTrK i rnu i M ta OUUKt/lbliK.wlJll-UOVICD tumult mTisuwiiiour .MKN OHLVjStr i UIU U BO/lliJ. / U.J. lot . CU1IK of : i arltV'llr Jll tll/UfuijliHI e kUti. rtilof SI tUa lfbi w " " "h J Tlfvran blrtnilk. KlctlrU luiricl t > wV iTi .tj.nti.r ( eil liju Ue jll. fffM' OMAHA N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST TOll Till ? TUKATMIiNT 0V A Mi , Chronfc and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES , DISFASES OF WOMEN , DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM , LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES , SURGICAL OPERATIONS , EPILEPoY OR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc- J. W. McMENAMY M. B. President . . , . . , , And Consulting Physician and Surgeon. Organizou will a full'staff of Skilled Physicians , Simeons aM Trained Nnrsos , This establishment is u porinnncnLincdicnl Institution , conducted by thoroughly educated physicians ami surgeons of ucknowlcdged skill ami oxpeiicnco. The Institute bindings , situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , is composed of two largo three-story hiick buitlinpR of over ninety rooms , containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drugstore , Laboratory , Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart ment for Patients , In charge ot competent persons , constituting tholurecsfand the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , 0110 of the llneo largest in Ino United States , and second to none. Wo Ifavo superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should iinfko the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice. You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo dations as good and as cheap as any in the city. Wo make this explanation for the benefit of persons who may feel inclined to go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate the fact that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and Surgical Insti tute west of New York , with a capital of over 8100,000. DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. M I"Q APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMI Q TIES AND TRUSSES. III 0) ) Best Facilities , Apparatus nnrl Remedies for Successful Treatment ot every form of Disease requiring MKDICAL or SUltGlCAJL TiU2A.TM.ENT. In this department arc GHpnclnlly successful. Onr claims of fiuperiority over all oUiors are based upon the fact tlmt this is the only medical establishment man ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual cnse. Wo have three skillet ! instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty years' experience. The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the p st few years , and electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the gicat remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases-for nervous 'debility , par alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and ear diseases it i. the most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper apparatus. Wo have lately purchased three of the largest and most complete batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give the most gentle as well as the most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 3,000 dollars ' .uvested in electrical apparatus. PRIVATE , SPECIAL , NERVOUS AND BLOOD DISEASES. Wo claim to bo the only reliable , responsible establishment in the west making. a specialty of this class of di.seases. Dr. McMenamy was one of the firpt thoroughly - ! ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and Tils methods and inventions have been adopted by Bpockillsts in Europe and America. ! Ho is the inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged 'tho best in ! use. All others are copied after his invention. Uy nleans of n simple operation j painless and safe , recently brought into use , wo cure many cases that have been ] given up as incurable by medical treatment , ( licud our book to men. stntfrce to any address , } DISEASES OF HZS'STIE ! Aivnr- > TT/TP , Wo have had wonderful success in this dcpaittnont in tha past year , and have made many improvement * In our facili ties for treatment , operations , artillcial eyes , qtc. CASES TREATED ] JY LETTEll. A , Wo have greatly improved our facilities a-d ui'thods of treating cases by correspondence , and are having better success m this depart. mcnt than over before. Wo are fully up to the times in all the latest inventions in medical and surgical operations , appliances and instruments. Our institution is open for investiga tion to any persons , patients or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that u visit or consultation will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place them selves under our care. Since this advertisement first anptarcd , mitny lonstiny pretenders and frauds have come and pone and ntuny more will come and yo , remembered only by their ttitfortunato and foolish victims.I . " . /I wine man investigates jlrst anil decides afterwards , ' A fool decides first , then inrcstiytttcii. " The Omaha Medical and tiitruical Jntitute is indorsed by the people and the press , More camlal invented , more skilled physicians employed , more modern appliances , instrn * merits and apparatus in me , more cases treated and cured , more successful snmical operations perjormcd , than in all other medical establishments in the West combined. PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS ( OIALBD ) . fl I'url , 1'rlvato. Bpoulnl uml Ncrvoim Illmaihcg * , RiK > rinntonlni-a ( Somlnal linpotuncy , Vurlcoccle , Ktrluturo , Olcct , 8 | ililll > , uud all Uln-ubonof thu Gcnlto UrlniirjOreruus. . OF WflMFfti WIT.we jfAvr % /r wwJF ! wl EL B'J A jroit WovjtN Duic u ( XiNFlNiuicNT. ( btrlutly 1'rlvuloj. Only Itcllnblo Medical Institute a Hjieululty of ' PltlVATU'DlSEAKES. All nioo l Diseases surcosBfnlly treated. 8-phllltlo rolwin remored from the eystcm wllhoul mercury. Now KcstonUlvo Treutmunt forl/osu of Vital 1'invcr. I'utlvrilsunablofu vlblt unuiur bo I run fed at homo \iy \ < tjrrcBHiiiJviico | ( , All coininiiiiUutluna confldc'iitlul , MtMllcltius or Inelru. iiients sent hy mull or oxproostcciircly packed , ncjiimrlis tolmllcuto ( onteiiuor n.'iiilcr. Ouapor Boiuil Interview preferred. Call nnd couniilt ug or fond lilstorr of lourcaso , und we will send lu Iilulii wruiiiiur. our HOOK TO MUN , KUKBi Uimn 1'rlvulo. Spoclul or Ncrvou * Dleoaw * . ItuuS. tcucy , MyphllU , Ulcct uud'arloocclu , with question lUt. Addrceu , OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , 13 111 mid llodg * Btr csj , UtaaU > , Ntk