Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _
Revenue collections yefltordny , 88-
EdtHo , the lufnnt son of Mr. ruid Mra.
Edward Ileafoy , 1002 Alice street , dlod
on the 18th ttist.
Mnrtln Kcnrns nnd Mary O'Shoa ' , both
of Omnhn , were licensed to mnrry yes-
tordny. The wedding will occur to
P. L. Cotton tind 0. S. Whitney will
explain to Judco Borlm to-day why they
nro solllnp coal without first procuring
the necessary license.
Ono cnrloud of tin pinto from Swan-
sen , England , nnd ono oiiso ot embroid
ered silks from Japan were received at
the custom house yesterday for local
Moses Reuben , an old BottUor , was
fined $ H and costs by .Tudjjo Ucrkn yes
terday for usltifjloud and boisterous lan
guage. The line was afterwards romll-
tcd by Mayor Urontch.
The directors and olllcors of the
Omaha board of trade have received an
inviUi.ion from merchants of'Council
Bluffs to join thorn next Thursday in
an excursion to Creston , In. , whore a
fair and blue grass palace are the at
Mr. Abe K. Jones , of Milan , 111. , has
written n loiter to W. N. Nason , ox-
pres-liig great satisfaction ever the or
ganization of a State Development as
sociation in Nebraska. Ho tlunlcs , however -
over , that the farmers throughout this
flection will never got rich until they
commence feeding tliolr corn to hogs
Instead of selling it at 10 cents a bushel.
, Attend the
Omaha Pair ,
September i ! to 0.
Railroad rates :
Ono faro for round trip nnd 60o added
from all Nebraska points.
Ono and one-third faro iJoO miles
cast of Oiimlnv.
John II. Murkloy was lu the city from
W. II. Vrndunburg has returned Irom Kan
sas city.
J. A. Wollon was in town from Lincoln
II. L. Van Ulnrcom nnd wife , Oakland ,
Cnl. , nro at the Puxton.
Ed. Loelio und Mrs. U. F. Loclto , of Nor
folk , nro at the Murray.
II. L. WnUtou and wife , of Denver , wcro
visitors In. the city yustorduy.
E. Uillis and L. Shuldt ( , of Mound City ,
Mo. , were in Omuhu last evening.
Congressman G. W. E. Uorsey , of Fre
mont , Is in the city , at the MiUurd.
Mrs. George Livingstone and daughters , of
Amsterdam , N. Y. . uro nt the Arcade.
Mi A. Leftwich is a guest of the Arcade.
Mr. Loftwluh resides at Lexington , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mcccun and daugh
ters , of Ft. Wayne , Iiid. , are at the Murray.
C. H. Hacon mid wife nnd Mrs. t13. .
Rowley , of Springlleld , O , , are at the Pax-
C. II. I3rdwn , of Omaha , and H. M. 13rowu ,
of Urookvlllo , Ontario , dined at the Murray
yesterday ,
Among the arrivals nt the Pnxtou yester
day wcro C. M. Pritcharil and wife from
Sycamore , 111.
Eugene Moore , wife and child , and Judge
Valentine , of West Point , weru visitors in
Omaha yesterday.
Senator Charles F. Mnnderson nnd wife
arrived in the city at 8-15 ; lust evening from
their Alusliau trip.
Mrs. J. W. Dunmire.wife of John W. Dun-
niirc , oLUio athletic goods house , has gone
east for the balance of the summer.
Miss Lntta M. Uothcry , accompanied by
her nunt. Mrs. Henry Goodcll. of LJurllng-
ton , In. , loft for a visit to Ottumwu yesterday
Dr. Henderson , who figured In thoTlotohor
court martial , has resigned the position of
post surgeon , and loftMonday night for New
York. Ho will sail for Europe iu a abort
Arthur C. Gunther , author of "Mr. Barnes
of New York , " "Mr. Potter of Texas , " and
other popular stories , is ut the Paxton en
route homo to Now York from San Fran
cisco. Ho is accompanied by Mrs. Gunther.
Among the Nebraskans at the Millnrd last
evening were J. U. Ltdctlo , of Lincoln ; G.
Klrkputiicic , Cnadron ; A. P. Brink , Cedar
Rapids ; W. H. Kelllger. Auburn ; J. S.
Piirko , U. S. A. , UcllGvuo ; J. E. Hunt ,
Hastings. _
For beauty , for comfort , for improvement
ot the complexion , use only Pozzoni's Pow
der ; there is nothing equal to it.
Derelict of Duty.
Contractors who have the patching of
streets to attend to complain that Fanning &
tSlavbii , tno street sweepers , allow dirt , mud
ana tilth to collect under the aprons of many
of tlucBtroet crossing , and thcso dam up the
water in the gutters and accumulate Illttiy
pools. _
Rys Duke , No. 051 , son of Hero of
Chester , No. 10 , to bo sold at auction in
Lincoln , September 5. Also a choice
lot of mares und colts , drivers und draft
The Smlth-ilcr Case.
A complaint was filed in the police court
yesterday charging Julius Her with hav-
obtaincd $500 from J. Wood Smith under
false pretenses. The complaint is the out
come of the controversy between Smith and
Her ever the sale of the Coz/oim House prop
erty reported extensively in Monday's Bun.
For u disodcrca liver try Ucecham'a Pills.
1'iciilc at AVvNt ljii\vii.
Tlio raembera of the First M. E. Sunday-
school and the Sunday-school of Trinity Ca
thedral will hold n picnic at West Lawn park
to-day. This park was formerly known
us Pitknrd'R grove , inul is u very romantic
spot , nn the Hull line railroad. It was opened
to the public on Sunday. Extensive 'Im
provements will bo mudo by the Uolt line
management and the spot madu u sort of
suburban resort.
PAXTOX IIoTKr , , QMAIIA Special at
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. KIttrcdgo &
Urttl nurd , proprietors.
' At tliu Armory.
The Omnhn Guards hail their regular
weekly drill last night. Among the visitors
were First Lieutenant W. E. Altchlson ,
Second Lieutenant , T. W. Dixou , of the
Dodge Light G nurds ; Mr. Doy , of Fonda , N.
Y. , and the I'uuillu Express company em
ployes of this city in a bouy ,
After the drill , Lnnco Sorgonnt George C.
Fiibyan , who passed a satisfactory examina
tion , was promoted to the full runic of ser
I'V-ll in the Stroot.
Herman Laugwoldor , an old man , and a
carpenter by trade , foil In an epileptic fit at
the corner of Fifteenth uwl Howard streets
and was quite seriously Injured. Ho was
currying u lot of chisels in his hands , and In
tuo fall received a gush in his right wrist ,
and for u time it was feared ho would bleed
to dnat U. Medical aid arriving , however ,
the How of blood was checked , the wound
dressed and the man sent to the hospital ,
The Snored Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
nnd TwQnty-sovunth streets , is nu instl-
tutiotfdavotod to the moral und Intel-
leoluul-oduiuUloii of young girls. The
courno includes everything from u pro-
puratoi-y department , to a ilnlshod
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint
ing. , drawing and the languages are
taught. French is included in the or
dinary COUI'hO.
DilTorcnco of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
ol the bahool. The scholastic term begins -
gins the first Tuesday of September.
Classes commence at 0 a. in. , and are
dtsmlEfaod nt 3:30 : p. in. , tin hour for
rocruitlou being uliuwad ut HOOD.
A Tlilrtccn-Ycnr-Oia Girl Mnilo ttio
Victim of n Hostlnl Aritnult.
Henry Payne , a rough looking laborer em
ployed by Kurtz , the dairy man , had a hear
ing before Justice Anderson yesterday after
noon on a charge of attempted rnpo.
The victim was present , accompanied by
lior father , who filed the information. Her
name Is Ellen Worklnger. Site is not more
than thirteen years old , and rather under
the nvcrngo size for that ago. Her father
and herself are employed by Contractor
Doll.On Saturday afternoon about C o'clock the
little girl walked across the Holds to got
money from her father , and returned with a
llttlo boy by the same route. As the pair
hastened alone the narrow path the fellow
Payne sprang out of the high grnss and
threw the girl to the ground , Ht the same
time telling her companion to hurry out of
The boy ran away a few yards nnd turned
to look buck. Payne hold his victim down
until she began to choke , but so desperately
did she struggle that ho failed to accom
plish his purpose. Finally the boy began to
yell for assistance nnd Payne fled ,
The Justice plncod Ids bond nt $1.000 , In
default of which ho was sent to Jail. The
trial will bo held on the S3d Inst.
Seooml-ClnsH Tickets
Via the Northern Pacilic R. R. , allow
the holders the privilege of stopping
ever at Spokane Palls , Wash. , and all
points west of thnrO. The Northern
Pacific Is the only line traversing
Washington Territory from east to west
nnd north to south , llatosfrom Omaha
nnd Council Bluffs to all points on the
North Pacilic coast areas low via the
Northern Pacific as any other line.
The Doys Rccoiiilng Very I'roflnlont
In Their Alniieuvor .
The OmnhaFlntnboau club , sovcnty-flvo in
number , met Monday evening at the Collins
Gun company's store. They formed In rank
and marched to tholr drill ground on Capitol
tel avenue.
The club presented n fine appearance in
rank , und went through the evolutions with
almost the precision of trained troops. They
marched in open and close order , in column
and obliquely to the right und loft. Their
ohllijuo marching will bo of great service in
keeping buck the largo crowds that will line
the streets , and , as is always the case , press
forward into the procession. In the front of
the column , as it marches obliquely across
the strcot , will bo stationed men with llam-
bcaux. The flame During several feet in
front of the advancing column will tend to
discourage the spectators from crowding
this division of the procession , at least. The
club has about its full complement of men ,
and the drilling will bo kept up
assiduously until all attain n high degree of
excellence in tholr maneuvering. It is in
tended to make the Omaha llambcaux the
best drilled club in the country , and to compote
pete with other clubs who think they can do
better with lireworka or in marching.
The uniforms will be ready about the last
of this week , when the clubs intend to ex
hibit them in the streets in what may bo
called a dress rehearsal.
The order for $ ) , OJO worth of fireworks
went forward yesterday in order to give the
manufacturers a chanee to send their best
work for the money.
Mr. Jas. J. McCalloy , of Monet , Mo. , says
ho had uyspcpslu for eightycnrRwiilch uiudo
him a wreck , sick and suffering during the
whole time. After trying all the remedies ,
including all the doctors , in reach , ho dis
carded everything nnd took Swift's Specific.
Ho increased from 114 tol5Spouudsund was
soon a sound and healthy man.
Employed , to Cook , AInry Linrsen
Gathers in tno Jewelry.
Mary Larson was arraigned in police court
yesterday on the charge of larceny. She
went to work Monday morning for D. W.
Uoilson , the express man at Twonty-flfth
and Grant streets and had been in the house
but a few hours when she was discovered to
have a portion of the family jovvolry in her
possession. She had appropriated a valuable
gold chain , a ring and $5 In money , all
amounting to 815. * In police court she
waived examination and was placed under
bonds of foUO to answer to the charge in the
district court. _
During twonty-fivo years trial , mor
tality , whore Dr Jolleris' preventive
and euro for diphtheria and putrid sere
throat ( us in malignant scarlet fever )
is used , is 1-10 of 1 per cent , or , ono in
a thousand. Under other treatments
in Europe and America , 50 to 80 pol
ecat. Address Dr. Thos. JolTerls , box
057 , Omaha ; or Dohavcn , druggist ,
Council BlulTs , la. No physician re
quired. Sent by express on receipt of
price , $3.
The Gr < nt Talr.
Most of the advertising matter for the
Omaha fair has been scntoutnlthougn the de
mand lor more material continues to pour in.
From letters received from various parts of
Iowa and Nebraska , it is expected that Dr.
Talmngo will prove one of the leading attrac
tions of th > early part of the week. The at
tractions in the city at night arc not only a
novelty in Omaha but suQicicnt to attract
the largo crowd expected to bo present.
There lias been u report In some of the pa
pers that the coining event is given as the
Douglas county fair. The Douglas county
fair is simply a small addition of what will bo
seen at the fair grounds.
Notice of the cheap faros from all pohts
within COO miles of Omaha were sent ou t
yesterday. Any person desiring to see the
fair and Merchants' week ( which means a
grand exhibit and lots of enjoyment ) will not
regret having spent the week beginning Sep
tember - in Omaha.
Uco News Stands.
The morning , evening and Sunday line
can be found regularly at the following
place * :
Paxton Hotel JIowK Stand.
Millurd Hotel News SUnd.
Murray Hotel News Stand.
Arcade Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel News Stand.
Windsor Hotel Nnws Stand.
Cunlleld House News Stand.
Cozzons Hotel News Stand.
Uarkcr Hotul Nuws Stand.
Joplm & Co. , IKJi North Sixteenth. ,
Dick Custollo , 500 North Sixteenth.
J. Uieh , GO'J ' North Sixteenth ,
Christ WllroiU. 8U North Sixteenth.
J. H. Head , 1020 North Twenty-fourth.
J. P. Hey , 1115 North Twenty-fourth.
Uubln Bros. , OU South Tenth.
Frank IColblo , ! J1S South Tenth.
G. W. Sbuunahan , 1)03 ) South Thirteenth ,
P. N. Mollhcde , 518 South Thirtcanlh.
J. I. Fruehauf , 414 South Fifteenth.
E. Wyinan , 111) ) South Fifteenth.
John Leialy , 1250 South Sixteenth ,
C. A. Crosta , SOS South Slxtcnnth.
J. A. Dodge , 104U South Twentieth.
J. S. CuulnoliJ , lW ! Funiam.
A. Anderson , U3IU Cumlng.
S. E. Hunseii , ! M23 Cumlng.
W. K. Picard , 1W3 St. Mary's ' avenue.
J. W. Martin , 18M Park avunuo.
S. M. Murtlnovitch , DOS South Thirteenth.
Jos. Tlinmons , 20th and Lake , cable depot.
11 , Kitchingmun , 15th und Capitol ave.
F. F. Chandler , corner LcavonwortU
and South Twenty-ninth.
S. S. Luuyon , 2sOfl Farnam.
C. S. Torhitt , 'Jll'J Farnaui.
Peyton & Owen , 2401 Lcavonworth.
O. M. Crissoy , iill'J 24th.
Caledonian Drug Store , 1.7th nnd Lake.
Gco. Cooper , JJorcanta' Uanlt building.
H. Huburmun , Granite block.
Clyde Katouln , Huingo Hlock.
J. S. Stott , Postotllco.
G. Kcuther , ut newsstand and on street.
Patrons of TUB Huts will notice the above
nuw ugeii'-fcs at drug stores and elevators ,
which have been placed for the further nc-
commodotlou und convenience of UKB
Persons who full to procure TUB DISK
when wanted , wjll confer favor by reporting
fuels to the lisa oQlcc ,
County Conimlsfllnnorfl Mnklnft nn Ex-
ninltmtlnn of Ills Account * .
The county commissioners nro now prepar
ing for an Investigation into the financial
conduct of Sheriff Coburn. They will sit
next Friday ns n commlttco of the whole to
examine an itemized statement being prepared -
pared by Auditor Evnns.
Thrco questions have been raised nnd will
bo considered , viz. ! fees and salaries for
deputy sheriffs and court bailiffs , keeping
nnd feeding prisoners in the county jail , and
transportation of convicts ns well as insane
patients to the uonltcntmry and asylum.
What nro the sheriff's duties under the
laxvl scorns to bo the point nt Issue.
The claim Is mndo that ho draws fees for
his deputies , as bailiffs in addition to tholr
regular salary , and on this item for two
yours' services (2,703 stands against him ,
Can ho do this without reporting such fees
back to the county is asked. Mr. Mahoney
Will probably be called on to dccido.
Again It Is claimed that Mr. Coburn gats
lee much money for feeding nnd Midlerlng
city , Sarpy county , United States nnd trans
ient prisoners not to divide his profits' . The
board contends that ho could glvo the county
twentyvo ! ! cents n day for each of such pris
oners und still have a good iniirrlu lufU The
grounds on which this demand Is mndo nro
that the county pays jml guards , buys nil the
f ncl and leaves him no expense cxcopts what
ho pays for the food they cnt.
This , it Is estimated , will not nvor-
ngo over twenty cents n day
to the man. If it is found that ho should
dlvy , nnd they make him put up for all the
time ho has been iu ofllco , Mr. Coburn will
bo compelled to disgorge about $1,700.
Ono member of the board.oplucs , however ,
that ho should not bo hold to account for any
tlmo previous to the Introduction und adop
tion of a certain resolution , about ono year
ngo.On the other hand , Mr. Coburn is entitled
to IU cents a mlle traveling expenses , going
nnd coming , when convoying prisoners or insane -
sane persons to the penitentiary and nsylutn ,
but for the past your ho has notcollectoa any
thing for thlt service ; thuroforo.-ononccount
will about oft- set the nthcr. 'Still ) It Is a sys
tem that the bo.ird desires to establish or
rather conform to the law. They also , in
sist on the sheriff getting his pay for. boardIng -
Ing city prisoners from the city instead of
the county. _
Second Ward ll-jpubl leans.
All members of the Second , ward ropubll
can club are requested to uttond a meeting
nt Knspcr's hall , Thirteenth street , on
Thursday , August 23 , nt 8 o'clock.
By Order-
C. M. O'DoxovAPresident. .
D. S. O'CoNNELL , Secretary.
Curb ! nil nnd i'nvomant to be
In accordance with the instructions of the
city council , work is to be commenced imm'p-
diatoly on the raising of the curbstone be
tween Pierce and Williams , and also to raise
the curb and pavement on the west sldo of
Thirteenth , between Pierce und Williams.
Save Your Hair
BY a timely use of Aycr's Ilnlr Vigor.
This preparation lias no equal as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean , cool ,
and healthy , and preserves the color ,
fullness , and beauty of the hair.
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
pray ; but after using two or three
bottles of Aycr's Hair Vigor my hair
grow thick and glotsy and the original
color was restored. " Mulriu Aldrich ,
Canaan Centre , N. II.
" Some time ngo I lost all my lialrln
consequence of measles. After duo
waiting , no now growth appeared. I
then used Aycr's Hair Vigor und jny
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to stay. " The
Vigor Is.ovidently a great aid to nature. "
J. B. Williams , Fioresvillo , Texas.
"I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for
the past four or flvo years and find It a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
It Is all I could desire , being harmless ,
causing the hair to retain its natural
color , and requiring but a small quantity
to render the linir easy to arrange. "
Mrs. M. A. Bailey , Charles street ,
Haver hill , Mass.
" I have been using Ayer's ITalr Vigor
for several years , and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color. " Mrs. II. J. ICJng , Dealer in
Dry Goods , &c. ( Bishopville , JId.
Dr. J. C , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by Druggists uud I'crfumera.
( Opposite Paxton llotel. )
Office hours , 0 . , m , to 8 p. tn. Bundayi , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialist * In Chronic , Nervoui Skin and
Dlooil Diseases. ,
C-tT'Consultatlon at office or by mail fro * .
Medicines B nt \ > y mail or oxpreiu. stcurelr
Hacked , frco from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly , fiafely and permanently.
loua. Physical Dvcny , arising from Indlncro
tloii , Kicesn or Indultitnc'- producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency , I'lnir a on the face , uver-
Ion to society , easily aU ourngcd , lack of conn
deuce , dull , unlit tor tuily or business , and Mmla
11 fo a burden. Hafely- , permanently and , prl *
Tately cured. Consult iJrs. lletta k Belts , 108
Farnuin Bt. , Omnka , Neb ,
ninnri and Qln'n TlionQfOt ! Syphilis , a disease
DlUOll HQu bKlll UlSldSuS most terrible InlU
results , completely eradicated without tlie'uld
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , 1'ever Sores ,
Blotches , ulcers , I'amsln the Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Bora Thrrmt , Mouth 'and Tongue , Ca
tarrh , etc. , permnuontly cured tvuere other *
buve failed.
tfirtnnir Itninaru an < l Uladder Complaints ,
filulluji Ulllldiy Painful. Dllllcult , too fre
quent IlurnluB or Illoody Urine , Urine high col *
nred or with milky sediment on standing , Weak
karlc , GonorrlKL'ii , Gleet , Cyutltls. etc. ,
Promptly and Bafvly Cured , Charge * . Henuona-
SS'PT.TfrnTT'I.Tf ! Guaranteed por.
/ manent Cure , re
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dilution. Cures Directed at home by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To YOIM Men and Miuflle-Aptl Men ,
nriDP The awtul effects of early
UUllD liUUO Vice , which brines organic
weuknuBs , destroying both mind and oody , with
all Us dreaded 11)8 ) , permanentlycured ,
Adresa those who have impaired
MDPipmn themselves by Improper Indul
gences and fcolltary habits , which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them ror business ,
itudy or marring * .
MAIIIIIKII MEN. or those entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly M
U based upon facts , Flrut-Tractlcal Bzp
rlencu. Hecond B very case Is especially studied *
thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre ,
pared In our Jubmory exactly to suit each case ,
IhusatrectlnK euros without Injury
r Beud 0 cents for celebrated works
on Chronic Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. pf A friendly letter or call
may save you future suffering and nlmnie. and
add golden years to life. | No letters an
swered unless Accompanied by i cent * In sunups.
Address r call oa .
UN J M-uftffi 8twL OluttbJk. Mib.
Absolutely Pure *
Thl powder never varies. A marvel of pura.
ty , Ktreneth nnd wholesomcness. Moro eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot
bo sold In competition with the multitudes of
lor or shortwclKht alum or phosphate powders.
Bold cans. Koral Making Powder Com
pany. U'O Wall Street. ' New York.
This li the time to replenish summer
Wo sluill contlnno throiiRh < lie month of
AugUHtto offer spuclal barRalns In various
lines of llr.-tt-class poods. Our Full stock
U already beltiR selected In the Eastern
market , and wo iiust soon hnvo room lor
fresh Invoices. Hut the warm wonthor Is
not oror yet , nnd our supply Is still
to the demand of a hot day.
Max Meyer
.Great reduction oC price on second hand
Pianos and Organs. A good clinnco to got a
good 1'lano for u smull amount of manor.
Thn above prices aio 10 per cent less tlmn ever
offered before nnd OR we must have room for our
large stock of Nuw I'lunoB wo will Rive an extra
] 0 i > er cent discount from uljovo prices to anyone
ono that buys an Instrument before August 1st.
Kvery Instrument guaranteed to bo just as re
Plaiios for rent Tor $2.50 auil upwards
per month.
Organs for rent for $1.50 anil upwards
per month.
If you buy any of the above Inifumonts and
you are not satisfied , wo will allow you same as
you paid for it toward any new Piano you may
select. Call early nnd get n bargain.
CoiC 16th and Farnara Sta.
For 80 day * ONLY wo will end for 8 thor
r " " " 1'1
KS ? ' ' " * ' " "
lleb Itljf . , Aa. It It n jwrfcct llttlo inarrrl anil being
appU..lTo ! 1tlyttct3 < iulcllyiindiiuiHy. Circular Free.
SB dSOOr EMCHIO CO. , CSSWtfc'n St. . Sottaa. Uui.
rrrpamtorj and collrRlato courncn , IIUraturcUnguni |
muilc , art. E. K. IH'Ll.Am ) , I'l Inrliufl , 4acLsoiivk' | ] , J |
Ilrooko Hall , for Qlrls and Younx Liullos
Sliortlldfo .Meillu Academy , for Hoys and Vouug Men
Switliin C , Sliorilidp , A , M ,
Media , I'oiinsylvunlu , near Philadelphia.
* ( ) . I
Hclionl for OlrU and Younc I.artlcs. For
cataloiiUB addreu O. THAVKK. IU I ) , . *
Morgan i'ark. lH.orT > llndlaun btrcet. Chicago. III.
( Formerly MorB 4tarl < Military Academy. )
Fnperlor locatlunioioollent fucllltlei. ThnnitiRh
preparation for cidlcKt , eclentlllc eclionl or bu > | .
IICBI. Fall term bncJng Kept. 18tli , IlKNIIV J ,
BTiiVENB , A , 11. , I'rUw-llortau 1'urk , Cook Co , , 111.
MANtlDS. N. V.
T'lvll Enclneeriop. Classics. lliiBlucss.
UT. IlKV.'K , I > . linNTINdTON. Tresldent ,
I/r.Cou W.VaHIIEOK.Buperlntondoiit.
wall-on-IIndson. Col. Q. J. Wright. II. S. ,
A , M. . tiupt. : II. K Hyatt , Comd.tof Caduts.
purtlculiira addrosa , Ulster il Josephu , Uuper-
Conservatory of Music
Minneapolis , Minn.
PIANO Heat touchers only In every depart
mtnt. Unequalled opportunity for study.
OHCJAN il IttbHon * for * 15. Krue advantages
worth price ot tuition. All Instruments , Lan
guages. HUtorr. I.lWruture.
VOlO'Ii Bend for calendar.
CllAULKS H. MOU8K , Director.
Health is Wealth !
DR.D. 0. WRIT'S Nnnvis AND ) TIIRAT-
HUNT , agURnmtoodnnociao for Hysteria. Dlzzi.
aoss. Convulsions , nts , Nervoui Neuralgia ,
Ilendneho , Herrous Prostration caused by the
BSD ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakotulncss , Mental
Ueprxislon. Softonlnjrof the llrixtn , resultlnRln
Insanlir anil lonlln ( to misery , decay and death.
Piemnture Old ARO , Iliurennesi , Ix > ss oC 1'owor
In either g x. Involimtarr J.oxt and
orhnca caused by ovur-exertlonot the brain.sol f-
buao or. ovorlnilulpcnce. Kacti bos contain *
ene month's trontmxnt. $ 1.00 n box. or nix boxen
for * 5.iX ) , ent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To euro any caso. With ach order received by
ns for nix boxes , accompanied with M.CO , wo wlu
end the purchaser our written Riiarnntea to refund -
fund the money 1C tno treatment does not ctteot
ocure. Quoraat cs Issued only by Qoodmaa
Drug Co. , Druggists , Bolt Asent * . UlO Farnam
atreft. OmabA NeU
Chicago , Ills. ( ClnrkQt ,
The Regular Old-Established
lutlll Treating with the Greatest
_ _
monic , Nervous anfl Priyatc Diseases ,
ralllne ; Memory , Exhnustlnit Drain * , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effects
ludinu to rly ducuy and | > cihjp Consumption 01
Insanity , trtaud scienllfidlly by nev ? nethods % ylb
ncver-laumz ouccrst.
49- SYPHILIS nnd all bad Blood and Skin Dla-
COieBperrtinn-ntly cured.
3-KIDNKYand URINARY complaints , Qleet ,
Oonorrhoeai Btrlctu re , Varlcocele and aU dlieuei
of the QenltO'Urinary Urcani cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
fiNe experiments. Ace and experience lm
portant. Ccutultatlon free and sacred.
O9-Send4cent& potiage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervoui and Delicate Diseases.
3&-Thosc coitemplatinB Mairiaae tend for Dr.
.Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cenu , both a } cents ( ttamm ) . Conuilt the old
Doctor. A friendly letter crcallmay save future suffer.
Injt and jhime , and add golden yean to life. 3-lool ! :
"Ltle'a ( Secret ) Errors , " jocems ( stamps ) . MtJIclnj
nndwritincs sent everywhere , secure from exposure ) .
Houri , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 13. Address
' F. D. CLARKE , M. D. .
183 So * Giarto fib.
It irllI correct ttunlaiiHtfih\g \ t\ \
* < mtliotHoiiincli.
For Hen Health Fresertlag , for
hlub-for All. Thefeect Eum-
mtrEevcrasolnExIitento. w&r-
Muted Btrlctly Fnrg knd Uutcr-
mcntcit. An indent Bemeil/
for Dlarrhraa , Cliolerik Morbai ,
Oyicntcrr , nj all Dliorderaof
thd Boweli.
NASHVILLE , TEKKMlunoD , ' 87.
Hcsans. I.UVENTIIAI. linos.
nparSIri : I have trlcil the
llnngnrlnn Illnckkcrry Jnlco
you BO kindly sent me. It Is
the no plus ultra of summer
ilrlnks. HlH fico from nlco-
bol , nlln > H tlilrst , tones the
iliRrnllvo organs , hnn a line
nromntlc tlavor. and Is just
. troub-
IM In { ho In-alert ltl"A
Tu.AKs op0 ? ! ' : WATiii
Ilpipcctlully ,
For sale by Driipclats , LlquOL
Dculors and Grocers.
Paris Dniversal
Is now open. I'nrtlcs ( 'o lrlnu cooil accommodations
on the new Inrce uxpress stuiunurs of tuu Famous
Which are noted for their reeuliulty , onunl to rail
road tra nt , m mnUng llio trli to Llavro-l'urls In ouo
week , nreuilvlsud to
Mnkc Early Application For Berths.
Tills Is also noccs'nry on nccount of tie ! heavy
travel cliirltiK the sprliiK anil summer months.
MCCAGUE BROS. , ] 03 South 15th St. ,
HARRY E. JMOORES , 1502 Far n urn St. ,
H. L. HALL , 12 3 F.irnam St. ,
J. H. GREEN , 1501 Pnrnnm St. ,
Agouti * , Oiunlin , Neb.
TdGlasgoir , IJclfust , Dublin and Llvcrpoiil
FToin New York Every Tuesday ,
? W ' '
CjUri" passage S15 to ( . 0 , nccorJIn ? toloeiitlo.i ofj'.i
Bt crngo to und from ISurono at Ixj west Unto .
AUSTIN' liALDWl.s' & Co. , Gcn'l AKCnts ,
* - Wllroailway. Now York.
J im IJr.EOKNV Gcn'l Western ARcnt.
* > Id HiinJolph St. , Chicago.
IlAUlr B. Clones , Acont. Omalm.
Itodnccd Cabmratoj to aUuo.v Ks'iUjltl > i.
soups ,
SauceD do.
Omaha Steam Dye Works
Class Cleaning and Dye
ing of All Descriptions.
IS'1 Howard St. . Omaha. Telephone 917.
AfulUctof truth for K. 1'itlnlixs citnirllon of
teeth Hitliout cliloroform , k'us or vtbt r , rilling ut
bait rules.
DAI LEY Dentist
DR. . , ,
3121'uxlon Illock.lltb und Karnuai h'ti.OpenoTenliiBi
ebratcd HilfH or Hoots und Hhoeu , nianufuctur'
6d oy o. M. Henderson & Co. , of Chlcayo Kac-
torleH at Chicago , Dlxon. Ills. , and Komi lu ) l.uc ,
\Vl8 : sliould wrlto BAM. N. WATSON , real-
dtnce , I'HUMONT , NK1J.
IleaatUarteruoriubberd. | (
lot ftroufti crrora or
Ud priclicci , liny l > <
_ : Ue. At lut < itciccy , VorlCO *
cured without iitln or f mloii.
oaon-9upr ] oiinlauaj
BILL POSTER ( indignant ) . "Affix no placards ! Well , well ,
what's next ? There is altogether too much culture nowadays , and asthis %
is not a placard , but a bill advertising an article for the good of everybody ,
I'll ' just stick it up anyhow. "
Is purely vegetable , dissolves instantly in HARD or SOFT , HOT or COLD
water ; will not injure the finest fabric ; is soft and soothing to the skin ,
and for bath , laundry , washing dishes , or scrubbing and cleaning
of any kind , "GOLD DUST" stands without an equal.
Made only by N. K. FAiRBAftBK & CO. , St , Louis ,
P. S. Use " FAIRY , " the great floating soap , for bathing.
Handsomest and Most Satisfactory _ for
Those who have USED THEM will BUY
(018 ( Farnam Sireat. Omaha , .
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
20to60 DAYS.
This ia u dispnso wliich has h ore to fora
Bafllcd all Medical Science.
When Mercurr , lodldo of ; I'otasbltim , Barsupa
rllla or Hot Siirlngs fall , we tjmmuiteu u euro.
Wo have a Keuiedy , unknown to anyona lu tha I
World outside of ourComiuiiy , and onu tltathas I
to cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent cased does the worlc. 1CU the old chronlo
deep seated cusc.i that we solicit. Wo have
cured hiindredfl who have boon abandoned by
I'hyslclana , and pronounced Incurahlo , and wa
chnlleiiK tua world to brln ? us a case that wa
will not cure In loss than hlxty ilnyn.
Since the hlutory of mealclna a true opuclllo
for Byplillis has beun Bouglit for but never
found until our
was discovered , and wo are justltloil la saying
It Is the only Kemuiiy in the World mat will pos
itively cure , tmcuttau the latest Medical Works ,
puhlUhod by the beat Known authorities , buy
inero wuHiiuveru truespeulllc before. Our rim.
edy will cure when uvcrytlilnK else has failed.
Why waste you tlmo and mouoy with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor wltli
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything else should come to us now and
got permanent relief , you never can Biit It ulso
where. Marie what we say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NKVKK recover und
you that have been mulcted but a short time
should by all means come to us now , not on In
tenet now cases ever uet pttrmununtly cured.
Many netlielti and think they are free from tha
disease , but In one , two or three years after It
appears again In a more horrlblo form ,
This IB iv blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Dlsouso when
Evor.vthiiuf Else Fails.
NOTIOK Wo deslro 10 caution patients In ro-
cnrd 10 partlos clulmlntf to use tlio Conic Hern-
tily. uur formula Is not and OANNOT Ua
Known to anyone but otirxalvus.
Boom 418 aiid 419 , Paxton Block
Ibe I.lnunr liable , l'o | llT < tli Ourvd
by Aduiliilxttirliiu Dr. Jlulutu1
( iulilen HpcelOc.
It can ba given In a cup of colfeoor lea ullhouttlia
knowledge oniiopureontuklim 11 1 Uubwluuiyliurm-
leu , and will olluit a ipuuJr and purmuniiiit curu ,
wliutbcr the patient la a moJcratuilrliilii'ror an al
cohol wreck. 'Jliouvands of driinkunli liavo tceii
. bacnmos an utter liiiuonilbll ty tor llio
liquor utipotltu to > l t. Kor lalu by Kuliiiito. ,
UrilBKlil * . I5'b and liouiflui ili.aud isib and Uuui-
laK ti.UmaU . A. I ) . FoiUr & Uro. , Cuuncll liluOi.
N. W.COR , ! 3rH & DODGE sis , OMAHA. NED.
- .
Beet7acllltle > , AppirttuftndItomedIeiforBuceeB > fiU
Treatment of ( very form of il'ieme ' requiring
Bo rdt Attendan , Btit Accommodalioniln Writ
men. uancer , UtUrrD , uroacmili , Inbtlitl
Eye , liar , Skin and blood andlllBurglcildperaUo
Only BelUblt MedkiJ ZaiUtuU maklnc a Cf oulty of
AllllleoJDliciici lutci-nfolly trottil. Mrljlllllo 1'olioa
Trttlu.itrorLMicrVITlL l' ° m l"l ° .rl'lti unibUlvtli'lt
BluujrtielrektedKt bou bcorrffepondinec. . AIICAOiDUDlca.
prill iceurtlypMked tie mirk i iolDdlealvreulciiliorKixlir.
One periooarinltrilf ir prcriired. Ckll ad ecinull ui or * !
trtltory of roar c ie , ftod will Had la I'Ula ' wri | [ lr , our
u i'rii n. PIUUI ot
OUUtl IU RICNi NertoIiUliiairi.lui
llli ; Uleit BOi Vftrleocilc. vllh quiitluD IliU Addrcn
13th and Dodge Btroti , OBIAIlft , KKB.