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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1889)
* 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUI AZ , AUGUST 11. 1889-SIXTEEN 3AGES , THE DAILY BEE , COtTNOliTBLUFFS. OFFICE. NO IS rJEAItlj 8TKEET. Delivered l > y carrier In Any Tart ot ho City A Twenty C nts 1'erVcok - II. W. TILTON , TKLKPHOME3I TlnMNron Orncic No. 43. NIGHT EDITOH , No.zx MINOR MKNTiON. N. Y. P. Co , Glenson coal. C. U. Muslo Co. , 533 U'way. Evans' laundry , 724 Uroadway. D.V. . Otis , city and farm loans. Boston Btoro lending dry qoods house. A marriage license wai Issued yesterday to Edward Lnngin.Ul ! and Augusta Ituzcr , both ot this county. Colonel D. 11 , Dailcy will deliver nn ad dress at the soldier's reunion at Charter Oak on the Ifitti lust. Oudiro Heed Is about to rornovo his office from the Ilro\vn building into rooms nnd C25 In the Mcrriam block. A new dock has boon completed at Hlof a landing , und two of the Mannwn steamers will nmko regular tilps to that place. The funeral of the Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. McMahon took place at 10 o'clock yes terday morning from the family residence ou the Judson farm , The mutual protectionists of this county will hold their unnuul reunion nt Crescent , September ? . Kmmott Tluloy will deliver nn address nnd Miss StolTcn n recitation. Iho ISurns club , of Omaha , will have Hs- colcbrntlon hero next Saturday nt Woods' grove , on First street. There will bo games nnd pastimes. Tickets can bo secured at Oliver & Grulmm's. All members of Bluffs Division No. 27 U. It. 1C. of P. are hereby ordered to attend meeting1 , Monday evening , 8 o'clock sharp ; business of vital Importance. 13y order J. M. Scanlan , captain coin in until up. The funeral of Mlchunl Wagner , who died Thursday nlpht of typhoid fevor. nt his homo , 1103 Eighth nvenuo , aged sixty-live years , took piaeo nt 9 o'clock yesterday morning from St. Francis Xuvier's church. The following have drawn watches at E. Durham's Jewelry establishment ! Club No. 1 , John Juorgcns , No. 85 ; club No. 2 , Tom McMillan , No. a'J ; club No. 3 , J. E. Caroth- ors , No. 22 ; club No. 4 , E. B. Crandcll , No. Ii3. Contractor Ford , of Omaha , who n few days ngo purchased u $3,000 lot on Boiiton street , has It-t the contract for n f J.500 resi dence. It will bo completed this fall , nnd will bo ono of the finest residences on that beautiful thoroughfare. The city clerk has issued 305 dog licenses UD to date , but there are still ton unlicensed canines for every ono licensed that are yet running at will through the streets of the city. The dog catcher will have a steady ] ebon on his hands fcr some months to como. Harmony chapter. No. 20 , O. E. S , will have a basket picnic on Wednesday after noon. Carnages will bo at Uavllss park at 3 O'clock , which will curry the people to nnd Irom Fairmount park for 20 cents. All members and their friends are cordially in vited. D. McKenny died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock at the W. C. A. hospital. Ho was ncetr flfty years , and was suffering from chronic bronchitis. Ho will bo burled in Fairvlow cemetery to-day. The services will bo conducted by the Masons nt3 o'clock , at the undertaking rooms of Field & Estcp. Benjamin Ellesohn , a Boston man , de mands that the park commissioners surren der to him a HUiull chunk of Fairmount park , described ns lot 2 , block 4 , Williams' second addition. Perhaps ho can have It in the sweet bye and bve , but for the present , the city Is well satisfied to retain possession of U. The proposition of the council to advertise forbids for lighting the city is already at tracting attention from abroad. A letter has boon received from the Edison company , of Chicago , nnd from other companies , asking about the situation , and it is certain that there will bo u large number of bidders In the Hold. As was anticipated , the Nonpareil yester day morning admitted that it had "got ita foot In it , " in relation to that high liccnso editorial , and said that it dlun't mean to do it. A Nebraska editor doing the heavy work on an Iowa paper during the absence of the proprietors is the explanation offered to ac count for the "slip. " The contract for the now Jeffries block on South Main street , opposite the Merrium I * block , has been lot to U. S. Lnwsun. James vVlckham will do the brick work. The con tracts will bo signed to-morrow. The build ing will bo two stories high , and will cost (12,000. It will bo ono of the handsomest buildings on that side of the street. S. E. Muxon is the architect. Thomas Conway nnd wife wore tried be fore Justice Hcndricks for disturbing the peace and using profane and threatening language ) toward ono Allen nnd his wlfo. It ib another unnolghborly quarrel , and during the trial a great deal of bad blood showed itself ou both sides. The case appeared to bo about six to ono and a half dozen to tbo other. It was taken under advisement until Monday. Johnny Hardy , a , tough thirteen years old from Avoca. Is in the county Jail , awaiting the action of the district court. Ho Is charged with Incorngiblllty , nnd an effort will bo mndo to have him sent to the reform school. He is about us depraved a specimen of bis years as It would bo possible to find , nnd oil acquainted with the case are of the opinion that the reform school Is the only place fat him. A strip of paving has been removed from the terminus of tlio olcctric motor line on East Broadway south on Madison to Pierce street , preparatory to putting down the ro- mulnlng tics ana iron for the Fairmount park extension. The curves and switches have at last arrived , and Superintendent Uoynolds proposes to run trams into Fulrmount park two weeks from to-day. The line will bo Well patronized. Maud Stcolo , n woman of the town , was ar rested lust night for street walking and lodged In Jail. She was allowed to remain in the corridor , and while tbo Jailor's back was turned managed to make her escape into ! the pound. Being pursued , she attempted to eculo the high board fence , but fell , break ing her leg , Thn city physician was called k nnd tbo obstreperous Maud taken back to Jail and placed in a cell : A select party of pleasure seekers from Omaha spent a most enjoyable evening at kI Manuwa lake Friday evening. Manawa hotel had been engaged and arrangements I made for a dunce , the muslo for which was furnished by Dalboy'a orchestra. At 11 O'clock a line banquet was served. The m party arrived early and enjoyed the pleasure of a rldo on the lake. At a later hour they returned to Omaha on u special tram. After being twice postponed , the Gypsy encampment was held on Judge James' lawn last evening , and called out quite a good at tendance , It was not a fair trial and the en tertainment did not receive the patronage it merited , owing to the rnnny disadvantages which It encountered. The lawn was hand- omoly illuminated with Chinese lanterns , nd every effort made to entertain the guests. The affair netted the Social Union about (25. A meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha and Council Bluffs ChauUunua as f" V embly will bo held at the board of trade rooms to-morrow evening to take doliniU fiction regarding the bonding of tbo associa tion to raise money to pay off tbo debts ol the assembly. It is a matter of vital import ance and every stockholder should bo present ent , Tlio financial condition of the assembly la very critical , and declslvo action must be taken at once. The Dodeo Light Guards' now uniform ! arrived yesterday. They are regular army , full dress suits , of dark blue , trimmed witl White. Helmets are also secured. The quality of cloth and manner of make are su porlor to tbo old uniforms , and when arrayed In the new clothes the guards will present a : attractive an appearance as any company li the line. John Beno & Co. furnished thi new unlformi , their bid being the lowest ol a dozen different bidders. The tailor bll foots up about 1700. The scaffold on which C. F. Anderson am another painter , whoso name is not known were at work painting under the skylight a1 the top of the new Elsemau building , uroki ycstorduy afternoon. Anderson was warned of danger and sprang from the falling scaf lold , catching ono of the ulllarsthat support the building. Ills companion fell , striking i plank on bis aide , from which ho fell u sec end time , but fortunately caught a swluglnt rope , to which ho clung until asciitanci eaine. His injuries are quite serer * . THE NEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS Attempt to Porooloso a Mortgnco on Mnutvwn , WILL ENFORCE THE ORDINANCE. The Fox Club OrganI/.O3 The Blno Grass Ootnrnlttoo Hnlslng tlio Initial Scalp I'craoiinls. A Mnnnwn. Foroolonure. A suit In equity was brought yesterday In tlio federal court'to secure the forcclosuro of a mortgage of $3o,000 and Interest , the whole amounting to nearly f30,000 , ngalnst Manawa park. Tlio property Is the addition bought By Hnttio A. Hny , the wlfo of J , M. Hay , the "Manawa booinor , " of GoorpoW. Uobords and .Tames S. ChiUmnn , of iJanvlllo , ICy. A mortgage was given In part payment ns above stated. A number of loti have boon sold , and Mioio on which full payment has been miuio will not bo held , but the others arc Included In the forcclosuro. Tnoro nro Hourly 0110 hundred defendants , Including residents nnd non-residents. Hay is alleged to have put blanket mortgages on the prop erty , and la gald to have hawlccd thorn about the county , realizing from their sale about 15,000 or $20,000. Ho Is now In California , but is expected to return to fight the cnso. Fllcltlngnr Bros , nro nt- iornuys for the plalntlfl * . The hotel at Manawa Is on one of thcso lots , and is in- : ludcd in the cnso , as the full paymnnt on ; ho lots was not mado. It Is stated that no lortton of the property can bo redeemed without the whole. It will dacldcdly com plicate matters nt the lake. For sale , now seven room house , on two lots , located on Fifth nvonuo : $3,200. A. A. CLAHK & CO. Doslrablo dwellings for rent nt mouorato trices. K. H. Shoafo & Co. . rental agents , Broadway nnd Main streets , up stairs. For sale Ono Gar-Scott ton-horse portable engine ; In good repair. Apoly to Woir-Shu- gnrt Co. Stopped a Cnntrnqtnr's Work. Yesterday morning Contractor Boson and seven of his carpenters employed on the now Evans block on South Main were arrested , charccd with violating the city ordinance relative to erecting fraino buildings within the nro limits. The building permit , No. 919 , was issued July 19 , and calls for a $3,000 building of galvanized iron and slate roof. The construction of the building has caused considerable comment , from the fact that it is located on a lot , n purt of which Is claimed by the city for n waterway. The south wall of the building was started with studding , after the manner of an ordinary frame structure ) , with no flro w.ill between It and the adjoining building. The attention of the chief of the tire department was called to it , nnd he tiled the information that led to tbo arrest nbovo referred to. Contractor Uoson promised the court that no further work should bo done until the matter was settled , ind the defendants were accordingly re leased. The case will bo tried Monday. The owner of the property , T. J. Evans , is out of the city. The contractor states that tbo building will bo of corrugated iron and brick and in compliance with the ordinances. The chief of the lire department says that the building was being bullt > in violation of the ordinance , but ho took no action In the mat ter because the contractor told him that ttioro would bo a brick flro wall erected on the south side. o Dexter , employment. Houses to rent. A. A. Clark &Co. Kelley & Youakorman sell groceries Chase and Sanborn coffees a speclaly. 9 A. Conrslns Club Oreanlzotl. A number of ardent sportsmen gathered at the Manhattan lust evening and organ ized the Council Bluffs Fox and Wolf HuntIng - Ing club. The following officers were elected : President , Colonel D. 13. Dailey ; vice president , Dr. C. H. Pmneyj secretary , E. C. Hunt ; treasurer , Qua Beroshelm ; captain , W. H. Wuro. A committee , con sisting of Colonel D. B. Dailoy , E. C. Hunt and W. H. Wuro , was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws. Dr. J. C. Waterman , Win. Malony , E. J. Gilbert , Bon Marks nnd Charles Stephun were appointed a committee to solicit mem berships. The membership fee was fixed at $5. The next chase will take pluco Tuesday morning , the meet to bo nt HoywenVs bridge , just east of the city at 5 o'clock. The club starts out with twenty members , and it is desired to increase this number to fifty. Everybody Is invited to take purt In the next chase. Winter & Monroe , sign paiiters , 410 B1 way. City steam laundry , 31 Main , tol. 141 * - Tlio niuo Grass Committee. The joint committees of the board of trade and the horticultural association held a moot ing at the court house yesterday afternoon to perfect their arrangements for the Potta- wattamio exhibit to bo mada at the Blue Grass palace at Croston. It was decided to send Mr. L. A. Caspar to Creston to-morrow to see what space has boon reserved for this county and how largo an exhibit can bo shown to advantage , as well as the arrange ment of the exhibit , Mr. Caspar will report at another meeting to bo hold next Saturday. Mr. Caspar and u number of other gentle men will be sout down u weak from Tuesday with tbo articles to arrange the exhibit and put It in shape , besides arranging the tloral decorations. It was decided to have all ex cept the perishable articles loft at the Mer- riarn block next Saturday , the 17th Inst. , in stead of the 19th , as previously announced. The change was made to accommodate- farmers , who II nd it much moro convenient to como to the city on Saturday than on Monday. The canvassing committee reported that tboy bad mot with splendid success through the county , and that the display would bu ono worthy of thn lat < ? est and host county In the state. A number of details wore arranged , after which the mooting ad- journcd for one week. Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway. Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broadway. Hccuroil Their First Sculp. Another wolf clmso was held yesterday morning , and a fine prairlo wolf was cap tured after un exciting clmso of three hours and brought to the city. The party consisted of Dr. O. H. PInnoy , Colonel D. B. Ualloy , Dr. J. C. Waterman and W. II. Ware , osq. The wolf was started ou Dr. PInnoy' * farm , four miles east of the city , and chased uboul thirty-five miles , all within a radius of three miles before- the bounds finally caught and killed it. Coroner Waterman's service ! were not called into requisition. Several moro chases ore planned for tuo near futuvo. Invitations hnvo already boon received from farmers In various parts of the county , ask ing the club to como out and kill a few of the wolves that are nightly raiding their poultry houses. There will bo no lack of sport ol this Kind for mouths to como , Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Cal and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co. J. Q. Tlpton , real estote , 627 B'dway. The Week'H Boolnl Whirl. Mrs. Low Hammer gave a lawn party a < her residence lost evening la honor of her sister , MiM Nora Wood , of Wood River , Neb. , who has boon visiting bore for aboul two months. A largo number were present and a most enjoyable time was had with croquet , tennis , muslo , card * and dancing. Tuesday evening ono of the most enjoyable parties of the season was held at Lake Man awa , It was a party tendered to the young gentlemen by the young ladles. On arriving at their destination all wont aboard the M F. Robrer. That popular steamer inado an excursion of the lake for an hour , during which ( upper was served on board. On amllnp nil wont to the hotel , where flanclng was the great feature of the evening , which vas continue ; ! until n late hour. Those ircflcnt were Misses Baldwin Pusoy , Snokot , Stevens , Hos3 , Knoftor. Badollet nnd Miss 3rown of Denver ; and Messrs. James Daw- man , Frank Miller , James Paxton , Fred Lioomls , Charles McDowell , Don Macrae , latin Pusoy , Tom Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. MncConncll , Last Tuesday evening the Missus Nolllo Dodge and Bcstlo Squlro entertained about Iftv of their friends nt the homo of Mlts Dodge on High street. Iho dainty caituinos ind happy face * of the gnv guests mode the inndsomc rooms soora doubly attractive , The lawn was charmingly Illuminated by Chinese lanterns , and figures In white dresses , usually accompanied by a form In darker raiment , were scon wnndorlug .hrough the shrubberies. The first part of the evening wus spent In playing progressive rntnos , nnd the prizes were won by Master Jrcnvillo Beard and Miss Alice Ben son , After being served with elegant ofrcshmcnts , a llttlo dancing was Indulged n ns n fitting end for so delightful nn oven * ng , The guests present were the M'ssjs ' Clara Evans. Jcssio Alworth , Lu PInnoy , Gortlo Klrklnnd , Lu Porlorlleld , Nellie 3lark , EIslo Shoontgon , Lllho Benson , Allco jensen , Lit Smith , Kittle Ogden , May Jrynnt , Annlo Raymond , Georgia Lindsay , tfottlo Wallace , Gertlo Bennett , Frances Jurnos , Elsie Butts , Belie Hnrknoss , Daisy Slcmracns , Mabol Jossolyn nud Winnie Mc- Intlro ; Masters Gronvlllo Beard , Fred Grass. WllHo Wnllnco , Ed Mueller , Ernest Woodoury , Frank Haas , Percy Olouch , itobert Baldwin , Charles Frary , Fred Emp- klo , John Moore , Jamlo McNaughton , Mark nnd Ed Smith , Roy Campbell , Paul DeVol , Bert Plnney , WillloLaiiifr , Ned Empkio , Nod Everett nnd Willto and Louts Squlro. Ono of the most pleasant events of the week was the elephant purtv , given Wednes day evening by Miss Eva Marshall , nt her lomo. 719 Fifth nvonuo , on the occasion of her fourtSenth birthday. A number of young friends as' well as these of larger rrowth were present to enjoy the festivities. The prizes was won by Master Eddie Far- rol and Miss Vinnlo Shossadcn. These pres ent were the Misses Hattie Walker , Jonnia Mclntlro , Vinnlo and Lulu Shorrndon , Lu- rlllo Plunoy , Mollie McClurg , Nolllo Jacobs , Ethel Skinner , Loulio I'nlmcr , of Red Oak ; Musters Bert Pinney , Willlo McClurg , Wil- lo Marshall , Willlo Green , Theron Josslyn , Winnie Jacobs , Eddie Farrell ; Mr. nnd Mrs , C. P. RaltsbacK , Mrs. E. C. Hunt , Mr. C. E. Mottrnm , Dr. Terry , of Chicago , nnd Mr. C. L. Burtlott. Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing nt E. Burhoru. Masonic. Special communication of Bluff City lodco , No. 71 , A. F. nnd A. M , , this afternoon at3 o'clock , to perform the last sod rites for our deceased brother , D. McKonnoy. All Master - tor Masons In good standing are earnestly requested to bo present and assist. By order of the W. M. A Wins. To the Sporting Editor of Tun BEB : A and B are shaking dice , A shakos two ncos. B bets tin that ho can beat it and also shakos twouces. Who wins J W. Masonic. Regular communication of Excelsior lodge No. 259 , A. F. & A. M. , Monday evening , August 12. Visiting brethren cordially in vited. By order of the W. M. See ! n it Is Bflllovinjf. Ono can never judge of wine until It is tasted. Just so it Is with a stock of goods. A purchaser can never judge of Its superior wearing qualities until a careful inspection has been mado. Merchants may boast of what they display , but cold facts are stub born things , nnd to bo convinced ono must Inspect. Wo do not claim to show better goodi than uny ono else , but for our stock of boots and shoes wo do cluim that it is the largest in Pottawattamio county , the most complete in every department , and of as high a grade as any in this vicinity. Our prices suit the people , as is demon strated dully by the immense business we do. This week wo offer for sale 203 pairs la- dlcs's baud turned French turned dongola button shoo $3.50 , formerly $5 ; 200 pairs la dies machine sowed curaco button shoo $1,25 , formoly $2.00 ; 500 pairs ladies' kid nnd goat walking shoe OOc , formerly $1.75 ; 201 pairs men's calf shoes , button , luce and congress. $1.25 , formerly $3.50 ; 200 pairs boy's calf shoes , button and lace , $1 , formerly $2.65 ; 130 ! pairs ladles' hand turned French kid button shoo $ . ) . formerly $3 ; 172 pairs ladies' fine grnln.uuttou shoes , worked hole , OOc , for merly $2 ; SOO pairs men's calf shoes , button , loco and congress , S3 , formerly $3.25 ; 800 pairs misses' school shoes 75o , for merly $1.75 ; 1,000 pairs ladies' house slippers Co , formerly 85a. This is tbo chance of a jifottmo to got boots and shoes at 50 cents on the dollar. They are for sale nnd will bo sacrificed to pay creditors. Sheriff's sale of boots und shoes , corner of Broadway and fourth st. . Council Bluffs. John Finorty , Receiver. Look for red sign. Kerr & Gray , real estate. 505 First avenue. If you want clean , fresh groceries nnd fruits call on Johnson & Olson , 713 Broad way. Tlio Chimes or tlio Oroorts. Borean Baptist church Young people are Invited to attend our preaching services at 10:80 : a.m. und 8 p. m. to-day. Also our Sunday-school at.U:45 : u. m. The vesper service of the O. L. S. C. will bo held at the usual hour at the First Pres byterian church at 5 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Christian science services at 4 p. m. at Iowa college ball , corner Pearl and First avenue , up stairs. There will bo a Sunday-school concert to night nt 8 o'clock at Trinity Methodist church , on South Main street opposite Eighth avenue. Sunday-school at 2:30 : p.m. Social rollglous meeting at 10:30 : a. m. Fourth avenue Methodist church , near Seventeenth street Preaching by the pas tor , S. Alexander , at 10:30 : u. m. St. Paul's church Morning prayer at"ll o'clock. Sermon by the Rev. Canon Bur gess , of Plattsmouth , Nob. Sunday-school nt 12:15. : Thursday , August 15 , at 7:80 : p. in. , choir rehearsal. Saturday , August 17 , at 7:30 : p. m. , choir rohoirsal. Sunday , Au gust 18 , holy communion at 11 a. m. The Rev. Dean Whitmarsh , of Norfolk , Nob. , celebrant and preacher. Sunday-school na usual. The Knights of Pythias will attend the evening service in a body. All Saints' chapel Sunday-school at 8 p. m. Service and Bormon at 8 p , m. No serv ice Sunday evening , August 18 , but holj communion at 0 n. m. The Rev. Dean Whit- marsh , coloVant. Sunday-school nt 3 p. m. Broadway M. E. church Services at 10:8C : a. m. Baptism and reception of members Sunday school at 13 m. Class meeting at 7 p. in. A cordial Invitation to all. No even ing service. First Presbyterian Preaching at 10:30 : a. m , by the pastor. Sabbath school at 13 , Young people's mooting at 7 p. m. At 8 p. m. the union services will bo hold in tali church , Rev. Dr. Cooley to preach the ser mou. Strangers and others cordially in vltod. Second Presbyterian Proacnlnor nt 3 p. m. by Rev , Stephen Phelps. Sunday school at 4 p. m. All cordially invited. First Baptist church The pastor wil preach at 10:30 : a. m. Subject : "Saul , tin First King of Israel. " Sunday school at 11 m. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. Nc evening service. All cordially welcomed. S. B. Wadsworth & Co , loan money , Baths at Muuawa Beach , near hotel. Separate arato bathing rooms for ladles and children Steam and hot water heating , Orst-clasj plumbing. Work dona In both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. A Sail Accident. A telegram was received last evening bj Mr. Bryant , of Odoll & Bryant , stating tha Ernest Odoll , sou of his partner , Ira Odell was drowned at Lewis , Cats county , whlli playing on a raft on the Nishnabotna river , The deceased was fifteen years of ago , am loft this city but a few days ago to visit rola tlvcs at Lewis. The father wus out 01 the road , intending to stop at Col fax over Sunday , but a telegran reached him there , und ho hastened to Lewis The affair is a very sad ono , and tbo parent have the heartfelt sympathy of many friends The deceased was u bright boy and a genera favorite. A chum of his , the son of H. F Ilattonuauor , received a letter from him Frl day evening statin ? that he was about t < build a raft and nnttclpitctl deriving a creat amount of ploasuTJJSfl-om It , On the follow ing evening earner the telegram announcing his death. M * ll The arrangements lor the funornl nro not yet completed , nnd dpo notice will bo Riven No Explosions When pot-Bon's' llbop cool and use our "Sun Dlnl" gas "Btovcs. Four holes , ronstor nnd bnkiqoTon. Costs 7 cents per hour when running full bloat. Now York Plumblnc Co ? ilt-iUfc J. H. Smith , dqufrs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. COO Main , near John Morgan's. tfc - I'ernont\ ! Judge A. V. Larimer Is in Sioux City. Mrs. W. H. M. Pusoy Is at Colfax Springs. Charles Wllson'iYnltondlng ' the race moot ing nt Oskaloosa. Cnptnln A. W. Cowlo Is the happy father of n now boy , who arrhod Friday night. Mrs. Ada WnddoU nnd family arrived in the Bluffs Friday evening from Kansas City. City.F. F. R. Davis , mnnacor of the Woir-Shugart Agricultural Implement house , has toturnod from n week's visit to Chicago and other points lu Illinois. S. S. Stevens , general western agent for , ho Rock Hlund route , nnd wife have ro- : urncd from n vacation In the cities and among the scenery of Colorado. "Squire N. Schurz nnd son Herman have returned from Hot Springs , Ark. , where Lhoy have been for several weeks. The squire's health Is greatly Improved. E. A. Wlckuani returned from Burlineton yesterday morning. While there ho signed mother contract for Rlloy & Co. for nu ad ditional 7.0JO yards of brick paving , Mr. mid Mrs. Andruw Thomoson , of Pltts- jurg , Pn. . who have boon In the city several days visitlnt * Chalmor Lyons , left yesterday morning for thu west. Mrs. Thompson is a Bister of Mr. Lyons. R. S. MdntoiSh returned yesterday morn ing from u three-weeks' stay nt Spirit Lake. lie reports having had one of the largest times that was over crowded into the same period during his existence. Mnlor M. M. Marshal , general ngontof the Burlington , returned yesterday morning from a three-days' hunting trip in Nebraska. Ho had great success , as many who were Itindly remembered yesterday will testify. Next to bacging his game , the major delights - lights in distributing it ninong his friends. Gcorgo Nlcoll , of Suit Lake City , arrived ycsturdity morning on a visit tn his mother. Ho was accompanied by his sister , Miss Mttgpi6 , who has boon visiting In the west. George looks hule and hearty , nnd Is much pleased with his now location. He Is workIng - Ing for Manager M. B. Brown , of the WesV- orn Union. Moll Gregory , mail agent on the Wnbnsh road , who wus Injured u week ngo in a shakeup - up caused by bis train going through a bridge in Missouri , is taking nn indefinite Iny-otT. Ho was quite seriously Injured internally. The mall car in which ho was riding fell from a thirty-foot trcstlo nnd rolled over twice , nud was completely wrecked. The oscaoo of Mall Agent Gregory from Instant death was little less than a miracle. o Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's & Co. 'a loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons , personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other articles of vnluo , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. , Scldonberg's 5oiigraro at the Four-tain. It is proving to be a more dlftlcult tnattqr to creuto a now channel for Indian creek where the improvements are In progress than was at llrst supposed. , , When the work was left Thursday night , the iOld crcolc bed was dammed up and the water flowing nicely through another ditch , cut straight for tbo Second street bridge. The furious rain that fell during the night cut the new banking entirely away , and in t the morning the now ditch was partly filled with the debris brought down by the wntor , while the creek , In the old bed , was ha\Mng things nil its own way. Work was resumed on the proposed change , nnd will bo. , prosecuted vigorously until the water courie is fixed where it is wanted to be. and. the abutting embank ments are illlculloutto | | Ifio " protecting plank- $50,000 to loan on citj property at 0 per cent. A. A. CLARK & CO. E. H. Sheafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of rents and care of prop erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod- crate. Oftlco Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. * Secretary Zeverly , of the board of trade , has received a letter from the press club at Creston , in which ho stated that complete arrangements had been made foe the entertainment of the representatives of the press who attend the hay palace exbi- bitlon. It is expected that each pauer pub lished in Council Bluffs nnd Omaha will have n representative there , on "Pottawattamio Day , " August 22. Ono of the towers of the liny palace has been fitted un for piers' head quarters , and no pains will bo spared to properly entertain all visiting scribes. The DCS Molnes Daily Register cots in nt 7:05 : on the morning of issue. Delivered at once ; 20 cents a week. F. R. Nugent , Coun cil Bluffs agent. Often Visited III m. Kearney Enterprise : Gernoy ( read ing the paper ) "Harry J. Nevius , re cently graduated from Harvard , is now visiting his undo. Ha , ha ! Good joke. " "Joke ? I don't Bright see any joke in that. " Gernoy "Well , you would if you had soon him como out of the 'three-ball shop' ' as often as I have of late. " How She SiirlVit Him. Kearney Enterprise : Young Maiden "I should think old ocean would ho happy. It always has a servant to do its bidding. " Young Drumloy "And who is the servant , prayi1" Young Maiden "Why , its surf , of course. . " 216 Main SPECIAL NOTICES. W XNTtU ) Al once , agents to solicit , on snl- ary or commission. Good reliable men only. Permanent situation ami good galarv to the right pnrtlea. Address Council lUntTs 1'or- trnlt Co. , Council 11 tuffs , Iowa. A nitST-Oi.ASS cnglnn nnd boiler can bo CVbought complete for IKO. Address Spraguo's Foundry. Council llluffs. _ T71OH UKNT 5-room house , 609 Mynstor st. - * - Apply to A. Louie. FOU EXCHANGE An equity In a farm near the city for city lots. Johnston & Van 1'at- tcn , Everett bloctc. rilAIILi : boarders wanted at 1 Denton street. J- Good bonid at reasonable rates. Mrs. I. W , Cooper. KSTATK HoURht and sold ana ex- -LV changed. Special attention Klven to exam ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 10 I'e&rl st. . Council UluTs. ( _ _ The boat Is generally thu cheapest. If you . would bo u first class book-keapor , teacher , i penmanorrepofterandtypewriterlnaieason- alily short time attend the WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Send for catalogue giving full particulars rco. \y. 8. PAULSON , Council lllulls In , BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting Headquarters. 418 BROADWAY. MALONEY & O'BRIEN ' , Ll COR. 6TH AVE. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An exccllsnt educational Institution , fur' nlshecl with nil modern Itnprovomunta for boarding and day school. The ucedemtc year consists of two sessions , beginning on the first Monday in September and February , respect. TBUMS Hoard and tuition , per session. $76. 1'or further particulars address Sister Superior. St. Francis Academy , Couno 1 Bluffs , In. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on furniture , plnnos. diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low raos of interest. No. publicity : fair and hqnorable dealing A. A. Clark & Co. , oiijco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. J. D. EDMUNDSON ] E. L.SIHJOAHT Pres. Vlco 1'res. CIIAS. It , HANNON , Cashier. CITIZENS' STATE BANK , OF COUNCIL IILUFFS. Paid Up Capital JlRd.OIO.OO Surplus avoi.OO. Liability to Denosltoril. . . 33 ; , < WO. ( > 0. DiiiKOTOH0 I. A. Miller , F. O. Gloason , E. L. Bhugart , K. II. Hart , J. O. Kdmuticlsou. dims. It. llnnnun. Transact general banking business. Larueot capital ana surplus of any bank in southwestern Iowa. Interest on time deposits. ESTADLIBHKD 879. 8. E. MAXON Architectand and Superintendent , MKHltJAM III.OCK , Council Dluffg , ; : Town. Correct estimates of cost cuumuteed. Bpeclul attention given to all classes of build * TUCK , public and private. IliuxenlvtavB on nuiid , for the ccincniencttof mvpatrons a lareo number of plans , tucli c.s miools , buslnnsHftnd office building ! ) , county court bontce.nielioiisea , hotels nd private residences. OuurB by mall promptly at tended to , THUS IRTJSSIEILiILi. . SIZES FROi ) i Especially Adapted for i , ELECntlC 25 T0300 OT HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and estimates furnished for completesteam plants , Regulation , durability ijuaranteed. Can show letters from users where fuel economy U eiuul With Corliss Nou Condensing. Bend for catalogue. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. 81O Pearl Street , Council Bluffa. HOTEL MANAWA REFITTED Newly Furnished Connected by Motor Avith COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA Located on Lake Manawa , the finest Watering Place and Sum mo Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beacn. DMA * J ) AM 61/ku I Special Rates to Parties and Fumllloa. Cor- ladlGS Ofc r@r Uajfi | rospondonco Solicited. TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , The Best Equipped r.stabllshraont in the West. Does Dyeing nnd Cleaning of a.uniouts and Hoods of o\ cry description nnd material. Dry Cleaning of rino GurineiitB u Spocliiltj. Out of town ordois by mall or express , will receive prompt attention. Works on Motor Line , Corner 26tii St , & Ave , I , Council Bluffs. OMAHA OFFICE , 1521 FARNAM Hero Mill and Power , Badger Shsller , fipple- ton Feed Gutter and Wood Saw. \ W m m mm It Is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls. Because it ia indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no clmnjj * a in any climate. , Because it is more durable thnn any other root made , Iron , tin , slate or wooo. Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper lua Because- has boon proven by the severest trials nnd tins never failed. For further information apply to BIBKINBINB ErMlNEBRINQ AND SUPPLY CO. . Boom SOO First National Bank Bulletins' , Omaha. Council BluETa office , 116 Pearl Btroot.