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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1889)
* v Vfrfft * L THE OMAHA DAIL EE. JJL NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOVING , AUGUST 10 , 1880. NUMBER 52. THE EXCITEMENT SUBSIDING t Public Opinion Rcjjardlnir the May- brlok Goso Dying Out. SIGNATURES TO THE PETITION. Threatening hotter * Sent to tlio Fore man of the Jury A. Rumor Ilmt Pnrncll Will Visit India Shortly. Public Opinion Cnri/rfffftt iSfO tin Jamti Gonlon ItennM. ] Livitiiroot , Augusta fNcw.York Herald Coblo Special to Tun Unn.l There has boon considerable subsidence ot public ex citement over tba Mnybrlck verdict , as is shown by the quiet state of affairs outside of the assize court. Mrs. Maybrlck 1& still pros trated , though somewhat better than yester day. She was able to got up this forenoon to oat some breakfast , but still remains very weak. Sao was visited by the chaplain and doctor , but had no visitors from the outside. At the Jail matters hove resumed thotr normal serenity , the only visitors to-day being those on business. The bar memorial for a reprieve has been signed by over fifty members of the northern circuit , and the petition on 'change received some eight hun drcd signatures to-day. Before leaving the assize courts this even Ing Mr. Justice Stephens said that two let- ten addressed to the foreman of the May- brick jury hod boon handed to him. It was , his lordship said , a very Indecent thing to make tin attack upon those who had been obliged against their will to perform tbo most ungracious and thankless kind of ofllco , and-ho could only say that those letters would not Vi delivered , because ho thought it his duty to open them. Ihoy had evi dently been addressed to that gentleman because - cause ot his connection with the trial. If any inoro were written the persons writing them would waato their labor. The foreman of the jury soys the verdict was not decided uqpu until the whole of the case had been gene through Another juror tolls how they treated the case every night when they went to their hotel. The points , as thay occurred each day , were threshed out and each juryman gave his opinion. Every man on the jury was agreed to find a verdict of guilty. Every point was tested to discover a doubt so that the unhappy woman could have the benefit of it , but everything xvus so plain and conclu sive that the jury had no chance , and there fore could not give her any benefit of it. He hoped Mrs. Maybrlck would not bo hanged , because ho wns opposed to capital punishment , but the jury had nothing to do with that question. They only had to say whether she was guilty of murder or not , and they were of the opinion that it was a cold-blooded and cruel murder. On 'change and in the city generally a much calmer and less impassioned tone pre vails to-aay. As Is well knowntho costs of the trial have been very heavy , and It Is stated that Brier- ley , who had undertaken to find the means for defense , has already paid out 4,000. I'nrncll to Visit Indln. [ Cnpvrlpht 1883 bJainet | Gordon nentifM. } LONDON , August 0. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEK. ] Therfc is talk of Par neil paying a visit to India , "it is cer tain that ho will take so long a holiday that he will bo absent when parliament reassem bles next year. During the present session ho has almost deserted the house In order to attend thoFaruell commission. His absence has weakened his hold on his party , in which there are not a few grumblers. Some of O'Brlon's section say that an effective leader could hare lessened Balfour's success. The fact Is thaiPnrnoll's health Is again a source of anxiety to his friends. Ho is no longer a vegetarian , but takes a little unimal food , but Is subject to frequent attacks of cold , which leaves him weak and depressed. A Blackmailing Solioino , [ Copyrfoht 188) bu Jama Oorrfon Bennett. ] LONDON , August 0. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB QBE. ] A popular practice of abandoned Whitcchapol women is to demand money , and , upon refusal , to charge the man who refused to bo stood up as Juck the Ripper. A day seldom passes that some unfortunate follow is not sub jected to imprisonment In this way. One was arrested to-day who had been arrested twice beforeon a similar charge. Ho was discharged after an examination. A Tribute From the Quoon. tCnpyrfffht tBKIltu Jama Qordnn Dennett. ' ] TOSKI , August 9. I Now York Herald Cable blo Special to TUB Bee. ] The queen has noqt a most gracious note to General Gren- fell and his command , which was received with much enthusiasm by all the troops. BOULANGEUVS TRIAL. ThoTroourour General Brings Sort' ou ClinrRCH Aaulnat Him. PAWS , August 0.Tho trial of General Boulunger before tbo high court of the senate ate was resumed to-day. The procureur general , continuing his address , charged that Boulanger had hold a veritable political court at dormant I < errand , when bo was In command of the troops there. Ho had orig inated secret Intrigues , electoral agitation and u system of corrupting officials. The procureur ecu oral declared tboro were docu ments before the court which clearly market ] the downward path of General Boulangor from Insubordination to Intrigue , falsehood and conspiracy. The government also had evidence to show that he hod tried to have convoyed to Princa Bismarck tbo informa tion that ho ( Boulaugor ) only desired to bo appointed consul for Itfo. The procureur general described the pro ceedings ot tbo League of Patriots ut Kochg * fort and the Initial steps of the attempt against the state which commenced with the cone at the Lyons depot when Boulangcr started for Clormont Forrano , and continued until the long Chomps review , when Bou- langer wns hiding In Paris awaiting the ro- ault of his manifesto. The procurour's speech was received with many Impatient cries of "adjourn , adjourn , " The trial was finally adjourned. Mr * . Brown Almost Insniic. BOSTOK , August 0. The wife of a. P. Brown , of Brown , Stcose & Clark , woo dealers , lately fulled , Is almost Insane , resulting from the suspense caused by tut continued absence of her husband , who has ndt been heard of since last Tuesday , A brother of the missing man expresses the opinion that the business ufTalrs of the Arm have driven him cruzy ; that ho has either committed suicide or has absconded to Eu rope or Canada , or else is wandering about the country In a demented condition. ts to tlio HowoUy. YIBNNA , August 8. The Austrian govern. incDt , ID reply to Greece's note on the Cro- ttn question admits thu difficulties of the sit uation , but objects to the action juonoscu by G reeve. Killed Hy MudtnInc. VJWWII.UON , Dak. , August 0. George Pratt wu struck by lightning und killed last Bight , BOMBARDING Hlnpoljrto Dlnzlne Awny ntthe Hy phenated City. NEW YonK , August 0. Purser Squire , of the steamer Aim of the Atlas line , which arrived from Hoyll last night , brings Hay- tlon news. The evening of July 20 , when the Alvo arrived ift Port-ou-Prlnco , the uolso of Hlppolyto's cannons could bo dis tinctly heard firing at the town. The nttnck- Ing-force was at the west ot the place , about two miles nway , With the aid of a powerful glass Hlppolyto's forces could bo scon. In the harbor there wns the tugboat Panama , of about one hundred and twenty tons bur den. She carried a few heavy guns and was in LcRltlmo's service. During the afternoon of July 20 , the Panama wns ordered to at tack lllppolyto's bombarding party. As soon as the little tug got within tiring distance she began to blaze awny. She kept It up until darkness set In. The bombarding by Hlppolyto'a forces was kept up all night. The Alvo left next morning. Legltlmo lost two men during the fiercest of the fight. Hlppolyto's losses can bo reckoned In the hundreds , It Is said. Another Traitor Discovered. WASHINGTON , August 9. Information from Hnytl under date of July G says everything Is quiet at Port-au-Prlnco , and that the delay In attempting to capture the city la giving the inhabitants renewed confidence and hurting the cause of the northern party. The near approach of the rainy season Is dis advantageous to Hlnpolyto and It Is thought ho will have difficulty In keeping his forces in the field without largo defections. Frequent - quont firing was kept up , It is said , by the forts on the northern Hide of the city and Hlppolyto's advance forces could bo scon from the decks of vcsscln In the harbor. The communder of Ln Coupe had been brlbod to ulve up the place for $10,000. A Frenchman dining with General Albert Salnono at his camp learned of the scheme , and on his re turn to Port-au-Prince divulged It to the authorities , who , with a few troops and gatllng guns , easily repulsed the advancing columns of Salnono. It was said If this scheme had boon successful Lcglilnio would have accepted Hippolyto's offer of a pension and left the Island. For Detaining thu Ozrmi.i. WASHINGTON , August 9. A letter has been received at the navy department from Ad miral Ghorardl , of the flag ship Kearsago , Port-au-Princo , Hayii , saying Logltlme's government has delivered to the United States minister $7,503 as compensation for the seizure and detention of the steamer Oratna. The money is now aboard the Koarsago. A TEN PER CENT UEDUCT1ON. The Harsh Do inn ml of the Northern Illinois Cant Onorators. .ToLir.T , 111. , August' 0. After a lengthy session tlic coal operators and miners con ference with the board of arbitrators came to an end at a late hour last night without any results looking toward n settlement of the not them Illinois coal miners' strike. The minors .agreed to moot the operators half way and accept 75 cents at Strcutor , 85 cents at La Salic and 00 cents at Braid wood. This concession the operators refused to ac cede to. insisting on a 10 per cent reduction. Before the nicotine broke up the operators agreed to meet again in this city on Monday. Tho-miners hold a secret mooting and agreed to return here Monday. The men seem eager to end the strike , but us the operators insist on a 10 per cent reduction there Is little hone the meeting of Monday will bo productive of a settlement. Ilnpes for the Best. CniCAOO. August 0. Fred Wines , who , with Judge Gould , of Mollno , has been in vestigating the coal strike , Is at the Grand Pacific hotel , where ho arrived yesterday from Jollet , the scene of the recent confer ence. He was asked what"ho thought the outlook for a peaceful settlement was , and he replied that ho had strong noues the re sult would bo acceptable to both sides. "On what do you found your hope t" ho was asked. "Is It true , " ho replied , "tnnt the joint meeting of the operators and miners ut Joliet adjourned without coming to any agreement , but it only took a recess until Monday. This Is to allow the operators to center with some of thn principal operators who were not present. I base my hope on the rood acnso and good feeling manifested by both sides nt their private conference on Thursday and on the fact that the discussion showed such a remarkable agreement of opinion an to the main features of the present situation. Scott's Reply teEms Ems , Pa. , August 9 , The following Is Hon. VV , L. Scott's reply to Hon. Frank Lawler's telegram of last night , relative to tbo mining troubles : "Your telegram received. Am I to under stand that tbo miners at Sprint ; Valley huvo requested you and the Chicago relief commit tee to take up the price ot mining to bo paid there. If they have done so I can sco no ob jection to considering the subject with you and the committee , not , however , In the way of arbitration. Wo uro as desirous that the men should resume work as your committee can possibly bo. and wo have always been , and are now willing to Day a rate for mining that is equivalent to the rates paid by the operators In other sections of the stata with whoso coal wo have to compote In the mar kets of tbo northwest. But you can readily understand tht't wo can not successfully run our mines and pay our men from SO to 100 per cent moro for mining at Spring Volley than Is paid elsewhere In tbo state , and find a market fcr our coal. " Drunken Strikers on a Rnld. PiTTSuiwo , August 9. Private dispatches from the ConnolUvlllo coke regions report a gang of 400 drunken Hungarian coke work ers on a rnld. Thov do not sootn to under stand that the strike was settled In their favor , and this morning started out to close up the works In operation. They first marched to Morowood and drove the men out and then wont to the Alice- works , where they also forced the men to quit work. When lust board from the Hungarians were on their way to the Bessemer works. Con siderable damage was done at the Morowood anil Alice , but no ono was seriously hurt , The Hungarian rioters proceeded to Besno. uior , and on tbo wuy met Joun M. Daglon , who wns riding In a buggy. Ho trlod to per suade thorn to stou and leturn to work , but the infuriated mob overturned his buggy and beat und cut him BO badly that his life is de spaired of. The Huns reached Bessemer and went to the house of an old man named Gilhooly to looic for atnliia boss. Fulling to find him the old man was beaten and the windows broken. A miin named Love was also caught aud treated In the same manner. They next made a descent upon the store , and after breaking the windows and doom in it carried off all the bread and bologna they could find on the promises. By this time Secretary Wntohom arrived In company with James Kccgan , another of the loaders. Wntchom addressed thorn and finally suc ceeded In malting them understand that the strike was over and decided In their fuyor , The Huns than retired to ttioir names. Experimenting With thn Elixir. KAJVBAS Cur , August 0. Drs. L. A.Borger and C. W. Adams huvo for three vreoks pant been conducting a series of experiments with the Brown-Soquard elixir at the home for the aged. Experiment ) were made upon Uro inmates of the homo aged fifty-nine and soventy-ouo years respectively. The elixir was bypodormically injected twice a week , the patients being1 ignorant of the nuturo of tbo elixir. The effect has been quite satis factory snd the vitality of the men seems to have Improved considerably. Dr. Berger thlnkH u mixture of opium , cocaine and braudy will have the same effect as the elixir. He \ > 111 try it on two others of the inmates and inako coinparUeut , MARTIN BURKE ARRAIGNED , A Sudden Ohnoso in the Programme' By Longonookor. IT SURPRISED MR. KENNEDY. The Accused Pleads Not Guilty to Both the IntllotmontH The Sus pect's Hunted Look Every body Enfjor to Sco Him. The First Day in Court. CHICAGO , August 9. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB.J Senator Kennedy was this morning notified by the state's attorney that Burke would bo brought Into court this afternoon to plead to his Indictment. The news was something of a surprisn to the Wisconsin attorney , who had been led to bo- llcvo that the suspect would not again sco the Inside of a court room until the 20th In stant , the date sot for the trial. Ho signified his satisfaction , however , and said ho would bo present. It was ten minutes after 2 o'clock when the state's attorney entered Judge Baker's room. Senator Kennedy , n dozen reporters and a handful of spectators were already there. The judge Immediately arose and addressed the state's attorney with : "Well , do you want anybody brought Int" "Martin Burke , " Mr. Longonccker tersely replied. Tbo Judge so ordered Deputy Sheriff Carney , and after a wait of five minutes the celebrated prisoner entered the court from the Iron corridor , with Deputy Carney in the lead and Jailor Folz nnd Deputy Cool following. Burke was led before the judge , where Clerk Lee handed him.coplcs of the two Indictments , and then , picking up the first , said : "Oa the 19th of Juno you wore Indicted for murder. Are you guilty or not guilty ! " "Not guilty , " the prisoner replied , With a suggestion of a brogue. As ho spoke ho looked up at the coiling , then at the reporters - ers in front of htm , shifted uneasily and fixed bis gaze on the clerk , who had picked up indictment No , 2. "On the 29th of Juno you were indicted for murder jointly with Beggs , Coonoy , O'Sulli- van , Woodruff , Kunzo , Couphliu and others. Arn you guilty or not guilty 1" "Not guilty , " the suspect again replied. Ho then handed thocoolcsof his Indictments to Senator Kennedy , and In response to a tap on his shoulder from Jailor Folz ho followed Carney back to the jail with Folz and Cool behind him. During his brief stay In the court room" Burke was ill at ease. Ho struggled hard to appear calm and unconcerned , hut ho failed signally. His eyes roamed through all parts of the room , nnd there was in them the scared look of a frightened -man apprehending a sudden blow from some ununown quarter. When ho spoke his Immense lower juw fell slightly to allow his words to escape , aud when ho had finished Lo closed it with a snap , and then folding his lower Up over the upper , let It slip slowly down and then compressed them tightly to gether , as If fearful lost souio unnecessary syllable should elude him. His countenance Is a peculiar one , the most marked feature being the chin , which from the lips inclines sharply inwards , as if a piece had boon slashed off with a knife. His expression is not particularly forbidding , yet there Is a look of dogged determination about it sug- gestwo of ferocious daring , If occasion should require. Every eye In the court room was fixed on him , the judge's being no exception , and no ono quit looking at him till ho loft the room. A Ble : Wheat Crop. MINNEAPOLIS , August 9. "Tho wheat crop In Minnesota and Dakota will roach 85,000- 000 bushels , and I think will go to 90,000,000 , " was the announcement of the market record this morning. "It will bo the beat crop har vested in six years , " said Manager Robblns , of the Northwestern Elevator company. There is confidence on every hand , and the above are sentiments of grain men generally. Two weeks ago a few made predictions of 80,000,000 bushels , and the majority said tbo claim was too high , Now the increase of 5,000,000 bushels ubovo that figure Is not re garded as unreasonable , bamples of wheat shown by tbo various elevator lines from houses wide apart show an almost uniform excellence. U Is expected that with no storms the crop in Minnesota will be har vested in ten days , and in Dakota fifteen days. A Deadly Storm. LACROSSE , WIs. , August 9. The reports of damage from the storm of Wednesday night and yesterday morning are just coming In from the country. Henry Scbmlz's twelve-year-old daughter , whllo running from the house to the barn , was struck by lightning and instantly killed. ATilrs. Jus tin suffered paralysis of her lower limos from the effects of the thunderbolt. Chris Mueller's barn wns destroyed , together with twenty-five sheep , fifty tons of hav and other property. A horse was struck and bis shoes ripped off from all four feet and the horse loft unlnturcd. A largo number of buildings wore struck. Business Tioublo ? . BOSTON , August 9. George W. Hollls , of the Hollls Dressed Beef and Wool company , has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. His embarrassment Is caused by the failure of Brown , Stneso & Clark. It is stated at the ofilco of the Hollls company that Hollls' embarrassment will neb affcctr the company. PnbviuisNCE , R. I. , August 9. The Massa chusetts Iron & Trust company placed an at tachment for 200,000 on tbo Rirorsido mill to-day. This makes 8312,000 in attachments on the property bore. Nothing Is knowu of the whereabouts of Brown , the treasurer. Moro Brown-Scquard Experiments. CINCINNATI , August 0. Dr. Longfellow , who experimented yesterday on twelve persons with the Brown-Sequard elixir of life , says that ana ot thorn , an elderly woman , reported oxcollnnt results this mornIng - Ing An old man afflicted with rheumatism , says bis ailment Is ubout gono. No particu lar result was reported by the other ten , who were young and vigorous. To-day ho experimented on eight people ranging in ago from twonty.clght to sixty years. It is yet too early to report the results. Collom Goon to Jail. MINNEAPOLIS , August 9. Tbo fourth com plaint was entered against Frank Collom to day containing seven different counts , nUarg- lug him with the forgery of notes aggre gating 220,000. His ball was fixed at 110.000 in each case. Collom was remanded Into custody In default of f 110,000 ball for exami nation next Tuesday. The Enainocr Wan Asleep. SOUTH BKTHLCHEM , Pa , August 9. An engine dashed Into a caboose which was standing on a siding ot the Lohlgh Valley railroad at Pen Haven Junction early this morning , completely wrecking U and killing William Garrcn and fatally injuring Bruko- mun ChriBtman. The engineer was asleep nnd failed to notlco the signals. Drnppod Dead In a Dining Room. MINNEAPOLIS , August 0. Benjamin Mo- Loan , of Kansas City , dropped dead in the dining room of the Hotel St. L'ouU , at Mlnno- tonka this afternoon from apoplexy. McLean bus resided in Kansas City ever since the war , nnd for twenty-five years was engaged in the wool and hide business , An Engineer Badly Scalded. HOLYOKB , Col. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BBE.J Pat MoDormott , engi neer at the round house , was scalded severely about the head and facb last evening bjr eiceplpg gteqin from hi * engine , FATAL GAS WELL KXPLOS1ON. Two Men Klllort ! ' xnatVAljout Fifteen Injnfc'd. PiTisnono , PaAil ulst Q. This afternoon , whllo a thirty-Inch natural gas main was being tested , a lend cap On the end of a plpo blow out , scattering the debris In every di rection. Several hundred workmen em ployed In the Iron mills near by were just returning homo ami n number of them had stopped along the trench to watch the ex periment. They were struck by the debris nnd flying missiles. The plpo was braced with heavy timbers and those were hurled" into the crowd with torrlflo forco. The workmen and spectators were thrown down by the force of the explosion , und ono man was hurled against n brick honsn nnd his nock broken. A general stnmpodo followed tbo explosion nnd a scone of the wildest ex citement ensued. The cries of the Injured could bo heard for several squares. Investigation showed that two mon hid been killed outright nnd about fifteen others Injured , two of them fatally. The dead were convoyed to their homes and the Injured who were unable to walk were taken to the hospital. > The killed nro : John Miller , single , aged twcntv-thrco years ; John O'Connor , single , aged twenty-five years. The seriously injured are : John Grolnor , married , terribly cut and bruised , injured Internally , will die ; Henry Reich , a boy , skull fractured and Injured internally , may die ; John Brnnoymillwright. Internally In jured and head cut severely ; William Green , badly cut and bruised , thought to have received Internal Injuries ; James Hyn- drlck , of St. Louis , Mp. , both legs broken. THE CONVENTIONS. The Committee Irrigation Make Speeches nt flolonn. HELENA , Mont. , August 9. The United States senate committee on irrigation ar rived hero this morning. The senators re ceived formal Invitatlojh from the constitu tional committee , and Senators Stewart , Plumb and Reagan spoko. The importance of Irrigation was dwelt upon at BO mo length , nnd many other Interests of the west , includ ing the romonctlzatiori of silver , on which topic Senator Stewart spoke fully , and Sen ators Plumb und Reagan briefly , but warmly , all advocating the restoration of the whlto metal to its former position as a monoy. The body of the committee then hold a session for taking testimony bearing on the subject of Irrigation. Many prominent gontlemcn were examined , and all agreed that the in terests of Montana.would bo bonofittod al most beyond compututloa by a proper utiliza tion of the water lylngMa its lakes and rush ing through Its river. The opponents of Hojena'trlcd to force the capital question , but her friends carried the motion to adjourn till Monday. At OlyirrniB. OLYSIPU , Wash. , August 0. The legls lativo report has finally been adopted. Aliens are forbidden to hold lands unless acquired by Inheritance or mortgage. They can , how ever , own mines of mineral , coal or flro clay. The penalty against legislative bribery , said to have been formed 'bylJorernlah Black , was adopted. All special legislation Is forbidden. The comtnittoo on hygiene recommended an article establlsnlng a bureau of vital Btutlstlcs.fand regulating the practice of medicine. 'Tho ' employment of children under fifteon'ycars ' of ago In mines' is forbidden. The democratic committee to-day Issued a call for a state convention at Ellensburg on Monday , September 9. XThere are to bo 110 delegates. The republicans'haV'o changed their convention .from Spokane Falls to Walla Walla city.n Connubial Cilsscdncss. INDIANAPOLIS , August' 9. As Geortre C. Bradbury , general1mapagcr of the Lake Erie & Western railroad , entered his office this morning , ho was confronted by his wife , who Is now living in Chicago , and with whom ho has not been living jfor some tlmo. A scuffle immediately' ensued which was stopped by the appearance ivof a police officer1 who discovcrcd'Bradbary with a lovolver In his hand. The officer1 refused to arrest' cither party , although 'Mrs. Bradbury de manded the arrest of her hus band. Mis. 'Bradbury went at once to the station and swore out a warrant charging Bradbury with threatening her life. [ Bradbury's story Is that when he reached bis ofllco ho found his wlso standing behind ino door with a pistol in her hand/thrcatcnlng to shoot him. Ho wrested the pistol from her , and her screams brought the officers. Mra. Bradbury's story is that Bradbury attempted to shoot her. At the trial this afternoon sensational charges against each otlioot , Infidelity were made by both parties. Iho President's Trip. BAH HARDOR , Mo.J" August 0. President Harrison rose early this morning , and after a hearty breakfast aqd a cigar , received visits from Hon. John R. Thomas , of Illinois , Baron Rosen , the Hussion minister , and others. Most of the morning was spent by the president resting. Later a drive was tuken by the party. In the early afternoon the carriage party arrived at Major Aullck Palmer's cottage , nt Otter Bluff , whore a number of prominent cottagers had boon in vited to meet thorn at luncheon in the open air. Iho event was really a garden party and was entirely informal. A Small Hawaiian Rebellion. SAN FIUNCIBCO , August 9. The steamer Australia , from Honolulu , brings news that on July 3 two half white Huwallans named Kobert W. Wilson 'and Robert Boyd , with tbo aid of 150 natives , made an armed at * tempt to overthrow tbo government , The palace grounds and the government house were tauen possession of by the rioters. Tbo Honolulu rifles were called out and a skir mish ensued m which seven Hawallans were killed and twelve wounded. Tbo rioters wore at lust compelled to surrender. Marsh Write * a Book. MIDDLETOWN , N. Y , , August 9. I Special Telegram to THE BOB. ] Luther It. Marsh , the eminent Now York lawyer , whoso deal ings with the spirit medium , Mine. Edith A. Diss Debarr , gave him j'an unpleasant no torloty , is now reading the printers' proofs of an elaborate work from his pen , "Spiritism. " in which ho deals with the subject in the main from the liberal standpoint arguing that the modern so-called spiritual manifestations are co-related to the miracle * recorded bv the holy writ , and are equally well authenti cated. Mr. Marsh's bop It will bo published in October. The I'rossor Motor Broke Him. ST. PAUL , August Q. Colonel J. Ham Davidson , executor of tbo estate of the late Commodore Davidson , of this city , assigned last night. Ills liabilities are said to amount to 1100,000 , and the assets , consisting largely of St. Paul real estate ! will realize over that amount. Colonel Davidson's failure is due to the collupso of the Presser motor. The AVcnttfer Forecast. For Omaha and vicinity Fair weather. For Nebraska Fair , warmer winds , shift ing to southeasterly , For Dakota Falrt general/ warmer , vari able winds. For Iowa Generally fair , warmer in northwest , stationary temperature In southwest - west portion , variable winds. < A Chnuman | Hanged. PORTLAND , Ore. , jAugust 9. Oheo Gong , a Chinaman , was hanped to-day for the mur der ot Leo GIck two years ego. Ho made a long speech , protuttlng his Innocence , and declaring his convlutlou was the result of a Chinese conspiracy. A FORMAL COMPLAINT FILED Kansas Olty Rondo Malco Charges Against the Alton. A LEGAL BATTLE TO FOLLOW. The Intcr-Stnto Commerce Commis sion to Decide n Point of Inter est to the Entlro Rail way World. A Hallway Scrap On. CHICAGO , August0. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB. ] The filing of a formal complaint In Washington Is the first step In what bids fair to bo a desperate fight between the Alton and the other Kansas Cltv roads. The com plaint's points nro ot course familiar to every railroad and financial man. It marks the Irrepressible conflict between opposing poli cies. The lines built west of Kansas City by the Rock Island and Burlington are turning over a valuable business to tholr'malh lines. The Atchlson has built its Santa Fa exten sion to Chicago and naturally turns over to it all the controllable business. The Alton Is being bottled up. The St. Paul , Wnbosh , and Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City are In exactly the same plight , but they nro mem bers of the Inter-State Commerce Railway association and will go with the majority In fighting the outsider , the Alton. As shown in those dispatches , the Alton officials freely acknowledge the constant curtailment of territory from which they have obtained traf fic. The only reason their shipments have not decreased Is that the population has Increased In the reduced territory whence they derive business. A tlmo would surely como when their tariff from west of Kansas City would bo little or nothing. There were but two things to bo done either to own or control a western extension from Kansas City or to got part of the business brought Into Kansas City by the Chicago lines having western ex tensions. Although it is believed tbo Alton will lease or buy the Kansas Pacific or Mis souri , Kansas & Texas , the other horn of the dilemma was also stated , and the Alton gave notlco that it would , on Kansas City west bound roads with which it had no pro rating arrangements , pay local rates to Kansas City and then accept as its rate to Chicago an amount which , added to the reduction of the local , would equal the through rate quoted by the original lino. This Is the gist of the whole complaint against the Alton whether it is legal to thus make a nolens volens traffic arrangement with Its competi tors and charge a less rate to the western man for the Kansas City-Chicago haul than It would charge a Kansas City man. The Alton claims that it has this right. The other Kansas City roads , except the Chicaeo , St. Paul & Kansas City , claim it has not. The Inter-stato commerce commis sion must decide whether traffic brought in from west of Kansas City and destined for the cast is to"bo considered as through or local business in Kansas City , if taken out by a road other than the road which brought It in. The whole railroad world is interested in the decision , as it effects every lino. In re gard to the other charges in the complaint. Vice PresidentMoMullln said : "We leased 00 stock cars to , the American Live. Stuck Commission company and Had a perfect Tlglit'-t6 ad" < br"JThoy were our own property , and the Rock Island itself got an association ruling that there was no objection to a road loosing Its cars. Wo can't gain any Undue advantage from the lease , as they are nearly all In use west of Kansas City. Ot the few which como east the Wabash , Rook Island and Santa Fo have as many as wo do. The only other charge made against us , except the ono of reducing our local rate from Kansas City to make tbo same through rate charged by other lines , Is that wo have reduced rates legally. Of course wo reduced the rates , but wo did it , as we said ut the tlmo , to meet manipulated rates. In regard to the poly serious charge that of shrinking our local to make athrough rule wo think wo are right , and , moreover , think wo can show it to the Inter-state Commerce commis sion or any other Intelligent body of men. In that case we simply meet the rate made by roads with branches west of Kansas City. The Duluta & WlnnipoR. DUMJTH , Minn. , August 0. The Duluth & Winnipeg railroad was ono of the chief points of contention in tbo state legislature last winter , Its friends desiring the extension of land grants which seemed slipping away from the corporation because of its delay in bulldlnr tricks. The contractors have at last been selected , tbo contracts signed and work will bo commenced atoucoin tbo ox- sion to the Mississippi river , which will bo struck at Itascu. Fifteen hundred men will be put to work on the road in a few days and work rushed. It is an important road to tbo northern portion of the state. Another New Road. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Augusta The Black Hills , Chamberlain , Huron & Duluth rail way company has been organized here with a capital stocit of 11,000,000. It is proposed to commence laying Iron as soon as the right of way is secured. The opening of the res ervation will render this line an ubsoluto necessity and will bo secured at any cost. PI/UNKKTT NOT DEAD. A Hartford Defaulter Said to Ito Liv ing In Mexico. SAX FiuNCiaco , August 9. The Chronicle claims fo have discovered that Thomas J. Plunkett , who mysteriously disappeared from Hartford In August , 1883 , and whoso supposed death in Mexico was telegraphed over the country from Hartford last April , is to-day alive and a resident of the City of Mexico. At the tlmo of hla disappearance Plunkott was president of the Hartford Silk Manufacturing company and n later investi gation showed ho was a defaulter to the sum of about (300,000. A Remarkable Case. WASHINGTON , August 0 Maurice Adlcr , who was shot in the neck on the night of Juno 18 last by Frank Ward , still lives and to-day an operation was performed on him. It is a most remarkable case. Although bis body has been almost completely paralyzed ever since tbo shooting and ho has been spoken of as the man with a live head on a dead body , ho has lingered lor inoro than eight wetks and seems to bo no neurer death now than the day after tbo shooting. To day the patient was placed under the influ ence of chloroform and an incision about throe Inches long was made down to tbo vertebrae over the course of the wound , which was found to bo actually healed. On cutting- down upon the splno It was found that the splnous process of the fourth cerovlral vertebrae was fractured and had been driven against the spinal cord , which it was pressing upon and had lacerated to the extent of three-fourths of an inch. The spmous process und the lamunao were re moved and the pressure was thus tekon off the cord. The patient was much easier after tha operation. The Happy Sioux Commission , ST. PAUI August 9. The Sioux commis sion arrived In the city last night after see ing the completion of their work of securing : tbo signatures of a majority of the Indians to the treaty opening 11,000,000 acres of land of their blp reservation In Dakota for set tlement. Naturally they are very much elated over tbo successful termination of their labors. For Killing Ilia Mlatrrse. BotJLurit , Mont , August t > . George D. Dryaon was executed bore to-day for killing hia tnUtrosi , Aunlg Llnditrom , ID Helena , In 1888. M , . , _ _ . , , . . --v. ron , MRS. MAVBUIOIC. Petitions Bolntt Signed Everywhere , Even Parliament is Interested. New YORK , August 0. A cnblo special from London says In addition to the memo rial to the government In behalf ot Mrs. Maybrlck , signed by most of the barristers of the Ltvorpool circuit , a petition has been circulated among the merchants and brok ers , nnd In parliament itself. A number of members of the house of commons have de cided to make a combined appeal to the homo ofllco for a reprieve. Their action Is based not only on the confus ion In the medical testimony taken , butnlio on the peculiar bohaviorof tbo judge which has excited a ferment of Indignation throughout the country. The foreman of the Jury has boon interviewed arid ho showed himself , by his answers nnd comments on the case , to bo possessed of only a one-sided no tion of the ovldonco which had been pre sented In court. Ho admitted ho would not bo sorry If a reprieve were granted , not withstanding his volco WAS In favor of the verdict for murder. The general impression loft by the Interview Is that the jurors al lowed themselves to bo swayed nnd biased by the ono-stdod summing up of the judge , nnd gave a hasty verdict without giving the evidence any personal consideration. Regarding the chances of Intoricronco with the sentence on the part of the homo secre tary , Mr. Mncklln saldi "Thov have a curious law In England , providing that where an adverse decision is rendered In any but a murder case appeal can bo taken to n higher court and from that to the house of lords , but when the case is murder , the de cision rendered by jury is final , and the cases where a judge's sentence has boon overruled by the homo secretary are very rnro Indeed. Still , I hope wo can do something. " Anotticr Hope. NnwYonK , August 0. Roe & Mnclilin , counsel for Mrs. Maybrlck In this country , have cabled I1 r London solicitors asking If Home Secret _ . 'y Matthews xvlll consider new evidence if furnished immediately. Mr. Maoklln says they have considerable ovl donco to submit corroborating Mrs. May- brick's testimony , and jilso testimony as to her standing and character socially in this country. INDIGNANT INDIANS. They Threaten tn Exterminate band Grabbing Settlers. THREE RIVBK FALLS , Minn. , August 9. [ Special Telegram to Tun DEB. J Tlio an nouncement that the Red Lake reservation would soon bo opened for settlement has caused largo numbers of people from Wis consin , Dakota and the adjoining Minnesota counties to squat upon the valuable lana on the reservation. The Indians have become inconscd at the settlers and have been drinkIng - Ing heavily for several days. Last night they held ft war dtmco and threatened to make a raid upon the camps unless the whites left the reservation. Three River Falls is seven miles from a railway station , and Its 350 inhabitants bavo become so alarmed at the outlook that they have asked that a company of troops bu sent hero to guard the town und-to remove the "too pre vious" settlers. The reservation can not legally bo entered for homestead or pre emption for many months. PERISHED IN THE FiiABlEB. Suspicious Circumstances Surround tlio Death of John MoLieod. DEADTYOOD , p. D. , August 0 , [ Special 'Telegram "to THB BEE. ] Last night 'the 'farm residence of Jbhu McLeod woToufnod and MoLcod .perished Ih the flatnes. The only person present was John Wood , a young man employed .on the ranch. Mrs. McLeod aud children were away on a visit. Nothing was saved from the building. Me- Leod's remains were burnt beyond recogni tion. Suspicion of foul play entertained by the neighbors caused tbo arrest of Wood and Mrs. McLeod , and they are in custody pend ing the coroner's inquest. McLeod was seventy-four years old , and was married to Mrs. Searlght about two weeks ago , the present Mrs. MoLeod. McLeod , who was a well-to-do rancher , bad , slnco his marriage , been prevailed upon to deed all his property to his wife. Mrs. Searight's former bus- band left her about three years ago on ac count of her infidelity with young Wood nt that time. It Is on account of these relations that suspicion was aroused , and if the in quest should strongly uolnt to Wood's guilt his hanginc is threatened. A Scarcity or Food In Samoa. WASHINGTON , August 0. Under date of July 11 , Roar Admiral Klmberly reports to the navy department from Apia , Samoa , that the father ot the Catholic mission there had requested help from him to relieve a pressing want of food then existing. Upon bis return from Page Page , in a small vessel chartered for the trip , he brought back with him from the Mor.ongahola biscuit , rice and corn meal and other provisions , which ho turned over to the Cathollo mission for distribution among the distressed Samoans. The admiral writes that there is undoubtedly a grout scarcity of food at present , but does not an- prebend any loss of life from famine , except possibly among the old and feeble , as there are cocoanuts sufficient to exist on now , and this will soon bo helped out by the approach ing harvest of broad fruit and later by bananas. 9 Nehrnskn and Iowa 1'enRlonx. WASHINGTON , August 9. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BBK. ] Pensions granted to Nebraskans : Increase Thomas C. Bennett , Jacob Meyer , Robert T. Hamilton , Stephen Gilbert , Jacob B. Eakman , John N. Mc- Henry , Henry L. Loaman , Original widows , etc. Robert S. , father of Anderson D. Riper. Pensions allowed lownns : Original invalid William H. Suruguo , Western S. Zlcko- fooso , Crosby Frlck , George N. Klock , Wil liam T. Bullard , Henry D. Wagner. Increase William Hardln , General S. Moore , Jos. W. Spencer , Horace II. Clement , Michael Nupont , Henry B. Jordan , William T. Reid , William Reynolds , John Bivons , Christian Eokroato , William Armstrong , Jeremiah Jones , Jacob R. Howdosholl , Martin Doni- son. Reissue and increase Calvin W. Mortlson. Mexican widows Laura E. , widow of William II. Loper. Wheat Crop , WASHINGTON , August 9. In his report to the state department Consul General Gold- schmldt , of Vienna , says Austria proper will have an average crop of wheat , about 50,000- 000 bushels. Hungary is at least 85 per cent below the average , about 93,000,000 bushels , which will give the Austro-Hungarian monarchy - archy 75 per cent of an average crop. The estimated homo consumption In Austro- Hungary is 153,000,000 bushels , henca there will he little or no export. As to other grains , rye , barley and oats yield a weak avoruu'Q crop , and mulze Is promising , Wind alone is very promising. The vines present an unusually promising appearance , so the largest expectations uro entertained , . .11 Spontaneous Coinbnttlnn. ABHI.AND , WIs. , August 9 , Last night the fine new round louse of the Wisconsin Cen tral railway oaught flro from spontaneous combustion In the oil room. Instantly the flames spead and four engines inside the building und half the building wuro de stroyed. The loss Is about $40,000. The great danger of an explosion made tbo work of the firemen very dangerous. A Passenger Train Derailed. CLAUION , Pa. , August 9. Whllo a passan- gor train on the PltUburg & Western rail * road was rounding a curve near Edeusburg this afternoon the air brake gave out and the whole train , with the exception of the engine. left the track and the cars turned over. Must of the passengers wore move or less Injured , DAS IT GOBBLED'CARLAND ? Reported That Ho Is to Roprosonb the TJ. P. la Washington. TWENTY-FIVt THOUSAND A YEAR. The Glittering Inducement the Grout Hand IA Supposed to Ho Oflor- int The Sioux Reservation , WASHINGTON BUIIBATJ , TFIB OMitu BEE , ) 513 FOUUTBKNTU SrilKRT. } WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aucu t 9. J Several attempts were made by newspapermen mon to-day to BOO some ono in authority seas as to ascertain whether the report that ox * Attorney General Garland has boon tendered the position of special counsel for ono of the great Pacific railway companies Is true or not , but the rumor could not bo run down. It Is learned , however , that the Union Pa- clflo has for some time exhibited symptoms of dissatisfaction with Its representation m this city and that several months ago a change was decided upon. Ex-Attorney General Garland , the story goes , has boon offered this position at a salary of $25,000 a year. Ho will be. If ho accepts , located In Washington , and his business will bo that ot a railroad attorney , whoso principal duty Is to prevent unfavorable legislation towards the road employing him. The current opinion hero amont ? the attorney general's friends is. that the story that ho has boon offered the place Is truo. THE SIOUX ncSBKVATION. There seems to bo a general misunder standing as to the opening of the Sioux res ervation. The statement has been made that the reservation would bo opouod as soon as the commission reported and the president Issues his proclamation. This , however , is an error. There were two bills passed by congress on the sumo day relative to the opening of the rcsorvation , one of which provided for the cession of lands and how it should be done , and the other provided for the appointment of a commission nnd the ex penses thereof. It was further provided In , the latter bill that the report of the commis sion must bo submitted to the Fiftv-firck congress and bo ratified by that body before the president's proclamation can bo Issued , THE DEIIHIKO BIA CONTJIOVUK9T. Nothing further has yet been received from the commander of the Rush or from any ono also who knows anything about the subject of the escape of tbo Black Diamond to Victoria. Tbo whole subject is fiat and dead hero for the present , and It Is neb thought In the departments that anything moro will como of the affair until the return of Secretary Blalno and the president. If President Hurrlscn should return before ) Mr. Blalno , It Is not lilcelv that ho will neb in the absence of his secretary of state , and , in fact , the current opinion around the siuto department to-day is that nothirig wlmtever will be done until Sir Julian Paunccfoto again makes his appearance In Washington , when it Is expected that ho will como armed with the Information and authority whica , will enable him to enter Into some defiulto 5 arrangement with the United States for a permanent and feasible settlement of the whole Behring sea controversy. - THB KN.aiNEBlt COUPS' JfUEl. SUPPLY , . < Deputy. Second Comptroller McMahon has rendered n decision la relation to the. pur chase 01 fuel by officers of the engineer corps that is likely to create considerable of a stir in that favored branch of the military service. As is well known , the army regu lations provide that ofllcors shall be supplied with wood for domestic purposes at the rate of (3 per cord. It is also provlded.tbat the wood shall bo purchase through the quar termaster's department. It seems that for years past members of the engineer corps have made it the practice to ignore the regulations to a certain extent and to pur chase wood for the officers of that corps out of the appropriations made for rivers and harbors. It Is not clear what reasons can , bo assigned for the practice , but it Is Irregu lar and will have to bo discontinued. It has I boon suggested that the ofllc-ors who Indulged in the practice may claim that they wore so 1 stationed that it was Impossible for them to draw their wood allowance from the quarter master , and , therefore they wore compelled to use the most convenient moans to supply tbcmsnlvcs with fuel. On tbo other hand , Mr. McMahon holds that under no circum stances have the engineer ofllcors the right to expend tbo money appropriated for rivers and harbors for tbo purpose above named. He holds that congress provided methods by which officers of the army are to bo supplied with fuel , and It is a violation of law for them to do otherwise. Such practice , if con tinued , might sap away all the appropria tions made for the Improvement of certain streams. In the future the engineer corps will have to draw their allowance ot wood through the regular channels of the service , the quartermaster's department. NOW IOWA roaxiiASTEits. Buck Crcuk , Brcmcr county , A. J. Par * sous ; Cushlng , Woodbury county , C. B. 1 Daniels ; Danbury. Woodbury county , V. D. Lyons ; Mallack , Sioux county , O. T. Smack ; Maurice , S'oux county , Blunsom Sherman. MISCELLANEOUS. Secretory Noble , accompanied by Mrs. Noble and his private secretary , loft Wash ington this afternoon for Richfield Spring , N. Y. , whore ho will spend a short vacation. He expects to return to Washington about September 1. During his absence First As sistance Secretary Chandler will act in hi * place. Colonel James Curry , U. S. A. , retired , died suddenly at his residence In Monroe. Va. , last night. A special meeting of the naval advisory board has boon ordered for the 23d Inst , This is the board appointed to suggest to Secretary Tracy the outlines of a plait for the completion of tbo nuv.v. OTho comptroller of tbo currency to-day re ceived a telegram , fiom the presidents of the six national banks of Spokane Falls , Wash. , recently swept by fire , saving the banks had survived the disaster und were doing busi ness as usual , and adding that the safes were all right. Among the cadets appointed to the mill * tary academy are George Thoina * . Patterson , North Plotto , Neb , , and Wultor H. Pill * , bury , Oskaloosa , la. RUSSIAN CREDIT RISING. European Capitalists Anxious tn Buy MuHtiovlto HnourltlcH , WASHINGTON , August 9. Consul pcnoral Cbarlton Way , at St. Petersburg , writes to the state department that an enormous Issua of Russian bonds bearing 5 per emit Interest ) has been converted Into 4 per cent bonds on most favorable terms. Not only Is It In the power of the minister to convert the entire debt of Russia Into lower Interest- 3 bearing bonds , but foreign capitalists are eager to Invest in a security which two yearn ago was the football of the foreign bourses. Ho adds a paragraph relating to the forests of Russia that is significant. "Notwithstanding the enormous area ot forests , particularly In the northern zono. the government has realized ( ho fact that the ) elimination of trees produces utmospherlo changes and converts what were once fertile plains into deserts. Already it Is observed that the Caspian Sea is receding , owing to the destruction of forests at tbo head of tba great rivers which flow into It , whllo It la believed that from the tame causes the sea of Aral ( now fast sinking ) \vill disappear Id a century , Steps uro being tuken to remedy this. " A Tronty Hotwfion RiiHsIn , and Japan * WASHINGTON , August 9. A telegram re ceived at the Japanese legation to-day brings the intelligence that a treaty with Russia has been concluded and was signed at Tokla yesterday. It Is similar to treaties recently concluded between Japan und the Uuite ( | States und Japan and Germany ,