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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , f JULY 28 , iaS9.-TWELVE PAGES ; I , nil 1V V 1Pi -Pi . - 'M ' - IS id idA ( eriN - iN . I OS. ing . [ No. vay ITY MIDSUMMER SOCIAL NOTES , The Millionaire Enjoys tbo Mountain and Seaside Air. MRS , QRUNDY'S ' CHIT-CHAT. A\hcro Your Rich Neighbor In Spend * Ing the Summer nnd the Pleas ures You Are Mannwhllo linJ yl K nt Homo , nine nnd Knll of tlin TltiKtlr. What the Empress Eugenic was to the ladles of Franco and thoprincoof Wains Is to the society men of England , so Mrs. Grover Cleveland Is In n degree to the fash ionable Indies of the now world. This Is no bettor exemplified than In the gradual rejec tion of that time-honored institution the bustle through her influence. Only n few months ago Mrs. Cleveland , then the first lady of the land , looked with 111 favor upon that artificial hump nnd completely discarded It , Nature had done a great deal for her , and she Is BO prettily formed , thnt she real ized thnt the bustle was nn unnecessary ap pendage as far as she was personally eon- corned. The effect has been magical , nnd to-day nliio-tontas of the women of the coun try appear In shrunken proportions. First roods took the place of bustles , but now most ludlcs appear with out any artificial development , und the flattened effect appears stranccly enough. The lady of good taste , us usual , wears reeds or a rudimentary bustle , or neither , ns she appears to the best advantage , but mnny of the dear Indies are devout votaries of FashIon - Ion , and tnato is often offered in sacrifice to that goddess of modern growth. If any thing Is the fashion it must bo followed. 'Jo do otherwise would bo sacrilege. The bustle has boon n uoud latter in the eastern markets for a number of months , but of late It 1ms been following tbo star o * empire in Its westward course , and thu ladies of Omaha now appear as their reduced cous ins of the cast. The bustle IB of voncrablo ancestry , being n llueal descendant of the farthlngull worn about the tlmo of Qucon Elizabeth of England. After a sleep of n few centuries the farthingale ngatn came Into pnbllc notice about thirty years ago under the new name of the hoopskirt - skirtnnd for n while grow to prodigious proportions. After a reign of about ten years the front portion of the hoopaklrt Was eliminated , nnd , the part remaining was styled a tiller. In tile course nf iv few years thu titters became dwarfed Into bustles , and with the maturity of this useful article c.une the ridiculous pull-bacit. The bustle hn. liultl Its own ever slnco against the vicissi tudes of tickle fashion nnd the jeers of man kind until Mrs. Cleveland appeared on the scene ns a dross reformer and scaled its doom. For the present the bustle is con spicuous by its absence , but a few snatturcd wrecks of It are left and these tire masquer- nil ing under the name of "reeds. " I'nrncll I'arty nt tin : Park. On Wednesday evening the members of the Pnrncll Social club pave their second party this summer ut Hunscom park. There wore seventy-five couples in attendance , who were transported to nnd from the park In ca pacious carryalls and the street cars char tered for the occasion. Thu music for the occasion was furnished byau orchestra with harps and violins , and the mnlody rounded very urottily in the open nir. The opening refrain for thodnncers was played at 0 o'clock. From that tlmo until 13Ul | a.m. the dancing was kept up almost unremittingly , with n brief intermis sion for cooling refreshments nt 11:30. : Twonty-threo numbers Wcro danced. The committee on arrangements consisted of B. C. Foley , 'Miohaol Kllgallaji , Martin Me- Konna and William Selk ; the floor commit- 'ted , jof IJurnoy Shields and John N agio , and' ' thoVuieBiuJjrB-ofi llie < tdanairoment "committee also IcnthV'tiCluliiK ha'ud. Mr. Ed O. Quihn bore gracefully the honors of master of ceremonies , and William Boqtiet und lady led the grand march. The dnnco proved such a great success that the club will prob ably give another at the same place In thrca or tour weeks. Aiuler-on-Kddy. Mr. W. K. Anderson , chief clerk in the freight ofllco of the Union- Pacific , was married 'Tuesday to Miss Moslllo Eddy , of Bollovuo. The ceremony occurred at the homo of the brldo und was witnessed by a few relatives nnd Intimate friends. The same evening the newly married couple came 'to Omana and quietly went to houso- kecping-in a cottage on Twenty-sixth nnd Cnldwcll that.Is owned by the bridegroom. The same evening they were surprised by a suddcu'iufltuc ' of friends , and before they could realize the situation they found themselves selves- the recipients of numerous elegant wedding presents nnd the hosts of a surprise wedding reception. They gracefully ac cepted the situation und proved themselves royal entertainers. The brldo is well known in Omaha , huVIng been for some tlmo a teacher in the Dodge street school. Both Mr. nnd Mrs. Anderson have a host of friends who wish the new partnership noth ing but bliss and good fortune. Fifteenth Wcdilini ; Aiiiilvoranry. Monday was the Fifteenth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Mnl- loy , nnd'iu ' the evening about fifty of tholr friends took possession of their house with out a moment's warning nud presented them with u handsome silver ton sot. The pre sentation speech was made by Mr. J. T. Mo- rlarty and sparkled with wit and oed feel ing. Mr. O'Mulley , who could scarcely ro ulizo the ( situation , collected his faculties suf ficiently to make n brief and graceful re sponse. The evening passed pleasantly in social converse und at n seasonable hour the guests departed , wishing tholr hosts many happy returns of the day. Full DTOHH Collar * and Cuffr. The embroidery of full dross shirt fronts proved so popular with soeloty men the past Reason thnt there nro indications that this decorative fancy will bo carried further the coming year , und the collars and cuffs worn with full dross suits will bo likewise orna mented. Collars with embroidered points have occasionally boon worn before , but this is probably the llrst instance in niiin's ap parel in which the embroidery hns been cur ried entirely around the edgu-of both collars and cuffs. With this upparol , taken in con nection with au embroidered tie and embroidered vest , n young man maybe bo quite decorative. This style promises to inane n hit , us there Is a tendency among so ciety men to enliven the funereal garb worn us full dress ut present. The use of tennis sashes for vests and of knlckorboeker breeches for thu present style of pantaloons huvu hud nuiny advocates among society men , but these styles would otuso too sudden and startling a chungo to please the conservative taste ? of the majority. The embroidery gpokun of above is moro likely to Ihfd favor , as it IB merely au improvement on a style al ready in voguo. I'nriy In Uarkn Row. Ono of the jolllobt events of the week among the upper circles was the party given by the young society people living in the line block on Twenty-fourth and Cass , known as Clarke row. The affair was hold in the only vacant house in the block. The floors of thu double parlors were waxed for the oc casion and good munlo was In attendance. The affair was entirely informal , each con tributing bis or nor share , the gentlemen having the care of the muslo and floor munagcmuut aud the ladles attending to the refreshments. A jolly ovonlug was passed and at midnight the young people ad journed tp Mr. H. T. Clark's dining hall , where the ladies had prepared moat apjKiliz- iug refreshments. The following iiomposod the party : Misses Kittle and H. Lowe , Luna Dundy , Sharp , Porrine , Clark , Miller , Gilo * of Lincoln , I'orrino of Boston , Ross , Fonda , Hunt and Pitman. Mcairs , Both , Clark , Morgan , llowell , MoDougal , lto s , Cleaver , Wnkuley , Cliirko of Lincoln , Allee , Doggu , Drown. A IJAWII I'nrtjr. The T. Q. O. 0. gnvo a lawn party at Haiuooui park last Friday evening. Those in attendance report au excellent time , and the uiauugoinont U Indebted to Messrs , Taylor and Mangold for flno selec tions which were so skillfully rendered on tholr banjo * during intermissions of the dnnco. These present were ) MUses Mlnnlo Mntthows , Lllllo Mntthows , Nellie Merely of Chicago , Clara L. K. Nowmiin of Chicago , Mabel Smith , Hortcnso Smith , Lnura Feathcrslono. Anua Hooton , Aluia Hlcox. T. Holt , Corn'NIsscn , Blanche Arlcwrlght. Joan Ruby , Carrlo Cummins , Edith Doollttlo. Wllln Stockbnm , May Picrcy , Lnnra Long- lire , Lena Ruobsamoti. Messrs. L. Lnrklns , Mntthows. T. Rubicon , R. E , Owmgs , W. H. Slouumborough , O. N. Daveni ort , H. H. Ncnlc , J. H. Burns , E. O. Hamilton , W. E. Pnluintlor. J. A. Hanson , W. J. Brownoll of Ashland , Thorpe , O. P. Clements , Stockhum. C. F. Becker , D. M. Lewis , D. F. Cone and B. G. Wheeler. Itoroptlon to n Chlcnsn Iindy. Miss Veronica Daldy , of Chicago , who Is spending her vacation with her aunt , Mrs. J. F. Daloy , of Prospect Hill , was tendered n reception Friday afternoon. About fifty young ladles welcomed Miss Daldy to the Gate City , and she In turn was untiring In her efforts to make nil her guests happy. Judging from the pleasant manner in which nil took part in the amusements nnd enjoyed the tempting refreshments , Miss Daidy proved n very capable entertainer. Mr Hnuttor A very pleasant , surprise party was ten dered Mr. L. W. Sautter on Thursday evenIng - Ing nt Ilnnscom park. About sixty couple woiopresont. The party was gotten up by Miss Nellie Kolinc. Mr. M. C. Bnscombonnd Mr. Tom Croft , who provided refreshments consisting of Ice cream , lemonade and cako. A very p'.oasnnt tune wus enjoyed by all , the party lasting until 1 a. ui. I'lcnlo nt Syndicate Pnrk. A score of young people , the guests of Miss Julia Martin , ono of the popular young ladles of South Omaha , picnicked at Syodlcato park Thursday afternoon. These present re port the refreshments ns elegant as the so cial pleasure was dollghtful. Gossip. Guy Barton Is in Denver. Miss L. Drew is visiting in Lincoln. Dr. H. W. Hyde has returned from the cast. cast.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Riall are at Salt Lake City. City.Mrs. Mrs. Lieutenant Truitt has returned from Salt Lake. Hon. John A. McShnno loft for the cost Tuesday. Mr. B. H. Smith Is enjoying a two wooks' rest nt St. Paul. Robert Hunter. otTiic BKE , returned from Kansas City Friday. General Smith loft for a mouth's Journey in the west Tuesday. Mr. Charles H. Guiau returned from Spirit Lake , la. , on Tuesday. Mrs. W. N. Nason started Friday for n tour through the west. Rev. A. W. Lamar hns returned frorajtho Long Pine CtmMtauqun. Miss Ida Truckcy left Wednesday for Den ver aud Colorado Springs. Mrs. J. H. McCulloch nnd Mrs. W. F. Vnlll nro nt Morrisci , , Colo. Mr , and Mrs. Wallace Shane are enjoying a brief vacation nt Wymoro. Mrs. Thomas Swobo Is at the noted sea side resort , Newport , N. Y. Euclid Martin left yesterday for a trip through Colorado and Idaho. Mrs. Marcus Parrotto has returned from her two months' visit in Illinois. Thu Imperial club will give a picnio nt Pries' lake in u couple of week. By Smith left Mnndny for a two weeks' rest among the lakes near Minneapolis. Miss Lucy A. Worden , of Milwaukee , is the guest of her aunt , Mrs. James Bonnor. Mrs. John N. Fronzor has left for two months' rest nnd recreation at the seaside. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver left Friday for a month's Jaunt to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Dr. D.A. Footo-has returned to this city after a thrcd'.wceks' * " outing about tho. great ' lakes. ' Miss L. Giles , a Lincoln belle , has been the guest of Miss L. Dundy during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Sllloway , ot the Mur ray , returned the llrst of the week from a brief outing. OMrs. E. R. Ruthvcn will leave town on Wednesday for Denver , whcro she will Join her husband. The Saratoga Lyceum association gave n pleasant dancing party at Lyceum hull on Friday evening. Mrs. Knuffmann. of Wymoro , is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge Bean , 2215 Capitol avenue. Mr. Waller G. Clark , Mrs. W. G. Clark and Mrs. G. M. Itiobo loft for Spirit Lalto the first of the week. Second Lieutenant L. W. V. Kornan.nido- do-camp to General Crook , has been promoted to n first lieutenancy. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Hart celebrated the arrival of a now son on Wednesday In their usual hospitable manner. EtninotAllomoslus returned early in the week from a trip in the west. His next course will bo northward. Mrs. Louis Heller and familv will pass the remainder of the heated term In the beautiful city of Milwaukee. Mrs. John P. Sohnunko will remain at Salt Lake. tlio remainder of the Reason in hopes of boncllttingJior'healtb thereby. Miss Nellie Morley "and Miss Clara Noiv- man , of Chicago , arc the cucsts of Mrs. Dr. G. It. Young. 1710 Clark street. Mrs. ColOiiol'Henry has gene on n visit to Clifton'Sprlugs , N. Y. , where she will pass the remainder of the summer. Mr. Charles L. Groboeitor , n local German uctor , goes to Europe In tlirco weeks to fill a year's TDiigngomont In Hnnover. Mr. N. B. Hoxio has gone to Now York on account of his wife's ill health , and will not return with nor for two months. Mrs. General M. J. Hill , of Muscatine , la. , is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. F. Newton , Thirty-fifth nnd Woolworth nvonuo. The muslu of the Sunday concert at Hans- corn park , this afternoon , will bo furnished by the S'icoud United States Infantry band. Mrs. C. W. Cleavolnud , Mrs. William F. Allen , the Misses Gruco and Lizzie Allen , will visit in .Falrnavcn , Mass. , ' for seven weeks. Mr. B. U. Young left Monday evening , in company with his brother , Lo Grand Young , for Weber canyon , Utah , where they go Into camp. Mrs. General S. O. Hill , of Muscatlno , In. , is the guest of her .sister , Mrs. J. F , Morton , Woolworth avenue , near Thirty- fifth. fifth.Mrs. Mrs. Colonel G. V. Hanry has recovered sufficiently from her illness to goto Clilton Springs , N. Y. , where she will remain until fall. fall.Mrs. Mrs. R. Hohlander , of Lincoln , has boon the guest of Mrs. George B. Eddy the past week , nnd was ono of the visitors at TIIK Bun building. The members af the Swedish Methodist ohurch enjoyed n pleasant sociable at the resilience of their pastor , Itov. P. J. Berg , on North Twentieth street , on Friday even ing. About ouo hundred persons wore pres ent. ent.Tbo Tbo Cincinnati Enquirer of the 21st inst. contains the following personal notice : "Mr. W , W. Hcrriuk , who ha * been spending a portion of his vacation with old frleudo in this city , returned to Omaha lust Saturday , whcro ho is at tbo present tlmo In the ser vlco of tbo Union Paclllo Hallway company. Miss Anna "Waterman , of Noxvport , N. Y , , and Mrs. Swobo , of Omaha , Neb. , registered at the Spring house on the 17th. They drove ever to the Cooper house the next morning , returning In tlmo for supper. After passing the next day at the Springs , they returned to Newport Thursday morning. Illchllold Springs , N. Y. , News , HONEY FOH TI1J3 .LADIES. Straight skirts , gathered 0V pleated waists and full sleeves , Increase dally In still greater favor , An appropriate brooch for the summer is a tiny canoe of gold , with oars und anchor trailing ever the side. The fancy for low shoes over dark silk lioso , oren for prouionado will bo more than ever general this summer. Tlio trident of Neptune is now used as a scarf-pin. The center prong Is studded with turquolso and the others with pearls. The purse-bracelet , u novelty of this sea son. Is somewhat similar to the watch-brace let , a tiny pocket taking the place of the Uinopieco. Tbo handsome French poplins nnd mo hairs nro scarcely to bo distinguished from 1'no soft-ribbed bongnllnoft and under corded silks of their nature. Pretty touting costumes of dark-green or ndmlrnl-bluo serge nto worn ni the seaside this summer , with vests , tdiocs , and long loose Swedish gloves of pale-tan kid. The popularity of sailor hats U still so f/roat that milliners hero and abroad nro using those simple Ilnt-crownod , ftlniight- brlmmod shapes for airy models In not aud tullo. Where nothing but a slight protection for the shoulders is required are provided little Carrluk cnpos which hnvo n handsomely trimmed collar with long bows and ends of "ribbon beneath. Dlrcctolro rodlnitotoi of beautiful French chnlll nro worn ever skirts of whlto watered silk , nnd llowcr-brocndod empire gowns of white mnhalr have plain full skirts trimmed with gold or silver galloon. Batistes , percales , aud lluan lawns , with fine stripes , dots , or sprigs , nro made with dainty dressing jackets which are pretty ouoagh to be worn at the breakfast table at homo , with skirts of plain white linen. The line double-width ll ht-wclght Eng lish serges have in u great degree taken the place of both summer cloth nnd Ilannol suits , fabrics which have so long boon considered indispensable in the make-up of an outing wardrobe. Shade hats were novcr moro chnrmlnv nor In greater variety than this season , Even for the beach arc wide shapes made of white or yellow laco. For garden parties thuro arc lovely models that are both poctlo and picturesque. Whllo dotted silk net , simply hemmed and twisted round the crown , caught here und thuro with tluy gold and pearl plus , is B pop ular trimming upon thu fnuoy straw nnd rush hats for country wear , and a cloud-liko halo graces the liner Milan braids. Blouse waists with belts nil around , and basques with blouse fronts und girdles nro favorite bodices on imported dresses of light textiles , sucn as gauze , lace , crepallne , India silks , nnd the soft transparent , old-fashioned lawns and muslins that have been revived by the Icivtlng French modistes. Hathlutc-caps this summer nro made with some regards to good looks , and for the ugly oll-sllk models formerly used are substituted soft round-crowned huts of fancy water proof silk or of black or cream-colored Cut- ncsu washing silk , which tins boon oil- boilud for tt.esu uses , rendering it entirely waterproof. The black toilets this summer nro ui irvcls of refined elegance. They are fnvorod of fashion for all occasions and in all fabrics. For evening uro superb black not und lace toilets , trimmed with flue gold passomuntorio nud draped over plain skirts and half-low bodices of gold-colored moire. Other models arc of gold-cmbrnidurcd tulle with dcmt- decolleto Valets corsages , with flaring collar spreading to the shoulders , the sleeves slashed with insertions of gold embroidery. Smart little summer Jackets In various fabrics accompany the pleated shirt-waists so affected this summer. These waists are cool , comfortable , and very chic upon n slender , youthful figure. They have a lurn- down collar and sailor tie , uro fastened with small gold studs , nnd are prettiest when made of white China silk laid In brosu plvats , though the fashion admits of waists in endless variety , white linen , striped per cale , serge , foulard , cbumbury , and fianuuL SINGULARITIES. A flvo-yonr-old child in Monson , Me. , is said to speak tnree languages. A man attempted to drown himself in a watering curl in Now York on Friday. A. small town near Morgantown , W. Va. , has nn eccentric woman who wears a differ ent colored wig each day in the week. Ghostly sounds in the court house of Lock Haven turn out to have been- made by u small dog imprisoned in a bole m .ho wall. Attica's wonderful sleeper is gradually gaining strength , und hopes are imlertuinud that in n few months she will bo able to leave bed. A man In Coshocton. Pa. , has a safe that contains $125. It baa brcu loclted up tlirec years ami ho hns forgotten the combination. Meanwhile ho in awaiting Ihu return of the agent of the safe company. Mrs. Ole Oloson of Detroit , a Swedish woman , is the proud mother of a bouncing boy only one years old , who weighs 150 pounds. A dime museum manager offered flOO per week for the privilege of exhibiting the child , but the mother refused to listen to him. him.Not Not long since Fred Barfiold of Unadilla , in Dooly county , Ga. , board a chicken squall ing in his yard , und wont out to aee what was the matter. He found a largo toad-frog attached to the wing of thu chicken , trying to swallow an object twice ns largo ns him self. Ho bad to kill the frog to got him loose. A horse while drawing a reaper near Clin ton , N. J. , bit off the heads of the standing wheat. After ho had been nt wonc noout two hours h suddenly dropped to the ground nnd in five minutes wus dead. An examina tion was made , and the back Part of thu tongue was found to be full of wheat beards. On opening the throat the beards won ) found in great quantities sticking through tlio wind pipe , from the effects of which it is believed the animal choked to death. A man named Robert Brown is credited with having recently killed a bear in u pe culiar way when about live miles from Hdgo- wood , N. Y. The uiiimnl was feeding on some berries when Brown first saw it. Tak ing oft his coat , the hunter crept stealthily up to within ' 'throwing" distance , when ho covered thu brute's head und face with tbo garment. Before bruin rould free himself from the unwelcome covering , Brown had got close enough to get his lingers around its throat. Ho * ] nee/ed hard , and the bear slowly but surclv succumbed lo the killing pressure ami fell dead ut thu hunter's feet. There Is a remarkable- specimen of de formed humanity nU Paradise , In tlio north ern part of Clay county , Missouri. His name is Joseph Jesse. Ho weighs " 00 pounds , has no hands , feet , elbow joints or shoulder blades ; but , notwithstanding these drawbacks , tie enjoys life immensely , walk ing about on his chair , talking well , writing with a pen in his mouth , sinning , crowing , barking , und , in fact , constituting un entire museum in himself. IIu has n wonderfully developed chest , and can hold his breath for three minutes without any apparent incon venience. HDIJOATIONAU. At Oborlin coeducational tennis is allowed only two days u . .oelc. An agitation Is going on in Germany for the admission of women to the academy of arts. arts.Massachusetts Massachusetts has 21,000 pupils In the evening schools , an increase- SO , per com in ono year. The Rocky Mountain Advocate says thu Increase in the value of lands in and around Denver will soon fill the treasury of thu Dcn < vcr unlvority with millions. Of the 217 Indian students sent homo from Hampton in ten years' , who are nnw living , only seventeen uro doing poorly or have fallen back into their old ways of living. It has cost the city of Boston to supply school books for thu last five years un average - ago par year of Ui cents for each scholar. The number of scholars is sot down ut OJ,007. U has cust the city of Boston to supply school books for the last live years nn uver- ago-per year of ft ) cents for each scholar. The number of scholars Is sot down at (52,007. ( The Donrbon observatory , n magnlflcont structure Jusl oroulod at the north western university ut Evunston , 111. , to hold the great tclosoopa of the northwestern univer sity , has been formally dedicated. Dr. James W. McLano has been elected to succeed the late Dr. Daltou as president of the college of physicians and surgeons , Now York. This selection la In recognition of qis eminent services for the institution. The schools of Boston are practically the representative of tbo entire American sys tem in the Paris ex ] > osltlon. St. Paul shows the primary schools , Buffalo tbo grammar school * , Philadelphia the school of manual training , and California the normal school. A Buay 1'rcmoher. Rov. Fr. Paquln , o ( Ludlnfjton , Mich. , has his hands full. Besides at tending to the spiritual business of a big parish , ho runs a'barber shop , has a druii-store ou the other corner , owns a good farm , controls nn lutorost in a log- ping husinoss and. numerous other out * ido schemes. LOUNGING 1N'JP ; ' ANTE-ROOM Where The Boo talnn Its Reliable Lodge-JNows. iiiii PATRIARCHS MILITANT. I. O. O. F. The .pj ntl LoilKO of Elks , Together \VUl Otlior Interest- LoonM-'cnturoi , Ktot/Eto. Pntrlnrclfl iMIIItnnt. The sovereign granl Icdgo , L O. O. F. , meets in Columbus , O. , commencing Sep tember 10 and continuing six days. During this tlmo tie military branch of the order , the Patrlurths Militant , will bo In attendance and will take part in the enter tainments provided 'or the sovereign rrand lodjro. Exhibition .drills will bo given and several prizes will booffcrod for proficiency. The Patriarchs Mlltant is a semi-military organization and istloslgiiod to take the place of the untforinid degree ot the patri archal dogrco of th ( I. O. O. P. It is the hlchest ilepreo of c subordinate encamp ment. Its constructfan is similar to that of the United Status arny. If * unit of organi zation , however , is mllcd union instead of company. Cnnttiis aru organized into battalions , rcgimnnte , bilgadcs , . divisions nnd an army , and oflborod from lieutenant- general , commandorof the forces , down to mi ensign. The comntssloncd ofllcors of u canton nro a captain , lieutenant aud ensign. There are also six noi-commisslonodoftlcors. Three cantous may : onstltuto a battalion , three battalions n rcgmont , three regiments n brigade , three brifados a division , the nrmy to coiupriso thovvholo. The orlglnntor und present commander of the Patriarchs Mlllta\t is General John C. Underwood , of Kontuikv , now grand slro of the sovereign grnnoUalcu I. O. O. P , The state of Nobnska comprises a de partment , of which J. V. Nichols , of Omaha , with the rank of maorls ] commanding. The following constitute his stuff : F. J. Hryant , of Omaha , lieutenant nid adjutant ; W. R Pickering , of Kearney" lieutenant nnd quar termaster ; Ira Johnson , of Kearney , lieuten ant und commissary ; villiam V. Bain , of Lincoln , lieutenant and chaplain. There nro six cantons in the stato. at the following points : No. , at Omaha , No. 2 at Lincoln , No. 3 nt Kcanoy , No. 4 nt Fremont , No. 5 at North Pl.vtto uid No. 0 nt Beatrice. Thcto six cantons will soon bo organized Into two battalions. Canton Ezra Mlllord No. 1 , is located nt Omaha ami is onicetcd as follows' George A. Ueunott , captain ; J A. Johnson , lieuUm- nut , and L. J. Larsonensign. This canton meets the second Munluy in each mouth ut I. O. O , F. hall. General Orders No. 'M , dated Columbus , O. , iid inst. , have been issued by Lieutenant General John C. Underwood , generalissimo of the army , Patriarchs Militant , referring to the reorganization of the army under his command. Throe nruy corps districts and ono grove dcpartmott district have been formed , the cantons Jn California , Oregon. Washington , Ncvao ; jnd the territories of Idaho , Utah , Arizona-ind New Mexico being embraced in the latter , to bo known as the First Brigade of the Pacific , in command of Brigadier-General rE K. Uusscll , of Oak- lanil. Next Tuesdnyiins been designated as the time for the coiwtniug of the line ofllcers of battalions aud rcvrAcnts for the purpose of holding electionstflCllleld ofllci-rs. Notice is also given of the Alfinonslration to be held at the city of Columbia , O. , in September next during the Sovereign grand lodge ses sion , when prices sig'tregatlhg several thou sand dollars will bo pwurded to the success ful contestants in tli&competltlvo drills. Knights of I'ythins. Hnrvoy Fuollor , q Myrtle lodge No. 1 , is expected homo on tnonrst of the month from an extended Ms old homo in Penn sylvania , Betoro' l vlusjhe was the chan cellor coimiirtiKler otdm-1.loOaeuu < . -during his absence aiiotiior'&H"boen , elected in his stead. It is currently reported that * an ef fort will tie inaao in ha lodge-to restore'him to the ofllco of C. C. in order that hoTnay acquire at the end of the year honors which ho has well deserved , John Housa will represent Jan HUB No. 5 in Grand ledge and \V. T. Denny Will repre sent Marathon lodge No. 82. Quito a number of prominent Pythians at tended u social party'on the beach at Lake Miinuwn , given by Mrs. Sadie Elbourne last Thursday night. The new ledge recently instituted at Grceloy Center has changed its name to "Crusado. " Before , it was named after the town In which it is located , which , according to Pythian law , is illegal. Past Grand Chancellor J. C. McNaughton , of Hastings , one of the state bank examin ers , was in tlio city during the week on busi ness connected withhis , duties as bank exam iner. iner.A A number of the members of the Uniform Hank , in this city , are desirous of following the example of Sioux City in the matter of organizing a mounted division. The ijuestiou of the bust moans of enter taining the grand lodgo. which meets in this city in October is revolving itself in tno minds of the members in the various lodges here. Since that body desires no Uniform Hunk cnterlulninents afforded it , on account of the amount ot time taken from the grand lodge sessions , somoislmple form of enter tainment seems to be'ihe most feasible. Viola ledge , No. 80 , skipped a mooting last Tuesday night. ' Nebraska ledge , No. 1 , has moved from Hpyd's opera house back to its old hull nnd will bo found every Wednesday night ready for business ut tlio old stand. The recent camp of tno brigade at Colum bus proved so enjoyable to those in attend ance that camp life nt Milwaukee has boon quite decided upon by many of the divisions of the V. It. which intend to visit that oily during the session of the Supreme ledge next Bumme'r. Since the encampment nud the visit of Major General Cnrnnhnn to Nebraska ovary- thing is working smoothly in the Omaha regiment. Its ofllcers are all devoting them- Halves harmoniously to the upbuilding of the regiment aud manifesting renewed znal in thu organization of the different divisions of the city. The Omaha regiment , U. It. K. P. , will hold u regimental drill some night , this week at the ball grounds. They will bo accom panied by the Union Pucilio bund , and will start from the rendezvous about 0:30 : p.m. A Correct on. To the Editor of 0'nn Hiiis. Dear Sir : In your Usuu of last , Sunday , July 21 , 18S9 , I noticed un item in Uii secret society column in which It stated ; 8lt "Omaha Division No. 12 , U. 1C 1C. of P. Wcjuld picnic ut Pries Luke to-day. " Now , ns 3co jmanaor of said di vision nnd for tho3rospoct | I have for the Uniform rank , K.3of-P. , would say that Omaha division dLl upt picnic on Sunday last , nor over will \fitlguiy permission while commander of aaiifVivision , it being con trary to law for anyimston of the Uniform rank to irivo picnics Vn the Sabbath day , I have therefore taken , this moans'with your kind permission , tothFif-oct an error that has been mudo by souioj.mfrson In last Sunday's issue. JOHN HAV\VAUI > , Captain Commanding Omaha Division No. 12. O , I. I ) . This ordpr l grow mj rapidly and taking in the best of material , Yory little was known tfbout the Iron Hall in Omalui until the supreme body mot hero two months ago. At that timothe founder of the order , Mr. Somerby , uavo an address on Its aim * and ob jects at the Grand 'opera house , and as i consequence two branches yvero at once formed , ono composed cxpluslvoly of mom- bora of the board of trado. Tlio otbor is presided ever by Itlr. Henry Crelghton. chief justice , and is taking In from seven to tun members ; every Monday night. They nro trying to enfraga a room in tno A. O. U. W. ball , in the Barker block , as they find tholr present quarters qvor the Bdyd opera house too crampod. There U A third branch now being formed and soon to bo instituted. The Iron Hall pays waokly benefits , In case of sickness , of from W to (25 , 'and at the end of soyen years' uietnberBhip the holder of a certificate draws in cash from 300 to $1,000. After being a member two yours , should a member die , half thu u mount of uU certifi cate is paid to his bull * in wsh. In case of total disability at any time , a tnembor cnn draw lintf his certificate In cash , ot still keep up his Assessment nnd draw all nt the end of seven years. A. O. 0. W. Georgo'W. Itcod , supreme commnndor of the Select Knights , has forwarded n circular letter to ouch of the supreme representa tives , dated Topokn , Kan. , Juno Q3f request ing tholr consent for the postponement of the regular session from the fourth Tuesday In August to October 23 , as also tholr prefer ence for the plnca of mootlnir either at Chicago cage , 111. , or Kansas City , Mo. No IS held a rousing meeting Thursday night. Eleven applications were presented , eight of thorn oy Bro. G. B. Hamilton. This makes n total of twenty applications In the last two weeks. Two applications were voted on , and the degrees were conferred on throe applicants. Master Workman Brown performed the work without the aid of the ritual , which Is us It should bo. The other oftlcors are perfecting themselves , nnd will soon bo able to do likewise. There is no doubt the work Is much moro improsslvo when the rituals are laid asido. U. P. O. 13. Dr. Hyde , the drlstrlct deputy and repre sentative of the Omaha lodge at the grand ledge of Elks , has returned. Ho reports the following officers as having bcon elected for the ensuing year : Dr. Simon Qulnlnn , of Chicago , exalted grand ruler ; A. C. More- land , of Now York city , grand secretary ; John Hi Show , of Boston , grand treasurer ; Edward Loarkin , of Omaha , ono of four trusloos. The next meeting of the grand ledge will bo hold in Clovehind , O. The fact that tbo lodge decided to meet else where than in Now York city Is of itself an Important ithnngo , ns the sessions bavonlwnys boon held in thut city instead of different cities , as Is the case with nil other grand bodies. Omalm lodge secured the lion's sharu of the official plums , having soaurnd the dis trict deputy and ono of the trustees. " This ledge is regarded as the banner ledge of the order , being ono of the largest , having the best quarters ana the best ledge * Modern Woodmen. M. D. 'Nlckloi , domity hena consul , or ganized a camu of Modern Woodmen nt Wayne on Saturday evening last. The now cjlmp sturts out with about twenty members , nnd under the following ofllcors : Von. con sul , F. P. Baker ; advisor , John 'Connor ; clerk , J , E. McFurlund ; banker. Frank Ben nett ; physician.E. Bradford ; escort. S. R. Kranmtol ; watchniau , O. E. Chaffoo ; sen try , J. M. Johnson ; Delegate , John Connor ; managers , J. M. Ashley , E. Bradford nnd J. H. Spears. Deputy Htfad Consul T. E. Erton , of Omaha , Wednesday evening installed the of ficers and Instituted South Omaha Camp , Modern Woodmen of America. The ofllcers ore : Yenor.iblo consul , S. M. Press Worthy advisor , Charles L. Armstrong ; cleric. Otto , A. Hirsch ; Bunker , Samuel Hendra : escort , Charles E. Watson ; watchman , John Kotora ; sentinel , Leo ICorlummol ; trustees , Mrs. E. S. Daniels , E. Diamond and Lewis Boatty ; representatives to the grand lodge , Messrs. S. M. Press und Otto Hirsch. The camp will moot in Masonic hall every second and fourth Wednesday evening. Masonic. The chapter of the order of the Eastern Star , which has been operating under dispen sation since lost January In Lexington , has received its charter aud was duly constituted under the name of Dawson chapter , No. IU , O. E. S. of Nebraska. The following odicers wcro installed for the years 1889 and 18)0 ! ) : K. A. Hico , worthy master ; H. A. Turton , worthy patron ; Josie Wilson , associate ma tron ; Julia Allyn , secretary ; Hattie E. Swain , treasurer ; Armauda ijall , conduc tress ; Virginia Weldcn , associate conduc tress ; Dora Blakcslee , Adah ; Eliza Zopf , Kuth ; A. M. Uosonburg , Esther ; Minnie Taylor , Martha ; Lou Andrews , Elcctn ; Annie Cole , warder ; O. F. Scott , sentinel. The Masons of Gundy have organized a lodge under the direction of L. P. Gillette , grand custodian , nnd J. J. Mercer , grand master. The following are the ofllcors for the current.year : .K W. McSay , "V. M. ; John King , S. W. ; C. C. Copley , J. W. ; J , H. Hughes , trcas. ; S. E. Douglass , ace. ; John Duckwarth , S. D. ; W. M. Wilcox , J. D. The ledge starts off in good shape with elovou charter members. Improved Order lied Alon. All members of the Improved Order of Red Mon in city of Omaha , whether in good standing or not , are earnestly requested to meet at Green's hall , 1415 Furnam street , on Tuesday evening , July 30 , to make prelimin- arrangements for instituting a tribe in this city. _ Misccllnneoiii. In 1875 the supreme lodge Knights of Pythias of the world had SC9 in its treasury , nnd in ISS'J It has about thirty-five thousand dollars. Iowa has the first and only mounted divis ion of the Uniform Itank Knights of Pylhias , it is located al Sioux City. Tbo Knlehts of Pythias ledge at Hebron , Neb. , will erect a building this season. The Knights of Pythias Grand ledge of Indiana , by a vote of 1C1. ) to ( U , adopted the following amendment to their constitution : "No person engaged in the retail sale of In toxicating liquors , shall bo initiated into a ledge , and any member who may hereafter become engaged in tbo same , shall forfeit his membership. " A copy of the Boston News Letter of 1721 mentions that the ship Free Mason sailed from Boston for the West Indies , Septem ber 18 , 1821 , says Grand Secretary Knicker bocker. This was four years after the or ganization of the first Grand lodga of Eng land , and ten yearn before the establishment of the first known ledge in this country. A council of the lloyul Arcanum will bo organized in Kearuoy the first week in Au gust. The Holy See Certainly it is only the wicked who are blind. Sco ? The fonl Joineth the church thinking ho will bo able to enter heaven In the crowd. Little Elsie ( witnessing a Fourth of July balloon nscoason ) , O , mamma , arc thosa mon colng to' heaven t Mother Hush , dear. Those are reporters. Clergyman My dear sir , do you study your Blblol Genial Stranger Assiduously. "How long slnco you began to study it ! " "Ever since I became an lulldol lecturer. " The Ilev. Primrose Your mother doesn't seem as fond of you as she might bo. Little Johnnie No , sir. She says If it hadn't ' boon for mo she'd have had slstor married years ago. ago.When When the spire at the First Baptist church at Wuldcboro , Mo. , was taken doivn , a few days ago , a chow of spruce gum , covered by n copper cent , was found stuck to the top of the vane. A petition to the nope asks for the canon ization af Christopher Columbus. Wo have sworn bv him these many years and it would 1)0 in order now to pray to hint as a matter of atonement. When Satan flrU wont < o Kdon ho said : "Aro you going to the ball , Evnl" Then Adam spoke up , harsh llkn , and said : "Not this Eva ; Homo other Eve , Mr. Devil 1" Adnui was subsequently Invited to attend , nnd Satan had things his own wnv. Brown Mon nro getting worse and worse cvor.v year. Just loon at tbo number of de faulting bank cashiers. Itoblnson I don't know about that. Hookkoepi and cashiers were no good thousands of years ago. Don't tlio bible say : "A a men multiplied tnoy grow worse } " Ono Sunday a llttlo'boy was playing with his alphabet blocks , and grandma said : ' Didn't ' you know it was wicked to pllo blocks on Sunday ) " The little follow , rjulto unconclouK of his wit , replied. "I nln't.pilln' 'cm on Sunday , I'm pilln1 'am on the floor. Tlio old sport w\s dying , There could bo no doubt on that subject. Tbo young minister - tor had given htm all the prepaaation ho could for tlio Holnmn Journey , and the old boy was calmly awaiting the fateful call. "Parson , " said ho , "do you think you have succeeded in squaring it all right ) " "I hope BO. " replied thu good man , "I fool qulto con fidant that wo will moot in heaven. " "P r- fen , " nnid the dying man , after a few min utes thought , "you have treated mo right. nnd I wouldn't give you the worst of it if I could. Toll you what I'll do. I'll but you wo do or I'll hot you wo don't. " Coin KnturnH. Mr. H , E. Coin , the ro.vl estate agent , has returned from a business trip to Denver. THE WKiTUUN CATX'liB MAUKBT. * An Interflow With Mr.W. A. I'nxtou on tliri KuUlcot. "What la the status ot the cattle market In the wostl" This query was put to Mr. William A. Paxton by n reporter for Tim UER yostordny afternoon. "Over-production , " replied Mr. Pnxton. "There's the whole thing In n nutshell. The business Is vastly ovordono. There Is no longer any money In It , nna whllo I don't In tend to loaves it nil nt once or altogether , I don't propose to woric as hard nt It hereafter ns I have dono.'i "To what extent Is the overproduction notlconblol" "Well , slnco the really palmy days of the big stock ranches , the increase in thu number of cattla brought to market U about ( H ) par cent. Say from 1873 to 1S84 , there would bo during the months of August , September nnd October from 1,009 to 7OxK ) hood shipped in nday ; say nn average of 4,000 , But that was when IK ) per cent of the oattlo thnt came to market were brought oft the range , grass fed , nud the receipts outsldo these months did not amount to much of anything. Now it is different. Ninety per cent nra corn fed , nnd the supply is constant , always In nil- vnnco of the demand , which has its inevitable effect on tho. price Of meat. I suppose that from 3,500 to ,1,000 head of cattle roach tbo South Omaha market every dny In the year. There .xro 'off days , ' to bo sure , but the fig ures I glvo are n fair average. "Do you ask where the cattle coma from ! " ho continued. "Wall , the farmers i-ulso them. Every fnr'mor ' has a fow. no matter how little hind ho has. And the big farmers raise moro. They seem to think there's a big profit in the business. " "Cnn these stiinll farmers rniso cattle ns cheaply ns they can bo raised on the rungol" "Yes ; cheaper , because they save thorn nil. On tlio rnngo wo lose 40 or CO.por coot of them. The cattle growing country tributary to Omaha is nil of western Nebraska , most of Wyoming , und part of Colorado nnd Idaho. Omaha Is Independent of Chicago , but the latter is the packing canter of the coun try , and will remain so , because stia has shipping facilities thnt en title her to it , Omaha' ' used to ship most of her mcat'ucross the water , out vary little gees over now. "Wlil the farmers continue to boar the market In the future to the sumo extant ns in the past flvo yoarsl" "Yes ; more , probably. Prices nro down to stay , nnd big profits arc things of the past. The fact that 1 aui going to unload a part of my work and responsibility down nt the stock yards don't moan that. I'iu going to pull my interest all out. I am satisfied that wo have a management now that will in alto n success of the thing , and I'm content to leave matters in its hands. " lrr onnl George W. Collman , ot Do Witt , and H. E. Clark and wife , of Stella , are at tlio Pax- ton. ton.Mrs. Mrs. John Koynolds nnd Mrs. Ben Rey nolds nnd children , of Wymore , uro nt the Paxton. M. U. Davoy , of Lincoln ; Mrs. Joe Buchanan and Mrs. John Dryer , of Beatrice , are at the Murray. E. S. Hood. Mrs. E. S. llood , L. Slnvert , Miss Grace Moore , Nellie Gray aud Mabel Gray , of Hollywood , are registered at the Paxton. J. F. Alien , of Fremont ; Minnie Davis , of Curtis ; J. H. W. Hawkins , of Lincoln , nnd C. M. Hubnor nnd E. A. Brown , of Ne braska City , are registered at the Murray. F. W. Sprague , of KuRuvlllo ; W. E. Babcock - cock , wife nud daughter , of Cambridge : J , K. Orr. of Lincoln ; D.T. Drnko , of Crete ; J. H. Mohl , of Wnhoo ; Joe L. bulllvan end A. U. Eduiiston , of Lincoln , are at the Arcade. J. Dtxon Avery , of Fremont ; Mrs. Ncllij Mills , of Kearney ; J. D. Hood , of Lincoln ; H. G. Bliss. oT Fairmount ; GOOI-RO W. Goodcll , of Lincoln ; Samuel Cnrhnrt , of Grand Island , aud M. T. Horn , of Fremont , nro registered at the Milbird. A I'rizi ; J > ml and Hop. The Omaha guards will give n pri/e drill nnd a midsummer hop ut the armory Mon day night. All friends of the company are invited to attend. COUNOIU XUjUKFS NI3WS. An Knrly Clo.-iinjr Movement. A movement has bouu started among the merchants of Council Bluffs. It u % 'ory pop ular and bids fair to become general. Foth- erlughnm , Whitolaw & Co. , dry goods mer chants , inaugurated it , to take effect Tuesday evening , when their store will bo closed at G o'clock. The movement is in the interest of the clerks as well as the public , and every retail merchant in thu city should bo encour aged to follow their example. I'cfHOiinl Paragraphs. Miss May SchoQold is visiting friends in Burlington. Miss Eva Bernard Is visiting Miss Alta Swnrtfagur , at Avoca. Mrs. Phil Thomas and daughter have gone to Ohio for u brief visit. Miss Leo and daughter , of Kookuk , uro the guests of Mrs. C. A. Lacy. Miss Clara Lewis has returned to her home , at Avoca , after a short visit in this city. city.Miss Miss Jessie M. Richardson loft this morn ing for Sioux City , to spend several days visiting friends. Miss Idu Bell left yesterday for Spirit Lake to spend a few days in sooKinp deserved rest nnd recreation. Mrs. G. W. Crofts and daughter , Miss Minnie , have gone to Oregon , 111. , whcro they will visit for about a month , Rev. G. W. Crofts , pastor of the First Congregational church , loaves to-morrow for Oregon , 111 , , on his summer vacation. W. H. Burns , general iigcnt of thu Union Pacific , is homo fro'n an Idaho hunting trip. Ho bagged some big gainft , which will arrlvo later. E. Trovnor , conornl bagirago agent of the Union Pacific , has returned from Detroit , whore ho intended thu convention of general boggago n ( rents. William E. Prtttlsoq , attorney for the Lombard Investment company , of Kansas City , and formerly of this city , will spend Sunday in the Bluffs. Thomas MuAdams aud wife loft yesterday morning for their home at Fort Scott , Kan , They were culled hero to attend the funeral of their son , Thrmas MuAdams. Rov. G. P. Williams loft yesterday for Emerson , where ho preaches to-day. Ills pulpit in the United Presbyterian church will bo filled by Rov. J.V. . Onshcant , of Emorson. Dr. C. B. Judd is able to bo out again. Ho was severely Injured u few weeks slnco by being run over through the recklessness of u driver a' , Lake Manawa. Ho sustained no permanent injury , C. It. Soinorvillo and wife , of London , Ontario , uro in the city , making u short visit with D. W. MoDormid. Mr. Somervlllo Is auditor of the Dominion Savings bank , and is taking a pleasure trip through the wast. The Itov. Dr. DoForreat , president of Tnlladoga college , arrived on Friday evening - ing nud is n guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace , on Bluff street , where his old friends will hare an opportunity of greeting him. him.Vunco Vunco Lane , ox-manager of the Council Bluffs Telephone excliatiKo , and now man- iKer of the Oumua ollleo , was in the Bluffs last evening nu u business trip , accompanied by Treasurer BlUQalo'uian , of the telephone company. MUs Julia E. Hanson , of Downsvillo , and Miasl annie Walkar and Miss Odio Smith , of Latonln , aio the guests of Miss Wind , cor ner oj Washington nvonuo nnd Curtis street. The young ladies cumo from Shoniiudoah , where they graduated from the Western Normal school. Curds arc received announcing the marriage of Albert F , Ilundricks to Maria 1' . Witten , at JcilIorsonviHo , Virginia , July " * . They will bo ut homo nt 1'ocahontun , Virginia. Mr. Hendricks wan for some tlmo connected with Tint BKE Job ofHco in Council Hlulfs. Many friends hero uro. eager to expnw * congratulations ul the earliest opportunity. Mr , Al Parkinson , who hns been doing local work for the Council Bluffs department of the World-Herald for some tlmo past , has accepted a position with the Midland Guar anty and Trust company , of Omaha , and will enter on his now duties to-morrow , His place on the World-Herald will bo tilled by his brother , H , B. Parkinson , who has boon In the employ of the United States express company , THEVlNiiYARDOFTHELORl ) , How It Is BnluB Oulttvntod By Iloly Mou. THE NEW IMMANUEU CHURCH , Fnots of IntorcHt nnil Importation Picked Up Prom Various 1 ' HoctlmiH IJj tlio lloo Reporters , Inininniicl UnjttlNt Cliiirnli. In September , 1SS7 , Rov. P. W. Foster , than city missionary of the Baptists of Omalm , opened n Suiulny school anil began to hold preaching son vices in a store on Sounder street , , KounUo place , between Lo > oust nnd Hlnnay street * . This wns the tint preaching sorvlco over hold In that part of Omaha. On the 30th of April , 1333 , the Immnnuol ohurch was organ I red with forty-four mom- bora. From the tlmo the mission wns or ganized , the chuich nnd Snndny school harp boon mooting In n store which nccomodnt : a about ono hundred nnd fifty people , but dttn- ing the past Tow mouths this room 1ms often bean too small for the congregation. Q ? > July 3 last the trustees of this church closed n contract willi Chnrlcs ! ' . Luce , of Lognri , In. , to buy n lot Just north nnd adjoining tholr present room , to orcct n ohnpcl on tnu same at the cost of nearly M.OOO , which will scat nourly U7G | > oopla The building is to bo completed October 1 , of the present .venr. It will be 30x70 feet , with n room 20x2(1 ( for prayer nnd Rncml nicotines , nnd n gallery. The iloor will bo built on an luolliio , wliloh will compensate for the length of tlio room somewhat. Tim baptistry unu robing rooms will bo pleasant and complete. Church unu lot will bo worth fully f , l X ) . , Tlio attendance nt services in largo , and with the now building they will bo greatly Increased. During ttio year the member ship has doubled. Largo number * of younfc people ere finding a pleasant and prolltablb plnoo of meeting and a cordial greeting is always extended U > strati aors. The church hns a mission Sunday school nt Druid Hill , which is a very promising Held , The school moots at the depot. TbU church with its mission school occupies a field essentially its own and hns u most promising future. The pastor is H v. RV. . Poster , who established the mission , nnd has boon the pastor ever sinco. 1HHH nml 1881) lompnrnil. The second quarterly nporl of the stnto secretary of the Y. M. C. A. wu Ration out last week. 1-Yom it the following striking comparison is taken : In 1838 there were worn 11 associations ; In IBs ! ) , U5. Jn 1833 thcro wore 7 young mini giving their entire lima to thu work In the state as secretaries ; In 1SS' ) , 'JO. The toln'l membershiu in ' 83 was 907 ; in ' 89 , 2-125. The total wpckl.v attenduiico ut the Young Men's gospel mcotlngs in ' 83 was 2J3 ; in ' 811 , 800. In 'S3 ' there wcro 4 workers' training classes , with an avoragu weekly attendance of 25 ; ia'89,12 , with nu altondanca of 03. In 'S3 thuro were 6-professed conversions , nud none united with the church ; in J89 , lit conver sions mid none united witb the church. Ill ' 83 thcro xvcro 5 rcudlng-rooius with an uver- ago daily nttoiulunco of 133 ; in ' 8' ) . 17 read ing-rooms , with an average v nttondunco of ( HM1. In ' 88 thoru were 210 young man serving on committees ; in ' 69 , 278. In ' 63 there were U boys' branches , with n membership of 185 la 'S'J C with bership ; , , a membership of 203. St. .7unoV ; liny. St. James' day was appropriately observed at Trinity cathedral. Matin was road at 0 o'clock. At 10:30 : n high celebration of the holy ouchnrist followed , Ltlshop Worthliiff- ton oolng celebrant , with the Rev. Cannon Scolt in gospeller and the H'ev. Dean Whit- marsh as oplstler , The other vested clergy were Dean Gardner , Revs. Canon Burgess , Canon Doherty , Canon Zahncr , William O. Pearson und the Uov. Canpn Oliver an preacher before the cathedral chapter. At noon tha dean entertained the members - bors of the chapter nnd tholr friends at n sumptuous luncheon in the deanery. A busi ness meeting wag held at 1 p. in. At 8 p. in ; there was n shortened evensong < a which Bishop Huroof tlio South Dakota con forenco , preached an interesting soruion contrasting tlio condition of tlio church to-day ana the same a hundred years ago. V. M. C. A. J. T. Swutmer , the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium instructor , was called homo to Norfolk , Va. ; Tuesday , announcing the serious illness of his father. Saturday marked an epoch In the history of the Young Men's Christian association of Omaha , the membership on that day revolt ing SUO. Tim State Convontlon. Already preparations are in progress for the stuto convention of Young Men's Chris , liaii associations , to bo hold In Omaha on the 34 , 25 , 80 nnd 27 of October. If the oxpocta ; tions of the sangulno ones are but half ful filled , the convention will bo the largest and most important ever held in Nebraska. A Itnilrcmii A88 < iciatlon nr. MoGook , A petition signed by 117 railroad mon of McCoolt , employes of the B. & M. road , has been rocoivcd by the .state committed of the Young Mon's Christian association , reques ting that n railroad association bo organized there ut an early data. Mr. Holdrou'gQ has been interviewed upon the Rubjcct , and so favorably does ho regard it that un appropriation of 850 or 00 u month to pay the B.imry of a secretary will prob ably 10 made. Rooms will bo hired at any rate , nnd services conducted regularly. Baths , and possibly u gymnasium , though not probably thu latter , will bo added. Commercial Travelers' Work. At the last mooting of the state committee of the Y , M.C. A. hold In Omaha , Mr. P.C. . Tuttle , of Omaha , wan appointed n commit tee on commercial travelers' ' work in the state. Hnt little is dona nt present to attract these men who Hhould , for the fact that so many of their Sundays ara spent nwuv from homo , bo offered special inducements to bring their vim and breozv vigor to the support'of the work. A small number of tha associa tion address cards of invitation to meetings nt the rooms to commercial travelers ro < inalning in tholr towns ever Sunday. A broad , comprehensive plan for work in this field will be outlined und put in opera tion during tbo coming quarter. Nntnx , Aid to the amount of $275 was recently granted by thu Hoard of Homo Missions to Douglas , Wyo , , and Kov. 'J nonius McCaguc , of this city , was appointed to the Held , Ho will go nt once ' -o begin the work , and estab lish his headquarters at Douglas for the next six months. During the absence of the llov. John Gor don , 1) . D. , the pulpit ot Westminstorchuroll will bo tilled every inornini ; nnd evening by llov. Charles llerron , pastor of tlio Presoy- turian church , CumeiiHvillo , 1'a. At the last joint mooting of the sessions of the Presbyterian churches of Omaha , Kov. J. G. Kteivart was employed to talto charge of the work In Unit fertile Held South Omaha. Ho has room enough for lots of work nnd the prospects uro excellent. Kov. W. Itoland Williams is homo again from Denver and Idaho Springs , tilll preach to-day ut his church , Twunty-fourtU und Cuiiiing streets , at 10 a. in , und 0 p. m. The Thoosophlcal society meets ut room ! iOTi , Phccly block , Sunday afternoon ut 4 o'clock. ' I too i n open ofory night from 7 to 0 , with a select occult library. Hoard of I'ultliu Worlcit. J K. Itiloy has boou o rile rod to at one * bogln curbing Twenty-second street between Davenport und California' This work should have boon done before tills , und the board's order to Mr. Riley wus very emphatic. Hereafter the board won't allow partial estimates on contracts unless the contractors koup tliQ work up arcording to ugroomoiiL The liarber Asphalt couiUny | yesterday began paving Webster struct from S'xtcoutk to Twonty-soooui ! .