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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1889)
THE OMAU4 : DAILY WEDNESDAY , JULY -24 , 1889. < SULLIVAN GETS TI1E STAKE , Forty FIvo-Hundrod Dollar Bills Handed Over ANDTHE DIAMOND STUDDED BELT A JMorry Popping or ChninpnRnn CorUn l < ollow Xlio "Dog Cnllnr" to Do Melted nnd tlio Stones Olvon Awny , John Wnnts to Fight Ktnltn. Knw YOHK , July 23. John L. Sullivan cnmo Into possession of tHO.OOO this after- noor * . It was the stake money In the Sulll- ran-KHralri llRht , nnd was paid over by stakeholder Crldgc , nthis establishment on "West Twonly-clshth street. Crldeo telo- grnphcd from Long Branch last night that ho would llko to meet John L. nnd his back ers to-day. It wan I o'clock in the afternoon when Sullivan nnd his" party arrived at Crldgo's. IIo was accompanied by Lumley , Johnson and Wnkoloy. After some conver- - Ballon Crldgo drew forth the roll of bills. There were Just forty of them , of tbo denom ination : of $500 oach. Sulllvnn took the green backs , sat down on a table , counted them over very carefully twice , nnd then , shoving the Tvcalth Into his pocket , thanked CridRO for occeptlnc the ofllco of stakeholder and tak ing such eood cnro of the money. The flBhtcr llion invited nil hands out to drink his health In bumpers of champagne. Stake- bolder CrldRO then sold the fcJO.OOO in cash "Avus not all ho had'\o dispose of. Ho then produced the Police Gazette championship bolt. According to the stipulations of Illch- nrd 1C , Kox , the donor of the belt , ns Cridgo undorntood them , n guarantee must bo Riven for Its safety before ho would surrender it. Sullivan insisted that the bolt went with the money and demanded it on the spot. Matters were smoothed over by Wakoly giving the remiHito guarantee , nnd then with the money and belt in his possession Sulllvnn and party left Crldgo's to celebrate the event The first place visltod wus Mlddleton's aloon on Urtmdwoy , where Sullivan broke bin first { 500 bill und cracked bottles -of champagne Raloro. Every tlmo a ohampugno cork popped ho called for seltzer nnd lotnon. From Middloton's the sports went to Jim Wakoloy's resort , 'where uioro wlno was opened. When tbo wlno gives out Sullivan will go over to Brooklyn and visit Charlie Johnston. Johnston has the bolt , Sullivan contemptu ously calls it a "doe collar , " and will have It on exhibition. says ho will take all the stones out of the belt , distribute them among his friends nnd then "mult the collar" into n solid mass. Ho will have a tag at tached which will read : " of the ' collar * "This is the remains 'dog won bv John L. Sulhvun in his fight with JakoKilrain at Uichburg , Miss. , July 8 , 18SO. " .Sullivan , flushed with the recent victory , Is anxious for fresh laurels In the pugilistic world. Liimloy said this afternoon that Sul livan would accept the challenge of Join Smith , England's champion , aud will pre sent him with $2,500 If ho will como to America nnd fight him Mnrquls of Queens- berry rules , before the California Athletic club. club.Tho $20,000 stalio money Is not all Sulli van's. Ten thousand dollars goes to the "Big Fellow. " The balance will bo divided among his backer * us follows : One-lmlf to tbo Now York lllustiatcd News , one-quarter to Jim Wakelcy nnd ono- quartcr to Charllo Johnson. It is said that his packers will present to Muldoon $2,000. Sullivan also intends to give him $1,000. Btnmlliif ; ol' tha Clubs. Following Is the standing of the Western association clubs , up to und including yes terday "a games : Pin Omuna . 05 St. Paul . 07 Minneapolis. ! . ( JO Sioux City . 05 Denver . 65 St Joseph . 02 DCS Momes..G3 Milwaukee . 05 To-ilnj'H Uainc. The Omahas and Dcnvers will meet again at the local park this afternoon. The fellow- Ing nro the positions : Omaha Positions Denver Coonoy . Middle . , Silch Cleveland . Third . White Wblsh . Short . Burks Andrews . Tirat . , Howe Crooks . Second . . .McClollan Canavan . Loft. . . . , , .D.ilrymplo Strauss . Hight . . .Tread way Naglo . Catch . IJolan Nichols . Pitch . . . . , Ftigau St. Joseph 8 , Sioux City O. Sioux Crrr , la. , July 23. A homo run hit by Curtis in the ninth , after two men were out , and Knoll and McGarr were on buses , won the game for St. Joseph. Store : IIY IN.VI.VflH. Btoux Cltr. , . . ? o o o o i o i i-e Ut. Josopli. , . .U U U 0 2 I U 2 S-8 8UMMAIIV. Earned rtitu floux City I. St. Joseph 3. Two-bnso hlt > llraillojr 2 , 1 lannuiin , Cllno , Anlncr. Tliruo Imsu hltii Oiliic.OurtlB. Homo ruiin c'urtls Duiiula pl r UroMmn to 1'owolt. llradley to Cllnn to 1'oivfll. First Irnnu on bulls-Sioux City 4 , tft.JosBpli.1. lilt by unll-frotty ; McOnrr. htruck out lly Klimu- Knell . Tlmn of icame-1 built und UUy mlnutud. L'uilro-Mclcraiutt. ) . lls 7 , St. I'anl 3. fi . MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July 23. The frame to-day wus a close and exciting contest up to the seventh Inning , when Minneapolis fell on Mains nnd batted him all ever the field. On tbo ether hand , Mitchell wus a pu lo to the " St : 1'aul batsmen. Scoio : IIY INNINOa , inneapolis 1 UU100 ' 500-7 U l > u,7. | . . . . U U U 0 0 1 U I 11-3 Sl' IHAUV. KarneflTtinB 81. Paul 1 , Mlnnoupolli 6. Tno bate lilt > llnngln , Mlmn'lMn , L'urrull , JautiiMi. llaaus Idlcn-lly Jluriiljjf : , llu . > \Verrlrlc S. I > rl > chal 3 , Mlnnelmit 2. liiu > ei on tinllOir Alulna 6 , off Mllclicll I ) , llltbj pltcliur Mklni , UrUdiul. struck out llr Main * u. br Mltcliull u. rained l > alli-.liiution u , rouuliion i , lloiu ot Knwo-l liuur AaU U wluutci. ruplre Claiku. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 -No Onino at Den Moino * . DBS MOINES , la , , July 3. The Dos Moines- Mlhvaultcogan\Q w.p n > unoa on account oi Tvofgrounds. The National CLEVKI.AND , July 23. Result of to-day' * Ijomo , Cleveland . 0 11000100 8 I'HUlmrif . 0 00000000 0 Busohlts Cleveland 5 , Plttsburg 6. Er rors Ulovcland U , PltUburt ; 4. lattorio . Uoiitlu aud Sutcliffo. PUUburfr , taloynnd Miller. Umpire Curry. CHICAGO , July 23. llosult of to-days game : Chicago . 3 5011000 10 Indianapolis . 0 1 luaOOSO fl Ba o hits Chicago 8 , Indianapolis 11. Er rors Chicago R , ludijnapolis 3. liattcrlos Chicago , Iloaly and Furroll. IndlanapolU , Cetieln and Uuckloy. Umpire McQuald. Hosrox , July 23. Uesult of to-day's tame : lloeton . . ,0 8004000 3 10 Washington . 0 4 UASO hlU Bcnton S. Washington , 7. lir- ior lioitou 0 , Woshii'.gUin 0. llattorles Uotlou , C } rk ou , Bouuett aud Kelly. Ington , Sullivan and Hnd Jock , Mack anil U. ly. Umpire Powers. , July 2J. Itosult of to-day's Ramo ; , Philadelphia. * , . .4 01100001 7 Now York . 0 00100010-5 Daao hits Philadelphia in , Now York 9. Errors Philadelphia 4 , Now York 2. Batteries Philadelphia , Sanders nnd Slirlvor. Now York , Welch and Murphy. Umpire Lynch. The American Association. COI.UMUUS , July 23 Result of to-day's game : Columbus . 1 3 St. Louis . 0 3 SI 0 0 0 1 * 9 PHILADELPHIA. July ' ' ,23. Result of to-day's game : Athlollcs . 0 10000000 1 Cincinnati . 1 00005BO * 9 BAI/TIMOUE , July" M. Itosult of to-day's came : Baltimore. . . ; . . .0 ' ( J Louisville.3 0-0001000 3 July Kl. Ucsult of to-da.v's game : Brooklyn . 0 00300003-4 Kansas City. . . . 0 03000100 3 Amateur G a limp. NqitFOLK , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEH. | In Its contest with the Kearney ball club to-day Norfolk got rnttlcd In the second Inning and allowed Kearney , through errors , to score heavily. Norfolk scored ono In the first inning , and Kearney five In the second and two in the eighth. The cmbs play again to-morrow. A WlllSSTJjING MATCH. Evnn liowlR , tlio titrnnclcr , mill Mc- Millun , the StroiiR ninn. Evan Lewis , the Stranglcr , and' ono of the finest catoh-as-catch wrestlers in the world , Is bookad for a match at mixed styles at the Coliseum , August 7 , with McMillon , the strong man. The match Is for a purse of $300 , which will bo hung up by the Coliseum management , and the event will bo ono of no llttlo Interest. Lewis and McMillon ara botli stars in. this particular line of nthlotlus , and an the prize Is of sufficient dimensions to Justify the best efforts of each , the publio can rest assured of 'witnessing an exciting contest. Lowls obtained bin uncompli mentary title of ' 'tho Strnnglor" from his famous , or Infamous , ncck-lbclr , which has mudo some of the most notable urenio artists of the times succumb. 8POUT8M1SM AKOU8ED. An Enthusiastic Mooting in tbe In- torcRM of tlio Onino Ijfxvv. A conjoint incotlng of the members of the different gun clubs of the city and sports men generally was hold at G win &DunmIrc's nporting headquarters last evening forthe purpose of taking some action looking to ward the enforcement of the game laws , which are now being notoriously violated in the slaughler of young chicken and quail. Among the gentlemen present were W. > V. Biugham.W. H. S. Hughes , S. S. Hulett , Dr. II. A. Worloy , ( Joodly Bruckor , Frank S. Parmolco , I. W. Dunmiro , W. E. Nason , William Simeral , John Petty , William Townsend - send , William Mank'and others. Mr. Hughes called the mooting to order , at the same time stating its object. W. W. Binghnm was chosen chairman , and S. G V. Griswold secretary. Mr. Bingham stated that information of a positives character had been received of the wanton and unlawful slaughter of prairie chlcKon from all parts of the state , and that while the present game laws were very deficient , it was hign time that true sportsmen made the effort to devise ways and means to put a stop to this nefarious practice. There followed a long' nnd exhaustive dis- cussicn of the matter , the upshot at all of which was that the express companies wcro the sources throuch which u bettor condi tion of things might bo brought about , inas much that the shipphiK of chickens at uuy season is au unlawful act. To show the inducement held outtolnfrac- tors of tho'law in this regard the following letter , received to-day by a prominent coin- mi' ion.'mcroliant , was read : CIIIOAOO , III. , July 23. Dear Sir : Are you bundling any game this season ) We are invar o that you can not handle it openly or lawfully , but wo are In n position to bundle nil you can Band us , providing it Is properly put up , ' Prairie chicken ana quail in good demand , and young and half grown birds prefurrcd. We quote pra'rio ' chickens $5 to$0 ; quail $5 to & > 5U. Old ba ds not wanted yet awhile. If you ship pack in tight boxes , ice well , and mark XXXX poultry XXXX. Wo can handle all you can seuiTus , anu will see thut you uro protected. Lot us hear from you. Yours respectfully , H. L. BIIOWN & SON. Dr. Worloy then submitted u motion that a special meeting of all the gun clubs of the state nnd city bo called forthwith , for the purpose of ascertaining what they would subscribe toward a fund to be used in check ing tins outrageous violation of the law , with instructions to report the result of thulr meetings to W. R. S , Hughes , Dresldeiit of the Omaha gun club. Carried. Mr. Bingham made a motion that Frank S. Parmolco , of the Omaha gun club , and W. O. Nftson , ot the Lofovro gun club , bo ap pointed n special committee to solicit funds from outside parties and interested sportsmen L-onerally. Carried. On motion of Mr. Ilnches the mooting then adjourned to meet next Saturday evening , when a definite conrso of uction u to bo mapped out. _ .TJUI5 tH'KKI ) RING. St. 1'niil Itncea ST. PACT * , Mini ) . , July 23. A clear day was vouchsafed to the Twin City Jockey club on this , their opening day of their inaugural meeting , n'nd fully twenty thousand people took advantage of the line weather and good progiitmmo to visit the race track at Ham- line , between tbo two cities , and the day ful filled their expectations of line sport. The truck was about U.o seconds slow. Sum mary ; Inaugural , tbreo-year-olds and upwards , six furlongs Mabel won , Mamio Fonao sec ond. Benson third. Time l:15f. Thrco-yoar-olds aud upwards , suvon fur longs Cora Fisher won , Lotion second , Angelus - gelus third. Time 1:30. : Threo-ycar-olds and upwards , thirteen six teenths of a mile Bon Air won , Castllmn second , Thankful third. Time 1 :24K. : Twin City Derby , three-year olds , mile and a quarter Lo Premier won , Salllo Hairan second , Loglo third. Tlmo 2:10. : Maiden two-year-olds , four furlongs Morse won , Mluunt second , Bessemer third. Detroit Itices. DKTIIOIT , July 23. To-day was the open ing day of the trotting and pacing mcotlngof the dotrlot driving clnb , nnd was called Blun Ribbon dny , when the experiment of throwing open tbo gates to tbo publio free was tried. It proved to bn n great success , the intend unco being 12,000. The weather was ilno and tbo track very fust. Summary : 3:33 : class , purse $3.000 Vorltas won , Ketch bccoud , Star Lily third , ArcaUlcu fourth. Best . ir.o ar.-O f. Tito second" and third races went over until to-uiorroiv , Tbo beats wcro distri buted whoa darkness interfered , consequently quently the programme was not completed. Muninnuih Pnrlc Rnocs. t MONMOXJTII PAIIK , July 23. Owing to the death of Captain Brown's sou , which sad event took place at Princeton this morning , none of his horses started to-day. Sum mary : Three-fourths ot B milo Tcnnoy won In IMtf , Gladstone second , B.adga third. Throo-fourtlis of a mlle Devotee won In 1:15 : > { , Cuyuga second , G.rnulsroy third. One and.ono-clghth miles CliomUo won In l:5TJf , Village Maid second , Equality third. One and one-olghtb mlles Brother Dan won in li&SJl , Bolind * second. Connomara third. Ono and ono-stxtcontu miles Benedictine won lu lilt ) , Bryu wood second , Eaui Wood third , Throe-fourth * of a mile Radishah won In 1:10 : , Ouavyay second , BnUotCoU third. Wllkiu Collliii Out of Danger. LONDON , July 23. The physicians attend- iof Wilklo Colljin probounco him out of daa- * FELL ASLEEP ON THE BRIDGE A Sootlon Hand nt Table Ro'ok Killed by n Train. AN ABSCONDING HOTEll CLERK. Ono of Ncbrnikn City's Dentist ? Con- vlcecd ofn Toohnlcixl Violation or the Jjn'w Otlior No- braskn News. ' " ' " Killed liy. a. Train. PAWNEK CmNob. . , July ai fSpCclal Telegram to TUB Bun. ] A sccllou hand by the name of Brown , on the 13. A.M. nt Table Rook , was walking on the tracft In th& rain to-day. Ho was silling on tlio 'end of the brldgo when the Lincoln passenger , No. 71 , came nlong , ana , bomcr unobserved by cither engineer or ilroman was struck by the en gine and instantly hilled. No ono knoxvs whether ho was asleep or did not oosorvo the train. lie leaves n wile only four months married and about twenty-live years , old. Hvon.Bcnt His Washerwoman. "Nnnn3iCA CITT , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to TUB Hun.J W. W. Harvey , the scheming landlord of the defunct Unr num huso , was discharged last nl ht on the chnrgo ng-atnst him for not maintaining flro escapes , and Immediately gave his creditors the slip and loft town. Now creditors are springing up on all sides , nnd oven his wash , orwomnn has been swindled out of her earn ings. His transactions havo. been most vil lainous , and it is supposed thut ho got out of town with several thousand dollars. Thn Arnolil Murtler Case. COLUMBUS , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to Tnu BRE. ] The Arnold murder case came up before fore the district court of ScotU Bluff county lost weak , Judge A , H. Church presiding. The counsel for the defendant , Judge Hoist and Hsnry St. Haynor , illod a pica in abate ment to the jurisdiction of the court under the Indictment found by tno grand jury of Cheyenne county last December before the division of the old county at Cheyenne , of which Scott's Bluff county at that time formed a part. The prosecution was repre sented by County Attorney Judge William Hicliardson and Hon. F. J. Foss , of Crcto , who filed a replication to the ploaof the de fense , alleging that the plea sot up is no de fense to the jurisdiction , Heist and Haynor , relying upon the fourteenth amendment to the federal constitution , raised a very Inter esting constitutional question , which , they contend , goes to ttic question that an indict ment returned by the grand jury of a county which is afterwards divided and the cntrio Is ullngcd to have been committed in the ter ritory of a new county stricken from the old , renders all of the proceedings had under the indictment m contravention of the four teenth amendment as being "without duo process of law. " After three aays fighting and argument on the question.the court sus tained the plea and grautnd the indictment. This makes the second plea m abatement which has been sustained by the court , Hied by the defense , the first having boon an at tack upon the information filed by the prose cuting attorney of Cheyeiio county , as being in controycntion of the fourteenth amend ment. Likewise the defense having raised the question that under our bill Of rights and federal constitution , no man.'accused of a capital crime could bo placed upon his trial unless on a presentment or Indictment of a grand jury. The action of the court ulaccd tlio case in the same condition it. was on June 23 , 1BSS , when the dofcudunt was first arrested and incarcerated , in .tho Sidney Jail. This case has already cost Cheycna county SC/KX ) , and before it is concluded , no matter what the result may be , will cost Scotls'Hluff county SlO.oap'raore. " Court adjourned until'Augusl21 , nnd called for a special tVemrd for a grand jury. * Kxultemont Over Smallpox. ' KBiBNnr , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKB.I The people In tho'north- 3rn part of Anderson township , Phclps county , are in great oxcitomcnLat the recent discovery of a case of smallpox in their neighborhood , Anthony Hufford , who lived in this city during the spring"and early sum mer. Ho moved to , tnc place whore bo now lives about Juno 1 , and. was taken sick two wecKs ago , since which time ho has boon growing worso. It Is reported thal'he can live but a short timo. It was not discovered until a week ago that the disease was small pox , and then it was assuming Its worst form. In the meantime the neighbors hnd called at his house nnd helped the family In various ways. Several persons have been exposed to the disease , anu it would not bo surprising to hear of other cases of small pox soon developing in thut vicinity. Fam ilies are moving away , and the smallpox scare Is high. high.A A Farmer lioljbod. WIMIEK , Nob. , July 23. I Special to THK BEE.J Yesterday about noon a man was robbed about half a mlle west of Wllbor by two strangers. Ho was"a , farmer named Shlnfold and had sold some hogs during the morning , having about (53 dollars on bis person at the time of the robbery. The scheme was concocted by tbo two follows , and ono of them secured a riUo with him on pretense of having relatives in Ins vicinity. They were met by the accomplice , who wanted to pay the strangnr in the wagon n debt , but could not make change. The farmer offered to change the bill , anct on producing his wallet It was grabbed liy tlio fellow in the wagon und thrown to bis accomplice , who ran into a corn field. Kobuor No. 1 jumped from the wncon and also got into the corn field. They wore hunted for during the afternoon , but not found. To-day ono is reported to * have been captured at Lincoln on the tralu. TUo other escaped. At Minor Union's Homo. CiiBir.iiTox , Nob. , July 33. [ Special to THE BEK.J The account of Miner W. Bruno's dangerous exploit _ among the Glaciers of Alaska , published 'in Monday's Bix , created great interest here. Mr. Bruce has long been identified with Crciqhton , his family having lived hero for. about fourteen years. In fact his father owned the original town site and was the first settler In this section. Mr. Bruce closed out his mercan tile business hero lost spring and started for Alaska as tbo special correspondent of TIIK BBB. His articles pertaining to Alaska , which have been published from time to tlmo in the Sunday edition of THE BBK , have been road with Interest by allCrolghtonltes. It is hoped that bo will cnmo out of the frozen wilds of Alaska sustaining no injuries. Ills aged mother , wife and brother , Mr , O , A. H. Uruce , are anxiously waiting for a confirmation of the report that ho is afe. riunrncy'a ' Cr.inp Meeting , KKAnNBY , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK UEB.I Wind und ruin struck the uatnp at the lake some tlmo in the night and blow and pattered until morning. Not withstanding this most , everybody was happy and many were astir utun early hour. No serious damage was done , but the threat ening aspect of the weather kept ' .back ; 'uu expected crowd of people from the city , this being the day set aside for old settlors. After devotional exercises M , Sldenhuui , of old Fort Kearney fuuio , In a prosy speech related his experience in early times in the Platte valley. Hev. A. Colli)9. | otia of the urat settlers of Kearney , enriched the foro- noon's exorcises by rehearsing Incidents of pioneer life in this section , Joel Hull , of Mlndeu , added his fund of wit and humor to the occasion. In the afternoon Hon. A. H , Conner and Governor John M. Thayer au- drested the crowd. To-morrow will bo women' * day , and the time will be devoted principally to the Women's Homo Foreign Mlsilou society. A Flood nt Supi rlor. BUMRIOU , Neb. , [ July 23. [ gpooial Tele gram < to TIIK BKE.J The heaviest rain known since the settlement of this , city oc curred here to-day. Lost crock , ireat of town , li a rn ps iorront , far overreaching lU banks. People living near It have bean compelled to Icaya thdr houses and nook shelter olsowlfttvob Escape the flood. Trains west on both CTtd Missouri Pnclllo and the B. & M. roads have been sidotraukcd hero for the nlclit.'fisVho tracks nro washed SQV- ernl hundred ffct In different plnccs , Con- slderaoio loss will bo experienced from the donth or live pMafc which has been swept axvny , and thoulamago to crops will bo Im- mcnso. _ AlTiiTcliln Found. CoLUMtirjH , JTcUi July 23. | bpccml Tele gram to TIL * UtEc. ] Uolllmzcr Jennl , n young man living with n brother In Sherman township , twfilVjHnllos north of Columbus , loft his homo Stout July 0 with n borrowed gun , leaving a note announcing his attention to commit sulcldo. The brother of the mis sing man , In company with the sheriff nnd others from the city , made diligent search , but In vain. He was found lying dead to-day o half mlle from his brother's house , with tuo cun clasped tightly in his hand and a bullet hole through his head. The body was badly decomposed. The cau'so of his rash net is un known. The coroner was notified and nn inquest Is being held. The IIOIIK Pint ! LOKO PISE , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Tclo- pramToTiinBEB.J This was W. C. T. U. day and the weather was beautiful. There was nothing to mar the pleasures nnd exor cises of the day. Mrs. Helen M. Barker , of Fargo , JN. D. , delivered on address In the forenoon nnd ono In the evening. Mrs. Annie M. Palmer , of Boonsboro. la. , delivered ono of her characteristic lectures In tno afternoon , which was well receivedE. . Kosowatcr , of Omaha , arrived this evening , and will lecture \Ycdnosdaythat being Press day. Dell Skipped With the Bondlo. NnnuiSKA Citr , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to TIIK BiiE.l Mrs. Browa , of Lincoln , wife of ouo of the escaped hog thieves who loft a team behind In this city , was in town to-day , looking for a man named Bell , whom she sent bore a few days ago to secure the team and disuoso of it. Ho sold the team for $47,50 nnd sent the woman & > . and then dis appeared. Ho represented himself as n Lin coln detective , and loft this city with the al leged purooso of looking up tno thlovos. Convicted on n Technicality. NEUHASKA Citr , "Nob. , July 23. [ Special to TIIK BBH. | The case against Dr. Swartz for practicing dentistry in this city under a physician's diploma , contrary to the provis ions of the recent law , was heard In the county court to-day. Ho was found guilty aud lined KO and costs. Dr. Swartz Is a competent dentist Tifid has uracticed for a number of years , his conviction being secured - cured on a mere technicality. Ho has ap pealed the caso. Ognllnln Cnnnl Bonds Carry. OOALLALA , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Tolc- grain to TIIK BEB. | The result of the elec tion hold hero to-Oay on the question of vot- 1m ; $35,000 bonds In aid of the Ogallala canal wus 227 for and 15 atralnst. This assures to Ogallala a period of' prosperity heretofore unknown. At p'rbscnt the town is illumi nated with bonfires , cannons are booming and our citizens nroTvild with excitement nnd general rejoicings the order of the hour. Bnllno County Touchers. CIIETE , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to Tnn BEE. I Our city'is full of school inarms at tending thn Saline county teachers' institute- . The number is larger than usual. The insti tute is conducted b.V Prof. Freuch , county superintendonV'fliijl Prof. Stdnner , super intendent of thfCreto high school. , -y - A BurcInrJ-VlBlts n Hunker. OAKLAND , Nib. , July 23. [ Special to TUB BEE.I Acburclnr raided the house of " Banker C. T. Cjnflln last night. Ho succeeded in iircnrrying away a lady's gold watch , a co'rtUlcato.of . deposit on au Oakland bank , d 'fine 'revolver und other property to tho-owo nt of $150. Elevators 'Burnotl'ut Blue mill tlASjiN03'Ncb. , July. 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKE.J Three elevators and their contents , belonging to H. Kelly , E. Strowbridgo & Co. , and Harry Hoover , at Blue Hill , twenty miles south of hero , were burned this morning. Loss , $50,000 ; Insur ance , $17,000. Struck By Ijiulitnlni ; nnd Killed. ALLIANCE , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BKE. ] Yostordav afternoon lightning struck Lars Newman , working for S , J. Wilson , six- miles southeast , killing Nowtnan and his horse and throwing Wilson from his horse Without serious injury. Pawnro City Ko.JLCtJ Jail Bonds. PAWNEK CITT , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. | The election for bonds for au $8,000 jail was very quiet. It is believed the bonds were defeated all over the county. In this precinct there were 178 votes cast , 81 for ana OS against. Engineer Phillips Kelcnscd. NEIUIASKA Cur , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bnu. ] Engineer Phillips , who has bocn in jail for some tlmo in default of nail for stabbing an old engineer , wus released the B. & M. to-day , securing u sig nature to his bond. * UODE HIS AS'JP It ACE. Honnat John Murphy , the Famous HorsiMnnn , Dips of Consumption. NBW YOBK , JuVy 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. I John Murphy , the famous driver and trniner of horses , died this morn ing at Hiram Houso'a road-houso on Ocean Boulevard , near Parkvillo. The cause of death was consumption. Among his most Intimate friends it wus known that ho wus seriously ill , but very few of his sporting friends realized the end was so near. "Hon est" John Murphy , as ho was known among horsemen , ' was considered one of the Equarest nnd most iwpulur drives on the American turf. Tlio dead horse man was born in Ireland in 1840. Ho came to this country when six years of ago , aud within ten years of his arrival be came Known as a lover of horseflesh. His first race was at Baltimore In 1SUO , when he drove Lady Jane" against Lady Sliaw , win ning In straight boats. Ho first attracted public attention in 1805 , when ho handled Toronto Chlof. That season , George B. Alloy , owner of Dexter , hired him to ride thut celebrated horse In a three mlle race to saddle against the invincible gelding Stonewall - wall Jackson' . , Dexter won nod consequently Murphy's fumfi' wils established. When Fleetwo&d ParlrwM opened in 1870 , Murphy located ttiero anuiathat locality ho remained until recently. t ( CAlillOUN Wi L. OK INDICTED. Mr. Pritclieft" Dually Preparing tlio 1'upgfKrl" tlo Case. It Is definitely settled that John Calhoun will bo ludictod'l off at least six or eight counts. fil Marshal Slau-/ilir | ; has been In close con sultation with | i/uj / ! district .attorney , and young Calhounurtlll ; undoubtedly bo placed under arrest wltblrfja very few days. Mr , Pritchctt said ifft' ifc not able to state just when lie woulli cjjmmcnco the case , but thought It would UOjWithln n , fevv < lsys. A Painful ottcgiDvat the sensational In an evening > mt wa ubsolutoly without basis. The subject-matter is of a very "chestnutty" flavor. General Dennis , deputy collector , was busily enyagod yesterday in compiling u list of letters which had boon received some time ago asking about remittance * . These letters were referred to from time to tlmo in these columns as they were received. A list of thorn was bniug prepared for tha district at torney's use , and was geon by u reporter for the evening sheet , who proceeded to dish the matter up in sensational stylo. It may have boon naws to the aforesaid paper , but it was anything but new to the citizens , District Attorney Prltchott is busily en gaged in preparing the papers in the prose cution of young Calhoun. Collector Peters has turned over to Mr. Prltchott all the papora In his po sosslon bearing on the case , Including letters from all parts of the dis trict , making inquiry about money remitted for stum pa. It U not definitely known just what the total amount of the defalcation will prove to bo , but it will bo well up in the thousands. FROM THE 1IAWKEYE STATE , A Polk County Farmer SufTooatod In a Well. FLATTERING CROP PROSPECTS. Mooting of tlio IUno GMRS An Iov City Flouring Mill llurncd Tlio CrcNtou ' rostoflleo , Suffocated In n. "Well. ' tins Moons , la. , July 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BBB. ] Yesterday afternoon Mr. Wk t\ Sold , n fanner living in Bloom- Hold township , went to tlio hny Hold accompanied ' panied by Ill's dog. The latter returned Into In.tho afternoon nlono , nnd by Its strnngo notions , suggested that something had hap pened Its nmstor. Tlio neighbors wore nrouscd , and n search for tlio missing man wan mndo. They foun'd him nt the bottom of nn old nilno Bhtift , where ho hnd boon suffo cated by air damp. It Is supposed that ha hnd fttnrton down the ladder to Rot walor to priruo n well near by , but wns overcome by the foul gas. Had It not bucn for the faithful - ful dog tlio body would liuvo beou missing much louder. Thn niuo Ontss Otf , la. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bun. J The second meeting of the Blue Grass league , of southwestern Iowa , was hold hero to-day. Tlio counties repre sented wore Adams , Appauoosa , Clarke , Cass , Lucas , Madison , Montgomery , Puce , Pottawattamlo , Taylor , Union , Warren and Woyno. President Hnrah , of Cruston , reported - ported having Issued 2,000 pamphlets nnd maps descriptive of the region , and mulled them to eastern homo-ssokcrs ; aiso'a Kronen edition for distribution at the Paris exposi tion. Several now counties were ndmlttod to the longuo to-day. A committee of live , with A. J. Davenport , of the "Q , " as chair man , was appointed to arrange for excur- slouo into the region , thollrstono to bo to Crcston during the dates of the Uluo Grass exposition. _ Complaint of tlio Grain Shippers. DBS MOINES , In. , July 23. | Special Tele gram to Tim BE K.I Tlio president , secretary und several mouibcra of the Northwestern Grain Shippers' association were before the railroad commission to-day to consider about questions growing out of tlio decision of ths interstate coinmcrco commission affecting grain shippers last winter. The Iowa shippers have now the Nebraska rate of 10 cents , but they want to bo puld damages for past discriminations , and they uro asking the Iowa commissioners to help them. They aon't receive much encouragement thut damages can bo obtained. Thrown from a Hrliljfe. WATERLOO , la. , July 23. fSnocial Tele gram to THE Br.n.J 1C. B. Shayer und fam ily , who barely escaped with their livesfrom the Johnstown flood and have been visiting in this county since , nro the victims of an other serious accident. They were driving to Hudson when their team ran away nnd they wcro thrown out on the bridge across the Blackhnwk. Mr. Shayer was thrown the bridge into the water below and very seriously injured. His wife and sou were also very badly hurt. Fliuterinjj Crop Prospects. MASONCm , la. , July 23. fSiecial Tele gram to THE Bun. ] The farmers are now in the midst of harvest. An estimate of the yield. of crops has been made , as follows : \Vhoat , eighteen to twenty bushels per acre ; oats , forty to seventy bushels : corn , from lifty tosixty. . Similar flattering reports came from Hancock , Kossuth , Clay , Emmet , \Vjnnebuco , Chickasuw nnd Floyd counties. Inspecting Crcatou's I'ostolllco. CiiE9Toi , la , , July 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEB. | A postofllco inspector visited Creston to-day to examine the business o the Creston postofllco with a view to report ing on the city's application for a f rco mall delivery. It is understood that his report will favor establishing a free delivery. Hie Flour Ins ; Mill is 11 mud. IOWA CITT , la. , July 23. This morning the largo flouring mill of Ryerson & Son , burned to tbo ground. The loss on the building , stock and * fixtures is about $15,003. The build ing was insured for $0,000. The remainder is a complete loss. Tins is the second time the mill has been completely burned. Drowned In the Iowa ftlvor. DBS MOINES , la. , July 23.-irSpoclal Tel egram to TIIK Bni : . ] John A. Overbook , foreman of the shipping department of the glucose works , wont bathiug in the Iowa river near the soldiers' homo , nt Marshall- town , Sunday , and was drowned. A Depot WALNUT , la. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB | The depot at this place was burglarized last night. Tbo safe was blown open und all the money and valuables taken. There is no clue to the thieves. HE HAD A VVfjli. A nolntlvo of Wunanmkcr Uses His Frestijjo For 1'roflt , FALLS RIVEII , Mass. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEK.J Postmaster General - oral Wanamaker bus been dragged into notoriety hero by the erratic behavior of u family connection of his. Two years ago a Dr. Leonard , an Kclectlu physician , who married Mr. AVanatnnker's cousin , carne hero. Ho did very little business until his wealthy relative became a cabinet min ister. Dr. Leonard thereupon gave it out that ho had a big "pull" In Washington , and aspirants for government positions in that district had bettor cultivate his friend ship. Ho was Interviewed mid written up by the press , becoming quite u political lion. Various aspirants for the postmustorshln paid him marked attention , besides which his medical practice grew amazingly. Among his patients was Mrs. Abbey Wilbur , late from California , who suffered from n dis eased hip. Leonard gave her the vacuum treatment , and temporally relieved her. By this menus ho gained her confidence , and getting some $500 from her disappeared. It has boon learned that ho has taken with him quite a largo sum , simi larly procured from patients and else money from politicians whom ho was nblo to impoHo his alleged pntronugo upon. His wife ho loft behind. Shu U much distressed , partic ularly as her husband used her relative's nnmo to swindle. She said ho bad doubtless lost all the money thus procured through gambling , Tlio W , O. T. U , Conference , MOUNTAIN LAKE PAKK , Md. , July 23. The W. O. T , U. Inter-stato conference closed its live days' session last evening. The day was given to reports , election of ofllcurs und other coufortmco business. The in fuvor of total abstinence and prohibition ; denounce all license as criminal ; demand one standard of morals .cr men and women ; do- ciy-s-St vrorse than treason to withhold the power of tlio ballot from the virtuous und in- tolltoont women of the homo uud ledge It with the vice und ignorance of the saloon for the homo's destruction , mid rccoguuo in ro ot nt apparent reverses sure omens of victory for prohibition. Mrs , 0.13. Buol , of Chicago , was choseu president. Tlio K. of U Kxcuutlvo Knsslon. CHICAGO , July 23. The executive board of the Knights of Labor will tlnlsh their ses sion to-morrow and adjourn , Bo far as can bo learned the work of the board has resulted in few surprises , and little was done besides r out I no business. It bus boon determined , how over , to attempt n revival of the old K. of L. enthusiasm next full. General Muster Workman Ppwdorly will return here in Oc tober und u big meeting will be held , Tlio Preside ill's Work. DBBII PAIIK , Md. , July 21 Tno work of the president to-day was mainly confluent to the og.cslaoratlon of appointment * , but no tommlsslous were issued. MIIATAUV M.YUKSMKN , Annual lima Competition of the Department or the Plntte , To-morrow nt Uollovuo begins the ninth nniiunl rlflo competition of the Department of thoxplntto. The contestants reported yesterday. The ofllccr In chnrgo is Major Guy O. Henry , Ninth Cavalry , Inspector of small arms practice. The remainder of the organisation la composoa ns follows : Major Dantol W. lionhnni , Seventh Infantry Com manding CAinn ; Second Lieutenant John C. Gregg , Sixteenth Infantry , adjutant and signal ofllcor j First Lieu tenant William A. Mann , Seven- tconth Infantry. qunrtorumstor nnd ordnance oflloory First Lieutenant William A. Mercer , Mlghth Infantrv , acting commis sary of subsistence ; Socoid Lieutenant George Hutchison , Ninth cavalry , statistical Und financial ofllcor ; Acting Assistant-Sur geon brank L. Henderson , U. S. A. , medical oftli-or. TUo range officers ares First Lieutenant Charles H. Tyler , Sixteenth Infantry ; Second end Lieutenant Ucorgo W , Mclvor , Seventh Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Abraham P. Itufihtgton , Seventh Infantry : Seventh Lieu tenant Colvlllo M. Pattlt , Eighth Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Harry K. Wllklns , Second end Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Satmiol Sciiy , Jr. , Twanty-fli-sl Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Monroe McFarlntid , Twenty- first Infantry. The senior range officer will have general clmrgn of the rnngo odlccrs , scorers , murk- ors , and riingo party , and bo responsible for their instruction In their required .duties. The first three days will bo devoted to pre liminary practice. The progratno of firing Is as follows : THUKSIUT , July 2r > . A. M. Known distance ilrlngs , 200 and 300 yards. P. M. Known distance firings , COO aud COO yards. rniiur , July 20. A. M. Skirmish firings. P. M. Known distance firings , 200 ami 300 yards. ' SATUlllUY , JULT 27. A. M. Skirmish firing. P. M. Known distance firings , 590 and COO yards. MOSDAT , JUI.Y29. A. M. Known distance firings , 200 nnd 300 yards. P. M. Known distance firings , 500 and COO yards. TUKSDAT. JUI.T SO. A. M. Skirmish firings. P. M. Skirmish firings. WEDNESDAY. JUIT 31. A. M. Known distance firings , 200 nnd 300 yards. P. M. Known distance firings , GOO nnd 000 yards. TIltmsIJAV , AUOtlST 1. A. M. Skirmish 11 rings. P. M. Skirmish llrings. FllIIUY , AUGUSTS. Presentation of meduls. The hours of practice are from 8:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. Assembly fifteen minutes boforo. The trams of the U. & M. H. K. will stop at Dcflovuo rillo ran 1:0 station on request , or by being flagged , us follows : From Onmtia , 9:35 a. m. , 3:15 n. m. and 0:40 p. m.j from Bellevue , 7:35 : a. m. , 0:80 : n. in. and < 50 : ! ! p. m. Tickets.must bo bought before getting on cars. At caoin they can bo purchased of camp quartermaster. Faro ono way 25 ccuta , round trip 35 cents. Trains on Union Pacific railroad from Al bright , about five miles from camp , run every hour between Albright uud Omaha. BIjAOKISD HIS WIFE'S BY KB. Mrs. Pcnnoll CUUHUS Her Husband's Arrest Tor Brutnlliy. Mrs. Pcnnoll , a tall , pretty blonde about elg iteon years old , made complaint at the police court against her husband , a burly rufllan employed at the blacksmith shop at the corner of Cuming and Twenty-second streets. She suid that ho had struck her with Ills list last Friday , blacking her loft eye and nearly breaking her noso. An ofiicer was sent after Pennoll , but ho could not be found. About noon yesterday , however , he came into the police court and gave himself up. Ho gave bonds for his ap pearance August 2 , on the charge of wife boating. Ho is a tall , well built , light complextoneu man , abouftwetity-eight years old. with a vicious expression. The couple have boon married a llttlo over n year , and have had several serious quar rels. Ho has struck his wife before , but shu , womanlike , forgave the scoundrel. The complaint against him was filed last Friday , and Saturday he drew all the money duo him as wages uud has been on -spree over sluco. He is In the habit of drinking , more or less , all the time , and was intoxicated when ho blackened his wife's eye. Ho has threatened to kill her if she prosecuted Jinn , and has also mudo the sumo threat ugalnst her If she ntteuipted to leave him. The couple have no children , and have been boarding at 900 North Twenty-second street. THE cmr COUNCIli. An Unusually tiarao Amount of Busi ness Disposed ol' Tlio council meeting last night was ono of the busiest of the year , 270 papers being dis posed of. The action of the council In order ing the committee on gas und electric light to contract with tbo Thompson-Houston com pany for lighting the city with electric lights , was rescinded. A long discussion followed and the council finally adjourned without taking any action In tbo oase. The request of the Uro and police commis sion era for the submission of a proposition to the electors to veto bonds for additional on- glna houses , was referred to the committee on finance. The commissioners wcro authorized to ex pend $7,500 for the construction of an engine house ut Walnut Hill. The misdemeanor ordinance was passed and a largo amount of ordinary mullurs transacted. _ _ ninliop Noymoiir Married. NEW YOIIK , July 23. Old Trinity church was the scone of n quiet wedding , which LOOK pluco at 10 o'clock this morning. The contracting parties were Mrs. Harriett At. wood-Aymnr , of Jersey City , and Bishop deorgo Franklin Seymour , of Springfield , 111. Hlght Hev. Bishop Potter , assisted by Dr. Dix , tied the nuptial knot. Whllo no- Core tiio altar the bride stood bcsido her ivhitu-halrod apouso attired in a traveling - ostumo with hut and gloves on. The wed- jing was strlctljjtprlvato , Tim noulnni'lHts' Trial. PAUIB , July 23. The trial of Houlanirer , ( Dillon and Hophofort before the sonata court lias been fixed for Augusts. General Uou- langer and colleagues have been given un additional ten days In which to answer the summons of the court before being out lawed. New Yoitic , July 23. The municipal coun cil of the Irish National languo to-night adopted resolutions in which tno threat to deal directly with Paruol ) U mndo. The af- tcrnativo U a convention und the election of new ofllcsra. Won't Kcnnw tlio Treaty. HKIILIN , July 23. Germany has notified Switzerland thut the treaty between the two governments regulating the settlement of foreigners in Switzerland will not bo ro' nowed. The treaty will taeroforo ornlro at tbo end of 161W. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by ' these Lflllo Villa. 'CARTERS They also rulloTO Dis tress frora Dyepepsia , Indigestion - ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ) Katliitf , A perfect remedy IVER edy for DlzzlnsK. Kuusca , PILLS. Urc nineiJ , UtA TanU In the lloulli , Coated Tongue , r ln lo the Bide. TOltPIO LIVI'Jl. They tbp jiovrcla. I > ur ly Vct'ctable. SHALL PILL. SHALL DOSE. SMAIL PRICE. Do Not Dolnv tntlngllooil's SarsapnrllU you Imvo thut fuollng.of languor Or exhaustion which Is otton the warning sy mpton of approach- ingslcknoss. Tills modlolno expels all linpur- tles from the blood , emus ncrotula aud a humor * , creates nn nppollU\ assists dlKOHtlou strrnRthencns tha nerves anil Imparts health to every orgnn of Uio body. Hood's Snrsnparlllo Is sold by all drug gists. 1'iepared by 0. 1. llooil Si Co , I ewe CALIFORNIA TIIK 1 AND Ol' DISCOVERIES ! CURE CATARR ifiAti SANTAABIEANDCATR : ; : : : CUR For sale by Goodman Drug Co ALWAYS ICE WATER DRINK with LEMONADES , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Jl trill correct Ihedantaging ( ri- ' flumice of-Ins on thotunneh > tor Mm Health FresefVljir. tat laTlgoritlna. 0il Bo- forAII. M But Bu . rinted Strictly- fan Md Ca ( r tt.nttd. An EiCtUot l aoc ( or DUrrhafc , Chfliri. K rbnr > . Dyienterjr , and nil DiMtdtr * l tht Bowili. , ' 87. II Irani. I.OVKNTKAI. Bnos. Dear Sirs : -I Imvo tried the Hungarian IllaeVberry Julco you no kindly sent mo. It la ilio no iilun ultrn of summer ilrlnkn. It Is frro from aleo- hoi , ttllnys thlrit , toucg tlie dlce tlvo orjnuia. I'M a nna nromntlo flavor , nnrt In Jusi tlio tlilnc for illnrrhtcal troub les In tli lipatP'l term. A TAni.r-si'ooNKtir , IN A - H oi' ici : WATEB XTAHH KCUTAll. T.A.A' CH1SON,1I.D. rorpinlpbyPriiecinti , . Ui > ale Biidtlroccrs. THE BESnWWE iOAPMWE Hi AttcKCAr . My llttlo lioj. r old , won rick I % vltli a dl ca Q. for \vlilch drctnri liait I no imino. Tlio nrlH cina oil Iii4 fliir.- I crn. nul tlio fincrH ( ; camii oft to Ilio I inlildla li'lnt. Kur 3 yearn ha BUlTcrcd I ilrimlfiillr ; la now Kttllng \ \ ell. nn < l I am i-atltilicil Kulft'a HinrcICc In tlio I clilcf came at lili Iini > nnrmclil. Juiut Uniiir. , Jan. 12,368D. IVru , InJ. I POISONED DY A CALF-My . J lltllaboy liroUu out llli iprn nnfl _ _ . ulccrn , tlio nvnlt of tlio fall of a calf coming In con tact with n rut finger. TI'O ulccrnmo < lot'nmi < | pam. ( i\l nod rlioncd no Inclination to lutil , ljn\nilm ; ) HxIft'B \ Kpcclflc , nnil ha it now will. Kcb. 15 , ' 89. Joux I' . llEAiui , Anlurn , Ala. Kcml fortooki oiilllii , ' , Holtrtna Kliln Dincnoca , fito , Bwirr Srncirio Co. . Atlanta , do. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH .A.1.1 1302 PA NAM RTRKHT. rENNVUlOTJIfj WAIfKHS r meewKiliiHy used inoutlily by over 10,000 .I litii. AtaSuft , Kfftctuatanii t'ltotont y tl pi r box liy mall.or t ilruKKliU. 'tealtA * * --l'urllculari S po Uig cumin. Acliirm * Tu > JCunuA CIUKIOAI. Co , , UirrociTi Mini. pt ale nnil by ms.ll by Goodinun Jrug , Otimbu.