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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1889)
FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MQWING , JULY 28 , 1889. NUMBER 34. r DESCRIPTION OF THE RIPPER An Interview With a Man Who 'Has Soon Him. NEITHER RICH NOR LOWLY. A Very Extraordinary I * > okliiK Mur derer From thn Account , "Which Jlns LOUR Ileen Suppressed By the Police. How Jnolc Looks. JjW Jama ( IttrJan LONDON. July 24. | New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE.I Curiously enough an nccurato description of the Kipper bntMiovor been published. Ho was seen by two persons , who know him ns the Hipper , and the Information given by these to the police the latter have kept until to-day , whan it wan secured by the writer from ono of the pair. pair.Tho The Rlppor'fl llrst botched Job was accom plished November 21 at No. It ) George street , Whltcchapol. There ho attempted to murder - . dor Dark Sarah , but only succeeded lu cut ting her throat , as the woman was unusually strong. Dark Sarah met htm lu a public house and remembers him well. She was kept out of sight by the police until the case was overshadowed by the Hlpper'8 ' successful efforts at murder. Where she Is now Is not known. "Tho other person who saw the Klppor in ITrank Huffoll , driver of u green grocer's wagon. Ilo la a level-headed young man of twenty-live. His Identity Is closely con cealed by the police. Huffell said to-day : "On the morning' when the trouble took place at No. 10 George street I was out with a van delivering coke nt the lodging houses. I furnish coke at nearly all the lodging houses about hero. I was standing on the sldenalk , ln front of ttio house next to No. 10 , on Homo street. I was about ten feet from the door when a man came out of the door und wulkcd rapidly toward mo. Ho was about thirty years old ; I could not tell what kind of business : ho did not look like a workingman , but did not look like t > ftontlmiian. Ho had on a black diag onal suit of clothes ; his hat was a black round felt ; ho had a light mustache , cut oft square at the ends ; it was neither very thick noi very thin about medium. Ho was about thrco inches tailor than I run ; I am 5 feet 4 Inches ; he had a straight nose of medium size ; it did not turn up ; it was Just an ordinary now ; did not notice his eyes particularly , but I should think from the color of his mus i tache that they were blue ; ho came out of ri the door ; he was buttoning the top button of his coat : It wus u cutaway coat ; ho had no collar on ; hu put Ills baud up to his mouth , which was bleeding on the right side. As ho passed mo ho looked at mo with a sort of smile und muttered a vile remark. I said nothing. Just after ho passed mo be begun to run. Then I hoard a cry In No. 10 and saw a woman como down. She said to stop the man , and I started after him. By this time ho had turned the corner und was out of sight. It was at least thrco minutes after bo went away before I started after him. When I got to the corner I could not sco him. That is all I know about him. Two detectives cunio for mo after the woman had been taken to the hospital , and ques tioned mo closely ubout the matter. I would know the man if 1 saw him again , nnd could idcutlfy his photo , as I hud a close view. " Whitcehapol Is gradually resuming its everyday appearance. Its denizens , gener ally Hoeukiug , are u callous lot. Even the women , who now walk in p-iirs for protec tion , will soon recover from their fear nnd reach u condition of inlud that the Ripper Hoems to understand BO well. That makes hla dreadful work so easy of accomplish ment , No Hotter Than n Mud Scow. \CHm \ ) > 'tu1it 18X ) liu Jama Onrdnn } DOVEH , July22. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEI.J Lugger Paradox was badly beaten in the channel match sailed to-day by the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht club between Dover and Boulogne. The Yurana started , but gave up after losing her bowsprit. The Paradox hud a smaller Jib and lug sales than on Saturday. There were cloven starters. The wind was fresh from the west southwest. The Amphitrito won the ilrst prize 100 pounds and the Dccrhound second prlzo on tlmo allowance. The finish of those well up was as follows : Wcndur , 2 hours , 14 minutes , 23 seconds ; .Atnphltrlto , 2:17.42 : ; Vol au Vent , 2:87.29 : ; Gundrnm , 2:48.fi2 : ; Paradox , 3:52.30 ; Deerhound - hound , ! i:21.2S. : Ton vessels have entered for to-morrow's match from Dover to Os- tcnd. THIS COMMONS. ' The Committee Hujiort on Royal QrantH uald on thu Taulo. LONDON , July 22. In commons to-day Sir James Ferguson , purllmentarj secretary of the foreign ofllco , stated that no final pro gramme for the muiitlmo conference had boon ugrccd upon with the American gov ernment. Lord Georeo Hamilton , tln > t lord of admiralty , announced that ttio construc tion of 11 fly-two wur ships hud been begun during the current year. Hon. W , H. Smith , government louder , laid on thu table the committee report of royal grants. There- port recommends tlmt 0,000 , ho added to thu quarterly allowance of the Prince of Wales. The report maintains tha right of the qunoii to ask parliament to make further provision for her grandchildren. The debate on the report wus postponed until Thursday. Gladstone , although ho censured the gov ernment for its attitude , voted with the ma jority of the committee nn royal grants. The report of the committo advises that u proper law bo passed , providing that future sovereigns shall have no parliamentary pro vision for their grand children. 'Iho I'armillltcifci Moor. LONDON , July 23. Two Parnolllte mem bers of parliament mot to-day to discuss the subject of the Tenants , Defense league. A resolution was adopted declaring that the new organization was to counteract Illegal landlord combinations formed for the pur pose of extorting unjust rents und nr- roars , imposing inequitable terms of pur chase , stimulutlug evictions nnd destroying the security of tenants in their holdings , Tenants nro invited to Join the league. The meeting tlxcd the proportion of poor Inn valuation at the lowest annual donation. ( Jllr. LOSDOX , July 23. The Russian govern ment has allotted a largo tract of land to tin Mussulman population of Kabardah. Sue ) , gifts are unusual and are usually the pro iudo to a conflict wlin Turkey. The gov ernors of Odoixa and Klichuneff , In recent addresses to their troops , are ald to have hlntnd that Uusstu wus preparing to advance southward , nimunrok 1'nrNiiadcs the Pope. LONDON , July 23. A dispatch to tin Chronicle says : Prlnco Bismarck , tliroutit the Gorman ambassador at thu Vatican , dis < BUitdod the pope from leaving Homo. A 1'lour ' Mill Iturned. MH.WAUKXU , July 22.--A flro 1-uCrcsse Wit. , UustroyixV Leo & Clurku1 * llmir mill Thfi ioa U ttt.OOO , with tlUOUO Innuruucc. TIIK CHICAGO TIMKS SHOUT. A Judgment Agalnot That Pnpor For a FOW Uollnro. CiiiCAtio , July 22. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn. ] The Commercial National bank went before Judge Grlnncll this morning nnd secured a confession of Judgment for $13,701 against James J. West , editor of the Chicago Tunes , and James J. West & Co. , which firm included CllnUm A. Snowdcn , formerly managing editor of the Times , As soon as execution was obtained it was placed in the hands of u deputy Mieriff , with orders to pro ceed at once to make n demand on West for the money , The ofllcer went to the Times building , saw the editor and made the de mand and received for an answer a refusal , and the further reply that the editor had no property ho could turn over in the way of satisfaction for the debt. The ofllcor re turned to the sheriff's ofllce , and the result wus communicated to the bank. The note on which Judgment wus obtained was originally for $ io,000. It was given October 27lbS"nnd In it West and Snowdeu promised to pay the full amount on demand any day after date. On the reverse side of the note Is a credit for f 12,000 , paid Juno 0,1S83. The interest is marked paid up until Juno , 1SS9. The deputy sheriff then started for the resi dence of West , nt the corner of Fifty-fifth street and Mount Greenwood avenue , with the expressed intention of levying on his personal effects. Ames , president of the Commercial na tional bank , was extremely disinclined to give any Information , uud two culls nnd to bo made upou him before he would sny that the suit was for a debt "Of how long standing ! " "Oh , several months.1' "How many I" "About u year and a half. " Just then J. J. West himself cnme Into the ofllce and at down. Ho had been supposed to bo In New York city , und some little sur prise was manifested at seeing him. Ho said : " 1 came buck yesterday , not on account of this , but because I had got through with my business thero. When I cumo down this morning I found a very agreeable , but very linn person in my ofllco , who said ho had come to collect SlU.OOO. I told him I didn't have that much change with mo , so I came over to see this Man-Afruid-of-IIIs-Horses , " indicating Amos , who was very much Inter ested Just then In gazing at n brick wall over the way. West wont on to say : " 'Ihero is nothing to this except that the bank is col lecting n note of mine for money loaned mo on another note of the same amount which they nro now suing in the courts. " "On whom is that other notoJ" Mr. West smiled cheerily. "On the J. Lcrcunn Printing company. I cave that ns collateral. The company has $21,000 worth of property , ample to secure the amount of this note. " "That Is being sued In the courts now , " said Mr. Ames , "but the directors got tired of waiting for it and directed the collection of this amount. " 'It ' is reported that you nro nbout to got Relinked out of ttio Times , Mr. West , and that this present matter is only u drop to the heavy rain which is about to full. " "Well , I don't know how it can , " said Mr. West . "I'm better tlx , smilingly. in a now than I have been for many moons. I don't know of any moro to follow , if this is only the first drop. No , sir , I won't bo schukcd out of the Times , and I won't burst up. I will bo there right along , and so will the TimoB. " AlUKDURED HIS CAPTOK. A Negro Thief Plunges a Dirk Knife Into an Ofllcer. KANSAS CITV , July 22. Special Police Ofllcer Henry Call , Janitor of the Renton school , arrested Leo White , n negro thief , this morning in the act of carrying off stolen property. The negro drew a long dirk kuifo trom his pocket and thrust it twice up to the hilt into his captor's breast. Ho then at tempted to escape , but was arrested by an ofllcer , who happened to bo passing. Call is mortally wounded. How Imbhy Would Manajio It. LOSDOX , July 22. Lubouchoro , in the de bate in the commons to-day on the grant to Princess Louise on the occasion of her inor- riago to the Earl of Fifo , moved the rejec tion of the report of the committee and to substitute therefor to the queen ono reciting among other things that the sums already voted by parliament to the royal family should bo amply sufllclent for all proper nur- poses and that If further supplies nro neces sary they ought to be supplied through the retrenchment of the expenses of the royal family and not by fresh demands upon the taxpayers. Nothlnir Was Accomplished. CIHOAOO , July 23. The Transcontinental association had two sessions to-day , but didn't reach any of the momentous questions which nro oxpcctnd to produce sensational developments. There is a possibility that the quarrel between the Northern and Union Pacific companies over Puget Sound business may be amicably adjusted , nnd that the lat ter will cancel the notice of its withdrawal. Thn action of the Southern Pacific in giving notice of withdrawal wus brought up , but consideration was postponed , Kvlotinir Unemployed Miners. VALI.KIT , 111. , July 22. About ono hundred nnd fifty in in era und company men employed by the Spring Valley Coal company who occupy company tenements , and who have pnld no rent since the 1st of May last , have been served with five day * ' notice to cither quit the premises or pay their rents. Most of the tenants nro miners , who , on account of the closing doxvn of the mines , are in very poor circumstances , Trouble may occur when they are ejected. Strniiitthlp Arrivals. At Glasgow The State of Georgia , from Now York. At Southampton Tbo Elder , from Now York for Bremen. At Now York Thu Ems , from Bremen ; the Auranln , from Liverpool , und the Etho- plu , from Glasgow , At Liverpool The Kansas , from Boston. At London Sighted , the Amsterdam , from New York for Amsterdam ; the Hermann , from Baltimore , for Bremen. At Copenhagen The Jlekla , from New York. Kesoiied From it Iturnlni ; Blnauinr. NKW BHDFOIID , Mas * . , July 22. The whal ing uteumor Fratikllu hus arrived with twenty-five of the crow and passengers ol the steamer Loronia D. Baler , from Point Antonio , Jamaica , burned nt ea July 15 , Two of the crew were drowned. Among the passengers IB Jehu Dillon , of Iowa , The .Mormons Are Itiislllnc. SUT LAKH CITV , July 23.fSpcciu ! Telegram to Tun BEE. I The Mormons are working actively In vlow of the coming elec tion , The Gentiles are confident of largo gains. United States Attorney Varian ha ; qualiticd und U now holding hi * ofllce. The CoimrcHslonnl Party. SALT L\KB CITV , July W. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK HKIJ The congressional party which has been hero for two days , loft tills morning for Bolsu City. It was met hero bj Hon. Fred DuboU , of Idaho. A Homo's Fatal Kick. A-rr.ANnc , la. , July S3.- . [ Special Telegrair to TIIK HKK.August | Seaman , an old soldlei living eight mllcB from hero , was kicked bj u horco on Friday und will die , Three lloyu Fatally Hurt. Pomvii.L , Pa. , July 23. 'ihrce boy OIIK of prominent eitlious , while out driviuf this mnniliiK , were ( .truck by an caglne. All it .s u-iiuvcd , were fatally hurU STRUNG UP AT SWEETWATER Jim Avorlll and Ella. Watson Lynched By Stookmon. LAST OF A NOTORIOUS PAIR. A Itong nnd Sitcccnsrul Cnroor of Cat tle Stealing Suddenly Brought to a Clone By Hone nnd Lead. They Will ttuRtlo No Mnro. CiinvENNE , Wyo. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB. ] A telegram received hero to-day unnounceB the lynching ntSweot- wntcr of Jim Avorlll and u woman named Ella Watson , wno lived with him as his wife. AverlH was postmaster nt Swcotwatcr , which consists simply of a station contlngu- ous to n number of ranches. Ho also kept a saloon at the point where the Uuwllns und Lander stage road crosses the Swcotwatcr river. AverlH drifted into the Swcotwator coun try four years ago. Ho ut once took up n government land claim nnd built n llttlo cabin. Ella \Vatson was the woman who lived with him , and Is the same person who re cently figured as Catllo Kate , who held up a faro dealer at Bessemer ami robbcct him of the bank roll. The womitn was ouo of the most daring riders in the country. She rode , mnn fashion , the most vicious brutes with reckless abandon , and In roping cattle could talio her place with the average run of cow boys. lloth have lor n long time borne the repu tation of cattle rustlers and uro believed to liavo been in league with Jack Cooper , u no torious cattle thief , who died with his boots on In that vicinity a few months ago. The pair have ranidly been accumulating n icrd. and as they came to the country with out anything und wcro in n position to earn very little , this was regarded as good evi dence against them. This spring they turned IOOPO twenty-llvo freshly branded yearling calves , which completely satisfied the stock men that they were "mavcrlckiug. " What particular act led up to the lynching t is yet impossible to learn , as Swectwator s far removed from telegraph communica tion. It Is known , however , that a small band of masked men surrounded the cabin ust night , and , using a decoy , succeeded in getting Both to the door. They were cauturod after a desperate struggle , and after being bound , were led some distance away and to gether strung to the limb of a tree. Their bodies were riddled with bullets. This Is the llftli hanging In the sama sec- Ion slnco lust spring. Cuso after case has been brought in all the adjoining coun ties , but not a single conviction has ever been secured. The most Intense rejudice seems to exist against the big cat- tlu outllts. When cases were not quashed by the grand juries the petit juries have ac quitted on evidence that was absolutely con vincing. This condition of affairs has re sulted ns much from fear as from preludico. The chief muvoriekors arc all desperate men and their neighbors will rnroly endanger their lives by testifying against them. As a result of it nil mob law prevails in that en tire region. No man leaves his cabin with out his six-shooter and riflo. Notice has now been spread that the rust- , crs must leave , nnd If they fail to do so there will bo a dozen lynchings nnd incidental shooting mutches inside of a mouth. Ijyuchcrs Unlkcd. CLINTON , La , , July 22. The announce ment of last night that two negroes , mur derers of Projtorius , would bo lyuched , failed , ns the ofllccrs took the prisoners to New Orleans for safe keeping. A SECTARIAN CLOTHING STORE. Wnnatnakcr Offers to Stock n Presby terian Emporium at Now Haven. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , July 22. ( Special Telegram to THE BEK. j A sectarian cloth ing .store as n means of raising a church debt the latest idea of Postmaster General Wanamaker , and the suggestion has created a sensation in Now Huvon. The Presbyterian church hero Is in debt , duo partially to the unpopularity of Ilcv. IJr. Hogers , its pastor , whoso radical views have alien ated a largo portion of the congregation. The debt bothered him , and ho in distress wrote to Mr. Wanaamkcr to-day. Ho an nounced to a meeting called for the purpose that in reply t& his cull for aid Mr. VVana- makcr Uud offered to stock a clothing store for the Presbyterians , providing the church would manage the establishment. The pas tor was to huvu general charge of the store , though ho would not personally conduct it. The ofllccrs of the church would also bo connected with the establishment , and all lu all It was to Do a church affair. The pastor urged strongly that the generous offer bo accepted , but the members were decidedly averse to the scheme , claiming that they would Incur the displeasure of every clothlnc house in the city and that the opposition would bo moro than of a business nature , and also that it was not at all certain that money would bo made in selling clothes. The matter was immediately dropped. Two Cattle Thieves Shot. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , July 23. A special from Albuquerque , N. M. , says : Last Saturday thrco cattle nnd liorso thieves , members of the notorious band of Mexicans who have committed many depredations In this city , were captured by Deputy Sheriff Lowcns and posse and Imprlssoned In a vacant house near Kelly , N , M. Before capture , the thieves , three in number , engaged the posse In n buttle , during which their loader aim Deputy Lowens were shot dead. Last night n party of cowboys proceeded to the house where the two thieves wore Imprisoned , overpowert the guard und hanged the pris oners after riddllngtholr bodies with bullets. Captured n Bua Jjlon. MnxosiiA , Wis , , July 23. Saturday after noon two boys spearing frogs near Laito Winnob.igo saw a monster in a shallow pool. Assistance was summoned and a sea lion cloven feet long captured. It escaped from a circus hero four years ago , and the fact had bean forgotten , The animal had boon seen several times in the last two years and taken for a sea serpent or whole. OH TnucliPB n Dollar. NEW YOUK , July 22. There was a wild flurry In oil this morning. There Is rumored to bo a corner In August petroleum , and in the scramble the price wont from UJ. ' G tc f 1 , which Is the highest this year , then re- uctcd two cents , and became quiet. K. of I ; . AsHcmhly Goes Under , NEW YOKK , July 23 , To-day the goodf and chattels of District Assembly No. 49 , In Pythagoras hall , were sold at auction. II was the last act in the drama of the dUrup tlon In the well-known and powerful Knlghte of Labor organization. Carter Beata Vltrnnuv , PAUIS , July 32.--Vlgnaujc , the Frencli billiard champion , and Eugene Cartor'playoc a match game of cushion caroms hero to night. The gumo was won by Carter , whc sered 100 points ogahibt Vlgnaux's 40. A Well Known Minister Dead. NEWAIIK , N. J. , July 23. Hoy. Edward E. Rankln , one of the best known Presbyterian ministers in the country , died this morning of heart failure at tbo ago of seventy , A Nuuro Duelled. COVINOTOX , Oa , , July 2J. Dan Maloue , i negro ugod twenty-two , was lynched to-duj for uiteuiptiiiK to ravish a whltu woman , EXl'tiOUEftS FranK M. Ilrown nidfTwo ) Boatmen Ioso Tlioti.Tjtre . DBJJVKK , July 33. A purty of surveyor * , headed by Frank M. Brp\vo , loft hero May 23 for the purpose of exploring the Colorado rlvor with a vlow to building a railroad by that route to the Pacific coast. To-day 'tho following telegram was received from the chief engineer of the expedition : KANAII , Utah , July 23. President Frank M. Hrown was drowned In the Colorado rado rlvor , In Marble Canon. July 10 , by a boat being capsized while running the rapids. Ho was thrown Into a whirl pool and was unable to get out of it. All the other Doats of the expedition wont through the rapids safely , nnd my boat reached the point where Ilrown was thrown out one-half minute after the accident hap pened und less than five seconds after ho sank the last time , Five days after , while , work ing our way down , another boat was driven against a cliff , nnd In pushing It off it was capsized and two boatmen , Peter Hnsbough and Henry C. Hlehards , were drowned. It was Impossible to recover any of the bodies. lOWA NKWS. A I'ostoflloe AVur nt Waterloo. WATEIILOO , In. , July 23 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEC.J A lively postolUco light has commenced In this city. The city is di vided into two parts by the Cedar river. Tno cast sldo Is the larger , but the oillco has been located on the west side for tbo past thlrty-flvo years. Several times during the past few years attempts have bean made to move the ofllco to the cast sldo , nnd each time Inspectors have been sent hero , on the strength of whoso reports the ofllco lias been allowed to remain In its present location. The west sldcrs arc , accordingly , very much surprised to learn that the cast sldo has ob tained an order for the removal of the oillco. It is openly charged by west sidors that Ex- Governor Sherman recently went to Wash ington and nrrangod the matter , nnd that If any inspector was sent noneof the people of the west sldo knew of .his presence or were allowed to make nnv showing. Threats of asking the courts to divide the city nro freely made , and stops of this kind may bo taken. If the city Is divided it will mnko two towns of about four thousand and five thousand population , respectively. Hull Stuniplivtr the State. Dr.s MOINES , In. , July 22. | Special Tele- grnm to TIIK BEE. ] John A. T. Hull , repub lican candidate for governor , started out on an election tour through the state to-day. To your correspondent ho stated that ho thought there was no doubt but that the re publican party in its plqtform will declare In unmistakable language both in favor of the present prohibition law nnd the law relating to control of railway ) corporations in the state. Ho seemed confident of n nomin.itinn , and distributes the strength of the different candidates on the first ballot as follows : Lnrrabeo (10 , Hutchlnson iit)0 ) , Wheeler 40J ; the remainder for Hull and scattering. It will tuko 570 to nominate ) . Thd" lieutenant- governorship will ddubttass go to Senator Puyncer , of Tauia , or Ben , Clay ton , ol Potta- watamic. Tried to Kll | His Mother. MASON CITY , la.July 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEB.-sTbq. ] citizens of Polo Alto county are in a high state of excitement. Sunday night a man named , Charles Dough erty got on a big spree , and while under the influence of drink went to the homo where his mother and sister jresido and beat and ' abused tbcin in a crud'l jnanner. With a butcher knife in haud'ho'attompted to com plete his devilish work , but he was so under the Influence of ItqUor that they managed to keep him away until help arrived. Dougherty in some way managed to escape from the excited populace and is still at largo. A posse of men nro in ncarch of him and should ho bo found violence is feared. It is probable that both his mother and sister will recover. Knilroad Olllcts to lie Moved. KEOKUK , la. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J It is almost a certainty that the general ofllcos of the St. Louis , Kcokuk & Kansas City and Kcokuk & Northwestern railroads are to bo moved from this city to St. Louis Humor Jms it that Howard El liot , general freight and passenger agent , will remove the general passenger ofllco to thiit city August 1 , taking with him C. W. Alexander. C. L. Grico , K. F. Bradford nnd Joe Delaphino. Mr. Once , It is said , is to succeed C. G. Lemon , tbo present city ticket agent aj , St. Louis. 'The general superin tendent's ofllce and other departments will bo moved about January 1. A Clmiioo For Detectives. DBS MoiNi'.a , la. . July 23. [ Special Tele- pram to THE BEE. 1 Governor Larrabeo has Issued a proclamation offering a reward of $500 for the an est of the murderers of Mr. and Mrs. Elkius , who wcro killed in Clayton county July 10. The county attorney has furnished the governor with a detailed sketch of the case , from which it appears that no clue to the murderers exists. The gov ernor offers the maximum amount permitted by law in order to Instigate discovery of them. Death or n Traveling Man. 4 ATLANTIC , lu. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. | - W. A. McCutchen , a travelIng - Ing man from DOS Molnes , aged about fifty years , died at the Park hotel In this city at midnight of heart disease or apoplexy. Ho hud arrived on the evening train from the weft. He was well known in the implement trade. HAS FAITH IN JACKSON. Parson I'nvlen Anxious To Rack Pete Against Sullivan. NEW Yonic , July 22. Parson Dovles , of Chicago , arrived to-night. Ho Is stopping at the Continental. At thoJIoffman house the Parson met E. J. Van Horn , a sporting man from Nortli Platto. Mont. Van Horn won $ .10,000 on Sullivan and begun blackgnrdlug Davlcs , who was a Kllraln man , about the backing he had given Kilrnm and Jackson , the colored pugilist. Davie * bocauio angry and un.ouk.ed Van Horn down. Davlcs says Jackson cacugot0,000 bucking to light .Sullivan. Ho is" , hero to arrange a light if possible. | No Newa NEW YOUK , July 22V P. C. Campbell , owner of the balloon , la which the Ill-fatod turonaut Began wen $ up , says it is not true that ho sent a telegram to Hoean's wife at Jucksou , Mich , , saving her husband alighted safely on Long Islaudi Campbell has no knowledge as to Hogaq's whereabouts , and Is Inclined to give hlui up for lost. LOUISVILLE , Ky.JuJjf2ji. An Inflated bag , answering the description of Campbell's air ship , passed over the ally last night. It wont from northeast , tp , southwest und ap peared to bo about twq miles high , AVrHi Superior Strikers Quiet. WEST SurmiionVta. . , July 23. Slnco the arrest of six ring leaders of the mob hero this morning everything has been compar atively quiet. The determined attitude ol General Grlflln und the soldiers was the only thing that prevented serious trouble to-day , Mro at MILWAUKEE , July 22. A flro at Poshtlgo to-day destroyed a number of buildings , in. eluding one owned by 13. F , Harper. Ho hoc been drinking heavily and threatened to Uro his houso. Ho u believed to' bo temporarily InBuno and bus been arrested , Towns Seized Uy CONSTANTINOPLE , July i'-J. The Cretan In surgcnta have seized thn towns of YUUOH ant Cidonla , expelled the authorities uud burnct the archives. SOUTII DAKOTA DISSATISFIED She Thinks Her Northern Slstorn Little Too Avaricious. TERRITORIAL DEBTS AND ASSETS. _ - * Tlio Joint UoinmlsRlou nt Bismarck Kxporlonclnc Some DIIHoulty In Arriving at an Kiiit- tnblo Division. Only Ones StnudiiiR Report Mndn. Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 22. ( Special Telegram to TUB Unn. ] After adjourn ment to-day n number of members sur rounded ex-Auditor James A. Ward , who lad Just returned from Bismarck , to learn Tom him something In regard to the North Dakota convention nnd especially the work of the joint commission. Mr. Ward had boon invited to accompany the South Dakota section of the commission to loud such assistance ns might bo necessary in accounts , os ho has only recently retired from the state auditor's ' ofllce. Ho says that the South Jakotu representatives were surprised nt the proposition of the North Dakota dele gates regarding the division of the tcrrl- .orlul assets and liabilities. It was assumed , lmt South Dakota would bo requrcd to pay , bo bonds outstanding Issued to build the nine , nibllc buildings In South Dakota , and North Dakota Would redeem the bonds for the , hreo Institutions In the north , the amounts being about $700.000 and * 500,000 respectively. As the whole territory had enjoyed the full ) onetlt of all the Institutions , this was .bought to be a fair plan. But the North Da- cotuns proposed to go Into details from the jeglnnlng , learn what sums had cone out of the general fund for the maintenance of the dlflcront institutions and then strlko a bal ance and have one-half the difference credited a the section which had secured the least. This , ho says , is unreasonable and will not jo agreed to , though really the amount In volved Is small , , as the North Dakota boys had always managed to get their share. Mr. Ward pays n high compliment to tha intelligence nnd ability of the North Dakota delegates , oven though the farmers are In control of the convention. Ho Hays that they have ap propriated almost bodily the Sioux Falls constitution , making only such changes ns circumstances rendered necessary. Ho thinks there is no serious disposition to adopt the one-house legislature plans. Mr. Ward udds that the work of the Joint com mission will not be completed until the mid dle of next week , which Is rather dispiriting news to the delegates hero , as the Unance committee has discovered that the SiO.OOO appropriated will run low after this week. There will bo , ho concludes , a dcllcit in the general funds by October of ut least $100,000 , ono-half of which will bo tbo floating debt of each state. A Tcn-Mlnuto Session. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , July 22. In the South Dakota constitutional convention Just one-third of the delegates were present at the ten-minute session to-day. The only business presented was a resolution Instruct ing the Joint committee on the part of South Dakota that in case of any uncertainty as to the location of the seventh standard parallel of the boundary line between the Dakota ? , as fixed bythe omnibus bill , to come to the boat possible agreement with the commission "of North Dakota and report the same to this convention. A report is being circulated by members of the convention , who claim that It is authen tic , that in case of a disagreement of the dead-lock in the Joint commissslon over the division of the prop erty of the territory , or In os- tablishinc the boundary line , Pres ident Harrison will by proclama tion admit the Dakotas without a full settle ment and refer the matte"- congress for ar bitration. The action of the schedule committee in re fusing to submit to the modi He J form of the Australian ballot system will not bo llnnl. A strong minority report will bo submitted fa voring some form of the Australian system , and it is claimed that there is n suOleleiit numbcrof dclcgittcsfavorablo to the measure to adopt the report of the minority , A Ouo House IjcuNlatiiro Proposed. BJSMAJICIC , N. D , , July 22. The event of the day was the consideration of n resolution providing for a single body legislature. The leading champion of the ono house Idea was Stevens , of Hansom , who delivered a care fully prepared speech. Itev. Eza Turner , of Battlncau , and Parsons , of Morton , also spoke In favor of the ono house plan. The question was discussed in committee of the whole , but the committee rose without reaching a vote. A hurried caucus showed that over thirty-five members of the conven tion are favorable to the proposition and that many moro nro on the fonce. It will come up for discussion again to-morrow. The Williams constitution , a synopsis of which was given in the Associated press dis patches last nlcht , is the subjcctof much dis cussion. All who have read it admit the convention would notmuko any serious mis- talc o : n adopting it in full , but is not in har mony with some of the hobbies , and must therefore undergo amendment und demoral ization , if not entirely brushed aside for anew now document. It conflicts with the Judiciary committee , inasmuch as it favors the estab lish jent of county courts , nnd conflicts with the idea of county court advocates by refus ing to abolish the ofllco of Justice of thu peace. It antagonizes the woman suffragists by Ignoring them altogether. It does not please thn prohibitionists because It leaves the question entirely with the legislature and makes no provision for the submission of the question to a vote. At this afternoon's session It was ordered that all standing committees bo required to report by Thursday of the present week. This Is done to force the convention to busi ness. Harris , of iturloigh , hue introduced a legislative apportionment bill. It provides that until othcrwlso provided the senate shall consist of tblrty-iivo members and the house of seventy members. Lander , of Hlchlund , introduced an article discouraging the holding of largo tracts of lands by individuals or corporations as against the publla welfare ; also by taxation providing that the franchise of the roadway , roadbed nnd rolling stock of railroads shall boaftscssnd by the state board of equalization at their actual value , the same to bo apportioned to the counties , cities , townships and districts in which the roads are located , und tbo rail roads shall not be valued at less than 1,000 nor moro than (7,000 per mile. It also pro vides that Income taxes may bo collected from persons , corporations or Joint stock companies. A number of other articles were introduced. Bennett , of Grand Forks , Introduced a pro vision that at the general election immedi ately preceding ) the expiration of the term of a United States senator from this state the electors may by ballot express their preference for u candidate for tuo United States senate , Convict 1/nlior DIsoiisHed , HELEXA , Moyt. , July 22. In the conven tion to-day the article on boundaries was carried , also the military bill. A resolution was carried that tbo legislature may estab lish a bureau ol labor and industry' The convict labor question caused u long discus sion. Toolc moved to nmwd the bill relat ing to leasing convict labor. Mlddlcton asked that convicts bo allowed to work , Dlxon offered an amendment allowing thorn to work , but prohibiting Interference with free labor. Dlxon's amendment was lout by 83 to 9. Adjourned. An Educational TM Aukort , OI.VHI-U , W. T. , July 23 , In the conven tion to-ddy a petition was pretcutoa from the teachers asking for an educational test for voters. The report of the conunlttco on county and municipal governments provides that no now county shall bo created with less than 20,000 Inhabitants , nor shall exist ing counties bo divided so ns to leave less than 4,000 In the old counties , debts to bo divided pro ratn. All municipalities shall bo created by general laws , except In case of cities of moro than 2T ,000 , which can elect fifteen freeholders to frame a charter for them , this to be submitted to a vote of the people , and if ratified become n law. The power to Impose taxes upon counties , towns nnd municipalities for local purposes is vested absolutely In the local authorities nnd not In the legislature. An effort was mndo to got a vote on the report favoring prohibition , but was postponed until Monday , It seems It has no chance of passing : in any shape. _ AT OliEYiSXNH TttViau AGKNOV. Very liittlo Progrcin HuliiK Undo l > y the Oomtnlflfdnn. CiiEvnxNn KIVEU Ac nsor , Dnk. , July 22. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. | When Swift Bird , Charger , Llttto-No-Hcart und Four Bears , agreeably to n promise made yesterday , signed the bill , it was thought a rush would bo Inaugurated , but the signa tures did not follow very swiftly. Only nbout fifty have signed suico morning , mak ing In all nbout 250 names at the present writing. For this tharo exists n cause , but ono hard to discover , ns an Indian never gives uwuv anything. Careful investigation Ims convinced the commissioner Unit the loaders in opposition have been liberally subsidized by those whoso personal interests it is to have these negotiations unsuccessful until after the election of October 8 , the river towns for state capital furnishing the money. Major Randall , a tireless worker among cnuips , xnys that ho discovered a powerful combination lust evening which has been formed by this means , but hopes' to break it. To-day another public council has boon called for the evening , but the majority of the Indians hnvo gone out to meet n largo party from Uoscbud agency coming hero to visit. Ouo of thu opposing Influences to which reference has been repeatedly made lu these dispatches is tlmt of ccrUiln of the missiona ries located hero. The employes of the mis sion located on the Pcoria bottom arc well known to bo using strong efforts to prevent signatures. It is said that the head of this mission , during his recent trip to the -Had Hiver camps to ndimulstcrtho sacrament , mcd his persuus'.ou against the bill. General Crook held a council with several wise men of the tribe who uro commissioned to net as Judges by the department. They asked bun to recommend the extension of tnclr Jurisdiction to Include petty offenses committed by white men on the reservation. Croxv Euglo , ono of the twelve , then asked thu general some questions relative to taking land on the Bad river after the land was Bold to the government. Upon the assurance that this could bo done by the Indians , ho was apparently satisfied , nnd will probably sign soon. All of those present , Four Bears ( since signed ) , Uuttllug Rib and Crow Eagle , wcro strong in their opposition , but now nro favorable. The weakening of tlioso chiefs now only leaves on the Choyono rlvor the bands of Hump nnd White Swan's fol lowing In opposition. Hump has boon mndo an especial pet of the agenuy hero , being given ulaco as chief of police , with the rank of major , that his aid might bo obtained to assist in all progressive ways the hostile bands recently brought down from the Pop lar river in Montana. As tbo courier starts a council Is in iiro- gress , at which it is thought there will bo ob tained a largo number of signatures. Fired JJlJon by nu Indian. MILES Cmr , ' Mtfni ; Jiily 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ben. ] Territorial Dele gate Carter , who hus boon examining com plaints on the Cheyenne agency , was fired on while leaving the agency in a wagon by u young buck Indian , who made his escapo. The ball whizzed past Mr. Carter's ' head , but did no harm. There Is no reason for the In dian's act other than pure dcvlishncss. D1KD IV A GAUKEF. The Lonely Death of S. S. Cartwrixht , a Wealthy Topeku Miser. TOI-KKA , Kan. , July 22. [ Special Telegram to THE Ben. ] S. S. Cartwright , a wealthy miser , who has resided in Topeka n great many years and is worth at least fiW.OOO , died this morning of heart disease. Ho was living in a garret nnd no ono was present at the tlmo of his death. Ho owned several largo cattle ranches in this Btato und hud valuable real estate Interests in this city. Ho has two daughters and a son at Albany , N. Y. His will makes an oven division of the property among them. Bryant. Will Soil I'rnctor Knntt. LOUISVII.LK , July 22. It Is reported that Sam Bryant , the well known turf man , will sell his interest in Proctor Knott and Co mo w-Taw to his partner , George Scroggan. Bryant will , at the same time , sell out all his other race horses. Next ycur ho will again come upon the turf and with an entirely now stable. It Is said the sale is to tuke placet after the Saratoga meeting. Between Omaha and Lincoln niddors NEIIIUSKA CmNob. . , July 22. [ Special Telegram to Tun BIB. : ] The board of public works this afternoon opened bids for paving two districts with home-made brick. There were four bidders , nnd the award lies be tween Hiloy & wichham , of Omaha , and Egan , of Lincoln , Decision was reserved until Thursday. Burglary at L'nlumhus. COLUMIIUS , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BKK. ] Greison Bros , diy goods , boot and shoo store , was entered by burglars last night. The back door was broken open. Clothing valued at HO was taken. An old suit of clothes was left in the store in place of the now ones taken , Brought Hack the Hey Burulnr. NnmiASKA CiTr , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Telotfmm to TIIK Bii.J : Sheriff Wilman re turned last night from Pondloton , Ore. , with Lewis Gornhnrdt , the boy burglar , in his custody , who Jumped his bail several months ago. He was going under an assumed name. Round Over For Stealing a Heifer. GoTiiRNiiuito , Nob. , July 32 , [ Spaolal Telegram to TIIK Bm.l Jumcs W. Wallace , of Cozad , was to-day arraigned in 'Squire ' Snenccr's court for stealing a heifer , waived examination nnd gave $300 bond for his ap pearance at the district court. Will Go to Washington. HKY.NOI.DS , Nob. , July 23.- [ Special to TUB BBB. ] Hon. W J. Pcoibprton , special axent of the land ofllco for Montana , will KO to Washington in compliance with Instructions from the department of the Interior , starting from Reynolds Thursday. A Normal and ItiiHinnHH College. STIIOMSIIUHO , Nob. , July 22. [ SpccUl to Tun lir.K. | J. J. Bryant , of Burlington Junction , Mo. , has shipped bin apparatus to this place , and ho intends opening a normal and business college September 1 , BiiM ) > ly. CIIIOAOO , July 23. The vlslblo supply of grain according to board of trade report Is as follows : Wheat , 13.105,000 bushels , decrease 510 , . 000 ; corn , 7W1,000 bushels , derreubo , 'J53- 000 ; oats , 4,003,000 , decrease 401,000 ; rye , 621,000 , Increase 11,000 ; barley , 377,000 , nq change. _ _ An Application for Hurko'n ItrlctiHo. WiNNii'BO , July 23. To-morrow the solic itor for Martin Hurko , the Cronln suspect , will muko application for n writ of habeas corpuy , on the ground of liumlllciuiivy of evi dence. CALDWELL'S ' CALL EXPLAINED A Suit Against the Union Pnolfll n.ud Woatoru Union. TO BE CONDUCTED BY HIM. It la n Tent Cso Uroucht Ily the A > tortioy General In Horqrctnco to Telegraph Privileges on Mnou. WASHINGTON Htmiuu , TnnO\uuA Bus , t 513 FounTBBNTn Srnnnr , \ WASIIIVOTON. D. C. . July 22. | On the 7th of August , 183S , President Cleveland approved an act of congress which provided that all subsidized railroads must ? rant equal facilities to totogrnph companies. Under this act the roads were restrained from entering into contracts with tiny ono telegraph company which would qlvo thai company undue udvantngo over Its comi'ot- itors. It was aimed directly at the Umou L'aclllc , und the reason for the legislation was that numerous complaints had boon made that the Union Pnclllu had entered Into a contract with the Western Union telegraph company which prevents the other companies from using the wires along the line of the Union Pnclflo ex cept through the payment of the rates which the favored corporation chose to exact. Penalties for the violation of the terms of the act were provided besides vesting Jurisdiction In the matter In the inter-state commnrco committee. Shortly nftcr the passage of this measure through congress the Western Unloti telegraph coui pnny instituted suit ngntnst the Union Pucilla to enjoin the railroad fiom violating the con tract between the two corporations the oo Jcct being , of course , to prevent the road from accepting thu business of other and rival telegruph companies on equal icrind with the Western Union. The outcome of this suit was tlmt u temporary injunction was grunted nnd this Injunction Uus never been vacated , lu order to carry out the terms of the law , so far nt it nppllc'B to his department , the attorney general has decided to institute milt ugujuBl the Union Pucllic nnd the Western Union lu order to test thu validity of thu contracts ex > isting between them. This was madn neces sary by the fact that ln thu injunction pro cccdlug instituted by the telegraph company against the railroad the United States was not made a party. The proposed suit IB there fore in the order of a test case to test the va lidity of the act of 1SSS. To-day tV > attor ney general appointed Mr. J. J. Culihvcll assistant United States attorney for the pur pose of representing the government in this matter. Mr. Culdxvull resides In Lincoln , Neb. Ho has been hero several days In con nection with his new duties und loft this af ternoon for home , und will begin the suit'at onco. AUIMTOU WILLIAMS' UISIOJATION. : It appears that the acceptance of the resig nation of Colonel John S. Williams , of Indi ana , recently as auditor of thu treasury was duo to some discoveries maun by u secret in vestigation into the conduct of his oillco. It was generally supposed that Colonel Williams would bo allowed to remain because of the influence of his brother. General Gcorffo B. Williams , and this might have been so had not the discoveries referred to ibcon mado. It appears that during the recent campaign Auditor Williams' had made for the use of the democratic national" com mittee' copies of the names of all the pensioners in Now Ybrk nnd Indiana whoso "drafts and vouchers p'assed through his ofllce. By this means the committee in tlioso cities were enabled to know what pen sioners were about to receive money from the government nnd they doubtless mada use of this knowledge in a very otToctlvo way to secure votes. A IIUMOKEI ) Al'POIXTMENT. ' There Is u report m circulation to-day that ex-Congressman John II. Thomas , of Illinois , is llimllv to receive tin appointment uud that ho will bo mndo commissioner of the cenonil lund oillco to-morrow. The president is out of town. Secretary Noble Is busy with Homo , ofllcial duty and denies himself to callers and no authoritative continuation or contra diction of the report can bo obtained- The report appears to bo bused upon u slute- mcnt made by nn olllcinl of the interior do- prrtmcut to the effect , that ho had seen the appointment lying upon the secretary's ' table already signed by the president , but this , olllcinl cannot bo found. Captain Thomas , nays tlmt ho knows nothing whatever about It , further than that several persons have told him the announcement might bo ex pected to-morrow. He does not know how reliable the reports arc , und has no ofllcial Information whatever. NHW NCIIIIAHKA POSTVSrHH5. . Burclmrd , Pawnee county , J , C. Dart ; . Plum Vnlloy , Knox county , Joseph H. En- , man ; Spring Hunehe , Clay county , Ilulph E. Terry ; Tutan , Saundcrs county , D. S. C. Alexander. Edward Collins was appointed postmaster- nt Coalvillo , Ulster county , Iowa. NuurnNka and Jown 1'aiiHlons. WASHINGTON' , July 23. ( Special Telegram to TUB BUB. " ) Pensions granted Nebruskaps : . Original invalid ( nav.v ) Joseph W. Stovcns > George W. Aughinbach , Chester Ogden , D. W. Halnes , Juinos Croumer. Increase Gcorgo H , Jloss. Relsiiuo and increase B. . H. Gray. Pensions granted lowans ; Original Inva lid Alfred R , Booth. .Tncob Ulchcl , Dcniol H. Wuit. Leonard D. Hatllcld. Increase George W. Combo. Reissue John S. Hob- IDROII , Juhu Campbell. Original widows , otaKmmu A. , widow of Francis M. Cur * punter. CahlnntOnitscrN Off Duty. WASHINGTON , July 22. Secretary Proctor left for Vermont at 11 o'clock this morning- for a short vacation. Chief Clerk Twoodal * was designated acting oocrotary of wur in his absence. This leaves the state , war und nuny buildings without a moaiber of the cabinet on duty. Want a Third Tost. WASHINGTON , July 23. The noard of ofll- corn detailed to conduct the ofllcial trial of thn gunboat Petrol , Saturday , its second ofllninl test , will rucominimd to Secretary Tracy that u third t-Uil bo and. The trial Saturday was u , due to the Inexperi ence of the llrcmcn. Chill InorrnnoH Her Population. WASHINGTON , July ! J3. The latest reports from the tallinnm of Panama ut the Htitto department show it is very quiet there. Chili , desirous of adding to her population , furnished ! l,000of the Canul workmiin thrown out of employ incut with trmmpoitRiiou u > her ports. Two Unsuccessful AitomptN to Tnka I'ort-iui-l'rliiOL1. NKW YOUK , July 22. The ouptaln of tha Atlas line steamship Alone brines news time on July 11 Hippolytu attempted to take Port * nu-Prfnco. On the 12th Itihtant hu also mudq tiovcral assaults , but was repulsed o.ich tluio with loss. Subsequently ho retreated to Croix-dcs-Bouquots , a point nbout nlnoir.iloa , from PorlAUii-Princo , where ho Is now cu- cumped. _ KauniiN City ( tarmmtcr * Klrilcn. KAXSA CITY , July 2J. Between 000 and 500 curpciitcrx fit ruck to-day fur u nine hou working day Instead of the ton and eleven. hour days. No advance of wugeu wua do- inuuded , _ AV < * uthnr Indliiatlonn. Nfibraskn nnd IOIVB ; Khowei * , clearing In Nebraska , c'mlor , followed by rlelng temperj , nlui-n In wcbtern Nebraska , noitheriy winds. 1-Mikota ; Filr : , clnart'ig In tou'.aurn pi > r . tlon , vvurmur , variable \vltiln ,