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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1889)
OTE OMAHA DAILY BBBSr &ESDAY. JUNE li ; 1889. SEEOIAL NOTICES , OMAHA. AdvcrU'cmonn under this fiend 10 cents per line to * tlm first insertion , 7 centii for ouch nub- firauontrliiiertlon , nna tl.rfi per line per month. NoftdvcrllsetncnttAlcon for loss than 26 cents for first Insertion. 8ov < < n word * will bo counted to the Itnoj they muit rnn consecutively and tnnst bo pnld in ADVANCH. All ndverllse- mrntft must Do handed In before 12:1)0 : ) o'cloct p , m , , * t.'d imdof no circumstances will they bo tnkon or discontinued by telephone. I'nrues advertising In thcso columns nnd liny- ing their answers addremed In earn of TitK llr.r. v ( It i > lcnjo nsK for A check to onnlilo them to gotr tliolrltttirs , na none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ndvcr- tlsrmcnlBitliouliI bo enclosed In envelopes. All nrtvertHemcnts In those columns nre pub- UMied In both niornlntrnnd evening editions of Tlin HRK , tl < ( > circulation of which aggregates more limn 18(00 ( pnpcr.sdully , nnd gives the nd- vortlscrMhobenent , not only ot the city clreu- lutlonplXili DKF Intt ftlso of CounHl IlluffH , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout thin section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES , .Advertising for Hicso columns will bo taken en the above Conditions , nt the followlug biul- ncs UlAhMCwbo nro uwhorlzcd agents forTiiB 1IJIK Kticclni notice * , nnd will quota the sntno rates ns cnn be bad , nt the ninln olllco. J Htrect , 0 HASC & r.nm * . Stationers and Printers. 113 South 10th Street. 11. PA.INBWCWTH , I'hnrmncist , 3115 Cum- Ing Street. W.1.'HtIJHfcS. Pharmacist , KJ4 North 10th Bifrot. 1KO.\V. PAKH Phnnnaclst , 1809 St Mnry's I Avcuuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. * IX7 A Tlil ! ) Situntloirby fi young man , ( Oer- TI man ) whohns'a peed education , to tnka cnro of n horse or private family woric. Ad dress OCT. Dee. ! T I2f WANTKO Situation by n compctnnt moat or pastry cook ( man ) sober and rallnblc. Address O 86 llo olllco. 20312 * ituationbyJin experienced salesman on road , or can act ns * olllco mnn. AddiosiC , iUlico. l > x-ia : A competent middle aped lady ; situation in lighthousowork. Calf 1801 Websterst.2302t ] * "WANTED--MAI.e HELP. N.TED Harbor .for tournament. Alton loiiao , Council Illuira. 27U-10' ' W ANTED A good second bnkor , at the t'axton hotel. 881-litt. STEADY work for two good carpenters ac customed to bench work. Apply nt 2218 Ilarnoy st. before Jn. m. or 0 p. m. lV.Evorott. _ 272 10- WANTEJi Stonecutters ; I7S non-union stone-citttors by the cut stonn contractors of St. Paul , Minn. Any man working for mem bers of the MUsouri Vnlloy nssoclatlon must have a letter of Introduction from their em' ployer. J. 0. p. Yonnc ; . sneretary. 2-11 lot AGENTS' Wniited-Elthor sex. for nettled Electricity , graatost catarrh and hoadnctto euro ever neon ; some nuents nra making f.VJ dny. Address U. S. Homo Mfg Co. E. Oept Chicago , 111. 23U 12 WANTED A man who has had experience lit making specifications for steam nnd liot water heating , and all kinds of pipe work ; nlso in estimating such work , A permanent position with good salary to the right man. llcst of references required. Address O 19 , Omaha lleo. 221-10 WANTED Good , responsible men to take orders for our now household goods. Will pay salary and commission. Apply,2223 Cumlng , 173 12 B OYS-Am. Dlst. TcL Co , , 1301 Douglas. 709 MEN to Travel for the Fonthlll Nurseries of Canada. Wo pay { 50 to $100 n month nnd expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown stock. Ad. Stone & Wellington. Madison , Wis. 709 WANTUO Kallroad laborers , rookmon and track-layers for Washington Territory ; good wages and steady work , at Albright's , Lnboi- gcncy. 1131 Farnam st. 034 WANTED Several moro energetic nnd reli able solicitors. The Singer Mfg. Co. , 1513 Douglas st. 6U33iil WANTED FEMALE HELP. ' ANTKD Pantry girl , S3 ; 3 dining room glrln. (25 : 4 elderly women In small fanil * lien"dishwashers , washing , W : cook for Holonn , t > > , faro paid ; girls on farms , 60 for general housoworJt in ami out of city. Mra. Hrcgn. 'JUY B. irth. 231 lit WANTED House maid , Gorman , \veok 1 : cook for 3 in family , no Hashing , J5 week ; cook for Stromsburg , SO : Traltre ses$5 ; kitchen plrls for Ynukton , Jnk. , fares paid ; waitresses in city , $ " > : chamber maids , house tualds , laxindry gills , loti of Rood places. Umnlm Krop. llnronn. IIP N ; 10th Bt. llt ) 10 * TXf ANTHD-fl good dressmakers , 1320 Capitol V avenue. 230-lUt GOOD girl to do general house work. Apply at 1539 Sherman ave. Itoferecce re- quired. 251 Iftt W ANTED Girl for general housework. Will p&y good wnges. Apply 1102 So. Oth. 270-11 $ \\f AN'i'KL ) A girl for general uousework , 018 YV s. 17th. g W ANTKD Good experienced girl for gen- ciiil noiisowork. U308 llouglas st. a2o Qllir. . 721. S. JOth. 3 in family , 1(1 " \\rANTHO Chambermaid nt Dornn house , T 423 S. 18th st , 1 block south ot court house. ] H3 WAN'1'lil ) Competent nurse girl , ono that is klnanml willing.8X ) Farnam. lit 'A OKHMANglri for general housework. ( X J\S. 1'lth t. 098 PRESSK1AKINO. Tl/riBSMlNNIOK / has removed her dressmaking J-TXparlorx.fromlHl'iHoward . to 17-II.euvoiiw'th. BUe will bo pleased to hare customers call. DUESBMAiUNG , in families , 6J5 B. 17th. nous * BOARDING. * n < IUBT-class day board. Inquire 1009 Douglas W"ANTII ! > Two gcntlomon , or man and wife to take room nnd board In private family , only TblocVtifromposlolllco , on cublo auil near bor/io cur lino. Finest location In city , lawn , etc. All modern * conveniences. Itoasonnblo tonna to fight party. C. 2. lloo. Uou-lti ' ' WANT'ED'-TO RENT. WANTED lloom and board by man and witii in piivuto family , within 10 blocks ot onion depot und cast of 'Mill st. State terms nd address 02t > , lleo. 288 12' \A7ANTUU llj man and wife to rout fur- T iililioil house , some yard und shade till tbot | | Oct. 1. tiood care guariintoed. Addiess QJM. lloe. 2511 u * fXTANTK ! ) to rent by family ottwo , nnun- T ! fiunlsllcd cottage In good condition con taining u or "r'ooms ; must have terms and lo cation torccelvo any attention. AdOruns u 6. % Jlce. 229 FOR RENT--HOUHES. U llKNT-0-roomcottage , 8J68. 21st street. tit'O ' 1(5 ( 6-nouM house for rout , Cth nnd Poiipleton Jmiulro BIT ropplutou avo. ! iri7 lilt "ITiOIl HKNT 7-rooui corner Hat. 10th and J. Jones. 200 HUNT Au ll-ioom house , yiiifl. y4)u ) I'liUfornla M. M ) IflUH HUNT Cnuap. tl-room flat , with city ui- JU tor anil all conveniences , 2oW Loavcin\ortli. _ J1 11 * IJlOU" KENT Several very desirable uouxrs JL ? in first-class neighborhood , pleasant nnd healthy location ; ail modern conveniences. Inquire. Oeo. N. lIlcM. room 40 , Ilarkar block. FOH HUNT Klegant new brick i-oiner : i''ml nnd ropplutou nvouuo , all mod * urn conveniences lutiutro Gee , N. Hicks , loom i\llarkBr ( _ block. -il * . Strictly llrst-clBss now ten * room brick homo , all modern Improve. niantn ; will rent to nice and rcBponslhln party kt vnrv reasonable price. Inquire 1411 N.1UU , TTioTlTnTNT A detacliun 0-room noiieo , all JU modern convenience * , l.mi. 2D''J Cnpttol avo' buses , ciiworth Bt. , one 14 and ono 9 room j ; moil- ern ronveiilonci's : wilt put In repair , Jmiulrj room -0 N'obrasia National bank uM. J'.i.i "frOU flUNT-7-robm ilat , i at the I'nlr , JL1 llth and Howard. S7U 'fOE 7-room oottAgo * ; good cellars , cUtcrns , \el \ ) , good batn ; convouloiit to school and chuiuh ; 8W per month tor the tmmmor. Apply Ht once , C. P , Iliimsca , MercJiauti' NnVlj ank , 772 . . . KNli4rooml < rlckilwelllni ; . all con. vcnlencas , 6 blocks from 1' . U t-'Hi W. luth st. TTIOIl KENT For the summer months , wall * rU fuiulshed liuuso In IIt i-cla locality , 10 minutertulkfrom court Uouso. Call or Ad * dr 8IUS Kill Bt. 7i ! "IjTiilt lIRH'i' * A flat in Urn Ik ? CuTlTingt .IJ T room * , attmmliont , gas and bath. Anply to A. U. Itaymer , htudwurc , ICth uud Juclcson , , 771 T Olt -Nowbrlckliouoea. . H roimr. ith JL' every modem ronvculuncd ; on cabin Huul pnly do i > srmoatX c. T , 'JVylor , cor. Utli and JJOUfilM. Wl O room modern house ! Rood burn } 10 mtnutM J from P. O. ? 830. 11. B. Cole , It B , Contlaonul TT On ttKNT 7-rOom cottfiRO. Applf 1112310th Imoil KENT For 8 months , 6-room cottage , JL1 turnlshcd. Enquire IK 8 Dodge st. SC3-1U furnished 10-room house for ELEGANTLY avo. gall HOII IlENT Nicely furnlshod front roomalso ; 2 other rooms , with hatli nnd bonra , for 103 rnrnnm. 2 < S 1C * TjlOll IlENT 1'arnshed rooms all modern JL ! convcnlcnccx ; 2214 1'nrnnin. ANDSOME furnlshod rooms for rent nt 22JU Knrnam at. 2110 * llKNT-Cobl , pleaiant furnished seep- JJ lug rooms nt reduced rntcs , tl.fO and up ward per week. Come see them , 807 Howard st. > UOOM8 in aflat , 8v corner 10th nnd I.eav- Oeimqrtli. 171 Ej US TUTTM. . formerly of 1812 Chicago St. , has removed to Jlr. Morrlnm'fl new houses , 100 and ins So. Sitli ft. , nnd Is nnw ready to rent rooiin , furnUhsd or unfurnished , vlth Ilrst- class board. -rn-lo * TJOOMS nnd board , 103 ana 108 So. 25th st. JLv . 87 July 8t TTiou urNTllooins for nonickecplng , fur- JL1 ntnhod nnd unturnlshod , ! J07 Howard , reduced - ducod rents. , CTJ10 * " * . "n01.I-Y furnished rooms , board ItdCRlrPd ; ( gas , biun , clcctrlubells , ' tc. 1009 Douglas. 1 107 TTIOR UKNT T * < * deslrnblo furnlshod rooms JL1 nt713 S. lathst. . 101 lit \KrANTim A family to tnko line furnlshod T > rooms in oxch.intjo forboard wo persons. Address. 0 15. live. 100 11T IT [ 11KNT Neatly furnished room tor ono or two gentlemen , 1811 iznrd street. lbO-3 ' TT1UIINISHRD room for rent after Juno tit , 802 ! Hurt st. 153 TJOOMSnnd homo board for ( undo cents. -IV 1718 Uodgo. 117-inj 3 T7IUKN1SHED rooms , 3 N 10th. J } . 131 10 * FOH IlENT Fiirutshed rooms , first-class ac commodations. MM. Tivlngler , ois s 13th street. TO flOlt 11KNT Furulshcil rooms with board In ! private family , 1713 Dodge. luo 10 * JJUIIINISIIKD rooms , nlco location , gas nnd batu. $5 to 81- per moutb. 222) Lcavomvorth 108 lot POIl HKNT Furnished room on bath room floor , with board. 1011 Douglas at. 087-11' TJIUHNISHBI ) rooms by day. weeK or month , J3 bt. Clnlrhotol. cor 13tlmnrt lodo. 775 HJU HKNT-rurnlsliod-rooms. 23J3 Dod co. ' 2.J7 IB * T A110K front room with bod-room adjoining. JLJhaudsamoly furnished , gas and ho&tod by Btoain. with use of bath room. In ono of the liiinOHOtuost residences In the city , without board. Inquire n. w. cor. 1'Jth andljoavonworth 770 filUUNISHnD rooms , slnglo or on snlto , ba L' and steam : for gents only. 151'J Howard. 2 NICE south front rooms with every conven ience ; telephone in house. 1 ! 3 Capitol ave. T ? 00M with \yltnout board. 1812 Dod e. JLt 7SO 11KNT lloom. 1C21 Howard. 781 FUUNISIIRn or unfurnlshad house for rent in Parle Terrace , opposltn Hanscom park ; nil modern conveniences. Inquire ben & Nlchol , 28th nnd Leavonworth. 782 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms centrally lo cated , with or without board , prleo reason able. CO I S. 13th. 701 IQt T71OH REtsT 2 front rooms , en snlte , modern JL ? conveniences , tor gentlemen only. 315 N.nth. NICE rooms , furnished , $3 to $12 per month , or by week. Peabody house , 14th nnd . Jones. - 703 j 2ot LARGE furnished room torrent , suitable for - ' gentlemen. 1123 Farnam. 6CJ FOH IlENT From Juno 1st. suite of rooms , with board , at 1722 Dodge st. 43 < ) JIO TTlOll KENT A pleasant room , only I ) minutes JL' walk from busluoss center , all modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's avo. and 2uth or ( UO 3. KOth , brick residence. COl JOYELY south front room , every conven ience , K block from street car. 23U Douglas. FOU RENT A nicely furnished largo front rogtn , all modern conveniences ; for furtuor particulars call ot 2215 Dodge st. VF Ott IlENT Nicely furnished front room with boardaUcouvonlcucos,1910 Capitol ave. T71TJRNISIIED rooms , 113 S. SOtn , near Dodgu. JD S37JH * FORRENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED tTIOH IlENT Unfurnished rooms suitable tor housekeeping in suits ot 2 to 4 ; convenient location , llutts llcntlng Agency , 1TO1 Fnrnam. unfurnished rooms , i04 Web- ' liter , suitable for housaKooplug ; price 322,50 HBNT Pleasant unfurnished rooms overlCOl Howard st. Tor olfices purposes "xl FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. TIIOII KENT An olllco or desk room. Anply -U at 1513 Farnnm st. Si 11 ? T71OU IlENT Stores nnd living rooms on Cum- JL' ing st. Alee house on Cass tit. Hards , room 411 , lat Nat. Duns. 20& POlt IlENT Front olllce , ground floor , 810 815th. 21)7 ) TIIOII UENT-The 4 story brick buildiug with Ju or without power , now occupied by The Uoa Publishing Co. . 91 Farnam st. The building has a lire proof cemented basement , complete steam heating nxtures , water on all the floors , ga . etc. Apply nt tiu olllco ot Tne lloe. 015 H OTEL for rent Hlg money can bu made by right party. Addrcsn 0 1U , Hoe. 18S-Bt "inOll llENT-Storo 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st. JD Enquire 1111 Jackson. * 78.1 TTIOH KENT Store , with rooms in the lonr in JU which family can llvo ; & pur month. C. V. Harrison , Merchants' Nnt..bauk. 753 171011 ItllNT-aUoorstioiit halt Botnls biillOU JL ? lug , power , heat , olectrlo light. Inuutro of- flee of Hem Is Omnha Hag Co. B1U J 2J RENTAL AGENCIES. GEO. J. I'AUTj , mi 1'tu-narn at , houses , stores , etc , for rent. 7SB IK YOU want tti buy. snll , rent or oxcliatige , call on or address U , J , Sternsdorlf , rooms 1117 uua 318 flr t National bank building. 7bU TVyou'woutyotir nousos rented list with Par- JL rotu's rental ' agency , ictli and Dodge. 07U-J2S PERSONAL. TDEHHONAL LWpo front loom , nicely fur- JL ulahcii. lo rent Jnuulvo&ll So. luth st. 27114 * 'l > KiBONAl ; l'hotoH of Omaha base ball club X hu on sale ut Uoyu , the ptiotographer. Gran- Itobloct. 124 MISCELLANEOUS. K n. m. to 0 p . in. Sundays 3 p. in , to u p. m. MilUrdttiid Muriayliottls. 221-lu _ UMIIIIELLAB nnd parasols covered and ie. paired , 217 8 15th lloyd's opera house block , in rubbur store. It. llntor. _ 701 V\7ANTEl-AppllcatIon for $5.00J loan at low V t rates. Uooree J. Puul , 100-J Fnrnam st. 6(11- ( JOjiNT. DALBJT. aewer builder nud drain layer , liouuo ilralnngo and sanitary work a specialty , Olllw lidi Dougluii Bt. . Oiuaho , N b. _ ' _ _ 73 EO. li.JONUS. pl'umblui ; and eas lilting vt di aln laying , newer and water connection * K npoclaity , Kli Dougo basomunt. Omaha , _ fplll' banjo taught as an art by Ueo. ! ' . Gel- .1. leubeck , Apjily nt lleo olllce. OjO T OST A Eliepbord dojf nvo raontha old. had JLitac No. aw : answers to mime "Dane. " A Hbenil reward w 111 bo pnld ou bis return to 1 * . L. Porlne , ItCU Dodge Bt. 200 U _ LOST'iro rod leather pocketbook , con * talnlng I2.V XluJer ploise return to K. U Adams , Norths oitem n-ol lit liotiho and re. ceivo j reward- SB 13 _ TllAYKDor Stolcn-Krom Krug Ilroi. , 2203 S. Utli st. , ou May 21 , hcuvy blacic bull dog , weight ubuut Oj or 70 Ibja ; \ uudt-rsDot and an. nwor * to the IIMIIO of Tuc ; liberal leward will bepnta for hla return or any information lead * inn to his wnercabouta. au3 lit _ LOST 11 ban colored llolsteln cow ; any Infer * nmtlcnvlll no th nk ullv receirid ftt J. L , llrnudtcs & 6om. tU STORAGE. QTOIIAOR nt low rates nt 1121 r rnam t.i Ootnaha Auction nnd Storngo. _ I"- , rpllACKAGE. Rtorngo , lowest rates. W. JH ' JL Hnnhmitn.jan Leaven worth. _ 703 'O HANCH&CO. . storage , 1211 Howard JO TPt 8oilAGI5nnd forwanllm ? . We coilecti and deliver goods ot nil descriptions , morchnn. tllso , furniture and baggAgi , nt cheapest rates for Htorugo for nny length ot time , Vnns nnd wagons to bo hn-1 nt shortest notice , with earn- fill mrn for moving. Packing and Bhtpplng from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Morchnndtso loaded nnd unloaded. Wnrcnnuie on our own track ? . Olllco 217 > S.Uth 't. ' ; telnpnono lit. Howell .v Co. aii "cLAmVOYAMT H. NANN1U V. Wnrren. clnlfvoynnt. mod- leal nnd business meJliim , 1'oinnlo dlsenses a specialty. lli N ICth st. rooms S nnd a. 705 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINQ _ Cl'TAKlA III ) shorthnna BcIiooinn ton"bTocTc , ' Oiaucccsior to Vnlontlno's shorthand Instl- tutei , the largest , best equipped shorthand school In the wests Is under the personal supervision - vision of Josoiih P. Mogoath , MI ox-oniclalro- porter nnd state agent of the Homlncton Stand * urdtypowrltor , assisted by experienced ver batlm reportors. Mechanical construction ot machine taught by factory expert. Paittculnr attention p'Ud to typuwrltlnp. Stonogrnpliors' suppllos for s.ilc. Circular froo. 103 QHOHTIIAND n"urt typewriting. Omaha busl- Onoss collcuc , cor Capitol nVo mid ICth. Standard mctliods tnupht by C. C. Ewlng. of San Trnnclsco , the boat tnichor on the Pnolllo coast , Munson'srevised of'8Jn specialty ; now plan ; blncktonrrt Illustration ; dny nnd evening classes ; call or write for tonns. 707 rilllH Omnhn Short'Hnnd Inutltuto. Ilnmgi ) JL block , Omaha , oneued Monday. .May undnr the management of n thorough and prac tical stenographer. Ploasantost nnd best ven tilated adiool room In the west. Positions found for graduates. Call or wrlto for particu lars' Terms , jio per month In advance. Type writing free. 033 J ID WANTED TO BUY. WANTED for spot rash , n forty or twenty- acre tract Inside the four-mile limit ; no boom prices eutertnlned. Leave propositions nt lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Ii4 < ) . U07 f \ OOOn notes past duo or short tlTne.nnsocured Vj or with mortgngo , bought any whore luomr.ha la. , or Nob. Quick loans , Omana city or farm. Call or write , AV.L. 13 , Hoard Trade , WANTED Furniture , carpets , ntovcs nnd household goods of nil kinds. Omnha Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnnm. SOU A NT1QUA1UAN Hook Store , 1113 Farnnm st. J3 > Casn pild for iud-bnnU books , magazines. 8SO-J1W FOR SALE--IVII80ELLANEOUS. T71OK SALE Mr. 'Ley , trick bicyclist , wishes JL' to dispose ot his safety bicycle , bicycle nearly new having run about 20J miles. Firstr class order. Address C , 33 lice. 301-Ht FOH SALE-On easy terms , the best located coal yard in Council UlutN. S.X ) feet track- ngo. E. E. Mayne , 019 Uroadwny , Council Ululfs. FOU SALE The HamblotonlaiiMnnro llaby Elgcn.VoIght , U5U pounds , chestnut for rol ; drive single or double ; speed not limited.- together with Simpson road wagon nearly now Price. J7GO.OJ. Will tnko clear city property. J. L. Hlco Co. -J'U ' 12 T710H 8ALU AOK foot silver mounted show JL ! cose , In good order. Apply at 15W Furnum T71OUH hundred tons of No. 1 hay , which is JL ? baled nnd stored at Fromout. Apply to Henry Gibson , 1215 Harnoy St. 310 10 50 buys light 3-bow top buggy. II. F. . Cole , It 0. Continental. SIS-IO niOU SALK Cheap , 1 good brood mare. InC - -C ! quire 181U Sherman are. , after 4 o'clock. MM lOf > 1C VOLE for sale-New 50 In. Warwick. Of- > llcc Clilcngo Lumber Company. TT1O11 BALIS A good , family horse cheap ; all J-1 sound , good dispositiondurk sorrel In color ; for price , full description , &c. , addrosa Jas. llrady. Waterloo. Nub. 147 lot FOH SALE Stock ot now nnd second-hand furniture , doliK a gooa buslnoss ; good location. Good reasons givenforsolllng. Apply or address 1. Lofko\Utz , 230 North Tenth St. . Lincoln , Nojx 137 'I7\OH \ SALE Cheap. Ono bicycle , ono Tan- -1 } ilen trlcyclo and one single tricycle , good Apply .lonn H. Prince. Coliseum. 12J 1J10U SALE Hull terrier dog"Jtoyal Dandy. " JL ? winner 2nd IJoston 87 and his mate , "lllos- som"rull ; pedigree. Apply W. G. Ingram , Canlleld house , Omaha. 101 lot "IjiOH SALE Cheap , a threo-ton Diebold bans JL < safe , latest Improved time lock , complete In every particular. Address , 11. Chamber- lln. Wood Hlvor , Nob. 211 TTSOK SALE Cheap About aw head of 1m- JL ; proved Texas horses , consisting of geldIngs - Ings , mares and colts , stallions nnd mixed. Will soil part or all. Apply J. L. Halbert , Corslcana Texas. 414-J18J ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TiyriDL"SND Guarantee & Trust Co. . 150 "Far- JLunaui.Coinplcto abstracts furnlshod nnd titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. bOl A nSTRACTS Ltnaban & Mahoney , room.GOJ , 803 MONEY TO LOAN. TA rONEY loaned for 30.00 or PO days on nny J-'I-klndof chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson. U17 Fninnm. KM MONEY to loan on furniture , chattels or real ostato. Lowest rates on good loans. J. li. Emlnger , 1417 Farnam , room U. 107 Jyd SMALL , loans , short time , good security , reasonable Interest. P. U. box COO , city. 17J1J37 KEYSTONE Jiortgago Co. ; loans of 810 to 81,000 ; get our rates baforo borrowing nnd save money ; loan on horses , furnlturo or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for new loan , renewal ot old nnd low- cat ratescalllt203Sheoloy blk,15th Sc Howard st 807 DON'T Borrow money on furnltura , horses , wagous , etc. , or collaterals until you see C. U. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. K15 SEE Shales , room 210 First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. 810 TjlIHST mortgage loans at low rates and no do- JL < lay. D. V. BIiolos , 210 First National bank. KID First-class inside loans. Lowest rates. Call nndseeus. Mutual Investment Co. . it. 1 , Marker blk. . 15th and l-.irnam. 817 BM ALL Bhort'tlmo loans on cnnttal sucurlty , Jill Ohio at. ; call after 0 p. m. 841) J.'jp ITMIE M , K. & T. Trust Company builds homes JL in the city nnd suburbs ; 2J pur cent cashltho balance In monthly payments ; debt cancelled in cnso of donih. 1'or particulars innutronf W. 11. MelEle , agent , room 5UO 1st Nat'l bank b'Ug. 6 ! J3I ) M ONEV to loan. Harris H. E. & Loan Co. , room 411 First National bank. m TTNIMPKOVEI ) nna improved property : U loans made promptly ; monny on hand. If. M. lltcliardsoii , sw cor lith und Douglas b2d IJEOl'LE'S Hnnnclai Excnnngo The fnlrost. nulotestnnd most llboral money exchange in tno city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , in any amount , largo or H mill I , at the lowest rates of interest , on any available se curity ; loans mny be paid at nny time or re newed nt original rates O. Houscaren , Mgr , , room S7 , llnrknr block. lith ! nnd Fnrnam. 81J M1 ONEY to loan on real estate at low rate. J. D. Zlttlo , 4UO Paxton block. Bl'lLDlNG LOANS-OW to 7 per cent , no ad ditional charges for commissions or attor neys' foos.V. . If. Mciklo , First Nat bank bids. T CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel J-seciirltles at reasonable rates. W.K. Potter , room lU. llarkfr blk. Kg MON1JV to loan on furniture , horseswagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hobblng , 11200. Sheeloy blk. Uth and Howard. q ; 8 $1 $ To loan on farms nnd city property. Ueq J. Paul. 1033 i'ornam t. Kit o V , IIAilUlSON loans money , lowest rates. , 8C8 SOO,00) ) to loin nt U per cont. Llnulinn & Mo- $ honey , room t-OJ Puxton block. 8i5 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with- out delay , and purchase goods , co nmerclul paper and mortgage notos. S. A. Blomun , cor. ruh nnd Farnnm. 6M T\TO"N KV to Loan VI9 are reaay for appltca * J-iJ-tlo for loan ? In amount * from MJ to $ | ( ) , - UOO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real mate , lull Information as to rates. Loam promptly closed. Uood note * will ha purchased by UK. Call upon us or write. ThuMcCaguo 111 vest to itCo. _ 8H LOAN8 on improved and unimproved prop erty at low rates. Odell liroa.&Co.aimifitn. 60) T. mt.DINa and other real o tata loans. Vf , M. JJlIarrK room 20 , Frenrer lllock , ojiji. P. O , tx P. HAllltlSON loans money , lowest rates , MONKVtoloan. O. H. l ) Vl Co , real estate ana loan ttgent * , U ttrnam at. 6N UlLUING ioiiaf. O , V7&i.el r2W Hrst Na * tloualbunk , tUJ LOANS made on renl Minto nntl bought , JxiwU S. ItoeU Apo. , u 13 , Donrif of ' 'r ' Trnao. , 812 IJROriK'S FlnnncUl Esrhnnqo Largo nna smnll lonni for Ions auj. . , hort tlmo , at low est rules of Interest , on.roM nstnto mortgngo notoi , clmttols of nlltlnill. .nlnraoiuU , wntclios nnd J w lry. Don't fall toV-V U if you wnnt f nlr nnd chenp nccommodntlrtw. O. Houscnron , Mgr. , room 57 , IJarkor blt/il th nnd rnrnntn. I In > 81J TYIONKY to loan : cash oftRand : no delay. J. J.II.W. Bmnre. 1210 l"Arnnia-etM First National Imnk buliatng. " T > } ; 811 " Inn.ASKA Mortg. LoA itJo. will make you lonn on honsffe ld Roods , liorsos , wnHpni , Innd controls , flno Jewelry , or spcnrltftr * of nny kind , without ptiollclty , nt roftsoimblo rntcs. lloom 7 , Kowlov blook , South omnbn. Itooms IJ18-51P , I'nxton block , Omaha , Nob. . _ . BID r\O YOU > vnnt money ? If so. don't borrow JLvbcforo gettlnj : my rntcs , which ara the low * cstonnnyguin fromvioupto I tniike lonns on bousobold goods , plnnos , or- nn ? , horses , iiuiloj. wngonsvnrolioino re ceipts , houses. IOIUCH , etc. , in nny nmount ut the low ustpossiblorixtes , without publicity or ro * inovnl of property. I < onns cnn bo nmdo for ono to MX mouths nnd you cnn pay n part nt any tlmo , reducing both principal mrl interest. Ifj'ouowo a bninnco on your furnlturo or horses , or hnvu n lonn on them , I will tnko it up nnd carry it for you ns long ns you desire. If you need money you will find It to your nd * vantage to see me before borrowing. II. I. Masters , room 4. WKhncll building , 15th nnd Harnoy. 821 Jlortgngo ft Trust Co. fui- JL nlsh choitp onstorn monay to. borrower. ? , pnrclinsosecurities , perfect title ; , ncccpt lonni nt their western olllco. OoorgoV. . I1. Contos , room 7. Hoard of Trndo. . S.7 tL. ) U1LIINO lonn . Lluahnu it Mnhonoy. 835 T OANSwnntod on Oman1 , roil estate , thrco JLJand llvo years time , optional payments , fa vorable term nud ratoi ; applications nud tltloa passed upon by us nnd loana clojed promptly. Klmbnll , Champ Is ltynnHoom U , United States Nnt. bank bullalng , 1'JJj Fnrnam street. OD'jlO M "ON13V to loan nt low rates by Excelsior Laud Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha. 071 MONEY to loan on real ostixto security , at lowest rates. Jleforo negotiating loans BOO Wallace , Urolshton blc. , lith and Douglas. 8J1 BUSINESS CHANCES "C1OH SALE 1'ho Qothnm clRar store , Doyd's JL1 opera house , with or Ithout JobUlnR stock , Location tno best. 184 10 $3,000. half cash nnd half trade , will secure agreeable business ( monopoly ) , realizing extraordinary cnsh earnings or 11u.001 yearly. Invostlgntloh solicited. Address 0 26 , lion. 2S2-12t TTIOn IlENT llrlck hotel , furnlshod complete. JU and doing coed business. Lessee must buv dining room and kitchen furnlturo. etc. Will Boll nil the furnlturo half cash , balance time. Jas. McT'.ntor. McL'ooK. Nob. S51II" EOH SALE ? 2,600 will buy a nlco clean ptock of hardware , stoves , tinware nnd building , in n lively eastern Nob. town ; ono other store In the place. Huslnoss has nald a profit of over S3,1)90 ) in omhteon months. Host of reasons tor selling. No land wanted. Will give time on part It wanted. For particulars , address Theo. Huntto & Sons , Fremont Nob. 175-12 EOH SALE A well-established book-binding business in Salt Lake City. Hhlley. Oro- Hlioll i : Co. , roalostnto , Salt Lnko City , Utah , 8713 30 FOll SALE Meat market complete ; can bo handled for little cast ) . Call nt room 4 , Wlthnell bile. . 850 W.K have for sale or exchange ono of tha finest hotel properties in an Iowa city of 0,0X ) inhabitants , the leading house In the place. W. 1U K. & SI. E room 14 Cliambor of C 3,000 to JVOOJ wanted to put into a good bust- P ness ; first CRBS security nnd gooa rate of interest paid for short or long tune. Or will tnke partner. For particulars address U43 , Boo olllce. 142 < h2OMbuy8nno hotel and livery , Elgin. Nob. ; tppropcrty free from Incumbranco ; money to bo made. Smith & 1'audocfc tUgln , Nob. 910 JlOf FOR EXCHA'NCE. ' WANTED Good resldenco in exchange for choice stocks , will Kiinrantco satisfactory dividends ; give prices , location and .lull mfor- matlon. Addrcsa U , 23 llpe. 2T3-1OT | _ TJ8INESS lot fronMne"2Qth.and Vlnton , JJchoap : will trade for resident or vacant lot , western part preferred , win. Nelson , COl S. loth. 230lOj TjlOll SALE or trade A full-blooded Jersey JL' cow , No. 1 from the best families of Jerseys ; those are for n horse or n common cow. For sale The best chance to got n homo on monthly payments , wltlilu ly miles of P. O. l ! or sale A cheap horse : ' will drive single or aouble and is good under the saddle. Call at 311 South Sixteenth st. ' 219-10 : rp ( ) EXCHANGE for Omahn property , one of JL the best Improved farms in Iowa , only one mile from town of 0,000 Inhabitants. W. 11. K. is M. E. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. 191 NEW 2-seatod line carriage or top ouggy for mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes.\V.L.SolbyK U U'd Trade TlTExchango Cash nnd clear property for merchandise , or merchandise for cash and clear property. Address Lock Hex II , Gothenburg - burg , Neb. 08J Jy 2 ; TjlOll Exchange A line farm of 2X ) acres in JL1 Polk county. Nob. , 4 miles from darks. Nob. , to exchange for cnttla ; 80 acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales and good feed lot. Address C. OsUamp , 2215 Web- Htor st. Omaha , Nob. 010 TT10K EXCHANGB-For desirable residence JL1 property in Omaha , nny or all ot following : 40 choice insldo residence lots in Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. 040 acres line farming land , Lancaster county Flno residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family r sldenca corner. Los Angeles. A nent residence property In Hanscom place. Also some good mortgage notes. Address giving location nnd price of prop erty , J. E. U. , care Iluutu Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven- worth. 8J.I To trade for house nnd lot In WANTED good location ; will assume light Incum- brancc. Address A 2 lleo olllco. t22 ! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TTlOll SALK SOnc'ro fnrm In B.irpy county , 14 * miles from Omaha , 15 miles from So. Omahn , Good improvements ; 815 per uore. C. V. . Harrison , Merchants Nat. IJnnU , 2J9 14 lIE finest drive la tno city is to Collier Place. McCague. Q7J WALLACE , Crolghton Illock , 15th & Doug las. Lot SI , block 0. Orchard Hill 8 fOO Lot22 , block | i , Orchard Hill , corner aV ) lioth the above on easy terms ; bargain , l.COJ. Lot 1H. block f , llrlggs Place , south front on 1'arnam. on easy terms $2,090 Lot 4. block "A , " Hedford , east front on aothfatate ( ) street 1,300 Lot II and 4. block2 , Dollones' add , each50 foot front on Stnta street 1,000 Lot 17 , block 12. Orchard Hill WW Trustee nnd agent for Moninouth Park. This line addition is reached by the oloctrlc line suburban trains. Is beautifully situated , magnificent view from every lot , is well built nj ) , nnd is olferedon easy terms. SSJ 12 Wallace , Crolghton Block. 171011 BALE House ami .barn , lot 4. block 7. JU' Koiultul's mid. on2fithjstrt'et , outh of Holt lly , ; must bo sold. Address C. M. Kendall , \Vauttogan. Lake co. , 111.1S 82JW T71OH 8ALK-Furra 10 { ncres , X mlle out ot JDlalr , 1,400 fruit tiees , ' ! ncrecrnpos , plums , cherries , strawberries , rnspbcrrles , etc. . best place for a home in Washington Co. II. W. 3Ic- llrlde. , " 178 19J OUSTOMEliaforLots-rltvin sell some good bulldmglots topartlurwno deslro to im- provothom. If you haVifftlnythliig chenp to oiror bring it arounl. OMvpr htovens , D10 nnd C171'uxton blockTelenhoqe131. } . 914-11 "IjlOllBALE At a bargain. One f.velve and -L ono nine room housu Jo.Kountzu place , on " 4th street , oppostto the fine residences of Ited- ick nnd McCrenry , with T8 MfOJ \ feet or ground t/lth each house to nliey. ' ' , lftcli house has fur nace , gun , gua llxtuiAi , shades , nil plumbing , hot nnd iSJhr water , elegant large rooms , aUjmporodtJJandsomely througu * out , good barn with each jwi-io ( , and an elegant liuvn all bodded. I nm p eparnd to olTer splen did Inducements ns to urfco and terms. Call and let mo drive you out. You can move into these houses without n dollar of oxnenso for nny thing , 'I'll ese mil tt bo sold soon. B ee mo a t onco. I ) . V. Shales. 210 First Nat'l bank. 177 IWVHSTIUATK IS-rooin housu on Wirt Ht. , Kountze place , all modern Improvements , 73-foot front lot , house llniahtd in cherry , bird's eye ample nnd ted oak , grates and man tles , electric bells , till windows French plute , laundry m basement , line burn , etc. , cto.tli. ( X ) ; t J.ULV cash , balance 1. 2 und 6 yearn nt7 per cent. Cannot be duplicated for the money. M. A. Upton company , luth nuq Farnam. ' " ' " T .OOKnt This I have Home customers for JU good building lots. What have you to otrcrf Grover Stevens , 610 and 617 axtou blooic. Tfll. I12S 011-11 LOOK HHUBl Can you beat thlsf Wo have some farms in dlllerunt stutea free from In. cumbrnnco. a well city property , which wo will ollor for traile and wo will take your prop erty , such as wo want , and pay you one-third covh If desired or assumu mortgage , ciiuul amount. Wo can soil you land in all parts west of tJhlcago , low priced , favorable term * . Wo cell vacant lots und city property with build Ings on , make loan * , solicit Insurance and gen eral brokerage business done. Cull on Eicululor Land company , 310 S 15th at. Omaha. tit TiTOH SAIiK Now 0-room hotmo , nil conven- JU lencos , barn , etc. . In Kountzo Place. 87,300 , coay terms. Address O 87 , lleo onico. 880 let OH BALE-Or will exchange ot western lauds , ono ot the finest hotel properties in lovrn. iiestnotot in cltyot O.OJJinhabitants , brings In rental ot 1510 Per month. Apply soon It yon expect to got it. W. K. 1 ! . ft tier. Ex. . lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. 03i _ T ) AHUAlN-Pnrt of the Dick Kimnnll pstato. JLJuO feet on ISth street running through to 17th nvc , Ono 13-room house , all modern conven iences nnd two 0 room houses. Total rental JI.OBO tier year ; price (13,000. M. A. Upton Company , ICth and rarnain. 8li ! FOIt SALE Hcsldencolot , cor 2Jd nnd Cass , will oxchnngo for trackage property ; worth > < .0ou to tioooa. a F. Harrison , Merchants' _ 758 TMIE best money's worth of house and lot now JL for nnlo In Omahn 13 that which I am now completing near 2itn st , on paved Wlrt st. in Kountzo I'liico. H bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bith rooms , n water olotels , larse laundry , stntlonary wash tubs , furnace nnd real room und collar , electric bolls and npeaklngtubo , 12 closets. Prlco only S7.POO on terms tosmt , LlknwlRO a dupllcatn adjoining at snniB prlc . W. T. Seaman , east skin Iflth st. north of Nicholas Bt. Omaha's largest variety of wagons nnd carriages , ' Bill OH SALlT I'Mno lot In Stevens' Placo. 48 feet south front ; right on the motor line , JI.IKX ) ; Mcnsh. Great bargain. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants Null. Hank. Ji ) li i > SWE ltRVo the bet birgaln on n JCtilM piece ot business property ; well located t 10-roolu house : next to n SUO.OOU blocK , six feet loft by sulll nlo"k for nlr nnd llent. Wo will soil nt 1OOJ less than the ground nlono Is worth it tnken nt once , M. A. Upton Company , ICth nnd Fnrnain. "IJ4-1J Mink motor line Is built to Collier place. The JL llelt line runs near Collier pUco. The K. E. Jt M. Y. It. It. stop nil passenger trains at Col lier place. Tlio hone car Una will soon reach Collier place : Host addition In the city. Prlco fSOto ( ) TI.2JJ per lot , one-tenth casn , balance ono to llvo voara. McCagao. opp. P. O. 07.1 ; F OH BALE At nbaiiKi-upt price , n honso nnd lot In Omaha Vlow. Hooin 14 , Chamber of Commerce. O'H ' SOUTH nnd east front , double corner , on Hamilton nnd 31th strents , running through to ChnrU'S street , 120tl57 foot. Now , hold your breath until wo mention the low price on this. Yon think it will bo something near what it is worth JlMWiJ. Well , take it along nt 11,3V ) nnd put the { l.7 0 proilt in your other pocket , llrentho. Jl. A. upton company. Iflth nnd Fur- imm. 24013 T710H SALE noautlful 8-room house , nil JLl modern Improvements , including splendid furnace , near Unnsroui park , bust location In the city for school , church nnd street car priv ileges ; pncet3,0j9. CX F. Hnrrlson , Mercnants' natonal bang. 75K Foil SALE Lots In Stewart 1'laoo on Lowe nvo. ; 7ilotroi > olltnu Cable passes property. ! ) -rooni house t\nd brtrn , Hnnscom place. S houses and lots on Cass st. . on easy forms. 11 nrrls , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hank. V01 TlTOit SALKIanufaeturlng situ ; trackage JL1 uiul business property at South Omnha for sale ; 330 ft on until St. , near U. I' , depot , n most deslrablo location for manufacturing , shipping or business purposes ; will sell the wholoorln parts to suit : terms to suit purchasers. For particulars address Cockroll & Hunt , South Omaha , .Nob. TM lt FOH SALE The finest residence site In West Omuha ; JustsoutU of Furnam on Mth st. ; n. corner 1(11x187 ( with 187 toot frontngo on paved istreet , nnd Joining tha handsoinn resi dence of Kirkommll on the cast , and llrady , Easson nnd Martin on the south : a perfect gem nnd garden spot for nn olcgant home Hartley nna 2lst streets , UlxlOT.ou pavement , within three blocks ot the court house ; loom for seven fine houses that would rent ns rapid ly ns completed , A splendid permanent invest- mont. Farnnm nnd 22d streets. 59x113 , with na\v throe-story brick atorobulldlntf , rented to good permanent tenants. Itontal receipts 11,200 per Slx'toonth street near Nicholas , frontage Cl feet to alloy ; good business proportv. 1'arnam street , between3Jh and 39th. front- ngo 48 or 01x132 to alloy , south front , 1 block from pavement nnd street cars. Park uventie , opposlto Hanscom parE , 50x150 prlco $2,000 ; easy terms. Paddock place , trackage , 60x112 , 82,030 ; easy IBth'streot south ot Vlnton st. , lot for sale or trade for mdse , or good farm land. S. A. Slomnn , 1331 Faruain st. 833 NH. THE owner of the 107x121 ft , south- west corner of Twenty-fourth nnd Dodge , will arrive from Now York on the IHth inst. , to let contract for Improving this orop- crtv. In the meantime we will soil nt n lower prlco than anything on Dodge , east ot Twenty- llfth street , can bo had for. This is the finest corner on Dodge street. Submit offers up to the 13th inst. , to M. A. Upton Company , 16th txnd Farnam. 80J-13 5 OH 10 act os near Pries Lnko , 10 years' time , $60 cash. Wm. Nelson. 237 lOt rpOll SALE " 13.70 acres , seo. 6 , tp. 13. r. 0 w. , J ? Hamilton county. ' Nob. House , stable , SOD ncros fenced , living water. Price 83,000. V. K. AtKliis. owner , Ilalldroad bldg , Denver , Col. 837 S HOLES Special Lt3t Wo push special bar gains and advertise tnem. List with mo. l-lno east front lot in Hanscom place at Zl.GOO , Jol'fl cash. Decided bargain. Fine lot on Farnam and Lowe avenue , $2,750. J2.POO buys n house nnd lot in Hanscom Place , north of 1'oppleton avenue. The old John Diercs Manufactory plant on Missouri Pacific rnllwiy. 4 miles couth west of city , with 2 acres of ground and 3 largo 2story buildings , for J3.UOI ) . A Una opportunity for some one. lliavo special inducements inhousos nnd lots in all parts of the city either for rnlo or trade. Call in and be shown them. I do not try to cot you In to ahowyou trnsli , but handle only good property Und deal sfjuaroly. D. V. Shofas. 31 Firat National bank. 039 rpIIE factories within easy roach of Collier JL place will employ a large force of mon. So- euro n homo nnd oujoy life. Prlco of lots 8500 to 8I.2.H one-tenth cash. Bond fur plat. Hc- Caguo. oiip. P. O. U73 fcJOUTH OMAHA I have a number of good Olots In various additions that must be sola nt once und be bought at prices that will suit you. G. J. Sterusdortr , rooms 317 andoiu , First National bunk bulldlnn. Kti Fi IOU SALE 60 large and small douses on monthly i payments ; small payment down. Also ugood list of property for exchange. Goo. J. Fox , room I , ContlnonUI blk. 181-J13 F SALE East front lot on 20th st. IGeor- - gla nvej overlooklna Omnha and Council lllnlls. Flno slta for a home. Special close price for a few days. C. F. Harrison. Mer chant ! ) National bank. 143 /CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place 073Got i v prlces and terms. McCague. 073 TJlOlt SAL'E L6t on B2d st. Just north of J Hanscom Park. J2.930 ; easy terms to party who will build. C. P. Harrison , Merchants Natloual.bauk. 144 SEND for plat of.Uollier place , nnd when rttlvlns f ° r recreation follow the motor line poles on Kith at. , and Amos' nvo. , nnd sea the wonderful' improvement ? that have taken place just iirouud tue barracks , and remember that ( jollier place Is the key to the situation , lluy n lot now for the low prlco nnd at the easy terms tlioy nrubulug oTerod. and wo are satis fied. One-tenth c.isli , balance otio to nvo years. McCaguo , OPD. P. O. 073 SOUTH OMA.II/V NKWS. Notes About the City. Jnincs O'Hrion is very 111 nt Ills parents' residence , in the Third ward , with typhoid mnhirial fever. Patrick Morrissey lias pone to p'Neill. AnOy Hynn anil Timothy Shcn , two Omaha roughs , becnmo noisy on N street Sunday afternoon and woroescorted to jail after they had n llttlo altirmish. Michuol Morris.y bus gene to Kcoltuk , In. Michucl Walsh has accepted nn olTor at 8100 a month to piny ball in Denver , and lias gene to the Mountain city. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O , Mnyflold will start Monday for'a visit to Denver , Munltou Springs and Pueblo , Colo. Messrs. SobotUcr , Spltzor , Yurton nntl Scott have returned after nn unsuccessful piscatorial excursion. The funeral of Mra. Bridget Mead , wlfo of Mlclmol II. Mend , was hold Sunday after noon nt 1 o'clock and tlio interment was in St. Mury's cnmetory. In the gun club shoot Sunday , out of twenty blue rocks , S. S. Hemer got .six teen , Michuol Uomor twelve , Ous Soldier twelve , nnd H. Kobert , Louis Hugg und K J. linger eleven each. County Commissioner. Peter J , Corrigun , is dangerously 111. Grading contractors John CPKcofo & Co. , on Monday , will remove their outfit to Den ver , where they have n six months' job. Su perintendent Hobort FiUgoruhl and most of the old employes will go with thorn. William Desmond will start , Tuesday , for Hod Cliff , Colo. Sunday forenoon the Swifts defeated the Ilntntnonds in u gatno of buso bull by a suoro of 17 to 4 , and iniho afternoon defeated u picked niuo by 18 to 11. OfQccr Moses liodmond found a fine buggy whip on the street. The owner cun have It by calliug ul the city jail. Plcasunt and well-attonded dances were plvco Sunday evening ; at the National hall and /.ami's ' pavllllon. on Twenty-fourth street. Division No. 8 , A. O. II. , will clcot officers next Sunday afternoon , at 3 o'clock , Sunday next , at 10 o'clock , a game of base ball will bo-played between tuo Armour * Notion. Notice Is hereby ( riven that sealed bid * will b rccclrod by the Clerk of Adam * County Neb raska , nt hij omco , Hatting * . Nebraska , until twelve o'clock noon on Juno Wth , isxfl , for fur nishing all material and all the labor for the construction , and to construct n County Court House and Oounty Jnll , nt the city ot Hastings ftebraska. according to certain plan * nnd spool- llcatlonsand drawings to be ou nln atthe office of the said County Clerk on nnd after May S3th Tlio party or parties with whom the said County ot Adams may contract for the furnish * Ing sum material nnd Hbor nnd construction of said County Court House nnd Jail , nro to enter Intnagootf and suniclotit bond to bo approved by building committee conditioned according to law. Hlght * reserved to reject nny nnd all bids. Also ; during the same t'nio nnd the same place 1ho until Clerk will locolve scaled bids for fur nishing nnd putting in cells In the proposed County Jnll. to bo erected In the city of Hast ings Adams Oounty Nebraska , Bald bids to con * tain separate off CM on the two kinds of cells vizi Itovolving Cylinder , Stationary cell ? , nnd six straight square colU. vlth corridor of any manufacture that UIQ Hoard ot Supervisors or snld County may adopt. Hlght reserved to reject any and All bids. lly order of Hoard ot supervisors. May t'th , 1839 , JOHN A..OASTO. L. 11. PAi-niTwits. Co. Att'y. County Clerk. * May-Sl-d-Slt Not toe. Notice Is hereby given that ncnlqd bids wilt be received by the clerk ot Attain * County , Neb raska , nt his olllco Hastings. Nebraska , on or before twelve o'clock noon of July nth , iSfW , for the purchase of seventy llvo bond * of the do- iiomlnillonof ono thousand dollars each to bo issued bv tdo County of Adams In the State of NobMik.v , to bo dated July lit , ISSO , nnd to bo payable nt the Fiscal Agency of the State of Nebraska , City ot Now Vorir. State ot Now Vork twenty years nftoi ; tlio unto thereof re * doimablo at nny tlmo on of nftor ten voaM from the date theieof nttho option of RAld county of Adams nnd to bear Interest at the rate of llvo per cent per iinntim paynblo annually on the first dny of July In each year , for whichInterest coupons shall bo attached vayublo nttho fiscal itponcy aforesaid. Itlghts reserved to reject any and all bldi. lly order of the Hoard of Supervisors , Mny Oth 1889. L. II. PAiiTiunni : , lSKAt.l County Clerk. JOHN A. CASTO. County , Attorney. wSldtoJyO ilMVsiIPPLIl.3 : DKPOT OUAHTKHMAS * torn olllco. Omaha. May llth. ISA * . Sealed proposal * In duplicate wl bo reco ved nt this olllco until 10 a. in. , Tueidny , Juno llth , 1881' , at which tlmo ivnd place they will bo ononed in the presence of attending blddnw for deliv ery of Lumber , Hardware , Typewriter. Stove Castings , Paints otc. Listsglvinit specifications quantities and fit her information will bo fur nlshod upon application to this office. Prefer ence \\lll bo given to articles of domes tic production or manufacture , condition of quality nnd price ( Including in the prlcu of foreign production or manufac ture tlio ilnty theioon ) being equal ; and further , that no contract1 ? shall bo'awarded for furnishing articles ot forolrn production or manufacture ) when the urtldcsot suitable quul- ity of domestic production or manufacture cnn bo obtained. The Government roaervos the right to reject any or nil proposals. Bidders should attach a copy of this advertisement to their bids. JOHN SIMPSON , Captain nnd AssUQr. Mr. , U. S.A. THE lUILWAT TIME TA8LES. OMAHA. tt llKti MIuoitr.uj.rr IliU | 'ccfl ( purpoie CUKK or ClKMCSS.dTUc MlUi n Cen U ! "J. " ' ! .u' * > " ' t'U.rwui. ullttliliudTlinriHiitir > ik. klxiclt iMt.ini.reV r n > HIJ.oool e ik. . . | , l.l < f I. uimf. Wer.l oni fit * A LIFE OF SACRIFICE. Father I > ntiRlna liopo'a Ijnbnra nnff Hid Ilorolo Don th In liomloti. A vounp ; priest Im9 juet tliod In tri norlnwost ot London whoso nnitio may \voll bo snvod from oblivion , says the London Dully Tologrnph. Uniloi' clr- ouinstnncoB loss sonsntlonnl tlmn tlioso which Imvo mntlo Fnthor Diunlon's immo rlni ; through olirUlaudon. ! Ftitlior Dotiglns llopo 1ms prnoticod , in the un- romnntio monotony of the Harrow mul. n solf-surrcndor rxs complete ns that of the here of the Leper island. Cloao to that landmark of the 'bits man , "Tho Prlnco of Wales , " stands a homo for boys , nnd in connection with it n bakery and printing works. The place was founded by Hov. Lord Archibald Douglas , a brother of the marquis of Quconabnry and of Lady Florouco Dixio. Ho brought his fortune and the fervor of his npw-found faith to his task. ISvon the llarrow road is not without its romance. Lord Archibald's sister , Lady Gertrude Douglas , joined liur brother , nnd idontldod horsoU with Ills renunciation of society , perhaps too completely ; for during his nbsonco in Canada , whilhor ho had taken some of Ills waifs , she married the lioiul baker and Lndy Gertrude Stock. Some llvo yours ago Lord Archibald found his increasing cares too heavy for him. Ho > retired to quiet mission lifo in Scotland , and his place in the Har row road was taken by Ills' cousin , Father Douglas Hope , A groat-grand son , on his father's sttlo , of Lbrd llopo- toun. nnd on his mother's sldo of the dulto of lUicclcnch , ho called "cousins" with all the blue blood of Scotland. JJIs father , Mr. IIopo , of Luffnoss , was atone ono tlmo member for Windsor , . and his mother , a daughter of Lord Montagu , was an ourly bedchamber woman to the queen. But Father Hope had obliter ated the traditions of his family , and tlio memories of Eton und Christ church , when ho wont to St. Vincent's homo tp bo priest , teacher , father nnd nurse to seventy bovs , mostly rescued from the London streets. Ho shared their rough food , and lived their lifo in school-room and playground. If ho over thought of himself lie might have known that , In spite of'hls six foot of stature and his brilliant physique , lie was not seasoned fet the rougn life no had adopted. His entire devotion isolated him from his fellows in the outer world ; but these who got glimpses of him were not astonished to hoar that rheumatic lover had carried him away last Thursday afternoon. Ho was laid to rest yesterday - day in the cemetery at Konsjvl Green , not far from the scone of his llvo years' labor of lovo. Tlint TI roil Fccil"C Alllicts nearly every one in the spring. The system having become accustomed to the bracing air of winter , is weak ened by the warm days of the changing season , and readily yields to attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicineneeded. . It tones and builds up every part of the body , and also expels - pols all impurities from the blood. Try it this season. A. Cat Adopts Borne Squirrels. Some time ago Russell Rico cut down a poplar tree on his farm. The tree was hollow , and inside it ho found a nest of five young squirrels , says a Jcf- forsonville , Ind. , dispatch to tlio Now York Sun. Ho took them homo and concluded to raise thorn. Mr. Russell possesses a cat of unusual intelligence , nnd'this ' cat manifested a great interest in the young squirrels. One of thorn was given to pussy , and she watched , over it with such care and tenderness that all of thorn were placed under her protection. She nursed thorn until they attained considerable size , and 11 day or two ago the young squirrels were turned looao in the Seottsburff park , whore they now are. The cat immedi ately removed her residence likewise to the park , and she and the young squirrels mny bo soon sporting there to gether any dayi Every woman in Omahn wo nay women because mon are usually too busy to lool : after such small matters should insist on the head of the house procuring some reliable medicine for use in case of a sudden attack of colic or cholera morbus in the night during the summer. It is not pleasant to hunt up a physician after midnight , nor to go down town and route out a druggist at that hour. Take our advice and proouro n 25 or CO-cent botllo of Chamberlain's fi ; Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It can always bo depended upon and is not unpleasant to tako. Tobias 8 , Western B. ToniAH , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tnn BEE.J An interesting game ot ball was ployed between Tobias nnd Western , which resulted in the homo club defeating the visitors - itors by u score of 8 to 5. Batteries Tobias. Woods and Vincent ; Western , Coplon and Waddingtou. Umpire , Sanders. Ills narao Is II. J. McICinnoy ; his rosIdonlT is Woodburn , Hill county , Toxns ; his state * mcnt Mny 1839 : My llttlo son was ourod by S. S. S. of bad sores and ulcers the result of n general broalilnR down of hla health from fevor. Ho was considered incurnlto , but two bottles of Swift's Siicciflo brounlit him out all right. Remarkable for powerful sympathetic tone , pliable notion and absolute dura bility ; 30 years' record the host guaran tee of the excellence of these Instru ments , SPRING VEHICLES Crently Improved trilb mtinrfnE h .cUi > un oo J mi a'mt vTorUn accorJIiiK to the noulil put oil Ibtm. 4 Adapted equillr vrtll to rOURh country ar flno Wt dilveu Willirtrerow Dust atlauiotlon Pure Old Bye Whiskey. The wide iioi.iil.irlty of ilili itipcrb brand liai tiinptcd other ilcaleH to | iluce ujion tlio market Inferior Whlikcy. under a lmll r niiine , Inlendca to dvri-lve Hi ? public. Tlio New York Court of An. ron ) liftidwlnnd ourl-rnnd. Uio niAK VJ/ANl > iiUH. ; loboB tradeninrlt rntltlfU In tlio iirntio- llou of Hi * law men decltlou In Calm , Jlcltt Co. v . Jacob noltkchalk. Ftl ) . li , IBM. oml w now Kl'o nollco llmi we > lmll Intlantly I rotcciite any r rwrj or firm. In mi ) partcf tlinUiilUilNtalvi , vrhoilmll ! > o guilty ot any Infrlcgcmf nt of thli trade murk. OAHN , BELT & CO. , COLB rr.ornuTOiia or TIU 'SlurylunU Club" Old Itro 1JALTIMOHE , Ml ) . DREXEL & MAUL , Successor * to John Q. Jacobs. ) Undertakers andEmbalmers At tlieoliHtand HOI i'nrnam 8t. Order * by telccupnsolicited and promptly ivtiomled. loplioue to No. 2J.