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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1889)
G THE OMAHA DAILY Bflfl : TUESDAY , JTJNJE 11 1839. THE DAILY BEE. OFFICE. NO ia rn/vnij .TollTcretlbs * carrier In Any Tnrt of ho City A 'Jwcnty Cents I'crVcok. . . U.V. . Tir/XON. . . . MANAdMH. TKLKl'IIONESi Jt'Fi ! ! tf8 : OFFICK No. 43. iuiTon : , No. si. N. y.Mutnblng Co. tC. li. Music Co. . 639. Holler , tailor , 810 nroadway. ' Evans1 laundry , 724 llroadxvny. D. W. Otis , city niiil farm loans. Potcr West , nn old and well known citlron of Council Uluffs , aiod last night of pneu monia. The funeral of the ton-yonr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wliittol will take plnco at 3 o'clock this afternoon , from the residence on lower Hroadway. Judeo Carson issued nn Injunction yester day morning against A. 13. Klein's saloon , on upper Uroauway , and the place was promptly closed by the sheriff. The ladles of the W. O. A. hospital will servo mcnlB to-day in the new Mcrrmm block on Main and Pearl streets , to firemen and strangers attending the tournament. Cols will also bo furnished In the same building to all ttioso desiring them. The suits for liacharnoh'a drum corps have arrived , ilnd thin organization will bo qulto ni : Important feature of the parade. The corps Is composed of eight whltu boys , and "Snowball , " the well-known colored youth will wield the baton and wear the bearskin. Mrs. H. A. Louis , mother o ( Mrs. W. A. Boliror. died at the residence of Mr. HolRor , 1017 Second avenue , at 0 o'clock last oven- 'ing. She was soventy-ono years of ago. She will bo taken to Avoca to-inorrcw for funeral. Funeral services will bo held at the residence at 8 o'clock a. in. Marriage licenses have been issued to Samuel Morris and Ella Vosobn. both of this city ; Charles E. Luiidy and Estollo Leo Onthondt , both of this county ; and Potur Jensen and Johanna Peterson , both of Coun cil Uluffs. The former couple wore t&urrlcd by Justice Jlondrieks. A heavy iiln yesterday noon took a good alinro of the starch and coloring matter out of the bunting and other decorations put up Sunday and yesterday morning. The ma jority of the exterior trimming of the busi ness houses , however , will not bo put up until this morning , to avoid any possible flooding before the tournament visitors ar rive. rive.Tho The headquarters of the Press club are on the second lloor , at No. 1 ! ) Pearl street. The rooms have been neatly carpeted , desks , tables and chairs provided. The windows will bo curtained and a largo transparency will bo suspended from the second story , in order to show its location. In the second room will bo provided nn ice cooler , toilet set , etc. The rooms will bo opened during the tournament for newspaper men and their friends. The Press club will bo a permanent institution , The closing exercises of Graduation day at the. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb tnko place at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The pro gramme- includes a welcoming address by Superintendent Kothcr , school work by pri mary and advanced pupils , sign recitations. essays by the graduates and an exhibition of calisthenics. It is honed by the manage ment that there will bo a largo attendance. No special invitations have been , sent out , as a state institution is for the inspection of the people of the stato. liusscs will leave Pearl and First avenue at 12 :30. : Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. * If you are building , investigate Bo- dino'Rooflng at 115 Pearl street. It is superior to sluto , shingles , iron or tin , and will last a lifo time. Adapted , to any kind of roof. Birkinbino Engineer ing and Supply company. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan oillco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of till kinds , nml all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Personal Paragraphs. Colonel and Mrs. L. W. Tulloys left last evening for a European trip. M , H. Judd loft for the cast yesterday morning over the Hook Island. Miss Cora Van Dorin , of Fairbault , Minn. , is a guest of Mrs. J. M. Flalller. Miss .Ella Llnnigcr. of Peru , 111. , Is vislt- itlng the family of H. U. Jones. Mrs.V. . N. Babcock , wife of the general western agent of the Northworn , uas re turned from Chicago. Miss Alho Amanda Baker , formerly a teacher in the public schools of this city , was married on Juno 5 , to Mr. James A. Burnett , at San Diego , Cnl. , in St. Paul's church of that city. Miss Baker left hero about two years ago. Dun pier vapor stoves at cost change location. Shugart & Co. , 211 Broad way. o Try now Metropolitan rooms and table Have your old furniture upholstered' good as new. 11. Morgan , 702 Broad way. Woolsoy & Long paper rooms neat , 31 Main , tel 203. Finest Ice Cream in city. Driosbach's double purlors , 35 Main st. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan monoy. Athletic Sports. Patsey Fallen and Dee Wcatherly , two of Omaha's sporting men , were lu the city , yes terday , with a view to effecting a lease of the Manawa Athletic park for the next two ycqrs. Mr. Fallen will have charge of the blcyolo.raco to bo given next Sunday aftcr- iu > on Miss Williams and Miss Stanley. The race will bo a twenty-live unlo dash , and the start , will bo made at 4 o'clock. The work of building the track will bo commenced to-day , Mr. Fallen stated that If a lease could bo se cured , ho proposed to give a llrst-class atli- lotlo programme , Including blcyclo races , po- dcstrmp ma cjics , wrestling exhibitions , spi'iutiiiKiraces , ojo , , at the parlc every Sun day-afternoon , and irequontly on weoit days as wblU' 'Thd trade will bo eight laps to the inilo , and will bo very similar to the ono at the coliseum. If the proposed plan is carried through , icylll attract an immense crowd to the loT-ji every Sunday. The trnolc will not in the least Interfere with the bull ground , and exhibitions of the national game will Btlll bo playca there. * * Bmlollet Bolls groceries. MiWollman , jeweler , moved to 638 B'y. , , J.'G. Tlptou , real estate , 627 B'dway I I'ropnrint ; to Iteuotvp tlio Crooks. "Crooks are getting thicker than hairs on n dog , " 'remarked a member of the police force lait cvonlni , ' . "For my part , I can't Bcowhero tlioy all come from. Every train bf Ings In dozens of thorn , and they evidently expect a harvest. Wo will fool them tomorrow row morning , for twonty-llvo special police will bo sworn In , and then wo will get after thoin. They will got locked up until after thq tournament. Wo will begin to throw thorn In to-morrow , and If the city jail Isn't big enough , wo will run them down to the cpunty cylinder , They are a llttlo bit shj1 for they know wo ore 'onto1 thorn. There are all grades , from the potty sneak thief who hides lu the alleys to the flashy 'con * man , who stops at the best hotels and lives on the fat of the land , They will all get dumped in together If they try any of their line work hero. We will watch them as close as wo can ; still , folus want to keep their eyes ojioii and pocUots shut. Doora and win- down should bo Kept closely locked and noth ing loft for them light lingered gentry to get hold of. Thosu who use common bcnso will lotiQ nothing , but the usual number of suck ers will lose their roll. " , . * City stcaru Inuudry , 31 Mala , tol. 1-11. THE NEWS OF THE BLUFFS , . Preparations Mndo For the Plro- mon's Tournament. * STREET WORK RUSHED ALONG. No Nfj-lit Trains For ainnnwa The Uny In Court The Council An Insulted AlUcrmaii City News Notes. Novel Decorations. The window of Elsoman's store Is hand somely and appropriately decorated for the tournament. It attracts many visitors , and will doubtless DO viewed by many thousands during the tournament. Among the objects of Interest nro the following : Figure re sembling "Uuffalo Uill" In combined uni form of policeman , cowboy and fireman , labelledChief Lucas 25 years ago always on hand ; " photographs of the National Association of Fire Engineers , In twelfth annual convention at Chicago ; cut of the hitch of the "Still Alarm" company , and labeled "Hose IJouso No. 4 ; " tintypes of the llrst organized running team of Coun cil muffs ; figure of llrouinn holding nozzle , from which n stream of water Is playing , labelled "Frank Guanolln , 15 years ago. " The following labels marked objects of In terest : "This nozzle saved the Ogden house , with John Tdmplcton nt the front. " 'Nozzle from the old Uesctio hand engine , that saved the Grand Central hotel , Omaha. She was a good ono In her time. " "Tills belt was worn by John Mcrgen twenty years ago before ho got fat. " "Tom Howmnn's trumpet , used when ho called the boys T. T. A. IV Ucllcs of the Now York llro departments , presented to Chief Walters. " "Jack Perogoy's horn. " 'First section of lioso used by Council Bluffs fire department. " "Hello of Hess Tweed of Now York City. " "In memory of the fire department horse. Old Tigo , died September 10 , 1SS5 , aged twenty-six years. " "Neil Voorhis1 trumpet. " "This can Was worn by Chief Walters uu- til his head got too big for It. " "Tills helmet was worn by Charles Nich olson when ho saved the Grand Central ho tel. Omaha. " "This hookovas used in Council Uluffs In 1854. " "lion. Pat Lacy's helmet , thirty years old. " "Royal Amy's tootcr. " "This hat kept the moon out of Mayor Rohrcr's eyes when he attended the mid night fire's-twenty years ago. " Collection of prize medals and badges. "Charles Walters' 'Pot * driving miniature hook and ladder truck. " The whole was very handsome , and loomed up splendidly under the electric light. Bodino Roofing will not crack or split. BirkinbinoEngineering and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl st. , Council Blurts. The Now Ogdcn ia catching traveling men at $2 per day. llio Mannwa Motor "Do you know why Colonel Reed has shut of the late trains to and from Lake Man awa ) " asked a citizen of Tun BEE , yester day. Ho received a negative answer , and thus continued : "I am not well enough ac quainted with any of the interested parties to have any inside view of the matter , but my idea is just this the option on the hotel at the lake expires in August. That is , the parties owning it have until that tlmo to re deem it , and If it is not redeemed , Mr. Me- Coanoli , as representative of the Chicago Lumber company , will then become the owner. Now , then , Colonel Reed desires to show that ho can cither make or break that hotel , and so keep parties from stepping In to buy it. If no can scare them all off , ho will buy up ono of the little liens and then his way is clear to secure possession for a very small sum. I'll bet pumpkius to pea nuts that he is planning that very thing. Ho is figuring nicely to get hold of Hotel do Manuwa at a very small figure , and then he would bo fixed indeed. Of course , if he wants to buy it , it is all right , but it is hardly fair to try to freeze out everybody else by a bluff game , like this ono of shutting oft trains on the motor line. In the first olace , the publio 'would not stand it , and , in the second , the electric company would build a line down there Inside of tea days. " Qlt is said that there is another side to the matter. It is reported that Colonel Reed is not satisfied with the loose management of affairs at the lake. There are too many doubtful characters allowed about there and no questions asked. Tno shutting oil of night trains is for the purnoso of discourag ing those who want to make a loud resort of the lake and force the management of the hotel and other places into n more strict ob servance of law and order. Such Is another theory of the matter. If there is causa for such complaint , and Colonel Reed is seeking to force a reformhis efforts will bo applauded rather than condemned. Fire ! Fircl Fire ! Firemen and visitors get special prices at Mandcl's furniture store , Nos. H23-3J5 Broad way. Buy furniture , stoves and carpets at Man- dul's , 8 3-335 Broadway. Bodino Hoofing will stand as long as the building. Birkinbino Engineering and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl St. , Council Blulls. ' An Alclornmii Downed. About 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon , the workmen and spectators on South Madison street were treated to a sparring exhibition without paying the customary foo. It was a rather ono-sldcd affair , especially at the fin ish. It happened in this way , as told by those who were on the ground : Jumos Jacoby , an expressman , drove up to a house fronting on the washed-out portion of Madi- EOII street , to got n chair to take down town. Just as ho pulled up , Alderman Lacy drove up behind him. Lacy ordered him off the street , claiming that ho was hindering the workmen. Jacoby replied that ho would go as soon as he secured.hia bundle , and started to walk into the house. Laoy exclaimed "you will go before1 ' and after some further words , is sutd to have pulled his whip from the socket , striking Jacoby a stinging blow across the side of the hoad. Jacoby did not relish the treatment , and was sooa astride the corpu lent form of the prostrate alderman , and put ting sundry frescoes around his eyes and other prominent points. "Havea't I any friends here to help mol" yelled the unfor tunate recipient of the puimnolingfi"DivU n wan yer brought It onyorsel , an now help yarsel out as best yor can , " was the ready reply of a stalwart workman. Mr. E. J. Abbott was near at hand and not quite so uufcoling for aldermanlo misfor tune , and promptly pulled the irate express man to his feet. Lacy got into his buirgy and drove away , and Jacoby curried out his original intention of getting the chair. The momentary flutter of excitement died away , and the Interrupted work was soon resumed. You can buy latest style parasol or umbrella at James & Ilavorstnck's cheaper than any place in the city. Bcchtolo hotelcentral locationfirst clas See Boodino Roollng if you uro build ing. Birkinbino Engineering and Supply Co. , 116 Pearl St. , Council Blulls. Guilty , or Not Guilty. Tha case of the State vs Sherwood was completed , in the district court , yesterday , and submitted to the jury at 4 o'clock , The defendant , was charged with obtaining money under false pretenses , by securing a loan from L. B. Crofts on property already mort gaged. The Jury was out about twenty-live minutes , and returned a verdict of not guilty , The cases of State vs Blukoloy and State vs Harter wuro then called. U ho prisoners were charged with burglary , and pleaded guilty. They catered a meat market on Six teenth avenue , and stole several pieces of moat. They will bo sentenced next wccic. After tbcso cases were disposed of the jury was discharged until next Monday , This practically ends the business In district court for the remainder of this week , although Judge Deomer will probably devote n llttlo tlmo to civil cases. Jviduo Carson will also look after n few Ju dicial odds and ends , and , as n prominent at torney expressed it , "will put In the rest of the week rustling the dead bones on the pro bate docket. " With the beginning of next week , the prosecution of criminal cases will bo resumed , and the largo grist of prisoners in the county Jail will have their cases speed ily disposed of. Notes and mortgages bought and sold , money loaned ; flro insurance. Robert V. In ncs , 80 Pearl st. Hcislor's Oyster Bay chop house and rcBtaurantday and night,603 Broadway. Dr. C. C. Iltizon , dentist , Opera house block. Botllno Roofing. Birkinbino En gineering and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl &t. , Council Bluffs. TottrnnmiHit "Notes. The Llndsoy building , on North Main street , near the bridge , has boon selected as firemen's headquarters , nail will bo in condi tion for the reception of visitors during the tournament. All parties desiring Informa tion can receive It at tills plnco. The general reception committee will have their head- quattcr.s at this place. At firemen's headquarters n register book will bo kept , and all visiting firemen and others attending the tournament are respect fully requested to at once register their names , giving the hotel they are stopping at or the dwelling \vhcro they have lodgings , the name of such hotel or the street and house number , If stopping ntn private houso. Tills Is important , so that the committees can readily IInil parties they may want to see , and also visitors can more readily llud their friends by consulting the register , and theioby learn where they are quartered , A telegram from Stuart yesterday morning says the Hock Island cut the rate to 1 cent n niilo. The hook and ladder comtmny from that place , twenty-four men , will bo here. They will camp on the ground. E. B. Chandler , who has boon selected as starter , will not bo hero until Thursday morning. On Wednesday Mr. Khcam , of Omaha , will act iu his stead. The ofllccrs of the Iowa Firemen's associa tion arrived last evening , A meeting of the board of control will bo held to-day , at which time judges will be chosen. The meeting of tbo state association will bo held at the court house. The railways are going to do tno handsome thing. The Chicago , Burlipgton At Quiuoy carry the boyj free. Information this morn ing is that the lines ara cutting rates , and that all roads will bo carrying organized companies free by Wednesday morning. The various roads nro making preparations for a big rush , and the citizens can expect to see the largest crowd over in the city. If you want a tasty and convenient fence or railing about your residence or lawn , use C. J. Bookman's patent locking bracket , as any panel can bo readily taken out and firmly replaced. Address C. J. Beckman ' , 728 Seventh avcnuo. Ono More Unfortunate. Mrs. William Briggs , living nt No. 1210 Third avenue , took a largo dose of lauda num , Saturday evening , with suicidal intent. Dr. M. J. Bellinger was called in , and found her iu a comatose state , fast approaching death. Her lips and fingers were blue , indi cating opium poisoning. The stomach pump and antidotes were called into active service , and the victim rallied for a while , but died at 0 o'clock yesterday morning. The suicide told the physician , when she had rallied suf ficiently to talk , that she took the poison in tentionally , and wanted to dio. She drank about three ounces of medicine containing nn ounce and n half of opium , and half emptied an ounce- bottle of laudanum. She gave no reason for her rash act , but it is at tributed to ill health , as she had been ailing for some timo. The deceased was thirty- four years of age. The funeral will to ice place at 8 o'clock this afternoon from the residence. Lively Street AVork. The work of relaying the paving on Madi son street was vigorously "pushed yesterday , in order to complete it by to-night. It was 9 o'clock Sunday evening before the work was stopped for the day. When the men stopped for dinner yesterday the blocks had been re- laid nearly to Plainer street. Bctwoea 12 and 1 o'clock , a heavy rain fell , and just as the men returned to work they witnessed tbo result of their forenoon's labors des troyed. A largo volume of water poured down the street from the hills above , and repeated the destructive work of Friday night. It caught the paving just below Bloomer street , and sent it again whirling down toward Broadway. The electric motor construction gang , under the supervision of Headmaster Brin- ton , was kept at work lighting the water , and managed to keep it away from the newly laid track , confining its work to the gutters on cither side. A otrlp of paving over ono hundred feet long and about ten feet wide was swept out on each side , bcinir fully half of the work done by the pavers' during the morning. It was seen that th6 work could not bo stopped , and the paving force directed its energies to throwing out such blocks as made obstructions , thus giving the water a frco passage , In order to save the middle of the street. It was nearly evening before the damage was repaired. Mr. E. A. Wickham still in sists that ho will complete the work of re pairing the washout to-night. Ho will put on eight pavers , fifteen tampers , and thrco tar kettles this morning. Ho states that owiug to the wet condition of tbo bleaks , the street will have to bo rotamped after a few weeks , as the blocks will shrink and got loose after drying. The work Is now being tamped twice , but a third will bo necessary , also an additional coat of paint. This will cost about $400 extra. The work Is being done by thu city under the supervision of Mr. Wicklmm. The laying of the electric motor track was completed about 5 o'clock. A small strip , fifteen feat long , was 'oft ' in front of the property of John Limit , as an injunction had been secured by him to prevent the company from laying its truck until ho had been "compensated" for such damages as might result from bettor'street car accommoda tions. The remainder of thq. line will not bo built until after the .tournament. A tele gram was received from the Columbia Iron works , at Johnstown , stating that the Iron would not bo hero until ton days later than had been expected owing to the Hood. The material was to have been shipped on the 5th inst. , but willihurdly bo here now until about the Hrst of next month. The iron company stated that they would be at work in ton days , and the electric motor company thought It hardly worth while to place their order with another firm , If the delay was no more than that. ClOMOOl'the School Yenr. The commencement exercises of the Insti tution for the deaf and dumb will tuUo place this afternoon at 8 o'clock. No special invi tations are Issued but the ccnoral ono Is very cordial and urgent. All who can attend are urged to do so. The citizens will find much to interest them. The Barbers Again In fiCHslon. The barbers held a meeting lust evening at Cllno's barber shop under the opera house , and doe Idcd to wait until after the council hold a meeting and cither granted or rejected their petition to pass a Sunday closing ordi nance. The grounds on which they base their petition is that the Sunday work can bo easily done on Saturday , and give them ono day at homo with their families ; that the shops are closed In nearly all the cities in the state , and that they are now working contrary to law. They meet again ono woult from tn-nlght ut Priest's shop on Middle Broadway. Well Worthy of Patronage. A ridiculously small audience witnessed "Tho Paymaster" nt Dohun.y's last evening , but what it lacked In numbers was inado up in appreciation aad upplauso. Curtain calls were the order-trf the evening , and at the end of each i\ni1tjypry not the leading mem bers were callch ta'lho front. It was ono of the most iutcroftUnir plays put on the boards here this aeasiiir'iand the stage settings , scenery and costumes were all above criti cism. The imrfJCVoro well balanced , nml were ndmlnibly.i en. The company em braces some of ttio i best-known talent in the country. Thoytplay again to-night nnO tomorrow - morrow night , and will doubtless bo greeted with the houses xiijjy deserve. A Forftnr lu the Tolli. About thrco weeks ago n woll-drcsscd stranger registered nt the Bcchtollo as W. II. Leonard , of C/ilpago , and stated that ho represented a syrup houaoof that city. Alter slopping several days ho paid his bill and de parted , Ho returned again on the 80th , re maining until Thursday last , when ho was asked to settle. Ho acrcod to do so next day. Ho was expecting money , which was de layed , Qtc. Friday ho vlsltfld. Omp'l ' nnl } re turned in the evening. lie presented n check for the amount of his bill , signed by R. M. Downey , nn Omaha grocer. An Investiga tion proved the chock a forgery , and Leonard was arrested yesterday morning. Ho Insists that the paper Is genuine , but Is otherwise rather reticent. Ho will have a hearing in a few days. , _ . _ Stranger. Council Bluffs Is the best city in the union for safe investments. Consult Rhodabcck & Peterson , 20 N. Main st. , for rare bargains. Seventy-Two MHHonn.lrrs. A correspondent of the Globe-Demo crat has discovered that there nro sovonty-two men in the United Stales whobo combined wealth equals the national debt , most of which was created by the rebellion. Following1 are the names : Weston Dobson . $0,000,000 E. B. Coxo . SOOJOUOO L. Z. Loiter . 10,000,000 L. P. Marten . 10,000,000 Cauldwcll Cole . (1,000,000 ( A. M. Cannon . , C.000,000 Ex-Senator Palmer . 0,000,000 A. J. Drexel . 20,000,000 Clause Sprecklcs . 20,000,000 Philip Armour . 2.1,000,000 J. J. Hill . 15,000,010 John I. Blair . 40,000,000 Robert Bonncr . ( l.OJO.COO James McMillan . 10,000,000 The Astor family . 200,000UOO C. P. Huntington . 40,000,103 Montgomery Soars . . - . 12,000,000 George m. Pullman . 5,000,000 , B. P. Hutchinsou . 8,000,000 George Ehret . 5.0JO.OOJ Russell A. Algor . 6,000,000 John P. Jones . 13,000,000 Marshall Field . 15,000,000 John D. Rockafeller . 00,000,000 H. A. Flugler . 15,000,000 John J. Jennings . 5,000,000 Cornelius Vanderbllt . 110,000,000 William K. Vanderbilt . 85,000,000 F. W. Vauderbilt . 10,000,000 George W. Vanderbllt . 15,000,000 Jay Gould . 7oCOO,000 P. T. Barnum . 5,000,000 JohnT. Davis . 15,000,000 Charles McClure . 5,030,000 Ex-Governor English . 0,000,000 Andrew Carnegie . 40,000,0.0 D. W. Blahop . fc . 15,000,000 George W. Westinghouse . 20,000,000 W D. Sloano . 18,000,000 , George Lailfcr. . : . " . . . ' . 15,000,000 G. G. Haven. . . . ! . . < . ; . 12.000.COO George S. Crocker ; . ' . 12,000,000 , W . H. Bradford ' . ' ? . 10,00 : ) , 000 Anson P. Stokes , , , , . fa , 000. 000 Brayton Ives _ > . ' : . . ' . 5,000,000 J. W. Mackuy. . . . ; . , , . 3'J.OOO.OOO James G. Fair . 20,000,000 LelandStauford. ' . . . . ' . 40,000,000 Charles Pratt . ; . 0,000,000 Samuel A. Scott. . . . . . 10,000,000 George W. Chllds. . . ' . 15,000,000 D. W. Bruce . 12,000,000 John SVanamaker. . . . . . 15,000,003 Warner Miller . . ' . 5,000,000 W. II , Windora . , - . . 5,000,000 Sidney Dillon . k . 15,500,000 David Sinton . . . 20,000,000 John Hay . 5,000,000 J. H. Wade . 5,000,000 Senator Gorman . - . . . . . " . 0,000,000 Pears' soap is the most elegant toile adjunct. Hotel "It is remarkable how audacious beg gars are coming to bo and how frequent they are , " said a down-town hotel clerk the other night to a St. Louis Globo- Democrat reporter. "I work until 12 o'clock at night , and the amount of people ple who , about that time , find that they want a place to Bleep or something to eat is simply astounding. Ono woman came in and told mo bho had noplace to stay , etc. , and wanted to know if I wouldn't bo so kind as to loud her my overcoat to walk around in all night. I was not so kind. Then she cursed mo for about ton minutes and had just loft when a man dropped in , said ho had had no supper , and asked for a dimo. As I had only car fare home , ho asked mo if I wouldn't ' give it to him and walk. I felt 1 could not , as I live near Forest park , and then ho suggested that I borrow some money from a follow- omployo. I told him I never borrowed. and ho replied that I might take some money from the safe and return it on pay day. 'Or , ' ho suggested , as a last expedient , 'you might give mo your own lunch. You will got a good square meal when you go homo , and could do without it much better than I can. ' How is that for chcokV Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever. Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents. Her liist The whole corps of Western Union telegraph operators at Johnstown was lost on Friday night. Among thorn \yoro Mrs. Ocrlo , the manager , who for twenty-five years has acted as receiver of associated press reports , and her daughter , Minnie , also well known , says a Johnstown snocinl to the Cincin nati Enquirer. Also , Misses Gorman and Watkins and three messenger boyn , who were unable to escape from the building. Mrs. Ogle , who died at her post , will go down in history as a heroine of the highest order. Notwith standing the repeated notifications which she received to got out of reach of the approaching danger , she stood by her instrument With unflinching loyalty and undaunted fearlessness , Bonding words of warning to those in danger in the valley bolowh When every station in the path of thQ coming torrent had boon warned , she wired her coiapanion at South Forl ' 'This is my last mes sage , " and as such it shall always bo ro- mcmhorod as Jlierj last words 'on earth , for at that inomontrthotorrontpngulfod her and bore hpr'ffom her post on earth to her post of h&hbr in the great be yond. , > , t " Mrs. Wiflslow's Soothing Syrup should alwayBb'6Med for children teeth ing. ItBOOtlioHuiho child , softens the gums , allays allhrcUns , cures wind colic , and IH the best remedy lor diarrhoea. 2ilo a bottlo. lu tlio Ilomniitlc Hlviei-n. Ilalf the enchantment of Italy is gene when wo lose sight of the Mediter ranean , says a correspondent. It is along the tihoro of that sapphire sea that the romance and the glamour of Italian landscape are to bo found. There are spots between San Rome and Bordighorn , between Monte Carlo and Nice , which make the boul ache with their lovHiioss , sitddenod almost to dis- palr by an ideal beauty which scorns to accentuate the ugliness of life ; and it is only with that sea for a foreground of the piuturu that the light and color of the bouth can bo felt in all their ox- quislto variety. Homo thrills and vi bratos with the Hpoetrul past , a city of fountains and phantoms ; Florence is a vast repository of art ; Vouico is u dream of vanished groatnosa carved in fit ono mid glorified with frescoes that are as vast and wonderful a9 any tlronm ; but the western Rivlora is n happy holiday ground which Iloavon has loft to man kind otit of a long-lost fairyland. CURES PERMANENTLY BACKACHE , HEADACHE AND TOOTHACHE. CURES PERMANENTLY ALL AT "OntiaoisTs AND Dr.At.KM. THE CHARLES A. VOGEIER CO. . Djlllmore. Ml. SPECIAL NOTICES. _ " 1710H 8XLTraTaTarBnln DbTnpleuT sotToTbar J-1 nxturos ; larRcst mirror In Council lUutrsj llnost set of tlxturos in the city ; must bo oid Immoaiatoly , nnd are consequently best bar gain over offered tmloonmun. Whonlor Is Her- eld , 11)1 ) Kaat lroad.vay ) , Council llltillH , / JOWS for sale \VIH tixtco pay In grading nnd \J lllllns nt J.I par rtay lor man anil team , or will tnko puj' In imlutlUK. Horucu Uvorctt. T710K BAI.K-Allno c.iirinio horse , sultnulo JL' for family rtrlvlnp , Cnli on or addrccs J. \V. liUon , ai Huntsman stroot. WANTED GOO jilocoa OR BOioniMiixml carpot. also all good sarond'liand furnltute. A. J. Muiulcl , No . ; S2J and ! ti5 llroailwny , EOH KXClIANGK-Sovcral BooiUarms to ox clmtiBO for Council ( Hulls lots. Johnston & Van 1'iutcn , Kvcrott ulock. WANT15D YOUHR lutly BtouoRrnphor and typewriter would llko a position ns clerk In eoino oillco ; bsst of references , Atldaoss "C , " Omiilm lice. Council IHuirs. WANTED , atonco , a first-class shipper and foreman m wholesale agricultural linp'o- ' rncnt warehouse ; none but experienced matt need apply. Address * W. 1 lieo olllce , Council Hailfe , giving references and name of last em ployer. _ OH SALE No. MX ) Graham nvcnuo. Lot ft'JxU'O , Now house. Will talro tonm or cattlolnpartvayrnent ; balance on ten years' time , annual payment * , 8 per cent payable- annually. Apply to Horace Everett. TlWO-Story business house for rent , No. 200 Hroadway. opposite Ogdcn houso. I'nqulro at 230 I'nmk at. A. Wood. _ AKAKIO clmnco for a splendid Investment , requiring energy rather than larpo capital. A fortune for the rl ht miin. Half interest In the llnest practical patent over Issued. Address - dross Bwnn & Walker , 4 1'oarl street , Council Din ITs. lt l.lNi : Oulcl- : delivery between X Omina and Council Bluffs. House-hold good * and freight moved safely and promptly. Lenvo orders at Omaha olllce , GOi So. lath st. ; Council llluirs 7 N Mam , il. Keecroft. _ O fUlflsplomHtl mounted specimens rare Birds jjV/UL"and animals from every clime. Must bo sold at onco. Single or lu ctisea. J < \ J , Brazoo , flret class taxidermist. Council _ E liAIj ESTATE llousht and sold ana ex- changed. Sportal attention Rlvon to exam ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 10 1'earl st. . Council Bluffs. _ SAfjK 7 room cottage , corner Tnlrd FOU and nth st. Easy terms. W. C. Jiimes , 10 Pear : st. T7IOH ItENT Eniy terms t\vo new five-room Jj houses , Wth avu. between Hlgli and Third sts. Sell cheap if taken this week. Inquire owner. J. Dickey , 713 H. Wuy. TTIOH SALT" Old established general mor- JL' chandUo business , stocic , nxtures , wagons , etc. Good room and low rent , Addrcsi , J. Dickey. 7 10 . Way _ OH KENT rurnlsn r unfurnished largo ten-room houso. bath room , gas furnace , etc. . nt Oil Willow ave. Knqulro at premlsos.or O H. StUlmau. Brown blosk. _ TTUIESH milk cows for sale or trade for fat JL ; cows. Swan's stocic yards , Upper Broad way. Frank Swan. FOU HUNT Largo double olllca over Frank Levin's cigar store , 0 ! Uro ad way. Inquire of Frank Levin. IOWA STATE ,9. S Council Bluffs , la. Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday. June 11 , 12 , 13 and 14. Purses Amounting to $4,500. ONE PARE FOB BOUND TBIP ON ALL BAILBOADS J. D. KDMUNDSON , 1 * . L. . J'rcs. Vlco I'res. CHAR. H. HANNOM , Cashier , CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or COUNCIL Paid Up Capital . $ IMJ.OOQ.OO. Surplus . 8.-.OJ0.03. Ltubim to Dcpositota , fiiiiKCTOits LA. Miller , I1' . O. Cleason , B. . Hhugart , 1C. 13. Hart , .1. D. 1'dmund.sou. Chas. K. Ilanuou. Transact general banking business. Luruojt capital and surplus of auy b.iuk In boulhwcstorn Iowa. Interest on tlmo deposits. WE DON'T ' WTlllTH ! OH , NO ! But wo Oo want the people of Western Iowa to know that the GREAT BARGAIN SHOE STORE NO. 100 MAIN ST. , Cor. First .Avotiuo , carry the lurfrost Block of BOOTS micl SHOES in this city. That ro tihvnys load in popular prioss. That persons wanting rollablo cooJscaii save money by traillncr with Us. S. A. PI HUGH. CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. W. L. PATTOtf , Prop. Elegant Rigs at Rcnsonablo Kates. Noa. 19 and lil , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' ! iK ! ) EIJIO Centrally located livery nnd boarding utablo Heat accommodations in the city , bpoclal at tention to transient custom , W. A. II A VS. I'rop. Tiilr phone S-alili' , 77. Ken. KiiO , A. A. IIAKT , IP < > | , Honest Watches , Clock * , Jewelry and Hllvov ivmo. All cleaning and lepalrlnsj under per bUporvlHlon of the proprlotor. Stationery Toilet artlcU-M and J'urfiinitfry. i-'lno Watcha4 'llmo Locku an * ! Clironomuters u specialty , 110 MAIN 6T. , Council Jltullb. PRO'S CHINA STORE G awKor flmbB e. RfrAHMAtim = 1 ow/i Dress In OLD 5CAMLAJ Fashioned . --Te/.ZO/ . English NJ.TIBBETTS Itcmovcd to 105 Main St. FinoOnndloB OnndloB , Fresh Sos l8t.Avc.Bef.M3in & Pearl. Mndo BvoryDay. Dempsey & Butler , TIBIIE IRTTSSIESIE. ! * SIZES FROM Especially Adapttd fte 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators ATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Bpe'clBc.illonsnml ritlmntc : furnished for complete ( tcnm plnntfl. ItCHiil.itlon , Durnbllttj-gunrnntccd. ( Jim Ehoir letters from users wlicro fuel economy " equnl with Corll > 9 Non-comlonilng. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. EVERETT , FISCHER , AND HARDMAN PIANOS ! Now Organs at Sl.OO a weoic. Now Pianos at $2.50 to $5.00 a week MUELLER MUSIC COMPANY , No. 33 Main St. , : : Council Bluffs la. , > J _ A. D. HUISMAN. E.tSTEVEN.S HERSMAN & STEVENS , _ j ttvd 9 We ' ( Successors to Morgan , Keller & Co. ) SPJBtBAL. ATTENTION GIVUX TO K\I5ALflIING. ) \VE OAltllV A FULL LINE OF ( WOOD : CLOTH : AND : METALIC : CASES. 'OPEN AT ALL IIOUHB OP DAY AND NIQUT.f UO. 11 BUOADWA i OOUNOIL DLiUPFS. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. ETC. 33O BI&OABWAY. TELEPHONE HO. 260 II Now Look out Moths ADesmetes $ CKYST AI..BZA. It consists of snow white ilaki-s. A produc tion from Coal Tar. I'HHfUCrr.Y HAHM- LHSS. Free from oil. acid or any substance that would harm tlio most dellcato fabric or feather. It evaporates without leaving any residue. H1I1U moths wliilo camphor merely drives thorn away. Solo Agent , Council Blulls. AND taiie mmmm AT PETER C. MILLER'S. ' Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. No. 27 Main Street , Over .Bjicquciulu' ' * .Zcu'iilryi-itoro Thp.f/lost IVlodorj-i Noyolltio In STOP ! BEAD THIS ! A now CloUiliiK Htoro has been opened in Couii'll llliilTb , No old Block : cir old styles , Uvcryiiimir Htrlctly lim cla-H. Come uiul bo convinced , J'osltlvily oii'j prlco nun ciuli. CHICAGO CLOTHING HOUSE , 739 WI'.ST IMOAP'VAY. ESHELMAN. Kcluw we give mimes of n fou'of the many I'ntrons of the Insurance Go. In Council Jlluirs and vicinity. The character of the pations nameil , imtt tlio amount entrusted - trusted by each to the protection of the com pany , imllcatoH the conlldsnco cujoyod by It at home uhera Us manner of doing business Is beet known. 0.1) . Dillln 440,000 Limey Uros. &Co B7.000 Charles llauilm BO.OCO 11.1' . Morrow 10,000 John Jlennett l'.750 ' William O'llnlloran , . . . , 8.10U Charles Shields T.TOO N. W.Nasli 7,850 I. A. Jillicr 0.000 ( iuorKo A. Try 0,000 Henry Klseman&Oo 6,00(1 ( HhllEurt , Walt & Wlcfl tf.OOO H. L. SmiR-art V OOO Itonmii Catholic Church 40,000 Itomau Catholic Church , Westphalia . . , < 0.WO ( Carroll County Court HOUBO. . . . , 23,003 Abbott A ; Cooper 21,000 St. TrancU Academy 20.000 Cravor. Woelu te Austin 0.000 T. U. 0. Locan il.uoo Deere , WolR&Co 10.800 ( Joorue M. Williams t'.UK ) B. D.ICohles ; . . . - , H.W1 O. U. Carpenter 0,700 .Masonlo Temple e.uoo Mctcalf Uros 0,000 { . ' . A. llcebe fc Co , . 6,000 8.B. Keller t . & 00 NOTICI : When our policy oxreodd ? ! ,000.oa on property subject to destruction by n sluijlo ( Ire , the OXCOSH la ro-lnaured in other companies. Are thorouchly prepared to take earn of horses nml ciinlngoa of all vlMlturi to the hike , Monty of Blu-ds and stalls , nml animal ! * and carriages will be safely carud for. Cfiaruoa reasonable. Accommodating hostlers on hand nlglit and day. When you drive to tlio Lake , don't forget ' ULD DAI/1 'luoe. W. H. M. OFFICER & PliSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Hroadway , COUNCU , IlIjUKFS , IOWA. Dealers in foreign r.nd " 'omonUo exchange. Collections made aud Interest paid on time at- pObltb. Insure in ihU. ( . B. .Mnsonlu Ilcnorolmit AsKodutlon of Council llliill's , Iu. , tlio jomif-i'sf , largest , rlienpebl ami | jo-.t I'lim or Masonic , Jnsiintiico In the ivorM. ( hut Dll , McDANELD & CO , , Hidesjata , Pelts , Wool Furs. . li'ltpxt m arlttt prlceb. I'rrit.-pt rotitrm. Nest t-- Main t. , Ccu-,1 : ! ! iilu-Tx. luwfc o.n o.f H ,