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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1889)
. , . - riiwiKa = ' , ' 3THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. * 0HUESDAY ? , APRIL 23. 188& ( SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No mlTcrllscinuiitfl will bo taken for tlicnn column ) ) nflcr 1-JO : ! p , in. TorrnH n h In mlvnnoe. _ Admttemnentft under tills head loeenltper line for too first l&iertlon , 7 cent * ( or each tub * > < > o.ucnt Insertion , and 11.50 per Una p r month. Ho advertisement taken for lesi than u cent * he first Insertion. Seven words will be counted othe line ; they mint run consecutively nnd puiat bo paid In ADVANCI5. All advertlno- rnonls must b hAnded in before Ki'jn o'clock p. fa. , and under no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'artle * advertising In those columns and hay. fntt their answers addressed In care of Tin Dm prill plcaso nik for a cliock to onnblo them to Ret Iholr letters , an none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All unsworn to adver tisements should b < renc1osoaln | envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nro pub lished In both mornlna and evening editions of JTllHJlKE , the circulation of which nggrpgntca tooro than ic.Ooo papers dally , ima gives the ad vertisers ttio benefit , nol only of tun city circu lation ot 'I'm : llr.r , but also of Council muffs. ilncoLund other cities nnd towns tnroughoui | hU section oC the country. BRA NCH QFFTCEST Advertising for those columns Will ba taken n the above conditions , at the following bun- Mesa doused , who nro at ihorlzod amenta for TUB IlBfc upeclnl notice * , and will quolo the nami gat ear aa can bo had at t he mnln olllce. " a ) South I Tenth ntreot. S1HARR & EDDY. Btntlonori and Printers , 1)3 ) \ - > riouth 10th Btroet. BH. FAUNSWOUTH , Pharmi/lst. 2113 Cum- ing Street. Pharmacist , C21 North ICth Street. GKO. W. 1'AIUI , Thnrmaclst , 1800 Bt. Mary' * Avcnuo. "B FTUATIONS WANT ED. to do dro sm Klmi in fam 'lllea ' solicitedMiss Bturdy.XI7 ) Loavnnwortn S01 ! in BJ * 8ITUATION wanted by a first elnM bread nnd. rake baker. Ail dross I , . K. Klkhorn , Valley House , lltti nnd Dodge Un , ' " \yANTKD A good barber , 41H 8 10st. from Chicago , good cutter , litter nnd draper , desires work in families teytheday. Address X 11. lloo olllce. W ANTKO-A situation to toke care of hnrsos or gardening , In private family. Addrem Alice. ' 178 Bit " \X7ANTKD-8ltuatlon by married man as TT cook in hotel ) undorstnnd cooking hi nil Its branches ; sober nnd steady ; best of refer- cures. Addresa X 31. Uoc. 184-K4J "IDAUTIKS desiring experienced stenographers J. can olitnlu just the nany wnntcd nlfliout ilelny or Inconvenience from the Western Bten- ograplilc npuncy , Lincoln. Nob. Mil-mil "OAltTir.S deKlrtng experienced male or 4. < omalo stenographers cau obtain Just the party wanted without dolny or Inconvoulenco ironi the Western Stenographic agency , Lin coln , Neb. 473 WANTED MALE HELP. \ArANTRD Men for lltrht work nt good Hnlnry. Itoom 3 , Motropotltnn hotul , Couucll niuirs. ED Thrco young men ; light work ami ein weekly , Uoom 17,2.-0 N. Iflth. , WANTED Immediately , a llrst class coat- maker , steady work ; telegraph J. F. Geson , Sownrd , Mob. 25431 WANTED Man to manage branch olllco In Knnsaft City. MOO poi- month nnd commis sion. tlliO requited. Address , X " , Ilee. ait 23 * O ALUSM AN wiinted , Ono or two good salcs- KJinon , pldo lino. HtnndnrU article. No sam- ple.s roimlred. Address , Drawer 151Knlamazoo , filch. 1B9 4' W > TJTiD : ( ) no wiao awake Traveling man ; good optnlnt ? for cnurgetic nartv. Call . Itoom 3 Ai-cado iiotof ' . " ' . ' to-day. , , cltj' "Ix'-'OJ TA ANTI'D Man and ulfoon a tavm ; no ob- T i lection to 2 children , * -WI ; aUo jiian and W'ltcjnji private family , * V > 0 per annum. Mrs. Jircgn. 8 i < ai5. in.-24 "IX/ANTHD-TwocoatmaRor ? , London tailor , T > , 037 Broadway , Council lllnirH. iw 23 Agents ; mnglo clgntilgutcr ; ? -overy1 smoker buys ; llghw In.wind or rain ; InMji n llfoUmti ; sainplo 15c , two'tor 25c , dozen II , by mull ; st mps taken. Startler & Co. . J'rovldoiice K t. I70-m22 * WANTCD Kxperlenced hardware Bales- man , knowledge of buljdera' hardwnro preferred ; stntu age and salary re ulrod. Ad- fli e"sX 17 , lleo. 1S8 TATANTED Canvnssors. main nud female ; 1 good wngos. Addro-jB X 8 , lieu ofllco. 121-24 * WANTED Llv * , oneigetlo men with small capltnl to Invest In an Invention whcroby tliousandH of dollars can bu made. No humbug. Bells on sight ! big money In It. Address with utiiinpC. II. Westron , 1212 Douglas St. , Omnha , Neb , 113211 : T for young man or lady. lleforenccs required. U. B. Thompson , 212 Bheciy block. Vfi WANTI5D A good carrlago trimmer , steady woncbyday or piece , guarantee work the year round to the right party. For further particulars ivpply to Lou \vohn , Ueatrlco , Nob. 1KW 1 4 "IS/ANTOD Kiiergotlomonand women every- Y T where for n genteel , luoney-mnktng bu l- liens , frto weekly profit guaranteed easier than fflO monthly othei wise. Uxporlonco absolutely nnnect-SBary. Purmament ponltlou nnd exclua- ( vo territory assured. (2 samples free. Write for particulars. Address with Htnmp , Merrill Mf'g , Co. . II C.I Chlcngo 7I4-ml2J Wowlshnfowmen tOBnll our BALKSMKN Bamplu to wholesale and retail trade. Largc&t munut'rs In our lino. Unclose C-ci-nt stamp. Wogca M per day , Permanent position. No postals aimwered. Money ad vanced for wages , advertising , etc. Ceiitennlnl ' Co. . Cincinnati. O. EM \\7"ANTKD Men to solicit ; must deposit J2 > .TI and glvo security for money collected , finlary I7u to * 100 per mont h. Calf otiior ad- iaresa Geo. 8. Cllne.511 First National bank. 470 WANTKD Agnnts to soil the Pig Puzzle ; everybody ci-ar.y to get one ; sample by rnall no ; Ktampa taken. A. A. Austin & Co. , niunufactiirers. ProvlilenCe. U. I. gftHm 2J men * for railroad work In Washington territory ; good wnges nnd tf ndy work. Apply nt Albi-lght'H Labor Af ency , jlgOFainainMieot. ' 207 OYp-Am. Dlut. Tel. Co , 1304 Douglas , -.128 A G1JNT8 wanted on salary. STfmer mouth , X and expenses paid , tiny active 'man or ivomuu to Hell our goods by sample and llvo ut coiiio , Balarypnld promptly and oxpen os In Advance. Full particulars aim sample cuso free. Wo mean just what we xay. Address Standard Slnviwuro Co , , HOston , fla'.i. rtlO WANTED--FEMALE HELP. \\rANTi:0-A : Rood reliable trusty clrl lli t TT can hnlptaKii care of small child and do itenural liotisoork In family of throe , firs. ganboi n. 17A1 Lcavenworl l ht. _ 817-2.17 _ for general housouerK. Mrs. A. AniUL Mil S. ailth st. _ U1U-20 fl\7rANTKD ( lood servant girl , Oerman pre- T > ferriid , to do cooklnir.lronlug and washing , good \VRifun. * N. Vf. cor. llith and I.eavviiworth , Nteo npp rltiK young Hdy for Ke. ( lood salary mid expenses paid , State full particulars lira K-ttJr. X i-M , Hoc. 18 86 * nur > o'aud rook t o ( to with fain- llv to 1'ortluud , Oregun , Iniiulra ut 25 < : i Capitol ttvenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ -17 ! i5t _ _ _ _ ASTlJU Girl to do general housework. Must be i.ood cook , Ibl2 Wirt nt , Kouutzo laco. _ g5 ! Vi TANTUI' Compctont Blrl for general house work Itt-ci No. a-th st. An oxperleni-ed yomiit woman to niteml lu bath room ; good wa os to ho rlcht party. Addrexa Mrs. K. li , llre.Mitor , ox OP , Lincoln. Neb. _ iiia-iMJ r ANTHD likpeilonceil walit Unlsher. 1510 Douglas , ilpstdlis. LVJL'lt MTANTKU-An eldirly woman to do light work in aMnnll family i nmo woman to euro for f hll'Jren , ) ; 2 dlnlmi room girls for Hen- trice. II * : 2 for Wyo. . S-V ; U women cooks , | M to I Ui ; a girls for sumo hotel , 110 & tlKi M girls tot nice private families In nud cut ot city. Mm. BroHtt. HUH 8 IMh. W 2lt * ' UIHLfor general hotlie work ave. SJt T ANTED Herman inrl to do upstairs work . . iui'1 taco cAi'iof child lyoarsi.ld , In ram- i Hy of three. SJIt Douglas. _ IK 84 7ANTKiUlrl , 1311 ( . ' * . 1107 ! ! 4t family ot two. Inqntie IDOJ C'apltol ave. ia zit vV A N'TKU A trimmer and a.iUslady. Genius Hi-os. , J 0lDmi15lasfct. & $ i 55 rANTr.U-Uoc.ii k'lrl for ccneral house- I wciV. .Mr * . O , w , Lo'jinta.loll a 30th ave. VII 5T rA-iTKl-tiew : > a iilrl foruiineralhoiKewort : . VT It In jTiillri uiuit be good washer nud Jvoner. Qtriuta pi < ten i > < \ . 1715 t'nsi. KM ' ' ' ni 3y""lnttn > ci Ulcgtr Hewl ' . ' K T-4 \ rANTRD Pleasant middle ag d lady , ns 1 > housekeeper for a widower on n. farm ; no objection to ono clUld , Mrs. llrega , 31lt8 ! 15th , WANTKO-3 cooks , private family : K week ! stenographer , V ) { 4 waitresses M week ; 4 nundry girls , tso month ; n chamber maids. I1A ; S cooks , boarding house , " ( 1 oecoml plrl , W.M wc kj 2 nnMfl pins , nice place ; 2.1 girls ncncral work : ns nice places for clrls , Otnahft. Km- iloymcnt bureau. HON. leth. _ 2TXglt ) l for housework. 022 N 19th. ANTED-A good girl 2021 Davenport st. _ jjflm ! T\rANTED-Competont young woman to go Tf to 1'ortlnnd , Ore. , as nurse tot ! 4 chlldrnn , youngest 3 , wages 810. Mrs , Ilrcea , 314M H 15th. "lATANTUD- cook nnd laiuiilrcss.Tam 1 ly of thrc-f. N. W , cor. 17th and Douglas. 2I-V20 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. sTlrillXlA , Canadian r.tnp. olllcfl. HI4H H 15th. Uoferelico Omaha National bank. _ / VM AHA I5mp. bureau. 119 N leth ; establlshsd WB years ; Most reliable In city. II , K. White. T AD1KS Informntlon nnd employment par- JJ lor.s ; strictly nrst-class ; perfectly reliable , lloom 10 , nushman block , N , Ii. cor. Douglas and IBtn Bt. l63Aoi take' half Interest In well located nnd tluely ftirntshod hotel In Omaha ; must have W.1XW to J6.0U ) cash. Ail- ilresO'artiier.J1. 0. boKjiTO. _ ! ? r152 ! " \I7ANTlfl ) lly a gentlemen , nnd - vTfotnblo- IT board breakfast nna six o'clokd inner in thoiieighborhond of 20th ntld rnrnnm. With prlvrttu family preferred , l-'or superior accom modations a llbernt prlcn will bo paid , liefer- onccs Mill bo oxchangcd , Addresa X in , Hob olllce. 1CT-21 * . f\rANTr.D-Any , onn aflllcted with nnyprl- V > vnto or chronic blood dlsonso lo call on the National Kntiierty Co. , 14U Dodge St. nnd In- estlgato their treat in ont for pilvato dleordors. \\rANTKD lUiyer for a peed lot on Capitol TT nvo. , within four blocks Of high school. SoSO Davenport st. 12.VJit A llUHiNKSSiiian would llko to Join ono or x\.jnore gentlemen going to the 1'acltlo coast about May Mh , for company white trnvollng , Address , with reference. HoxSOd , Kenrney.Neb , 174 4 WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED Two unfurnished Brooms within Uvoblocks from 1' . O. Call or address J. J. HUSH , ir.u Dougin'j st , a.Vi-ai KD May 1 , furnished or unfurnished cottage ; family of two. Addres3y4i Bee. TXTAN.TRD to rent by family of two. nn un- VV rurnlHhod cottngo In good condition con taining I ) or 7 rooms ; must have termsand lo cation to receive any attention. Address U 55 , Ilee. 339 FOR RENT-HOUSES. Q fiUOBKa centrally locatcoTinherd furiilturo Ols for sale on time , Co-Oporntlvo Land and Lot Co No. 205 N. iCth st'I l-2ft iblJU rooms , $ f. 1S13 S. 15th , near Dorcas. IIX ) 13IiEASANT7-room house nflar JL and streetcar line , with a barn a llttlo dls- t unco tint , dill and .sun mo about it. C. F. Harrlsoii , Morchnnts Nnt. bank. _ . 154 _ TJ1OK mail' 8 room house ; centrally located ; JH modern Improvements. J. K Ilarton. 3G1U Capitol nvenne. _ 197-3t8 FOR HUNT Two elegant brick flats , well located , each 0 rooms. 7 closets , nil modern Improvements , nro worth W5 , but will rentthem to good parties at $27. Apply to T. C. llrunnor , , Idifl Fnrnam st. 14S-35 FOR HUNT 7-room lint , all modern conven iences , good location , cheap to treed party. L , & 8. Ueutal Agency , room JJIO. Bhooly block. FOH ftftNT May 1 , n nice 0-roomod cottage , furnished ; the finest location In the city ; beautiful lawn and shade trees ; only 7 blocks from I' . O. ; on cable and horse cnr line. Ad- ( liess V 7 , HOD olllco. 0)5 ) 33 " 1710H HUNT A unw 11-room hous.1 with large J-1 yard nua all modern conveniences , 2315 Cal ifornia Ft. ! > ll 35 * HUNT Ono ten-room and ono eight- room house , all modern conveniences. ( lest pait of city and within n mlnntos walk of post- oIllcB. Nnthau Shelton , Iu0it'jxriiam st. Il4i _ tJiOU HUNT ifouso of all modern Imnrove- -13 incuts , perfect repair. Inquire 712 N. 1'lth st Sy-3 * COTOAOR nicely furnished for rent , 5 rooms , close to business ; references. KilO : , Klieely blk. lKM-4j 8 IIOOM house for rent , city water , 8lloom 2U7 Sheely block. _ 87U UUNr-lloautlful 8-room nouso with FOK modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply at oucn , 0. F. Ilnrrlaon , Mer. Nat. H'k. FOK KENT Good houses ntlW. 0. ,10.J25.a ) luidJl'i per month. . ! f you wish to rent call nud gee mo. D. V. Sholps , 210 1st Nnt'l Hank. 7m FOK JtKNT A choice H room nouse , lenced lot , gas , city water , lurunce , bath room , cistern , largo well equipped uarn , 254 , ) Capitol ftve. Inquire 2d lioiine cast of nreinisoa or'room ' 14 onialm Nntl bank bid , n. 11. ItoXinon. BM KENT Some now 0-room houtca In FOH i'Cnldweirs ndclltlon. IH mllea from po-itotnce. Apply early. Bpotswood , UOSji So liitli s . _ rJO ' WOll KlWi' 14 room brick 'dwelling , nil con- Jl ? veulonccs , 31HN. liithbt. u07 71100M housH with barn , out n little dlstauco | JO per month. O , K Harrison , Merchant1 * Nat. bank bide. 4JM FOK 1U5NT Elegantly furnUlied rooms with all modern Improvements , at utM S. I3th bt. 4IX-m-fl ' | 7\UKNISHKD \ nouso for rent In l-ark Terrace , JL ; opposite Hnuscom Park ; all moilnrn con- venlenciM. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , 38th and lycavenworth. _ CJfl KKNT u-room modern linprovort house , A. 1 locality ; roni moderate. Apply to M. El gutter. KOI V.nrimm st IlJ\OK \ HUNT Cottages , 6 rooms , a7 ) Charles JD st. nnd inst B Mh at. Inquire at loom 213 , Rheely block. 033 " HUNT When you wish to rent n house , . wtore , or olllco call on us , H. 13. Cole , room fi. Continental blk. 04.1 1/1011 BENT Olio ii-room residence. 2107 J3 DougUs St. , all modern Improvements. In quire S. KntzU F rnnni. 065 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- T A110 E front room with bed-room adjoining. JJlnindsomely furnished , gas nnd heated by steam , with mo of bath room. In ono of ttio ImndHOinost ro-jldcnces In the city , without board. Inquire n. w. cor , ll'th nnd Ltavenworth. * ' * * ' PUHNIHIIHD rooms , bath. OS SlCth , south Hat , ard floor. Sill SO * ELKOANTfurnliihcd front room with ovnry modern convenience. 1S2I1 Cass , for gcnl lu men only. sauJW 11MNIBHKO rooms , 222 N IQtU. , at lOlRnnd 1615 Capitol ave , , AVKNUUroomH ' . O. , newly furnished , prlvae boarrtlns house.pleasant rooms.nilcoiivnnlences VHl 20 * TJ10H UKNT 1'or ono or two gentlemen , largo JL ) fi ont room with alcove , nicely furnished. On cable Hue , north sldo Dodge st. , opposite JSth uve. til 27f OK HKNT Nlcely. rumly furnished , all modern convunlancai * , 221H DouglaM. I'M OU llUNT Uoom 1621 Iloward. 003 YriOll UKNT One fntnlulied loom with closet JL. nnd every convenience , gun , etc , , bath room on same lloori suitable tor one or two gcutlu- miin. 22141'arnam. VW FOU unNT Furnished rooms Blnglo or nn guile. 1609 Dc-ugla- . 713 rooms \\Mi firct-class board at B013 Douglas st. Mf.-glt _ iniritNlSHRD front room with board ; first C Hoorgtftti.ilthEt. ; ! IMii-ait _ OU HKNT Nicely furnlhhed rooms with or Ithout board ; C. H' th bt. VJMr QUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern convou- Olonces , 'J blocks from 1' . O , , p.-lrato family. A. llospe. Jr. IfilJ Douftlai St. _ KM " l UUNISHKU lloom with "board , suitable for 4 } ono gentleman , 1Q.V > I'arV nve. UMCM * T > OOM with or without board , 1S1J IoitK ) , it tU'i rooms torrent , witn board ; > wuzt clve , at llttl Dodge st. TJI UHWPUUn IlOOMS-lTOODuUB'-as street FTmSIFilKH rth tn for vent ; mast KTvo ent-p. ttt J021 1 Uodgo. 449 r l(0 ( N''irroomt'airconvea ; ! uc j _ _ _ i7)lTifBNT-tJood ) basement , tor rent at Hlu Oode .IJ AH itiodnniinv : iiUui-cM. r > O'JAtS au4 toarJ , Mi VfeUtcr t. r . . _ . .Twoe * ormonth. ' Ht. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. P33 "ITUJHNISHED rooms , slngta or en suite , bath * - and stcain : for gents only. 1519 Howard. P63 "filOU H ENr Jr rout rooms at 1821 Karnam. j-1 m FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED 10iniTCNT- and1 ? ) roo-mTfWSKth stj JL' between Jackson and Ieavcnworth. S41-25t ITOIl Hr.NT 3 new rooms suitable for houso- J-1 keeping , $3 per month , 2G2J FrsnKlla st. 1OU URNT J iy5 unfurnished cnamoors for JL' housekeeping. 319 N 17th st. 8U3 ! i07 1OH UKNT Ahnndsomo snlteot three un- JL' furnished rooms with bathroom nnd closets , at 1JOO Sherman avo. 882 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. TjlOlt HUNT Cheap-lUilMIng Hultftblo for btovoiunnufacturlni ; orMvarehouss. SJxA ) , Ra , water and saworagc , Saunrters st , near ( Jdilfellows' hall. Knaulro at bro n livery stable , m\xt door. its S t ± ; J imolt ITr.NT-fiio I Btory brick bulldm with JU or without pow er , now ocuplod by Thff lloo rubllshlng Co. . IUi ; Farnam st. The building has n Hio proof cemented basement , complete fitdam heating fixtures , water on all the Hears , ens , etc. Apply at Iho olllce of Tne Hoe. lllli TflOIt UKNT Stors nnd living rooms oh Cum- -L. Ing street ; also house on Cnss st. Harris K. B. Ali. . Co. . lloom 411 , 1st Nnt. bank. fill STOH13 407 with bnsnmont , Hamgo bldg. In- qulro Krank : J. Unmgo. _ 06B t Oirilf.NT Store L'JxlX ) ; 1113 Jackson st. Kn- C iiulrollU Jaekson. _ K13 BNTr-2 floors & > x8J ciioii , In brlrt buildIng - Ing , with elevator , close to express olllce , cheap rent , just tjto thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Ueo-Heyn , 1108 rat-nan , at. RENTAL ACE NCI S3. PF you want'ioT-Suf youThoiises call on liar- L rls , It. K. & L. Co. , room III 1st .Nnt'l bank. . | 1SH 'your property torrent with HomliiKton " yc , Northwest Corner luth nud Karnnm. VOOn'W ANTKD ai nouses nt once for v. inch wo can furnish good tenants. last your houses with the Lie SUuntal Agency , UlUSheoly blk. IF YOU want to buy , soil , rent or oxcnnngo , call on or address G. .1. Stnrnsdorlf , rooms 317 nnd 318 Hrst National bank building. 045 GKO. J. PAIJU IG'J'J Fnrnara st. , houses , storoB. etc.for _ rout. Bid W13 glvo special attention to renting nua collecting roms , list with us. 11. K Cole , room 0 Continental olocc. 017 IpOU HKN'r Houses in nil pans ot the city. .1. J. Gibson. No. 3. Crelnhion block. C 4 J. UIIISON'S now system of rentinghotiseS , No. ! 1 CrclRhton block. Ctfl MISCELLANEOUS. ADltrGGISTMith cash looking for a good location , will do Veil to address K. K. Cnpps. culbortsoii , Neb. , ov Hunt * Co. , Hust ings , Neb. 247mt ? IAS'I UIUNU horses and colts , good grass nnd water , $ J per month. A. G. Degorman on the Wear farm Bit mlles west of South Omaha. 2124t structloii of ollicer.s' quartorN , Btoroliousus , etc. , nt Fort NIobrara , Nobruska , as llxod by my ad vertisement nt 1st Inst. , ia further dofurred until 3 o'clock p. in. , central tltna , the llth ot May. l b'J ' , Win. 11. Huglips , Lieut. Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster General , U. S. A. HAVING bought the outfit of late P. Iloyor. I nm prepared to do heavy hauling ot all kinds ; saios a specialty. Clms. A. Morse. Hit 8. 10th st. Telephone. 323. 338 ! 'lS \7OIT that ro sullorTiic from private dlsor- L dersw111 mid the National Kemcdy nt 1114 Dodge st. , wheru you can get bclentillo treat ment and a euro guttrnutcud. 211 ; hONNF.NStvHKIN"ha3moved to < ! 7S l.ltli. liny mid soil cocoiid hand lurulturo ami stoves ; bottles bought and sold. l , " > G-m21 Vriijlj take horses to pasture nt Gllmoio. T l'ilce$2permo , D , A.Young.GIlmore.Neb. uin-mi7J rptin nanjo taught ns ( nn nrt bj'Gco. F. Gel- 1hmbouk. . Aiiulv at Ilee Ollifo. Ml LOST. T OST Dark bay mule , Ifi hands high , 2 silts J-i in right car. Howard for return to Poor Farm brick yard 3j"0t T O31' One dun pony , 1ms scnr on both shonl- JUdcrs. Itetnrn to blacksmith shop at iith ; ami .Tackaon street ami get iownul. 21C-2rt' llet eon Omatia and Pouth Omaha , LOST local express delivery receipt book. He- turrtto No. 10111 Howard st. ami will pay for i our trouble , llees Printing Co. liiS "FOU'rfD. mare 12 years old. Will bo sold unless KOAN called for by Saturday. S. D. Cory , pound- master. BI5-24 % PERSONAL. PIUISONA-L Parties wishing correspondents In view of matrimony or amiiiemeut , en close stamp. Address Mrs. J. J. Unstgn , box 2SH Omuha. Kofi. ? W1 MISS M. E. LYNCH , of Chicago , is teaching thu Adams-Taylor system of dross-cutting , nt her school , v > hcio cutting , making and dinp- Jug Is taught ; Instruction given ilny or evening ; dicss-nmKlng In connection ulta school. Rooms 310-317 Sheely block , lljth and Houaid sts. 343-2'B ' TjliTVATK course In fencing , boxlug or tanoy L club swinging , $10. Addn-st. T 14 , lieu olllce , 3-J 11114 * STORAGE. QTOKAGE At low rates at 1121 Farnam Bt OOmatia Auction & Stora go Co 117 rPHACKAGIC , storage , lowest rates. W. At J. ilushnmn , mi Lenvenworth. 118 B UANCH & CO. , storage. 1211 Howard. 110 CLAIRVOYANT DR. NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant medi cal and business medium. Female illsense.s n specialty. 110 N leth St. . rooms "and il. nil SHORTHAND AND TYPEWKITI Mn MMIK Standard Shorthand School , having pur- .Lrlinsed Valentine's Sliorthnnn Institute , I'ax ton block , opp. public library , is now the larg est , best equipped , exclusive- shorthand Hchool lu tliovc t. IS eraduates In good situations The school Is tncharuoof Mr. It. A , Smith , a ntenoBrapliei- teacher of many years prac tical experience , Twelve No. - Itomlngton typo- \\rltcra In use , iiend for clrculorn. 411 _ Lr.OTIUC Telegraph School ; thorough and practical Instruction by competent teach ers. Hend fori-lrculnror call 10 1 a. ICth. IKI-iMJ ) and Typo-wrltliiR tmifrht the SII011THANI most practical v.ay at the Omaha Commercial Collegn. Ilenu 1'ltman sytttem and ItemliiKton type-writers ; Ktndentl complct mcmiuliutwo \\eekH , nnd write from'10 to 100 woidn per niln- utu In tin ee month ! ) ; practical ollicn drill made a specially. Instruction in Ki-ainmar , nnu writing free. Addntas Jlourbough llros. , Omaha for circulars. UI7 m'J WTVNTEP TO BUY. AN T uiTnToujr cooU commercial paper , 11. C. I'ntterson. alii H 15th Bt. _ Ml WANTKD Furniture , carpets , stores ami lioimeliold goods of all kinds , Omalm Auction Ic StoraKe Co. , 1121 farnara. IUO TT10II BALK African lap robe ; will trade for X1 fcowliiK LiacUlne ; Wjfl 8 , 10th st , , room H. 1011 BALK-TalkliiR parrot , 15 , uUo one liRUdftome yellow head and African Cray. BOO 8 10th Hi. room y. _ l'5V in _ OAHI'lvTS. bedroom hets , tovf-H parlor furnl- tifio , wardrobe , hall tree , curtalnu , exten sion table , etc , , cheap for a few days , M)10 Davenport et. _ Zil-M' TTlOil BAlTE Oood uhelvlncr , one show case ami n lot candy Jars at Goo , L. Uean'i , l'f i l8lBS. _ Stt30 T71011 BALE Clienp for c < mh , ono cook stove JL oni' Kasollne stove , ono base burner , 1U3 CttKSjBt. _ gJ8-3ot 8ALU- a Bargain ; 2 norses : sound ; work double and xlnule : one a good driver ; call 2U10 Dftvunpurt st. _ 10.VSlt _ 1T1OH BAJiB Hnndsomo folding bed , ward- JL1 robe and waihstutul. Apply to janitor liar- kerbllf. _ am 2 < 171011 SALli-l'ulrof fine carriage horses. 1711 JJ Wcbuter St. . Bulley lllOJ. Tel. VM. ItU 35 * 61T HA LK-A 61-inch Victor bicycle , almost ax good as new. Address , Morgan , 1618 I)01lglC8. _ I7S git 1710H &ALB 1 work team , wagon and liar. 1 complete , vary uhean for cash , 619 I'axton blk. * _ 4 aALU Shafting , belting , pulleys , etc/ Koodasuew. Illp aw , cross-cut and band saws very cheap. 0)1 Douglas , I'AJ "NJK Ijeo ; ruom set and carpoti forsule clieap , i " > ImjulroaiU Capitol ave. _ LJ * L _ "ifrOlt SALK-3iW ) ton * lc . Adam /loder , I1 Ulalr , H onSKS for Sftle-No.'lflno draught horsfr- suitable for bruwocsV wagons or heavy 1 * ' hauling. No. 2. Ono line bav horkh , six years oldwould make the nicest and best grocery horse In the city. city.No. . a. A flno. imported full blooded Arabian black mare , with colt , n fjtrod render nnd snd- dlcr for n lady. Kasy terms. Northwest cor ner 28th and Webster uts . HI-CO * T71OU 8ALK Kurnltur rnnd carpets , nearly JL' now , of n 10-room honie , or house can bo rcn'ed by pnrty buylncLS blocks from P. O. Ca h , Address Smith , VP * Capital avenue. - V aigi-w ilOH 8AM-At : abargaflt. A first-class "Mil- - ler" hade ; Rood ns nev , nm only n months. Can bo seen nt Blmpsouli Carrlago wotks , or oddress XL1B. lice olllco. > p IKi-rft TTIsll SAliK Oonl amijjrnln business In n llvo X' r wn of S.OU ] > opulntlnn ; a good opening. Addoss box 107 , Vqrk , Neb. 077 3S FlNK Cabinet Ornnd roicwood case np- rlght piano for ( ItU.AO ; cost when now $10) ; only used oneyo r ; must bo sold nt once : will give time on cart-of-It If desired. Address V uft , cnro Omaha lloo. tUim 1H _ il 3ALK Oood worktoam , wagon and harness - ness ; set carpenter tools and chest ; full sot . " Instruments , nearly now ; household good , etc. on easy payments. J. J. AVIlklusou , n417 1'arnam st. H'l TTlOlt 8AIiK Draft horses , buggy horses , nrid JL' small delivery mules , ; Wood s Bftlo stubl 151pCnUfornla. ! tri AIM US r-CLA83 upright piano , very reason sellable , on easy terms ; very line Instru ment. 2010 Davenport. > . KM-2St IT1O11 UALl CheRp.11 nearly now top buggy ; Co- 1 Ittmbus make. A , II. Comstock , 312 S. loth. 747 > it 8ALH Horse and tiuggy. Innutro A. Hospo , 1313 Douglas t. on mil ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND ( lunrnntce * Trust Co. , 1501 Far- tmm. Complete abstracts furnished V titles to ronl estate cxamlned.pcrfectodvV guaranteed. AllSTHACTS-I.lnahan & Mahoney , room COD _ I uxton block. .Kl o M AH A Abstract Companr. 1519 1 nrnam st. Most complete nnd carelully prepared sot of abstract book * mid plats or nil real property In thu city of Omaha nnd Douglas county. MONEY TO LOAN. . rriCK loans money on Omaha real citato GW. Hulldlng loans n BDuclnlty. It 4 , l < 'ronzerb Ik PUtnlit * " \1 ONK V loaned on unimproved liixldo umalia 1'JL real ostnto. 0. W. I' 4 , Prenxor block. tuO-mlHt TTNIMPHOVRD nnd Improved property ; U loans inado promptly ; money on hatut. V , M. lllchnrdson , w cor l"ith and Douglas. GOOD notes , uliort or long time , unsocurcd orwlth mortgage , bought anywhere In Neb. or la. On I ok loans , city or farm. Call or write W.U _ Solby. II. 13. ll'd. Trnda. W Y ( JANS mod'e on Improved and ummpiovi-d Urenl estate at loivest rates , by Odell Bros. & Co. No. 31S 8 16th st. B8.1 LOANU-Wo will buy lot , or pay J'lncumorancoonyourlot nn t build for you ; small cash payment , balancu In easy mnnthly payments ; In case of death wo cancel the entire - tire Indebtedness. M. 1C &T. Trust Co. . First Nutlonnlbank building. hSJ-inli H. 13 , COIili , loan agent. . 100 BUILDING LOANS At 7 per cunt net , no ao % tlltlonnl charges for commissions or attor neys' feos. W. 11. Molklo , First Nat. bank bldg. il'hl FILDfNTioaiis ( n specialty. W. M. HaTrisT room Si ) Frenzoi-blocki opposite P. O. 1. in | \O YOU want money1If so , don't borrow JL/befora getting my rates , which are the low est on nny sum from J10m to 810,0A ) . I make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses mules , waijons , warehouse re ceipts , house ? , leases , eto.iu any amount nt the lowest possible rates without publicity or ro- tnovnl of property. Loans can bo made for ouo to six months and you can pjy n part at any time , reducing both principle ami interest. U Jlou owe a balance on your furniture or horsiisVir have a loan on thorn 1 will tnke It up and carry it for you n.s long as you desire. ' If you noaa monf-y vou will find it to your nd- vaiitngo tojeo in bofprql/nrro\\lng. [ II. F. Mastera , room \fitlmoil building , 15th and' Ilnrnoy. i H 3 U OllCIlAItirTJILIjToanSnt II ( ! Sheely build- Inif nt eight per-cent strMgnt. Samuel Tnte. SjJl.OO.1) ) TO $ . " > .00) ) on Improved city property ; < Pcaubepald in monthly'Installments ; deot cancelled in rase of death : tvill loaniVJ to 60 per cent of cash valuation. " 41. K. & T. Trust Co. , Klnst National bnus building. li3J-ml > MONKY to loan nt lowest ratns ot Interest on real estate In Omiha and South Omaha. Titles aim property oxnmined by us and loans madontonco. Cash on hand. Hates , Smith is Co. room 203 Uamge bUlng. iiy-nlf ! | _ $101)0 ) and upwinis to loan ou good msldoclty prppurty. No delays. W. Kxrnaui Smith , GPEUCIlNTmonsyto loan. Cash on hand. W.M. Harris , It 'J , Fronzar block , opp. P. O. H.U. . COLK , loan ngeut. Cf > * 8 * $ To loan on inrma ana olty property , tpfieo. J. Paul , 163) 1'ara.iin st. JIM CITY" Financial agency will loan you money ou horse * , furniture. Jewelry or securities of any kind. 1JOJ Howard st. , corner 8. 13th st. 33) mil ; EASTHKN trust fuudi to loan on improved real estate In OmahaMarge loans preferred. U. S. lildbec , Firf > t National banic bulldlmr. 2.15-H121J QPECIAL ftTriiT of * liU03 ( to loanTit redliced O rates ou furniture , horses nnd wagons. City Loan Co. , 118 S 13th et. . 1)30 ) T3KOPLB'S Financial i\cnanco-Largo ami JL small loans for long and short time , at low est lutes of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don.t fall to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. ( ) . Houscaron , M jr. , room 50ii Darker blk , 15th und 1'urnum. IVf ONK f to loan on Improved property nt flrs- -Ul. han'lR. ' No application sent awnv for npt proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment company , 30) s. 13th Ht- OU5 f CAN make a few loans on llrst-class chattel J securities nt reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 llarkor blk. UJ7 LOANS wanted on Omnha ronl estate , three and llvo years' time , optional payments , favornblo terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon by us , nnd loans closed promptly. Klmball , Champ 4 , room 0 , U. H. National Hank Ilulldlag , 1AO Faruam st. 311 ml JT flTSTmortgaKe loans at low rates ami no ? Uolay. D. V. Sholes , 210 Flrct Nntlonal bank. ' . IVfONISY toLo'an Woararaady for nppllca- iTJltlons for loans In amounts from UMOto $10- 000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. Full Information as to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo Investment Co. lU'i ANV amounts loaned on furniture , pianos , teams , eto. Notes bought at loss tliau usual rates , monthly payments reduce Interest. Koy- stonc Mortgage Co. , room 303 Uhooly blk , H. 15th C.F , HAKIUBON loans money , lowest rates , MtN'iV : toloau. O. K. Davis Co. , real estate and loan aironu. 1505 Karnain st. 101 BUILDING loins. D. V 'Shales , 210 First Na- tlonal bank. Oto Qii : ; Wholes , raom IO J'Jiet Nut'I bank bafora K.J making your loans , v .u 09 * MONKV to loan. Ilarrfi IL H. & Loan Co" room 411. First National bank. UJ3 "OU1LD1NQ loans. Lmuhauiilulioney. G K , HAIIIU60N luans'einoney , lowest rates , ilni 49i r > 00.00a to loan at 6 per cent. LlnahauMa - $ honey , lloom 608 I'axton block. 110 MONKY to loan In large suni < i at the lowest ratesm ; > delay , K , C. Patterson , 318 8 Ifith , _ _ 107 ONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J , W , Itobblns luaw , Bheefy b"j lOtnond Howard. . Ai 111 MONli V to loan l.owealjute.'i , Loans closed promutly. H. K. Cole , > ( ( / Continental block , jf | IQil ANl'KU Klrst clttsu msldo lOAns. Lowest rates- Call nnd sotjuis. Mutual Investment - ment Co. . U. 1. Marker blkl6th & Farnam. wii Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a NIJuUASKA loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , ut reasonable rates , Itoom 7. Howley block , South Omaha , Kooms 618-319 , I'axton block , Omatia , Nob. MONEY loaned for 8) . 0) or UJ days on any kind of chattel security : reasonable Inter- cut : buainesa confidential. J J , Wllklnion , 1417 Farnam st1 10'J _ _ OANb on business property , li.WM to va.wo wanted. Provident Trust Company , room 303 , First National bank building. 110 MONEY-Loans negotiated at low rates with- out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. 8 , A. Bloman , cor. li'.th anil Faruam. 100 lA Mortgage * Trust Co. . fur- A nlsh cheap easteni money to borrowers ; purchase securltie-i. perfect titles , accept loans at their western offlce. 0 oorge W. I' JL Uaurd at U'raiU H l T OAN9 mndsonreM citato and mortgages JUbought. Lawls S , Hcoa & Co. , 1M1 Farnnin. DON'T ' borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. . or colhtt orals until you sea C. II. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. MUNKV to loan ; casn on hand ! no delay. J. W. Bnuiro , 12191'arnam at. , I'irst National bank building. 103 OIiOI'LK'8 1'lnanclal Kxchango The laltust , JL quietest and most liberal money oTchongo In the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , In any amount , largo or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on nnv available se curity ; loans may be paid nt any time or renewed nt original rates. O. Iloiucnren , Mgr. , room Wt , llarker block , liith and Karnam. 101 BUSINESS CHANCES FOIt KKNT-Harn , 0X1 IMcrcc. Knqulro J , Hqrolil. | 813 _ _ _ 3CONPECT10NUIIY stores , II Hotels , feed itorc , stook of millinery nnd other business chances. Co-oporntlvo Lnud nna Lot Co. , SOTi N , lUth SU 1M 25 _ FOlt 8ALI5 Harbor shop ; good buMnost. "Call 702 Lcnveimorth. 187 ! M * _ 1710K SAIiK ln ono of the best towns in enst- JL' ern Nob.i clonn stock of dry goods nnd clothing ; will take part trade. Address W. I" O. , boxlM , llulo , Neb. 31 24J 1.1 OTKL for sale. Well furnished , paying KO Jin month rout. Address W , I' . Anderson , Norcatur , Kas. ANISW roller mill for 8Ale In n good wlio.vt belt : nnd good market for Hour. L'or terms address F.J Andreas. Oordou. Neb. Blua'JU T710H SAI.K Block of drugs and wait paper In J. town of ftOO , doing business ot o\er 4loiW ) n year ; will Invoice M.BOO ; will sell for WKK ; ) ; must be sold for cash. Address X 24 , lleo , KOii 20t A OOOirestablPHd Yoeil business ; roqtllres J xbut small capital. Inquire at the O. U. U. &T. Co. . 1CUI Karnnm. _ ISg-CTJ 131011 SALT. J7.l ) stock of hnrdwnrn. stoves , J etc. ; Jl , ! * ) ! ) stotk of general merchandise , clothing , boots and shoos. Address 1' . O. box X--S , Cozad , Neb. ir > 3-SJ _ AlflV Cl r.VNCl { Nlco clean stock general merchamllso , llxturo.-i nud largo store build ing and lot lu Uvo Nebraska town. Division fitntlon It. & M. , to tralo for good Omnha ro-il- dcnco. J , II. I'arrotto , tinder Douglas Co. HanV- . USINESS opportunity : Ilstabllshed busl- ness. Owner must sell on account Hlckncss , Hmall cnpltnl required. Address N , room ! U. board trndo building , Omaha , 1 - ! FOU BALK Hcstnuraiit connected \\lth 15 _ furnished rooms. 1U ) Capitol avo. 177 ! & * IJnOK yAl.K A small , clean stock of hard- JJ ware in a desirabU ) loc.xtlon In the city ; will Invoice about fl.MO. Coed money in this ; no trado. Apply to Hotter & Wlltielmy Co. , whole- pnlo hardware. t "i FORSALR 'llio best restnui.iut lu Omaha , all newly furnished , and making $ iuo per month. Host or reasons for soiling. Knqnlro nt Cflnlleld house. 2 U-W ) _ (1J3/XX ) tol\XJ ( ) wanted to put Into a good bTisT- P ness ; llrst class security anil gooil rate of Interest paid for short or lonn tinio. Or will tnko partner. Tor particulars address U 4,1 , Itee olllce. 142 QAI.OON for sale In ono ot the bust business Cjcentors in Omahncheap. lloason for selling , I must leave the city. Address V IS lloo. _ 4')1-m7t ) TTOTKL man wanted , with n few thousand 1 1 dollar : ] to invest ; house nil furnished and business tjtat whl pay out In IK months ; tltlo perfect ; nn Incunibvnncc. Address JI. A. Me- Oinnis , orO. ( i Churchill , Sterling , Colo. AMK.MHKItSIIll' in the Omaha board ot trc.tlscjr. ba had cheap at Koonf. U , S. r n- tlonal bank building. IC3 FOR EXCHANGE. mo KX'CllANOK-T.ot worth $1-00 , KOxlOO ft. JL in , line Chicago suburb for book and notion store , restaurant or lottngo nud lot in Omaha. Address , X 2 ? Ilee. : ! 3.i ! STOCK of giiiornl in8rcliandlso vnluud nt _ f 1-UOJ to trndu for boots and shoes , HtooK of millinery JI.WJ ; ii goodhotuls albo good farms to trade for homos and lots in small towns , and other business chances. Co-oporatlvo Ljuidjmd Lot Co. . ' M N. Ifltli st. 1ml a' FOU SAL15 or Trndo 2 n. upright boiler * , ft'x ' li It , Iron lathe , non uilll prubs , 'M h. engine and boil or. Oh oriilne aim boiler. 0 h. upright engine. 4 h. unrlght bailer , 2d lutud sliafttug ana pulleys. Hpraguo& Co. , Council lllutTs , la. rill ) " n.\'OnANTiK < 3reaTr ticic ( oE diy goods 1. and clothing for OootH and shoes. Address \ ' . IC. . , box'JcVltulo , Nob. OWJMS fimOU ItXCHANaK-ror desirable losldonco JL' property in XJmaha , any or all ot following : 4'i ' choice Inalde roslaence lots in Hastings , * 103 lota In Lincoln. OlOncros line farming lamUdancastor county. Tine residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family mildoiice , corner , Los Angclos. A neiitiosldenco property In Hunscom 1'lace. Also , some good mortgage notes. Addresa , giving location nnd prlco ot prop erty. J , U li. , cars Ilaiim Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven- worth. Uol. NR\V 2-sented line carriage or top buggy for J- mortgage city or county warrants , or nny good unsecured notes.W.Ii.Seluy.H 13 IJ'd Trade 4S7 TJIOIl KXC1IANOK-ttakota , Hand county JU What have you to oiler for n good farm here , cllghtly onciimberert'i1 Dakota lands nro rlslue In value , and Us destiny cannot ba tils- putod. Will tase vacant lot or Improved prop erty nnd nssumn fiomo onciimbrnucB. O , J. Sternsdorir. rooms U1T and : ) ! . Elrnt National bank building. t J _ 171OII nXCHANOK-lIlKhty acreiot tlio llnest JU timber Kind In Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. What have you to olfor ? O. .1 , Hterns- dorff. looms U17 ami 31 ! * , First National bank ir > 2 FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOK BALK 31 acios , corner Thirteenth and Not th streets. Desirable for platting. C. Oood , ( lood block , IeB ) Motncs , lu. 24im2.'l ) * SALi : $150 equity In aoslrablo lot for Address X ! Ilee. 2IS ' . ' 8 ? TNVnSTIGATK TJils-Lot COxUM on Ilur- Jldotte between 24th and 25th stioots ; 4-room house , large conservatory , sower. In alley ; only $2ciK ) ; t'M ccbli : balance 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 4 yearrf. M , A , Upton company , Kith and Farnum. _ 220 T710U Jti.ST ; My Furnam st. resldenco com- -L plotoly furnished , with llrst-cluss ucrvauts , if desired , for four or llvo months ; family go ing away. K. C. Patterson , 313 S. ISth st. 3Ji /1HO1CI ! pleoo of resldonco property nml Cass \\arelioiiriOortracKagH property , worth eight to ten thouHnnd dollars , 0. F. liar- llson , Mcichants' Nat. bank. X ) SIIOL'SIOS Cfiitrally located where tliu furnl- turo is for sale on time. Co-opcratlvo Land and Lot Co , . 2Jj N. 10th St. J'JO 25 FOK BATiU A private bauk In Houthom Nebraska. Addrc-as to M. Catudal , Camp bell. Neb. WJ m 3 WALLACn lloom H-J ! , Crelghton block. Lots 4 and U , block 21 , Carthage , each $1,000 Lots.ID , IS , IP , 21 , block 0 , WestCummg , eaih 1,00) ) Lot II , block 8 , Walnut Hill WO Lot IIblock " , \ , " Bedford , corner llrlstol andlJOth. cast Iront , a bargain , nt . . . . 1,500 Lot 4 , block 15 , lledford Place , fronts on 30th street , 1,500 Lot 21 , block3lluwthoruo 1.OTO Lot 14. Hurdctte Court 7W Lots 21 and 20. block U. Orchard Hill , 100 feet front on GurJlrh and 1W feet on Lowe avenue , n great bart'abi.for both . 1,7.10 All the above on ysrv rnsr terms. block""V. " Shtnn'H , 6J feet front , with goodiVroom cottage , will take some trade , 01 sell on eas/payments. Wallace , Crolghton UlocK. 101 ST FOK 8ALK 7 room house In complete order ; 1710 N. 27th. Inimlie KOU N. 27th. jfC tfj T .AND I havelO.OOO acres of choice farming .UlnudB In eastern und middle Nebraskawhich 1 will sell at from $1 to 112 per acre. Will mnko special prlco for the whole 10.000 acres If taken in u lump. Geo. H. Puteison , 1412 B lllth st. , U48 mil [ FOK BALK The moat pleasant nurt best loca ted little homo In tort n , suitable for a man with n small family who wants something very choice and not too expensive. Has never bnan put ou the murket before ami will undoubtedly lie gold noon. It will pay you to Investigate thin promptly , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nut , 11'If. POIt BALU Cheap Not for trade ; M'l.7'1 nciei Hud ( sec. 5-12-0) ) two mlles from Mantuetta , Hamilton county , Nebraska , Frame house , sta ble , 300 acres under good barb-wlro lence , round cedar posts , two stays , living water , ill- foot channel , 2 wells , 3 % ) barrel tank , corral , Keif-feeder , n natural stock ranch , In a tlno corn belt. Price tJOi Cash In hand , 2,7V ) 2years'time 0 per cent 3,2i' ) Go und look over land. Address owner , F. K. Atkins. 1 B Larimer at Denver Col. W FOK BALHroom cottage nn 16th at. bet. Center and Dorcas , lot lHx57. ! tJ.fioii , easy terms ; thin is a bargain. M , A. Uplou Co. , Idth and Fariinin , GO I FOK HA1.12--South and eust corner 03x1,15 , in the nol'tliborliood of the Milton Itogeru property , \Ve t Fnuiam street , vary slgluly Thin is cholco property lu a choice neighbor hood and will be sold cheap. It will pay you to Investigate tlio locality and Dili particular piece of ground. C. F. Hurrlbon , Mercuanu1 Nutlonttl bank. bii.1 ! 1710K BALE-Or exchange fur Omaha prop- -L1 eriy. N ) acres , suitable for platting ; will make 400 lot * , ull clear , big money In It ( or omo one who can push tills , located Juit ontilila the city limits of Couucll nliills. inijiilro Oeo. J , Bternwlorit. roooi * 31. ui.l 118 , First National bauk building ( } { FOB SALE-WEAL ESTATE _ IjiOmjALU Klegnnt corner lot ono blocVolf U the street cnr lino. running regularly nnd where thn electric motor will noon ndathotr line. Lot llea nicely and is offered cheaper than nny lot In tht i addition. Price. llfiO , KWocnsh , balance H p r month. Inquire at residence 401 N 16th st. Call In tlio evening or on Sunday. HV8S * _ ADES111AIILK residence lot with nouso , ono block from Kloctrio Motor line , looxiw. in Council Ilhiti * . for Nebraskn land. 1. 0 lion- ham , yajriilrd at. . Council lllulTs. H19-3I IT1OK SALlf-Cholcost property In Orchirril JL Hill ; 10-room house , nil modern Improve ments , and 8 full lots. D. B. Johnson , owner , KB rnxton block. _ vm-Yl ) Till S 1 hixvo customer for igood" will mnke n small cash payment , build n houio ntul mnVo n building loan nnd give n sucontl mortgage for balance of purchase money. It you hare n Rood lot to sell on those terms I can dispose of tt for you , or If you Imvo anything to soil very cheap for cash list tt with mo , (1 ( rover Stevens , CIO and 617 I'axton block. Tolepriono 1133. 141-37 fTOli HA77K A boauUful residence In Hans- JL1 com I'lnco , oist front on ; f ) tH nt , just south of 1'opploton nvc , lot 50x IK to pratlod nlley : yard nlcoly sodded ; 8-room house , bath , hot anil cold water , aas , sewer , oloctrlo bells , liarti ; wood llnlsh. Iftnican nt once will ell tills flno homo for amount much below 1W value. No nicer neighborhood In thn city. To those that mean business wo would llko to show tilts property. Wo will make the prlco right. A. uiiton Company. Kith nnd 1'nrnnm. ; icu now -room house , uarn for 4 horses , well and cistern ; everything llrst. clnis ; fulllot , In lledford Place , V > Jii feet from Btatn sttoot f.Wth .stl , * : . -W. i\W \ cash , biilnnco 1 , Sand ilvoars ; or &OtM , $1,150 cash , balance 0 ycixrs. JI. A. Upton Company , lUth nnd Knmnm. T A sixcriilco ii'ixlsj ft , oTxst nnct north front , corner ! Vth nnd Howard sts. , ono block wi'st of Coo's nail KlrkonilM.'s line resi dences , two blncks from paved street , two blocks south of Kiirnam st. ; just think of It , liMxlKU ft. and n corner nt tlmt , nnd only U/KX ) . C. E. Helter , room 5 , i. w. cor. 13th an I Ooualai V\rHAT I'dCHS wo mortals bo"-lilxX ) buys ton-room house \\ith Anttqtiu onk and nuturul cherry lliiHli , sldo boaril In dining room of sttma with nil latent modern convuu. Icticos ; nlcoly dccorntetl , atntlnnory laundry tuns , nnda ctMiiof n house all through. Kant front and full lot on Georgia nvo. Take It quick ; party polug to leave rlty. $ , WW buys Ulxl4A on conior 37th nnd Parnam sts. ; cast front nnd best bargain for money in tnoclty ; both streets paved g7U"0 iJiiyB olght-room honso nnd barn and nil latest convculonciH. Knst front on So. SJth street. Take wood lot In pai t payment. f2txHbtiysa good six-room house on easy , terms , Hixl77-foot lot In West Omaha to exchange , for good hoiiso. 8WM buys n good now 8-room house nnd full lot on easy i > aymenta. $7WX ) buyfl n splendid house , H rooms In Kounlzti I'mco on lllunoy street , nr will take smnllor house In part puyuiont. ll.Tnobuysn good House and lot on Grant near tth street. Take this quick. JI.WO buys gnod six-room IIOUHO with all con venience" . Tnko good clor-r form or Kuuo ! ; equity In one as pnrt paymout. I have wagon loads of good bargains clthor fornnlo , trade or ( giveaway cheap ) to suit the most fastidious. Get a move on yon some time and come In , I ) . V. Sholos. L'lU 1st Nafl Dank. "To not know n bnnrnln that wo see. " 7B9 FOlt SALIC NInu-room house , barn and lot In II unicorn I'luco ; also 2 houses and lots In Sunny Side , Harris , room til , 1st Nat. bank. 6'JJ _ FOllSALKor l.c.iso Tramo Imlkllng nbou 40xU with three yuan' Icaso of lotUJl Doug las st. Ulo TpOH SAM. or l chAitga Improved atock JL1 farm of MM acres , In eastern Nnbnvika , near markut ; nlso unw Jioom house , wltti nil con veniences , in desirable residence portion of Omnlin. Andrew HeviiH , attorney , i'JJ nnd 4M ! , I'axton block , Omalm , Nab _ ftj' NO cnsli payment required. Will sell you a lull lot In Sftumlur.s & Htmobaugn'a add for MOO mid tnko mortgage for full amount duo In uyoura on condition that you build n house to cost not less than ? 3M. C. K. Keller , rooms , B W coruor 15th mid Douglas. 419 OH , LOOIChorol An east front , 5) ) ft lot , on tfHh Hi. , south of Himlette : very lluo view for tlax ) . How's that. M , A. Upton Company , 10th and Karnam. 3J1 SOUTH OMAHA I have a number ot good lots in various additions that must ba sold atonconnl can ba bought at prlcus that will suit you. (1. , T. Stornsdortf , rooms 317 anil 1118 1'lrst National bank buildlnsr. 9"rt "IjlOltsalo or exchange A residence at 30th XJ St. , and St. Marys ave , has 7 rooms , bath room , laundry , sewerage , gas and city water. Will take peed outHldo building site as part payment. David Jiumoson. 3H S 15th. , H WOKTIIY ot your attention. Now boinj ; completed ou 2Jth st , north of Leaven- worth st , two houses convenient to bmlness , very roomy , grate , mnntol. furnace , gas. bath , toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wnsn tubs , hot and cold water , Uvo bodruoms. 10 closets ; only j ; > , G'.0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 337 or W. T , seaman , Omaha's largest variety of wag ons currfnges. etc. , east slda liith bt , north of Nicholas t. 4'U FOK SALiAaaem.vof ; Mnslc building and two business lots. Grand Island , Nebraska , ground 14x132 feet , Imlldlug brick ; two stories high nnd stone basements , all In good lepatr ; terms easy ; price JlH.dUO. Knqnira of Thompson Uros. , Graiul Island. Nebraska. T01U113 * SAL13 The nnost roiidtnco site In West omulia ; just south of F.irnam on 37th ( .treut ; n corner li)5xlS7 with 137 feet frontage on paved street and Joining the Imnasomoresl- deii'jo of Klrknndall ou the nnd Ilrady.Has- son and Martin on the south ; n perfect gem and garden spot for an elegant homo. Harnev and 21st htreetn , 141x107 , on pavement within three blocks of the court house ; room for seven line houses that would rout as rapIdly - Idly as completed. A splendid permanent In- \entment. Farnam and 22d streets. SnxlM , with now threo-story brick store building , rented to good permanent tenants. Kcntal receipts $ i,2Ui per year. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alley. Good business propartr , Farnam street between twth and 3)th , front- nga 48 or Q'atVB to nlley. south front , 1 block from pavement and .strum cars. Pam nvonuo , opposite Hauscom park , 50x151 , price > 2OJO , easy torma. Pnddoek Place , trackage. 00x113 , J2.000 , easy 18th street south of Vlnton Bt. , lot for sale or Ifndo for mdse. or good farm land. S. A. Slomau .13U1 Fanmui st. _ 250 FOK SALI5 0(5 ( ft. on 10th street near Mnv- tha. with cottage renting $10 per month , prlco $5,300 ; terms very easy. Lots 21 and 23 , block 1 , Orchard Hill , prlco 8'JK ) each ; terms oasy. 71 ft. on r.0th street between Cass and Califor nia sts. . only & > , < xw. Lot 3 , block ] , J , I. Kcillck's sub , street nt both ends of lot , prlco SUO1) ) ; terms easy. Good lot In block I. Omaha View , price $1,100. Lot H , block 1 , Plnlnvlow , prlco $ IISO. Good corner In J.ouo's addition , CO ft , Eouth front , prlco only ! < 1S5. LotKi. llurr Oak , fronting Hnnscom puilc , pi icot i , am. ( VI ft. south front , lot on Jackson st , In Isnac Ik Selilen'n adil , prlco 11,700. Lot 2. block 2 , Hillside No. 1 , M tt south front on CasssH , prlco 52,00) ) ; cash $1,000 , bal Uvo yrs n ° I/t L block 1 , Iflllslde No. 2pvlco W,750 ; caBli II.VO' , bal llvo yrs nt 8 pur cent. Lot 3 , block I , Hillside No.2 , price } ' . ' ,7&0 ; cash , Sl,0 > ) bal live yearn at 8 per c nt. Look these un and sno what advantages they have over res- Idenjo lots In other localities , Lots In Hillside itoservo from J2.KV ) to $ .1,500. This Is fast becoming ono of t ha llnestresldunco localities In Omulia. und wo ara prepared to of fer some of tlio best ot tills property for ale at the lowest possible prices , nad to rrmVu special Induccr.l r.iS l-u pnnin who will build , If you contemplate building n * IO.OA $70,00 or JW.OOO home this aeason lot us show you one ot the Ilnest corner * In the city on which to build It. It li 12U.V.OJ ft and fronts south and iia'st front lot In Mock C , Pottcr'a Addition , rro , . Lot 4 , block 1 , Potter's addition. Price 81,475. Doublet corner In Cottar's adltlon , UJxl ft , Well * nn proved buslnois lot , with sewer con nections , city water , uto. , renting * 70 per year and In a locality where rents are advancing. 1'ilco } * , ( X > . A good invc.stnK'iit for homeone- nTwo new houses nud lot * in western part of the city , with modern conveniences. Prlco IM.2X ) andf.rxiOrespactlYly. ! Terms , JJOO cauh , bal monthly , A few ! | IIP l-cBldenc.Bs In Koiltif/e plu.'o nnd llanscoin plao that \vo nhould llki to show parties wuiitlus homes. Lots is Coiuioll HliilTs within tlirce-qunrtcrs . ' - fro U Cix.0 of ix mllnof thu posto.'IR-B S to A fo'v of the best rorneri In Oouncll IHnff * on Ilroa'lwayln the vlrlnity of the motor power hoiiH ami r.airlagu fnctory.trom fl.d'.U to $1,260. fomo ot thoaoovo lli < t nro unercd at from 10 percent to 2'iper cant below their nctunlvnlua nud wu should be pleusod to have the propt-ry , Invottlgutcd , PottBi- Cobb , 1UJI Fanmni 9 > 7 29t. Mot ice , Matter of application of W , O , Lciter for liquor llC'inse. Notice U lieroby given that W. O , Letter ha fllod with the city clerk of Florence , Nob. , a application for llttinso to Ball malt , nplrluiou und vliioux IhiuoiH ut the Dindns building , o Main stiuet , I'lrst ward , of Hiild city , from May 1,1HM ) , to May 1 , law. and miles * a remonstrance , objection or mot t to the Issuing ot ttia * ama la tiled c.s roimlrcu bylawxnld license v > 111 b grunted. W. O. Lr.STEii , Applicant , II. H. OiiMOfcn , City Clorlr. Dated , l'br ace , Nob. , April 17,18M > . B17-24 Notlco to Cratlors' Healed proposals \vlll bo received nt the office of the county clerk , until - a'l ik ; p , m. , S.itur- day , April 27th Inst. , for the rsmnln ; : of graders Noi , I und 2. Separate blda will be received for hill and t-urnnlko work , and il blda inuitba awompanled by certified chock for 110) ) Finns iin-l nr.odUcutlons to be Been nt tli ollr. ( of th * county clerk , M. I > , UOUUK , County CUrx. THE REALTY MARKET. T NSTHUMltNTaplaced on record diitlos JL yesterday. J tf lllchard.s nnd wlfo to .1 T Hopkins , lot 12 , blk 11 , Orchard Hill , w d t A Konnue nui\ wife to A ilraff , north 40 foot lot31 , Kountio add. YT a , , , , , 1,100 UMon Paciilo Hallway Company to J Walsh , oasm seo2l-IR-lo , w d 4 < X ) N Shelton nnd wlfo to A llarbsr , lots 13 and 14 , bins , Windsor Terrnce- d COO M Morrison , trustee , to T II I'orgy. lot 7 , hits. Ml rouRlawil. . . ; KO J TCotnstock nnd husband toK L Jitytipa , lot 117. blkC , I'nddock Place.w d S.OM M Donnelly to It A McKnchron. lot 13. blk I , Clovordnle , w d . . . . . . . , . . , . . , 000 It A McKnchron to li .McKachron , lot 8 , blk II , Ambler I'lnce , nnd lot 13 , blk 1 , Clovordalc. w d 2,000 Mutual Trust company to I a Irvlnp , lots 27 nml SIX , blk 1 , Northllold.w d 4M U ( Patterson nnd wlfo to K M Govern ct nl , lot 42 , blk 1. Armour I'laco , w d. . . . . . MO L D Holmes anil wlfo to A 0 Johnson , lot IV llnrber's ndd , w il > , . , . , , . . CoO LI ) Holmes and v.lfo to A0 Johnson , lots 13 nnd 14 , Harbor's add. wd , . . , . . 1,000 O II nud K ( i llnllotl to Iv B White , lot 3 , blKR. Ambler Plncov tl 00 T A Mcgoath , trustee , to the public plat , "YalloyPlace" , , . . . , , . . , , M 3 ( irnovy nnd wlfo to 1 ? Newton , und U lot ft , blk r > , Dwlgnt and I.ymau ar.d , wd , 400 Thompson \ Miles to H Price , lot 21 , lilk 0. Walnut Hill , w 471 J O'Donahito nnd \ \ tfo to T Hhve.skn , s ( t ot n H lots A nnd 0 , blk 11 , Improvement association ndd , wd , , . > , , GOO JoftnTrltnb'onml vufoto W T Seaman , loll , bllf 4t ( , Omnha , wd 12,600 (1 W log u and wlfo t < > 0 W I'lersoii , lot ] : ! , Uustln'snddtol'lalnvlow. wd SXK ( C , J Caldwell and wlfo to 0 1" llollund. lot il. blk 4 , West CutnlliR ndd. w d 70 { K N Unndall and M Ifo to .1 \ \ ' Itceco , W ! ( lot'A blk 2 , Patrick's ndd , w l 3,830 11 H Cronk nudvlfe to 1 ! P Folton , lot 10 , blfc8Orclmra Hill , wd 3.00 ( Twenty-two trnnsfors $19,071 IlulltSliiK 1'orinUH. Sttpt.Vhitloclc .yostonlny Issued the fol lowing permits to build ; 13.1. Collins , two-story frnme dwelling , Win near Thirtieth I 4.0W Andrew Nellson , two-story frnmo dwellIng - Ing , Thlity-thlrdnoar Davenport 1.70C II. AV. Cruinor , four-Htory brick store , 13W Hnrney A\OOC .lamps V. Morton , ono-story frnmo dwell- inu , Tlilrty-thlrd nud Pnrk HX W. 11. ( Ireen , two-story frame dwelling , 1HII Chicago , , 0 J , II. Pnrk , ono-.story frame dwelling , Thlrty-thlid uvonue. lot 10 COO Thomas A. Cretgh , two two-story frnmo dwellings. Twenty-fifth avenue , near Marcy 6.50J Prugh llros. , onp and ono-hnlf-story t frnmo dwelling , Towlcr near Thirty- third 1,000 Nine penult" , nggrogntlng. THE RAILWAI TIME TJBLES , OMAHA. for lavltifir. > Sealed proposals will bo received by the un dot-signed until 1:30 : p.m. . May 4 , ISS'.i. for th < lollowtug kinds of paving material , viz : Sheet usphaltum according to specifications Sioux City grnnltu accordingtOHpouillcatlons Colorado EaudNtono according to upcclllca- tlOllrt. Stone from Woodruff , Kansas , according U Bpeolllc-ntloiis. Wooden blocks ot any kind orcharactcr , suit able fur paving , according to Hpeclllciitlons. llrlck accoidlng to spi'clllcntloiis. ' Kueli bill to specify a prlco per square yift-J for the pavlni ; complete on eauh street or alloy or any part thereof Boparati'ly , as pur ordl- iiani-ea Nos. 1IH1 mid I'JUI. Work to bo done in iiiTordanco with plans and specifications on IUI lu the ollleo of the board of puhllo work * . All bids to I'O made upon printed blanks fur- lilshed by the board , ami to bo n-companlod bs a properly coitltled check for the Hum of $1,000. us n guarantee that the bidder will , within thirty days from ihn opening of such bid glv bond not exceeding t.W. us the mayor nud city council miiy i-oquliu. that such blddnr will entet Into contrail for Kucli paving of tlio kind ana material xpeclfled , as may thereafter be re quired during the your WJ. Thu board reserves the right to reject any 01 all bids , nnd to waive defects. ST. A. 1) . I1ALCOMIH5. Chairman Hoard of Public Worts. Omaha , April W , 1880. Tnko u Up. Day pony , weight 700 , will to stilp In face Owner tun have same by paying clmrgei. P , M. Mullen. 1W8 Cumlng f > t. a24ml.lWB Curlosllles of Linw. Now Yorlt Weekly : Mcolt-lookinn Gent "What's the mutter , ray good initnV" IrtUo Strnngor "I'm golnp ; to have tlmt woman arrested. Hho inveigled fl dollar out of mo on falsa urotonses. " "Can you arrest a woman for tliat'r1" " " "Ycs.Hircol" "Myl tnyl Lnw la a curious tiling Why a regular fury of a woman in veigled mo Into murryinj ? her , by falao protonBos pretended aho was nn rvngol nnd the law not only won't ' lotmour- t-cst hur , but makes mo fmnport hor. " Tons JQaton Off. Bovoral ycnrsjieo I was called to ie < ) a col on ) . ] woman who had a malignant form of uancoron her foot. The cancer grew wono under tlio proscribed truattnuut , and tlio toot and ono sMo of the foot wcro at length eaten entirely nwny , Iho patlont could not hava survived much longer , but I commenced the use of Kwlft'n Sjwcillc , und It cured her sound and well , Tlmtvaa three yours ugo , nnd there has been no return of the dlieiu * . I have also used B. H. 8. in many other case * with the best results , und have cured a great many onsos of rhoum.ttltui with it which had resisted all other treatment.I . regard Bwlft'f HpecUlo a most excellent raodlclno for bliod dfscaiis , as Us tondancy li to drive out th4 poison , Wu. E. BTAOO , M. D. Mnthorvlllo , Miss , , March 0,1839. For GOH Ulowlnu Idloti. A wcBterh man has dovlsod a contriv ance which rings a bell In a hotal otto * and roglbtors the room uumberrboa Borne verdant poreoa blows out the f 4k