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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1889)
2 THE OMA A DAILY BEE-r TUESDAY , APRIL 16J 1880. OMAHA'S ' SCHOOL CHILDREN , Mooting of the Board Which Looks After Thorn. MORE ROOMS AND TEACHERS. 4 Considerable Knutlno Ilnpkl Increase In tlio Num ber of Pupils For a. So- rlcs of 1'cnrs. or Education. Owing to the nbacnco of both President Clark nnd Vlco President McConncll at last night's meeting of the board of education , O. F. Goodman was chosen chairman. The members present were Messrs. Coburn , Kelley , Millard , Morrison , Parmolco , llccs , Savlllc , Spalding Spore and Wchrcr. The flrst routine matter taken up was re ports from the secretory. Ho read an Invi tation from teachers and scholars of Lake school asking the members of the board to attcnd n flag-ralslnc this afternoon at S3 o'clock. The Invitation wa accepted. In his report Superintendent of Schools James recommended cno additional teacher for each of several schools as there had boon n great Increase of pupils nt the open- Ingot the now term. The schools that nro In need of the extra teachers are Control , Pnrtnira , Lake. Long , Omaha Vlnw , Pool lie , and Walnut Hill. The superintendent be- llovotl that additional schools should bo opened In the Center building nnd Hickory. In neither of these districts does the board own unoccupied rooms , nnd Mr. James stated that It would bo necessary to rent ad ditional ones. Ho also thought that the board would bo compelled to open an addi tional room lu the Forest seiool and ouo at the Franklin. Mr. James reported that the Incronso of teachers ut the opening of the term was not proportionate to the increase of pupllfl. The average number of iholattor to the teacher was somawhat larger now than it was last term. The total number In the schosls last 'Friday wns 0,230 , or over 1,800 moro than the membership n year ago. The growth of the schools , ho said , hud bfon moro rapid this your than it has during any former period. Tlio report and recommendations were referred to the committee on property and buildings. The committee on" supplies was instructed to purchase 400 desks for the various schools. 'Tho committee was also directed to purchase 00 copies each of First and Second readers of thu Barnes , Swlnton and Franklin series. David H. Ivorr , of thu Southwest Presby terian church , nslccd permission to hold mis sion Sunday schools in the Jackson street school building. There was considerable protest against granting the request , many of the members claiming that the board had no right to use school buildings other than for the purpose they wcro built. The trustee * of the A. M. E. church , of South Oinnhn , also asked the privilege of holding religious services In a frame school building south of Williams street between Fifteenth and Six teenth , Both requests wcro grunted , not withstanding the opposltion.of several mem bers. bers.Eva M. Elliott , of Iowa City , and her sis ter , Delia Elliott , of Salina , Kan. , made ap plications for positions as teachers in thu "chools. They presented the usual batch of recommendations , showing their capabilities. The applications were referred to the com mittee on teachers and text books. Dr. E. T. Allen made application for the position of examining oculist in the various schools. Ho stated that ho would spend two half days of each week testing the vision of all the pupils in the different schools. His object was two-fold. Ho wants to prepare a reliable table of statistics , based on scientific examinations , for the benefit of the medical .profession. . The ether to benefit the pupils themselves , giving words of advice and urg ing hygonio measures whore they seem needed. The doctor wanted no financial ro- .muncratlon. His application was referred to n special committee on Instruction. Emma "M. Wells wanted a position as teacher In Central Park school. She has been a substitute , and her application was .handed . to tbo superintendent of schools. Several propositions to sell Jots for pro- .posed school sites were .read , and referred to iho committee on buildings ana property. In a communication City Clerk Southard staled that ho had TJCCU Instructed by the council to Inform the board , In response to a report of the committee on finance asking for a financial statement of lines and licenses , that the council had declined to accede to the request. Tie { city clerk stated , however , that tuo desired information could be ob tained nt the comptroller's office upon appli cation by the proper authorities. The Judiciary committee , to whioh was re ferred a resolution relating to the powers of the board in relation to the management of the high school grounds , raportcd that it had consulted with Attorney Cannel and he reaffirmed - affirmed his opinion rendered January 30 , 1883. In his opinion the passage of tbo act of the legislature on the execution of a dead to the city did not in any way invalidate the title of the school district or change or affect its right to use the square for school purposes. The report was placed on file. Bills amounting to 5310 were allowed on recommendation of the commlttoo on claims. Superintendent James was grunted n leave of absence for a period of thrno weeks , after May ! , to visit the schools of eastern cities. The board adjourned to moot next "Monday Eight to consider the issuance of bonds. Growth or the Schools , Superintendent of Publio Schools James tias prepared the following tabulated stato- tnont , showing the number of pupils belong ing to the various educational institutions of Omaha , and nt the end of the first week of the spring ! term for the following years , appended figures show the increase of each over the previous year : Year. Pupils. Increase. 1SS1 2,78 15.S'.3 3,271 4S7 18S3 3,05 : ! C04 1SS4 4 , 01 300 1830 4,715 4H 1SS C,2'J8 558 1S87 0.UOT 761 1SSS 8.07S 2,011) ) IBSa 0,200 l lS The superintendent attributes the largo increase - crease In 1S38 largely to the annexation of territory. TONS OF MOTHEIl EARTH. Oruahod the Lillo Out of Vouns Iii > borer Todd. Sudden nnd very unexpected death over took James Todd about noon yesterday In a sewer trench at the corner of Nineteenth and Nicholas streets. Ho was an employe of Jamison & Co. , and was nt work with h < sbovol digging , and lost his Ufa by the cav ing In of u largo bank ot earth , iho weight of Which crushed nearly every bone In hl body. H seomH that at the point whore the acci dent occurred , the ground Is rather loose and sandy , but no fears were entertained thut it was dangerous. Consequently , when the cave started , It fell so quickly that Todd did not have time to rcallru his position or get out of tbo way. As soon as the other 'workmen discovered that their com rade had Lccn buried , they made ovnry effort to release him. as quickly as poftilblo. When taken out. the poor fellow was beyond the roach of medical assistance. Coroner Dimol was notified Immediately , and had the body removed to his establish ment. The doeeasod was twenty-four years old mnd n native of Scotland , wtiero Ills parents now live. Ho has no relatives hero. Two brothers reside noniawhoro in Wisconsin , but t what point has not yet been ascertained. The victim of the accident boarded at 1U10 Davenport street. A telegram wan faenl to a brother at Austin , Minn. , notifying him of the -death. The funeral cxuenies will bo borne by Jamison & . Co. , bU lata employers , The ooronor hold an inquest over the re mains at 7 o'clock last evening. The Unit wllncui examined wus A. Cullun , Ho WIIH an eye-witness to tlio accident. Ho stated ihnl the sewer was twelve feet deep. Ho believed there was negligence on the part of no cue. John JaniUon , a member of thn firmer /or whom Toad wn working , testified Unit tbo unfortunate man Imd been lu hln employ slnco January 1. Ho was foreman of thn work. The witness stated that Todd liutl been burled iu the trench About , un hour before Ukcn out , Tlio ditch wJt about mitt hundred f ot long und tnolvo fed doon. Tlio laborers wore at work rats- imr a pipe for the purpose of cleaning U. vrke Jury returned a verdict to iho ufftct that To3d came to hl § death by gufTocatlon , caused by the caving In of a sewer trench ; that the ciu'jng of earth was an accident with no blame attached to any person , BO far as the cvldonco adduced showed. SOUTH OMAHA. Proceedings of tlio City Council. Mayor Sloano and Councilman Burke , UafTorty , McMillan , Johnston , Fcnno , Towl , O'Uourkonnd Bayloss were present when thoclty council was called to order. Thoflnanco committee's favorable report on the nine bills aggregating $311.70 , wo * adopted , Ordinance commlttoo reported favorably ordinance No. 123 , as amended and the report was adopted. Mr. O'Hourko re- poportod the bad condition of the refuse dump nt Albright and moved that the health board Investigate the matter , and the Union 1'ucillc to have It put a stop to dumping manure at Albright. The committee on public lights wan Instructed to have an elec tric light put up nt thn Q etroot crossing. Ordinance No. 120 , calling a special election to grant the Omaha Tramway Cable com pany a street railway franchise , was road thn second time. After n motion was made and seconded to pass the ordinance to the third nnd flnnl rending , J. H. Mclntosh , of Onmhn , was heard in favor of the ordinance. Ho stated that no reasonable man could find n ( ilnglo objection to the ordlnanco. Mr. Kafforty said whllo he was in favor of street car lines bo was not In favor of having them on paper nnd wo didn't want any inoro like the Dr. Mercer's motor. Mr. O'Hourlco wanted to know why they nikcd for n franchise covering every itrcot In South Omahnl And fol lowed it up with some other questions. Mayor Slonno objected to the forty-year franchise , and thought that some time should bo fixed for the commencing of work and completion of the lino. Mr. McMillan objected to the ordinance- because it did not state what streets would bo occupied und when the work would be done. Mr. Fcuno stated that the company expects to run on both the east and the west side , nnd ex pected to build a viaduct from O street across to the stock yards and to the boule vard. Mr. Doud suggested that there was Insuniclanttimo for election notice , and that It would havd to bo amended , and that the company should deposit funds enough with the city treasurer to pay election expenses. Ordlnanco No. 135 , declaring banks , on any street , live feet high n nuisance , was passed. Petitions for sidewalks , on J , between Twenty-third and Twentieth streets , on H , between Twenty-first nnd Twenty-fourth streets , and Tf , between Twenty-first und Twenty-second streets , were reported favor ably. The petition for the removal of the stagnant water nuisance at N nnd Twentieth streets , was returned with n favorable re port , but that it bo referred to the city engi neer for an estimate of the cost. The peti tion to have N street paved with cypress blocks , was reported favorably. The com munication of the board of trade in rctrnrd to the grading of Twenty-fourth street , was recorded and a committee consisting of Messrs. Johnston , Towl und Mo Millon to wait on the county commissioners in regard to the matter. Captain John J. Sexton's report on electric lights was read and referred. The question of Thirtieth street through Thomas Rogers' land was referred to ttio committee on streets and alloys , with instructions to re port at the next meeting. Six bills amounting to S555.85 were read nnd referred. The city attorney was directed to draught an ordinance to collect special side walk ttax. iTho committee on streets , alleys and viaducts , with City Engineer Lawrence , was directed to consult with Superintendent A. C. Foster in regard to changes desired by Swift & Co. on the Q street viaduct. Adjourned to meet Thurs day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Notes About the City. Everett E. Lyinan is on the Invalid list. J. F. Collins has gone to Fort Collins , Colo. James Elliott has returned from a jaunt through the west. Thomas'Fox ' has gene to Wisconsin , hoping to repair his health. "Miss Cora Parish is with the grocery lirtn of Lamson & Walker. Willis H. Stowo , after a siege with mala rial fever , Is able to bo out. C.iM. Hunt loft Monday evening on a short business trip down to Spruguo. Frank Marshall is suffering with heart troubles , and is in a critical condition. John C. Carroll has gene to Cambridge , Furnus county , for a weeic's business trio. H. C. McMahan is up from Plattsuiouth , thu guest of E. O. Mayflold , of the Itcpub- llcan. llcan.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Waugh have gone to Shcnandoah to attend the lunoral of a relative. The Easter singing class will meet in the Presbyterian church at 7:80 : o'clock Wednes day evening. Architect L. A , Davis , of the George H. Hammond packing company , Is sick with malarial fever. Mrs. Manley W. Rayley , of Omaha , is in the city , teaching for her sick sister , Miss Gertrude Glasgow. Guy Gartner , the ten-year-old son of Will iam Gartner , was lost Monday night and no trace of him could bo found. D. P. Cushmnn. of Ogdeu , Utah , is the guest of ills friend L. U , Gorham , of tlio Kock Island railroad company. Charles Barlow , charged before Judge King with assault and battery , was dis charged for want of prosecution. Miss Huttlo Moore , of the Albright schools , who has been ill , is still unable to teach , ana her place is being filled by Miss Carrie Brig- ham. ham.Tho The subject of the Young People's leagub at the Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday evening is , "Amusements for Christian Young People. " Patrick Sheahey , charged by Simon S. Homer with assault and battery at the Third ward election polls , had his hearing Monday afternoon nnd was discharged. Building permits have been Issued to. Ed Johnston , F street , Fourth ward , M. Carey , F and Twonty-oighth streets , und C. C. Clifton , Twentieth nnd M streets. Division No. 3. A. O. H. , will meet nt the lodge hull Sunday morning in uniform and full regalia , and march to St. Bridget's Homan Catholic church to attend muss at 9 o'clock. Mayor Sloane will Issue an order requiring all dogs to bo muzzled. Two dogs at Al bright , said to bo mad , bit several ether dogs and the danger and necessity are considered very great. Miss Sadie E. Acker has resigned her po sition as teacher In the Fourth ward school , nnd Miss Pauline Norvell , of Holt county , has been selected to take her place for the unexpinul term. The ladies of the Baptist Homo Mission society mot , Monday afternoon , at tlio resi- donre of Mr. and Mrs. James Jones , Twenty- third street , amt decided to give n supper , Thursday yveulng , under the South Omaha National bank. Early yesterday morning a slight flro at the Kocd hotel scared thu guests , but was put out before any dnuiago was done. A flue was stopped up with some combustible ma terials , which catching , fell out In the room , setting some bed clothes on lire. OIW T111UMV1H , rind Rolled Concrete aim Oppose OrndliiK Uonanznu. A few days ago the board of publio works in a body cxauilaod the 'concrete pavements about the city , selecting pieces of work laid in different years und for which material has boon furnished by different companies. A n result , the board Issued an order that the cement from tlio companies at Utica , 111. , and Mankato , Minn. , aliouU not ba used on city works , asserting that they had. found the concrete where this comcnt had boon used , so soft that it could be crumbled iu thu hand. IJf-pretjentutlvcs of these companies do- acandod upon tlio board this morning and urged that the order bo rescinded , making all manner of excuses for the condition of the work. Ono of the companies urged that it was oo hurried b > thu contractors that the r'Jincnt did not have time to become bydrat ed nnd the other acknowledged that ft had Bent iicro two carloads of poor romcnt. but tbU your , they said , they would b so Hltuat- od ui to bo able to do bettor work and would prouilso the board that uono but good ma terial should be forwarded. They don't card for the dollars and cents Involved , but they do not llko such iv btlgum cast upon their ceineut. The morning session of the board was taken up In listening to the eloquent arguments of tbo representative ) * of the ceuiuut comp&uUs. The Inexorable , however , and the Utlca and Mankato companies arc tabooed this year. In making this test , the board found that where cement from the Milwaukee and Louisville companies had boon used the con crete was as hard as Iron , and ordered that the cement from these companies , alone , should bo used In publio works this year , but after doing so they realized that the companies might take ndvantago of this and ralso prices , and consequently made provis ions for permitting the cement of other standard companies to bo used , should It prove necessary. Yesterday the board was nt work upon the paving specifications. Major Furay has raised a question as to the legal right of the board to tlx the prices on extras In all bids and the matter will bo referred to the city attorney for his decision. Last year Hugh Murphy bid to do some pnvlrig on Vinton street tit 52.45 n yard , and 80 cents per yard f-n1 extra grading , The prlco for doing the paving was lower than the others , but the prlco on extra grading was very high. The board , however , according to the statement of its chairman , did not anticipate that there would bo nny extra grading to bo done , and , so awarded the contract to Mr. Murphy , < As a result , when the work was finished the board found that It had run the city in Mr. Muiphy's debt $9,800 for extra grading , and the same year , under a siinlar contract , tlio board found itself ccr.npolled to allow another contractor between (0,000 und $7,000 Tor extra grading on Wlrt street , the bid having boon as high as thirty- ilvo cents a yard. On the ground that it wished to avoid nny such loss and complica tions this year , the board llxcd the prices on all contracts for extras. All the contractors expressed themselves satlatlcd with the prices sot. but Major Furny thought the board should bo sura of the legality of I In action bcfaro the now bids were made In accordance with it , and. therefore , the mat ter was roforrcd to the city attorney. Kate Cnstloton'fl audience nt the Boyd last night welcomed her , bnok with even moro than its wonted cordiality. It almost filled the house , whllo the n ppluuso anil laughter which at Intervals followed the entry of the star , shook the roof bourns. There Is an indescribable attraction , a fas cination almost , In the personality of Miss Custloton. Her oyca are of the brightest , her smile of the Rwootost , while nil her movements are characterized by grace it self. She sings nnd nets most chnrmingly , nnd independent of her company , would servo as a strong attraction for an evening's entertainment. "A Paper Doll" is n funny piece. It is played by people who know how to bo funny , who know how to sing and net. They give excellent support to the star , nnd contribute to.tho success of their very successful prin cipal. .lohnson & Slavln's minstrels opened nt the Grand opera house last evening to'aver.v largo and enthusiastic audience. It was not only ItucrcBtlug from beginning to end , but superior in diameter and artistic excellence to any of the many blnck.fnec shows that have been In Omaha this season. The llrst part was a perfect picture of neatness and presented the entire company to splendid ad vantage. The beauty , richness und novelty of the costumes worn elicited grout comment , while the snugs , stories nnd jokes kept the nudionco busy with laughter and applause. CarrolKTohnson and Bob Slnvin fully sus tain their well earned reputations as end- man , while Will Stephens , Hurry Forsomnn and Raymond Shaw easily hold flrst pluco as solo snipers. Tlio musical talent of this com pany almost equals nuy of the traveling opera organizations , nnd has proven un im mensely profitable feature. Their afteronrt , a one-act burlesque ou comic oporu , entitled , "Tho Inland of Pokah , " created lots of mer riment and made a pronounced bit. The usual complement of specialty turns com pleted the programme. They wore nil good , uud especially thoMcShauo brothers , a tenm of small boys who imitate swell sports and give juvenile exhibitions of scientific boxing. TnANK-CONTtXKNTAO IM.BUOGI.iIO The Union Pacific anil Northern I'aci- ilo Conic to nil IHSUC. At present the Northern Pacific has a prooloin before It which is attracting the at tention of its officers. , It will bo remembered that a short time ago the Union Pacific announced that it had put'tickcts on the market to Puget S und. No sooner was this announcomcnt made than the Northern Pacific oblected and followed the objection by tiling a protest with Chair man Leeds of the Trans-Continental asso ciation. It maintained that the Union Pacific had issued coupon tickets and that , too , over the western division of the North ern Pacific from Portland northward to the sound. This the Northern Pacific claimed was nn infraction of the trans-oontinental agreement , Juquiry was made nt the Union Pacific headquarters to-day , aud it wus learned that , while that road is scooping in u largo volume of the trafllo to and from that point , it'was ' in no way breaking the trans-continental agreement. An uttnohuof the company said : "wo have no flght with the Northern Pacific on this mattor. The fact is thut in our effort for coast trafllo at this point , wo ignore the Northern Pacific. In its complaint to the chairman of the trans-continental associa tion , the Northern Pacific stains that we uro soliciting ether roads to Roll tickets over our line couponed for Puget Sound. That Is not true. We have no coupon tickets ourselves for that purpose. Wo merely srtv to other roads that wo will guarantee to look after all such tralllc turned over to us. Yes , It Is nn Important move , and ono In whioh the pas senger tratlfc of the Union Pacific will bo lurtroly increased. Wo will continue to con duct the business right along regardless of tlio Northern P.xciflc. " "To a man up n tree , " said another railroad ofllcial , "it would appear that the Northern Pacific had been duping the Union Pacific nil along , nnd when competent men wcro put in charge of the passenger affairs of the Union Pacific they discovered the fraud , und in re pairing it cut deeply Into tlio exchequer of the Northern Pacific. " It is thought that if the Union Pacific remains - mains firm in its action something in the line of rate-cutting may result as the Canadian Pacific ns well ns the Northern Pacific is protesting against the action of the Union Pacific. Under the present status the Union Pacific is on top and Us officials hero state- that it will remain so. A HorlouH Wreck. A serious wreck occurred nt a point be tween the upper and lower yards of the Union Pacific at this place Saturday night. A train of twenty freight cara was being switched and at a point whore a down prado is reached the engine was uncoupled. Tlio cars wcro laden and bud only one uiun to apply the brakes. At a point near the Intersection of the lower yards , the rapidly moving train came in contact with another string of cars thut was on the same track and resulted In four cars being demolished and the breaking of twenty drawhcuds. Two of the cara wcro loaded with stoves which were entirely do- mollshed. Tlio loss will foot up about 1,000. The accident was largely duo to the fault of the company In not having a full crew of incn to manipulate the brakes. Cuahlnic'H Economical CniBailc. Saturday Superintendent Gushing , of the motive power department of the Union Pa cific , issued an order discontinuing all Sun day work in the round house at its transfer , and at other points on the line. It has been customary for the repairing of switch en gines in tiso In thu transfer yards to bo done on Sunday in order that a full corps of ma chines might bo available during week days. The extra time allowed for Sunday biro wa what load to the change. Colorado Trafllo. Vlco President Holooiiib , Uonoral Mana ger Kimball and General TraQlo Manager Mellon , of the Union Pacific , uro In Douvor. Their mission U to flx up matters iu counoo- tlon with local und through trafllo rutes Iu that territory , ere and bullion trafllo being the principal feature. CollliiH For Sioux City. Ou May 5 the Union Pacific will run Its trains to Siour City , and accordingly a trafllo department will be OiiunoJ by that road nt that point. D. M. Collins , now agent of tlio Union Pacillo at Norfolk , will ba ap pointed agent In a few days. Rallrouil Nolni. Douot Master Ilanny of tbe Union Pacific U on the mok list. Traveling- Passenger Agent DorrliiKton , of the Missouri i'acitic , and Tnt'wey-of tbo Union Pacific , are out on tuo skinnlsU. * * A FORECAST jf THE CENSUS Estimated at' lxty-slx Millions lu ,1090. * * * GENERAL BRBIN'S | FIGURES. - Ivm IJy Careful Ucqorvroli anil Coinpnrlsou Ilo Arrives At the Above Con- cluHlon ifi to Frlghton. PI A Scoop On tlio Census Unronn. FOHT UODINSOX , Nob. , April 15. ( Corro- Bnondonco of TUB Bnr.J Wlmt the uoxt cen sus will show Is already beginning to ncltato the public mind. Many estimates nro being inado of the population , but they all fall , I think , below the mark. In 1TOO wo had only 0,029,014 Inhabitants In the wliolo United Status. Curiously enough , too , of those inoropoopla then lived in Mas sachusetts than In Now York state , and nearly as many ] > ooplo lived In Connecticut , Maryland nnd South Carolina , each , as In olthor Now York state or Pennsylvania , whllo Virginia had nearly half as many people as she 1ms now. Not a wlilto soul lived then In Alabama , Cali fornia , Arkansas. Colorado , Florida , Illinois , I nil inn ii , Iowa , Kansas , Michigan , Minnesota seta , Mississippi , Missouri , Nebraska , Ne vada , Ohio , Oregon , Wisconsin or any of the territories. From 1700 to 1600 the Increase of popula tion In the United Stutos was SO per cent nnd a fraction on 8,029.911 ; from ISOl ) to 1810 , HO per cent nnd a fraction on D03-t33 ; from 1810 to 1820 , 83 per cout on Ta3'J,8Sl ' : from 1820 to 1830 , ! i'I per cent and a fraction on lc3,82a ) ; ! ; from 1630 to ISIl ) , 82 per cout und a fraction on 12.SOD.020 ; from 1840 to 1850 , 35 per cent on 17,0011,453 ; from 18.M ) to 1800 , 35 per cent on n population of 23,101,870 ; from 1800 to 1870. 23 per cent and n fraction on 31,443,831 , ( disturbed by our years of domestic war ) ; from 1870 to 1880 , 1)0.77 ) per cent on 88,538I71 ! , equal to about 11,507,41s souls In ton years. Our increase at present from forolpn and domestic sources may safely bo set down i t S per cent per annum on a population of 50,155,788 , or say 1,504,073.40 souls per year. The population according to the last cen sus , us just stated , was 5U,155,78U souls , und If wo have increased , as wo undoubtedly have , at the rate of 8 per cent per nnnura , then wo had In 1831 , 51,660,450 inhab itants ; in 11:83 : , 63,210'OU ; in 1838 , MbOO,577 ; in 1881. 50,440,774 ; In 1835 , 53.131- UPO ; in 18SO , r.'J.STd.Olo ; in 1887. 01,074,835 ; in 1888 , 63,52-1,553 ; in ' 1889 , 01.420,03) , and In 1890. September 1 , wo will have In these United States of America , 00,353,931 souls. Cut this out and see how far it will differ from the census ro turns. Of course , no pos itively accurate census can over be made in this country , on account of the transitory nnd mleratory habits of our people , as well as the inacccssablo regions in which some of thorn live. About 1,000,000 people in every 50.000,000 are never seen by the census tuk- ers , nnd so not set down , but our next census will show n population of between 00,000,000 and 07,000,000 , and we * now have over 61,000 , 000 , by about 400,000f/ " J. S. B. The B. & O. IiiHurniico Sctiomo. CHICAGO , April % tt l& charged that the thi catened strike against the insurance sys tem of the 13altlmoro > & Ohio railway com pany by its employes fs being forced by the agents of life insurntfbo companies. Super intcndent Britton s\id-to-duy : that the road does not compel its-bMploycs to sign the in surance agreomontC-'u'nd ' will not do so , al though all now employes arc expected to do so. A Chlunco 'Postal CHICAGO , April 1.1. Postal Inspector KidJ dor , chief of this division , received notice from Washington thls-ujoruing that Captain Junios Stewart hailitcbn appointed his suc cessor , to toke charge of this division when ever ho presented himself , and granting Inspector specter ICiddor iifloen'idays leave of nb- BQUCC. -j ' Destructive ilall Storm. PINT. BLUFFS , Wyo. , April 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. | There Is n terrific rain storm raging this afternoon and this evening. Honoris from Horse creek vicinity , about twenty-flvo miles north of this place , say that hail to the depth of three inches has fallen. The damages cannot bo ascertained nt this writing. Mellon AIJiiliotl Insane. ATLANTIC , la. , April 15. [ Special to THE BIK. ] Sherman McBoa , who was arrested charged with committing rupo on the person of a ten-year-old girl , lias boon adjudged in sane and taken to the hospital for the insane at Olarinda. _ Sunday GutncM Dcolnrcd Illegal. KAXS\B CITV , April 15. Judco Ellison rendered a decision in the court oi appeals to-duy to the effect that under the laws of Missouri , base ball playing oil Sunday is 11 legal. Neville's Unfounded Fours. Congressman W. J. Connell was asked concerning his opinion of the postofllco mat ter , pnrtaining to the right of the city to Vftcato an alloy for the purpose of locating the poitofilco. Ho said : ' 'So ' far us the legal objections made by Judge Neville are Con cerned ) t do not think thiM-o is anything In them. In fact I know there Is nothing. The council by provision of the charter is jjlveu express power to vacate alleys oP streets when publiointerosUsodmnund. In this case it 1ms the right to vacate any alley. In this light , the alley was vacated for the Douglas county court house In 1S31. nnd was then vacated upon the ndvjco of Senator Mandorson , who was city attorney of Omaha at the time , and who has always hold that the authority to do this was vested In the city council by the charter. If this Is the sum of Judge Neville's difficulties , you may say that the block at Eighteenth and Farnain , intersected by an alloy , , may easily bo re lieved of the Impediment " IMncnttleuiit Kntlis. Ablgnutatorlum , swimming-school , bath rooms and barber shop is in uourso of con struction on the sitoof the old Casino garden , corner Howard and Fourteenth streets. It is the joint enterprise of Mr. O. F. Catlin and Mrs. E. II. Thayer , and is to be conducted upon n very elaborate basis. The building Is to bo a four-story brick , with the entire front of iron and plate glass , thu largest panes of which uro to bo twelve feet high by eleven wide , with an Imposing umln entrance on Howard street. The'rciorVoir will bo 100x25 feet and construoted.after ( ) Iho most modern plans. Competent ilroZtfssors of the natato rial art will have chargA of this branch and thu swimming-school. . .There will also bo an elegant suite of ImtUiVQW'i5 ' * and shampoo de partments , together jvltjj a complete barber shop in thu biwonicnh tjio whole thing to bo completed by Iho rqliUlto of July. Henry Yoss IK the urchitect'utd , ) Field & Johnson the builders. j Tin ; Moon VV'tyirs ti Halo. At 1:30 : this worniqff jjio moon , which had been Bailing through a clear Buy , presented a magnflcont spectaoUi. She was at her full , and probably it > was in celebration of this event that she ebrabined with the mist to surround bur with' it"hnlo displaying the prismatic colors in radUnco moat rare. The mist was invisible tiara as shown by thin annular refraction , whioh after a few moment * faded from sight. It was a phe nomenon vouchsafed to few , and hardly inoro than once in a Ufa time. Hiinday A thief effected an entrance to S. W. Lind say's Jewelry store , at 1518 Douglas street , Sunday night , and stole a collection of silver napkin rings , four cream pitchers , several silver cups and a silk umbrella. A lot of carpenter tools , belonging to L. J , Weldon , 270S Howard street , were stolen from his workshop on Sunday night. A Ha id on tlio Mayor , Mayor Broatch i boarding nt the Millard whllo his house Is being moved from Twenty- lourth and Dodge to Twenty-eighth nnd Dodgo. Yesterday some stnall boys broke Into the house und carried off aoverul bottles of the mayor's vouvo cllquot , which had been Inl'l ' invar where the police do not break in THE F1KM > OF SPOHT. Council 111 n Cm Imld Out. The rlflo match between n team from Council Bluffs and n tcnm from the Omaha SchuUon took place at Hussar's park Satur day. Following Is the score ! OMAHA. Fred Vullor . R0404flOiT 0--H V. MciiRetoilt . . . .8 7 7 0 4 fi 0 8 4 0-W Christ Wtiothrtok .0 4 0 n 5 4 5 II 7 7-M Win. StocKer . 4 4 4 T 0 10 n 10 7 0-69 A. 1'okonoy . o B 10 7 o r > n o o 7 : a Henry Husor. . . . ,00 10 54604 Total . c- COUNCIL 1II.UPP3. .1.0.Jtoirmator..O I 4 0 ( t 10 fi 5 0 0-40 J. O.Tipton . n 7 fi n o o o o n 4-31 W. Ollvor . 0 60747508 H-57 J. I'ctty . 4onuinT08 r > > W. King . 4 00000700 0-11 C. Athciton . , .4 60804000 ft 19 Total The llnrdtn Shoot. The Hardln shooting tournament opens up this morning on the Omaha gun club's now grounds across the river , and the pros pects nro good for a largo attendance , The programme for the first day ! " ni follows : , Fifteen Rlnglo standard targets entrance $1.00 Klght single llvo pigeons , 30 yards rlso , both barrels $7,00 Ton single English sparrows , 30 yards rlso , both' bnrrela-W.OO Twelve single standard targets $3.00. Seven single llvo pigeons , 00 yards rlso , ono barrel $0.00. Six einglu and thrco pair of standard tar gets $1.00. Shooters will leave Gwln & Dunmlro's sporting goods establishment , Thirteenth and Dodge , at U o'clock n. in. of iho Io < t Show. The doors of 1210 Farnam , where Mana ger Ingram holds hla spring bench show , will also bo thrown open to the publio this morning at 0:30. : There Is n handsome lot of dogs in nnd the exhibition will bo an un usually fine ono. _ The AVolf Clmso. Ingrain's wolf nnd fox chase nt the Coli seum Saturday night will afford a lilting close of a busy week among the sports. The Crolghton Stars defeated the North O in ah as Sunday afternoon In a hotly con tested game , by a score of 0 to 5. The Stars are nuuied after Hon. John A. Croighton. The Sioux City team have eitncolcd their dates with Omaha for to. day and Wed nesday. * QuostloiiH and Answers. To decide a bet , please answer the follow- ingiiucstlou : In a game of uribbago A plays n 4 spot ; B plays a 0 spot , then A plays a 5 spot , counting 15-2 with u run of 8. B then plays a tray , tailing four holes for the run of four. A claims ho- has no right to the run of four , as the 5 spot Intervenes. P. , Omaha. In answering the above question in yester day's ' issue A was unintentionally declared correct. It should have been B is correct. Partiaotitud lor Jjovo. Mrs. Anna Brown is n domestic in the cm- ploy of Mrs. Barrett , the mother of the boys who were hung , nnd has been hero only eight weeks , having left Minneapolis to escape an ardent lover named Alexander Johnson , who is bent on marrying her , but whom she detests and Is determined not to murry. Johnson learned of her whereabouts and carao to Omaha a few days after her arrival hero , much to her surprise , and renewed his suit With his wonted ardor. She still refused him , and ho set to work defaming her char acter , telling evil stories to Mrs. IJarrottand others concerning hor. Mrs , Brown there fore repaired to the police court yesterday and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Johnson on the charge of slander. She says that she could not marry Johnson if she wanted to , us ho lints a wife from whom ho has not yet been divorced. Mule IMisnries. A colored man named Uugg was arrested for striking a fellow named Davis. Hugg admitted that ho had given Davis a trounc ing , but claimed that the white man had struck his hoy. The judge informed him that "two wrongs do not make u right , " and lined him $12.50. Alexander Guudcr , the follow arrested on thochargo of stealing n furnace , will bo tried before Judge Borka nt 11 a , m. Tues day. day.Miss Eliza White , a girl of noventuen , has eloped with a follow named , Pat Tazloy. Th u girl's mother , Mrs. M. C. Bothers , lives at iioll South Eleventh street , Council Bluffs , nnd has loft u description of the runaway duir with the officers here. Evidently Young John MoNanmra , son of the Gum- ing street butcher , was arrested at midnight last night , charged with housebrcaking and threatening to kill his brother. The charge was preferred by the young man's father. McNatnara was an applicant before the fire and police commission on Saturday for an appointment on the police forcj. Gallnnt Mr. Adams. Mrs. Mary Adams , living at 1847 South Seventeenth street , reported nt the police station yesterday that her husband loft her on Friday last. She thinks that ho has gond to Lincoln with u woman of Ill-repute , to whom ho has been paying nwrlccd attention. Mrs. Adams has five small children , und is In destitute circumstances. THIS CEU& MYSTEllY. Its AP.cgod NuatlniiHs to bo Tllndo I'lihliu. The case in which Jailor Joe Miller sues G. M. Hitohcock , of the Omaha World , for libel and $35,00. , ) , will bo put on trial to-day before Judge Hopowoll and a Jury. On Saturday Miller's attorney rooolvod a writ of habeas corpus to bring three pris oners , Frank Jones , commonly known as "Big Frank , " Frank Crawford and H. C. Terry from the penitentiary at Lincoln as witnesses. The latter arrived yesterday afternoon In the custody of u strong guard. The trial of this contest promises to at tract considerable attention. Eighteen months ago the World made an attack on Miller and the man nor lu which ho conducted the county jail , exposing alleged outrages claimed to have been discovered as existing and being allowed to exist in that institution. It was not forth that the prisoners systiniatl- cally robbed one another ; that "Big Frank" perpetrated assaults on helpless UO.VB ; that frequently ho had his attention culled to pro hibited wrongs , but treated them indiffer ently ; that ho conspired to retain property taken trom persons when confined there , and many other things , all of which he denies. Miller was suspended for a time , while the committed of the board of commissioners on the jail inado an investigation , and at Its cloao was reinstated. In Hitchcock's answer to the original peti tion , ho charges that Sheriff Coburn is prejudiced diced in Miller's favor and. therefore , should not bo permitted to act in hlsolllulul capacity to in any way influence tiio trial. The Vollmer murder case was not put on trial yesterday , us hod oeon expected. Oil ac count of the non-notification of an import ant wUnosfi and by uirrocmcnl of the atlor- neyaon both sides , it was continued until Wednesday morning. Instead County Attor ney Mahoney had the case of the state against Hat tie Duke , who | charged with larceny of goods , called. Her crime consists of having stolen JJO from a colored soldier , about nix mouths ago , in ono of the burnt district dives. The atto.rno.vts in the case ofi Mrs. Miebac ) against Montgomo/y&Adams.Baloonkcopcrs , for $ . i.OOO on account of the loss of her son , Ole Olcson , was urimed and given to iho jury. Judge Doano left forTokamah at 1 o'clock , where hu will hold court this woek. In the 120,000 damage suit of Granvlllo J , James agaiimt the Union 1'aciUo railway company , for personal injuries sustained by having a foot crushed in a "frog , " at North Bond , the company lllcd an answer yester day denying thut bis foot was naught in a "frog. " It Is claimed that if he were InJured - Jurod in any wanner H was the result of the usual ordinary rltks incident to bit employ , incut as u brakDinun , and through Ills own curclusineab. The company uslcs that the case Bo dismissed. The case of Edmund M. Hartlott and Ed ward J. Cornish , attorneys , aicalnat Chariot H. Huilth , of Denver , who wui at one time administrator of the Round * estate , was trJed yesterday before Jud'o Honewoll. The suit > vos brought to recover f 1,033.10 for at- SgP. Fm mumJ * - - " PILLS MEDICINE For Dlllout and Nervoui Disorder * , luch ne Wind and Pain In Ihe Stomach , Sick Headache , Gltfdlnett , Fut * net * , and Swelling alter Meali , Dinlnesi and Drowsiness , Cold Chilli , Fluihlngl ol Heat , Lou ot Appetite. Shotlnoii ol Droath , Cottlveneti , Scurvr , ( llotches on the Skin. Dliturbod Sleep , Frlqhllul Dreamt , and all Nervous anl Trembling Sonulloni. fcc. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Ihls Is no notion , JZvory sniroror Is earnestly luvltoj to try ono llox ot these rills , aud l&oy will bo OCknnwloclpoil to bo n H'oildct/Kl Jtallritir. UEECIUM'S PILLS , tnkoii aa dlrcctoil , will quickly ffttforo fciiinln to complete hoMth. For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; the ? ACT LIKE MAGIC : feeotra will work wonders upon the Vital Organi I Stringthentng the muscular Syilem ; roainrliiR lonp-lnst Compleilan ; brlnRlna back the keen edge ol appetite , aiul arousing wltli the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the trlioiftitiiiilcal rnrivi/ot the human frnmo. Tlicna nro "tncta * * mlmlttml by thouiuitiils. In all classes of society ) nnd ono ot the host Riiirnutooitntlia NorroiiB nnd DolillltAtod t tlmt BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , full directions nUli oncU Doz. Prcpnrca only liy TIJOH. nr.RCllARl , HU iirlcim , ijinpnMilrc , M _ bu l > n < uttl < * prtirrnllj/ . F. ALLEN & CO. , 305 and 387 Cans.1 St. , New Yotk , Bole Agonta for tlio Uniloi } Buuos , tcho ( II i/our druggist does not keep them , ) WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOXJ DR. HORDE'S lectro-llapetic Bolts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science Sol- enllflcally Made and Practically Applied GuilUmnTsBdt Beit 8ftnti3t ! * with Suspensory Kkriric , Bc41tatrDISEASE CUREDWITHOUT MEDICINES OII H T < y < > irnli < ln t ioll fli.lllD , llfn.t or I.lmt , . , Ncrr- , " . , " f U nun U bllUy. l.umliiiao , llptirrnl ItrMlllj. lIKmrnklUm , nrnlriU , JV'uurnlatn , HaUtlru.lHKMtiieiarKldnrTii. Ktilnnl Dl-i'i > . . , Torn 1,1 f.Urr.Umil , Klhnu.llnn lon . A lhmn , llrart llUcmir , r l'rc > lH. Vii.lpilin. Kr ) > lprU ,1lnillcr < llanrnknrM , lm < tintvnoT. UaUrrh , IMIio , Kpllepir , llunil , Arurl > l beji ! , lltiiraovlr. Illnoi ) lll.ri'.i. . . lrop y. ( tk.n 1 iut el. E iatil r ' nn. nnnin'8 nticTBO-mo * HKTIC n LT nnnltlTi'lr cur .l TrnucomblneU. UuaraaticiUho KHEDB1TI HB , ( VUAUnA , UT- onlr ono In the vror 111 KB , Himi anj xDauiltnit continuous Klietna it flagntt rhranlo < Uar w at liothjoies. 'V ' carrrat. 6c ! ntlflo , l'ow rful , flagnttI * , Oonulnt US tolOO riocrrpn o ( Coraforublo BIK ! Kttrctlro. Avoid fraud * . Electricity. ilDintlirtltD the DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , * 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. 5fflaaa < em afea ! Ea3i Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HAMLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGANS FRAMES , 1513 Douglas St SHEET MUSIC. WHOLESALE. OMAHA , - - NEB. RETAIL. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Mechanics' lools , Fliielironxe JJuitdaM' Gooil * anil Buffalo Scala * . 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. torneys' fees for services rendered in the settlement of the estate. The Omnha Lonn and Trust company com menced notion yeatorduy npnlnst .fnreil li. Ayer und others to foreclose a inortt'nco on loti 1 , U und a in block 10 of S. 15. Hojjors' uddltlon. Tim company alleges thut the de fendants nro indebted to it In the sum of $4,000. .Tared U. Ayer waned written bonds with interest coupons nttached , nnd ac knowledged himself bound to the company In that sum. To secure the payment of the bonds nnd coupons ho pave n mortg-iipo to the company on the three lots mentioned. Tlio reason that the loan company nooks to foreclose is that Ayer has not paid tUo in terest on the coupons. County Court. Thrco suits instituted to recover on goods sold v , ere filed in the county court. Ono Is entitled Snrague , Wnrner & Co. against John E , nates , for § "il4.55 , another P. Tny. lor iJrynn , assignee of E. G , Wells & Uro. , ncnliiBt Samuel & Mdrrfo Slomun , for $328.17 , and the third John F. Stanton against Crapp & Sterling , for ? j'Jl.78. Fryo & Bruhn , cnttlo dealers , brought suit yesterday against George Uurko ana J. A. Frazlor , of Soulh Omaha , to recover ? 929 daniages bh account of sale of cattle. The liliilntlirs claim that , they shipped slxty-tivo head of cattle from Pocntcllo , Idaho , to the defendants nt.Somlj Qmul'R ' lnt _ September for salo. Al thut date c'nttlu of the same grndo nnd class as those of Frye & Drulin were selling in tlio sumo market nt $1 per hundred pounds. Instead of currying out the orders und instructions of the plaintiffs the South Oinului men shipped tlio cattle to Chicago and sold them for ? : J.5. If .sold ns ordered the cattle would have realized the sum of $3,075.20. AfU > r deducting the freight charges from I'ocatello nnd the usual ex penses ut the South Omaha stock yards and the commissions , all aggregating thu sum of tlil.'Um , there would now bo due the plain tiffs the amount nf R,4SI.8S. , ) The dnfend- unts , after Belling the cuttle In Chicago clulmou that they realized only § 1,500.73 , after all expenses were deducted. It Is bn- cause of tnfs shortage the Idaho cattle men want damages. il'H Acid /'liusitlmtct. Uowaru of Imitations. Bulletin Supt. Whitlock yesterday Issued the fol- lowing permits to build ; James Cole , one nnd a half Htory frame bain. Twenty-Mix th and Cumurou it BCO J' , A. HUCK , oue nnd n half lory fr.tmo dwolllnir , Davenport nenr Thlrty-fllghtl ! A. AViemlroth , onoand a hair story fnuno ilu'elllnp , Clark and Howard 001 John Unrvey. ono * ud a naif tory frame duelling , Kluventhunil CaUullur l.iOO \ , . V , Slnkoy. ono and u hulf story tramo dsrollliit ; , Marker noar'J'hlrty-amh. . . . 1,000 \i , V. Hlnlcey , c/no aim a naif utory frame dwelling , ( iarllelis , near 'j'hlrty lxtir , . . 1.00J IP BlniCBy , ono und a. half story frame dwelling , Jolumon near Thlrty-nlxth. . . 1,0-JO L. I' , binkcy , i i" aud a Calt story Iniino dwolllne. IJarkornnar Thirty-sixth . . . 1,000 Mr * . Dilutee , one-story frrunu ihvelllni , ' . I'ltUcintli aiidOarJli.'ld MO T'.vo minor permit , , . . . . , . , , , , . . . 10) ) KlBveu rurinlU 0.700 Positively Cured Iij tUca-J.IUI riJIs. 1 CARTERS They nleo relieve Dls | trc from Dyspepsia , * ! iTTIJC ( ndlgeetion and Tc VER Hearty EatiBi' . > * ? cl-j feet remedy t'/r Dr/il-l ILLS. ness , NauseaProwtlj nc3 , HadTaate ( a the ) lIoutli.CoatedTongue.J Fem In the Bide , TOI PID MVEK , See. They regulate the Boweli | Hid prevent Constipation and Plica. Tbe mailed and p | e t to tako. Only ono pill e dose. OlnATfil. I'urely Vegetable , K cent * . OABTKE HEDIOIHE 00.POBlri1HiwTork | milKKtorrn llouxoUUie only hotel In Ua - JL rtftle. Antelope county , J\el > . ; In nice , well-urranxed hoimilolnu u cowl Imshifss. Irfaie and iiirnlliiru for xuio. A uegiruble open. las fur A good hotel man , Adiliea * J > iop. Btoua Hou . 0kdalc , Net ) . 811-h * ESTABLISHED ISBI < iso so. Ch.cago > IHO. iciarkst. Ibo Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SUflCEOtl h still Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS ' . . J ja.TT.TT.lA- Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , SB-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Ixnt Manhood , railing Memory , Exhausting Drnlni , Tcrrlblo Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect ! leading to early decuy and perhaps Consumption of Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-failing , ftuccrsk. KODVPHILIS and Ml bad Blood and Skin Dla. coses permanently cured. , .va-KlDNEYand URINARY complaint * , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all iliieaiet Df the Qenlto.Urln.iry Organi cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or o'Jier Orfftint. WB-No experiments. Age and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. . J6B"Send 4 centt postage for Celebrated Worki oa Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Disuses. , ftB" Those cchlemplatnr ! MaitTJee tend for Dr. Clarke's Celttrated guide Male and Female , Inch 1 $ cents , both 95 cents ( statnm ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter orcnllmay favefiitiircsiilTer. inaandshame.and ndd Boldenyears lollfe. 3-Uobfc "Llfe'a ( Secret ) Errors50centsslampi ( ) . Medlclna and writings sent everywhere , secure from expotute * Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g In it. Addiess P. D. CLARBCE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. . OHICAQOt ILL. NATIONAL BANK V. 3. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , WED. Capital . 8100,033 Surplus .Inn. 1st , IBS ! ) . CU.OOO OITH'KUH AND DIUHOTOlHl IIKNHV W. VATHH. I'msldunt. LHWIS S. UHI5I ) , Vice I'rcrtldcnt , A. 15. TOU/.A lilrt , W. V. MOItSI' . JOHN H. COl.liINB , II. C.CU. IMMl. * J.N. U. I'A'f'UICIC , W.ll.B. llumns , C-vshlor THE IRON BANK , Corner l-'tli and I'aruatn Sts , A General Danklni ; lluslnasa Steck Piano r Hujiiarkablo for powerful Hyiiipatliotic tone , pllnblo action und absolute dura bility ; 0 years' record the host guaran tee of the excellence of these inatru- montB. WOODBRiDGEBROS , IN COLLARS tl.cnlc. r ! i -i ? SRffi-a iwiSwHEiSiH iJi ' " / " ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' "IMWlitMl !