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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAJK. OMAHA. MONDAY , MORNING , JANUARY 1 , 1889. NUMBER 207 a HE HAS A PLACE FOR ELAINE , The Malno Man's Frloncls Are Fool ing Very Jubilant. GOOD NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. Tlio I > rcHldcnt Said to Have Deter mined on tilvltiK the Knight n Bunt in Ills Cahlnct Wnxh- llllfll'H Pl'O leCtH. | The Latest Aliont Illninc. Nr.w YOIIK , Jnn. O. f Special Telegram to TUB HM. J A. special from Washington to night says ; "Tho republican members of the ftcnntc , who arc opposed to Mr. Blalno enter ing the cabinet , have heard some unpleasant news from Indianapolis , nnd talk of nothing else. The reason for tno depressed .appear ance of Senator Hlscock upon his return from Indianapolis , nnd the satisfaction ex pressed by Senator Plumb at the same time , were explained yesturday afternoon by the report that went swiftly from one senator to another. It was that President-elect Harrl son has practically i ! itcrir fed that ho can not escape thu necessity of offering Mr. Blalno a seat In the cabinet. This is not a rumor , but Is a luct. General Harrison said as much to ono of his senatorial callers , nnd it was commonly \\ulkod \ \ of among the sena tors hint evening In their private conversa tions ; and n senator who is one of Mr. Blaine'p bitter opponents said that from tlio manner in which the information \VP.S conveyed to them there can bo little doubt that unless General Harrison , within the next few weeks , finds some way , now un foreseen , to assuage the conflicting Interests , ho will offer to Mr. Blalno the post of secre tary of state. " Morler With Forgery. BKIIUN , Jan. O.-Tho Post practically ac cuses Sir R. 1) . Morier of forgery. It says : "The Bazaino letter , bristling with angll- clsnm nnd solecisms , cannot possibly have been written by n Frenchman. " The IColnlschoCeltung , which first pub lished the original charges against Morier , intimates that the letter convoys the im pression that it was written by ati English man , and that only the signature is Bazaine'H. The Vossischo Xcitung says : "This new accusation against Morier is one of such ex ceeding enormity that it can only lilt Ger man readers with a feeling of profound Bhamo. Unless proof of Its unjiistness is immediately - mediatoly tendered , the charge can hardly Tall to havu almost an infuriating effect upon foreigners. " The Wescr X.eltuncdeplores the palpa ble animosity displayed in the publication of the charge. Xlic Krcnch Klcationa. PAitisJnn. ( ) . In thodopartincntof Somme , to-day General Montuudon ( Houlangist ) was olccted member of the chamber of deputies by a majority of 7,5 : . ; ) . In the department of Charcnto Inferieurc , M. Duport ( Bouhuigist ) was elected by n of 9140 the candi majority , -140 over republican date. date.At At the republican congress to-day , at which M. Clcmcnccau wan present , 231 of the ilTO persons attending the meeting voted for .Fucqucs , president of the council of Seine , as n candidate for the vacant Paris ? eat in thd chamber of deputies. Jacques was then pro claimed , amid applause , sole candidate against General Boulangor. A Thriving Ijittlo Town. Pr.Tniismnm , Neb. , Jan. ( i. [ Special to Tin : line. ] Petersburg is n thriving little village of over 200 Inhabitants in the north central part of Boone county , and within nbout 11 vo miles of the south line of Antelope tcounty. It Is on the Albion branch of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail road , running from Scribner to Oakdalo ; Is liirtcon miles from Albion , the county seat , nnd twenty miles from Oakdalo , where the branch intersects the main line , and is conceded to bo among the best otations on this line , being sur rounded by a prosperous farming community. The beautiful Rae Valley in which the town Is situated furnishes abund- dant grass for stockmen , and several ranches are located near by , where hundreds of cattle nro fed annually and shipped to the eastern market. Few towns of the size possess such trade advantages. Nearly all trades nnd wofessionn nro represented here. One can hardly realize that all thcso changes have been effected in a little over a year , nnd a large business built up. There is u finely np- pointed grain elevator nt this point , and its business is not only flourishing , but rapidly increasing. yyj- _ North Loup ItcniH. NOIITII Lour , Neb. , Jnn. 0 [ Special to Tin : Bin.l : There Is something of a scramble over tli postoftlce In this place , with no par ticular ono in the lead. Ourgrain buyers are doing a heavy busi ness. ness.Thu trial took place Monday of the parties concerned in the melee last Saturday even ing , In which there was a great flourish of revolvers , but no bloodshed , and rcsultoil in one party being fined $50 and costs , which ho refused to pay , and was committed to the Jail , and the other was fined $1 and costs , owing to extenuating circumstances , which was paid. Wo expect something substantial In the , way of brick buildings in the spring. Ono of our billiard halls , where , it is said , Roniething stronger than pop was being sold , has been closed , us a result of the disturb ance last Saturday. With the Northwestern railroad running through our town wo will bo a nlaco of no mean Importance in thu near future , Civil Service ICnlcn Hovlaccl. WAMIINOTON , Jan. 0. The civil service commission has prepared and the president has approved n scries of rules which are to govern ndmisulons to nnd changes In the rail way mall service. The rules nro extended to all persona except the general superintendent and his assistants. They provide that clerk examinations shall Include not more than the following subjects : Orthography , reading , nitilrcssi's. , penmanship , arithmetic , letter writing , luut the geography of the United States./ The ago limitations for examination are eighteen and thirty-five years , r.xcoptas to honorably discharged sol- dlcra and bailors. Competitors must have attained a general average not loss than seventy oii'ii basis of 100. though with eol- dlcrs nnd sullora that will be sufficient. Vacancies .shall bo II 1 1 oil by nominations All aujiolntmonts shall bo mode for a probation ary turm of six months , at the end of which the clerk may bo absolutely appointed or dis charged according to his record. Transfers are authorized from the classified railway mail sorvk-j to any classified jiostofUco , and vice versa. U.NDF.H T11U 1IOHS10S' P1212T. A Lkltlo NowHtmy Prolmlily Fatally Injured on Kurnniii Street. A nowsbuy about ten yearn old , named Ollli ) Smith , Hvinpat lOir , South Tenth street , met with a serious if not fatal accident last evening on Furnam street. The boy got on n street nar opposite Ho.vd'a opera house and rode cast as fur ns Pollack's clothing store. In jumping from thocaron the wrong-side ho nllghtod In front of another car going In the opposite direction and was trampled under the bones' feet. The animals took fright nnd began to run , the lad being ilrnpt'cd with the car at the horses' hcelo. The road bcliiR covered with Ice the boy slid hair c block bc.'oro tli'o car could ba brought to a standstill. J. M. Carney , buck- man No , 54 , saw the accident , and rushing to the rescue , stopped the horses. Ho then took the boy in his arms and carried him into Saxo's drug store. Ur , Chadwtcit was summoned and found the lad had n severe scalp wound six Inches long , reaching from the left sldo of the forehead to the back of the right nar. The doctor bandaged the wound and Carney took the jmtlonl homo In his hack. From hero City Physician Ralph was summoned and refused to come , saying the child must bo taken to the city Jail before ho would attend to him. Carney then went for Dr. Summers Jr. , who examined the wound nnd found that It required nine stitches. The boy lives with his widowed mother and sister , and by his exertions IE of great assist ance to the family , The mother , on learning of the accident and seeing her child covered With blood , fainted , nnd was in n state of nervous prostration late last night. T1IK CO It 13 AN "eoMl'MCATIOXS. Cocrnlva McamiTe.s" Threatened If China's Demand * are ignored. SFIANCISCVI , Jan. 0. Tlio.lnpan Herald , received by the steamer City of Pckln , last night , has advices from Seoul under unto of December 0 to the effect that the Chinese government hnd submitted tlireo demands to the Corcan government , und threatens that If the latter shows any disposition to object to them , measures will bo taken to force the Corcutis to acciilesce. | The demands wcro thnt the king bo deposed nnd that the crown prince bo elected instead , with his father as regent ; that Corea shall declare hordclf to bo depending on China , and that Chinese ofilccrs bo placed r.t Fusi , Jurnsun nnd Jen- chuiiii to exercise diplomatic functions. The Corcan premier memorullzed the king , re monstrating ngainstsuch n course , and lit the same time offering his rcsiirniition. , luitio Denny , the king's conlldcntlal adviser , also wrote n letter to tlio king in which ho states that on the day when China obtains her ob- JectH as regards Corea , both nations will have been brought under the rule of other power. m Affairs at Port-aii-Prlnco. PoiiT-AU-PiiiNcn , Dee. 'Ji. : Since the re lease of the Hayticn Republic , three days ago , to the United States steamers Galena and Yantic , an ofllccr and boat's crew have been constantly kept aboard of the Hnytlcn Republic nnd that ship kept constantly under the shotted guns of a United States ves sel. She will bo accepted to-morrow , as It Is expected that her condition will bo then the same us when she was captured , all parts of her machinery Having been delivered. The Haytien gun-boat , Grand River , left last night late. Hying the French ( Ing , for Mole St. Nicholas , now in the hands of the Hyp- polltes , to cable to Martinique for iho French licet to protect Port-au-Prince. Lcgltimo's general , commanding his main army , was seriously defeated at Ilinclilo , ton miles from the San Domhmo frontier. Ilo arrived last night with a report of the defeat. He Is now at the French legation under tlio protection of the French ling , as the r.ige of the people li feared when they shall have learned of the defeat , and it is believed that the French minister immediately dispatched a request for a French man-of-war. A Steamer Sunk. BAYOU SAUA , La. , Jan. 0. The steamboat Paris C. Brown , from New Orleans for Cin cinnati , struck u snug at Hermitage landing , Point Coupe parish , at 0 o'clock last nieht , and sunk to the hurricane deck. Two fire men nnd one passenger aroimissing. The Picayune's special says : Officers Hannah and Blanks this evening report that the Paris C. Urown is a total wreck , , with only the pilot house and a small portion of the decks appearing above the water , but nothing definite was learned as to the loss of life nnd property. Two roustabouts who passed down on the Oliver Bierns say that six of the crow and ono passenger wcro lost , but they could give no names. A large part of the cargo will bo a total loss. A Double Stage Ilohljnry. CI.OVEIIDAI.B , Cal. , Jan. 0. A double stage robbery occurred lust night. The down stage from Medocino City was stopped near Philo by a masked highwayman , who de manded the treasure box , andholding a re volver in ono hand , took the box from the driver with the other. The stage had only gone a few hundred yards when it met the up stage from Clovcrdale , and the driver re marked that ho had also been robbed , but gave no details. The express boxes wcro till that wcro taken. A ! > ! Cut la Salaried. ST. Louis , Jan , 0 , It is announced that a circular will bo issued to-morrow from the headquarters of the Missouri Pacifie railway declaring that the salaries of all employes on that system whoso pay Is 8100 per month and over will bo reduced 10 per cent. This ap plies to heads of departments ns well as others , but docs not affect conductors , en gineers , or those connected with the me chanical departments. The object is to re duce the operating oxponscs , The Coliiirn-ICunnard Touw : > , Ohio , Jan. 0. A prize Hunt bo- ttvccn Mike Coburn , of Manchester , England , nnd Jim Kcunurd , a half-breed Indian , of St. Paul.Jtook place this morning for $100. The men nro light weights. Nineteen rounds wcro fought under Marquis of Queonsberry rules , resulting la n victory for Coburn , A'loleut storms In Knropc. LONDON , Jan. fl. Violent storms occurred in the Pyrennes orientates. Rivers ovor- llowcd their banks , nnd the streets of Pcr- pignaii and country round about are Hooded. Communication has been stopped , and an enormous amount of damage and much dis tress caused. It is feared the storm has also wrecked vessels. K. J. AVithercll Dead. DBNVKII , Jan. 0. E. J. U'itherell , husband of Emma Abbott , the prlma donna , died nt the Windsor hotel In this city nt 10 o'clock ' to-day of pneumonia , contracted while ho was en route to Kansas City from the Pacific coast. _ Sandy Forbes the Victim of n Myste rious Assault. Sandy Forbes , well known as the manager ot Ed Rothory's sporting headquarters , is now lying at the point of death , apparently the victim of a sandbnggcr. On Saturday night ho drove out to tha road house , jiear Cut Off lake , accompanied by n woman of the town known as May. After spending an hour or two tneru liu started for homo , but nt an early hour yesterday morning ho was picked up inscnslblcj by Jim Trnlnor , driver of hack 10. His companion was in the hands of two or three men well known in Omaha , and was being walked up and down , to prevent - vent her freezing. The colonel was taken buck to the road house , where ho Is now lying unable to bo removed. Ho Is yet un conscious , und the attending physicians say the Indications uru that he has been struck with a billy. The woman is also severely Injured but able to tell u part of the story. She Bays they wcro driving quietly along towards Omaha , when Forbes fell out of the buggy , and the horse .Blurted to run. She was thrown to the \round , and only recovered consciousness lo find herself in the hands of some men who wcro paying every attention to her , and nonu to thu colonel. About the same tlmo hack 1(1 ( came along and picked up both her and Forbes mid curried thoin uack to the road house where medical aid was ob tained. ' The mysterious part of the affair Is that the here attached to the buggy found its way back to I Ionian's born without any marks to ihow that It had run awav. . Even the whip was la lU nlace , but the robe was lound at the road house where it was- brought by some of the parties who had taken care ot the woman and left the colonel lying on the ground. At midnight the vic tim wnn still uncoii&ciuiui and unublu to make any etatcmuut. , A BIG THING FOR CHEYENNE It Secures the Location of Union Pnolflo Repair Shops. TERMSOFTHE ROAD'S CONTRACT A IMnnt Worth Half a Million to Ho Krcutccl and ( Employment Ulvcu to About Klvo Hun dred Men. Tlio U. IVs Imtost Move. CmmiXNiVyo. . , .Tan. 0. [ Special Tclo gram to TUB 111:1 : : . ] For sonic months rcpro sontntlvos of the Cheyenne board of trade have boon negotiating with the Union I'nclfk ofllclnls with n view to securing the location nt Chcycnno of the ear anil machine shops o that company. A consummation of these no gotlntions was reached lust night nt midnight when the Choyanno city council formally accepted a proposition in the form of a con tract submitted by the railroad company. Hy the terms of contract the city gets the loca lion hoi-oof the general shops of the company Buildings covering 100,000square feet will bo croctcil during the present year nt n cost of $ : > ooX)0 ( ) , won ; to bo commenced within thirty days. The citj gets frco freight for materials needed In building extensions to the present system ol waterworks , and also secures from the coin pany at n nominal Jlgure 100 ncrcs of hind fern n reservoir. On the part of the city , portions of twenty-nine streets in the district to bo occupied by the shops are to bo abandoned to the use of the company. Viaducts , costing ? 'j,000 ( , nro to bo built across the railroai tracks on three streets , nnd free water is to bo furnished by the city for the shops ami locomotives of the company. The propositions wcro llrat submitted to the board of trade by Its president , ex-Governor Warren , mid by that body presented to the city council , with n recommendation that they be accepted. The council approved anil ndoutod the propositions unanimously , nnd directed Unit proper ordinances bo drawn to carry them Into execution. The benellt to Cheyenne will bo incalculable. At the start , ' ! 00 tol.'iO mechanics and their families will bo added to the population , and upwards of n half million dollars expended. During the next four years the shops will bo greatly enlarged , and will ultimately employ 1,000 to 1,300 men. The Shops AVI1I Not lie Moved. Vice , President Holcomb was shown the above dispatch. "You can say , olllcially , " said he "that fur the is , so as dispatch con cerned , shops will bo erected in Cheyenne , but they will only be repair shops. The Union Pacific docs not contemplate any re moval of the shops or plant from Omaha. " Another ofllcial of the road was Inter viewed and said : "I can neither afllnn nor deny the details of the dispatch , but there is ono thing the company must have shops m Omaha. It has always been n favorite idea with the directorate to establish repair shops at some point further west , nnd so avoid the necessity of sending broken down engines or cars from the Western divi sion to Omaha for repairs. In the interest fo the company they should do so. and Cheyenne is moro favorably situated for such work than any other point. It connects with lines branching out cast , west , north and south , nnd Is 519 miles west of Omaha. Atone ono time , some y < : ars ago , the company went so far as to build the foundation of car re pairing works , but it never went any further , nnd I suppose they are now about to carry out the plans made years ago. " COMING WEEK IN CONGRESS. Important Measures Jisforo the IIouso and Senate. WASHINGTON ; Jan. 0. The senate will spend their week in further consideration of the tariff bill. In the meantime probably no other measure of importance which demands any serious consideration will be taken up except Mr. Edmunds' Monroe doctrine joint resolution. The proposition to amend the rules so xsto prevent flllibustering on the first and third Mondays of each month against motions to pass u measure , under suspension of the rules , has thrown iho house Into a dead lock which only the rule requiring adjournment each day at 5 o'clock prevents from becom ing as memorable as that which last session was precipitated by the direct tax bill. Mr. Reed , who has charge of the resolution to 0)1111170 ) the rules , has announced his inten tion to keep the matter before the house until n final decision upon it is reached. The sundry civil appropriation bill will bo re ported during the week ; but the course of all business in the house hinges on the disposi tion of the pending proposition to change the rules. AVnfihDiirn .Jubilant. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jan. 0 , | Special Tele gram to TJIB HUB. ] Tlio Minnesota legisla ture speakership fight was considered settled by the friends of Mr. Morgan , when they heard of the action of the Ramsey county legislative delegation last night. Ramsey has six republican votes. Colonel Graves and Mr. Morgan went before the delegation. Mr , Morgan conceded thirty votes to Colonel Graves , while Colonel Graves conceded thirty-four to Mr. Morgan , That made sixty-four , which Hanisoy considered settled , und it left twenty doubtful votes , not count ing their own , The meeting adjourned until evening and then Kamsoy went out to look up the doubtful ones. They Interviewed nil doubtful members , or their immediate friends , and met again in the evening. Tlio result of the comparison gave Graves forty ana Morgan forty-four. When the meeting broke up it was ainiounccd that the delega tion would go four for Morgan and two for Graves. The result of the Kamsoy meeting was made known to the AVushburn lenders nnd they were wild with enthusiasm. The showing made by Hnmsoy county was con sidered the most significant of anything that has come to light since the inauguration of the light. Washburn men are jubilating everywhere and the ( lag was Hying from the top notch of the flagstaff over the Was lib urn camp. Toll VH. Hail Ilond. DEADWOOD , Dak. , Jan. 0. The Deadwood & Lead City chartered toll road has enjoined the Dcadwood Central railway nnd brought suit upalust it for 50,000 damages. The railroad crosses the toll road live times , ren dering it unsafefor vehicles. Notwith standing the notices duly given , tlio railroad continued building. It Is claimed that tlio railroad proposed breaking up the vehicle traltlu between the two points in order to so- euro a monopoly. I'VII Six Hundred Foot. UNIONTOIVN , Pa. , Jan. 0. Friday night John Clark , engineer at the West Lolseiirlng mines of the Connellsvlllo Coke nnd Iron company ; William McFarron and William Shearer went Into the cayo to go down the shaft. Fireman Lewis Fuehor , who had charge of the engine , started the cage , but forgot to reverse the engine. The cage went to the top tipple rapidly and there tlio rope broke , dropping the cage nnd men to the wttoin of the shaft , GOO feet below , killing hen : instantly. Scurlot Fever at Waterloo. WATKIU.OO , la. , Jan , 0. [ Special Tolcgram o TUB Hue. ] On account of scarlet fever , ho opening of the schools has been post * toned to ono week from to-morrow by order nlfio board of health to prevent the spread of tho"wpldcmlo among the children , Six Icatha have occurred. The estimated num- K.T of cusus Is 1L AN AMU1T10U3 CKtilSSTlAU He Proves to Ho u Dltturhlnp ; Factor In n Itrooklyii Congregation. * Nnw YoiiKJan. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tnr. llnB.j Her. .Tu Sing , who ofilclntod In tlio capacity of interpreter in the Chinese school connected with the Central Congrega tional church , Brooklyn , since its inception seven years ago , Is a disturbing factor in the congregation , September 29 , 1SS , the am- bitlous celestial created a profound scns.itton , not only In the church but throughout the country , by his clandestine marriage to Miss Henrietta Elton SUll , the accomplished daughter of n wealthy member. Now , through the refusal of the prudential com mittee of the church to appropriate funds for his employment longer , Miss Isabella Shirley , superintendent , has tendered her resignation. It is feared that her withdrawal will break up the school. When the mar riage of Ju Sing to Miss Still was announced the congregation instituted an In quiry as to Ju Sing's mile- cedcnt.1 , nnd an extensive correspondence was entered into with somoof Uio authorities In San Francisco. The replies were decidedly unfavorable to Ju Sing. ' Hy some it was stated that liu had .abandoned n wife in China , but this ho stoutly denied. lie ad mitted , however , that such a ceremony had been contemplated while on u visit to China some years ago , but that n disagreement had arisen as to sumo detail in the obligations , nnd their conjugal negotiations ramu to naught. The Information received moved the deacons of the church to establish n sort of informal court -Inquiry. . The whole matter WHS carefully canvassed , and It was finally decided to express no verdict on the monger testimony offered. While this was lii progress Ju Sing remained in formal communion with the church nnd continued a * interpreter in the school. With his pretty wife , however , affairs had assumed ft moro serious posture. Her father would not brook the burning disgrace , und she was denied his homo und affections. THE UEOO11D. The Financial TrniiHnctions of the Past Week. HOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Bee. ] The following table compiled from dispatches to the Post from the managers of the loading clearing-houses of the United States , shows the gross ex changes for the week ended January 5 , ISS'.I ' , with rates per cent of Increase or de crease us compared with the amounts for the corrcspondingwook in 1SS7 : Stio Delivers Another Violent Spoach to.the ChlotiKo Reds. CHICAGO , Jnn. 0. Mrs. Parsons , the anarchist , to-day made another violent speech , similar to the one she delivered last Sunday , and this time , ns before , she was' unmolested by the police. Her audience met \Vaverly hall , near police head quarters , and was ostensibly a gathering of socialists , whosa purpose was to discuss a paper on "Salvation from Poverty. " Mrs. Parsons said : "I nm a revolutionist , and I believe that all moans uro justifiable to get rid of the present + ndustrlal slavery. Tlio capitalists , our musters , nullify the ballot. Revolution by lorco must come , and the sooner it comes the quicker your emancipa tion will arrive. Behind the ballot must bo n Winchester ride. " Concluding , the uark- sklnncd speaker vehemently declared : "For one , I am going to follow the truth if it takes mo behind prison bars and if I have to die for it. " Destructive l-'iro at Hebron. Hniuto.v , Neb. , Jan. (5. ( [ Special Telegram to Tun Uui.J A lire was discovered this morning about 3 o'clock , in the building oc cupied by Mrs. T. M. Surbaugh as a millinery , store. The alarm was soon spread , nnd In a very few minutes our citizens were out in force. The lire , however , spread rapidly and in a short time had cleared out an entire half block , with the exception of one building , which was only slightly damaged. Most ot the goods of the various owners ware saved , though greatly damaged by rough handling. The losses by the lire are as follows : A. C. Ring , drug store and building , $1 , 500 ; Werns Hrothcrs' , hardware store , ' 51.000 ; H , A. Hendcrshot , moat market , $ 00 ; H. D. Fergu son , building , * 1,00 : ) ; F. J. Hondershot , build ing , ? l.r.K ( ) ; Mrs. T. M. Surbaugh , damaged goods , $ JOnJ. ; A. Hoivdlo , building , * l.OU3 ; T. D. Landholder's bank fixtures , fl.ODU ; M. A. Dlngman , furniture and goods , $300 ; R. Klllson , building , $ 'X > 0 ; M. Rodes , on goods , P100. Hnd there been ajhlgh wind the greater [ lortion of our village , would have been In ruins. The cuuso of the lire Is unknown , but was probably a defective Hue. A Frightful Accident. PiTTHiiuno , Jan. 0. A Now Hope , W. Vn. , special says that a frightful accident occurod : hero Saturday nfterqoan. A number of farmers gathered at William Porter's grist mill , as was their custom on Saturdays , to ; ct their supplies of flour , when the boiler exploded , completely wrecking the mill. Joseph - soph French , Thomas , 'C.irtor , t ovl Shields , John Winner and Eli Shields were Instantly ( Hied , . their bodies belong blown Into shreds. Pieces of llesh have 'dropped from the arms of Wauo Sliuirelbarffer , exposing the bones , and his death Is momentarily expected. Jerome - rome Cartnr and Wlllinin Carter were also seriously injured , ' A Valuable Coat Find. ST. PAUL , Jan. O.A Hpaclal dispatch gjves an account of the flailing of another valuable coal deposit In Dakqta , tlireo miles north of 2ontcrvillo. It wui'btruck by a party drill- ng a well. One vein , eight feet thick , was Irst bored at a deptb of 125 feet , and after roiiig through sandttone and slate another rein was struck. Active efforts to develop ho find are being made. T Htlinony Impeached. PiT88iiuitu , Jun , 0. At a meeting of prom- ncut Irish howe , rule sympathizers to-day bo testimony * of Witness Flannlgun , who were at th'e trial of Paruell that Stephen J. tlcany had presided at a land league meet- ng In this city , and collected funds to buy arms , was denounced as fulso , GOOD COMES OF EVIL INTENT , The Bill Limiting Pension Azonts' Fees Inspired by Splto. THE SPEAKERSHIP CANVASS. MuKlnloy , Heed anil Uciulccson of Iowa Thought to He In tlic ForeFront - Front For Secretary of the Navy. WASHINGTON DimnAU THE Ouvtu BBC , ) 51 ! ) FOUIltKCNTI ! SHIEST. J- WASIIIVOTON , D. C. . .Inn. 0. ) It appears after all that Chairman Mntson , of the committee on invalid pensions , had n personal feeling in the work ho did tlio other day In securing the passage of a bill In the house limiting the fees of pension ngents. The measure was framed since the election , at which Mntson was defeated for governor of Indiana , nnd there can bo no doubt that some things which transpired during the campaign prompted the net , or that It is a post-election measure. Ono of the leading jtonson agents of Washington is the proprie tor of n soldiers' ' paper having an enormous circulation. The editors of the paper and its proprietors and agents frequently visit Matson's committee room in the interest of pending measures , and therefore they know exactly what is being done. Disgusted with the duplicity and demngoger.v of the chairman , this paper opened u merciless war fare upon him as soon as ho was nominated for governor of Indiana , nnd 33,000 were weekly circulated throughout the state till election day. Matson now "gets oven" by having n bill passed which will cut this pen sion agent's business Into shreds. There is no doubt that the senate will agree to the bill , us the republicans In both houses have for years been trying to have such n measure adopted. It was not love for the soldier that incited nnd Inspired the bill , however , but a feeling of resentment toward the pension agent. Thus good comes ol evil intent. TIII : siMUKHitsiiii1 CANVASS. Nearly all tlio rivalry In the speakership contest seems to be between the extreme eastern and western aspirants. It Is be lieved that Cannon and Uurrows will pool thpir issdcs mid go over to McICInloy , nnd that Keed's eastern rivals will give way to that gentleman , leaving McICluley , Reed and Henderson , of Iowa , in the Hold. As be tween Heed and McICInloy , should the Held not center upon Henderson , thn Intter's fol lowing would go to Melvinloy , which would elect him. Two considerations will , however - over , have more weight than geographical location or personal likes. They uro the position nf Uio candidates on the tariff , nnd the leadership on the floor. MclCinlcy is beyond question regarded by nearly every ono In the house us the ideal man on the tariff plank of the Chicago platform , which ho framed. Heed on the floor has shown mi ability for leader ship which very few of the present repre sentatives are willing to dispense with. If the light should narrow down to a question of the tariff , McICiiilcy will undoubtedly win. Ho has made no antagonisms , und in view of the fact that the next house will pass the most important tariff measure proposed formany years , and that McICInloy will have much to do with its completion , he will b.o given unusual prominence. " " ' OliTTINO IIBADY TO MOVE. The more prominent bends ot bureaus in the se-vevul departments are already prepar- ing'to'ihovc out very soon nfter the inaugu ration Your correspondent was in thoolllce of-Ccanmlssioner of Internal Uevenuo Miller , yesterday , and noticed that ho was packing away numerous private papers , which had accumulated during his administration of the internal revenue bureau. Ho had four largo wooden chests In an adjoining room. In this ho was also placing great bundles of docu ments which he hnd had neatly nncketed , en dorsed nnd classified. Ho said there was a great deal ofinteresting matter in the ac cumulation , which would make interestIng - Ing reading if it were published , but ho could not uive it out. Mr. Miller says that President-elect Harri son would 11 ml his resignation on the table in the white house on the nth ot March next ; that ho anticipated his successor would bo appointed within n week nfter that date nnd that the decapitation of the ofllcial bends of the various collectors throughout the. coun try would soon .follow. Other ofllcers in the department are In the same frame of mind. CON'nCMNINd tilK SlLVEIt DOllLAU. Information comes hero that the boards of trade in a number of eastern cities and sev eral commercial organizations in Boston and New York are arranging to make an assault ti ! > on the silver dollar. They will hold that silver dollars are inconvenient for circula tion nnd that there should bo issued in their place silver certificates , which are greatly preferred by the trade everywhere. XI'.W IIAMl-SIIIIIE'S NEW SENATOR. The statement is made hero to-day that Representative Gallinger , of New Hnmp shire , will be appointed senator on tlio-1th of next March , by the governor of that state , to fill the vacancy which will be created by the expiration of the term to which Senator Chandler "was phoscn. When Uio legislature meets In Juno it is believed that Senator Chandler will bo re-elected. Dr. Gallinger would thus bo given a three month's experi ence as n senator , with only about four weeks of actual service , as the senate will remain in session during the most of Marcn to act upon President Harrjson's nominations. Dr. Gnllingor did not stand for re-election to the house , having refused a renominution. Ho is an extremely vigorous man in committee nnd on the floor , and is a strong and effective partisan. It will bo re membered thai ho seconded the nomination of General Harrison at Chicago , nnd was ono of the lirst members of the house from the cast , along with Representative George West , of Now York , who announced his pre ference for the Indiana candidate. This was several months before the Chicago conven tion mot. roil sncimTAJiv opTiin NAVV. Quito n number of the republican mem bers-elect to the Fifty-first congress have written to General Harrison in the interest of Representative John R. Thomas , of Illi nois , for the navy portfolio. They have urged the selection of Captain Thomas on the ground of eminent fitness nnd political merit. Ho has for several years been a prominent member of the committee on naval affairs , and his recent work in designing - signing steel cruisers has trlven him con siderable prominence with those In congress who nro interested In rebuilding the navy. It is said that there will bo a petition , signed by a largo number of republican hcnutors and representatives , sent to General Harrison soon in tlio interest ot Captain Tnomas , and many of his friends bo- llovo that ho will secure recognition I'OSTAOI ! STAJIII'ltlNTINO. . A united effort Is to bo made by many merchants and the organized labor hero to have the next congress make u urovision for printing postage stamps nnd stamped envel opes in Washington , cither at the govern ment printing olllco , the bureau of engrav ing and printing , or another bureau to be es tablished. This has often been ngltatod , but has novcr until now become a popular prop osition. All other kinds of printing [ or Its own use the government doca hero , nnd this can bo done with but little extra expense In the way of preparation , and what Is described as "an elephantine monopoly" broken up. IAIIIIl'8 CONDITION , In view of the fact that the two parties are BO evenly divided In the next house of repre sentatives , the serious illness of Representa tive Laird , of Nebraska , Is looked upon with npprehcnflton by the republicans. A letter bus been received hero from ono of Mr. Laird's constituents which states that the chances are all against his getting well again. The writer says : "So far us I can Judge , and from reliable information , unices u great change taken place , which does not seem probable , Mr , Laird will never bo able to occupy his neat again. Of course , in the event of Lib death , his BUCCCBBOI- will bo a republican , but ho may linger along for some time. When the tlmo comes for voting on organisation it , will bo dlftlcult to arrange pairs. No able-bodied member on cither side will probably want to pair with n sick man. and unless there should bo an indisposed democrat to bo paired with Mr. Laird in the event of his Illness detaining him , the re publicans might find themselves In n very embarrassing condition. Every man on both sides who Is able to will bo expected to bo present. General Paul Vandervoort , of Nebraska , is in the city for the winter. Pcuux S. HKATII. A COUSTV "SI\T : w.vit. IliUvlliiN County ( llnnsiiH ) I'ooplo In a l-'evci1 ol' lOxuitcmcnt. ATWOOD , Kan. , Jan. 0.-iSpocial to Till ! I3ni : , ] The commissioners of itawllns county met at 1 p. in. yesterday , for the pur pose of taking action upon the petition of the lUakcmuu element for n vote upon tlio re moval of the county scat from Atwood to Hlakemaii. After convening as a board , the petitions wcro quietly slipped Into the hands of the chairman , who , together with Com missioner llrlttaln. Is working body and soul with the Lincoln Land comp.iny in the tin- pleasant strife. As the district court was in session at the tlmo In the court room above , there wore but few persons in the county clerk's ofllce , whore the board was sitting. The news spread rapidly , however , nnd in a very few minutes a crowd of citlz MIS gath ered around the board , and awaited develop ments , The climax was reached at once by Commissioner HriUaln movingthuttho board call the election upon the afildavlt of G. W. Piiulsome , and tnut the said petition con tained moro than thrce-llftlm of Iho names ot the electors of Rnwllns county , us shown by the tax roll ol IbSS. This proposition rightly called forth the indignation of those present , who very soon began to manifest n disposition to protect themselves , by force If necessary , against this outrageous movement upon the part of officials wlio are sworn to do their duty without prejudice. A demand was at once made by the county attorney , who is an Atwood man , for tlmo to produce the law for them to con sider before taking so rash a step. After much discussion ono hour was grunted , which was occupied by the county attorney in arranging injunction papers , and at the expiration of the time the board was sum moned before Judge Pratt , who warned them of the consequences of so rash a step , and or dered them to take no further action until 1 o'clock to-day. At that hour they were again brought before the judge , who enjoined them from any further action upon this petition , as a case is now pending in the supreme court on a former petition presented by thu same parties last February. It Is generally sup posed that this is the death blow to the county scat workers in Rawliiis county. A great many farmers of the county were in town attending court nt the time the board convened , who became so indignant over the audacity of Commissioner HrittuinJ that u rope was strongly talked of as a means of ending the trouble , and the commissioner found it necessary to leave the city late In the afternoon. At present everything is quiet , and Atwood people feel that they have again triumphed over the Nebraska corpora tion known ns the Lincoln Land company. A Nervy Sheriff. DALLAS , Tex. , Jan. C. Friday night nt Garland , Sheriff Moore started to take Jake O'Brien , a burglar , to Dallas for safe keep ing. While at the depot n masked mob of a dozen men took the prisoner from the officer nnd strung * n tree. Moore cut the' rope in time O'Urion's life. Part of the mob then held the ofllcor , while the others took the burglar and strung him up again. Moore finally freed hlmsolf , and , with a revolver in each hund , advanced on the would-be lynchers and.again . cut O'Brien ' down. Both parties then opened lire , and several of the mob were wounded , but it is tiot known whether they were fatally injured or not. Moore finally reached Dallas In safety with his prisoner , A Iloominfj Nebraska Town. DOUGLAS , Neb , , Jan. 0. [ Special to Tnr Bni ; . ] Douglas , Nob. , is situated nbout half way between Talmage and Crete , Nob. , on the Crete branch of the Missouri Pacific railway. It Is surrounded by a rich farming country. Although only live months old it now has a population of * 000 Inhabitants , and most all kinds of business are represented There arc two hardware stores , each carry ing a f 10,000 stock nnd represented by Mr. C. B. Castleman and M. F. Mahin , both wide awake and thorough business men. The firm of Haas , Page & Co. , with a $20,000 stock of dry goods , is doing a capital busi- ties. Mr. E. R. Haas is manager'and Mr. H. Sicks , clerk. Two moro clever men are hard to find. II. Knglemos , with n $1D,000 stock of dry goods and groceries , Is doing a good business. There are twn line hotels , furnish accommodation for the traveling public , with free busses from the depot to all parts of the town , and two line livery barns , with Mr. T. J. Dakcn as manogor , and they are well equipped with good rigs. Our town is yet without a bank , but lots have been purchased for this purpose , and If the weather permits , by spring there will bo a fine bank anil opera house built. There Is one line drug store , owned by C. E. Clark & Co. , and many other business houses to numerous to mention , nnd there are good schools , nnd churches of all denominations. Douglas is growing rapidly , and Is the largest town be tween Talmago and Crete , and before a year will number 1,000 inhabitants. A New Panama Canal Company. PAIIIH , Jan. 0. The Petit Journal states that the Panama Canal bondholders have addressed a letter to Do Lcsscps offering him the chairmanship of the new canal company to bo formed by the shareholders In the present company. The Journal says that the now company will have a capital of Several million francs , nnd will take over the concern - corn from the old Panama company , Tlio debate in the American senate on the Panama canal excites ill-will hero. Occupation Tax Hnlta Contlnnoil. BBATIIICK , Jan. 0. [ Special to Tin : Uci : . ] The suits ugaiust the insurance companies , brought by the Beatrice city council , to col- Icct an occupation tax for 16S7 and 1SSS of $30 each , was continued by the agents of the companies until Saturday , January 12 , In order to give time to hear from all the com panies. About one-half have expressed n willingness to pay the tax. The Wontlior Indications. For Nebraska : Generally fair , slightly warmer , except -western Nebraska ; nearly stationary temperature , winds becoming northerly. For Iowa : Light local snow or rnln , warmer , winds becoming northwesterly , For Dakota : Local snow or rain , warmer , except in western portion , nearly stationary temperature , winds becoming northwest erly. _ _ Murilor mill Suicide , Nnw YOIIK , Jan. O.-Tho police report that William Mann , forty-two years old , and Carrie Jones , thirty-two years old , wore found In n room on Kast Fifty-fourth utreet. It is supposed that Munn uliot the woman , who was his housekeeper , and then shot him self , Later It lm been ascertained that Carrie Jones was his niece , nnd was n married woman , but had been living with Mann us his wife for several years. Tlio Wedding I'oHtponoil. HAMIIIMCO , la , , Jan , 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKB. ] Theodore Fnrak , of Schuylcr , Neb. , was arrested here to-day.clmrgcd with seduction. Ho was to have been married to Miss Annie Snow , an cstlmablu young lady , here to-day. Ho U at present confined in the county jail at Siduey , la. Torrlblo Destitution in n Norwoglrm Settlement in Dakota , FROST KILLED THE CROPS. Now Wliolo Families nro AVItliont Siitliulont Clotlilii ) ; nnd llnvo ll.ircly Food to lvc 'i > Them From Starvation. Destitution In Dakota. F.uino , Dak. , Jan. 0. ( Special Tolcgram to Tin : Hue. ] A most pitiable story of suffering - ing among the Norwegians In the western part of Walsh county , Dakota , comes In n letter from the Rev. C. W. Richer , of Park River , to the Rev. G. W. Ilimtloy , of this city. Mr. Richer reports having made a thorough canvass of Park Rlvor , ( .eliciting nld for the sufferers , The goods were dis tributed by two thoroughly reliable men , > -ho had Just returned and reported that they distributed the goods as fairly as they could among fifteen families , nnd that there still remained between forty and IIfty fami lies equally as destitute. The only menus of sustenance they have , or have had for bomo time , is In cooking their green frozen wheat into a sort of porridge. They live within tha belt where thu early frosts did the greatest damage. They had relied entirely on thin season's crop to tldo them over the winter , and this calamity left them with absolutely nothing. Tln\v are principally of the Lutheran denomination , and bccaimo uncomplaining the true condition has not be fore become known. Those who had been moro fortunate. . In securing a crop of pota toes , turnips , and other vegetables have shared with those losR > fortunate , until now there nro not enough ol these in nuy family to last moro than three or four days. It is related that the only clothing one woman had on was a thin calico dress , not u nt Itch ot anything eLse on the body , and no shoos or stockings , while hundreds of others nro In little better shape , and those that are cannot possibly withstand the trials of a cold win ter. In many instances boards have been taken from the outside of the house to break Into ilrowood , and should a decided change occur in the weather It is but a question of a few days until thuy all succumb. Provisions of all kinds nro earnestly solicited , together with clothing , ns ono without the t.ther would bo of hut little benellt. Ministers of denominations in Fargo will call attention to the matter from the pulpits , and n committee is now nt work collecting supplies to forward to them. Military Pouts. FOIIT RoniNhfON , Neb. , Jan. ll. To the Ed itor of Tin : BKI : : Forts Robinson and Nio- brara , the two largest forks In northwestern Nebraska , are of the greatest Importance to the people , not only of western Nebraska but of the whole state. Senators Mundorson nnd Paddock , and Representative Dorsoy , seem to understand this , and are working faithfully for the interest of the forts , but the other representatives do not appear to care much , and might ns well live in Iowa or Texas , for all the good they do Forts Robinson nnd Nlohrnrn. The loss of these important military stations would bo a real loss to the state , and I pre dict that one , , or perhaps both of .them , will bo abandoned" Inside of six years unless tha representatives from Nebraska watch caro- fully. Ono of tlio best ways to have them Kept iii ) Is to make them cost as much as > possible. The government will not Abandon a post that has cost $ -0(1,000 ( , half as BOOH as It would abandon ono that cost only 9100,000. This post has had over 50,000 expended on it , and there is $ ! 0COO moro appropriated , that will bo expended next Rummer. This will not nearly complete the post. A now hospital is needed , and for so largo n post it ought to cost not u cent less than 0,000. Then there are no Held officers' quarters. I am living in a captain's set , and 1 think 1 am entitled , after nearly thirty years' service , to live in n field ofllcer's house. There should bo three sets of field ofllcora' quarters built hero , viz : A colonel or commanding officers' house , $5,000 ; a lieutenant colonel's sot $1,000 , and a ma jor's set § -1,000. This is to ba a full regi mental post , and every field ofllcor should of course have n house according to his rank. It will take at least $50.000 more to finish and lix-np the post as it should be. and Sen ators Paddock and Manilcrsoii might as well nsk for it first ns last. Lot an item for $50,000 bo put In the next army appropria tions bill , and when it comes up let the mem ber from the "shoestring deestrict" and tha members from all the other districts rustla and help pass it , and not leave all the work to Mandcrson , Paddock and Dorsoy.J. J. S. B. , Mntanla IB Defiant. BEHLIN , Jnn 0. Ofllcial ndvicos from Apia confirm yesterday's announcement of an en counter between Matnafa's followers nnd iho Germans. On December 18 , the Gorman gun boat , Adler , with tha Gorman consul on board , proceeded to Lanly , Mutaufu'B chlot position , with the intention of negotiating for the disarming of the Insurgents In consequence quence of the destruction of Gorman proper ty nnd insults to Gorman sailors. A party of men landed , uud while on their way to Vnlllo plantation , they were suddenly attacked by a party of rebels led by an American named Klein. The Ogla , Adler and Kber landed moro men , who succeeded in repelling tha natives and destroyed some of their villages. Llciitciuujt Sieger and llf teen men were killed. and Lieutenants Spenglor nnd Hurclmrd and thirty-six men were wounded. The latter are doing well. Other accounts state that the Germans retired to Ynillo and hold It against the greatest odds until rulnforcbd. Matanfa'a loss Is ten killed and thirty wounded. The Germans bombarded Vaillo , Latoga , Lanty nnd Matafnga. Miitanfn now holds a strongly entrenched position near Apia , where treat excitement prevails. The European women and children have been placed on board tno mcn-of-wnr. Busi ness is nt n standstill. Expecting further action , Matnafa has obtained a supply of ammunition. Ho declares hluiuelf ready to appear before the commandom of the British and American men-of-war. as a Hutce Joke. LOUI-CITV , Nob. , Jan. 0. [ Special to Tim Bun. ] The excitement caused by tlio assign ment of the Sherman County Banking com pany docs not abate , in the least. President E. E. Whalcy made n statement yesterday of the financial condition of the bank , placing the assets at * T2OaO and the liabilities at f 11,113. This statement is looked upon by our citizens ns a huge Joke , ns In their assets Is included their book account against Cashier Thols , of f.'S.OOO ; ofllco fixtures val ued at ? lbOO , three or four farms valued'at | J,0X ( > , on which Is fl.OOO iiicumbrnnco. The excitement mid indignation is not confined to our city , but is Intense at Lltchllold , the former homo of ex-County Treasurer Pear son , where , It is reported , n mob was organ ized lust Sunday and a rope purchased for the express purpose of giving President Wliuley a "ncoktlo surprise. " ThU was only prevail ted by diligent work on the part of a few cool headed citizens , A M/.ni'd In HerHtomnoh. . TOUONIO , Out. , Jan. 0 , Mrs , John Haw * | ; | IIH had been treated for years forconsump- i tlon , catarrh of the stomach , etc. , but could ifet no relief from Intermittent excruciating l > alns In the stomach till her medical attend- nils came to the conclusion that there was a lizard in her sUiinuch , and removed it. The reptile wan eight Inches long and hnlfau Inch thick. Kteunihtilji Arrlvilf. At New York } La Norniaiidic , from Havre. *