Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Ai1)rnlnR - IMItlon ) Including 8u i .vv
itl.r. , Ono Year $10 00
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J'or'nirce.Months 2W
TIIK OMAHA HIJNDAV HKI : , iimtlod to any
ndilrcsc. Onn Year 200
WKKKI.V llBn , Oao Year " 00
CinaAoo urricK wr ? itotiKf.nv ntni.niNU.
lU'iMiiMi , WASHINOTO. * OI-HCK , No. 6U
All communications relating to now. * ami * dl-
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OMAHA , Drafts. checks anil , , ( offl ce orders to
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Ibc Bee Publishing Company Proprietors ,
E. KOSKWATUH , Kditor.
.Sworn .Statement , < > t Circulation.
Btnteof Nebraska , I .
Couutyof DoiiKia * ) , 1 ' "
Ceorgo II. Tjwchuck , aocrntary ot The line Pub-
llnhlni ? Company , rtoos noleinnly swear that the
ncnml circulation of Tun DAIIAHKI : for tlia
Week cnilliiK January 5. IB89 , was as follows :
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Kiiturday , .Jan. C . ISU"I
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Sworn lo before mo and subscribed In my
jirwenco this 6th day of Janunry , A. I . 188i ! ,
Seat tr N. V. Mill * Notary I'ubllc.
MntootNebras & . ! _
County of Douglas. f ss <
Utorjiu II. TxsflwcK , bolni ; duly sworn , de
poses nntl Bny that ho is secretary of the lice
I'ubllsliliiR company , thnt the net mil overact )
dnlly circulation of TIIK DAILYllr.u for the
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Sworn to before mo mid oubscrlbou in my
Presence this lira ilav of .latiiiary 18SH ,
N. I' . VKllt Notary Public.
IN Iho opinion of William P. Cody ,
Omulm is the London ol Nebraska and
the Paris of the west.
WHKN loffitimnto stale banking insti
tutions in Nobrtisku can declare semi
annual dividends of three and four per
cent , there is no reason why wild-cat
hanking should bo tolerated.
I'HOVISIOJCS have boon made in New
York city for four thousand , five hun
dred miles of underground conductors ,
but Omaha still poeri on permitting the
erection of overhead electric wires.
Tun reports from the cattle ranges of
Colorado and Wyoming are most en
couraging. Last winter heavy losses
wore sustained , duo to cold weather and
snow. This year hopes are entertained
that the winter will be short. This
would insure a better condition of cattle
on range in the spring than has existed
for years , and would stimulate the
cattle industry to great activity.
TIIK long promised monument over
the remains of General Grant at River
side park will , in all probability , bo
pushed forward with renewed zeal.
There has boon spirited rivalry among
foreign and homo architects , sculptors
and artists to furnish a suitable mauso
leum and more than sixty designs nro
now before the monument association.
The plans submitted to the association
are based upon n monument to cost five
hundred thousand dollars. The collec
tion to date has amounted to one hun
dred and thirty thousand. It isccrtaln ,
however , that the selection of a suita
ble design for the memorial will spur
the lagging interest of the country to
raise the required half million.
Tni5 electric process for refining
sugar in which English capitalists have
invested largely seems have been , from
the exposure just made , a neat confi
dence game to swindle the credulous.
A great many people will smile that
business men and financiers should have
been duped by the clover scheme. But
after all there is nothing strange about
it. The Kooloy motor on this side ol
the Atlantic has boon for ton years
much more of a mystery than the secrets -
crots which surrounded the alleged
process of refining sugar by the use ol
electricity. Yet people are sulll-
ciontly credulous to pin their faith and
money , even to this day , on the success
of the hair brained maohino for per
petual motion.
To WKICIU or not to weigh is the ques
tion which racks the minds of the stock
shippers. The now regulation adopted
ut South Omaha since the beginning of
the year , roauiring that all stock filial !
bo weighed by the Weighing associa
tion , is not looked upon with favor.
Shippers and commission men nro in
clined to consider the system unsatis
factory to themselves and as beneficial
only to the railroads. Thu serious ob
jection to this system is that delay is
caused in the roshipuiant of stock. It
involves a loss to the shipper due to
shrinkage , and in other ways adds to his
freight charges. Undoubtedly there are
benefits which compensate for these
drawbacks. But in all probability ,
should the now weighing system after a
fair trial work to the injury ot the ship
pers , it will bo abandoned by the rail
roads as impracticable ,
Ouu Washington dispatches announce
the general and hearty endorsement
with whloh the mention of the name of
Senator Paddouk for secretary of ugrl-
culture is received. Among the various
names suggested for the otllco , that of
the Nebraska senator naturally com
mends itsol.on ( the ground of long of
ficial experience. During his last term
as senator , Senator Paddock was chair
man of the committee on agriculture
and is second on the same committee
during the present congress. Ho culti
vated a farm la Gaga county for a num
ber of years. In addition ho comes from
the greatest agricultural state of the
west , whloh gave General Harrison
inoro than thirty thousand majority.
It is doubtful whether Nebraska will
bo honored with a cabinet position. It
is far from likely that either the war
portfolio or the secretaryship of the in
terior will come this way , But of the
suggestions of recognition ( or the state
which have been made , that of Gov
ernor Paddock , as secretary ot the de
partment ot agriculture , would moot
with the moat general approval.
The settlement ot the controversy
Unit has existed since last February be
tween the olllclals ot the DurUnglon
railroad system and the Brotherhood ot
Locomotive Engineers is a result upon
which the public and nil parties In in
terest are to bo congratulated. In Its
duration , ns well as in its consequences ,
it has been one ot the most notable
labor contests in the history of the
country , The experience has been u
losing one , financially , to both par
ties. The men who have boon idle
for eleven months , mid who may have
to still remain out of employment
until vacancies occur , or the increased
business of the road shall give them
opportunities , are individually poorer
by several hundred dollars. Others
have gained an equal or greater sum ,
but the brotherhood engineers are
losorH in the aggregate to a largo
amount , The corporation has lost to
lira'extent ' of millions. During the
first few months of the strike the damage -
ago and destruction of rolling stock
was enormous , but the loss from this
source was very nitiL-h loss than from
the decrease of tralllo. The public , also ,
wan both injured and inconvenienced.
In short , the strike was in till
respects , in both its private and public
olTccts , a misfortune.
It is not now necessary to discuss
the causes of the controversy , or con
sider the question of responsibility
for its long continuance. It is sulllcicnt
that it has been settled. The terms of
settlement are not yet made public , nor
is it important to know what they aro.
They are satisfactory to the contract
ing parties , and that is enough. The
public interest in the matter con
sists simply in the assurance which
the settlement is fairly pre
sumed lo give that the Burlington
company will now bo able to improve
its service , and that it may at once
replace incompetent and untrustworthy
men with those who are capable and
reliable. As to the lesson to bo derived
from the contest , the parties to it doubt
less do not need to bo instructed. Their
balance sheets convey the most impres
sive argument that could bo made. It
should not bo without weight with other
corporations and their employes , Mean
while the question of protecting1 the
public against the injury it suffers from
controversies ol this character is not to
be lost aight of.
pusnixa THEIR CAUSE.
The people of South Ualcola are not
idle. They understand that if they are
to secure statehood without unnecessary
delay they must Iceop up the agitation.
Clear ns their -claim to admission un
questionably is , and strongly ns every
consideration of justice urges its imme
diate acknowledgment , there is reason
to apprehend that obstructions may bo
placed in the way that would keep them
out of statehood for at least another
two years. There are a few earnest
advocates of the immediate ad
mission of South Dakota among the
democrats in congress , but the very
largo majority of them are evidently
determined that she shall come into the
union only upon conditions which the
republicans are not now prepared to
concedeIt is plainly the purpose ot
Mr. Springer to force , if possible , the
acceptance of his omnibus bill , and it
is not doubtful that ho will be able to
command for it the support of nearly
every democrat in the house. Its in
clusion of Now Mexico insures the op
position of every republican , on the
perfectly tenable ground that that ter
ritory is not in a condition for state
Acting upon the apprehensions
natural to the situation , the statehood
committee of South Dakota has issued a
call for a convention to bo hola at
Huron on the sixteenth of this month
to take such stops as may bo necessary
in the existing emergency. The call
urges the necessity of prompt and vig
orous action , without which statehood
may be delayed two or three years.
This , says the committee , would mean
to every citizen serious financial loss
and injury. The convention , it is ex
pected , will urge the republicans in con
gress to make all reasonable conces
sions in order that Soutli Dakota
may bo admitted as soon as
possible , failing in which they will
bo asked to press the next administra
tion for an extra session of the Fifty-
first congress. It Is expected that the
Dakota bill will bo called up in the
housoof representatives on the fifteenth
of this month , when it is possible there
will bo a clearer showing of the demo
cratic programme and the chances of
its succeeding than has yet boon given.
Meantime the people of south Dakota
are manifesting a proper determination
to push their CIIUBO.
The advance of the southern plates in
material prosperity during the last few
years , has been universally regarded
with great interest , and it has been
predicted that at no very distant period
of the future tlui development gf the re
sources of that section would effect a
very great change in the economic
conditions of the country. The Hon.
William D. Kelley , as the roault of his
personal observations in the south , ex
pressed the opinion that wealth
and honor nro in hoi'pathway ,
that her advantages are greater
than these of any other people
ple of greater number , and that
her impulses and resources make
her the Eldorado of American adven
ture. Others , and particularly southern
writers , wore not less optimistic re-
Hpeoting the future of that soot ion , and
those "glittering generalities" have had
their influence in attracting capital and
labor to that section.
But it is remarked that there has boon
a lack of comprehensive , comparative
data from which to draw conclusions as
to what has actually been the extent of
the awakening , A contribution to this
information is nuppllod by a writer In
a southern journal , who obtained
official facts from the govern
ors of eight states. Ho finds
that the southern boom has not been
general , but has boon enjoyed princi
pally by the six Blatos of South Carolina
lina , Georgia , Florida , Alabama , Ar
kansas and Texan , and that it really
commenced in 1S85. In the eight states
from which ho received reports the In
crease in the assessed value ot veal and
personal property since 1SSO has been
about eight hundred millions ot dollars ,
those states including1 all those em
braced In the boom. This Is certainly
a gratifying oxlilbit , but It is to
bo borne In mind that a large
portion of this increase Is in
railroad construction that repre
sents a debt as well asa gain , and that
perhaps fully thrco hundred millions ol
borrowed capital should be deducted
from the amountshowing the increased
wealth of these southern states. When
tills has been done it will bo found that
the material progress of the south in the
last oighl years has not been phenome
nal , though in some localities re
markable ,
In those states whore the boom has
prevailed the c'unditlons of continued
progress remain , hut there is ti largo
part of that section that has not shared
in the prosperity of the last throe years ,
and with respect to which the
outlook does not appear to bo in the
highest degree promising. The gains
of the mining , manufacturing and rail
road conturs have boon largely at the
expense of other towns and cities , and
as to four or live of the southern states
the advance in wealth during the past
eight years has doubtlcs been extremely
small. There are opportunities in the
south for capital and labor , but for a
long time to come the west and north
west will continue to olTor greater at
tractions and better promises to both.
There has been a great deal said
about the Australian plan of voting ,
and wo huvo boon asked to join the ad
vocates ot this proposed electoral re
form , and advocate its substitution for
the present method of conducting elec
tions. Under the peculiar condi
tions that surround our elec
toral system , Tun Bun docs not
look upon the proposed reform
as practicable , but it cheerfully places
the full explanation of the scheme
before its readers. Up lo this time the
Australian plan remains to be tried in
this country , and while such a law has
been enacted in Massachusetts , it remains -
mains to bo seen whether it will achieve
what its advocates predict for it , even
in that state of all the isms.
There uro conditions favorable to the
introduction of this boasted plan in Mass
achusetts that do not obtain in Nebraska.
The slate of Massachusetts makes the
ability to read its constitution in
English one of the prerequisites of
of naturalization and citizenship. With
the exception of a few hundred blind
persons , every voter in Massachu
setts can read his ticket , while
in Nebraska thousands of foreign-
born voters are not sufficiently
familiar witli the English language
to bo able to intelligently cast their
vote on the pecular ticket which the
Australian system prescribes.
There are other very cogent reasons
why wo are not yet prepared for the
radical change which the Australian
plan would make in our election ma
chinery. These wo shall point out at
some future time. The nearest 'prac
tical approach to the Australian plan of
voting is the California election law.
That will in our opinion bo the most
feasible law for our legislature to enact.
Senator Hansom has introduced a bill
In the legislature compelling insurance
companies in cases of total loss to pay
the entire amount of the insurance
called for in the policy without rebate.
The measure will commend itself on the
ground of simple justice , and will be
approved by many citizens of the state
who , after a long struggle to force in
surance companies to comply with their
policy contract , have boon compelled to
accept an adjustment which failed to
'cover the loss against which they had
paid for protection.
Insurance rates in Nebraska are un
warrantably exorbitant as they are in
fact throughout the entire west. The
citi/on of Omaha is paying to-day from
live to ton times the premium charged
by the same companies in Now York.
With a system of waterworks and a fire
department unexcelled by these of any
city of its size in the country , the losses
from fires have been smaller in proportion
tion to premiums paid than in any other
city of our population in the west. A
close pool prevents competition and the
insurance trust fixes its own rates to
which our citizens are com
pelled to submit. The flro insur
ance companies doing business in
Nebraska nave no reason to complain of
the legitimate returns from their busi
ness. Tney are profitable enough in all
conscience. There is no cause why
they should bo increased by the meth
ods of the Shylock. If the argument is
advanced that tlio requirement of the
payment of the entire amount called for
in the policy in cases of total loss would
bo a premium on ovorinsuranco , the an
swer is ready that that is the business
of the companies who accept tlio risk
and who nro handsomely paid for as
suming it , Other states have found it
necessary to adopt just such legislation
and it has neither driven the
companies out of business or increased
the ( Ire rate. The proportion of crim
inals to a given population is small , and
the number of propertied men and
women who insure with the purpose of
committing argon or incendiarism is
smaller still. Such criminals would bo
as subject to investigation , apprehen
sion and punishment under a law like
that proposed by Senator Ransom as
they would bo under existing con
ditions. But the average * honest
insurer would reap the benefit of
knowing that when he has bought
iiiHiirnncu , ho will have full deliv
ery of what ho has paid for.
At present merchants and citizens are
forced to ovorlnsuro in many instances
in order to collect a sum which will ap
proximate their losses , and policies are
piled up on properties which the in
surers know will not bo paid in full.
There is a steady premium on ever
insurance for self protection Co the
detriment ot the compunioa. The
insurer knows that where the insurance
purchased approximates the loss there
is the certainty , ot tedious delays
and wearisome disputes with adjusters ,
and in more than the majority of caso'j
a settlement In which the companies ,
under thrcats fcJi protracted suit In the
courts and legal expenses , finally In *
duoos the insutijfo to nccoptn sum much
less than Iho projection whifh ho has
purchased nnfl'to ' which ho is equitably
entitled. i
Senator Uansoin's bill is headed in the
right direction. 'Insurers are entitled
to the worth of their money.
Aiun.U v it is announced that the
agreement of thiT presidents of the west
ern roads to maintain rates after the
first of'the year has boon broken. . The
olTcnding road is said to bo the Rock
Island , and the offense , the cutting ot
the passenger rate between Kansas City
and Pueblo. The violation of the agree
ment in this inatnnce was virtually ad
mitted by the president of the Rock
Island , who justified the ni'lion by say
ing that the Missouri Pacific had sold
tickets nt the reduced rate. This alle
gation was stoutly denied by the gen
eral passenger agent ot the latter road ,
though opinion In Wall street is
said to hold the Missouri Pacific
responsible for first violating
the agreement , and inaugurating an
other rale-cutting war. An investiga
tion is promised and there are throats
that somebody will sutler , but probably
nothing will come ot It all. The cir
cumstance goes far to sustain the in
dictment of railroad olllcials presented
by Mr , Charles Francis Adams in his
Boston address , and justifies the im
plied suggestion of President Roberts ,
of the Pennsylvania road , that the sta
bility ot this "agreement among gentle ,
men" could not be regarded as assured.
EDWIN BOOTH has carried out liis
long cherished hope of being able lo do
something for his profession of more
lasting good than more almsgiving. In
the opening of the Players'Club IIouso ,
the munificent gift of Mr. Booth , in
New York city , on New Year's day , the
dramatic profession has boon afforded
the social advantages so necessary for
the elevation of the stage. Within the
walls of the new home , the frequent in
tercourse of the humblest actor with
men of other arts and professions ,
who appreciate the value of the drama
as an aid to intellectual culture , must
inspire him with a reverence for his
vocation ns one among the first of the
"fine arts. " Such is Mr. Booth's object
in presenting the club house to his
brother players. The gift will remain
a lasting monument tea generous donor ,
the greatest American actor of our
BISIIOI. ' NUN-MAN , of the Methodist
Episcopal church , prefers Nebraska to
Texas and Omaha to Galveston as his
temporary homo. , The bishop decided
to cast his lot among a people whoso
illiteracy is loss than that of any other
state in the union , and in a community
synonymous witli" push , pluck and pub
lic spirit. ;
The Gothenburg Independent observes
that the selection of Watson , a strong anti-
submissionjst , for speaker of the house , docs
not augur well fqrsubrntssion.
With Church * ffowo as president of the'
senate and John Watson speaker of the
house , it looks , to the Nebraska City News ,
as if the railroads only went out of politics
during the summer months.
It is a puzzler to the Weeping Water no-
publican how the clerks for senators will em
ploy their time , as the duties of some of
them , further than drawing their salaries ,
are not yet visible to the mind's oyo.
The Lincoln Call predicts that if Jay Gould
could look upon the railroad lobby , he would
feel like committing' suicide. In his palmiest
days of theft and In his most successful
wrecking ho never dreamed that such things
could be.
The Fremont Tribune announces that it
will regard the members of the Nebraska
legislature as honest men until they demon
strate to the contrary , The vilest of men are
deemed iunoocnt by the law until their guilt
is proven.
Lincoln has struck fresh wntor Just in
time to meet the demands of the Inglslaturs ,
says the Now York Times. While the law
makers do not drink much water , they like a
good , pura article "on the side , " and occasion
ally for bathing purposes.
The Schuyler Herald notes that the Ne
braska law-makers have once more resumed
their arduous duties at the rate ot $5 per day.
At the close of the session the costs will foot
up over $100,000 , , and the gain to the tax
payers will amount to a great big O ,
It has been reported to the Nebraska City
News that the railroad lobby at Lincoln this
winter will bo larger than over and laws are
liable to bo made that will cause thoGrangor
alliance ami other similar organizations to
rise up and protest la their leisure moments
during the next two years.
Commenting on Tins BUR'S expose of the
extravagance of the last legislature , the
Hastings Nebraskan says it Is an outrage
upon the people of the state und u shameful
record. Abolish tlio sinucuros. There is no
need for so many clerks , and to put them on
the pay roll is not right it Is not honest
and Is unrcpubllcan.
It is bollovcn by the Wymoro Union that
the bill should bo passed at this session of
the state legislature requiring the holder of
real estate mortgages to pay taxes on the
same , instead of requiring the person against
whom the mortgage is hold to pay taxes on
that which ho has not. Thcro is no justice
In the present way'of levying and collecting
tuxes. ,
Church Howe has no superior in the state
nsu presiding oflleer'says the York Times.
He is a llrst claai parliamentarian , and
possesses all the qualifications of a good
chairman but one. In this respect ho is like
his batanlo majesty. ' Tlio devil might bo an
angel , if ho was not such a sinner , and
Church Howe woujd bo unsurpassed as a
presiding ofllcor , if ho wore not such a sin
According to the Columbus Journal the
most Important f nature of the govern moiit
that needs considerable overhauling is the
revenue system , the pollcctlon mid disburse
ment of money. It Is now , by no means ,
perfect , and , although it is cosily conceded
that It cannot reach that point of excellence ,
it may be wonderfully improvo'l , to the end
that the honest property owner may not bo
made to bear an undue portion of the public
The Kearney Hub remarks that it does not
doubt that some legislatlvo genius has prepared -
pared and will introduce a bill to legalize the
importation and employment of Plnkorton
detectives In Nebraska , because there are
always a few fools and knaves hi every legislative
islative- body ; but that fact asldo , can any In
telligent person point out u satisfactory
roasou why corporations or private omploy-
era should Uu ponnlttuil Vo employ a dotco-
tlvo foroo to protect persons or property and
ignore- the 'regularly constituted ofllcors of
VUo linv * Them are csnsta'jJea , und sheriffs ,
and deputy sheriff * , nnJ policemen , nntl behind
hind them Colby's Nebraska militia
Isn't that enough ! U alt these nro lnsuulc
lent In penccnblo Nebraska , it is tlmo Urn' '
the i-i'st , of U4 had moved out and given tin
I'inkcrton's full possession.
There Is liero and there in Nebraska t
crank urging the necessity of a constltu
tlonnl convention , remarks the Ulnir Pilot ,
The state hn < about as much need of such t
convention ns It would have for nn nil the
year round session of the legislature. A con
stitutional convention would cost n good
many thousand dollnm , ami when in work i
done It is not likely to compare favorably
with the present constitution In nil Its essen
tial parts. Any desirable changci may be
cfTcctcd by nmcndmont , almost without ex-
pcnso. A convention for that purpose I ?
xvholly unnecessary. The agitators shoulc
take a long rest.
* '
The Now Coat of Armi. Aiiurtc * Titlinne.
"In hogs sipno vlnec-s" is now Chicago' !
motto. The Venetians cf the west Imvc
formed a hog trust.
It Kicks Up a llunipiH.
lloslnn lltraM.
The inauguration ball is kicking up almost
ns big n rumpus among the clergymen ns tin
cabinet Is among the politicians. To the vic
tors belong the rows.
A I ltol 011 Iinrrnlicc ,
J-Vfmotil IfnatJ ,
The governor of lowu probably remarked
to the governor of Nebraska that It was a
long time between ilrimts over In his country.
This probably accounts for his coining over
to Tliayer'8 inauguration.
A Chronic Com'pliiint All Over.
Xantin Cttu Journal.
The medical examiner of the St , T.ouis po
lice department reports that the police arc
peculiarly liable to pulmonary diseases. No
wonder , considering their habit of sleeping
outdoors all night.
/Jusloii Journal.
President Eliot , of Harvard university ,
lias done President Cleveland the honor ol
renominating him for ISiW , That is ns ncnr
ns Mr. Cleveland will ever conic to attaining
that honor. I3y 1802 ho will be the best for
gotten man now on the stage of public life.
Washington Nut I
Cfifcayo Times.
Paris may be France , but Washington is
not the United States. The few thousands
who gather ut the capital as the hillside on
which the miracles of the loaves and the
tlshos is to bo wrought anew in their behalf
are not fairly representative of 00,000,000 ,
Not Liikc Oniitlin Streets.
Jlmton Times.
An Omaha man recently arrived in Boston
at the 13oston & Albany station. The
streets of his native city are Inld out with
regularity , it is well to state , and are of a
width commensurate with western lavish-
ness. The man from Omaha entered a hack
and tiskcd to bo driven to one of the leading
down-town hotels , The driver proceeded , ns
had been his wont for years , and had nearly
reached his destination when these words
from the carriage window greeted him with
considerable force ami abruptness ; "Look
here , driver ; I'm ' tired of being driven
through all these alloys. You've done
nothing but go through them over since we
started. Now , get right on to one of the
boulevards so we can got ahead. " The
driver had enough self-possession to stammer
in reply : "Why , sir , this is Washington
street , our principal street. "
A libel from the Chicago Herald : In Ne
braska a "most horrible calamity" is one
man dangerously hurt and another suffering
n broicen leg.
Mrs. Chaska ( Cora Hell Fellows , the pale
face who got her name into sensational print
last spring by marrying a Cheyenne ) , cele
brated Christmas by becoming a mother.
nccouchor was a Caucasian ; the baby a half
breed is the pride of Sweet Bird's camp ,
out near Port Uennett , Dak.
The announcement In Denver that a noted
prize lighter was to give a sparring exhibi
tion in Pueblo led to u railroad rate war , and
the faro between the two cities was cut from
14.05 to 25 cents. Thousands made the jour
ney at the reduced rate , but wore disap
pointed , as the fighters failed to put in an ap
A special to the St. Paul Globe from
Fargo , Dak. , under the caption , "Hauling
Ice to Frcezovillc , " says : "As convincing
evidence of the mildness of the weather in
northern Dakota , the Nortuer Piciflo rail
way company is compelled to haul ice from
Jamestown to fill its houses in this city , the
Ice in the Hcd river not being thick enough
to pay for cutting. "
An old darkey who insisted that ho was
110 years old applied for a marriage license
at Topcka , Kan. His brmo-olcct Is sixty-
eight years old. The old man told a Jour
nal reporter that ho remembered the
French and Indian war , and the Journal
printed the story with as much innocent RU- !
libility as it might have if that event had oc
curred but thirty years ago instead of 1130.
Mrs , Polly Jones , who wont to Missouri
with Daniel Hoono in 1807 , has Just Joined
the Haptist church at New Franklin , says
the St. Louis Republic. After having lived
so long , Mrs. Jones might well expect to keep
on living ; and it is possible that she has at
tached herself to the church merely to set n
good example rather than through any lears
as to the next world.
Kansas City Star : You remember Knn-
npollsl That town which had its picture
printed In so many eastern papers two years
ago i It was to be the capital of the United
States , Kansas and the ' 'Federation of the
world" when the poet's ' prophecy should
have been fulfilled. It was in the exact
centre of its encircling horizon nnd destined
In bo in a few years the commercial contro
of the wjst. Well , ICunupolls is going to
bore for salt.
Are wo running on tlinol" said tha conduc
tor , repeating the nervous passenger's ' ques
tion. "No , sir : wo nro doing a strictly cash
business. Faro , please , "
Dennis Mimirty An1 how" Is poor Patsy
glttin" along , doctor. He Jabers , whin I Bnuo
dor ongin' shtriko him I tort ho wuz Itillud
intiroly. Doctor Ho was very badly hurt ;
his life hangs by thread. Dennis Hould
on to der thread , doctor ; hould on to der
thread , for hivln's sake , don't ' lot It brejik.
On the Now York Klovutcd. Guard Sh
tra-th Sthreo ! Director Why don't you
npcak distinctly , sir , ns you are ordered to do
by the rulesl Guard ( chewing rapidly and
swallowing with difficulty ) The company
makes mo cat my dinner on the trip , and 1
had two sausages and a quarter of a pie in
my month when wo pulled into the station.
OiithoHlack Cannon Koud. Kntor Jerry
the rustler : "Hands up , gentlemen , anil
ilon't louvo your seats. " first passenger
liantls out an annual puss. "What's all this ,
stranger ! " Passnngor , meekly : "This is
the Inter-state Kdltoriiil association's oxcur-
uioii. " The ruRtlur , pityingly , to lieutenant.
"Hill , go out an1 toll the boys choy'll have to
3hlu In to got this crowd something to out.
I'oll'otn to bo liberal ; we'll make it up on
Ihy Immigrant train , "
euimtivr TOPICS.
Dr. McCoih lias been writing about 1ml ;
novelist * In the Philadelphia Ledger , am
the world will bo glad to know Ills vlowc
bccniiiio ho combines some iiualitlos Vcrj
ncopssnry for forming n Judgment upon suol
n mutter , but very seldom possessed b.v thosi
who love to pose ni Judges nnd to pronotinoi
oriiculnrly their dogmas , Ho is n scholar , In.
has literary Instinct , ho is a lover of truth
and hi Imi the courngo of his opinions , lit
found himself a llguro-heail at Prinretot
with some very keen business men really Iv
command , niuUiu resigned at ont'O.carlng fai
more for his soul's pence than for worldlj
emolument. This wns indeed the hind n
Ulan who was wanted for the prosldoutiu
chair ot n great university , and Columbl :
eollfgo might go further and fare worse. Sc
much for the mini. Now he say * Unit th <
best novels arc being written by xvomun , nm
that they have Intuitive perceptions of character
actor , more keen , more subtle , niul mori
sympathetically tender tlinti men can Imvc
Ho declares that they can sot before tlu
miller characters more jiicturoaiutol.v stir
rounded by detail than men. AH women , he
declares , treasure up In their memories trifles
b.v which they Judge people , ami mosl
especially men. When the rapid Judgment
which the merest novlco of sixteen can pass
Is handled by n woman of peed literary
power , and expanded systematically , it be
comes a character revelation of vor.y greal
interest. It is n psychological lightning in
tuition explained Intellectually ,
At the request of many friends * of the
prcstilent-elcet , Mrs. Harrison ims removed
from the Hank of Indiana two heirlooms ol
very interesting character , which she ha ;
freely shown to visitors. Ono is the gold
medal presented by congress to Old Tippc
canoe , alias Major General William Henri
Harrison , for his signal victory at the battle
of thu Thames October fi , 1SW , over tin
British forces and their Canadian and reil-
skin allies. The medal is eleven Inches
round , and rather thicker than a twenty-
dollar gold piece. On the obverse is the bust
of the hero in the uniform of a major gen
eral , nnd the reverse contains n figure of
Victory , with thu wordr "ISuttle of thu
Thames , October 5 , 18II. ! " Around the edge
where the milling would bo in n double cnglc
is the legend , "LSy resolution of congress ,
April 1,1818. , " The other medal is a small
ono of silver , struck by the emperor of Aus
tria , to commemorate the relief of Vienna
when besieged by Knrn Mustupha , the
wuzeer of the sultan of Constantinople , by
John Sobicski , the heroic king of Poland in
10S3. This was not presented to tiny one in
particular , but was distributed generally by
the court of Vienna , and is little larger than
our dollar piece. The present Mrs. Harrison
inherited it from her maternal grandfather ,
Mr. John Ncale , who probably purchased it
us a curiosity.
* -
* #
There is no subject of greater importance
to a commercial city like Omaha than the
character of its pavements , but it cannot bo
said that the conclusions reached have been
wholly satisfactory. Tlio city is divided into
paving districts , and the choice of the ma
terial to bo employed in any district is left to
the property owners who are the parties im
mediately concerned. They are besieged by
the agents of various companies engaged in
paving , and the conscquotico is that the most
adroit agent settles for most districts a ques
tion which is for him only a matter of profit.
Tli rough this system this city has obtained
pavements of Sioux Falls granite , of asphalt ,
and of cedar and cypress blocks. The
cheapest in the long run is the granite ,
which is really an imperfect porphyry , and
is one of the tinniest substances known to
the mineralogist. It has been found , however -
over , somewhat rough for light buggies , and
this has led to a preference for asphalt ,
which is n very good pavement , anil admi
rably adapted for the streets where driving
for pleasure prevails. Hut the wood pave
ments are not to bo defended by any argu
ment. They are not desirable , and though
Hinooth are not as .smooth as the asphalt
pavement , which js Indeed all that is claimed
for it , but lacks durability. It may bo ques
tioned whether the porphyry pavement has
been laid in the best way , und it is possible
that if it was treated like Uelgian block , and
> laccd on edge with cement between each
stone , it would bo materially smoother.
Dmnlia should certainly endeavor to profit
by the happy circumstance that it is tolerably
close to quarries of a stone which is prover
bial for durability.
* *
The Political Science Quarterly , of New
York , has hitherto boeneditqd by the faculty
of political science of Columbia college , nnd
they have made * a flue mess of it , and liavn
lisgract'd themselves and their college. They
allowed their magazine to become a vehicle
'or the publication of paid arguments in de-
'enso of trusts , ami gave a conspicuous place
lo Edward Atkinson , of Boston , a sham
statistician , who hired himself to capitalists' .
Under his adroit manipulations , figures
irovo exactly what his employers wish to
lave proved , and his head is a brace faro
jox from which logical cards issue nt the
vill of the worst monopolists in the country ,
le is on the lists of the Union Pacific , ami
uis been u staunch supporter with figures
of all the rascally schemes of that greedy
monopoly. But what broke the earners
back was a recent defense of tlio Brooklyn
sugar trust by Prof. 1)wight , which has
) oen jumped upon b.v all the honest papers
n the country , Columbia college has helped
tself out of the dlfllculty in its usual way.
t has bought the New Princeton Review and
ins consolidated it with its own bantling ,
mil thereby has gained Prof. Sloano , the
iblo cuitor of the Princeton periodical , when
n future will bo the real comnmnilor-in-
rhiof , and will prevent all such blundering.
Xo one believes that the faculty of political
science of Columbia college wore actuated by
orrupt motives , but they erred through
gnorunce and want of editorial iicuteness ,
mil were made tup victims ot literary
* V-
Moonlight's madness is not only the talk
of Wyoming territory , but it is discussed all
over the United States , This unhappy moil
s the governor of Wyoming territory , und
10 has made nn ass of himsulf fed absolutely
, hat Hully Uottoin , the weaver , is a Solon to
tlm. He-published a truthful report of the
condition , resources ami population of
iVyomlng prior to the election , and uitl-
mited the latter from various data of relia-
ilo character , nt , r > , ( WO. Hut the election ro-
, urii had a peculiar ulTect upon ills brain ,
und ho now comes out with n statement that
ho was mistaken In IIIH report nbout tlio pop
ulation , which really falls short ol 55,000 , ,
This Information has been received by the
people whom ho governs with yells of exo-
crntlon , and it is hard to say winch nro the
llcrcor , these omitted hy democratic ) or U.v ro-
liublican throats. Hut the world at largo ,
apart from the politicians , has boon hugely
unused at this exhibition of democratic tor-
Uivcrhiitlon , slnco his motive Is ludicrously
transparent , The election roturni. proved
that the Wyominijatis wore not chickens , but
luckliii's ( , and wore eager to gel Into thu r -
mblican swim , and the poor lunatic hoped
; > y an uma/.lng summersault to keep them
from that refreshing hath of statehood. All
, \w \ republican politicians nro chuckling , for
.ho whole northwest hus boon given over to
; hom. Kven the domocnitio veterans Imvo
; ho grace to bo ashamed , nnd take no _ uotlcu. ,
> f the hint so broadly offered by this crazy
fool , who for pure partisan reasons , Hud
.n . the basest way , well knowing that ho WUB
nllictlna n stab u | > on his own people , who
tavo been most desirous of attracting the ut-
.uiition of uunltulisU to their Iminunso ro-
> ourcus In coul , oil imd Iron ,
Tlio Press of Itip Htnlo Commend the
llco'.i I'.uti'i'pi-Ni' ,
Willier Urpubllcan : Tin : OMUU HKB Inn
adopted the special delivery plan for many i
pplnts beyond the borders of their own city.
Towns on mnny of the main lines running
from Oiimhn are now visited by n spoclnl
train that docs nothing but carry OMVIIV
llniw. Hy tills arrangement papers thai
formerly reached Crete nt about II o'clock I
In the forenoon now reach there nt nour ( I in i
Iho morning. '
SuUon Advertiser : Tin : OMVIU DIK : tliN
weci : inits on special train of Its own to
carry i'ni ! Hii : : to Its customers all the way
from Oninlin to McCoak. It puts Tur llr.'u
into Lincoln ut 7 o'clock In the morning niul
into Sutton ut tl7 ) : , und so nn nil the way to ,
the west end of the state. Tills knocks thu
Jottrnnl's eyoout. Hosownter Is Irrepressible
blentul his enterprise distances competition. i
Tin : HUE is the early bird In Nebraska
Journalism nml Is entitled to the worm.
Humphrey Hopublicnn : TIIK OM tit v Uii : ;
has chartered a special train from Oninlin to
Denver to deliver Its morning edition. That's
newspaper enterprise that will iniiko the
slow-going pastern editors stare with mimze
inent , and dlw.y vlnU'coiitoiuplatinK thowiiy
we dothitigH in NobttHkii.
Ashland Gim > tt"Tin : OMUIA HII : : lint
shown wonderful cntcrprlso In putting on a
special tniln to eairy im edition to Plaits
mouth to connect with the flyer , nnd irlvlng
Its readers the benefit , of early morning
papers. (
I'lalnviow Gazette : TUB OMAIU HER has
undertaken nn enterprise that has startled
the natives and strucic the nilniirtUlon of
even its enemies. It IIUH chartered a train
nt the expense of $ I,0H ) a month to carry Us
mail daily throughout the South Plutto coun
try , which puts Tin : HKI : into circulation
Bcvcral hours nlicnil of the other Omaha i
dallies , and In Lincoln at the same time as
tlio homo inorniiiK papers appear ,
Petersburg Press : On New Years morning - '
ing Tin : OMAHA DAILY Hir. started n char
tered nuwspupor train to be run ihiilv to nil \
points in the South Pintle over the H , & M. . '
Tine HKI : is the only daily west of Ohlciigo 1
that has ventured to inaugurate such an eii- i r ,
torpriso , and it will bo appreciated by Its
readers in Unit purt of the Htiite , ns they will *
receive Tin : HICK from three to twenty four .
hours earlier than other Omaha papers.
West Point Kepublloan : Tin : OMAII \ Hii : :
chartered n special train from Omnlm to eon- i
neet with tlio Denver llyer nt Plnttsmouth .
on the H. , fc M. , for the [ uirposoof gcltmg its
nioruitiK edition to the public much earlier ' 1
than heretofore. Such enterprise deserves I
the patronage of the public. , j t
O'Neill Tribune : Tin : OMAHA Hm : Is now ' ,1 ,
running Its own special mall train over tlio I
H. & M. railroad lo nil point * In the south- ill
western part of the state , fn consequence of 1
this stroke of cntcrprlso Tin : DAII.V Man i , J
delivered to Its patrons from throe to twenty < *
four hours earlier tliau any other Omaha V
paper. I
_ _
William Hunt , of Connecticut , kissed his f'J
girl while bur mouth was full of pins. The 1
doctor is working over her still , and William 1
is paying the bills. I
There arc twice ns many lawyers ns print- I
crs in the Jacksonville (111. ( ) Insane nsyluiu * J
This shows that the diet of rornbrond nnd I
turnips on which u printer subsists is good J
brain food , or else people think a printer is |
always crazy and never send him to tha
asylum. " 1
Charles H. Hall , of Now York , is said to I
bo the possessor of a double-jointed moukoy , I
and among his accomplishments Is the gift of Jl
speech. Not only can ho say "papa , "
"mamma' , " nnd "cucko" as well us uny parrot - I
rot , but ho will , when hungry , say , "Jack
wants his grub. " ]
Students before being admitted to the imi- j
vcrsity of Mississippi nro required to appear I
before a board of professors and answer .A
whether they have any firearms about them , - fM
or whether some person or persons had any J
in keeping for them. If so , they must -bo do- jl
livered up before the applicants ure declared T
full students. J
The following gruesome advertisement re-
eontly appeared In a Glasgow paper : "James I
Hodges continues to soil burying crapes m
ready made , and his wife's ' nieces dresses I
dead corpses at ns cheap a rate as was form'M
erly done b.v her aunt , having not only been 1
educated by her , but perfected In lidlit- J
burgh , from whence she lias lately arrived j
with nil the newest anil best fashions for the I
dead. " 'J '
J. W. Smith , of Pittsburg , has recently recovered -
covered from a trance , after being uncon
scions for three weeks. Ho first experienced
sensations as though ho was In u dream. '
This condition lasted several days , when ho
lost consciousness und was pronounced dead , , |
and his funeral arranged for. Signs of life '
ivcro afterward detected in him , nnd ho was I
kept nllvo by hypodermic injections of brandy '
anil beef tea. Mr. Smith has entirely rncov-
ored his health , and now remembers dis- (
linctly events in his life that ho could not I
fully remember before his tranco. ,1
H..u Hill DodKoil fix ; I5ull tn. I
liufTulo Hill is older than ho was two jours '
igo by twenty-four months , and ho shows
avery hour of it. His hair , which was fortfl
inorly described by novelists as being "liko
Lho raven's wing , " is now quite gray. Everybody - ' H
body has n story to tell about him , nlthougli *
10 seldom tolls stories about himaulf. Ono I
jf them is to the effect tli ! in Iho dim , dead <
MS I , a solitary horseman rode up to Colonel
Jiody in Council HlulTs and commenced
ihootiiiK at him without pausing to auk u M
jlesslng or say "howjiro you. " The bullotst
ivhistled pin } fully about Mr. Cody's head for
i while , and then the latter , rousing from his M
everio , drew two eold , clammy guns from
lis clothing ami commenced to shoot. The
solitary horacmnn was carried away to an m
uiproviscd morgue , nnd HufTalo Hill went/
i way unharmed. Thus wo are again shown
hat the virtuous man always comes out on -
This narrative appears In a Lincoln paper
is nn original reminiscence , nnd whllo wo "V
lisliko to ilivost it of all romimco , the truth
> f history compels us to miy that this dra- > M
natic encounter with a blood-thirsty nsfmsMn
, vas nothing moro nor less than an in
unions advertising dodge. The solitary
inrsomnn encountered by "Huffalo Hill" wan I
iot an entire stranger , and whllo his font of fl
vllil shooting was not down on the hills , thu
lore of the Wild West was not wholly un M
n-opared to face the volley of pnpor wads
hat whistled through his bovine inniio. The , ,
tolitary horseman , it is tmo , was carried
iway to Jail after Ijo Imd emptied liU rcvol. M
er , and Hison William wont his way 1111-
iiirmcd. The story of his miraculous CHcnpo I
vas ( mattered far and wide , and tlio dasfl
ardly hnrnoman wan eventually released by
he city marshal of Council UIufT.s , because ' , M
ilh gallant victim fullod to nut in an appear-
nice against him. This kind o' knocked the , :
itarch out of tha romance and caused Hume
icoplo to suspect Unit HtitTalo Hill and tlio
nun on horseback hail postponed their M
leadly duel until the WII < \Vobtahow 1 pets to
ho Paris centennial. I
Tlio Saddle on I tin WI-OIIK
llindnt llcmlil. ,
The late Itav. Washington Gladden once
out out loiters to ! 100 young uioii asking
horn why they didn't attend church .Sun-
lay. The replies were numerous , but not
no of them put the blumo 'on the Sunday
lowspapors , ns the Now York clergymen
TO now trying to do. In fact , It appears
hat this charge Is inado only by clergymen ,
ho laymen generally malting- dull sermons
CBponslulo for Sunday ntny at homes ,
County ( Ion Complete.
Tori : ic A , Kan. , Jan. -Special ( Telegram
a TIIK HUBWallncocounty ] wua organized
> duy by Governor Murtln , being the last
ounty In the state to bo organized , and nmk-
ig the twenty-fourth which has como In
ndcr Governor Marlin'H ' administration.
'ho following ofllcers wcro appointed ; O. H.
Jrown , John W. Oesnoll and M. T. < JriBK ,
ounty cummiBblonors ; Samuel L. Duy (
ou < jt > clerk ) JaiucK Voxall , sheriff.