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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1888)
6 THE SUNDAY. BEE. AUOtiOT 5 , 1888.-TWELVE PAGE& THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ornru , NO. ia IMAIIIJ STHKKT Delivered by Pnrrler In Am 1'urt of the City nt Twenty Cciitf 1'er V.YVe't. II. VV. TII.'iO.N. . . MANAOUIt. 'Jmi'IlONi:3 : : : i HtJMM'.HHOrntT. No. 4) ) . " NIUIIT KIUTOII. No.I. . MISOH MI3XTIOX. N. Y. I'liimblng company. Now full lints nl Mm. Stewart's. A marriage lieoiiM ) WHH issued yester day to Joboph LalTerly , aged twenty and Margarcl C.di'arliii , aged wlxlecn , both of * tlile city. \vobU'iday .1. G. Tiplon bold a lot on Broadway in 1'err.v addition to an eastern - orn gentleman. The vnluo of Council UlulTs really an an invostniont for spec ulation is reL'ogniml abroad a.s well as at homo. In Justice litirticll'fl court tbo timr3 vva- * taken up mainly yesterday in an onthuuiastic contest ever a few dollars , which a blacksmith ulnlmud 1' . Sweeney owed him for wanes. The costs will amount to considerable moio than the claim. Yesterday afternoon a hor'o in the fcorvieo of tno street ear line was ovor- roino with heat and a few hours later died. C'oahidoring Iho rate of speed at which the horxes on this line are driven it is a wonder they don't all die to es cape their misery. William Bonn , an old resident , died at hist homo on Uonton street yesterday morning1 about 2 o'clock. Ho wan born December 4 , 1809 , and was therefore nearly seventy-nine years of age. The funeral will bo held Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock tit the residence. Word wiii received yesterday thai Mis. Marshall , an iiwiiie woman from this county , had died in Mercy hospital , whore she was being cared for. The county clerk telegraphed back to have her buried Iheiu and llio expense charged to Poltawattamio county. The evening democratic organ , which is so enthusiabtically restating the at tempt to drive the gambling houses oil the public streets , says that it isn't the voice of the people , but the voice of the gamblers theiiirjolv 09. which hays "move upstairs. " If it is Iho gamblers who are bo anxious to got up stairs , why don't they go ? Oflleor Frank Fowler has recovered sulHciontly fiom his recent illness to re sume light duty , and is now stationed at the patrol hoiibo , while Driver Mullen t4ikcs his place on the Main btieot beat. Pfiulk sucoufnbed to Monday's intense lioat , but careful nursing brought him out till right. Kllleiont oIllcerH are not u drag on the market , and the city can not alford to lofee any. Ono of the numerous worthless curs with which the city is infested yielded up his yelping existence yesterday morning under the wheels of a Main street car. It is bo seldom that ono ol these nuisances is disposed of that the event should bo duly celebrated. It it ( . it pity that the btreot cars can not bo turned loose all ever the city on thisi deadly mibiion to roan u beautiful har vest of bark with iho hair on. A democratic excursion train was run ever the Wiibash last evening to Slrahn. "When the time came to start there wore but two members of the great un washed party on hand , but they put on a bravo face and wont out to 'keep up the honor of their city abroad. Their remarkable nerve was highly com- mcmlnblo , in consideration of tbo fact that they had to "go it alono. " Their , lonceonienoss will increase as the days go Veiling by. N. A. Taylor is extremely fond ol 1 poaches , and was therefore much pleased yesterday to receive a box from his fruit farm at Chattanooga , ' Tonn. There was just tin even peck'oi thorn and they wore nice ones , and could bo bought at any of the htores for ! J5 cents. They did not cost him any thing oxcopl the oxprefas charges , which amounted to 81.25. In the future ho will demand protection against the express companies. The family of Henry Debar , who WIIE sent to the insane asylum a few weeks ngo , is in destitute circumstances. The mother and six children are left abso lutely without support and are worthy the attontsonjof all charitably disposed persons. They reside in the brick house at Iho corner of Uonton .streol nnd Washington avenue. Captain Philip LoolTel yesterday interested him self in their behalf and secured onongl ; to minister to their immediate wants. Yesterday was a lively day with the colored population of the twin cities. II was jointly celebrated at Bock's garden where addresses were made by .Tudgt Aylosworth , Colonel D. B. Dniloy , Judge Cnrson and u few go-itlemen from hQmnha. About six hundred were pros- tout. Dancing was indulged in during (5v ho afternoon and evening. At Unioi ( park a club from Omaha competed will ' .Couiicll Bluffs on Iho diamond , result * lng in u victory for Omaha by a score o * -20 to 10. It was a grand blowout al around. Phil - 's luxuriant mustache droope ( a litllo yesterday morning as ho eam < down town to take his accustomed place behind the counter , but ho had tlu nerve to face the situation , and when ever anyone whispered "bustle" o "corset" in his oar. he immediatcl' ' took him out and 111 led him up. It cos something before supper time , but then it is nil ever now. Ho MIJ-B it is all right except the statement that ho was foolei once before. This is the llrst and enl ; time , and will probably bo the lusi The next time ho makes an appointment mont to moot a lady , ho will be sure i is a lady , and not ono of his fellow dry goods clerks , masquerading in the feml ino attire. I'ci'fional i'n Mr. and Mrs. A. ( J. Graham have rt tinned homo from Spirit Lake. .Tosltvh Danforth has returned from tou day's visit at Colfax Springs. Misses Sadie and Minnie Wells hav g < mo to Hastings , Nob. , to visit friends Mr. and Mrs. Horace Evans and Mrs J.V. . Chapman have returned froj Spirit Lake. Mrs. Henry Swan and her gramleoi Harry Lindsay , Imvo gone to Dcnvorfc u Buinmor visit. Tim litllo Mlllio and Ilattio Pnc have returned homo from a visit of tw weeks tit St. Josoph. Mm. II. K. Lybrand , of Columbu Ohio , ia visiting her elfitor-ln- law , Mr 8. M. Williamson , 315 North Sovonl treol. Vf. D. Pnllunton , nn employe in Hi tranafer olllco of Iho United States an I'aeille express companies , lias resume work after u bhort vacation. O. J. Mills , one of the clerks in 11 Union ruclllo freiglit doparlment , hi 'returned from n brief Irip to Wisconoli tnd brought u bride with him. Mra. Dr. David , daughter of Captal l A. Ovorton , of Ihla cily , is lying qul 'ill at her homo in Omaha nnd hi relatives hero arc in nllondanve at hi bodsldo. .1. n , Ilumo , bookkeeper for Duguot St Co. , luft yeatcvday afternoon for Ii dianapills , where ho was called by tl illncfis of Ilia BUfar. Mrs. lluino pr htm eovcrul wcokei TIIE NEWS OF THE BLUFFS , Yesterday's Sport For the Purpose of Improving Mnnawa. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME OF PIETY. A H < iuull ) > lc Over an Organ Kntnwoll to Ki'ocetary llnUor A Contempt Cns j l-'alU TIii-oHBli Small IMuffs Jlre\ltlcH. Ijlttte Itcncilt to IMntmu'n. "nonoflt day" at Lake Mamnva not what its projectors had hoped tc make it. The patronage wa.s light , not more than live hundred persons visiting the place during the day. Very few tickets weie n > ld in advance , and the financial results are anj thing but grati fying. The attractions adverti cd bill partly materialized. The base ball game be tween the Council BUilTs and Modoc clubs was a poor exhibition of the na tional game , and was not what waa , and might be expected to bo seen on IhU occasion. At the end of the ninth In ning the score wa.s tied at 14 , and live innings more were iilayed before the deciding run was made , and the Council UlulTri team made it. The yacht race was the feature of the duv. The couriu was laid out from the M. F. Hohrer dock to a point diagonally across the lake , thence across to wind ward which made a broad taelc neces sary ; thence straight away homo. The boats entered and at the signal cleared the line in the following order : Sea Gull ( ( Ml , Ida 0lliO : : ; , Myhtie 0:11 : : . " . ( ) , 1'sycho 0:1L' : , Little Diamond (5:12:80. ( : : The Sea Gull turned , the Hags ahead of her competitors , but lost on the run homo. The Psycho gained so slowly that the distance separating thorn was closed up almost imperceptibly : It was a very exciting iinish. The Psyche crossed the line forty boconds ahead of the Sea Gull , the M.tiu . making a good third. The course was about three and one-half miles and was made by the winner in IWioO. This gives the silver cup to Mr. Clark , of Omaha. A four-oared shell raie was expected between crows from the Omaha and Council Blufta clubs , but while "trying the wtvtor" the Omaha boys broke an oar lock and the i nca could not bo put on. A dance at the hotel niiifcbed the day.That That the "benefit" was a flat failure cannot bo dibguised , for instead of bein a benefit , considering the future in terests of the lake , it was an injury. An excellent protrram was advertised and practically none was furnished. The W tickets were expected to secure to their bearers admission to Manhat tan beach , base ball game , boats , hotel , motor line , everything. Nc such arrangement was made with the proprietors of Hotel Mnnawa , and the guests had to put \ \ \ the regular priceor go hungry. There was a painful evidence of mismanage ment alxmt the whole affair. Poor ba&c ball , good boat rides and bathing , gooO yacht race , no shell or tub race , a paitl supper , and general kick was the ordoi of the day , The Creeds ol'tlio Jtclts. The following are the church an nounccments for the day : Kov. W. O. Allen will preach at M H. church Sunday morning service ant at union service at Presbyterian ehurcl : in the evening. Church services at Broadway M. E church Preaching at 10:80 : a. m. bj Rov. II. Alien , of Malvern. Sundaj school and cla&s meetings ns usual. The Borean Baptist church worships at 10:80 : this morning at All Saints chapel , corner of Third avenue ant Eighteenth street. Pleaching by Rov. . T. F. Thiokstun , pastor. Sundaj school immediately follows the preach' ing service. At the Ovorton minion Charles Over ton will conduct the borvico this morn ing , and in the evening ho will bo us sisted by Miss Hasty. Presbyterian Rov. Dr. Clobnid o Springfield , Mo. , for many years tin pastor of this church , will preach in th < morning. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock The union services will bo hold in thi church in the evening. Strangers am others cordially invited. St. Paul's church Litany , sermor and holy communion nt 10:80 : a. m. Sub ject of sermon , "Tho Dignityof Labor. ' Rov. M. F. Sorensen will ofllciuto School at 12 m. Now Methodist Mission Services a the residence of Dr. Gordon , corner o Graham avenue and Tostovin street , to day at 8 o'clock p. m. , conducted b ; Rov. J. Fislc. Sunday school at 4 p. m Young Moil's Christian association corner of Main street and Broadway Reading rooms open to till from 2 to p. m. Regular gospel mooting from to 5 o'clock. Strangers always welcome The pastor of the First Baptist churcl ivlll preach at 10:80 : a. m. Sunday schoo 12 m. Young people's mooting , 7 p. m Dr. W. O. Allen will preach a unio rvico in the Presbyterian church a 8 p. m. _ _ E. El. Shcafo & Co. , muko long o short time loans on real estate , in Hum to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Ofllc Broadway and Main street , upstairs. For Sale Cheap Lots near Iho bridg to parties who will build at once. Ai dress or cull on J. R. Rico , No. 100 Mai htrcot , Council Blufis. Hath Charms. A stranger balled Oillcer Cuticle yci terday afternoon nnd excitedly calle on him to stop an express wagon , i which there was a cabinet organ. 13 wanted the driver arrested for runnin r.way witli an organ which belonged I another man. The driver , who ga\ his name as G. W. Brown , declare that an Omaha man , D..T. Edwards , hn hired him to bring the organ over fro : Omaha , and ho was going to leave it i a storage house on Main street. Tl : expressman could not give any voi definite information as to where ho wi to take it. It was claimed on the otbi hand that the organ had been sold 1 Edwards on easy payments by Alfrc Moiborg & Co. , of Omaha , who pn toctod themselves by ono of the iroi clad leases , by which they rctaiiu ownership of the organ until it wi virtually paid for. Olllcor Cusie guided the disputant up town and writ of replevin was issued by Justic Burnett , who will determine the quo lion of ownership. Patrons of the Pacific HOUEO ha ) none but words of praise for the attoi lion given them. Full line of sheet music nt Coun Bluffs Music Co. , 224 T3roadwny. Cood-Ily , Secretary linker. At n mooting of the board of dirocto of the Y. M. C. A. on Thursday ovonii last , , the following resolutions we adopted : . "Whereas , Mr. 11. D. Maker , who has BO i ccptably served tue Young Mcu'a C'brisU association In Council Bluffs n.s Rctreral ( < co- ictnry , has resigned , tlmt ho nin.V have an opportunity of taklntc n c6urso of < * tuily In the sftiool ot training for secretaries ill Sprlntf- field , Musi. , HcBolvctl , 1'lint wo hereby express oar np- picclatloaof tlio work winch ho bus IICCOJM- pllMicd in thli city , nnd our regret Unit wo nro to loio tlio cotnpnnloiiHhlp of eau wlioin wo esteem BO highly. Kcsolrcd , Tlmt wo bid hint Goil-Hiiml In Ids course of study , aiMtrlng him of oar con- tinned mtciust la lii.nclfiuc. . After the adoption of thoHo rc'-olu- llons the president. Mr. K. E. Harkncfj , made u very complimentary poech In presentation of two handsome volumes of poems. Mr. linker left last evening for a visit to friends in Newton nnd DCS Moines1 , from which place ho will proceed cast , intending to upend u jonr. and possibly two , in I ho study of methods of Christian work. Ho has made many friends hero , and takes with him the well wishes of all. Mr. K. E. btacy will look after the work of the association until a now sec retary is teeured. A basket picnic is to bo hold this afternoon on ,1. E. Motcalf'H grounds , novr the city. Artists prefer the Uallo-lt fc Davis piano , at ( ' . B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway. Pacific House is open to the traveling public , notwithstanding to the contrary. Not In Contempt. The contempt case of Frank Lnnor was heard in chambers yesterday by Judge Car. on. Several witnesses were examined in behalf of the state when it WIIH discovered that the clerk of the court in drawing up the decree had neglected to state what the defendant \ya enjoined from doing. Attorney Sims in behalf of the stale then moved for a dismissal , which thocourtgranted. The clerical error was an oversight on the part of the clerk in making out the decree of the court , but it was just what was needed to let out the defendant. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelo. .T. G. Tipton has a100 aero farm fur bale , only three miles from the city. ' T- * ' " " ' * A Summer Fire. A small llro at John Davis' place on Lincoln avenue , called out the lire de partment yesterday morning at about 7 o'clock. The lire started from n gaso line stove , but was put out before the arrival of the department. The boys wore not on band as quickly as usual , as the nearest box was situated on Broad way and it took some time to reach it. This angered the usually porono lady of the house , and when tlip rather warm-colored phiof tlio chicr vras poked inside the door she saluted him with : "Well , you'vo got hero , have you1 You run a mighty fine department. " "Very sorry , madam , what'u the mat ter'1' ; ' queried tlio urbane boss of the lire fighters. "Tho matter is just this. I can take a lot of dough and mix up a better set of firemen than you have got. Do jou un- derstandV" " " could but tumble "Windy" not help , and ho gathered his crow as quickly as " )0ssiblo ) and sounded the retreat , it is nut the piuno at homo and abroad poor 'Windy' ' gelsj-ti | ( ) breo/o all knocked out of his sails. It is hoped that neither Ihe stranger who wanted to know who ; io was drinking with at Clinton , or the ady with a mind and tongue of her own on Lincoln avenue will ever run afoul of the doughty chief again. Speculators in real estate will bear in mind that J. G. Tipton has a largo and varied list to select from. Ho is the best judge of real estate In the cily , and don't fool his time away with anything that's not a bargain. No More I'ostolllco Crowds. Yesterday a change of postolllco regu- ations went into effect hero. Horoto- 'oro , Ihoso desiring to secure their mail .n the evening have been obliged to go to the postollico after it. The crowd about the carriers' windows has boon ; O great that it has caused luuch annoy- unco and many delays. Now there will be no moro such evening gatherings. The carriers , except on Sundays and holidays , will nuvko a delivery' every evening , between 7 nnd 8 o'clock in the "m.iiness portion of the city , Main street , Broadway and Pearl streets , all others desiring to got mail in the even ing will bo obliged to rent boxes , as the carriers will not deliver to them. This move will doublless increase the revenue - nuo from boxes , and will accommodate the business men. J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Concert by Dalby's band at Bach'e garden this afternoon and evening. Now fall hals at Mrs. Stowarl's. 1'iiHliltiR tlio Paving. The Broadway paving is now com- ploled with the exception of the five blocks between Twelfth and Seven teenth streets. It will require about ton days to close up this gap , but nc work will bo done there this week , i the entire force will bo put to work on Graham avonuo. This streol lias been graded , curbed and Ihe foundation put in perfect shape for paving , and the conlractor has decided to pave it al once , as the grade is so stoop that a ruin would do considerable damage in it- present unfinished stale. It will ro- qulro five days to complolo Iho job , The -men will then bo sent back t < Lower Broadway.which will also bo com pleted by the 20th of the present montli unless some unforscon accident should occur to prevent. The work done it first class in every particular , and tht citizens may well fool proud of it. Thoj already show their appreciation of it bj filling this broad thoroughfare will : nobby turnouts every evening , and tht clti/ens of Omaha nro impatiently wait Ing until they can join them. For bargains in real estate see E. H Sheafo fc Co. , Broadway and Mail street , upstairs. Masonic. Star Chapter No. 47 , R. S. M. , wil meet in regular convocation Mondw evening at 7:80. : Visiting R. S. M , cor dially invited to attend. By order , i * J. L. MAUTIX , Secretary. Jloro Scared Than Hurt. A small boy , son of Cal Hafor , was rui ever yesterday afternoon In front of tlv now Ogden by a hack going to Boch' ; garden. The youngster waa not severely verely injured , and was taken to hi homo , corner of Second and Vine streola His head was iv lllllo bloody , and assooi as his molhor saw him who wont hit hysterics , and for a time her conditioi was quito critical. A physician wn summoned and soon succeeded in quiet ing her. As BOOH aa the boy saw that In could not command the attention c every ono ho decided that ho "would no 'bo elck at all , and resumed his play. m Buy mantels , grates and hearth fui the Now York glulublnif Co SHOWING- THE ADVANTAGES OP COUNCIL BMTFS. Largest Stooh , METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods , I Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , cto. pW ISStSSS SX JlfS/VJ MOEU.tH MUbIC .COMPANY. _ , Willlfcm Dealer Sladentopf In , Hard man , Everett & Fisher o City & Counlj REAL ESTATE § No8M. tt ) Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronaga of Any Banli in the aittj. . , Is Solicited. tpmt ? * * mar XTt RT JWI ' I'MJ ju& ' .w Insurance , H , & .R , D.FostBr , SMDKE COUNCIL IUAPFS ; J. W. SQUIRES ' Paint. 011 Gloss Go. Porcgoy & Moore's Abstracts of Title Wholesale. Santo Rasa. . ARE THE BEST. No. 8. Pearl St. . % & _ V'W.-rC * * * * * . .t. c. f-ss * Q.V/X- TM EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. , WEIR SHUGART CO. , 3SOC. , . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . | JJ | U1.U.X- Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. H. F. HATTENHAUER always keen in btoc-k a largo variety or eastern I have iilvvnyH a full stock to hclect fr : n. . . , make Carriageswhich I neil at a very low rate. Call and examine. Prices Low. IVos. to ! H } B'ourJIi Struct. I am always ready to show goods. Tlic Italic in the 1'nrk. The work of tilling the artificial lake in Fairmount park was stopped yester day before it was completed , as it waa decided not to fill the lake to the top until a fence could bo built around it to prevent any children from falling into il and drowning. The lake is 100 foot square and about eight feet deep. The fountain in the center is in running order and IB supplied with water from a largo tank on tlio lop of the blufl. The lake and fountain greatly enhance the beauty of the little glen in which they nro situated. S. B. Wndtiwonlh & Co. loan money. o Stop at the Pacific House. The most centrally located hotel in the city. Vnr Making HO\OH. The stock holders of tlio basket man ufacturing company held a mooting at the office of Dr. Macrae yesterday ; r.orn- ing , and discust-cd tlio outlook for their business. A number word in faor of adding another nlory to the building , but no definite action was taken in this matter. They hope toliavc iho works in operation by tlio Isti of September. The machinery Sri ordered nfid will teen bo here. i K. IT. Sheafo loans money on chattel ecurityof every description. Private consulting rooms. All buninoss strictly conlldonttil. Oilice 500 Broadway , cor- icr Main street , up-sliurd. Got "Dun" pp. , Chris Cath yesterday Appeared on the street with his head in a sling , as the csult of a little pugilistic' attention at , ho hands of David Owens. It seems hat Owens owed him a little money , md took olTonse because the creditor demanded payment , and proceeded to 'argue" with him. Tlio argument was successful , at least it quieted Cath , who low proposes to call on Iho slrong arm of the law to help him out of the diill- culty. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s otin olll'co , on furniture , pianos , horses , vngons , povhounl property of all kinds , md all other articles of value without emoval. All business strictly conli- doutial. , "Kid" Search tlio , mouthy young crook arrested a few days ago al Doni- son , Anderson it O'Brion's. and later at , ho dummy depot , by Chief Lwcas. was given thirty days yesterday morn ing by ludgo Aylesworth toragrancy. . Ho v.ns then taken before Squire Schuiv. on .ho charge of jumping his board bill md received twenty-four days addi- Lional. The worthy squire wus dis posed to lot him off easier , but the fol low talked too much and the jiibtico be came disgusted and lot the sentence stand. lie will bo kept out of mihchiof now for eight weeks at leasl , and can repent considerably in that timo. There will bo a dance at S. Kief's Sat urday , August 18. The citizens on Lincoln avenue are complaining because they have not ade quate lire protection. There are no llro plugs within Iwo blocks nnd a two-inch service pipe carries all the water they got. They demand the attention of the council ami ask that they have as good protection as the rest of the city , since they pay their * full amount of water tax. The case will bear investigation. This is ono of those places'whoro an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. TIIIW SOAP TJ1K OKVSKKS. I3\pcrlmcnts Showing How Goynern May bn Made to Spout. A correspondent of the Pioneer Press at Mammoth , Hot Springs , "Wyo. . wiys there booms to bo a prevailing no tion that if a geyser is choked up with soap it will cause an eruption. Whether this notion is correct on not , it is caub- ing considerable Iroublo , brought about by people who insist on trying the ex periment. Inquiries nro made as to what variety , quantity or quality ol boap will accomplish tlio desired robult. Doubtless those inquiries are made in the interests of some enterprising soati manufaclurer , who sees a fortune in a soap which will invuriubly produce an eruption when thrown into n goysor. Tlio otToct of this result as an advertisement can bo imagined. Auto graph recommendations of actresses , primn donnas and lilcrateurs would be greatly dit-countcd. Such a faoap would also greatly increase the attractions ol Yollowbtono park , for by ils use the goybors could bo kept in constant action during the lourisl season , by being por- milled an absolulo rcsl during Iho olhoi eight months. In nn interview with Robert Law on the result of his experi ment upon the Beohlvo geyser , ho said that within a very few minutes aftoi applying Iho soap persuader Iho goysoi began lo foam , nnd soon poured forlli ils walers with tremendous force. He admitted , how-over , thai ho had nc knowledge of Iho longlh of lime whicli had elapsed since the previous eruption , nor could ho find nnyoody who know anything about It. Neither had ho any idea how long tvftor ward ho could have success fully repeated the experiment , nor dti anyone else poem to bo able to help bin in this respect. Mr. Law said tlmt on i certain day the shaft of tlio Beehivi had been charged with soap by some one about 8 a. m. According to record th < geyser should have erupted about 10 a m. , the eruptions occurring every six hours. , As he was passing with a party of gentlemen they noticed the oilor of coal , and upon htirring up Iho contontb of the cave with their canes , the con tents began to olYorveseo violently , and they settled back out of reach. No eruption took pla"o until I p. m. They then pushed to the Kpongo gojvcr and found that they could materially abridge the period bot\\ ecu eruptions by stirring the water actively. Hut the quantity of water overflowed in such cases was much less than when the geyser took itn regular course. In September last I made bomo ex periments in company with Dr. Howard Mummery , V. K. S. , and his wife. At thoSapphiro troyser , the crater of which is ever eighty foot in diameter , wo took our positions equi-distant on its martrin , and , at a given signal , all three thrust in our Alpon stocks as far down into the boiling caldron as wo could. Imme diately the valor began to effervesce. \Vo felt as if home sharped toothed viper had seined upon our canes and was try ing to wrest them ftoin us. In a few seconds the whole caldron was a seeth ing mass of foam , and wo ran from the terraces as fast as wo could , and with barely time to escape the surging waves that wwept over the walls and flowed ever a Moor , glowing in all the golden glory of the rainbows. It must be borne in mind Hint another such eruption could not bo procured for at leabt half an hour ; jind that , had wo watched pi- tlentlyilo'n minutes longer , the normal eruption would have been far grander. The explanation of this phenomenon is that when a goybor is nearly ripe for an eruption the insertion of any cold substance releases moro rapidly the ac cumulating superheated gases , and thereby procures a premature eruption of much less magnitude than Iho nor mal eruption would othorwibO have been. On another occasion I was at the Mam moth geyser with two other gentlemen. Tlio crater was full and .seemingly ripe tor ai > eruption. In order to stimulate lier wo tried the Alpcn stock , and suc- cci'ded in setting the. pot soothing with great violence , and cleared the tor i-aces as fast as wo could in order to cbcapo the hcalding dolugo. To our disgust wo found that after a , few puffs of while foam she sank down two feet , and wo were punished by having to wait two hours for her lo prime up for a genuine upheaval. The result of my repatcd and careful observation is thai by llio use of any cold bubslanco Ihrubt in when a geyser is nearly duo you may have a feeble eruption. If too long before duo you may materially re tard the eruption by relieving the in tense pressure , but if applied when ripe it has no effect ono way or the other. Dr. Campbell , at Livingstone , expressed - pressed the opinion that the enactment of a law to prohibit soaping a geyser was an unnecessary inter ference with a simple and harmlcbs act , and the punishment of it an act of tyranny , lie was surprised on being informed that the law prohibiting any one from tbro.ving anything into any of the goybors or chemical baiins was en acted and rigidly enforced by line nnd imprisonment long before the military supervision begun. I often found that ladies were subjected to much inconvenience - vonionco on the Seventh Terrace pla teau at Mammoth Hot Springs , from the fact that Great Bath lake had be come a favorite bathing resort for gen tlemen. The superintendent , Captain M. Harris , issued an order that bathing could not bo indulged in until after 6 p. m. The motive that has animated tlio issuing of any restraining order has always boon either to protect Iho parker or the visitors. O. L. HKXDKUSOX. A BRAVE GIRL. A Telegraph Operator In an KiiHtern AVIldcriiL-HH. Pillsburg Dispatch : Some days ago a Dispatch reporter had occasion to use a telegraph line in sending a report to the paper. It was long after midnight , and the nearest Western Union line was a good mile and a half from the town in which ho was located. The tel egraph otllco was found to bo in a rail road block station , Bitimied in ono of the loneliest and bleakest parts of the country through which the road passed. No dwelling hou-es were within calling distance , nnd the entire surroundings were of the most uninviting and for bidding kind. The otllco itbolf was but a small frame building , utterly devoid of any means of defense from intruders , and tlio country round about wa.s in fested with tramps. The reporter rapped at the door , and receiving no answer , Knocked again , with the same result. Finally , after a third summons , a window was opened , and a feminine voice timidly inquired : "Who's thcroV" Tlio surprise of the newspaper man can hotter bo imagined than described. The idea of a woman being in charge of an otllco In such a dismal place so o mod almost preposterous. Ho , however , ex plained his mission , and after a little delay was admitted by a slight , delicate girl , who appeared to bo hardly older than eighteen years. nTho little room was as neat and clean ns a now pin. The lloor was as white as a scrub-brubh could make It. On the walls word tastefully pinned a number of pretty advertising curds. A glass on a table hear by contained a. bunch of Jlowers , nnd a comfortable , hoinolikoalr pervaded the whole room , so entirely different from the average country.rail road stalidni with its foul odors pf bad tobacco and oil. When tlio last word of the message wus out the reporter quos IHIU. iNconi''iji ) XTSSKLXj do CO- , M.\SSIILOS , OHIO , MAMTACTUKKKS. Adapted , for SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC IK LIGHTING , IKPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-GET ENGINES. SnccllliMtloiis and estimator funiKlu-cl for rompli-to Rlc im plunK Ilpgiil.ition , Durability ( iunr- niitetxl. Cun show letteis fiom tifccrihcru fuel ftnuntuy N cuual with Corliss No ICltANCEl BiOUbE , UOUtVVII , liMJi'I'S , IOWA. Solid for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. tionod the young lady upon her work "Yes , " ' bho said , "this company ha lady operators at night in all its olllco ab far east ab the mountains. My ollle ibii't as lonely as some of the placeup in the mountains , where the girls do not have an opportunity to talk to any body from the time they leave tlio train at ( J o'clock in the evening until thej return the next morning. It is an aw ful place oven hero sometime. Not a lain will pass for hours at a time in the morning , and we muft walk the lloor to keep awake. At lirnt I Ihought I would never bo able to bland it , but it i4 grow ing easier now. At the beginning I was afraid of every bound. Wo form odd friends at such times. The best I hnvo are the mice , which come out of their holes and eat the crumbs I leave on the lloor for them. They arc good company when there is nothing bot- lor. " "I should think tlmt the company would give tbo lady operators day of fices , " said Iho roporler. ' Well , it does not. They give the easy positions lo llio men. The only rea'bon I can give for that , binco you ask for it , is that young ladies are moro careful and do not go to bleep as the buy men do , and pile up a wreck in front of the otlico. " "Aro you not afraid of tramps ? " "Good gracious ! jes. They are the bane of our existence. Wo are prepared - pared for them , though.1' said she , at the biimo time glancing at a loaded re volver , which had unlil then lain un noticed within reach of her hand. * 'I had to use it once or twice. I did not want to shoot the man , and only lired llio revolver oil to hcaro him. " "Have you had any odd experiences while at this oflico1'1 ; ' 'There was ono , " she answered , " 1 will never forgot. It was ono of the coldcbt nights of last winter. Rain had fallen the day before and toward even ing it had grown colder. After mid night the thermometer was down be low x.oro and n high wind was raging. About U o'clock in the morning some body rapped al Iho door. I did not notice it at first as I know it was only a tramp. Ono had boon loitering around all day and had insulted mo the night before , and I thought it was the same one back again. Ho kicked the door again , and I raised the window and asked him what ho wanted. Ho said ho wanted to come in , and if ho did not got in ho would break down the door. Then ho commenced to swear at mo. told him to go away and that I wouldnot admit him. That made him moro angry- "Ho beat and kicked the door until I thought ho would break it down. Then ho tried all Iho windows , and lln- ally came back lo Ihe door again. No train had passed for an hour before. None had loft the city , and the nearest telegraph ollico was two miles away. I pulled out the drawer to got my revel ver. It was gone ! Then I remembered having loft it at homo that night to have it repaired. The man was knock ing away at the door , and every mo- ent 1 thought would bo my last. I knelt down and prayed for assistance. The man at the door had grown quieter , and commenced to beg mo to lot him in. 'Great God , lady ! ' ho baid to mo. 'I am freezing , and if you do not let mo in you will llnd me dead hero in the morn ing. " "I opened the window again and bogged him lo leave , bill ho only con tinued to plead for admittance. His voice had grown weaker and bounded HO pitiful thai I finally wont down blairs lo llio door. 1 wauled lo lot him in , and yet I was afraid. At last 1 unlocked the door and turned the knob. The door of itself Hew back on ils hinges , and there fell in upon mo ono of the dirtiobt , meanosl and worbl looking tramps that I ever neen. His clothes wore covered with mud , and nib face looked terribly fierce. I screamed and turned to run away to escape him , when ho caught hold of both my hands and foil on his knees before mo , and then and thoro'poured forth one of the most beautiful prayers I have over heard. It was so patholie and full of thankfulnesn at times. Tears wore streaming down his cheeks , and ho kissed my hands repeatedly , saying I had saved his hfo. 1 roponled and lold him lo come up stairs to the stove , but half-way up the stairs ho knoll and prayed again. He lay down by the flru lor awhile , and after' ho had become warmed ho told mo the.frtory of ills Hfo how ho had become a drunkard and dcborlod hib homo , H said ho bad not clilen anything for two duyu , so L jjavo him my lunch. I kept him hero for n couple of hourb , and then sent him west on a freight. Kvcry time I think ol that man and that night T feel better , although everybody said 1 was foolibh to let him in when 1 lold Iho storj at home. " During the convor. alien which fol lowed anecdotes wore told by her ol what had happened to other night oper ators along the line. It was with a feel ing of admiration and respect for tliu spirit and pluck of such a girl that the rcpoiter bade her "good morning. " And She Doe ? . Mary Don't jou dislike to have a man talk shop when lie comes to bee youV Jennie Indeed Idol Who's been talking shop lo you ? Mary Oh , my young man. He's a street cm-conductor , you know , and nearly every time lie comcb to bee mo ho golb off bib hhop lalk. .lonnie What does he bay ? Mary riit closer , please. Force of llntilt. Puck : Louisiana noslmaslor ( who is nssislod in his dulios bv his young bride ) : "Why , Mary , what tire nil those postal cards doing hero ? They should have gone in the last mail. " Young bride ( who was a Massachusetts schoolmistrcbs ) : "Oh , I have just put. them nsido until I should have time to correct the bpolling ! " SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPKriAfi ndvi'i-tlsomonts.Mic ) i an Jo--tround , To I Ainu , Tor Salc.To Hmit.VV'iintH , llouidlnt ? , rtc. , w 111 IIB iUHurttul lu this column at tlio 1 nv ruto of ThN CKSTS IT.Il I.INt , for Die tlrtt In sertion nnd Kvo CVntH I'er I.lno for ii.ica milistv- ( liiuut Insertion. Leave uilvenlsometiln ut our olllcc , No , K I'oarl Street , mar Ilmudway , Council llluirn , Iowa. WANTS. ANTKU Asents to Hell tlio llfti ot lien. Iliirrison , livOeu. Low U'nllnco , author of Hen llnr. lloxiEI. Council UlullH , In. ANTKU A Koort cr | ] fol- general IIOIIHO- W work nt the K. C. bonne. T71OH HAIiK-A Imrgnln : I ) lots on Avenue ( ) -I ? nnd I"th st For Information mil at lUt ) llrondwuy. FOH HAUI-Tlio l jnt fruit und vegota- bio fnrni lu PoUauutlumlo county , two miles fiom Council IflullH poitofllco , ut u pilco that will Hell It , on renurknbly iisy trrms. Title nerfect uad pioperty In ( rood condition. I'osschsloiiKlvcu ut uny tlniB. Good leiiHon for Belling. It. T. llryunt & Co. , fas llroadwuy. Council UlullH , In. ) Stocta of luerclmiuUsc to . ' \ - WANTIU for city juopcity In Council Hluirn , Oiiuxlia , orustuin lund or rlmttelfl of any kind. We nmku cxchaUKlUK a Kpccinlty. H. T. Ill J ant & fo. , UM llroad uy. rpo HUNT Immediately , for the mimnior , a X n ° od ( mulshed lionse , 10 rooms ; closet uuil Imthrooni ; ilty water. Apply on prcmlbo-i , BU Mh uve. , \WANrHU MocfcH ol jiicHhandlso. Jlnve T T Omaha nnd Onmcll Illuirs city iiroporty. nlaow'Ht rii land to ezubnnira for KooiU. Call on or mlclress JolmiumA. ChrlxtUu , Itocm lij. Clininluirof Commuico , Omaha. bAIiK At u bargain , Wanes ncnr Mode FOH < K South Omaha , Neb. , JohiiHon U Chrlntlan , Hoom 35 , Clmmbar of Commuiue. Omaha. . OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. Gmi ! < .lt illillTo , Iowa. 1BS7. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY I.-.14 1)OXJGIj < V3 ST. , OMA11.Y , N12I1 SURANilCAiE COR. BXJI AVK AM ) 7 I'll KT. COU1TCIL BLUFFS , IA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity. An excellent educational Institution. fmnlaU- cd wltll all moOcrn Improvement ! * fur boardliiK nnd day school , llio uc.idvmtu jmr roailntM oC two KBHSloiiti , lii'Klnnln DU the llrnt Monday lu fjeptcnibf r nnd I'ebruury , rusjvcif ully , Ternin-llnard ami. tuition iJ.-r iessloa , 175. Tor uirtlior'.imrtli'uUrs aiUreiw Pl tw .Superior , ' Ac/i'letay / , C iuncll.liliiirj ! , Ik. : '