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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1888)
" * l"1 < * > ' * i"rf i vWri - . " 1- * - 1 A > OMAHA DAILYBEESATURDAY. _ . AUGUST 4 , 188a GLANDERS ALMOST GONE , , There Are Sold to Bo Very Few CnsoQ in Nebraska. STATE VETERINARIAN'S REPORT. Walters of Int rrcst to tlio A. O. U.V. . Tlio CnHoado Kamicm * Alllnnco lule nte to tlio Depp Wlitcr Convention. lilKCOLK BUllEAU OFTllK OMAHA BcB. ) 1112'J 1 SriinKT , > LINCOLN , August a. ) The sttito vetcrlnurlnn Bays tlmt glanders liIOsair to soonjjo a disease ol thu i > ast In Nebraska , and Unit It Is now pniUlcaUy under control. Slnco the flrbt dny of April TOO horscB liavo been cxuinlncd , BUjiposc'd to have been effected by the discuso , imd 1.70 of tlicm have been killed. IlcpnitH , howovcr , constantly coino to the voturluitilau and board of socratarlcB that tlio disease exists in different parts of the Btnlu , but this Is largely duo to tbo system adopted for tlio absolute suppression of tbo disease. Sheriffs mo or dered to keep an eye out for Indications of the disease and to report to the etato bonrd whenever fears uro such as to warrant it. For this reason the discaso Is frequently re ported to exist hoio and thuro bythostato j > rts , but Investigation lately , in a very Kroat majority of cases , proves the report and fears to bavo been groundless. Dr. Oeith states that an occasional cnsoot genuine glanders comes to light , but they are few and far between , and that ho doubts of thorn being a half dozen glandcrcd horBCH in the state. IIo also sal'l that the cxpi esscd fears that the law providing for payment for horses killed because of having tbu dis case would lead to the Khipmont of horses with plunders into tlio state , were not well founded. "Tho penalty is such that possible ci hninuls respect the law. " IIETTI-.U HAVK MlfillKI ) . John L. MtConneU was arrested lust evenIng - Ing for refusing to tear down the nulls of his building , burned recently , by otdorof the city council. Slnco the Oaldoy flre the walls loft standing have boon in a dangerous condition and fears Imvo been entertained that they would fall and do bad woric. They were condemned soon after the Uro and lie wn.9 ordered to tear them down , but for BO mo reason failed to do BO , und ycRtorday at 5 o'clock they took a tumble , damaging Mr. Newman's stoic room consid erably , shattering the roof and covering his stock of goods with plaster dust. FJTO War den Nowbcry immediately llled complaint against McConncll , charging him with un lawfully permitting unsafe walls to stand on his property after they had been condemned , und ho was at once placed under arrest JOINRD ran TIUAI , . John and Homy Zoning filed their petition In tlio district court of Lancaster county this morning against Fred Funkc , alleging that the said Punko threatens and is about to build a solid iron and masonry wall to pro ject into the street and property owned by the said petitioners on Twelfth street , in block No. 50 , in tbo original town site of Lin coln , and that the defendant further proposes to build stairways , running to the second story of Funko's opci a house , overhanging the sidewalks on the street , to the extent that it will bocomc a common public nuisance and greatly damage plaintiff's ' property , and further that Twelfth street is occupied by business houses , and that the sidewalk - walk and street are necessary for business egress and the convenience of the public , and that the damage by building the proposed Avails and stairways will bo irreparable to owners of property on the street and to all business Interests. It is further alleged that Twelfth street is ono of the principal thor oughfares of the city , and that largo numbers of people constantly pass and rcpass along the street , and that the building of the con templated walls and stairways will bo con stant obstructions , and therefoio complain- nnts pray that the court shall issue a tem porary Injunction enjoining the dofcnd.xut net to make any permanent Obstructions that t will lu anyway interfere with the rights of other property owners on the block , or In any way obstruct the street , and such other re lief an In equity may appear. TO HUllOllDINATK IXMlOhS , A. O. U. W. Gruud Hocordor Waring to-day Issued the following orders to the officers and members of the subordinate lodges of A. O. U. W. , In Nebraska : "You uro hereby notified that M. K. D6o- little , n member of Uattlo Crook lodiro , No. 123 , wtm expelled from the order on the 25th d < VV o'f JUDO , IbSS. ' 'Hecorders will read this circular In open lodge and malta record of this expulsion in n book provided for that purpose , as required by * article 15 of the grand lodge constitution , No form of record for this purpose being furnished by the grand lodge I would recommend that tho. recorder ! rUla suitable columns in the buck of theii , rninutt books and use that spaoe for thi : purpose. "it seems that it Is not generally knowi that an applicant must be initiated wltblr thrto months from the date of his acceptance , by the grand medical examiner ( the state o the DOueilciary certificate being of ty-Sum < 1 date as the approval by the G-5i" E. ) felsi ench applicant must ho ro-cs > > .7iilned. , . "Herteftcr no one VfiU bo initiated nttei throe months frouytfto date of the issuaiici of his bortcflel ry certificate , until no Is re Examhed'and that re-ex&mmatlou approver by the grand medical examiner.This is li ocordauco with decisions of the Varlou grand lodges and of the grand master work , jnan t > t this Jurisdiction and Is in entire bar tnohy with the spirit of our beneficiary law.1 _ TI1E OASOADE yAhMEltS1 AIXIANCE. The state board ot transportation and At lornoy General -Loesa specially received i resolution from the Cascade Farmers' alll .ftnco. of Cass county , to-day , heartily chdort Ing the imperative order issued for froigh tariff reductions .and every other nc lei taken by thCtu tondink to ftdvaheo the cbtu v < Srclal interests of the pcoplo of the state The resolution Is.signed by 850 farmers am "bicmbors ot tbo alliance. ahU Is as follows : Itcsolyod , That wo heartily endorse th action of Attorney General Ldcso and ih etato board of transportation in , reducln freight rates , and bvcry other effort of th board to do something for thb pcdjile th tends In anyway to advance the cdmmcrcii Interests of the producers and waRB-oarnon "Wo are in full sympathy with all such movi inents. . , 1 DfeKP WiTA DEWflATES. The board of trade held n meeting lat Cvpnlug at the 13urr block to soloot five deli gates to attend the convention at Denvgr o the 2Sth day of August , which , is _ callei\ \ < devise moans for the establishment of a dee Water harbor nt some suitable point 6n.Y gulf coast. The following namdd gcntlcme wora selected , viz. : A. II. Weir. A. J. Gu ' tin , J. H. MuMurlry. M. J. AUkin and Job JJ. Wright.CITV CITV X1SW8 ASD SOTtS. Tlia flro alarm was sounded this biornln Bt 10 o'clock und thu fire department fair ] Jlew to the corner of Twenty-seventh and \ i utrcuts.whero the lira was locatcdbut arrive . totrluto to save a small barn owned by S. < Smith , valued at $200 , uninsured. Othi properly was In great danger , but no fnrthi loss is reported. Fires in Lincoln have bet quite frequent of late. Thcro is a growing feeling hero that som thing must bo done to secure greater wet pressure , lu the event of n bli ? Uro the wat * UpiMy would not bo sufficient to check control It. Thcro Is great danger In tl present unfortunate water supply. It is p enough to fight a fire , and a thirsty pubi rqbu.1 against drin.klug.bduo. This is I twccn two fires with a vengeance , J. O. liurnoy , ot Crete , came In on tl luorning train and reports thai the "nor Bide" mill dams went out last night. T dams had Just been completed at an oxpcn Of 91S.OOO and were built with heavy ston stayed by oak piling , Mr , Uurnoy stat ttiat the loss is a very heavy ono to the ml ing company , bat Is unable to give a reas why a dam can not bo built that will sta the test. . i , The groom waa , twenty year * of ago a' ' ihoebrldo but thirty-three. Married Judge Stewart at S o'clock this morning , M Willis Uartlott nndjtlrs , KUrabeth Lucl both of Elnnvoad , Cass county , And luc xnoy It bo for the bravo , boy who promised love , cherish and obey "until death us part. " To err Is hXitiian , but you tnako i niittuko H you uho Dr. Jonoa' Ri Cloycr Tonlo for dyapopsla , costlvonci bail breath , pllb , pjmplos , nguo ai inhlntln , poor lUipbtilo , low spirits , cUbcnt-es of the IndnoyB , stomach ai llv-Or. 60 cout8. Goodrauu prufe Co , SUING A Mrn. IiIclMcnniny I'nyrt $1(10O Tor n Dcuroe of Divorce. Mrs. Sarah J. AlcMcnamy , of Plattsmouth , Cass county , was represented In the Cass county court In 18So , In on application for n decree of divorce from her husband , by Al beit N. Sullivan , n Plattsmouth attorney. The ducrco was granted and the attorney charged a fee of foO for conducting the case. During the trial , Mr. Sullivan so ingratiated hltuflclf into the confidence of Mrs. Me * Mehairy that ho became her confidondial adviser In business. IIo learned that she hod two tots in Omaha and ho at once struck up 11 deal with her to get them. A contract was made by which ho was to trudo her a quarter section of land In Custer county , val ued at $1,000. and his attorney fees In the divorce case und somonotcs for the property , which was valued at ? 1X)3 ( ) , anil obtain a deed for the same. The transfer was made and the lots worn deeded to Mary Sullivan , bis wife. Mrs , Sullivnn sold the property to John T. McManlus , who , In turn , sold it to Gcorga B. Ayers. When Mrs. McMcnamy catno to claim her CuBtor county pioperty shu found that Sulli van only bad n Union Pacific railroad land pnmt for the property , and that only SIS had bocii paid on it. She now brings suit aganlst Albert N. Sullivan , Mary Sullivnn ntsd George B. Ayers for $ ! , ( 00 , and asks the court to enjoin the Sulllvnn'B from negotiat ing thu notes and mortgages on the properly , and George 13. Aj crs from selling or dispos ing of tlio same. Samuel N. Gustln has begun suit against Jcstcn & Hughes for $ . " > ,00 ( ) damages for falsa Imprisonment. The plaintiff was ai rested lu July on the rhnrgo of obtaining $9 of the de fendants under fnlso pretenses. Gustln was diichargcd by Judge 13orka , but bis defense had cost him f > 0 and ho was confined for n night in a olose , warm , stilling and dlsagico- abloLoll , Bunoundod by diunkeu persons and criminals , and "suffered and endured great physical and mental torture. " An Absolute Curo. the OHir.lNAL AI31BTINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sorog , burns , wounds , chapped bands , and all skin eiup- tlons. Will positively c.ira till kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AH1ETINK OINT MENT. Sbld by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box by mail 30 cents. Drink Malto itispleasant. TUB llU/VI/i'V MAllKCT. InstritniontH JPlaci-il on Uccoril Dur ing Yestorday. ICE Iteld mid huslmnd to A 0 Ttmey , lot 7. lilk ] , Httckoj o place , w-d t BOO K A Uwnson nnd wife to J A J.awronco , lot 4 , blk 8 , IlrlKi-s plnco. w d 1,800 1)0 I'littemonandwlfHto r II W llrnu- chort , lot 5. blk 7 , I'attoMon pnrk , w d 62" LH Iteodto Dec llulldingCo.lotfl , blk 121 , Omahn.qcd 1 H Levy to t ) L Vinz , u ! W ft of lot C , blk C6 , boutn Unmhit MO W Jloirko Ct al to 8 Martinson , o 44 ft of lot U. blk InvpASsuadd 2.DOO J W Imnmen ana wife toV .1 Martin , lulddlu h' of lots 13 and 14 , blk IT , lied- ford plnco , w d CCO J r Vuudercook nnd htnlmnd to T..1.1'cn- nflll , lot 8 , blk 1 , Vnndeicnok 'ierince. vrd 21,000 I'M Jiiynesnud wife to JV llnrnsdull , 1 old. blk IB , K V Bmltli's add. w d . 1 J W Harn dnll to M L JnjlKS , lot 8 blk5 , . K V smith's mid , w a 3iOD Wm J.utey ct ul to I , lirndford , lots 1,2 , D , 4 nnd r > , Ilunson's sub , w d 1 JAMcSluluo to T Ji Wlldo , lot 4. blk 5 , Ilrookllne , ( i c d 1 Twelve tinmfcra. . * 29,081 Building Permit * . The following building permits wcro is sued yesterday : T. K. Illriiltiian. cottage , Newton near Twenty-seventh $ OCO K. D. tmness. ioitage , Kle\enth between Outer and Dorcas 500 1) ) . Kellnur , residence , Oeorglix near Jack son 1,700 Metropolitan HuildliiR and Loan nssocln- ratlon , cottage , bpring nud Hlmelmugh. . 075 Metropolitan Hulldlnn nnd J.onn nssocln- tlon. tottace , OrandnearHlmobaugh. . . 573 WelijOlscu , twocottases. Tenth between UDorcaaand Mnrtha 3000 A. O. Jones , cottage. Miller nnd lUirton . . KOJ F. A. Manger , Inipiovements , 'Jia ! ) Uur- detto ? . . . 1,000 AnnnMellredo , improvements , Sixteenth and Murcy , 200 E. Alnwow. lranrCTc'liients , Boventoenth near J.-eaTeiiw'orth 400 Ten permits , aggregating. t 8,250 In another column o ( thisisauo will bo found nn onth'oly now nnd novel apoci- irton Of nttraotivoadvortising. It is ono of the'neatest ever placed in our pnpor and wo think our renders will bo well repaid for examining the SUPPOSED display letters in the advertisement of Prickly Ash Blttora Drink Mai to , 25 contsa bottle. Octtlne It Into the Wifo'8 Nnino. Jotoph . Uaruadftll filed a doedycstorday convoying to Minnie L. Jaynos lot 8 in block IS , In E. V. Smith's addition to the cltv of Qsaha. The considorat'-jTi ' named is 1)1,000 , - and the transfer 1 % Subject to a ihortgago of tlt > ,000. The property is at the corner bf Qlkfk street nnd Sherman nvdnuo. Previous to this llllng a deed had been rocortloil coh- veylng the same property from Fremont N. Jayncs nnd his wife , Minnie , to Joseph W. Harnsdall. The cohslderatloh was SI. Those transfers are said to have been made to facili tate preparations for a now block to bo erected on the lot. There are many thinpu to Be ffratof ul for , if wowould but think BO , and among those is the introduction of Van Duzor's Flavoring Extracts Somowluit lols than a third of fa century ago. If thVro is a cook in Alnorida , professional or othor- wiao.who has not tested and IB not ready to avottchtho excellence of these ttoll- known preparations , dho or ho is Woefully - fully behind the ago. No chemical or other impurity contaminates them. They are Simply delicious. Drink Malto for the nerves. HOW They bhowed Their Spite. MftttlD Fuchman and her neighbors , Mr. and Mrs. Lilencrom , have had so mo trouble of late , nnd the last two stole into Mattio's home lately in her absence and destroyed everything they could lay their hands On. Carpets wore cut , cbnirs broken , clothing torn and all the damngo done that could tie. At least so Mattie charges , and she has caused tlio arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Lilencrom. They wore arraigned In Justice Wa'de's court yesterday , out pleading that they wore not ready for trial the magistrate granted them a coutlnuunce until Monday at 2 o'clock p. , m. . . j. , CREAM Itstnperlor excolenca proven In millions of homes for more than a quarter of a ctmtury. It iausia ; > > y tlie United HUtos ( lurerntuvnt. 'Kn- dorseil by the heads of the ereat universities as the trf > uc > t , jiurest uil most b althrul. Dr. 1'rtcrs Ocaiu DaUni ; fowder does not contain ammonia , Itme or alum. Sold nnljr In cans. I'ltICK UAKINQ VOWDEIt CO. . NewTork. Culcftso. Bt. Louts. * * * V * r . At , -r-J > j 1 J -tt1.- , 'f DIAMONDS Watches and Diamonds Found in Tec and Cotfes-A Novel 'Way of In troducing Goods , The names of tvll persons finding din mends , watches , etc. , uro added to Ihii list daily. THe Overland Ten company of Bun Franciocohnvo refilled the store 220 S. 14th St. , near Farnam , Omaha and in order lo introduce their goods this company put for 60 days , souvoniri in every can of tea nnd coltoo sold suol as solid gold , silver and nickel watches also genuine diamonds , in solid pol setting ; also money , and many othoi articles of loss value. Every can con tains n souvenir. The cotToo , can nut contents weigh about throe pounds ; tin tea , can and contents about ono and r half pounds. This expensive and nove way of advertising will bo discontinued after CO days , nnd tbcso really choice goods will bo sold strictly on their merits its but without thb aoUvenir. _ Of coura < every purchas6r iriust not expect to go a diamond or watch. This cotapan'j claitn that they have juat AB good t right to give away watches , dlnmdhdi or other jewelry and money nstheir com potltors have to give away glassware chromes , etc. Got up a club. Thosi who got up a club order most always go a handsome prosorit. Oi'dors by inni promptly forvsuvdod tp all parts of tin United States on receipt of cash or post oflice order. Terms : Siiiglo can $1 ; si : for $5 ; thirteen for 810vand twonty-sov on for $20. Address Overland Tea Co , Omaha , Nebraska. * N. W. Cor. I3th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb , CAUTION Dcslcnlnc persons , taking nilvixntnan of our ronutn- tlon nro ooiiHtiintly ctnrtliiK ItiiKUH Medlonl iC-iiiil > IUhmci t to ( luoolvo HtrnnuciM vlsltliiir tlio city , 'llicso iirotonilvri ) ittunlly illsnppcnr lu n few wooks. lto\varo or them or tliolr runners orniciits. llio Oinnlin MrillcnlnnilBitrdanl IriRtltiuo is tlio only i > HtnIiU hoil Moitloal luslltuto lu Oinnlin , Ur. AloMcnniny , Proprietor.Vliuii you tnnko up your iiilnil to TtRlt tin innko n inoinornndtitn of our exact mltlrcsa , anil thus fiixvo trouble , ilclay or inlHtnkci. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear DR. J. W. McMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. Assisted by n Number of Competent , Skillful and Experienced Physicians nitd surgeons. FnrUculiir Attention pnlil to Deformities : , Diseases of W imcn , Diseases of tlio Urinary nnd Sexual Organs , Frirnlo Diseases , of tiio Ncrioas System , Lini3' anil Own < c , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or 1'lts , 1'iles , Cnnci-r 'I'liinor , L'tc. More money in\cstcd ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures eflcctedjiriore mod ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be lound in nil other infirmaries , institutes or dispensArics in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven tilated rooms for patients , tluce f killed physicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner. , , . We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , btipporterp , iJlcctncnl Batterips , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known , Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub- ccts , wilh list of questions for patients to answer. 'lliousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages nnd facilities for treating dUeascs , performing - forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with otiracknovvl cdued ability , expcricuce , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medica nud Surgical Institute the ilrft choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , nnd patiehls here receive every advantage ll-at art. skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience willalways be taken into consideration. Should ) on conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will tlnd that these statements ot our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn in any particular , but src plain unvarnished facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Ulood Diseases successfully treated. S } phllitic Poison removed fiom the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Persons unable to \ isit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or Instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in dicate contents 01 sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , ami we will send'in plain wrapper , our 3 * BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Neivous Diseases Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , > vllh question list. My llcason for Writing n Hook Upon Private , Special niitl tfcrvoni DUcuibs. that lias wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days. SURGERY. , , , Surgical operations / the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula. Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicorele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Defor- mities of tlv ; Human * Body pei formed in the most scientific manner. We UBat Chronic Diseases of the Luntjs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , SCalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Sciolula , Bright s Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Soics , Dyspepsia or Gastritis. Baldness Eczema , etc. Carclfiliy , skillfully and scientifically bv the late and mobt approved methods. ' WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr. McMenamy lias for years devoted a large portion of his time to the studv and treatment ot this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fully supplied with c\eiy instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this depirtment of Medicine and Surgery. D-E-Er We claim superiority ov er any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands wiiom we have cured , after others hove failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted with Eye and EarJMseases , we simply say call and cons-ult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to us lor treal- nent ntul cum. cum.Our , describing the Eye and Enr and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous illustrations , ore written for the benefit pt Patlcnl | "SP yslcikns who write us in rci janl to cases . ; l.y reading them carefully , phvsician . . and patient will have a clear understanding and ca describe cases to us more intelligently.YRllb FORBOOK ON DISEASES 01- THE EYE AND EAR FREE * * Address all letters to t > o 3R , BE , . J. W. McMENAMY , H. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omalia , THE MISFIT Will sell fine Tailor-Made Clothing at half price. All our Slimmer Clothing to be sold at 50c on the dollar to. Our buy ers are in the market buying their fall and winter stock and the manager has made this sale special for bargain hunters ; $8.35 buys a tailor-made suit wnicli was made to order for $17 $10.95 ft 4-button cutaway frock suit " $22 $1S.S5 " " " " $26 . $14.70 " " " " $30 " " " ' * $18.135 $35 $28.76 u " " $45 PRINCE ALBERTS AT MOST ANY PRICE , $6.35 buys a straight cut sack suit which was made to order for $16.5O $9.1O buys a straight cut sack suit " " $2O.OO $12.45 buys a straight cut sack suit " " $25.OO l.H . $15.50 buys a cutaway sack suit fi " $3O.OO 18.60 buys a cutaway sack suit . " " $38.00 > a' t $23.15 buys a cutaway sack suit " " $45.OO i > Custom-Made Pants from $2,75 to $6,35 , Iv Former Price from $5,50 to SI2 < tin / AT THE MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 Farnam Street , Omaha. 1119 All alteratibhs to improve a fit made free of charge. Mail orders - receive ceive prompt attention. A § PEH8l8T rir Advertising hai ftlwnys proven Bubccsiful. Before placing nny No\f apapor AcSvcrtisIng coasut LOND Ct THOMAS. T8 , CHICAGO. Tobacco ( mil I ) No"p jr until perm * . lic-nt lurcUriTVilol. Wohnre faltu cnonnh In our uniotly . tuiBnko . ilii > qtTrr. : U can be glren wtb | or ilibuut thu lliq knowledge of tli pvriun iaUng It. rESTKto itEUMir Co , Box0 , Omiha , Neto w J. aA.i4DHA.iTii , . . . , SUrgeon add Physician , Office N. W Corner U\h \ and Upuglos St. , Offle UUphpne , 4W ; Itealdenco telepuouo , Ssa.For For sale ant by mall fry