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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1888)
I . THE OMAHA ILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAB. OMAJIA , MONDAY ftlQKNING , JUNE 18. 1SSS , NUMBER 3H5. ( NEBRASKA'S ' OIL ROOM CROWD , The Old Familiar Faces Around the State Headquarters. ONLY ONE GREASER IS MISSING. nnd Trading In n Wild Kf- fort to Klcvnto Nqliraslca's "Ju- dlclnl" Jake Sharp Tlio State's Humiliation. Xlie Oil Iloont TranHfcrrcd to Chlcnu"- CHICAGO , Juno 17. [ Special TelCRrnm to TIIK UPK. ] Tlio hcadcmartcrs of the Ne braska delegation nt the Grand Pacific offers n striking contrast to the delegation head quarters of the same state at the Palmer house four and eight jcurs ago. At these preceding national gatherings the rank and file of the party commingled with the dele gations irrespective of faction or even presi dential preference. To-day the headquarters of thejlclegatlon are llko a sectional view of the Lincoln oil rooms , with Walt Seeley r as the quartermaster and the railroad at- ? torncya looking after the commissary. The rendezvous of the delegation presents the cheerfully familiar appearance of room 14 nt the Capital hotel during the last session of the legislature. Omaha has furnished her full quota to this contingent.N Herb Lcavltt nnd Dave Mercer ere making thcmsclvrs very numerous , while Prank Walter holds himself in rcscivo for the more delicate work of the canvass. The only oil room greaser that is foifnd missing up to this houi is Kiir Trumpet Crawford , whoso elo quence had such a visible effect on the granger element during the last legislative session , Outside of the Omaha contingent , THI : muss COI.IAHID I'IIAI.ANX | Is In full possession of thu quarters selected by Church Howe and Walt Sceloy. Paul Vandervoort , that blood-thirsty veteran whenever never came within a thousand miles of a battle , has come nil the way fiom Washing ton to join the railroaders in knifing Greshnui , with whom ho has nn unsettled account to balance , since Grcslnun dismissed Paul from the postal service for negligence nnd liicfllcicncy. Church Howe , Thuiston nnd Pat Egun arc swapping the delegation to anybody nnd everybody , exchanging prom ises of support of picsidcntial candidates for the votes or committcemcn on behalf of Thuiston's ' candidacy for tcmpotaiy chair man. This seems to bo the solo aim nnd ob ject of the Nebraska delegation at the Chicago cage convention. Every other Intuiestund every other issue has been suuk in the ono Buprume effort to i LBV.VTU NUIIIASKA'S J VKI : siiAtii1. into national prominence. A gieat stiuss is laid upon the jug handle which attaches to the title of Judge to Thurston's 11.11110. The impression is spread mound that ho secured this title on the supreme bench of Ncbiaska , when in fact Tliurston never expounded the law excepting as a justice of the peace among the slums of the 'Ihiul waid of Omaha. The lamented General Stiickland used to boast that in a campaign ho could tin n a corner about ns fast as the next man ; but thegcncial was only a novice in tho- business compared to the oily tougued politi cal Sampson fiom Omaha Two weeks ago ho told u Chicacro Herald ic-poiter that Ins heaitwas broken when Ululno withdiuw , but when the Ciiliforniiins came jcbtciday witli their 151aiiio banncis and a competing candidate for tuinpoiary chilli man , Thuis- IOII'H heart didn't . \cain nny moio for Hlaiuo thsin it did in IbTO , when oho was forniust him , nnd again in IS0 , when nn I > LIILiitn A sriiuuTiuuvNGt i : in tills cltj for Grant while the convention wns in session as ngainst the plumed fa\onto of Nebraska icpublicana. To the novice in politics the gyrations of Chuich Howe nnd Thurslon nmst be rather bewildeiing. When Justice Miller was in Omaha tundajs ago holding ciieuit , couit , Tlim-Hton declared that after Hlaino his Hi st choice wns Judge Miller , and next Miller ho would favor De- pew. The next thing wo heaid of was a visit to Wisconsin , and Thurston's dli > co\ery of Jerry Husk ns his next choice after Hlaine. Tills was u bait to Wisconsin. It was followed by n , vuntldcntml compact be tween Thuiston. Chuich Howe und Claik- son , by which Tliurston nnd the delegation were to give suppoit to Allison In rctuin for Clarkson's vote in the national committee for Thui ston On the heels of this little ar rangement , Patiick Ugun , whoso highest ulm is to ( IT.T TIIUItBTON INTO TUB CIUIll , rocs Into the Algcr camp to ni range for the Mipport of Michigan. Thu delegates who icprcsent the provinces of tin1 Union Pacific west of the Missouri river have been annexed Without much double , and Church Howe , who is behind nobody us n trader , has made swaps light and loft for Thuiston from tick ets to delegates. I feel safe In'asserting that the number or votes promised from Nebraska tovaiious candidates would bo enough to nominate any ono of them on the first ballot. Wlien Itcoines to delivoilng the delegation theio will bo n good deal of lull bwearitnr at thu honest granger state of NubiasUa , which will bo lopiusonted on the floor this time by men who have nuver turned u spade except in a game of pokor. Whether Tliurston will finally nmko It de pends very much upon his ability to bamboozle boozlo the committee and the suppoitcrs of the various boonib for twenty-four hours longer. Nubinsku i oprc.senUuivcs who have some icspecl left and take prhlo in the po sition which the state has occupied on na tional issues , have icason to feel humllatcd ut this unseemly scumble for honors for an unprincipled politician at the expense of the good namu of a. gi cat state. U.K. AN UXCUHTAIN SITUATION. No Ono Can Predict Wlio tlio Nomi nees Will Hco. CHICAGO , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to Tim HuL''J More than two-thlids of the del egates have arrived und the different head quarters , most of which nro located in thu Grand Pacitlo and Palmer house , nro crowded with the adherents of the different candi dates. The situation this evening is little changed fiom that of last night. Thu Gi csh- nm movement is still further * pera'ptubly weakened. The over zealous workers for the judge havu created so many antagonisms by their desire to advance the Interests of thulr candidate piior to thu assembling of the con vention that the inembois of sov.'ral dologu- lions which wcro originally friendly to his Intei call are now out i > ikon In tliiilr opposi tion. The split In the Indiana delegation has increased i.ither than dinimUhcd dining thu da } und a miiulwr qn nttral lliurisou's bupjwitcrs quietly iuslsUhat there 's ' scarcely n possibility tlmt such a contingency will ni iso as will socuw for Judge Grobluim tlui united support of their delegation The Del - l > o\v boom Iq uow confined to Now Yoik. Mr. Dcpow hus been uctUo sinceJils arrival last right in visiting the leader ? of the differ ent , delegations and confuirlng with his friends , but ho has received no encourage ment. The ccnvcntlon ban grown that his nomina tion would tncnn disaster through run i.o u OP TII'I : GIIANOBK STATES. His name , however , will bo presented nnd sixty of Now York's votes will go to him on the first ballot. "I do not believe , " said Sen ator Teller to day , "that wo could iwsslbly carry Colorado with Dcpow. The anti-rail- road feeling is very strong in the state , and whether Just or unjust In Its application to Mr. Dcpow's candidacy. It would prove fickle " 11 his case. You can put down Colorado ns , democratic state with Cleveland running .gainst Dope w. " Senator Jones of Nevada ilso frankly expressed tlio opinion that any manifestation of n dcsiro to advance Mr. Dcpow's interests would bo greatly to the isadvnntugc of the party In the west. Sen ators nnd congressmen from Iowa , Kansas nnd Minnesota also Join in the general vcr- : llct , while several members of the Nebraska delegation admitted that his nomination ivould never bo supported by the people of .heir state. Senator Allison's candidacy Is gaining itrcngth. The Allison headquarters were ipcncd lost night In tlio ladles "ordinary" of .he Grand Pacific. They arc the most elab- irate nnd most beautifully dccoratod of any n the city. The name of Iowa's favorite son glitters In electric letters over the door In a 'ramcworkof Amcilean flaps. The walls of ho largo apartment nro entwined with ban- : icrs and wreathed with flowers. Portraits of the great lowan are framed in smilax aud roses and beautiful natural flowers. A ros- rum at the noi th end of the room is faced by a fine crayon portrait of the senator , twined with a silken flagand about it flutters n hawk , the emblem of the Huwkeyo state. Tlio room is FILLED WITH ENTHUSIASTIC IOWIVS who ore confident in the success of their 'avoritc. Senator James Wilson of lowu to- light said to mo : "The outlook Is very favorable - able and I am convinced that wo shall bo successful. Senator Allison's long and val. uiiblo soi vices to the republic have made .heir impicssion and he Is the least objection nble man , in my opinion , who can bo offered. His state is for him from boi dor to border and ho has the right to expect the suppoi t of its neighbors in whoso interests ho has always been n hard woikcr. " Senator N. W. Aldnchs of Rhode Island , who is working hard in Allison's interest , said ; "Wo look for thu nomination of Alli son. Wo have assurances of suppoit which cad us to believe that ho is the choice of noio delegates than nnv other candidate. His purity of ehar.ic er und his unremitting scivices to the countiy entitle linn to this honor from the icpicsoiitativc-j of the wcsl and bespeak for him nn equal support fiom those of the east. National CoinmittccmnnClarkson said thai ttie outlook for Allison was favorable mil ! that they had lost none of the confidence vhich they felt when their headquarters were first opened. "You can sec , " said he , that Allison Is fast gaining and wo behove that he will ba u winner. " Congressman Joscim Ljman und ex-Govcinor Gear albo expressed substantially the same opinion. There hao becu a largo number of callers on the Ncbiaska delegation to-day. The na tioniil committee meets at 10 o'clock to-moi row morning to nominate the temporai.\ chairman und the members of the delegation expiess the greatest confidence that J. M Thuiston will sceuio thopii/e. CliuichHowe has a list containing thirty-four of the mem beis of the national committee who m : CIAIMSin : soi.m IOH TIMJKSTOV. This is , however , denied bi the friends of Estclo of California , who have been woiking haul to day and to-night and aio claiming mujoiity of the committee. Itisptobablo that Judge IJobntson will bo named for the national committee The Alger boom has held its own during the day If appeaiances and reports are to bo believed. Theio has bcen-n huge amount o work bv the Algor managers among the col urcd delegates fiom the south , aiut rumois that the ban el has been tapped float ot the night air. Hut the very wealth of Gov einor Alger is proving n detriment in some quiutcis wlioio the remembrance of HIalno's famous .la.\ Gould banquet in New Yoik has not passed from their minds. Shei man's suppoi ter m o unabated in their confidence of the ultimate success of their candidate They claim that the ticket to sccuie a united Pacific coast in opposition to Senator Sherman has failed and that thu eastcin delegations which have lately uirivec hnvo in ere than como up to the expectations of thu bhuiman managers as fur ns votes aio conecincil. The attempt to diaw fiom Sen atoi Shciman bomo of his sou them coloicc , friends has cntheiy failed and they c\pi ess the btiongcst confidence in the Ohio states man's staying poweis when the ballot taking shall begin , Theiu nic evidences to-night that movement for the ticket of Harrison , of In diaua , and Phulps of Now Jcisoy , Is gather ing considcrablo stiongth. The advocates of tlio Ilarrison-Phelps ticket uigo that it nomination will settle two doubtful states which , It'secuieil , will make MCTOIll CL'UTAIV I\EV WITHOUT NKW 10KIE Mr. Phclps is known ns the legatee of i large amount of Hlaino strength , aud Hani son 1ms also received assurances of supper fiom thu diicction. Theio have bcei confidences to day between Mr. Phclps' man agcis and Colonel Dudley of Indiana , niu also with a number of membeisof tlio Pa citlu const delegations , which have put botl thu Phelps and thu Harrison men in the bes of humor , and caused them to sing moic loudly than over in confidence of the succes of Imlhinn and Now Jersey. The combina lion is n taking one , and it would bo not u all Hinpilsiug should It succeed in ease Shci man's strength fulls away , ns his opponent predict , after the second ballot. Hi lolly summed up , then , the situation a the opt nine of thu convention week is this ThoUrubham movement has piactically ox huiiutcd 'itself. Shc'iman leads all candl dates by a head and neck , aud the Alger mei aiu vociferous , but they have at the jircson wilting moio lungs than votes , Allison is n stiong favorite as second choice w'lth a lurgi number of delegations. Depew is out of th question. General Hat nsou is undoubtedly gaining. Ho ! ) In orsoU Join * tlic Crowd. CHICAGO , Juno 17.- Colonel Robert G In geisoll aimed in Chicago to day and ut on > . entered into the ciwvu&s for Grcbham II wiis > nboutthu Giand Pac ifie hotel dui ing th nf lei noon asm in arm with Cnuui.cei M Dipew und attracted gieat attention Colonel Ingouoll was asked his Idea of tin situation. He said. "I never saw so many candldutea , nor to many delegates , withou n candidate , Nobody s > cems to know wlm the ehflnccs of anybody arc I iiovccs.iv delegates In uUi an unteitaln frau * o mind , Thcro 4s one general fueling , how ever , that buccoss is moie Important that candidates Thu issue involved is of sue ! vast lmi > ortauco that persons ai lost sigh of. I believe the convention will net will pi eat deliberation and in accordance will Stb best Judgment. It will not > b carried away with noisa or er.t'iasiusm , H do the best for the louutryuud the arty. All Rccm to ho impressed with the inportance of success. " "What combination will bo made I" was asked , "No one can tell. If the weaker candidates , low-ever , should combine ngainst the leader , hen look out for a daik horso. If the contest asts several day s , n dark hoi'so will surely nish his nose under the wire. " "Who is your personal choice ! " " 1 think Judge Grcsham is tlio best nnd most available man. I want to see the repub- "lean party again in power. I want protoc- .ion for Amci lean labor , nnd I want < o sco i\ nun of bruins at the head of the republic , jresham has a good , clean , glorious iccord. " "Will LHalno's name bo brought into the convention I" "I have been told by some of the wannest friends of Hlama that ho is absolutely out of .ho convention , Hlaino could have had the nomination if ho had wanted it , nnd I think lia could have been elected. But Ulainc , 1 : hinU , did not care to take upon himself the liurden of another campaign. When Colonel Ingcrsoll was informed that New York had ngiccd to support Depew , ho said , In answer to n reporter's question : "Personally I do not know much about the granger states , or whether they will support Uepew or not. Of course there would be the cry of the nominee being u railroad president , but I think the people nro intelligent enough to know that he Is en gaged in a lawful business and it is haidly fair to say that u man in that position is not cilglblo to political prcfeimcnt. Depow can carry Now Yorlc beyond a doubt , and so can Grcsham for that matter. " Io\\n Depopulated. Dns MOINPS , la. , Juno 17. [ Special to TUB BEE.J It has been n good many j ears since so many able bodied citizens of Iowa were out of the state or were-preparing to leave as now. ' At other national republican conven tions. Iowa people have visited Chicago in great numbers , but'this year , with an Iowa candidate for the president , and ono so popu lar ns Senator Allison , the state is Just mov ing over en masse , ami for the next few days Its capital city will bo Chicago. A canvass of the crowd now there , or to bo there by to morrow , would show nearly every state oftlccr from the governor down , n largo portion tion of the members of the last general as sembly , nnd enough plain every day citizens to found n small state. Consequently for the fcwwhoicmain at homo , business is quiet evcrithing waiting to hear from Chicago. The membeisof thu Allison brigade from this vicinity who have not uliciuty gone , started over the Noithwestcrn this after noon. Thp bi ipide was accompanied by the icgimcntui band fiom Cldorn , ono of the fin est bands In the state , and by the Dubuqtie drum corps und by thoDceoruh dium corp. The latter is one of the pnzo drum corps of the countiy , having won honors uc inter state contests. A glco club fiom this city accompanied the brigade to slug Allison songs and help add to the enthusiasm. CHIC \oo , June 17. [ bpccinl Telegram to THE Hi i : . ] Io\\a will send y,000adhoianta of Allison to moi row to Chicago. Gieat prepa rations nio being made to receive them and they will bo cscoi ted in pai ado through the sti cots from the depot. A call is posted in the Iowa headquaiteis tonight calling on lowuns to meet at 1 M to monow to cscoit the visiting Iowa clubs Senator Wilson nnd Congicssmen Henderson , Conger , Gear. Lyman , Stiublc , Fuller , Ifcir aud Holmes aiehcro fiom Washington , helping on the Allison boom. New York Solid For Depew. Cincvoo , June 17. The unccitamty which has stirioundcd Nuw Yoik as thu leading factor of the coming convention , has been dispelled. To night it was announced that the delegates fiom the cmpiiu state had de clined for Cliauncoy M IJepew unanimously , and that under such conditions Depcw would accept the honor of huv ing his name prcsentc 1 to the conven tion. An informal ciucus hud been held , it was said , and a i osult had been reached without any faction Subsequent investiga tions vei ilied this , and nn efloi t was made by tlio Associated Pioss to ec the iceipient of New York honois. He had ulieady ictiicd , however , and his ptivutu sceiotaiy stated that ho could not bo seen. To a question of the rcpoi tci tlio amanuensis said that if thoiepoitof New Yoik's action was con cct , Depew was now rc'illv bcfoic the convention Ex Collector W H. Hobettson stated that the icsult as in dicated had been i cached , nnd that Do pew's name would be placed bofoio thu convention ns the choice of Nuw Yorlc , ' And wo are not going to confine ouiselves to Now Yoik alom > , " ho continued. "Wo at o going sti aight to \ letory. Thui o has not Jjceii ns inueh as a scratch on the bin face. Kver.\ thing is unanimous Now Yon ; stands to night as one man und Dcpow is 'tho choice. " Chauncey "Won't Clianco It. CHICAGO , Juno 17 Sineo Mr. Dcpew's ar rival ho has been busy sounding representu live men from the west on the advisabilitj of his candidacy Ho has sent for many leading men from the notthwcstcin states and the icsult of his inquiiies has not bcei icnssuring Ho had a confei'enco to-day with Mai vln Hughitt , ot the Northwestern railway , who has been collect inir bomo ovi denro concerning tlio gi angers piojudice' against a railroad pi esidcnt in the states of tlio noitliwcst. The statement is made to night OH good authority that Dcpow will tomorrow moining announce his withdrawal fiom the contest , having become satisfied that the convention is in no mood to nominate him. In tlio event of Dcpow's with- dtawal it Is the progiammo to unite thu Nuiv Yoik delegation and make her voice a power in the convention , but it is not likely this can bo done , us many delogiites nro independent and decline they will exercise their individual profoicures On the supposed leaning of Now York towuid Algcr and Hurnson. the f i lends of tncbo candidates were iy. higher spirits to day , wliilo the Gieslmtrj and Alli son movements were piactically at n stand still CHICAGO , Juno 17. Hall.nd Smith telegraphs - graphs to the Nuw York World to nicht a long intei view with Chauncey M Depuw , In which the latter said aironir other things ; ' If it hliould hupp-'ii that I should be nomi nated as the candidate uf thb m- public-an party for president , within ono wcuk fiom thu day of my icturn to New York I should wnto n letter to every In stitution of which I am piesldent , dliector or trustee , resigning my position in each. This would bo duo to tlio obligation I ewe to the pconle , for tbo ofllco of president of the United States w onu which eni havu no div ided allegiance , 1 an. president ot the Now Yoik Contiu ! and of tlio West Shore roads , a dheetoi in many other railioads , and ti ustco of many public institutions 1 may add that I am tiusteo for moio private fortunes than any fifty lawyeiH In Iho world In twenty-live yc-atb I have been building up the position that has thus come to me. I havu had no time to accumulate a private fortune ) , that pnihaps I might huvo acquired had I given moio attention to my own private nffaiis The income , however , which I do nvu fiom these yuiious oftlccs and tiusts , is cMiuul to tlio income fiom nn investment of -,1100,000. With my nomination for the picsidcncy , thu incnmo wouh absolutely coasu within two weeks from thu date at which thu republican conventioi shoull name mo as its Do not mis take mo. Thn would not bo u sacrifice to bo considered in return for tlio trust of .10,000.000 of fi ee people , in making mo their president The olllcoof prcsidcn of this great people , is the proudest honor ii the world , and ono which no consideration o personal sacrifice could outweigh , " SiHi.ifoi' Oiiflom'l Foretell. 73 CHICAGO , June 17 Among thu u > rivals to night was Senator Shelby M Cullom. To an Associated pi caa reporter , in answer to the question concoinlng the probable action of the Now York delegation , ho said : "J have just ai rived from Washington , and i the infoimuilon received thcie ib of any foivo the New Ycikcr will present Depow Ho will havoa.majouty of the Now York delegates unil mayNow Jersey and Cou nccticut Whether the Now York delegation will make a 'die in tho. last ditch fight' I am unublc to say. The united support of three states might not nominate bun , but it would ; ivo him a great momentum. " "Who do voti think will bo the nominee1 ! "That's exceedingly difficult to answer. Counting Ulalnu as u candidate I am positive ho convention will not co outside of those vho will bo placed In nomination. " "How about Hlainol" "I understand ho is not a candidate. 1 consider him the lender of the republican > aity and as such ho has thousands of 'riends , many of whonl are litre now. How ever , I don't anticipate that in tlio face of his llsavowels his friends will think of placing ils name before the convention , " "Aro you a candidate ) " "I am still standing by the letter I wrote some months ago In which I declined to bo so considered. " _ Dakota Will Care for Its Frlrnda. CHICAGO , June 17. A new element In the presidential contest was inndo apparent to night when the Dakota men and Washington territory contingent , representing twelve votes , openly declared that they will take care of their friend ! ! . Sherman's friends were exultant. Dakota's cause had been nbly championed In the national committee by Colonel Hookcrof Vermont , n piouounccd Sherman man. Allison's friends also put in a claim on Dakota's good will in return for the services of J. S. Clarkson , who had also s'oott by Dakota in the national committee. The change to Dakota men night by John C. Mew of Indiana and Lawson of Now York was interprete < l as thicatcnlng to mean that Harrison , pcrhnps.hnd a mortgage on fresh support from Dakota , and that the ambition of Warner Miller of Now York to bo chairman of the convention would re ceive help from the same source. J. M. Bailey of Dakota , who was spokesman for the territory before the national committee , said to an Associated press reporter this evening that the delegation had not settled upon a candidate. Silent For Citizens Ulnluc. Nr.vv YOIIK , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bni.l A conference of icmiblican deaf mutes was held last evening to learn the opinion of the mutes in the principal cities as to who should bo nominated for president and vice prc ° Idcnt at the Chicago convention. The do Ogates dcclaicd for Blalnc and Porakcr. Ulainc , they said , should bo suppoi tettby every deaf mute voter because ho advocated the establishment of the national deaf mute college at Washing ton , D. C. , and the school for deaf mutes in Bangor , Me. The delegates would not ex press nn opinion as to Who should bo nom inated if Hlaino aefuseci to accept. Some spoke airninst Pi csident Cleveland and Scc- letary Bay aid for their alleged non-attention to the wants of the silent citizens. They said Pi csident Cleveland had not placed a capa ble deaf mute in publloonlce during his nd- mmlstiation. The civil sci vice laws wcro n humbug so far as the deaf mutes wcro con- csi ncd. Pacific Ccust Combine * . Cnicvoo , June 17. A mooting of tlio dele gates from the states and territories west of the Missouri river was held nt the California hcadquaitors this afternoon. Creed Hay- inond , chairman of thcjCalifoinin delegation , stated the object of the meeting to bo the oiganUationof the coi st nud western states that thry might act fov the interest of the Pacific coast m the convention. The Dakota delegates said in view .of the fact that the question of allowing their delegation their full vote had not been settled they did not caie to cxpicss any preference for pieshlen- tial candidates. The Montana delegates cx- pie scd the same idea , but said their sv mpu thies weio with thu Pacific coast and would do all they could to further thn interests of that section. A committee appointed to form ulate a plan of oiganization lor the Pacific coast association. For Jilnine at Heart. CHICAGO , June 17. Six delegates fioui Dclaw aru an ivcd to day. At heal t they tire for Blame , but don't want to sec linn nomi- natcd until all other cffoi ts to name candi dates have failed. They nro hopeful that the leading names will be withdrawn and Hlaine given the nomination in such a way that ho cannot i efuse to accept. Until that tune the votesof Uelawaio aie an uiiceitun quantity 'Iho dele-gates fiom Pennsylvania who mo supposed to bo Blaine men say it w ill bo im possible to stampede the delegates for Blainu and that Peiiiisylv.inul will btnnd by Sher man for as many ballots as give hope for his nomination. Tlio Pacific coast opposition to Sherman is a gieat stumbling block in Sen ator Quay's tiack , and tlueats madu that if Sherman is nominated the Pacific coast will bo doubtful if not lost , hus somewhat injuicd the Sherman movement. "Worships tlic Maine Man. , June 17 ThomabC. Biogan , the Tennessee delegate who vvus selected by the national committee for assistant secretary of the convention , expressed his opinion as fol lows : "The majoiity of the Tennessee dulu gates , now that Hlaino is out of thu incu , aio in favor of giving to some other good man a show. Thu only trouble seems to bo that none of these men would bo strong enough It is useless to attempt to conceal facts all eyes are on Hlaine , and I guess ho will bo nominated. If thu nomination is unanimous I think ho will accept , and in ten days' time nil his declinations will huvo been foi got ten. " Sioux City'H Corn Train. Sioux CITV , Iii , Juno 17 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hr.u.l Uetwccii 12,000 mid 15,000 people gatlici cd at tlio Illinois Central station this evening at 7 o'clock to witness thodepaituroof the Sioux City special tuiin foi tlio Chicago convention The train con blsts of five sleepers , two eoalies and ono bagpipe.cai , and evciy und berth is oc cupied. Thotiain is elnboiatcly decorated with bunting , pictuies of the Sioux City corn palace ami a Vjiuety of ornaments done in corn Democrats us well as republicans con tributed to thu entoiptiso and are among thu passcngns. A band of twenty lour pieces Is on tlio train. Pennsylvania For Sherman. CIIICAO ) , Juno 17. Senator Sherman's name will be presented nt thu convention by Adjutant General Hastings of Pennsylvania. Some doubt of this has been suggested dur ing the past two dnys upon the assumption that Scimtoi Quitf hud agreed to the impor tunities of the Philadelphia delegates who wanted to stand well with Mayor Filler lo allow the ht.ito to givu Fitter u compliinen- taiyvoto. One of the delegates aH.ugo of Pennsy Ivania said to night : ' Sherman will get moi o than half the ( itato vote on the first ballot und eventually piobably fifty live of tno sixty votes of thoiatuto. " It Was a Hlaino Train. Giurros' , W V.i , Juno 17 A vote was taken on a special train from Haltimoioto Chicago , with the Maiyland and Dehiwaio delegation and the Young Mon'b republican club of Baltimore , for choicuof pi evidential candidates It resulted , Uluitie 10' Gicehuui la , scatteiinglij. They Fought an Old Feud , Cos'bTAXTiNopi.c , Juno 17. During the Bnirani least heic to day , the Albanians ar.c Nubians of the iinpoiml guaid fought out an ancient feud. Eighteen nepro and three Albanians wurd killed and u doion on botl Bides wounded. A HoDuful Vioiv. ST. PcrfcKBuuuu , Juno 17. The Journal Do St. Petersburg , in un article on tbo prob able foreign policy of tUc wv German cm. poror , saho will be guided no doubt by the bamo good bciibu thut characterized thet.vo HE MADE HIS POWER KNOWN , Tbo First Act of William II Oaualuff Great Alarm. ARBITRARY MILITARY ORDERS. Colors Hoisted on Ills Cnsdc Hc- fore Ilia Father Wan Cold In Dctith "llic Long Iilvo the Kin ; ; . Tlio People Whisper Tholr Fcara. ICom/rltilit IffSbiiJiltncx GonlimlenneM.1 Br.itt.iN , Juno 17. fNcw York Herald Cable Special lo Tun BEE. ] If straws show which way the wind blows , then two things Unit Kotscr William II. did on the very Instant of his father's death causes gen- crnl comment nnd arouses the ginvcst ap prehension for the future. Knlscr Frederick wns dead at t\\elvo minutes past 1 Friday morning. The then Crown Prince William , together with the other members of the Im perial family , was nt the emperor's death bed. At the very moment of death the crown prlnco walked out of the chamber und gave orders to his aide-de-camp , Major Baron von Notz- incr , to have the palace surrounded by fresh cordons of troops and sent another oftlccr to order the regiment of hussars of the guard to patrol the grounds and to let no one in nor to let no ono go out. The hussars arrived at a smart trot nnd illd their duty ad mirably. Even Sir Morcll Mucken/Io was for half nn hpur held a prisoner. Even the passes given by Prince Uadolin , hof-maisclmll , ana by Count Zeckcndorff , the emperor's chambcrlin , were annulled. Within two minutes after ICniscr Fiedcrlck's death a friend of.mlnc , provided with ono of the hof-marschalf's p.isscs , who was In th o palace nt the time of the emperor's death , was unable to got out , and was kept a prisoner in the guaid house from 11:30 : to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. All Potsdam patrolled by troops , exactly as If in war time in the presence of an enemy. This n'gid and uncalled for milit.irj mcnsuio was the very llrst act of thp new cmpeior. The second act was to order the Impci ial puiplo standaid to be hoisted on his own palace , the Marmor palace at Potsdam. The young cmpcior's imperial standard hoisted within ilyo minutes after his fathci's death , so not much time was lost in assei tIng - Ing his imperial authority. These are the two Hi st acts of the young cmpeior. No one dares say much about it in IScilin , but they cause general uneasi ness and arc rcgaidcd as emblematic of what is to come bye nnd bye. In fact , an Influential member of the icich- stag , not a socialist but a stalwart national ist , said to me : "I see from these two acts thatthcio is danger ahead for GUI many. O'ur gieat Kaiser William and our good Kaiser Frederick both died peacefully in bed , but our joung and energetic Kaiser William II. will , as you Ameiicans say , 'die with his boots on. ' I don't think theio is much danger of war , but rather of his provoking with his in bitrary military measuies a statoof feel ing throughout Germany that will arouse socialistic attempts and lead to intei nal sti ife and discoid. I think the immediate effect of Kaiser William's icign will bo to incie.ise German muuigiatiou to Ameiica about bO per cent. " The above language expresses to-day the feeling of the gieat masses of the Germ in coplc. The new cmpeior mny not prove to ba such a hotspur after all , but such is the opinion .jlicady foimea of him. Ho is im- potous and dashing , but will the great masses of the Goimiin paople submit to pure military rule and will the other German kings and grand dukes , the king of Saxony , tin1 regent of Uavan , the king of Win tern- burg , the grand duke of Meck lenburg , the grand duke of Saxe Coburg , submit to the absolute sceptio of the joung cmpeior , who by a gesture of his hand hus thu sole power of declaring war , with the same implicit obedience with which they obeyed thu venerable kaiser William II. Such mo the questions that cseiy thinking , man in Gcinuiny is now asking himself , for with the death of kaiser Fiedciick was extinguished all immediate hope of iifieo billet und frco representation. THE UiAIl3Ml' 1'nfis Jtuloii ; the Itlcr of Departed Frederick. iSSSIii/Jumfs Gitiilun Jlcnnclt. ] HKUU.S , Juno 17. [ New Voik Hciald Cable Special to TUB Bu.l Hy courtesy of Prince liodolln , I was enabled to linger bcvc-rul hours today near the cmpeior's remains. The dead kaiser's face is turned slightly to the right , exposing his line profile , with the hair brushed back ft om the fore head. Ho preserves a really angelic ev pression of lips und the chucks take on the semblances of smiles. The mouth makes the spectator think that the spirit is whispcting , "Thank God , I am at Itibt freed from physical suffering. " Ncaily ono hundred thousand persons , including vctuian boldieis , weeping mothers with infants in their arms , little childicn with sober and awed fliers defiled past the i cumins of their sainted emperor. I did not see ono leave the presence of death without showing tears. The day was an ideal Juno day. Alter the deluge of rain had oomo u pleasant summer calm. The gaidons weio moiu pictmcbquo than o\er with their re vived leaves and flowers. These weio set off witli uhlans in black bivuuacmg in the paik , relieved hero and there with squadrons of ted hussats. The seemingly itcvcr-onding narrow sticam of huimmity , like u huge black BCipent , was all the while moving slowly through thu giounds to take a lust g.uo , Among the Americans in thu throng I notkcd Gcnoinl Tom , United States army , Picsideut Hcwitte , of Cornell univer bity , and Henry Villaid. HUII.I.V , Juno 17. [ Press J The emperor und cmprcbs , accompanied by the Dowager Empicss Augustu , thu grand duke mid grand duchess of linden nnd other royalties , visilcd Jaspei gallery this moiniug. While they weio assembled around the bier of the dead monarch , Chaplain Kocgulcf offered a brief prayer. The post moi tern examination was confined * to an examination of the neck , laiynx and lungs. In the larynx , which was found to have been destiuyc-d by buppura- tion , was a laige cavity. Or Mackenzie states in the rcpoit that thu discasowas be yond doubt cunucr of tlw laiynx Uo adds that u diagnosis was icmdcied vcty dilHcuit , us thu dibeusu attacked the cartilage of the larynx at the ouUet and aftci wards developed tliii Hi in the lower part of the carlilitge , The National /.eitung say b the autopsy piovou thu latynx was completely - ly destroyed by cancel aud that jmtiid bion- rhitiB existed Thuiu was nlno inffammution of thu tiner ramiticatioiib of thu bronchial tubes , into which put ascent particles hud ontciod The whole larynx was in u stjtto of suppuration und presented u soft , lumpy mabsvvith bc'aiuily any tracuof cattilagtu- ous btiucture leuiainuig Thu ihoUmg sen sation from whiih the emperor Buffeted during the labt days , wluch was attiibutecl to peilUraUou of the wall ht'iarutiD. , ' trachea and rcsoplmgus , appears to hnvo been really due to a collnpsoof tholnrjnx owing to the destruction of the cartilage. The direct cause of death is given as par- aljsta of the limps. An Imperial decrco summons the rclchstng to meet on the 25th. All the churches wcro crowded today. Ser vices in the cathedral wns attended by Dr. Von \ Gosslcr , minister of ecclesiastical affairs , and many other high officials. The pen ices opened with the singing of the llft.vfourth psalm 1 and the litany was road by Chnplain Schrocder 1i , w ho also preached n sermon. To morrow the church bells will toll from ( la m. until the funeral procession enters the Pried- \ crlekskircho and again after the firing of the artillery salute. General Von Blumcnthul will be impct itl standatd bearer and will bo supported hi Generals Mischkey and Winter- field. The coflln will bo removed from tno catafalque by twelve ofllcers of the body guard nnd berne to the funeral car , piocccd- cd by the court cambcrluln , Germany's Itclntloitn With France. | Com/rt0M tfSS by Jamtn ( ] nlnn Ifcnntff.l PAIIIS , Juno 17. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to Tin : BKI : . ] Count Munstcr kindly received mo at the embassy to-night. His excellency seemed deeply affected by the death of his sovereign. "It is a terrible loss for us , " said ho , "and 1 cannot say how deeply I regret it personally. 1 had known the knlscr long nnd Intimately. None better than I could appreciate his virtue. His was a fine , noble character , nnd It was an ex ceptional character. You know jou need more heroism for such things than to face the dangers of the battlefield. I saw him last nt Hcmo in April. Ho looked terribly 111 oven then and I hardly thought ho could have lived two days. " "It is a delicate question to put , your ex cellency , but do j ou fear that the friendly relations between Franco and Germany are likely to bo affected by the euipoior's death i" said I. "I do not think It is at nil likely,11 replied Count Munstcr. "Wo certainly do not wish to sco them alstuibed and I feel convinced the Fiench do not. Wo have been gicatly touched by the many evidences of French sympathy which have reached mo. The feeling tow aids the emperor personally seems to mo to have been kindly and sin cere. " "My position forbids mo to say much , " added his excellency in answer to another question , "but the now cmpeior iswisoand prudent " "I suppose theio is no truth In the icpoit you aio likely to leave Paris , " said 1. "None at nil so far as 1 am awaie , " replied the ambassador. "It's ono of those wild stoiics which will crop into the pi ess. " OUThAWKY IN KANSAS. A Negro Tarred nnd Featlicicel A Mob Looked For , JrTinnn , Kan , Juno 17. Tuesday night a negio wns taken fiom his home in thu south east part of this , Hodgemau , county u mile or more into the countiy by .some ten or a do/en white men who proceeded to ticat him to a full and unstinted coat of tar and feuth- cis. John and Mike Gleason weio nnestcd nnd hi ought to this city last night upon the charge of huv ing pai ticipatcd in the mob It is claimed that the negio was a notorious thief and ncighboihood pilfcicr. The most intense excitement still prevails In this city nml the cntuo east half of the county over the killing by John Studebakcr of Thomas Andrews. Eveiy night for moio than u week a mob of over 100 men fiom the ncighboihood of the killing has been ex pected in Jetmoic , determined on lynching btudebakci. Sheiiff Gillaml is dcteimiiRtl to jiioteft him at all hn/uids , and last night some 200 citi/pns gnthcied ut the couit house in this cit.v and expressed themselves as fully dotei mined to stand by the sheiill in pio- tcctiiiK thi ) piisoncr fiom mob violence It looks now as though mores blood would be shed befoio the trouble ends. Those who ki.ow most abofit the facts in the casoaio dhidcd in opinion as to the de- gieo of Studobakei's guilt , us it it. believed bi sonic that ho is insane , while justification is claimed by others. bomo foi ty of the best citizens , ai mod w ith Winchester i illes and bhotguus , guaidcd over the j.ul all last night. Thusamunumbci will bo on gu.ud to-night. Captain Tumbrldni"H Tweaked Nos < - Nuw YOIIK , June 17. [ Special Tclegi.un to Tin : Bi r. . ] Almost the hole topie of con- vcisation on the sticet ycsteiday was the nose tweaking episode in which Kd Stokes and Captain Tumbiidgo weiu the pihuiipals , A complaint has been drawn against Kd Stokes for assault nnd battery. Ho will bo trieit in the Kings county supreme court Monday. Captain Tumbinlgo will sue for $10,000. Immediately after thu Cup turn Tumbridgo sent for his family physician to disco\cr to what extent ho hail been in jured. To a rcpoi tor thu doctor said : "His face picsuntcd n pitiful aspect. On the right side of the head is a swelling nearly as hit go as a huso ball. His light cheek is ten ibly cut und bo is the luff. The left uio ib swollen as if blokes had tried to gouge it out. His nose is also swollen and contused. " At the Hoffman cafe the men in chaigo laughed at the complaint us a huge joke. Stokes is not at all conccined about it but said : "Let them go on with it.I wont run away. " ' An Allc-Ki'd Missouri Mmdorer. LLA visOUTII , Kan , Juno 17. SliciifT Hack , of Plutto county , Mlssouii , hus suc ceeded in uuosting John A. Gamble , thu man who is chiuged with killing Jeff Cluck near Union Mills. Mo , , August it , I ih7 Suite that time ( iiunble has been almost contin ually on thu move , living in ana place nevei over a few months , nnd then moving in u di- icction opposite to that in which hu Htai ted out Gamble is now in jail at Platte City , awaiting Ills piuliinlmir.v trial. Wifiinvoios , Juno 17. Tlioiowill not boa quorum in thu senate this week ( unless ono De made by breaking pans ) and no action can bo taken except by unanimous consent. Unobjectcd measures nn the calender aio likely to command a considerable pottion of the time of the senate. It la KunduH'H inten tion to call up the Hiindiy ciul appropriation bill in the house tomniiow This and the naval appiopiiation bill , and possibly the fortilhation upiuopriution bill , HID likely to fill in mobt of tliu woiking houiaof thu house. during the week. Memorial Scrviucs In I < oiidon. IvOM > ox , Juno 17. The court circular , in nnouncmg the death of Kinperoi Ficdcrick , sa.vs. "It is u fcoiiic'O of deep giiof to the queen nnd.llio 10311 ! family , who lose in him u noble and bciovcd i elation foi whom the queen had the gicattst alfottion and respect. " Special memorial bin-vices for the dead cm- pcior with funeial antliems and processions weio held in churches lluoughout Great Hi Ituln to day _ Tintn Holilicd In Montana , Hi i.r.NA , Mont. , Juno 17- Last night the west bound tram on the Northern Pacific , when near Hillings , Mont. , was stopped by eight masked highwaymen Uhu engineer was compelled to m t .is the guide of thu rob- beis , who biokiVIn thu uxpiuss car und seemed a package containing 1100. Thu pa&sengctb ueie tobbud , but only abjut was sccuicd. WrullnT IndicationH. For NrbrasLa and Dakota * Froch to brjsk houthwust wlndb , warmer , local ruiim , For Iowa : l.ijht to fresh boutherly winds , warmer , fair weather. Niw : Yoiih , Juno 17 | S | > ecial Telegram to Tin : Ut i : JAricd ( The I a lioui-jjogne , fiom Havic ; the Dcniuaikjrom LoadOu. DEACON COLE IN TROUBLE , Prominent Nebraska City Lawyer Arrested for Embezzlement , TAKEN WHILE LEAVING CHURCH. Ho Makes n Temporary Settlement , JUut Humor Has It That the Worst IH Yet lo Conic Stnto News. A Dencon of the Churcli Arrested. NIIIIUSKA CITT , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to TUG Hi.n ] M. S. Campbell , clerk of the district court , this morning swore out n warrant for the aiic t of Law yer A. S. Cole , charging him with embezzle ment in the sum of JliOO. Cole was arrested while ictuining from church nnd settled the matter for the Present. About n jcar ago Mr. Cole was attorney in the cnso of the Sbrcfllo heirs vs Clcve.ln which the latter was required to pay the heirs some ? COO , which amount wns given to Cole to settle the matter , but Instead of turning It Into court gave the district cleik his note for the amount with n prom- isu to settle with the plaintiffs , us ho was also their agent. The matter drifted along on promises until sovcial dajs ago , when Mr. Cole disposed of all his NcbrasTca Citj property nnd was making arrangements to leave this ovonlng for AVuslnngtou terri tory to locate. The district cleik getting wind of his intcnded.dcpiirture sent him word by an ofllccr to come nnd settle , which ho promised to do , but instead went to the attor ney of the parties Interested aud claimed to huvo settled long ago , but when iibkcd for receipts could not show them. When ho saw arrest was inevitable ho turned over notes to the amount of STKX ) nnd ptomiscd to settle tno remainder in the morning. Mr. Cole's tioublu is a sad blow to his es timable wife and many friends. Ho is a dea con in the Presbj tcnnn church , a leader in. temperance woik JHM ! hiwjcr well known throughout the state for his stiong unti-Vnii Wyck sentiments , aud as having attained considcrablo unenviable notoriety by his al leged assistance in the escape of the United States signal sei vice defaulter , Captuiu How- , gate. His many enemies are jubilant over his fall ami claim Unit thu worst bus not jet been hcaid and that other charges will ap pear against him for embezzlement , but his li lends say the charges cannot bo sustained. AViitt'Mtorks For Central City. CKXTKU , Cm , Neb , June 17. [ Special to. TinrUci : . ] Distiietcomt has been in session hero during thu past week The impoi tnnt case of the tci mis that of thu state of No- biaska vs. N. IJarnca , for cniber/lcmunt. The complaining witness is L. C. Hart , who let ncs liie money to loan at any rate ho could get. liarncs neglected to make settle ment with Hart and the case against him as well as a suit to iccover followed. The trial has occupied the attention of the court foi ? the past two dujs. j\t noon yqstoiduy Judge Mm shall adjoin ned com t to Monday noon , when thu ease will bo taken up nguin , and may occupy as much moie time as it already hus. hus.Central Central cit.\ desires to call the attention of capitalists to the fa t that theie is nn excel lent opening for a wholesale giocery here , and thu man who will establish one w ill have it large territory to draw from Woha\enlj leady u whole-halo hardware , a cracker fuct- oiy and u good mill doing a luigo business , and thcM seems to bo no icusoii whj a who c- sale gioceii should not do as well as any of them On July 17 the people will vote on bonds for w.Hew01 kb and a new biidgo over the Platte. Should both propositions cairv times will hiighlon up wonilni fully. The new bridge would gho us coinmiind of u tcr- ntniy of nuinoi oils and piospeioiw faimera in Hiimlm count ) , and waterworks would give us adequate tire piotection and bu u lasting KOtucc of comfort and convenience. The Union Pacific ntnek business hus become ho great that the company now has two com plete j aids. Su\eial extensive feeders mnilo the second one necessary The pi oplu bora aio anxious lei the passage of thu Paddoilc iostofhco bill Cential Cit\ wants a goxoui- mcnt building , nnd the bill lefcncd tovoulu gho it one. Now Opera House at Valparaiso. Y iruui o , Neb. , June 17. [ Special to Tun Hi r ] Theio is a movement on foot to hold u icunlon at this place thu latter pail of Jul.of . the Davis County , la , fuiiner resi dents now living in Ncbiaska. They will foim such a party as Imsiiovor been scon in Valparaiso. Woik Imslnc-n commenced on F A. Scoxillo's new opera hoiibc. T. If. Tj sail , pastor of the Baptist church for the past tliieo , has been culled foi another year. C. S. Ltebbins , of Omaha , has been with us for the past two weeks wilting up lifu insuinncu policies and astonishing the natives with his slight of hand pel fornmnccs. Quite a number have tnkuu aiUantago of the low i utos and gone on visits to the east dur ing the tcpublicun convention. Klovatorx Wanted. OoAi.t.tM , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special to Tin : Urn. ] The . Ogalhila board of trade , at u hugely attended nnd spirited , meeting held at the court house on the 15th , madu all urra ngcmenls to ftcnd n car load of Kuith county's iigricultuial pioductH to the exposition at Chicago They also delegated J. M. Houghton and William Nostrum no a committee to go at euro to Iowa and Illi- IIOJH m the inteiest of immlgtation Oui im mense ci op pi ospcuts being thu piinclpal In- cunt i\o for the lute'inovcH In thlb dliectinn. Ogidlula is also disiiouA of piocuilng buv- eiul gialn elevatoiH at oiuu , nnd no butter opening c.ui bo found in N'cbnislta. 'J'lin Onialiu 'rill-Hern' JMcnlo. NimiAi-Kt Cn > , Neb , June 17. [ Special Tolcgrum to Tun HIM : 1 Tlio Omaha Turn ers' picnic hi'ld in GieggsK it , | > giovo to-day , was a most delightful ufTiilr , nothing occur- ing to mar the plcasuro. Theiowcro t > omo fivohundicit oxcurfiionlsts. Tliov wore met in Omaha by a cnniimUto of Nebraska C'ity tiiineis , iiniving lifio tit H o cloi-k Mora than eight thousand people visited the grounds dining the da.Anton /.nnmeier , of Ncbtt.tska Citi , niado unaddicsH of wel come , which waa responded lo by Louis Heiiniod , of Omaha The uthlutlo exhibition and music woio excellent. An interesting t'amo of hall was plajccf betwcx n the Omaha , Turner nine aim thu Cleveland Grays , of Ne- bi.islm Citj , which resulted in u bcoro of 13 to & in faor of thu tut nci . Colniiitnib' Hiilldlnt ; Ilooni. COM MIII u , Neb , , Juno 17 [ Special to TUB Hii.l : : Gcorgo A. Scott , with ids cbtunablu wife and little son , arilvcd homo batuiilay fiom an extended tour of so\cn months in J'uiope , visiting his aged p.uvnts nt his homo In Dcmimik. Mr. Scott has been u icsiiluit of this country for more ) than twenty ieais residing in Columbus the neater pait of that time. His many f i lends ga\o him a hearty welcome on hla return. No doubt ho u II ! add to our mater , ial pi asperity lohuildlng tils pi opei ty , de- stij\ed liy Hie last full , nnd take an uctiva pait in the building boom now in piogrusa. NoiTuIU'H I'olhon Victim. NoiiroiK , Nob. , June 17 [ Pppclal to Tim UriJ : P. U. Cairuhor , ( not Jijuier nspiinted in Tin : Hi K ) , who poisoned - onod himself jcsU'rday , was hurled h io thl-j uftoinoon , A sister fiom Ktnerick nnd uti uni-lu from Kulamuioo wcro Heie. Cartaher was lately in the shoe buslnoau in Omaha , Ciciii'rnl Klieiiilitri'H Condition. WAbinxo7'is , Juno 17. Gcnmal blierliluu sh-it ) nut 1.1 ally the greaUir ] > nit of last night , bis test being only oce.isionally broken Vy attacks of coughing. His wppetlto is Ita- but his i cbjilratiQU Is UrcD-ular ,