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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1888)
& > " ! nT 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. MA&OH 30 , 1888. HE WILL ENFORCE THE LAW , The Mayor vg Bocliol and Southard on the Llconao Question. . THE RATE WAR AND THE STRIKES. Festival of MftumlAT Thnrsdriy A Duckliunter "Iluckcil" In Cut- OffJJixko A 1' City News. Tlio Mnyor AjrnhiHt Two. It was long since announced that on the first of next month Baleen keepers would bo compelled to conform to the law with regard to the payment for their licenses In ndvnnco. Yesterday n DEE reporter culled upon the members of the license board to ascertain how they felt upon the subject. Mayor Broatch wns first called upon , and Insisted on the payment of the 1750 in a lump num Instead of 1260 as the second quarterly Instalment , as was formerly the case. "It has to bo paid , " ho said. "Tho old plan ii dimply a flagrant violation of the laws of the etato. At the present time , the ordinances of the city regarding liquor licenses are In direct conlllct with the state laws. Under the old system no license can be issued until the last quarter of the year , when the liquor flcoler has paid his $1.000 , the requisite stfm under the statutes of the state. Until this is paid ho cannot bo licensed , and not Infre quently when parties are arrested for viola tion of the ordinances , they have endeavored to screen themselves by claiming that they had no license , and as the term license was employed , they heldjit did not , apply to them. " The mayor Is determined that such parties shall not have any such excuse for defeating the law , and , at regards organization , ho says bo will meet them with all the resources at his command. "Tho liquor interest in this city may learn now asvcll as later on , " ho soys , "that they are not the governing power , that as a class they are ns amenable to the laws as any others. " The license board could not use their discretion ns regards partial payments. They simply acted on applica tions for license. Mr. Bcchcl , president of the city council and a member of the Hconso board , Is In favor of the continuation of the present system , and cannot see what is to bo gained by any change. Ho falls to understand the reason why the mayor should impose the planting down ot (750 ns a second quarterly payment in advance , especially after establishing the precedent of a quarterly payment of $250. Such ho deems an inconsistency , besides the effect would bo to cut oft considerable revenue from the city. The old style had succeeded In the past , and by logical inference ho Tvas sure it would continue to succeed in the fu ture. It was n question whether the llccnso board had any Jurisdiction in the matter of payments. City Clerk Southard wns of opinion that the present plan of quarterly payments was a peed one. There had never been any trouble in regard to the collection of taxes. Ho could not say whether the mayor was right or wrong In enforcing his now method. TUB MQUOll nEALKUS. There is n racotlnftpf liquor dealers called for this afternoon at 3 o'clock fit 1U21 Douglas street , at which , it is understood , a canvas will.ho made as to the number of sa loon-men who are satlsllcd to pay iho llccnso fco in advance as also the advisability of se curing counsel to contest the case in the courts. MOIIB MEN PAY TIP. Up to the close of business at the office of the city clerk last evening the following ad ditional saloon keepers had conformed with the orders of Mayor Broatch and deposited their $750 each : George Sick , John Audrit & Co. , John W. Green , \Vollstein & Co. for two places , John Hoffman , George 13. Stern nnd F. Poppendich. Sums of $251) weio ac cepted from Fred Krup , Seth T. Cole , George Heimcuz , Hart & Klllgallon , Louis Uoscn- mund , Hanson & Peterson and Paytou & Colo. * "Why do you accept these § 250 install ments } " asked a BEE reporter of City Clerk Southard. "Because of a resolution of the council authorizing mo to do so , " responded Mr. Southard , who seemed to think that it was his duty to obey the commands of the council over those of the mayor. HAILUOAD MATTEHS. The Itato "War to Continue Indefinite ly. Other Stutters of Interest. The war of rates which has prevailed on the various lines of railwayis not yet settled , nnd as fur as the ofllcluls of the Chicago , Bur- linu'ton & Quincy are concerned the pros pects are not veryfavorablo for an cnily set tlement. As will bo remembered , an agree ment was entered into between the roads by which rates were to bo restored March CO. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy did not coincide with the views of the others , nnd r they decided to postpone action until April 1. \ Now that matters have been partially adjust a. ed , the "Q , " through Its agent , announces that it will not relurn to the original scale , but will , at it's own sweet pleasure , haul and deliver freight at whatever rate it chooses to make. This leaves matters in a sort of com plicated condition , and what the outcome will be is extremely dlfllcult to prognosticate. The action of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy will seriously Impair the business of other roads betxvecn Omaha and Chicago , as In the event of the former bolue able to trans port all freight offered , it is plain to bo Been that the road will do more business than all the others combined. Some very rich nnd vigorous measures on the part of the other roads may bo anticipated s6on. JIKfclEF foil WESTERN KANSAS. The following was Issued by Acting Gen eral Manager Kimball of the Union Pacific yesterday afternoon and has also boon adopted by the Missouri Pacific , Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska and tlieAtchlsoiiTopeka & Santa Fo : "Action for free or reduced rates of trans portation on shipments of seed grnm from counties or individuals having become qulto numerous , joint action on the part of the rail road companies named seems desirable. In vestigations demonstrate that there is need among ft few settlers In some counties in western Kansas. The railroads are to willing ns&lst these pcoplo In getting their seed grain nnd have taken the following action ; t "The companies named will transport frco n reasonable amount of seed grain for spring planting which have been donated to the needy of these counties , provided such ship- incuts are consigned to and distributed by an ngont duly appointed and certified to by the county commissioners. " The circular thus relates that Individual applications will not bo considered ns It is the duty of the county otllclals to take the matter in hand and attend to It and these of ficers nro requested to send the1 companies mentioned a statement of what tholr needs will bo that directions may bo given for the free transportation mentioned. NEW 6UI1UJIIUN T1IAIXS. On Monday next two now trains will ho put on between Council JJlufTb nnd South Oinaha wjmjfi wflllib a giciil Improvement 6vor ITio ones now m use. They are sup plied with all the latest designs and are models or comfort and are constructed nfler the pattern of those adopted by eastern roaits for suburban service. The pumTo cannot fall to appreciate this now arrangement. A K KSOAPK. ADiicIc n\iii(6r ( nt Cut-Off ImUo lies- . . cued IVoin Drowning. John Ab lf ft' J'oung farmer llvitlg about two miles strath of Council UlufTscaino | to Omaha With his shot-gun and decoys Wednesday night , and after thoroughly resting himself purchased some cartridges nnd oailyln the morning before the festive crow had bo- tho\izjt \ ! > himself getting up for breakfast , liledliimsdlf to Cut-off lake , about two mftes north ol the city , for the purpoaa Of procur ing some canvas-baclts mud hens for Sun > Oay'a dinner , lie did not meet with very gr&at success and loitered over the direction of too rJVer.whcnto his Infinite satisfaction he discovered two solitary ducks floating peace lull yon thobbsomoftheBicMuddy. Johnny llred and one of the ducks supcumbed- other ( JScafiea-llnfl floated down stream about ten feet from the bonk * Tha Niraidi vrd&ured a l > "o1b ftud was ondcayorlne to pur. puad his game to lund when the bank caved found Johnny was pluug d Uito t-hilllm Unuji Mat folds oWe to doubtless have drowned In R short time but for the timely assistance of a man nnmcd Sloan , who was on North Nineteenth street , and assisted him to shore. Hln gun Is quiet ly reposing on the bottom of the rlvor , nnd John Is drying himself at homo , which ho reached by the assistance of the 10:15 : dummy. _ MAONDAY THURSDAY. Celebration of the Holiday In Thin City. This IK the name applied to Thursday of the holy week. The name Is a peculiar one , nnd of considerable Interest from ft philological , ns well as scriptural point of view. The name Is derived from "Mnndatum , " the first word of the service chanted at the washing the feat of the pil grims that day , which Is taken from John xllh&J. Maundy Is undoubtedly a corruption of the Latin verb "Mandare , " to command , because this being the last day of the Lord's life On earth ho gave a special commandment to hts disciples Mandntum novum do vobcs "a new commandment I give unto you. " It has also n reference to the command , "This do In remembrance of inc. " AT TltlXITV. In the morning holy communion was cele brated by Dean Gardner , Trinity cathedral , at. 7 nnd n o'clock. The attendance was largo. Brief divine service was held nt noon and evening prayer with an address will bo con ducted atfi:15 : p. m. At the latter service candidates from Browncll hall will bo con firmed by Bishop Worthlngton. AT TUB umiEtiAN CIIUHCM. A special service was held at 7:45 : p.m. last evening by Pastor Detweller , To-day prayer will bo held from 0 a. in , to 3 p. m. , and again nt 7:45 : p. m. AT ST. I'lllI-OMENA'a. This festival Is always -celebrated in the Catholic church with a great deal of solemnity , the main Intent being the com memoration of the institution of the blessed sacrament. In nil the churches of the de nomination in this city mass was said by the respective pastors , whllo at St. Phllomena's the mass was celebrated by Bishop O'Connor. ' Incidental to the interesting and impressive mcnta. The boulson was pronounced by Bishop O'Connor , who was attired in full pontificals. Ho was assisted by the follow ing clergymen : Fathers Morlarty , of South Omaha ; McDonald , of St. Patrick's church ; Fitzgerald , of Fremont ; Pacificus , of Colum bus ; Wallace , of Grotna ; Choka , of St. Won- ccslaus church in this city , besides Fathers "IcCarty , Kollcy and Carroll , of St. Philo- inenns. This evening the Tennebrao will bo chanted , commencing at 7:30. : This is ono of the most imposing services in ho catholic ritual. To-day Is Good Friday , and the services which will bo con ducted by Fr , Kelley will begin at 9 o'clock. The services on Saturday will bo conducted by Father McCarthy. On Etvstcr Sunday there will bo n grand pontifical high mass with Bishop O'Connor is celebrant. The choir will bo reinforced 'or the occasion and render Havdn'a Imperial mass , with orchestral accompaniment by a ipccially trained orchestra under the dlrcc- , lon of Prof. .Hofman. PINKEKTON SAliVATlON ABMY. iciicrnl Complaints Concerning Their Conduct. The conduct of the Pinkerton "operators" nnd "patrolmen , " who meander up and down .hcB. & M. yards and who lurk m the vlcln- , ty of the passenger station from early morn ,111 dewy dvo , and vice versa , is the subject if much unfavorable comment at present , and unless a change and a radical ono at that ihould occur very soon it Is not nt all improb able that serious trouble will occur. Last night four railroad men , two Union Pacific and two former employes ot thoB. &M. , who : md been uptown during the evening , stopped near Eighth street for the purpose of holding n few moments' conversation before going to their respective homes. Whllo thus engaged two of the Pinkerton men came up and or dered them to "move on. " This the men de clined to do , whereupon the aforesaid "specials" threatened them with violence if their ukase was not complied with forthwith. The railroad men , however , still per sisted in holding their position , and announced their intention of preparing for a sulrmish when the gallant ofiicers , conclud ing that discretion was the better part of valor , decided to retreat , which they did in good order. Yesterday evening the waiting room of the station was the scene of a little "tiff. " Two men , owho were passengers waiting for a train , entered the depot , and having about an hour to wait wore whiling away the moments by WalkAg up nnd down the platform when the "special , " mentioned in yesterday's EEC ns having been in a very juicy condition on Tuesday night , approached them , and in a , voice redolent with cloves , coffee nnd Old Crow , ordered them to "got out. " Explana tions were of no use and the statement that they were passengers waiting for a train , avajled them naught. The gentlemen , how ever , did not comply , nnd whllo the question was still under a discussion Ofllcer Bloom , of the police force' appeared. His presence had a very salutary effect , for the Pinkerton man suddenly remembered having dropped some thing in the lower yards and at ouco started to get it. A Suitable Location. The Lemp Brewing company of St. Louis are taking steps towards finding out a con venient location on which to erect n largo warehouse In this city. Should a suitable site be procured Omaha will bo ono of their principal distributing depots. A surprise , when smokinp "Soidon- borg Figaro" for 60 you will Jinfl it a lOo cigar. Ask your dealer for them. o An Early Mornlnc Blazo. A alarm of fire was turned In from box 01 at 5 o'clock yesterday morning , occasioned by the discoYery of a blaze In tno establishment of William Uowo , on Capitol avenue near Seven teenth street. The department was promptly upon the scene and the llamcs were extin guished in a jiffy. The building belongs to Mr. W. S. Whlloy , the loss to which is about $73 , fully insured. Cause of flro unknown. Dlobold Safes. Menghor & Loachgon'l agents for the Diobold safes , have removed to 419 S. 15th , where they are carrying a largo stock of all kinds of safes. IiiccmllarlHiii. There wns a small flro at Twentieth and Lake streets yesterday afternoon , the barn of the janitor of the Lake school being partially consumed. Loss trilling. Supposed incun diurism. Tnlspowdeirnerer varies , A marvel of putt- ty.atrength und wholesomenos * . More cconora Ictil tUantlie ordinary kind * , and cnnn ° t ocsolp In campDtttlunwltii the multitude bt law coit. . short weight nlunj or phosphate powders. : Sola onlr la canst. Uoral Making 1'omler ci m Continental Clothing House OKRAND OPENING SALE OF ' SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS. In , every department of our store will now be found new and elegant goods made especially for the spring and summer season , at prices extraordinarily low. Commencing this week , close buyers will find it to their advantage to watch , the list of attractive bargains which we shall offer and which will be announced in the daily -papers each week. Read the List of Unprecedented Bargains for This Week. The Slater Woolen Company is now nnd hns boon for 8 ( ) years known as the most celebrated makers of fine Indigo Blue Cheviots in the United States. Their goods ara always thoroughly re liable , and when warranted Indigo Blue will bo found precisely ns they are rep resented. The most thoroughly sails- sac to ry blue goods made in this country to-day are made by the Slater Woolen Co. Co.WE WE OFFER , COMMENCING THURS- DAYl Lot No. 1 200 pure all -wool and full Indigo Blue Slater's Cheviot Suitsnow , fresh goods , just made up within GO days , in single-breasted sack suits ; coats all made with * lap , doublo- Btitchcd seams , made and trimmed in the best manner , and in regular men's sizes , from 34 to 42 , at the extraordin arily low price of $10 per suit. Read the price again. Think what the goods nro that wo are offering youi Genuine Slater Woolen Co.'s all wool full indigo suits , heavy weight , at only 810. The ordinary retail price is not less than $10 to $17 per suit. Price 810.00. Lot. No. 2 Wo offer 200 Suits in single-breasted sack coats , the very best Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double and Twist Spring Suitings , new , light grey and brown mixture' , just made up in our very best manner , suits that wo have sold regularly for the past 12 years , and in no instance have' they over been shown on our counters at less than $18 per suit. For our present season's open ing and until this lot is closed , wo shall ofTor them at the UNAPPROACH ABLE PRICE OF $12 PER SUIT. The old and long ostablifhed Sawyer Woolen Co. , of Dover , N. H. needs no word of commendation from us. Wo unhesita tingly pronounce this company the best manufacturers of fine all wool suitings in Now England. No shoddy , flocks or cotton is over used in 'any of their fabrics. Send for samples of the cloth , or a sample suit , and if you wish to ex amine and prove the value of the suits as they are represented in this adver tise. Price $12.00. Lot No. 8. Wo offer 100 of the well known Velour cloth finish Sawyer Wool en < 3o's Suits , in very dark Oxford Mix tures , n small , neat check pattern , ono of the most popular styles that the mill has over made , suitable for cither bus iness or dress purposes. Single breast ed sacks , regular sizes in fall weight at the same extraordinarily low price of $12 per suit. REMEMBER these are all now suits made in the present stylOj within the past 60 days , and wo guar antee that the ordinary retail price usually asked for these suits is $18. Sam ple suits will bo sent , and they may bo returned at our expense , if , upon exam ination , they do not bear out all the statements made in regard to their value Lot. No. 4. Wo offer 250 spring over coats ; made of u pure worsted in a light grey color , with silk facings and trim med equal to any $16 overcoat in our stock. Now goods just made up in our own workroom , and cut with as much care as any overcoat in our stock. The extraordinarily low price of this over coat in regular sizes from 34 to 42 is $1'0. Wo do not hesitate to recommend this ns ONE OF THE BEST VALUES over offered by the Continental. If not con sidered to bo just as represented in this advertisement , every garment purchas ed may bo returned and money refund ed. Price $10. Lot No. C. Wo offer 160 All Wool Spring Overcoats , made from the cele brated PUTNAM ALL WOOL TWILL- COATINGS , made by the famous PUT NAM WOOLEN CO. , of Putnam , Conn. , a mill that is pro-omlnont nnd famous for its thoroughly honest , all wool fabrics , certainly the most popular goods manufactured. Our prices on them in regular sizes from 34 to 42 , will bo $7. They arc all now goods , made up within the past CO days , in the very latest styles , and wo state an undisput ed fact when wo say that up to the pres ent time $12 is the lowest retail price that is quoted for those overcoats. There are of a very handsome brown mixture. Send in your orders atonco. REMEM BER the price is 37 , and the same priv ilege is granted on this lot as on lot 4 , if not satisfactory they can ho returned. Lot No. 0. Wo ask SPECIAL ATTEN TION to this lot of Young Men's Over Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH 13 TAUGHT Boole-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , TelograpMnQ and Typewriting. Send for College Journal. S E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avcnuo E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist , ; THROAT I AND NOSE , Spectacles Accurately Prescribed. BAMOE BL'K. , W. J. OALISRAITn. Surgeon and Physician , Office N , W Corner 14th and Douglas St. Office telephone , 405 ; Hesldeuco telephone , KB. 2E > ,029,85O Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars were shipped during the mat two J'oars , without n. drum- jnerfnourcmploj } NootJjor house in the world can truth- juiiy make such a showing. Ono nsont ( dealer ouly ) wan to4iu each town. SOLD BY UAOINQ DRUCCI8T8. n.W.TANSILL&C0..55SlatoSt.CMcaao. CHICKERI KNA Vose & Sons- , Instruments exchanged , rented .and cold on Zasj Pajments , below FACTORY PRICES. Instruments clightty used at GBEAT BABG-AINS Max Meyer & Bro Omaha , Neb. Omaha Seed House. IltadquuHer'sforl.andreth'a Celebrated Seed * . 1'jantJ. Cut ( J'-lowera and floral design ] , gend for catalogue. \f , H , L'OSTISR Si SON , Proprlctora Ifi2 CfUjitol AYfinuo SOLE AGENT. ITio BEBT and SSOST POPUTiAII Scwlnar Thread of Modern Times. BEWAHE OF 3TCTOTAMONS. . Kii.PATiiiCK-Kocn Dry Goods Co. W.H.BMITII&CO. PAXTON , 0 AW.AQ AEU & Co. 1 > . M. STKKI.K 'V Co. HAYURNlJltOS ' VlIOUI'RON.IlEl.DEN Si CO. CIIAH. BiNaF.ii. South Omaha , and all fir * class retail dealers. A. Loaiu New York Dry Goods Store. BirOIlXED FOUSAUB Percherons , Clydesdales and Phlre , nlo home animal Kunrantoed a breeder brrd coltB , Kvery * * F-i" ' * * - .jn * iiuB Our stork 1ms been selected with reference-to both Individual merit and pedigree. Soninof these horses have taken Hrut prize at the Ne- bni ska State J'elr. 1887. All our horses tro acclimated - climated , and colts of their got can bo shown. Prices reasonable and easy terms. Js acceRHlbln by the three leading railroads of the state , I ) , & M. : ! ' . . E. & M. V. . and K. 0. & 0. , . ' * ' ! ' . FAHHIIAir , York , Neb JUQICIQUS AND PERSISTENT Advertising hns almtys vovon successful. Ucforo placing any Newspaper Advertising consul LORD &THOR/IAS / , iUTEIlTlblMJ JbKMS , U U < Uu < li > l > Blrut. CHICAGO. FOUNTAIN JFINE5 OUT AND F lVUGr Incomparably the Bant. PEERLESS DfES coats , cut only from 33 to 88 sizes. Made f n fine diagonal twill inllghtbrowu tan color , with hnmlsomo silk facings , drossy and just right for the present season. Placed on our counters this week at $12. Lot No. 7. Wo offer 250 Boys' Strict ly GREY MIXED CASSIMERE SUITS n small neat basket pattern , medium color , neither very light nor very dark in sizes for boys 4 to 12 years old. ' Wo i manufactured these goods in Feb. of the present year nnd have sold hundreds it them nnd the average price has boon $0 n suit. During the present week or until they are closed , wo shall offer them for $3.60 a suit. READ THE PRICE ONCE MORE , $3.60 and romom. bor they nro strictly all wool , no cotton or shoddy in them. Only 83.60. Every suit is worth $0 to-day. Lot No. 8-150 BOYS' PLAIN- BLOUSE SUITS , strictly all wool , made from n medium color Cheviot , ono of the best suits in our stock at any price , Mid n beautiful color for spring tituj summer for boys 6 to 12 years , only $3 a suit. Every suit is worth $5. Lot No. 0 Wo offer the balance of several lots of dark mixed cassimoro suits , somewhat broken in sizes. Suits that have sold for $3760 and 84. They are in heavy weights and will bo closed out at the REMARKABLY LOW PRICE F $2. Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to. OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Ccx NEW YORK * _ DES MOINES Proprietors : Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER , -DELIVKIIKD TO- ffl PAST OF II -BY CAIUUUtt FOR- 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers aveet. . Send your order to the onico , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building OR NO PAY. Our agio Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE r All syphilitic Dlieasas , of recent or IODI from teu to nttcen d r . VTe will gUe wrltunguar- anUies to cur * anjr caia or refund jrourmoner. And we would i 7 to thoie wno nava employed the moil Bkllled I'hjitclnni , nied every known rcmrdr ani have not been cured , tbat you are tba eubjecti w arii looklnK for. You tbat bave been to tbe celebrated llot BprlDm ot Arkansas , and bare loil all cop * o : rcooTirr , we erroake no charge. Our remedy Is unknown to any one In Iho world outttdeof our Companr. n4 | JJI tbeonljrrcmedr in tbe world Ibat will < mre you. W will cure tbe moil obstinate cue In leu tban one tnontu. Beven days In recent cases does tbf work. U li the old , cbronlo , deep-seated caiei tbat wo lollclt. \Ve bare cured Hundreds who bad been abandontd bj I'bjilclani and pronounced Incurable , and We Challenge tha World that we will not cure In le than one montn. Elnco tb blitorr of medicine , a True flpeclno for 6jphimichBruptloni , Ulc r > , bore moutb , do. , bai E n sou I lor but nerer ( ound until Our Magic Remedy irii dlicorered , and we are justified IB sarlnx It Is the pnljr remedy In tbe world [ bat will poaftltelr car * , becauiatb * lat t medical works , publlibed or th * tcit known autborltlM , say there was nev r a true before. Our Ilemcdr Is tbo only medicine In a world tbat will cure w'bin eToryimnir elie ba < ( ailed , ItbMbten oconcodedbr large numt r of Celebrated I'hralrtaoi. IT IIAI MITEH VIT rAiLiu TO CUBE. Wby wsit * your time and money with > attnt mediclnei tbat nerer bad virtue , or doctor wltb pbytlclani tbat cannot cur * yon. Too tbat bar * tried everything ell * ibould come touinow and gat permanent relied you nertr can let Iteliewber * . Mark wbat we sayi In tbe end you mu t lake our llMnedr or NKYEH recover. And you [ hit haTQ keen atniclod but a ibort tltae ibould by all means com * to i DOW , uany get help and tblok tbaya r * fr * < from Ibe illttai * . but tn on * , two or three years after , U appear * aglla to a nor * borrtble form. inriillgale our financial standing tbronib the mer cantile ajencln and. note that we ar * fully reiponil * ble and our written anaranleci are good. We bar * ItzuEDr pr par4 on purely Scientific f ilnclplet and We wLib tom-eat thallt NEVKU VAILS TO cuua. AU letterv sacredly conudentlal. TUB COOK KEMEDY CO. , Omaha. Neb. jUctas 1C and IT lUUinao Block. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS SUFFERERS r M KERVDUSfiESS result of e cr-Work. ludUcntlon. ttc. . addreu alxna. O EV3 A H A MEDICAL i SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & . Dodge Sts. ! JQ S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRU13ES , Best facilities , apparatus and remedies far sue. cessful treatment of every forth of alieue requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. .FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Cgjrd and attendance ; best hospital accoratuo- dttluus in the nest. WklTB FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities anJ Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of tin Spirit , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation. Electricity , Paralysis , Klillepsy , Kid ney , Bladder , Bye , fiar , Skin and Illood , and all Surgical Operations. Dlooaeeo of Woman a SpoolsI'y. BOOR ON Dismcas or WOXBH Knsi. ONL7 RELIABLE MBDIOAL INSTITUTE MAKING JL BFJECULTT OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury , New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital Power. Persons unable to visit u > may be treated nt home by correspondence. All coiniuu. nlc tlous confidential. McrtlcinesorInstruments sent by mall or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate contents or sender. One per sonal Interview preferred. Call and Consult Ub or s ua history of your case , and we will cend in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Nervous Diseases , lui- ' Varicocelc , with Anrgical Institute , or DR. Cor. 13th and Dodos SU. . OMAHA , NEB. t2111 ! buy n genuine Homespun All Wool Buit , sizes from 31 to 44 , cut-away or sack coat , In light grey color , that is really north 120. The suit Is \ \ emade \ and splendid \\earlnggootl3. Wo make this otter to in. tioduco ourfcclves to the trade and In the future you will find our house the bargain center , Bend your measure around breast under the arms , and around the waltt , and down the inside seam of the pants , and wo \ \ ill tit you. You can send money with older , or vol , \ \ send CO. D. by express. Inferences : ] " ) rst National llnnlc , Omaha. , or any liist-clate house in Omaha. Mention the Omaha Bee. . . TOT Hill out and return wltu Me , c U or lan > P , \J upon recall ) ! ul wliltli we Hill turn ) , prepaid , to i nr < ldre . One Oue I > oJI r packBgo "Jxiudoa I Urunulei , " tue cicatett UluoJ unJ kprlog ratd I cine OB firtti. ( food until April M. Iudou U dl-- [ 1 - - .J . * rf V&n ii I'll V Kl / % . * I 4 I'l Itemarkable for pgw.erf nl nyrripa- plliyble nctlqu and ab- fcoluto durability , i years' record , the best Kimrantcc ot the SCIENTIFIC GLUCK & WILKINSON. we ccTOluirreeoran q your ( I ftsthtbeu rm t3i } known to ui la Gonorihni and elect. Wehxe told coMlJir * Ible , India fry cut U bugUcn uUtftctlco. Alcott Cold by D rdc. 1.00. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS : COLQ MEDAL rARlS EXPOSITION IfJB. ' Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4. THE MOST PEEFECT OP PENB , . B. DEPOSITORY , OHAUA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO Surplus , - - - 60,00 $ H. W. YATKS. President. LKWIB 8. HUED , Vlco-Presldent. A. K. TOUZAI.IN. 2nd Vice-President. W. II. 8. IIunfits. Catflileft DIIILCIOKH : , w.V MOUSE , JOHNS.COLLINS , II. W YATKS LKWIB S. HEED. A. K , TOUZ/.LIN , " " " "frErlRON ? BANK. Cor. 12th and Parnnm Sts. A General llmiklut' nualiieBsTransacted. THE CAPITOL HOTEI LmCOIiKT. , KTEB. Tin txtit known and molt popular Hotel In lha itkt * . location central , appointments llrit cl i / lletdquartcri tor commercial uiou and all polllloil E.f 11OGUKN I'roprlet * ! PM WCAM Biff"RS'uT'i-lnrfrom th.ef1 . B HI WCAIV PMBaMretti oryouthful er H y HiCIBruri.ttrly < fi y. 0.1 limiiliood , ttc. 1 vrllT wiui * alukbl. lrp lla itw > a 'pROF. Fi'o'FOWLER ' ! , Moodu , Oonn.J ELGUTTER'S ' Maraeth Clothing House Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12.50. Best Blue Middlesex Suits , $9.00. 3,000 Pr. fine Pants at $4. Mammoth Clothing House , ELGUTTEB Cor , Farnam & lOili