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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 29 , 1888. NUMBER 2831 THEIR LAST TRIBUTE PAID , Funeral Services In Washington Over Chief Justice Walfco. MARRED BY SEVERAL BLUNDERS. Two Statesmen Discuss 1'rpslilcutlnl Probabilities at Ijnnch Mrs. tcnbcmicr In "Washington What the "Star" Says. The Dead Jurist. WASHINGTON BCJIBAU TIIHOMAIU Bne , } 513 FounTr.BNTiiSTnitKT. V WA niNOTOH. D. C. . March i8.1 ! Never were there such defects In the execution of the details of the arrangements for n prominent funeral ns were noticeable in the hall of the house of representatives to-day during the services over the Into Chief Justice Wnito. The employes of the bouse seemed at a loss to know what their duties were , and after they ascertained them they were unable to properly carry them out. As the delegations of senators , associate Judges , members of the bar and others arrived , nnd were announced to the house , thcro were no ushers to look after them and no ono to glvo them the usual directions. It scorned a matter of everybody for himself. Despite this , however , the services were exceedingly impressive and beautiful. The Episcopal song service from iho public gallery directly opposite the speaker's desk , was an 6vatlon which added very materially to the Imprcssivencss of the occasion. As the casket was being berne into the hall of the house upon the shoulders of a number of colored men assigned to the duty from the rolls of the two houses , the casket dropped from their hands and was saved from a crash only by nn accident. President Cleveland and his cabinet were nmong the carllst arrivals. They took seats just inside the scml-circlo in front of the speaker's ' desk. The president sat next to the main ntslo. Immediately opposite him , with only the five foot nislo Intervening , sat Senator Sherman , tl.o two men vls-a-vls who may fnco each other in tlio coming campaign , ns the leaders of the two parties. When the eight assoclato justices entered the ball of the house and proceeded down the main alslo with their long black satin robe = flowing , it was noticed that not ono of them recognized the president. , although they touched him In passingoxcept Justice Lamur , nnd ho stepped back nnd made a salaam so low and broad nnd of such long duration that it attracted the attention of cveryono whoso eyes rested upon the group. Justice Matthews is not well , and although ho attended the services and accompanied his associates to the train nnd saw them off to Toledo , bo wended his way homo unable to accompany the party. Justice Lamnr appeared in better health than bo has for n long time. Justices Blutchford nnd Bradley were looking feeble. Pat A. Collins , of Boston , congressman from the Fourth Massachusetts district , is mentioned by many friends as n suitable man for the BU pi omo bench. Mr. Collins is forty- four years of ace , a graduate of the Harvard law school and has practiced his profession with success since 1871. Judge John Schol- flold , of the supreme bench of Illinois , nnd with a judicial expcricnco of eight or nine years , Is prominently named ns Justice Walto's successor. Ho was a candidate for associate justice of the United States supreme premo court to succeed the late Judge Wood. Other candidates suggested , are Chief Justice Uuger of the New York court of ap peals. James C. Carter of Now York city and W. E. Groesbcck , of Cincinnati. It is understood that a number of democratic senators nnd representatives have recom mended to the president the promotion of Justice Miller to the chief justiceship. The ages and dates of appointment of the surviv ing members of the court are as follows : Samuel F. Miller , 1802 , 73 ; Stephen J. Field , 1803 , 72 ; Joseph "P. Bradley , 1870 , 70 ; John P. Harlan , 1877 , M ; Stanley Matthews , 1881 , C4 ; Horace Gray , 1&S1 , 00 ; Samuel Blatchford , 16b2 , OS , L. Q C. Lamar , 03. rilESIDKNTJAL GOSSIP. In the house restaurant this afternoon Rep- presonUvttvo Furnuhar of Mow York , and Yost of Virginia , both vigorous republicans nnd young men , lunched together. During the hour they spent at table they fell to talk ing over presidential matters. "New York will send a delegation to Chicago cage , " said Major Farquhar , "with Chauncy M. Depew at its head and Chauncy M. Depow for its watchword' There is no doubt that Now York will vote for Depew , although ho himself says ho does not expect or want the nomination. Depow could carry Now York but I doubt the propriety of of running him > n view of the granger Mates , I believe wo ' ore going to trot a pair of young horses in this campaign. " "Who do you believe will bo the first one of the palrl" inquired Mr. Yost. "I wouldn't bo surprised to see Represen tative MUCfnloy of Ohio , get the nomina tion , " replied Major Fnrquhur , adding , "I have a premonition that Senator Sherman wjll not gut the nomination although ho wil ffo into the convention with a very large fol lowing ; As I said before , I expect to see young horses In the harness. " "Major McKinley would carry the Virgin- las as slick as n whistle , " said Mr. Yost "His report against the Morrison tariff bil Was thcr strongest campaign document wo Lad in the Virginias last year. It was an admirable mirablo platform for the party. Wo are strong protectionists down our way anil there are several states in the south for tariff protection. MoICInloy strikes tlio popular chord , His ideas exactly lit those of the leading men in my country but ho and Sher man are on the sumo platform. I am for McKinley too and bollovo that although ho will go to Chicago nnd act enthusiastically mid sincerely for Sherman , thcro fs moio than a possibility , in the rasa of a deadlock that the convention will turn to him. Gov ernor Forakcr is also n lively dark horse nni ho will work at Chicago faithfully for Slier man. But I agree with you , Major Farqu liar , that tlio fates acorn to bo against tbo tncirwho have so frequently been before con ventions for nomination. " , 'NKIWAPKA'H ' MOMAN 1'uyvKii. " Under tlio above caption this evening's Star publishes , together with an oxcollen wood cut portrait of Mr * , liiitcnbciulcr , o Nebraska , the following sketch : "Mrs. Ada M. Bittctibcndur , who will BpouU on law , is one of tlio group of energetic and intalligen women at the bend of the national W. C. T U. Mrs. Bittenbcndcr may some day bo called 'Judge1 Bittenbendcr , if Miss Wlllard npeaks truly , At the state convention of the Nebraska prohibition party last summer she wns .chosen us the nominee for the position o Judge of the Second judicial district. She was not elected us her paitywus not strong enough , but when it is. Miss Willurd thinks Mrs. Bittenbcndcr will bo ono of the first to bo elevated to u judicial position. Hcrlcga attainments , as well us her zeal for the rautH > , led to her selection fo superintendent of legislation and the pell tlpns of the National W. C. T. U. , und tlio duties of that office have required her to jnako her residence in this city during the cessions of congress. She has a ' thoughtful face , suggestive of good health good temper and a sorcno mind. Mrs. Hit- tcnbeuder's maiden name was Ada M. Cole She was born in Bradford county , Pennsyl vanla , in 18-13 , graduated lu 1 0'J from the Binglmmpton ( N. Y. ) Commercial college and , In 1S7B , from the Pennsylvania state normal school at Bloomsburg. After teach Ing in the normal school a year she came to this city and graduated from the Froebel normal Institute. She returned then to tcacl at Bloomsburg. but becoming prostrated by overworkresigned. . In August , 1873 , . she married Henry Clay Bittonbcuder , a young lawyer of Bloomsburg. In November o that year Mr. and Mrs. Bittenbcndo located in Oscoola , Polk county , No l > ra ka. There Mrs. Bittenbeudcr fo a time taupht school. Then fo Ibreo > ears She edited the couuty paper-ana , ought ull efforts to establish a licensed s.v eon In the county. She wiis sent to repro- ent the Polk County Agricultural nssocla- Ion at the annual meeting of the state board f agriculture nnd was the first woman dele- rate over received by that body. She has > ecn secretary and president of the Nebraska Vomtm Suffrage association , and with others secured tbo submission of the woman uffrago amendment to the constitution In 881. 881."After she retired from the editorship of ho county paper she edited for a tlmo n lapcr established by the Farmers' Alliance of that section. She read law under her lUsbnmi's instructions , passed an examine ion in open court in 18S2 nnd wns the first vroman admitted to the bar in Nebraska. Husband , and wife became- law partners under the firm name ot * H. E. & Ada M. Bit tenbcndcr , ' nnd the partnership still contln- tcs. They removed to Lincoln In December , 1883. 1883."Mrs. . Blttcnbondcr has traveled through * out the state practicing before the courts nnd s treated everywhere with the utmost courr csy. She has been admitted to the United states district nnd circuit courts fo > Ne- jraska nnd expects to bo admitted to the United States supreme court during her stay in this city. " Mrs. Bittcnbender is taking n prominent part In the proceedings of the International woman's council. At tne session to-night she read n very excellent paper on "Woman In Law. " THE CIVIL SEUVICC INVrSTHUTION. Senator Halo's special committee , which will conduct nn investigation into the abuses of civil service reform nnd law , bad Its first sitting to-day. " The outrages in Indiana were laid bare by the Hon. William Dudley Foulko , of Richmond , Ind. , president of tho. Indiana civil service reform association. Mr. Foulko gave tbo committee splendid ground to operate on , nnd furnished what will un doubtedly oo the text for an important inves tigation , which will cover the outrages on civil service reform throughout the country. The committee was greatly surprised nt the sweeping removals of competent men who were protected by the civil service law aud the appointment of grossly incompetent men on purely political grounds. Ho was permit ted to make his statement almost without in- terruption.becauso every oner felt the keenest Interest in his remarks nnd did not want to lose a word. As ho proceeded to detail the whole sale removals in the Indianapolis postoIUcc , the decapitation of old nnd efllcicnt employes who weio never considered offensive in any way nnd the appointment of men who could not read the addresses on the mall , the wholesale slaughter of railway mail clerks , the subsequent appointment of incompetent successors and the swift changes in the country postofllces , whereby the railway und local mail services were wrecked , Mr. Foulkc's hearers were almost dumbfounded. The people in Washington public llfo have been kept pretty well advised of the demo cratic way of running the ofilccs in Indiana , und were prepared to learn of a general state of demoralization , but the declarations made by Mr. Foulko were more than they were prepared for. As ho took up seriatim , the negligence and blunders of Postmaster Jones , of Indianapolis , the Hood of blunders in the railway mall service in his state , nnd the demoralization of the carrier service at the capital cltyof the Hoosler state , the surprise of the committee became intensified. Then , when Mr. Foulko showed that Postmas ter Jones , after removing all of the employes about bis ofllco and ruining the railway mall service , directed his atten tion to the room where the rcoairing of mall sacks , etc. , is done by women , dismissing them summarily , even though they had fami lies to support , and were giving the highest satisfaction , nnd then turning out janitors , watchmen , the engineer and even the ele vator boy , and informing them coolly that they were compelled to go , simply occauso they were republicans and democrats were to be put in their places , a state of affairs in Hoosier democrat official llfo was revealed that no ono present anticipated. What is true as to the condition of otllcial lifo in Indianapolis is true of many other sec tions of the country. It was not expected that Mr. Foulko would show to the commit tee that all that was going on was not only within the knowledge of President Cleve land , but at his sanction , but such was the fact. Ho stated that when there was a ruin ation of the mall service in Indiana ho came to Washington and called upon the president , to see if something could not bo done to check the outrage upon tno people in his state. The piesldcnt informed him that the condition as described had been reported to him and it had been Investigated as best the post- ofllco department could , but ho knew of nothing which would change matters and that ho thought the pcoplo in Indiana would "go slow. " Mr. Foulk denounced the president's at legcd civil service principles und said that after his attention had been repeatedly called to the grossest outrages on civil service re form in Indiana , not n linger had been raised by the chief executive to remedy the condi tion of affairs that , on the other hand , ho had winked at it. When Chairman Halo asked Mr. Foulko what ho thought of the general operation of the civil service reform in Indiana , the latter replied : "Wo have not had any civil service reform in Indiana. " At the conclusion of his hearing , Mr. Foulko invited the committco to visit his state and make un investigation of the viola tions of the civil service law assuring them that there was n splendid field for operation iu Indiana. Chairman Halo inti mated that the request would be complied with , and there is no doubt that it will be. Mr. Foulke says that besides the demoraliza tion of the postal service in Indiana , it can bo shown that government employes in al- brauches take the most active part in poll- tics. They attend conventions , bribe deloi gates and run politics with a high hand the same as if they were in private life. I'EHBOXAI , . T. Fulton Gantt. csq. , of the Maryland bar , will shortly leave Laurel , Md : , for Nebraska to enter upon the practice of his profession there. PEIWY S. HUATU. The Tribute oftho Bar. ST. Louis , March 2S. The United States court adjourned hero to-day in honor of Chief Justice Walto. The bur of the court adopted resolutions commemorative of the services of the chief justice. CINCINNATI , March 23. At a largo meeting of the Hamilton county bar held to-day , elo quent tributes to the memory of the dead Chief Justice Walto wern spoken by a num ber of members of the bar. An Explanation That Explain * ) . WASHINGTON , March -"S , [ Special to the BKK.J A gentleman iu Washington who has Lad considerable experience with the Sioux Indians , says that in that nation the first born sou Is known ns a "Clmska , " and the first born daughter as n "Winonah , " consequently the husband of Miss Fellows , mentioned in a BCE bpcclal yesterday , is doubtless the son of n man named Campbell , who married an In diau woman , and the fact that he Is a "Clias ka , " which is the name of a class and not o an Individual , has led some one to regard i an his proner name. Nothing is known u the Indian bureau regarding Campbell and it is said that ho has not been employed nt the agency iu any capacity as fur as the iccoida show. International Council of Women. WASIIINOTON , Marcu 'J8. Among the many papers read before the international counci1 of womei ) to-day was ono by Mrs. L M Barry , organizer of the Knights of Lubor , upon what the knights are doing for women Mrs. Barry spoke with effect ana was re- railed twice. She said in part ; " \Vo are building around our working girls n wall lo defend , and protect them from humiliations which heretofore they have been subjected to. The Kuights of Labor are taking little girls fiom the fac tory , workshop nud miue and educating them , because we know that the llttlo chili of to-day in the mother of the future. Wo know that the fireside , city , state , council and nation is moulded by the bauds of th < wives und mothers of our children. As these are the children of to-day , and as the o shal bo tno children of the future , we domain. they shall bo taken from the workshop , the factory aud the mine and put Into school to develop , them. " CUT AWAY FROM THE CHIEF , A Now and Important Development In the "Q. " Strike. DISSATISFIED WITH ARTHUR. The Men Talco the Matter In Their Own Ilantln ami Inaugurate an IJxtcnsive Boycott Moro Sxvilchnicn Out. Took n Nc\v Grip. CHICAGO , March 28. The Burlington en gineers and firemen practically cut nwny .from their lendcm and tholr grievance rom.- , nnd took hold of the strike with n firm grip. The reason for this action was that the more impulsive had become Im patient over the slow and apparently unsuc cessful methods of Chief Arthur. They wanted to strike the nail on the head , so they appointed committees nnd sent them out to work. Every road running into Chicago wns visited and pledges wore ob tained from all of the swtchmcn ana switch engineers that under no circumstances would they move n Burlington car. Later In the day n mass-meeting was' held. Delegates from nil of the roads < were present , nnd the pledges made to the com mittees were repeated. To-night the strikers claimed that an inflexible boycott against Burlington cars bad been established , nnd they were positive that not n Burlington car would be moved to-morrow in Chicago ex cept on Burlington tracks. The strikers in timate that further steps in the great strug gle with the Burlington.would bo taken In a day or two. All this , it has been given out , has been done in defiance of Chief Arthur and other leaders. Such statements are not , however , generally belcivcd. The ostensible revolt is looked upon by many ns simply a covert change in the strikers' plan of campaign. The results of the now tactics may not bo seen for the present. The Burlington is not ready to exchange freight with connect ing lines. When the company is sufficiently equipped witli switchmen to again offer its cars to other roads , the real battle begins. The leading feature of the new boycott will bo that the men will quit work individually wheu ordered to handle Burlington cars. No general strike will bo ordered , and the in structions of the men's ' own executive of ficers will bo disregarded at least in appear ance. Switchmen From the Bust. PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , March 28. Seventy-five Knights of Labor brakemcn nnd conductors from the Reading system passed through hero from the east this morning en route to Chicago to take the places of the striking switchmen of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road. The Situation in Chicago. CHICAGO , March 23. Everything was quiet m the yards of the Burlington road this morning. The officers claim that by tomorrow row the full working force of the Chicago yards , 150 switchmen , will have been se cured. There were thirteen switch engines at work this morning. Two heavy live stock trains arrived at the yards and two engines were at work trying to raise the blockade in the lumber district. Headway was also made in moving freight which had accumulated around the depot , three trains having been sent out this morning. Officials of the com pany bay they expect n full force of switch men from the east to-morrow morning. Scab Work. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 28. [ Special Telegram to the iSEE.l Two sections of a freight train on. the Kansas City , St. Jo seph & Council Bluffs raihoad collided near Sugar lake yesterday , resulting iu the death of Conductor Hobbin. The coroner's jury to-night , in the case of Charles Francis , the brakeman killed iu the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy yards , re turned a verdict to the effect that his death wns duo to the iucompctency of the engineer in charge of the train. f Press ! Charles Francis , a switchman employed by the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs road , was run over and killed by a switch engine last nignt. The testi mony before the coroner's jury to-day shows that the engineer is almost deaf and the fire man does not understand the train signals. A verdict was rendered declaring the engineer incomnotent. All the switchmen in the em ploy of the Burlington road have quit work. Their committco waited to-day upon General Manager Merrill with n schedule of wages nnd offered to return to work if the road would re-employ brotherhood engineers. Merrill positively accede to their demunds. A Very Poor Team. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 28. [ Special Tele- pram to the BEE. ] About three-fourths of the switchmen at this point have gone out nnd the company are endeavoring to fill their places with new men. Tp-day ono of the scab brakcmen who had been at work n few hours had his right hand caught between two bumpers and ho lost a thumb and two fin gers , illustrating he fact that a scab engineer and a scab brakeman make a very poor team us far as lifo and limb are concerned. A report reached the city to-day of a head end collision near Smartvillo , in which two locomotives were badly disfigured. They will bo shipped over the road by night and n special "all well" circular will bo issued by Paul Morton. Tlio bricklayers' union of this city adopted resolutions of sympathy and support , and presented them to the Brotherhood to-day. Crcston advices to the headquarters hero report six engines disabled on the lowu divi sion yesterday. Engluo No. 107 , nt work in the yards here , is reported iu the ditch near the round house. Little Done Locally. Matters at the passenger station of the B. & M. yesterday were extremely quiet and with the exception of the noise made by the engineer of the Kansas City train ns ho In structed his fireman how to shovel coal into the fire box , and the measured tread of some eight or ten Pinkerton men who paced to and fro in the immediate vicinity of the engine Icbt some stray switchman should capture it , not a sound was heard. The train itself was small enough to bo captured and consisted , instead of the four or live coaches required before the strike , of a single coach and baggage - gage car with reserved bents for ono passen ger , who declared that ho wanted to smoke. The train left on time and unless two or three passengers should get on at Pacific Junction will probably rcash the city at the mouth of the Kaw to-day. ATTHK VAKDS. About twelve or fifteen agriculturists who were imported from northeast Missouri for the purpose , were engaged in assisting in the switch business at the B. < S * M. yards yesterday. They wore "protected" by another detachment of Pinkerton men , and with their assistance claim to bo able to bundle all the business at present , although theio is not at present a complete force of men. The Pinkerton men refuse to assist in the dib&ciniuatton of knowledge for tbo general public , unrt will say iiotnuig concern ing mallei a. At B. fi M. headquarters the Bri : reuortcr who asked for information was informed that there was nothing now , and that the company's business was being taken care of as usual. While there was notu full force employed the number at work at present was amply sufllcient to handle all of the busi ness. The Pmkerton men , M It was stated , were procured for the purpose of protecting the company' * property , and had they riot been present violence would have occurred erts this.Tho Pinkertons , so'.the BEE'S informant mant stated , had been on the ground for ten dajti GOUIiIV'B ' JIMMV. CommentsofLondon Journals on the Wizard's M. P Manipulations. [ Copyr/y / ? ! t ISIS by Jnmci Qnrtlon Utnnttt , I LONDON , March i [ Now York Herald Cable Special to t 4BEE.J > fr. Labouchcro loins to-day in thcjllnjost universal English press hunt of > Jcn"ork' ' financial fox. In such n hunt the M. } ? . for Northamton Is n master. In 1olay'fi Trdth , under the head ing "Joy Gould's ' Hclnrn , " ho thus cxpa- tiatatcs : " 'The New York stock market was dull to-day nwnltittg the return of Mr. Jay Gould , who arrived fn New York after the stock cxcharigo had closed , The final feeling tvas unsettled , ' Such Was the significant cablegram which came to hand Saturday morning. I am not surprised that Wall street should bo unsettled nt the arrival of the astute Gould on the scene of operations , for the chances are that during the leisure of his trip to Europe ho may hnvo concocted several elab orate schemes for getting the better of his neighbors. It Is , however , hardly likely that even this great trickster can make the Amer ican market more unsatisfactory than it Is already. Ho may possibly organize a strong bear attack so as to get hold of cheap stock under Its cover. Missouri Pacific stock is just now being used td depress the whole market and it is illustrative of the demoralized state of American railroad affairs that Jay Gould's son , being the bear of Missouri Pa cific , is credited with having attempted to put off the dividend until next year. I should not bo ono whit surprised If this were true , for that Is the way In which American rail road directors play Into the hands of unscru pulous operators to .tho Injury of bona fide holders. Is it to boAvonderod nt if En glish investors keep aloot from American railroads when such monstrous conduct is openly dis cussed as the most natural thing in the world. Fancy thoj Midland or Great West ern directors putting off their dividends for years bccauso ono of their directors was a big bear on , their stock. But such practices carry their own punishment. What n splendid harvest American financiers might have reaped on the occasion of the conversion of consols if they had not dragged the name of American railroads through the deep mud. Debentures , preferences and ordinary shares would all have como In for si strong demand nnd Would have passed into the hands of firm holders while , under the circumstances , oven the better class of American railroad stocks are looked at with disfavor by English investors. " To-morrow's Financial News will contain the following editorial paragraph : "Mr. Jay Gould has lost no time iu getting to work in his groove. What his jimmy is to the bur glar that is the Missouri Pacific to Air. Gould , and he is working it for all it is worth. Mr. Gould wanted the London stock exchange to list his Missouri Pacific. It will bo a bad day for tho'stock exchange and n worse day for British investors , upou which this is done. " George Gould Indignant , NEW YOUK , March 23. [ Special Telegram to the BKC.I George Gould is indignant at the statements of Lawyer Andrews that ho ( Gould ) bad bccu making continuous efforts to settle the GouJd-Sago case. Ho says there is not n word of truth in'it. On the contrary , Andrews has repeatedly sought in terviews with him aV which offers to settle the matter for $500JMXt j7oretnadc6tGould declined to negotiate and at a subsequent time would not tallt with Andrews , as ho claims. Thirty Thousand IlomclcRS. BEIIUN , March 28. The damage by floods is estimated nt $3,000,000. The towns of Bcrtzeuburg , Domitz and Damenberg are still Hooded. Twenty-nine lives have been lost aud 10,000 head of cattle perished. The reports from the flooded districts along the Vistula say that seventy-seven villages are submerged within an area of ten miles square and 130,000 people made home less. less.Disastrous Disastrous storms are reported iu Spain and much damage has bccu done to prop erty. Trying to Unseat Ferdinand. VIENNA , March 28 , Karavaloff , the Bul garian political leader , has received from St. Petersburg instructions to co-operate with Znnkoff as the first stop in the plan for the removal of Ferdinand from the tin one. If the Bulgarian leaders approve the plan Kar avaloff is promised the necessary means to carry it out. Russia Boycotting Blblo Soclctloti. LONDON , March 28. The Uussiau govern ment has prohibited operations by the Amer ican bible society in the Baltic provinces. It is probable the government will ultimately expel all representatives of British and American bible societies. BoulatiRci- Politics Again. March 28. Boulanger has decided to withdraw from the Laon contest nnd ac cept the candidacy for the Department of Nerd. Ho will issue his election address im mediately aud make a personal canvass , Two Million Destitute. LONDON , March 28. Tlio latest advices from China say the crisis in Hanau is passed , but that the distress of the pcoplo Is appall ing , 2,000,000 , persona being utterly destitute. An American Prim Donna's SIIOCOHH. Sr. PCTEnsnuno , March 28 , Miss Ella Hus- se ) , American prima donnn , made her first ap pearance last night in "Travlata. " She achieved a triumphant success. A SliorL Skirmish. KOMI : , March 28. General San Marzano telegraphs the war ofllco that his skirmishers hadja half hour's fight with the Abysaianinns this morning , after which the latter retired. Largo forces of Abyssianians are assembled near his position. Trouble * BOSTON , March 3S. William G. Woboor & Co. , dry goods , Salem , assigned. Liabilities , ' $100,000 , Momui , Ala..March 28. Thomas P. Mil ler & Co. , private bankers , failed. Liabili ties , $150,000 and assets 50,000. Floods hi Alabama. MoxTnoMBiir1 , Ala. , March 2S. The only road open out of Montgomery Is the Louisville - villo & Nasbvillo The specials from nil over the state report a tremendous rain fall and overflow. Tjio Tennessee is up and the overflow lias damaged the Mussel Shoals canal near Florence to the extent of $100,000. ANNISTON , Alailurcli 28. For the past four days the heaviest rains known since 1684 have been falling. All streams in this sec tion of the state are out of their banks , and many bridges are washed away. Hailroads nro badly crippled. The rain is still falling in torrents. . . . - i .P. Mississippi AVimlH Settlcri ) . " ' JACKSON , Mis-j. , March. 28. Governor Lowry has issued a call for a conven tion for the purpose of organizing a state immigration association. Oregon Prohibitionists. PoiiTi.Axi ) , Ore , , March ! 'S The state pro hibition convention assembled to-day , but ad journed until to-raorrow without transacting any business of importance. , -o Locomotion Explodes. HiHTFOKD , Coun. , March ! & . - The Tioiler of the locomotive attached to a passenger train on the New York & 7ew England rail road exploded this moi'niiig , killiiiff the en gineer and1 fireman. Golobtatlng the Completion of tlio Road to Fort Worth. THECATTLEMEN IN CONVENTION. Mcttlnfi of the Idtcrnat tonal Kongo Association The Now Line n Biff Boom For Western Iilvc Stock Interests. In Iloltlday Clothes. DENVER , Colo. , March 28. | Speclal Tele gram to the BEE.I Denver Is In the midst of the greatest jubilee It over saw In honor of that important event , the formal opening of the Denver , Texas & Fort Worth railroad. Every business nnd public building , ns well ns many of the private residences of the city , nro decorated with lings , bunting nnd ban ners with appropriate mottoes nnd devices , and the whole city may said to bo clothed in gala clothes. Probably the most magnificent sight over witnessed is the electrical display of several thousand colored Incandescent lights which nro stretched across the streets in the middle of the blocks in festoons , aud nt the street crossings In arches , making n mass of vivid coloring almost impossible to describe and which extends four blocks on Larimer nnd six blocks on Sixteenth street. Tbo view up cither of these streets Is the most gorgeous imaginable , reminding ono of some fairy scene or n tale from the Arabian Knights. With this attraction is the parade of the pbnntom artillery with their moving fireworks and the promenade concert nnd Il lumination of the court. The whole popula tion of the city is , apparently , upon the streets full of excitement and enthusiasm. At the same tlmo a meeting of welcome is going on at the chamber of commerce. Addresses are being made by Governor Adams , ex-Gov ernor Evans nnd others. The occasion will always be n memorable ono with the people of Denver aud the thousands of visitors now in the city , marking as it docs ono of the greatest eras In the history of the Queen City of the plains. By the advent of this road Denver obtains n direct outlet to Iho sea two days shorter than the old routes , and this fact means much for the prosperity of the city. The greatest good-will is mani fested between visltois uad citizens nnd the latter aio treating the former with the ut most cordiality. The festivities will bo con tinued the balance of the week ami will in clude every possible attraction for the guests imaginable. Some of the sections on the Denver , Texas & Fort Worth excursion not arriving until late this morning , it was 11 o'clock before the International llango association -\vas called to order In this city by President Head. The largo hall of the chamber of commcico was filled , a number of ladles being present. The convention was opened with prayer by Hov. Myron Heed , who ex pressed n fervent wish that this meeting would produce a closer feeling between the sections of the north and south. Governor Alva Adams was introduced nnd made n sensible and entertaining address , saying : "I bid you welcome , welcome to Colorado. Tb o past twelve months have not restored the barons of the plains to their lost estate but the clouds are breaking. Growth and expansion are the natural conditions of all other industries , but there is no longer room for expansion nnd growth for that of cattle. New plans und new methods mUst bo adopted by cattlemen. * NotwltHstanaing the ovdfnanpincr clouSMhe best should bo done to-day. There must be- stringent and protective legislation to guard our herds from infectious disease. The bill now before congress should become a law mid the commission selected from among the cat tlemen. You nro hero to-day to represent the wealth and brains of n great industry which effects the welfare of millions of our pcoplo , therefore safety und protection should be insisted upon from our luw makers. " The governor , in conclusion , again wel comed the visitors to Colorado. Mayor [ Leo , of Denver , was introduced and read a communication from the mayors of a number of western cities regretting their inability to bo present but wishing the best results from the deliberations of the convention nnd sending congratulations on the completion of the Denver , Texas & Fort Worth railroad' The speaker made u humorous allusion to the marriage of Denver nnd Fort Worth and n disparaging ono to the old mother-in-law Kansas City. Ho paid a high tribute to the honored names among cattlemen and closed by wishing the visitors every pleasure and extending the freedom of the city. President Head then made his annual ad dress , saving in substance that at the regular meeting lu February lust n motion was made to amend tlio constitution so that membership shuuld bo based on personal identity with the cattle growing business instead of represen tation through local associations , and final action was postponed until the present. Mr. Head then called attention to the present qualifications for membership nnd said if the proposed amendment was adopted it would require but llttlo time to effect the proposed amendment. In advocating the amendment ho said , that two years' experience had demonstrated that the present plan was not effective. The theory that an association should have 10,000 cattle to aceuro n vote , experience has proven to bo wrong. The essential element of popularity had been sacrificed and he attributed to this cause the lack of individual interest which had been manifested. Ho said , the rapidly changing conditions of the near future re quired thorough organization , and ho strongly urged the members to renewed interest in their organization. Ho dwelt strongly on the need of harmony and of the advantages of association , and that protection against contagious diseases has been from the first recognized as a potent reason for a union of cattlemen , Besides this insecurity , ho said , it will bo the occasion of endless annoyance and expense In the slitipo of quarantine lau-s , which ho believed to bo necessary in the boveral states to prevent the disease from widening its bounds. A roll call of.associations present was made to which responded , the White Klvor Stock , the Colorado Cattle Growers' , the Northern Now Mexico , the Northwestern Cattle Hango , the Texas State Live Stock and the International Stock associations. Governor Uouto suggested that the first business should bo to ascertain who was entitled to membership and representation. Pending u motion for a committco on cre dentials Mr. Dorsoy called for a reading of some resolutions amending the constitution which were read by the secretary , They amend section S and provide that any person engaged in breeding and growing range cattle and horses may , by paying an entrance fee of $5 and dues as fixed , become a member of the association , Pending the consideration of this amendment adjournment was had until 10 to-morrow morning. Hunting lor Lost Trrasuro. NEW YOIIK , March 28.- [ Special Telegram to tlio Bii : . ] The yacht Mnria , which has beep looking in Honduionlan waters for burled pirate treasures , whoso existence was disclosed to Judge Davidson , of Frisco , Is re turning to Now York. Her crcwhavo struck bccaubo almost Btnrvcd and no medicine furnished. Captain Peck remains behind to continue the search , and has great hopes of finding the treasure. Claimant Tiuhuorne Sails. NEW YOIIK , March 28. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Claimant Tichborno , wife and child , sailed for England yesterday. They are almost penniless , but Sir Roger will have a lecture arranged on the other side , for which contracts have bccu signed. Ho buys bo is sure that new evidence will win the case. Then ho is going to Australia. Premature Explosion. , HEADING , Pa. , March 23. A premature ex plosion of powder at Flndloy'S mine to-day fatally injured three men and eerlouely burned several others , THK CIIKD1T MOBlIjIBU. Dismissal of Suit Begun Against It Fourteen Yearn ARO. NKW Yonx , Mnrch S3. A decision wns handed down by Judge Shlpmnn , of the United States court , to-day , dismissing the suit against the grcat.Crcdit Moblllor. The case wns begun fourteen years ngo by Itow * land Hazard nnd others , stockholders of the concern , against Sidney Dillon , ns trustee , for nn accounting for work done in the con struction of the Union Pacific railway. The defendant demurred to the complaint nnd the matter has since been pending In court. Tlio demurrer was sustained by Judge Ship- man. The Iowa Legislature. DBS MOINES , la. , March 28. The bill passed appropriating money to defray the expenses ot the inauguration ceremonies. The bill passed legalizing the adoption of a stock law by the board of super visors of Jasper county. The bill passed authorizing township trus tees to provide places for holding elections , and to provide for tlio payment of the same. The act docs not apply to school , municipal , or railroad elections. The bill passed amending the medical Inw , allowing persons holding certificates granted by the boards of health of other states to practice In the state upon the payment of n fco without examination. The entire afternoon session of the senate wns spent in discussing the Hnrsh amend ment to the majority report of the textbook committee. ' An amendment to the Harsh amendment by Mr. Rcinlgcr was adopted , providing that books purchased bo placed In charge of n district secretary , who delivers them to the teacher , who is responsible for the value of such books , his wages being withheld until any loss is made good. In the house this morning house file 100 , relating the assessment of railroad property , was reported for indefinite postponement. A resolution wns adopted providing that hereafter the sessions of the house begin at 9 a. m. The committee to investigate the charges ngainst the state university was discharged. The house concurred in the senate amend ment to the bill to legalize the ordinances of the town of Rock Rapids. The senate amendment to the bill to pre vent fraud in the sale of Hour and other pro ducts wns concurred in. The senate amendments were also con curred in to the bill providing for the consoli dation of independent school districts. The house refused to concur in the senate amendments to the railroad commissioner bill nnd a confcrenco committee was np- pointed. At the nfternoon session , the house con curred in the senate amendment to the house bill relating to line fences ; also , providing for the relief of union soldiers and sailors and their indigent families. The amendment provides for the levy of a tn\ not exceeding 3-10 of n mill for this purpose and for the es tablishment of u soldier's relief commission of three in each county to bo appointed by the board of supervisors. The committco bill relating to the sale of Intoxicating liquors was read a third tlmo and passed. Ayes , CO ; nayes , 81. The discussion of the special order , the committco bill on taxt books , was continued. An amendment by Mr. Luke to the commit tee bill was adopted , putting publishers sell ing books under bond to fulfill their con tracts. The Wilbur substitute was taken up. An amendment by Mr.'Luke was adopted , strik ing out the section providing for state publi cation. The Troubles of 1 ouiiBHofmnnn. , NEW Yon , .March 23.r-Spccidl [ Telegram to the BEE.I Josef Hofmann is going back to Germany to-morrow , together with his parents. He leaves on. the steamer Saalc. Ho will continue his musical education in Berlin , nnd be placed under the preceptor- ship of a private tutor. Josef is extremely glad to leave America. Delancy NIcolls. nt- torney for Abbey , Schoofel & Grau , who ob tained an injunction restraining llttlo Hof mann from performing in America , says ho will not bo allowed to appear in public in any part of Europe , cither , nnd that at a not far distant date ho will bo obliged to defend him self in n breach of contract suit , even if he goes to the interior of Africa to live , The Fourth Attempt at Arson. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. ] Last night , for the fourth time in the last week , an attempt was made to burn the Terminal company's round house. The fire wns kindled in tlio oil room but was discovered by watchmen before serious damage was done. The roundhouse is'tho property of the St. Joseph & Grand Island and the St. Joe , St. Louis & Santa Fe. Three watchmen have been employed to guard the buildings. No cause can bo assigned for the attempted urson , nnd the Terminal company is ignorant of any grievances against them. The St. Paul's Earnings. NEW YOIIK , March 28. The annual report of the St. Paul road for the year ending December 31,1887 , shows that the gross earn ings were $25,800,000. Operating expenses , $15,320,003 ; Increase , ? TO , < MD. Net earnings , $10,030,430 ; decrease , $118,703. Other in comes swell the total net to $10,313,1254 , an increase of $0,403. Common stock was in creased from $30,904,201 to $38,982,761. The bonded debt increased from $11,058,000 to $119,230,000. Will Hold to Advanced Rates. CHICAGO , March 28. The meeting of the managers ot the northwestern lines to-day resulted in the appointment of a committco to take up the question of pro rate and devise some plan for the conduct of business be tween Chicago and northwestern points. In the meantime all roads will hold to the ad vanced rates and not return to the war rates kept in force by the Burlington & Noitheru. A Crazy Band Leader. NEW YOIIK , March 28. [ Special Telegram to the BIE. : ] Julius Bcinstcln , for years famous as a society band leader , went insane at the cathedral yesterday during n rehearsal of KiiBter music. Ho had been drinking and i cccntly lost his situation in the Metropolitan opera house for nearly bpoillug the perform ance by false playing , Denounce Protcotlvo Tar 1ft' . ST. PAUL , March 28. The executive com mittee of the farmers' alliance , comprising members of both political pal tics , In session hereto-day , adopted resolutions endorsing President Cleveland's views on the tariff is sue , denouncing protective tariff , und culling for its immediate repeal on all raw material and necessaries of lifo. ICantms Republicans. TOI'EKA , Kan. , March 28. A convention representing republican clubs from every part of Kansas is In session. Fully 2,000 representative republicans uro present. The names of Hlaino und Ingalls were loudly ap plauded when mentioned to-day. Steamship Arrlvult ) . QUEENSTOW N , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J The Oregon , from Balti more ; the Alaska , from Now York. "Weather liulicatlons. For Nebraska and Iowa ! Light to fresh , variable winds , generally northerly , colder , threatening weather and occasional snow. Bound Over For Libel. The trial of Charles Reed , for criminal libel , was fixed at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon before Judge Wade. Tlio prosecuting witnesses were the members of the firm of the Clarke Coffee company , who assert that Reed bad been sending out damaging and libellous reports about their business to their customers. Reed was found euilty and was bound over to appear before the district ourt. CIVIL SERVICE IN INDIANA. Swooplngr Removals By the Foaff xnnstor of Indianapolis. DEFECTS IN POSTAL SERVICQj The President lias Great Difficulty nf Bringing tlio Party Up to HI * Jdca of Civil Service He form. William Dudley Foulko's Statement * WASHINGTON , Mnrch 28. William Dudlc Foulkc , of Richmond , Intl. , president of th < Indiana civil service reform association , ntU dressed the Hnlo committee of tlio scnnta this morning on the condition of civil scrvlca In his stntc , his testimony being the result of investigations inado nnd affidavits taken by the association. Ho described the sweep * ing removals miulo by Postmaster Jones , ol Indianapolis , Immediately upon his appoint ment , and avowals by that ofllccr that noiiu but democrats would bo oppolntcd , rcgard > less of civil service examinations. Ho da * tailed the defects In the postal service whicU resulted. Tlirco weeks elapsed be * twccu the mailing and delivery of drop letters. Carriers word appointed who could not read addresses on letters. Letter boxes wore loft unvlsltcd until they wore filled to ovorllowlng. A mail Car was scut from Indianapolis to Lnfayctta with no messenger aboard , and all umll wart brought back to Indianapolis. The assistant postmaster , previous to his appointment by Jones , had been connected with a gambling house. Another appointee to n responsible position , who was a prominent democratic ) politician , had at the time of the appointment told three persons he had bribed certain mem bers of the city council paid them money for voting for a certain street railway enter * priso. Tncso fuels were embodied in nfllclo * vits nnd sent to Postmaster General Vilas ) with request for Dowling's removal. Vilas answered ho had inquired into the tnntterumt although Cowling hud mndo these statements ho ( Vilas ) was satisfied they were merely boasts , nnd that Dowllug did not bribe mcm bcrs of the council ; that DowliugTwns ntt efllcicnt ofllccr , nnd ho ( Vilas ) hnd'dccldedl to retain him. The witness described mi in * vcstigation made by himself , resulting In the discovery that out of 180 cases ot suspension all or nearly nil presidential postmasters * only two were over informed of charges or the reason for their removal. The witness called upon the president and found hu know of tneso removals. Tlio president s i it was impossible for the parlies to know the chorees. They were doinrt the best they could. The president expressed the liopo that the association would go slow * as ho had great difficulty In bringing some ofl his party up to his ideas of civil service re form , and that Indiana was a pretty bad state. The witness stated there had not , to ! his knowledge , been any change in the condl tion of affairs since ho laid these matters be fore the president. Ho expressed the hopa that the committee would visit Indiana and ) allow the association to know sufficiently Inj advance to bo prepared with witnesses undj facts. The Chinese Treaty. WASHINGTON , March 38. The nowChlnest treaty , which is made a settled treaty , pro * vides that fora period of twenty years , dntf inf ? from the Uwo.of.tbo exchange of ratifli cation , the coming of Chincso laborers to thd United States is prohibited. This does not apply to a Chincso laborer who has a lawful wife , child or parent in the United States , ort' property therein to the vnluo of 51,000 , oB debts of like amount duo him. Evcrjf Chincso laborer on leaving tlio United Stated must , as n condition for bis return , dcposlq with the collector of customs of the district ! from which ho departs , a full description , iq writing , of his family , or propei ty or debtsfc and shall bo furnished with a certificate showing his right to return to the Unitej States. Should this statement prove false ho fnrfeits his right to return. Such riant o ; return shall bo exercised within one year o : date of leaving the United States.but may bf extended for an additional period , not to ojj ceed one year. The existing treaty prlvft1 leges of travel and sojourn in the United States to Cliif neso officials , teachers , students , merchantsi and travelers for curiousity and pleasure re * , main undisturbed , as well ns the transit ! right of laborers. The Chinese shall have ( for protection of tlioir persons und property all rights given by the laws of the United States , except the right to become natural * Izcd citizens. It Is agreed in the treaty tq pay (1275,019 as full Indemnity for all losses sustained by Chincso subjects who have been victims of injury in person and property aQ the hands of wicked and lawless men. If , six months bofora the expiration pet riod of twenty ycars.nelthcr government for * mally gives notice to the other of its terminal tion , the treaty shall remain in force another period of twenty years. > Inrcstisating Texas Outrages. WASHINGTON , March 28. The Investigation into the alleged outrages in Washington/ / county , Texas , were resumed to-day. Two colored republicans of Washington cotirityj testified that there was little if any inter ference with elections In the county , an J that a good feeling existed between tbo * whites and blacks. F. D. Jodon , counsel fo * ' the negroes lynched at the time of thoeleo * tion , testified that ho had been assaulted lasty October by Bob Wright , a former witness After that assault ho hud never loft thq liouso except in tlio day time , because it was not safe. Other witnesses said that Jodon ; was safe in Benham , if ho "behaved" him * self. If ho "bothered" men as ho had done , . of course , ho would get into trouble. This practically closed the investigation. A LH > ol Bull That. Did Not Pan. BOSTON , March 23 , Two years ago Ed ward P. Tcnnoy , formerly president of th Colorado college , from which position ho was removed by the trustees , commenced suit against the publishers of an article re * luting to his removal , claiming 1100,000 dam * ages. The suit was referred to Judgd AVhito , who , after a full hearing , reports that under the circumstances the urticlo was not libclous and finds for tlio defendant. The court has accepted nnd ratified the report and entered judgment for the defendant. All Hope Abandoned. GLOUCESTER , Mass. , 'March C ? . To-day the following vessels were given up for losti The Nonvelglari bark , Emigrant and the American bulks , Vesuvius , of Richmond' ' ] Mo. , and the Maple Stoddard , all from Tranan. with suit for this port. It is be lieved they were caught in a great gale and' lost. Forty-live lives are given up as lost. A Furlouu Mob of Women. CoNSTANUNoru : , March US , A mob o ! women in this city sought to obtain arrears of pensions due their husbands from the government and besclgcd tin office of the ? minister of finance. The minister \vtif secreted to escape the fury of tlio mob. A , woman wa * killed for advising tbo mob to make their demands quietly , Failed to AKI-C.U , CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March CS. [ Special Telegram to the DuE.l The Jury In the case of Harry Patterson , charged with , the mur der of WillUni McLchon , after being outr eighty-ono hours announced for the fourth/ tirao to the couit that a , verdict could not ba agreed upon , and were discharged at 0 o'clock this morning. The jury stood Btvei for conviction of murder in the first dcgria < md five lor Acquittal.