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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1888)
PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. m SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 28 , 1SSS. NUMBER 284 OVERFLOWED THEIR BANKS , Numerous German Villages and Hamlets Entirely Swept Away. HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE HOMELESS Immense Icebergs Basil ThrouRh Dykes anil Embankments , Carry- Inn Kvcrythlnic Ilcforo Them Entire Districts Submerged. A Disastrous Deluge. ICoju/rfoM / lSS8t > u Jamtt Gordon Bennett.\ \ LONDON , March 27. [ Now York , Herald Cable Special te the BUB. ] Two sensational dispatches about formidable disasters from natural causes mot in London this morning one from Berlin , the other' from St. Louis. Tlio details of the Kansas gales wcro not specific , but the details from Germany wcro. These latter wcro appalling in description. The Elbe , Nogat , "Vistula nnd Oder rivers cover ono hundred square miles ; forty vil lages and hamlets hove disappeared ; miles of railway are practically at the bottom of now lakes ; 8,000 persons nro homeless nnd ruined in circumstances ; much area can never bo drained again , and oven mid-summer must find thousands of acres of farm land still submerged. Along tlio Elbe icebergs formed dashing nwny bridges , dykes , embankments , even over-leaping thcso nnd crushilng nouses as if eggshells , drowning cat tle. Even the inhabitants were unable to escape the suddenness and velocity of the Hood. Doubtless Doro's pictures of Noah and the deluge would suggest actual scenes. Not only the rivers were overflown , but the molting snow from land elevations added now supplies of murging waters. An embank ment on the Nogot rlvcrj near where empties the Vistula , a fine work of engineering , broke like a thread with the noise of u dozen Krupp guns exploding. It is doubtful if the city of Ebbing escaped. The towns of Marlcnburg nnd Jonasdorf nro already partly Inundated. Berlin newspapers wcro recently occupied In sympathizing with Now York on account of its snow calamity , but are now wholly ab sorbed contcmplotlnp the devastations nt home. The floods extended farther south. A whole district , called Brodrag , In northern Hungary , is also inundated , the rivers having destroyed nil dykes and swept away twenty villages. The flood In the Szamos river has completely surrounded the town of Fehcr- gyarmat , whore numerous houses hnvo fallen in. Fifty villages in that district are con verted into heaps of ruins nnd thousands of inhabitants loft without shelter or food. The high waters of the Tholss and Szamos rivers , which have caused enormous destruction of property on their way , have now reached Szcgcdin. The flat district between Szegcdin nnd Tcracsvar is threatened with submersion before Saturday. As more definite particu lars reach Berlin it is feared tlio magnitude of the now deluge may become yet inoro ap palling. Subscriptions Opened. ICttpyrtoM tSSS ou Jamai Gordon Bennett. " } BEULIN , March. 27. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] The loss of property and lives is nt present impossible to estimate , but it will roach largo proper tions. Batallions of engineers have been dispatched to roscuotho inhabitants of towns and villages which are still in danger. On the Elbe fourteen soldiers wore killed while endeavoring to remove an ice block by blasting. The distress is so great ani promises to bo more severe that subscriptions to aid the sufferers were this evening openei : Ijy several newspapers. Thcso suggest that n bill bo laid before parliamcn immediately on Its reassembling aftei Easter granting state assistance to tho'sufferers who have been ruined by the unprecedented floods. Since I began 'this dispatch frcsli tidings como from another quarter. The War , n tributary of the Vistula , has burst througl Its embankments , near the Russian frontier An inundation ensued that laid a great par bf the city of Pos'en under water , with the waters throughout the district still rising Detachments of soldiers have boon ordered in the lower reaches of the river to blast tiio Ice which dams the floods. As for the Vis- l < i tula , it now stands higher"nt ebbing than in ' ( - . . . tlio unusual scnsons'of 1875 and 1870. Floods In Alabama. MoNTflOMEHY , Ala. , March 27. The total rainfall since Monday night has been 7.17 , 'the largest on record forsomo length of tlmo. The Alabama river has been rising nt thereto rote of u foot an hour for about thirty hours and as tlio ruins have been equally lie.ivy about the headwaters of the Coosa , the greatest rise hero Is not expected till the day i after to-morrow. A flood higher than that of 1880 is anticipated. In Ohio. CLEVELAND , March 27. Specials from Findlay and Tiffin , O , , report higher water in the Dlnntbnrcl nnd Sandusky rivers. In both towns many families have been driven from their homes and great damage to prop erty is apprehended. Alt American Ponsn Arrested. TUCSON , Ariz. , March 27. United States Marshal Mcado has forwarded to Secretary of State Bayard an account of the arrest of himself and deputies by Mexican ofllclals while pursuing the Southern Pacific train robbers on Mexican soli. Ho received in- forimtion ( February 2'J that a train on the Southern Pacific hud been stopped by robbers noaV Stein's Pass , and that the United States mall agent Had been fired at and the express robbed. He summoned n posseo eonsibting of tun men , among whom were four Indian trailers. The party subsequently 1 returned to Tucson and then fol lowed tlio robbers to Mexican territory. Meade went to Janes to rcnort to , the Mexican authorities' there , and to ask their assistance in catching the robbers , when himself and party wcro arrested and their arms and horses taken. At tlio expira tion of fourteen days they were released , nnd for the first tlwo wore informed that their arrest was on account of their being an armed posso. The marshal's request for a return of their horses and arms was refused because ho would not sign a statement which . exonerated the Mexican authorities. The jmrty was compelled to return without horses , transportation or arms as uest they could. An Old Conliovcrsy Settled. CHICAGO , March 27. The noted Webster- Blanchard controversy in the Congregational denomination , which originated in 1S78 at Wheaten college , was finally settled to-day. The testimonial of College church at Wheaton - on , III , , organized by friends of Jon athan Blanchard , embodying his well known principle condemning secret societies and requiring all members to aban don them , was approved with the proviso that this action did not bind any other church. On the other hand it was agreed that John a- than Blanchard should sign a statement re tracting any remarks that had been inter preted la reflect upon the moral character of Prof , Webster. Talc's Temporary Successor. Loumji.ia ; , Ky. , March 27. Judge Sharp , chairman of the democratic state executive committee , was to-day confirmed treasurer pro Uiiu of the state of Kentucky by the sen- Ite al Frankfort , MISS FELLOWS' MATCH. A Illp Hciifmtlon Unlit Out of Material. WASHINGTON , March. S7. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn. ] Mr. Homer Follows , the department clerk who Is the father of the Miss Fellows of whom so much has been tel egraphed from Pierre. Dak. , in connection with her alleged marriage to an Indian named Chaska , makes an elaborate explana tion to-day of his daughter's conduct. Ho explains that Miss Fellows , who , it Is re ported by wire from Plcrro was married nt Fort Bennett , Dak. , on Sunday evening , did not marry Chaska , the Indian , but Samuel Campbell , who owns a farm in Nebraska , where ho has relatives nnd many friends , and who Is now In the employ of the Indian bureau on the reservation where Miss Fol lows is teaching school. Bub the announce ment of the marriage to Campbell is as much of n surprise to the Fellows family hero as would have been her marriage to Chaska. They say that the girl has never , excepting some anxiety about securing her dresses , given the family the slightest warning of the sensational news which has been flashed over the wires for a month about marriage to the Indian. Mr. Fellows says : "My family and myself have been made the subject of unpleasant public notice through the malicious dispatches sent out from Plcrro regarding my daughter's ' wedding. I have remained silent , waiting with perfect confidence to hear from her. Letters have finally arrived , one from my daughter nnd one from her intended hus band , Mr. Samuel Campbell. The letters are dated March 11 , and announce that the marriage would bo solemnised at the Episco pal church on the reservation , March 10. In my daughter's letters she describes Mr. Cum libel 1 not as an Indian , but as n tall , fair nnd intelligent man , the nephew of Kov. Dr. Hanford , the Episcopal rector. Ho owns a farm In Nebraska , but is now In the employ of the bureau of Indian affairs , and is stationed nt Fort Bennett. My daugh ter met Mr.Campbell while she was teach ing at Fort Bennett , and become engaged to him on the 24th -August. . Mr. Camp bell , in his letter , savs he has a slight trace of Indian blood in his veins , nnd from this frail foundation has been built the tissue of lies that have gone out over the country nnd furnished the material for the sensational articles which have appeared , illustrated by pictures of a full-blooded Sioux Indian , pre tending to bo pictures of Mr. Campbell. Mr. Follows shows the letters. They were written evidently before the writer had any knowledge of the dispatches which have been sent out over the country. Miss Fel lows lays her heart bare to her father nnd asks his blessing upon their union. She has said nothing to her family in regard to her marriage , as she is expected to bo able to re turn home and bo married in her father's house , but her lover bacamo impatient of delay , and though a man of substantial means , did not feel able to make the expensive journey to the east. Hence she finally consented to bo married at the Episcopal church on the reservation. She asks forgiveness if she has not acted wisely in being married away from home. After much thought stio says sue had acted as she thought best. She prays for the continued love of her family and ex presses the hope of being able to visit them in Juno , when she has her vacation. She says that she will continue to teach and finish up her year's work , when she will go with her husband to his farm in Nebraska. " Mr. Campbell's letter to his father-in-law- elect is a straightforward statement of the case. Ho loves Miss Fellows and is loved in return , They have been engaged since August nnd ho sees no rea son why the nuptials should bo longer delayed. Ho fails to state why the family have been given such short notice as to make it impossible for any one of them to reach the scene and bo present at the cere mony , if they so desired. Ho says ho is a man of property , owns a farm in Nebraska , which is stocked and under cultivation and admits that ho has some slight mixture of Indian blood in his veins , but sees no reason in that why ho should not marry Miss Fel lows and make her a true husband. Ho says that ho will live with his wife at her homo , and that she will continue her labors for the present , as long as the department is willing and ho will bo occupied in making her happy. PUT TO SLEEP. Rlclmrd Moore Knocked Out By n St. Paul Youth. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the Bun. ] Chris Kemok , a brawny looking youth of seventeen years , living on Ilieo street , nnd Hichard Moore , an equally muscular looking young follow , of nineteen years , living at No. 139 Granite street , are both plumbers. Moore had had two pugi listic encounters , and Kcmuk Is almost en tirely without experience in that line. Never theless there has been great rivalry between them , and as a result u match was arranged , the stake being $5 a side. The meeting oc curred last Sunday in a barn near the Mis sissippi street bridge. Moore was knocked down twice during the fight , and in the ninth round ho was "put to sleep" by his antago nist. Moore returned homo about 4 o'clocli and told his mother that ho had Injured himself coasting and that ho fell sleepy. His mother doubted the story nnO lie finally told her the truth. Ho went to sleep Sunday evening , and when ho awak ened he was delirious , remaining In that condition until yesterday , when ho was slightly improved. The facts becoming known to the ofllccrs , Kcmek was arrestet to-dav by detectives Daly and ICcnealy on the charge of prize fighting. In the munici pal court the case was continued until Thurs day with bail fixed nt $500. Moore is still confined to his bed and the two physicians li charge state Unit it will bo several days before they can tell tlto result. Ho has ovl dently sustained a serious blow in the back of the neck and his brain may bo injured. I1AI ) TO HAVE A POUTKIl. Alisconder.s Go to Cnnadn With Morn Gold Than Thuy Could Carry. RU.EIOH , N , C. , March 27. The board o directors of thn. State National bank give ou the statement this morning of the closing of the bank for the reason that they bollovo the president and cashier have absconded with a largo amount of assets , The amount of the defalcation is variously estimated at fron 4250,000 to3IO,000. The cash curried oft i supposed to bo about $45,000 , including § 30,00 in gold , to bear which the abscondurs tool along the colored porter of the bank. The trio are behoved to bo in Canada , having lof the city Saturday. OHIO UKI'UHLIOANS. They Nominate u Congressman and Endorse John Sherman. Si'HiNGFiULi ) , O. , March 27. In the Elghtl district congressional and national candidate convention to-day there was a warm conipc tltion between J. Warren Koifer and John Fees , but the former withdrew in the inter csts of harmony. John Fees nnd Festu Walters wcro elected national delegates am W. J. Means and John M. Boyer alternates Toland Joucit was elected for prosldcntlu elector. General Hobert I' , Kennedy wa nominated for congressman. Kcsolutiom wcro adopted denouncing the Mills turif measure Senator Sherman wus heartily en domed for the presidency , The War in Abyssinia , LONDON , March 27. A dispatch from Mas sowah says ; The Abyssinian forces advanced upon Saabl last night. The Italian troop farmed in order of battle , but the eupcetei attack was notmude. The Abysslnians are steadily surrounding the Italian forces. Thci are destroying the roads nnd telegraph lines Anxiety at 'Koine , HOUR , March 27. No hews from Masse wah lias been made' public by the govcrnmcn since- o'clock . . and a. in. , great anxiety prti vails. There are ' 15,000 troops at Naples ready to embark fo ? .Mussowau , LAIRD DEFENDS HOG PRODUCTS A Lively Tlmo Before the House Oommlttoo on Agrlcuttuiro. CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE'S FUNERAL. Business "Will Ito Km I rely Suspended In AVnsliiiiRtoiiDurlni * the Obse quies Both Houses of Congress Adjourn. The Otoo Indian Reservation Lands. WASHINGTON BnunAUTnnOMAitA Bne , J B13 FounTEBNTit STIIEET , > WASHINGTON. D. C. . March 27. ) Secretary Vllas sent to the senate to-day a cttcr from Acting Commissioner Stockslagcr n response to Mr. Paddock's resolution of .ho 14th instant , with tabular statements , showing the number of acres embraced In the appraisement nnd sale of the remainder of the reservation of the confederate Otoo and Missouri tribes of Indians in Nebraska and Kansas , under provisions of the act of March 0 , 1881 , the appraised valuation of each sub-division and the price at which it was sold , together with the name of the pur chaser in each case. The number of acres appraised in Nebraska and Kansas was 12.081. Of this amount there was deducted - ducted for right of way of railroads as fol- ows : In Nebraska , 214 acres ; in Kansas , 23 acres ; . The tabular statements are very vo luminous , and will not bo available till irlntcd. Mr. Stockalagor gives it ns his opin- on that the disposition of these lauds was in conformity with the law , but Senator Pad dock will make an examination of the returns made to-day when they are printed , and will determine for himself what action is neces sary in the way of legislation. THE FOUT OMAHA BILL. Mr. McShane's bill providing for the solo of Fort Omaha was reported favorably to-day in the house from the committee on military affairs. The Mnndcrson bill of the same character , has passed the senate committee. It is probable that the bill will soon bo taken up and passed. There is now no very serious objection to it from any direction. IAini > DEFENDS IIOO TKODUCTS AGAIN. There was another lively tlmo before the liouso committee on agriculture this morning In connection with the lard investigation. Carl Drier , of Chicago , who is opposing the bill to the tax refined or compounded lard , lias been bcforo the committee for three days making statements intended to show that the compound lard is purer , cleaner , and healthier than prime steam or all hog lard. Ho was cross-examined to-day. Among his direct statements was one to the effect that ho had visited pork packing establishments where filthy portions of hogs were thrown into vats nnd rendered into prime steam lard. To-day Mr. Funston , of Kansas , a member of the committee , insisted that Mr. Drier should state nt whoso estab lishments ho had witnessed thcso scenes of filthy lard manufacture. Mr. Laird , also a member of the committee , objected to such questions and proceeded to deliver a very short but vigorous speech to the committee. Ho said that already almost irreparable dam age had been done to the American hog and meat traffic , and that our export trade of manufactures from the hog was threatened with destruction. The committee had per mitted gentlemen before it to take the bit in their mouths and make state ments which did great injustice , not only to pork packers and prime steam lard makers , but the hog raisers of the coun try. Ho did not blame the refined lard man ufacturers for rebutting the statements made ngaiust their article of trade , and in making the statements showing that refined lard was n better article , cleaner and more wholesome than prime steam lard , because it was a le gitimate defense. It was the only defense they could make to show there was no more necessity for putting refined lard under gov ernment supervision and tax than prime steam lard , but lie did object , and with all his power , to permitting thcso people to go outside of legitimate rebuttal testimony and attacking every article made from the hog , because it damages the American hog prod uct nnd ruins the domestic as well as the ex port trade. Ho wanted the investigation confined to legitimate channels. Ho was satisfied that already the defense had been more damage to the advocates of the bill than vice versa. If those making statements wcro allowed to roam at largo and strike at every branch of the hog manu facture , ho would ask that witnesses bo put on their oath , the investigation bo conducted in executive session of the committee , repre sentatives of the press excluded , and the witnesses compcllcu to close their mouths ns to their testimony when they emerge from the committee room , because if they did not , there would bo great damage done to the hog raisers ns well as the hog packers of the country. Mr. Laird was sustained by the committee and the witness did not glvo the names of the packers where ho claimed to have seen the filthy lard manufactured. Till ! SUltI'LUBIIII.Ij. The amendments that have been ordered and adopted to the surplus resolution which has been under debate in the senate for two days have caused considerable anxiety among the conservative republicans and they do not propose to let the measure leave that body in its present shape. The intention of the finance committee was to puss the bill as It came from the house without amendment , but tno veiicrablo Mr. Merrill , who has it in charge , lost all control of it yesterday , and it looked ns if the measure would become a sort ot omnibus to carry all the financial propositions that have been proposed in ttio scnato this session. Therefore a halt has been called , and Mr. Merrill , Mr. Sherman , Mr. Allison and others have asked for a caucus to bo held on Thursday morning to decide upon some sort of financial policy to guide the republicans in their legislation. The amendments that have been attached to the bill wcro added to it by the votes of three or four radical republicans nnd nearly the entire strength of the democrats , yet the bill will go to the country as a republican meas ure. To avoid responsibility for it the caucus will ho asked to whip the obstreperous repub licans into line and determine upon the pus- sago of the measure as it came from ttio com mittee , simply authorizing the secretary of the treasury to purchase bonds in the open market with surplus funds in the treasury at Ills discretion. All otinsr propositions which have been added or proposed to bo added to the bill will , if thcso gentlemen are able to control the action of the caucus , have to stand on their own bottom. TIIK W.UTB OlIsr-QUIES , Tliero will bo n general suspension of pub lic business in Washington to-morrow , on ac count of the funeral services in the hall of the house of representatives uK | > n the late Chief Justice Walte. Neither branch of con- grcss will lie in session during the day , and the executive department will bo closed , The special funeral train will leave on the Pennsylvania railway at 2 o'clock for Toledo , O. , arriving there on Thurtday morning about 10 o'clock , Mrs. Wulto has already ar rived there to attend the last sad nto upon her distinguished husband. Tbo train will bo composed of a combina tion car for the remains , four Pullman sleeping cars , the private car of C. C , Walte , eon of the late chief Justice , gen. cral manager of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Daytpn railway , and n dining car , The whole will bo heavily draped. The social train containing the committee from cour gross , ttio Justices of the supreme court and other distinguished men and the friends of the family , is expected to return hero , on Friday afternoon. There is a great , demand for admission to the .galleries of the house to morrow. Special tickets -admission Itavo been issued ' , two-to each senator ' and repre sentative' fgr their friends. The senators and representative * * will bo seated on the floor of the house. The funeral exercises vill bo short. The seriate Is expected to nd- ourn on Thursday" until Monday , and ho house may also ndjourn over Frl- lay. which Is good Friday. Prof. Widows will loll mlnwU bells on the Metro- lolitan chimes and play appropriate dirges at ntcrvals during the ceremonies nnd whllo , ho procession la moving to the depot to-mor row. The schools have taken a recess over to-morrow. The courts ot the District have also adjourned out of respect to the dead chief Justice. oossip. Hancock Ncaglc , of Otnaha , has been ad mitted to practice before the interior depart ment. Mr , Randall said to-day that the Miles tariff bill hnd not a ghost of a chance of pass ing the houso. 1'Eimr S. HEATH. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the Bcn.l The following pensions wcro granted Nebroskans to-day : Increase Peter Matter , Shelby. Uelssuo Edward Meyer , Huuibolt ; Thomas F. Chonowcth , Woodlawn. Original widows , etc. Anne , widow of Henry Paul , Albion , Mexican sur vivors James II. Penny , Dillcr. Pensions for lowans : Original invalid- Perry Staten , Hcddlng ; Michael Fltzstm- mons , Goshcn ; Henry Hasslcr , Clercmont ; William T. Bradley , Sandy vlllo ; John M. Cudgel , Farragut' Marlon Hunted , Confi dence ; Lnfayctto Sherwood , Council Bluffs ; Ludwlg Hctdt , Maquokcta ; Martin Dcnlson , Ainsworth. Restoration nnd increase Daniel Driscoll , Spraguovlllo. Increase- Joseph B. > Wllhelm , Moscow ; Dewltt Clinton Beers , Wcstervlllo ; Myron S. Perkins , North- wood. Hcissuo and Increase Thomas Wells , Clcremont. Mexican widow Sibyl , widow of Alexander McCord , Hnrlan. Patents to Western Inventors. WASHINGTON , March 27. [ Special to the BER.J The following patents wcro issued Nebraska and Iowa inventors to-day : Frank A. Bagloy , assignor to himself nnd T. Mc- Culla , Cherokee , , 'Ia. , feed gage for pinto printing machine ; Arthur W. Bennett nnd J. M. Miller , Fontauollo , la. , railway signal ; Calvin E. Hagcnlan , Ainsworth , Neb , , hay ' raclc ; John E. Lovassour , Monticello , la. , assignor to Q. W. Simpson , Somerville , Mass. , butter can ; John H. Morris nnd J. D. Morris , Seward , Nob. , lock strike ; Henry A. HI co and S. Graham , Dos Moincs , la. , auto matic valve for steam radiator ; William H. Smith. Tama City , la. , signal lantern ; Frank S. Welch , assignor to Western Wheel Scraper company. Mount Pleasant , la. , rend grader ; Robert H. Williams , Newton , la. , crank and lover mechanism ; Charles W. Wundt , Bur lington , In. , receptacle for file cases. Arirty 'Orders. ' WASHINGTON , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE' ] Captain William Omaizc , Twentieth - been found incapacitated itifantryhaving capacitated for active- service , is granted leave until further orders. Captain Joseph ' .T. Haskcll , Twenty-third infantry , is ordcr&J to .Fort Wayne , Detroit , Mich. , for temporary duty. Captain Thomas' B * Robinson , Nineteenth infantry , having 'been found incapacitated for active service Is ordered homo and await retirement. . - Major Frank Bennett , Second cavalry , having been been 'found incapacitated for ac tive service by an nrmy retiring board , has been granted indefinite leave of absence. The Woman's Council. WASHINGTON , , M ch 27. In the interna tional council of' women this morning several papers wcro read" ? Isabella Bogelotudircctqr of the prison reform work of St. Lazaro , Paris , spoke on iho vt-ork of the society over which she presides. iMiss Clara Barton , of the Red Cross sqcicty , also read a paper on the work of her society. Mrs. Emily S.-Richards made a report describing - scribing the relief societies and other organ izations among the women of Utah. The re lief society has 2,200 members thoroughly or ganized for the relief of the poor and instruc tion in medical , philosophical , historical and religious principles. They own many halls and much property ! they have a hospital , a newspaper and a number of graduate sur geons and physicians. The Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement associations are organ ized in a similar manner , but are for young women , and the primaries arc organizations of children separate from the schools and under the direct ion , of women. At the evening suasion Frances E. Will- ard , president of the Women's Christain Temperance Union , spoke on "Woman and Temperance. " Among other speakers wore Hannah Whltnll Smith , Bessie Starr Keefer , Anna Gordon , Matilda B. Corse , Mary H. Hunt , Frances E. W. Harper ( colored ) , Mary Weeks Bufhqtt and Susan H. Barney. River and Harbor Appropriation ? . WASHINGTON , March 27. The river nnd harbor bill was completed in committee to day. The larger appropriations for western water ways and harbors are ns follows : Chicago , $200,000 ; Duluth , SSO.OOO ; Milwau kee , § 80,000 ; Superior and St. Louis bays , WIs. , ? 50,000 ; Ashland , fCO.OOO. The larger appropriations for rivers are : The Mississippi , froin the mouth of the Min nesota to the gulf , J.1,385,000 ; St. Mary's river at the falls and Hay lake channel , ? 1,500.000 ; the Missouri river , SG25.000 ; the Fox river , $100,000 ; the Illinois river , $200- 000. The total amount appropriated by the bill is ? 19,4ai,000. ; . It is the largest bill of its kind ever brought in. Postal ChaugeB. WASHINGTON , 'March ' 27. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. ] A postofllco was estab lished nt Cordova , Seward county , to-day , and Clarence W. Hunklns appointed post master , aud at Millcrton , Butler county , and J. II. Fair appointed postmaster. Fatal Holler lOxpIoslon. NASIIVILLE , Tenn , , March 27. Two white men nnd one negro were killed and several wounded by the cxplpslon of a boiler at Cookcsvillo to-day , The Boll Telephone. BOSTON , March 27. The report of the di rectors of the American Bell Telephone com pany for 1887 shows the total number of miles of wire owned by the company to bo 145,732 , and the total number of subscribers 150,000 , The long line service- which lias been extended from Now York to Albany and to Boston is to be further increased by construction of lines , westward from Albany towards Buffalo" nndl from Chicago to Mil waukee , at au estimated cost of $1,000,000 , Bennett BENNETT , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to the BEE , ] The republican village caucus met hero hist night 'und pi need the following ticket in the field for the village board of trustees : Charles A. Pierce , D. H. Harris , J. H , Dickson , D. F.Tubbs and Ed F. Lano. The prohibitionists also held a caucus last night , but did not- nominate a ticket. Whether thcywill do so or not is not de cided. As they hold the "balance of power" In the village , considerable Interest is taken in their action. Cheyenne'County ncpuh ] leans. SIDNCV , Neb , , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the Bee. ] The republican club of Cheyenne county organized to-night with slxty.fivo members and elected the following ofllcers : Henry S. Rnynor , president ; Leonard B. Cary , vice president ; W. Pat rick Miles , secretary ; Adam Ickes , treas urer ; executive committee , Judge Robert bhuinan , Juliui Ncubaucr and Alderman Charles Trognltz. The Dpath IlecorJ. NEW YOIIK , ftfarch 27. Ex-Lieutenant Governor William Dorsheiicer , publisher of the New York Stnrr died last night at Sa vannah , Ga. LONDON..Mfcrch 27. The sultan of Zanzi bar Is dead. .DUW.IN , March 27.- Edmund Dwyer Gray , a distinguished incmber of the Irish parlia mentary yarty , died to-nicht of heart'disease. NEWS OF NEBRASKA TOWNS , Growing Activity In Political Olrolos Throughout the Stato. * THE TEACHERS' CONVONTION Attorney General Lccso Given an Opin ion on Nebraska City's Council- niaulo Muddle A Chilli's Fatal Fall The Crete Clinutnii < iua. Prohibition Ticket Nominated , AunuiiN , Neb. March 27. [ Special to the BEE. ] The representatives of the prohibi tion element in this city met at the court house this evening nnd placed in nomination the following ticket : Jarvls I. Church , mayor ; EdJuol , clerk ; George Foblingor , treasurer ; W. Dundas , police Judge and sur veyor ; school officers , Dr. A. Opporman and John Dundas. Councilman First ward , G. W. Berlin ; Second ward , H , Cooper. The following central committee was elected nnd requested to nominate n councilman from the Third ward : Messrs. J. W. Armstrong , A. Goss and D. J. Wood. Two Tickets Nominated. , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to the BEI : . ] The republican city convention to-day nominated n ticket in full sympathy with the present council , with Hon. Paul Sctiminko for mayor. The com ing election promises to bo the most hotly contested of any over hold In the city. The democratic primaries to-day instructed delegates for the citizens' ticket , which is headed by Hon. . D. P. Holfc , T. B. Sloven- son , having declined. Lincoln Politics. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The democratic city committee has called tjio democracy ot Lin coln to meet in city convention at Fitzgerald hall on Friday evening , March 30 , to place in nomination n police- Judge , members of the school board and ward councilmcn , The convention will consist ot 41 delegates , IS from the First ward , 5 from the Second , 8 from the Third , 7 from the Fourth , 5 from the Fifth nnd 8 from the Sixth. The word primaries are called for the evening prior to the convention. The State Teachers' Association. FKEMONT , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Telo- gramtotho BEE. ] Fremont was captured to-day by Nebraska school teachers , 800 strong. They came' by scores on all trains , nnd were received by the local committee and assigned to lodging places. The head quarters of the reception committee are at the Eno hotel. Active work has been done all day by these having charge of the school ex hibits. Thcso are made at the Congrega tional church and high school building. Ex hibits nro hero from over thirty towns nnd cities of the stato. These will not bo fully arranged until to-morrow. The first session of the twenty-second annual meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers' association was called to order at 8 o'clock this evening in tho. auditorium of the Congregational church , which was completely filled. Prof. Jnme ? , of Omaha , presided. Kov. Hilton , of Fre mont , offered prayer. Prof. Bessoy , of Lin coln , mado'tho report of the executive com mittee ; and IT. M. Blake , of Beatrice , treas urer , reported on hand $118. - Gcorgo'L. Farnhain , president of the state normal school at Peru , president of the asso ciation , was introduced and delivered nn ad dress. Subject : "Aro Our Schools in Har mony With Present Social Conditions ? " The condition of society less than two generations ago was analyzed und contrasted with the present. Then each individual community was more nearly self reliant. The entire number of necessities were produced in the community nnd often in the family. Great changes have been wrought in society , chiefly by inventions and divisions of laDor , These have necessitated changes in the school sys tem. Now it partakes of the complications of society. The tendency of schools at the present is away from the objective education of the past. The remedy is in manual train ing. The substance of real practical knowl edge is largely lost in grasping for forms. Committees on resolutions.and nominations of officers wcro selected to report to-morrow. The Wayne quartette furnished vocal music for the evening. The session closed with the presidents reception and social. Opinion Ity Attorney General Lccsc. NEIJKASKA CITY , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to the Bii : . | A plain statement of facts re garding the legality of Nebraska City's coun cil proceedings and the right to his scat by the alderman of the Third ward after remov ing to another ward was presented to Attor ney General Leeso , who gives the following opinion : LINCOLN , March 24. " * * Under the provisions of section 4 , n councilman to bo eligible to the office must bo an actual res ident of the ward for winch ho was elected , nnd a qualified elector of the state , and If any councilman shall remove from the ward for which ho was elected ills office shall thereby become vacant. "Now , the officers of a city nro provided in section 0 , chapter 14. It specifics certain officers nnd the councilman herein provided for under section 9. All officers must bo tax payers and reside within the limits of the city. This I understand is a qualification for all officers , and In addition thereto the quali fications of u councilman nro that they must reside in the ward , bo an actual resident of the ward for which ho was elected , "Now , I would say , as to the question of vacating the office by removal. It Is a ques tion of fact that if the party did actually re move from the ward for which lie was elected , then In that case his office becomes vacant , and it would require a certain num ber of days' residence In any other ward in that city to make him n qualified voter. "Tho party remaining in ofllco during the tlmo of his removal and being under color of an election , makes him a 'do facto' officer , and ills acts will bo considered as good us these of the other councilmcn. The acts of the 'do facto' officer cannot bo attacked in a collatteral manner , but a direct proceeding must bo brought to oust him from office , "I am unable to state the question any clearer than as given abovo. It all depends upon the Intention of the party when ho re moved from the Third ward , whether ho lost his residence In that ward. If ho lost his residence , then I think lie lost ins ofllco , The whole question turns upon the question of losing his residence , and that depends alto gether upon the intention of the party , * * * . "WH.MAM LEBSK. Attorney General , " Capital City Items. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 27 , [ Special Tele gram to the BKE.I The city Jail has nota bly Increased its population during the past two days by a general gathering of tramps and vngs , who nro fined uniformly $10 each and costs and assigned to work on the streets. There arc thirty eight of this character of prisoners now In the Jail , Sneak thtovcs stole some valises and clothing from the Washington liouso last night und ttio police ofllcers yesterday were on the track of the prowlers. The city council has made the following appointments of Judges and clerks for the city election ; First Ward-Judges , 0. H. Dill , Isaac Oppenhcimcr and S. W. Palmer ; clerks , W. B. MeHobertb , W. H. Bennett , J. H. Miller und John Fitzgerald , Second Ward Judges , M , Noonan , H. Veith and W. Watkins ; clerks , J. II. Nation , P. C , Richards , A. Katzcnstom and J. Friend. Third Ward Judges , J , II. Painter , John W. Fawcll and H , P. Oakln ; clerks , HOBCOO. Addis , L. J. Byer , W. Pitman , J. S. Dales. Fourth Ward-Judges , M. D. Tiffany , T , Clark and S. AV. Chapman ; clerks , O. E. Wlpgcnhorn , K. 11. Corner , D. L. Martin nnd W. C. Hcddlcson. Fifth Ward Judges , Charles Magoon. H. Mastcrman and E. Woorncr ; clerks , F. A. Manlcy , S. S. Iloyce , J , J , Hoblnson and A. B , Beach. Sixth Ward-Judges , F , M. Whcolcr , John Sailer and Silos Sprnguo ; clerks , G. C. Small , W. T. Scott , M. L. Eastcrday and Walter Hopo. The prohibitionists have Colonel Shields , of Illinois , In the city for campaign work. Among their arrangements for election day are committees of ladles , who are to bo prcs- cnt'at each of the polling places with third party tickets. _ A Statement From Kx-Clcrk Tussor * HASTINGS , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Telegram gram to the BEB. ] The report that ox-Clerk of District Court K. B. Tussoy , of Adams county , was short in his accounts to the ex tent of nearly ? 3,000 has naturally created much continent in this city , There is proba bly more smoke than fire in the report. A committee appointed to investigate Mr. Tus- soy's accounts , reported $2,057 unaccounted for. Ho was given ton days to go over the books with on expert and If , at the end of that time , the amount still exists , the county will institute suit. Mr. Tussoy was seen nt his residence to-day , where ho Is confined to his room. Ho made the following statement : "I have been sick a longtime and unable to attend to business matters. I am BO yet , but I dcslro to state that there Is no shortage in my accounts. There is n largo amount duo mo from other parties , which have been charged up to me , but which I have not col lected. I can arrange all thcso matters amicably and satisfactorily if given reason able time to do so. The county need not bring suit. It will not suffer , neither will my bondsmen. I want to know Just what sum Is duo and I am then ready at any tlmo to square accounts. " A Concert nt Franklin. FKANKLIN , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to the BEK. ] The conservatory of uiusioot this place , under the directorship of Prof. J. M. Blose , gave the finest musical entertainment over given in the Republican valley. The largo Congregational church was crowded , many coining from other towns in the valley to enjoy the musical feast. The exercises be gan with an aria from Hnydcn , by the violin class , which was a wonderful per formance for pupils who have taken only two terms of lessons , and certainly entitles Prof. Bloso to a very high rank as an instructor in that most difficult de partment of his art. The piano , flute , cor net , vocal and orchestra selections that fol lowed showed n pure and classical taste on the part of the director and wcro enthusias tically received. The selections by the cor net pupils , tbo orchestra nnd the conserva tory glee club were especially applauded and the violin solo by Prof. Bloso was a triumph of art and was received with prolonged ap plause. His vocal selection , "Tho One is Mine , " was received with no less apprecia tion , nnd his rendering of "Trustfulness , " ono of his latest compositions , a sacred selec tion for the piano , was very beautiful nnd impressive. The Chnutauqtin at Crete. CHETB , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to the BEE. ] The Chautauqua assembly for ' 1883 , which opens in Juno on their beautiful grounds on the Big Blue river , promises to bo more successful than any of its predeces sors. Ono of 'tho ' great attractions will bo the Rov. T. DoWitt Talmugc , whoso name is n household "word throughout the land , and whoso eloquent sermons are road with delight - light wherever the English language is spoken , Dr. Tnlmacro has kindly consented to bo nt the assembly for two days. Bishop H. W. Wurren of Denver , Uov. Dr. J. T. Dili-year of Boston , nnd Mr. Benjamin Clark , England's great lecturer , will also take part and lend their aid to the instruc tion and enjoyment of these why may come. The musical part of the entertainment will bo something that will bo especially enjoyed by these who delight in good vocal nnd instru mental music , which will be under the imme diate supervision of Prof. W. F. Sherwin , of Boston , assisted by Prof. J. P. Vunco and Mr. G. G. Vance , cornctist. Supreme Court Procccdlncs. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK.I In the supreme court to day the following gentlemen were admitted to practice : Robert J. Green , Lincoln ; J. A. Price Albion. In the case of the State , ex rol Hanna , vs Kavanaugh , the time to report was extended twenty days , The following causes were argued and sub mitted : Carr vs State , Ostertag vs Gnlbraith , Langcn vs Thummcl , Burtlctt vs Chccsbor- ough , Boone vs Armstrong. In the morning session of the court Attor ney General Lceso called up the case of the State of Nebraska , ox rol the Attorney Gen eral , vs the Atchlson & Nebraska railroad company for forfeiture of its franchise , The attorney general asked that a day bo sot for its hearing and the court fixed Thursday , April 12 , ns the date of hearing. This will bean an important hearing and will bo contested closely. Court reconvenes to-morrow morn ing , when the decisions of the week will bo filed. Boy and the Oun. FULLKUTON , Neb.f March 25. [ Special to the BEE. ] Ray Stearns , the fourteen year old son of O. E. Stcarna , while putting a loaded gun upon the shelf yesterday evening , accidently shot himself. The load passed tlirough the arm between the wrist and the elbow , and it is feared that ttio arm will have to como ofT. O. E. Stearns was ono of the first settlers of Nance county , and was well respected by all who know htm. Ray was a very nice boy , and was considered ono of the Jolllcst boys in the society of the young folks , This sad accident was quite n blow to the parents , for only about four weeks nao Ray had his ankle badly sprained , which laid him up for abdut thrco wcoks. This shows how dangerous guns are la the hands of boys. _ The Prohlbs ol'Aiihurn , AunuitN , Nob. , March 20 , ( Special to the BEE. ] The prohibitionists of tills place closed a scries of meetings last night. They wcro conducted by the Rov. J. J. Wullloy , of York , Neb. , und much enthusiasm prevailed. Tills city voted "dry" last year by a very small majority in two wards only , but the prohibitionists huvo strong hopes of increas ing their majorities tills spring , while the leaders of the whisky ring clulm nn easy victory for themselves , The light withal will be vur.y closo. Another Acquisition. CHETE , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to the BKR. ] H , S , Sargent , the commission pro duce merchant of Nebraska City , Is in town , and has re a tea part of the building on West Thirteenth street , in the rear of the First National bank , for the purpose of starting a commission produce , butter and egg estab lishment , and will commence the erection of u suitable building as soon as ho can make ar rangements. Ho Is very much pleased with Crete's bright futuro. Fell Into a Well. GEIIINO , Neb. , March 25Special [ to the BEB. ] A two-year-old boy of L. Turner , who lives near Chimney Rock , fifteen miles cast of this place , full into a well head first yes terday , and was killed , The well was only a fourtecn-lncli bored well , and to recover the body another small boy was lowered into the well by the feet and was drawn up holing fast to tlio dead child , Appealed the Case. GKANT , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] J , M , Houghton , the Ogullula banker who assaulted Prof. T. J. Close yes terday and was arrested , had a hearing be fore Justice Hoffman to-day. Ho was found guilty , but appealed his case , giving bond for his appearance. THE IOWA RAILROAD BILL Sovornl Very Radical Amendments Mndo By the Soimto , TO WHICH THE HOUSE OBJECTS. The Senate Passes the State Printing Measure Fatal Stabbing Affray at Sioux City A Haddock Me- mortal Tablet , The Iowa Legislature. Dns MOINES , la. , March 27. The discussion - sion of the state printing and binding bill was continued. An amendment was adopted raising the price of prcsswork fromf2f > 0 to for the first 1,000 impressions of sixteen pages , nnd from 11.50 to F-i.50 for each succeed ing 1,000. An amendment by Mr. Weber wa.s adopted providing that no extra charge bo made for dry pressing. At the afternoon session the consideration of the state printing bill was continued. An amendment by Mr. Finn was adopted allow ing 2,500 copies of the legislative Journals to bo printed. An amendment by Mr. Funk was adopted providing for furnishing to cacli newspaper in the state bound copies of the Journals. The reports ot the stnto auditor and superintendent of Instruction wore cub down to 0,000 , copies. An nmcmlmcnt was adopted applying the reductions to the re- maindcr of the present term of the stnta printer. The bill was road a third tlmo and passed by a vote of yeas -TJ , nays 0. The report of the conference committed was adopted on scnato file 200 , providing for nn extra M mill levy for 1888 nnd 18S9 , and recommending that the house recede from Ita amendment to strike out ISS'J. The bill passed legalizing the incorporation of the Boone Valley Pure Bred Horse asso ciation at Eagle Grovo. The bill passed legalizing the ordinances of the town of Corning , Adams county , also the bill legalizing certain ordinances of the town of Klngsloy , Plymouth county , nnd the town of Sac City. Allot thcso acts wcro house bills. bills.Tho The Finn text book bill , providing for state uniformity was then taken up. A minority report was made recommending n substitute embodying the provisions of the house com mittee bill now under discussion. No vote was taken when the scnato adjourned. At the evening session the following blla ! wcro passed : Senate file 850 , by Mr , Funk , providing that all county and other ofllclals designated in section 277 of the code , except county auditors and deputies , may take ac knowledgements of conveyances of real es tate or encumbrances thereon. Senate file 827 , by Mr. McCoy , authorizing cities of not less than 0,000 Inhabitants ana an indebtedness not exceeding $10,000 , to fund the same and issue bonds therefor , also providing for a levy of taxes to pay them and a penalty for their misuse. A substitute for house file 45 by Homrigh- , aus. allowing counties of 2,000 or less Inhabi tants to levy a (1 ( mill tax for current expenses. The law now provides' for the levy of the same in counties of 14,000 or less. The house Joint resolution by Mr. Cum mins , asking u permit for the retention at the capitol in DCS Molnes of the records of the government land office in Des Moincd. House file 103 by Mr. Wilson , amending the code relating to partition fences iind'comr > oll- ing persons owning adjoining property to each contribute for. the erection of a fence where it is the wish of either that the fence bo built , The building' may bo waived by mutual agreement. Tho. bill docs notaphly to colmtios of. 2,000 or less. Hous6 flio 370 by Mr. McVny , legalizing the incorporation of the town of Lohrvillo. House illo 10 , relative to a state mlno inspector specter , the duties and appointment of the same was made a special order following house illo 35 the trust bill. Senator Finn introduced a joint resolution authorizing the governor to cause the attor ney general to commence suit against the Pullman car company for violating the act compelling foreign corporations doing busi ness in the state to file articles of incorpora tion with the secretary of state. House files 175 and 170 , relating to presi dential electors , was made the special order following the mining bill. In the morning session of the house a reso lution by Mr. Lcckin was adopted , provid ing that the debate on the main question should bo confined to ten minutes and to flvo minutes on amendment * . Senate file No 7 , relating to the fencing of railroad tracks , was returned from the eon- ate , The scnato refused to concur in the house amendment relieving companies from fencing when not desired by owners of ! lands. The house * refused to rcccdo from its amendment and n conference committee waa appointed. House fileNo. . 873 , n railroad bill passed , the house and senate , and was made special order for the afternoon , as amended by the senate , The consideration of the text book bill , liouso file No. 552 , was resumed. It was amended to provide that directors "shall pro vide n contingent fund , " and "shall pur chase , " instead of "contract for the pur chase. " Mr. Wilbur , of Floyd , held the floor hut a few moments in favor of his state uniformity substitute , when the house adjourned. At the afternoon session Mr. Wilbur re sumed his argument favoring his substitute providing for state uniformity and publica tion. tion.Mr. Mr. McFarland , of Emmett , will present a substitute for the substitute. The second substitute provides for district uniformity with a local option feature , and differs from the committee bill in providing that a change of books shall not bo made within six years from July 1 , 1SS8 ; gives rigid rules for the care of books when loaned to pupils ; prevents any discrimination uy publishers in fuvor of certain districts or other ttate.s ; requires the publisher selling to sign a contract , nnd if tills is broken , the staTe superintend ent , after a proper investigation of the facts in the case , may pro hibit such publisher from making sales in the state , The school text book bill was finally suspended and house file 1)711 ) taken up , The house concurred in the minor amendments but not the important oivcs , Among those not concurred in wore the fol lowing ; The action of the scnato in ntrlklug out the word "unjust" before "discrimina tions ; " the action of the scnato in making foreign corporations liable to a flno of S50U for each day's non-coinpllanco with the pro. visions of the bill for posting schedules of rates ; also h proviso to section 17 , providing that before fixing n schedule of maximum rates the railway commissioners shall give ten days' notlco in two leading DCS Moincs papers , nnd imino tiio time und place to hear persons , firms or corporations on the subject , and providing further that such schcdulo shall take effect within ninety days of the tuking effect of the act ; also the change of tlio penalty from fTi.OOO to $ TjOO for each days' failure to obey the Injunction ; also in tle ) action of the senate in causing only a notice of the schcdulo or revision to bo published for thrro weeks in Des Moincs papers instead of the entire Bchoilulo. The house also re fused to accept the addition of the publica tion clause to the hill. The text book question was resumed and , Mr. Thompson , of Clayton , spoke in favor of the committee Lilt in preference to the utato uniformity plan as suggested by the Wilbur substitute. No vote was taken before ad journment. _ . The State Prliillne Jllll. DBS MOINES , la. , March 27 , [ Special Telegram to the BEB , ] The senate took a long step in the direction of reform to-day when it passed the Parrott Dill on state printing and binding , There has been a vnrjr loud demand for some reform in the matter and various bills bearing on the subject were Introduced. Some wanted the state to open n printing office and bindery and hire a fore man ta manage them. Others proposed that the state sjlould advertise for having thq work done by contract und then let to tha lowest bidder. Senator Purrott's bill pro. poses that the present/ system shall