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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1888)
tfrwia&l * ? ' > - , ' _ , fHK OMAHA DAILY BESlf THURSDAY , MARCH .a 1888 , THE DAILY BEE. KO BVBllY MOB INO. TERMS OF SUIISC'RimON. Dally ( Morning Edition ) Including Sunday Jlrr. one Yrar . * W 00 Form * Months. . . . , . r , m rnrTbreo Month * . . . . . . . . . 860 The UtnAhB Bunelny lice , mailed to anad - M dress , ono Year . . . 200 OVAIIAOrrlCr. . NOS.UIlANIlBiarAlt.VA'.tSTIIFr.T. NBW YOIIK OFFICB. HOOKA AHII I'lTiiniuNR Jiinr.ntNfi. WAmiiNOTo.t urnoe. No. cu FOUHTEBNTII STIltfET , COI1UKSPONDRNCK. All communications relating to news ami edi torial mattur should bo addressed to the I.IUTOU ° " " . % MHMnMMn.rBIlS. All ImilncM letters and remittances dhnuld DO addre Hfdto Tnr. MKK I'trnMfliitmi COMI-ANV. OMAHA. Drafts , chocks and postolllce orders to lin made payable to tlio order at the company. The Bee MlisMnFcipany , Proprietorc E. UOSEWATKIl , Editor. . Tllti DAILY 1JKK. Bworn Statement of Circulation. , Btate of Nebrnika , I . . Cotltlty Of DoUKlAHR , I0" * _ _ ' fleo. li. Trwhuck , * ccrctrtry of The Oeo Tub- lisliliiK rompany , docn Noloninly swear that tlio ctiiaictrculatlon of the Dally llco for the week ending MArch B , ISiM. was an follow * : Saturday. Hell t > . 10.4. filindny.fvb.20. . , . 1HUH ) Monday. 1'eb.CT . 10 , < it TtimiJity.Kcli.8H . , : . . .1 . 0 IVi'dnrsday , Feb. SO . .17.IW ) 'niurwlay. Mch. 1 . ; . . . . . . Friday , Meh.a . , . ; . . . . . . flEO. ILTUHUUK. . Bworn to and rtulncrlbed In my prtwnnrn thU Onl day of March , A. I ) . , ! . N. 1' . FHII/ , Notary I'ubllc. Etato of Ncbranka , .1 County of DoiiKlam , f * . Oco. B. Tzschuck , belnn first duly eworn , dp- TintfH and Bay that he IB secretary of The lloe I'ubltshlnK company , tlmt the actual avoruuo dally circulation of tno Dally He o for the month of March. 1887 , ' 14,400 copies : for April , 1887 , I4ai8 copies ; for May , 18S7 , 14.2.7 copies for June , 1W , 14,147 copies ; for July. Ir87 , H.flfl copies : for AtiKUKt- 1SS7 , 14,151 copies ; for September , 1887 , 14,319 copies ; for October , 1SS7 , Itjffi ; for November , 1W7. 16.220 copies ; for December , 1K87 , 1B.041 coplrt ; to * .lamniryt IrBf , 15a,0 coploHj. for February , 1880 , IK.WiB poples. (1KO. ILTZROlIUCK. Bworn and nubscrlbcd to In my prcpeneo this 3d day of February , A. 1) . 1BH8. N. P. 1'KII- , ' Notary i'libllc. K is now no. danger of starving In .Omaha when eighteen oiinccs of bread can bo bought for fivacouts. .A DIUUCTORV of the names of the thousand and one nspirnnts for second . place on the presidential ticket is abso lutely noccBsury to. keep xip. with the times. ' Tim Herald asks "why should not a Nobraskiv man bo nnmod for the second place on the ticket with Mr. Cleveland11" ! Who is .that man to boP J. Sterling Morton , A. J. Popplulonor Ji-mCroigh- 'ton ? ' OMAHA'extends its Iioat'ty ' congratu- , -.latioivs to Council Bluffs on * , the occa sion of thej dedication of the [ now court house. The building is n magntflccni ) structure and would bo'im any city. ' . . . . KINO JA JA is occupying a good deal of attention in the house of commons , but king jaw-jaw , under the protection of democratic fllilbusteroffi , has taken up the attention of .congress over since December. . JUJJQK DUNDY.'S decision has furn ished the koy-noto for -this year's cam paign in Nebraska. The issue } a : Jlavo wo corporations in the state indopcnd- ont of state control nnd greater than the ' Btato itself ? BOOMING "favorite sons" by Indiana , Now York , Ohio and other tnt 8 is all very well before the campaign opens. But somehow it is invariably the prodi gal son Who is asked to sit down to- the presidential feast. . ' WB have been assured that there will bo no clashing.botweon 'the TJnion club and board of trade. But the clashing haa alreadyDcommoncod if Wo.aro to credit the rpport ofthe bflloinl club or gan. The cry is peace ! peacol but thoitj is no peace. . IT is said that the internal revenue bill presented by the democrats of the . ' ways and mean ! ) committee is intended .to protect moc-ns'hlnors' . It has always boon oui\ impression that moonslunors have' boon' able to protect thomsolvod ' without the aid of congressmen who drink their whisky. TUB way the Now York senate com mittee investigated trusts was some thing like this : When it got hold of a little follow like the tallow-trust it pounded it all to pieces. But when it ctuno to boxing a Johti-L.-Sulliran-tru.8l like the Standard oil monopoly , the committee used the softest kindof | gloves. EITOUTS are being made by the young democratic women of Pennsylvania to organize Franco's Cleveland marching clubs for the purpose of taking an active part in the coming presidential elec tion. It must look blue for Mr. Clove- land's chances if ho has to depend on the girls of Pennsylvania to keep him in the white house for another term. "WK , Us & Co. have gobbled another public improvement contract. This time it is awarded to Fanning it Co. and calls for repairing the St. Mary'savonue extension of the Ilarnoy street sower. Fanning is very competent us a street cleaner , but whore does ho come in as a Bower bulldorV By the way , who is " & Co. " and why docs that sewer con structed only within two years need re building1 ! Poni'LAKl ) , Maln'o , has Just had its municipal election in which Neal Dow , the father of prohibition in Maine , was defeated for mayor by a big majority. Uncle Dow tried to ride into mayor's oftleb on two horses. Ho straddled the prohibition and the democratic nags , but they slipped up and Chapman , a republican , passed him on a dead run > Neal Dow and his causa received n ver > black eye , but though much disfigured i nnd battered ho claims to bo still in the i * JUDOK VAN BIWNT , of the Now York tf eupromo court , holds that lobbyists , Vho for pay use their "influonco" in cocuring the passage of a law , nro on an equality with gamblers who accept a note from n victim on his winnings and force him to pay. And that' such a con tract is void in law as against public policy and public morality. The people of Nebraska will do well in bearing this comparison 'in mind when the railroad lobbyists hover over the next session ol Ui 6 state legislature. Oorernop Ttinyer * Pntjr. Within the past ton days this tno been Invaded by-fl fonoo of firmed detectives who are now said to bo sti- ( .toned at important railway points on the line of the Burlington & Missouri railroad. This force hns'bocn Imported , nto Nebraska at the 'instance ot the managers of that road , under the pretext - text that they nro needed to protect tlio property of the company nnd the safety of its employes who have taken the places of the Htrikmg engineers and firemen. The right of the rnllroad company to exorcise all reasonable precaution for the Hocurlty of its buildings , rolling otock and employes cannot bo culled in question. But , no corporation ban a right to hire bands of armed men who are not citizens of this state to exer cise police powers and functions which by the laws of this state can only bo performed by the. duly authorized exec utive ofllcorfl. . If the in rum go is of the Burlington railroad have any fears of lawless assaults upon their employes , or riotous incendiarism , it-is .their privi lege , UUo thnt'of any other * citizen , to Invoke the' power of the local authori ties for protection , and/if those local ofllc'ors.aro . unable to repress violence they have a right through them to request - , quest the governor to call' out 'the militia. When the state has exhausted its military strength for the restoration of ordot'j the governor Is in duty bound , to call upon the president for federal troops.- This is the lawful and constitUT , tionnl .method o'f procedure. Any nttompt. introduce into this state bands of armed mercenaries to overawe oiti'/cns or interfere .in any manner with their freedom'of action , is a high handed usurpation which' calls for prompt and decisive action on the part of the chief executive of this state. It becomes the manifest duty of Gov ernor Tbayer , at this-juncture , to issue a proclamation to municipal- county officers' maintain law mid order and to Arrest 'every non-rcsidenb wlio at tempts to exercise , polfco authority , or carries concealed Weapons under the pretense of acting as guardian to corporate property _ or . rail way cirtploycs' Nebraska . is a civilized state , whoso oxequtivo Is clothed with ample power to protect the * life and property . of every clti/cn within * .its boundary. The importation of armed mercenaries'is n defiance to tho'statoi It is' an .incentive to disorder and riot that shbuldjjo promptly checked by the governor. Both Parties Willing. The officials.of the Burlington rail road company and these authorised to Bpoak in behalf of tlio striking1 engineers have' expressed their entire willingness that the issue between the cotnpnny and the engineers shall be investigated , us has'proposed , 'by'a. committee of congress. Each of the parties professes to feel so entirely confident of the right and justice of its position as to desire the fullest light thrown upon it and to fears of an _ adverse verdict as tUe result of an impartial investigation. A candid estimate of this sentiment and spirit must lead" .to. the conclusion that both parties' , seriously feel * that _ a . vital 'principle to cadi is involved in the struggle , 'and that it is riot -battle in which mer cenary considerations nro the solo in ' centive. ' . The resolution introduced in congress - gross and referred tb the committee on commerce provides for an investigation and authorizes the committee appointed under the resolution to offer its services for arbitrating the dilllculty. If there was substantial reason for believing' ' that the issue might bo settled .In this way. the proposed effort to do so would very likely-have general approval. But there could bo no arbitration without the consent of the parties to the contro versy , and this method of roaoh- * ing n settlement the Burlington officials have absolutely refused to adopt. "When it was proposed to them their reply was that there was nothing to arbitrate. Tlioy are doubtless of this mind still , and there is no reason to suppose that they would bo more likely to submit the matter to the decision of a congressional committee than to any other equally reputable and intelligent body of citizens which could bo called together any day at Chicago for the purpose of arbitration. The Burlington officials have virtually de clared that so far as they are concerned there is no middle ground in the con tention , and therefore no basis for arbi tration. It is almost certain , therefore , th'it any effort of a congressional com mittee in this direction would bo futile. As to an investigation by such a com mittee , would it accomplish anything to repay the time and cost thnt would bo in- \olvedV There is probably nothing of importance to bo learned not already of public knowledge. The causes of the strike are well understood , and if there mo any motives behind it that have not been made public It is not probable a congressional committee would bo able to got nt them. Such an investigation might do the ono thing of ascertaining approximately the extent to which the trouble has boon on injury to the public interests , nnd if that information should load to legislation looking to the pre vention of such difficulties in future between - tweon railroad corporations and their employes the investigation would have served n good purpose. That there will some day bo a demand for such legislation , if the time is not now ripe for it , there can bo no doubt. Every thoughtful man must see the danger there" is to the commer cial Interests of the country in the unre stricted freedom of railroad corpora tions and their employes to engage in hostilities that may result in paralyz ing the whole carrying trade of the country. "What is obviously needed Is n more clearly defined responsibility for the performance of duties In which the publio Is directly concerned on the part of both common carriers and their em ployes. The demands or interests of neither ono nor the other should bo permitted to conflict with their publio obligations. Both should bo subjected to such restraints and conditions as would compel thdm to adjust their differences .without abandon ing any of the duties which. the public lias the right to expect- and require of them , and without Injury to any publio interest. It IB not improbable thilt be fore Ihe present strike Hhnll have ter minated the ncccstlty of such legislation will bo more generally and plcnrly' scun than it is at present , A Blcp Forward. The United States senate has gone so far toward reforming its unropubllcnn secret session prnctlce as to modify the rule regarding executive sessions so as to provide that hereafter- treaty maybe bo considered in open session , if the majority so desire. This is a very mod erate concession to the public demand for tin entire abandonment of the secret so.-slou custom , but it is an encouraging beginning. It would perhaps bo too much to expect that the senate would sweep away this old practice all at once , nnd jot it would certainly gain in popu lar regard by doing so. . Some consider ation , however , must perhaps bo had for. the attachment of the older senators to the .ancient methods they havo'so often foun'd convenient nnd useful for personal ends , nmlwhich , , naturally ' they will reluctantly part with. - . The step forward that has been taken should encourage renewed zeal on the part of the opposition to secret sessions. The open consideration of treaties is the least important result to bo achieved , Thd real wrong connected with' the se cret session practice is the sttir'-chumbor method of considering appointments. , It is the injury done to the reputation of citizens behind the barred floors , of the sonnto , for which' senators cs- eftpo all responsibility , . that is the greatest -evil connected with the secret session custom. It is the oppor tunity ghon senators to .gratify their personal or political .hatreds that ren ders the secret session , repugnant to every consideration of fairness and jus tice. The custom Is without a reason able excuse or 'justification , and it is only a. question of time when it will bo abandoned. For the stqp It has taken , Jot the senate-bo commanded. ' , Inflating the Gas CInlm. The council has ordered the gae com pany to , extend its'mains on Lcavpn- worth'between Thirtieth nnd Thirty- soventlVstreets. This.means , of course , an addition of from ton totwenty , lamp posts at an' expense of from $320 to 8700 per year. The gas company's bills , which are systematically staved -off from month to month , will thus bo swcllo4'nnd ' when the great gas claim is finally .settled it . .willrun up in the neighborhood of sixty thousand dollars. The plain intent of the charter is , that the expenses for street lighting shall. . bo part . of . the cur rent expense of . the municipal government just the same ns rent and fuel ar.i. If the gas bills were incjude'd in the monthly appropriations and paid out of the trcnoral fund as the law re quires , the city could command at least 'as liberal discount as is conceded to pri vate consumers of gasi That would mean a saving of thousands of dollars to taxpayers. It would also prevent a reck less increase of street lamps in every directionbecause the council would have , td keep within the limits ofits capacity .to pay.But that is not the policy which governs the council in its conduct of the city's business. * . ' ' THE'county commissioners have a project on hand to add another story on the county jail. It is a , very serious ' question whether the jail noc'ds enlarg ing and whether , in fact , another/ dollar lar should bo expended on the present unsightly structure. In thq first place , the county hospital , .which is now under construction , will relieve the jail of all insane inmates for whom , cells are now sot apart.In the next place , the pris oners convicted of minor offenses , under the city ordinances will sooner or later bo placed in a workhouse' . Every largo city in the country has its workhouse , but it is usually located at' consider able distance from the business center. When the hospital nnd work house shall bo completed , the county jail will simply-bo reduced to n prison for par- tics charged with crime during the pe riod between their arrest and trial. With the criminal courts in continual session , the nXtmbor of inmates in the county jail \ \ til never exceed thirty to forty. For this reason nsnoil ns for the reason that the jail will sooner or later have to bo entirely re-built , and probably re-located , the projected build ing of another story on the county prison is , in our opinion , unwarranted. SKXATOU FAIMVEI.II has gene on rec ord in favor of an unpledged delegation from Illinois to the republican national convention. Ho says to the republicans of Unit state : . "Wo cannot afford at this time to engender dissensions and dis putes by trying to instruct our dele gates , especially when wo know the democracy will go up In a solid column for Cleveland. " It would undoubtedly bo a fortunate thing if the republicans of every state could see the wisdom and importance of avoiding dissensions nnd disputes by sending delegates to the national convention free to act accord ing to their best judgment after consul tation with the delegates from other states. Such a policy would certainly tend to harmony , which is so much to bo desired , nnd could not fail to produce results likely to bo more to the credit nnd gratification of the party than can reasonably bo expected if there is n contest - test of the pledged supporters of "favor ite sons. " GovKUNon CnAY of Indiana appears to bo a very promising candidate for the second place on the domoc"ntio presi dential ticket. The democracy by no means feel sure of Indiana , in consequence quence of the very bad record the party in that state has made , and therefore an Indiana candidate who is popular at homo is very likely to bo strong in the national convention. Gray perhaps would stand best because ho would not bo objectionable to Mr. Clovclandwhllo YoorheoB would bo , and ho is not more popular -.Tith the Indiana democrats than Gray. William R. Morrison of Illinois is willing , but then there , uro at least two other ambitious' pol iticians in thnt state either of whom would bo equally available , and who will stand very the way of the . 'ex-congressman. . It may be ret - t - , marked that MIJ. Vllas appears to have dropped ontlrolM out of consideration. The conrentionVhbwover , will have an ample list to select from. Mom : than a U4ck ago the directors of the board of j do appointed a com mittee of which Mr. N. Morrlam was chairman to confer with the promoters of'tho Council illuffs Chautauqun nnd devise means tocofoporate with them to Insure Its success. " Mr. ll r , president of the board , took it upon himself to su- porccdo that cohUnltteo and spring a. scheme to sell a tract of land belong ing to the South Omaha syndicate to the Chnutauqua association. The propo sition was very naturally resented and the Council Bluffs delegation returned in no very good humor , We do not believe , however , that the action of Mr. Her will bo sanctioned by the board of. trade , whoso members ns a body , wo can safely assert , arc in hearty sympathy with the Council Bluffs enter prise. When the board meets next Monday , it will set itself right and take such action its will dispel tlio Impression that Omaha is inimical , to any enter prise which Council Bluffs may under take. . HASCAM , is still confident that the cdurts will lot him'relocate the city hall Jefferson square. Why didn't tlio b'ollwothor talk that way before the court1 ! Why did his dupes and confcds in the council all swear that they had no intention to change the location ? Did they testify under outhwith n men tal reservation'/ ' * Ir the Ice 'dealers pcoposo to give- Omaha "a better quality of ice nnd cheaper ice than heretofore by reason of their combination , nobody will find fault with them. But if the purpose of the "trust" is to raise the price of ice nnd freeze Out competition , the "ice trust" will uiijet with a cold reception. KINGS AND QUEENS. The king of Slam is thirty years o'tl and has thirty children. Bulgaria has come to the conclusion that a Ferdinand Is worth two in the bush. ' Tho'klng of Holland keeps n fine portrait of Mr , J. L , Motley in his bedroom at the haguc. The grand duke of Baden wishes to take an 'American tour , but his ministers oppose the project. ; . Queen Isabella 13 reported , is spite of vari ous denials , to have been plotting to over throw the Spanish i-CRenoy. More than $15OQ6r has , it is stated , been already collected fora present to Alexandra , princess of Wales , fbV nor silver wedding. Th6 emperor of Brazil wears a buckeye or horse chestnut tied o his neck , to keep off evil spirits , and it ha * been a great success. ' . King Albert of Saxpnyhas written to this country fdr volumes on the American war by living authors , , ' fls majesty is an author ity on Eur6pean military matters , bavin ? greatly dlstlnguishcc hluiaclf in the Franco- Pi ussian wari \ i . ' A Philadelphia sh'do ' house recently re ceived un order for U'patr of slippers from , n member of the Jap'aneso royal family , the Princess Tanabe Kin. The order was ac companied by a plccoof paper , on winch was traced the outline of the royal foot , with the necessary measurements. It calls for a No. 2 * slipper. ' " . It has boon generally reported that the crown prince of Gcrmany.has suffered it good deal of annoyance from his inability to snioUo * hls pipe. The fact is that "Unser Fritz" lias novcr boon in ths habit ot using a pipe except when .hunting or campaigning. Cigarettes and cigars have taken tlio place of Ins pipe at most times. When the Emperor William celebrates his ninety-first birthday in March , every soldier In the great Gorman army will be presented with the .kaiser's biography. TJio cost of the work Is to ho defrayed by public subscription am ] the names of the subscribers will all bo presented , bound , to the cmpcior. According to a continental story the queen of Spain has been investigating the mysteries of "hypnotism/1 At a noancc , conducted in her presence by an Italliin practitioner. , it is narrated , n young lady , well known In Madrid society , on uulng magnctbod"ato a raw potato with great gusto , " and did many equally wonderful tilings- . The viceroy of India rules moro subjects than the craperor of Russia , the- president of the United States , and the prt'sldcnt of the French republic , taken together ! ho has morq real opportunities of usefulness than President Carnet or Proildcnt Glovoland.anit his outward state , ami dignityin hla domin ions uro dcaroely less than that of the czar himself. ' The princess of , Wales is again suffering from an attack of deafness. Slio Is now com pelled to use an car trumpet , a necessity which she very unwillingly submits to. The king of Greece , the. princess of Wales' brother , Is troubled with a llko deafness , al though the king's case is uorso. It has been said of him that ho could not hear a cannon rear without an car trumpet. In tlio days when kings and queens and princes and princesses are writing books and mapa/lno articles with a surprising zest , it might bo expected that the fashion would ex tern ! to the islands of the sea. The "Mem oirs of nu Arabian Princess"1 by Emily Ituotc , princess of Oman and Zanzibar , is a book possessing the merit of a simple , hu morous ntyle , line bits tof description and of icvcullng now scenes , curious customs and the social ethics of a Mohammedan country. Ono question the princess asks which fur nishes tno key to her character , "Would it not bo moro humane to import female physi cians into /atuibar instead of those horribly dcmorall/intf spirituous llquorsi" The book is pleasing throughout nnd the princess to- lates en passant BOUIO of the meanness of the Kpgllsh and German governments iu the Discrimination. Kc\o \ Ypit. II'orM. It Is wondci ful how the statute of limita tions extends its sheltering arms when there is a millionaire or two In sight , All Oral ) . C/ifcfl/o / ( Herald. The Investigation of the Standard oil com pany appears to acaro nobody connected with it. An "octopus" la tyell prepared for its foes. It is forearmed 'twico four-armed as It wcro. Bought Him Off. CMcaoo Times. President ClovolamLMms named the new military post at High"wood after General Sheridan. It doesn't jnattor now whether General Shorldan w4 ! born in this country or Ireland ; ho surely cduld not think of being - ing a candidate aga'mst President Cleveland now. Come On. St. Vtwl Olofjf. General Beadle told the Omaha board of trade that if division failed the southern counties of Dakota would probably try to secede - code and join Nebraska. The general's mouth at times Jangles badly , but withalit- tlo reconstructing , ho will muko a good 'citi zen of the big state , and Dakota cannot well spaio him. Ho Will probably conclude not to take any counties south of the Hlg Muddy. A Thront. , San ancl co JVut. California .wfll not wo hot-citizens crowded out of her industries or nor lands by pauper Immigration from China without a . . . Uj. Mlii. * * * * * A * tf the cast showed half the courage or appre ciation of Its own nnd of American Interests that California has , It would not allow the session of congress to pass without Insisting on tin adequate law and getting It. Hut if the east is willing to reap the harvest of strikes , riots and misery that comes over In the toed of the stcorngo from Europe , it nhould not Insist that California bo compelled to receive the same punishment. . There jiro fourteen olcctoinl votenon the coast , nnd when It comet to the Chinese question the coast votes as n unit , ' ' Jf Is nest Pull. .Chtcagv Kent , Ho * ald ! "I can pull u throttle As well nsnnyono" ! But nil the nulling ho'dcvcr done Wus at u bottle. Ho said i "Though not of the brotherhood , I'll put this engine through. " They wrote : "Ho died on the C , 11 & Q. He was no good. " STATE AND TKIUUTOHY. Nebraska .Jottings- Nuligh will soon have an artesian bore stock. The Tccumsoh Republican shouts for General Bon Harrison for president. O'Connor , in Greeloy county , pro posed to celebrate t. Patrick's any. Hon. M. V. Gannon , of Omaha , is booked for anoration. . The Union Pacific fireman injured in the wreck at C'olton was taken to the ' in Denver 'and company's hospital was doing well at last report. The Imported onpino men at PlattB- mouth nro herded like eattlo when olT duty. They nro quartered in cars In the shops and guarded by constables. Bonkclman has a sur6 thing on'a 85,000 , school house , a new court house and 'several thousand dollars' worth of now residences.during the coming sum mer. . The Wahoo Wasp has issued an illus trated spring edition of the * city's loca tion , si/.o , enterprise , business , facilities and advantages what she already jins and what she is needing. The commissioners of Otoo county p0poso to sue for the privilege of pay ing the county's honest debts. The olllcials should be quarantined lost the contagion spread among delinquents. The publishers of Webster's diction ary nro about to present to Miss Loio Royce a handsomely bound volum0 of the unabridged edition. It will have Miss Koyco's name on it , ton-ether with a proper inscriptions. Mrs. Toinok , wife ot a farmer living near Prague , in a flt of temporary in sanity. Jumped into a well. The unfor tunate woman was pulled out nllvo. She has been suffering from brain trouble over'sinco the great blizzard of January. One of the first-class engine - blacksmiths smiths imported by the Burlington , ran a switch engine into the round house in Hasting' ) , tearing clown the doors and battering the foundation of the building at the end of the .stall. The thickness of tlio wall alone prevented him from skipping across lots to Gi-and Island. George McMillan , nn old engineer who had retired to a farm near Beatrice , was brought out by the Burlington with a liberal fee after the strike. He made n few runs between Lincoln nnd Beat rice , but the strikers , bought him off. 1- rom both ho is said to have scooped in a pot of $500. ' , 'Tho surveillance of the telegraph in this city by B. & M.buldozers , " savs the Plattsmouth Journal , "is nn outrngo on the freedom of private correspondence. No pimp of any corporation has any more right to handle or see messages sent over the wires than ho w6uld have to open the letters of. citizens nt the postolUco before they sent them away. " . The Denver News says : "Nebraska men appear to think that a state should bo'able to enforce its own laws , without reinforcements of private detectives , employed by corporations or individuals , without license and illegitimately. This class of hirelings are mischievous and breed trouble , because it makes business for their kind. The Nebraska move ment should be followed in other states. " Iowa Items. Cedar Falls will put in ft system of waterworks to cost 818,000. It cost Dubuque $76,444.03 to maintain her fire department the past year. Ackley has good reason to crow over the fact that the town is out of debt and haa a surplus in the treasury. The congregational churches of Iowa will hold their annual state association meeting tit Grinnell In May. instead of at Davenport as intended. Tlio body of Mrs. Posekamy was found in a \ \ onear Williams Saturday. Whether ehe was murdered or commit ted suicide cannot be determined. Quito n sensation was caused a few days ago near Wintorsot by the marriage of a woll-to-ao widow , fair , fat and forty to her negro employe , aged twenty-six. Dakota. There nro cut 1,199 acres of vacant land in Cass county. Prospectors report a rich find of gold in the Squaw creek country. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul have formally located division head quarters at Madison. The council of Canton have decided to submit the question of bonding the city in the sum of 810,000 for water works. While sinking a well at Brondlnnd last week the workmen strunk u.four- inch vein of lignite at a depHi of twelve feet from the surface. A Kimball woman spoke disparag ingly of her grocerS salt codfish. The grocer said they wore not like boards nnd offered to let her hit him on the head with one for ii-j cents. She planked down the money , slapped him with the fish and broke his jaw. An Aberdeen hotel has conspicuously posted in its olllco a sign which read's as follows : "Any tenderfoot who culls a suet of rooms a sweet , or a spltbox a cuspltdor , or looking-glass a mirror , cannot stop in this house and will llnd the climit helthlor further east. " The directors of the Dcadwood Re duction Works company have appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions to the stock of the corporation. Canvass ing is to commence at once nnd sub scriptions will be taken on the basis of one-fourth cash , and the other thrco- 'fourths in sixty , ninety nnd 120 days. The amount needed is $ CO,000. AVjomliitf. An overall and shirt factory Is to bo planted in Lavamio. The assessed valuation of all property in the territory for 1837 vill not $90,810. The bill to legalize the "motherless bairn , " known as the Maverick bill , failed to pass over the governor's veto. The territorial legislators , and their wives and sweethearto , wore given a free excursion to Denver Saturday by the Union Pacific. The Department of Colorado G. A. R. encampment , to bo hold in Cheyenne the Kith inst. , promises to bo the grand est nlTnir of the character over occurring in that section. A surprise , when smoking "Soiuen- berg Figaro" forSo you will tinit ' a lOc cigar. Ask" your dealer for them. MICHA'KL J. FANNING. lIoTclln How to Hcsono the Tlio Tcmpcrnnuo Movement. Hy 7:30 : o'clock Tucftday night the Swedish LutlicrftnchurchNineteenth and C.un streets was well filled. The occasion was an ad dress by Michael J. Fanning , of Michigan. lu n series of talks mndo by him under the auspices of the Motroiwlltan . Prohibition club. At the opening Hov. E. H. QrnliAm , of tlio First United Presbyterian church , put n damper on the enthusiasm , of the occasion , by requesting that however much the nudl- tor might bo pleased with what ho hoard , that ho studiously refrain from applauding. The Harmonica quartette composed of four young liulies. rendered an appropriate selection in n creditable manner , and Hov , J. K. Bnalgn made the opening prayer. Mr. Fanning was introduced by Itcv. E. I ) . Graham , The gentleman In' n pleasing talker , of commanding appearance , and has the happy knack of driving his points homo with Inter esting nnd unique Illustrations. Throughout his address ho exhibited nvery agrccabla Inclination to contlno lilmsolf strictly to his text. Mr. Funning said the question ns to the duty of thoclti/on in ri'gurd to the ovll of intemperance Is now before the public. Ho- lllon ( , patriotism and humanity urged And ro- ( lulrcil that war bo waged ngninsttho tranic. According to tlio official reports there were'In this country 2I5H)0 ( ) d'atlllorics , breweries , wincniakcrg and other dealers In alcoholic liquors. Place all of these in a circle and they Would make 'J.GS3 miles In clrcumferanco , or nn urea of 674,071 , square miles ; equal In area to nineteen states and territor ies , leaving yet n liberal surplus. Within that circle could be found the host of humans affected by strong drink , each tending toward the seething cess pool In whlcu in 1SS7 100,000 souls perished. Temperance fonts-wore Just like any other folks , each hud a hobby. Prohibitionists nbuiio and crlticlno moral 's\iaslonlsts mid vice vpra. The mscqtienco was these two eiand divisions wore divided and the enemy whipped them in detail. The temperance horde could bo divii follows ! First , moral suasionists or high II cense and restrictive legislation. Second , sore-headed prohibitionists Wtio see good In nothing but absolute prohibition. Third , the best clAHs of all , and the ono to which the speaker belongs , who believed moral suasion good us far as it goes but insisted upon u svstcmatic mixture of the two remedies. DHo would illustrate the errors of tlio Hist ami second class by the parable of the good Samaritan. The soroheadctl prohibition good Samar itan would bo so indignant nt thoromlltumof the sufluicr that he had no tune to offer to him n helping hand , but rushed , off to abuse the thieves and demand the immediate passage of li lv l to shut them out of Jericho. That Samaritan set his eyes so high that ho could not heed the appeal the condition of the suf ferer made ( o Ins Immediate attention. The moral suasion good Samaritan , would llnd his heart too full of sympathy forthosuf- feier to bo Indignant at these responsible for Ills condition. His entire attention would bo absorbed in alleviating the sufferings of the tnan , while ho took no steps to prevent a recurrence of the misfortune. The third class believed that reform in man was like reform to the young tree. The care ful gardener after ucnulng the frail brnilch aright would not leave it , to its own weak ness , but would place n support to maintain It In its proper course. Just so with men , moral suasion was good as far as It went , but it needed the cap sheaf x > { legal suasion to make it effective. Society had n right to protect Itself orcn'at a e ; critleo of individual tnstos. The plan of battle wi3 to wage war against the trafllo all along the line yet never In the heat of battle bo too busy to rcscua the perishing or care for tlio dying. There was a class ot men who -would sign the pledge whenever asked to or break It whenever asked to take a drink. Those wcro the well moaning fellows without the stamlnalo back tllolr good resolutions. Fof them a pravcntativo as well as cure was ncedcdi This was not found In high license but their solo salvation lay In an absolute abolition , of the trafllo. "What wo .need , mothers , " concluded tbo epqaker , "is a com plete abolition of tills evil , BO that when your boy Is away from your side * you need not lis ten with fear nnd trembling for the Bound Of his staggering footsteps at his mother's door. " . . During the evening the Harmonica quar tette rendered several charming vocal selec tions. This quartette is from Falls City , Nob. , and Is composed of three sisters , the Misses Nowklrk and Miss Crow. These young ladles added much to thq interest of the occasion. Sixteen persons joined ( he club during the 'evening. To-night at the same church Mr. Fanning will Bpoak on "Liquor and Labor. " A cordial Ipvitutlon Is extended to aJl to bo present. Saturday night at Exposition hall the moot ing will bo addressed bv Prof. Dickieof Michigan , who Is salu to bo an able and in teresting speaker. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. D. N , Wheeler , ono of Pendor's extensive feeders and shippers , is on the market with six loads of cattle. J. P. Elbert , a heavy stock handler from Waterloo , was looking over tlio markets to day. day.JoRCph JoRCph Hammcng , of Hammong Bros. , Arlington , is in with a load of cattle. H , E. Hanson is In with two loads of Wayne , Nob. , cattle. Harry Bell was brought baxik to South Omaha jcsterday and nrralgned before Judge Keuthcr on the charge of killing John McNulta. The form ot the charge will bo altered from "shooting with intent to kill" to "feloniously killing , but without prcme'd- itation. " John Urntt , of the North Platte firm of Brutt & Co. . has three cars on the market. Bioken wires luterferred seriously with the telephone business of South Omaha busi ness men yesterday. John Ciannon , of Bancroft , brought In n load of cattle. Henry Hurchan , of HicKinan , was on the market with u car of cattle. Politicians are beginning to bestir them selves , aud quiet llttlo'eaucauses nro in order. There wcro two of them last night , ono in the Second ward aud one in thu city hall. The few men at the latter kept everything quiet until the last minute , and then after ex pressing mutual admiration for each other , decided who wore the best men to run clqio nffali s for the futuro. Some good men wcro namedhowever , to give a tone to the nffnir , ami then tlio-io piesent adjourned confident that they had hold a citizen's meeting. In future no way freight will be allowed to block the tracks of the Stock Yards com pany. Yardmaster Mack says so. Already the roil estate agent Is abroad , nnd pamphlets advertising the advantages offered by South Omaha are being scattered around. Some of them contain valuable , In formation , and ono gives the amount ex pended on improvements up to December 111 , 1837 , OR follow * : Grading , flOl.OiX ) ; water mains , if 100,000 ; stock ynul iniuovt | > inent.s , $ . ' 01,000 ; sewers , ? 7.-,000 ; Swift's packing house , JU" > , OOU ; Armour's packing house , JiVl.COO ; high school , * lll,0 ( > 0 , aud Nebraska Hendcring t ompany , fbl'UO. Exchange hotel gucsts'ycsterday were : D. W.\VhoclerPoiiderNeb..l Birmingham.Fill- crton , Neb , G. M. Carleton , Fullerton. Neb , , E. M. Stlllts , Hlair , Neb . Joseph Hammond , Ailington , Nob. , F. H. Chad wick , Sliulton , Neb. . W. F. Gunman , Manchester. la. , and J. 1' . Albert , Waterloo , la. Nine vacancies , twenty-five candidates and not ono of them willing to own up to it Is the present state of civic affairs in South Omaha. The suit of Levy vs John A. Froylmn has been decided in favor of the plaintiff by Jus tice Wells. Freylian gave a chock to Justice Levy to secure the costs of a suit ho had brought nnd the chock was dishonoroJ. To day the defense set up a contra account as an offset , but It wis disallowed nnu Judg ment rendered us above. "I wouldn't Join this thing for fun but for money , " said ono of these present nt the board of trade mooting Saturday night , and the reporter took notes. Credit Is duo the committee on streets nnd alloys , for the way they hustled that building off N street. It has blocked the main busi ness thoroughfare for botno days , but it U on the u\o\ now aud will bo consigned to some less frequented placo. J. W. Lynch was always popular nniong the packing men uml now ho Is sick , Without friends , and In the hospital. A sub scription list Is being circulated for Ills Dono- Jlt andhif friends can find it ntthoC ty hotel. "Wo don't want any ono but South Omaha mrn In this , " said ono of the erratic gentle men who spoke at the board of trudo meet ing , to n lien reporter "and wo'ro going .to keep the Omaha uieu out Of it. " Ucspouslblq business moo. will no doubt rccoRiilto the Chicago board of trade nun good model , for It UUio largest nnd wealthiest Jn the country , nnd has done moro to bring that city bcforo the wprld than nnv other agency. And yet the membership of thnt bonrd is open to the world , mid It eounU imiong Its members citizens of nvory stnto In the tmioit , of Canada nnd of Unglutul. Nothing Is nskod from them but to pay for their seata nnd abide by the rule * . South Omaha men oem to wish to full buck on the old Ohlnesa wnll sjstom nnd keep nll.outMilprs nwny. It might work to the udvnntngo of n few for n short tlmu , but It would result In putting n feneo around the city and In n few years hanging out u sign "To Lot. " ' A Hllclit cold , if neglected , often attacks the lungs. HIIOWN'S ' iJiioscnui , Tnocni'.s give sure nnd Immediate relief. Sold only Jit Price ) cents. Jnllcd For Imrcrny. J E. Hurgess nnd his mistress , who nasset by the nnmu of Ella Hurgess , were both ar rested yesterday on the charge of larceny. They have been stopping nt u lodging house t 015 South Tenth street for 'tho past thrco or four nights , ami Tuesday morning two of the lodgers there discovered that Rome- body had broken Into their trnnks nnd rilled them of their contents. Suspicion was fast- cued pn Hurgess nnd his female companion , nnd the matter v ns placed In the hand * of the police. Pnrtot the goods woio found In Frldmnn's pawnshop , uhero JJuigess had loft them for a trilling 1mm. With this money the two hud gotten on n cloilous drunk. The guilty pair weio arrested. They refuse to disclose the hiding place of the nrtieles vet unaccounted for , * The woman is said to be the same patty who a shoi t tinio since went nbotit collecting money which she said was for the Nebraska hero- .limf Uml , but which she reallv converted to her own use. Hoth she and her "kusoaud" have been In jail bcforo. Calarrii to Gonsnmption , Catarhln Its destructive force stands next to and undoubtedly lends on to cousumptlon. It Is therefore singular that those nllllcteil with thin fearful dleaso nhoulil not moke It tlio ojjjoct of their lives to rid themselves of It. Deceptive . remedies concocted by Ignoiant pictondcrsto mcdlcnl know loilgo lm\ weakened tli contl- tlcnco of the great majority of mitrerers In all ndortlscd remedies. They become resigned tea a Ufa of misery rather than tortue themselves \ilth doubtful pnllluthes. . Hut this will never do. Catarrh must 1)o met atovot y stUKU nud combated \ > Ith all our might. In Many cases the disease 1ms assumed danger ous s > niptomo. The bones nnd rnrtlltigo of tlio nest , the 01 Rims of hciUliiK , of seeing nml of tasting so affected ns to be iiitplexs , the uvula so elongated.- throat so Intlnmi'd mm lirltutoil as to product ) n constant nnd distressi . S VNFOIIO'S UADICAI , CuiiK moots m eiy phnso 6f Catarrh , from a simple homl cold to tno most . loathnomo mid destructive stages. It In local nml cimstltntUmal. Instnnt lu relieving , pot- manentlu curing , safe , economical uiul no\cr- falling. Kaeh package contains ono bottle of the lUni- OAI , CUIIK , one box UvrAimiui. SoLVE-jr. nnd an IsiPitovKU INHAI.KH. vlth treatise ; price II. . POTTliH DntJO & ClIKMlCAl , CO. . IIO3TOK. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. * Full of comfort for nil 'Pains , in- 'tlammatlon , mul Weakness of the iAged Is- the . CUTlcmiA AMM'AIW _ 1 1'i.AHThli , the llrst nnel only pAln-klll- Ing btreiiKthenlna Hasten New , Instantaneous anil infallible. Vastly mnicrlqr to all other remedies and appliances for relieving pain nnd strengthening the imiMclos. Keels ROOI ! from- the moment It Is applied. At all druggists , 25 rents ; th e for 11.00 ; or , pottage free , of Ppnui DlttlO AM ) C'llEMICAT , Cl > . . HoHtOD , MUBS. OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE r AH iTpbliltlc DIMUCI , of nnnt or Ion * from ten to flfuen tl yi. W will f ITO vrliMa gu r > . tile * * torare tpyctio or refund yourmontf. And . ire would uy to ttiot * who hav tmplojed U moil Skilled i'brilclant. u efl eterr known , remedy na E * not been cured , thM you are the subject ! w * anj reeking for. You tbftt hare been to tbe eeUbrauq llot Bin-in * * of Arkaniai , and bare lo all hope ol raooTtn , wo Will Cure Yon ermakenoebarce. Our remedf li unknown to an ? on * In tbe woml outildoof our Company , and It l > the only remedy in the world tbat will cure you. W will euro the moat obstinate case In leu than on * month. BOTCH day In recent cnie Uooi the work. II ) the old , chronic , Ooep-ioMod caiei that wo solicit , We have curort hundred * who had been abandoaia . ky.l'byilolaui aad prouounoeu Incurable , and . We Challenge lira World . that wo will not curb In leu than one month. Klnr * th lilelory of medicine , a True SpoclBo for BrplillltlOhKruptlonm Ulcern , bore month , Ac. , bat been sou t fur but neror found until Our Magic Remedy ai < llroviTfl , and we art ) Jtutllted In wring It li tht only remedy In the world ( but will luirlllToly cure , beoauau tboJateit medical worki. publlnbed by the cent known imthorltlrn , ay there wni never a true peclttc before. Otir Ilcrordr Ik the only mcdlctne In the worlil that will euro wncn CTerytulnii elio ha filled. Ithaibeen locnnccdtd by a Targe numburot celebrated rnyilMnce. IT HAH NEVER Tn rxiLin To CUHJE. Why w te your time and money with * atent inedlclnri that neror Imd rlrtfie , or doctor kith phyclclans that uannot euro you. You tbat bar * tried CT < rythlng olfe should come to us now and get permanent relief ) you never ran act Itelinwher * . Mark what we ssyi In tbe end you mutt take out Remedy or NKTKH recover. And you that have been Otlrted but a short time should by all means come to now. xnny cut help nnd think thoya re free train the dlieattt , but In one , two or three years after , II appears af tin In a more horrible form. Investlf at * our financial standing through the mer * eantlle a enclei end note that we are fullre > ponsl * Me nnd our written guarantees are coort. We have KiiiElir prepared on purely Hcluntlllo 1'ilnctples ana werlib to repeat that It Nkvcii TAILU TO cutui. All letters iKcnxHr connacntlnl. THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omalm , Neb. Booms 10 and IT lleUman Block. SOME DOCTORS honestly admit ( bat they can't euro llhcuiuatism and Neuralgia. Others Bay they. can but don't. Ath-lo- iilio-roi says nothing but rir . That's the secret of IU success. Yean of trial have jiroitd it to bo a quick , tuft , turt cure. Conconl.N. II.RiJ't.S.IW ' In my own f/iinlly Atlilnpnnnm wa u ot | n a last icxort , the n or liavliu Kinrrral from ibtuiiiatluu for lean uiul luvlnto Imuu tnatul for llm dfc-i-iu.0 byd'flirtnC ' lilirrictanfi lu thin Htnto anil ManMchu. ntlH without oviin lomixjrnry rcllbf. llioino ) rponnim nilil Inn scuntiuf | H . I'lo ' havci iixcil thin ivinnly nltli th Runts result * cUlnuil for It. O. II. V < H'OK. , nwa. Jan 3. Iflm. Allilophnrcix Jiu oninpli t > I ) riirml nie of ncrtous hi mlarho , uiul I frcl thankful for all the irooa It hi Mono inc. Mrs. l.auiit OiiLnnr. A3- Send fi ccn(4 ( Tur thn Ixnntlful rotored plo- turo , " McxirUli Maiden. " THE A THLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. pit * , iltecatr pcrmt and Security ( linn aie pffpctually comliattcd by burning llyilnnuiiithul I'uitllto In rooniH mid aiiuUtnoiitn. 'Jliey am Against fruirantandrnvlKoratlngUtli 8lLlc .SUii and * cnli alutiue * uro ] > onim- nently cured by the Suffering .Siidji.a pure.lilclily hcuntod nip al noun for toilet , winery and Imtti. 'J'uofliacht , fuce ncuialul" and f < imeil nr ttuiillen u" > ' > leld promptly - Disease ly to Dnrbv'a Dental rfaHtera , wlifUl take tlio placs of npiati'H , and dan- 'and geroiw tootluiche drops. CVimn and Jluntnim caiis no p ln whore JIoad'H Corn and Itunlon I'lustcru are used. They quickly Death ! allny In tlammntlon nnd reltovo pain. .Small pox and other contaKlouK dlxuaftoit uro iirarontod by btimliiK heubury'a Hulihur ] Candloa In pel. tafj4. ( .los'tH , winks , Hlllpn' holds , bird fttucH , ililcki HC 001)4. ) tc. 25 Gents btiAlilfUY X JUIINbO.V , Now York. SOIENTIFI6 CLUCK & WILKINSON.