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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1888)
' - rr . 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , -KEBRUAEY 14. 188a STRANGE STORY OF A CRIME , Arrest of a Wostoru Stock-Ealsor by Now York Ofllcors. SACRIFICED HIS TWIN-BROTHER. Supposed to Hnve.nccn DcndforHix Ycnrn , JnnicH Imflcr's Hiding 1'laco Discovered by the Detectives. The I > end Come lo Iilfe. _ Morrison Wllcox. deputy sheriff of Cftttnr- D'UBIIS county , New York , passed through the city yesterday en route to Olcnn , nnd hnd in custody .Tunics Gregory Lnflor , n promi nent stock raiser whoso ranch Is located near WatrouB , New Mexico. The prisoner was handcuffed , nnd IIURO stool shackles were clasped about his ankles. The crlmo for which Laller Is now under arrest Is robbery und assault with intent to kill. The story of the terrible affair as told to n reporter by the oftlcer is a strange one and is as follows : Mr. and Mrs. Mason Laflcr , parents of the prisoner , arc respectable fanners living near Olcan , Now York. Twin sons were born to them and when they grew to manhood the resemblance between them was so great that few people could tell one from the other. IJoth of them were sent to eolloKO , James choosing Cornell and his twin brother William wont to Yale. Uoth of them , after three years' left their alma maters und returned to their homo. William took the management of the farm nnd James began the study of law in the village of Olcan. It was the habit of the latter to spend Sunday at homo and on the evening of that day the brothers invariably spent a few hours at thu house of a neighbor named John Clifford , a rich lumber manu facturer and who had two lovely daughters. One Sunday night in Juno Ibb'-J a gcntli'inun called on Mr. Clifford and paid him nearly (8,000 in cash. This was done in the presence of both the Latter brothers. Shortly after the twins departed for homo. Hctwccn the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock next morning , Mr. Clifford was attacked by a masked man nnd beaten into insensibility. The $ $ ,000 which was hidden between the mattress of the bed was taken and the rob ber started to make his esca | > o. Ho was met in the hall by the youngest Miss Clifford , William Trailer's sweetheart , and the girl with unusual bravery , snatched the mask from the robbers face and exclaimed , "My God. Hill Laller what have you done ! " The would-be murderer struck her und then lied. Next morning William Laller was arrested nnd held without bail charged with burglary and attempted murder. Mr. Clifford finally recovered and William was placed on trial. The main witness was his old sweet-heart who swore positively to indcntlfylnghim as the robber. She was sure It was William nnd not James as the robber was drcssscd in the same clothes William had worn the night proceeding the crime nnd and which in material and style were radi cally different from those worn by his brother. In his own behalf William testified that ho was Innocent nnd all ho know was that ho had retired one hour after leavingtheClifford mansion on Sunday night. He had awakened In the morning with a terrible nausea and felt queer for two or three days. The jury had brought in a verdict of guilty as charged nnd the prisoner was sentenced to ten years hard labor at Sing Sing. While nearly every one believed William Kiillty there was one firm friend who doubted it ana set about to discover the truth. His investigation lasted nearly a year. His dis- coiverlus in brief were us follows : James at Cornell contracted many debts which were paid shortly after the robbery. That ho hod , sent $3,000 to a Mrs. Coates in Ithiaca as hush money for his ruining her daughter. That on the Sunday night proceeding the robbery James had purchased two ounces of chloroform nt an Olcan drug store with which ho undoubtedly drug ged his brother. A hundred minor things were found out that proved the guilt of James Laflcr. Before this investigation was completed James left for a trip to Now York. Abmit two months later a report reached Olean that ho had been drowned oft Long Branch while yachting , und that his body could not bo recovered. A week nfter- wnru tt respectable looking man giving his name ns Alfred Thomas appeared nt the Laf- lor farm and continued the news. Ho brought with him certain papers that bore out his statement , and James was given up as dead. One day , about three years later , Olcan nnd the surrounding country were electrified by the action of Governor Hill , who issued n pardon for William Laticr , stating that ho -was convinced of the convict's innocenceand that ho was positive that the crime was com mitted by his dead twin brother. The years passed on and would doubtless become only n memory ore long but for the appearance of a man in Olcan Uvo weeks ago who hnd a secret interview with the county , or district attorney. He informed that olticiul that ho was the man who had brought the news of , Jnmes' death to the family six years before nnd that ho was paid by James to do it. Ho said that James was living and was a ranchman , located near Wntrous , New .Mexico. A warrant was issued and the fugi tive apprehended last Thursday. Ho stoutly denies his guilt und says tlmt ho will be able to prove his innocence. THE DOG OUDINANCB. Chief of Police Soavey Determined to Knforco It. The city ordinance regulating the running at largo of dogs Is a dead letter and has been slnco Its original inception. , The tax , pro- ( 'vided for the enactment , Is $1 n year per dog , .but the law or any part thereof has never ibccn enforced or any tax collected. Chief of .Police Seavoy , however , declared that helms determined that hereafter , commencing with the 1st day of March , the letter and the spirit of the ordinance shall bo carried out and executed. He estimates that there are no less than 8.000 unlicensed dogs running at largo In the city , nnd ho intends to either do- populnto the community of these useless and annoying canines or. see that the city realizes the lawful revenue. In the months of Juno. July , August and September It is ugalnt the law to allow any unmuzzled dog to run tit largo In the streets of the city of Omaha. Any dog caught thus unmuzzled the law requires shall bo killed , and the owner , if ho bo convicted of allowing such dog to run so at largo , shall bo lined in u sum not less than f 100. Any party allowing n dog known to bo vicious to run nt largo at any time unmuzzled is liable to n line not less than $25 or moro than * 100. Chief Senvey is making preparations for u rigid enforcement of this ordinance nnd all owners * of ddgs are hereby forewarned ngulnst nuy violation of the same. A metal tug attached to n collar will bo furnished for each dog licensed , and which exempts them from molestation while nt largo , or during the current year of the payment of such tax. f THE UNION PACIFIC'S ATTITUDK. The Company HUH Decided Not to Join In the Freight War. TUo Union Pacific will not take part in the great freight war , at least for the present. In view of the fact that both the B. & M. and Chicago & Northwestern are actively engaged in the strife nnd that these two roads enter a considerable iwrtlon 'of the territory covered by the Union Pacific the decision of'that com pany has occasioned much surprise. To local jioints in Nebraska the rates of the B. & M. and Northwestern nro much lower on all classes of freight and the stand taken by the Union Pacific , is , to say the least u very Btrango one. In conversation with an old railroad man yesterday a BKK reporter was Informed that in all probability the unusually strange attitude of the Union Pucllle was duo to an agreement with the warring roads , whereby the freight trafllo would bo pro rated and that the Union Pacific would receive Its shnro whether they curried a iwutul or not. This it is hoped would break up the war at un early date Inasmuch as nil dealers west of the Missouri river are delaying giving or- ' dcrs for goods hoping to get n very small freight rjto. They nro anxiously watching the movements of the Union Pacific managers and will hold off ns long as possible before ordering Uny freight shipped. Of course thte will aflin all the roads uud they , seeing that nsig4)eiit8 ) , even ut reduced ra.tcs , nro rery fevf , will couio to un agreement soon. TJuU vfew of tbo CUMJ was stated to u prom- Incnt Union Pacific official yesterday. Ho nald tlmt It wns n very Ingenious theory but was nbsolutcly untrue. The Union Pacific , ho further flaid , wns in no such com bination. The company simply refused to enter into the battle and would keep out ns Idng ns possible. The connections of the road hnd been so Informed , To the question : "What Is the reason of the company's de cision I" ho said that ho did not earo to dis cuss that | Klnt. ) The company has taken its stand und that was all there was of it. There Tlight be some lm ) > ortnnt move In the near nturc , but of that ho could say nothing ut present. Notwithstanding the denial of the Union Pacific the theory advanced , ns above , is gen erally accepted ns true in commercial circles. MOKTUAIIY. JUDGE wni B. The funcrnl of this well-known gentleman took place Sunday afternoon from his Into residence on Eighteenth street ncnr Leaven- worth. It wns largely attended by friends nnd acquaintances who had known the de ceased in life. The funeral services were conducted by Ilov. W. A. Copelaml , of the Unitarian church. The pallbearers were A. P. Nicholas , Henry Bolln , Henry Beavers , Goo. E. Strathmnn , Herman Meyer ilnd Gustavo Belickc. At Prospect Hill , where the deceased was burled , J. B , Houck de livered un eloquent and forcible address at the grave. Edward Benkin , whoso death was an nounced In the Hun of Saturday was buried in Forest Lawn cemetery , under the auspices of the Carpenters' and Joiners' union. The funeral took place from the residence of the deceased , Fiftli and Pierce streets and was preceded by the Union Pacific band , to the northern part of the city. rnuTcir. The remains of Paul Frrtcli. nephew of Mrs. Fred Krug and Mrs. Ed Wlttig , were buried Sunday afternoon , in Forest Lawn cemetery , the funeral cortege leaving Drcxel & . Maul's , whcrotho remains of the young man hnd lain since his death , two days be fore in St. Joseph's hospital. wixcKsiAL's. Flndra Wonccslaus , the unknown , whoso remains have been , for several days , lying in Barrett & Heafy's , was buried yesterday afternoon nt 'J o'clock in St. Mary's cemetery. Funeral services were held at the Bohemian church on South Fourteenth street. niiAiir. The first special iraliccman who acted on the Sixteenth street viaduct , Mutbcw Brady , died Sunday at the residence of his family , H31 South Sixteenth street. He was a quiet , unassuming man , esteemed by all his acquaintances. Some months ago a change in the council cost him his position , since which time inactivity and n complication of diseases worked UJMIII him with the result above mentioned. The funeral will take place tilts * ; morning at 11:80 : o'clock , services being held at St. Patrick's church. . . The death yesterday of Freddy , the five- year-old nephew and adopted child of Mrs. Mnckuy , 1015 Chicago street , was from u curi ous and unusual cause. Aboiit n year ago ono of his play-fellows in si > qrt thrust a piece of chalk Into his ear. The piece wassoflrmly fixed in the orifice that it could not bo re moved , nnd us n result an abscess formed , which was treated in vain by physicians. There was no symptoms of the case proving fatal , and only a few hours before his death the boy was out at piny. The death was sud den and is thought to have been caused by the abscess bursting in the brain , causing the same effect ns apoplexy. OMAHA AIAVAV8 AH 13 AD. Albert , the Champion Pedestrian , n Former llesldcnt of Thta City. It may .not bo generally known , but it is a , ' fact that Albert , the winner of the recent six days go-as-you-plea'so walking match at Madison square garden , New York , was atone ono time a resident of this city , an attache of the old gambling house of Bivens& Ken nedy , over the Turf Exchange. Albert's score in the' race was ( Wl miles and u frac tion , the biggest on record. A utill moro wonderful feature of the performance is that Albert on the lust day , was sound and healty , and apparently ns fresh as upon the opening day. This , together with the mar velous distance ho covered , has given rise tea a widespread suspicion among sporting men , and many openly declare that there was some "shcnunnigan" connected with his work. Fitzgerald , . the ex-champion's cele brated score was 010 miles , eleven miles less than Albert's , and at the close Fit/gerald , who is a man of ex traordinary endurance , was nil but literally prostrated with exhaustion anil unable to move hand or foot for days. Fitzgerald de clares the recent achievement an impossi bility und challenges Albert to n similar con test with him. That there was fraud con nected with Albert's feat there seems to bo but little doubt. Just what Albert's secret is , of course , is a matter difficult to discover , but the furore it has created may lead to a full expose of the whole affair. LIFE AND DEATH. Statistics For the Month of January. City Physician Ralph's report for the month of January , shows that there were nlnety-ftvo deaths within the citylimltsduring the month I from violence ; scarlet fovcrl ; dlpthcria 7 ; membranous croup 0 : erysipelas Ijcere- bra-splnal fever 3 ; cancer 4 ; phthisis pulmo- nalls7 ; pneumonia U ; heart disease 3 ; ma rasmus 1 ; meningitis 5 ; convulsions 4 ; en teritis 3 ; peritonitis 2 ; premature births 3 ; old ago 5 ; freezing 8 ; noplitis 1' ; poison 1 ; ab- cess 1 ; typhoid 2 ; not given 17. Of these the First ward had 20 ; Second 18 ; Third 9 ; Fourth 14 ; Fifth 8 ; Sixth 0 ; Seventh 7 ; Eighth 11 and Ninth 7. Of the decedents 57 were males and 88 females. Married 28 ; single 54 ; widowed 10 ; unknown 8 ; colored 1. The annual death per 1,000 In an estimated imputation of 100,000,11.04. The births dur ing the month were lit ! , 114 white ; 2 colored ; males 01 ; females 55 ; still born B. . Charged with Robbery. Frank Hampton , a traveling man , ap peared before Assistant County Attorney Gurloy yesterday and mudo complaint against Nellie King , charging her with rob bing him of $100 in her house Sunday night. Hampton called there in a state of intoxica tion , and yesterday discovered that ho had boon robbed. Miss King denied the story to u BED reporter , nnd denounced Hampton as a dead-beat and a bilk. She said she counted his money after ho had been in the house an hour or so and that ho had but $15 In bills , nnd two or three dollars in silver , and that ho lost none of it nor loft none of it in her place. She was arrested later on and her trial set for this afternoon. When the case came up Miss King was dismissed , as Hampton failed to appear. She is very indig nant at the charge mudo against her , and has since sworn out a warrant for the arrest of the complainant on the charge of perjury. What the Motlier-i'n-Ijaw Says. Mrs. Ellen Kingsloy , mother-in-law of William Klnnoy , whoso domestic troubles have received some prominence lately , states that she Is in no wise responsible for the trouble in the Kinney household. Mrs. Kingsloy say * she docs not court the promi nence in which this affair has brought her name , yet In Justice to herself and friends she feels culled upon to make this denial. She regrets greatly the misfortune of her daughter , yet U satisfied that she has done all in her | > o\ver to avert It. Dlebold Safes' Cull nnd sco the large stock Mcughor & Lench , gone ml ngouts , have on hand nt 1415 Funmm st. , Omaha. General Court Martial. A general court martial is ordered to beheld held at Fort Brldgcr , Wyo. , February 17. The detail for the court is as follows : Major Andrews , Captain Howe. Captain Grampian , Captain O'Brien , Captain Bradley , Lieuten ant Ogle. Lieutenant Stamper , Lieutenant Camp , Lieutenant Frier , Lieutenant Dwyer , Lieutenant Chubb , judge advocate. A New School District. Superintendent Urunor has established now school district It lies just west of the southwestern limits of the city and Is a portion tion of District No , 0. U will bo known as District tfo , 55. It will bo ten days yet bg- fore'officers are elected und work on n school house forth9 now district will be commenced early In the ipriug.j V ItENCH AND BAU. DUtrlct Court. OX TlltU , Foil IIO1II1KIIT. William Kclff , the hacktrmu charged with rQbbcry , wns placed on trial yesterday before fore JuilRa Oroff. The prcK | > nucrcnco of the testimony wan much against the prisoner. A CM'CI , Ill'SIUND. Mlnnla A. Hcnklo , In her petition for a dl- vcri-o from her huvinnd Abraham , filed yes terday afternoon says that she wns married to defendant Juno t ) , 18M , at Swgowney , la. , nnd has always conducted herself as a peed wife should. Completely disregarding his vows at the altar Abraham , by constant use of Intoxicants has become an habitual drunk ard and has used her with extreme cruelty. Ho bus struck her and otherwise maltreated her. WANTS ins Moxr.r. David M. Urc , of Monmouth , 111. , brought suit this afternoon against Temple W. ana Alexander Atkinson , ct al. , for a Judgment of $2,174 on a promlsory note and for the foreclosure on mortgage of live lots In Cent ral park. ATTACHMENT ! 'ltOCr.titXO : < < . Yesterday afternoon MuNcll and Hlpplns Instituted attachment proceedings against Kaufman Uros. to recover $5'J1.74 for goods furnished them. AN AI'IT.At , . Bcriawu & Co. yesterday lllcd an appeal In H judgment rendered against them In the county com t. _ _ _ _ _ Police Court. The following cases wuro disposed of yes terday morning : Drunks-Walter Hclnpcn , Mlko Pink , Frank Fisher , Put McCaffrey , Pat Curdy , Charles Krlcson , Charles Young , Clint liar- land , discharged. Vagrants John Laccy , ordered out of town ; Jim Wilson , Grant Fletcher , dllto ; Charles Kline , Mlko Hcaloy , Martin llylcs , Kino day ; Oeorgc McAvoy , ten days ; George Wilbon , discharged. Fast Driving Frank Ilush and Joe Rich , continued. Carrying Concealed Weapons Isanu Fowler ler , ten days. Latveny Con O'Brien , fifteen days. Disturbing the Pence Al Urown , $10 nnd costs ; Emantiol Forloy , $10 and costs ; Frank Smith , continued ; Tom Hoach , ? , " > and costs SOUTH OMAHA. NKW8. Taylor C. Blair , of Broken Bow , marketed a loud of hogs. H. B. Ganimcl , of Hebron , Neb. , brought in five cars of cattle. A. Hedges , of Elm Creek , Is In with two cars of cattlo. J. D. Galloway Is In from Tingly , liL look'- ing over the yards. He is a prominent' feeder. L. N. Gallup , of Enyert , Mo. , is .looking over the yards in view of future shipments John Bower Is in with u load of hogs from Northborougli , la. , and caught thu top lig- rc. rc.Dave Dave Anderson obtained possession of a house ot his , occupied by Theodore Elliott , on a writ of forcible detainer. Clmrllo Mullory and J. W. Foresman , of the Chicago linn of Mullory & Son , were down visiting their friends at the yards. Jnsticb Levy continued the case of W. H. Homnn against Mike Walldredgo yesterday morning. It is another suit for the nonpayment ment of rent. Jiinmie Anderson , one of tlio first packing house employes of South Omaha' , has re turned to his llrst love after an absence of nearly a year. The new ice company is filling its ice houses in readiness for the summer cam paign. The Union Pacific is handling about twenty cars per day , and yesterday took in forty-live. The trouble between Weiss , the grocer , and ShelTliick , the saloonkeeper , was ended yesterday , by Justice Levy. The grocer gets paid for his goods and the saloonkeeper" gets nothing for the use of his sleigh the jnstico holding that the $10.50 charged would buy ten like it. Exchange 'hotel guests yesterday were : George A. Winninn , Henderson , Nub ; John Jones Hoopolo , Sehuyler , Neb , ; TJ J. Alld- ritt , Friend , Neb. ; F. L. Shttw , Fullerton , Neb. ; C. C. Clifton , Wahoo , Neb. ; Dojiglip Terry , Convers , Neb. j The South Omaha Medical society is now an established Institution , and any ono con templating an attack of illness can figure out how much it will cost. Jho price list runs from $1 to J'JOO for the various Ills tlmt man is heir to , and neat copies of it are conspicu ously displayed in the drug shops. Articles of value and of no value are dully1' picked up by the crows of the dummy trains. The latest find is placed to the credit of Con ductor Wilcox , who picked up the bustle of a South Omuhu belle yesterday. It is at the depot , aud the owner can have it on applica tion Conductor Wilcox has no use for it. Now that the Fremont , Elkliorn & Mis souri Valley road arc bidding for South Omaha tnulc , they would find it convenient to their patrons and their employes to fur nish a tclphotic. As it is , their customers are oTten delayed , and the company looses the cost of fuel in putroling their line hourly with a Switch engine. At the same time a switchman's house would bo accommodation for their men. Another case of destitution has been hoard of. A poor woman living in the 'neighbor hood of Twenty-second street took a pro scription to a drug store , but not having the money to pay for it , it was not filled. She applied to a councilman for an order on the city but was refused , und had to walk homo without it. Some of her neighbors , however , came to hen assistance , nnd raised sufficient to pay for the medicine. "Tell the shippers through the Br.r that they must not rush their cattle to the imirket on account of the cut in railroad rates , " bald a prominent commission man yesterday. " "If they do they will only bo robbed. Chicago cage reports say that buyers there are hold ing oft in anticipation of a glut. They expect every one will take advantages of the low rates , and when the market is glutted knock down the prices ftO cents or more. " "Yes , and tell them to re member that Lent begins this week and that will make the meat trade somewhat slow , " said another commission man. Consequently the BKB tolls its readers , , and they can govern themselves accordingly. Proceeds of the Hide. It will bo remembered that a fund was taken up to defray incidental expenses of the Omaha-Council Blnffs sleigh ride. The com mittee of arrangements consisted of W. G. Shrivcr , J. L. Uice. Julius Meyer and G. W. Holbrook. This committee has made the following report , showing the receipts and disbursements : Subscriptions collected $ .V > 0 50 Expenses liti'J f > 0 Balance $ lH ( ) 00 This balance wao disposed of as follows : To the Crccho $ 50 00 Childrens homo ! T > 00 W.C. A 2500 W. C. T.U ' < : , 00 Y. M. C. A. building fund . - U5 00 Miss Koyco 10 00 Total , . . . . * 100 00 Tlio 1'rcsH Glut ) . A largely attended meeting of the Press club was holil Sunday afternoon at the rooms of the club , in Continental block. A largo and most beautiful photograph of Lizzio Evans , the clover llttlo actress who has sev eral times appeared In this city was , through the Instrumentality of Ed. Southard , of Southard & Sherwood presented to the organ ization. The picture was beautifully framed nnd accompanied by a cleverly written note of presentation. Miss Evans , it seems , is ono of the actresses who have faith in Omaha , and this has been shown by her In vestment hero lately of nearly $ 40,000 in real estate. A number of bills Were audited'and details attended to relating to the forthcom ing benefit of the club which is to take place at Boyd's ou the 27th inst. Cable and Horse Cars Collide. Thwowasa recurrence yesterday after noon of collisions between the cable nnd horse cars. Ono.of . the latter attempted to make the crossing at Fifteenth and Hurnoy streets In advance of a cable train going cast , and was struck. The horse car was derailed , and several lights of glass In tlio windows were shattered. No ono wait hurt. Tlio Concordla Mask nail. The grand mask ball of the Concordla So ciety takes place this evening at Gcrmaula ball. Tlio Concordla Is the most prominent Goraan singing society , being i composed oi the loaO MClety people ot tbat nationality. It Is a ubscrlptlon ball nad no tickets will bo sold .a t the door. Applications for tickets must be made to the committee , Which Is composed ! of the following gentle men : Adolph Me r , George E. Stratman. H. Englcman. Theodore Sinhold aud August Schaofcr. The society has made extraordi nary arrangements for the affair , and It Is said that the partyrolllbotho finest ono given at Gcrmanla hall since its opening. Lectures to Men. On next Monday evening , nt Trinity cathedral , Dean Gardner , who has distin guished himself tut ono of the most effective imlult orators In this city , will commence a wrlcs of lectures , which will continue during the week nnd are Intended solely for gentle men. Those lectures will partake largely of the nature of n mission and will bo both inter esting and particularly appropriate ) ns an In troduction to nnd the inauguration of the licnltcntlal season of lent. Mr . Pnttnti'N Friends. The friends of Mrs. Patton , wife of the street car driver who attempted suicide Saturday , state that the charge that the act was duo to Improper conduct on the part of Mrs. Patton Is absolutely false. They state that the real cause of Patton's ' foolish act was due to the fact that he was out of employment nnd in depressed spirits. The friends of Mrs. Patton were shocked nt the intimation of any wrong doingon the part of Mrs. Patton , whom they describe us n model wife and u ludy in every respect. _ Fell nn iTlM Cheek. G. W. Thayer , the newspaper messenger on the American express between Omaha nnd Hastings , on Saturday Jumped off u train at the latter place and was thrown heavily upon the ground , cutting and bruising his face in n painful manner. At the depottrains No. 1 and No.'J meet , nnd it was his custom to go down on ono and return on the other. Ho wns attempting to roach the latter when hemet met with the accident , Thayer will bo laid up for several days. C. C. Beldcn , of Thompson , Bclden & Co. , left yesterday for New York city , on u IHirchasIng tour. Mrs. Beldcn accompanies iier husband s far as Dunlup , Iowa , where she will visit friends. Mr. Bclden will re turn In about ten days. Absolutely Pure * This powder never varies. A marvel of puri ty , strength and wholehoineness. .More econom ical than thu ordinary kind * , and numot be sold in romputltlnn witnTlio multitude of lo\v cost , short weight alum on phosphate powdera. Sold only In cans. Itoyal Ilaklng 1'owiler Co. , JL'U Wall street , New York. Tbo best and wrcct Beoedjr for Core of all diseases cause * 3 > y any der ngom ptof ; tba Liver , Eldnoyi , Stomach and Dowels. Dygpopslo , Sick Headache , Constipation , Billons Complaints and Ualorlaof nil kinds yield readily to the beaeflceat influence of It U pleasant to the taste , tones np the Bystem , restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and young. As a Blood Putter It Is saperior to all ethers. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. " " .TV Two for a Cent And the best ever made. Cheap enough , surely , and so good that those who have used them won't have others.- What ? Ath-lo- any . - are they - - pho-ros Pills. What aretheyfor ? For disordered Stomach or Lverlndigest- ! ion , DyspepslaConstpation , ! , Nervous or General Debility , Headache , Lassi tude , Diseases of Women. They'll take away that tired feeling , give new life and strength. Small and pleas ant to take , yet wonderfully effective. Prepared from the formula of an eminent physician. Neatly put up in bottles , and sold by all druggists. THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. , New York. FOR SALE. The Kearney Land Office of Kearney , Neb , Tim oldest and bent established Heal Estate nnd Loan iiuslness in Central Nebraska. 1 now olTer It for bale after II years'continuous own ership and management , on account of falling health , flood house property can go with It. AboWO.tXW worth of lands and Kearney city lots If wanted. Ad < lm > s The Kearney Imnd Ofllco , Ki-nrilfy , Nell. - WINTER CHOLERA Cured MV WAKKFIEMTH popular BLACKBERRY BALSAM , TIIVITI For Sale lj ALL Drutgliti. Till IT. or , _ HB * T TO 11 KB br thit Niw luriovio U > l pei cpurpOitCDElo _ lIKEIUmi WliUMis , JT. | ' tinnoui , wild , teething of currcDU " Ity dlncttXronih ! .l | w.a p.n.'mio" protcninti ettr II olhtr btlu. orn cn.i txri Bjn ntl/cnr iJ InIhrrtmonth ; . IBc.tld p.mrhl l4Ump tbaSindonE cti oCo. l6BLi8allCt..Cricig ! CLUCK & WILKINSON. < A BREAK IN SHIRTS , The event of this week will be our great shirt sale. The , season id crowding upon us and new goods have to come in earlier than in for mer years. Adhering to our determination to have all goods from last season out of the way , we will place on sale this week all the fancy Percale shirts we have left and propose to make one grand sweep with them. For convenience the goods have been arranged in three lots : All our $1.75 , $1.5O and $1.25 shirts are offered at 75 cents. These are of fine imported French Percale , open front and open back , three collars and one pair cuffs to each shirt made like best cus tom work , double stitched , felled seams and French Placket slee ves , all hand finished 75 cents. AU our $1.00 , 90c and 75c shirts are offered at this sale at'50 cents ; Among them are some of Garner's best Percales , warranted col ors and splendid patterns two collars and extra cufis with each shirt 50 cents. * tf The third lot comprises all laundried fancy shirts we have been sell ing at 60 and bOc and these will go at this sale for 25 cents. The prices quoted require no comment. Our first installment of Spring Overcoats has arrived. The styles are beautiful and they will be marked at our usual popular prices. All goods marked in plain figures aiitl at strictly ono prlca. ka Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. MEDICAL # SUBGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sta BR.A.OH3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue ccfsfiil treatment or every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the nest. WHITU roil CIRCULARS on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Cluli I'eet , Curvature of the Spine , Files , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Broi.chilis , Inhalation , Electricity , Fnrnljsis , Hpilepsy , Kid ney , Illaddcr , Rye , Ear , SUiu and lllooil , and all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DISEASES or WOKEN FIKE. 01TL7 BELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MiKINO A SPECIALTY ( IP PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Svph- llitic FoKon removed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital Power. 1'crsons unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nication * confidential. Medicines or instruments ent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate contents or sender. One per sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or end history of your case , nnd we will send ill plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Im- potency. Syphilis. Gleet aud Varicocele , with question list. Address Omaha Mrdtral anil Attrntrnl Institute , or DR. McMENAMY , Cor.l3th and Dodge Sit. . OMAHA. NEB. { S. (6 ( D. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denyer , Col , Of the 5llss > ouri State Museum of Anatomy , St. LoulK , Mo. , University College Hospital , Lon don , Gieseu , ( icriuuny and New York , liuviug devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence. Invite all so BUtrerinK to correspond with out delay. Diseases of lutectlon und contagion cured safely and speedily without use of ilan- Kcrous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur able , should not fall to wrltu us concerning their symptoms. AH letters receive Immediate utteu- ion. JUST PUBLISHED , And will be mailed FHKIJ to any address on re ceipt ot one S-rent stamp , "Practical Observa- tlcns on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaus tion , " to which is added an "Kssay on Mar riage , " with Important chapters on diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable medicaltreatiselilcli , bhould he read by all young men. Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col. SteekPiano hemarkablo for powerful sympv Thetlc"tone , pllftblo action and ab solute durability. iiO ycurb record , the bent guarauteu ot the excel lence ot tliesti Instruments. WOODBRIDGEBROS. J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER , / Third JudlcJil District. . | T CUAMUKJl Of O. H. CURTIS , PfiEt. J. HURD. THOMPSON , Sic. T A . MANUFACTURERS AND OtALERS IN COTTON LINEN i RUBBER HOSE COTTON. LEATHER A RUBBER BELTING , OIL , RUBBER A GOS- . 8AMER CLOTHING. DRUG GISTS' RUBBER SUNDRIES . ? HARDWARE A SPORTSMEN'S" TOV AND STATIONER'S AND EVERY KIND OF RUBBER GOODS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. OMAHA * NEB. DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Etidlrlc Science ' Scienll"caly | Made and Practically Applied. Gentlemen's Belt B st fefntlffl ttith Metric rilt | ( DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES , B re yo P l U th * R k , H d or Limb * Nn-rei. lability , Lmmb.B < > , jnt Il.bUUr , liken matUn. raralnla , Neuralta , StUUcB , IIUCDMI of Kldarjh l pl * L iMaea * * ; , Torpid tlrer , flout , KihBviUo. , Etaiulona , Asthma , Heart IMteaie. Ujspepela , Constipation. Kryalpclas , lndl > ntlao , We.kocM. ImiatiacT , Catarrh. Vllfm , Kpllrp > 7. l b Ajruei UlabcVMt Urdroocte. JUlood llUrair * . l rep r , rte thca lkl belt U Jiut Wk > t JO Dec < - Can to any part of the Whole WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. wear It. It flAs the blood and Ion. NOTE the following wbo hare betn - - " , alt onlloant of Tr de , Col _ . Connallr , Murray , Naperrlllo. Ill.t 1I , . Abbott , lupt. cltr Vierworks , 8o'nthjen ) < iiricl'i ; Hoot. R. 8anipionChicago | K > * t oftlcoi L U. McMlchkel , M. D. . Uuffalu. N..T- -"Your bolt baiaccompllahed what no other remedy nan Ktfady norTea andromfortablualoepatiilgbt. " Robt. Hail , alderman , 16O ait nth Street. , New Tork- and tnouxandi of others. ' Dr. HORNE'S ELECTRO MAGNETIC BELT _ . , strei produces a continuous current ) confeysoleotrlctty through the body on the norrea. II ; cures diseases hr ffvneratlnir a continuous current ot electricity (1O ( or 1 hours out of M ) throughout the human aystem , aflayln * all nerrousness Inunedtauly , and producing a new circulation of the Iff * foroes-tbe blood , Im- parting Tlgor , itrenictn. cnernr and health , wh nal"oth rtreatmenthas failed. ThomertU of thlssclan- line lirtt are rccoirnliod and Indorsed by thousand ! whom It has cured. . -Anr bank , commercial aaen or wholesale home lnChlcaO | whoUillo droggilte , RUPTURE < ? DR. HORHE'S ELECTRO-HUfiNETIC BELT-TRUSS , WHOLESALE SEEDS ! PHIL STIMMEL & COMPANY , OMAHA , NEB. Catalogues and Price List upon Application. TRADE O.N.T VMARK/SN GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The nr.ST and MOST FOPtTIiAB Sewing Thread of Modern Time * . OF IMITATIONS , WIIOr.KBAI.K nv Kir.pATRlCK-Kocii Dry Goods Co. M. B.SMITII &Co. J'AXTO.V. OAl.I.AdAKIt&CO. SLOAN , JOII.NSOX &Co. _ _ , . AND ATllKTAILIir 8. P. MOUSE & CO. HAYUKN linos. TllOMI'SON , IIEI.DEN If CO. LAIIKIN i Co. CIIAS. HINDI : ) ! , South Omaha , and all first- class retail dealers. ADYIOI W3K. HOW TO ACT I itVlrfrn IMmho llt iornl. Tie m tui l cllii mil Kuiirllont STRONGS HAISTOH CB.l ' " M POUTED STALLIONS FOHSALB rerchrronB , Clydesdales and Shire , nluo horrM bred colts. Kvery unlmal guaranteed a breeder Our stock has been Relucted with reference to both Individual merit and pedigree. Home of these hornes have taken first prize at the Ne braska State Kelr , 1887. All our homes are ac climated , and colts of their get can bo shown. Trices reasonable and easy terms. Is acresslbla by thu three leading railroads of the stuto , U. It JI.J r" E. & M. V. . and K. C. & O. . . 'FUV & pAIIltllAH , York. Neb THE OMAHA BEE , -DEI.IVEIICDTO- ANY PART OF LINCOLN FOH- 20 Cents a Week. BoVeh papers a week. Bend your order to th bnirc , . 1029 F Street , Capital Hotel Bullting