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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1888)
TV 6 THE OMAHA DAILY : TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 14. 18881 THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. 12 , FEAItlj STHEET BtllTf red by carrier In any part of the city t twenty cents per wetk , 1 ! W TitTON. . . . | .Manager. Tril.KI'HONESt rcrmtf * Office , No. 4J. NHIIIT EtiiTon No. si. MINOIt MENTION. C N. Y. Plumbing Co. Now spring goods nt Rotter's. Permit to wed win ycstorduy granted John II. NlcholH mid Simih A. Ilunuuy , both of this city. The Pull Mull club gives the last of its series of parties at the Royal Ar canum parlors this evening. Frank Zonuwine has puichased the district telegraph service at St. Joseph , Mo.and has decided to make that place his permanent home. Yesterday the city treasurer received from the county treasurer the llrst in stallment of the taxes of 1888. It amounted to $4,458.38. William Cook has purchased a homo through the agency of Johnston it Van Patten. It is located on Frank street , and was bought of Charles Shearer. The pulpit of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be lilled next Sabbath even ing by Bishop Leonard , the newlv elected bishop of Utah. Ho is a man of grc-at power and his auditors will bo ro- gnlcd with a treat. A peddler who speaks several foreign languages ( all unknown to the police ) , was pulled in yesterday for selling with out a licence. Ho registered at the sta tion as A Washer Machecn , Omaha , which gives no clue to his name , but in dicates his business. The case of the state against H. C. Barnes , larceny , was called in Justice Barnett's court yesterday. By consent of attorneys it was continued until the 20th inst. This is the fourth continu ance taken in the case , and it is thought it will at lust be dropped. In the concert to-night , in Omaha , Mr. M. T. Troynor , the local tenor , is upon the programme in numbers. This concert promises to bo one of the musi cal events of the season , and a number of persons residing in this city will at tend. The grand jury began its labor yes terday. There will bo some curiosity as to the outcome of the cases thrcat- cned ngaint the gambling houses , which have not fully complied with the notice given them by Colonel Daily , the county attoinoy to go out of business or bo prosecuted. The masquerade given last cvcnitig by the Maeiuierchor was a great suc cess. There was a greater variety of costumes , and more novelty shown , than on any previous occasion. With good music , a largo crowd , and the best of order , the evening was made a merry i ono. ono.On On Saturday last the deal was closed by which J. W. Classenof Walnut , sold to Gbiintz , Glee & Ott his stock of hard ware. The price paid was $3,070. Mr. Classen has been in business there for years , and his retirement is a surprise to those who have known and done bus iness with him. The new lirm are resi dents of Walnut. The body of Mrs. McMnhon was taken yesterday morning to the homo of Mr. Dryden , in Hardin township , and at U o'clock p. m. the services attending the interment wore held at the same place. The Rov. G. W. Crafts , of the Congre gational church conducted the services and spoke words of comfort to the be reaved hearts. Yesterday afternoon a delivery team was passing up Broadway. Before it loft this street and passed upon Main the horses were started by the driv er into a run , and this gait was kept up the whole length of North Main street , jeopardizing the safety of all upon the street. Such cases should receive prompt attention at the hands of the po lice. A few lines would destroy the charm and fun in fast driving. The Broadway Methodist church is beginning its sixth week of revival work. Nightly from ono to two hundred persons are unable to gain admission , so great is the interest. There have been a great many accessions to the church , arid many more are coming in all the time. Taken in connection with the work at other churches there is a great religious interest which will be product ive of wonderful results. Yesterday morning a valuable dog be longing to T. J. Cla'rk attempted to jump through a barb wire fence. The skin covering the abdomen caught upon the sharp points , and in his efforts to extricate himself the abdomen cavity was torn completely open. Desiring to save the lifo of the poor brute Mr. Clark called a physician. The animal was ohloroformc'd , in order to sow up the wounds. The animal was too badly in jured and died during the operation. Whatever matters of municipal reform nro desired by the citizens of the city ctn bo accomplished by working thrt > ugn the proper channels. It is requisite tc elect men to the council who are in sym pathy with these measures. To do this it is necessary to attend the caucuses and eeo that the proper men are nominated. If people are not willing to do this there is no good ground to Kick against the nominees and afterward to upbraid the administration. The board of supervisors will meet in special session to-morrow , at which time they will bo asked to accept the county court house. No difficulty is antici pated , and the structure will doubtless bo taken oft from the hands of the con tractors and payment made as per con tract. In this event the dedication will bo fixed for an early day. The furni ture baa boon ordered from Andrews & Co. , of Chicago , and was to have boon here by the 16th inst. Nothing has yol been heard of its whereabouts. The money , 91,800 , is ready to pay for the eamo on its arrivnl. _ Union Abstract Co. , 230 Main st. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All ousinoss strictly confidential. Oflico 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. S. B. Wadsworth , & Co. loan mouoy. F. d'Urro , 828 Avenue A , being about to remove to California , will dispose ol a very fine piano worth $350 , by raflle on March 17 , at the Manhattan. Little Annie Clark of Avenue A. will draw the lucky number. If you desire to get a now Hall type writci cheap , drop a postal card to H. A. P. , BEE oftlco. A great bargain for the first whc applies. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire c A. J. Greonamayor. A fine corner lot on lower Brondwaj for this week only. Johnston & Van Patten , 33 Main street. Shoafo loans money on real estate. Tip ton haa a 100 aero farm to trade for a city residence. It's a bargain , Do you hoar ? If you follows who wanl farm miss this and llnd it out , you'll ' turn up your tow. to-t * * , i THE NEWS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS The Dirt Hauling Ordinance Has a Hole Bigger Than the Wagons. THE YOUNG MEN'S GYMNASIUM. A Spicy Hull Bctwccit Landlord and Tenant An lunatic Wife Coun cil Doing * Another Ogdcn .House Promise. ' A Faulty Ordinance. "I BOO tliere Is some complaint be cause wo do not enforce the dirt htiullng ordinance , " remarked one of the ofll- ecru. "Where's your book of ordin ances ? Just look at it tuid see whether it's our fault. You see the ordinance provides simply that the wagons shall have tight end boards , but the bottom can bo like a sieve , and wo can't help It. There it is , you sec. It wiys , 'To have tight end-gates in front and rear of boxen , so ti8 to prevent the dirt , siind or gravel or other material , from dropp ing on and into any street , highway or tilley , where hauling the same for the purjKj'je as HDOVO defined : " Now one of the troubles Is that the teamsters haul by the load , and of course the contrac tors get them to haul just as big loads as they run. They shovel onto a wagon BO much dirt that it is heaped up above the sideboards , and it keeps rattling ' over the sides' and into the streets. What can wo do about it ? The wagons have tight nd gates , but that don t keep the dirt from rattling off. The officers ought not to bo blamed for not enforcing the ordinance. The ordinance itself is at fault , and ought to bo changed , if the city wants to put a stop to the spilling of dirt along the streets. " The teamsters have their bide of the controversy. They declare that they must have their wagon boxes so made as to be loose , and so as to bo easily taken apart in unloading. Otherwise their work of unloading will bo so great and so slow as to knock nil profits olT. They fcny there is more trouble caused by the heaping up ofV-tho loads than by dirt falling through the wagon box. Some suggest that an ordinance forbidding the loading of wagons above the height of the side and end boards would dc more to prevent the spilling of dirt along the streets than any tight box ordinance. Money to loan. W. S. Cooper. Wanted A good , first-class harness maker. Must bo a good cutter. Ap ply to i trohbehn & Vogcler. Landlord and Tenant. Judge Thornell was able to appear in person yesterday morning to preside in the district court. The trial of the case of Mrs. Jane Richardson against Colonel C. R. Scott was resumea and occupied all the day. The plaintiff has for her at torneys Flickingor Bros , and Judre { _ Ford. Colonel Scott has called to hie assistance Colonel Sapp. The evidence has not thus far been of to spicy a na ture as was generally expected , although there were some streaks of humor and gleams ol sharpness yesterday. Mrs. Richardson was at ono time on Colonel Scott's farm ns a tenant , and trouble arose. It was claimed by her that the landlord was overbearing and tyranni cal , and that ho violated their contract by forcibly taking possession of the farm , ejecting her therefromand using such abusive language to her as to make him liable for damages on account ol slander. She also claims damages be cause of her arrest for violating an injunction restraining her from going onto the farm. She makes up nuite a bill against the land lord , and the present suit is to get the bill audited and allowed. The other side of the contest is to the effect , that Mrs. Richurdbon acted so as to exasper ate a saint , and to muko an even more evenly tempered man than Scott lly of ! the handle. It is claimed that she allowed cockle burrs to spring up all over the farm and grow luxuriously , and that the property was bo used or misused as _ to cause it to depreciate in value so rapidly as to necessitate prompt action to save it. Various suits wore started , including ejectment proceed ings , injunction , contempt , habeas corpus , and others , in which Colonel Scott simply sought such nth-antnges as ho could gain through the courts. The case before Judge Aylesworth in which a number of fine bunchesof cockle burrs were introduced in evidence , is still fresh in the memory of those who heard any of the evidence. The present suit is a gathering up of all the old oases , n potpourri , sharply spiced , and before the end is reached will doubtless fur nish more amusement for those whc have little else to do besides hanging about the court room and watch pro ceedings. On the market for over twenty years , Still the most reliable and the most popular sewing machine made. The tight running Domestic. OHlco 1W Main st. Travelers1 ! Stop ut the Bcchtelo. The Y. M. O. A. Gymnasium. This institution is now in complete running order and is growing in public favor every day. These of our citizens who have not inspected the rooms since the now equipments have been put ir place should do so at their earliest op portunity. There is now in use the fol lowing apparatus : Three ehest ma chines , one pulley rowing machine neck and wrist machine all of A. G. Spuulding & Bro.'s improved stylo- pneumatic rowing machine with revolv ing handles und sliding seat , horizontal burs , chest bars , swinging rings , travel ing rings , rope climbing ladder , hori zontal ladder , climbing rone. In addi tion to these are the dumo bolls , both wooden und iron , of various sizes , In dian clubs , mats , etc. In the same room are the bath rooms , three in number , with dressing rooms in connection , hot and cold water supply , water closet waste bowl , etc. , the number of batht now averaging over fifty per week. Although the shower baths are intended more for taking quick baths imme diately after taking exercise in the gymnasium , still they are growing quite popular with busincbs men ant others who cannot attend regularly the gymnasium classes. The membership tickets which arc supplied at a very reasonable figure ( $6 per year ) , entitle the holder to al privileges of the gymnasium and bath rooms. The only extra charge is foi those who do not dcsiro to furnUh thoii own towels , a ticket good for twenty-five towels being sold /Xcthun only aver aging 2o per towel , just about enough t ( cover the washing. The bathrooms arc open and in running order from 8:30 : a m. to 0:30 : p. m. ; the gymnasium fron : the same hour in the morning to 0:15 : p m. , every day except Sunday , thui affording abundant opyortunlty for us < to any ono. The general class at 5 o'clock , in tended more especially for busincsi men , meats every afternoon. The class , for , members under 10 , is now organized and meeting regularly on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock. Parents , step in sometime and see what a chance there is for your boys. The evening class meets ns heretofore at 8 o'clock every evening except Wednesday and Saturday. The ladles' class being an outside feature , in not vet organized but is ono of the posslbilitied. While the gymnasium is 'intended solely for members , still all inter ested in the work nro always wel come as visitors , The room occupied IB light and'varm , und with its new hard pine floor and new apparatus presents n very Inviting appearance to any ono dis posed to develop his muscle ana improve his physique. A few necessary regulations notice able for the absence of red tape are posted in a conspicuous place. From those we see that the floor is open for general exercise all the day excepting during class drills. At these drills the members are always put through a brisk exercise with wooden dumbbells , the movements being arranged In physio logical order and in sufficient number to bring into play every muscle of the boilv. This drill is followed usually by work on the nnrulol bars or Indian clubs. According to the present system a roan can take from twenty to forty min utes a day and accomplish wonders in the way of tuning up his system. Experience shows that there Is nothinir equal to gymnastic exorcise , properly used , as a remedy for nervous troubles , lung and heart diseases , dys pepsia , constipation , etc. Our citizens should do all in their power to aid in maintaining this worthy institution es tablished tin ough the efforts of the Y. M. C. A. FN. B. Each member who expects to take regular work , as complete measure ments taken , s per card , once at begin ning and again after a few months , to show development In general , and in particular when any one part needs special attention. ] J. G. Tipton "the real estate broker" has cheap homes on easy payments. Why pay rent ? Nonsenco. Quick Police Work. Ono of the gang of thieves which in fest the city was pulled in yesterday. Mr. G. W. Furguson , of. the Pacific house , laid his glasses upon the desk where he xvas engaged. When he looked for them a few minutes after they were gone. The police wore notified of the lo-s. About 4 o'clock Officer Unthnnk noticed a fellow passing up Broadway who was slightly under the influence of "benzine. " Ho had upon his arm a coat and vest and the officer decided to investigate. The follow was taken to the station , where ho gave the name of F. M. White. Ho was searched , and among his effects were two pairs of glasses and a pawn ticket. Ono pair was identified by Mr. Furguson as his own. The pawn ticket was issued by Goldstein upon an overcoat , which ho now has. No doubt all the articles were stolen. The follow will get a soft job at the expense of the city , and no ono but himself will be sorry for it. If J. G. Tipton has a Broadway corner lot In Baylies & Palmer's very cheap to-day. _ Slid Insanity. Mrs. Lucy Clark , wife of William Clark , the butter and egg dealer , re siding in the rear of his btoro , corner of Broadway and Stutsman streets , has for poveral days been In a distressing con dition of mind. It is feared that bho will have to bo taken to an asylum for treatment , although her friends are endeavoring to care Jor her here , in the hope that relief may come without re moving her. Ono of the saddest feat ures to the case is that her delusions center as against her husband , sno be lieving thut he has another wife , that ho is trying to rob her of what little money she has , and when ho appears in her presence she becomes terribly ex cited , so that ho is unable to care for her as he would gladly do. The fact that she is in expectation of soon be coming a mother is another of the peculiarly sad features of the case. She has during the past two or three days caused several quite sensational scones in that neighborhood , it not being realized until of late that she was so out of balance mentally. Domestic patterns at 105 Main street. Opening. The prediction is now made that the Ogden house will bo re-opened before the firstof March. The reare five applica tions from those desiring to lease the ho tel , and a decision is to bo reached so .boon as Mr. Stout returns , und as he is expected daily , the public will not have long to wait before some formal an nouncement will bo made. This is the latest which can be learned by the re porters , but there have boon so many statements made in regard to the hotel , that readers are naturally slow to accept anything the papers may say in regard to it as to bo relied upon. The BKK in this case gives its readers the benefit of the information as it receives it from what may bo considered as reliable sources , although not directly from Mr. Stout. _ A Small Sunday Hatch. The malcontents who appeared in the court yesterday were few and were lightly handled by the judge. J. Shnklo was given a thirty day leavo-of-retiro- mont from the view of the public. The case'of J. Rivers was continued. Now papers wore ibsued for the arrest of D. Grimmelnmn , charged with larceny , the old warrant having boon lost. This case and that of Fitzgerald will bo tried to-day. Judge Aylesworth was absent during the afternoon and in view of this fact court was adjourned for the day at the noon hour. Personal Paragraphs. J. H. Perry , of Carson , was in the city yesterday. Mr. F. P. is in the city on a short visit. W. A. Maurer hns gone to New-York on business. W. H. Wray , of Oskaloosa , was in the city yesterday. John T. Baldwin has returned from his trip to Mexico. Sylvester Dye , of Macedonia , was at the Kiel house yesterdivy. James Rainbow , of Macedonia , vis ited the Bluffs yesterday. Mrs. Rev. T. J. Mackav leaves to-day for Denver to visit Mrs. Frank Pusey. W. G. Roberts , representing the Chicago cage Herald , waa in the city yesterday. Mr. C. D. Harmon returned homo from his Michigan visit on Sunday last. W. C. Dickey has returned to the Bluffs after a three weeks visit ut homo. Rud Prioster , the Davenport cigar manufacturer , visited Council Bluffs yesterday. John P. Ogden , Ncola , and J. W. Buyer , Mahaska , were registered ut the Bechtolo yobtcrduy. Mr. Fred C. Shay , manager of the Corrugated Elbow company , Chicago , is in the city in the interest of his house. Robert B. Long , Hurlun , la , ; William W. Nicholls , Chicago ; J. Singer , Butte , M. T. , wore registered nt tile" Pacific house yesterday. Mr. T. B. Hi'iys nnd wife arrived in the city on Sunuav and will spend a season with relatives and friends. Mr. Hays U located nt Red Cliff , Col. Mrs. R. L. Wood , of Kansas City , and Mrs. C. C. Staples , of Topeka , Knn.aro spending the week with Mrs. I. A. Miller. They arrived in the city Satur day evening to attend the funeral of Mrs. Van Pelt , their mother. Mrs. Robert Mnrtin received a tele gram yesterday morning convoying the sad intelligence that her brother , Mr. Edward Gibbons , of Chicago , was at the pofnt of death. She immediately de ported for that pluco. Mrs. Martin will remain in Chicago until her husband shall have secured a location for the boot and shoe business. "Wisdom of the Fathers. Last evening the city council met in special session. Present Mayor Rohrer , Aldermen Motcalf , Dmi forth , Lncy und Wells. Petition of several persons asking for a remittance of tax on lot lii blk J , Cur- tiss & Ramsay's addition , the property of Mrs. J W. Johnson , was referred. Petition of twenty for lamp posts at corners of Eighth and Union avenues and Seventeenth street , was referred. Petition of Council Bluffs Water com pany and twenty-one others that the grade bo established on Park avenue and work proceed at once , Was grunted , and the city engineer with the commit tee on streets and alleys were instructed to furnish grade lines and report. The same petitioners nsk thut a ttireo-bourd sidewalk be luid on the eust side of Park uvonuo. Grunted by resolution on cull of ayes and nayes. Petition of P. Skinner for transfer to him of carriers license issued to John Romuin. Filed. Petition of Christ. Johnson for a re- measurement of curbing assessed nguinst his property wu referred. A resolution was adopted requiring property owners on Sixth nnd Seventh avenues from Tenth to Twelfth streets to fill their property to grade within thirty days from this date. The committee to whom was referred this matter report that the city has no authority to appoint anyone to the po sition of dirt bank inspector us no such olllco exists. Report received and con curred in. A resolution was adopted amending the grade line of Oakland avenue. The sum of $785 was appropriated to repay those who advanced money to pay cost of constructing levee in district No. 2. A resolution was introduced granting to the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad the right of way to build a single line track pn Fourteenth street. from Eleventh tp < First avenue , und thence to the Missouri river. Referred. The committee'tp whom was referred the bill of J. W.k E. L. Squire re ported recommending payment accord ing to contract , which report was re ceived nnd concurred in. The matter of final settlement between the city und Wightman & Miller was referred. T. J. Evans asked thut the city coun cil udvertise for bids for grading Broad way from Twelfthtrcet to the river. Referred. Hon. George Wright , from the board of trade committee asked that the at tention of the council be directed to the matter of hauling dirt in loose boxes. No action was taken. Alderman Lacy presented a letter describing various street sweepers und their operations and cost. These cost from $300 to $400 according to size. > It was ordered that the marshal notify the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy rail road to place flagman at certain streets heretofore named und to wliich the nt- tontion of the road has been directed. Council adjourned to meet in ono week. Bargains in houses and lots on small cash payment , Johnson & Van Patten , 33 Main street. Records of Good Deeds. Youth's Companion : M. Emile do Girurdinu French journalist and states man , borne years ago originated a plan for a local book of archives in each town or village , in each ward of a city , which should record , not the routine proceed ings of the locul governing bodies , but the noteworthy acts , the good deedstho instances of devotion nnd courage that bhould occur in the town or village. "I would propose still more than this , " said M. do Girurdln , "whenever a man , a woman or oven a child yes , above all , a child had performed an act , which commnnd udmirntlon , the information concerning it should bo officially com municated to the community In which the person was born. "This deed should bo formally in scribed in a register kept especially for tnis purpose , which would become the Book of Gold of the town. What an en couragement to well-doing it would bo ! "Tho newspaper is too perishable ; it is read only to be thrown awav. This register , however , would not perish , but remain in the archives. The village , the town , SB but the family on a larger scale. A register such ns this , full of a record of good deeds , would be to u vil lage 11 lie a patent of nobility to u fam ily. " This idea remained dormant for a long time , but a bill is now before the French chambers which embodies the proposition of M. do Girardin , and it is likely to bo favorably considered. It is intended , it is true , jto cover more than Do Girardin proposed , since the language of the bill provides thut the record shall include "all the facts , acci dents , etc. , of a nature to interest the commune and to form the basis of its history. " < " In the United States town histories are of ton written ; but they are , in the majority of cases , mere formal records , and the bruvo und.intpirlng deeds that they record only too elton rest upon un trustworthy tradition or mere hearbay. There are manyj , homely events , not deemed worthy of recording by town historians , which. , nevertheless , in scribed in such a 'Book ' of God , " would have an influence for good. A Day's Work. From the Family Phybicias : The amount of work some people got through is simply enormous. Few people are harder worked thuq a London physician in active practice. We know a doctor who Eoldoin gets more than four Naurs' sleep out of the twenty-four. He says that it is not that ho couldn't do with more , but it is as much us ho can get. Many busy men are constantly at work of some kind or other from 8 in the morning till 12 at night. Some , of course , break down , but others do this year after year , apparently without any detriment to their health. Instances are known or professional men who hnve not been in bed for three weeks ut a time. These sound almost like trav elers' tales , but they nro true , although of course , they are exceptional cases. It is astonishing what interest and energy will do in enabling a man to dispense with rest. It has been said that the twenty-four hours might bo advantageously divided into three equal parts eight hours for sleep , eight for meals , exerci'BO , recrea tion , tc. a&d tight ( av atfttal work. Few men really require more than eight hours' sleep , but the majority of us have to do considerable more than eight hours' work in the day , It is not so much that a man wishes for the work as that it is forced upon him. Ho , per haps , is the only person who can perform a certain duty , and when , us is often the case , it is a quostlon of life and death , it is almost impossible to refuse. Many people can never force themselves to do more than u certain amount of mental work ; they get nervous and headachy , and then U Is nil over with them. Forced work , ns a rule , tells on a mrn much more rapidly than purely voluntnrr work , for in the former case it is usually associated with anxiety. Real overwork gives rise to loss of mem ory , n general sense of fatigue , ndd par ticularly of discomfort about the head , poorness of a ppetlte , lowness of spirits , and other similar symptoms. It is worthy thut injuries more than rcul work care killed the cut. Some people nro so huppilv constituted thnt they never worry much about anything , whilst others are in a fever of anxiety on every trivial occasion. The Only Mne That Gets There. It bus been well said by a distin guished writer that "tho Michigan Central Is the only 'Niagara Falls Route' in the country. " It is the only railroad thnt runs direct ly by the fulls nnd stops its trains ut a point from which all parts of the falls and the rapids nro in full viow. From this point , culled Fulls View , the scene from the Michigan Central train , whether in its summer setting of emor- nld or its winter setting of crystal , is ono of unexampled grandeur and sub limity. As it Is on the direct route to NCw York , Boston , mm Now Eng- lund. no cast-bound traveler should fail to take advantage of it. An UiiHtitlHfactory Answer. Sun Francisco Chronicle : She had just come buck from the country , where she had been spending the summer , and they were asking her all about it. "I had a lovely time. " "Lovely ! In that pokey little hole ! How on corth could jou , a flirt all through , have u lovely time in a little country village ? " "He wus very fine lookingnnd he was very bright. "Who wus it ? " "Well , I had to give my religious convictions u wrench , but you know I'm High church it wasu Presbyterian minister. " "Oh ! " "Yes-you'd never think how I mudo his acquaintance. I didn't know what to do one Sunday ; so I went to church. I put on all my most elegant toggery and sat well up in front , und well I don't know but when the sermon was over , before he dismissed the congrega tion , ho announced thut ho wus very lonesome , being u stranger. Ho sum he saw a good many there who were not members of his congregation and if they would send him their cards he would bo most pleased to call upon them , " "And you " "I found him u very charming man and full of fun. Ho asked me if ho could marrv me. " "What did " you suyV" "Oh , I said yes he might perhaps marry me to somebody else. " The first crematory in Now England is likely to go up at Worcester. Some Boston folks tried to get up a cotnpanv , but the Hub wasn't ready to burn its deud , nnd so its lending cremationists have united with the Worcester associa tion , which Is incorporated as the Mas sachusetts Cremation society , and they arc raising $10,000. Worcester bus given $4.000 ; Boston , $2,000 ; Springfield$1.000 : and Providence and other Now England cities will doubtless ndd the rest. An ot'togenuriun living at Buda- Pesth , who for the lust few years has been existing as n beggar on the alms of the ccarituolo , tried to drown himself in the Danube because , according to his statement , he wus no longer able to sup port his parents , who nro respectively ono hundred nnd fifteen and ono hun dred and ton years old. A new fashion in bookbinding is to have largo sets bound in leather of dif ferent colors. A Boston man has just had Dickens bound in sixteen different colors , among them red , brown , orange , light und dark blue , lemon , fawn , ma roon und black. Each novel was bound in an individual hue , the only duplica tion occurring when a story came in two volumes. Miss Mouk Meyer , a grandniece of Anton Rubinstein and u pupil of Lis/.t , is the musical prodigy of'ienna. . She is not yet eighteen years old , but she hns composed the music und written the libretto of un opera. SPECIALJSIOTICES. NOTICE. advertisements , such as ListFoiind SPECIAL . For Bale , To Kent , Wnnts , Hoarding etc. , will be inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN C'KNTS PER LINK for the first In sertion and Five Cents Per Line for each subse quent insertion. Leave advertisements at our office No. 13 Pearl Street , near liroadvray Coun- ell lllutTa , Iowa. WANTS. "IX7ANTKD If you have any furniture , stoves TT or carpets for sale , or if you want to buy above goods , call on A. J. Handel , 323 and XU Broadway. Stocks of merchandise. Have WANTBD and Council liluffs city property , also western land to exchange for goods. Call on or address J. II. Christian , 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs. Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es cape. Eleotrlo Call Bells. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor. THE TROTTING STALLiON Standard No. 4006 , chestnut stallion , foaled April 10 , 188' . ' . Hrcd byC. J , Humlln , Buffalo , N. Y. , sired by Almonarch ( record 'JiiM J son of Almont , llrst clam , Lucy , by Hamlin'a Patchln , sire of the dam of Hell Hamlin ( record 2:13 : % ) ; second dnm by Kysdyk'a Hambletonlnn. Norway stands \\4 \ ( \ } hands high , and can trot better than 2'M. : This stallion will bo permitted to servo a few mares at f-'l5 the season from March 1st to July 1st. For particulars enquire of WADE GARY , Council * Bluffs Driving Park , or No. 417 South 14th St. , Omaha. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS MQDroodway Council Illuffi , Iowa. Established 166J. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ITT UN J& BUT T Architects and Superintendents. Kooni ALLflfl a DflLL , 2 > Qpora House Block. HRTBinNRlNfl Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer . ' DIAIUIIDILID. .Plans , Estimates , Specifications. Su pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs Iowa. HTTP If ! ? Attornoy-at-Law , Second Floor Brown DURriD , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. N SfiHIIRJu8tico of * ke Peace- Office over American Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. QIIfQ Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State 01010 , aud Federal Courts. Office llooms 7 and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Q RiBNflTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , 0. DmUUJill , Council Bluffs. Refers to any banker business house in the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. WOODBORY & SONS , Avenue o FINE GOLD WOKK A SPKOIALTY. DR. C. B. J U DD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary. \ VA.TEL. . CAI. AM > THAVTMXO AGEXTS O.COMMISSION. . A. RINK No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP Both Domestic and Foreign. DR. RICE'S COMMON SEJVSE HERNIAL SUPPORT. The Greatest Invention of the Age I Itupture or Hernia a Specialty 1 Makes Female Diseases a Specialty , Cures all kinds of Chronic Diseases that are curable with his most Wonderf til Vegetable Hem * , dies. Is the oldest and most huttcssful specialist in the west. Cull nnd tea him. OIUcoNo. II. I'earl st. , Couiull llludu , Iowa. Otllce hours : U to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 6 und C to h p. m. Star Stables and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horses and turtles constantly on hand , for tale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. BCHLUTKH ft HOLEY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Bluffs. DR. S. STEWART , nosriTAf. AND orriCB 45 rouuin ST. , Council Bluffs , la. Vetirinary Dentistry a Spicialty. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER * SON , Prop's. Manufacturers of M Kindt of Steam Boilers t Sheet Iron Work Orders by mail for rcpars promptle attendoj to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue , Ad dress Ogden Boiler Works. Council Bluffs , Iowa D , H , McOANELD & CO , , ' Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. TURNED OUT By Our CrankS i HAS imported heic from China , T Coffees COASTED , none are liner , R l\ The best f Flour , please bear In mind. O These at TllOELL DUOS' , find X Here we HAY the best of fruit E Every thing we'll BEL to suit. L And save you DDL Its , too , to boot If jou have to B BeyuurOKDK BH largo or small R rv Come and get } our UR CKUIK3 , O Surely you know where the place I S 345 Middle Broadway Telephone No. 29. Council Bluffs. Iowa. GREAT DISCOUNT SA LE OF HO PER CENT OJV HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. /5/4 DOUGLAS STREET , - - - OMAHA. WM. WELCH , Express Lk OFF1OK 61B MAIN STHKF.T. Tolephonn No , IK ) , 11io finest line ol I-amlaiiH , Coaches and Hacks in the City. 'I he only line authorized to anatraV HO ftfid 3 Main StreetCouncil DluHs.lowft , ca 11s turutd lu to Aw. IJlst. T U Co.