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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1888)
'tHE OMAHA DAILY. BEE ; SUNPAr , O EBItlTAltY ; ? 1888.TWJjJL.vTjJ . PAGES , 9 INCIDENTS OF THE ALTAR , When the Sun Went Down Extravagance - travaganco at Waddings. AN INTERESTING ELOPEMENT. IMctnrcH at the Altar-Mnrrlc-il H nich Clilnnniiui Tlicy Never Hpcnk nH Tliey I'MBH by A Jls- appointed Ilrtdc. When tlio Hun Went Down. A Kt titiichy l.urc Knno Ini William Klnntar Ills parents , they objected , nml her father , ho said "no , " Hut Puul , ho followed sweet Pauline wher ever she did L'O ; Ho rowed across the river , for they lived afar from town. And they met beneath tlio beeches when the sun went down. CHOKCI. < When the sun went down , when the sun went down , And they mot beneath the beeches when the sun went down. fiha lived across the river and ho In Ohio , And a white eloth on the rosebush told the lover when to fo ; That meant that "Pa ha ? ROIO away , you need not fear his frown , " So younjr 1'aul rowed the river when the sun went down. Oh , the twilight Is for kUses , vulgar day Is not for love , For the lovcnt' star Is Venus , fair and far she Hhincsnbovo ; Hiimlsomo Puul and pretty Pauline gat on trco trunus bare and brown , As ho Just had rowed the river when the sun went down. And they talked , checks close together , of a wedding and a ( light , One had coino In boat so lonely , but it car ried two that night ; For at Aberdeen * Ihi'y landed and were mar ried In the town , Such a handsome , happy couple , ns the sun went down. When the sun went down , when the sun went down , And they didn't sit lute talking when the sun went down. The Grctna Green of Kentucky lovers. Kxtrnvngntiuc nt Wedding" . Philadelphia. Times : Next to the ostentatious and costly display that bO often witnessed tit funerals , the osten tatious and costly display of modern weddings in the most inuxctiMible. The number of weddings is largely dimin ished every year by the common cus tom of costly display , and in addition to the serious hindrance to timely mm riages , it is a pernicious and bteadily growing ovil. There is nothing that is more beauti ful cm wedding occasions than refined and elegant simplicity , while the osten tatious displays , ho common these times , always border strongly on vul garity , and at times vulgarity is exhib ited in it most offensive qualities. It bcpjins with the vulgar gaze and do- hcriptioii of the bridal trousseau ; con tinues with costly presents for exhibi tion and publicity , and ends with all the pomp and ceremony that can bo com manded to attract the attention and in spire the gossip of the multitude. If any doubt the correctness of the criticism of ostentatious weddings , lot them recall the t\vo which most con vulsed social circles in Now York with in the last few years. The most costly troubscau and most dazzling gifts and most elaborate newspaper reports of any Now York weddings , are now memor able only as they recall the death , in a felon's cell , of the contra ! figure of one of them ; and the scandal that soon separated the bride and groom of the other. The exhibited in all the vulgar grandeur of purchased social position , the gross vulgarity and extravagance in weddings , and they should teach all to shun oven the semblance of costly os tentation that seeks notice ut the cost of modest elegance , i There'll ) another reason that argues strongly against ostentatious and costly niarriages. It Is the unwholesome les son it teaches newly married couples. Even if they have yvhnt appears to bo ample wealth in possession or prospect , suoli cobtly exhibitions are calculated to unlit them for the great battle of life and its unknown vicissitudes. It is not a all uncommon now to see in want and misery the woman who only a few years before was potted and flattered as a bride with every surrounding of lux ury , and the resi > onslbility for the mis fortune rests largely upon those who started the bride out upon the perilous voyage without the anchor of u com- mon'.scnso know-logo of the practical duties of life. Marriipps ( arc occnssionswhcn friends love to exhibit their affection for the bride and groom , and it is eminently proper for thorn to do so ; but it can bo done , and very much bettor dtnio , with every regard for modesty and elegance. The idea that parents must lavish money on a bridal trousseau that they cannot afford , because of the possible crjtieibm of idle or malicious gossips , it is the one that should bo banished from every wedding occasion , Tj > honest re cipients , some of the poorest gifts in money value would bo most cherished , but if exhibited to vugar ga/o and criti cism , they would bo regarded as a con fession of cither poverty or meanness , and such display over exhibits a greater or loss degree of vulgarity. Moijebt , rcllncd , elegant weddings may be had in families of the humblest means , and modesty and rolinemont should bo the charm of every marringo occasion. It misleads no bride or groom in the flrst stop of married life ; it ox- po.sob no honest friend to criticism for humble gifts ; it harmonizes with the exceptionally bolcmn life compact made by the wedded pair , and gives the best promise of happiness to all , Wo are fast banishing ostentatious and costly funerals ; lot us speedily banish oston- atious , costly and vulgar weddings. Tlin Old Story. A special to the St. Louis Republican from Sholboyvillo. 111. , says : The mar riage in this city last night of G. L. Banks to Miss Hallio Barnes , both of Taylorvillo , 111. , was the sequel to the romantics elopement from that city yest- torduy. Tlio 0 o'clock custbound train last night brought them to this place ami they immediately sought the county clerk for the purpose of obtaining a marriage license. Thss formality com plied with , they repaired to the rcsi- donco. of a friend. The borvices of Hov. W. S. Hooper of the First Methodist Kpibcopal church was next bocured and tlio ceremony performed with duo for mal it V. Early this morning the city mnn > lm1 received a dispatch informing him of the elopement and requesting him to ar rest thorn if'thoy wore not married , but all efforts to prevent the marriage wore of course too lute. The Republican's correspondent had an interview with tlio groom and a mutual friend to-day nnd elicited the following facts. Mbs Hallio Is-the daughter of A. G. Barnes , n wealthy Imnkcr ol Taylorvillo , and of aristocratic family. SJio is eighteen years old , a graduate of Oxford ( O. . ) Fe male college , very accomplished , and. lovely in poivon. Mr. Banks is from Vinconncs , * Ind , , about twenty-blx years old , of good address and . about .0110 year ago was employed by Mr. Jlartocs , who is iv great lover of fine lior os , and Is the postosor ot t ' many valuable animals , to Cuke charge of his stable and train his horses. The father told his daughter the young man was valuable to him ; that ho wanted him treated politely , but reminded her of the social inequality existing , nnd cautioned her not to rrcat him. as an equal. Banks , however , soon found favor la the eyes of , the young lady and an engagement resulted , which was carefully withhold from her parents. Yesterday morning a sister of the bride accidentally found n lore letter , which was promptly shown to the mother , who became very much alarmed and at once telegraphed for her husband to Hot Springs , where ho had gone for the ben efit of His health. The young lady , being - ing made acquainted with this fact , and fearing that no father would adopt se vere measures , mot her lover yester day afternoon , and the two quickly de- clued upon Immediate marriage. They rented a horse and buggy , drove to Pu na in time to catch the east bound train and accomplish their desire as above stated. The young couple intend to stay hero for several days to await develop ments. Tlio have boon the observed of all observers to-day , and the town Is agog with the sensation. The bride be ing handsome and evidently refined , as well as the heroine of a real romance , mturally excites the admiration of all ivho are romantically inclined. PlstolH nt a Wedding. Little Rock Special to the Now York World : At Red Aleck Postofllcc , I. T. , on Wednesday last , the marriage of An thony Fletcher and Miss Beck was fixed 'or the evening , and a largo company , neluding a rejected suitor of the bride- elect named Degnfroed , had assembled nt the house of the bride's parents. While the marriage ceremony * was in irogrebs Degafreed interrupted the min ster , snyinfi ho objected to the wedding ind would kill'Fleteher rather than see lim marrp the girl. Degafreed empha sized his objections by drawing a re volver and firing at Fletcher and wounding him in the arm. A panic seized the assembly and a ush was made for the door by these in the room , women and children being knocked down and trampled upon. Many escaped by jumping through the windows. The bride , believing her nfllunccd fa tally shot , screamed out for some one to kill her , and sunk to the floor , crying hysterically. Duke Cummings , the groomsman , hastened to aid Fletcher , ivhon Degafrocd s brother sent a bullet throuirh his wrist. By this time Fletcher hud secured a shotgun , and with it ho drove the Deg- afreeds from the house. They mounted their horses and fled. Cummings , though badly wounded , pursued them , shooting one of them twice and wound ing him mortally. Cummings himself was wounded in in both arms , rendering their amputation necessary. The groom was not seriously hurt. Ho hunted up a preacher and was married , only two witnesses being present. Cummings will dio. Married n lllch Chlnnincn. "For many days , " writes A. J. Howe , of the Atchison Globe , from El Paso , "I passed on my way up nnd down town , a largo bad elegant mansion ; and won dered who occupied it. I imagined the " occupant to bo"a rich and childless banker and his wife , who wore retiring in their disposition , for I never saw anyone go in or out of the house except a Chinamen , whom I suspected to bo the cook. I envied the old couple their ap parent wealth and luxurious homo. They did not know what it was to do- prlvo themselves of the comforts and luxuries of life. They could afford a Chinese cook , and live upon the very best of every thing. Yesterday I asked a resident the "name of the banker who occupied the house , and ho told mp it was'n't a banker that it was a China man named Sum King. 'Sam's wife , said my informant , 'is a beautiful Creole , nnd he married her in Now Orleans under rather romantic circum stances. Her father was a wealthy doc tor , but late in life ho lost his fortune. On his death bed , Sam betwocn whom and U'o doctor there was great friend ship , proposed that is ho would , give him his oldest daughter in marriage , ho would take care of the mother hnd seven children. The father consented , and the marriage took place. Sam has for eight years faithfully carried out his contract. Ho educated the children and started them in the world for them selves , for ho is very wealthy. Ho not oiily has a great fortune in thi8 country , b\it \ ho is heir to grojit wealth in China. In deference to his wife ho has con formed to all the American customs ex cept wearing short hair. Ho still wears a queue , but ho says that he will cut that off when ho goes homo and sees his mother , who is very old , and who would die of grief if she should see him without his queue. Besides , if ho should cut it off his estate in China would bo confiscated by the crown. His house is supplied with all the modern improvements steam heats , grates , bath , telephone , etc. , and Is most lux uriously furnished. He has in all ten children who look like him , nnd of course are not very handsome for ho is a very ordinary looking Chinaman. Ho is one whom I took for the cook of the banker. I am told ho is a sort of king of the Chinese in this part of the coun try , and that ho collects a certain part of the earnings of every Chinaman and appropriates it to his own use. Crossed and Hcerosscd. Now York World : Frank Mnrcello. of Brooklyn , was to have married Miss Emma K. Crofut , daughter of Malor T. A. Crofut , of Bridgeport , Conn. , last Wednesday evening. Cards of invita tion had been issued and the guests as sembled at the residence of the pros pective bride , No. 37 Harral avenuo. The wedding feast was spread , the par son and the music wore there , but the youthful Brooklynito did not show up. Miss Crofut was in great mental dis tress. She waited vainly for him , and she hoped against hope. The company dispersed doeplysympathlzingwith her. Major Crofut , a veteran of tlio war , donned his buffalo ovorcaot and started out to fine Murcolle. Early next morning Miss Crofut , sick ut heart , yet scarcely believing that her. lover had jilted her , went to Brooklyn. There his parents told her that ho failed to keep his wedding engagement on ac count of serious illness , and had just gone to Bridgeport. Miss Crofut came back. Mureollo learned hero that his fiuncio was in Brooklyn. Ho rushed back , passing her on her way here , She and ho then begun explaining matters by telegraph. Last night , after twenty- four hours of exasperating delay , the ceremony wont off nuppily ( it St. John's Episcopal church in the presence of u largo company of intensely excited friends. Afterwards there was u grand reception held at the house of the bride's parents , over three hundred guests beIng - Ing present. There wore many hand- sumo and valuable gifts , nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mnrcello loft for their homo in Brooklyn this morning. They Don't Speak Now. Pcoriu Transcript ; A young Peorlan has been very attentive to two Peorian girls during the la * > t year. Ho loved them both , and it was an open question which ho would marry. But ho hus finally made up his mind , nnd the Mun- fron street' girl is selected. Meeting j her old -rival the other day she could not resist the temptation ol crowing hci1 little. " .Tnuo dear. " she ! over a . , . rd- marked. In tonqs as sweet as sugar , "I bollavo you wore n little sweet on Char- Ho once , weren't you ? " "Yqs , love. " answered the girl , in tones counlly soft ; "ho was so useful , you know , in keeping one's hand in. " ' 'I deem it my duty now , " said Munson street , putting the least dash of vinegar in nor voice , "to inform you that Charlie and I are to bo married next month. " "J expected something of the kind , lovo. " "And why so. muv I uskV" "Oh , you know , lovy. that ( fear Charlie Is a little weak , nnd besides this Is leap year. " The two girls no longer spcnk. Can't Underhand. St. Louis Spectator : A certain lady mispccted that her husband was in the habit of kibslng tlio cook u pretty Gor man girl , by the by and resolved to detect him in the act. After watching four days she heard him como in ono evening and gently pass through into the kitchen. Now , Katie was out that evening and the kitchen was dark. Burning with jealousy the wife took some matches in her hand and hastily placing her shawl over head , as Katie often aid , she entered the Kitchen by the back door , and was almost immedi ately seized and embraced and kissed in ' .he most ardent manner. With her icurt almost bursting with rage ana jealousy the injured wife prepared to idmini'stor a terrible rebuke to her 'aithful spouse. Tearing herself from l > is embrace she struck a match nnd stood face to face with Katie's beau ono of the factory boys. Her husband says his wife has never treated him so well since the first month they were married as she has for the past week. Died OH Her AVcddlnij Eve. This usually quiet village was thrown nto a state of intense excitement yes- .orday by the tragic death of Miss Mary Herron , an estimable young lady of Plattsburg , who was to have been mar ried on the morrow to a Mr. Thompson , occupying a responsible position in Bur lington , Vt. , and well-known hero , says a Plattsburg , N. V. . special to the Now York World. Miss Herron had come to town for the purpose of trying on her wedding dress ind to spend'tho night with the mother : > f her intended husband. Mrs. Thomp son was at the bedside of a sick friend , and Miss Horron retired early , to nil appearances in the best of of health nnd spirits. When Mrs. Thompson knocked upon the door in the morn ing there was no response , and. icr suspicions being aroused she called in a neighbor , who burst open the door. They wore horrified to find Mis.s Horron lying upon the floor of her room in pools of blood , some of which was still flowing from her mouth , and with life extinct. Although some thought death might have resulted from other than natural causes , it was evident that the young girl had suffered from a hemorrhage of the lungs , probably induced by u natural excitement upon the eve of her wedding day. Many things about the room showed that she had struggled to attract the attention of the inmates of the hoiibo , but to no avial. A coroner was summoned , and decided that no inquest was necessary , as death had resulted from natural causes. She Wan Disappointed. St. Paul Globe : There are an abund ance of good men for husbands' in Da kota and there are many instances whore matcheshavo boon made through the agency of newspapers , but that plan does not always work out domestic feli city. An instance is given. A year erse so ago a dark-eyed , comely and intelli gent lady , of marriageable years , eamo over from Scotland to visit ho married sister in Canada. Her name was Inness. She saw a stray copy of the copy of the Chicago Helping Hand , containing the card of a Dakota bachelor wanting a lady correspondent "with a view of matrimony. " She responded in funof course. Various letters passed between them , photographs were exchanged. The young man represented himself as a young farmer with house , stock and suburban estate. Ho was pictured in the mind of the lady as a sort of English country gentleman. Ho proposed and she accepted with the condition that , if both were pleased , on meeting they would marry , ho sending her money to pay. hou faro from Canada to the South Dakota town. She came a few weeks ago and , as she stopped from the car , was recognized and welcomed by the delighted young man , as she was more lovely than the photo indicated. But the deligtit was not mutual. Miss Inness insisted that he was not the man who sat for the picture had red hair and didn't suit her fancy at all. She turned her back upon him and cruelly blasted all his fond hopes of conjugal joys , returning to Canada on the next train. That young man at Parker is out the money advanced for her faro and an object of merriment to all the maidens of that section , none of whom whom would now marry him. Ho might have fared better had ho sent his own photograph and been honest in his representations. A Castle Garden Romance. Now York Herald : A rather good looking , well dressed young man intro duced himself to Detective Grodon at Castle Garden yesterday us Harry Og- donthal , of Rosedalo , Mass..and ho pro ceeded to pour into that interested ofllcor's oar a most harrowing talc. Ho said ho came to this country two years ago , leaving behind him his be trothed , Martha Nichodomus , n hund- bomo fruulion of eighteen years. Be fore leaving homo Hurry said ho had defrayed all of Martha's school ex penses , and since coming to this coun try ho had frequently sent her money. A few days ago ho learned that Mar tha had arrived in this country on the North Gorman Lloyd steamer Ems on January ± i , in company with Franz Veammr , a soldier in the Gorman army , to whom bho hud engaged herself , Og- denthal entreated the olllcor to help him. him.Tlio Tlio jolly detective saw fun ahead nnd ho readily accompanied the young man to the residence of > lartha's motherNo. 511) ) West Thirtieth strcotwhoro Martha was found. Veumoir was not there , but some of his relatives , were , and they abused young Ogdonthal roundly. The girl at first refused to talk with him at all , but in tears ho throw "him self on his knees and entreated her to leave the soldier and marry him. She refused and Vfamolr's rolutives jeered. But finally the whole party , ut the do- teetlvo's suggestion , iiujourned to - Castle - tlo Garden , whore Martha was finally persuaded to go to Massachusetts with Harry. She bald she loved Franz , the soldier , but Harry had the best right to her hand. Hurry's fuco wus wreathed with smiles , and the twain left the Garden together. Veumolr's relatives cursed and Detective Grodon shook his fat sides with laughter as 'ho described their chagrin. Carried at tlio Carnival. St. Paul'Gloho : Under the glare of several hundred electric lights and amid the joyous acclaims of thousands of interested spectators a young couple stood upon a carpeted platform in the grand court of the ice palace lust eve ning to.plight their vows in holy wed lock. This feature of the carnival had been looked forward to. with great engetinces by residents of S.t. . Paul and-- visitors alike , andalthough' 8:30 : was the tlmo ( Wed for the ceremony , long before that time crowds began-to flock into th'e great court of the domain of Borcnlis. Old Indies" and young Indies jostled each other , intent solely upon obtaining good positions near the pint- form , while outside , the palace walls a suaglng multitude of the male persua sion elbowed , and jammed ono another with the sumo object in view. Instead of the conventional ushers in regulation black suits , white neckties , snowy bxpancso of Wonted shirt front and kid gloves , half a do/on stalwart mountain policemen rcsplcdont In blue uniforms , adorned with brass buttons and wearing holmuts as headgear , at tended fb the duty usually performed by society young inon.uttho church wed dings. There were no seats for spectators of the novel affair , bui all who wished it enjoyed the privilege of standing in the open ulr for an houror ' so and being hurried hither nnd' thither by the minions of the law , who had boon charged to keep the court yard clear for these holding invitations to the wed ding , j Numerous cries of ' { There they come" mudo the welkin rliif * cro u long proces sion of carnival clubs , acting us an escort cert for the happy pair , made its ap pearance , Hanking carriages containing the minister who was to tie the nuptial knot and relatives of the contracting parties. By dint of persuasion and sallies by the mounted ushers a passageway was cleared to admit the bridal procession , and a brass band added to tlio novoltv of the wedding ceremony , all the musi- ( ciuns'bying out of1 breath when they halted in front of the carpeted dins. Rev. Snmuel G. Smith had preceded the youni. ' couple , and removing his hut donned u small black silk traveling cap , wrapped his heavy hair coat closer about him , and prepared for the or deal. deal.Attended Attended by best man nnd bridesmaid , George G. Brown and Miss Eva N. Evans passed slowly through the double lines of friends in the Carnival clubs , and , notwithstanding the fact that they were the cynosure of bo many curious eyes , walked unhesitatingly to the plat- Term , where the minister cordially fi-cotcd them. It was not long after their arrival before the woi-\s were ittorcd which pledged them to stand by juch other until death parted , for hot ter or for worse , the responses being mudo by the bride and groom so as to bo audible to all .within the court yard's precincts. As the minister concluded the beauti ful and impressio ooromony the crowd broke out Into a joyous cheer , and no wedding march was never more beauti fully chanted than Uw ono which ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Brown to their carnage , inside the , ice palace of St. Paul. CONNCKIAMt'IKS. ' Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gladstone will celebrate their golden wedding July 25 , ISS'J. At Gludwln , Mich. , roeently , a mother and daughter were granted divorces from their husbands on the sumo day. Marshall I' . Wilder , the humorist , is out with a denial of the report that ho and Mrs. Frank Leslie are engaged to be married. A good-looking girl who removed her tall hat as soon as she got comfortably seated in the theaters hud four .lifters of marriage m- sidd of twenty-four hours. And she deserved them. A Brooklyn man had got married the other day. and this wus the notice ho put upon nis snoop door : "Closed on account of the con jugal association of two individuals of one afliuity. " George W. Allen , 00 , years old , and Cath erine Jane Ludlam , 55 , have .just been mar ried at Jamaica , L. I. 'Their courtship began before to war , and hai continued uninter ruptedly over since. I iV small matdmoniuf raimctlon has just taken place in Kaiisa . The groom Is in height forty inches and weighs ninety pounds , while the bride measures thirty.cight Indies and weighs seventy imunds. A Chinaman and an Irish girl huvo Just been united in marriage in rChicajro. Some where in the shadowy land the bpnollcient spirits of Confucious and St. Patrick have probably shaken hands already in honor of the event. Miss Gcrtio Jaftc , of Oakland , who was to bo married at noon last Satiinlaj/ / , laughingly tried on her bridal veil , despite iho protests of superstitious friends. Ten minutes later her father came in with the news that her , lover. Solomon Lowenburp , had attempted suicide , and was dying from a bullet wound in his brain. Miss Minnie Freeman , a Nebraska school teacher who saved the lives of thirteen chil dren In u blizzard by tyilij ? them together so they could not get separated , has received nine offers of marriage on account of her bravery. For the first tlmo our eastern schoolmarms regret that they have no bl z.u-ds In Now England. A well-to-do resident of New Lisbon , Ohio , secured a divon-o from his wife , and the ink on the paper was scarcely dry before ho mudo application to the probate judge for a license to marry the. same woman. Trie license was issued uud the marriage per formed. The woman is ill of consumption , and it is believed she is on her death-bed. In Stvolo , in Moravid , olio Joseph Itckoc- zek , whoa fifteen years of age , made love to Barbara Neinee , who w'as Just as old. They married in their Uveuty-seeond year and lived together for seventy-six years. A few weeks ago they both became sick on the same uay and died in the same hour at the ago of ninety-eight. They never had the slightest quarrel. A far western newspaper announces the postponement of u wedding "owing to the fact that the groom is too busily engaged in n poker game at the Silver Starch club looms. " The paper further oxpluins-thut the clergy man who was engaged to perform the cere mony also got interested and took a hand , and''as we go to press is kicking like an elephant because there is u limit to the game. " ' , A young man in llandolph county , Mis souri , wanted to marry Miss Osborno , but the "old mun"'objuctcil. A few evenings ago , during a party at Osborno's house , the young lover drove up to the door , and while his friends hold the old man , seized and cur ried away the daughter ; The pair went to Marshall , were married and started east on their wedding trip whilp the old gentleman's wrath was still at white heat. Silas Gresham , a wall-known baptist of Hoswcll , Gu. , lost ills wife several yours ugo. The Sunday following the text in , the church ho happened to attend , was : "It Isnotgoot for man to bo ulono. " That evening ho pro posed to ono of the sisters and was accepted and married right off. The second wife died three weeks ugo , when Grcslwm , still re membering the old text , yesterday innrrlcc his third wife , and boldly declared that he never Intended to bo without 0110. * " KEMG1OUS. * Ex-President Parker , of Yalo.has Just pub lished a volume of his sermons. Hussia prohibits evangelistic work , but the scriptures are being circulated. There are In the Sunday schools of the Christian world 1(1,447,190 ( * scholars , lU52ltr touchers , making a ( { rnnd total of 18,4X,1.17 ( ) The Hov. Ellas Eppstpin , minister of Synagogue goguo Adath Jeshurun , Philadelphia , has re signed and he will leave his charge prcscn May 1. The fiftieth anniversary of the Hebrew Sunday school society.of Philadelphiawill bo celebrated in the Academy of Music , In that city on the M of March. The Lutheran churclj consistory of Dres den , Saxony , has passed a resolution thu persons known to be adherents of spiritual ism shall not be admitted to the holy com munlon. ) It Is reported In clerical circles that Curd ! nal Gibbons has determined to urge uiwn the holy see a satisfactory settlement of .tho case of Dr. McGlynn whereby that , dlstingulshci "recalcitrant" will bo restored to priestl ; functions. The last conforenca of Cougrcgatlonallsts in Burnstablo county , Massachusetts , passed a resolution recommending all the confer cni-e churchpd In clivUhito-alnottg their mcio. bt-rs pledges to bo signed by tltcm pro.mUiui p vote for none but temperance candidates or public oBloo. . During the present yrar there will bo n trand demonstration in connection with the > i-cenlcnury of the establishment of the tiro- cslant ducfcsslon , also meetings of the pro- cstant synod and of the Pun-Presbyterian ouncll nnd In addition to these London will vltnessalso the world's missionary confer- nco to bo attended by delegates from the homo aiulforelgn missionary societies by rep- pson.atlves from foreign churches and from many parts of the minion field , Harriett Beechcr Stowo Is Intensely Inter- sted in the ministerial work of her son , the iev. Charles Stowo , who has u church In lartfunl , Conn. Mr. Stowo Is a Congrcgu- ionulist , with radical tendencies. Ho Is a trong preacher , and his mother , who is now an old and feeble woman , llnds her greatest Measure In life In listening to his ( tenuous. Us church Is some distance from Mrs. 5towo's house , but , no matter what may bo he weather , the famous writer of "Uncle Pom's Cabin" never falls to occupy her pew on Sunday morning. The threatened dearth of ministers Is sorl- msly occupying the attention of all the rotcstant churches. There are for Instance ! 0XN , ( > Duptlsl churches in this country and only : HXK ) ( > ministers , includlnir many whoso ministry is .purely titular , and who are en raged In various occupations outside of the nlnisti-y. In fact there is In every church an ncreuslngty largo number of ministers who mvo in fact , If not In form , "dcrnlttcd the nlnlstry , " while at the same tlmo the mini- > cr of candidates for the ministry Is decrcas- 1MPIKT1K8. Ho that glvcth to the poor lendeth to the ord ; but the trouble with most people In this world is that they never make any loans except upon collateral. A St. Joseph editor , after quoting the scriptural verse charging people to do unto others as they would have others do unto them , says : "But , casting all levity aside , " etc. etc.A A Doubting Thomas. Teacher "With the ixceptiou of the animals Noah took with lim into the ark every living creature per- shcd In the flood. " Doubtful Tommy "Tho llshcs , tool A copy of Eliot's Indian Bible was sold at auction recently In Boston for $210. The high value placed upon this book at the Hub is owing to the fact that the word "mugwump" was derived therefrom. Everybody In the church , except the new mstor himself , seemed to enjoy it when ho est the place In his manuscript , and while hunting for it spoke of "Esau , who sold his message for u birth of potright. " Ten Baptist converts were immersed nt Adams. N. Y. , whoa the thermometer regis tered 15 = below zero. The clothing froze on Lho novitiates as they came from thu water , but no serious results have followed. The Listener , la the Boston Transcript , tells of a New Orleans negro boy whoso ver sion of one sentence in the Lord's Prayer was -'Forgive us our precipices and lead us not outer a plantation. " A very successful Sunday school bull light was recently given in Chihuahua , Mox. The young men of the Sunday school took part In it , and the proceeds were devoted to the In terior adornment of the parish church. Little Margaret for two or three nights , refused to say her prayers. One night her papa covered his face with his hands , and said : "It makes mo feel sick to think Mar garet won't say her prayers. " "Papa feel sick ! " "Yes , dear. " "Papa bettor take casscr ( castor ) oil. " The subject of prayers wus no longer discussed. The following Is related of a popular di vine , in conversation with one of his parish ioners who was fearfully addicted to profan ity at the same time ono of these conceited follows who are apt to allude to themselves "plain , blunt men. " The latter concluded u speech with this shibboleth , nddlng : "And I call a spade a spado. " The patient dominie responded : "I urn glad you do , Mr. B ; I was afraid you would call It a d d old shovel. " Troy has a bright but erratio four-year-old who creates much nmusement utid no end of perplexities for his parents. Not long since , while visiting at a friend's house , ho was at tracted by a picture of the Saviour , and the following conversation ensued : "Mamma , who Is that ! " "That is Jesus. " "Where does Ho live I" "Why , Ho lives In heaven , dour. " "They take pretty good pictures in heaven , don't ' they , ma I" "Where are you from i" asked St. Peter. " " the pilgrim. " "Pennsylvania , replied "JJusl- ncssi" "Coal. " "Baroni" "Yes , sir. " "Stop into the elevator , If you please , baron. Down , Mr. S. Stop at the lowest level , un der the slate. There's a brimstone bath goes with your room , baron. You've kept so many people cold in the old world that wo will heap coals of ilro all over you , and sec thutyou never get a chance to shiver in the next one. " A party from Indiana university will make a tour through Europe next summer. President Pull-child , of Oberlln college , Ohio , is ninety years of age. James Hussell Lowell has been elected to a professorship emeritus in Harvard university. The plan of co-education at Adalbert col lege , Cleveland , O. , has not proved a success , and in the future female students will not be admitted to that Institution. The St. Louis Germans , since the teaching of their native language in the public schools wus.stopped , have taken stops to encourage instruction in the private schools. It has boon decided that the location of the Hoiiuin Catholic university building ut Wush- iugton shall bo on the Middlcton property , near Brook's station , about a mile and a half beyond the city limits. Momora , a son of King Dawanna of the Upper Peron country and of Queen Sandy- munda of Jurbacca , in Africa , is about to en ter an Indiana medical college. Ho Is black as the ace of spades , and twenty years old. President Elliotof Harvard , on being ques tioned as to afitutcmcht'iiiado'in thb'Crffiisbn , that ho was in favor of abolishing all inter collegiate contestssald that ho wusdccidedly in favor of continuing them , since they were in a fair way to become properly regu lated. Miss Mary W. Whitney , ono of the gradu ates of the Harvard annex , has been called to 1111 the vacancy at Vassar college- canned by the resignation of Prof. Maria Mitchell , who has long been director of the observa tory. Miss Whitney wus some years ago us- sistant to Miss Mitchell. A new departure hus boon made at the John Hopkins university In requiring exami nations in physical exercise of the under graduate students. An instructor has been busy for several months giving lessons , and thu examinations will bo hold the last week In January , on the parallel and horizontal burs and leaping. In 18S Frank K. Lucky was graduated from Cornell university. He became an actor and for two or thrco yours clung to the stage. Finally ho decided to enter the ministry urn : bcc.imo a student in the Yale thcologica school. Ho has Just been called to a pulpit In New Haven. His fellow-btudents say ho is appropriately named. Senator Edmunds wus given the degree of LL. D. by Trinity college , Hartford , Conn. , recently. Mr. Edmunds at once sent the college treasurer a check for$10J. saying It wus customary in England for the recipient of u college degree to pay the costs of rcgis tering , engraving , printing and such other expenses us might pertain to the granting of the diploma. A FUKI : and easy expectoration is produced by u few doses of Dr. J. II MeLeuii's Tar Wine Lung Balm. In al cases of hoarseness , K > ro throat or dilll culty of breathing. There is to be a grand Internutionn exhibition in Berlin next May of hunt ing trophies , of nil sorts of game , an clout and modern arms and implements used in hunting. Safe , permanent and complete are the cures of bilious and intermittent dis eusos , made by Prickly Ash Bitters Dyspepsia , general debility , habitual constipation , liver and kidney com plaints uro speedily eradicated from ttio system. It disinfects , cleanses ant eliminates all malaria. Health nni vigor uro obtained moro rapidly urn permunently by the use of this grca natural antidote than by any other rem edy heretofore known. As a blood pur ifier and tonie it brings health , re newed energy and vitality to a worn nnd diseased body. OMAHA ML ,1X , ML INSTITUTE N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL , c . AND DISEASES OF IK M AND EAll DP T W MnMDMAMV nil UA. J , ry , WiiiMllU , TWENTY YKAKS' HOKI'ITAI. AM > PKIVATl ? As M toy a Number of Competent , Sfcilliiil anil Experienced Physicians and Sargeons , I'arllvulnr Attention puld to DcformlUc * , IMNCIINCK of Women , Din * CUHCK of the Urinary ami Scximl OI-KHIIX , I'rlvtite DixentieM , ol' t"e Xcrvoiii fcjstein , Liuii ; mill Throat IMi- Surgical Operations ISpllcjtiy or Fit * , . I'ilcx , Cam-erg , Tumor * , I-I to. OAU'i'lON Designing persona , taking advantage of our reputation , arc constantly starting bogus Medical KBtab- llshmcntH to deceive strangers visiting tlio city. Tliemi pretenders usually disappear in a few wcckti. Ilewaro of tlicnt or their runners or ngonts. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is the only established Medical Institute In Omaha , Dr. McMonamy Proprietor. When you make up your mind to visit us make a memorandum of our cxaot address , and thus save troulilc , delay nr mistake ? . Moro money invested ; moro skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; moro cures effected ; more modern improved instruments , appar atus and appliances than can bo found in all other Infirmaries , institutes or dispen saries in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hos pital in the west. Fifty newly * furnished , well warmed and ventilated roomsJor patients ; thrco skilled physicians always in the building. All kinds of discuses treated in the most selontllic manner. . , We manufacture Surgical Braces for deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Elec trical Butteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy pr instrument known. Cull and consult us , or write for circulars upon all subjects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating dis eases , performing surgical operations and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omuha.Medieul und Surgicnl Institute the first choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles ; und patients hero receive every advantage that art , skill , science und human Ingenuity can bring to bear upon their cases. Their comfort and convenience will always bo taken into consideration. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find that these statements of pur position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn in any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts. Upon Private , Special and Nervous Diseases of thn Urinary and Scximl Or gans. Bent In plain wrapper free to anv address. My Reasons for Writing n ilnok Upon Private , Spculal and Nervous Dispasoit * I have for many years made u specialty of diseases of the urinary und soxiiul organ * ) , have become' recognized authority upon the subject , consequently I receive - coivo an immense number of letters from physicians and ulllicted persons , asking1 my opinion and advice upon individual ciihcs. For the benefit of such persons , I huvo written a book , giving a general description of the most common , discuses und conditions , uiy treatment , success , advice , etc. After reading tt. ' parsons will have u clearer Idea of their condition and can write me more intelligently und'to the point. It will therefore bo been thut our object in writing thcho pages is not- to furnish reading matter tb a class of persons who read out of moro idle curiosity , . but for the benollt of the many who uro suffering to a greater or Icss aeffreo'from discuses , or the olTccts of diseases orabuses , of the sexual and urinary organs. Not a day pusses but wo receive many calls or letters from persons suffering from thin class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them arc ignorant of the CUUBO of tho1 dilliculty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over : their bright prospects and is shortening their days. Surgical operations for the cure of Hiiro Lip , Club Foot , Tumors , Cancers , Fibtulu , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross-Eyes ) , Varicocclo , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities of the Human Body performed in the most scientific manner. \Vn treut Chronic Diseases of the J.unRS , Ilcnrt. Head , lllood Hkln , Benin , Stomach , tl vor , Ki ( ! neys , Illrcder , Nerves , Hones , etc. , as I'urulj-Hls , Kiilleiisy , ( t'lts ) , Scrofula , urnpsy , llrlght'b IMS' case , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or OiiHtrltlH. llnlclne.s-s , Kczeina , etc. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Treated rnrefnlly , sklllfullv and nrli > ntlflcatlr l > y thu Inti'st and most approved methods WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN. FREE. Dr. Mc.Mcimmy has for ycaisdovotcd n larue p irtloii of his time to thn study and treatment of this class of dlseasoH , and has spared neither tlmo nnrmonuy to perfect himself , and Is fully supplied with every instrument , appliance and remedy of valUB.ln this dopaitmunt of Medicine and Surgery. EYE AND EAR DEPARTMENT , -4 4j j We claim superiority over any Orull-aor Aurlst In the west : and the thousands whom wo hn vo cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To thost > utlllctvd with live and liar din. eases , we xltnplv Kay , call nnd consult u * , Kft a hcli-nttllc opinion , then visit whom you like , and It you are an liitufllKent person you will return to m for ment un 1 cm a. Our book , describing the live and Kur and their dxca | > ,0' < . In plain laiiKUano , ! with numerous Illustrations , art ) written for the. lienellt of patients and physicians who wrlttius lu te- Kurd tocasesby leadliiK them carefully phyxlilan and patient will have a rli-ar iindernt.indlni und can descrlbu cases to us morn Intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. FREE. Addrcus all Letter * to OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , OH , OR. J. W , McMENAMY , N.W.Cor.13th & Dodge Sts , , OmahaNeb. , J