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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1888)
y * fc THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY M2Jrl888.-TWELVE PAGES. IN THE FEMININE DOMAIN , The CommonpifCco Woman Wom an's Ago. SOME OF THE CREOLE WOMEN. A Plucky Girl Muscular nml Pretty A Ijonilnn CriiHlt Tlio AVoninii of To-tiny Mly Ij The Comtnotiilncc | Woman. Limlrc I'hllllitt in Clilctttin Tlintt. We hnvo read , us you know , for ngcs and Of n willowy mnldcn devoid of a splno ; A fabulous , prehistoric young jxjr.soii , Who on white 6f an egg acd a cracker could dltic. But I write to you nfw of u commonplace ' woinnn , , Who's shockingly hculthy and fearfully fut t Who doesn't have hcadncho or nervous pros tration Commonplace I What could bo moro so than that I She doesn't "do" Kensington cut-tails or rushes , Nor hus she u screen with n one-legged stork ; She doesn't ndoro Icmon-Ico or blanc manges , Hut prefers unromantlc , commonplace pork. t Shu hasn't a quilt ( if crazy , silk patchwork , Nor the tiniest bit of crocheted tnacrlmu ; 1 She cannot perform Beethoven's sonutas , Nor sing but the most commonplace little lay. She hasn't ' a gift for the art decorative. Pasting Japanese monsters on Yankee strmo Jnr , That stands In the corner to look so ii'sthetic , But that grieves to the soul the old house hold Lur. She never paints songbirds nor crickets on china , To be drowned every day in our tea-cups , alas I Nor forms cabbage roses of ribbons on velvet , And nuught does she know of muck-ham mered brans. Shu cnnnot write , poems that glow like n furnace , ) j Nor sonnets aswld as the Apcnninc's snow , * For if she chops up her ideas into metro , There's a rush in the ebb and a Imlt in the How. She doesn't bclleyo she was born with a mis sion , Unless , it may be , to be happy nnd well ; Nor docs she at all understand protoplasm , And look upon women who do as u "sell. " But there's worse to bo told of this common place woniuii , ' Who owns neither dog , nor bird , nor pet cat ; They say that's she really Inlovowl'h her husband Commonplace.What ! could be more so than that I - , Now , when wo all stand at the last , dread tribunal , . . * - ' * Whore great nndicro \ small nro assigned each a part , Moj : the impels make ooom foiii-tho common place woman , ' ' > Who knows naught of literature , science or art. -x' * AVonian'H Agrir 'Whiit is the most intejts'sting ago in womanV" was n fjucstioiiV&uontly dis.- eussed by mi ill-tint , an 'ritjtlior and a woman of bocioly. Tlio artjst said that ho did not like to palpi the portraits of those between the ages of twonty-livo and forty yoai-s. Before twonty-llvotlio face has an expectancy which clmrms. It is looking forward with joyous fresh ness and hope and is full of mt/zling promises. At forty years the character is formed , and the lines of the countenance - nanco are strong Jpgolho.ptuntor's study ; but in intervening' years the faeo has lost its expectancy , IB apt to bo indilYcr- ont. and has no particular interest. The author differed from tbo artist. Ho liked to study woman boUvcon the ages of thirty and forty. They had then the experience of the world and the joyousness - ness of youth. In those days they wore brightest nnd most interesting. The society woman thought that it was impos- bible to make general answers to the questions , as individual worhon differ in regard to the most altractiVp ago. Some are most charming at sixl fcycars , while others have passed thtjU'r prime at twenty. The best answer-would bo that women are always beautiful to the friends that love them. Harper's Bazar : Tho. cronies cling to the old fashioned idea , which somehow has almost dibappoared , that * simplicity of attire best benefits -youth. Even if a young girl bo not pretty according to rule , there is a certain charm which renders superfluous the magnificence of costly garments. Her slender arched feet must bo well shod , and her pretty hands well gloved. All her life she has been taught that the business of women is to bo beautiful ; which is not hers by grace must bo won by works. Fate may ordain that she do the cook ing , but those slender fingers will never reveal the work of her hands , as she dons her gloves , spread -with cold crorm , as regularly every night as she says her prayers. Her linger nails must bo cut jus a an point , and the lit- little half moon at their base never suf fers eclipse. Dear to her are line soaps , perfumes and sweet waters. Her hair is diligently brushed and braided , and she pays special attention to her .teeth , But all her time is not spent in this culture of exterior solf. She sows for the older \ \ nnd younger members of the family , ! t and for very poor friends. She busies [ herself in works of charity , and she ' helps the younger children' with their imibie and lessons. Shu cultivates her 1 voice or takes up another language. ; English eoinestripplingfroin hortonguo ' with a delicious accent. What would JA not her American girl friends give to j , sneak their own language as daintily as y slio does ? And when she essays the V English slang of tlio hour , nothing can bo moro droll , moro incongruous. She is not aware that it is slang. How should she know , when so many of her American friends use it ? Surely they should know their own language. Home-keeping virtues , too. are hers. She knows wherein the glory of ono washerwoman's clothes differ from the dlngincbs of another. She understands the washing and mending < Tf lace , the mysteries of preserves and jollies , tlio curative proportionof a legion of tisanes A IMuelty Wo in an. Atlanta Constitution : The great Hulda Moore case has ended by the capitulation of the authorities to the in- toprid woman. A history of the case interesting. For years there has been a bitter' feud between Mrs. Moore and the Gholstons , of Athens , Pa. , a prominent family whoso lands adjoin hers. She ; is said to have once asked a friend to pray for her , hinting that she would pnvy for herself after she got oven with the Gholstons. The feud culminated two or three years ago In a pitched battle" between Mrs. Moore , assisted bv her husband , and the Ghols- tons. This led to'protracted litigation , In which the interests of Hulda and hur husband were represented by Lawyer Stricklhnd. Mrs. Moore refused to pay the lattcr's fee , considering it exorbi tant. Mr. Strickland sued and ob tained judgment. Mrs. Moore called-at llio lawyer's of- flco and , having Injcn given possession of the paper , for VeTnpqrary inspection coolly pocketed it and btullccu out. An officer wan dispatched to her hou&o to nrrest her. Hulda declined to aceom- .pany him. A posse comttattm , of six men next made the attempt and suc ceeded in securing her company , not. however , until she hud flourished pistols in a manner that was just awful , and had inllicted a wound on ono of her would-be escorts. She was carried to Danielsville , but not being guarded very vigilantly , escaped and returned to her home. No further attempt wns made to secure her arrest until last Fri day , when a detachment of four men approached the Moore mansion. 'Hulda had in the meantime converted the mansion into a respectable arsenal : posting herself in the door and ono of the little Moorcs at an upper window , she opened lire co vigorously that the entire destruction of the invading forces seemed imminent. Ono who had ad vanced nearest the rampart was In duced by consideration for his personal safety to call for quarter , protesting , "Don't shoot , I am your friend. " "You had better get behind a..tree if you are , " quoth Hulda. The bajtlo ended in the complete rout of the assailants , who , discomfited , re tired , leaving their intended prisoner the mistress of the situation. Mr. Strickland has withdrawn his suit , and the officers have informed the plucky woman that she will not bo molested in future. Muscular and Gritty. New York Sun : Trouble reigns at 7)5 ! ) Broadway. There , on the first floor ' Frank D. La'wson , a handsome young man and Miss Leslie , an industrious youngwoman of the blonde typo had toiled'at the knitting business for months in perfect harmony wsth Mr. Dueloso , the so-called Adonis of the store , whoso business is shirt making. Mr. Dueloso received thirteen silver dollars by express. lie wns in a jocular need anil to Mr. Lawson ho said : "I'll but you these $1J ! you can't hold hem out in your hand for twenty-live ninutcs. " Dollars are heavy and these thirteen weighed nearly a pound. Mr. Lawson , 'n a generous smril , said : "Well , I don t care to do so , but per- : mps Miss Leslie would like to try it. " The young lady who is well endowed with muscle , promptly accepted the challenge , and taking the dollars in " : ior right hand , kept her eye on the jloek in the rear of the store. Aeeord- , ng to Mr. Lawbon's story Dueloso after she had hold the money out ten minutes mslicd her arm down , saying : "Oh. pshaw , you can never hold out. " "Ho was getting scared , " said Lawson - son , "but I told Miss Leslie to hold up lor arm again. She did so , and kept it there for twenty-seven minutes by the watch , when to Ducloso's chagrin she Docketed the money. She consid ered she had fairly earned it , and said , t would do for her Christmas. " Duclo > o after that never spoke as ho pasned Miss Leslie by. Before ho is said : o have smiled sweetly on her. Yester day ho brought suit before Justice White to recover the money. Ho was re ferred to a civil court , where ho says lie will push the case and get his money jack. Miss Leslie is equally deter mined that he shall not have it , anilso is young Lawson , who , for taking Miss Leslie's part , has been called her sweet heart bv Duclosc. She denies the soft impeachment. "How could he be'she said naively to a Sun rummer , ' 'when Mr. Lawson - son is already engaged to a young lady. " "Well , she'd like to have him bo , no doubt , " said Dueloso , harshly. Mr. Lawson is studying during his spare hours for the medical profession. Ho looks at the affair , in a..practical light , and thinks Ducloso's challenge , so promptly accepted by Miss Leslie in liis presence , is the best kind of evi dence in her favor , especially as the 'money was up" in her own hands. A Ijomlon "Crush. " This is from a descriptive account of a "crush" in London : Lady Colin Camp bell wore a low dress of peach-colored silk , or satin , with a long train. She looked extr.omoly well as she slojsJy passed up the long room with her grace ful , gliding stop. Mrs. Oscar WilcU ) wore a peculiarly becoming liberty Bilk , with a faint tracery of slender green lines on a golden ground. So faint was the artistie design that ono. would have have hardly recognized it as green had not the collar and other ' fixings , " about which I am a little vague , been turned up with silk or velvet in this color. The dress and its wearer were highly picturesque. A girl with ex quisite hair of a lovely amber color , with threads of purest gold shining through it here and there , possessed a very pretty head. When she throw around her nock a long , soft scarf of amber silk her hair became , if possible , prettier thiin before from the proximity , which ficemcd lo brighten it ns sun shine might. The Woman of To-Day. Baltimore American : In all the his tory of the human race woman was never so charming , never so beautiful and never so useful as she is to-day. She has developed with civilization and ad vanced with progress1 , until her power has penetrated every department of the world's work. LI is difficult to find any sphere of business activity in which she is not an important factor. Objects to the Bustle. Interview in tlio Now York Mail : I do not like to see a woman now with a bustle on as big as herself , and again as straight and slim as a Puritan. I think it breaks the charm to see a woman play tricks with her beauty that sort of a way. More than that , I object to the bustle on general principles. I believe in letting the material of the grown do all the disguising that it in nocebSary should be done. It is the only way that will allow a woman to look well either sitting or walking. The hard "hay- bag" is bound to keep the ono who wears it either leaning back in her car riage or chair in the most undignified attituto possible or bitting bolt upright. In either cat-o f > ho is going to bo ex tremely uncomfortable horbolf and make her misery known. The AVny of the World" . How boon woman begins to absort her dominion over man , exclaims a writer in the Buffalo Commercial-Advertiser. We see some time on our way down to the office in the early hours a fond fathoi lifting a pretty five or. six year-old across the street , putting her down , giv ing her a fond kinx and a blessing , ant then she starts qn her way to bchool. Every few btops the proud parent looks back and repeats his adieu. If he is a little remibS in this a hearty ' 'coo" froir the fairy brings him to his senses , ant ho turns to wave and klbs his hand. Aw this he will repeat until she is well ou of bight ! How it cheers amun up thougl on his way to work to remember thai biich a dear child is one of the hcs friends ho has in God's world ! How ho will work , what ho will bear , Dow mucl ho can cnduru during the day when ho almobt fancies that ho hears the soft little "coo" cheering him on and wav ing him to toil , with an injunction to "come back as soon as you can ! " Cm there bo anything more tender , more true than this devotion of a father for bis little girl ? But as she grows , pool follow , she grows away from him. Her hcart'b tentacles arc not thrown out to fusion the ties existing between paron aiid child. "Another follow" appears , ind If the hcnrt-Btrickon father hesi- ates , grieves , protests , why his wtfo millngly tells him that it is the way of ho world , that ho took her from her ather. ' And ho can't forget that ; hough he is not satisfied that the ap- ilicant for his daughter's hand and icart Is .anything like as splendid a peclmen of the masculine HOX as he who nadu a similar and successful npplica- ion for the hand and heart ol his little girl's mother. Wo believe therd is nnny a father in Buffalo to-night who vould fervently pray , if ho thought irayors would do it : "God , keep my ittlo girl from growing old. , A Woninn'g Invention. Brooklyn Eagle : Mrs. E. Sngor Wiener , the Swedish lecturer , has cached out with both hands , under the mpulsion of an Inventive mind , for lomcthing that shall send her thundor- ng down the ages as the originator of a levico which shall mark her as a phl- nnthropist of rare genius. Mrs. Wiener has invented what in common mrlanco may bo termed a front leg natcher for horses. The many deaths > y accidents resulting from runaways mpolled her to study the question , and ho has evolved an apparatus whichshc- ) ollovcswlll accomplish the prevention ) f runaways with mathematical cortaln- y. The model of her invention , she jonfessed , was not entirely complete needed a spring or two and a buckle or 0 to make it all right. The horse she used was entirely doollo , being of vood , so she could not give a practical llustration of the result to bo nccomp- ished by her invention. It con- aists first of a saddle around the niddlo of the horse containing two icrcw eyes , through which runs a strap , > eginning at the crupper , and passing the martingale down to the wick of the loft fore foot , whore it is listened to a ring around the log. The cather , she says , can bo of the same color of the horse , and so satisfy artis- , ic tnsto. When the horse runs away the btring is pulled from the crupper 3iul and tlio horse tripped up. This ititurally stops him , and if ho is ono of 1 team the other horse will stop , too , objecting to doing nil the running iway by himself. The appliance , she says , can bo used for saddle horses , but lees not explain how the rider may coop his seat when the hoi-bo falls. "Jcr motive in this invention she claims .o bo entirely philanthropic. She docs not ride on horseback or in a carriage nuch herself , but means that this lot-bo's front log snatcher shall help those who do. ' "I am sorry , " said she , with a laugh , that I can't prevent men running awav and getting married Without knowing what they are doing , or I would have kept my son from mar- i-ying an old spinster when ho might Imvo had an heiress worth $00,000. " Correspondents' Ilntcs. Washington Critic : The following schedule of rates , evidently the prop erty of some correspondent who writes letters from Washington about society ladies , has been handed to this office by the finder , nnd the owner can have it on application : Saying lady is n favorite in society $1 30 Saying lady Is beautiful and accom plished 50 Sayinp lady looks like Mrs. Cleveland. 2 23 Saying lady is a charming hostess 2" > Saying lady is immensely wealthy 10 00 Saying lady is of old family . 75 Saying lady wears Worth dresses 3 75 Saying lady received with Mrs. Whit ney 1 20 Saying lady has an equisito complexion 35 Saying lady has a wealth of golden hair 40 Saying lady has limpid eyes 20 Saying lady has aristocratic hand and foot 85 Saying lady has a sweet disposition. . . . ' 5 Saying lady has a distingue air : . . CO Saying lady has a queenly grace 1 00 Saying lady entertains royally. . . , 05 Saying lady is in the white house set. . 5 35 At this point the schedule was torn in half , and wo regret that wo are unnblo to fill out the bill for the further edifi cation and guidance of our readers. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. A fashionable woman is always In love with herself. Striped goods will continue to appear in endless varieties. A handsome woman is a Jewel ; a good woman a treasure. What is woman ? Only ono of nature's agreeable blunders. Marbled nnd watered plush is much in de mand for fancy work. ( V passionate woman's love is always over shadowed by her fear. The new bengallncs for spring arc very soft and light in its texture. Kvoning basques are laced with narrow satin ribbon instead of cord. New bniid patterns on spring tailor gowns are marvels of artistic design. Plaids nnd stripes will again be worn , but more by children than grown people. Sleeves to ball dresses and other full evening toilets are suspected rather than seen. The most fashionable coiffures still demand that the hair fulls rather low ou the fore head. head.White White embroidered muslins run vcryimuch to flounces , with insertions of varying widths for their other trimmings. Embroidered muslin gowns are now In the hands of dressmakers , who are making them up for spring and summer. Surplice waists lapping over ono sldo and forming u V opening at the neck , are in favor for house dresses of all kinds. Two young Massachusetts women have gene to UulT.uo with the intention of embark ing in the profession of dentistry. Polonaises of embroidered muslin will have apron fronts , with lapping surplice waists , and much ribbon garniture. Ostrich feather fans are not considered good style for debutantes. Theirs should bo cocks' plumes or else plaited gauze. All the girls in Pewumo , Mich. , excepting three , have availed themselves of the glori ous opportunity that leap year grants. Gimps , galoons nnd clnooratc passemen teries are still In high fashion , and form the garnitures most widely used this season. A flower costumes for fancy balls , the Margurito nnd Lilly of the Valley are espe cially charming and especially expensive. Hound waists and shirred basques are the features on the now suits made of em broidered muslins for the incoming season. Tn gloves , glace and suede are equally fashionable , with the promise of high nov elties both in cut and color for the near fu ture. Canary yellow iwlnt d'csprit ' and accessor ies of bluck velvet and Jet make a very effec tive and becoming pown for u dark bru- netto. As crab net of oxidized silver with a golden crab caught lightly in the meshes is .union g the most unique new brooches of the season. Mrs. Don M. Dickinson has made a good impression In Washington. She is consid cred handsome , and the women call her "stylish. " Tliis may bo called n ribbon season so pro fuse Is the use of ribbons for the decoration of dinner , ball and opera house and 5 o'clocl tea gowns. Dovo-gray and rream-whlto pilot cloth fab rii's will bo very much used again next sea- on and during tlio summer for dressy after noon gowns. Mrs. William Gamwell , of Providence. U ! . , ! probably the riehoU woman In Now Eng land. Her fortune is estimated at Sl'-J.OOO.OOO . Dressmaking departments In largo estab lishments 111-0 already making up llrst com munlon and confirmation dresses for the can thdates at Easter. Ellen Spcllimm. the oldest woman in New Hampshire , died at the uge of 104. She lived in Concord and two years ugo walked fou miles a day easily. Somo'ginghams and percales will be mail into basques with vests or revcrs of cmbroid ry , but-in the Garibaldi waist , with box ilcnt In front and shirring cither Mda nml icross the brick of the neck will * bo far and way better style. Paniaols of gingham ana sateen now come o match those as closely as more costly fit * irlcs , nnd arc so chcnp ns to be within reach f the most moderate purse. The Season for March , Just out. gives no ilnt in Us cuts or rending matter that wo are o have any Imirartant changes in the general utllncs of fashions this spring. For pattern robes of embroidery , shirred ound wnl ta , v 1th lapping surplice front , or Iso n deeply-turned-uown Uyron collar , are ireferrcd by the best dress makers. Marlon llnrland is to bo the editor of n now Illustrated magazine to bo called the lomcmakor. the publication of which Is to io begun In New York Inho autumn. Ued linen handkerchiefs- stitched , re worn with muffs In preference to the nero delicate white cambric , which can carcely touch fur without losing its purity. "Ouldn , " who is sixty years of age , wears cr yellow hnlr flying loose nnd light colored ecolleto dresses. She Is engaged on n new level which Is said to bo also rather decol- etc. etc.Tennis Tennis flannel , n mixture of wool and cot- 011 , combining the advantages of both.comcs n gingham effects , and Is plainly made up for mountain and country wear , ns well as for louse wrappers. Spnggs "How much older Is your sister han you , Johnny I" Johnny " ! donno , klnud ustcr be twenty-five years , then she ras twenty , and now she ain't ' only eightchu , guess we'll soon bo twins. " It's Just awful funny to hear three or four married women In n room talking nbouttholr lusbands. It's ho this , he that and he every- hing , nnd each ho of each she Is the queerest 10 about the house each she ever saw. Old-time lawns with Impossible stripes nnd nero Impossible flowers are fully revived , nd will bo made up cither with flounces all ver or three flounces at back and very cop , much wrinkled drapery In front. Mrs. Qulncy A. Shaw , of Boston , daughter f Prof. Agassiz , has for eight years sup- lorted free kindergartens in the poorest uarters of Boston nnd Cambridge nt a iL'rsoniU expense of as much as $50,000 , a car. A27-year-old womrn of Malden , England , .colincd at invitation to Join the Primrose eagtio , with the reply that statistics of the last flfty years show that "tho marriage ate rises when n liberal government is in lower. First Party "Say , Jones , who Is that tall , angular nnd extremely thin woman talking o Kicks. " Second Party "Why , that's his vife. " First Party "You don't say sol Well , I think if I were Kicks 1 would have tor upholstered. Stripes of contrasting materialas gay plaid Scotch gingham , with French embroidery indflllk surah In tartan hucsrbcsido wrought null , arc , as materials for spring costumes , inich newer nnd more stylish than cither beautiful or useful. Mrs. Oliver Wendell Holmes Is ever her lusband's faithful counselor and friend. She s ono of the dearest of old ladies , nnd is al- vays on hand to welcome the many visitors vho come to pay their respects to her distln- -Tuisliocl nnd popular husband. Kuttons have lost their Identity since the rngo for braiding set in nnd are of little im- ) ortanco , being ns quiet in style as possible , i'lio favorites are the small bullet-shaped ones , croehcd covered , or else still smaller Hat. ones , covered with bluck silk. There is n ladies' "Now Idea Club" in Stockholm , Sweden , that proposes "to llbcr- itu women's dress from French fashion , " by jringing out new designs for various toilets of their own invention. Some of these are . cry pretty , picturesque and practical. Mrs. Margaret Arnold , of New Holland , O. , if she lives till July 4 , will bo 111 years old. She quit work three years ugo , is too feeble to talk , and spends most of her time in n rocking chair smoking an old clay pipe. She has been an inveterate smoker for sixty years. There are lace curtains in Robert Garrctt's million-dollar Baltimore mansion which cost ? 200 a yard. When Mrs. Garrott's ' dress maker is short of trimming for a ball dress she takes ono of these curtains , nnd the so ciety reporter raphsodies over Mrs. G.'s splendid "point. " The latest importations of bcngulincs for spring Vedr are llgurcd in > lset" 'designs , printed oivgrounds of the various now colors ind the selvages on one sldo'aro in block pat terns of colors that repeat those of the fabric. These selvages are made to form the borders of skirts and draperies. In pretty gowns for afternoon wear , the most dressy corsage-fronts hnvo guimps of soft silk or China crape at the top , with vel vet revcrs below it , across the chest forming a narrow vest. With such dresses the sleeves are gathered to n cuff of velvet , though these are not always full at the top. New ginghams , satcons , percale nnd printed cotton goods are being made up for the next season in very pretty , simple styles , with full nlcntcd ovcrskirts over under Jupcs , the draping being effected from the wuibt-lino , nnd given easy sweep by a slash in the overskirt on each side , showing a panel of the underskirt. Miss Kittle C. Wilkins , the horse queen of Idaho , is somewhat tall , with 'a ' high fore head , regular features , and rather light hair , being somewhat of a bloiulo. Her eyes nro dark and her manner very charming. Alto- getnor she impresses ono as n very intelli gent young woman of about twenty-eight. She owns nearly 800 horses. In addition to the brilliant red which , es pecially in cloth or flannel , is now so much used for children's dresses , have been seen some equally pretty frocks made entirely of blue. A dress of sapphire blue plush is trimmed with the long-hatred black lynx fur. Gray cloth gaiters that button above the knee are worn with this costume. Mrs. Llvcrmoro was recently snowed up in New Hampshire , and the heroic efforts made bya party of gentlemen in digging her out and taking her to a train led her to say , and to say It boldly , that "American men nro the best In the world. " And she adds emphati cally : "This I will persist in declaring for ever , oven if they are tardy in giving us the ballot. " There is an effort being made Just now to return to the old bow-knot method of dress ing.tho hair , such nsono , sees in pictures of the fashions of lb'l. ! It is rut her a trying fashion , and only young , fresh faces can stand it. All the tendency , though , is to wards n hlirh nnd extremely narrow effect , t'ithono curled lock in the centre of the fore head. An Iowa woman thoughtfully put two dozen eggs in her nice , warm bed to keep them from freezing while she spent the after noon nnd evening with u friend. Returning late nt night , she disrobed nnd plunged in. Shriek } Well the ono she lifted up her voice which caused the cat to dash through the window In terror , nnd roused the neighbors. The eggs did not free/o. Twcods of every description , checked , plain , and plaidcd cloths , and striped woolen materials in endless variety , may bo seen in all the leading shops in color sbhomes nnd combinations never before introduced. Dresses now mndo of these comfortable winter fabrics can bo worn far into Juno with perfect comfort , and It is indispensable that they should bo iniulo in great simplicity. The most elegant trimming for dresses is embroidery. Dresses of plain Indian cush- moro are trimmed with panels covered with embroidery , in floral or arabesque patterns. Thus a very tasteful dress is ot Russian gray Indian cashmere ; it Is draped on the loft side over a large panel of embroidery , The pattern - torn * represents a profusion of chrysanthe mums in various shades of red , orange , yel low and cream. The widow of the Into Mayno Reid , the widely known and popular novelist. IH en gaged in wrlttlng his life , and will bo much nided in her interesting work .if favored with any letters 'written by hlrn to friends in the United Ltates and such reminiscences of his llfo nnd adventures here , iMjforo and after the Mexican war. Matter of this character will bo promptly forwarded to Mrs. Reid if sent to Colonel Donu Platte Mnc-o-sheo , O. Mrs. Krecklnridgo , wife of Congressman Hrcckinridgo , of Kentucky , \\m in her younger days a noted blue grass belle , and though slio is the mother of grown daugh ters she retains much of her youthful charms , and is altogether u lovable woman. Her eyes are largo , brown , and humid , her thick darlc hair is drawn carelessly buck from a white forehead , over which fulls a few bhort wavy locks , and the pallor of her complexion Is accentuated by the severely simple black she usually wears. Ono of the pretty combination * of the mo ment is a gown showing u bltck Lyons velvet unBcrncath , made full at the back nnd plain nnd'sllghtly gored in front. Above this Is a dainty Hungarian tunic of peachinow bcbo blue , oj apricot crepe do Chcno. brocaded with'small jwhMiuud llowcrs. Above this is worn n very low cut Russian corselet of 'the velvet buttoned down the buck with Jewel buttons the tint of the flowers In the tunlo material. Added to this Is u gulmpo nnd full sleeves o cream colored crcpo HMO or Rus sian silk net. There are bows ot black vel vet UK | > n each shoulder nnd fometimes a tiny spray of natural roses is added. A citizen of Portland , Mo. , was annoyed to receive n few days before Christmas u letter from his sister In the country su.vlng that she would send a friend , Miss Cornelia Shock , to spend UIP holidays with hU family. It was nn unusual llbortv even for his sister to take , but the family made the best of it , put the spare room In order , and waited for Miss Shock. She didn't arrive on Saturday , but on Monday morning the expressman left a long box nt the door. In it was Miss Cornelia Sheck , n full sl/cd young woman uindo en tirely from the "shocklngs' ' of corn. The faeo was made of husks , carefully pierced ; the hnlr was of corn silk ; the body and limbs of stalks , and the elaborate costume was a skillful combination made entirely from the uroducts of a shock of coin. PEPPEUM1NT DROPS. The turtle Is the messenger boy of the ani mal creation. Turn about Is fair piny. A New York al derman has been robbed. A Vienna tailor has stamped upon his bill heads n picture of the for-get-mo-not. A rule for cold weather Never try to warm yourself by an ofllcinl register. If the old prlco of coal will only return all will bo forgiven and no questions asked. Six kinds of water como from n Kentucky cliff , but In that state It is practically wasted. Carelessness with matches caused ( ttrt llrcs In New York last year and about 1,070 matches. A Hclglan'scientist says salt is conducive to longevity. And yet some people persist in being fresh. Their Is n slander afloat to the effect that the surest way to get n bill thuougli the legis lature Is to accompany It with another bill. There's no use trying to persuade nn Arab of. the desert of Sahara to lay up something for n rainy day. They never hnvo any there. The weather has been so cold In the south that the man who went to Florida to sncnd the winter is sorry that ho didn't wait till summer. Nothing so uncertain In llfo ns the condi tion of nn Investigated bank run by imbecile directors nnd nn old "honored and trusted" cashier. If nn untruth is only n day old It is called nllo : if it is a year old it is called a false hood , but if it is a century old It Is culled a legend. The coal barons nro not satisfied with hav ing the earth , they want to peddle it out to the pcoplo at the rate of two or three hun dred per cent. An amateur actor has been shot in Missis sippi. Wo nro not in favor of shooting ama teur actors. Imprisonment for life is u pun ishment severe enough. Niagara Landlord You look tired nn thirsty. Won't you hnvo a glass of water. Cautious Visitor ( who had read about the falls ) How much is it ? A Sandusky woman has eloped with n manufacturer of perfumes. The wronged husband says ho forgives her. If she prefers an odor man to him , well and good. If George Westinghouse would Invent nn air brnko that would stop n grocer's bill in half its own length ho would earn the gruri- tudo of thousands of estimable pcoplo. A man who hus lived in Minnesota for ten years says that when ho went there the country wns peopled by reds without a white , but now there are nil whites without t ! red. Agoodhublt for some people to cultlvnto is a habit of silence. Under Rome conditions : i man can make more noise in the world by keeping his mouth shut than in any other way. way.A A New Jersey court places the price of a stolen kiss at $1.75. According to tlio way in which nil things are regulated , the supply must bo nearly equal to the demand in that stuto. "That , my dear , j'oung Mr. Hnighcedo re marked to his bride , as ho pointed to the majestic form of the bronze Liberty "that Is the famous stutuc of Jersey lightning the World. " , however bad , is wholly dishonest. Wo know a great many who would not run in deb } for nearly so many things us they do if they only had money enough to pay for some of them. It is reported that n blizzard recently pre vented n lecture by Thomas'Nnst in Dakota. Blizzards that will give their attention to [ leading off lectures have indeed found their life work. They should bo encouraged. Mr. Cheek , ( who has Just dropped in ) I owe you ten dollars , Griggs ; can'fyou let mo have live more to make it fifteen ? Grigga Yn-es , I guess I can go you a liver ; but will you tell mo what kind of nerve food you use ? Several young ladies of Hamilton , la. , liavo been expelled from the high school of Ihe city because they attended a ball. The committee'o of arrangements will in future see that the principal of the high school re ceives an invitation. She ( to Harry , who is taking her out for n ride and whoso horse has balked ) "Don't bo annoyed , Harry ; have patience and ho will move on presently. " Ho "Patience , my dearl Why , I'm paying for this wretched animal by the hour. "Madam , " pleaded the tramp piteously , "I am hunry to starving. May I make n few snowballs to cat > from your sidewalk ? " "Cer tainly , my poor man , " replied the woman with the big heart kindly , "and if you like I will warm them up for you. " There is n common impression that the fastest thing of which our senses take cogni zance is a flash of lightning. This is a mis take as anybody knows who has over seen a young man with a red necktie , n spotted shirt collar and a loudly striped ? 12 suit of clothes. Tb best and rarest Bmedy for Core of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Billons Complaint * and HaUriaof all kinds yield readily to the benefletnt Influence of It Is pleasant to the taste , tones op the syitent , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , end cannot fall to proTO beneficial , both to old and young. As A Blood Pariflcr It Is superior to all others. Bold every * her at 11.00 a bottle. Xhn "LUDLOW" shoo has obtained n reputation wherever Introduced for 'correct style , " "perfect Jit , " 'coin- fart and durability. " They have no superior * In Hand TurnsHand Welts. Goodyear Welts , and Machine Sowed. Ladles , ask for the "L.UDLOW" Hhoq. Try them amlycm will buy no other , MEDICAL JMCAUNSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge Sts. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. He-it facilities , npnnrnttn am ! remedies for nt ce ftil treatment ofevcrv form of dUenie requir ing Medical or Surgical treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard nnd attendance ; best hospital accommo dation ! in the west. WXITK FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities nnd nrnccs , Trtl c * , Club Feet , Curvature of Hie Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Cnt.urli , llroicliitl , Inlmlntloii , Hlectricltv , Fnrnlyuls , Jiiillcpsy , Kid ney , Ill.ulder , ic , fear , SUIa and Wood , aud all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women n Specialty. HOOK ON DIBKACCR or WOMEN Knrc. ONL7 RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE M1KINU A B1-ECI1LTV or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Itlood Diseases cucccssfully treated. Syph ilitic Poison removed from the nyelcin without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital Tower. I'ersom unable to visit us may be treated nt home by corrcsjjomlence. All commu nications confidential. Mcdicinesor Instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no mnrks in Indicate contents or Fender. One per sonal Interview preferred. Call nnd consult us or send history of your case , and we will tend hi plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , 1m. jKtency , Syphilis. Gleet and Vnricocele , with question list. Address Omaha Mrillral anil Surgicnl Intltuteot DR. McMIENAMY , Cor. 13th and OodaeSU. . . OMAHA. NEB. FOR SALE BY N. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS. Who ll WEAK. NKKVOVft. DKBII.ITA' TED , who 111 till FOLLY and IGNORANCE hm TKirLED awHjr Mil VIUOK of I1OI > Y , HIND nnd MANHOOD.riiultig exbuiutlnjc dralni upon Ihe roVNTAlNN of MFE , 1IKAWACIIC , BACKACHE , Dreadful Drofimi , WEAKNENN of Memory , BANK- FUl'NENNIn NOVIETY. P1MPI.KM upon the FACE , and all the EFFECT * lendlnrto EARLY DECAY and perhaps CONNVMP * TION or INNANITY. ihoiild coniult at once the CELEBRATED Dr. CMrkp , Eitnbllihed 1M1. Dr. CUrko h made NEHVOtlM DE BILITY. CHRONIC and all Dlieues of Ihe UENITO URINAHY Organi a Life Htudjr. It makM NO difference WHAT you /.UTe taken or WHO ha * failed to cure you. 9FEMALEaiufrarltiKfromdlicaiepecu. liar to their ici can coniult with the aaiuranc * 6f ipecd ? relief and cure. Send 2 centi pcnt t for worki on your dlieaaM. 40-8 nd 4 centi poUire for C tebrt 4 WorkH on Chronic , Nervona and Dell * n t Dlieaioi. Conciliation , penoual'y or by letter , fVe . Consult the old Doctor. Thoaiamds cured. OIHcraand p rlor . private. * a-Tho o contemplating Marriage end for Dr. Clnrko'a celebrated guide Male and Ftrunle. each lie. , both 2ftc. ( itamps ) . Hofnro confiding your caie , coniult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may vo future Miflcrlngand shame , and add golden year * to llfo. 7-Book " Llf * * ( Secret ) Er. rora , " 60c. ( itamps ) . Medicine and writings lent everywhere , lecuro from rxpoaur * . Houn , B to 8 ; Sumlayi , 9 to 12. Addrai , F. O. CLARKE , M. D. 186 Bo. Clark at. CHICAGO. ILL. .THE i. o. A La Persephone French Hand-made CORSETS ! Highest standard of Corset ever intro duced into this market. They impart that graceful figure and fine form which any well dressed lady would be justly proud , especially when obtainable without injur ious tight lacing , etc. Indorsed as the Peerless Corset By leading dressmaker ; of Paris , London and New York , and for sale in Omaha by N. B. Falconer , Thompson , Belden & Go. And other merchants. DLL & YOIG , I2il and 1213 Farnam Street Carpets , Stoves , WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAY MENTS , O. H. CURTIS , PflU. J.HURD _ THOMPSON , 8tc. * Tltxa , MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COTTON LINEN A. RUBBER HOSE COTTON. LEATHER * ROBBER BELTING , OIL , RUBBER A GOS- , i 8AMER CLOTHING DRUG GISTS' RUBBER SUNDRIES ? HATDWAREA BPORTSMEN'.3' ' 2 TOY AND STATIONER'S AND EVERY KIND OF RUBIER GOODS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE. A magnificent display af everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. EVERY YOUNG MAN Who Is WEAK , NERVOUH or , iA n i. wuc In an HOUR OF FOOLISHNESS tos trifled awarlila STRENGTH. VITALITY ot fKOOltEAIXVfl fOWJSJt. Wenkrned IMP OTENT and UNSEXED WN" " * " .MB . ! "Every Middle-aged and Old Han -&i who ( Indu J 0ir/n nnd VITALITY , XKttVR and RUXUAL RTUEStlTH. CAPACITY and VIRILITY genslbly weakened. WHETIIER BY EXCESS OR NOT. or who Jlnds lilmRelf nhasliuil nnd ntliamed of ills 0111.1)1811 fMJ'OTJJffVE and n'J..l KXJHiS , can Imvu a lastlnff auj PER ( SECT mURE . CIVMI.B , Discoverer and Orletn tar "f thin Method. ttltlna Buraton lo VUoM IXtu. Salpt- CIYIAIE TREATMENT tritrtdu itl < U and olHrr llomltatt if r ntuKaTu. woo * , j-oaawcir VIllllITY are rapidly restored nnd every Nerve , Jlnie. and Tissue of tliu body -ami of thi GENERATIVE ORCANS IS STRENGTHEN fcD , INVIGORATED AMU Oil * NO NTHEOtS ? nilCOOINO XO SCI.TS , i.MJ\VJ > rMKNT or ICK ANMT.ASTINO K Wffili fflWSul r i % ° 1"15 ! * rAun.iin-N OKrhAi'bK * IAI. UFHIUKANIINA l fiUE&Wu'o1 ' ffla S5ifta ! .ft . M lf' ' iKIAiiibTuiiTiCcu ! : : -rii HU1I.INU ! e-BrAiAoift Tbese QUICK , pylJW/iEJSISand OEllTAIJf remedies are nowtlmctnndard adopted treatment In EVERY HOSPITALIN FRANCE Every physician and patient who has used them ( peakr in the hUlu- terma ot them aud rccommcnda them lo MANLY VIGOR others a * the greatest known Metorativc of afA UTtHBIP MU discovery MEN ABOUT TO MARRY Twenty Vein ExteniUe Trial hat only served to FU and Widen ( he great reputation o ! Prof. Clulale'i Mithotf. . complete Meitlcal Work PUKE. Upon r clrt of 4 cti. In ( Umri we will icud to any addrtii. .cu-t ae.Uil , a copy of our iplendlJ 40 pane treatise. 8Mn * the Mturo. ttuiei. 1-Mhologj ujl "ettmVut of BpernVktorrhtt * . IranoteUcy ud Urinary Pi.iMti , with eudorttiueuti. tetUmonUU , Ac , All C JS.'y"y Oo ulu't'oS bi'M ' I. ormplrl'on.uUh full con.uUlngIlo.rd of R.guUr rhr.lcUn. . Also agentsforthe now celebrated flattie Sttf.Ail- J f § J" | Ju ( li0anil aiove-VltUng Cradle Coinnremor m. * i.W \ . * lorlto ll. U. 1'AINLKMI .nd fKUVKUT cfcltK OV 11 * Address , OIVIALB EMBDIAL AGENCY , 173 Fulton St. , Now