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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BBte : SUNDAY , FEBRUARYJJ2. 188a-TWELVE PAGES , SPECIAL NOTICES. Advei tisemenu under thin head , 1C rents p * tine for the Brut Insertion , 7 cents for each sun- equem. Insertion , and 11.80 aline nor mouth. Mo advertisement taken for less than 25 cents tor the first Insertion. Seven words will be. counted to'the line : they mnst run con.iecnttve- lj and must 1 > paid n advance. AH advertise- Bients mnst be handed In before 1 : . ' ) o'clock p. . , and tinder no circumstance * will they M taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these columns and bar ter the answers addressed In careot the Bee , will pit-axe ask for a check to enable them to got their letters , as none will be delivered except on bresentatlon of check. All answers to ad- Yertliements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns are pub lished In both morning and jvcnlng editions of the lleo. the circulation of which aggregates more than 16.COO papers dally , nnd gives the ad- rertlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of the Hee. but also of Council ItlufTi. Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout IhlH part of the \tett. BRANCHjDFFICES columns will betaken , on the above conditions , nt the following bus iness houses , who are authorized agents for TIIK IlKK special notices and will quote the same rates as can bo had nt the main olllce , JOHN W. HELL , * ZFlxarxxiacist , t-ZO S. 10th Street. CHASE & EDDY , and. Bzifjravors , ; il38.10th Street. * P. H. FAHN8WOHTH 2115 Cumlng Street. GEO. W. PAHH. Fliarmaclst , If 09 St. Mnry's Avenue. ILILWHITEHOUSI ! , ICth nn l Webster Street * . a _ , _ _ O. HEL'THEH. rfcTQ370 37-0 Dealer , Post Office. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-Sltutitlons Want places for ( C ) good girls for general housework , (3) ( ) din ing room girls , (2) ( ) housekeepers , (1) ( ) nurse ; also (1) ( ) lady clerk or book-keeper. (1) ( ) nmlo book- ieeper , ( I ) coachman , &c. State Employment rarlors , 1417 Farnam st. . Hoom 11. 901 13 WANTED-81tuatlon-A pharmacist of ten years' experience would like a situation In Iowa ; registered by examination ; good refer ences. Address Charles M. , 1712 P st. . Lincoln , Nub , 890 12J AYOUNO LADY with Bj ears experience as book-keeper and cashier In ono ofnco in Jloston. would like a situation as bonk-kecper. cashier or callgraph type writer. Miss Jones , J168.24Uist , city , a N > 7 12 * SITUATIONS Wanted-For 2 Hrst-class girls , one has Itecn 7 years and the other 2 years In last place , also Scotch Canadlun for second work nnd sewing , and any number of girls for gen eral housework , different nationalities. Hotel .lielp constantly on hnnd. Canadian Emp. Office , Sirs , llerga * Son , 310 S. IBth st. Telephone t4. 89M3 * TXTANTED Position for a competent and re- TT liable gardner and florist. Purl les desir ing such help for the coming season should not fall to nnsw er this notice Immediately. Address Lock llox ft ) , Lincoln , . Nebraska. 19V12 * ANTED-Sltuation as houskoeper In wld- . . . . O * < T'H family ; reference given , nil S. llth st. No objection to leaving the city. 8:1713 : * WANTED-Sltuntlons for 2 splendid li Is for private families ; also one nurse girl. Union Employment office ? 1138. lltl-st. 817 13 * WANTED-Posltlon as traveling snlesmnn , hardware or Implements prferred. Speaks Gennan and English ; good references ; address J. Pilger. 80110 * WANTED A position as bookkeeper , by an experienced man. llest references. Ad dress A 53 , lleo office. 780 13 T1TANTED To solicit for a Job printing office . " . ' , for a per cent ; experience nnd reference. Address A Kt lleo office. 781 13t W ANTED Places for good female help , 1509 Fnrnam , Hoom l > . 731 13 * AFIH8T-CLASS cook desires bltuatlon ; is , , * " 'ln ' ? to asslst w' ' " > wahhlng and Ironing. Call ot 333 , . 8. 10th St. , or address A 41. lice office. 7,10 is * WANTED MAUEHELP. nKNTS-Tho matchless self-lighting burners Boll ot sight to all gas consumers. Agents wanted In every town In the United States ; J50 weekly guaranteed. Address J. W. Grey , pro- prletor , 77 W. Fifth street , Cincinnati. Ohio. K 13 * WANTED.-Agents can make from * 3.00to J5.0n per day. Tvrrltojy given to good meu. Call at 13a N. 15tlt t , room , Monday. Ktl 13 * WANTED A go6d flrst-clus * baker , a steady man ; no other need apply. Address J. W. Fouls , Prop. City llakery , Norfolk. Neb. 8 7 13 * WANTED A good reliable drug clerk , regls- teied. Addresw , stating reference , exper ience and salary wanted , Palmer Ac Pardee , HaatlngH , Neb. K 8 H * WANTED Man ns agent A now article ; sells everywhere , city or county ; no ex perience needed. Ono New York ngent'H tlrst order a car load ; New Jersey ogent's , half cur ; f Ind. agent , half car , nnd soon. Hare chance ; permanent business ; exclusive territory. Write the MonarchCo. , Cincinnati , Ohio. WANTED Men and women to take the local agency for one of the best selling articles in the market in every town in Nebraska and Colorado. Something which every family needs. Only those of good character nnd references noert apply. Good wages guaranteed to all. Write or call nt once on Weaver & Holstead , Hoom 15 , Continental block , Omaha , if you wish to se cure territory. tU712 TlfESSENOEU boy wanted. The llradstrect AMCo. . 817 13 fTED Local and general agents to represent - & resent us in the introduction and sale of the fastest selling article on the market : terri tory free ; exclusive control given ; 150 to * 10J per I week to good live men ; enclose 4 cents postage for free sample , terms and full particularsAd dress. The Nichols M'f g. Co. , Ouala.ska.Wls. b04-12 WANTED A first class shoemaker , none other need apply ; good trade established. B. llrong. Crete , Neb. 791 13 BOYS wanted at American District Telegraph Co. , 13 i Douglas st. TKi 13 WANTED-25 nieu. 13.50 and W.CO per day. 1509 Farnam , Itoom 0. "Kl 13 * W ANTED An energetic man , can make money fast. 33U1 Dodge ht. . Omaha. WWANTKD 707 15 * WANTKD A boy with pony to curry a route in the Houthwesteru part of city for dally evening Hen. 741 _ ANTED-Cuipet layer. Permanent place , good w nges , 8. P. Morse it Co. U78 WANTED In every county In Nebraska , re liable energetic men to sell goods by so liciting for u well established mfg company permanent employment to the right men , no capital or experience necessary , reference re quired , address llox a > 7 , Omaha , Nub. B30f U W 'ANTED Men , for railroad work. Al- Wright's Labor Agency. 11SO Farnam. 361 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. ANTED-Nino bright young men. 1117 FaT mint st. State Employment Parlors , Hoom 1L ' PUJ18 WANTio-0W : ( > girls ; call at once , 1417 Far nam ht. , Itoom 11. State Umvilo ) meut Par lors , mi 13 WASTED Head waitress and side waitress $35 cook and waitress , for Norfolk ; 1 for IJooue ( cook ) , 1 forTecumseh ; woman to take care of sick lady ; German girl to learn tele- Krapning ; Young girl to mind baby ; lots of nko places In private families for housework. Can Hdlau Emit. Olllce. Mr . llerga X Sou , 316 S. Fill st. Telephone. KC4 , B91-ii : * W'ANTED Dining room gtrls."cooks7chum Ixirmulds , laundresses , hotel und res taurant help of all kinds , in und out of city , also girls for housework. Our orders are coming li constantly und we want good help. Onto 1'itj - Employment olllce. 314 B. 15th. Tel. HOP. bTUU TTANTED A competent girl for genera TTy housework , must be u good cook nnd hum dress , and comti well recommended. Apply room 60 , Mlllaul hotel , betw eeu 2 and U p. m. 873 ANTED -Glrl in family of tour tx-rsons Good cook nnd general houbc\\ork. Mrs , O. H. Frederick. 25HSt. Mnry's uv. b74 14 WANTED Girl for general housework , nits be good cook nnd luuudres4. Mrs. Hob rurvl * . ' qe 8t. Marys ave. 750 WANTKD Immediately , Indies to workfo a wholesale house on needlework nt thel home * . ( Bentany distance. ) Uood pay can be Bidt > , Everything furnished. fiu'tlrul r free.1 Address Artistic Needlework Co. , Ittttl .M , Mew York City. ' . KU WANTED A competent girl In family of two. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler. > M B. thst. Pft4 _ WANTED A girl for housework In fimall family. B3fl Park ave. BOH _ _ WANTED Housekeeper. Inquire 013 Doug- las. CIO _ WANTED 2 girls for general housework , I cook und 1 dlnlnv room girl tor Norfolk , fcb. : good wages. Union Employment olllce , 13 B. llth Hi. P37 13t _ SI MLS wanted at the Chewing Gum Manu facturing Co. , llellman block , room at , oor. 3th and Farnam sts. 841 13 * WANTED Go , d ghl for general housework. Hefcrences required. Mil S. 29th st. KB 13 * ' _ WANTED Lndy agents for our improv d combination biuitlc-fklrt. llrmo\ able loops , can be Inundrled , Latest Paris stylo. ) ne agent sold UO in Columbus lust spring , and nade $ . 'M ) . Spring trade now. Addie-s with tnnin , E. H. Campbell & Co. , 484 W. Itandolnh St. . Chicago. _ 4ir.Milj W Ehaesooral Rood places for good girls. 1509 Farnam , room 1) ) . 8151.1 * WANTED A girl for general housework , also n girl as nurse. 212 South 3uth st. 774 12 _ \\T A NTED-A girl , must be good cooV. Nl ) V > South 31st street. 774 13 * _ \\7 ANTED Ladles in city or country , tor our T holiday trnde. to take llttnt , pleasant work nt their own homes. $1 to ( , ) per tiny can be inietly mndc. Work sent by mull nny distance. Particulars freo. No canvassing. Address at once. Cruxcent Art Co. , 147 A Milk f > t. , Itoston , MOHS. P.O. box 5170. 354-38P MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED A music teacher to give lessons on plnno at scholar's house. Address , 'A (13" ( Hee olllco. 8 u Li * LJTATE Employment Parlors , 1417 Farnam st. 3 1K)1 ) 13 ANTED-Everybody to know that It will bo to their advantage to call on or address ieorge J. Sternsdorff , Hoom 0 , opn. P. O. , If they want to buy , sell , exchange , rent or loan money. 831 12 ANTED-Ladles to use "Chtchcster's Eng- llsh Diamond lirand , Pennyroynl Pills. Safe. Always reliable. The original. The only genuine. Ask druggist or send 4c Htamps for particulars , return mall. Chlchcster Chemical L'o. , Philadelphia. Pa. 337 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. O ATE City Employment olllce Minplles male U and female help for nil kinds of work Help sent to all parts of the country If faro Is > ald. Hefercnce , Douglas County bank , ( shell ic Chrlstenston , 3U So. P > tn. Tel. IlOt ) . WB 10J THE Union Employment office is the plnce to obtain rollume help on short notice , in or out of the city. 913 8. llth st. Open evenings. 838inlO GHKAT Western Ilureuu Wo furnish all classes of help on short notice. 1&09 Farnnm at. , room 9. S15 13 * D P1ANADIAN Employment office , main nnd fo- \J male help sent to ull parts If fare Is ad vanced. Hcference , Omaha Nntlonnl bank. Mrs. Urega & Son , 310 S. 15th. Tel. K 4.CIS CIS f 13 BOARDING. TJKIVATE boarding , (4 a week , 1015 Dodge. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED. Two sleeping rooms and one sit ting room , nicely furnished , with bonid for man , wife and ton. In private family wherethere arc no small children. Address , A GO , thlsolllce. 884 13 * WANTED Houses to'rent. Campbell" " * Hervey. 310 Hoard ot Trade. b93 WANTKO-1 or3 rooms furnished for light housekeeping for gentleman and wife ; Private family preferred. A 44 , llee 3111 ce. 839 12 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. T > AKE chance Whole Hat. No. 2604 N. 24th st. -I-V to rent very low. Enquire at residence us above. S. F. Winch. 881 COH HENT-2new nine-room brick houses 3 -l doom north of Judge Dnndy's ; best loca tion in Omaha. J , Williams , 1314 Iluruev St. KI3 13 * EOH KENT A six room cottage , 1515 Hnrney , 857 17 FOH HKNT 12-room flat on Fnrnam St. , rent $ ! H ) , furniture $1,100 : 5-room house , rent lew , furniture JlOO ; H-room house , rent $50 , furni ture * 1,1JO ( ; 18-room house , rent $110 , furniture $1,01)0 ) ; 0-room brick house , rent $40 , furniture very chenp ; 10-room boarding house on Far- nnni ; ( i-room lint , rent including heat and water , $51.60 , furniture 00 ; 1 I-room Hat. furniture for sale cheap ; 7-room house ; 10-room house , rent $115. furniture $3,5f)0j ) 10-room house , rent reasonable enable and furniture a bargain , besides a ncore of Hiuuller bonnes and Hats. Cull and secure list. Co-Operntlvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Ibth. 842 13 FOH HKNT-Hou e of 0 rooms furnlshed.also stable , on paved street near car Hue ; fur niture for Halo , about $350. new , part cash , bal. monthly if desired. J.H. Watts , Chamber of Commerce. . 84513 T710K HENT A desirable six-room cottage. JU' modern conveniences , $30 per month , ulso furniture for nbove six-room house for sale for J4CO , $335 cash , balance on time. Address A. 58 , Uoo olllco. 852 U * FOH HENT or Sale at a bargain , 10-room house , all modern Improvement , VJ block from btreet cars , 10 minutes walk from post- ofllco. Inquire at 1205 Douglas or U30 Park ave. 814 14 * T71OK HENT Two-story house.O-rooms , kitchen Jw and cellar , waterstable 3 horses , on Hamil ton nnd Campbell streets ; Includes 4 lots. In quire Charles Neber , 123 N. 10th Ht. 798 13j AFOUK-KOOM Hut for rent ; rent $30 , furni ture $99 ; a bargain for persons wanting a central location. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 16th St. 790 12 FOR RENT House of 8-rooms , closet , hard and soft water , on 13th street car clliie. In quire 1112 8.13th st. 778 H HENT Small house and good barn. Inquire - quire cor. Ouk and South 20th. 81112 * F I OH HENT 4-room house , 35th und Mason ; rent $40. J. 3. Corby , 1301 Farnam. 740 TJ1OK KENT 9-room house , Lowe ove. , near JL1 Cntnlng st. , J25 per month ; H-room house , Cassst. , neiir3stliEt. , at $35 per month ; 7-room house , Poppleton nve. , near 21th st. , at fc5 ! per month ; 0-room house , Omaha View , at $15 per month. Hoggs 4 Hill , real estate , 1408 Far nam st. 753 14 FOH HENT My residence , cor. of I9th and Lcuvemvortn sts , about April 1st ; contains fourteen rooms , steam heat , and modern con veniences ; carpets and shades if desired. Largo stable on premises , inquire 1333 Faruam. Milton - ton Hogers. 703 I71OH HENT In Pork Terrace , opp. Hanacom J : Park , couth front. All modern Improve ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part of the city. Inquire Lee In Nlchol , 38th und Loa > en worth , CM m5 TJ1OK HENT Twelve-room house , 25th nnd J-1 nnd Mason streets , (10 per month. J. S. Caiiltleld , 1.104 Farnam st , C.U O INE hundred anrt fifty houses for rent. H. E. Cole , n , u. cor. 15th and Douglas. 5117-- "IJIOH HENT My residence on corner of Nine- JJ teenth und Leavenworth streets nhont April 1st , contains fourteen rooms , bteam heat nnd modern conveniences ; carpets nnd shades If desired. Large stable on premises. Inquire. 1333 rurnnm. Milton Hogerc. ' ( IS TmOH HENT House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush- -LT man , N E cqrner 10th and Douglas. VJt "C1OH HENT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , elsE - -E tern , largo cellar , 19th near ClarK st. W. G. Shrlver , opp postolllco. : > 5U 171011 HENT-House ot 4rooms at 516 Williams -IU street. Inquire next door west. 4J3 F ° H HENT 5-room cottage. Apply Emmot house. 4.JU F I OH HENT 10 room residence bteaui beat. U. E. Thompson , 314 S. 15th st. 219 G HEGOHY , F. L. . lleutal agent , 309 S ICth Ht. FOH HENT or Sale. New house , 0 rooms , cor. 'Mill and Capitol ave. Enquire 2ci3i Dodgu. 55 HOUSES for rent from $13 up. F. L. Gregory , Rental Agent , 80S S. 16th st. 630 ' ' ' RENT Sniairiio'u'seTCallforiiln'St.Tnear . 30th , with or without btabla. S. Lehman. * 431 F I OR HENT-A new dwelling , 9 rooms , ull modern Improvements , good stable , ten minutes' walk from i > ostotUct * , apply to D. J. O'Donahoe , at O'Donahoe & Sherry's , 16th St. , next to the postolltcu. BIO OK HENT-Blx room cottage. 610 N. 17th. references required. Inquire 2208 Hurt st. KM 13 * FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. F oTT HENT-Largo front room. 32J 8.10th 78 1JJ st T71OH HENT. Pleasant furnished room * ei J- suite or hliujle. Suitable for ladles or gentle men. Hath , closets , furnace , $10 , (10 , t ) . Alsc one Milt * for * . ' 4 , suitable for four ladles or gents heat included. Kil S. 19tU St. , i doors s. of Iav wbrtlast. . . . 676 1J " 17011 HF.NT. Ftirnlihed room. Nice , room JC suitable for two gentlemen. Hath , utove-ete. all In good style. Price 113 per month , rail at 002 N. I7th st. . PMI8 T71OH HENT A Pleasant room for 1 or2genllo- JL1 men with nil modern conveniences. G-.fl . ZJth. cor. St. Mary's ave. 665-18 UHN1SHKI ) rooms , 2218 Cass st , E93 15 * FU lir.NT Two very desirable furnished frontrooms. with ull modern conveniences onsntnoHoor. Arranged for three or fouroccu- panU it desired. Apply at 1712 Capitol avenue. ) lt RENT-Rooms with board. 1810 Chicago street. 868 14 * T71OH HBNT-Fumlshed rooms. 719 8. 15th st. . Jbet. . Jones nnd Leavcnworth. 689 13 * FOR HENT A Inrge front room , for ono or two gentlemen : ono single room , $500 per month , tui N. 17th st. 870 12 * TJ10H IlKNT Furnished room , 1707 Dodge , J ? 871 U * TJ10H HENT Furnl'ho 1 room chcap.furnare. J gas , bath , 700 Boillh 17th avenue. KK 10 * UHNlSlini ) rooms , 1810 Dodge. 700m9 FURNISHED rooms for rent , 1117 Dodge st. ffiii ) 14 * NICELY furnished south front room ncnr st car nnd cable , suitable for two gentlemen. 2530 Douglas st. 800 13CH TfltONT loom with alcove and 2 largo closets. JL1 gas , hot air , bath , hot and cold waleron same lloor for 2 gents or man and wlfo $30 per month and adjoining room with closet $10 per month ; 2 other rooms with closets for $10 per month , same conveniences , ou car lluo,207 8 24th 801 TT1OU HENT-Furnished , n pleasant front -E room. 415 S. 19th ht. , close to St. Mary's avenue. 857 12t HH HENT Furnished front room for one or two cheap. 1931 Dottglns nt. 62 < j 13 * NICELY furnished rooms for rent , with board if desired. 718 N. 10th st. 86J 13 * T71OH HKNT Furnished rooms , steam heat , -V tms , bath room , on street car line at IU and tlO per month. 2317 Douglas st. 833 16 < T710K KENT Furnished rooms ; also a few day JD boarders. 1011 Fnrnnmnt. 7U814J F I OH HUNT A largo room furnished , central location 1416 Chicago Ht. 'M TTIOIl B.ENT Furbished rooms In Greunlg blk JJ cor. l.'Ith and Dodge Rts. Inquire of Qeo. It. , Davis. > l lllard hotel billiard room. 3T > 8 Furnished room , 1413 Howard. 049 13J F I OH HENT llooms furnished and unfur nished , 1724 Cap. ave. 041 T71UUN1SIIED rooms and board , 1903 Farnttm. - 634 111:1 : * _ I10H OentlemcnTwo furnished rooms , all modern Improvements. 1718 Dodge st. l)0m3 ) _ FOK KENT Nice furnished room , J ! ) per month , s w cor. isth and .TacKfon. MM TJ1UHNISHEO rooms J4 to $1J per month. 503 J 8. Iblh St. . nii-btalrs. _ 3J1 12' N'EATLY f urnlslied front room to rent at 1K21 Farnam st , 1 block west ot court house. 5K _ T71OH HENT Furnished rocms for one or two X ? gentlemen. 1605 Dodge str 330 _ IIHN1SHEI ) front room , miltabl * ' tor two 1033 Dodge st _ nl5 "I71OH HENT Nlcoly furnished rooms at 2337 - iDodge. . Gas , bath and furnace heat. 359 "tTIOH HENT Two nicely furnished front rooms JtJ on ground lloor , at 2I1H Hurt , for 115 per month , w 1th board M per week additional. 001 - - . RENT 3 rooms at 311 Woolworth avo. ; -L' at $11 per month. 34J T71OR RENT Furnished rooms , nil convcul- JJ ences. A. Hospe , 315 N. 17th street. 491 FOR RENT-STORES ANCTOFFICES. TpOK HENT 3 business rooms , 1515 " " "nrney. - * * * ' 57 17 F I OH HENT Store room reasonable. 1513 Dodge st. < 7 7 10 FOH HENT Two rooms , 44\08. where steam power can bo obtained. Enquire of Bam'l Hecs , Hees Printing Co. , 1013 Howard st. 740 FOR HKNT-Secoud floor. 44x70. good loca tion. Enquire of X J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge st. 750 Foil HENT Store nnd 0-rooms over good stand tor drug or feed store. Leo & Nlchol , cor. 38th and Leuvenworth , C35 niQ FOH HENT-Oflico room 3 , Frenzcr block.W 600 T710H HENT-Oinco In Arlington block , $13.00. JL ; Inquire of elevator boy. 4H ) TTIOH HENT Desirable olHce space , or debk JLJ room , at 1533 Farnam St. , Odell Uros. & Co. , IW4 F I OH HENT Front onice , Arlington block. Apply C. C. Valentine , 151) Dodge. 534 ON Douglas st near 14th. 2nd nnd 3d stories , 33x100 each. Small space on ground floor. F , L. Gi egory , rental ngcnt. 309 8.10th st. 839 T7IOK HENT-Omces on Farnum st. nt * 10 to $ .10 X1 per month. Ono olllce furnished. 1613 Far nam. 3TiO RENTAL AGENCIES. GEOHGE J. Bternsdorff , room 6 , opposite P. O. gives special attention to renting houses , flats and stores. 83413 SPECIAL attention given to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with us. W.M.Harris , over 330 S. 15th St. 301 1ST houses , stores and flats for rent with II. J E. Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 590-39 F.L. . GHEGOHY , rental agent , 309 S. 18th St. , . ground floor. Telephone 854. 484 R ENTAL Agency List your houses for rent with Odell Uros. & Co. , 1533 Faruam Ht. ITKHt HENT If you wish to rent a house call JC on Dentwa Jc Co. , 15th at. , opposite P. O. SOS FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. UNFUKNISHEO rooms , 18I8H St. Mary's ave. All conveniences. 771 11 * TT1OH HENT JD Two (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 Howard st I 8.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1015 north 30th st. . . 15.00 Three l ) rooms. No. KBf ) north 31st Ht. . . 11.00 Three (3) ( ) room cottauc.'Ut and Paul Ht. 13.50 Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1133 north 21st ut. . . 11.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms. No , 1410 Pierce st 10.CO Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . 11,00 Three CD rooms. No. 703 Pacific st , 12.50 Four ( I ) elegant rooms all modern con veniences , 1703 Webster st 735 FOR R ENT-NHSCELANEOUS. JJI IOK HENTlEr-i , 1 1 Chicago ht. PERSONAL. I > EKSONAL lluy lend glass lamp chimneys , and ) \\lllhavo U'b- > breakage ; as cheap us common ones ; ut Moody's China Store. 302 North 10th st. N17 13 PEKSONAL-ll.75 will by a very handsome hanging lamp with tinted and decorated 14-Inch shade , cut-glass prisms' ; and the cele brated Amazon biuiier , at Jlooey's , 303 N. 10th. 4813 PEHSONAIi Wanted , a young Infant to raise on mother's milk. Terms reasonable ; ad dress A , postolllce , Atlantic , low a. 805 13 * TJEHSONAL-ir the driver who removed the 4T trunk from 1318 North Iflth Ht. on Tuesday will bond his address ho will bo puld , A 47. lice omce. 744 13 IJEHSONAL. Two handsome and Htyllsh young ladles \\ouldllkt ) the acquaintance of traveling mull. Address A 01 , lieu olllce. 87,1 12 * DKESSMAKEHS Investigate the Kellogg French Tailor System of dresscuttlnggood ; v ages and traveling expenses to Indies out ot employment. Call or address for treatise on dtu-KCiittlng free , Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond , Omaha. 7ti5fl , EHSONAL-Great fortune teller just ur- rived , the young Madame C. L. Lament , the great astrologUt , will remain 30 days ; lias trav eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tell.s past , present and future In person or by letter , w 111 bring back the parted hiiHband or lover , no mutter It they be ten thousand miles away ; they will return to you In so many days ; will tell you wnether your lover be false or true ; will guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect catlafction : can alxo causa hpettdy marriages ; has charms for good luck which will cause par- tlex to be successful In any kind of busi ness and prevent your loss in any kind of Imnlnehs you may undertake , breaks uvll Influence , and brings good luck to \vhomay try this lucky charm ; can give lucky numberu In lottery draw ings ; cantnve oest of reference In regard to above statement. I w us presented with an elegant gold medal In Denver , Colo. , for my greut success In my business. 1 have the natural gift ot telling the past , present and future , ily grandmother before me was also a great astroloKtut. Parties asking Information by letter must encloHo $3 to ensure answer. 1 have a tine pre paration for the complexionwhich keep-it imooth ami fair , and prevent * premature irrln- klM. Also Hne hair tonic , which preserves thn natural color of1 th bnlr and prevents It from fulling out , . Ladles who nre Introublo call and nee me at once. All business confidential. Olllce hours , 10 * . m. to D p. m. Madame C. T * . Lament , No. 1MO California * trcetbetwocu 18th and linh its. , Jliialm. Neb. _ U7fl5 * PKKSONAL See the .S7/A * s.50 and $11 hand. decorated dinner sets at Moody's China Store. 302 N. 10th St. _ 843 13 LOST. T OST Illack horse , star In forehead , one hind J-J foot white , about six year * old. Henrd for return. Owen Haley , near Catholic cemetery , touth Omaha. 877 ltj * LOST A sranll yellow Scotch terrier pup , < mouths old , answers name of lck. Finder will please return sumo to 041 South 17th Ht. and ecefvo reward. KB 13 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SALE Fine furniture , carpets and stoves , nearly new , at 837 S. 22nd st. 870 12 * = \HE 13Tf ANt'S "f or M > euTat1ionr Only f335 , cost * 500. On Monday. Fob. 13th , we will offer at private sale the entire contents of a furnished flat consisting of an elegant rosewood cose Chlckerlng square piano , one black walnut lied room suit , carpets , stoves , sofas , chairs , ; ables , nt less than auction price on easy pay ments of * 35 cash and 115 monthly. Hemember the entire lot only tiM , cost WO. Call Monday early. New York btorugu Co. , Capitol live , nnd 15 1 hjlt. 905-18 _ _ _ FOH SALE At old military bridge barn. 2505 Cumlngs st , , M head of line Iowa driving nd working horses which we will sell cheap. Come and examine our stock. C. L. Walker and IP. . Pumphrey. BQ.H5' FOK 8ALE-3)shnre ) i of capital stock In the Goodrich lodge No. 144 I. O. O. K. The face value of w hlch Is * a i , will sell for $150. Inquire Geo. ilerllngholf at Mendelssohn , Fisher X Law- rle. 858 13 _ QAFES chenp Elegant new safes $27. Call New kJ York Storage . .ma Capitol ave. 85113 " 1710 H SALE 3 good houses , 710 N. 16th st. 4 > a is * FOK BALE Lease nouso and barn on Doug las bet 17th and 18th , inquire Mever& Haap- ke. 1405 Harney. _ 171 OK SALE At a bargain 50 feet of shelving , 30 feet of con liters nnd one Ice chest , suit able for grocery store. Enquire at 812 S. lUth St. _ _ -y > . TflOHSALEorHent-Civtl and mining engln- JU eer's business office nnd Instruments in San Juan county. Colorado. J. F. Wauuemaker , 1508 Cass. ' 054 20 * % ULACKSMITH shop for sale , Imsona forge , or tools without shop for sale. Apply to Wm. IJuseh , llluc Hill. Webster Co. , Neb. 73 > lm8 * _ " 171OHUALE Some line young mares and htal- -13 hens , nt for road or track. Address H. Gibson , York , Neb. 095 m 7 * FOH SALE One thousand cords of wood In car load lots. Orders from brickyard men and others solicited. Prompt attention given. Address - dress D. C. McDonald , llartlett. Iowa. 051 2C TJ1OK SALE 19 , 42 1 names of farmers nnd tor- JL1 payers In the state of Nebraska ; 4W7 names or farmers ana taxpayers in lowu. A rare chance for advertisers sending out clrcu- ars. Address , I. W. Hughes , & 33 ? S. 13th st. Dmaha. Neb. _ 739 15 MISCELLANEOUS. GUITAH players and pupils can lenrn pieces and all chords \ \ Ithout notes. Send for cir culars , Prof. Murdock , 202 Viaduct , Cleveland , Ohio. 888-12 * IF you want to buy , sell or exchange , call on or address G , J. BternsdortT , Hoom 0 , oppo- slte P. O. 834 13 _ _ SAVE your money , K7 buys an elegant new safe by calling at the New York Storage Co. 1508 Capitol ave. _ 851 U II. SMITH , the expert bookkeeper , gives instructions In bookkeeping anil assists In procuring situations. Hoomu48 l Hamge block. 733 15 * _ IF you are wanting a house-keeper , governess , seamstress , nurse , a domestic help of any kind we can supjily you on short notice with the best class to be found ; help sent to nil purts of the country If faro is paid. Gate City Emp. office , 314 S. 15th ; tele. 11W. Isbull & Christensen - son , Hcference : Douglas Co. Hunk , fcOO-13 * THE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gellon- beck , tOJ H aruey st. 183 THE only cook book Is Silver Creek Coal. 313 814th , Jeff W. llodford. 7'Ji 29 C ! . H.JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug , 409 N 30th St. , Otnaha , Neb. 869 mch31 * THF. On Time Household Fair. The great Uurgaln housn. . ' To housekeepers. \Ve are bound to show you that wo can save you money in prices. Parlor suits , Chamber sets , lied Hprlngs , bed mattrasses , Folding beds , side boards , carpets , Tableschairs , mirrors , pictures , Lounges , commodes , tetes. Divans , rockers , curtains , stoves. Tinware , crockery , glassware , lamps , Houses' furnished complete on Easy payments ! Easy payments" ! Easy payments 1 Easy payments 1 Prices the low est. C. H and see Prices the lowest. Call and see 002 and 001 south 13th street. Coiner Jackson. No connection with any other house. 514 STORAGE. NEW YORK Storage Co. have most extensive facilities fort storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , general merchandise , west of New York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick building fire-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N , 15th St. , Dennett's block. WANTED-TO BUY. S 1POT cash for furniture , stoves , househol goods at 117 North 18th st Orit A : Co. 183 f 25 WANTED A good paying restaurant In good location. State all particulars. Price con fidential. Address A 51 , lleo olllce. 780 12 I HAVE customers for several houses , rang ing from 5 to u rooms each. Owners please call or address George J. Bternsdorfl' , room 0 , opp P. O. KM 12 WANTED To Buy snort time paper. J. W. Gross , at C. K. Huyne's oulce , 15th and Harnoy. 385 CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANN1R V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med- leal , business and tcbt medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 16th St. . Hooms3&3. Tel. 044. 304 MONEY TO LOAN. Severnl thousand dollars to loan WANTED on good inside property ; can place several good lonns if made soon. Geo. N. Hicks , 215 South 15th street. 1103-12 ' GnOHGE J. Sternsdorff loans money on city property. Hoom 0 Frenzer block , opposite postotllce. KH UIBi MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and fnnns. Mortgages bought. Odell Ilros. A ; Co. , 1533 Farnam. 830 HE. COLE lonns money on improved city or farm property. Koom u Continental block. 1 C03 _ _ _ LOANS wanted on good , productive real es tate security 3 and 5 years time , optional payments nnd favorable terms and rates. Kim ball , champ & Hyau , U. S. National bank build Ing. 64317 , Falrbunk Investment Co. . organized X \ \ ith nmplo capital , makes loans on horses , wngons , furniture , pianos , and other personal property or collateral. Deal with responsible parties. Apply at their olllce , 315 South 14th street , up-Htulra , 418 MONEY to loan on Improved city property at lowest rates. Cash on hand. First mort gages negotiated. E. F. Seaver , room 15 , cham ber of commerce. 2U1 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. Low rates. J , W , Hobblns , 1U13 Fnniain. bW ) fSl ONEY to loan. Notes ana it. R. ticket , bought and sold. A. Fornmn , 213 S 1,1th sts 805 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no commission .charged. Leavltt Uurnham. room 1 , Crelghton block. 300 SHOUT tlma loans made on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes boucnt , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har ney sts. . over State National band. Corbutt. manager ' 'kll MONEY to loan icinnow place some flrst class city loans Immediately. Call at once If you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. Sholes , room t llarker block , entrance In alley. ia ONEY To loan. l/west rates. No delay J. L. Hlce ti Co. . orer Commercial Na tional bank | , 375 ONEY to Loan-lOn furniture , pianos. wut'ons , or other iwrnonal property without removal ; also on collateral security. Ilitsluess contldeulial. Chax. 11 j Jacobs , U20 S. litti at. . - , , 3bO . T , OAN8 made on real oitatn and : mortrageft -LJ bought , Lewis S. Heed ft Co. , 1521 Farnam. ! ( n 05600,000 To loan on Omaha city property t 0 P percent. O. W.Day , 8. B. cor. Ex. 1)13. . 378 _ MONEY to Loan fly the nndprsiimed. who has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of tlO to 1100 made ou furniture , pianos , orgnns , home * , wrgons ma chinery , etc. . without removal. No delays. AH business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advance * made on flun watches and diamonds , persona should carefully consider who they are dealing with , ns many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you neml money call and sen me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthn H building , 16th end Harnov. 3U9 M 0NEY to Lonn-O. F.Davis Co. , real ostata nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnnm st. 370 MONEY to loan , casn on hand , no delay. J , W. and K. L. Squire , ULI Farnam at/Par. , ton hotel building. 372 T OANHnmUo on real estate. Cash on hand. JU W. M. Harris over 2WS. I5th st. 3TJ WS. niBIIRR loans money on real estate Hnnitce b'ld'e. TK ) 10' $ uOO.KU ( to loan on city and farm real estate. Mtmlmn vV Mahoncy , 1IX 7'J ruruam street. 6 I'EU CENT Money. Patterson Sc Kuwcctt IMh nnd Ilarney. ,17 6 M 1ONEV I.OANKD at C. P. Heed & Co.'s Loan Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of value without removal. 31U 8. nth , over Utngham's commission store. AU busi ness strictly confidential. ,170 M ON I < Y loaned on rurmturo , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson < k Co. , 1LB4 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket office. BUSINESS CHANCES. PA UTIES having bankrupt stock for mile , or persons who wlxh to close out their stocks for cash , may find a buyer by addressing W , K. , Windsor Hotel. Lincoln , Neb. UK ) 18J EUOK this U | > t-A real estate , loan , collection and Insurance business for sale , wit ha complete set of abstract books of Seward county , Nob. , correct und written up to date , safes , desks , olllco furniture , etc. , and will be sold cheap. This Is a snap for n peed live attor ney. County seat. Address Hamlln Ilros. , Seward , Neb. KK 10J FEED store In first-class location ; a line chance for feed business. Co-Operative Land & Lot Co. , 21)5 N. l th st. S12 12 SPLENDID busings opening , IW room hotel , located In best town west of Omaha. Ad dress Hondny & llalderman , room 5 and f ) Mich- elson blk , Grand Island , Neb. MO XX SIX Imported draft stallions , t draft brood mares , sound , all acclimated , fully war ranted , must sell soon , easy terms. Iloubledeo & Illack , Importers and breeders , Haymoiul , Neb. 80813 * AOOOD meat market in a first class location , for sale ; a good chunce. Co'-operatlve Land & Lot Co. . 305 N IBth st. Till 13 ! ,000 stock ot drugs for sale ; a fine chance for this business. Nice loom , and rent easy ; established trade. Call Co-operative Laud & I.ot Co. , 305 N. Kith st. 810 13 have a number of nice hotels In this and WE neighboring cities. Co-OpeiatheLand He Lot Co. , 3K N. 10th st. 843 13 FOH SALE Drug stock. As nnu location lus there Is In tno city. Clean stock. Involve about * 7.000 : Part cash. 1'ort In good real es tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton & Co , 18th st. opp. Chamber ot Commerce. 451 A OpOD foundry In York , Neb. , for sale ti. Jii..OOO. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , SOT . , N. tCth st. H4313 M AN with small means can obtain Interest In profitable business , H 6 , at 310 S. 15th st. 814 13 A GHOCEUY building nnd stock of goods fort - tsale. . In this city. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Itlth st. W313 "IjIQH SALE Photoernph car doing a big busl- V ness. Dig bargain. For further particu lars address W. J. Roon , Hlslng City , Neb. O'JJ-17 TJ10H SALE Lumber and coal business. Not JU one yard In twenty as convenient or as well located , doing n good business. Address J. W. Quttckenbush , Greenwood , Neb. 333 inch 15 * WE have four good restaurants for sale , all in good locations. Co-operaelve Land and Lot Co. . 201 N. ICthHt. 8U 13 _ . SALE OrrenUMerchlston Ranch , benu- - - tlfully situated In the fertile volley of the Lonp , within 5 miles ot Fullerton , the county saat of Nance countv , Nebraska , and 1 mile of postolllco. This well-known lanch has been spec ially laid out for stockralslng und general fnrm- lng mid comprise * 8iH ) ueres3JU under cultivation , balance In pustule nnd hay land ; GOO acres being tinder fence. 2 large cnttlo sheds , feed yards , 2 barns with granules , carpenter shop , harness room , 2 windmills ( i geared ) , 5 wells , scales , 3 water tanks 12 with heating apparatus ) , constant supply of living water from Plum creek and the Loupe river. 2 commodious dwelling houses , one situated in the midst of a fine orchard ; prl- v.ito side-track on the O. N. & II. Hy , w 1th eery facility for handling stock ; good hog bujlng point. Stock , Implements , etc. . may be hod at u ' valuation. For further particulars apply iicr- Honnlly or bv letter to the owner , E. C. Millar , Westgord , Neb. 330 14 * EOH SALE An elegantly equipped laundry , almost new , with an established patronage , in a thriving city near Omaha. Terms easy ; rent cheap. Splendid opportunity for a practi- cnl man. Apply at once to J. II. Lamar , HO ) rurnam st. CU4 13 FOH SALE First-class hoarding house near P. O. , rooms ull occupied ; good cause for selling. X 48 Dee office. 153K5H1 FlHST-Clnss bakery on u good street , rent J30 , lease for : i years. Price , $1,4ft ) . This place Is all equipped nnd has u line cstnbllHhed trade. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. IMli ht. 843 13 STOCK , of dry goods , clothing , notions and furnishing goods , Involcn about JSOOJ , tine ch.nice ror such business. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. 843 12 FH SALH At a sacrifice If sold immediately , furniture , fixtures nnd two years lease of the best located ? 1per day hotel In Lincoln , Nob. , opp. H. \ M. depot ; everything now-doing a business of * 7DO per month. Cheapest rent in city , llest of reasons for selling. Address A. 11. C. . Hee olllce. Lincoln , Neb. 73.1-13J FOR EXCHANOfcl T7HH THADE , for Omaha property ; brick and -C tllo works all complete with 7ii acres ground , 2 good IIOUKCH , brick barn , windmill etc. , 30 miles from Omaha , almost new and a paying Investment. No encumbrance. C. W. McVlcker , 15U ) Faninm ht. W 13 * E. COLE wuntx equity In houses and lots H. . in exchange for farniH. 1)08 ) 14 H.WANTED WANTED To exchange a desirable lot for two roll-top olllco desks , and chairs. Cull at room 8 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. 808-13 * SEVEHAL stocks of merchandise have just been listed with me to trade for city prop erty or Improved Nebraska or lowu lundn. What have you to oiler1 ! Geo. J. Sternsdorff room fl , oppo. P. O 834 12 STOCKS of goods , putent rights , billiard tables , u tine buggy , a tlrst-cluss Houring mill , 3 good elevators , stock of furniture nnd a score of other kinds of pioperty for exchange. Cull und examine our list. Co-operutlvo Land & Lot Co. , 205 N l th H. W2 12 LIST you property with us. We have nil kinds of property to tinde. Stevens Ilroa. , 1531 Farnam. 8M12 / UEAH lots toexchiuiKO for tnrm * or equities \J In houses and lot * . H. K. Cole , N , E. cor. 15th and Douglas. BJ7 21 FOH SALE Or trttde. mcrchadhe nnd Rood land. 1513 Dodge Ht. 7J7 10 FOH THADE A good , clean stock of general merchandise for joung cattle or horses. Address W. F. Stiles , Ulysses , Neb. 703 14 " \\7ANTED-A light delivery wagon in exT - T T ( change foi u good top buggy. Kennwly & niackburn , i : K I'aik aye. 783 13 HOPIIHTYof ull kinds to exchange , Including - ing horses , cows , buggrts , wagons , blllluid tables , pianos , furnttuie , etc. , etc. , ut the olllco of Ueoryu J. Sternsdortl , room G , opp P. o. 834 12 WE have a large list of lands In all parts of the west. In all ntages of Improvement , vacant lots , houses and ) OH always on hand for trade. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , M"i N Ibth st. M3 13 H.K. . COLE ran trade with jou. Wrlto for . list. HUH 14 exchnnge , Omaha city lots for stocks of merchandise ; also , will exchange Omaha Ilurb Wire and Nebraska Telephone Co. stock , for real estate. Morse & llruner , IG05 Farnam hts CU7 13 exchange Flue Nebraska farms for Blocks of general mdse , J , A. llerger , Long Pine. Neb. itil f 2tf * I 5 HAVE $50.M worth of choice unim proved city property , unlnewnben-d. to trade for Improml Omaha property. Will assume reasonable IncumbrBnceH. George J. SteniKdortf. room U , opposite poutoltlre. B34 12 HEN you have uiiythlng whatever to exchange - change go to H. E. Cole , N. E. corner 15th and Douglas. Mtf U ANTED-Goou rnmiii m exchange for Ouiuba property , U. 0. Spotawooa. U05H BlOtU- 3 * I'OOK ' Here Wo have to trade stock . t furnishing nnd dry goods and some money for South Omaha bu .lnetu < lot ; 8 lots in Syndi cate. South Omaha , for lot In west part of city ; two houses and lots f or clenr Improved fnim ; dnig Mock for land : clear farm for good reM- dencei Illinois farm , good business property , and general stock merchandise , making $10,000 equity , to trnde for Nebraska land ; 3 lots in Omaha View for small farm. Stevens llros.,1631 Farnam. Mb 13 WANTKD-Omaha property to trndo forpood lands , Special attention given to trading. 0. L. Hrown , Frcnior Illock. IWH TJlOH Exchange House and lot 1 block from JKountze place , for ono or two good horses. Ilnlanceon easy terms. Hamilton Hros. , 408 So. mil at. CIOT 16 * INSIDE city property In exchange for farms or lands. J , A. Heist and , Arlington block , 675 CiOH Exchange A $7,000 stock of general mer ! X1 chnndlse. Will give someone n bargain If taken before March 1. It will pay you to write me for particulars. J.T. Engclhardt , llrul-duiw Neb. 63913 * EOHOE.I. Sternt-dorfT , room 0 , opp P. O. , has 1.1 lowufaims , free from Incunibrunco , to trade for Impioved Omaha property , c i t > H 13 TJ1OH SALE Or trade , land and town property - iIn Nebraska , Kansas nnd Colorado. Horses , cattle and Mocks of merchandise wanted , corre spondence solicited. T. A. English Se Co. , York , Nob. 745 in b * AFIHST-class restaurant for trndo for good property or lauds , Co-opcrutlvo Land * Lot Co. . 305 N 10th st. P43 13 I HAVE for trade improved farm In Cass Co. , near Plattsmouth , will trade for Improved Inside property. Address M 39 , Hoc office. 033 \\7ANTEO-8tocKS of merchandise to exT - T T chanuo for lands and crty tirouertyj C. 0. Spolswood , 305S4 S. intb. OS ! WANTED Stock of groceries , dry KUOUS , clothing or IxxHs and shoes In f-xcnatigo for Omaha property or farms. Schlosluger Hros , 014 8.10th st. 135-f34 EASE of u 04 room Hotel and $7.tW ) worth of furniture , will trade , taking land for all. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. 843 12 _ TTIOH Exchange. It you hare farms or lands to -I ? sell or trnde send for our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of property'to sell or ex change , list It with us ; wo can furnish you a customer. 8. S. Campbell & 0. W. Hervoy , 310 Hoard of Trnde Omaha 383 H. E. COLE wants horses to trade. FAHMS , Innds. lots , etc. , to cxchanRO for good Inside , Imnroved or unimproved lots , will assume encumbrances. W. J. Paul , IKUI Farnam. 3X1 WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for Impiovedund unlmproued lands in Ne braska and Iowa. Charles C. Hpotswooil , 30fi4 S. 18th. JIM "VTEHHASKA anil Kansas farms to exchange .1.1 for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vice versa. Co-Oneratlvo Land and Lot Co. . 305 N loth at. I. 604 H. E. COLE wants cattle to trade. . S08-15 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. EN80N fcCAHMICHAEL furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete Hot of abstract books In the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 385 MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co , 1505 Farnnm street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , perfected - fected and guaranteed. 33 < f gQRSALE-REAL ESTATE OH SALE Wo will sell 10 acres close to the city , choice of the addition near to the junction of two railroads and handy to faotoiles at an especial bargain for a few days , suitable for platting Into 4 beautiful lots and ev cry one just right for grade. Woodbrldgo Uros. , opeia house. Bio 10 SNAPS , snaps , snaps In Sonth Omaha. 00 choice Inside lots at great bargains. 20 lots In Jetter's add. 3 blocks from stock yards , only * .VX ) each , $100 cash. Two choice resldenro properties , beautiful location , 7 and 10 room houses , Planing mill with good engine and necessary machinery. Lease , furniture and complete fixtures of a V > room hotel , dolne tlrst class business. Also money to loan on chattels and long time , real estate security In youth Onnihu , at reason able rates ; and Hie Insurance taken In the Ilrltlsh American , one of thn oldest and most reliable companies. Come and see us. Andor- pen V Cook , fcoilth Omaha. htd U PECIAL Ilargalns. llcantlful residence site , 75x150 feet , east front on Dunne street , Hnnscom place. Water nnd gas In street : close to street cars , nnd sur rounded by elegant homes. Call at once and get price. Corner , 75x150 feet , on Ilcllevue street. South Omaha , adjoining the miigtilllcent new park tone no laid out by the South Omaha land syndicate In the spring. Can ollor the propeity at tlguies that make It a big bargain , Huslness property , corner of Fnrnam and Twenty-fourth htreetsCxl.liwlth ( ) good Improve mentH. This pi operty yields an Income of W.OUO per annum , and Is a splendid Investment at the- price 1 can now oiler It for. Call and get price. 1'lrst-clnss business lot on Tenth street , near Harney. Oue of the biggest buigutns In the city at IKO.OOO. Corner , llfty feet south front on PoppMon avenue , Hanscom place. Only J3.750 $750 cash , balance In one , two nnd tlneojeiirs. If you want a nice building bite , this Is worth looking up at once. Choice twenty acre tract , close to railroads and right In the way of the growth of both Omaha and South Omaha. One of the best In vestments In OmaliHto-day. Can otrer this at a figure that will make It an object to Investigate. I'lrst class business lot In South Omaha ; one of the best business sites In the city ; suitable for retail grocery , drug or liquor business ! . Call and get price at once. Elegant residence site In West Omaha , 0'lxlfM feet , corner Lowe avenue and Howard streut ; one of the finest residence lots In the city ; only 14.400 If sold quick. To exchange three choice lots In Leavcnworth Terrace , Omaha. This propertyls just light for grade , situated between Farnam and Leaven- worth streets ; Leavonuorth street will bo paved to within flv blocks this Nprlng. Price. * 1MJO ; Jl.DOO Inciunbrance. Party wants good farm. What have yon to offer ? To exchange , twenty-four nice lots In Cottage ill ace. West Omaha. Clear and free of liicum- brunce. Price , * MUO. or WSO per lot. Will take tlrst clu.-H ( arm land In trade. Tne above are only a few of the many choice Investments I olfer. Oeoigo N. Hicks , dealer In gilt edge residence and business property , 315 South 16th street 00313 LEOANT residence lots with n\o cor lines already running to Hanscom Place and a prospective cable there this Hum mer. Hanscom Place lots oiler the llnnst sites In the city for pleasant homo.s and modern con veniences. I can otter some of the finest sites In this addition at figures that It will pay you to Imestlgate. Call und let us bhow yonwliat we olfor In this beautiful addition. Ueo. N. 1 licks. 315 B. 15th Ht. 903-13. / 1 OOD business lot right In business center of V.1 South Omaha for walO' at a but gain , clear nnd free of Incmnbrance. Ueo. N. Hicks , 2lu South Kith btreet. UU3-12 FOH SALE or Trade Full lot on 1'arnam ht. , one block from paving and street cais. Price * 5 , < XW. Equity M.IXX ) . Twoone-fouith sections line school land In Kos'iiith county , Iowa. One-Mxth interest In an addition to South Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good ( ei > tern farmland , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha propeity. Good Inalde business property , free of en cumbrance , for good house and lot In north part of city. S. A. Slotunn , rooms 33 and J , llellman building , cor. Farnam and Mth sts. lw)0 ) buys you a homo on tmsy pay- $ mentH. Don't miss It. II. E. Cole , north east comer 15th und Douglas Ht. WW-14 . Easy terms , lluy u beautiful lot In $ easy w Hiking distance of U. P.shops. H. K. Cole , north-east corner 15th and Douglas ht. WW-IU LIST properly for nalo or exchange with H. E , Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 09j-15 FOH BALE-Houseund lot In Walnut Hill. Easy payments. P. A. Gavin , sole UKont. 447 Mch U T7U.U ) SA LE Lot & blk 3 , Ambler pluco , $ dUO. -I ? Lot 0 blk 3. Ambler pluco , tW. Small cash , easy terms O. K. Thompson , 314 S 15th st. 84S FOR SALR or oxchangn , Omaha property and farms for merchandise , horses , etc , Sthles- ingl-rHros. , tlli 8.10th at. fTIOlt SA LE Two best lots In Mount Pleasant Jj addition , ono corner ; can be divided and make three east front lots. Make offer ; must be sold In fewduys. A 29. Hee office. C07 I HANDLE Honth Omaha property exclu sively , und If you wbh to buy , nell or tiade u bargain cull. I ) . D , Smeaton , Uarker block. | 530 LOT/ > , block 5. West Cumlng ; fine cast front lot 50x1115 ft. lies only < / block from Metro politan Cubleiontu on California St. . und a liar- train at t79i : tery easy terms. F. K. Darling , 1505 Howard. HU-r > HAWLEY House , North Platte.Neb. . for sale. On account of the death ot my wife I w ill Bell the property on easy terms. Address John Huwloy , North Plutte , Net ) , TTJmu * TJXJlFs.rLE Lo7ft bllca'A.S. PatrlckTail ; will -C sell for few da ) bat IIWJ , $ J cuah. b l. eas ) . S. WUooomcu. V17 "DIOR BAI.n-tota 13 and 14 , Mock I * Mayna X ? Place , 16,910 each , easy term * . ' Lot 13. block 13 , llannconi Place. $ .1.000. lAt A , block 6 , West Cumlng , a linn caftt-front lot , Wxlflft ft. only 1760) this is the cheapest lot iu the vicinity. I.otO , block 4 , Hawthorne , $1.500. M ft on anh near Charles , | 7ft per ft. 2 lots nnd 6-rootu cottage , Arbor I'lacr , $ .1,000 , easy terms. H-room house , Virginia nvo. near Poppleton , full lot , $5,000 , easy terms. 7-room cottage , lot SO , Windsor 1'lace , (1,000 ; payment * to milt. Ix > t In McCornmck'H 2nd , $ WO , 1 , S nnd .1 years. F. K. Darling. 1505 Howard. HOI 13 FOH BALK-2.7nnd 10 II. 1' . Otto HUH engine a In perfect order. Address M. 61 , Dearborn M. . ChlcnKQ. 111. TOI'13 A OOOl ) Inveitment. Head It alOiicres about -tv 4 miles from xtockyard on II. & M. It. 11. , l'i minutes from Omaha , uood soil and can all iH-rultlviitnl. Fenced with barbed wire , living spring , 4 acres of rovo. Klllo ranuo Is now lo- rated near bv , with prospect of locating l\rt pmiihn In that vicinity. 1 can offer you this land at tlUO per acre for n short time , small In- cumbraurn due on or before ft yeai-s. Also In llolteviiB near the above , 1 house 7 iooms and 0lots \ \ 1th fruit tiees , vrlco H/JDUL clear. 1 InIckhouse0room" , with 4 lots , barn. Ice house , Hhi'ds , etc. , now leaded for a dairy farm with 70 acres of the above land for WX ) a yeiir und one-half taxes , price , > IUU. 1 house II rooms and 7 lots , runted for $310 per jear , ptlco , JIOO. Illack walnut grove about houses , also fruit trees. Adjacent property Is held nt II U to flOO per acre , and advertised as belnu a Imijriiln. I am authorized to accept desirable property as part payment , balance on favorable terms. Investigate this and you wllll KCO that It Is a bargain seldom offered. J. II. Watts , Hole agent , Chamber of Com merce. BIO IJ J.L. . HICK & CO. , Heal Estate. TjlOIl SALE 100 acres of land four miles from JL stock yards , at $135 per acre ; this is a bar- gain. McCague. Opp. P. O. 3tfl T L. HICE A ( xClleul Estate. 216 OH SALK-Chenp If weld at once , 6 nlco cot- tnges and u saloon building. Inquire ut N. B. Cor , ot Cumlng and IflthMs. 83214j TJ1OH SALK New 2-story house , full lot , 1 J-1 block from street cum , small payment , bal ance monthly. To Exchange Corner lot uenr Hrownell hall for lot In Hanscom Place , w 111 pay cash differ ence. NiOucro Kansas fnim for house and lot In Omahn. 33U ncres land , clear , in lown , for Omaha prop- ei ty. let-room house and 2 lots 2 blocks from street cnrs , for farm and $1,01)0 ) ciish. 513 acre Improved fat m In Hamilton county. Neb. , for xulo cheap or trade for Improved Omaha property. Chns. H. Woolley , 418 8 15th st. 84(15 ( L. HICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 315 IN South Omaha there are three houses for sale at ttUI. $ IV > 0 anil tl.Oft ) each , small pay- meut down , balance monthly or to null. U.I ) . Smeaton. Darker block , Omaha. 6T > 3 L UICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215 EMSTICKNEY & CO. maK a specialty of property In North Omaha , for sale or rent at Citizens' bank. 340rt Cumlna at , UW ! TfKH SALK-Onoof the best lota In Hlllsldo -I ? No. 1 , Just across street from Vatcs1 now residence. Make olTer ; any reasonable propo sition will be entertained for few days ; must sell. AM. ! lleoolHcc. 607 MUST He Sold Payment coming duo on a lot 3 blocks from new U. P depot. South Omnhn , price $ l,2'iO. requires * 3 0 cash. I ) , I ) . Hmeuton , Marker block. Kit L. HICK & CO. , Heal Estate. 315 UEALiTV , BANKING AND BUILDING. State of IluslnuHH in ThcHo Branches For the Week I'nst. Below is given the amount of Omahn realty sold during the past week. While trade has not been us nctlvo as 11 was ut the same ttmo last year , it will bo soon that thn business is In n healthy condition : Monday S 41,433 Tuesday 50,083 Wednesday afi.STS Thursday 411,787 Friday 71,771 Saturday 100,537 Total . * J43,193 But few building permits were issued dur ing the past week. Thu following tublo shows the values us given to the Inspector : Monduy 5 400 Tuesday b > 00 Wednesday 1,835 Thursday 500 Friday 1KK ( ) Saturday t&O Total , $ 4,875 The clearances Tor the week wcro as fol lows : Monduy $ 527,514.27 Tuesday 8S8lai3.40 ! Wednesday 427,4(11.111 ( Thursday 42 < UU7. < W Friday 517 , .W.27 Saturday 503,874.43 Total 12,831,030.05 Increase , 24 1-10 per cent. Ucnl IKstato Transfers. Balthas Jcttcr und wife to Wm. llooso lot , blk 13. Jcttor's add , w d I 800 Gco Wurrcn Smith to the public plat of Warronton , located in U , 15,13. . . . Milton Kogors ot nl to C , St 1 , Minn & Om Hy Co , right of way through lot 11 , blk 121 , Florence , w tl 1 C. S. Carrier ot al to Croighton uni versity , lot 3 , blk G , Swcesy's add wd 5,000 Win A.jQardnor nud wlfo to Jas C Whiddcn , lot 7 , blk U , Sounder's & Himobaugh , w d 835 David Kaufman and wife to Lovt Kaufman , lot 25 , 'M , Omaha bldg Sc Ravassn add , q o 1 Chas Peterson to Suml Jacobs ot al , lots 10.15 , Bollalr , wd 1,000 Albert , t ) . Hughes to Homo Invest ment Co , lot 15 , blk 3 , Exchange pi , wd 010 John A. Webster and wife to Graham 1' . Browne , lot 0 , blk 0 , Hillside add Nol , wd 3,600 Win K. Potter and wife to some , lot 7 , blk C , Bedford , wd 1,000 Wm H O'Khnnghnessy to Chas A Goss , lot 11 , Pullman nl , wd 1,550 Gco C. Hobble ct al to Fred L Murray lots 5,11 , 23 , blk 2 , South Exchange plwd 1,335 John W Griftlth , trustee , to Frank Smith , et al , lots 21 and 23 , blk 2 , BakerPlace , w d. . 1,050 Anna K Stornsdorft and husband to Jennie B Marsh , w : X It of lot 12 , blk A , Bedford add , w d 2,500 Charles A Goss to Francis E White , lot 11 , Pullman Place , w d 2,075 John McCroary ami wife to William J Paul. Iot5. blU45Omaha , wd 14,000 John F Boyd and wife to Wesly Way , lot 3 , blk 1 , Boyd'sned , wd 1,200 Samuel Mortensoii and wife to Cora S Woolloy , o X ot lot 4 , blk 12 , Kountzo .t Ruth's add. wd. ; 1,550 Samuel Jacobs ut al to Cliarlus I'ettor- son. lots 40-45 , Bullalr , w d 1,000 Martin Cahn ct ul to Samuel Morten- sen , lots 1 and 2 , blk 8 , Gnimmorcy Paik , wd l.COO Samuel Usher to John P Usher , lots 1 , 2 , 8 , 4. 5 , 14 , 15 , 10 , 17. 1 , 10 , 20 , blk 5 , Bedford Place , w d CO.OOO Twentiono deeds { 100,537 Building Permits. The following permits wcro Issued yester day by the superintendent of buildings ; Gcorgo Thurston , alteration * and re pairs to basement , Fourteenth and Douglas $ KG h. A. Farm , cottage , 3800 Cuss COO Two permits aggregating t i&O An Alert Chief. Chief of Police Scavoy has had printed a neat memorandum book for members of the police force , on the cover of which is the ofll- c'ers name , the -lumber of his star and resi dence. In thU memorandum are printed heads under which each oftlccr notes the nainuand place of each urrrst , the tlmo.char- actor u' uifenso and other details' that cannot but provo valuable In hundicds of instances in accomplishing the ends of Justice. Eucli olllccr will bo required to keep u perfect rec ord of his work , which will bo received at stated Intervals by thojuperlor ofiicors. * fc Admiral PalludoIaBarrlorro has had ono of the ships recently built by the Truiii'li pnvonnnont inclosed in cocoa * nut fibre , which bo claims has mora - of resistance than "yja