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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1888)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE ; BATHED AY , JANUARY. 21. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' -iiti under thlihrnd , 10 cents per line for thotlr.U Insertion. 7 ccnti for each FUI > - wqurnt Insertionnnd iiJio a line per month. Koi dvertleiii < 'tit tnken for less than 2."i cents Tor tlio llrst Insertion. Seven words will bo rotinted to thn lines they mint run consecutive ly nnd must Im paid n ndvonco. All advertise ment * must l > 8 handed lii before li'H o'clock p. in , nnil under no clrrmnitnnces 111 they oe token or discontinued by telephone , I'artlo * ndvtrtlslti , ? In these columns nnd Imv- Inu the answer * addrrMfd In cnreof the Hoc , will plei.M'n k for it ehci 1 : to enable them to KCt their letter * , ai nonnwlll bn delivered except m presentation of thei k All answer * to ad- ve.rtl ements hhould bu enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nru pub- ll hed In both morning mid pvenlnu editions of the Hi' " , the circulation of vrlilili aKCn-Knti1 ! more tliati luOlpipeiHlnUy'nn ! < l Kites the nd- vertlferx the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of tlio Hie , but also of Council Hlulf * . Lincoln , nnil other cities and towns throughout this part of the west. SITUATIONS WANTED. \VANTiiJ- : The ladles to knowtliut now | g ' the Minn to net sooil help. Wo hnve 1st Class ( 'lrls lit 1st clHSMMlVHt. . We 1UIVO Kills whocan't speiik Knullhli , but urn utroiuriind vlllln tMWrk for small w.nL'cs. W iilsolmvp elderly women who want limit work mid Hunt \vnuuH. In fuel nil kinds of help m ho found nt the Cmmdlnn Kmp. ollice , .Mrs. llrena i- Son , 310 S. IMll , Tel.K'l. MO SI * I'.N excellent plrls on record fordo- mettle woik. Hotels. bo.irdliiK houses und private families Hiippllcd with nny Kind of help on fdm-t notice. State Ilmploymeiit Parlor , 141 , I'arnaiu st , c4i"Uj : " \\rANTii-l'osltlon : In law ollice by expert- TT eiired Hteiioxmplier ul'li ' college cduca- lion , Riiiull HHlury , UICVHS to library , owns type writer' X 4 lle < i olllte. NW 'IJ AIAlV would lIKe home furnished rooms or ollli'i'H to clean ; yood references. Addiess Xfl , llet'olllcc. WI21 * " \\rANTii : > Position by KtcnoKrapher and ' telegraph operntor , experienced In railroad vork , Amu fo furulsh nmchlne. Address T II , lieu ollice. 77MJIJ "V\rANTiil ; A situation by a young man T ? lately fiom 1'hlladelplila. to work In prl- vnto Rtuhle , uud be generally useful , .I.M. , IHfl Howard Ht. 7(1.1 ( 0 * "l\7 ANTKD-lly n young Swedish Klrl , who Is " a llrst-c'lflss dressmaker and waiter , place ns fcatnitresH'or family work. l'iofer < ii place where nhewould have a good cliance to Iciiin ItaKllMh. Adille.ssWVia D.ivenpoit st. 771 M" ANTHI ) Sltu.itlon by trustworthy ( ler- man ( if "I HH porter or coachman : excel lent city refcicnciH. Canadian Kmiiloyment olllie , IJlft So Tel. 88-1. . fc > l S WANTii-Hltuntlonlrj-allist-chi8i : ) clothing v man foimeily matiaKcr for eastern house : salary not lc n tluin ? ! - " > a month. At leisure nl.oiit 1'eb. 1. Addrem 'I'M , lleo olllce. CHI ! < WANTED WAUC HELP. \ V"ANTiiAgeiit : * to sell the Mo. Steam IT Waslier. It will pay Intelligent men nnd women seeking profitable employment toulte for my Illustrated clicular and terms for this cpleuinto I washer Why does It pay to act as my ngentV llei ause. arguments In itH favor atu HO numerous and convincing that mites lire made without dllllciilty. Sent on two weeks' trial at my expense , both wavs. If nothatlsfactory , J. Worth , sole ui't'r , 1710 Franklin uve. , ht. Louis , "t\rANTKi-Mcn-Cood men to sell oil on T > commlsidoii , liberal commission puld ; ud- vantimcH to men who travel west. Addre-.s J. , cm o carrier No. U , Ulei eland O. MT-lilJ ' \\TANTI ! ! ) I' eluss men cooks to rail and T rcKlHter , till on our list have been fmnl.shed Ultuatlous ; L'anadliin I'.mp. olllco , Mrn. llrega fc Bon. , : ilii S. till i ? " \\rANTr.D Voung num. good wliter , quick i > and accuuito In llgure.s , for tcmpm.iry po- sltlon , three to four mouths. Aildiess X5 lleo ollice. .Plf > " \\rANTr.O A young man with thorough e\- T peilenco In the hlioe business In Oiimlm to tnuecharfioot ladles' and'children's line shoe iju&liie.sK. Must havn lirst-cl.iss refeieuces as to f-ttuidlng nnd uipablllty. Addiess T 7'J. lleo ollice. 7U1W irANTI' ! ) Two llrst clu s canvassers at Kd > helm A : Aklu's. TUT1) ) " \\rANTKD-Agents. Canadian Employment , yius. r > thst. Vir.i-M * WANTI'll energetic mnn to sell tile most valuiiblii und most useful article e\er of fered to schools. Address llox 7tU , Omaha. TS/'ANTED In every county In Nebraska , reT - T > llablo energetic men to sell goods by so liciting for a ucll established mtg company lieinmiient emplojinent to the right men , no capital or expei Icnco necessary , reference re quired , address llox )7 ) , Omaha , Neb. tiiOflJ W 'ANTED ' Men for mllroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , ll'M Karnam. WO \\7ANTKD-HX ) men of good appearance to T try our ] fc meals at Norrls restaurant , : ill mid SlUHouth llth Eticet. ( old Llvo und L t Livcl VIA _ WANTEP FEIVIALE HELP. IADII'.S , don't eat the bread of dependence I any longer. Hend U and get a sample of U'll- lliiniMin corset ; start out and sell If you will make a good living. Williamson Corset & llrace Co , St. Louis. WANTT.I ) Women cooks for out of city $3. % tot ) , $ : ; , and Ml ( per month ; dishwashers for nreenwood , 5 girls for liousunoik In and out of city , Caiiiullan Hmploy.nent ollice , Mrs. Hrega & Son , Illtl S. l.Uli , tel. hM. hf20 * \\TANTMD-W ) girls for general house work ; 3 f dining loom girls ; 1 dish washer : 1 girl to liiirso ; 1 lady canvasser ; 1 cook for Fremont , Neb. ; 1 girl for Seward , Noli. ; 2 girls fur HUer Hloux , la ; fates paid. Omaha Kmploymcnt ljureaii , 1 1'J N. 10th st. K a ) _ _ \ \ rANTKD-A nurse at 41U S auitfct for steady T > employment. bia 21 * * \\TANTID : A good girl for general housi ? woik , t04821t.tst. 7ffl 21 * " " " \\fAN'lKD-oTd"cook ( in"TanilTy of M. No > \\iibhlngdone , lleferenco lexpilred. 1 . ' S. 17th st. . 77 ? 'M " \\rANTIID- Immediately , ladles to work for i u wholesale house on needlework ut their Jiomes. ( Sent nny distance. ) Coed pay can b imido. llverj-thing funilshed. raiticulars Iree. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , in : fcth bt. . Ni'W York City. IW7 _ \\7'ANTlin flUlforpenurttl hoiibework. 2112 > > Douglas. _ Mil ONE lady in every town wanted to Introduce and sell ivmiiyroyiil 1'llls , "Chlchester's ] : ngllsh. " Original und only ( ienulue. Send 4c ( Mumps ) for iiaitlculari ) . Chlihcster Chemical p ) , . t'hniuluUilila I'll. JC.-7 5u Indies to try our l.Vi meals at , > Norrls" reHtiiurant old Live and Let Llvo ) . fill ami Hill P. 14th it. 9 1 "T\7 ANTED Ladle * in city or country , for our T i holiday tiade , to take light , pleasant work nt their own homes , ( l to SI per day can be quietly made. Work hent by mall any distance. Puittculars free. No canvassing. Address at onie. Crescent Art Co. , 147 A Milk bt. , lloston , Mni-s. I'.O. lio\fil7i. ( U.s8 _ EMPLXVM'ENT BUREAUS. O'l'ATiriJiuployineiit jmrlgrs , HIT'l'iirnaFn st. CANADIAN Employment olllce , male und fo- iniilo help sent to all parts If fare Is ml- Minci'il. llefvrence , Omaha National bunk. Jlra. llicfc'a i Son , Hti P. 15th. Tel. 8 4.Olft Olft f 13 BOARDING. ' tublo served In home F III8T-'IiAS8 boanl. stjle. forilor 4 ireiitlemen. IH1I Dodge. UMI WANTED-TO RENT. " \\7ANTKD-Torent largo ilry barn , between rhlciigoand Ctimlug und east of2iHhbt. Apply 1X12N. loth St. h24 21 KOR RENT-HOUSES. TI7TirUH.NT-A ( Tery J ? ftirnUhed rottntfe , U blocks from po-t- olllco and 1 blk from two street cnr lines. Ad- tlress X P , lie o olllce. Sill ! 2 . . : UiNTCottiiKoot : ii rooms , closets , cel lar and woodshed. f > tiituutes wnllc from jiostolllce , I block from Mreel ears nice nel h- iiorhood ; t'uriiltuie for Kile , eomplute for luiu-ii- keeptm ; . If desired , gentlemiiu and wife will letiilnixiums und board nt ITi II month , llouiu ii'iit * . u mouth. If you want to buy furniture und rent ! ullage. juldie T H lleoolllce. 771' ' T7IOH HKNT A 7-i-ooin lint with bath room , JL' 11117 Howard st. Imitilruut Lee & Nlchol's 1ery | Mubte. Telephone Hi ) . 720 31 K Cole has ollst of 27S houses lor rent , > rniiRliiglupilce from V > to $12.1 , und In t-l/e , from : i to1 rooms. N. o. cor. Uth and Douglas , Telephone lt ( . .01 at UKNT Knur now ten-room houses on J street cur line , ten minutes from po ottice , nil modern Impnu ements. iuVOJ per mouth. V. It. McComicll , 1U20 Kamam. t-.t.22 _ T.I Ol'Si : for rent. 2427 Cliai let st. Apply Wm. J' Altliur , Mandei-hon'h building , n o earner of llth and Cup uvo. or atM Charley. 4.11 SiJ ) ll HKST-A Hat of4roonvs H. w. cor. JftU and l.euvenworthbts. Knuulro ut i > . c cor 17th uud Leu > euworth. > wj. "troll lir.NT fl to S-nviin flat , mmlrrn Improve- J' menu , n w cor. I.lth nnd William * at , over drug store , liuiulrc , Andrevr ricttler.ii4 S 13th 7tJ 25 * FOH HUNT House Mid barnIIarney nnd 21st ft. 4 roomc , pricu tM. U. A. Slomiui. l ; l I'nrnam t. . 810 M nnd # and ' " " " ' ' Ancney , ll&Tnlra'ifb iY. ) "Wi'f'if I ) ilnt for rent cncnp , 4I S Tith st. j-.i | J.'tf _ "TT'OH ' Hi ; N'T Toprlvnto family ten room brick J. house , modern convenience1) ) , 2S/J Douglas St ; apply to W. K. Clark , 41H N 10th. fcl.1 2i. "i IIOI'HKH for rent from * I2 up. - > 1' , L. Urcgury , Itetitul Agent , Mi ? . inth st. _ ft . IjlOlt HUNT Seven (7) ( ) room hoitic , nil furn- Jl lilioil , No , IW7 n'ortli Ulh st. 401 rplIU hou e I now occupy will bo for rent , .Inn. X uury M ; hotico contnttis ID-rooms and nil modern Improvements. 2iri ! S. 21th Bt. Morltz Mo ) er. Call nt llth nnd Karnam or nt 207 S. 2tth st/ ; Ml _ _ FOH HKNT A Utf'.v dwelling. U rooms , all modem Improvements , good stable , ten minutes' walk from postolllce. apply to D. J , ( ) 'Doii.ihie , at O'Domuioe tl bherfy's , ICth St. , next to the postollne. till ) F OH HUNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , Inrgo cellar , lUth near ClarK st. W. U. Shrlver , opp poatolllce. H HKNT ( I new 7 roomed hotifes , city wnter. rlPteni , cellar , 20th st near I'aul , W. O. Shrlver. 1'renzir block opposite postolllco. "ClOlt HUNT 2-new9 room houses on H .TOth JJ near Ieavcwvorth. C. 15. Mayne. . ' 141 UKNT New 5 room cottn oIn Ambler J place ; Kood "room U story house. Orchard Hill ; tfoo'l 4 loom cottage. Orchard Hill , C. 1 ! . Mayne , N. W. cor. 15th llarney t. J'Jl UHNT-llotiso II rooms.V. . M. lluih- man , N K corner Kith and DoiiKla . Wl FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. _ IHOlt HUNT Nicely fitinitheil rooinx. all modern convenience" , H N. 17th st. sn J T710H HUNT I'ltrislied float room with board J. sultnblo ; fur two gentlemen , li-4 Doi las treet. rUHNISHnUrooiUM. day , week or month to ladles or gentlemen , all N Iftli , l > y 1'nnnlo Argyle. KIT ifU'UNlSlini ) or uurmnlj.hed ronnii. All modem couxeiilences , linil Hurt t > t. HUNT Furnished room * : > , UK S'J d st. si i : r > * tJlOlt Hl'.NT Iarge ImniKomely furnished up- per flout room , hteam heat , IMil Douglas. 7IK1 i'l * FOIl 1IRNT I'urnishcil rooms , also rooms for housekeeping , ItWJ I.'avenpoit. 7W J.1) ) * NICr.M" fuinlshed rooms , Boutli front , oppo- Kite High school , ! W0 ! Davenport.7KJ SJf FOIt HUNT ' 1 nlcelv furnished front rooms , centrally located , furniture tor. ale , X" , fee alike. WAI l T71OU UKNT Suite of furnished rooms for 1 JU gentlemen , aei St. Mary's ave. 71H ) ii * FOH HUNT 1'urnlsheil rooms cheap , cor. ISth and Cumlng st. Inquire , Meat marketIbtli nnd Cumlng bt. 7."i.'l"lr 7JUHNISHKD room with board for two gen- llemen , Nli S 17th st. 7K.1 HUNT Nicely furnished front room with tlrtt-cla-s board. KSJ1 1'aruaiu. 7-I--I * N'ICKI.V I'liinlshed room , $1 month or cheap by w eek. aa S. ISth St. , up stairs. rJ7- ' ir\OH \ HUNT Nicely furnished room. KIM -L" Douglas , for gentleman. 711 I * I'l ) front room fora gentlemen. In- ( imte IJtTHoiU'hi * , Itooiu K. 71. ) 1 * FOH HUNT I'our ( I ) elegant rooms , all mod em coii\cnlences. 17Ui Webster st. 7UI .D rooonib\\lth board , 1WJ Karnam ttU 'Ji * FOU IlKNT riirnlslied rooms ; terms moder ate ; steam heat , gas , bath room and on treet car lino. ! i17 ! Douglas st ( UMSl * UKNT Suite ot furnished rooms , A Hospo. fi4'.l FOK 11 EXT Nice room forS. 1013 Difdgo st. 6HO FUHNISHKDroom , steam heat , J1 S Wth. fcOT j i7 FOU HKNT Nicely furnished rooms at KJ7 Dodge. Oas , bath and furnace heat. 'Mil ijlOH IlKNT Newly furnished south fron -I ? room , in new ; titeam heat und every convenience , 1TJ1 Uavenpoit. 6SJ ID rooms , 1818 Uoilgc. 338 n "ITIOH HKNT-i : rooniH at 311 Wodlworth ave. ; -L at Jll per mouth. U4J TTlUltNlbHEl ) rooms and board , , l n Farnam , X1 74U J 22J elegant rooms nil modern conveniences - 1704 Webster St. 4M "I71OH KENT Kurnlshed rooms In Grcunlgblk , -1 cor. Kith and Dodge sts. Inquire of eo. It. Davis. Mtllard hotel lill'.lard rcuiui. W3 "I71OH HUNT Two nlcnly furnished front rooms J.1 on ground lloor , at 21 IS Hurt , for Jl" > per month , with board tl per week additional. Ml 171OH IlKNT A nkely furiilhluid room with all X1 modem Improvements tor one or two Rentle- men , an a. ajtu. MJ SINIH.l ! and double furnished rooms , l-'lJj DodKV. : U'J f 6J FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. FOIt HUNT ( Innmrt lloor olttce room , cen trally located , heateil anil lighted. C. F. Harrison , 4I S. st. 1UU TT1OU KKNT Dlliees on Karnani t. at S10 to i-V ) J-1 per mouth. Ouo olllco tuinlshed. 1U12 Kar- naia. 101 F01.1 Itr.NT-Ofllce , cheai ) ; best loc.itiou in the city. , I'll.'i DoilKeat. Kil FOR RENT-ROOMS UN FURNISHED. I710K HUNT unfurnished rooms IKM S lUtU. J ! ht. Wl ' 1 IjlOH UKXT A ar o room turiilshud , central JJ location , 14111 ClilciiKOht. 'M\l \ TTVJK Ur.NT- -1 : 'l'o (2) ( ) i-ooius. No. 1S11 Howard st. Thieo ( II ) rooms. No. 1U15 north 2ttli ) ht. Threu ( II ) moms No. littl north 21st ht. MII ( ) room house. No. Slid Nicholas ht. Tlueu ( U ) room cottaRe , 21st and I'aul Ht. 'J lireu ( H ) rooms No. 1122 north 21st bU Tlueo ( II ) rooms. No. HUIl'lereu st. Tinoo ( II ) rooms. No. 1112 Miuth 7th bt. 'linen ( ! ! > looms No. 7tl ( Pacific st. Unu (1) ( ) nlto ollice , No. 31U south IMh st. 403 FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. S1N(11K beds tl a week N.V. . coiner llith and rarnamarm ; room. USl 22 * OMAHA I.odBhin HouseDID and ( ilS ht , bet. Uth und 10th sts. Hents hiimln beds ut Jl per weuk ; clean beds. fisft Keb U * RENTAL AGENCIES- PI * . ( iHKnoitV , rental BKent , SOUS. 16th Rt. ground lloor. Telephone S5I. 4sl SIT.CIAI , attention Riven to renting houses . fuinMiedaiid unfurnished rooms , l.lst 1th us. W. M. Harris over220 S. IMh t. Wl "IT1OU lliN'T--lf : you wish to rent a house call -U on llin iwa & Co. , bt. , opposite 1' . O. PERSONAL. IJKHSONAIi KURrtKenients to do dress-inak InuIn famllleb .solicited. C'al ) on or ad dress Miss Jessie bturdy , Wl S. 2oth bt.VS.12rJ ( VS.12rJ * TKllONAI , 1 wnnt vacant lot , north part o -1 city , for good hou-e und lot In Omaha View. lU. . tfnotM\ood , ; Mu > i S 10th st. , Umaha ait I -I idles and Gentlemen can ren . mitsiuerado suits ut D1U N Itith t. , upstairs fi-t fll' 'OHItPONA \Vanted l OIlleono to take c.ire o 1 an Infant , Addrtus btatliiB prlco expectet X I , lieu olllce. TO aj _ J > iitPONAIj-Ireisinuljer : ! wanted to Invest ! . pito the ICellonK-Krench tailor Bystem o drehscuttliiR , Rood \ \ Re.s , truvelltiR expenses toeneiuutli ! agents Call or address tor clr culare , it me. Kellogg , Hotel n.smoud , Omihii "IDlUtSDN'AI. 1'rlvate honitt for ladles during .1. conlliiemolit , htrlctly rontlileiitul. Infant accptod ; address 11U Ilee olllce. f.'IT f 1U STORAGE. "VTKW VOHK btoraceCo. have most cxtonslv i > fucllltlea for ktornKo of furniture , pUnos buijclus , central , weit of Ne\ York. Ci ) li inlvaucea to any amount ; ware house receipts t'Ueu ; foods Iiuuired ; brick buildltiB lire-proof j iipeclal urraiiRements fo commls.-'lou merchiint * . Cull New Vork Storau Co. , Capitol uve und N. 15th it. , Ilnuuett'6 block LOST. _ LOST Or Strayed -Jly liorse , ilark brown , attached to delivery unrcnn , Started north rom my store 710 North loth Mrcet. at ii ! : 'hur.sduy evening , since then have iK'cn unable o tlml nny trace of him. Information repnrd- UK him will bo thankfully received and rew arded iy f. T. Onrilner , 71 N. 10th. WWJ f5iUONAI-Mnip7 : AliiFe of Chlcneo cly.-i L iini jaRp treatnientH , mn netlc hand Imtln ; rent parlors up stnlrs , 421 N. Hith st. W.I 2U IO3T-A small Scotch inlllo doa. yellow Mtth 1 white face , breast and feet , eaM a eolinr vlth ouer's nnnie and address. If found pleiiBo eturn and a suitable reward will be given , ISIS 'apltol live. K3 IOST A bunch of key . l'len o leave thorn t with the postmaster for box UW. .1..I. .Mar- hall. Ktt 2IJ LOST A small llicht coloroil s.itctiel SOUK- ! where on I.eavenworth or between llith nil I.eaveiiworth and 1'uxton hotel ; Under will le rewarded by rcturnlni ; came to riK > m 62 1'nx- on hotel. 81 20 J" UST Ituward ; ladle.s fenl > kln miiir on North -I inth xt. llcturn to 1S12 llarney stand re- i'lvereward. UpI IOST Very larRn black doc , white rwtch on J breast ; i-eward ' for return to It. 1 ! . > lcKelvy , - > 20CliaileSht. K l 22' LOST Talr of opera RlftKseTue dnyi > venlntr. llcwardfor retuili to Hepubllcan bludury. M SI * IOS'l lletween corner22d and Cass stieet nnd ' exposition bulldliii ; . u paekiiRe containing n drcs , ntid.marked Misu Hell lloward.Iackson- Ille , Illinois Will Under leave word at lieu of. Ice , whete liackuge can be had. 7 Hi I'.tt IOST In the ladles' iljzlit hand t fur glove , l.eavu ut the live ollku and Ret cward. 7U1 2u * Kr.WAHD-Wlll bo Riven for retutn of bay male , KK ) Ibs. , hulter on. Strayed fiom 2u.4Cumlmst. ( l.H. Ostrom. B'Jti FOUND. rot'ND Small black pony with one 21wlilto 1 hlud leg , ut 4'M North llith st. KTJ 21 Kr.N t'P A re.l and white roan row , Mrs ! ' . S. Kendall , sw cor 15th ntul DorcjiHst. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. JAPI5S Irotu } 1S tip. Wnrehouso 1508 Cnp. ave i3 uii-stalr.s. Alpine Sale Co. rai-2 ! ) TJ10U SAI.n-Twohorsei , two covered IIJOIIM , X1 l lurtjo scale , mnall Hcales , show cases. Mile , lesk" , large heating stove , ic. . Apply'JITS 1,1th st. S31 * nerco. 1J10H SAfE-At a Ijargulufpfl feet of shelving , JIX ) feet of counters uud one Ice chest , stilt- ible for gtocery store. Umiulre at H12 S. lUth St. "IJlOIt SAI.K-riesh milch cows. Hill .V Smiley , 1 opp. Ilxchango bulldliii , ' , Union Ktockyarj d. Telephone ( W. l'Jl-feu-1 MISCELLANEOUS. Jll. SMITH , expert.bookkeeper , ghcs Instruc- tlon in bookkeeping and assists In pnx-ur- Ing .situations , Itooiu 54" , ltiimjo block. Kr ! IJ lli : banjo tausht as an art hv Oco. P. Gellen- beck , S. e. cor ICth and Douglas , up btalrs. IKi STANDAIU ) Horse and Cattle Peed Is Just the thing to feed to your nt this time of vearto lit them tor HprliiR oik and keep them healthy during the severe winter weather. It Is cheaper than corn or oats. Try a box ; 7 Ibs. for JI.IW. " Manufactured liy V. n. Sanborn fir Co , 1TU1 St. Mary's nvo. 1'or s-ale everywhere. 'tiT 'M IV you \\lsh gocd. prompt paying tenants , list your d elllngs. Hats and storerooms with .1. II. r.irrotte , Mental Agency , 1OK1 Chicago - cage ht. fib7Ill HK. COM ! Insurance. Kellablo companies , N K cur lith and Douglas. Teiepliono i r > . M ; 111 kit. Ahnwnsoii's olllce removed from Fieuzer ' block to 012 b llith st. 3SJ Kil * Is the best thing n of its kind ever Imented for the cuio of cuts , bruises , MHU In , rlngbono. lameness , bail ) \\l\u \ cuts. etc. I'licn We per bottle. Kvery bottle guaninteed. Mamifactuied by K. K. Saiihorn A ; Co. , 171X1 St. > l ary's uve. For sale cei ywhere. 7(17 ( 20 C II..HUINSON. cistern uuildfr. wells b'bred and dug , 4VJ N UOth St. , Omalm , Nob. - - " IG4 J--J * / 1ASH paid for second-hand boolca and Libra- \J rles. 3ua N lUth st. II. Shonfold.fintlquarlan. CLAIRVOYANT. Dll. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med- leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. IW'iN. lUth St. , Itooms 2 & : i. Tel. 1)44. ) 1 7 WANTED-TO BUY. "IVANTnil-Second hand letter press Ixl2. ) T > Addless l < N. Kith ! , t. Id SJ , WANTED-To buy second hand coupe , itato : price , address X. ll ) Ilee ollice. K.7 - ' ! APIVK or 7-room cottage , within 1'4 the P. O. No broker need apply , "lloom y llarker block. " , .jft * "J Iwlll buy a &W mortgage -liotd , ' tl. Thompson , yi4 S. IMh st. ' 419 \\7ANTbD-To buy sliort tune paper. J.V. . Tf Oross , at C. K. Wayne's , pttlce , 1.1th and llarney. ' " , , iiM MONEY TO LOAN. MONKV loaned on real estate. Cash v < hand. H. W. Huntress , 1503 Farnant-st ! i ro ) 21 * * MONKVto Loan Hy the iimlennuned , who has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to 1100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any tlnle , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance's made on fine watches and { llamoiids. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns ate dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call mid tee me.V. . It. Croft , room \VlthnHll bullftlng , 16th and llarner. Ill HK. CO I K Loans money on real estate and buys tirst mortgage notes N. U cor IMh andDotiglas. Telephone lUTi. ftttni MONKY to loan at lowest rates upon Improvi-i' ' and unimproved real estate in Omalia and also upon farms In western Iowa anil eastern Nebraska. Mortgage notes bought und Odell Ilros. & Co. , l.UI Karnani st , IW3 MONKVto loan on Improved real estate ; no commission charRed. l > avltt Uuniham. room 1 , CrelRhton block. 121 SHOUT time loans niartn on any available security. In ro isonable amounts. Secured notes bought , soil or exchanRed. Genera' ' financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly und fairly nt the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange. N.V. . cor. 1,1th and liar- ney sts. , overstate National baud. Corhelt , 117 MONKV to loan I can now place porno flrsl class city loans Immediately. Call ut once If you desire to bo accoinmodatod. I ) . V. Hlioles room I Darker block , entrance In alley. ItW M1 ONKV I.OANKD at C. K. Heed k Co.'B . Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , Ki'rstonal property of all kinds , and all other nr- clesof value \ulhout removal. 31U 8. l.'tth , over Illnuham's eominlsslou store. All busl- ness btrlctly confidential. 123 MONKV to Loan On furniture , pianos. wiiLfous , or other personal property w Ithout removal ; also on collateral security. IliHlness contldentlal. chas. II. Jacobs , 320 B. 1Mb st 170 MONKV to Ioan-O. I' . Davis Co. . real estata Hnd loan agents , 1HK Karnam st. 1W ( MONEV loaned on furniture , pianos orKRns , horses , etc , low rules. J , J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1 < U4 Furn.uu , over llurllugton ticket olHce. 11H rpo LOAN Money I/mns placed on 1m- L proved real estate In city or county for New Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County lunk , IBth nnd Chicago sis. 1J3 " \fuNKV toloan , c.isti on hand , no delay. J. -HI W. and K. I. . Siulre , 11UI t'uruam bt. 1'ax- ton hotel bulldlni : . ili MOMRV loaned on pianos , furniture , borers ortiaiis , etc. , low rates , (5. H , X.lmmer- mini , room 5 , Arlington block , S doors west of postolllce. 077 jji LOANH mails on real estate. Cosl on hand. \V..M. Harris over2"JS. 15th gt. Ill ) MONKV To loan. Lowest rates. No delay J. I , . Hico i. Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank nt IOANS made on real i-stato and mortKiice * J bought. Lewi * a. Heed Ic Co. , IK1 Kurnaju. 111 U > fi )0,000 ) To loan on Omaha city property at 8 P per cent. U. W. Uay. B. E. tor. Ex. Hid.UQ UQ ' ' I'EH CENT -Money. l'atter on A. Kiiwcclt IMh and llarney , 110 \tONEV to loan. Notes nmi rt. H. ticket. -LU , bought uhd sold , A. fortuan , 13 S 13th sU [ { "AWX ) to loan nt 6 per 'cent. Llnnhtxn honey , 1MU Karnam. 124 BUSINESS CHANCES. T710H SA liK The best paylhf ? . best located nnd JU best equipped ntioiesnlF nnd retail Imkerv Intheclty. ThepropriMorvlshes to devote all hH time to other biiiJuejji. A rare chaiu-t1 for the i Ijjht purty. Addresi 7 , Ilee olllco. W t ! ! l j "ITIOH SAMi-A drug , lx > ok. paint nnd wall J. p.iper Ftore. n store thai paid nearly M.WJ dross protltslast year wlln , an expcuio of less than il/iH ) n. year ; n More/Will an established trade ; the le.ulliiK store In n growing town of H.Wii : cash receipts In ! / ; , Jll.4''l ; these are lactsthat will bear the clo < est 1m estimation ; Mill Invoice about J'l.WOJ'wrroipluideneo and Investlcntlon solicited. AjUlrcss Wlndhntn \ ' ' , I'lntlsmoiith. Ncbf , 7'.M S ! ' \\rA.YITD-WorklnK p.irtner with MM lu u > money mnklUK. business. A liorso nnd delivery - livery WIIKOII will bo taken. Canadian Kmploy- inent olllee. ! 116 S. lfth. Hit-Jj " 1OH SA LK-Or trade , a fcMM ) stockof milliner J Rivods. A liberal discount for cash , llox 270 , Vork. Neb. \M Hit HOUSKS mid lots for western lands , farms , etc. icosi Karnani. iu FOH SALK-r trade , llrst-clais restaurant. Address Cllno k I'lerbon , 1018 N. 10th st. TfhMlV CTIVi ; partner , salesman , to toke half-Inter- cst In permanent and prowhm merehnntlle biislneHS. ( loods-tuple , prollts large : * * " ' > e- quired. Address T a' , llec. 74 ! ) FOH SALK Pliiely Improved ranch on Noilh 1'lntte river , tU'iirOirnlallii ; 7"i < ) head teed rattle for t l per head-counted out next May : Increase toes with heard ! about : W calves ex pected. Will sell ranch and cattle together or separate at much less tlmn value. Jl. A. 1'pUm Co. 71 3 U-J "fill ITV shares National Hank Block. A bargain JL' If taken M > OII. A well selected stock of dry Koods. Host loca tion In town. A inro clmncofor anone wanting H desirable location , Twoimpiovul fin ins very cheap , or will ex- cliniiKe for merchandise. ANo. lots In Superior , tlm coming town of thu llepubllcnti valley. W. W. Hopper , Heal KstatoAgt , Superior. Neb. 7.VI att OH SALK-A clean stock of cents' furnish- ItiK Roods , hats , caps : ono of the best lo cations In Omaha. Stock nil bought withinonu year. Address TlW , lice olllco. 7NJ f 8 A LA HO K. pleasant store room tor rent , ono of the best points In the eltv for retail boots and shoes , hats and caps , dry Roods , etc. , within half block of corner llth and Karnam. .onRlense , cheap rent. K. V. Seaver , 1013' ' i Par- mm st. KJ FOR EXCHANGE. FAHMS , city i roperty , plantations and notes restaurants , meat maiket , doing good 'ashbusiness ' ; cteamery , Hour mill and 'luvntor. ' rnnehei and other inoperly for trade. * Jendus full description of jour property unrt s.iy what you want. Stevens Ilros. J32f I'urnam. MJ22 FOH ixCIIANlK-1ifl : ncres llnrdln county , la. . 2 miles from railroad. Highly Improved. iood hoii'-e.barn , sheds. All cultivated ; fenced. J'rndo for Oniuhu jiropi'ity or Nebraska land. 2 story , K room house , Ilunscom place , full lot. House has all modern Impiovements. Trade 'or Nebraska land. House B looms'i lot on North tilth st. Trade ijulty for vacant loshlencu lot , centrally lo cal ed. Lot In Albright's choice to trade for temn of lorses. Watts , room 13 , Chamber of Commerce.K.M22 K.M22 * STOCKS of Roods for "ate and excliiingo for fium laud and city piopeity. Addres T70 , Ilee olllce. < 7S2 20 ? $1W.M ) of insldo improved or unimproved Onmha piopeity * wanted , for which I will tr.ulo homai of the choic est farm lauds and loin , tn tlio best towns lu : he state , iiiilneumbeied , Und assume encum brance. This itau opportunity notofliuolleied , and Nebiasku lauds iuo rapidly udvancim ; . ' 1. S.Clarksou. 2111 S Uth ht. , 71l ! 21 "IOOD ( Ity lots , well located , to exchange for J good horses or cattle , , , llmdrlck .V Vore , Ifitli si , Trenzer block , loomj. 7iM 2J * HK.COLU gives special utteutlou txtradlug Wrlto for our list ; . N K cor llth and _ Wifiai I poll Kxch.iiigB. If you h.tvo farms or lauds to sell or trade send lor our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of propeity to sell or ex change , list It with iis ; can furnish you a customer. S. S. Campbell ie O. W. llervoy. IllU Hoard of Trade Omaha .n 3.12 IIIAVK for trntta imiinmnl farm In Casi Co. , near I'lnttetnonth , will .trado for Improved Imddupioperty. Address Jl 'M , lleo ofllce. IF you have anytlilng to exchange call on or address II. K. Cole , n. e. lor. IJth and Doug las. 217 Fl WANTEO-Stocks of merchandise to ex change for lands and cty | prouerty ! C. C. Spotanood.nO.iif 3. lfltn. 186 WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for Impioved and unlmproued lands In Ne braska und Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood , .tU'iif S. Kith. 18.1 NEIIItASKAand Kansas farms to exchange for lo\Mi and Colorado lands , and vlc versa. Co-Operatlvo Land and Lot Co. , 20,1 N pith st. t > 04 WANTED Oooa t.inns in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. SU1K SlCth. K J ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BENSON A : CAIIMICHAEL furnish complete mid guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate In Omaha and Doiigl'is county upon short notice , The most complete set of abstract , books In th .oclty. No. l.lltl Farnam bt. Ill MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1501 Fiirnam fctieet Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estatu examined , per fected and guaranteed. 1JU PORSALE-REAL ESTATE. Oil EAl' homes , easy terms. II. E. Cole KV FOIt SA IE In Ellsworth county , Kansas , six miles fiom llrookvillo station , 2.1KIO to2,4U ( acres of llrst-class farm land , crop , hay , and grazing hind \\lth llrst-class buildings , etc. , nnd 2UI ucres under cultivation , Will sell one section or trade for Omaha city property. Sold to close the estuto of a non-resident p irtner. The ranch Is well stocked with sheep , cow.s. hogs , etc. , also all needful farm Implements. Apply or write A. D. Morse , Omaha , Neb. b2ll 21 G EOIIOK M7c7)Ol'Elt , 1 H Farnam , otTer.s the follow Ing bargains : nix 1.13 , lllth and Jones sts.paylng$121a month , traekago In rear , f Hl/iM ) . N > xll , IMh und Jones , fc'UlO a font. : feet on Saundcrb , bouth of Odd Fellows' block , f.\Mi. \ 22 feet ad joining above. I.1.K10. Lot H. block II , Hec-d'b 1st add. , Ji.010. Lots 1 and 2 , Suuudors' add. , for ilO.UOO. Lot 12. block II , J2.UO. Lot , block ills , trackage. W.OOO. Lot 1 , block 3 , Kountzo's4th add. . $ lnOO. Lot II. block O , Shlnn's 2nd add. , $2.iH l. Lot U. blocK 4 , A. S. 1'atrlck's add. , corner , block from Saunderx , * lrO ) . Lota ! l and 10 , llurdetto Court , forJl.WV ) . Lots in Table Land , fin ) to Jin ) , eusy terms ; liest Investment near city ; go out and see these lots. lots.Lots In Itlchmond , } < K > to J700 ; any of tneso will make jou money. South Omaha. Lots n and 10 In 2 , Mlnahan'b A : Mahoney's add , for , . Lots 111 and 14 In3 , and lot,10 and 17 In C. Lipton - ton place.all for 1.12.1 cash , jiut what owner paid one year ago , and w ho has to sell. Investigate. Lot 8 In if ) . South Omiiha'SI,10J. ; Ixjt 4 In 4'l , South Oiaahii , j ,1W. ( lx > t 0 In to. South Omaha ; JlAW. I'or Kent. House ISth and .Musou , Jl ) . llousu2ild and Grant , 1I5.1W. House Mh and Hurt , JK.1.IO. House IMh und Cal. . Jiw.U ) . ICO acres , clear , Improved furm In Montgomery ( > H ) acres , fenced , hlghW 'Improved , Incum- branco , t io , j.0.7i i. , M or j Interest in beat addition to city , equity $ lll.lWor ) .l iil. I keep fully ported In refe'uhl to icalty and In- % lie correspondence , , . George M. Cooper , 1WJ Kuniam 71323 OIIKAP homes easy tcnlH. II. K. Colo.KH . KH > 23 | J10H SAl.K-lxit n blk 8 A' ; S. Patrloks nd ; will JL1 tell for few days ut ilflM , WWcash , bal. easy. S. 4 Ilee olllce. * Ul" I AND , farms and lots to exclinnso tor shares l in good paying concerns , 1 W F.iruuin st. /1IIKAI'homes , easy terms. H , K. Cole. iniOIl SA LK-Cor lot fiUxI.-O nnd 2 story house , A. and I'ucltlo st. Inijulre James Chrlstliunon , U. 1' . freight department. ftI ! 215 BAHOA1NBorth InvestlRatlng For snlo UoodO-room hou city water. lot.VKlV ) , east front on I'lirl. ave , nofhof Hansconi parK , for J.VMXii | ( j cash , iwilance JI.CUO per year ; uud also furniture for sale of house nt less than Half value. Mortetisen i ; Chrlsteiiion , Heal Ks- tate olllce , 1114 Turnum , up-stalrs. " " - ' u IHliAl'homeseasy terms , U.K. Cole. h.W-23 _ T710H SALK Three peed lots on corner of - * - Dodge st , ono block west of Lowe uve tor 41,500. Address fur a fuwdays ii tl Uee otllc * . 9J1 FOIt S.Min We offer ni n ii' IftJ iirreaof land four miles from stock anN , nt 1123 per aero , ou line of U. 1' . 11. K , M Opp. I'.O. ivu B AHGAI.NS In real estate. II. K. Cole.MOSI TjTOH location for n , homo In JL ; West Om.ih.u ndjolnlnu the mansion homes of Klrkendall. Coo , llmdy , Kisson and others. Nothluclluer In ttirf city , so ) Iltrixl ! < 7 or less ; for prices and terms sou S. A , , 1JJ1 1'arnatust. O.W 1) AUOAI.VS In real estate. H. K. Cole. " \NI Y fiOcash. Iu1iwco to suit , will buy a V' } : ; lot n few blocks from the packlm ; -i , PouthDmiiha. al o other bargains can IMI found with I ) . I ) , Smeaton , room darker block , cor , 1'ith and Karnani sts. BAlIOAINS In real citule. II. K. Colo.MOSJ 1 MIMIOVKI ) farm In Iowa for Omnlin resi dence prot-crly , J , J. Wilkinson , 1J21 Karnam. 17 * " IOH SAt.K-ffixSrt feet on cable Hue. Splendid 1 Inside Kvstlolt for four ll.its M..VM. .Must bo sold nt cmre. Marshall .V l < obeck , rixiiu I ) Chamber of Com. IV-2 IpOH SALK ICO acres of land four miles from J. stock yards , nt tlXi porucie ; this Is a bar- Rain. Mct'agup. Opp. I' . O. 133 ' ' ' ' estate. U.K. Cole. " ] \I t'ST bo sold lit once , two of the finest ( ouo n. -i'l corner ) lots In Clovetdato add. at about half what lots ndJobiKltu ! mo selling for. Or w hat have you to exchange. Addtess T d7 , lleo oilice. 7-H ) ' . ' ( B 1710H SALK-Or exchnnce. lots In North J ( imiuiii for house's. House and lots In Coun cil Illutls. Shares In Lowe uvo Iliilldlm ; nss'n. Lots In Ilanscom nnd Ambler idaces. I'lenty of other property , llosworth .V Jopllu , t Ih M. IMh st. 17J EM STICKNKV & CO. maKO n specialty of property In North Omaha , for sale or rent it Citizens' bank , 'JlIM Cmnlni ; st. 1 11 03IAIIA. l.eavo Arrive Onmha. Omalni. UNION I'ACIl'IC. lepot inth and Marcy sts. Mclllc Express 0rn : p. m. a. m. .Imlted i\prods : r.'tS ) p. in. ' p. in. Kxpuss 5W : ) p. in. \ p. in. _ M'\cept S nFitiTiNiTN ) epot Unhand 'IncaKO , Nu3-\ 1 n:11 : p. m. ( \M \ a. in 'hlcngo Mall iiiiVI u. m. p. m 'hlciiKO Local li:4" > p. m. a. m ) cnver K\press ll'i : a. m. p. m ) envcr Mall Kixi : p. m. n. m allfoinia Mall. 111 : : ! . ' ) a. m. ] ) . in Cansas City nny I'.vpress. UIKI : a. m. p. m vansasClty nlslit express f'iO : p. in. 7t : ) a. m C. St. 1' . M.AfO. I > pot IMhalid Websterst | Sioux City A : Ill'k Hills Kx , 'inM ' : n.m , ) p. m. liineroft KvpresJ I 1:10 : p.m. . a. m. 'Kxcnpt Sunday. . tepot inth \Vebsterst ) ay llxpress in : a. m. ( ! : a" > a. in.1 s'lKht 1'xprcss. _ . . . . -a ) p. m. fi : : .o p. m. ' F. K. \ M. V7ll. II. ) opot J th \\Vhstorht lastlims \ Hl'k Hills 1'as 10.Vi : a. m. 4l."i : p. in. i'orfolkPns cliBer 5:4.'i : p. m. 1(1 ( : r. a. m. HiinnlnfC between Council Illult.s and Albright In addition to the Hlatlons nientloneil , traliH op at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets and at the .Summit In Omaha. Westward. II road' Trans- Omaha iheely. ' South AN way. ler. Depot. | Omaha bright. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. 5:51 : " ' " 'film 11:17 : 11:1)7 : ) iiirr. 7t : ( ; 7lr > " . > 7:4 : > HH : 8:1 : ; ; MH- ! H:4- : . 11:0' : a : is - ' 11:1" . 10:13 : lb-l : 10:45 11:12 : ' ' 11-15 P.M. P.M. P.M' P.M. T.M. lSn : ( 12:12 12 : S- > l :4- : > 1:12 : 1:2.- : . 1:1.- , Tiiv : 2:12 : 11.12 4 : < r. 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:41 TI2 : fi:25 : nit' ) 11:12 : 0:2" : . Ui4- > 7:0.1 : 7:12 : 7:2.- : . 7 : i 8:12 : 8:25 : 8:4 : : > 0:05 : H:12 : 0:25 : U:4 : > 10.U" . 10:12 : 10:25 : r-.r arJlilCil 10:4 : > 11 : Knstwnnl. AlSouth Sheely. Omaha Transllroad bright. Omaha. depot. fer. way. A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. 5:45 : r.vs fi:01 : 11:10 : (1:15 ( : fi:21 : nti : : ( i:5) : 7:00 : 7tl5 : 7:15 : 7:11 7ci : : 7:1' ' ) T.r 8:07 : 8:15 Hr ; , 8:50 : 11:07 : Hl.-i : : ; r > Ili'iO 10:07 : 10:1.1 : iOn : : 10:50 : 10:5r. : 11:07 : 11:15 11 : ' 11:50 : 11:5.1 : P. M. 1' . M. I1. M. p. M. r. > r. 1 * . M. 12:07 12:1.1 : 12:28 : 12:1)1 : ) 12:55 : 1:07 1:15 : 1:2S : 1 :55 : 207 2:11 : 2 ' 28 2M : 3:07 : a : 15 ! I.V : > 4:07 : 4:11 : 4r : > 4:5.1 : 0:07 : 5:11 : r : : 5.M : 0:07 : ni5 : i.Ti ) : < IM : 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:2S : 7 : : 7:5.1 : 8:07 : 8:15 : H:2S : 8:1)1 : ) H.11 : 0:07 : 0:15 : VfU ! i)1 : : ) 0:10 : Difil 10:07 : 10:1.1 : 10:2S : llUTi infi. : . ) I0j.11 11:07 : arlltll 11:4. : ) 11:50 : 1 1 :55 : 11-,5'J 12:011.1111 : 12 : Ham COUNGIIj Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. A'No. 14 4:00 p , m.ll ) No. 1 lOiAOa. in. II No. 2 5:10 p. m. A No. 13 ll : : C No. I ) ll:2l : ) u. m.C | No. 6 lU1p. ! : m. No , 4 tiilOti. m.A | No. 3 7Ulp : , m. CI11CACO , IIUHMNC.TON & QU1NCV. No.8 :5tln. : in.jl ) H:4ta. : ) m. No. 4. . . , a:40n. : in. ANo. 1.1 10:00 : a , m. C * No. 14. . . . l.2a ; ) . in. C 8No.7 A No.ti. . . ,7 ; < Wp. in. A No. II 7:00 : p. Ill , CIIICACO & NOUTHWKSTF.HN. A No.O , ' 0:40a. : in. A No.Il lllin.m. : ANo.S 4:00 : p.m. ANo.7 11:3) : a. in. No. 4. , . . . , .4ilii. : : m.iA No.f , : CHICAGO , MIIAVAUKT.i : fc ST. PAL'h. A No,2 0:4fla.m.A : | * No. 5 llillOa.m. A' 4OUp : , m.lA 7:0) : ) p.m. KANSAS CITY ST. JOB * COUNCIL 1IMJFFS. A No.2 fl:25n.m.A : ! fi-.illa.m. A No , 4 0:10p.m.'A : ' No. 1 0liOp. : in. SIOI'X CITY A : PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05a. : in.A ( No.U 8:51a.m. : A No. 12 7:00 : p. in..V | No. II UIMp. : ui. OMAilA .VST. I.OIHS. A No.8 : > :40p. : m.lA No. 7 11a : A dally ; II dally except Sat. ; C dullv except Sun. ; 1) except Mon. : 81'ast Mall ; 'Limited ; I\V111 proUibiy change to 4UOp. : m.before 1'eb. 1. Sonlocl Proposals. Sealed proposals will bo received at the olllco of the architects Mendelssohn , Fisher * Lawrle , New Paxton IlulldliiR , Omaha , until Saturday , .Iannary2bth , 1K88 , for the carpenter and joiner work , of the four story and basement biiik' Danish AKsoclatlon HmldliiK. Tint plans and hpeclllcatlonscan bo had , and Information ob tallied of the architects MtMii.bsOi.v : : ! , Fisiinu & LAWIIIK , jll-27 Architects. Notlco to Stockholders. Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting ot the stncknolders of The HUK 1'ubllshlnt ! Com pany , will bo held nt their ollice on Saturday , Jnn.2 > th. lhss , ut 10 o'clock a. m.for thu purpose of consldeilnn tlm tiunsfer of lots 7 und 8. In block 111 ! , and east 41 feet of 5 and I ) 111 block 124 , city of Omaha , to Tlio HKK Ilulldlng Company , and Mich other business as may come before them. I' . UOMW : VTKII , Piesldunt. OMAII i , NEIL , Jan. 17th. I'Sv1. ' Notlco of Incorporation. rpo Whom It May Concern : Notice Is herein -L given that ' " ( 'ho lieu Hnlldiii' ' Compuny has tiled In the ollice of the county clerk ol Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of Incorpor ntlon. The principal place of transacting Its Iwislucys is ut Omaha , In Douglas county und btute ot Nebraska. The general nature of Its business Is to acquire , own , Imlil. lease , mortgage , sell am convey real estate , Broct buildings and Improve incuts upon the bamo , for renting such real estate , \c. The amount of capital stock authorized Is J5noi ( l , ten per cent of which to Iw paid at the time of subscribing for the H.UIIO , and thn re malnder as required bythebo.ird of directors Thu corporation commenced January IMh , A I ) , P-tv-i , and will terminate tile 15th ilayotJan liary , A. 1) . 1'Js.s. ' The highest amount ot Indebtedness or llabll Ity to which tlm corporation shall at any linn subject Itbelf IH two-thirds of thu capital stock Issued. Tlio business alfalrs of the corporation are to bo conducted by a lioard of illiectorx of llvo inembt rs who niiall helcct from their iiumuuru president , svcrctury and treasurer. r.UWAIII ) HOSKWATKIt , MAX MI'.VKII , ( IMl. It. T/.sfllUCK , ] | HUM > TLIIILK. . IIK.MIVA. llASKM.f. . Notlco. Tlio wholesale liquor house of Henrlchs \ IMck , has this day been succoedeiled by A Fritk * Co. . who assume all Uuhllltlch und col lee all outstanding dubu. A. 1'iilCK Ac Cu. Juu. 12,1HS9. OF THE RIGHT STUFF. Qualifying Per the llonornlilo l'ti .l- tluti oritatubult Uiu\ilrc \ , A wiry luokint * nitiu with u sot ox- ) rt" < sion of countonnnco wulkoil up to u inokinnn In ( rout of Lufa.votlu pqiiaro in JnfTnlo curly the other morning nnil tskod : "You can call n follow some pretty uird iiiunos , can't vouV" " "Soinotiintxj. " "Swear HOIIIO , I s'potiL1 ; " ' ' "Yos. Oia-o in u while I swear , " ro- IIoil the hnekman , wondorlnt ; If ho had won struck by' Salvation Army re- ruit. "Got smoking , howling , tearitifj mnil , lp people up tlio back and nmko it red uit , all around your neighborhood , oiuetiines , don't you ? " "Well , I can make it pretty uncom- ortale for peojilo when they'don't nay or this hack. I'm tv terror to untilc'a vhon they umiu'my way.1 "Yes , that's just what I thought. Start it on me. ' ' "What do you moan ? You don't owe ne anything. " "No matter ; troforme.1 "What Bhall J wtyV" "Call mo anvtliiuK ; 1 > o Hur. " "You're a liiir. " "That's rijrht ; fro on. " "You're n douliled-barreled liar , " "Good. Uorlwhton. " "You're an IS-karat , stom-wlnding olf-eockinii ] ircvariiator. ; " "Siilondid. Keep it up. " "You're a mule-bared , dojj-faced , quash-headcd , lying whelp of human ly. " "Tell mo I don't know anything : . ' ' "You're u fool. " "Make it stronger. " "You're a pimply , blubbering idiot. " "Come again. ' ' "You're a orookod ucck , wnll-oyoil , cuock-kiioed Imbeoilo. " 'Now kick mo , " siid the determined nun. "What for ? queried the astonished laclcinan. "No matter ; kiek mo. I'll pay von for it. " The Imokuuin kicked him. "Now grab mo by the hair and drag no around four or llvo blocks. " The Imckmtin did f-o. "Now rub my MOS.O . in the dirt , tear ny coat , jump on mo and throw mo over that fence , will .you'/ ' ' 'Ilih instructions having been car- iod out. the bot-loooking man slowly dragged himself to bis foot and , wiping the blood off his face and Kiiitting the lift out of hj& mouth , gasped : "Js that the bo-it jou can do'/ " "I never treated a man worse in my life , " wild the haekmtin. "I couldn't. L5ut who in the dickens arc you , tiny way. and what does all this menu1/ " "Well , you oe , " said the sot-looking man , handing the hackman a dollar for liis trouble , "I bavo just boon offered a ponition as baseball umpire for the com ing season , and thought before accept ing it I would like to sco if I had tlio stun" in mo to hold the job. I guess perhaps I'll do. " And the sot-looking man limped slowly away just asa police man , who had been inti/rxiuwing a pea nut stand around the corner , came along and wanted to know what all that row was about. False I'relcnccs. Venders who by spocioiih rcprc cnUi- lions as to worthless articles for the teeth , induce Iho unsuspecting to use them fruitlessly or with positive injury Lo the enamel , should bo mmished. Huy 3OXODONT onlyescape their tmurcbami beautifv the tooth. H lalili is Wealth ! DII. 12. C. WIIST'S NKIIVK AMI HIIAIN TIIKAT. MEKT , a guaranteed specltlc for Hyslerln , Dlzzl. ness. Convulsions , Kits , Nervous .Neuralgia Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobucroVakefiilness. . Mental Depression , Sofrenlngof the Ilraln rodultlng In Insanity and leading to misery , decay ami death , Premature Old Age , llarrKiiness , Loss of power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermat- orihuaeausedbyorete"tlon. . of the bra'n ' self- abuse or over Indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. } 1 Ooa box , or slboxe.s for ! .on , gent by mull prepaid on lecelpt of prlco. \\'K ( JL'AKANTKK SIX I1OXIOH Tocuroanycaso. With each order received by us for six iio.xes , ncconipanlo 1 with JV i , wo will bend the pmclmser our written guarantee to re tund tne money If tlw treatment does not , ellect a euro. Guarantees Issued only by C , I' . GOOD MAN , Druggist , Sola Agent , IllU Vurmim St. , Omaha Neh Hy virtue of an execution issue 1 by his honor , George W. Shields , tounty Judge In und for Douglas county , Nebraska , upon a judgment rendered In said court in favor of .lolin Frank and against James MeS'ey , ' have levied upon the following goods and cliattelsusthepropcity of said .lame * MoVey , to-wlt : Ouo b.iy And I will , on the 1st day of February , IS'-s , nt 10 o'clock a. in. of said d i.v. at the stable of Frank , V Muhoncy , on the north side of Douglas stieet , between I'.lghth and Ninth streets. In the City of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska , sell said propel ly nt public auction to the highest , bidder for cash , to sitlsty the amount dun on said execution. In the jiggreg.ile being 1(237.11 ( , with Inteieit thereon tiom the lUth day of Jan nary , Itss , mni accruing coils on said extent Ion. \VIII | v.M ( .MlllIllN. Pherlir of County , Nebraska. Omah.i , Nobruika , Jauuarj 21 , l\s. ! InIO 19 TTVACQUAINTtD WITH TUB GrOCKlPMT Or THU OOUXTBT WILL > EK DY KXAMUiLSQ TU1S Mir T1UT IIIH CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANO&PAQIFIC RAILWAY Ily reaion of lu central poiltloi s'.o * ; relation to linn Eait of Chicago , and cuntliunn h.ioi at Urnilnul rolnti Writ , North west anil Hoathwut , It the true ralddlo link In that trann'ontlccntai fj\tm which Imlus and facilitate ] trafut uni trunla kclvveen the Atlnntlo and 1'aclQc. The Itock Island main line and brancbf i Include Chi- cafe ( , Jollut , Ottawa , I.n.Hullo , 1'rniln , ( lune > co , llollno and Itock Island , In Illinois ) Davenport , tluicatlno , Wr.shlDtton , I'alrtlcld , Ottuin , OuLaloota. W itl.llx i rly.Iowa Clt/Dca.Mt.lni , lnianilA.WInttr : et , Allan tic. Knoirllle , Auilubon , lUrlan , Cluthrlo Centra und Cojncll llurt ! , Inlowai ( lullntln , Trenton , fit. . , 'ph , Cameron and Kamas Cltj , In Mlsourli jworth laid JUchlson , lu Kania > i Albert I > a , MInnonpolls And M.l'aal.lnMlniuiotti Wutcrtown and Cloux I'alliJn pakota , nd hundreds of JutirmvdUlo cltlos and tow ni. ' /Tho Croat Rock Island Route" nuirantecs rpced , romrort , certainty und larctf. Iti rommnont war Ii dlsllnifulilitj for Its cicellcuco. Iti brld i s are of rtunu and Iron. Itii track It of iolM Ho l.lti rolling stock r rfect. ltapa > sun2er qnl.m | > iC has all th satoty apptlancos that eiporlcnco lias pie I useful , and for luxurious accornmodatlor * U u.u . * - rasseil. Ill Eiprrns Tratni consist ur BUperlor UT Uoaches , elifrunt 1'utlinan 1'ulaco 1'arlorand Hloepui Caru , superb bluing C'ais , providing dtllcloui mcali. and ( belwetn Chicago and Ht. Jotopli , Atculson an I Kaniai CUroiltul Itecllnlnir Oialr Can. H' man- aecment IN cons.rratlvn , IU UUclpllatt ozactlntf "The Famous Albert Lea Ror-o" tletween Ctdcaro ami Minneapolis and St. 1'a Is the taTonto. Over this line BolM Fait Kiprm Trains run dallto attractive reiorte fur tovrlsU In Iowa and Minnesota , nnd , rU Wattrtown and Slum falls , to tlio rich wheat nnd vrailntrlamlnoC Interior Dakota. Via Seneca und Kankakctf , the HocU Island otfars superior Inducement ! to traveler * totwctn Cincinnati , ludlan- apolls , l.sfajretto and Council lilulfs.St. Joseph , Atchl- fen , I aTenwottb , Kansas Cltj , Ht. I'aul , and Interino- cUate points. All patrons < tspeclallr ladles and chil dren ) receive protection , courtesy and b I ndlr attention. For tlckett , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or anjr deilrul Information , apply tu | irtoclpal oltlces Iq ) ji United fitatcj oJi4 Cana > U , or luldruss , at Chlcairo , I. B. CAIlf. I. ST. JUHN , t. A. HIUKOfll , \Vhn Is WU : , NfKVOl'N. IIIUIII.ITA- liMTIIiri.KliAwiir If * > HlOUof IIOI Y , MIMHuid.MAMIOOO.cflinlMKCxlmuHliiR drain * upon the FOI'.vrAIXN of IIKK , IIIAI : > A < 'IIK. HACK , \rin : . im-adml l > rt > * m , WKAIiXIMS of Memory. 1IAMII- FillIVK.HS lu MOCIKI'Y , I'l.Tll'l.V.S UHM | the 1'Af'K. nnd nil the KMT.rTft Irmllm ; to KAKI.Y DKCAYnud pcthain 'O. > M , jfl . T1O.V or IXNAMITY , Miotrid consult nl ouci ) Iho I'KliKIIUATKn lr. Clnrke , tomMlslied 1KM. Dr. Clnrko h niiulo M'.KVOt .S l > r. . It I MTV. I'lIHONK1 nii.l nil DlMnjcs of the JKMTO I'itl.VAKY Orvnus i > Life l'.ldy. ' It make * . NO dllletenro WHAT juu 'ir > 7e taken nr WHO has failed to cure you. f-V KH A I.K.S uirerliiff from ill st-au-s | x > CU- liar to thvlr aex enn consult w Ith the n < surntico of ipoptljr rcllofniid curt. Scuil 2cents poslago for work ! on jour dlsenscs. J-fend 4 cents pottnKC for t't-lnjltrntpil Work * on t'lironlr , NrrtottN mid Hell * rule Dlseasoi. t'onsultntlou , l > crionnl'y or IT letter , rr M . Coinult the > l l l rtor. Tlioiiinnil * cured. OtllccumM tinrlor * | > rUult > . Oirltiojo rnntcniplftlltiK Marrliico fend for l r. t'lnrkp'n celelmited RUldo Nnlo nnd I'oninle. rnrh U > c. , Inith ' o. ( dtninpo ) . Ileforo conndlna your cnsc , cotnult Ilr. I'l.AItKE. A friendly letter or call limy jave future sullcrlngnnd slinme , nud mid K"lden years to life. J-ltook I.if i % < ( Secret ) Kr- r m , " Mo. ( jtnmpsl. Medlclno nnd wrltlnpi .sent over } where , oecuro from ruiMimirr. Hours , 8 to S : Sundays , ' . > to 12. Address , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 100 Sex Chirk SU. CHICAGO , ILL. TERRIBLE ore Kidney nnd Liver diseases , and when once they have secured a firm hold on the human system there It no time to bo lost if life i * to bo saved. Many remedies have been tried , but nouo have been so iuo- cessfnl as Ath-lo-pho-ros. Many un solicited testimonials have proved that Ath-lo-pho-ros has cured thcso diseases when physicians nud all other lemcdics had failed. Back ache , pain in the side , dullneii , weariness , and headache , are often symptoms of these fearful diseases. Athluphoros , in connection with Athlophoroa Pills , will give speedy relief. If your druggist doosu't keep them , write to THE ATKLOPHOROS CO. , 112 WALL ST. , N. t ! " I IllUltfcl " " 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHL AtlO OTHES C lAUyEFriCIEHT RWtQIES It haa itood the Test of Yeari , in Curlntr all Diseases of the " BLOOD , IIVEK.BIOM ACH , KIDNEYS.BOW ELS , &e. ItFnrlfieithc Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the System DYBPEPSIA.CONSTI. CURES PATIOK. JAUNDICE ULDISEASESCFTHE BICKHEADACHE.BIL' IJVER IOU3 COMF1 AINTB.&l undoi disappear at once KIDNEYS iti beneflclal Influence STOMACH ItlipurelyaUedleici AND aa its cathartic proper ties forbids Us me as i i BOWELS beverage. It is pleas ant to tne taste , and at easily taken by clUld ren as adults. PRICKLY ASH BITTEnSCI Bolo Proprietor * . RT.LoDieunil KAHUI Om THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Council Bluffs Chicago , Tli onlr rotd to take for Dei Mnlnci , Mnrlslltown , r < lar llKpliI > , Cllnlnn , Illxon. Clilrntto , Mllwniikna tnd nil polnli r 'l. To the peopln of Ncibriuikii , Ciilo * rnjn , WumlnK , Ulali , Mnlni , Nurniln , OriKon.Vnih - liiKtoD Li l Ollforiiln. It curiTi eupuJlur advautagM urt po lile br Hnr dthrr lino. . Alnonu a few of Hie numorout pointB of pupcrlortt/ enJiiieU bllio pitlniiis of this road between OmnbK BnaChlrago , nre Its twu lralv Rdny ol DAY COACH * KH , which am tlm llnest tlml nnmnii nrt nnd Insonnl- ty cun crunlo. IU 1'AI.ACK SI.ICKI'INU CAUH , which Krn moilcU of runifort nnd elciiiince. 1U 1'AUMJli DUAWIM1 UOOM IJAIlrt , unmirpniiioil lif anr , and Iti wldoljr reltibmtod I'ALA'llAli DIMNO OAKS , tb eiiual fir which rnnnol bo found plsuwhura. At Coun cil liluirs the trains of the Union I'acinc Kallwny , cin- nuct In union dornt vilth the o of Ihu Chicago * Northwvstrrn Ity. In Chlcnk'o thu trains of this lln * initko cluio connection with ihoso of nil olhor uuitura llnca. Kor Detroit , Onlumbun. Indlnnnpnllii , Cincinnati , h'lauara tnlli. Iliiflnln , rittunurg , Toronto , Montreal , llonlon , New Vork , 1'lilludoliihTa , llnltlmore , VVuiU- IIIKIOU , unJ all polnu In Uiovait , ask f or a ticket Tt UIB "NORTHWESTERN. " If Ton wlnh tlio bent accommodation. All ticket agent * Hfl tickets Tin thla lluu. E.niianrr. ) K.P. WII.SON , . tleul. .MnnaRcr , Ucnl. l'u 'r Aceat * .M. iiAncocK.DOMES. ' . t. City 1'au'r. A * nV Om Ua , Nabrukm. - T11H OV TUB Chicago , Milwnukee & St. Paul R'y , The Best Route from Omaha nud Council IllulTs to 1 i H E EAST. * TWO TUA1N9 DAILY IIKTWKKN OMAUA 'ANIi COUNCIL 1ILUKKH Chicago , AND Mllwmikcr- , SU rani , Minneapolis , Cedar Itock Island , Frrcporl , Itockford , / Clinton , Itiihnqur , Davciiport , F.l'in ( , Madison , Juncsvllle. lit'lult , AYlnona , La Crossc , And all other Importnnt pnlnti Ktst , Nurtbcad aoi Huutlit-nit. For throneli ticket * mil on thn ticket nuent ntllOt FariiHiu itruut , In 1'aitoii Hotul.or at Union I'ncICo I ) not > I'lillman Sleepers tnil th finest Dlnlnir r r In thrt world are nm on th main line of tliuClilrKKO , Mil * wkuscu It ft. I'nul lUUwHjr , nnd rver ? uttuntlun tt paid to pasiunnur * by tuuritous uaiplojui Of ttitf coininny. H. MII.I.KH. fie.ncrnl ManiiE , < r. ' J. K. TUIIKHIl , AMlntunt ( ioncrnl ManiMjnr. A. V II. I'Alll'KN'lKIl , liuiitrnl i'nsiunger and Ticket Ai < cnl Ol'.n ifllKAFKOni ) , Assistant Ocueral I'uiocgM nd'l'lckut Aui'iit. - , J.T. C'LAItK , General SuptriBtondent. j WE AK MEN ! KSZOSSSS'Z , ' ' . inueui , mini , of lix-iij UITUUIB all otsk utti.mlor. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTl Of tlit Uodr culsrjeJ and strratthencd. Full particu lars sent sca1 l frco. KUIK > IKI ) . CO.llorril. " , K , VI tnult it lifer-Work , ! aJl ; uU ° l > , etc. , dauj aVyy * .