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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1888)
8 THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE : SATURDAY ; JANUAKY 21. 1888. ' IT WAS 'A GREAT SUCCESS , The Wealth , Youth and Beauty of the Bluffa In Omaha. A GRAND CARNIVAL ON THE ICE. Two Very Peculiar StorloH Ahont the DlNttppcnrnituH of n Diamond How MIsH Freeman Looks Other City News. The lllulTM Out on a Illile. At exactly 1 : ! H > o'clock yesterday ufternoon the leader of the Council Bluffs sleighing pmty appeared nt the hcait of tlio Eleventh street viaduct. As the procession came down the Inclined roadway with the sun shining brightly on the glistening snow ami gorgeous plumage of prancing steeds , the sight from u dlsti-neo was a novel and beautiful one. The llrst cutter , cont.ilnlng Major T. S. ClarUson , giand marshal of the parade , leached Piirnuin stieet nt pre cisely 1U : ! o'clock. Then followed u host of single , double and triple scaled sleighs filled with gentlemen nnd Indies. There were HOMiiul carrj tills In line drawn by eight horses , and Rome of the equipages were unl < | iio and ii'prcsentcd the Inventive genius of "necessity. " Thcie were many \\hito horses In Ihic , but uwlng to the manner In which the ladles were wiappcd up it was im possible for the leporter to discover n single "red headed" girl. All of the female portion of the Bluflltc's looked hnpjiy and contented notwithstanding the seveio cold , while the Bterner sex looked LOirespondlnglymisut.ihlo. Following the marshal , eamo a brass band of thiiteen pieces diawn by eight black hoises. The sleigh In which tlio musi. eians weio seated was tastefully decorated with reel , whlto and blue bunting. There were several "home-mndo" sleighs in lino. Two bo.\ had constructed a mtter out of u dry goods box with two pieces of boaids for i tinners. One old man and his wife weio drawn along in a buggy top s-ct upon a large- sized hand sled. Thoio weio nnmy elegant tutnouts , and , taken as whole , the entire pro cession was made up of handsome equipages. By actual count tno number of turnots in line was aiu. Thcso contained exactly 4Sl'l ' persons. The procession wns oxactlj thirtv-oiio minutes in crossing Kin num sUeet nnd was fully two and one-half miles in length. The proces sion passed noithwnrd to Douglns , thuico west to Sixteenth , north to Davenport , west to Twenty second , south to Dodge , west to Twenty-tilth , south to l\irnnin , to Twelfth , south to llnrney , west to Foiu- teenth. south to Howard , west to Sixteenth , and thence north to tlio board of trade rooms. Hero Minor Broatch welcomed the guests In a few well chosen words. Notwithstand ing the intense cold the sttects wcic lined with spc < tutors. TUB wrniTiov v\i > i.uv n. The merry drivoi s , under the guidance of the reception committee , were escoited to the chamber of commcico , where they wcto for mally received with open arms and a bounte ous hospitality. Grand Marshal Clarkson , assuming the duties of master of ceremonies , directed alTnlis with a masterly hand , with tlio assistance of the guntlemen on the com mittee of reception. A gland levee was held , dm ing which old acquaintances icvived past recollections , and newly made friends dis cussed the enc > i inent of the occasion , which was enlivened by mobt exc client music by the mcmbcis of the Musical union band , which were located in the gallery. About half-past U o'clock Major Hioateh , who had been chosen to preside , was intio- duced byPiesldcntllcrof the boardof trade , took up his position on the rostrum and called the vastconcoutsoof ladies and gentlemen to order. The major welcomed the visitors to the city In his usual courteous and pleasing manner , nnd extended to them tie ) freedom of the city. Hespokoof the pleasant ties tliat bound the two cities together , and predicted a continuance of the same for j ears to ionic. Coifgicssnmn Puscy , of Council Bluffs , ic- upended to Mr. Uroatch's ' welcome in a jolly and highly Intel estingstrain. Ho indulged In u historical sketch , going back to thirty jeais ago when Omaha nnd Council Hlulls were a "howling wlldci ness , " populated chiclly by Indians. The congi essman said that it was with pleasure that ho saw the two cities glow into magnitude and inni nitUciice , and spoke endearingly of Omaha's hospitality nnd cnterpiiso. Hon John M. Tliurston referred with pride to the fact that ho was n icsldent of Oimiha , for which he piedicted n great fu ture. Ho was piofuso in his laitditations of Council Bluff * and her people , and hoped to see the day when their facilities for commu nication would be bettc'icd. John M. Baldwin , Esq , of Council Bluffs , refetred to Iowa as a piohibitoiy state , ami Jocosely intimated that ho wished ho could say as much for NebiasKa. Omaha , in his estimation , was n gicnt nnd gtowing cit.v and would sonic dav bo us big us Chicago. Ho spoke of the necessity of better facilities for communication between this eiti nnd Council Bluffs , and assmed his henieis that if the picsent bildgc under lonstiuctton did not illl the bill thei would put uphalf a do/en until thowould. . MnjorChukson said that all Omaha was glad to do the people of Council Bluffs Honor , nnd it did his he.ut good to see so manv smiling nnd happy faces about him. Omahn had determined to give them a good time , and ho pointed out to them wheio they could go to ha\o It. Those who wished could goto ihoAimoiyand dance , and if the toboggan- inclined weio anxious to slide , they could at the into of if > ,000 miles a minute , it was fi eo to them. Amusements had been selected w ith a view of satisfi ing the inclinations of all , and the spenher wound up by icferi ing to the feast that had been ptcpaicd for the inner man on the floor below Colonel W. F. Sspp , of Council Bluffs , was accorded u hcaity locoptlon. Speaking for the citizens of the Bluffs ho returned thanks to Omaha for the broad , ft icndly and wuim reception. Ho next touched on the spiiit of friendship existing between the two cities , and promised the aid nnd influence of the ' peoplu of Council BlufTs , for their inteiests were mutual , to piomoto those of Omahn. Colonel Sapp .spoke of Oma ha's piominence in her efToits toscctiio the republican national convention and Jowa's and Council Bluff's labois In her behalf. Mr. MueMurphy responded for South Omaha m n chcei fill and Instinctive .speech of several minutes' duration. At the conclusion of the speech making the band struck up a lively air and the assem blage dispei seel , some to the banquet mill , otheis to the armoiy to indulge in the mci i.v dance , and otheis to the toboggan slide ami divots places of amusement nnd cheer. Caterer Bean picsicled o\or the lefreshment loom , and a toothsome and substantial lunch was beived to neailj UX ) people. \T Till. lllMUIIl Through the kindness of the Omahaguaids their nimoiy was used for the dancing , nnd from 3 o'clock until 0 the lloor was filled with dancers. The icieptlon lommittco was tlie- loss lu the effoit to make overj body feel nt home , nnd in this they succeeded admirably An oivhestid of twenty musicians fiom the Musical Union fuuushed the music and the ladles and gentlemen had a delightful time. IIOMhtt MID IIOI'M ) . About nightfall the sleighrideis tinned the heads of their horses towatds the east and started for their homo over the Ice coated surface of the bioad and muddy Mlssonti , loud in their pi also of the hospitable manner iu which they had been ticntecl. . ruoMiM.NT i-joi-i i. ritiKT. . Among the pionilnent pe'oplei pi cse-nt wore : Colonel Sapp , Thomas B Si\M B.Veath - cibee , Cole Biothois , W. B. Estep , K. B Morgan , \V. H. Smith , C. B. Waite , K. B. UavK W. B. M. Piisoy , Frank Cook. Hem. Allnaker , Mrs. U. B Mcirium , J. W. Weight- man , E. 11. O'Dcll , Ira O'Dell , Dr. J. H. 1 Cleaver , lr J. S. Montgomery , Henry At kins , C. A. Williams , K. Wieklmm , Jr. , Colonel Dailoy. A. T. Elwcll , r. B. Conover , J. H. Rockwell , L. A.Casper , W. K. Sapp , Jr. , J. A. Harkness , J , C. Langc , Ficd Davis , W. H. Ware. TWO 8TOKIis. Olio Occltleilly Tlilu and the Other Oulto Thin. W. D. Tompkins , \ho man charged w Uh stoallng a valuable dlnmond ling from Miss Kato Kennedy , 1'J-J North Fifteenth bticct , was analgncdJboforoJudgoBerlu jestculuy morning , but pleading not guilty , had his ac postponed until uftaiiwu , whcu iui- other postponutncnt was asked , Tompklus not being prepared for tilul. Ho nald to a BKK rcjiorter that ho had been "keeping compnn.\ " with Miss Kennedy for two years , and that they had often changed rings for clujs at n lime. Bo atd Unit on the evening In question ho Irarrowecl her ring and went home with It. When ho i etlred for the night the stone which Is a costly gem- was In the ring , but upon arising In the morning It wns missing. Bo know , however , that the diamond must be In the room , but careful search failed to reveal Its presence. Ho then told the Janltress in clmigooftho room that she must preserve the sweepings nnd carefully look them o\er , and that if she found the stone ho would reward her. Ho then sent the empty ling back to Miss Kennedy with the Information that ho had lost the setting. She disci edited thin story , however , and infoimed a ln ! : man that upon cxnmlng the ring she could plainly see that the diamond had been taken from the ring by means of some In strument , as the clamps wcto all bent back In a way that could only have been accom plished puiposclv. She sent for Tompkins and told him that she thought ho had nppio * pi iated the stone , nnd advised hlmtoieUirn it at once. This ho failed to do. She sent messenger bo.\s to him on several different occasions , but they inviulably returned rnpty-hundcd , " 1 finally concluded , " added Miss Kennedy , "that the gentleman intended to steal my diamond , and u icsort to the law was all that was left for me. 1 had him nr- resteci nnd understand the stone was found upon him. ho claiming that the Janltiess had removed it nnd ho meant , to icstoic it to me. " Kioin the appcnranccof things It looks as If Mr. Tompkins had gotten himself Into u very bad box , but ho may be ublo to exon erate himself. THAT ICH 110X STOHY. A I'huislhlc i\plniiiitlon : of the Sit uation. C. S. Biggins , proprietor of the St. Cloud , nnd "Cap. " Donahue , owner of the saloon near the corner of Capitol nvenuo and Six teenth street , were arrested jestcrdny on u charge of dispensing liqunis after the midnight hour. Their cases iveio continued. The men who , vere in the St Cloud at the tlmo of the np- liearanco of Captain CStecn and Policeman Haves , me lespec table business men. They luicl been In attendance at the Pythian ballmid heir wives , together with the wife of Mr. ilnwley , one of the St Cloud attaches , were iVltli them. Thov chopped into the saloon on heir way homo for Mr. Hnwlev , and upon ho nrrh nlof the oftlcei s , the laclics.notwish- ngto bo seen in n b ir-ioom , stopped into the ice box H neat little loom within Itself hinklng that the intindcis would soon as certain that theio was no occasion for official nterfeience , nnd then leave. That's nlltheio s in thccuso. BENCH AXI > BAH. District Court , v siini.n : ADorrnn. The following has been adopted by the dis- i ict court as ono of its rules and attorneys nio requested to go vein themselves accord- ngly : An action In which the statutory time for Hmg uioply has cxpiicd or will have ex- ilreclono week befoio the Hist day of the next succeeding teim , whether issue therein lids been Joined or not may bo noticed for tiiul at such term by either paity , by the fll- imr of notice with the cleik. The notice shall contain the title of the no tion and the names of thoattoinoys of lecord of tlio ies > pccti\o paittes ; show whether or not it is an issue , and if so , whether upon issue of fact or of law or both and whether triable bv ] uror by the couit ; and stnto that the action will bo for tiial at the next term ; it must be liled at least ono week befoio the llrst day of the teim , and the cleik must fotthwith minute such llllng in the appear- unco docket. No action , not so noticed , will bo docketed for trial , nor ti led upon any issue of fact , ex cept by consent of both parties nnd of the court , upon application and for special ica- sons ; and cither pattv may icquiic that an action so noticed shall bo tued in its order , unions continued for cause , or postponed for special leasons in the discietion of the court. . SLI n in ri.Tnu. Vestciday Peter Coos tiled a petition against Ben B , Wood and otheis pricing for a division of laud held fiom him by the de fendants. County Court. ACCri-TIH l.XI'Cl'TOK. Yesterday Judge Shields ncceptcd L. J. Connover as executor of the will and estate of William M. Iloiton. PoliceCourt. . Theio was a light giind nt the police couit .vcsteiday. The frigid weather has a ten dency toward quietness in oolice circles. Following v\ ill bu found the woik of the morning : Stiect-vvalking Nellie Wilson , discharged. Diunk W. Luckbill , Pat O'Donnell , Will iam Allen , diseliaigcd. Distui bing the Peace Eugene Stephens nnd L. Himmcnhofu , continued. Vagumc'v Chi is SwaiU , set to woik cleaning station cells. NKIIHASKA'S IIKUOINK. iV Poili-ait ol'Miss li'ieemnii How Slio LOOKS. Miss Minnie Freeman , the joung school teacher of Mira Valley , Neb , and whoso hoioism in suvihg thiiteen small chlldicn fiom cuitaln death during the gicat storm of hist week m known m every portion of the eounti v , is the llanco of n well known joung stock commission man in South Omaha. Miss Fieeman has a few lady friends m this city , with one of whom she is a icgulnr corres pondent. A Br.h icpoitcr was shownapor- tinit of the chauning heroine ) jcstcidny. She is a decided lj- handsome brunette , with n mass of black hair , largo lustrious oj es. Her features in o i egular nnd delicate and she is exquisltclv foimed. In a letter dated Jan- uarj ! * , and received by a lady in this city last night Miss Freeman deplores the great notouutj- that her heioie action ( which she modestly calls an "eplscrdo" ) has In ought her into. Slio savs that "sho never nspiiedto be < a modem tliaco Dai ling" and cannot see whj thu new spapoi s should make so much of "suc-li a simple act. " Miss Fieomun's modest j- is moio than chutming mid the South Omnha eonnnission innn can tliiink his luekv stars when hu loads that biave gill to thu altar. > IAY un JUGOII > IN ILLINOIS. Coiulcts nro Again De tained in iloliet. Some time ago , the Bic : announccct that at the last session of the Illinois legislature , a law was passed picxeiiting the management of the penitentiary of that state fiom iceciv- ing for care of convicts from other stateor ten Hoi ies. Wi oming nt the time , was boai ding - ing Us convicts tit the penitential in qucs- tion , nnd the commission for the tonitoiy 10- gdnllng the disposal of prisonei s , wns noti fied that the state would icoeivo no more of Wiomlng's coin lets , but these who weio then behind the walls , would bo permitted to scivo their terms. Luke .Miniin , of Choj- enno , ono of the commissioners , went to Lincoln and sought admission for the Wv- oming piisoncrs to the penitential y of this state , but the icqucst wns denied on the giound of lack of room. Mr Mui i in came into town last night and states that the Illinois law , rcs > tiicting the penitentiary of that state fiom accommodat ing the convicts of otheis , hud been assailed and lendered void , nnd as n consequence , the place at Joliet was now open ttrprisoncis from all places which weio disposed to pay for them. Since the passage of the law In question Wiomlng's convicts at cieat ex pense and tioublo have been confined In In- seeuiecountj Jails , nnd the experiment has not been a successful one. The setting asldo of the law has been favorably iccelved nnd Wjomlngsent Us Hist batch of piisoneisin many months to the Joliet penitentiary n couple of daisngo , and Mr , Muirin Is now on his way to the same place to make formal provisions for their detention and cuie. A rngltlvo Prom Justice. William Cheswlck was run ( in ns a drunk. Ho said ho lived In Lincoln ani was a railroader. Shoitly after his arrchl the chief of police icceived a telegram fronv the Capital eity , asking that u man by the above name bo , locked up mid ai rested , ns ho was wonted tlccro. Cheswick acknowledges that ho is tha pai ty deslicd , but denies that ho has been implicated lu uuy criuw. THE SI.OT AN1 > UIOltT OP WAV. The Cnblc Trnniwny Company's Views on Those Butijcctfl. The Hrc hns ntruiuly given IU renders the views of Superintendent Smith of the Horse railway company , with resjiectto the rplutlvo rights to prcc-odcncc of thut and the trumwiiy companies In the ciossln s of streets. In those views It was held that bccmlte the horse cur line \VUH tha llrst ono constructed In the city It had prlouty In crossing streets over the c-un of the train way company. Yesterday a linn reporter questioned Messrs. Johnson , Hustln nndVrbstcr , of the hitter corpotntlon , nnd all of these icntlc.'inen scouted Mr. Smith's views. They claimed they weio ilcllctiloiis , unusunl and Impracti cable. They held no street railway company could have the light of way any more ) than one' express , truck or druv man , nt u street In tersection , could have right of way over another. It was simply a question of expediency , circumstances and discretion. It was so In Kansas City , so In St. Louis , so In Chie'iiiro , so everywheic. "In Kansas City , " said Captain Hustin , "the lucstlon as tohlch road Is the older onu Is lever raised. On n level plain , when cars are approaching the same Intel section , the ono which at Its notmal speed hns made the gieatcst advance towuid the middle of the ntcisection is unlveisally nccoided the right of \\iiy , the other lessening its sjiced , or , if necessary , coming 0 n stmid. On incline ; planes , however , the car on the clown gr.ulo is always allowed the Ight of way wlicnuver ems ariivo ut un in- eisection about the same moment. In this way theio has been no trouble. Neither will Lhero bo any tiotible heio when wo get to 10 undcistood. Where most of our accl- ilents Inivo occutied has been on an in line , w-lioro With pel Imps the eieatcst of precaution on thouaitof the diiver , our wrs could not have been prevented from loing us they did with the cms of thu hoi so railway when the latter weio deliberately ind recklessly driven In our way. " The ti am way company hn\o begun to ex periment to do away with the danger to torses Incidental to getting their toe-corks caught In the gup slots it crossings. These experiments lm\e been made1 at all the horse-railway company's md consist In the bolting of u stiip of iron invo nn inch in thickness on the slot rnilsbut 1 fi action of an inch back from thu edge ot the slot. With this simple improvement the cork of thu shoe Is prevented fiom diopping so deep Into the opening that it cannot be removed without clililculty. Mr. Johnson ssijs that nodi Ivor need get his hoises1 eoilts caught in thu slot if ho only takes thu piuau- tion to dn\o his horse or hoisos sllghtli oblicpjo in dossing thetrainwaj tracks. nUII/IiilS AND KMI'MJYKS. AVlmt ii Contractor Him to Say Upon tin * Sulilcct. Mr. Hobcit Livcsey , n well-known building toutactor , whose attention hud been nt- trnrted by an editoiial aiticlo in the ] Jin : uiging the ncecsbity of an eaily agieement between builders and mechanics as to pucts , houis , etc. , for the coming season , sojs that this j car the conliactois will bo rather con servative in regaid to taking contracts. Ho claims that last thu employcs did not give value iuceivcd , and that unless mattcis be settled on a somewhat elifleient basis than in IbbT the contiattois will foci obliged to take little or no intmest in woi k , us tliev do not pioposc tn suffer this senion us they did last. As to the apprentice svstc'tn , unelc-r thuiegulationof the unionsMr. LIVCSOJ s.i s it is not liberal enough for thu demands of the country for woikm'en. as there aio mote1 men ictiiingthan uiu couimirin. "Our i-p leseiitatives , " said he , "whom wo sent out last summer fiom Omahn , found tint in almost all the piomlnc-nt cities , especially in the Mississippi valley , there woio few idle \\oikmcn , and it was dlflhuilt to obtain help " In a few davs the delegates will i etui n fiom the meeting of the Hiieklmcis'national association and then somengieemc'iit be tween buildeis and mechanics will piobably bu anangecl. udlnpH ol'Coiiiitj ConnnlsHtonrrs. WCIISLSDVV , .Ian. 18 , 1SS7. Board met this day. Picsent Andcison , Conigan , Mount , Turner and Mr. Cluiiiman. new set of rules , pi cs-ci ibcd by the Judges of the distiict couit , weic icad bofoie the board and " 00 copies ordciod punted. The following icpoitsol committees weio iceoivcd : Judiclaiy Hcducing the valuation of lot 11 , block t , Kount/u & Huth's addit'on , fiom $ llMOloluOO. Adopted. l-'inanec-Incieasing the salary of Riionn- ) tcndcnt of public instruction tium < liOO ( to ? 1MH ) . Ailoptod. rmanco Allowing the following bills : Win. 11. Ijams , lommlssionor of insanity , ? 7 * > i5U"i ; Independent Oil comian\ | , , oil , $7.r > ( ) ; Or. O. 1' . Haiiigan , seivices Uucembcr , 1SS7 , $ , ' . ' . Communications From , T. , T. Mnhoney , suggesting that n contiac-t be let for putting upllttyoi sixty toni of ice , was tcfcnccl to the committee on poor faun with power to act. act.Fiom Fiom Michael L.ihoy , engineer at couit house , as to the condition oi the Me am heat ing appaiatus in couit house ami Jail , catisu ol complaint , etc Placed cm tilu. From .1. .1. bolomon , asking to appointed Justie" of peace at rioienco. JtVfuricd to the committee on ] ndic From 13 1C.Vclls , citv cleik , and the city ofllccrs and mcmbcis of the c-ily council of South Omaha , asking the bo.iicl to appoint an attorney , and suggesting the naino ot J. W. Kdgeiton , was leleuccl to the county at- tel noy. Fiom Peter Johnson , offeilng to burv the pauper dead In thc'c-ounti buual giound nc-ar Flcuunc'o at ? . ! " . " > each cluiing the \eai IbbS. Ueferrud to the committee on ppor house. The following bonds wci e presented and approved : Henry Gibson , Hc-dHolcl punting eonijunv , Kcos printing company , and the bond of I ) iniel P. O'Councll as con stable , Second waul. itrsoi.tmoNS. Hy O'Kceffc Allowing the sheriff to em ploy two jaileis at a salary of 70 per month each , fiom January 0 to May 1 , Ibbs. Adopted. Hy Turner Appointing J. 11. llnnpor load supervisor ol south district , Waterloo. Adopted. liy Con Ipan That the boaul aisess lots (5 ( and 7 , scu. 5 14-1H , belonging to Udwaid Cas- sicly , containing t..i .1 acres ut f 1'M ) , also lots ! i and 10 , sec 5-H 13 , iil 45 act us , belonging to Philip Cassldj , ut ? 1I70. Also The west h acies of lot 1 , sev S 11-13 , belonging to IMwaul Cassldv , at * C-00. Adjouined till Monday next at 10 o'clock a. in. M. U. lioc'iii. Cleik. In iTiihtiuo to "Cup. " lnnnlio- > . I'ditor of the Hin : : An aiticlo In last evening's Issue of your paper did mo a grn\ Injustice , not so much by * ho alleged facts as by the inucndoes contained therein. In con nection with my bir I keep a lunch counter. On Wednesday night a few Indies and gen tlemen , who weio In attendancu upon thu Knights of Pi thins ball at Musoniu hall , came to my place for a lunch. They 10- malned n lew minutes after 1'J o'clock , as they hud a light to do. Hut they neither asked for nor obtained any liquor. So mticll for the Wednesday night alTiiir. As to the character of m\ place , Ills not nor has It ever been the icsoit for uny but the most orderly and law abiding citizens. U has never been open for the sale of liquor after 12 o'clock , nor has any over been sold after that hour. The chnrgo against mo Is for obstructing the view through my doors and windows If my plans wc-ro such ns your uiticlo would lead the public to believe It to be , why has not a moro serious ihatgo been made against inol Hut even that chin go Is false , as the thousands who dally pass my door can testify. Why then this complaint h.\ the police ! 1 will not sav that mulieo stands behind it. Attention will bu given to thut matter on the day of the trial. Until then I want the many who have know n mo for > ears in this community , to be ns- surcd that the insinuations contained In the nrticln mentioned touching the good repute l > f my place , and rellccting upon mv honor ns a citizen and member of thu business commu nity are without foundation , nnd uttcrlj un warranted. Jens DONOIIOE. NVurnsUa'n Volunteer Firemen. At the State Firemen's association held in Phittsmouth this weektho following oftlcera and committees for the ensuing year were elected : President. II. U , Dibble , York-.Hrat vice-president , AV. H. Nowbury , Lincoln ; second vice president , W. H. Uavcu ? , Fro- tnont ; secretaryJIL. Lyman , Lincoln ; treas urer , G. H. Wells , Schujler , Uonrd of Control W. H. Nowbury , Fre mont ; H. L. S | > auldlng , Norfolk ; T. Fran- kus. Ficmont ; L. C. Kite-he , Plattsmouth ; John Wilson , Koarncy ; E.C. Cochran , Yoik ; and K. If. Pickering , Beatrice. Finance Committee Thomson , of Fre mont ; Porter , of York ; Harrison , of Lin coln. coln.Constitution Constitution nnd By-laws Johnson. Kear ney ; Hrcekcnfislt , Pluttsmoulh : Ulcrks , Fremont ; Spaulding , Norfolk ) Swartz , Col umbus. Topics Hitches , Plnttsmouth ; Voltle , Giand Island ; Hrndley , Iloldrcgo. J. C. Clelnnd , Fremont , was elected dele- trute to attend the national conventionwhich meets In Mlnnea ) > ols ! iu August next. The next stnte tournament will be held In the enrlv part of next June , Plattsmouth , Yoik , Beatrice and Lincoln being deshous of securing the meeting. The selection of the place depends upon the boaid of control. John II. Butler , Louis Kroltsch and I'd Wlttip , of this city , were present nt the con vention. SOUTH OMAHA NHWS. M. French Is on the maikct looking ovcr the prospect. S.vdney Stein , of Chicago , Is a guest at the llxclmngu. U Moser , of Edgar , Neb. , is stopping at the Exchange. O. E. Pcndarvis , of Woodiuff , Kan. , Is at the Exclmngu J. M. Monroe , of Chicago , is rcslstei ed at the Exchange hotel. J. O. Meek Is in from Kno\vlle ! , In. , look ing over the market. J. Brutt is in fiom Noith Platte and can bo found nt thu Exchange. .Tunics Thompson , of Wood Lake , Is In town looking over the yaids. F. E. Br > ant , ono of the prominent Coin , la , shippers is tn with a load of hogs. John N. Mnckey , contractor , has been laid up with a serious attack of pneumonia. Councilman Fred M. Smith is spending a day or two among thu Iowa piohibitionists. The recently elected oWcors of Entei prise Loelgu No. 70 1C. of P. were duly installed last night , in their new hall. B. F. Gleason and S. C. Hut tain nio the Bloomlngton , 111. , icpresentatives to day and mo stopping at the Exchange. O Wagner , Frank Boyd , A. L. Mc- Mtitphv and .Tohnniu Buggsaie a South Omaha deputation to incut thu Iowa piohi bitionists. Fi lends of Adam Poi tz , who was assaulted by Saloon-keeper Krcbs , h ivo benn notilied by the St. Joseph hospital aulhoutics , that hu is w 01 so. John K\an , oneof Swift's men , contracted i hcMimntism whilu working at thu icu house near Cut OIT lake , nnd his lncnds went out icstuidaj to bung him home. nThc motion to dissolve the attachment in the-case of the South Omaha Nationi'I bank vs Ish was sustained in the couit ot Justice Wc-lls and the bank lecovciecl Judgment forflOO I' ' . Two of the "lady helps" at one of the lead ing hotels , hud an altercation about the spung fashions , neither lost their situation , but both will have to invest in the latest un pioved chignons Charlie Hioadeiick , of the T. E. and M. V , is bac k .it his desk , havini ; fullj iccou'ied liomlhu shock caused b > seeing his namu down to icspoiul to the toast of "Thu Kail roads" at the late ' shippeis' banquet. He imstei louslj disappeaicd thut night. The case of L Kiobs , ch.iurcd with "as Fault with intent to muiclei" Adam Poit/ , was called beloio Judge Keuther to duj , unit his attoincis asked for u change ot venue , which v\ns not ftianted. Thu lieaung was postponed until Tuesdiiv. Theiewu' . a somewhat boated discussion as to the puce of whi kv. between two well- known fiequc'ntcis of " \ Vhisk.low" . last night , and befoio it was settled ovciy one in the low took a hand. No one was hint. No complaint was made , and consc-qucntli thu police could make no in tests. ' Oh , wc-11 , 1'vo-got the bulge on the old man .mi how , and she'll have to do what ] suj now , " b.nd Jim Ciowle.v jest -ida\ , when told that his liftecu-yeai old gnl victim was in thu c.uuof the polle'o. Whether she does or not lemalns to be seen , as Muishal Mc- Ciackcn and her father loft at noon to biing her home. Tlio Mnslor IMninl > er < j. The Masteis Pliimbeis' association of this eity held its annual meeting ycstcidi\ ; after noon at the Pnston Two new membeis weio elected , and several icpoits icad showed that the association was ina most flouushinproon- dition. The election ot ollicers lor the en suing .vcar icsiilted as follows : PiusicUnt , N. H. Hnssc.y ; vice piesidcnt , M A. Fiee ; wcictari , Thcodoie Iluuck ; ticasuici , John Kowc. The Itailroads. It is stated that the Union Pacillc- has de cided to put on a new passenger tiain bt > - twe-en Omnhu nnd lCcauieto , bo known as the Kcauic'.v c-xpiess It will leave ) Omaha two honis ahead of the1 "liver , " and ic-ach Keaincj one half hour beloio that ti.un Ko- tui nmg it w ill leave Keai noy in the 11101 ning , i caching hcio at 1 p.m. Thutiain will he put on about Fcbi uari 1. "Hrown'H Hronolilnl Trciolics" nio ex cellent for the iclic-f of llourscness 01 Soic Tin o it. They .110 OM-cedinglj ellcetivo Chilblain Woild , London , Eng Smith i\irc'ssc-s ; lliniscll' . John Sniith-lho ubiquitous and nicpicss iblo John wns aiiestedusterda , \ on a chnrgo of selling mortgaged piopeity. It seems that John ownc d an e.xpicss wagon on which he gave n chattel mottgiigo to John HcU at thu 'Ihiiteenth sticet ha.v-mnikct. Thinsday Smith sold the wagon , and Bet/ being appusecl of this swoic out a wariant lei Smith's ancst. Ilo sais hu meant to pay Betz out ol the pioceeds. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder nernr varies. A nmivcl of puri ty , htreiifjth mid wliole oinunc'ss iloui econom ic a Hhan thn ordinal y kinds , and cannot 1m Mild In competition Itli thci mnltltndc ) of low-cost , blunt wc'lKhtulmnorpliospliatn powdern. . olcl only In cms. Itoyul IlaUnij 1'uwder Co , IM \\i\\\St. \ \ \ , Now York. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only * 3 SRAMI.EbSl Shoe la the wurlil , wlth-l out laekt or nalU. / Finest Oiilf , i > crfeet flt./O na arranitd.mrc8ic > y/V > llutton and Lace , all , > ' * I ) lei tor. Altlli' an I ilur > Mc ai those cosllDgtiortb llayr all weir the W * 1. . D.OUGLAH S' j b W. T , . IMIM.I-AS 2.CO SHOK it unex celled torhdvy wrar. K not told lir your ric-ilcr write W. I UOUGLAS. Urocktoti. ! ! . . For sale by Kelley , StigereN : Co. , Corner Dodge and 15th Sts. ; II. Sargent , Corner Scward and Sargt-nt Su. ; . Gco , S. Miller , 018 North IGtli Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. In order to give our Boys' Clothing Department a good advertise ment we will place on sale to-morrow : Two thousand pair Boys' Knee Pants , made of good heavy Cassi- mere , sizes from 4 to 12 years , at the nominal price of 15c a pair. The usual retail price for the pants is 50c a pair , and some dealers charge even more for them. Our prices will only hold good so long as this lot lasts , and in order to guard ourselves as much as possible that these pants should not be bought up by dealers , we will only sell two pair to one customer. The remainder of our winter stock of Bsys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats , have been marked without regard to cost or value , as we must dispose of them to make room for spring goods. In Mens' Furnishings , our Special Offering for this week will be : 300 dozen Mens' fine all wool , seamless Half Hose , in elegant col ors , at the exceptionally low price of 15c a pair. The same goods as sold elsewhere for 35c a pair. We are determined to close out our entire winter stock , and never before has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one prlca. Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. OMAHA MEDICAL * SUBGIOAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. I3tn & Dodge Sts. El S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. He t facilities apparatus nnd remedies for suc cessful treatment ofe\erv form of disease requir- ItiK Medical or biirjical ( Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and nttemlince , best hospital nccommo- diitions in the \\est \\'KITI i OR CIRCUIARS on deformities nnd Brices Trusses , Cluli I'eet , Cunaturc of Hie bpme , riles , Tumors , Cnncer , Citairh.Hror.chitis , Inhalation. Klcctricitv , I-araljsts , , Ktnleiisj , Kid ne > , Dimmer , Kje , liar , &Lm and Illoocl , and all Mitgicnl Operations Diseases of Women a Specialty. JJOOK ON DlBCACES Or WOJH.N Kr.TK. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE HIKING A tl'ECIiLTT OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood Diseises successfully treated ' 'Spli- illdc I'oison temmtd from < he system without mrruiry. New restoratnc treatment for lo s ol Vilul rower. 1'irsons unable to Msit ustniv be trt Ued at home by correspondence All commu nication ! , confidential Midicinesor instruments sent by mail or express , securely picKecl , no minks to indicate contcntb or hauler One per- soml interview preferred Cnll nnd consult us or MMicl history of > our ease , nndve uill send m plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; t'pon PrKitP , Special or Nervous Diseases , Im- poteney , S > pluliOleet nud VnncocUe , with ( inestion list Addicss Uinalm 3Iftltrnl and furfjicnl Institute , or DR. tVFcMENAMY , Cor. I3lhand DodseSIt , * OMAHA. NEB. FOR SALE BY N. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS. THE OMAHA BEE , IKI.I\IUrlTO- ) AM PART OF LDIW -iiv cvuitii u Ton- 20Cents a "Week. Se\en papers acck. . Send } our orde-r to the oil ice , 1029 P Street. Capital Hotel Building THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. Thu lirft VIKIWII uml nunt pnpulnr Hotel In tlio stutci. IxKiillnii cc'iitrul , Hiliitniciil | ] | ] llr l-cln < < . llfttirunrliT3 | | lor coimncrelul men mid all | iulltlcul , . .roprlelor E.T.Allen , M. D. , Ilomu'op.ithlc Specialist , CYC THROAT EAR tit AND NOSE , Spectacles Accilliitel ) Prescribed. It AMOK UL'JOMA HA\ \ vourt. ronrdy kDuwn to Ul fvf Cfbuorth rt nd Gleet , Ueh4T0 loU contlJcr. bl f niln ( every cue U AlNtt A I I.I , Iludicn. K. V , * lVlr. DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science ' Scenllnca"y ! Made and Gcnllf men's Belt ? ttith Electric DISEASES CORED WITHOUT MEDICINES. TUtU , Llmbi , _ Nvrvou * _ nua , IJ Itplillllr , Itbcu m , rrli > ll , _ _ _ , Reticles , niMK > > of I > l . . . TorlS i-.h.u .Unlona . , A.tbn. . . llc.rt ir pcp l * . Coniktlpalloa ! ndlif.Clon , Wraknru. Impound , Catarrh , l-ltr * . Kpllcp T. Uumb Acue , JUbt " ' llUrxte * . Propir. rl < u , Ibrm thu , bcilt . U jmtwnmi you ne 4. ! /nilonHK Fell C : an be > ppllca M a < > any part of the body. Whole family c n IVHEN AH.L EL.SE FAIIB WWri l * * * baOEi mnumtft wear It It rlfctrinw th blood and ourrs , jnulno ntlniflbyperinl lon. NOTE tlio following who hambwn TESTIMONIALS ltK > i-A. J. Ilpaicland H. B. Varkerand J.M.lUnlcittalignBo nlof Jrado , nt Dr. HORH ELECTRO MA6NETIC BELT holeiala home In Chicago ) wholesale ororaliti RUPTURE S'T DR. HORNE'S ELECTRO-MAGHETIC BELT-TRUSS. niPORTED STAIiL,10.\S FOllSAIj K Pcroliorons , ChcU'sdalos and Phiic , nlfo homebred bred colts i\cry : iinlinal KiiiirnntocMl a uuc'ili-r Our stock 1ms In en selected with lefercnroto both Indlxlduul nic-rlt and pcdl rou. MimcMif tliesnhorsesnu \ t.ikc'll lli > t ] ) rl7c > nt the No- InaskiiStiito IVh , IStj" . All our huises iiro nc- ( llmatvcl , nnd tolls of their cc > t can lie shown. I'rlrcsrtiiMJimblo uml easy turns , is iitccvv < lblii liv the ) thiot li inllnct lailro ids cit the state. It. A. M. ; 1' . , K. A. M. \ ' . . and K C A. O. rili" A , I'AHUUAII. Vork , Neb U. S. BPOS1TOBY0 AHA , NZB. _ Paid Up Capital , - $20OOOO Surplus , - COOOO II W. Y.ATFS , Preside nt. Lt is b. KM u , Vlcc-PreMcli-nt. A. E. TOU/.AI.I.N , 'M Vice-1'rcsldent. W. II. S. llrniiis , Cushlor w. v. Mnnsr , JOHN S. foi i IN JI. W. YATLS , LtwisS. Kutu , A. E. TOLUAM.N. JlnnltliiK THE IRON BANK. Cm. l-'th and rniiiiiniHts. A Gcnciul lliinklicllusiiict. . 'I rautactccl. Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH 18 TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send for CPCC | journal. S. E. Cor. 10th and Cnnitul Ave. Mentlun thu Uinichu Iteo. Dr. OTTEKBOURG 13th & Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb , SPECIALIST. Nervous , Menial and Private Diseases Prompt intention ( -lvem to i orrusjiomluncc , by imloilnKiiostiiKc. Olllco hours P to li u. m . - to ! i and 7 to 8 p , m Surgeon and Physician , Ofllc N. W Corner lull nnd Uoiujhis Ht. OMlcc , UlU'Uvuv , iti ; iieslUtutcj tUvi'hom ; , Owi. * - - & ( JKATKFUL COMFORTING Epps's Cocoa IIHKAKI'AST. "lly a Ihorotich knowlrdyo of tlio nntural Inwi which itnM'rn chc' ope'nctlom nt illui" < tloii ainliiiitrli lldli , uml h > can-fell ciiilliallcin | | of tliullnci propcrtlei ot lu II pelleted Cocoa , Mr l.pps hiu iiro\Ideut ouri IniaklaM table * wltlin cli'llr.ilc-ljr HiiMiretl lic'vc'rntci whltli niapaxntirt niati ) ht a\y doctor s hills It la li > Hi" Jiiilloloui USD ot nuch artlrlPH of till t llintn cipii'tltiillon may bo Krnilually liullt up until MruuU c nocitxli to r < ! > lt < t c\cry tc ml * uey to clistasu. llpn' ilrc tin of itiilitlcmnlailli' * arci Ihintlni ! nrctuiicl 111 rt' Ay to attack wlic'n-vc'r llii-rct Is n weak point We mn ( ' cape- many n fnlnl finite liy ke'ipInK ouisi-lvos well loitllloil nlln punt lilotut nnd a propcily nuiirl Uuil frames " - Civilori ! Icii fia/c'ltc- . Miiclo "Imply with liollliiK water or milk , bold only In halt pound tins hy clrcnors liilii'lcid linn' TAM\7J ( DDDC ! 9 Pfl Iloinci'oiintlilcC'hcnitst3 , JilluCu DliU u uUii LcjMiori. SteckPiano Itcnmrlvfiljle ! for powerful } inpa ; tin ill- toneiilliclilu in lion nncl nb- milutii Uiirnlillltv. 'MlTc-aiH re-cord , thci lic'Ht Kllilli'lilc n of tin' ' c-xeel" Tc nc'ii of the KCI Initriiinc nts. WOOD8RIDGEBROS , i , S , A B. 17U7 Olhc Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Ml'sonil Mate Museum of Anatomy , St. I.oills , Mo , I iiHe-iMt ) Ccillij , llcispltal , l-oll- ilcm. fill-ion , ( iciimuiiy nnd Nu\v Voile llivl ilovotccl thcii attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF ( Me DISEASES. Hoio eppeclally these arising from clcnco , lliMlniill ho HillleilliK tcicollctspond ultll- out delay. Dlscicsc-H of Infection nnd contusion cnrc'd hiifely nnd Hpcodlly without nso of dim- Ke-ioUHilrUKH. IM'Ients whosu cithcf h io be'iiu ni-Klected , baclly trenti'd or pronomicc d Inrnr- iibltdiould ( not full \\rlttui4 concerning thcilu Njniptoind. All ktttia ructhu Immudliitu uttoa * tlun. JUST PUBLISHED , And will l > u mulled I'ltKII to any address on r * cilplof ones -'tent Mump , "Practical Ob"c'iva tlons on cr cllH Debility and l'hlnU Kxlnun- tloii , " to wlilch Is icddiMl un "Kssiyon Murj rliiRi1. " with important chuptuison dlseiiscJOE thu lleprodnctivci Oritans , thci wholu forming \aluiihln medical treatlHu lilch ehould alljoniiK men. AddriHi DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON , 17O7 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo. J. B. HAYNES , ornciAi , STENOGRAPHER , nilrdJudlf'.ilDlfctri't. 37 CHAJIUIH ; of COMMBUO a.