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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1888)
- rricgliiMU * " * " ' ' .rir > "nr ' ' * nP * ' vr nHf rTW . V"vJ [ JJ.-W W ? W ? ; JVWTOw7'3 * - ? * V - * ? * . ' . . ' * ' " ' * * 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANUAHV 15. 1&S8.-TWELVE SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this Intnl. 10 rents per line for the first insertion. 7 cent * for melt Mil * M-fitient insertion , nnil t\Jtn \ a line per inoiitli , No iidvcrtlct-int'lit taken for less than 2.1 cents for tinflrft Insertion. t-oen words will lie counted to the line : thi-y mint run ronsi-ctitlve- ly nnil iiiu t tie paid n advance. All advertise ment * must \xs \ handed In before 1 : ; o'clock p. in. , mill nniler no rlruimMHiices will they ba tnk n or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtlos advertising In the o columns nnil hav ing the answers addresM-d In care of the Hoe , vlll please nsk for it iheik to enable them to 'Ret their letter ? , HH none will be ilellvereilexcept n presentation of rhe < k. Allnmwors to nil- MTtlieinents should be enclosed In envelopes. All ud\ertl"i'ments In those columns lire pub- -Jlshed In both morning and evening editions of the llee , the circulation of whlrh aggregates mine than Ifiiw ) pnpers ilnlly , nnil gives the nil- vertlsers the benellt , not only of therlty clrcii- Intlon of the llee , but also of Council mulls , Lincoln , nnil other cities mid towns throughout this part of tlie west , _ SITUATIONS WANTED. \XrANann-Slttintloiitby2 housekeepers , ! l > T > small girls for musing or general workII excellent girls for housework , clerks , coach- jimn , etc. "Stute" employment parlors , 1117 I'nrnnm st. CT'--I.M T rANTED-Sltuatlons. Our wnltlngroom Is T > constantly Illlod with girls seeking em ployment. It yon need n girl come nnil net one. Canadian Rnip. olllce , Mr * , llregu A .Son , . ' 110 So. JMh. Tel. 81. fil"H' Situation by young nnin attend ing sihool , where h inn work for bonnl. Mrs. Hrcga i Son , 310 S llth H. Telephone. K4. "IVANTEO lly strictly temperate middle- TT aged man. n situation us night or day vatchmun or block janitor ; best of reference. Addrf as T 4i' , lieu. _ Mil IV " \JirANTED Permanent situation ns book- T > keeper or assistant , with good linn , by young iniiu ( married ) . Adddross. 'J' 44. llee. WANTED--MIALE HELP. _ \VANTBU-Actlvi' > ' " " " ' wlth T T manage nn ofllcv , IW/j Knrnani , room It. nil 17 * _ _ _ " \\rANTED Salesmen everywhere for door T bell's , burglar alarms unil our new sliver adjustable iloor plates. Finest In the world. ( No glass or paint. ) Can hell nnil deliver sumo day. One sale an hour will paytlHprollt per lay. Send 2 cent stamp for ( flee ) circulars , lltfiographssnmplc.setc.Ve prepay the express. N. V. Door I'hitu Co. , Cambridge , N. V. Wi-lli * "lA/'ANTED-SalesniPll to sell n line of coeds Yf to thi ) fuinltuui nnd bedding trade In Omaha nnil vicinity on commission. One who Is x\ell acinmintcd mid Is wiling needs to the trade , preferred , l.lbernl niTantronients with n good man. Adilres-i Ibtt-lM Jlnllrouil a\enne , Jet > eyClly , X.J. _ U7M7 * " \\rANTKD Two experienced llm Insurance TT hollcltorsimconiinlsslnnnrHitlnry. Apjily to Ulbrlch & l.utiiL' , room 4 , 1117 I'mnam Ht. " - IlD An energetic man to si-ll the most valuuble mul most useful article ever of fered to BchooLs. Adilrebs llox 7ii'J ' , Omahii. .VS-21 _ \X7AOKS UR-\Vtll bo paid weekly ton younR mail wltn Hood references. One willing ton-present us in his locality. No capital re- mihcil and n full line of pnmples sent ahsolutelj- ircu. Address em losing n "c stiinii ) for reply , New York MTg Co. , Cor. Hroadwny nnd Ditane t . , New Voile city. 070-lli. ) "VATANTllU An pnerRctlc VOUIIK man for n T > prlnto business. In all western towns. Address w 1th stump M. S. S. Agency. Lock box Cffl , Minneapolis , Minn. tc-"J 1"J i ) Several good canvassers for a peed nrtlclo In city. Commission " " > per rent. Kxperienced men of foreign duicent pie- ferieil. AddrcsaT MIU-c olllce. ( > 15 WANTEO In ovn-y county in Nebraska , re- llnblu energetic men to hell goods by so liciting for a well established mfg company IHjrmunent emplojment to the right men , no capital or expel lencii necessary , leference re- milreil , nddiens Itox at" , Omaha. Neb. OMfl , ] \7ANTKU 2 or , ' ! energetic men of good art- T ilress us canvassers on guaranteed salary. Nlrrwork. steady Job. Call early. Itoom ) , Crounso block , lUtN. liltb. Kit \\TANTK ! > Agents to handle the new fheml- < -nl Ink Hraslng 1'enu'l. t ! renlest novelty fcvor produced , llr.ises Ink In two seconda ; no ubruslon of paper. 'M to 5ml pur cent protlt. One agent' * sales amounted to JicJ In six d y.s , another ; f.ti In IVMI hours. Toirltoiy absolutely free. Salary togood men. No ladles need an- mver. Sumplo : n cents. For terms and full liartlcnlars , address the Monroe Era--ir Co. , inamifncturers , La CiosseVls. . liiJS l.'ij w First-class general machinists. Davis \ Cowglll Iron works. f,7u Agents to canvass clocks , wring- ITS , etc. , in Council lllutts and Omaha. Ixivcll Jl'fg Co. , (1'td ( ) 221 No. 13th bt. , Omaha. | 470 18 * \ , \ ' ANTii-llarber : at ifl.1 per week. A > Morris , Lincoln , Neb , 4.V1 < ! J SALESMEN Five travelingsalcbmen : sa. and expenses ; no experience necessary. Address , with stamp , Palmer A : Co. , La ( 'rosso > Vls. Kit 15 * ANTED Men for railroad work. Al- bright' ) } Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 085 " 1X7ANTED 100 men of good appearance to TT tryour llic iiicuN at Norris restaurant , 311 nnd .113 South Uth street , ( old Live nnd L > 't Jilve ) Us | | WANTED FEMALE HELP. 3,000 LADY agents wanted Imiiiedliitelv , grand i new lubber undergarment for females , $ | fl n day , proof free. Mrs. H. F. Little , Chicago , 111. ( HI lt > * * \rANTED Competent girl at 11. w. cor.24th T > and Capitol ave. ( Ml I5J W ) ( inoil girl for general house work. 1917 Cuss bt. 022 " 117 ANTED Immediately , ladles to work for > u wholesale house on needlework ut their Jiomes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can be Inudc. I.V TJ thing furnished. PurUci.lar's. free. 'Address Artistic Needlework Co. , l.'ll 8th at. . New York City. M7 _ WAN'JTD-filrl for general housework , nt 320 H. 10th St. 042 Hi * \\rAN'l Kit At once , experienced sfJh TT gnipherand typewrites , h'dy piefeired. K. W. Mci-Biin A : Co. . fill South iith : st. (121-lf.J ( WANTED ( llrl for general housework. 2112 Douglas. KI ANTElV-Ulilfor general housework. 2013 Cuming. f)20 lit ? "ITTANTED-N ui-bc girl nt 212 S. 30th st. ONII lady in every town wanted to introduce and sell Pemiyioya ! Pills , "Chichi ster's English. " Original and onjyUeimlut * . Send 4c ( stumps ) for particulars. Chlchester Chemical Co. . Philadelphia Pa. : B7 "MTANTED 5o ladles to try our ISci meals at TT Norrls'restaiuant old Live nnd Let Live ) . 311 and 313 S. 14th st. USO "XAfANTED fllrl for general housework. Nonr ? but competent girl need apply. Iflll Cass , T\7ANTED fllrl to work in kitchen. Doran T > house , 4'X' S. Ibth St. , near St. Muiy's ave , "V\ ANTED Ladles in citv or country , for out Tl holiday trade , to tain light , pleasant work nt their own homes. II to 1 per day can \K quietly made. Work sent by mall any distance , rnrticuliusfree. No canvassing. Address nl once , Cti'fcrnt Artt'o. , 117 A Milk st. , lloston , JIass. P. O. box 5170. U-SB "VArANTED lluttonnolo nuikcrj. 1112 1'arnnn EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. STATE employment parlors , U17 Farnnm 'st OW-IM CANADIAN Employment olllce , malonndfe nuilo hu'y ' sent to nil puitslf fare Is ad vuiici" ' . Hefeience , Omaha National bank Jlrs. llrefii S. Son , 3lfl S. 15th. Tel. KS4. (118 ( f 12 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7ANT1.D- A roller top desk. Price mu t bi T reasonable. Address TKI , llee olllce. tc : ia * \\riLLureaderof the lli-o give me tlio ail TT dress of Almond P. Klugui. A. 11 Klngen. Cameron. Jlo. 654-WJ BOARPINC. Llii.Sl Cli.\S4 bc7artlwUir iTenteir C vate lurase , li.W per w eek , 314 S. I'th ' , t. " 31(1 ( 15 * I ilIIIST-CLASH table board , served in horn fctyle , forUnr 4 tn-ntlemen , mt Doilge. V < u WANTED-TO RENT. * IirANTiIly : a family without children , TT good house , by Feb. 1st , if possible. Mus \ > e w ithtn M minutes w ulk c > f P. ( ) . , with not les than four sleeping rooms , nnd rent not to c > teed fin per mouth. Address , "Ai" care c Uiunlm Heal Kbtuto mu''l'rust Co. W2 13 * WANT El > To rent a hutel with IS to y > mini in a good bubtucas town , Address L. Z peeoitlce , FOR RENT-HOUSES. TJ1OI. HENT-A flat of Brooms n. w. cor. Ifth JL ; and Leuvenw orth Kts. Enquire nt . v. cor. 17th and Leavcnworth. of.1. TjTOH HBNT An P-room cottngewlth miiilern JL Improvements , Jnqulre21stnnd M.Miiry's. Foil HENT A homo with firooms , Harney st. bet. Hh and Mil. Inquire at H. Dohle \ Co. , shoe store. 64'J 1(1 ( \\TE IIRVO n largo llsl of furnished houses nnd T T flats for rent , and furniture for sale , lents reasonable , and pikes and terms to suit nil. Call and examine our list before Investing ! Co-operative Land und Lot Co , 20.1 N 10th st. DIG 10 OH ilENT 7-ioom house,202 Howard. In- iUlro | Hrst hoti-e east. 0.17 11 * HENT- Two modern ft-room cottages , EOll Just finished , SMI i ave. and Pierce st. The O. K. Davis company , 1.VJ.1 Karnam st. tfO 1.1 37 sTEHNsiHWKI'T onrNo. 0. Krelirer block , opp. P. O , has a hoil i f orient that will suit you. Choice lUt to select from. 010-15 HENT Kurnlshed house on Pleasant st , F0lt nearM. .Murjs u\e , Itiqulio nt 317 S llth. 013 II OUSE for rent , 2127 Charles st. Apply Win , Arthur , Mnndcrson'H building , n o earner of llth and Cap nvu , or Charles. 431 15J FOH KENTIf you wish to rent a house or Hat 1 have them f loin M to i for cottages , and S nnd 10 room modern houses , from til to JIO per month. Call at J , H. Pnrrotte. Hentnl Agency. ICOil Chicago st. f-i7tll AHE..tTlK'I.ottiig ( ntnr Sherman ave. handsomely furulsl.ed , liked only 3 days ; will sell the furniture nt n gi eat sacrifice on i-asy terms If taken nt once , low rent , H.E.Cole na cor 1.1th nnd Douglas st. USt 11 TjlOIt HENT 7 room cottage , fuinlshed , Cable JL ? cars run past the door. Address T 40 , llee ollloe. 57315 1OH HENT Cottnge of f. rooms , closets , cel- lur and woodshed , 5 mli.ntes walk from pistofllep. 1 block from street cnrs , nlco neighborhood ; furnltute for bale , complete for housekeeping. If de sired , gentleman nnd wlf j will rctnln 2 roomsand board at fci.1inD.ith. House rent J.TO month. If you want 'otrny furniture and rout cottage , address T 43 , Heo oIKce. 575 1.1 * HOUSES for rent from $12 up. 55 1' . L. Gregory , Hentul Agent. 30 S. Ifith st , HENT The lower story of my house No. FOH South 24th st , C rooms , gas nnd heat , hot nnd cold water and cistern water , cellar and yaid. 3s7 HENT 2 elegant new brick houses , 10 rooms , all modem Improvements , line locu tion , 1 ! > mln. walk from P. O. , on street car Hue , rent t70 per month. It. M. Oenlus , 1403 Douglas street. Rl FOH HENT Three new 10-room houses with all modern Impiovemcnts , highly tin- nlshed. For particulars Inquire of S. Kntz at house adjoining or room 315 , Hiimgc building. JriOHHEXT Seven (71 ( room house , nil fnrn- ? Ished , No. 107 north illh st. 401 T71OH HENT Three (3) ( ) room house , for colored J ? people , llth and Chicago sts. 401 OH IlKNT Small cottage ; Inquire 422 S. 18th St. , ncnr St. Mary's nvo. 233 TITHE house 1 now occupy will bo for rent , Jan. JL nary 1st : house contains 10-rooms and all modern Impiovements. 20U S. 24th st. MorltK Meyer. Cull at llth and Karnain or nt 207 S. 21th , , t. 5H4 FOH HENT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , largo cellar , 19th near ClurK st. W. ( i. Shrlvor , opp postolllco. 823 " 171OH HENT 0 new 7 roomed houses , city JL ; water , cistern , cellar , 2iHh st near Paul , W. ( l.Shriver , Frenzer block opposite postollico. "VfO. 1109 "th avo.,5-rooni House , I good ro JJ > pair , large yard , cistern water : will ren- to responsible person with not more than 2 chil dren for J2.1 per month. 413 T71O11 HKN'l Now house , 0 roqms , etc. : , la U gionnds. corner -'Sth and Capitol Avenue Inquire 2824 Dodge st. Wl FOH HENT 2 new 9 room houses on S 30th near Leuvenworth. C. E. Mayne. 341 FOH HENT New n room cottage in Ambler place ; good" room 2story house , Orchard Hill ; good 4 room cottago. Orchard Hill , C. E. Mayne , N. W. cor. 15th nnd Harney st. 191 It HENT HousTH rooniH. W. M. Bush man , N E corner Kith aud Douglas. 9t FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. TIIWO rooms , 20 minutes from P. O. , one block I from Kith street car. Urn evenings mid Sun day , Jl weekeacn to 4 gentlemen. 018 N 17th st. IH2 UJ F PUNISHED rooms. 1204 l'iirnam. Up stairs. mi 1.1J Sl'lTI ! of fuinlshed rooms for U gentlemen. Ill S. 20th near Dodge st. ftwi 17 * POK KENT Kurnlshed looms ; terms model- ate ; steam beat , gas , bath room and on treet car line. 2217 Douglas st U2S20 * [ 710K HKNT Pleasantly furnished --com for L : ono gentleman , M per mouth , at ( mi N 17th t 018 1(1 ( * FOll HENT Comfortable furnished room with stoves from M to $10 per mo , 1.110 liar- noy. ( M ) li > * 71OK UI'.NT Nicely furnished rooms with heat - * 7 per month , 4WI Williams bt , 8 minutest tnlk southeast U. P. depot. ( ! o2 FOH HENT Largo handsomely furnished up per front room , steam heat , 1013 Douglas. 7fitJ 15 * FUUNISHKU roooms with board , 1IKW Karnam 012 1.1 * N'ICELY furnished rooms , 2214 Farnam street , Wil 15 * FOH KENT Pleasant room for two , 11KI Dodge. 540-17J FOH HENT Nicely furnished room suitable for two gentlemen , 1C21 Kurnum st. riii FOH HENT Suite of rurnl&hed rooms , llospo. fi4i ! TICIILY furnished rooms cheap & 02 S 1Mb. St. , > upstairs. ' ; MI 1 IjAUItNISHED Kooms by day. weiitc , or month ' JL1 to ladles or gentlemen. 311 N 12th bt. bt.4M 4M 1.V H KP.NT Kurnlshed loom with board foi lor 2 persons. 022 N. Hull st. DO ! PUNISHED HOOMS-New and warm. Al conveniences piivate family , 1 block from P. O. Kill ) Capitol ave. 407-MJ IlKNT Nlco room for 2. 1013 Dodge st 6'W "VTEATLY furnished huge front room for out jor to gentlemen , very cheap , 2104 Harney ! L12 17 * L'HNISHED room , steam heat , 201 S 21th. Ni'j 27J F ) H HENT Nicely furnished rooms at Zlf , Dodge. Gas , batn and turnaco bout. OV'i "VHCELY furnlsheo front room with or wltn X > out board. 1M2 Dodge st , 1M7 iriOH HENT Newly turnlshed south fnin -1. room. In new house : steam heat and everj convenience , 1721 Davenport. iVsa "VTICE large front room , tunilshed and heated ii Sultablo for two gentlemen. AUosmal room. 1917 Cass st. M2 "IJIUHNIsTlEl ) rooms , 181ii Dodge. lioo.MS-NS'ell furnished , with use of pl.ino It I'JQil Km num. U05 F I OH HENT-3 rooms ut 311 Woolwoith ave. nt 111 per montU. 3U FUHNISHED rooms and bonid , I'.m Karnam 74U J 22J 1701711 elegant rooms all modern convenience J3 1701 Webster st. iiS F IOIl HENT-Faialshed rooms , 220'J Dodge. &Y ) 17 * FOH HKNT Furnished rooms in Oreuulg blk cor , llith and Dodge sts. liuiulre of eo. II Davis , Mlllard hotel btUUrd room. HENT rwo nicely furnished front room on gniiind tloor , at 2118 Hart , for H.1 pe nioiuh , w 1th board H pr < w eek uddltlonal. uj 171OH HENT A cheap south loom. 1H17 Ch -L cage st. ( M 1.1 " | ? OH IlKNT A nicely furnished room with al .1. modernlmiirovoiueiita for ouo or two gentu men , & ) ) s.'juth. U2o SlNnLE'nnd double furnished rooms , 24' Dodge. SU t 6J lir.ST Large front room with nlcov und closet , gus. bath room , hot und col water on the bamo Iloor , Two gentlemen , c man and w If e. 120 per month. No , 207 8 24th s | 387 LAHUE south trout room , nil modern convri truces , suitable for two gcntUmen ; aid first-class table Ix.ard for thrue or four ; rtfe nhces. Idl4 Dodge t. VM FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICE ! O I'PICK ruqm for rent , Frenzer block , itfl pi month. 047 18 HENT-Olllce. cheap j best location Jn U city , 1515 Dodge at. . 051 , T71OU ItF.NT-OfBcs room , first floor , at 318 S 1 J ? l&tii t. ioa FOH tinNT Ground floor office room , cen- trnlly locntfil. hratod nnd lighted. C. F. Harrison , 418 8. l..tli st. 100 TilOU UKNT-OfHres on 1'arnam St. at To to J.W JL1 per month. One olllce furnished. 1812 Far- iiaiu. 101 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. VTT.W unfurnished room for rent. ( M.'l S. 17th o- > IH > 1 M * Trio iTu ENI X1 Tvvo(2i ( rooms. No , HH Howard st. Three (3i ( rooms , No. ini.l north iiith st. Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1020 north 21st st. Six ( ii ) room homo. No. SHU Nicholas st. Three ( III room cottage , 21st nnil Paul st. Three (31 ( rooms. No. 1122 north 21st st. Three Cli rooms. No. 14101'lerro st. Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1111 south 7th st. Three (31 ( rooms. No. 7KI Pn"lllc st. One ( I ) nice olllce , No. 3ltl south 1Mb st. 71011 HENT A largo room tarnished , central JL1 location , 1411) ) Chicago st. I4 FOR RENTj MISCELANEOUS. OMAHA Lodging House. Oil ) and 9l2.1ackson st , bet. Uth and 10th sts. Hunts single beds t Jl per week : clean beds. CM 1'eb ! 1 * RENTAL AGENCIES. I , . ( iHKOOHV , rental agent. IW.1 S. IGth Bt. , ground Moor. Telephone S" > 4. 44 SIT.CI All attention given to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with is. W. M. Harris , over 220 S. 15th Bt. 10,1 | jOH HENT If you wish to rent n house call on llenawa Sc Co. . 1.1th st. , opposite P.O. 104 STORAGE. YOHK 8torago Co. have mos't extensive -1.1 facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , "niggles , general merchandise , west of New fork. Cash advances to any amount ; ware- ouso receipts given ; goods insured ; brick iiilldlng fire-proof ; special arrangements for : ommls lon merchants. Call New York Storage ; o. , Capitol ave und N. 15th st. , Ilennott's block. 10.1 PERSONAL. IJKHSONAL-Many ladles have been putting elf buying a dinner set until they could .ITord to get nmce one. Now don't watt any onger but call and si > what a handsome set you mi get tor a very little monev at Moody's china tore. 302 1101 th Hith street. Will mail illnstra- Ions , and prices uj > on application. ( i.V.i-15 I3KHSONAL OeorgoJ. SteniMlorir has opened nn olllco In room 0 Frenxer block , opp P. O. f you want to buy , sell or exchange your prop- Tty , glvohlm n call. Special attention given o trading. G44 15 I'JKHPONATi I want vacant lot , north part of tlty , for good house nnd lot In Omaha . 'low. C. C. Spotawood , 3J5i ! S 10th bt. , Omaha. 004 I > KHSONAL Ladles nnd gentlemen can lent masquerade suit * at 510 N Kith st. , upstairs. 5M f 11 * l.vEHSONAL Private home for ladles during t conllnement , strictly conlldcntal. infants " ecpted ; address E 42 llee"olllce. . 537 f 10 DH. K. Hooper , magnetic , trance and clairvoy ant. Perfect diagnosis of disease. Sati.s- 'action guaranteed. 501 N. IBth st. 471 1 J LOST. i'I'llAYKD-lllack colt , two years old , white streak on forehead , one white hind foot. est Saturday noon. Was seen last 21st nnd Cumliig. Anyone knowing his whereabouts will please inform Chi 1st Wuethrlch. St. Mary's live and 1HU bt. Liberal reward for discovery of ho animal. GOO 10 * OST Small black horse fiom ScJindlnavlan i hotel. Kettirn and gut reward. 0241.1 * LOST A small gold breastpin set with twenty- six pearls. ' Milder will be rewarded on at 1III3 California bt. 4ii I OST Contracts to lots 8 In 3 and 20 and 21 , J 11 , 1 , Crolghton Heights. Howard at KW9 'amain st. 377 KKVVAHD-W111 be given for return of bay mare , IKK ) Ibs. , halter on. Strayed from 2U24 Cumingst. O.8. O-strom. BUS FOUND. flOL'ND-Pocket booK. C. J. Cliapnmu , 1702 1 \ \ ebstcr , 3d Iloor. 64' ) 1.1 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. "VTErESSITV compels me to sacrlllco nil my - * - > furniture consisting of the entire furniture : ) f six-loom house. Including bedding , curtains , illshes , stoves , lamps nnd curtains. Noieason- able oiler refused. For particulars address lock ox U0.1 , city. 074-17 OKOANS Less than wholesale piice only JSI , ? 2 jier month. Don't pay dealers profits , l.ias Capitol live. GfiS-15 STANDAHI ) Horse and Cattle Kood Is-not a "Condition Powder" made up of mineral > uhstancoit which Injure the animal , but is com pounded of the purest vegetable Ingredients by men of experience. The Kood cleanses the blood , curiM epizootic , pink-eye , distemper , influenza , pre\ems and cuies colic. In mnklng claims on the curative powers of the Kood they are sub stantiated bv u guarantee. Manufactured by F. II. Sauborn Ar Co. , 17U1 St. Mary's ave. For sale ovoryw here. Oj2 17 CHEAP One new Emerson upright plano.scv- oral good horses and buggies , harness , etc , O. J. Stemsdorll. room (1 opp p. O. 010 15 TJOSEWOO1) piano only * I37. cost J.VJO ; also JV elegant 7'a octavo , triple strung upright piano only flHJ. No olfer refused. Now York Storage Co. , Cor. Capitol nv and ISthst. C08-15 F I OH SALE I'legant new fiinUtnre aud car pets ut a bargain. 231U Douglas st. K.117f A NT1QUE oak bedroom sets only 82.1 , cost - t75. . New York Storage Co. , 1603 Capitol nvo. fiCS-lfi TT'OH SALE lluggy sleigh runners , set double -i ? buggy harness and stock scalse.liWl N.itith ) t. C. H Spray. 402 10 * FOH SALE-Fresh milch cows. Hill Ar Smiley , opp. Exchange building , Union Stockyurys. Telephone ( W. lUl-feb-1 : MISCELLANEOUS. STANDAHI ) Stock Liniment Is not n patent iiii'dlclno but is compounded from purest ingredients by men w ho have made the treat ment of stock the study of their lives and is a1- carefully put up as a physician's prescription It Is fully guaranteed to accomplish all claimed or money refunded. Manufactured by K. E Sunborn \ Co. , 1703 St. Mary's avenue. OI10-17 llli banjo taught as an art by fieo. K. Oellen beck , S. e. cor Kith and Douglas , up stairs IKi IK you want to buy , sell or trade , call on or ad dress ( I. J. Sternsdoiir , lloom (1 ( , Krenzei Illock. Opposite postollico. 01015 XK you wish gocd. prompt paying tenants list your dwellings. Huts and storerooms with J. H. 1'airotte , Hentul Agency , HUlo Chicago cage st. 5S7fll HE. COI.l ! Insurance. Kclluhlo companies N E cor 1.1th and Douglas. Telephom KVi.1. M ! 31 rPO LEASE for long tlmo and a t low rate 4. lots K ! and Wl , Nelson's addition , and parl of lot : w , Hedlck's 2nd udd. A. P. Tukey , La Farnam st. 5MJ D It. Ahmanson's ofllce removed from Frenzei block to 512 S Kith st. 333 Fd * C H. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells borei and dug , 409 N 30th bt. , O matin , Neb. KH J2SI * CASH paid for second-hand books und Libra rles. 303 N IDth st. H. Shonfcldnntl < iuarlun 724 .1 22- CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIE V. Wnrren , clairvoyant. Med leal , business aud test medium , Dlagnosl free. Ftminln diseases a specialty. 11 ! > N. ICtl St. . llooms 2 & 3 , Tel. ( Ml , 107 WANTED-TO BUY. \\rANTED-A " 00 or i-VWI first mortgage noli T T on Improved property. John Dale , 314 S 15lh. KM Hi * 1rANTKD To buy small team of ponie' Cafch Meat .Market , 26th aud Wuluut. 02.1 13 \VANTED A Job printing press. Call ut Ci TT operative Ind Si Lot Co. . 20.1 N IGth st. 0(0 16 \\7 ANTED A me t market , n country towi : T T preferred. Frank Wood , Alnswortli , Neb ftM lif Iwlll buy n two mortguge note. O. 1 Thompson , 314 3. IMh st. 449 " \TTANTKD-A good stoct of merchandUfl i T > Ri > od locution. Co-operattvo LaiulArU Co. . 205 N lUlh st. KB 17 \\TANThl > To buy short time paper , J. Mi TT Oroks , at C. E. Muyno's offioc , l.'ih an Harney. SsS MONEY TO LOAN. HE. COLE Loans money on real estute au buys nrst mortgage notes. K K cor IKt and Dduuliu. Tclephouu WJ * . WO 31 1\rOMPV1oiined on pianos , furnlturp. horses. 1 > 1 organs , etc. . low rates. O. II. Zimmer man , room Ii , Arlington block , 2 doors w est of postollice , U J-'l MONEY to loan nt lowest rntes niton Improved nnd unimproved real estate jn Omnhn and nlso upon fnrms law estoni lowu nnd eastern Nebraska. Mortgage notes bought and sold Odell llros. Ac Co. , l.ttl Farnam st. ! KS to lonn on Improved real estate ; no MONEY charged , Lenvltt liurnlmm. room 1 , Crelghton block. 121 : Af ( > NKV to Loon On mnilture. plunos. IT ! wagons , or other personal property without removal ; nlso on collateral security , lluslnecs conildentlRl. Chas. II. Jacobs , 320 S. 16th st. liO ONKYto Lonn-O. r. Davis Co. . real estate M nnd loan ngentn , J.Vafi Fnrnam st. 103 MONKYtolonn lean now place some llr t class city loans Imniedlntnly. Call at oneo If you deslro to lin accominodfttod. D. V. snolos. room 1 Marker block , entrance in alloy. lir.i MONK V To loan. Lowest rates. No delay J. L. Itlcu & Co. , over Commercial Na- llopul bank 114 LOANS made on real estate nnd mortgages bought. Lewis S. Heed Si Co. , 1521 Karnam. 1'KH CKNT Money. Patterson it Fawcott 15th and Harney. ltd time loans mndn on any nvnunblo SHOUT , in reasonable amounts. Secured lotes bought , sold or exchanged. Ooneral inanclal business of nny kind transacted iromptlv , ( juletly nnd fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N.V. . cor. 15th nnd Har- noy sts. , overstate National band. Corbett. manager. 11" MONKV toloan , rasn on hand , no delay. J. W. and K. L. Squire , 14U1 Knrnam st. Pax- on hotel building. 115 made on real estate. Cash on hand. LOANS W. M. Harris over 2AJ 8.15th st. 110 MONIJY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. ,1. J. Wilkinson & Co. , KJ24 Karnam , over llurllngton ticket ofllce. llrt 55COioo ( to loan In nny amount at lowest rate of interest. H. 11.1 rev , I'renzer block. 119 MONKV to Loan lly nnrtersicned , who has the only properly organized loan ngency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to 1100 made on 'urnlture , pianos , organs , horses , WTROHS , ma- hinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made hat any part can bo paid at any time , each pay- uent reducing thn cost pro rata. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as ninny new concerns are dally coming nto existence. Should you need money call and OP me. W. H. Croft , loom 4 Wltlimtll building , 5th and Harnev. Ill MONKY LOANKI ) at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan OITlce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 31 ! ) S. 13th , over Illngham'H commission store. AH busi ness strictly confidential. 122 $500,0(0 ( To loan on Omaha city property nt $ per cent. G. W. Day , 8. E. cor. Ex. Hid. TO LOAN Money Ix > ans placed on im proved real estate in city or county for New England Loan Ic Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , IGth and Chicago sts. 1-1 5750,000 to loan at G per cent. Llnahnn * Ma- honey , 150U I'nrimm. 1"4 MONEY to lonn , mortgage notes bought , loans made on chattel security : no delay .1. .1. Cummlngs. lloom 10 llarkcr Illock Ml MONEY to lonn. Notes ana it. H. ticket , bought ahd bold. A. Fonnun , 211 ! S iith : sts 125 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTKD A working partner with not less than SC100 In money making business. A liorse and delivery wagon would bo taken. Mrs. & Son , Jllfl 8.15th. 051-10 H OUSKS iind lots for u extern lands , farms , etc. lXjy ( Farnain. ( V4 ! \rK hnvi > nil kinds of business rlmnrps , nnd i can furnish any kind of stores , livery Mji- les. restaurants , meiit markets , feed stores , stock of iioods , nndin fact , imythlnji In thn com ; mcrclul line. Co-operative Land nnd Iot Co , .JU1 Kith nt. til Itl WANTKD I'artuer to RO into the produce commission business , llefereliue.s ex- ihansed. Address T. 47 , lice. 61)1 ) 15 * \\rANTiO : To exchange 2 splendid lots in T > DoiifjliiH add for house mid full lot nearer slnoss center. 11. I. . Copsou , cor 13th and 1'HCltlC. ( W Hi * IflOIt SALK l-'orrnsU , Mock of uenenil iner- chundUalth ImlldhiKKood location , In country , postollico in connection , address 1 * . M. , I'uddook , Holt Co. , Neb. lilt ) Hi * 0600 buy.s ii interest th established moirnutllo P agency ; with energetic partner can be made lucrative business. For particulars call U 21 , Tieiizer block. IMJ . 7I2 hnve for trade n larne list of non-as oss- nble mining xtock , wild hinds. Improved farms , vacant lots , Jiouses mid lots , three livery huiirsunduituMui ; business , line trottliiK stal lion , furniture and lease of ; I3 room Hat , restaur ant , anew steam boat , horses stocks of ( 'oods , fc. Co-operative Land k Lot Co. , 2U.1 N hllh st. HID 111 A I.AHOK , pleasant tjtoro room tor rent , ono of thu best points in tha cltv for retail boots and shoos , hats and caps , dry Roods , etc. , within half block of corner 14th und Knrnnni. , cheap rent. K. lSeuver , 1(1134 ( Kar nam st. W.I FOR EXCHANGE. STOCKS of Roods wanted for Iowa nnd Ne braska furms and city property. Stevens llros. , 1521 Farnnm st. ; 3-ir EVnuYHODY ImvliiK good city property to trade will find it to their advantage to call on Stevens Itros. , 1521 Karnam bt. H J-15 IOWA Knrms wanted for city vroperty. Sim ons IJros. , 1,121 Kariinm st. ( i M < 1 \\7K hnvo an elejiant piece of residence jiruji- * orty In Mlnncnpolls to tiade for n farm near the C. St. 1" , Jl. \ O. railroad. Stevens llros. , 1521 Kariinm st. ( iTU-1.1 \i/KSTEHN Lands wanted tor southern planT - T tutions unil u mortKiiKC note , all worth $ MiOnC. ; Stuvens llros. . 1521 Karnam st. H"-iri TK you have anything to trade , call on ( ! . .1. Sternsdorff , room fl , opp. 1' . O. TradliiK u specialty. IIIO-M HK. COI.K Hives special attention to tradlm ; Write for our list. N K cor 15th and Douglas. 6 tiil ; TTUU r.xchaiiKO , If you have farms or lands to -U sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If yon have nny kind of property to sell or ex- clnuiKe , list It with as ; we can furnish you a customer. S. S. Campbell * O. W. Hervey. U10 Hoard ofTrade Omaha ilJJ IHAVK for trade improved farm In Cass Co. , near I'lattsmouth , 111 trade for Improved inside property. Address Jl HI , lleo odlco. ( l > : xiliin ( worth of property , frou from enciim- P branoe , to trade at the ollice of O. J. Sterns- dorll , room (1 ( , niiosltu ] | postollice. ( J10-15 \\713 have some clear and Rood property w hlcli T i \ \ H will exclmiiKe for homes , Cooperative Land and Lot Co , 20.1 N ICth st. 4U 1,1 \\7ANTKI ) ( looil family Uorse m excannsn TT for lot , McCulloch 4 Co. , cor 1.1th and Karnam. 128 oxchntiKP-11,000 woith of horaes for stock FOH of groceries. V\ttu \ faim clear for tl,500 stock of driiKS" , bat unco cash or mortgage. * ! , ) Itniwirti'il I'erchon stallion for land. J2.MO elevator clear for land or Omaha projv erty. IOH ( OTCS Nebraska school lands for sale or trade cheap. LOO acres Improved ranch on U. It. , N K. Ni > . braska , extra linn tract hay nnd water , for im proved farm w ithln 21 miles of Omaha or C'ouu cil Illulls. [ Ml acres Jto. land , clear , for town property In Nebraska or Iowa. S , S. Campbell \-O. W. Her- vey , ; ilO t'liamber of Commerce. 512 / " < J. STKHNSnOltKK. Itoom n. Krenzer blk V.I. ojip I > . O. has several storks of Rood , cleat merchandise to trade for i-lty property. BIO 15 Foil KxchaiiRe I/its in Kactory I'lace , Al brliiht'x Cholcti , I'atterson'H subdivision Oxford 1'lnco. and JIuyne'M addition for ROOI ! luwn or Nebraska farms. Also ( All acres It Krontler county , Nfb , , forexchanKe for Omalu houses und lots , or Dom'liia county lund , A. 1' Tukey. 1'tM Karnam bt. _ XM If you have anything to exchange call on 01 address H , I' . Cole , n , e. uir. l.lln und DOUR las. _ _ _ _ 217 Fl VtTANTKD Stockfi of merchandise to ex T > clmnRe for UiuJs and cty | urouerty ! C. C SpoUwood. 3U1J ! t > , l tD. m WANT1.D House * nnd lots to exchanga foi impioved and imltnpronwd UndH io We hrask und Iowa. Charles C. SpoUwood , 3U B. 10th. 1M XTEI1HASKA nnd Kansas funns to J-i for lu u uudColorado laudti , aud vici versa. Co-Operative Luudttud Lot Co. , 205 > 10th it. 69 * - tarms m excJaangs fo WANTKD-Oooa rty , C. C. BpoUwooO. auw ABSTRACTS OF TITLE RKNSUNAcCAUMlUIIAKIj furnish complete nnd guaranteed abstracts of title to any eal estate. In Onmlm nnd touilas county upon ihort notlro. The most complete set of nlistrnct Kioks in the city. No. Mill 1 nrtmin st. Ill Mlhl.ANl ) nnrnntec"nnd"Trii8t Co. . 1.W Knrnam street l'ompleto nbstrncts fur nished , nnd titles to real estaU qxauilued , per- ected and guaranteed. l.m FORSAlE-REALESTATE ONI.Y f-'Ocasli. balance to suit , will bay n $250 lot n f ? w blocks from the packhiR louses. South Omaha , also other bnrRnlns can > e found with I ) . I ) , smentoa , ixiom 7 , Murker ilock , cor. 1.1th and 1'nrimm sts. 017 * " 1 1 ral'loTsllfiOeiuh. VV 1 ineM low-priced lots in cltv , must be sold , .V Jto l.UW. Host ImrRiiln In Omaha , coiner and inside lot , JMh nnd Dodge , only W.r.H ( for both. Kleeant residence lot , Uod e nnd 2Wh nve. , only JI.2JO. Two very valuable lots , cor. S91U and Douglas , ell cheap , ia.HU. One hundred and forty choice Inside lots to bo losed out Imui'-dlately. l-'orlunes In thest1. Two bundled houses nnd lots Inside belt line , Jillld houses to order , JUKI to Rum down. Will build wood houses , ; wth and Dodge , nnd ell on easy payments. l-'or exchange , tVU.OOO worth of clear , linln- umbered first-class real estate , with cash , for No. I business property. Drake Hros. . JIB S. 1,1th st. TO7 11) ) _ [ J1011 SA LK-Corlot fiixl20 and 2 story lumse.'JUd J.1 and I'aclllc st. Ituiulrc , lames Cliitsthuisou , U. 1' . freight department. _ 521 2U /SHNin-64s1 ) : ± ! , Sewnrd nnd Hist St. , * 1,7W , Vy Jiiiiu cash , or II.HX ) * 71M ca li. K. I. . Oregory , Heal Kstnto , 'JJli South Kith ht. _ F SALK Klnest locjitlon ror n home la West Omaha , ndjolnlag the mansion homes of Klrkendall , CIMUnuly , K.isson aud others. Nothing liner In thf city. Can su ) lillx 1ST or ess ; for prices and terms see. S. A. Hlouinn , 1'JJl 'arnamat. _ CM IMl'HOVKI ) farm In Iowa for Omaha rest- donee prorerty. J , .1 , Wilkinson , 1J21 Fnrnam. ( TVJlt SALK lifivNI feet on cable line. Splendid J ? Inside location for four Hats M,60fl. Jiust > o sold at once. Jlarshiill & Ixibeck , room U 'hainberotCoin. _ 3.S2 I710U SALi : 160 acres of land four nillps from JL1 stock yards , ut * 12.1 iierncro ; this Is n bar- Kiilll. JlcCaRlie. Opp. 1' . O. _ 1112 L AND , farms and lots to exchange tor shares - * In good paying concerns , moil Karnam st , IITil r AND and lots to trade lorgooJ horses. KUrf _ > I'lii'iimn ht. 37S F. SALK-Or exchange , lots in North Omnnn for bouses. House and lots lu Conn- ell Hluils. Shares in Lowe live ijulldlng ass'n. .ots in Hanscom and Ambler places. Plenty of other property. JJusworth kJoplln , 11 S. 5th st. 1711 71O It SALK Three good lots on corner of Dodge st , one block west of Lowe a\e.fur ? l,500. Address for u lew days S M Iteo olJlcu. CHEAP Home-Lot 2.1x120 , Softnrd street ; good house , 4 rooms , f 1,400. fctoo cash. F. L. Gregory , leal estate , B0i ! South Itllh st. 530 \\TELSHANSA : LOW-W. ( .1. WeUhans , T. F. Low ) Heal estate Investment brokers , San Diego , Cala. . Invest for mm-resldents. per- lect titles , attend to all business , take title in In vestors name for share of profits when deal Is closed. Send stamp forourlnvestment Contract , an Diego in 1K.S5 had fi.tniO population , has now il.UHl ; wo jircdict lKl. ( i ( ) before 1W . Heferences : Jniaha Nat'l Hank ; First Nat'l Hank , New York Jity ; Nat'l Ilauk of America , Chicago , 2.17-17 FOH SALE Wo oiler as a special bargain IfiO acres of land four miles from stock yards , at { 125 per acre , on Hue of U. 1' . It. 11. McCaguo Opp. P. O. W4 1710H SALK-Lot5 blk 8 A. S. Patricks ad ; will JJ sell for few days at J1.500 , SHOO cash. easy. S. 40 Ueo olllce. ' ! U7 EMSTICKNKY & CO. inaKO a specialty of property In North Omaha , for sale or rent nt Citizens' bank. Bias Cuming st. 1.11 llcnl Kstatc Trunsfprs. A. P. Uosclic anil wife to H. M. Chit- ton , lot 1 , blk 11 , 22 in It , 13 nnd 14 in ( i. Urown Park , w il . 4,700 AVIliam H. liny anil wife to Aimuiilii Turple.v , lots 1.1 , 10 , IS ll ! , blk 5 , Mnynu's add. ij i : . 1,350 U. .Tetter and wife to Henry Finger , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. 5 , 0. 7. blk II , .letter's 2dwd. . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . -1,000 Ada 1' . Drake to Lars Nelsen ctal , lot ( i , blk 11 , Heed's 1st , w d . COO Lars JCelseu anil wife to John Ileruin , und yt of e > lot ( i , blk U , Heed's 1st , wd . i3 John Iluruin anil wife to Lars Nelson , und 'rf of wa < same , w d . 2 William G. Albright anil wife to Charles Corbett , lots 1 , 2 , 10 , 20 , blk ( i , Matthews' sub of blks 111 , 20 , 21 , 22. 23 , 2S , 2 ! ) and lot U , blk 31 , Al- bright's choice , w d . 2,1.10 H. R Hobinson to S. L. Andrews , s J EBlot ! > nnd n . . lot 12 , blk 12 , ICountz & Huth'B , wif . 7,000 William Latey et al to C. H. Toncrny. Qlot 1 , blk 1 , 1'opo Place , wd . 0,000 City of Omaha to Mattie D. Harilin , portion of ii'Jd st , vacated , tc . 3 William N. Nason and wife to Ous Krioksou , lot 11 , bile 17 , Myers , Hichards & Tilden's , w d . 000 K. H. IJiown to Charles L. Hlu/or , lot 11. Washington square , w. d . H,700 . H. Hroxvn to Charles L. Ulu7or , eau au feet of lot 5 and n 20 feet lot SI , blk 1 , Pope place , w 30 feet of c CO feet of lot 5 and n 20 feet lot 8 blk 1 , Pope place , w. d . 7,000 John Morrell and wife to George Til- den. lot 8 blk 12 , Philnvio w , w. d . . . . 2,000 William .1. Paul to J. W. Marshall , lot 21 nnd 25 blk 4 , Hawthorne addition , \V. d . 3,000 George , F. Paul to ,1. W. Marshall , lots ! > , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 nnd 14 blk 3 , Hedick Park , w. d . 0,000 G. A. Lindiiiest | nnd wife to Louis P. Larson , lot 2 blk 4J\vost bide , w. d . . SOfl C. S. Kempton and wife to Mary L. Garrison , lots 1 , 2 and 3 , Kempton Heights addition , w. d . .MO Eighteen deeds . $ 52,0.11 The American , IowH. Now York Sun : In their Annual for 18SS , the number of .lew * in the United States is put at 400,000 , u total that f-eonio binall when wo ooiihidcr that tlicy are scattered throughout the union and are of to preat power in trade and tlnance. The vast majority of them , too. have lieon added to our population within the last enoration , the number of Jewish eoniri-etratioiiH having 111- eroased from Ility-s'ix in ] 8 > 0to ll'iO in 1887. with a membership of more " .0,000 families. Yet the Jews hepran to settle in New York as early as lli 10- and by the mid dle of the next ooiilur.N they had estab lished themselves in Nowpjrt. in Phila delphia and in Charleston and Savannah , though they wuro nowhere welcomed by the other colonists , Maryland granted religious liberty to Christians : only ; Pennsylvania required that all of the ollleos of the colony should bo filled by professed Christians ; the Now Khplnnd eolonies , and Now Jersey , the Carolina * and Georgia made church attendance compulsory * Delaware made belief in the Trinity requisite tc holding public olllco , and Now York re fused 1o the Jew the privilege of voting for colonial representatives. Hut after the passage in Virginia in 1875 of Jef ferson's famous "act to establish relig ious freedom , " the Jews began to enjoy liberty of conscience , though oven a1 Into as JBai North Carolina forbade the election to ollice of any Jew , and Mary land sentenced a Jew for for having spoken disrespectfully of Jesus. In Now llampshire , too , up to IS77 , nil" state olll- cersi were required to bo Protestants. Our authority for these facts is Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf , who writes in the .Tows' Annual , and who linally re fers to the order of General Grant in ISIKJ , expelling nllJowh from his mili tary department , as "the most noted ncl ' of i'ntolcrance against the Jews. " The game author gives u history of the prog ress of Jewish reform * * " Unitei ! States , by ronson of which Amuricai : Judaism has become a distinct religion as compaired with Judaism elsewhere That reform culminated in the adoption by u conforoncu o : rabblti at Pittsburg in 1SW of n declaration of principles .ii which only the moral law.s of the Millie legislation were held nshindln ; . ' and only "such ceremonies as uluvnU and sanctify ouv lives , " , the othen rejected as "uuudu"4tl to tin views nnd habits of our modern elvlliza- Lion. " The Morale nnd rahbinlenl laws regulating diet nnd priestly purity and Iress were sot down among those "altogether foreign to our present mental and spiritual state ; " nnd the "Messianic hope'1 of the Jinva was de scribed as not the re-establlshnient of the ancient Jewish state under a son of David , nnd the renewed separation from tlio nations , but "tho establishment of the kingdom of truth , justice nnd peace nmong nil men. ' ' The immortality of Lho soul was nfllrmed , but both the resurrection of the body and everlasting [ Minlshment were rejected as "ideas not rooted in Judaism. " This annual also reports that the Snb- lath schools nnd continuation clashes nivo increased by 10 per cent during the last year ; that the establishment of low congregations is "almost of daily oecurrenco ; " that there is a growing lomnnd for rabbis of academic training ; mil that the many temples , schools , ehnritnblo asylums nnd ohm houses built mil building show the high moral and oligious development of the race. Semitic departments have been added to Columbia college , the University of I'eunsylvania nnd Johns Hopkins uni versity ; nnil though the Hebrew Union college , or theological school , will grad uate no students in 18S8 , it expects to jraduato ten in 188 ! ) . It seems that at the beginning of this year a rival theo logical seminary was started hero by Lho more orthodox Israelites , who ob tained aid from the Portuguese congre gations of Now York and Philndelphia , with the view of combatting the prog ress of reformed Judaism ; but the An nual has no faith in its continued exist ence as an orthodox rabbinical insti tute , since "no orthodox institution liolds out long among American Is raelites. " ' As to the movement to bring about the observance Of Sunday ns the Sab-- lmthlt has amounted to nothing.accord- ing to this authority , which tolls us that "the Jew may bo a Sabbath ; ' breaker , but never a'Sabbath-changer for ho never changes a genuine article for a counterfeit. " The attempts at proselyting the .Jews il also speaks of as loolisli and honcloss. If the Israelite over changes , it says , with truth , ho becomes nn agnostic and nptn Christian. Finally , the Annual gives a list of more than two hundred Jews who hold , or have held , public ollloe in the United Slates , though , of course it is by no means complete. Among public ollleors elected at the hist election in this city were six Jews Theodore \V. Mjers , comptroller ; Jacob A. Cantor , senator ; Joseph Hlumonthal. assemblyman ; Philip Benjamin.alderman ; and Henry M. Goldfoglo and Samson Lachman civil justices. HOME DECORATIONS. Things That AVIII Make HonieAHrnc- live and CoinlVirtalile. Now York Commercial Advertiser : Lamp shades of feathers delicately tinted , row after row , to the size of a parasol , tire very now and so bizarre as to bo almost handsome. "Peach-blow" and "snphiro" glass , overlaid with coral pattern in white satin-glass , is just now in high favor with collectors of bric-abrae. 1'eoplo with long purse * should look appreciatively at the curtains of French net , which are a poet's dream in black and gold and only $100 each. Ioyal Worcester at $5 per plate and crown derby , all the way from ? 4 to $ 0 , is shown in the largest variety , and , better still , finds plenty of buyers. Wicker chairs of the easiest pattern , with head-rest , cushion and foot-stool of the handsomest embroidery , are to bo had for the surprisingly low price of $30 each. The very handsome baskets are of rope , ornamented with bows of rich pale- lined ribbon. They como in all shapes and are usually mounted upon a wicker or metal rest. Wrought iron standing lamps nro unjong the newest as well as the thand- somest developments of a season that is most indisputably "on its metal , " or properly metals. The extravagant , who delight in a thing proportionately to its cost , can treat themselves to draperies and sash curtains of Russian and Konaissnueo work , pricey from Sliio to &SOO per win dow. dow.Pine plush that is plush figured with spravs and tassels of the pine comes in all tiie lovely shades and is a favorite material both for pine shavings und down pillows and slumber robes. A plaque to a penny , though its proud possessors have not half the wholesome delight in it that the people who "Japan ese cups" at 10 cents each and blue chimp ( ? ) at $1 the set , feel in their C'hristmns acquisitions. High authorities declare wall banners passe. Others quite as elevated declare them the aim of decorative elegance , and are not likely to bo convinced to the contrary till their present heavy stock has grown beautifully less. The very newest embroidery for dec orative purposes shows leaves and flow ers , hand-painted , then applied to a plush ground , nnil the finer blinding done with long stitches of the most dol- icnto nrraseni , while wino chenille , in a contrasting tint , covers the edges. And we frankly confess after a day amid elegant costumes , that our heart goes out to n flimsy pink scarf , hand- painted , and not very well done at that , of which our polite guide said , with a wave of the hand : "Oh , that's cheap only $ -0. The best people don't even look at those things. ' ' Onyx is nil the rage. Wo have long adored it in pedestals and coveted our neighbor's goods whenever wo saw a table of it , but never quite know its capacities till wo saw it in the now cab inets and etageres , where , mounted in brass or silver , it shows for what it is , and makes us all of the mind that God might , perhaps , have made n lovelier stone , but , certainly , God never did. Hut the most hoart-brcakingly lovely thing of all is an onyx table just de signed by a noted furnisher. H is long and narrow , of purest pale-pearl luster , and mounted , in nn antique metal , whoso tint booms but the shadow of Us own , which sounds very simple ; but to see it and you will understand how the * usual oval , round , square or oyid grows poor and commonplace beside it. Now lambrequins Imvo one end of plain plush , draped high and full to the middle of the manlolwhero it is mot by n straight fall , perhaps half a yard in depth , almost covered with applique or other elaborate embroidery , and with the corner above the drapery turned back in a wide satin-lined rover. Some bhow elaborate fringes , but the double edge of plush and batln is far and away better stylo. The cognoneontl nro advised that a Sixth avenue firm has on exhibition n portiere said to bo a fnc-similo of ono that hangs in the palnco of the emperor ol China , who , the story goes , permits mils bnt-six duplicates of his tapestry to IK > made each year , and allows but one to go to nny country. Whatever the truth or fnlsohood of the story , the fabric is simply oxouislto a combina tion , as it were , of moonlit darkness , the sunset and a jade rainbow ; after which it will seem cheap for $ -100. Wlii-n Ho Could Call. Creditor When shall I call for the amount ol my bill , Mr. Smith ? Debtor Oh , nt any time. What day Vtill boot.suitour . . convenience'1 ! Creditor Well , I have less to do on Thursdays Hum ntiy other day of the woolc. Dohtor Very well. Tlion you inny call for the amount ovor.v Tliursilay. OMAHA. SUIirilllAN 1UAIXH. llunnliig bet ween Council Illulls mid Albright In addition to the stations meiitlotipd , tr.ilus stop at Twentieth mid THentj-fourth streets ami at the Summit In Omaha. COUNCIL nijui''i\s. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO. KOCIC ISLAND .11'ACIl'IO. A No. 11 4:01) : ) p. m.D No. 1 10:60 : a. m. II No.2 5:10p. : m.LNo. . Tl . . .1l : : n. in. C No. (1 ( 0:2iR. : ) in.lC No. 6 ( lli.1p.m. : A No.4 . . . . u:4Ua. : in.lA 700p.m. CI11CAC.O , HL'HL1N(1TON ( & QU1NCV. C No. N CVn. : in.'lJ ' :40a. : ra. A No. I 11:40 : u. 111. A'Nn. 15 10:01 : a.m. C * No. 14. . t.2:20ii. m. C f.Vo. 7 l:2l ) : ) p. in. A No. II 7ail : > . ! ii. A 7:1X1 : p. Ill , CH1CAUO & NOltTH\Vi:3TKKN. : A No.n (1:40ii. ( : m.A | | i:15n.m. : A'No.K l:00p. m.'A'No. ' 7 Ihilila. m. A No. I . . . .1llJp.m.A : | No.f. . . .7Wp.m. : ( CHICAGO , JIILWAL'KlIi : , \ ; ST. 1'AIM , . A No. 2 1 > :40a. : in.lA * No. 6 11:30 : a.m. A'No.l ! 4HOp.m.'A : ' . .7Mp.m. : ( KANSAS CITV ST. JOK * COUNCIL IlLUKl'S. A No.2 :2.1 n. in. | A 0t : > n.m. A No , 4 U:10p.m.A : | No. 1 ( ! : UOp.m. sioux cmI'ACII'IC. . A No. 1ft 7:0.1 n.m.lA No. U 8:6.1n.m. : A No.2 ] 7:00 p. lii. | A No.11 0:0ip.m. : OMAHA * BT. LOUIS. A No.8 ! l:40p. : in.lA No. 7. . . .11:3.1 : p.m. A dully ; II dally except Sat. ; C dally except Sun. ; D except MOM. : gKust Mall ; 'Limited ; I Will probably change to 4UO : p. m. bufoio Feb. 1 , Notice of Incorporation. Whom U JIav Concern : Notice Is hereby TIO Riven that "The llee lliilldlng Company" has lllod In the olllco of the county clerk of Douglas count j % Nebraska , in tides of incorpor ation. Tlio principal place of transacting its business is at Omaha , in Douglas county and state of Nebraska. The general nature of Its business Is to ncqulre , own , hold , lease , mortga o , sell and convey real estate , erect buildings and Improve ments upon the Mime , for i eating. Huch real estate , Ac. The amount of capital stock nntlinrlrcd U 1500,010 , ten per cent of which to bo paid at tlm time of subscribing for the same , and the re mainder us lequlred by the board of directors. The corimrutlon commenced January 15th , A. D. 1SW , and will terminate ) the 16th dny of Jau- The. highest amount of indebtedness or liabil ity to which the coiporatlon shall at any tlmo subject itself is two-thirds of the capit u stock issued. The business nlTnlrs of the corporation are to be conducted by a board of dliectois of llvii members who shall select from thulr number u president , hecietary und treasurer. KlIWAIIII KOSr.WATCIl , .MAX MK.VIIU , ( tKO. II. T/SI'IIUCK , T/M'IIIIK ; : , HhMtV A. llASKKIJ , . Dissolution Notice. The real estate firm known as StorasdorlTiV Me- Vleker,15lil ! Karnam St. , bus this dav dissolved by mutual consent. ( ! . .1. SternsdiirlT has opened an olllce In room ( I. I'li-n/.er block , opposite 1'ost olllie , wheio ho will carry on a Rcnotal real es tate business , whllo C. Vt.McVlckerwllliomuln at 1M ) Furaam bt. ( IKO. .i.STKiiN'Riionrr , CI1A8. W. 31UVlUIO.ll. Omaha , Jan. 12,1888. o. 3 1 , . A. No. ( il" . ] I'or Army Siipiillon. OKKirKOKl'tfllCIIASlMl AND COMMIS.SAIIV OK I SU1IS1STE.NCK f. h' . AllMV , S- OMAHA. Nebr. , Dec. 15,187. I Sealed proposals , lu triplicate , subject to thn usual conditions , will be received at this 'jilicn until II o'clock n. in. on Jloiiday , the llith day of January , IKSS , nt which tlmo und place they uill bo opened in th jiresenco of bidders , for thn furnishing and dellerlag of tlio following army buiiplles , viz : Cornmeal , crackers , nnd oatmeal , cooked. The right isieserved to reject any or all bids. lllank ] iioiosalri ] ami spcclllCAtlons slum lug in detail the articles und iiuantltl"S lequlied , and giving lull Information as to condition ) * t con tract will bo fumlshcd on application to tills otlico. J.V. . ll\iiaitKii , Ilvt. Ilrlg. Gen. uud ( ! . S. , U H. A. dl7d4tJ13d2t Notlco to Contractors. Pealed proposals will bo received at tli * cfllco of tlm county clerk up lo 2 o'clock p , { & of I'rl. day , Kubruury 10 , iwi * , for running the county grading machines for the year 1WW. I'or full particulars luqulro at county clerk's ollico. A deposit of ono luiiuli ed dollars must an ompany each bid us a guaranty of good faith. The iluht is reserved to reject any and ull bids , lly order of the Hoard of Commlbbloueis. M.I ) . 110CW5. Jlldlow4t County Clerk , Douglua O } . , Neb. Notlco. TlTATTKHof npplicaUuu Ol Jounllalme for liquor Notice It linrebr liUrn that John Hiihne rtlil upon tliuZ-lli dny of Dci-miibur. A. I ) . l 7 , Ilia bin appllratlou tiilha nmvornml rlty council of Oinulm fur Iken.i- nell unlit , niilrltiiuus nnil vlnoni liuoni | | nl No. 1J11 \VUIIiim ilrc-ut , houunil wan ) , Oiiiaha. eb. . from tlm llr > tduroJuuuar/ . lutbu nm il j of Jauuarr , li'J. Iftbcro t < o no objection , romon trnnrn or prolc- tlte'l within Iwu wt-eki Jrom l > cuiiiber-3lU , A. I ) . 1 7. the laid ll.uu u will lu KruiiU-.l. JoilX HAlI.Ni : , AppllronU j. n. HOUTIIAIID , car Cicriu jii 'n Sealed Proposnlo. / Bealed proposals will be received at tbfl ollic1 of the aixhiK-cts , AIciidfl sohn , Fisher & Li.wil , Now 1'uxton llulldlug , Omuha , until t-aturiluy , Janmuy2tth , IKHC , for the carpenter ami Joiner work , of the four utory nud busument brick' Danish Association llulldlug. The plant imtl HpiKlllcatlonscan bo hud , and laformatiou ot > > tuliiod of the architects MtaNOEUSSOUK , FlillEU &Z.AWIIIK. JH-37 , ' .At iU c