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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1887)
- , s1'-r I ' " ; , ¶ ' VP ' 4 T- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . : : . . . . , . . . , . . . . . - . . . . . 4b1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 'THE OMAHAfl'AILYI3EEYEDNESDAY. . r : % . DECEMBER 28. 18S7. . . & . . FORGING TUE YOUNG IDEA. uper1ntondontLane 1e9U05 Droo- , tione on the Bubjoot. AN EASTERN PHILANTHROPIST.a 31oMonttiuIayorRaycr $10 In Alit ot $ iippoetL NebrA8kft HtsfTercr'w Feasting the Fnker-C4pItaI City DoIngs. rniov TI1 flIE 1ANCOL nuni : W. I State Superintendent Lane ) ia just i5sucI 1 % clrvuhir for the guidance of teachers awl RchOOl officcr relative to the compti1ory edacation law enacted at the last sessIon. The superintendent gives the following list of what should constitute excuses and fol. lows with Instructions for thc execution of the law : If the parents or guardians of the child arc I poor , and by reason of such poverty are unable - able to vrovldo the child with 8uitablo cloth jug , booka and other fteccssary arttclcs ro- qulrcd at school , thea the board , after ascer. taming such facts , should excuse the child from attending school. ( Jhildrcn constitutionally weak , or sickly from any other causes , aru generally entitled to ati uxcuso , CSlCCtalIY If they have a long distance to go to school. Also , In cases of general or prolonged sick. . ness In the family , one ctild might be ex cused If needed at home to care ( or the sick. General ibyslcal disability or mental inca. pacity of the child might be a roasonabie ground for the board to grant an excuse. If a child attends a lrivat school or pa. rochiaL school fur a period of twelve weeks during the school year , such attendance should be regarded the same as attendance at a imbUe school. The school hoard in determining the iro- fIe1enc ofa ehihi , should be guided by the judgment of the teacher. If the teacher finds , uloiexamInatioit , that the child vIsli. lug to be excused On the claim of "being lire- Ilcient" is further advanced in the branches StUliCd in the school by Iulills of the same ago then the child Is entitled to be excused. Tile teacher should secure from the di. , rector a list of ll school children residing In the district , from eight to fourteen years old , Inclusive. Front this list should be checked off by the teacher those in attendance as . shown by thti dniiy register. After reasolni- * L _ , lile tinie and before the school has coithiued Mo long as to Icavo only twelve weeks moro of the school during the year , the tcacliei should lila with the director a list of all dill- dron living in the district , between eight attI fourtcun years old , inclusive , who have not reported at school. After having checked - from this list these excused by the board , the teacher should senti a copy of the compulsory - sory utteinlanco law to the Parent or guardian - dian of each of aitl cliiIdrei reinaiiiing on the list. The teacher should ulso report to the county superlutendeiit before the close of the school year the unities 3f all children under the law who have neither attended school : ior have bean excused thorefroni. itit.t : ron TIU surinuNo. . Mayor Sawyer arrived home from Wash. liigton Itoiulay and vns surprised to find In lila mail avaittn his arrival a letter from a gentleman in ov York City enclosing $10 in aid of Nobruska sufferers who have been rendered helpless by storius and for families any of whose nicinbers have boon frozen to death. The writer also suggests to the mayor the advisability of his making an ap- veal direct to the cities of the east for hoip for sufferers. The communication is a fair example of the Ideas prevailing in the east regarding suffering in the west , notwithstanding - standing the fact that there has been no suf. feting lit the state from stornts and Lold , , and at best only three cases of ( loath In 500,000 inhabitants. Other letters of similar Import have been received by the mayOr. Tila UOiS ur.MEMIIKIIIu. : Representatives of the press of Lincoln Yere ugrecably surprised yesterday by mi In. vItatioii to a Christmas feast prepared by the popular caterer , Don Cameron. who did not . forget the hungry newspaper mcii in his rush . of holiday custom. Atter a couple of hours . Passed at the feast the participants organ. Lietl : by selecting Colonel Hyde as chalrnmn , who was Instructed to notify Mr. Cameron . , that ho was tim ununinious cholco of his 5. guests fet Iicsldcut over his liamosako , wheat at vrcsclit occupies a scat in the senate froni . Pennsylvania. . . - AIITIC.E5 OF 1NCOiIPOIIAT1O. I . Articles of IncOrloratlon of the ParOle rail. t . way eoinpaiiy weru tiled yesterday with the secretary of state. The Incorporators are I 1' . Ilonnoll , E. l3arriiigton , C. E. Adams , 1 Charles Loyinoyer J. W. Morse Williinn Ilueltuinu nit of tii'er1or , and l' . S. % 'ill. : laitis , of haltiinoro. The route defined for the road commences on tim south line of hail county , thciice through the counties of Hall , liulTalo , Dawson , Custer , Lincoln , ICeitti , Clicyciiiie , Sioux and Dawes In the state of Nebraska to the vcst boundary line thereof with a right to construct branch lines within the limits of the state. The cap. ' ital stock is lixed at fdIW,000. ) ( ) The Weeping Water Lime and Stone corn. Puny , flIed articles oC Incorporation with the secretary ( if state yesterday. The capital stock Is ) 000. Indebtedness is limited to $ l,000. ) The ineorporators are Eugene L. ' Heed , H. S. F'uller , 1" . It. Meconwell , Robert S. Wilkinson , Thomas Orr. The \S'cstllcli Courrier Printing company , of Omaha , tIled Its artICles with the sccro tary yestcrdas' capItal stock. p40,000. In. r debtetmuess is limited to $3,000. The Inror. poratora are l3runo 'l'aseliuck. Alfred Mar. sehnerV. . .1. CouncIl , John I1. l'aulson , 0. 13. Schinlilt. Tno Seven Valleys bank of Callawav , Cus- tor county , also flied articles , 'rite capital 'Mi. stock Is UXX ( ) . 'l'Iio Incorporatori arc \V. E. t'urtly , . \VOOlS Smith , A. L. 1tuthevs , v. ii. Ingrata , A. J. Thonqnon anti C.V. . Root. STATIC IIOLSI ITCMS. Secretary Laws nud family lItSSCd Christ. Riles at their old home at IcCoolc. Judge SIIII t Chapman , of the Second S dkiiU district , has Iliad his oath of 0111cc wit ) : the secretary of state. Deputy Secretary of Stto Cowdry enjoyed . a Christians visit from his parents , Mr. and 7- Mrs. J. C. Cowdry , of Columbus. Miss Clara Carmotly , of the oflicoof Public lantlsanil buIltling , l.iHCU Christians with relatives at Columbus , Jo:11 ) Lane , of Lincoln , who was awarded th contract for the erection of the Industrial Ioiiio : at 1tiIforil , tins ciitered litto contract 1111(1 ( liJeil his bout ) for the work , Stipcrlntciident Sweet , of the Beatrice fcbI niiiiiled building , was at the state house 3'estcnlay making the estimate of work the hiust mouth innountiug to ' 3 I00. , Aulttor iiubcodc and family 'erc at North : Loup , Valley county , for Chrituias festivi : ties , expecting to return yesterday. Ieputy Auditor Beaten inado a Christmas vIsit to his ohi : honto at Freniont anti p.issed - the day with Congressnian torsey. . Governor 'l'hnyer Is so far recovered as te make a short visit to his 001cc and hopcs to bo on duty again In a few days. Deputy AutUtor Beaten was ongagel yes. . terday in drawing the warrants d1sbrsin * 250I00 ( of sehootmotioy among the different coinitius. The followig notarich commissions wnrc Issued yesterday for the executive oMces S liharles E. Siil Lexiox , Cimse county V. A. Deeds , He. rico ; Lewis A. Kent. Miii. (1CI , ICearney county ; ( ieoro W , Ames ; Oinh . ; 't % ' . Thomas , lienkleman , Dnnd3 Ututy , James Q. lVntts Ogiilaila , Kelti I , r flintv ; T. ' 1' . BellSt. Paul , Howard count ; H. ' Wilson , Chadron , Daves county ; 18. R. 'VoberVahoo , Saudor county ; J. P. Hur. ' hey , Groeley . Centre , ( reeley county ; W. W IlolIpel. , Superior , Nuckolb county V. A Black and \V.A. Pohiock\\'et Point , uniin1 : county. I _ _ a- The worst feature about cittari'h is it' ' i dnngerotn tendency to consumption , hood's Sarsaparilla cures cattrrli. : b purifying the blood. Huggeil By a hear. A ma : : who Is well thought of by Un ) railway ft'atcrn ity Is Hoyt Sherman , general agent of the Union Pte'iilc , o Salt Lake , who arrived frommi that plac yostovday , says the San Francisco Ex - nmnluor. ITo was first brought int ( prominence by an adventure which hi ) hOd on the road froni Beaver Canyomi lute the Yellowstone Nntiona park Mr. Sherman was a tourlt nent foi the m'ond , and whom : a big iarty wont hi ) . to titri lWttl1 ho would acconipany them . Time illstammco.froni 'floavorCanyoii Is 12. ; ' iLlos , CUd tImre years ago , when , ic L . h ad the itayenturo , the road wtt'm v ery pdmtttve. Rough and rocky , It vw ound Its way through deep canyons , w hose walls rose to mnagmiflccnt : heights4 m aking the scene wfui and grand , ittid t hen over fertile plains through inoun. t alnous country Into timbered rtg1oims th at could not be excelled. There wat s omething about tills drlvnthmtt. thm'tIIed a nd delighted passetigers amid nmado t hem want to cover the distance again. B ut its pleasant as they wore. they wet'o n ot free from danger. It lurked eveiv- w hore. In the fissures of the rocks w ere skulking mountain lions watching t ho passage of time stage coach with g leaming eye , while pttnthct' , more c owardly , yet fully as dangerous , 1 , crched In the trees that overhung time r oad on which the stage traveledwould g ive their tiurco cry ittiti imrchmaitce bait u lon itS top to find that Its occupants worqboyond reach. Then the silver- t ipped bear and big black bruit : , en hite s tately round for meat , would cautiously sp ass that way. Sometimes at night tim t ourists would canip for ii change. It wilt one itight that they did this t hat Mr. Sherman had his adventure- ( time thit Is iio new to him now. They c umpad in it clump of timber below thu m ountains , and corralled tim hortes mi f ew rods off. It was about mid- n ight when Mr. Sherman was miwakened by the neighimig of a horse. He got up t o reconnoiter and saw ii black object pass near the corral. The moon wits out I n all her splendor , though the treeS s hadowed the earth. Thinking that t he object was a man and that he meant t o steal the horse , lie took his pistol f rom his pOCIOt , timid noticing that his clasp-knife wai' alt right , ho cautiously advanced. He was looking about to sea whore the bI black object had gone , when , us though It hitid risen front the ground , a big black boar stood in front of him , First ho thought to run , but this ' would bo death , for one stroke from its powerful paw would lay him low. Thu pistol was a small ono. but he i'aiScl it t itter his Iirst surprise was over and pulled the trigger. It did not go oil. . llo just remembered that lie had neg- b octeil to reload the weapon that ovomi- Ing after discharging all the cartridges. When the trigger snapped the bear l ooked at the pistol curiousiy and then at Shermun. The latter took his knife out and slowly backed up until he was pI'OtOCtel by a tree. The bear followed mimid cari'crsingiy begumi to hug him. Its hot breath was uoii his taco , and ho grow faint. ITO rallied and drove the knife to the hilt Into bruin , who , now fully enraged , rolled Sherman on the ground. Now It was light or die. Another - other plunge and the sharp edge of the s teel ivemit plowing up the bear , fnii'ly disombowohing him. The struggle soon ended , and iilthough Shermnami was the victor , he was not altogether unhurmeti. The tourists heard the noisq , and were in time to wittiess tim end of the } mttbc. For a weolc after three Emighishmmnemi ( lid nothing but curse their ill-luck at not being the miii : that the bear attacked. Dr , J. IL McLean's stronthening Cordial and Blood Purifier , by its vital- iziimg properties , will brlghtoi : palo cheeks , and transform a pale , haggard , i lisnirited wonman Into one of sparkling health and beauty. Early Struggibs otflich Men. Frank Carpenter Writes : It is interesting - osting , indeed , to look.baek itt the hard times that some of those rich men have mid , mind not a few of the envious may be wishing that they were experleime- ing slimilhite times now. Let me bunch a lot of them togctltor Woerislicifer , the rich banker , who died not bug ago , be- gnu life as a bank clerk. Rufus Hatch's first speculations were In steel pens and turkeys. Tom Scott , the famous rail- , i'lfltd prsidemit ( , throve a mimic on the State cammat in Pen ns3'lvnniti , timid licence Greeioy worked at the irimitors' case for as low as $2.50 a weak. Ho borrowed - rowed $1,000 to . start the Tribune and afterwards loaned Cornelius Vanderbilt $8,000 without security. George IN. Cimilds , the millionaire , editor of the Philadelphia Ledger , ivits mum errand boy irheti lie decided to be- bomne a i'icm ) immnmi and owm % the Ledger , anti .Tamiies Cordom : Bennett whiemi hitsat twenty years of ago , landed at Halifax from Scotland , hnt just $25 in his pocket. Ito was about starving whoa he got to Boston , and wits overjoyed at finding a shilling. lIe got work 1mm a book store , and in a few years afterward started the New Yoi'k Herald in a cdliii' on WTall street , with : two bai'rels with a plank across thorn for a desk. His brains told , mind a son , a six inilbionairo , cmiii now keep yachts and spend his fortune on polo amid Paris. Stephen Girard , the richest hanker iii ho United States at the titan of his death , was a wall-eyed cabin boy emi a sailing ship at lifteen yeits : of age , amid his fIrst busimiess in l'Iiiiadelphia was tbutt of it wine bottlor.Vmuianmaker. . the great Philadelphia clothier , worked for vonvs iii his father's brick yard , timid his lii'st work away from home brought him jim * 1.25 a week. He received this for clerking in a book store amid walked . four mimiles every dmiy from his hiomno to Imis work. Ho ( hi'l ' his work iveil amid his stilmIt'y ivas immcl'dnsel to $1 ,50 it week. ITo hits now cite of the biggest stores in the world amid it takes 3,000 , clerks to do his busimiess. IIcmmry Dhsston , time sawmmtkcr , whose saws are esteeniod the best by cabimmet- rnalcors , was iippt'onticed to a smiivmnalccr itt seventeen. Ho nitulo a million timid more by'stielclng to his busimics. Marshall - shall Jewel , one of Grant's postmaster emmerals , left a fortune. Ho began life lit U tami i'uril amid umitil he was eighteen lie scraped bkiliS amid workeil about time vats of his father's ettablishtimient. TIme infoi'mation here gaimmcd ititled himn 1mm munkimig a fortune In leather belting timid before lie died he smikl ho hind mmiivcr bout : connected with an institution which did not a good interest on the imivestuiemit , ? iltttthow Vassar , the millionaire , fi'omn . wimose money \Tussar collcgo got its start , enmimu imear boimig a tanner , and had his fatlici' t4uccectIecl 1mm tanking him one he wotmid Ju'olnbiy have mnmnlo a fortune at it. The boy , however , ilid not take to the Idea timid his mother helped him to run away from home to iCed ) out of time tamm-yawit. She gave hmini seventy-five cents and her blcssimmg , and he dconmcd himself rich when lie was aftorwai'ds able to make h00 a. year. ills fathom' vti. a brewer timid time son for a tinie rimim tti oyster and hoer saloon at Pommgh- kccpsio. lie afterwards caine back home amd , established ammother brewery miftor time burmiimmgof that of his lather , timid it was this that formed tim fotmimiltitmomi of lila mimilhiomis. 'rlmtms Vussim' : college Is built impon beer , amid it is a fact that some of time greatest charitIes of the world have come fi'omn liquor dealers. 'l'iio two greatest cathedrals in Dublin are from the Proilts of Gulunoss stout mmmiii Irish whisky amid the brewers of the former have boon through their wealth mmnule momlmr8 of the I'tmgiisii nobility. 'l'lme aristocracy of wcuhtl In tim preseut muotmoy-immakimig em-ti rules the ummivurse timid the above lrmstiices wilt almoir timmit the teaks are open to every one wh vilI cuter and tim race is free toi' alt. Prickly Ash flitters warm imp and iii' vigorito time tomaeh , improves timid strengthens the digcstivn organs , opens the pores , promotes prespiratiomi , and L equalizes the circulation. As a corrgc- tor of disordered system tliore is notk. . lug to oquul it. . S OUTH AMERICA'S ' COLD FIELDS A morloane Who Soak Fortune In the Now El Dorado. T HE OUTLbOK FOR THE FUTURE V ery Poor Place For Man Without Capital--Wonderrul Htorles or MInliig iltocks - . - A Trip Through theGolil Fields. Cape Town Corm'espommdence ci time New Yot'kVorld : Gold , gold , gold , i mimil time new discoveries comistmmmmtly being mimadu 1mm the Trnnsvmutl. This is all time icopIe talk about lii Cape Town o f late. liumth'cds' , leaving ity every coast- visu steamnor IOL Durbmmi ; timid the new gold fields of Btirbertomi amid \Vit- watersrruids , mostly newly arrived Emighlsimmemi , with ii sprinkling of Cull- f ormmhumms amid Australianim , "Forbes' commceuislomi in Swaziland is yiohtllumg loOO oumices of gold per mommthi" "Quartz front the VtTit. watersrandt , mostly newly arrived Englishmen district running fifteen ounces to time "New alluvial discoveries - coveries in the Dc Knap Valley ! " These are the reports one hears cmi every hand ; in the hotel corridors , iii the an- boons , tue clubs , the railway station , everywhere , ammd they keep thtti gold fever at higli pressure. Arc these i'OlOt'tS true ? Yes , every word. Dtmrimig the next five years the Trammavual , Swtiziiammd , Zultmland , : mmmd the Mtitabelo country gold fields tii'e going to astonish the world. California and Australia in their fiushest days will be eclipi + iid by the discoveries and output - put of gold In this South Africaim cotta- tt'y , amid that at no very dtstammt dny. I have just returned from nit oxtemm- temisive trip through the gold-bearing country and the otmtlook for big things in the near future is retnttrlcabi' prom- isiimg , And yet I wouldn't advise aimy- body to conic herewith tIme idemi of doing amiytliing without plenty of capital. It ii ; hot U poor maim's country , whore iimdl- vidual 'digger& ' can mmiko fortunes with pan arid shovel. Piyimmg placer diggings may Possibly be dlscov- crud later , but at present men who should attempt wooing the golden cat ! single hiamided , as of yore on the Pacific slope , would quickly timid thomsolve iii a fair way of starvimig to death , or taking - ing to sheep herding , the imext tIming to it. I know ii round dozen Anmericamma , dead broke In Cape Town now , waiting for money to be sent theta to returmm home on. It is the old story with each otmo of thorn. They came here with enough money to take theta out to : time Tramiavani and. to tide thorn ovem' tilt they could begin "digging gold. " One sad foot I saw . mmd taikoil. with but yesterday. He Mid. resigned a i5O- a-month poattion in Cmicag1aaV ) apt'lng amid started for this country with ' * , tHH ) , the savings of yours. He is nosy sliimg- Ing drinks in a third-class boor house for his board , waiting for a romnhttmtnco to pay his passagoliack to the Uflited States. A few months' prospecting and floating nroummd without tindimig : imiy- thing timid he foummd himself with empty pockets and sonictimes even with aim empty stomnacli. In the asemmeo of paying placers the ommlyopemmimig for immthviduat effort Is iii prospecting. If a man gets broke it i stm't aiwutys easy to get nimything to do , for mill tima labor about the mines amid mills is domie by Kaffim's uimdertho sit imtendence , of whiteforcixiomi. The outlook - look for the busted Athem'ican is anything - thing hut brilliant. In some districts lwovisions arc ulniost as dear as they wck.o in California itt 1819 amid 1851L A 5 mmoto doesn't nnmouimt to much in d'is- tricta where everything of coimsoquemice hits to be hauled hummdrcds of miles by wagon. I have Iaaid $20 ( to reduce it to American money ) a hundred for flour , $2 a dozen for eggs , 75 cemits a pound for cheese , 81.50 for a 'bottle of beet' or ii can of condensed milk , with ether stuff jim proportion. .At these prices a fellow prospectimig over the country for any lommgth of time wants to have plenty of money. Time maim who reaches the gold fields with but a few hundred dollars vill find it used tsp almost before lie knows what has becommie of it. If ho could start right into placer- digging for lila support it would be di- fe.remmt , but the odds arc against his being able to do this at present. Thieve are plenty of mcmi iii the Do Ktiap valley trying placer mlmmimmg , but they am'o mnectimmg with immdifferemit sac- cobs. I tried it for it couple of niomiths , prospecting and digging , but although 1 had no trouble in iindiimg gold it was in sameli small quammtities that I eouidmm't make current 'expenses , timid so had to give it uli. In prospeetimmg for quartz it Is also equtilty imimimrtammt thatmimmmami should not be cramped for moans. Nowadays a claim litma got to be opened imp amid proved before it will soil or attract capital. Timousnuds wc'o ruined by time mud specuhatiomis of lust year. timid pco- 1)10 lit'O ommly just beginnimmg to recover from time reaetiomm. 'l'svelva momtims : ego everybody ivim hlil i'ieccs of good qimnrtz to show could fiimd plenty of eaget' peo- Pie timmxiotms to immvcstigate his claim with H view to mrcimase ( ii' imimrtmierslilp. All thus has chamiged with time reaction ; to display pocket slecimnetms timid talk sell imow Is to be regarded with stmspiciemm om' ignom'eti entirely. All this conibs of the imifitition mimmd time inovitiblo cohiapc of last smprimmg. Last year Simohma mnimme shares , that sold or'mg- inaliy mit srnmmg UI ) to $25 in next tone no timne. F'i'omim 8.5 lii May amid $2.5fI ) y nmidsmmnmnmet' time shames ran UI ) to 00 1,3' , Christmas. Everybody was seized wit ii a wild mntimila fom' speculation , It was Californ iii timid Coimsotitlated Virgin in duplicated. Servant girls 1mm Cape 'roivmm amid Durimmm mtmmd Kiniboi'ly di'tmmv their littlu hioavdimigs fromui time savimmgs bimiks : mind bought Simeba stock , mimer- chammts sold out their business , amid men mortgaged houses amid real estate to swell the sums of timoim' immvestmnents , Time coummtry was for the time miuimmg- sluice mmmd. Last sprimg the bubble burst. Hundreds were rimmed. Other hundreds saw the hard-earned sayings of years swept ruthlessly away. A few Pronioters miUtlO big fortutmeti. ILiving pitased tiim'ough the seemingly inevitable frcimzy of gold fields newly discovered , niiuming has miow settled dowim in the Trammsvtuil on a SOIil , soimsi- tile basis. lvorything is owned and ilomm'm by compammies. Mills are being btommghmt from Eugituid by the bcore in eVCt'y stetimnet' , 1mm tim Witwatersrammdt district time gold-bearing fom'rnatiomi is wlmmtt is known as a sort of congbommierate that is wonderfully easy to l'oiiuco. Bat : hot 011mm be i'ctluceil lam' less thmumi $5 vtr tom : . It , is CompOsed of it sort of pebbly quartz comneimted together by a lute silicious stimid. A piece of it iminy easily be crimsimed beneath tim foot , and it little ivater poured over ti lump will cause It toemumnhiti at once. Suclm is ibtmmmkot and the gold Is con- tamed chiefly Iii the coinemmt , Veins of positive quartz are found In the same reefs as the bankot.but the mills are working olusivtty on the latter so far. - ; - . - - - i- - -I. tinji . - - . - . - . f ; r11 ; 4 ; ' . . . . "CAPITAL PRIZE" OF $500,000.00 $ Tickets can b procured FREE OP CHARGE by applying at I $ t i ; . ; 1119 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. iS : Drawllg ! Takes Place Daily Bet. 7 a.iu' aud 9 p.m. o Blallks ; every Ap- plicailt Gets a Prize , as the ainowit will be divided into 31250 Prizes as follows. Saturday Drawillgs , Dec. 24 , 1887 , wifi coilsist of . , , ' . . A PAIR PANTALOONS. . $ AT . \ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -FOR . . . , . ' I ii U $ 1 70 $7I ( t 1' 4L ii ii $180 . $8.00 $ 470 ii it ii ii ii $9,110 Ii 14 ii t ii S $5 70 . . ' $10.00 $ U'oi ) Ii ii , &i Si ii ii " b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 : $4 100 - ii. . ii ii ii it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l8.OO $740 ii ii ii ii ii $14.00 ii ii ii ii 4 . $13 ( L5 . $16.00 .4 0 ii Si it Si it 1 i . . . . . . . $18.00 . ASUIT.S. S. . . . AT FOR $ . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . ii Ii i Ii ii $ ii 60 $22.00 $1440 0 41 II , ii mi . . $28.00 818.80 44 It ii Li II $32.00 41 iI ii ii Ii $18 . . 50 $86.00 $ ) ) 'ft ) ii ii Ii Ii ii ii $1 ' $48.00 ii ii IS ii L $ ; 7O . $50.01) ) S ii Ii Ii .1 (6 . * 55.00 3i15 0 II IL 41 Ii :1. , 35.64) ) ' ii I $ Ii i " $70.00 . .4 AN OVERCOATS : AT :1 : . ' $11.00 Which was made to order by a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 45 55 I S $10 70 ' , " ii ii II ii 0 $ l' 00 $25tb ' ' Si ii ii 0 $1 70 $28.00 " ' ' I' Ii i a $ lSft ( ) $30.0 ( ) ii ii 0 14 iS ¶ 17 70 " ml mm mm is ii $ "t)81) ) ) Ii 14 ( I Ii . si ' io . . $45.00 : ; - " " mm mm m L . $ -.l5 ) $50.00 " U i ii ii m $81 0 . $ ' 1560 41 ii ii IS ii . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 Including a complete stock of furnishing goods , hats and caps , at 50c on the dollar in which savings will aWard ; vi' your a nice prize AT THE MISFIT PARLORS , ' I U ; . 1119 Parnam Street 1119 r N. B.--Orders by mail receive prompt andcareful attention. ; ; ; ; ; ts rumtifl lodes or varylmig trom omme to tWOIit3' feet wide. Tuiem'c is such tin mibudmijco of this nmltem'mai smear the simrface that it is pi'ztcticmmtly hmmex- haustmblc , and n deep as siittftui have titus far bicri smmmmk it holds its own widtii of you : and rlciiness. Tliousamids of stamps nf yiind remumierutive em- ploymnetmt night ammd day for years on banket now in plaimi sight. At present nearly a thousand stamps flee worlemmig steadily emi batmkct in time Witwatersrammdt district alone , and itla timoughit that by this time next year mmmx times that mmumbor iviit be hard sit it. The average cicami-up yields about one amid otme-linlf ounces of gold to the stamp per day. At this izttc sotmie of time coin- pamiles imavo commenced payimmg divi- doimds at time rate of 50 per cent ii year 0mm tue capital invested , timid shares are. held at ten and twelve times their original cost a few months ago. This is what may be called an xcecdiimyly hicalthiy state of affairs , everyth 11mg beIng bomus-Ildo from beglimiming to cud. The basiket lodes wore discovered a year ago by a Pretorettim mmmcd Stublig. Time district was totally wild anti unimm- imabited , a bam'remi plateau , comisidemedlflt for nothing. Then citmo the inevitable rtmah , and with mtmsimroon spontaneity usia sprumig into existonee the town of Johnmmnisborg , already ii umnbci'ing 0,000 inimabitoimts. The country round about Joitamimils- berg for mmtmmy miles eommtains no timbem' . Many of time iiousqs are queer thugs , built emitit'oy of movable iron sheets im- portel from Emiglammd ; others are of mmdobo or nmud rock. it. a regular gold- HOld city , full of rowdyism timid lined. characters ; dammee-houses an d an- loomis by time dozen arc 1mm full swimmg , amid m'oblmery amid shootimmg allah's are of tilmuost daily occurredee. Timoro is big money itcre for expert miners with plenty of capital-big fliOfle3' . But at iirescmmt the mimmimi without - out capital , and lots of it , hind bettor staywhmero lie is ummcss lie likes herding - ing simeep for a pound a week amid slim tittloims. \Vetic : lummgs , spitting of 1ioosl , comm- sumuiptiori , timid kimmdred alicetions , cured without IhmYHiciiimt , Address , for tt'emit- imme , with two stamps , % Vorld's Dispemm- sam'y Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. . THE HOOSIER POET. hoW Riley Forcedilinisolt lute Notice - tico in Indiana. Immdinmmapolis Letter : Time tipphumse sihmicim followed time uppc'aramice of .Inmncs \Vliitcomnht JUIcy. , tim Iuidiutna i)00t , itt time m'econt .comwentbomm of tuitimot's mum New York basil naturally attracted at- temitiom : to him mind has but tuiditlomiitl Immterest is , his early life mind to a career which , whilq attended by mmiamiy vicissi- tmdes : , titways .hwl like Riley himself , its its comic sldp and distiimgulslmed him from those with viioumi he stasoclated , Riley Is a umative of Iittmicock county , this state , now about timirty-live yeuiri of age , Eiis early oducatlomi was Limited , not , bqcause hiis fathom' ivits ivamuting either , in the mactins or the desire to giyo hmini a classical cducatbonbut bicaiuso hisson ireforred a lnmrsuit less (1l'3' thmtimm poruimg Over books timid wmuliufg through time ( lcdcn- smomis and cpnjummctiomm of Greek timid Latlim mmoumimi , iiid verbs. Before his sdhool days wert conmpleted time young Riley abandoned his books amid took UI ) time trade of a slgmm-paimitet' , and soon be- gnu traveling front pltico to phitco , apparently contented if his day's work brotmght him mommy enough to for time mmmhits lodging. Evemi hits slgims Jttt' took or his comic mmaturo. timid both time gt'oteqmme letters amid time liceuliar ox- vrossloims iioro entirely original , amid serveti to attract attemmtlomm to imlmn mmd his work. Thttmm'u gave to Riley a peculiar pair of eyes , timid they often served hun ii : his summer tramps over the cousmtry as a vtilmuter. Lie would frequently enter a town as a blind sigim-writer , and soil- cit work while bolmmg from hmoue to house by ti boy , and ii'Imen his ability to do the work was quostbommod , ho do- mnandod a. trial. Running his hand ovci' thesurfaco as If to talco the dimensions , . . the "blind sigim-writer" would hmur riedly amid apparently without effort ; write the sign while the people would gatliei' itroumid him and express tue greatest astonishment at the accuracy of the work. On oumo of these sumnnior tramps Riley fell 1mm with a vender of patent medicimmo , amid for a time the two traveled together , Riley amusing time crowd with hula bntmjo and comnic songs amid sayings asthe nmod- joule man extolled the virtimes of his wommuerful eatimolicomi and sold it to the people. As a si'n pitintem' Riley became ierfcctlY familiar with time language of the street. the ignorant and time unsophisticated - sophisticated , and thus laid Iho foundit- tion of hula future success as a writer of dialcct.proso amid poetry. Riley's nest productiomis appeared in priit : between 1875 timid 1870 , but they attracted little nttcntiotm because their publiclition wits limited to tim country Press , tim author not being abbe to reach tue public through the periodicals of larger circuhitiomi and. more cultured readers. Believing that his writiumgs Possessed merit stud were rojeeteti by the publishers simply because time author was without a name munouug writers , Riley hit upomi a plan to bring himself into public notice and to prove that Iil productions wore not without merit , evemi if the writer was withmout fame. With the consemit of the editor of the Kokomo Dispntph , Ito published a short poem which was an excellent lad- tuition of Edgar A. Poc's style mntroduc- lug it si'ithi the statement that the poem had beemi found written on the blarmic leaf of a 1)00k OliCO belonging to l'oo , amid found by a relative of the deceased poet who moved to this state from the east immalmy years ago. The poem and time accompanying atatomnetit of Its discovery - covery wore reproduced by mammy papers amid a heated dimmeussiomm wuis the results sonic : miaistimmg that time poem was unquestiommubly the work of ioe , amid , others tlitit , while strilcimmgly sittil- lam' , it wits wtimitiumg In aommmo of the essomm- tinla that distimuguished Poe from nil other writers. F'inmtlly euro of l'oo's 1)uiulimmltOI'S mutt for tim book in wlmmch time poem was alleged to imttvo been written - ten aumd the truth caine out , Though Riley was severely criti- ciacti , time emiconmiums ivlmichm time imimumi received. from those who really be- Roved that It wAs the production of Edgam' A. Poe convinced him timuit lie Imimsoif was Incklimg immoro tim mmnuno.thmams imi merit as ii writci' , timid lie sooum tiftei'- vuid secured emnployimmeimt on Time Jotmrimtti , ( if this city , at a mmiodet'mto : suit- : tm. % . . timid while thus emmgagud wrote mimost of his dialect verse.Vitlmimi time last few years imo hitis conti'ihimteil a niimbem' of pieces for etmmmtcrmi periodicals , timid hits 1)ubiished a book of selectiomma , ium wlmi eb , however , the piece iii imitation of I'oo's style does mmot mippetu' . Cot Their Money. Mentioum was nmade ma a reecimt Issue of the Times of the fmmct timat Jim licker itiul Simm MeArthur 115(1 ( drawn l5,0X ( ) In time Louisiammmt State Lottem'y. Last Thursday the money ivas received through time Mimisoula National Bank , and turned over to the iucky imoiders of time ticket. ' 2lmo boys did imot know but that there might be a mistake sonmuwiiem'o , amid were naturally restless until time money canto amid was ithiced to their credit in time bamuk. 'The Louisiana Stuto Lottery has stood thai test of years , and is just n soiil , and meliabie as any concern in time country. We believe time mlrmiwitigs are niusolutely ( mile nimdtlmat the lotteries mmro eommducicd as lmorm. cstly as and equitably as ammy other business , Wo arc informtmed that three or fout' other mimmor Im'Izes : Were secured by Missouim : Imar. ties tmt the last drawimmg. Aumotimer tenti : of the capital lrIzO of $ lN,000 ) is'as drawn by \\'lltLitn P05(1 of the toivmm of Anaconda , hi time adjoimuing county of Iecr Lodge , mind was collected tlsroughi tIme Omalma National lituik of Otnumima , Nebraska. Messrs. Baker timid McArthuriavosecui'cd ) a smmug little sum , and by carefully limycating their stake , they shommhd be able to kee1 the wolf frommm time door during the balammea of thmolr livcs.-Missoula [ ( Mont. ) Times , Dec. 7 1887. , _ _ . _ _ _ Itiding Ocean Turtles. Chicago Times : 'The coasts of lower Cahiforim Ia abound with. huge turtles , weighing from 1100 to 400 pounds each , Down at PuntaBaimthi5whuroa company I - MASONS PATENT I RUNNER ATTACHMENT _ Light , Strong and Practical. _ _ _ _ _ _ by their Use your vehicle can be ( thickly transrorinel Into a cotmmfort. _ _ _ _ able sicigh , Made at , MASON'S ' CARRIAGE WORKS , ,1t : DAVFNPoILT , IOWA. Per Sale by Dealers Evex'ywhee. . . - is ; building mi big hotel , one of the work- macti , who is aim expert swimnier , mmd who spemmda much time in the water , has become skilbful in ridimmg time big ani- uuitils. A tt'miveler says that when time maui sees one that is big ommommgh to ride he rushes into the wmiter timid imiotmmmts it. He has a way of sltitp1mig the turtles eu the side of time head that makes timemmi jog along amid by striking them lie muse guides timcmn. Herodo it bigfehiow acm' time shore the ethmor day as the atmige drove imp the coast i'opd , and time occupants - pants of timostage wel'o so lilensed with tue exhibition thatthicy mntude up a vurse of $20 for tim rider. Time Proof-reader Was a Texan. Chicago Tribune : "Time types , " oh- serves a southermi Illinois paper apobo- getically , "made us allude last week to our esteemed townsman , Mr. Polimenius , as a 'viliitumious lounger. ' We wm'ote 'versatile lawycr. Time error was overlooked - looked by out' proof-reader , a geimtlcnman recently from Texas , who mussut'os us , 1mm extetiuntbosm of thu oversight , thud thin two terms ziioau pretty much the sammie , thlimg wiicm'e lie cammme fm'om. " ( -jct. WEfO Pt PRICE CREAM I 4Kif4 IawoE I Itssuperjoroxceience , ) proven In mIlIlos of homes roe more than s quarter of a COUiUy. 1 $ Ii : use. ) iy , time United 5tates ( Jovornmnemit. tn. dpretI by the heads o the great uutvott1e , as tile Strong8t , Pimecet and Mnst IIo.dtbful. ft. I'rio's the only flaking I'owder thst does not contain Ammonia , Liuiie or Islam. Sold only In cans. PnicsiR.cmnu I'oWtizRCO , , New York. ( flh1caio. itt , houls. THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. 'rho best knowii 50(1 miiii sneitlar u1omm In the stab , liesttjn csitnit , i.ppimntuieat. llrAt-cial , . iIeuiqtiartor. icr corailnerciam in. . , , , nd all mommimesu ace pubitegalhertiigs. m' itocummi i'rom'rim'tor. FOUNTAIN FINE CUT AND PLUG. ncomparabiy th. Beat. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Ut iS. ftody aiatgS4 ant s4z.niitbee.t. VuttVziUcu- i.r.KntuIie.i fles. smuts iili.Co..IwrrsuH.T , SUFFERERS ru IEIVOUSES $ . * 1I 01 ( irWQfk , tadisuriltin. gta , abevs. - . .S . $ i : V\T\ - M. , OMAHA MEDICAL SUR6ICAL INSTITUTE. N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodg ItS. romTnt.nyNsros.s. Clirollic ilild .8urca1 ! BR.&OEE , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUIIES. Pest raciliti , apparatus and remedies f. site. eessful treattlietit ufevcry form of disease requir. tog Medical or Smrgkal : Treatment. FIrTY ROOM8 FOR PATIENTS. Board and attendance ; best hospital accoummo- datfons lii the west. , . W5it FOR Ciscuf.tas cii Deformities stud Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , l'iles , 'l'urnor , , Cancer , Catsrth , Bronchitis , Iiiliatafloim imectrjcfty. Paramysis , Epilepsy , Kid- hey. BOebier , ityc , Itar , Stin awl iiiooe , and all ' , Surgical Operattons , . Diseases of Women a Specialty. . flOOK ON flisi or Woxs yiti. ONL7 RELIDL LEDIDAL IRSTIT17TZ AKmHO a BIECIALTT OP PRIVATE DISEA8Ee. All Blood DiseascssticcessIulmy treated , Byph. " , Ilitic i'oisoa reinovesi Irons ( lie systenm without ) ilercmiry. New restorative treatment ( or Io.s ol Vital Power , i'crsoiis unable to suit us nmay be treated at home by corrcspormdence. All comamu- iiicathoi , cotifidentlimu , Mehiciimrsorinstrament. i'tiit , tmu' luau or cxires. Sectitely pocked , no mimarks to indicate contents or snider , One - per- Sotini fimtervlew lreIcrrt. Call and consult ml. or setiti history ofyour case , and we wili send in Plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private Special or Nervous Diseases , - Potency , Sypimilis Glect and Vamicoccie , wi questluim li.t , Addrcs Omaha Medh'qj and Rurgcg ( 7.tltufeor DR. McMENAMY , Cot. 13th end Dodge Sis. , - OMAHA. NE $ . Proprkto.r'Omaha Business CoIlego1 IN WHICH IS TAUQH Book-Keeping , Poumanship , Commercial Law , $ horthand , T&.ir.b1s ud TypewriUn9. . 8end for : ; Iege Journst. .4 S. E. Cor. 16th and Capital Ave. Mention iS a OtuvtizU. . THE OMAHA BEEU I --uixmivr.nrui'ro- AY 1R OF LIICOL -'liv O.Amtumxli You- 20 Cents a Week.I I $ oven paprrs a week , Send.yourorderWth , 051cc , . . 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel VwIIIs 's : - - - - -