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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1887)
r OMA&A I > AILY BEE' : WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7. 1887 PAVING WORK COMMENCED. The Capital City's Principal Thor oughfares Vastly Improved , LIBERATED SOLONS IN SESSION. First Merlins t tlio Conncllmen SinceTlirlr Jtrlcnxr l > l trlct Court I'rocwdltiKM ImllRnatloii Oor lr. Coolcj'B Jlclcnsc. [ FIIOM TUB nrr.S IISCOIA nriir n.l Paving work In Lincoln Is uimiplotu for tliu jcar , tlio lust block having liocii liilJ and the work ( llseoiitlnucjil until tlio curly sprint- Despite the vexatious dclu.vs caily In the season , more work has been accomplished by the tonti actor , than wus expected mid the licsudof public ; works In u ruvlow iiro iinunlmoUniy of the opinion thai tlio woik has been well done end ticeoidliifj to contract. Thodlstilet paved read.2 < * to both tlio Bur lington mill tlio Klkborn and Mtez'itiri 1'acllli : passenger du ) > ots , to the freight depots of those romls us well , to the huivicst wholcsiila nouses und the line of pavement reaches as far tip In the city us the corner Eleventh and 1 streets , practically putting tlio three leading hotels In paved connection with the deiHitn. The wiuareards of blocks laid num ber f > 'ily ' ( ) at an estl mated ex pen to of J1IU , . l > 'i' > 71W per cent of this amount is withheld one year as a guur.mteo. The amount of paving under contract now and that will be rusher ! with the early apring is nearly double in amount the work done the present year , 11 TV rtnihiis is cou.sui/ . The first meeting of the city council sincn their tcrni Uf Imprisonment i\ni held Monday ovcnlnjf. There 7r.u no reniarkablo rush of business over tlio two wc-c ! : dcl.iy. Kcjiorts otclty onitcrs , the laving of now : ' < iowalks and such mutters were disposed of. Ono Of the linpoitant ipiestlons ilemandliiR attention is that of disposing of storm water before all the patcmcnt ulieady laid in tlio vicinity of the depots is destroyed. The defeat of storm \vnter sowc'iago is early bearing its fruits timl , instead of having a n.\stem put in by stemsitii1 . work , It appears as though hew- ei ago of this ( haraeter wo\lld bo Jobbed out tn meet local demands all over the < Ity. The 11. & M. submitted a ( imposition to build n poitlon of it stoun water sewer near their passenger depot piovided the unincll would extend it u block fiutlivr , and un estimate ] lias already been allowed for repaiis on the N utiect sewer for sV-'Ot. The question of ( Miicolling liiiuor licenses held by saloon- Iteepeis who have been found guilty of violating lating the laws is also a WOIK which at the piesont time is cngtiging the attention of the council. < IS IMSTHKT COIIHT. Divot t'o pioi ecdings weio commenced . - teulii.v bj Timotlij U. Ho e against bis wife , Kuch.iel A. Konc. The plalntlfTs alleges that tbe.weie . mtutied in Kno\ count v , Ohio , in ISI'I ' , and , despite long \eurs of life togethei , in October Jvj-1 , the wile deieitcd him with out ( .nisi ) or leason and thcrefoic on this do- Bcrtlon ho asks di\nicement. Hc'foru Judge Field jostetdny and a jury the c.iso of Paska against .lohnson was on trial. The case developed a mixed condition of affairs over some peisonal pioperty the valuoof a hoiso pl.iying the impoitmit p.ut in the expelt testimony of volumnous wit nesses. Tlieio is a good deal of indignation abriud over the fact that the indictment against Doc tor Oooloy did not hold good and wiis- ttquashcd by the com t. Doctor Cooley w as charged with lommittlng an aboitlon on the Iwdy of LizioVliikluinan in December ItMi , by the coroner's Jury and the court of Impiiiy and put under bonds to answer for the ci lino. The details of tlio hornblo affair created u great deal of excitement at the timn und the ovidencu was conclusive that the girl lost her llfo from the effects of the criminal piactlco of Dr. Cooley and public opinion was loud in ( ondcmimtlon of the doctor and demanded his punishment. It was not until the present tcunof couit that the grand Jury pasbed upon the ciiso and one of the gland Juiois stated that an indictment was mo\cd im mediately upon the presentation of the evi dence. However , on the same day that Hcerswas sentenced to hang for mm del ing a girl , this doctor escaped noin tlio punish ment for taking the life of his victim through the fault of the Infoimutton , the nttornois for the doctor filing a demuner setting foith that the informationthtotigb its statement of facts does not constitute an offense pun ishable by the laws of the state. Upon argu ment on the demuiierthe touit held the do- niuirer good. For this leason Dr. Cooley goes fi eo and escapes from the punishment that eveiy man who beaid the testimony at the time fuels that ho richly merited. or iscoiiroiuriov of the State bank of Dajkin , .Tcfferoon ounty , wei o tiled > estorday w 1th the seci o- tary of state. The bank's capital stock is ITilMKX ) and the IncoiiKiiutors L.J.Alexan der , John 11. Wright , W. K. Muynnrd and John W. Lytlo.I'I'H I'I'H O\VI , NOTTS. Lieutenant Ooveinor Shedd ciimo down from Ashland jesterdiiy to nflK his slgnaturo to papois In the executive ofllco us uctiug gov ernor. Frank G. Rlnunons , atcvviu t at the homo for tlio feeble minded at Ueati ice. attended the meeting o ( the board of public hinds and buildings. Commissioners Hlrncy and Abbey , of the live stock commission , weio In the city jes- teul.iy fiuiu a trip over the state. Kx-Coveiiior ! Dawes , of Crete , was one of tin' vlsltois at the capital city jesteiday. Oil Inspector Caldwell Is In the city. 11IB OITV IV HUH f. Oro\o Paik addition is the latest and the nlat was tiled . \esteidny \ intluuleik's oftlco. It is nn eU'htj aero tiact subdivided into live neie pieces and located south trom the citv. citv.The The state amlltdV has filed liN demand on Lancaster countj for the indebteilnes of tlio roiinlv to the state for the care of the insane from that county at the nsjlnn. The amount of the indebtedness is $1UC > ! U. SheulT Lane , of Saline county , accompan ied by the newly elected sheriff of that county , was in the city between tiains jes- torday , coming o tulco the Sallno county pnsoneis to Wilbur for trial , who are be tween the couits contlned in the Jail bete. The tiial of ICea\s for attempted lapo was pet for heai \eiteiday. . Thc'io is u noticeable incieaso in the teal estate tinnsfers since the first of the month and the boom of the early spi Ing appeals tc bo sprouting. The daily transfers are now i tinning close to f-W.lHX ) , and the people witli propelty on the market are not ovinciiifi the anxiety to sell that they did a mouth ago 1'our cases of diunks ami disorderlies weic at tbo pollen Judge's dock \oitutthiv motniiiu awaiting sentence. Two of them were ar lested while creating a small liot and as sessed the usual costs for their amuse ments The funds available for the payment of tin fliobojsaro exhausted and wauauts have been diawn for the full amount of the tilt fund. Tins necessitates the city fathers taking some measuiesnt once , to piovido i fund to draw upon for the maintenance o the department that seems to bo constantly Immisscd by u shoitago of funds. The monthly pajroll of thu touchers In tin Lincoln public schools amounts to the nca sum of fl.ri'.t. The monthly distubutioi took place j esterday. 4 Stimulate the lllootl. Hrandroth's Pill uro the grout bloot nuritlor. They uvo u jmrKUtivo atu blood tonic , they nut equally on tin bowels , tlio Idilnoyrt , und the skin ; thu cleuiislucr the > systcMi ! by the natural outlet lot of the bodj they mny bo culled tin pwtfutivu MiOnrillc and tliurotic mctli cino. Thoj stimulate the blood so us t cnublo iintmo to throw ott nil morbii humors , and cuiu dipoiiMi no umttor b , what iiuino it mny bo culluil. Ono o tnoof thom tnkon every night will pvov un infallible roincdy. One IliilliliMK I'onnlt. Hut oao permit \ \ us Issuctl at Superinteiu cut Whltlui'k's ofllce yeMc'rday nnd that wa to Slid\\ooj .Southard to put about ( K wotih of repairs on n houbt * near the rorm of Thiitee-nth mid Howard stiecta. PrciionUy | accidents occur in tli household which c.ui o burns , imt1 ( ptnliifi anil bruises ; for UM > in hue cases Dr. J. II. MoLt'iin's Volcanic O : Huim nt luis for innnv years bouu tli coutUot ( aVurit ( uuilly rciuoJy. CdliONKIj IIKXUY'H IjEOTUUR. IntcrwtliiK Pnt'tn About Indians nnd Indian CuiiipnlRiiH. Colonel Henry's lecture on "Indians nud Imllnn Campaigns , " w'us Riven last night In thu clinptor rooms under th6 cathedral. It wus n very pructlnil rtml Intotestlng lecture , nml Colonel Henry evidently knew whut ho wilt talking ul > out n funitlliirlty with the subject gained after n porsotinl cxjierlcnce of nc.itly twenty jcars on the plains und among thu Indians of Wyoming , Utah , Arlroiw , New Mexico nnd Indian TenItory. He wild the believes In two gods , the good nud the bad , nnd to propltl.Uo the good one , ho rcsoits to milking wlmt Is called medicine , by iimKtuic of earths , bones , etc. , producing tiTtiiln combinations or colors to thu Indlim known as "Rood or bad medicine" In the former cuso It Is carefully kept on the ptr- son In bags of deer skin , in the hitter burled In ground. All Indians ullcr dentil go to paradise or the happv hunting grounds , ex cept , those who hiivc been scalped or hung , hrnce to nvuld sculping , or to scalp as ninny of tlio enemy na imsslblo Is a gi cut object. The noul ov.ipoH through the mouth und by hanging It cannot escape home this niaiinurof death Is avoided bv the Indian. Tlio Indian damrs particularly the cruel "sun dance" is ono of toituro where In- cisslons an ; made In the breast , ropes passed through midends tied tosuppoits from which the Imllan has to keep tense , were described. This dunce Is for ' ! ' purpose of trying the metal of those who wish to be worriors. The Indian house or topic mode of ti.ivcllng , llfo In camp , tiailing , sign language , etc. , wvro explained. Then came u vat led description of a winter's march In the Black Hills at foitydegieos below roro , made in 1875 by Colonel Henry und Ids command from Toil Hoblnson , all being badly frwen nnd saved only by coming upon n ranch occupied by a squaw man. The Indian way of torturing , stretching the victim on the ground , building a tire und roasting ono foot , ( lien the other , and then the heart added certainly to keep the heareis at least warm. Giattun's niassacic ' . " ' ' occurred nt Fort Larutnio and Fetter- man's ul 1'crt PiVl | Kearney with their at tendant mutilations or liiQ de'td bodies wcro broad I v described. Captain Powell's tl ht near 1'oit ICeainoy. a year utter the ubovo m.iss.icio , icsultcd in the defeat of u largo foiceof Indians , some ! ! ( X ) against our eighty , our men were behind entrenchments , nnd having boon supplied with the trench trader unknown to the Indians , resulted In their ie- pulsp after Ouch assault. Colonel Forsj thes encounter , and repulse of Indians on the Ho- publican and the sufTei nips of his command weio detailed. General Crook's campaign against the Sioux in 1S7. > and battle of Koso Bud , then followed. This campaign broke the power of the Sioux , under testing Bud. 'ilio Indians mimbeicd about li,000 ! , against our 1WX ) , and only by stubboin bi.iverv of our soldieis could we hold our own. Thesis same Indians n week later destrojing Custer and his command. At this battle Colonel Ilriuy was shot tlnougli thu faio and his do- M'I Iption of his being cat i led in u miilu litter some eight v miles over u lough country oucu struck over face by jaw ol tear mule , then thrown out , then nearly washed out when the mules hud to swim a river , then by mi eight dujs' till ) in u wagon to Foil re-Her man , then three dujs more toiallioad , u total distance of some Wit ) miles bofoiolm arrived home , all this time being blind , his face fractured , so ho hud to be fed w ith broth from u spoon showed us he said wlmtoftlceis nnd soldiers aio called UIMJII to eiiduie in Indian campaigns unknown to the people , and with somu hesitancy he giive the above as un illustration. The solutioilof tlicliulian problem he said was to give each Indian his land , and tnuko him farm it , and give him a vote , and then the whites would take un in- teicst m him. as thev had done with the negro. Tlio lecture/ / lasted an hour und was full of vivid mteicst to all. The lectuio was the second in the course of 1SS7-S under the auspices of the Trinity cathe dral chapter of St. Andrew's brotherhood , the first having been deltveicd bv Dr. Miller. The next leettire will be bv Captain Kay , who will detail will detail some of his Atctlc expcienccs. THE IlKNcii AND BAIL Tin- United StuU-s Court. AN IIHSIIMAX FIIOM ArilH'A. . The ejectment suit of Ward vs. Cochian , involving the ownership of twenty nciesneur the Foil , is still in piogress before Judge Dundy. Thu pi incipal witness in the case is u comical old southern darkey , who is known by the incongruous cognomen , of Tim Flan- nugan , und who has hud possession of these j iieies for twenty-eight jours. Bothsidosuio omlcuvoiuig to piovo priority of their claims UKm | the ground by this Africo-Ccltic witness , und his testimony has been a i ieh treat for luw.v ors , the couit , com t attaches aud the audience. While old Tim bus n wonderfully letontivo memory , clii analogically ho is utterly ut sou. lie has no idea of dates and llxcs all events nnd happenings by coriospondingoccurrences dining the war , such us the election of Abe Lincoln , the bombardment of Fort Sumtcr , battles of Bull Hun , Chlcamnugu , Lookout Mountain' und other m eminent events of those trying days. The case will pi obably icach a conclusion to day. District Court. llETTi HV VATS TO l.EAV -lOSLPir. . Hetta Paiish , in her application for a divorce from her husband Joseph , saj s she inurncd him ut Storm Lake , Iu , November 3,188(5 ( , und thut ho has since been ci ucl und abusive towaids her. Ho hns continually chin ged her with adultery without cause , and u few weeks ago In Smith Omaha , when they went to bed , Joseph -placed u razor und 1 butcher knife under the pillows with the remiiik "that there would be bloodshed In ono family. " ( turn nv Louis Shields bioueiit action vcsteiday against Chailes Banks and wile In the sum of * 44b.lUjfj tor building material and labor. County Couit. OSK HUMiurusns. . The Dot ember docket was called jcstculay with 110 cases on the calendar. JUDUMLNTS llhMII.Ur.I ) . Household Sewing Machine company against A. H. Whitney , $ .i.V > W. Mai tin H. Cook against George W. Duit can , $ .W > fiT. John L. Whiting against Maine 1'ulul , Manufiutuilnt ; , sJas i > l. Suint.m & Co. againstJI-\ . Head , Edward Lclaanor ugaltibt f , * ' . ' 18 bO. 1'olioo Cninr. Tom and Jim McC.utliP.\\thc two men m icstcd on a chaigoof liuv ng hold up IVi . Cuoss last Fiiday night , were vestoidnj went to jail as vapi ants for tvv only liv o daj s i This act ion was taken in Older thut the men could bo held until the liighvvav lobberj casi would be moio thoiauglily looUed into. Cnturvh originates iu hcrofulous taint lloodV Sai'snpaiilln jnu'llios thu blood uud thus penuuuontly cures eixturrh. 110AIU ) Important ArrotliiR Monday Night- Mans Hills I'asHi'd A Night School. At the regular monthly meeting of the boaii of education held Monday night , all mem bers , with U.o OMOptiou of Mr Fclton , wci The proprietor of the Thomson-Housto , ! elertilc light company to croet four 13,00 candle | io\\cr lights In the h igh school JTOUU- - was lefeucd to piopcr committee. The .upcilntewlents ot public bulldin ; ; rcconiiiiendpii tliat llio escapes bo elected o id the high school. Ucfcited. idy Theropoitof the city treasurer fdiowe nr thut there remalneil $17,041.50 In the gcncri 'O fund and $7S11 In the Hlnkli g fund. Bills to the mnouul of fJrt.IliO.'JS were nui ited. Tills nmount Include' leathers' nu janltoi s'salai ics which will be paid fit si The bill of John Lutonser for $1,85" , was u .is feirod , . 100 Applirations for situations us teachers wi r be c\amlneil December 27 and 2 $ . Two new text books * 'Cluiucer Prologue lie ana Knights Tale * " \\Tioadoptnl and th supcilnU'dct.t : ampowcted to punl.aso 1' cop ivs , . . The contract with H. M. ft S. W JOIIPU fr ! l the suptil ) lug of sliilos vvab annulled un o I given to J. 8. Caulucld. I U was united to \ivla e number < YOU CAN SAVE 1119 From © O to Per Cent' On Merchant-Tailor Made Clothing , by making your purchases at The Misfit Parlors , during this week NO DODG-E will be found TO OATOH YOU ill a flaring advertisment made by us. We can show you Made up in the most substantial manner , combined with more elegance than has AS YET BEEN shown by any house in Omaha , and AT PRICES beyond approach of any house in Omaha. "Attractions for this Week Special" OYERGO LT $10.30 AT Which we made to order for $18.00 $20.4O AT Which was made to order for $ 40.OO 12.60 22.OO 25.9O " " 50.00 14.20 26.OO 3O.OO " " 60.0O 15.80 28.0O 43.OO " " 85.00 . . . " " . 17.70 33.0O 68.0O 15O.OO . . . " " . 18.65 35.00 175.OO 3OO.OO Suitings too numerous in variety of pattern and prices for space to make mention. You can find them in style of cut and pattern to suit you and at price you wish to pay. OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENTS ARE MOST COMPLETE , filled to their utmost capacity , com prising every article of man's wear in quality unsurpassed and at prices less than any house in Omaha SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE THIS WEEK in UNDERWEAR AT THE MISFIT F 1119 FAHNAM STREET , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. carving tools nnd that u number of moulding benches bo made. The Davenport school was accepted. James Huj lies was elected superintendent of repairs. The bill of Kico & Bussett for ,300OJ was referred. It was agicod to invest the amount in the sinking fund in city paving bonds. Miss Agnes McDonald was elected assist ant principal of the Leavenworth school. Water will bo intioduced into the Bancroft school. The following resolution by Mr. Cooper was adopted : Hesolved. Thut the superintendent of pub lic instruction bo authorized to open evening schools whentliiitv ) > eisons shall petition for the same and pledge themselves to utteiid Its session. That the superintendent , under di rection of the committee ontcaehcis und text books , assign touchers to such evening schools , to bo paid x ) per evening. That the schools shall bu open uvo evenings cm h week from 7 to ! ) o'clock. That the supoi intented of public iustiuction , under the direction of tlio committee on teachers nud text books , shall ai range u course of studies und enact rules for the government of such schools. When the attendance shall fall below u daily nvoi ago of fifteen pupils for any week the superintendent may close such School. THK'OLU CHKCK UACKET. It is Worked Agniu on un Unsophis ticated German. A German laborer nnmed Abraham Mar- taus was the victim of a confidence man jcs- toiday afternoon , and his cxpouenco has cost him $ > 0 of his Inn d earnings. Murtaus had just come to the city fi om Petersburg , Boouo county , and was looking for woilc. At the St. Puul depot ho wus met by a heavy-set man w ith black whUkers who pictended to bo u rich cattleman fiom Norfolk. After n plc.ismit iicqnaintmueof about llfteen inin- utos.tho stranger told Martaus thut ho wished to tumsact some Important business uptown , mid if he would lot him have mine money ho would stop ut u bank on his return und ie- turn the money to him. The unsophisticated German lot him have 50 , every cent ho hud on eaith , und the strunger gave us"sccniily" n check for $ 1,001) ) on the St. Paul savings bank , pajnblo to W.H.Swift & Co. , und Rigmd by J. B. Hammond. The stranger piomiscd to return in half un hour , but after waiting for him in vain for four or live hum s , It begun to dawn on the Goi mini's mind thut lie hud been victimized , and the paper lie hold for security wus worthless. He hunted up tno police und told his stoiy , but there has not yet been found any clue to the sw uidler. ! , Personal. John Bogie , of Fiumont , Neb. , is in the ii city. II. Weathcriugton , of Lincoln , Neb. , i vis iting in the city. H. M. Bostvvicknnd wife , of Woodbine , Iu. , mo in the cltj. Joe Pierce , of Sioux City , la In the city. A. C. Cuss , of Lincoln , Neb. , is In thoMty. 1) . 13. Dot.v , of David City , Neb , is in the city. city.N. N. S. Harding , Nebraska City , Neb. , is in the city. George H. Harnoy , DCS Molues , la. , Is In the city , N. S. Lane and wife , of DCS Moines , la , are visit Ing in the city. O. C. Sablu , of Beatrice , Neb , is in the city. n city.C. C. C. Benedict , of Shelby , la , Is at the u Mlllard. O. P. Schwlnck , of Norlfolk , Nob. , is at the Mllluul. J. r lluyhcs , of Edgar , Neb , is ut the Mlllaul. H. 7.hiing , of Lincoln , Neb , Is nt then d Mllluul. al Judge Hopcwell and wife nro at the Mil- ald hud.Vinecut d- Vine-cut JCokes Ord Neb Is - , , , at the Wind did id sor. idt. H. C. Schmidt , Portsmouth , Neb , is nt the Mrs. Kteolo nnd family , of Wayne , Neb. , . . ui oat the U'lmlsor. 111 C. J. Clark , of Beatrice , Neb. , is at the I Windsor. W. W. Pinch , of Central City , Neb. , is nt 10 the Windsor. 23 Mr. Bolossy Kiralfy , the manucrer of the "Dolores" company , Is the original creator and iui ] rtcr in the United State-a of the id famous "Kxcclsior'1 and "Hloba" 8 | > cttacus ! , and besides "Doloro , " which i * the largest of show on the load this season , ho owns tlio "Black Crook" und "Around thoWoildin Eighty Dujh. " The ilrst vacation of any kind that Chief Seavey has taken since assuming the duties ofhlsofHcc , was a short trip to Cortland wheie ho spent Sundiiv with .r. B. Dewelett , an old ai my fi tend. Ho returned Monday. PPRICE'S CREAM m"- 'OWDE'1 ' Its sunei lor excellence proven In millions of : iomes for moiothunn , qmxilerof ncentury. It Is uscdliy tliu United states ( lovornmcnt. Kn- iloi-i-il l > y the heads of the gro-xt unlv cuttles , as the .Strongest , I'uroet ami Most llialllitul. Jr. Price's the only Unking I'ovvdor Unit iloes not contain Ammonia , Mine or Alum. Sold only In N'ew'York. ' "clilc.iKO ? st . I.onH. liflilglifit rxtfllen- fits In * li i > en ftro\nf > n I and' /va r FOP Sala by H award Brothers. JruM.conillnul. Uu&rjintfredtLo unlr ono ID the wnrldcencratliK Electnett ttivntlti ncenttnuqus - c rwnl. BcWntlOoPowcrlui. Durable , -jmforutlu d EffpcilTc. Atold Iraudi. O * r 9 elf ( > rnr * 4 H n 1 htmnp fnrpamnlilet. KLCCTKICI iiri/rn roil itlbiAMs. Da. IWVUIGS. IQI WABAS Mt.CHICACO. . J. B. HAYNES , 01T1CIAL STENOGRAPHER , Tlilrd Judicial DUtrtct , J CUAMUKU OF COMMUltCB. THE OMAHA BEE , DKI.I Vhllh 1 TO AEYPABTOFIII -BV CUlllIhK I'Olt- 20 Cents a Week. Sin en papers a week. Send > our order to tlio office , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building Health is Wealth ! Dll. K. \\'KSr'H NKIIVh AMI llHAIN TllXAT- .MtNi.aKuaiiintecilsnecincfor lljsterlo , Ulz/l- ness , ( oiiMilsloin , 1 Its. Ni'ivoun Neuralcla lleuiladie , Nen'ous i-rostration cuunvd bv thu IHU of alcohol or tobacco , nkufiiluesi , Aiuntul Depression boflenliiK of Iho llraln resultliig In Insanity uiirt leading to misery , deuiy unit diuth , 1'rematuro Old AW , lIurreuueHS , I.ois of povei Iu either sox , Imiiliintiirj 1 osses und t-periuat- orrhiiacniiseilb } over rxertlon , of tlio bru'n suit- nbuso or overlndulci'iice. jucli : lox contii lid nnu n.ontli'H trcutn out. ? 1 ( Wnbox.orhUlioxes lor W.t't ( ' n nt by mull prepaid on leceipt of piicu. \VK < JUAKA.NTI.Isix : tioxns To cure uny case. With cadi older lucpiicil by s forslx IKUPS , nccoinpanle 1 vv Ith tV > , vvevvlil oml thu p.irchusci our writ on Kiinrunteu to re liiiul tlio money If the triutiiicnt does not ulTu.t idiio ( iimiunU'ts Issued only bvC. 1' . HOOD- MA.v , DriiKgls * . Hole Ageu % 1110 1'arnnui fct. , Omaha Neb. WHO II UXAC CilXIKU Tt ITU TUB OEOOKiriir Of TU1I OOIMTOT WILL SIB BT EXXMLNJX ) THU MAT TIHT TH8 JHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PJCIFICRAILWAY Ky reuon cf IU central ] i3ltlol.jju l-i\ < lon to Hoof Last of Chicago , and contlni Ji Ua i * t t rmlDal point * Writ , North w jt and tiujthwcit , It the tru. middle link In that traniconllncntai rjtttm itHch Intlln aud facllltatei Uov l nod traffic batwo a ( ho Atlantic and 1'aelfla. The Hock Iiland main lint and branches Include Chi- caEO.JolUt , Ottawa , La Kail * , fcoria , Oenciuo , Molln * and liock bland , In UllnoUi Davinport , Uujcatlnx. Waihlnjrton , i airfield , Otuinw , o > kaloora , VVattLlb- crty. loi. aCltj , Dc Mulnrf. India nola.VVlateriM. AtUn * tic , KnaiTlll * , Audubon , Harlan , UuthrU Centra and Council Bluffs , In lowat Gallatln , Trenton , St. . .arpn , Cameron and JCnluai City , In llUivurf ; I ai iworlli and Atehlson , In Kaniasi Albert l a , MlnneHpolU anl Ct Paul , InUlmicnotai Watertown and Slonx ( Dakota , aud hundndi of lotennxduto cltl i and tovrni. "The Great Rock Island Route" nuaranteci ipocd , comfort , certainty and nftty. Its permanent war l > dliUnKttl > hrdfurltieieeUcn < > < . Iu vrld ea are ot ( tone and lixin. IU track i < of aolll tcelltarolll/i | { > tockrwrfi. i.t. ItifaicenEereqalpnioiie Lai all th.aafotjr nppllacrM thatoiprrlrnco hm pwt ei uifful , and for luxurious fbciomuodatlorii It u. raised Iti ] 'ipr < Tnlnn coniltC of auprrlor Coarho * , elegant 1 uUman Palace 1'arlorand Ble-t Car , > up rb Dlnlutf Curl , proTlJlD ? dtlkloat uiiali , and ( totvrern Clikaeo and fit. Joirph , AtcbMon and KKIUII City ) rutful Reclining Chair Can. It * man- actmrnt It coni rTatlr , Ita dl cli < Uao citctln * "The Famous Albert Lea Rorre" Crlnecn Chlciffu and Mlnneapplli and St. I'a Is tht faritritc. Orer IhUllnohollJ Fa t Kiprt'vs Tralniraa dally to attraitlr * reiortt for toorUU In Iowa and Hlnniiota , and , via Vatrrtown and Sioux Kalli , to the rich wheat and grazing landa o ( lalerior Dakota. \ l Seneca and Kankakte , tUeUueklklandoJTariiuperlor induccni9uti to tra\tler tilweiu Cincinnati. Indian * * apollt , Lafayett * and Council lluff ; . bt. Jowpb. Atrhl- aou , Lrarinworth , Katixa City , St. I'aul and Internt" . dlate polnta. All p tron ( etpdclally ladle ! and rial- dr nrcelv * ) | > rotafitlon.courteiy and kindly altaBtioB. Yet tlcVrta. maps , f idr > r * . ropl . uf Wiuurn Trill , or cy detlred information , apply to principal oeiect U t& * United BtaUa and Canad * . or amirs. , a LILCABIE , I. ST.JDHI , [ . A. UtlllOU , Auiaia1Mua i. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales , Plows , Markers , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. Slide Iron. . T. N. PARKER , FLORIST , Uneit Collection of Rare & Ornamental Plants West of Now Vork City. Office , 1422 FABNAU STBEET , Oflice T lephon * . Green Houta Tc'enhone , 1000. ( Uoyd's Oi era Mous ) 1' . O. Hex 660. FOR the jear 18S8 FRANK LESLIE'S " POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has been aptly styled "HIE MONAKCH OF THE MONTHLIES , " will be better than ever. Articles upon topics of current public interest , sketches of eminent per sons , strong and brilliant stories , and poetry of a high order , profusely illus trated by the best artists. , and all by writcisof recognized merit , will fill its pages , To the old and favorite corps of contributor * 'A ill be uddediltcrsoi promi c , and no of foil \\ill be spared to keep the maga/ine ih the foremost rank. In the November number was begun an earnest and ta'c , "PRINCE LUCIFER , " by Etta W , Pierce , which hag already attracted widespread atention and iliain cd n ulliludcs o readcra. Subciiptions may begin , if de sired , \\itli the November number. Each Utiic contains a Full-Page Picture In Colors , the scries of twelve forming for the car a beautiful collection of gems of modern art. The "Popular MonthK" contains 128 large octavo page * , nearly t.\ice the matter of similar publications , und n not only the bett , hut by far the chrape t , of any o ( the of maga/ino for the people. $3 per year ; 25 c Is per copy Specimen copic , 15 tents. MKS. I'KANK LBSJ.IK , 53 , 55 aid ; 57 Parl. Place , New Vork' Surgeon and Physician , N . W Cuiii i Hth und } )6ni-la < St. OITlct , SteekPiano Hcmnrkabli' foi poweifal Bvmpa- tlujlLjoiie , plTalile in 1 loiT uiiil it\ \ > - holiite din ability. .I0)i afiTii'tord , The liett KtiaruiiUi' of ihu excel- Icllld lit till hf lllhtl llllll'lltM. WOODBRUGEBROS. BUFFALO BILL. CurliKlli t-ninku 1 > ill C ) . - < jph Ili-iucn I tiiku urial plv i > iir In Miillnu Unit I IIHTI. uiul llio Cur- bullc 'uiiiko llnll. I vrijiilil not tin nllliiiul one. tor n sni1il < * ii told or tlirujl trnulilu Illilnrnl. uivliliIn fnct txirtli tcntlmua 111 wulL'lil In uohl. I onrn truly , i \VM. KConv Illtiffulo Hill ) 1 Cnlhrrh , AMhlim , llronchllH , Ncur iluln , ( niip. l.nnu I'roublo * Coldi * . ftr. ln tinilly rollorod ninl vppiiilDr turnil. OIKI tinll iHMiniallr nutlklent. Mull orilurii hmoku lliill t.y mull.- und UeuU neil nun I > L < MnU > r for tbo ulotwl ( I iiililltloiml. A HICK TUMI' cltpn iilinir ofllio purlors. tkild CARBOLIC SMOKE-BALL COMPANY , Uvei 114 South I'lflcenth K'lott. ' cmuhti. Neb NM U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capitol , - $2BO.OOO Surplus , - BO.OOO II W. VAIK * . 1'irsM.nt. Ltwm S. Hi rrt. Vlcc-1'ronlilviit. A. U.TOU/AMN , Id VJic-Presl-lent. W. II S. lluun > K. Cashlat W. V. MOHSP , .Toils H roi.t.iss , 11. W. VirKS , ] , k VI li , 3. A. E.TOUZU.IJ * . Ofllre THE IRON BANK. Cor. I'illi auil 1'drnam Sts. A ( Irncral ll.ii.XlUB HuMnitu Traimcttd. GLUCK & WILKINSON.