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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1887)
DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YE Alt. OMAHA , THURSDAY ftlORNING DECEMBER 8 , 1887. NUMBER 173 FATAL TAIL-END COLLISION , Freight Dashes Into a Pnssongor Train In Iowa. . THE SLEEPER TELESCOPED. In Omaha Man Killed nnil Two Others Il.ully Injureil The AVrcolc Ciiu ccl lly the Heavy FOR. Vnlnl Wreck at Porclvnl. PrucivAt. , la. , Dec. 7 , [ Special Telegram to tlio HiiJ : : A frightful i.iiltoad accident , Musing loss of life and serious injuij'toa number f people occurred at this place last night shoitly befoio 13 o'clock on the Kansas City , t. Joseph & Council Uluffs rallioad. Passenger train No. I , bound south , was de layed at the depot by u hot box and consld- Drablotlmo was"consumed In fixing it. Con ductor Honiinvyny sent the tialn boy bu'ek to ' Hag fi eight' tiuin No. ' . ' 0 , which was following the- passenger , hut the night wasveiy foggy and the engineer of the Height failed to see the lightdisplu.ved. The Iialn was running at tremendous bpi-cd and crashed Into the ( deeper of the pasu-ngor , tclescop'iig It In a fearful manner and causing ti scent1 of wildest confusion and dismay. Just as the fi eight approached the engineer Of the passenger train saw the headlight of the fi eight und stalled his engine , which paitially overcame the shock of the collision and uiUoubledlj saved the lives of every passenger in the sleeper. Tlicic weio only ten of theio , Including ono lady , Miss Wei nor , of Philadelphia , and nil weio li.oio or less Injured , but none fatallj. Claienco Wright , an Omaha printer who Imd reccntlj- been emplojod on the HII : : , was on thu fi eight train and was to frightfully ciushcd when taken fiom the wreck that theie was no hope of his recovery Ho was lemoved to a house near at hand , wlwic ho died to night. An unhnovv n man , who was stealing a i ido on thu freight tiain , and supposed to bo a ] ii Inter latolj 'woi king in Omalia , was taken fiom the wreck dead. Theio was nothing on Ids PPIHOII to Indicate hl < Identity. . Dell H. Goodrich , assistant scoi clary of the Omaha Cable Tramway company , living at Kit South Tenth street , who was a passen ger on the'train , was badly cut by fallingglass but otherwise unlnjnre 1. P. H. Tucker , of the tram way company who vvas.on the tiain , was also Injuied by falling ghun , being bully cut on the face and halids. Hoth tiains weio bully wrecked by the collision , and the freight enj'ino w.u icn- deied almost woithless. Tlio engineer and Ilieman saved then- lives by Jumping fiom the engine and wore but slljrtitlj * injured. The road was b i-llj' blocked all tlio morn Ing by thu de-br.s , but the wreck was cleared away In thu afternoon and tiains weie again Stinted. Thco Wiight , a biothcr of ono of the men Killed , aiiivedhciclatoto night from Omaha , having been appiised ot Ills biothei's fate by Idegiaph , He will take charge of the 10- niaiiiH. Tin- Dakota County Tronsnror liip. DAKOTA Cir > , Neb . Dec. 7. [ Special Te1- pgiam to the Hi r. ] The contest ease stalled by County Ticasuier G. W. Wilkinson , pies ent incumbent , in the county couit , was by the attoineys conditionally withdrawn. The vote for this ofllco at the last election was a tie between Dr. Wilkinson , lepubllcan , and Fiank Dave.v , demoei at. Wilkinson in stituted a content , chaiglng illegal voting in all the picclncts , hut on condition that Davey would commence quowaiianto pio- ceedings at the pioper time , \vi'hdiew b s rase Much Intetost is inainf'stcd , fs the fi lends ot both men seem lonildcnt of wm- fc' , wageiing consldeiablo money thcieon. 1 1'CMiionl'ri Klcutric riiLMoM , Nob. , Dee. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Hi i-Fiemont's : new elcctnr light system vjas put In opeiation to night foi the ilrst time. The plant is ifftj aie lights of the Amei lean sjstem and is a splendid suc cess. This gl\es Ficmont another mutiopol- Itiiu feature. itifl the Poor. FnnMOxr , Nub , Deo. 7. [ Special Tele piam to the Hn.j : The ladies of Frcnioni to-night gavoa grand chaiitj ball atthooper. house with u ver.v largo attendance. Up wauls of ? ! ! iX ) was icall/e'd to dlstnbutt unions the. poor. A HUItKTii : > HANK. Failure of One of MIssoifri'H He-si Known Country CoiircrnH. ST. JosriMi , Mo. , Dec. 7. [ Spe'rlnl Tele pram to the Hi r. . ] The well l.nown Imnkint house of Hack & McCiosky , at Stewarts vdle , Dokalb county , twenty miles east o St. Joe , has failed and the public icpoit ! that the failuio Is a bad one , Mr. Hack , tin senior paitnei , claims , however , that bi judicious managi-inent that thu assi Is can hi made to pay alt tlio liabilities. Paiticular roncetning the failuie aio meagre in thl1 l-lty. but the news lias eieated cimsldcrabli cxi-itenient hcio as several St. Joseph citt zens are hngd.v Inteiested No countr ; bank in noi tlnvest Missoui I w as better knowi than the Stowaitsvillo bank. The count ; tieasiner of Dekalb county , Kll Hnitoii loses ll'XXi ' ( , ami Jwljfo KiuJg , of the DeKall lountv conit , a like sum. Dr Smith lose : E-10,000. Other Itiihliii's Cnii viio , Dec. 7. O 1Gibbs , dealer h needs for the past tlftccn , made an as Hignment to day , His liabilities am flO.cHHl No schedule of ashots has been Hied , bu Gibbs sa > he ian pay in full. Ninv YOUK , Dec 7 Owing to thepressur by foreign cicditois , W. .Vi H. Clmlmnr.s dealers In linens in this city and Dundei Scotland , made an assignment to-day. Liu bilitic.s , about * 11KKH ) ( ) ; assets not known. Isujui lla.\cs , wholesale lliiuors , made a assignment to day Llabllltleu , Sr3OOC r.sscts about tsr.,000. . Vlrglnla't. ( iciiiM-nl Ahscnilily Icet.s. KIC'IIMOMI , Va , Dec. 7.-Tho general ai ncmlily of Virginia met at noon to day nn oigaul/ed b.v elei ting the dciaociatlccaucu nominees. The govcinor's message was leceived an leau la MOW of the iccent decision of th united htuti'ri supreme rouit bearing on th " \irgmiadebtipicstlon , " the govcinoriei ommends the passage of n Joint resolutio fillspcndlng leyal pioceedings against thos Who have temleied cou | > oiis inpaunentn taxes , who wasassuied by authoiry th.i Mich action would dicidcdly bench"t n. tiarttc's conceinrd Ho thinks when th iiondhohlczh consider the decision they wi lie willing to accept such olTer as the slat : c-an maki1 , based upon the surplus luvcnu to bo applied on thikpavment ot Inteicst o the principal cf what the stntc'caribidm he ; Just debU The Death Kcoorcl. CuiCAG' ) , Dee. 7. Stephen Claiy , an ol cltlicn and tenth iirc.sldent of the Chlc.ij board of trade , Is uoad. Si , Le-.i . Deo. , 7. W. S. Hcadlf , a 17. ; ! vo.ifl man of Inrge means , died tit Uightoi Kan. , jcstcrday. . . . i With the llrookljn * . SAX PniS'ctsco , Dec. 7. - David 1'ontz , i the St. Louis Hrowns , signed u cwitnn to-day to pjsy.with the Uieoklyn dub ii'- ; Reason , , , . - . A riCHT TO DKATII. A Fnrloim nnil I'nlal Knconntcr in a CalH'oieila Town. Six PiCM : ITO , Dec. 7. [ SpecialTelegram to the Hir. : . ] Infoinmtion has been iceclvcd of a desperate light in a saloon at George town , Kldoiado county , between Frank llol- llngswoith , iigeil twenty-tour , and hls tci ) . father , Geoifci ) Ha.ndy , lllty ycais old. Hoth had been di Inking. Handi began the row and the slmnon knocked him down. The old man got up ipiickly and la a tough and tumble Jlght that followed s > ttuck his stepson with a 'dirk knife back of the ear , the blade bieaklng oil and remaining In the skull. Holllngs- worth paid no .attention to the wound , but continued to beat and kick the old imn until the latter was dragged away from him appar ently dead , It was then d'.seoveied that the blade was still In Holln'swoith's ! ( head. U had to bodiawn out foicibly with a pair ot plnchcis. The ope'iatiim funned Hollings- worth and he1 nude a desperate effort to leuih the almost dying old man and finish him. In his lago ho knocked down seven iftcn and then rustled into an adjoining stoio and bieaklng into the show case , snatched a 10- volvor to continue the light. Ho could not get a e.utildgo to lit the we-ipon and while scaichlinf for ono the loss of blood weakened him so that he fell to the lloor. Hoth will die. CHUISTIAN Opening ol' tin * Si'Sflon llmlcr tlio An- Hplci'H of the i\an ; cllcal Alliance. WVIIIXOTON , Dee. 7. The general clius- tlau confoieneo under the auspices and diu c- tlon of the llvangelical alliancefortlio United States opdncd In this city this moining The stated objee't of the confeicneo is to disiuss mcasuics upon which all these'denominations may be hi ought to unite and meet eeitain new and picssing emergencies which have aii en In connection with the grout incicaso of wealthbusiness , emigiatlon , thc'ehutigcd i elation of labor and capital and the gi eat and growing iicueHtage of our population who aio not chinch membeis or attendants. Piesident Dodge , in his addicss said the al liance had thoughtfully studied the social and economic changes in the country mid sought to know whether existing clnlstian organizations weio minii'ient to meet glowing needs. He i cloned to the nig.inlml power of the itoons and said the ehuich had lost its hold on the woikingnien. Kvei'i whoio among them is unrest and looking for higher good. This means a giand oppoitunltj and tut n for an applied Christianity. Notice was also given of the coidial invitation of Piesi dent and Mrs. Cleveland to the delegates to visit them at the white house on Finlaj im mediately alter the close of the foienoon ses sion At the afternoon session ex Chief Justice Sliong , of the United Statis supremo-com t , presided. Ho said theio hud never been a time when such uialii mg and uniting of all that is best In tlio Chiistiun chuich was nioi e impel at Ivclv needed than now. Ho in- tioducpd Piof Iljahner H. Hijesou , of Co lumbia college , who made a shott addiess iipjn the subject of immigration The con stitution of the United States , ho .said , was framed by mrii ot Anglo Saxon oiigin for their own goveiiimint. The socialists and anarchists come to aveugo hoio they sutToiod in Ijiuope. Hy their dis loyal sentiments and hostility to Ainciicaii institutions they disorgani/o and weaken the state Ho believed that the time had ai i iv ed when our foi mer policy of indis criminate absoiption of foioign dements ot population would icsult in a ' .ciious eiibis. Thu nation is no longer able to assimilate alien elements with sulllcient i.ipiditj. Mote competition with Amei lean labor enteis in n week thiough Castle Garden than thepiisona linn out In a jear. Piotection to Ameiiean labor is u fan-c us long as thisunbaired Hood- gate icmiiins open. A general didCUbsum ol the faubjccl ; follow cd. ' L. L Haldwin , of Hoston , said n law ic- iliuimg consuls to icitify to the good chai.'c- tei of all immigiants might bo aeiy good thing , but ho did not believe in the free ad mission of such foieigneis as those whc mobbed the Chiaes > o of Hock Spimg and the exclusion of such peaceful Chinese as these who were victims ot that outiago. HlshopHuist , LL. IX , of Huflalo , said we committed u ei ime w lien wo prohibited tin humiliation of Chiimmen and only did it be- eauso ho had no vote. le-b of a Noble Wlfte. OTTVWV , Dee1. 7 [ Special Telegiam to tin f.i r ] Jolin Henolt , of Noith Hay , who ha1 been absent fiom homo at llonsteels Point s-taitid to ictmii Thuisday last , but whei within a bundled i aids of the shine whoii his hut stands , found thick ice. which pic \cntcd going ahead with a balk canoe. Will an axe he began cutting a channel but hai not pioceeded far when the axe fell into tin water He stai ted tociawl on his hands am knees to the shoi ehut In eke through tin1v at ei Whctitwentj feet fiom the shoio ho became exhausted. From her sick bed in the hut hi' ll wife witnessed his stiugijleb thiough a win dow , and unable to contain herself longer lushed out of the house in her night clothes without shoes or stockings , on the ice alii levelled him. Ho was unconscious and fo over Ihreo boms she endeavoied to keep hin alive by i ifbbing and keeping his body w.u m in the hope that help would -01110 , but hi died at U o'clock at night Seeing that lif was extinct , she stalled with her .voungcs child in her aims for the ncaiest neighbors live miles distant , yvheie. help was t > ecuicd Mis. Hc'iioit was h.idlj fio/en and is now in i veiy ciitlcal condition. Several times dm ing her Joinne.V throuirh the woods she la ; down in the snow , feeling unable to g hut her. Mlhhouil Itlxcr ItatcM. CniOAiio , Dec. 7. The piospect of sweep ing i eductions in lailioad tales thiough th temtoij betwi-en Chicago and the Missoui river was fuither augmented today. Th ' general f i eight agents of Chicago and Coun ell HlulTs loads , after a two dujs' sessior agreed upon a schedule of i educed fie'igh charges from Chicago to the Missoui i ilvci and will .submit the same to thu geneiii managers to-mori ow for latltlcatlon. Th inductions are 15 cents on Hist elas 10 cents on second and third , 5 cents p fouith and llftlf and % cents on classes H , Candl ) . licioiver McNulta , of the Wt bash , states that on December 1 ! > ho will re dm o f i eight fiom Chicago to St Louis fion UI to 40 cents and on other classes In proKi ) turn. On the ' 'Oth the Hurlington stil tineatens to put into effect its new llllnoi tin ill and the Chicago & Alton maintain that it will follow with similar i eductions ii Missouri and to Kansas City. KooilliT McDonalil'H Case. CHICU.O , Dec. Thoc.iso of Edvvaid S McDonald , convicted in conjunction yvithoj WauleiiMiGariglu , came up In the appellat couit this moining on a wut of en or. Th state's attorney Hied a motion to sipja h th d wilt ot ui tor under which the huciscden | o was gi-antcd which keeps McDonald out f .D the penitentiary. 'I'he case will be hcuid i one w c-eK. n iOf Pacllii : Co.iht SolilliM-b' Home. it L\s VrciAs , N. M. , Dec. 7 The board c 11 inanagcirt of the national boldici-s' horn 10 have decided to locate the Paeine coast horn 11o at San Monica , about fouitecn miles froi o Ua > Angeles , Cala. The land \v as donate tom by Senator Jones and Mrs. A. H. 1) . Hake m and consists of WO acix . In addition to th r thn trustees \Volfbkill ranch guaiantcu fi'nilofNOO.OOO. KiotoiiH Onllaiullrrs. . id CoLiivints , O. , Di o , 7. The sheriff ot LaV countj has asked the governor for troops 1 II- qnrll a threatened rtot amang thn ore ham IIHi Icis at Frcciwrt. A detachment of IhifFKt : Hi icgiincnt has been oidercd to be in icadincs The * BiiVliprs' Assoolallon Ailjouin nf Ul ITAIO , N. Y , Dec. 7. The ct H.ubcrs1 a.ssociatloiijadjouinrd tbLs irornii ctM lumci-t in Detroit In Deccmbc-i , 18S3 , .Tin have perfected a uutinul uiganizatlon. OCR PROSPECTS IMPROVING , Oranha's Ohancos For the Conven tion Steadily Growing Better. A CALL ON THE PRESIDENT. lllalnc Halil to llnvc the Power of LocatltiK Itupnhlluan < > athcr- lll ( { WllPIO\OI' Hl > CllOOSCb AVaj s and ? IcaiiH < Oinnhn unit the Coii\cntloii < Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram tothuHn : . ] The piospccts for Omaha se curing the national republican'convention are Improving cvciy hour and thu chances tire equal to any of her compctltois. Atl0 : ! ! the Nebraska delegation w ei e aceoi ded u i eccp- tion by the president. The paitj consisted of Congicssmcn McSli.ano and Dor ey , Scnatois Maadeison and Paddock , Govcinor Thajcr , J H. Hojd , K Koscwatcr , Cadet Tavlor , G. M. Hitchcock , Cliuich Howe , Thomas Swobo and Mrs Swobe , C. H Gere , K. 1C. Valen tine , G. M. Lambcrtson , George D. Meikle- John and Colonel Sipp. The piesident chatted ] ileasatitlv with the paity about Omaha and the piospeets of securing the convention. It was quietly whispeted mound the hotel roiiidors and the eapitol to-diij that Mr. Hlaino had cabled to Stephen H. nikins his jrcfoiment as to the place w lie ) o the next icpublican nominating con- \ention should be held , and that Mr. Klkins would conliol it. As slated in a Hi n special last night , a majoiity ot thu national com mittee favor the lenomlnatlon of Mr. Hlaine. Pennsylvania is the stionghold of the plumed knight , and as soon as this repoit bciamo well ciiculated , the delegation from Phila delphia was obsei veil to go into their \voik with icnewcd vigor , and to-night they aie claiming that thc.y will get the convention. The light at piesent Is tiinngtilar , the tinee points standing out mo st boldly * for the convention being Phila delphia , Cluiago and Cincinnati , With chances of .success In the order named. Theio is strong talk of a combination nganibt Chicago. The south and states cast of Indiana , prefer Philadel phia to Chicago while some of the far yvcst- ei n states piefer the Quaker city to the city b.v the hike In the stiugglo the Omaha dele gation have sluing hopes of success bi com ing in as a dai Ic ho. se or a compromise. Min neapolis is making almost as much clamoi as Cincinnati , but St Louis docs not seem to llguic very pioimncutly. A Philadolphiiiii sajsofthe advantages of his city : "The convention will not go to Cincinnati , because Hlaine would not bu given a fan-chanco thoiu ; it would bo for bheiman the veiy air of the place. At Chicago theie aio similar objections. One of Chicrgo's gieat news- p ipcis has a man in KuiopohouiicRiii ; Hlaine , and mi'iicpiesentmg him , while two or thieo otheis uiu going lor him with ham liter and tongs in their editorial columns. While Pennsylvania is for Hlaine , Philadelphia is not. Wo guaianteo fair ticat- inent of all and abuse no one , bo ho a candi date or not. The only tnluj's wo offer aio comfoit and dciency , at not only the hands of the press , hut the ciowd that will omo tiom the adjoining countiy. It is my honest bu llet that wo will get it. " The Nebiaska hcadip-Uirteis weie tonight tinonged with visitors. The ciowd seemed to be gi eater and moiu enthusiastic than last nlkht , when Senator Culloni , of Illinois ; Mayor Smith , of Cincinnati , and other pi emi nent men came in. In the event of a pooling of Issues upon a dark horse , it is believed that Cincinnati , St. Louis and Minneapoln will come to Omaha. Ohio would not go to Philadelphia , since that city is spoken of as a favoiitulor Hlaino men. The ciowd at the Aillugton hotel thin evening was laigcr than any night pievious duimg the week. All the delegations yvho are contending for the ne.xt national conven tion have their headquaiteis in that hotel and documents bearing upon the facilities of- feiedb.v each ol the cities lie aiound on all yio tables and staio at the tiaveler fiom neaily overj door. The two laigo parlors on the giound lloor Vcre occupied again this evening b } Nebiaska and a geneial icception of western delegates and piominent rcpubll- lieans was hold and later pi the evcn'iig a ic- poit was ein ulatcd by the Philadelphia dele gation that the influence of the Hlaino mem- tier would bo thrown in favor ot that city and that Mr. Klltins , Mr. Hlaino's manager , would be piesent in pet son to-moiiow to lay the whes to that end. Long John Jones , of Chicago , ex- pi esses thu opinion that Mr. Hlaino's h tends , thiongli Mr Ijlkins , would dctcimhio the matter and that fuithor aitlvc u oik for the ! convention bi the Chicago delegation wouhl be unnecessary. Mr. Sherman's fiiemU claim that he careless wheio thu is ) as to con vention may bo held. While New Yoik Is making no move in the interest of any candi date In that state , so far as could bo ascer tained at piesent Writing , u prominent fiiend of Mr. Hlamu's stated this evening that il Hlainc can bo induced to tun , the best Judg meat ot Ids friends in thu convention will indicate dicato thu selection of Hen Han ison of In diana , as the vice presidential candidate It is admitted by the filends of Mr. Hlaini that the election of New Yoik haspiactic all.v decided the political complexion of thai state in Ibsb and that the pimcipal cffOits ol the partj must bo utado to capture the olec. toral vote of New Jeisey , Connecticut am Indiana Some holies have been raised ii the breasts of the extiemo piotectionlsts by the vigoious taiiff icfoim message of Piesi dent Cleveland widen , it is hoped , will piovi a inoio potent factor in securing the votes ol mechanics and artisans than General Han cook's. "taiiff as a local issue' in the campaign of IbSO. Now Jctsoy politicians aiu positive to daj that , circulated as a campaign docu ment , it will c.ury the state for any repub lican candidate nominated on a piotectivi platform , b.v at least 5,000 majoi ity. Among the visitoisut the headipiatteis o the Nebiaska delegation tonightvcro' Sen ator Sherman , General Greely ; , chief signa oftlcer , and Genet nl H raj ton , of lihodi Island. The national lopublican committee -wll leave the Arlington to morrow und go to tin i epubllcaii league dub. house on Thomas cir cle , at 11 o'clock. They will bo met by tin members of the league and will take posses slon of the entire second lloor of the clul house , and use that as their hcadquattcit They will hold their meetrngs there to mot iowniiht. ; The league tender the natlomi committee u grand i crept ion at the clul house and manj piominent In the icpubllcai paity will bo piesent to wclioifto the con : mittee. Army Nows. Wv iUNfiTov , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegrat to the HFC. ] The leave of absence grantd to Fust Lieutenant Solomon H. Spairow Twcnty-llrst infaiitiy , has been extemle two months ; the leave of absence granted t First Lieutenant Daniel C. Peaison , Secom cavalry , is extended one month. First Lieutenant George O. Webstei 10 Fourth infuntiy , bus been transfened fioi 10m company A , to company H , of that legimen 10d and First Lieutenant Hobeit H , Youii ( 10fi fiumcompuiij H , tocumimnj A , of the sam fi i eglment. Captain J. H.Johnson , Third cavalry , hu been grunted one month's leave. First Lieutenant- H. Uobertson , NInt infantry , bus bee.n appointed recruitin odlcer ul the San Diego bariacks , Califoinl , to telievlng Captain W. K. Hoffman. ted Second Lieutenant Henry D. Stjei dh Twentj-tlrst infantry , has been grunted tvv month's leave ; First Lieutenant Victor I Hridgmaii , Second artillery , tins been grnnte : twenty three ilnjs cxtcnslun of leave. ' A geneial court-mat tlal , ( omposed of tli I'M follcwiric ofllcors of the Third .utlllcry , hu ce-nvencd at Washington barracks : Majc Lodor , Captaiiih John G. Ttunbul M. LancAHbei , Lewis Sinltb , Jauu Chcshrr and Frank W. Hess ; Phst LIcuten- tenants Charles Humphrejs , Sedgw ic-H lN | U , Henry C. Daves and John D. C HiiST > 1ns ; Second Lieutenants Louis Osthelm , John D. Hairctt nnil Kdgar Russel , and Fiist Lieu tenant Ramsey D. Potts , Judge advocate. Captain Louis Ri Stltke . Twenty-third In fantry , lias been granted two months' leave. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph R. Smith has lepoitcd for duty as medical dliex-tor , do- p.ntmcnt of Dakota. The engagement of Assistant Sttrve.vor Ives and Miss Minnie Megiath , of Omaha , has been announced hcie. Dr. Ives Is u biother nf Lleutenitnt Ives , Nineteenth in- fiintiy. The engagement of Mlis Susie H. Lane , daughter of Colonel W. H. Lane , and Lloutemint J. F. Qullfcilc , Ninth eavuliy , has else been announced. ' The AVa.VH unit Means' Chairmanship , WvMMMirov , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegiam to the HriThcie ] was n lather Indefinite ] and vague tci > ort in congiesslonal elides last night to the effect that William T. Scott , of niie , Penn. , bad been tendered the chair- ' inunsihip of the house committee on ways and means. The Hi i : coiiespondent to-da.v made dlllifcnt imiuhcs as to the piobubllit.v of such a tiling , mid found that thu sober , second thought of the best infoi mod membci s of the house tended to confirm the statement. Mr. Krmeiitiout , of Petinsjlvanla , who Is ono of the most piominent follovvcis of Mr. Randall , , upon being appioiiched on the subject , bald : "It Is the Hist I Imvoheaid ot it , and 1 must saj it ustnnlshcsjmp. It linrdlj seems possible Hint the speaker would given the ehaiiman- ship of nppiopiiations to Mr. Randall and the ehali man ship of wa.v s and means to Mr. Scott , both men being fiom the same state , and both positions being among , the most influential in the hoilsu. Of course the appointment of Scott would not contemplate the displacement of Randall , as the speaker would not dine do that. Penns.ylviinia would bo delighted , of i ourse. to have sui h unusual iccognltion , and Mr. Scott would make a votj potent factor at the head of that com mittee. William L. Scott Is ono of the wealthiest men in the house. Is an indent suppoiter of the piesident and Ids policies , and has the highest leaped for Speaker Carlisle , lie has piobably done moie than unj * other man in the house to maintain the Hnanclal policy of the administration and is the only man fiom Pennsylvania who believes that thei o should bo as liberal i educ tions of tlu > tariff as the piesident vcstciday leeommended in his message. If Mr. Scott should go to the head of the wujs and means it would bo considered thu woik of the piesi dent , and would be quite as gieat a dep.ntuie as the selection of two cabinet ofllccrs from one state or thu duvotion of a whole message tocongicss to one mibjec-t. Recent actions , at the white hoflso and In tlio ticasury goto eonllim the belief that theio is something in the icpoit that .Mr. Scott has been tendered this position. Iowa nnil Nebraska Ijiind Cases' . WCMIIV.TOV , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to the Hni. . ] ScctetUrj' Lamar to day de cided thu contest cabo of H. Hussjnnn and Ruth C. Hciry , fiom Council Hlufls land dis- ti ict , involving 120 acies of land. The secre tary decides that the department cannot rec- ogni/e cither partj' as entitled to the lot by substitution , and as such light must finally bodctcimlned in tno couits , a patent may is sue in the name of Robot t Kieig , assignee , and bo deliveied to the trustee to bu named by the paities to the contest on receipt fiom such titistccs of the amount icquiied and of a showing of his authonty to act In the mat ter. ter.Ho Ho also decide the appeal case of Thcodoio SclnacTc vs. Clinton Hot elier , fiom Hleicmlngton , Neb. , dis- tnct. This is Pre-emption case and the giounds o'fcptho , contest wcio that Fletcher had vcVci resided upon the lots ho sought to iiiako proof upon. The question came up i the matter of a survey location of the lots Jind the sect clary has ic- tm ncd the papois v.ith aiequcst for a dia- giamand examination of the subdivisions in sec1. Ill of twp. .s , n r. IS w. with i elation to the Republican liver , also the geneial me ander lines of the river vvjicio it passes through that section , and requests the com missioner of tlio loud oflice , AV hen such ex amination and location have been made , to icpoit to the department with the drawings i equcsted. Pensions Grunted AVcsterncrH. WASHINGTON , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to the HKI : . ] The following Nebi aska pen sions woio granted to-day : Oiiginal John Pin neil , Atkinson ; AVIlliain White-head , Wood River. Increase J. W. Savage , Hurt- lett. Reissue J. H. Wood , South Auburn. Pensions forlowans : Jesse , father of John M. Palmer , Maquokcta. Mexican war Auion Stow , Davenport ; .Tunics A. Clement , alias George Roberts , Davenpoit. Otiginal George Willis , Lovilia ; J. G. Haitman , Iowa Falls ; Levis Austin , Hiistovv. Inciease James II. Nesmlth , Oxford ; Maitln Hughes , Auiora ; Lawrence Hreene , Ciesco ; H. A. Hoffman , New Hartford. Capital NotcH. WSHIVOTODec. . 7. [ Sepciul Telegram to the Hri : . ] Tills evening's Star sajs ; "Albert Hall , who was piivate sectetaiyto the late General Logan , and Is now engaged in the piaeticcof low in Omaha , has returned to Washington for n few week's visit. " It is the talk among certain knowing ones in New Yoik that Hon. Thomas Platonic ; Ochiltiee is likely to bo nominated next fait b.v Tammany hall'and sent to Washington us u member of congress. The biilliant , jut modest , Texan i angeris nn Independent democratic lepublicun and there foi e qualified to leprcscut anj' cognate , conglomoiate , con- stltucnc.y. A Consignment of Interviewer * ) . Wvsmxmos- . 7. [ Special Telegram to the Unr ] A special tiain brought to Washington this morning mete than twenty rcporteis for u New Yoik demociatio news paper to intoi view all the membeis of the senate and house of lepresentatives on the subjects of tai ill rcfoun nnil the president's message. Tlie.v expect to complete their work befoio midnight , and are doing a vigor ous and active lot of questioning. Concerning Counterfeiting. WV III.SGTOV. Dec. 7. The chief of the bcc-tet service of the treusurj'department , In his annual ic-port , hajs the counterfeiting now being done is piiucipallj' the woik ol Italians , who operate in bands indiffcicnt sections of the country. The counterfeiting done dining the past jt-ar was Insignificant. . The t'poi t refers to the fact that all but two of the many skilled operators aiiesteil sluco the war for .counterfeiting are now al libertj' and may be expected to icbuiao theii operations at any lime. ' The FllfT llociml. CINTIXNVTI , ' De < ft 7. The Times-Stai special from Porujyiouth , O. , says Ander son's floui ing mill burned at midnight lasi night , and sovciul people wcio buried In tin inlns. M. II. Vvmlerson , piopilctor , diei this morning , und William Simpson wa1 killed Five other * were injuied more 01 less. The loss is small. . MONTCIOMFIIV , Alu. . , Dee. 7. Fire , wind biokeout eailythbi morning , destrojed tin stoics und stocks of several wholesale gio eeis und other firms , causing a loss of ovei WH,0 Ht , on which theio Is about tlUS.OOO in sui aucc. Kteunitihlp AHhorc. LOMION , Deo. 7. The lojal mall Bteam ship line steamer Islam D'Epanay , whlc-l loft Llveipool November 23 , for Manilla Slngapoio und other ports. Is nshoio nim miles from Sagres , Poitugul. Seven of hei crow were di owned. She U a vessel o r , U,500 tons. oL od Spain as a Great Power. Miituiu , Dec. " . Gerjnini > , Austria am 10 Italy have agrpvtl to raiHO thdr minlhtn user here to the tank ( it nmb.i s'.idois , and or land is ixpcctcd to follow. TbU Is a to\-uut the iccoei'luon of Si'air. aia Ca power , . . MR , BIA1NE BREAKS FORTH , Ho lg Interviewed on Olovolancl's Mcssngo in Paris. . TALKING TO A TRIBUNE MAN. Ho Gives Ills Opinions on tlio I'rcsl- clentlH Vli'WH In Hegnril to Tar I IT Itpilnctinn His Ptotcutlon Policy. Illnlnc on CIpicIniul'N MrsngOi New YOKK , Dec. 7 The I'l ibuno of to- : ionow will contain u long IntPiview with Ion. James G. lllnlnu hi Put Is on President Jlcvelund'H message. " 1 li.ivo been lending mi nbsttnot of the resident's message and Imvo been especially iitctcstfcd In tlio comment of tbu London iiipers. Those papeis all assume to dec-hue .hat the message Is u fieo trade manifesto .nil evidently aio anticipating an enlarged inuUet for English fubilcs In the United states as a consequence of the ptosldont's ecommendatlbns. PCM hups that fait stumps ho dun actor of the mosuago inoio dually ban any wet da of mine can. " "Yon don't mean actual fieo li.ulo without lutyl" queirod tlio repoiti'i1. "No , " replied Hlaino , "nor do the London iiapcrs mean that. They Rimply mean that ho piesident has loeoinmended what in the United States is known as a revenue taiiff , ejecting the piotcetivo fcntuic as an object .mil nut oven ] > cimining inotection toiesnlt 'icely as an incident to levcnno duties " "I don't quite conipiohend that last point , " .aid . the lepoiter. "I mean , " said Bhilnc , "that for the llrst line In the history of the United States , the iicsldont icconimeiids ictnining an iuteinal ain Older that the tnuft may bo forced ilown oven below u mir lovenuo btundard. Ho recommends that the t.ux on toljaeco be ctaincd and thus that many millions an- : inally shull bo levied on n domestic inoduet ivhich would far better come fiom a tat lit on foreign iabrics. " "Then do .you mean you would favor a ic- iculof the tnb.icto taxi" "Ccitainlj ; I mean just that. I should inpo that it bo done at once , oven befoietho "Jinistmus holidays. U would , in the Hist ilace , bring great tolief to thegioweis of to- laeeo all over the country , and would , moic- over , matoiifillj'lessen the pi Ice of the uiti- clo to consumers Tobacco to millions of men is u necessity. The president calls it u luxury , but it is u liixtny in no other sense than tea and ( ofleo mo lux- uiies. It is well to tcmember that the lux ury of yesterday becomes a necessity of to day. Uscis of tobacco not onl.v pay the mill ions of the tobacco tax , but paj on evei y plug and every cigar an enhanced pi ice , which tax enables the manufactuicis and rctaileis to impose The only ex < use for such a tax is the actual neccssitj under which the govetnmeirt found itself dm ing the w ar , and th" j Cni s immedi ately following. Ton-tain the tax now in older to destioy protection which would in cident.illy How fiom raising the suino amount of moncj on fo cign impoits isccitainlj most } policy for our goveniiricnt. "Would jou advise theiepcal of the whisky tuit also' " 'Xo , I would not. Other considerations than those of the admmistrasion aie to be talccn Into aciount with rcgiitd to whisky. There Is n moral side to it. To cheapen the is to increase the consumption cnonnou&ly. Thcio would be no sense in urging the i ofoi m wi ought by high license in many states if the national go\- cinmont neutiali/cs the good elTcet by making whisky within the icach of eveiy ono at 20 cents a gallon. Whisky would bo evcrj - where distilled if the smvoillanoo of govoin- inent weie withdiawn , mid illicit sales could not then bo ptefented. It would destioy high license at once in all states. Whisky 1ms done a vast deal ot haim in the United States. I would try to lie it do some good. I would use the tax co fortify our cities mill our seaboaid. In view of the powerful letter addressed to the democratic paity on the subject of fortifi cation by too late Samuel J. Tildcn , in 1SS I am ninuml Mint no attention lias been paid the subject by the dcmoeiatlcadmiiiistiatlon. "Never before in the hlstot j of the world has any govcinmont allowed great cities on the seabonul to Remain defenseless. " KISSAXE'S CASK s llpcorclcr Sinytho Nolle Proves tlio Celebrated Suit. Nrvv UIK , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to the UiK.l The last chapter in the celebrated and novel case of William Kissane , the Cali- fontia millionaire forger and llllibusteicr , has been biought ton close. Thorecoidof his daring criminal exploits has been consigned to oblivion , from which seven months ago it was taken mid spieud before the public. He is now fieo to return to New York , from which ho fled over thirty years ago to escape trial on the charge of foigeiy. Since then the catccr of William Kissanc bus been more like a romance than real life. A fugitiAO from Justice , ho never once came within the jurisdiction of the state. Now , however , all baniers have been lemoved and ho is free to eomo or go at his will. This was accomplished to-day , rioin u pigeon-hole of the district attorney's ofllco the indict ment a musty , faded sheet of paper was taken. It was handed to Re- colder Smjthe , who examined it closely , then , scbing his pen , ho wrote a few words which lobbed the document of all tenor for the California millionaire. The ink with which the incictincnt Is wnttcn has almost faded with 'age. but it is sufllciently distinct to show that William Kissano was aijested , clurgcd with the crime of forging u i heck on the Chemical National bank ; that ho was tiled for the oftMiiso May tti ! , IN" , and that the jury disagiccu ; that ho was tried again June 1 ! ) of the same jear , when n Juror was withdrawn , and that his council made application to the i on it to have the case lomanded to the couit of oyer and and terminer , and that In the following week the application was gi anted Until to-day no further action was taken. According to the piesent ciiminal law -no nollu piosequl can bo enteicd. it must bo dismissed , but under the law existing at the time the forgery "was committed such piocecding could take place and under the old law Kissano has been released. A nolle piosequl has been enti'ied. Nine months ago , when the case came up on apjilli atlon of Kcssano's counsel , the iccoider was in favor of dis missing the charge. The proceedings , how ever , had been iiTcguhuh earned on , hence gho delay. To-day ho decided that it was time the e'nso should bo ended and accord ing , under his own hand , ho wioto the fol lowing on the back of the dusty indictment "Tho district attorney states that ho can not procure the evidence of witnesses to maintain this indictment and that the ends of Justice would not be hccuredby moving the ti ial thereof Tor these i easons and for the fuither i.eason that the indictment was found the j ears ago , the motion of the district at torney for leave to enter a nolle proscqui as against defendant Klssuno Is granted. " The stoiy of the sudden termination of this celebrated case soonsprcad thtoughtlmcouit of geneial sessions building. To say that the ofllcials of the Chemical bank were sui prised on heating the news woulbbut feeblj express their astonisement. The cashier , speaking in behalf of the bank , said : "This is the most startling infoimation 1 have heaiil In a long time , and I tind it almost Impossible to believe that the indictment has been rjuashcd without oilr knoul- edge or consent. Wo would have opposed it vigorously , ami General Darro , who hnbbfon u.ainb fnstiumental In expos ing Ivessanc In California-whric ho lives , \Vj < of the bduif the case would soon bu to Mini To dUttlut .itt'M-nny has given v no Information of these proceedings and I should wo coitainly shouM have been In formed No , 1 don't know what we will do now , In fact , I don't see what wo can do. " ILLINOIS NATIOXA77GUAU1) . Tlio Cltl/on Soldiery of the Sucker Htnto Chut uc-terl/oil MM StlokN. due von , Pec. T. The llfth annual session of the Illinois National Guard association closed to-day. Tlio morning was given up tea a discussion of a paper by Colonel Itcimctt , of Joliet , touching the present condition of the Illinois militia. The paper was severe in Its ciitlclsm of the present ordcrof things. It assented that the state militia know less each , \eir : about taking the Held against an actual foe. It condemned the practice of luxuiious living In tho" annual encamp ments now in vogue. A soldier of luxuiy is not a soldier of war. Tlio men should be llttcil for the manner of living which they may at any moment bo called to adopt. StalV ofllceis should leain that theie Is something else in the line of duty besides suipervlsing the punch bowl. Colonel Mennett fet warded the suggestion m.ido In Lieutenant Whistler , U. S. A. , for the niobiluation of ann.\ camps composed of legulars and militia , but throught the Illinois Hoops In no londttlon at picseftt to bo benefited . . The ihvtis- sion of the itnpcr showed a growing feeling among the oflUms that the militia system of this st tto Is tetro- giailing fiom the standard established j cats ago. Colonel Rice , of 1'eoiia. lead a paper.on "Autumnal Mann-livers , " which called fotth a number of compllmcntarv speeches. The olllcei shave long been troubled In iiisuboidinatlon of vaiiuns kinds among the privates. A committee was selected to diaft and present to the legNlatmo an amendment to the code making it possible for uftlcc'ts to propell.\ punish InsulHJidimi tion. Brigadier Geneial Hieee , of Spting- Held. was elected president , Hiij'adlci Uon- eial Klt/sinions , of Chicago , \Uo president ; Colonel Tied IJennett , .loiliet , second vice piesident ; Colonel 1'ieice , Kockfoid , icioid- ing hwi i'tar.Capt.un ; .laquith , Pans , cor- icsponding sccietai\\ ; Major Sill , Auioia , treasuier , IJev. Van Iloin , Hockfoid , chap lain. Colonel Clendenning , of Moline , and Colonel Clailt , of Chicago , with this above ollheis , will esmposo the executive commit tee. . _ A AViit1 Scni'Ct LONDON , Dec. 7. London slock maikets and the bouiscs at 1'aiis , Heihn and riank- foit aie weak. Tlio bouise at Vienna Is ex cited. The maikrts aie alTocted by theie- liofts lonceining movements of Huhsi.m tioops on the Austnan fiontier. PMUS , Dec. 7. Accouling to piivate ad vices fiom Wai saw the massing of Kusst.ui tioops on the fiontier is attiibutablo to information mation iceohed bv Kut > hhi of a conceited plan Geunany and Austria for united action in the event of war between either of those powers and Kussia. In that ton- tlngency it was proposed that Germany and Austini should suddenh invade Kus-staii 1'oland and occupy Wai saw b.\ using L.I eater facilities for mobili/lng. In coiibcquuiic of the disiviveiy of this alleged projci t. llussi.v icsolved to compensate foi her slow power of mobilising 1 > \ a pornnincnt ineiease other fiontier foices. The movement implies no iiggrosbion and is pmcly a defensive precau- ion. Hnsiiv , Dec. 7. The Nrtlonnl OefotJe , dscussmif ! tlio Vienna Prenulenblatt s ! i ticio iclatue to the muring ol tioops on the Has sian fiontier , snjs : "It is evident tnat the fou e of Itussian troops now in Poland is not sulllcient to attack two foinudablo nuhlai.v poweis. Tncpie cnt massing of tioops is too small for war and too huge for peaca. We must Wuit. and see how Kussia will icioiuilo the massing with the pacille assmances of .Touinal ue St. Petoivburg. iloscow , Uee. 7. The Ga ctto says the fu- tuio policy ot Fiftiine will dreldewhct'ier Gcimany will bo ' ompelled to watc'a one or both of her irontii'is. The paper d"claic-t that linssla must always have a btiong licet on the Pac'Mc oceans. A Cliivnliio Hoi'iillowor. iiANOiToDec. 7. [ SpecialTelegram to the 15m : . ] Judge Hot nblowor. In icmand- iii ! Scnee.i Augustus Swalm iesteidnv , on flvo chaigcs of peijui.N pielciied by Hanker ld , ivhose wife hwalm led astiay , raid from the bench that if the spirit of eluv- aliy wcie not dead in C'alifoinia Swalm would have been called long ago to nciount for his conduct to another and higher ti ib- unal. This was a lebuko to Mi Donald for not shooting Swalm Instead of bothoi ing the couits and Stirling up scandalh.inosccuting him. Swalm , it is chaiped , foiged U. 11. McDonald's name to jlU.lHJU won hot lailioad bonds stolen bj Mis. McDonald lioui her father-in-law. A Siii'CPs < riil Ijilicl Suit. DLMIMK , lice 7. The libel suit of Mr. Joyce ngalns his fotinor employer , the Mar quis Claiuii ado. for iiiOUO ( ) damages , has re sulted in a vei diet for tlio plaintill , who was awaided $ l'JriOO , Joyce \vas founerly the agent of the Cl.mricadc estates in Galwav , but lesigncd bnfoio thu tioubles with the \Voodfordtenai.tscnlminateilin the hnpils- onmentof Father i'ahev and many of his par- ishlois lor adopting the plan of campaign against the icnts demanded. A IJaso Itall I'lajer in Trouble. LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 7.- Charles Hoover , a member of the base ball club of this city the past i ear , and who has signed with Chi eago for the season of 18SS was anestcd to day and bound over to the district couit on the chaigo ot assault with intent to kill. Hoover shot at a hack driver named Giles for icfnsing to stop his liuek. In which was a paity ol demi-monde , and allow him to enter. Tlio WrMern Union Nii\ : Yen : ) ; , Dec. 7. The Mipicmo to day gi anted an injunction lesti aining the Western Union Telegraph compan.N and Di rect Cable company fiom using the blanks of the Fiench Cable company or semllni ; tclc- giams on blanks "via Kieneh cable. " Philadelphia Ituc-Uet ShopH llaliled. Piiii.Aiiin.i'iiix , Pa. , Dec. 7. 'I ho police this morning raided a number ol to i ailed "bucket shops. " The piopnctois and. em plojecs weie ( liven a incllminary hearing and thu foimer am held in fcfclMl and the latter in ? "UO bail for fuither healing. In all , Jive jihues woic i aided and eighteen peisonsar- icsted. _ _ Pnrnell Social Club. The fifth of the but IPS of dames given this season by Uio-Paincll social club was hold last evening at Cunningham's hall and had a larger attendance than any of these pieced- Ing It , VKi cuuplcs being piesent. The gramt inai ii ! ijttadi llli conimcni ed nt li o'clock and befoio the twenty numbers wcio danced it was 1HO 1 a m The club is distinguished for its social features , and as a consp'iuenco the usual good time was enjoyed last evening The music by Hotfman'H 01 chest ru was ex cellent. T .1. Con way was master of coio- monies , and .1 .1. Llo.\d , William Cioft , John Kervan and S H. C'olllns the llortr commit tee Tlje committee on ai i angements , whosu woik Is always the most labouous and jet the most essential for the success of such an atTalr , wetc J. F. Pi Ice and \V r Oinisby. I-'Ironncl l' lire. The boatd of Hie and police coramlsslnnpn held another ses.lon jestPiday nftcrnoon , All the members wein present The Hist matter consldeied was tlio CO-IM ' nut In ought against Onii < ; r ( Jforgo U.I\M > I"I by Miss Johnson , chin King hln. ui'U i' < > ducl unbe coming an oRlcer Tlii > iasut iifuued tc thnoMiinittio on mi'ii and discipline The charge , picfejred i > i Ploiencu Wctzal , a colored prostitute , ng.iinst Hans TImmc , pptcial pollcemun on bt Muiy's avenue , weio next Investl 4tcd and i exulted ia the revocation of his commission , . .1.V Uilgn-i WMH appointed Rpeclol policeman at the St. . Paul depot , provided 1m gives the usual fl.WK bom ) . Theapllcatlon | of John Schllmuie ; ; - | Bpcciul polkeuiAii vviu Uia over. THE FIDELITY DANK FRAUDS , A Government Export Gives Son- J sutloiml Testimony. i A CAD RECORD MADE WORSE , > Dlri'c-t nnit Minute Details oftlio Way InVhlrli Harper Win-lit With Otlici * 1'ooplu'H Monoy. V Ti-lul. Dec. 7. In the Hiti per trial to-day Howard F.ckeit was asked to Identify eeitain checks of , his Hrm , which ho did , us follows : Hamill& Hrinet , $ ! C.,000 ; Wilght &Cosrt'pMMj Poole & Sheimiin , # 10r.OO ; McPailand .t Co , fiil.OOO ; Ciosby.t Co. , * T.V > 00 ; Rosenlleld & Co. , $ Ils,000 | ; Kershuvv & .Co , fcC * 000 ; riemlng & Hoyden , $ Mt,000 ; making in all ? 1 , li'.OOO. Maurice Rosonlleld , of Chicago , testified that ho had dealings with Welshhe. Kckcrt & Co. Ho lecognUei ) an account current with them for the paichase of about .VXtK ) ( ) ) bushels of wheat. His holisu iccclvcd $ .h.i.00 In money. The sensation of the day was the testimony of rrank M Ha.ves , an expeit who hud been sent heio hj the goveinment to assist In the pioseeution of the case. Ho said hu was an expeit accountant and had about ten jeaii espenonco in banks in all posi tions up to itbistaiit cashier. Ho had madu a .eaioful examination of the books of the Fidditj National bank , of the Fiist National bank of Now Yoik and of the Chemical National bank so far as they idulii to dealings with Huipc-r and tlio Fidel ity bank. He had also examined lliuac-counts of Irwin , Giecn A ; Cih and C. J Kershaw ft Co , with icfc'tence to their dealings with Haiper and the Fidelitj- National bank , Ho said he found charge tickets at the Fidelity , one of * , ' 00,000 , n ciedit toll L Haiper , and i charge against the Fust National bank of S'ow Yoik and another of thu same kind and i thud foi "IIIO.CCO Then , on Maich 17 , there vasoiioeiediting Haiper with 100,000 and Inngingtho Chemical National bankof Now Yoik with the same amoui-t. Fiom his ex amination of the books of the National ) .mk hu found no such ci edits or charges and 10 money subject to the draft of thu Fidelity lank Intheiase of thu Chemical National the Fidelity had it ciedit theie b.v reason if a ccitillcato enteied on the hooks of the . 'idelity The 1 nsl National had two ae- coants will * , the Fidelity and ono sljovved -I edits to the Fidelity and the other oveidiafts. Hj lefeicneo to both it ippeais that the Fidelitj had 1o its ciedit Maich I , Iss7 , but 'JOOU Ono ofthouci-ounts it that tinii ! showed u ci edit of $ 'JOiOOU ) , und ho other showed oveidiafts to thoamountof ' , ' 00,000 On April these two accounts were 'bnsolidated , wlii-ii theio was ifi.Sl' to the Tesllt of the Fidelity on the books of the Piist National ot Nuvv York. On Apnl 30 theio was to the ei edit of the Fidelity WOO- 000 on thu boofts of the Phst National of New Yoik bv lo.isiin of two eoitlllcaten of leposit for-iOO.OOO each , but these leitlfl- i-ates of deposit weio not entered on the Pidelitj books. Pieviuus to tills limo liar | ier was ciedlteit w lib 5-100,000 and thus the DOoks of the two banks were madu to agieo. Tuining to the Chemical National ho said their books show eel that the Fidelity had u ciedit of fllOO.OOO marked "Loan , " and in- ( Heating that the Fidelity had boirowe'd that amonl , but on the Fidelity's books theio Is nothing to indicate a loan , and instead a cei tillcate of deposit fOr H 0UOO issued and the stub is maiked "can celled. " Mr Il.ijes then traced fiom duy to daj how Ilarpci'sc ! edits had been exhausted by drafts , elf. , and that it all went to the peisons inteiested in tlio wheat deal. The showing was minute and detailed and ho fol lowed out thu entile S-MHIOOO In this waj' , showing that of this sumtheiu lemaincdto hia CM edit on Match 17 Imtfl.V.Ul " 0 Recurr ing to the First National , hu said the diaft ie , ord showrd u dialt bj the Fidelit.y on the Fust National for 5-100,000. The Fiist Na tional never p.ud that diaft , but Haiper'H ac count in the. Pidelitj is chaired. Apia 14 wtlli SI0,000 ( ' , and this inttilo' ' bib books agice. Witness stated that two diafts drawn Apt d 24 and ! ! 0 for ? 100 000 cadi VMMO not enteied on the Fidcll- , t\'s books until June Ib , although ono of tlienT was paid in Now York May 1. Hayes then took up the accounts of Irwin. Green A : Co. and stated that the Fidelity's ' hooka did not show such ciedlts to their uicounta as the lettets of advice imliiated. Irwifi , Gicen. < iCe credited Hovt with * : ! -4 ( > , < ) tX ) . All this except ? 2iOJ { was diawn out by I tin per' * checks. Tlteio was no cntij ol IcttciH of ciedit to Hovt , amounting to fXi)00 ( ) , until Juno li ( to Ib. C. J. ICi-ishaw \ , Co. weiu adv - v ised by four lettei s of ci edit that Hoj t had depositud to their credit 5.200,000. Korshaw's books ciedit Haiper with four amounts of $ . * > 0,000 each , loiiesponding in date to tbo letters of ciedit. Witness went on to show that this jOOO.OOO was absoi bid in the wheat deal. Then- was icall.v but i-701 actually put to the eicdit of ICeishaw in the Fidelity bank. Haiper's uttoineys made no effort to ob- scuie the light being thrown on their client's ttansaetlons bj this witnos. Ives anil SttiyiuiNotes. . Tiiuiir. lUc'TiInd. . , Dee. 7 The notes given tjy Ives and StujMicr in pait puj incut for the Term llaulo & Indianapolis railway , ivhleli fell duo to day , were not met. Presi dent Dexter and other ollh PI H of the Cincin nati , Hamilton X Davton line aio in Tcnu Haute in consultation with Mr. McICecn , Mot IIKIIIK .Mail. Su.r MKI : , Pec * 7. To-day United States Maishal Djer , as icccivcr , sel/ed the Mor mon chuich piesident's olllio , ledgers , books , etc , leaving some minor books which he ro- quiicd James Jack , ehuich custodian , to re ceipt for as receiver's agent. The chuich organ tonight makes a loud piotest against this "outi ago. " Thn Pacific ! Citininlshlon'H Report. Ni.vv YOKK , Dec 7 'Commissioner Ander son stated to day that the icpoit of thu Pa- dllo railroad commlsilon , s now in the hand * of the piesident ami will not bo made public until it has been submitted to. the attorney general , who will supplement it with legal advice as to the host louisoto puiwio hi the matter o * a settlement with the Padllc toad. Weather i nnil luat font. For N'-btaska : Waun , fair weather , fiesh to bilsk Fouthe-ily winds , vcci Ing to westerly. For IowaWanner , fair weather , light to fnjsh souteily vIniis. For Dakota- Local tains or snow , fol lowed b.v cnldei weather in the noilhwcst- c-in potllon , light to lush variable winds , Dei-lined to KOI in a Cabinet. PAW * , Dee 7 - M Palliemt him dedlncd to foim a cabinet on the plea of ill-health and lack of sulllcicmt uulhoritj' . If hopeislstulu his lefuhal. It is thought tfet Sad I Carnet will ask M Goblet Atlnnt.i Voten I'or Wlilalcy. ATLANTA , On , Dec. 7 The city clretlou to day hinged upon the prohibition qiii-stlon. It lesulted in a cledsivo victory for the atitlsj their miijoiity being 1,000. This given the anils complete eouti-ol of the eitygovcru ment. Cunneetliiiit , Vuw H ' .VK ; . ' , Conn. , JJce , 7 , The Btate ccn- j volition of the piohibltlon pUy met this at I leinoon. O H Whitcomb , of New llawn , I spoke , niRinp the-rlaims of thu rrpubllcurlH. i Walter Thomas Mills , of Ohio , [ 'J'h9 se .t'i'-t. eoatlnuc to mono * .