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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1887)
ii' ' I * THE OMAHA -DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY -DECEMBER 7 , 1887 ,3 The Long-Expottod Bronk In Grain Prlcoa Finally Showo Itself. WHEAT AND CORN BOTH DROP. Tlio Provision I'lt Sliou-H Quito n HtrittiK OprniiiK Cuttln Trailing ; Only 3liMlufiicl ( > ! i\utlvu Unwell leil CHICAGO PltODUCn MAKKKT. Cit'A < io , Dec. C. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.i.1 : For several weeks , mid , In fnet , iilmost ever since grain prices began to move upward , n good part of thu professional trad ers have been looking for u break. They have siivcral times believed that It was duo nnd hnvu acted upon their belief , much to their discomfiture. Hut to-day It cumc. It was not very large , but V.MS something inoro than u halt In the upward movement and the bears tire somewhat jubilant. Wheat and corn each lost about lc during the morning session , but this docs not represent the ex tent of the fluctuations , because ut one tlmo In the day there were better prices in both pits than the opening , nnd the close was In thu most oetivo dells-cries , Bolncwlmt higher than the lowest point reached. May wheat opened at S.V e , advanced to Kio and then fell steadily to SI's'c. The beginning of the ilccllno was caused by heavy rcall/.lng and when It was once started , stop orders coming In accelerated the movement. All faith In the grain was not dead , however , and after this dip of l jfc there was a reasonably steady Improvement until May wheat touched S.Vt'c- ngaln , when there was another reaction to ttio neighborhood of 84 } e , at which price It closed at 1 o'clock. January wheat opened nt 7bJ o , sold down to 77 , } u and closed there at 1 o'clock. Thu believers In wheat do not think that the faith of the country Is broKen nnd attribute the decline to-day largely to rcali/.lng of profits by outsldo speculators , The country has made money on the advance und is expected to come after more money on the lenctlon. On tlio other hand bears con tend that while speculation may raise prices , it can't keep them up , and itro talking about a return to the level of last summer's j > riccs. Corn opened about ' < < ' under thu closing prices of yesterday at Mli c for January and th > } { for May. Thu scnmitlomil feature of this iimrket was the attempt of one local trader , now heavily loaded with corn , to put the prices up. Under his bidding the price for May delivery advanced f lorn r > 5e to iMi ; < , e , but thu bidder evidently got very much nmro grain than ho wanted and was obliged to turn seller , wheicupon the price fell to . "ilJsi1 , iishcerdrop of IJjJo. Twice after that the May delivery touched ftrOfc , but lingered most of the tlmo between fHS e and , ° > 4 ! , e nnd finally rested at 1 o'clock at 54JjC. Aside from thu one struggle between local tradcis noted above the feature of this mar ket , us in wheat , was thu heavy rcali/ing by longs and on the sharp dcclinu thu stop or ders from thu outsidu. January corn Hold up on the early advance to fil'fc , then down to 4.iXo ul'd closed there at 1 o'clock. Then1 was quite , active trading in oats and the miukct developed considciable strength in early dealings , but later there was a re liction and prices receded sharply toward thu close of tlio regular session. Onu o'clock quotations for May stood at ! ! : ij c , January nnd February closing at : ! ll'fe ' and yo e re spectively. May opened at ! tlj : < e , or about .vstei day's closing price , and on the early bulge that future sold up to 'U'.fc. ' by longs was the principal cause of the re- r.ction. In thu provision trade something of a ro- ni'llon was experienced. The opening was quilo btiong and In the early part of thu ses sion pork sold -J'J.jiUro ! ( ! , lard 5i(7Jfe ( and short ribs 7Jj ( < UOc. from the prices obtained on Hie initial transactions. Before the mar ket , however , became accustomed to the en hanced values a general desire was mani fested to realize. The country , Into buyers and some prominent packers loaded down thu trade with offerings nnd as the demand proved Insufficient ! ! severe break followed. In the receding turn thu movement was irregu lar , but it steadily dropped to a lower level and at 1 o'clock extreme inside pi ices prevailed. In pork the drop suffered from the morning's highest point was ! I7ii ( ? 12 } c , in lard l- ) < jC and in short ribs 10(14 ( loo. Based on last night's closings the day's actual decline WHS " 0ji ( auon pork , lOo on lard and 10@l'J ) c on short ribs. Arrnuxoo.v Si : wix Wheat lower ; May nt about M'fo , and January 77-1o. ( Corn lower ; May K < J ( it54u , January 4'Jc ' , Decem ber 4bJiC. Oats lower ; May ic ! ! , January HOe , February We. Pork declined I7J < c and closed nt $11 I7J.J for January , $ U. < l2 > < j for February nnd fl.'i 10 for May. Lard closed 1-Jifo lower , or at . 7.'JO for December , 47.'Jo for January , $7..T > for February , t7.45 for March and $7.0. for May. Short ribs were 5iD7'oe ( lower , closing at $7 M for January , S7.57.Ji for Fob- i-uiiry and i7.07 } for March. CHICAGO MVK STOCK. CtncAOO , Doe. 0. [ Special Telegram to the HnK.l CATTLI : Trade was only mod cratcly active at best , shipping orders wore light and mainly for low-priced cuttle , prime natives were FO live , and , in fact , good tt medium nntlvi s were not plentiful. Texan : woto plentiful , but there were no northeri rangers. As to prices , there was little or m change. Common and undesirable natives were slow of sale from llrst to last. I'lair nnd medium steers moved along at about the prices as last week. Shipping steers lilTO to IfiOO Ibs , S-I.OOCrt.'i.OO ; 1 ! > 00 to it50 : Ibs * ) . 'r..p.40 ( ; Ml ) to 1200 Ibs , $2.7J ( ; f.75 Stockj-'rs and feeders , $1.7o@.l ! ) ( ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.i"(3'J.7ri ( ; bulk , $ l. ( > 0 ( < i 2.00. Texans dull nnd lower ; steers , ! ( gil.OO ; cows , * l.W.J.iO. ) lions Trade was unsettled , with values on the down turn. At the close some sales men were quoting declines equal to r > © IOc or mixed and common. Of course , as is always the case when the down turn does not set it until latothero were lots sold equally us higl as yesterday and cannot bu taken as a guide for the general market. Choice and fnnej heavy sold at i.rit(2. ) ( ' > .ii. ibcst packing sorts a $5.40tfi..r ( ! > 0 and common at $5.tO5.H.1i. : ( High priced lots looked very dear to the buyer al tlio close. Light soils , including the Yorl < variety , ncro quotable at tS.'JJCgS.SO ant common ut $5.10i ( > . FINANCIAL. Nr.w YOIIK , Doc , 0. [ Special Tclegran to the Br.i : . ] STOCKS The New Yorl market for shares opened with an improve incut and for n few moments the clique managed to frighten the shorts in St. Paul Loulsvillo & Nashville and I-ackawanna When they ceased covering the last weak cned and a decline of 1 per cent occurred The market was entirely professional , out aiders cut no tlguro whatever , and it look like a hopeless case to try and iiiaugurati J , anything in the way of a bull movcmcu ' without their support. It is a poor tlmo o the year to get up any enthusiasm on the loni ldc of stocks. Many prominent houses an in-rayed on the bull side and it Is well-knowi that they arc loaded to the guards with thei Bitccialtles and of course uro very anxious fo : nn upward market , Buying from London i entirely of n scalping order. They knoy ncross the water as well as we do on this slili that the rapid advance tj cereals , which i ! luised on short crop , means lighter earning next year for all our western Hues. The rail roads cannot expect l SS to give them th dividends that 1S-S7 has furnished. All th railroad manaijci-a will acknowledge that the , nntlcipato a decided fulling off. With then facts staring operators in the face It U no surprising that but few can bo tempted t take any stock In uny permanent advance At times the bears overdo business on the ! Bide of the house by overseeing , as has bee thocaso In St. Paul , Union Pacific and Lout ; Villo & Nnshvlllc , then thu cliques In thcs properties engineer a twist on the ) sellers an When they cover the market falls flat. Th fccling'tunt any moment uiouey may be maO uncomfortjibly close Is nlso.A disturbing cle ment. Whni we get .Into the new year and congress gets down to work we may expect lo see a little more blue sky In the situation and In tlio meanwhile .the Impression Is that stoelts will gradually seek n lower level. It will be much easier to build the frame work for an upward movement on prices , say 5 per cent lower , than at present. Tim market would certainly prove morn attractive nnd there would bo p. clitineo of the publle lend ing n helping hand , As the day waned the innrkct became rather feeble nnd the proper ties so bouyant early In the session were con spicuous by their weakness. In the final dealings the tone was rather feverish. The message did not help matters and stocks were down to nbout the lowest for the day. ( tovnuNMEXT * Government bonds were dull and heavy to weak. YKSTIWIIU'S QfOTATION'S. TT. H. 4srpKlitored ISI'J'O. ' ' .V N. W WVJ If. S * . 4s coupon. . . K4'i ' | doprefuriud HO r.S. 4'isn-Klstid 107 YO. V.I' \ ( * i II. S 4's ' coupon . .tOT'a ' < > It. N KT'J Tarlflc lit of " . . .lilt | ( ) . T 5Mi ! I'aimilu foiithciu Mi Pacific Mull Itj ; ( Vnttiil Pacific 'll's ' l'.l ) . .V I' i.1) ) Chlnico * : Alton I.TJij Piillmiin I'alaceCarUn ( ' , , II.y ISS'i ' KoadliiL' usij ! . . I , , itV lliO'i ' Kork Island Jitj : | II.AcU. U J | St. t , . k S. V m llriu i. . " , ' diiprt'fi'rri'd K ; < do pri'furri-d tXi'/iiO. ' . M. & St. Paul . . Ill1 , Illinois ( Viitral llil do preferred..112 > { I..II.&W -Ill' } St. P. AMI illlj , K.AsT 177. doprffurivd 1W ( " " -Mioru Mi Texas Paclllc My I. . .V N ( II'i Union I'uclllc .Michigan Cuntral . ( ff'J.W. ' . . ! , . * ! 17 MlHsonrlPiiclllc. . . . Ki' < lo prefcrrvil Ill .Missouri Pacific. . . . K'4V. ' . U. Telegraph. . . 78 do piufurivd V it\ \ Moxr.v On call , easy at 4iti per cent , last loan 5 per cent , closed offered ut 4 per cent. cent.PIUMG PIUMG MCUCANTII.K l'Ariu-C@3j : ; per cent. STCIIMXO ExctuNon Dull but steady nt S4.8U. < for 00 day bills , and f .S4 f for de mand. IMIOUUCK SIAUKKTS. Clilcngo , Dec. (3. ( Following are the ! 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady and nominally unchanged. winter wheat , l.r > Q < 2r4.HI ( per bbl ; spring wheat , ? : i.r > 0 ( < fl.r.O ] ) er bbl ; rye , ? J.if > y.OO per bbl ; buck wheat , sJTi.nOfgO.'jri per bbl. Wheat Market showcel sharp reaction and trading was active but weak , prices close being U eel o under yesterday ; cash , 70J c ; January , 77 > 'uo ' ; May , tj-l ! Mlc. ( Corn Active but unsettled , prices being subject to fre < iuent and rapid fluctuations but feeling was quite firm and prices ad vanced J < ( iMo , but later ruled weaker and closed l ) ( . ' 4lj ( < c under yesterday ; cash , ISJ c : January , 4'.ic ; May , M I.VlOc. Oats Dull and considerably lower ; Janu ary , HOc ; May , ! ( 't'se. Kyo Firm at 61'Jf ' e. H.irley Nominal. l'i line Tlnuithy 43.32. FlaxseedI.5. . Whisky fl. 10. Pork Active but fluctuated within wider lingo and prices averaged lower ; January , fl .4l > > .J ; May , $1.1.10. Lard Uuleil weaker and irregular , closing ewer that yesterday : cash , $7.17 ; Junu- iry , S-r.'il ; May , $7.Ma7.i ( ( ( ; } ; . Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , M.OO 'O.OO ; shoit clear , SS.OJ S.IO ; short ribs , S7.45 tor January. IJutterJuiet ( but firm ; creamery , 24(231e ( ; dairy , 17 } ( < r. > < ic. Cheese Firm ; full cream clicddnrs , 11 ( ii'lU4e ; flats , llj ll.'ic ; young Americas , Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted , fijftjs 7e ; light , do. , 7e ; salted bull , fijjc ; green do , 4Uc ; green salted calf , bVib ( o ; dry Hint ind ( fry calf , 12ijiac ( ; dry salted , lOo ; dea cons , iiOo each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3 c ; No. 2 , U. e ; cakes , 4c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls UI.OOO 28,000 Wheat , bu IMi.OOO 2i,000 ( Corn , bu 70,000 i > SlXX ) Oats , bu 111,000 feb.OOO 4,0H , ( ) none Barley , bu 71,000 69,000 New York , Dec. ft. Wheat Receipts. 78,1100 bu ; exports , : u,000 bu ; options ruled weak through the entire session , closing heavy at near the bottom nr at n decline of Kl"X"i sl'ot ' ? % lower and moderately active ; ungraded red , bSJflgSM c ; No. 1 red , nominal at 11.1)505 ) No. 'J red , b ! > ; ! ( < j ! > 0 ; < ro in toro and elevator , tRjr91 ! ( > Jo deliveredfb'J , O'MC f. o. b. ; January closed at IHI } C. Corn Receipts , 'JII.OOO ; exports , yy'J.)0 ) ; spot lots I'fOJlc ' and options I ( < 7lJ c lower , closing weak ; ungraded , ( ilQlVI > c ; No. , ( ll ti''e ; No. 2 , ( W > 'fgtKJo in elevator , llirt04Ku : de- livpied ; January closing at tW c. Oats Hcceipts , 40KIO ( ; exports , none ; market fairly active and lU@lc lower ; mixed western , tofNOo ; white westorg , 40@44c. Coffee Spot , fair ; Kio steady utSH.OO ; op tions opened higher and closed 10 ® 15 points lower ; sales , b ,750 bags ; December , (1,1.35 ( < ? 1.1.4r. ; January , * 14.SO@lB.0.1j February , $14.70V.M5.0.1 ; March , $14.70 ( jl5.0j ; April , $14.70(3)15.00 ( ) ; May , $14.fiO < 3t4.5. ! 1'etroleum Firm ; United , f > lc. Eggs In fair Inquiry ; western , 20 < 223c. Pork Quiet but linn. Lurd UiS'-M points lower nnd more active ; western steam , spot , f-7.75it7.b.1. ( IJuttor Firm witli demand fair ; western , 14diWc : ; western creamery , 17JtJc. ! Clieese Ouiet and lirmly held ; western , KniiRas CitjDoc. . ft. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 soft , cash , 7ri-jc ) ; January , 73o bid , iCc usited ; May , 7'.l70h/e ) bid , bOc asked. Corn Weaker ; No. 'J , cash , 4.15 < c asked ; January , 447G bid , 45 ; o asked ; May , 4SHi bid , 4bc asked. Oats No. 3 , cash , 30c asked. St. IjouiH , Dec. 0. Wheat Lower ; casb Ku ; May , b5c = < . Corn Lower ; cash , 4S(714S.fc ( ' ; May , 49Xe Oats-Dull ; cash , : J9c230 > fc ; May , -J Pork f 1 1.7.1. Whiskv-1.0.1. ii Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy . Ai'Tiiuxoox Bo vim Wheat weak am lower : December , 7lo ) bid ; January , 79 } e : May , b.X'/c. Corn active but lower ; Dccem ber , 47J o -.January , 4'J o bid ; May , 7 Ho Oats lower ; May , 31c. Milwaukee , Dec. ( i. Wheat Weak cash , 74 : ; January , "i ) c ; May , S2l , < , 'e. Corn Steady : No. 8 , 4SJ c. Oats-Dull ; No. a white , 32c. llyo-Easlcr ; No. 1 , ( il c. llarlcy Lower ; No. ' - ' , 70c. Provisions Easier ; pork , December , 514.7 ; @ 15.00. Ijlvci-pool , Doc. ( i. Wheat Dull nnd de mnnil pocy ; holders offer freely. Corn Firm and demand good ; mixed wcs tern , f > s 3 , ' < 1 per cental. MliincapollN , Dec. 0. Wheat - Huice weak and closed lower ; No. I hard , cash 74-fc ! ; January , May , S2J o ; No. ! northern , cash , ? JV e ; January. 75J. e ; May VOJ o ; No. 'J northern , cash , C9j < fe ; January 70J oMny ; , 77JIC. On track : No. 1 hard 75c ; No. i northern , 71 ! < e ; No , 2 northern 70c. 70c.Flour Quiet ; patents , $4.40@4.DO ; bakers' ' Keceipts Wheat , 185,000 1m. ShlinncntsWheat , KI.OOO . bu ; Hour , 20,40 , ( bbls. Cincinnati , Dee. 0. Wheat In fair de mand with marko : steady ; No. 2 red , bOKc Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , Mo. Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 34Vc , Kye-No. ' . ' , 7U- . Provisions Pork , nomlnalat (13.50(215.75 ( lard , neglected at J7.37.l < ( il7.40. Whisky Firm at (1.03. Now Orleans , Dec. 0. Corn Stead ; nt Me. Oats -Strong and higher ; No. 2 , 40@41c. Cornmcal Quiet at J2.75. Hog Products Good demand and price tending upward ; pork , (15.00. LanF-(7.12 < . Hulk Meats-Shoulders , (0.37 ; lone clea nud clear ribs , ) { 7.87 > .f . MVE STOCK. ITnion Stock Yurdti , Chicago , Dec. C The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Keceipts , 11,000 ; market steady fancy , ( .1.75 ; hipplng steers , S'J.'tXg.l.U ) stockers and fcedcn * . (1.75 3.10 ; cows , bull and mixed , (1.35i3.T5 ( ; Texas cattle , (1.5 Hogs Keceipts , 33,000 ; market slow nni 5@lOo lower ; rough and mixed. (4.fc5@5.40 heavy , ( .1.10Q5.C5 ; liiget , (4.H ) ( 5.2oj skips Sheep Keceipts , 8,000 ; market steady natives , ( : t.Ki ( < U4.SO ; western , (3.2x3 * Texans , r..AO a.TS ; lauibsl f l.00aft.75. National Stock Yimlt ) . Kasr SI IjouU , Dec. 0 Caltla Keceipts , 3,000 shipments , WX ) ; market steady ; choice hcuv native steers , t4."V1 ( ,1.00 ; fair to peed jintlvcs. ( : t.SOC U.40 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , KUOC'M.OO ; stockcrs nnd feeders , fair to good , ( l.bO ( 'J.OO ; "rangers , ordinary to good , 2.350 * 1.15. Hogi Kccelpts , 0,000 , ; shipments , 800 ; market active nnd u sluidc lower ; choice heavy nnil butchers. ' selections , ( .1.5001 5.111 ; liacklnp , medium to prime , (5.3Ui&.riO ( ! ; York ers , fair to choice , M.OOOJfi.20. Kntiins City , Dec. 0. Cattle Rccolgla , 3,000 ; shipments , l,200j good to choice grass , ningo ami natives stronger ; common slow nnd nlxUt steady , good to cholco corn-fed , ? 4.2.1W4.70 : costuon to medium , ( S.3.KW4.15 ; stocker , ? 2.Kii2.rt ( ) ) ; feedlng teers , (2.0.109 . ' 1.2.1 ; cows , (1.350J.J.70 ; grss range , Sl.bOfti 3.H ( ) . Hogs Keceipts 13,00 ; shipments , none ; market weak and 5c lower ; common to choice , ? 4.700l5.40 ; skips nnd pigs , ( .2.1 ( 1.50. OMAHA ll\'K STOCK. Cattle. The receipts of cattle yesterday were heavy nnd consisted chiefly of nntivo steers. The supply of rough natives and half fat was greatly In excess of the demand. Tlio mar ket opened nbout ll'u ' lower but recovered. The eifferlngs of butcher's stock were quite liberal but there were no takers , poorer grades being very dull to speak of. The mar ket during the nftcrnoon was julto active and u large number were sold.w Hogs. The market opened with nbout sixty-five loads in sight nt an advance of no over Mon day's clos'e. The local and shipping demand was very good and the market gained fully lee on good hogs before noon , one load reaching $5.40. The run was hotter than that of the day previous. One load was left over. The market closed stroiijr. _ Sin-op. Two loads of common western nnd one of fat natives constituted the receipts. The market was nbout steady. onicial llcocipts. Cattle . 1 ,2 % Hogs . fit > r > ( l Sheep . 2W5 Provnilltifj l'rlecs. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on the market : Choice steers , liX ! ( ) to 1500 Ibs f 4.25 ( < l 1.50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs 4.000 ? 1.40 Fat little- steers , WO to 10.10 Ibs. . . . 3.75ji.3.S.1 ( Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 'i.C.10',4.30 Good to choice corn-fed cows 3.30f2. < iO Common to medium cows 1.7.1QJ2.35 Western cow.s I.b0ii2..1 ( ) Good range feeders 2.300J2.05 Good native feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards 2.50@3.00 Fair to medium native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 2.2.(1i2. ( . " > 0 Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 3.10fti2. 10 Prime fat sheep 3.2. > 0i3..r > 0 Good fat sheep , 900UOO Ibs 2.75 ( 3.2.1 Fair to medium sheep 2,2.1 ( < 73.00 Common sheep 3.00 ( 3.3.1 Light and medium hogs 4.8.1M.1.00 Good to choice heavy hogs 5.2.1 ( < i5.iT ! > Good to choice mixed hogs 5.10015.20 Jtcprrsrntntlrc Sales. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. XA-rivn MT.r.ns. 20. . 1021 n.ii.i : i isfli 4.00 40. . 120 3.155 Hi HM 4.05 1147 H.7r 21 1207 4.10 42. 11(13 ( a. 75 37 12.1S 10. 44. ! ! ! ! ! ii9b 4oo ! is12111 ! ! ! ! ! ' ' 4.20 : ! . 1291 4.00 4.30 110.4.00 24 lilOl 4.IK ) 10 ! ! 1100 4.00 10 135(5 ( 4.40 wr.sTcux cows. 100. S49 l.Mt .10 S49 1.75 100.i. XATIVK COWS. i. , 2.00 2 1205 2.50 10. , .1101 2.00 1 1210 a.uo. cu.vns. . 324 3.00 sunn * . GO. . 129 3.CO liorts. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. SO. . .189 ' 240 $1.25 fiO.,277 SO $5.25 . . .187 80 4.40 H2..295 100 5.2.1 SO.M. . . .1S7 M ) 4.SO (54..308 ( 120 .1.25 M. . . .1K1 ! 120 4.8.1 1 > 9..2V8 ( 240 5.25 7(1. ( . . .211 200 .1.00 < 5.1..31i 1150 5.2.1 138 , . . .244 410 5.10 711..2(13 ( 120 5 25 47 , . . .2SI 200 5.10 47..291 NX ) .vr , 8.1 , . . .230 200 .1.10 59. . . . 2(57 ( 240 5.2.1 ( HI , . . .232 5.10 12.1. . . . 293 400 .I.W.I r * > 82 , . . .211 120 5.10 ai..2S4 80 5.25 111. . . .212 2 0 5.10 Of..2Sl ( 2SO 5.25 74 , . . .20i : SO 5.10 .19 NX ) 5.25 . . .209 120 5.12'g' ( ! 2 . .2SII 200 5 25 70 ! . . .2,11 120 5.15 (55 ( . 287 120 .VJ5 70 , . . .2.12 2M ) 5.1,1 r.r . .31 240 5.25 49. . . .254 KX ) 5.15 00. . .301 NX ) 5.25 00. . . .275 120 5.15 1. . SO 5.2.1 . . .220 SO 5.15 ( it. . ! ? J8 200 5.25 . . .210 2K ( ) 5.15 ( . . ere 120 5.2.1 . . .21KI 80 5.1.1 59. . 40 5.30 . . .247 240 .1.20 l8. ! . 40 5.30 . . .no ; ) 40 5.20 100 Oi. . . .278 240 5.20 IMS ! ! KX ) ! iiio ! Oi.mi 2112 80 .1.20 59. . . .309 1150 5.30 mi ! 2SO 5.20 51. . . .327 2SO ' 59. 5.20 51. . ' ' 40 5.'iiO 71. . .2'iO KM ) 5.20 . .292 240 5.30 02. . .2S.1 2SO 5.20 ' 240 5.30 70. . .2it ( 120 5.20 ! -SO 240 5.35 " NX ) .1.20 . .30S 120 5.40 iw ! . 270 100 5.20 I'lOS. 45. OS 3.00 3 ' . . . .114 40 3.50 Mvo Stock Bold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market yesterday : CATTI.H. O. H. Hammond & Co 2S.1 Swift Packing Co 327 Shippers I'M Local .IS .Feeders 13C Total 9SM noos. J. M. Doud 2 G. H. Hammond & Co 74f Anglo-American Packing Co 1,491 Armour & Cudahy Packing Co 2.27S Thos. Green & Son 20-1 J. T. Stewart KK Speculators 201 Squires & Co 47J Total C.5U One load left over. The Year's 1 The following is the official statement ol the receipts and shipments of stock at tin Union Stock yards for the jear ending No veinberUO , 1SS7 : IlKCKIPTS. Ijlvo Stock Notes. Hogs higher. Cattle steady. John , Irwln , of Osccola , marketed a load o hogs. RoseFnt7 , of Ponder , la. , re-eived ? 5. for a load of good hogs. J. K. Gehvin , of Nodoway , la. , disposed o a load of hogs yesterday. George Wartcrs. of Shelby , was on tin market with n load of cattle. C.R. Benedict , of Shelby , la. , disposed o two loads of hogs ut a good figure. George Richardson , of Benedict , dlstioscc of a load of prime'fat sheep yesterday , John Green , of Greenwood , marketed twi loads of hogs yesterday ut u good figure. M. Spooner & Co. , of Hooper , Neb. , dl lK > scd of a load of hogs at the top price 5.40 II. G. Adams , of Lcgan , la. , marketed or. oed o ( hogs and oti'o p'f ' cattle on tne mnrUct J. L , 1'ncknrd , nf Grclchton , ono of the icavicst shlptcrs to the yards , was in with Wo lomls of hogs nnd two loivJs of cattle estcrday. i , John P. Wl'du { oi "Exeter. w s In with n oad of cat.1V1 nnd n of hogs yesterday. Mr. y.'idup Is n Very extensive shipper and nipped the llrst car of cattle from Duncan , n icw station on the Northwestern yesterday. OMAHA AVIlOJil'.SAliK MAllKIU'S Produce , l-'i'tlltn , Kte : . The fulloiclii// / fire the jir/cru / at which ( / IIKtut / * ( produce arc mlil nn thh iniir- vt. Fruit * urothif Unr ofimxlx \ ) rritlrliif/ / : rfrillor / e / } M < : liliii ( cnniiot ( iicdlc ( | / si/p/illrei / on oiitxltlrimlcm ell the Mine i > rlccs initial the tiivtil tnnlc. HfTTKii Is still Very scarce nnd In good demand , with prices unchanged ns follows : Creamery , solid packed , Is quoted nt 32g24ti ( ; choice dairy , l'Jt(21e ' ( ; medium , HXjUijo ; low grades , JOOClSo. Enos Keceipts light , demand good nnd quotations firm nt32ii23o ( ; seconds nnd cold Uorage nro sometimes worked off lo lower , jut tliis cannot be given as a quotation. Ciut : > i : Steady at former prle-es , which nro ns follows : Fancy full cream died- liars , single , 12c ; lull cream twins , 12fCi'13c ; vouug Americas , llic ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in L-ase , 15c ; Limburger , 100 Ibs In case , 13c. In le s quantles , UOillJ < , c ; Swiss domestic , POUI.TUV The continual warm weather lu-events the uccumuhition of stock , but the low prices now ruling have checked the re ceipts. Quotations are given unchanged at yesterday's figures , but it must bo under stood that mi occasional cut is imido by dealers who are anxious to prevent a loss. Live chickens , SI.7.1Q12.0U per dozen ; choicu fowls , $ l.80J2.25 ( per dozen. Dressed chick ens , 5@7o per pound. Turkeys , 0 ( < 7u Ducks , 76J9C , Geese. 7 < g9c. G VMU Rcclpts of gamu uro light with the demand fair , and itiotations | as follows : Prairie chickens , 44.00 ; mallard ducks , $2.25 ; qunll , $1.404n.7.1 ; teal andlnlxcdducks , lie ; antelope. 12l4e. POTITOIS : Thu market continues quiet , hut firm nt from 90crt$1.00 ( for Utah and Colorado rado stock nnd choice homo grown ut 05 @ 75c ; common grades nt40V,10c. ( CAUiioT's The first car load of carrots reached the market yesterday and were put on sale at $2.50 per barrel. Swnr.r POTATOES The falling off In ship ments from Iowa has had a tendency to give a firmer tone to the market , and prices uro quoted at from 2' @ 3c per Ib. PAH-NITS Are now on the market and new stock Is quoted ut (2.50 per barrel. \Nb-Aro : in light supply und peed de mand. Good stock sells rapidly at $2.1K ) ( $ 2.30 ; fair to good , Sl.GO&jJl.SsU , and California beans at $2.I5 ( < (2.20. ONIONS The market Is dull , with prices for homo grown quoted steady at 75ifS5c ( ; Spanish onions , per 50-lb crate , $2.00 : Oi.vruits Plain standard , 25c ; plain se lects , 30e ; standard , 30c ; extra selects , 85e ; New York counts , 40e .Bulk oy.sters , counts , S1.35 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard , f 1.3.1 per gal. TUUSII-.S Fair to good stock sells at 40@ 50c ; rutabagas , 50lXe. ( ) CAfMi'Lowuii Good stock sells readily at $2.(50 ( < S2.SO. Cni.Euv Choice celery , 35(3 ( Lie per dozen ; fancy , 4.1@50c ; extra llnu Salt Laku celery , Sl.t5 : ( < rl.50 per dozen. Ai'riiTho : demand for good fruit Is fair. Prices firm. Eastern fruit , $3.00 ( < T3.25 ; fail- to choice stock , $3.25@3.50 ; fancy Jonathans , ? 3.503.75. SUMK : KiiAUT-j-Choicc , per bbl of 3(5 ( gal SS.M ( 9.00 ; yt pbl , $4.S.15.00 $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. market Is active at CinNiiEKitiEs-T-Tha nn advance in prices. Hell & Cherry$9.50 ; Hcll& Bugle , $10.50 ; Capo Cods , $11.00 ® 1L.10. Good stock is fairly active. Cinr.H-Clioke Michigan eider$0.00(2G.50 ( per bbl. of 32 gal. QriNciChoice California quinces scarce at * 2.XS2.25 ( ) ( per box. There are veiy few on the market. LEMONS Arc In good demand with no really choice in the mm ket. Messina lem ons , $ o.5Q ( > iG.OO ; Malaga , $5.00 ; extra line Maori scarce ut W.00it0.50. ( GUANOES Louisiana fruits arc about out of the market , with last quotations at S4.00rt ( 1.2.1 per box. Florida fruit is easier at $3.75g4.00 ( per box. CALIFORNIA FnriTS Pears , $ -3.oO@2.75 , nc- T-ording to quality. CHAPES There are very few on the mar ket ; Malagas , $0.00 per bbl. BVNANAS The market is well supplied at the following prices : Choice bananas , $2.75 @ 3.50 ; medium buches , $2.00@3.00 ; common , $1.50 ( < i2.00. NUTS In fair demand. Peanuts , 7@7te } ; , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13u ; almonds , Tarragona , 22e ; English walnuts , 15lSc ; Jllberts , 12c. HONEY For the last few days California honey has been offered on the market by Chicago dealers , at prices that forced u re duction. Quotations arc marked down as follows : Good choice honey in 1-lb frames finds a ready market ut 18i ( 20c ; canned honey 10S ( I2e per Ib. Porcoux Very scarce. Choice rice finds ready sale at 3 ( 3Jije per Ib ; other kinds , 2(32J ( c per Ib. CAiuiAflE There is a fair demand for cab bage at 0075cper dozen or.1.00 per hundred. California cabbage will be on the market In a day or two and can be quoted in advance at 'Kc ' lcl' ) 1 ° . Grocers' Ijlst. PIIOVI9IOX. * Hams , 10J@llc ; breakfast bacon , 10J ( ji He ; bacon siues , 8J (29l ( < c ; dry salt , 8j CSJ c ; shoulders , ( ! Kl7c ( ; dried beef hams , 10ijllc ( ; dried beef regular , 9Js@10J'jC. ; hams , plcnie , 7JfJ8c. Corn-.c Ordinary grades. 19)f@20c ; fair , 20S21e ( ; prime , 20J21J ( e ; fancy green and yellow , 23@25c ; old government Java , 28@ JIOc ; interior Java , 25a ( > 2Sc ; Mocha , 28@30o ; Arbucklo's roasted , 24JA' ; McLiiughlin's XXXX , 24Jfc ; Dilworth's , 21 'c ; Red Cross , 24-tfc. BnooMs Extra 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. CANDY Mixed , 9@lle ; siOck , 8Jf < a9 c. JELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.7501)1.85. ) SYHUINo. . 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.50@1..15 ; New Orleans , per gallon , 3S@4ic ( ; miiplu synip , half bbls , "old time , " jicr gallon , SOc ; 1-gallon cans per doz , $10.50 half gallon corn , loi.LA.Ni ) ilKUKix'ns 7.1ii)78o ( ) per ke'g , CHACKKUS Garneau's soda , butter and pic nic , 5o ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city soda , 7c , TK1 Jupan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20 ® OO'fc ; Young Hyson , 25.15e ; Oolong , 20 ® COc. COc.Toiurco Toiurco Lorillard's Climax , 44o ; Splen did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Lcggctt & Meyer's star , 43o ; Corncrbtone , 35c ; Drum- mond's HoisoShoe , 44u ; J. T. , 40o ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. WoonuNWAitn Two-hoop jiails , per doz , $1.4,1 ; three-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $ (5.50 ( ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $1.50 ; wash boards , $1.40c < i2.75r assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , $9 ; No. 2 churns , $ S ; No. 3 churns. $7.00. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.20@3.25 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $3.00(23.10 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00 ® 3.10 ; California pears , per ease , $ l.804.9 ( ) ; apricots , iK > r case , W.'Jr .itO ; peaches per case , $5.7ft@5.8. ' > ; White cnerries. per case , $ U.X ( ) ; plums , per case , $3.80(33,90 ( ; blueber ries , per case , $2. ; @ 2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , pcrcuso. $2.50s piileapjilcs , 2-lb , per case , $3.20 ( 5.75 ; Mb salmon , | pcr doz , $1.75(31.90 ( ; 2-1 b gooseberries , per case , $ ! l.2AOii.i5 : : ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.80 ; 2-lb lima beans , per case , $ l.X2-lb'marrowfut ( ; peas , $2.l > 0@ 2.70 ; 2-lb early'June peas , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , fci.40 < 2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30 ® KKFIXED LAUD Tiorvo , 7 ? c ; 40-lb sipiaro cans , 7 ? c ; Ml-lb round , 7hc ; 20-lb round , 7 c ; 10-lb palls , fKcj 5-lb pails , gcj 3-lb pails , 8' e. > tr PiCKi.r.H Medium in bbls , J7.00 ; do in half bbls , . ( * ) ; small , in bbls , fS.OO ; do in half bbls1.50 , ; gerkins. in bbls , * 9.00 ; do in half bbls , fci.OO. K Apples , forula loose muscatels , new Vul- enclu , 8K 8Jfc. . Hoi-u Seven-sixteenths , lOJ Qll. SuoAit-Graiiulatcd , 73 ( i47 > ( o ; conf A , < a7Vc ; whlto extra U , KMXc ; extra C , l " ; yellow C , SS'fc-Wi'i cut Jonf. iwwdercd. b@(3 ( , ' oj Now Orleans , Mi Dry i. DL-CK West Point 20 in. b oz , 105'c } ; Wcsf PoiutSO in , 10 oz , 12'C5 ; West Polo ; X'J iu , u .w.-J- . A. oz , lEe ! \Vcst Point 40 In , 11 oz , 1V. ( Checks -Caledonia X , Oki'5 Culodonb XX , 10 > L' { Econ'omy , 1,0 ; Otis , ! , i ; . KVXTIVKV JKA S M'morial , 1iV : Canton 15c ; Durham , 27'iC1 ' Hercules , ISo : LeamiiiL'- ton , 22V ! Cottswoltl , 2 , ' > c. CIHIH Stes'cns' H ) do ; lilencheil , 7c ; Slo vens' A. 7'jti1 , bleiu-hcd , 8' < , e ; Stevens' 1 . SUc ; bleached , C'tc ' ; Sti-vofis1 N , U'ac ' ; bleached , lOijo ; Stevens' S U T , 12 V Mi or.t.i.AXFH' ! Table oil clotli , tS ; plain Holland. 8 > , )0 to IV ; D.ulo Holland. I2 > , c. CtMintics Slater , 4'nc ; Woods , 4V" , Stan dard , 4ljc ; Pcueook , 4'jO. COM FOHTKIIJI tdtHXn 3.YOO. II.ANUITS ) : White , $ l.Xt ( ) T.uO ; coloied l.tO Snr.r.Tixn Hcrkcley cambric , No. tt ) , IIV ; Hest Yot. 4-4 , il 4Vj butter cloth OO , 4'4c ' ; Cabot. 7'ac ' ; Furwoll , Scs I'Vultof Lpom , Oo ; Greene O , Oc ; Hope , 7Ji'c. ; King Phillip curubrii- , lie ; Lonsdule , llljc ; Lonsdale , 8iO : New York mills , lOitfc ; Peppcrell , 42 inch. 10i-'o , ; Pcpperell , 40 Inch , 11,1,1ivpporell ; , lV-1 , 15c ; Pop. percll , 8-1. 20c ( Peppercll , IM , 22o : Pep- pcrell , 10-4 , 24e ; Canton , 4-1 , ' 40 ; Canton , 4-4 , ! ) . , ; Triumph , Co ; Wumsutta , lie1 Val ley. f > c. Knxxiu.s Plaid Hnftsman. 20o ; Goshcn , H2jrfe : Clear Lake , 32i.f ; Maple City , ilj.u- . \ hlte-GH No. 2 W , 21c ; U H No. 1 , J/ , 27'ic ' ; H H No , 2 , . / , .22)vc ) ; H H No. 1 , | 4 , 4 , . , ; , a iv r , ? 4 , .1yv , V.I , > 4. O.IL- . I'ltiXTS SOLID Coi.oJts1 Altanta , Slater , fie ; Ucrltn Oil , OK/o ; Garner Oil , ilV ( { 7e. PIXK ANI > ] { ont : Hichniond , Of Allen , Ce ; Klverpoint , fie ; Steel Hivcr , C > c ; Richmond mend , Co ; Pncllli1 , ( is'e. Iximio Wash , ington , Oc ; Century Indfuo blue prints , lOe ; American , ( ii < c ; Arnold , Ci54'e ; Arnold H , 10' ' < fc ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 < c. Dui > s Charter Oak , 4'j'o ; Hamapo , 3Jc ; Lodl , 4Jfo ; Allen , fije ; Hu-hmond , 5)jc ) ; Windsor , tie ; Kddjstone , ( io ; Pacific , ( V1. UIIOWN SHEKTIXO Atlanta A , 4-4. 7'4'c ; A Hantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic V , 4-4 , OUc ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 5 fc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , f./e ; Au rora C , 4-1 , 4'ic , : Crown XXX , 4-4 , tl' c ; Hoosler LL , 4-1 , fiJi'c ; Indian Head , 4-4,7ic ! ; Lawrence Lb , 4-4 , fi'tfc ' : Old Dominion , 4-4 , fii e : I'eppercll U , 4-4 , 0 'e ; Pcppcrell O , 4-4 , Oo ; Pep | > erell , 8-4 , ISo ; Peppcrell , JM , 20c. Pcpperell , 10-4 , 22o ; Utlcn C , 4-4 , 4 'e ; Wachusutt , 4-4 , 7oj Aurora It , 4-4 , 0fo ; Au rora H , 4-4 , Ik' . IUTTN Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOJ c ; Ilcauty , 12j < fc ; Hoono , 14c ; B , cased , Sti.IK ) . COTTOX PI. < XXII. : 10 per cent trade din- nj * iff rolored. llic ; 5' ' ) | ca'loredl'Jo ; TO , colored. 15o ; ' liristol , 1IJ. ! < ( . - ; Union Pacific , 18c. \VAUi * lilbb white , ISJ. o ; colored , GINOIIAM Plunckctt checks , Tlfc ; Whit- teuton , 7'j'e ; York , 7'4c ' : Normanill Dress , S'sfc : Calcutta Dress. Se ( : Whlttenton Dress , 'Jc ; Uenfrew Dress , 9 ( < ( > 12 , ! e. TICKS Lewiston , 30 in. , 12'fc Lewiston , 32 in. , 13 c ; York , 32 In. , Me ; Swift Kivcr , 7Vfe ; Thorndlkc O O , 8'fc ; Thorndiko K F , ver Creek AA , 1' e ; Heaver Creek B13 , lie ; Ucnvcr Creek C'C , lOc. ( cncfiil Markets. Fi.AX.Sirn Steady. Good quality at $1.03 per bushel. HAY Receipts light , demand increas ing. The following nro prices quoted : Common coarse hay , fT.OOi ( < .T.oO per ton ; upland prairie , ft.T.'yviS.OO. Gnus Steady at Saturday's quotations. Wheat , Mo. 'J , CMC ; rye , 50@.VJc ; oats , USe ; corn , old , 40c ; corn , new , ItT' c ; barley is quoted at 5 : > ( a57e , according to quality. COAI. The coal market is very active nnd the supply somewhat limited nt fol lowing prices. Kgg. { 10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ; walnut block , f-1. 00 ; lownlnmp , jt.75 ; ; Iowa nut , J.'I.OO : Illinois , W.50u\- ( . Fi.ouu AND Fiii : : ) Prices on flonr ivmain steady. Minneapolis patents , $ -.00 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , M.-l.'itff'.MiO ; Nebraska patents , fJ.W@-J.H5 ; rye flour , $1.75(111.90 ( i > er cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmcal , yellow , I'Oc ' per cwt : cornmeal - meal , white , $1.00 per cwt ; chopped feed , ( ,0c per cwt ; bran , $ l'J.50fll3.00 ( per ton ; screenings , $ ' . ) .00@1'J.OO per ton. HIDES The market is flat nnd nothing doing. Green butchers' , 5Hc ; green cured tJ5 @ "c ; dry flint , ! ) o ; dry salt , 8c ; green calf skins , 7c ; daniHgcd hides , two-thirds price. Tallow yj c. Grease Prime white , So ; yel low , Sic ; brown , ! } < - . Sheep pelts , S.'f Funs Uneeoon , 'J0@70c. ; mink , 10dOOc ; musk ruts , fall , 2ftr ( c ; striped skunk , 10 ( < j40c ; mountain wolf. No. 1 , $3.00p.50 ( ; No. 2 , prai rie , ( M75c ) ; No. ' . ' , 40@45c ; beaver. No. J , SI-WITS Steady , market strong. Cologne spirits , 188 proof , $1.10 ; do 101 proof , $1.12 : spirits second quality , 101 proof $1.10 ; do 1S8 proof $1.00. Alcohol 188 proof , $ 'J.10 per wino gallon. Hcdistillcd whiskies , $1. < JO@1.50. Gin blended , JJl.fiOfi ) 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $ ' 2.00 ( < iO.OO ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00(2(1.50 ( ( : Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50 ( p.OO. Urandics , imnortcd , * 5.00@8.W ) ; do- mcbtic , $ l.JO@i.OO. ; : Gins , imported , $4.50@ 0.00 ; domestic , $1.25ii.00. ( : > Champagnes , im ported , per case , $28.00@t00 : ; ! ; American , per case , $10.00(310.00. ( HKAVV HAiiuwAitn Steady nt the fol lowing prices : Iron , rate. $2.70 ; plow steal , special cast , 4J c ; crucible steel , 0 , ' e ; , KJVj , nl UUlU 11U4.3 , JICl 111 , UV LflOU , UU11 chain , per Ib , OJ < ( iito ; ; malleable , Sft lOc ; iron wedges , CKJ ; crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel. 4@5o ; IJurden's horse shoos , $4.75 ; IJurden's nuilo shoes , $5.75 ; barbed wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel mills , $2.50. Dry Ijiiinhcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIM1IF.KS. 2.14 A ; 10ft. 18ft. 20ft. 33ft. 24ft. . 17 50 20 00 21 00 22 00 'J2 ( JO ' xtt . 17 60 20 Oil 21 (10,2:1 ( , : 00 23 00 . 17 Wl20 ) 0021 0022 Oo'22 ' 00 2x10 . . 17 60 20 00 21 00,2:1 , : 00 Z00 \ 8x12 . . 18 2.120 0021 0024 0024 00 4x4 Vxt ) . . . lHrll9HI20602J ( | ; 002:1 : 00 IIOAIIDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.I5.50 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough $19 50 No. 1 , " " 10 " 19 50 No. 2 , " 12 14 " 1050 No. 2 , " " 10 " 18 00 MIHXO. A , 12 , 14 , & 10 ft.21.50 I C , 12,14 & 1(1 ( ft$15.50 H , " " , 20.50 I D , " " 12.50 ' FLOOUINO. Afi In White Pine $25.50 Htlin " " ) .50 Cfiin " " : iO.OO DOin " " 21,50 EOin " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 19.00 0 In. Drop Siding 50o per M. extra. riill.INO AND I-A11T1TIOX , 2d com Jf in White Pine Ceiling $34.00 " " " W.OO Clear1 J/in Norway " " IB.On 2nd com. ? 'in " " " 14.00 Coiiunorolnl Chips. Furniture dealers report n fair but only a fair trade. The unseasonable weather is in part accountable for this , as Intending buyers cannot realize that Christmas Is so near at hand and postpone their purchases. Collec tions nro slow. Wholesale liquor merchants report both city nnd country trade as good and collections fair. The only exception is Dakota , wheie payments have been so slow that Omaha dealers do not wish to carry their customers any longer , and nro allowing them to drop from their list. The uncertainty ns to the $1,000 license has interfered with the collec tions from city rctnilers ns many of them were holding back their receipts in order to raise the amount of their license fee. ' Notice to CoiHraeloi-H. The board of public lands and buildings will receive bids at any timu before December 10th. 1W7 , at 2 o'clock n. in. , for all work und material to complete ImllclliiL's for the "Nebruikii lining. trinl Home" ut Mflfonl , Nobrualca , Including steum , licuting. plumbing , \\eruKa ami w.iter fiorvlrc , iiccordluw to plans , specifications und detailed drawings on meltli the commissioner of public funds and buildings , also with lllako \ Co. , architects. In Omuha. PuymenU to bo made ou monthly eMlmntcs and 15 per cent to bu reserved to Insure thw completion ut ion- tract. Workto be completed by September 1st , 1W * . UBiml rights leierved. lly order of ijouril of Public Lands and llulld < IIIKH. O. I. . LAWS , bccretnry. Nov. : tolcc.ia Nov.Zlid , 1567. Dcit and tborttit ifiUm now in uu. OtrouUri ' 0 Agricultural Implomonts. CHURCHILL , Dealer in Agricnltural Inulemeiits , Wagons , C rrlage nd nu lc , .fonon .trci't , llctnecnfilli mij Mil. Omnhn. Ncbrnfkn. " " ' "UINTNOER & . MUTCALF CO. , AgricnllnralliiiDlenients.Waioiis.Carriagcs . . Uiuslcs , Ktc. Wholc < nlr , Omatm , Ni > brn k * . " PARLIN. ORENDORF ft MARTIN. . . Whole lo Ddilcru In AgTicoltnrallinpleiiienls , Wagons & Snggta WtHII.U > niul m , . tones street , Omilin. P. P. MAST i CO. , Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills. Seeders , CaltlTAtor * . ll y IUke . Oiler Mllln nd l.ntinn lul- rrrlif r. . Cur. Hlti ami Moliol treetn. WINONA IMPLEMENT CoTi . - Aaiicnllnral Implements , Wagons SBnggies Corner llth nd Nlclioln ftreeti. _ Artists7"WTatorlnliir" A. HOgPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1513 Doujlai Blrcct , Omnhn , NubrtJk . Boots and Shoos. W. V. MOHSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots anfl Shoes. Mil Farnam 81. , Omnhn. Noh. Manufactory , iimiitf btrect. llotton. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , ( Sucoi-jjori to ltpcdlonn A Co. ) flolesalc Manufactnreis of Boots anfl Shoes Agenti { or tioilon Rubber Bho Co. 1103,1101 & 1109 Unrnir St. , Omaha , Vhraik . Coffees , IplooB , Eto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. . Omaha Coffee itnd Spice Mllli. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , FlnrorliiK KitrnrH , Ijnindry lllue. Ink * , Ktc. 1411-1411 llurner 8tr t , Omaha , Ncbrnskn. _ Crookory antj Olaaswaro. _ W. L. WRIGHT. Acont forthoMnnufActureraand Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys. Ktc. Onice.aira.lJth&t , , Omaha. N'cbrHiikii. ' Commission ancTstorngoi D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , .K nnil rrodure. Conrlcnnu-ntii tollclted. Iloadauartors for Htonewnre , Ilcrrr Uoica aud Grape llaikell. 1411 Ooilgn St. . Omaha. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , 8p claltles-nutter , Kgg Chcene , I'oultrj , ( lamb UjfUri , Ktc. . Etc. 1H South 14th SlrecU WIEDEMAN & CO7 Produce Commission Merchants , Ponltrr , llulter , Game. Krulti. Ktc. KUhouth 14th St , _ Omaha , Nebraska. GEO. SCH RO EDE R & CO. , ( Succcsjori to Mcbhano & Schrpeiler. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , _ Omaha , Xehraska. _ Cool , Coke and Lime. _ 3M AH A COAL ? COKE & LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , HO Bouth 13Ui Street , Omaha , Nobraeks. * J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , tDd chlppera of Coal , Coke , Cement , ria t r. Mm * , Drain Tlio and Sewer lipn. Offlcc. railon MoUl , Farnaiu St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. _ NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cote , 14 South 13th St. . Omaha , Nob. _ _ - - - - - - - M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 and llOIDouglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Nob. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Otnta' FumUhlnK Ooodj.Corncrlllh and Uarnoj SU Omaha , Nebraska. Furnlturo. DEWEY tt STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Faruam Street , Omaha , Nobraika. Crocorles. PAXTON , GALLAGHER ft CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , 707,709 and 7118.10th Bt. . Omaha , N D. McCORD , BRADY 4 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Mh and taavenworth Btrcctn , Omaha , Nobraskfc. D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , _ , UU. 1K1 and 1Z3 Har r Btrect. Omaha. sSJT ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , Jill and U16 namor Street , Omaha , Keb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , TinwareSheet IronEtc. Aftnti for Howe Bcalei.and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha. Neb. HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic1 Tooli and Buffalo Scal i. 1KB Douglaa-it. Omaha , Nebraska. RECTbR ft WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and narner SU. , Omaha'Neb. Western Apcntf lor Austin l-owder Co..Jefferson Bteel Nails , Alp banks Ktandard fcales. Heavy Hardware. VJ. . BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Clock , Hardware Lumber , ele. 1108 and ll llarney Street. Omaha. EDNEY * GIBBON. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Waion and Carriage Wood Stock , Hearjr Hardwar * . Ktc. Uli and Ultf Leateowortti Bt. . Omaha. Neb. Mate , caps , Eto. . . " " w. L. PARROTTE" * co. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Haroer Street , Omaha , Neb , Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER * CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines&Linnors Bast India nittcrs and Domestic Liquors. 1111 Ilarner Lumbar. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale ISlh BUeet and Union PaclOc Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , etc. Tards-t'orncr Jth and Douglas ; Corner Dtk and Doug lu. * ' C. N. DEITZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , Utu anfl California Sis. , Onjalia , Neb. " FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , , v Comet tth and Douglas Bti. . Omaha. " * T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , - To Dealers Only , Oflce , It&l Farnut BUeet , Omiba. itiAl oin | jp7i ta | lll * ) iiu ) - ' ' , 'OJ3 - 0 JOBBEES'biiicuiur ' , ! Liuntior. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer In Hardwood Lumber , * ' . TTooa Carrei'jitul rjrquft I'loorlnit.Jtli ami Dcn lM * _ MMIInoryjuul Notlonsy Imnorlcrs & Jobbers of Millinery & Notions AX , 310 ml 311 South I lib Street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions anfl Furnishing Goofe Ml nnJ ID1 South 10th Plr t , Onuha. [ _ viNYAniT& SCHN'EIDER. f Notions and Gent's ' Fftrnisliing Qooib , lioillarntr Strf t. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO * Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ail * Qrcnc , rte. , Omaha. A. II , ntihnp , Mutger. Popor. , va , 4 CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Pajcr Dealers , lcp flicV o ( minting , nrnpplng ptpcr. fpcclnl UcnlUm clv n to car lovl oulor * . PrlntorB * Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. * Aniiliary Pnblishers , Dcilcn Imtji'p , pres r § nnil printer * ' inpBliet. HI Foulli IVlh btrcrl , OmfthK. , - OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goofa Oil Clothing nnil I.i-nthcr IlultlnK. WM rnrnnm Htrtot , Stoom Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRAND CO. . \ Pnmps , Pips and Engines , Etoam , watpr , rnllwAT aiul mlnlim tipilli | > , etc. IMk Vti mul Vii Karimtn Mri-vt , uinnlm. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wliolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btcnm nrt Wntrr KiimilliItrmliiiinitrni for Maik IB , . Fuciil ft Co' * KUOUI. llll Funiniu M. , Umnlm.1 ' ' - "U.S. WIND ENGINE * PUMP CO. , " " Steam and Water Supplies , IlallliUr Win.I Milt * , CIS nnd WIKiirnnmH. , Omshft , U. K. ltu , Actlim MiiUKcr. " BROWNELL&CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , bbscl Iron Work , Hlc-nm I'limpa , w Mllli. 1213-12U Lcuveunurtb Street , Oruahs. Sooda. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds I I and StlUJontxSt. , OmiO > * \l \ i'l ' ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. , , $8,1 , and Comniission 1 Storage , Forwarding , . Ilrnn WM. A. WILSON & CO. . Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars , biilces and Daisy linking I'ow.lor. 1110 aod Ills Uan ney Street , Oiimhn. Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , | Manufactufti Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Jobu Upvntitf-r. I'ronrlutor. IQU Dodee and 103 and 104 North lutu Struct. Omaha. ; Sinoko Stacks , Boilers , Eto. < " * H. K. SAWYER Manufacturing Dealer in Smol e Stacks , IlrltcUlngs , TnnLs nnil ( irnerol llollur Ucpalrlng. 1311 IKidgo Stretit. Oumlia. Xpu. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIFRL'NG , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , Enelnrs , Ilrnn work , eenemi Ioumlrjr , machine and blacksmith work. Offlcc nnd works , U. V. Uy. and 17th Street , Omaha , OMAHA WIRE& IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window guards , flower Mamls , wlretlgDI , ttc-.JW wortU ICth St. . Omaha. " ' ' OMAHA SATE"'A'ND rON WORKS. Man'frs ' of Fire& Burglar Proof Safes ) Vaults , Jail work. Iron nml nlrn fcncluit , xlntis. etc. QJ Andrcen , 1'rop'r. Cor. llth unil Jiicksou bit. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co uiul Juhburx lit Wagons Buggies Rates Plows Etc , , , , , ' ' . . ' . . Lir ailiittiu I'n'ltli-ht' , u'liiilm. N U. MEAGHPR S : SPROATi . General Agents for DlehoM hnla & Ixck Co.'s ' Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locfcs. TaulU and Jull Work , 1115 Furnam Blrcct , Oraalia. Ovorollu. c A N'rlfe"L"D M A N u FACT u mNcf "cc Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Icani Tants , Shirts , Ktc. IKK ! nnd 1104 Douglas Street. Omaha , Ni'li. Eto. M.A. DISBROW&'c. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch Oltice , 13th and liard Streets , Omuhn. Neb , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Work ml Interior Hard Wood Fl lib. N. IS. Curncr 8th ami Ixmvcnworth Blrcets , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And Ullnds. Turning , Blair-work , flank and Offlc * UttliiK , . 'Mil ami I'opplctun Avenue. Browora. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1621 North KlgMccntti Street , Omnlm. Nob. o.u.rAi.Mr.B. N. iniciiuA.v. . j , n. HI.ANCIIIIU > . PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , LiTe Stock Commission Mercliants , Offloe llonm 94 , Opposltn Kichanife HiilMIng , Unlba block Vardi , South Omalia , Neb. McCOY BROS. . r Liye Slock Commission Mercliants , Market furnlihod Irte nn apillratlon | , Blockcri and ( eortrri fiirnliUeil on peed Inmii. llcfvrnncci : Ocn j Im Nallnnal Hank an < l S-outb Umalia Nallunoi , llnloa Btock Yanli , t-oulli Omaba. LORIMER , WESTERFIELD & MALEV * Lire Stock Commission , Room IS , KirhktiKP UullillriK , Unlou Block Vanl * . houlh Umabn , Ncli , HO R N lc SHAl ? PEJ ' Commission Dealers in Lie Stock , Uoom 23 , r chnnse Hullilluc , Union i-lock Veil , A ( mjkha. Hulsri'ijcf : Union Nm'l Hunk , Oniauaj Union flocc Vonli llnnk , S. Or.mhn , ) : . b. llowler Irc ( . Am llniL \ Ttu t Co. . Ouiuha. ALEXANDER & FITCH , Cominissioii Dealers in Lie Stock , , . H C'inVU.ipp ' < > iltn KtrlinnijA Ilulldlne , L'nlon Ktooi _ _ Vaidt , Boutli OuiKuu , K C. "STOCK "YARDS co. , "f Of Omaha , Limite ! John r. Uo/d , Hup ri t n4eot , JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTfNT AiIvertl liiB has idnays | nvjvea fUUCfctSflll. Il.'fOlO LORD & THOMAS , ' intii'.TiHia IC.IUTK , | i U 4 Hu4 l k tUMt , CHICAGO *