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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1887)
2 MLE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 0. 1887. [ BE POSTAL TELEGRAPH , Bovoml Prominent Congressmen Intorvlowod on the Subject. K MAJORITY IN FAVOR OF IT. Secretary Cowden , of tlio Ohio Wool ' 6rowcrs' Association , on tlicj TnrllT Journal Clerk Smith Itumovod. Other WiiHhinittoii Now * . Pnstnl Tolcsrrtph Interviews. WA.SIIINOTOX , Dec. fi. [ Special Telegram to the Br.i : . ] Atnld the hurly burly of an issombllng congress the Hiu : correspondent lo-duy gleaned some additional opinions from members on the question of postal teleg raphy. Many do not know what they will do tvhcn it comes to u vote , but a majority favor HID proposition of the government assuming control of the telegraph service of the coun try. A pow opinions pro and con uro ap pended : Kcprcsentativo LiilToonln , of Kentucky , Buys : I am against It. The great trouble is this power of the government is getting too largo , while the rights of the states are get- ling too limited. I'm a state's rights demo crat and opposed to all measures that tend to centralize the [ > ewer of the government. Mr. Lnrnsey , of Michigan , said : Too ihiich concentration of power. I am opposed to it from the heel ni > . I don't believe in the government competing with private enter prise , . Messrs. Vandevcr , of California , and MoCrcury , of Kentucky , think it a good measure to agitate. General Vnndovcr ex pressed tlio opinion that if this congress waste to act in the matter u bill should be intro duced in both houses at an curly day , othcr- Vriso'Wlif-n the session got advanced it would be'next to impossible to secure any result ns Other important measures would absorb the Attention of congrdss. The people on the I'uclllo coast felt the need of n postal tele graph more than any ono else. Mr. O'Furrcll , of Virginia , said : There Jin tivo sides to the postal telegraph , and be fore I ( ! onld give a decided opinion I must hear tlio subject discussed. I believe con- jrrcss 1ms power to regulate monopolies and I think wo might get at the telegraph by mak ing un amendment to the postal luxy.s. John A. O'Neil , of Missouri , is the. labor champion in the house and Inclined to"favor postal tolfcgraph. "Tho postal telegraph , it seems to me , is only an advancement of the methods in the postofllee , " said lie. You will llnd that nearly every business man does his business through the telegraph olllce. The mail at ono tlmo was carried by individuals und when the business increased the govern went took control , and I tell you the moro you discuss the subject the deeper it becomes " nhd tho" more you reali/o tlio necessity for congressional action. I am in favor of it. " J. M. Browcr. of North Crrolinu said : "I , nm favorably disposed to the project , and would like to see the matter ventilated in congress. I am ugainst the government enRaging - Raging In private enterprises , but the tele graph , I think , should be controlled by the postofllco. However , I will wait till It comes up for debate. " Wool OrowcrH and the Tariff. WAsinxoTOX , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram to the Br.i : . ] William M. Cowden , secre tary of the Ohio Wool Growers' association , now in session hero , to day outlined the ob jects of this conference. "Wo want , " ho said , "a tariff high enough to enable us to live. Wo want this industry , as far us prolHs are concerned , placed on a level with other agricultural Industries. The tariff is now too low , especially under the present rulings of the treasury department , which lots In too much foreign wool. Wo do not propose to dictate to coiigross what the rate shall be , but wo do j > oposo to make Biich a repu-scntation of the condition of the industry ns to enable congress lo form a judgment as to what would bo fair und equitable. " An UnnatlHfHCtory Removal. WAHlnxnTox , Dec. 5 [ S | > eoul ! Telegram to the Bun. ] A good deal of agitation wa created to-night by the announcement thai Speaker Carlisle had appointed J. G. Kobin- Bon , of Spencer , Owen county , Indiana , to bo Journal clerk of the house , to succeed Hnrri 'pmlth , of Michigan , who htm occupied the position \yith eminent ability , since the as sembling of the Forty-second congress , six teen years ago. At llrst the report could not Do thought true , as Smith is uuivorsallj 'popular , is the best parliamentarhrn in the Louse , always prompting the speaker ant unraveling entanglements when they occiu on the floor , besides doing his principal worli of prcpai ing the Journal without fault. Smitl is u republican' , but has been so inoffensive in hi1) ) political action that no ono seems to havi thought till now of supersedint liiin. Tho. Indiana democrats saj it in true that Kohlnson has been iipiiiti'il. ] ) Undoubtedly the change wil make HOIIIO trouble ns Smith is not only i prime favorite of such men as Kundall but of leading men on both sides of the house The iKJsition alone is worth fii.tioo a , bul to this is'nddcd from $1,1X10 to $2,000 for com piling the digest , etc. It is generally beloved { loved now that nil oftort will bo made to morrow to Imvo Smith retained. While Kobinsoti Is a good lawyer and referred to a a man of eminent ability , ho is not bellevot to possess the in my essentials for this place It roqnhvs constant , active labor , iiu-iita nml imysleuliy , and a thorough knowledge of parliamentary law , for this officer Is the encyclopedia - . -cyclopedia of the houso. Kobinsoit came lioi'p jjxpeethig to bo made assistant attorney general for the post olllco department , in tlio event Judge Bryant , who now occupies that tilnco , was made commissioner of the general and ofllce. His appointment as Journal rlork of the house would indicate that Acting Commissioner Stockslager feels sure of being promoted to the commissioncrshi [ ) . Appropriations Needed. WASHINGTON , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram to the , Hnc.J The secretary of the treasury to-day transmitted his estimates for appro priations needed in various brunches of the government for the fiscal year ending Juno CO , ISsy. For salaries and expenses of col lectors and deputy collectors of the internal revenue In Nebraska ho allows J7,000 ; for the Third Iowa district , ? I3BOO ; for the Fourth Iowa district , $ ' 27,000. For improving the Missouri river from Sioux. City to Fort lU-nton , $100,000 ; for continuing the improve ment , qf the Missouri river at Omaha , f IWO- , . (100 ; at Plattsmoiith , ft' > 7Jit > 00 ; at Nebraska City , $ ftir > ,100. For ciistom-luniso employes ut Lincoln , $13,000 ; ut Nebraska City , | -I10. ( It is seen that the inibllu building at Council HUitTs can bo furnished out of luv present ap propriation of SIKX1. For the surveyor general of Dakota aild Minnesota tlio estlmuto is fti.uoo ; clinks in Ills olllco , fJilH ! ) . For the Indian service the following uru among the recommendations : For fullilling treaties with the Omahas , the sixth of twelve installments , being the last HL'rtcit , in money or othm-wise , per fouith ar ticle , tieuty of March HI , 1S51 , * l,00 > ) ; for fill- llllliig tiratios with Otoes and Mlssouris' , W,000. For governor of Dakota , fcl.CiXJ ; chief justice and live assistant Judges , nt f.1,0i > 0 cuiili , fls.wx ) ; secretary , il.sOO ; contingent expenses to be expeiuU-d by the governor of Dakota , MOo. Per diem and milcani ) of twenty-four membersof tln'coum-ll and lorty- eight members of the house of representa tives of the legislative assembly. fll,7. > 0 ; compensation of officers of the legUlalivu us- qcuibly , W,0 K > ; printing , fJ,7. ; stationery unit blanks in secretary's oftleo and for the legislative assembly , frJ.OOO ; fuel and lights , flWO ; messenger and porter ami earn of gov ernment property , MOO ; cloik in the secre tary' * ollliv , f'JOO ; tepalr and purchase of fur- nituie , $100 ; incidental t'xponi > c , $500 ; total , KxM | > nso of local land ofliccs ; Dos Moipps tWU : Boatrin ) , * SO ; Hloominyton , SUM ; Clmilrou , fl.Otf ; Grand Island , $ . ' .14 $ : Lin- coin , fjon ; Mi-Cook , WUH ) ; Noligh. $1,173 ; JS'liibruru. & .X * > , ' North Platte , j3a7u ; Sid ney , * a. . " lU { Valentine , 1,100. , A .ImiriiallHtio Art Gallery. > VAnits-OTON , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.J-SIIICO tlio last , session of con press , C ! . H. Mann , doorkeeper of the press gallqry of the house , has hud placed on the \v'all .o ( thp gullory iobliy , | > ortraits. ol many 01 Iho .editors ot leading Auioiitau bcw i > a POM , which it was decided during last ses sion should bo placed there. Many of the portraits are life slzo crayons framed alike , one of Mr. Chllds , of the Philadelphia LeTl- gor , and ono of Mr. Singer , of the Philadel phia Kecord. Occupying a central space on the north wall Wa tlirfi lift * 12Ctl portraits , one In oil , of the late Mr. Storey , of the Chicago Tim 3 , a iv.iytm portrait of Mr. Noyes , of tlio Washington Evening Star , and n similar portrait of Mr. Burke , of the New Orleans Times-Democrat. On caeli side of the clock arc llfe-sbed per- traits of Mr. Jones , of the New York Times , and Mr. Held , Of tho" New York Tribune. There is also a life sire crayon of Mr. Do Young , of the San Francisco Chronicle. Approprutely placed tire half sl/o crayons of Mr. Mtimford , of the Kansas City Times : Mr. Stone , of the New York Journal of Commerce , and Mr. New , of the Indlanapdlls Journal. Over the mantel mirror is n largo photograph of Mr. Pulitzer , of the New York World. Thcro ro itlso largo photographs of Mr. Abel , of the Baltimore Sun , Mr. Hul- Htcud. of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette , Mr. Modlll , of the Chicago Tribune , Mr. Nixon of the Chicago Inter-JJcean , Mr.Chipp , of the Boston Journal , Mr. Armstrong , of the Cleveland Plulndenlor , Mr. McLean , of the Cincinnati Enquirer , Mr. Hondy , of the Philadelphia News nod Mr. Pulsifer , of the Boston Herald. Ueaidos these are throe groups , of Canadian , English and French visitors. Tho.only jwrtrait , not that of un editor , Is a Hfc-sbo artlsVproof engraving of General Grant , by Marshall , Omnlin'H Delegation In Washington. WASHINGTON , Dee. 5. [ Special Telegram to tlio HKK.I The Omaha'delegation arrived this evening and lookup their headquarters at the Arlington. Tlio members were dis tributed around all the different leading hotels with a view t'o moro effective personal work. Inj-esponse to telegrams sent on the road , Senators Manderson and Paddock and Congressmen L'uird , McShlino and Dorscy met the committee for conference at the Arlington private parlors at 8 o'clock thb evening. Governor Thaycr presided. The members of the congressional delegation being called upon to report the results of their work , responded brielly. Senator Pad dock noted a strong disposition gen erally throughout the cast to afford Omaha something more than a lighting chance for the convention. He hud inter- iewed a largo number of prominent poli- Iciuns and republicans , and believed that otwcen the contesting rivals , Omaha's hances were not Inconsiderable. Scnalor Sanderson , Congressmen Laird , Dorsey und IcShane und Church Howe also gave the esults of their work. Ex-Congressman 3npp , of Iowa , expressed the opinion that the own delegation in congress would favor ) maha. An interesting change of opinions lien followed as to the best methods of work D bo followed during the next few days. itr. Kosowutor outlined a plan which elicited onsidorablo discussion. Congressman Laird Iso spoke forcibly with regard to a thorough anvass. It was decided to hold a social Hooting to-morrow evening of western mem- icrs. Army News. WASHINGTON , Dec. fi. [ Special Telegram o the Ilitn. ] The tldlngsof the court martial n the case of First Lieutenant Charles G. \yres , Tenth calvalry , have been sentenced o suspension for six months and to bo con- Ined to the limits of his post for the same ength of time. The charges preferred were 'conduct unbecoming un ouieor and a gentle- nun. " The ordinance department has shipped two wenty pound riilo guns to the Portsmouth lavy yard at Brooklyn. Second Lieutenant J. Y. M. Blount , Fifth 'uvulry , has been grunted ono month's cxten- ilon of leave. First Lieutenant Alfred M. Fully , Second Mvulry , has been ordered to Fort Townsend , V.vo. , on court martial duty. Second Lieutenant David L. Bruinard , Uccond cavalry , has been graiitcd ono month's cave , Committee Caucuses. WASHINGTON , Doc. . " . After the adjourn- ncnt of the senate the republicans held a short caucus upon the question of filling com- nltteo vacancies. Nothing was done beyond ippointlng a committee of seven , of which lolls is chairman , to arrange mutters. Blair , \lison , Evarts , Kiddleborgcr , Dolph and Sherman arc the other members of the com- nittco. The dcmocrutio caus'us committee laving the same subject in chat-go also held a short meeting for organbation this afternoon , jut a quorum was not present. The demo crats hold to tlio theory that the chairman- Bhips belong to" the majority The democratic committee will take no positive action in ur- anging the minorities on the senate commit- ees until they get the republican list and see vhnt geographical distribution is made in the nntoritics. The tendency of events upon joth sides points ton harmonious nrranve- nent of all party matters in connection with , lui organization of the senate and its com- nittces. Intimates For Ilio Fiscal Year. WASHINGTON , Doc. fi. The secretary of ho treasury to-day transmitted to congress estimates of the appropriations required for ho llscal ycatf ending Jane SO , 1899. The otal amount estimated ns required for all ho expenses of the government is SROgfittO- 7'jt. ; which is $ tiHW' : > more than the sum ailed for In. the. estimates submitted lust year and $ IUVJO,40rt moro than the aggregate ippropriuttons for the present llscal year. AdvertisingN ( > n-l ellvorod Letters WASHINGTON , Dec. fi. The superintendent of the dead letter bureau , with the approval of the postmaster general , has prepared a circular letter , to postmasters , directing the enforcement of section D'.K ' ) of the postal laws und regulations , making it imperative upjn postmasters to udvoitiso in .newspapers or post a manuscript list of non-delivered let ters , it also requires the charge and collec tion of 1 cent in all cases where a letter lias been published. I/and Decisions Affirmed. WASHINGTON , pec. fi. [ Special Telegram to the Bni- ] Secretary 1-amar to-day con firmed the decision of the local land ofllco and the commission of the general land olll co in canceling the homestead entry of David Vorls. of Blooniington district. It was hold that the cntryimiii had not in good faith established and inutntaincd'hls personal resi lience upon'tho laudi The local officer's de cision of a similar character and from the same district { -elating to land entered by Anna L. Gnstuvson was also affirmed. Postal Change * . WASHINGTON. Dec. fi. [ Special Telegram to the HUE. | Victor Dubois was to day ap pointed iwstmastor at Winnebago , Dakota county , vice Cornelius.IO'Connor , resigned. The postolllco nt Onward , Cumberland county , Iowa , will bo discontinued Decem ber 15. The special mall service at Orange , Franklin county , Neb. , lias been ordered discontinued after next Saturday , und the Jn'ull messenger service at Vincent , Furnas county , fiom the Kepublican Valley railway , will bo discon tinued December 13. Pensions Issued. WASHINGTONDec. , . 3- [ Special Telegram lo the HIK.I An Increase of pension has been granted David F. Pettlt , of Venus , Neb Iowa pensions : Mexican war Martha , widow of Henry Smith , MisllvIUo ; William II. Footo , Burlington. Original Michael Maurudcr , Britt ; William Taylor , Brush Creitk. Increase Francis M. Armstrong , Dow ; Isaau Kersey , Bedford ; Isaac Acker- man , Montlcello. Admitted to Practice. WASHINGTON , Deo. 5. [ Special Telegram lo the Bui-Charles : L. Graves , of Hock Bluffs , Neb. , and Bernard N. Robinson , of Crcston , la. , were to-dayiulnlittcd to practti'i ! before the interior department. The Visible Supply Sintemrnt. CHICAGO , Dec. 5. The visible supply of grain for the weolc ending December : i , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago boaul of trade , is as follows : Bushels. Wheat. . , 40'J1IK)0 ( ) Corn , . ni7-oOo' : Oats- 0,4SJ,000 Uurlujr , - . 3UO.Jooo , KILIET DECLARED CHAMPION , Ho la Awarded the Nebraska Mld- dlo-Woight Modal. THREE COMPETITORS BESTED. A Very Mvely K\hlliltlon oftlie Art nt the OrnntL Opera House Lns Clurct Flows. Jnck Klllet Victorious The boxing contest for the middle-weight championship of the state and a handsome gold medal emblematic of tlio lionor given by Richard K. Fox , of the Police Gazette , came off last evening nt the Graiid opera house. It was under the auspices of Messrs. Ed Itoth- cry , Patsey Fallen and Jim Crawford , nud they are to bo congratulated on the admirable way in which It was managed , there- being not a single Instance of disorder during the whole evening. The audience was immense , there being at least 1,000 people in the houso. Among the notable sporting men from abroad present wore Patsey Cardiff and Prof. Don aldson , of St. Paul ; Ike W6lr , thb "Belfast Spider , " of Belfast , Ireland , now Of Min neapolis ; Tom Kelley , the old vet of St. Louis ; Heddy Gallagher and Ocorgo Forbes , of Cleveland ; Tommy Chandler , Con Madden and Billy Bradburn , of Chicago ; W. II. Beck. Tom Brooks , John Boyle , Bill Machln , Jack Whlttaker and others , of Coun cil Bluffs , and numerous' representatives from nil the surrounding towns and cities. Patsy Fallen officiated in a very gnlceful and Effi cient way as master of ceremonies , while Ed Uothory enacted the part of gcne'r'al manager with skill and good judgment. Tlio evening's programme was inaugurated with u sot-to between Murray and Dwyer , two local amateurs. It was a tame affair and fulled to rotiso much enthusiasm , although Dwyer cxhldllcd some good points for a novice. Following this came a wrestling match be tween George Miller and Arthur Hothery , and although Miller overtopped Hotliery some seventy-five pounds in weight , he had to resort to every device known to the trained athlete and 'bring forth all the strength in his prodigious frame to conquer his young and agile opponent. Miller won the toss and chose cntch-ns-catch-can ns the style of the contest. After n tremendous struggle Uothery forced two shoulders and a hip of his big ad versary to the carpet and was declared the winner of the llrst bout in " minutes and 40 seconds. The second fall was won by Miller in 2:10 : and the third and match In 4:0. : > . Tommy Miller , the local champion feather weight , then crawled through tno ropes for a setto with his trainer , Tom Hooney. Both are clever men and they gave a very interest ing and lively exhibition of the manly art , Miller's line parries , right-handed swings , deft upper cuts and scientific play generally , calling forth the most vociferous applause. There is no denying it , Tommy Miller is the equal of many of tlio moro celebrated ban- turns in the country , and would undoubtedly make u creditable showing against Warren , Weir , Danforth or any of the other cracks. This over , Ed Hothery and Jack Larkin , the Council BlulTs blacksmith , put on the mils , and for ton minutes their skillful ex hibition kept the vast crowd in un unceas ing cheer. Ed is a lighter from away back , and ho knocked the colossal smithy about the ring almost at will. He brought tlio claret in a shower from Jack's nose , and made him see a whole sky full of stars any number of times. Mr. Dan Baldwin , the Nebraska Hercules. lifted u 100-pound dumb-bell seven time * , and was applauded to the echo. Ho challenges any man In the state to go against him with tills weight. George Kendal ' next appeared with the announcement that ho would en deavor to beat the world's record lifting a twcnty-Jlvo-pound dumbtboll. This record was made by Ed Stickney , of Lynn , Mass. . and is 455 times. Kondiil smashed the record into smithereens last night. Ho put up the motnl .VJtt times , and tlio audience went wild over the performance , which was iiuleod a remarkable one. Next came Prof. Billy Hawlcy and Arthur Hothery , who it will bo observed gave about one-half the show , in a three-round bout with the gloves. Hawley is very scientillo and very graceful , but ho scoied no points on Kothery , who is u clever man at anything ho undertakes. J. J. Grommo , Dan Baldwin , Ed Kendal nnd P. J. Kirby , members of the Omaha Athletic club , followed in a competition on the homo trainer , n machine for indoor bicycle practice , half mile , for a gold medal given by Prince iSc Kirby. Following was the time made by each : Gnnmne. 1:07 : ; Baldwin , 5Si-5 : ; Kendal , 5(5 ( 1-5 , and Kirby B2. The nconquerable Jack Prince rode a mile in :0t : : . Tills exhibition was very pretty und nucli onjoyvd. Patsoy Tallon hero announced that the middle-weight championship of the state , scientific points to govern , would now bo con tested for , with Johnny Killet , Dan Hart , ilinimy Lindsay and Arthur Hothery us the contestants. The first bout was between Killet and Hurt , Killet winning by 51 iwints : o Hurt's 44 , or an average of y. > ' < f to 'Jd. lthough defeated , Hart made a wonderful fight , displaying much improvement over the skill displayed fn his bare knuckles light last summer with Sid Clarke. With care and close training Hart will make a formidable antagonist for any man in his class. Ho was , however , no match for his sturdy young antagonist , Killet , who is n protege of Arthur Hothery's , and who took his first instructions some years ago in Hothery's boxing academy in Newark , N. J. Ho is quick as a flash , cour ageous as a lion , and with his long reach , powerful bicept , steady nerve and unerring eye , will maico any man in the country who presumes to go against him hump to keep Iroiu being knocked out. Killot was esquired by Jimmy Lindsay , Hart by Prof. Hawley , while the Judges were W. H. Beech mid Prof. Ed. Miller , Patsy Fallen acting us refereg. Arthur Hothery , with Hawley behind him , and Jimmy Lindsay , with Tommy Miller manipulating the towel , followed Killet and Hart. This was another very thrilling dis play of the beauties of the fistic art , Hothery coming out first best with un average of li to Lindsay's 17. The final bout , of course , was between Killet and Kothery , and after tlirce as hot rounds as one could wish to behold , Killet bested his man by a score of 15 to 14. Amid the deafening cheers of the excited crowd the indomitable Jack was awiirdedtlie championship of the state as well as the emblematic blematic- trophy offered by Mr. Fo'c. And thus ended the most successful and highly enjoyable athletic exhibition over giVeti in Omaha. _ The Wolr Wnrroii ST. PAT , , Minn. , Dee 4. The little bantams Weir and Warren , are blowing away at each other and telling the public how they intonil to kill each other when they como together in Minneapolis December 12. There is a little too much of this talk to bo genuine , and the iniblio is beginning to have a sus picion of hippodrome. Tlio fact that Weil is being handled by Jphn Don aldson , who is Warren's friend , and the fur ther fact that there is not a dollar up , point to the claim qf a put-up Job that is belli ) . made. Weir is training at a gymnasium , bui Is not doing any methodical work. He puts In a few. hours every dav banging ut u bit , ball , and the rest of the tlmo is consumed in telling a crowd of toughs in Cardiff's saloon \ \ hat a great man ho is. A plan has como to light which to a great extent explains why Cardiff has paid no attcn tion to tlio repeated challenges of Killen since their meeting last summer. Cardiff Intends to got on u light witli Jake Kilrain in case ho bests Smith in tlio coming tight for the world's championship. of the Western rjenjiie. KASSVS CmMo. . , Doe. C.-Specal [ ! Tele gram to the BKK.J A meeting of the Western base ball league was held In this city to-night but the war on Presidcn Menges was postponed until Wednesday Hepresentatives ware presentas follows Denver , W. H. McCllntock ; Lincoln , Dav Howe ; Leavenworth , E. K. Murphy ; Kutisa City , James Whit field und Will Clause Denver , by proxy. The mooting organkei ' with W. H. McOlintwk as temporary pros'l dent and James Whitlleld a * ton'ipornrij.SCR rotary. Auulkdtlou * fur uacuibcwUiy-m the HELEMAFS Great : iJHoliday Cor. Farrjftm and 13th MEN'S SUITS SEE THEM FEEL THEM II COMPARE THEM I Criticize Them Buy any of Them . And wo Guarantee Sntisfnctlnn. HELLMAN'S GREAT : HOLIDAY Overcoat and Suit Sale . . Cor. Farnmn ami 13th. caguo were received from Pueblo , St. ' foseph , Hutchismi. Emporiu and AViehitu. The secretary was instructed o notify these placed by wire to send repre sentatives to u meeting to bo held hero Wednesday. The league decided not to send a representative to Cincinnati , bellev- ng it unnecessary. The league next year vill consist of either six or eight clubs , with a $100 salary limit , the managers of the clubs > eing excepted from this rule. The dues of ho Western league are paid up to February . A meeting of the stockholders of tlio Cansas City club will bo held tomorrow. An Utornoy will bo sent to represent the club ut Cincinnati. Sunday Cocking Main. Sunday afternoon the usual chicken fight Irow a crowd of sports to the cock pit , near yioreneo , where a couple of battles fnr- lishcd the day's amusement. The llrst was ictwocii a seven-pound Irish Grov and a seven and a half pound brown red , and re sulted in a victory for the Grey , The second was between a white Pylo und a black red , .ho latter winning in a walk over. The stakes wore $25 a battle , and * - . > for the win ner of the main , who happened to be an Omaha man , AIIUKSTKD KOH MUllDKU. IV. A. Cnhlll .Tailed GlinfRod AVitli a Hlnody Crime. A young man of about twenty , giving the name of W. A. Cuhlll , and claiming to bo from Troy , N. Y. , has been in Omulm several weeks und lias been squandering money like n lord. Hq has kept about him a gang of disreputable fellows vvlio have most , graciously helped him flpend his money in some of the lowest dens of the city. Lost Saturday night ho created a scene In the bawdy house of Kthcl Orr by charging one of his com rades with taking his watch , mid pulling out his revolver and commencing to shoot. Ho was arrested for this , taken to the police station , and yesterday lined W , " and costs. In the afternoon ho bought tickets for Los Angeles not only for himself but for his part ner and a number of the dead beats who have been sponging off him during his stay hero. While ut the depot somebody stole his valises and ho came to the police station a few minutes before 7 to report his loss , where hemet met Olllcer Bloom , who had been looking for him. Bloom Immediately arrested him , and had him put behind the bars again. It seems that Bloom hail como into possession of a letter froiji u young lady of an aristo cratic family in Maryland , breaking her en gagement with Cahiil on account of murder ing a man while ho was in college - lego u few months ago. It is thought ho has lied to the west on account of this crime , and is traveling under an assumed name. Ho seems to bo connected with very wealthy people , and is constntAlr supplied with money from parties in thif'oust. Last week f'.HH ) was placed to his cierfit In McCagues bank. Three hundred of thtif ho drew yesterday morning , and last evening ho had only about ? 1IO ! of it left. Telegrams have been sent to Troy. N. Y. , and sto the town in which the Mnrylnnrt tady resides , telling of his capture hero and Awaiting orders from the officers there. When ho was asked la-st evening if ho had .twr lived in Maryland , ho turned deadly pale1'and ' after consider able hesitation admitted that ho had attended college there. WhciVvsisked if ho hod not committed some crlMo' here , he denied it stoutly but trembledJikp nn aspen. XOHOUV'H FOUTUNR. MillloiiH I-efl liy niToxiui Mkely to Ho Ksclionted. AUSTIN" , Texy Dee'S ! , There is a report ' hero that a proposition has' been made the state authorities relative to the celebrated Bean estate of Fann in county , which lias been figuring in the papers for several months. Bean died in Faiinln county some tune ago , leaving property valued at from SIO.OOO.UK ) to 6l5OtXUQ1 ) ( ) and so far as known ho left no heirs. After the announcement of his death , however , several claimants appeared in different parts of the country , all very vigorously pressing their claims , with the chance , so far , deoidudlyin favor of Post master II. P , Howard , of San Antonio. But the prox | > sltion alleged to have been made the state , if accepted and proved up , will blast the hopes of all the heirs , for it purports to show beyond all doubt that Bean was tlio last of hla Kindred , and that in all the earth ho has no blood relations whatever , evento , th.a remotest degree. H this can be shown , and it Is posilwcly ufllrmed that it can be , of course its vast estate will bo escheated und , full to the state of Te HELLMAN'S GREAT HOLIDAY OVERCOAT AND SUIT SALE. During this sale we propose to prive our many patrons who have known and dealt with us ever since 1856 ; and the ever increasing trade , who appreciate * our square and one-price method of doing business , an actual and bona- fi'de bargain in every article. As usual every garment is marked in plain figures , from which there is no deviation , Indeed the most preju diced could not murmer at the marvelously low price that is put on the really good clothes we offer during this sale. These prices are 33 to 4O per cent lower than ever offered before by any concern , new or old. The last five weeks has not made suffi cient difference to cause our prices to change. Our long experience teaches the amount of goods required for each season , and it is either a poor business man or a 1 r that have to advertise his own mistakes. For 31 years we have catered to your trade and we can look every man in the face and truthfully say we merit your trade on account of the quality of goods we sell , their per feet fit and honestly low price. TIIIHTV THOUSAND OONK. An Oltl Farmer of Maine Terribly IJonton and Itolilinl. UINOOI : , Mo. , Dec. 5. Peter Bennett , a wealthy and miserly farmer , cljihty years old , residing at Newport , was found last night lyinj : on the lloor of his house in n pool of blood. lie was restored to consciousness and it was learned that robbers had beaten him lind escaped with § 33,000 in ( , 'old and bills. lie was in the habit of keeping lar c bums of money nrqund the house. JJHtisli Grain Trmlo Review. LON I > N' , Dec. . " > . The Mark Lane Express , in its weelsly review of the Uritlsh grain trade , says : Trading in English wheat was dull in London , values steady and deliveries tifnall. Provincial markets weaker. Sales of UmjlUh wheat for the week tir , 1.10 quar ters at Ills M gainst 52,1.1" ) quarters at Ms 7d tlurini ? the corresponding week last year. Flour was depressed , owing to large arrivals. Foreign wheat dealings were restricted. The excitement In American options failed to affect hpot 'trade hero. Reports of the wheat harvest in Australia and the Argentine He- pnblic promise a largo increase in shipments. Flour dull. Corn scarce und values rising. There were four arrivals of wheat during the week. Two were withdrawn und two re main. At to-day's market wheat was steady with the demand unchanged. Corn ( idC't'ls dearer. Oats in good Inquiry and its higher. Linseed declined Od. i1 lour , beans and peas unchanged. A Good Woman Gone. 'D i- : , la. , Dee. 5 [ Special Telegram to the Uin.j : Mother Mary Frances Clarke , superior general of the order of Sisters of Charity , died at St. Joseph convent , near this city , yesterday , at a very advanced ago. On Friday bhe received u telegram from Pope Leo XIII at Koine , sending a special blessing anil pU'nary indulgence' for the hour of death. She had wrought gi cat work in tlio oitlcr she established , Imvingsovoral hundred communicants in tin- schools she has founded. ! iii the IlatldookCaKO Closed. Siorx CITY , Dec. .1. The evidence in the Haddock murder case was finally closed this morning. The evidence to-day was confined to n few witnesses in support of the charac ter of one of the witnesses for the defense. H. Ilnhhurd began his speech to the jury in behalf of the stale and had not concluded at ttie evening adjournment. Tim WontUor To-Day. For Nebraska : Fair weather , rising , followed "by falling temperature , light to fresh variable winds. For Iowa : Wacmer , generally fair weather , light to fresh variable winds , gen erally southerly. For Kastorn and Central Dakota : Light local simws , followed by colder fair weather , light to fresh vmiablo winds , For Fast Trains. CIIIOAOO , 111 , , Dec. 5 Tlio managers and superintendents of Chicago and Coipicil Hluffs lines were in session to-day with Union Pacille ofllclali * , ui ranging fortlm putting on of fast trains bctwccji Chicago and Missouri river. The details1 were not completed and another meeting will bo. held Wednesday. Trying to HulHG Hntcs. Ciucvnn , Dec. 15 , It is said that a pressure is being brought to bear upon IJecciver Me- Nulta to Induce him to advance freight rates on his own load between Decatur. 111. , and the Mississippi river. U is not yet decided what action he will take , - - A Hccr Pool Formed. Ciuctno , Dec. B. A beer pool , to be known as the Chicago and Milwaukee H rowers' as Hociatlon , was organised here to-day. It Is said to Include every beer manufacturing linn In the two cities. Fatal Locomotive i\ploHion. : II u.i FAX , Dec. 5. A locomotive on the In ter-colonial railroad exploded in Stcllarton station to-day , Uillim ; three men and injuring several others. The fetation was badly wrecked and the engine entirely demolished. Looked Out. Losnos'i Dec. 5. Tim Northampton fac- tuiic&liuye commenced a lockout of 15,000 WorUuicu. AMUSKMKNTS. The production of S iraon's "Dolores" by Bolossy Kiralfy's great company at Boyd's opera house hist night proved a decided suc cess. The audience was a large and enthusi astic one. The period of the play is that of Philip II , of Spain , and the s-eno U laid Bel gium , in and about Antwerp. The middle- aged Count do Hj'soor , a Flemish noble , is the husband of a young and beautiful Spaniard , Dolores. The Count is wrapped up in the struggles of his fatherland , and like another Van Artovcldt ho devotes his life to the cause. ICurloo , a handsome young follow , whom ho regards as a son , has fallen in love with Dolores. In the most skillful manner the author makes the hus band become aware of his wife's in fidelity , and , although ho is ignorant of the name of her lover , it is disclosed that ho has received a wound in his hand during a brawl , just as ho was leaving the npai tments of the countess. Hysoor has arranged to throw open the gates uf Brussels to the Prince ot Orange. In giving over t ho com mand of his followers to his friend Karoo , the count bestows on him his own sword. As the other puts out his hand to grasp the weapon the count socs the wounded hand , instantly ac cuses Kiirloo of having dishonored him. In the meantime Dolores has betrayed the plot , Hysoor and the others are arrdsted , the latter are condemned to the stake and Uysoor dies in the torture chamber. Dolores inndvoit- nntly tells her secret to Karloo , wlio , cm/etl by the avowal , stalls her with his dagger and voluntarily takes his place at the stake beside his comrades and dies In the Humes with them. This is a brief sketch of a plot powerful In itself and enriched by incidents not le s dramatic than the main story. In the Hist act there is a frenzied appeal by a female prisoner , which is extremely effective , and in each of the impel taut scenes of the play the interest is sustained to the highest degree bv u constant sucession of intensely dramatic episodes. Tno autioir is quick throughout. The scenic and spectacular features were of extraordinary beauty and completeness. The performance includes two grand ballets , "The Wild Gypsies" and "Drbsdlmi. " The latter is the famous Dresden china ballet , which ran over W\ \ nights at tlio Alhumbra , In London. The premiere dansueses are Mile. Antaniotta Bella , Mile. Francisciim Paris and Mile. Nicodo. The corps do ballet Is largo , and has boon carefully selected from the principal European theatres , Thu per formance throughout was an excellent ono und was enthusiastically received. In the cnmp.inv um such artists ns Newton Gotthold , John Mulono , W. II. Wulliu , .1. II Fit/patrick , Eleanor Carey , Iliccu Allen , and Miss Du'nbar. All the parts were well ren dered. Mr. Gotthoid is an actor of great ability and i endered his part in a masterly manner. We have not the time to give in this Issue such a notice as the play and tin. ) really excellent artists whp appear in it de- sorve. All who desire to see un excellent play ably produced should not fall to see "Doloios , " which is the best yet seen hero of the Kiralfy productions. Tlio engagement is for one week , with matinees Wednesday and Saturday. mi ! ri'.ori.r.s. Frank Linden U playing a successful en gagement ut the People's theater , Crowded houses greet his every performance , and in ills rendering of the live different anil diUI- cult characters in the splendid play.Monte Cristo , " shows marked dramatic ability. Ho was called be-fore the curtain twice last night. The plav is beautifully mounted , and the scenlu effect * am the giamlnst and most costly over seen on the People's atago. OAl'T. Hmltli'H fHiai-KCN I'oiind lo IJe Groiind- IONS Flr < > niul Pollen. The regular monthly meeting of the board of fire and police commissioners was held last evening. Them were present Messrs. Hennctt , JIurtman , Gllhoitand Smith , with Mayor HroJtch In the chair. On request of A. M. Dayton , Henry llaogon was appointed special policeman tit 1307 Douglas btreet. The committee on men and discipline re ported as follows on the charges picfcrred against Captain Green , of the police force , by C. W. Smith , of the Ucpubllcun : To the Hoard of Fire mid Police Commls- Hlonor * : Your committee to whom was pie- ferrcd the ( .ommunlcutlon from C.V. . Smith , in which he states upon Information und belief that "Alfred Duff Grceiu now acting as captain , Is u lit- tine' fandidattj . f.or dismissal , " beg Icavt ! to report that wo have Investigated the BELLMAN'S Great Holiday Ovefcoal&il Cor. Farnam and I3th Men's Overcoats , * Wonder at Them , See the Quality , Examine the Make Look ; - Tfc Trimming- Buy Any of Them 3 . IVml bo IMonuril. HELLMANS' GREAT HOLIDAY Overcoat and Suit Sale Cot : Famai'n and 13lli. the matter and llnd the charges wholly groundless. All the members of your com mittee were present at the Investigation and In the opinion of your committee the commu nication has received mnio nttentimi than It deserved. Our conlldcnco in Captain Green remains unimpaired. The repui t was adopted and placed on file. The same committee reported on the case of Oflicor Godola , acquitting him of any in tention to violate any rules of discipline of the police department , and recommended that his suspension bo set aside. They ulso complimented the chief on his efforts to se cure a faithful compliance with the special rules of his department , Mr.'Hiinsen was appointed special police man on Cuming stieet. Captain Webb , of the lire depaitmciit ap peared befoiotho commissioners to answer the charge of nnt repotting for duty. The charge was found lo lie true and Webb was reduced to the rank of private with pay to commence December 7. Max II. Hnthleil was appointed special po liceman at the corner of Seventh and Jack son streets on request of the Nebiaska Steel company. D. P. Beard , of the lire department , was promoted to the ra'nk of captain. The pay rolls for November of the police department amounting to $ . ' 1,13)0 ) , and of the lire ilcpaitmcnt , amounting to f.,8bO.-J7 ! , wore approved. _ HUHKAU 6l < "oirAKITII3S. Anollier 1'rogresslvc .Meeting Held LnM Night. An adjourned meeting of the Omaha bureau of chaiitics was hold nt the council chamber last night. There was only n fair attendance. The committee on by-laws und constitution to whom the same had been re ferred for revision reported that they had made but few changes. On motion the by laws and constitution us revised weio adopted. Dr. Miller wanted to know how the organ ization was to thrive , and upon whom ami what it was to depend for money assistance. Mr. Points explained that the organization would make distributions of money only In urgent cases. The relief was to como from the various charitable organizations now in existence , and that the object of the bureau was to nrotcct these charities from imposi tion. Twenty-three ladies and gentlemen aignod the constitution and by laws , paid their dollar lar and weie admitted to lull membership. There being some doubt as to the legality of the meeting last Monday , when the officers weio elected , u rc-voto was taken and re sulted in the unanimous choice of the siimo individuals. Messrs. Thufston , Points and Gilbeit were appointed u committee to Incorporate the bureau In accordance with the code of the There will bo a meeting of the board of trustees at the Chamber of Commerce ut J o'clock this afternoon. After an interesting discussion , indulged In bv IJov. Mr. Williams , lion John M. Tlmm- ton , Mr , Barker and otheis , the meeting ad journed. A Farmer Haiif ? * Illnihelf. Mvsox Cirv , Pa. , Dee , 5 , ISpodul Telegram - gram to the llii : : , ] - A farmur named Amos Allen committed suicide by hanging near Plymouth , in this county , this morning. Hu was extensively engaged In the dairy busi ness , untl no ic.ison Is assigned for his act ui ho was in good circumstances und much re- spcotcil. _ _ _ _ _ Another low.i Suicide. Osion , la. , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram t < ! tlio llKi'.l Captain 1C. S. Allen , a promlnenl and respected viiiicn of tills place , commlttC'l suicide by hanging last Saturday uftm-nr > on. He was u member of the f ! A. K post n | this city and had an honorable ivcmd as u union soldier. Some llium-ia ! embarrass ment and 111 hcallli are auppj od to have led to his doatlu. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. When n t7 wu tick , we gav bur Caitori * . When Htmr u a Child , fch cried for CM tori * , When oho became MI l , iho clunjto Ctutorte , \Vh u Bhehad Children , tba K YO them CMtorU. * i. ; . , .