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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE'SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 27 , 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. Complete Outfits Ranging in Price 'From $12 to $100. These is no longer any necessity of sending east for amateur outfits and photographers' supplies , as we keep constantly in stock everything needed by either PROFESSIONALS OR AMATEURS. Everything is sold at eastern catalogue prices , no freight added. as Gift for UN Boy. Parents , you can rgive" your boys no more useful or instructive pres ent than a neat AMATEUR Outfit. It will elevate their mind and teach them more about the beauties of nature than any teacher could do at one hundred times the cost. It is a present that will not alone be a pleas ure to your boy but to your entire family and friends. Our outfits are the finest made. They weigh from 2 to 1O Ibs onlyand for durability are unexcelled. They are manufactured by the celebrated house of E. & H. T. ANTHONY & Co The largest house of the Kind in the world. See our goods and get prices. 1108 Farnam Street. P. s. If this ad. should meet the eye of some amateur photo grapher , who is now sending east for goods , we would say , GIVE Us A TRIAL. . News and Gossip of the Various Secret Orders. DOINGS OF THE ODD FELLOWS. Tlio A. O. U. AV. nn l Its Rapid Pro- nr < " < s Masonic News Knight H and Imdlt'H of Honor General - oral Gossip- COI.ONKI. PUKKMAN WIMOHT , hns re tired from the position ot supreme secre tary of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. The prime reasons for Colonel Wright's resignation nro his largo jwrfronal inter ests and the fact that the allowance for clerical assistance was so reduced as to iniiko it necessary to cu rtnil his force , which inndo him nnablo to keep the IniMiiesH of the ollico in such a form as lie desired. Colonel Wright has been wjiTolar.v of the grand lodge of the order in Mibbo'uri , and resigned two years ngo to give his undivided attention to the hiipremo beerotaryship. He also served ns grand protector of the order in Mis- houriaud is at present proprietor of the Hoeord , n monthly exponent of the order's interests. It is not probably that there will bo any other changes in the biipromo ledge olllcers. Supreme Treasurer MeBrido and his chief ns- Mhtnnt , Frank D. MaeBelhhavo evcr.y- tliing in order to move from St. Louis to Indianapolis in the early part of Jan uary. George W. Check of Louisville , was appointed supreme secretary in place of Mr. Wright. Check refused to accept the appointment , MI that the bit- premo protector was obliged to look elsewhere for a secretary. Accordingly Mr. C. W. Harvey , one of the supreme triibtces , was chosen , while Mr. Check was appointed to the ollico of supreme trustee in place of Mr. Harvey. The following is a list of the Grand Sires of the Sovereign grand lodge , I. O. O. F , , from its institution to the pres ent time : Tomas Wildey , Baltimore , Md . ; Maines Gettys. Georgetown , D.C. ; * Ceorgo ! Kovsor , Baltimore , Md. ; * Sam- uol II. Perkins , Philadelphia , Pa. ; * /.enas B. Glazier , Wilmington , Del. ; f * .Iohn A. Kennedy. New York city ; * IIo\voll Hopkins , Philadelphia , Pa. ; * ThonuiH Sherlock , Cincinnati , Ohio ; * IIorn K. Kncuss , Philadelphia , Pa. ; * Hohort II. Grillin , Savannah , Ga. ; * William W. Moore , Washington , D. C. ; * W. G. do Sausfeuro , Clmrlcston , S. C.Villinin ; Kllison , Boston , Mass. ; * Gcorgo W. Haeo , New Orleans , La. ; Snmuol Craighead. Dayton , Ohio ; * Robert - ort B. IJoylbton , Winiiftborough , S. C. ; .Tames 15. Nicholson , Philadelphia , Pa. ; * Isaac M. Veiteh , St. Louis , Mo. ; .lames 1' . Sanders , YonkorsN. Y. ; E. 1) . Fnrns- worth , San Francisco , Cal. ; 'Frederick 1) . StuartjWashiiigton , D. C. ; Cornelius A. Logan , Chicago , 111. ; Milton J. Dur ham , Danville , Ky. ; .lohn W. Stokes , Philadelphia , Pa. . John B. Harmon , San Francisco , Cal. ; * Luther J. Glenn , Atlanta , Ga. ; Erie J. Leech , Kcokuk , In. ; Henry .T. Garcy , Baltimore , Md. : John H. White , Albion , N. Y. Total , 129. THK COXVKXIXO in Cairo , 111. , on Tuesday , November 1/5 / , of the annual meeting of the grand ledge of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows of the state of Illinois , in conjunction with the Itohckah Degree lodges , I. O. O. F. , was of unusual interest , both as regards attendance and proceedings. Elabor ate preparations were made for the cn- tortainment of the representatives and their relatives and friends. Seven hun dred out of the 757 lodges in the state were represented , which made the gen eral attendance up in the thousands. Dwellings and stores were elaborately decorated , while arches of welcome spanned all the principal streets. Sleeping cars belonging to the various roads centering at Cairo were at the service of the visitors , which , with the hotels and the hospitality extended by cjti/ons generally , were amply sulll- ciont to accommodate the largo crowd. " The Cairo opera house was "made the headquarters of the grand ledge , whore the se.sbioiiB wcro held , the Cresent Kink furnishing the same accommoda tion for the Daughters of Rebcka. * * # THK FOLLOWING gains in the several jurisdictions of the Knights of Honor for the week ending October 22 last , are announced by Supreme Reporter B. F. Nelson : Alabama 0 , California 8 , Con necticut 1. Colorado 22 , Fjorida 2 , Geor gia T , Illinois -'f Indiana 1 , Kan sns 2 , Kentucky C , Louisiana 20 * Massachusetts 2 , Minne.-ota 2 , Mississippi 11 , Missouri ! ! , Now Jersey 0. New York 12 , North Car olina 1 , Ohio 2 , Pennsylvania 1 , South Carolina 1 , Tennessee 12 , Texas 14 , Vermont 2 , Virginia 1 , West Virginia. . 1 , Wisconsin 2. Total 149. * THK UKOULAK meetings of the Cen tral Lahor union , to bo held on the see- oml and fourth Saturday nights of each mouth , at the Grand Army of the Re public hall , on Douglas street , will after this bp open to all members of the labor organizations represented in wiid union. It is also the intention of the Central Labor union to have open meetings on the first and third Sundday afternoons of each month , to which the workingmen - men of this city are invited. Ax Aimcu : appearing in the Bnn of November lit , in regard to the action of the Knights of Pythias towards a con victed murderer in California , should liavo been credited to the Pythian Knight of Rochester , New York , the leading organ of that prosperous order. The ommishion was entirely uninten tional , and the correction is but justice to that journal. TIIK KXPKNSKS of the last Supreme Ledge , A. O. U. "W. , will foot up about $11,000. Topcka , Kan. , is to have an A. O. U. W. hull to cost 8150,000 or thereabouts. St. Paul , Minn. , has or ganized a Building association , and they expect to raise $200,000 with which to build a hall. The order is booming rather than dying , as claimed by tome. SimiKMK CoMMAxnint GKOKOI : W. RKID of the Select Knights , A. O. U. \V. , has appointed a committee to form ulate a military code for the order. The committee met in Kansas City on the 18th inst. to make all the necessary ar rangements. * ALT. itnrouTS indicate that there will bo present in Cincinnati during the session of the supreme lodge , next year , not less than ( UOIH ) , ) knights , of whom fully 12,000 will bo in uniform. Tun oiiAN'n I.ODOE , B. P. O. E. , meets in New York December 11. * ACCOHDIXO TO the pcmi-annual re- Is to The child wo always backed with our voice and money , is gel ting there , Kemomber that wo are the pioneers in Sou U Oin aha ; that \vc have b'een with her ever since she was a cornfield ! Wo know every i'oot of her boil and the valna thereof. We have the largest list of choice BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS DON'T PAIL TO GET AN INTEREST IN Along with the men that represent the Hundred Millions. Call at our ollice and let us give yon some pointers Get prices and then come to us , and we will sell yon lots in the vicinity at from 10 to 25 per cent lowe * h an you can get them elsewhere. M TJFTO1T CO , 309 S. i6th StOpp , Chamber of Commerce. Telephone 854 , WHAT DO WE LIVE FOR ? If this ouestlonshould be propounded to one thousand Omaha people , the answerwould be unique Indeed their e.ristanee. Nome think their OH/// / mission People as a rule , hare straiute conceptions oftlic veal slanlflancc of / / sion in life Is to take the worldeasy , and lei the. other * do the work. Some people hare met with arcnt succe * * in followlnti an occupation of this kind ; butthli Is not so with most people , lour areraac lanyard Is of little con- setiucnce In this world. He loiters around front plaeu to place. thinking ofsomcthtnu or winehodif to tulle about , lie icorks his u-aii throuah the world in the easiest manner possible. Another class make nreat pretensions hut lacktuc * . Than are "alwaus aolnij to' ' but never do. ll'e hare others poor , but willing : As a rule these people constitute more toward public interprisc , accordtnu to their means , than our moderately irculthii people : have heard of people of wealth , whose accumulations hare come b/ ) the public spirit and work of others , icho tloin contribute to anuthlnn towards buUdinit up the citiIn which then reside. Kccrii elhj has too manii of this c/asf. Omaha has a few too mann , but the preponderance of public spirit , enterprise and push is so areat in this wonderfulu ! prourc. < sire cltn , that then must HO along with the currcnc. * ls u-c walk about and look ui > on the . . . . . . . j/ou. Our property . , , . . plierc t"8o when you ittn use ns in i/our business , drop in. Gate City Land Co. 307 SOUTH i6TH ST. , OMAHA , FOOT OP N , STREET. , SOUTH OMAHA. port of the Ki-mul lotlpo ot Maine ot K. ot P. , their inemlwrhhip is 0,42:2 : , mukiiitf a nut gain of ! U7 for the pubtbix months. . j * * * INMISPOUKI thcA. O. U. W. has a membership of 19,543. In the entire order it ia 101,000. f. j . Tun sisciiKTAiiY of the A. O. U. W. Upuhurcli Monument ubboeiutiou re ceived up to date $8K ( ) . , A COUNCIL of the Koyul A roan urn has been organized within Omului lodge , No. a9 , B. 1' . O. E. * * .Toiix FiiAXCis , D.D. E. G. R. , has boon elected a delegate to the grand lodge , ' B. 1' . O. E. CHURCH XOTICKS. mrmr. Calvary Baptist church , Saunders street near Cuinlng Hev. A. W. Clark , pastor Preaching at ll ( : ! ) a. in. and 7:110 : p. in. Sunday school at 11M a. m. All are cor dially invited. Beth-Eden Baptist church RPV. H. TJ. Bouse , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 4:15 : p. in. at St. Mary's Avenue Congreg.i- church. Sabbath school at II p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. : Strangers cordially welcome. Seats free. North Omaha Baptist Mission , 2409 Saun ders street Kev. F. W. Foster , missionary pastor. Preaching on Sunday at 10 : ! ! 0 a. in. and 7:110 : p. in. Sunday school at 12 in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. La dies'society meets on Monday at ! i"iO : p. in. with Mrs. W. B. Gates. 2210 Ohio street. The public cordially invited to all services. First Baptist church , Strangers' Sabbath home , corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets , Hev. A. W. Lamar , p.istor Preach ing at 10:10 : ! n. in. , and 7iO : : p. in. Young people's meeting at 0:45 : p. in. Morning sermon by Hev. B. L. Bouse , pastor of Beth Eden Baptist church. Evening sermon by the pastor , theme : ' 'Tho Conversion of a Uleh Man. " Sabbath school at 12 in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:130. : All are cordially invited. Seats free. Mnnomvr. Seward Street M. E. church Hev. Charles AV. Savldgo will preach in the morning up-m 'How to Help the Poor. " In the evening his subject will bo : "Selling the Birthright. " The llrxt quarterly meeting of Trinity M. E. church will bo held Sunday morning at their place of worship , corner Twenty-fourth and Binney streets. Hev. J. W. Phelps will preach , after which will bo administered the bacreinent of the Lord's supper. An op- portunity will be pivon for uniting with the church by loiter and on probation. i _ 3 Services of Trinity M. E. church will beheld hold at the corner of Saunders uiul U limey streets PreafhiiiK at 10:30 n. in. ami 7iO ; j ) . in. Sunday school at I2iO : : p. in. Young people's mooting ut 7:30 : p. m. Alfred 11. Henry , uastor. First United Presbj terian , f,12 North Eighteenth street. Hev. E. B. Graham , pas tor. Public worship at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : ] > . in. Sabbath school at noon. Subject of the evening sermon : "OnoCurso of Omuha. " Park Avenue United Presbyterian church Hev. J. A. Henderson , pastor. Corner Park avcnuo and Grant street. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. in , and 7-30 p. in. Sabbath school at noon. You are invited. Southwest Presbyterian church , corner Twentieth and Leavenworth streets. D. H. Kerr , P.istor. Morning service 11 a. in. Evening service 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school nt 12:15 : p. in. Young people's meeting , (1:45 ( : p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. : Teauhi'rs' meeting 8:30 : p. m. Wednesday evening. First German Presbyterian church On Eighteenth and Cummg streets. J. G. Schaiblo , pastor. Divine service at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:1(0 : ( p. m. At 3 p. m. on Fourth and Center streets at the residence of Max Doeh- noko. Sabbath school at 12 m. Bible and prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. : Germans are invited. Strangeis made welcome. North Presbyterian churchSaunders street. Hev. Win. H. Henderson , p.istor. Services at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sabbath school at noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 : p. in. Welsh Presbyterian , services hold nt 0. > . " > North Twenty-eighth street. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. Praise service at 7:30 : p. in. Castellar street Presbyterian church , Six teenth and Castcllar streets. Preaching ut 11 a. in. and 7:110 : p. in. by the pastor , Hev. J , M. Wilson. Sunday school at a p. m. Young people's union at (1:45. ( : WostminsterPresbytcrian Church Troiell's Ball , 270'J Leavenworth street Preaching by the pastor , Hov. .Tohn Gordon , nt 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at T2m. Hamilton street Presbyterian church , Hamilton street near Lowe avenue. William .1. Palm , pastor. Sabbath services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sithbath school at 12 in. Wednesday prayer meeting at 7:30. : Ambler Place Presbyterian church , Hev. G. N. Lodge , pastor. Services at230 ; o'clock. Sunday school at ! ! :30. : Central United Presbyterian church , Sev enteenth street between Dodge and Capitol live. Hev. John Williamson , pastor. Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Subject in the morning , "Growth , " in the evening "Man hood. " Ttho sermon in the evening will bo for young men. Sabbath school at 13 in. Young People's prayer meeting at 0:13 : on Sabbath evenings All arc Invited. South Omaha Presbyterian church , cor ner Twenty-llfth and Q streets , South Omaha. Hev. G. N Lodge , pastor. Ser vices at 10:45 : a. in. Sunday school at 12 in. Presbyterian church , No. 1010 Lake .street. Sabbath school at 2:30 : and preaching service at 4 o'clock p. in. First Presbyterian church , corner Dodge and Seventeenth streets. Hev. W. .1. Barsh.i pastor. Sen ices at 10:30 : and 7:15. : Young Peoples' meeting at 7. Sabbath school at 12 in. in.Hillside Hillside Congregational church. Omaha View Hev , H. C. Crane , pastor. Special services continuing throughout the week will begin at 7:30 : p. m. Hev. .1. L. Maile , M. L. Bolt and others will preach. Third Congregational church , corner of finetecnth and Spruce streets. Services at ) :30a. : m. and 7:30 : p. in. A. B. Penniman Prospects. " Sunday school at noon. Young Peoplo's Society of Chribtian Endcav or at 0:30 : p. ui. i.u nir.itN . ICount/o Memorial Evangelical Lutheran corner of Sixteenth and Baincy streets Hev. J. S Detweiler. pastor. Church ser vices and preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at noon. German Lutheran church , 1005 South Twentieth street E. J. Frcse , pastor. Ser vice every Sunday at 10 a. in. Sunday school at2 p. ui. UNITARIAN' . Unity church , Seventeenth and Cass streets Hev. W. 13. Copchiml pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. in. and 7:00 : p. m Sunday school ' at 12:15. : Subject of sermon 'Sunday morning : "Tho Growth of a Festival. " Subject of evening ronvGisatioii at 7 : "As trology and Alchemy. " roxciurn.vTioxM , . Cherry Hill Congregational Church Hov. A. F. Sherrill.D. D. of thu First church will jireach in the morning at 11. Sunday school immediately after the service. Even ing service at 7:30. : Young people's meeting at (1:30. ( : AH are invited. St. Mary's Avcnuo Congregational Hev. Willard Scott will preach both morning and evening at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p.m. Even ing topic , "Forgetting. " Young people's choir in the cvoningand gospel hjinns. Sun day school at noon ; chapel schools at 3 o'clock. All are welcome. in : coru , . St. Barnabas Free church , Nineteenth and Califoinia streets John Williams , rcc. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute * N. W. Corner of 13th and Dodge Streets , I'or UKtmUtm'iit ol nil t'lliliiMC uiul simillCAli IMxitxis IIIMOH , Arm u\trs lor DrtoiiMiTtr. ! ) . ninl Tin S M lto t fn < IIIUi' , iii | | > uriiliii iiiui n > mi * illi-H fur KIH i'i- f ill tri'nlnii'iil ( it i-vcry form t (1I - r.i- rt'iiulrlMii MiMIt ul or surnlml tiviuim'nt. HUTY M.W 1KIIMIM Ilir IM1IKMX llmr IIU-I'ITAI. ACCOM- MoMMioNMln the wi" > t.Vrllit lor rliutlHrs uuIK ) * Jormlllt' * nml nnict * , Clnli IrH , Curvnturo of the spine , l'IU' , Tumor * . ( 'imtor , Catarrh , MroiicliUI * . la. hnlnllitn , lllcitildty , 1'im'lyM" . ii : > llcn | > 't Kidney. llliidilt'r , l < ) c , i : r , skin , uiul lllooil unit nil Mirulcal ( iporntliui * . l > i KAts of WOMKN it M'triAi/ir HOOK < in DK'iirc' ( it Wdinpii Fill. ! : . Only rollnblo iiKMllcnl iMHlllutii niiikliii ; n MUMMaltjr of I'lllVATU IHM\MM : Ml iiinoil ill ( M i'i > iuci' tiilly trcaloil lVi mn muttilt' tel lt Hi tri'iilvil nt liomp by rorrp. ppomli'iK ! AlliiimiminlriitlmK roMIMoiilliil. Merit tine * or tii'tutini'Ml * ! > liit hy iiiull nr I'M1"11 * , * ecuroly linrki'tl , no tnnrki to hi ll < ate content * or monitor. Una IHTMmnl liitrnlrw i > rc < lt > ii > ' < l. Call anil cuimilt Hi , or M'litl history ot > our ntai' , amio will MMIII In tuMii wnippor , our HOOK 10 MKN litlKitpon 1'riviilc , tipo * i I U ttntl .Nt'Mom ItlMM11 ! " * , fit . Aililrt" * * . Onmliii Medical and Surgical Institute , or Dr , McMenamj , Coh 13lti i and Ooiige SlSn Omaha , Heb MORAND'S ' I.rssons cvoiy 'I InirMlnyAftcrnoon nml 1'vcnlnff , lommcnciiiK on v"y Tliursdny , December 1st , 1887. , ltnnllcs. . 4 1 > . III. Adults H 1' . ! Mr. Mm amiould ii'-iM-cttully lufiT tonnyoj tliolltst fiiintlics of Ik" < Jlolncs uiul Kcokuk , ] < ma. , Qulticv , 111 , , uheiu liu 1ms for ten yoara uiul Is Him Kh lug lubb lor. Plain celebration of. the Holy Euchar ist at : ! tOn. in. ; litatiynntlclioralcelclirutlon at 11 a in. Choral oven sonj ? at 4 p. in. Sunday school at liJjyo p. in. StnuiKcrs cordially wcl- coincil. St. Philip's Free church ( colored ) 818 North Nineteenth street. John Williams , pastor. Sunday school at 2 illO p. in. Kven sontratS p. in. Slrangcis most cordially welcomed. All Saints church , corner Twenty-sixth ( F.iirview ) and Howard streets Farnam and Park avenue or St. Mary's avcnuo cars Kov. Louis Xahner , rector. Early cclobra. tlon , 7JO ; ! a. in. ; morning service 11 a. m. Even sonff 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school 9:45 : n. in. Evening survico ( . 'specially for younfj men. Several young men will speak. AU coidialU invited. Kov. Alfred II. Henry will take forhla sub * jcct Sunday evening "Redeeming the Tirno. " To Working Men and Women. Tomorrow row evening Kov. W. .T. Harslm will preach a special sermon to working men and women. to all who gain their own living by physical or mental toil. Workmen in the shops , clerks in the stores and teachers in our schools are especially invited. The church is at the cor ner of Uodgo and Seventeenth streets. ' Gospel Temperance Meeting. Kev. James M. Wilson , of the Castcllar street 1'resby- ian church , will address the temperance meeting at the tabernacle , Capitol avenue , to morrow at 2:30 : p. in. All are invited. Ad mission freo. Mission services of the Episcopal church will bo held at Walnut Hill on Thursday evening at the icsldcnco of Mr. Epcnetor. at 7 : ; ) o'clock , lllshop Worthington will bo present with a view of organi/.iiig a mission. Chicago's Iloodlers. CuiCAno , Nov. 20. Judge Jamison this morning refused to issue a stay of execution to the convicted county boodlers. Their at torneys are woi king hard on a bill of excep tions , which must bo ready to-night or down go the public plunderers to Jollct penitenti ary on the lirst train Monday morning. The attorneys pleaded hard for a stay but Judge Jamison and the state's attorney remained obdurate. Division In Dakota. HISMAIICK , Dak. , Nov. 20. Tim official fi . urcs from nearly all the counties of Dakota show that the majority for division In the en tire territory will not exceed a.OOO , the total vote being 70,000. , Only three counties In Hoith Dakota voted for division , and in south Dakota fifteen counties voted against it. Only eight counties voted against pro hibition in the territory. Now that snow has fallen we would call your attention to the fact that we carry the largest and finest assortment in the west ot : It \r \ V BOB-SLEDS , BOB-SLEDS OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST : Moline , Milburn & Stoddard Co. , MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS , Office & & Salesroom Otli and Pacific Streets. Omaha , , " ' * ' ' t ' ' , ' < : " . " ' . ' . ' * ' . . ' ' . " " > ; ' . : - ' " , ' " ' " . , \ :