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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1887)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , OCTOBER 15 , 1887. THAT MYSTERIOUS MEETISC. CBbo Star Obnmbor Oonforouco Con- tlnuod Yesterday. HEPORTERS RIGIDLY EXCLUDED. > Clic llnllronil O/flelnlH DlHincltncd to I'nvor the Public With tlio Pro ceedings New H l < 'rom Ihe Capital City. frnoM tun nr.rM i.ixcor.x The star clinmbor bossion between the tiUlroml innnngcra nnd tho.atuto board of IrnriBiiCri oa conUnuod yesterday , nnd the request of the railrcfda to huvo Iho roportorn barred waa respected by ilio board. There lias been so much light let in upon the railroad question in the pat > t ( ow months that the Kira- hallH ot ul. don't propose to dlnuiss the question iuk-lllt'ently before the public. The roiidH have propositions to make , hut it is very evident that they nro not of a character to satisfy the public , cl&o the pleas for ncerocy would not bo brought to hear upon the sessions. The roads are iiot only simply presenting concca- BioiiB that lliey are willing to make , but they are ! H > making demands on their part for the board to agree to. Ono of tli CM ) demands is that the present action in the courts tending to test the validity of the law bo squelched or withdrawn. The people of the state , however , want to know if the law and the board are of power and effect or if the law is a force , as the roads attempted to create it. On the eve of having this very important question settled , after three inoiithu' time in working up to n test case , it is very natural that the corpora tions bond their energies to have the proceedings squelched and the law re main a mystery. From very good au thority , however , , it is safe to say that the board will bo content to lot the CIIBO proceed to ita hearing and iln decision , und as the case is in the hands of the at- tornov general , who is absent from the city , it is not probable that the demands of the roads to have it withdrawn will IK ) agreed to. If the roads nnd board should agree upon a reduction of rates upon a basis mutually agreed to , it is probable that the proceedings would not bo pushed beyond a decision of the powers of the board under the present law. The .secret sessions of the board and managers are very largely devoted to a discusnion of the rate question. The roads olTor a roduulion on the in and out rales on coal , lumber and grain to all points in the state and a change in the turllT on several clniwoHof freights. The propositions of the roads are moro , however , on a basis oi equalizing present rates than any reduction of a general character , although the proposition ] ! n few instances cut present rates quite extensively. An attempt to ascertain the per cent of the reduction was not satisfactory and it will probably not IHJ divulged unless the negotiations pend ing are agreed upon. The hoard evi dently recognizes that a compromise is not exactly what the people have been Ipd to expect and the roads are not , evidently , from what can he ascertained , making overtures that are very accept able to the board. It wan generally un derstood that at noon yesterday the two wore further apart than when they commenced and the time of adjourn ment did not seem to bo near at hand. There was one question asked after ad journment at noon yesterday that re ceived iv straight answer srom members of the board , and that was the question . if thn negotiations wore for the state entire and not for any localities. The response was that there was no proposi tions being entertained by the board that in any way favored any one locality , and this has boon the position the hoard lias taken heretofore. OKKICKK8 ELECTED. The state convention of 'tho Homo foi the Friendless closed its work and ad journed after electing the following of- licors for the ensuing year : President Mrs. It. C. Mahloy , Lincoln ; recording secretary , Mrs. C. VV. Pool , Tecumseh : corresponding secretary , Miss P. L Elliott , Lincoln ; treasurer , Mrs. Louii Ilelmor , Lincoln ; board of directors Mrs. O. C. r.ell. Mrs. W. S. Latta , Mrs II. ' A. Babcoek , Lincoln ; Mrs. G. S Alexander , Syracuse ; Mrs. A. 1) . Yoeum Hastings ; Mrs. Tiehnor , Ucatrico ; Mrs Burrows , Molroy ; Mrs. E. M. .1. Cooley slalo organizer. Resolutions wen j-assed thanking the retiring state organizer ganizor , the state olncenja.mlendor iii } the Homo News , the organ of the asso elation. riioiiuis AT AVOUK. The prohibitionists of Lancastoi county are at work in the campaign and are riding the county over booming the county ticket. The third party being in a hopeless minority , expect ti increase their vote if nothing else. Yesterday torday there was a prohibition picnic a Waverly , twelve miles east of Lincoln Ex-Governor Hardy and Rev. C. F Creighton wore the speakers and i largo crowd .was in attendance. Thi campaign committee huvo the count ; billed and dates made in different localities itios up to election day. THE rilESllYTEUIAN SYNOD. The Presbyterian synod , of Nebraska is noxy in session at the First Prosby terian church , whore it will continue 11 session over Sunday. There wore som one hundred ministers and lay delegate at the opening of the session , Dt Harsha , of Omaha , preaching the open ing sermon. Yesterday Dr. Noyes , c Chicago , addressed the nynod on th cbntennial fund. There are man prominent ( Urines in attondunco froi outside the state and the women' homo and Foreign mission societies als hold business meetings during the con tlnuution of the synod. A KNK1UTLY VISIT. Major General Carnahan , of the Uni form llank Knights of Pythias , accoii pimiod General Dayton and Coloiu Downs homo from Omaha yesterday an was the guest of the Lincoln knighti who mot him at the depot and accordc him a pleasant reception. Th members of the different divisions i the city have returned from the gran lodge , bringing ootn honors and cosl and the Lincoln people are proud < them. The Uniform Knights , of Lii coin , are the pride of the city , an Pythianism at the state capital ia coi ptantly increasing in numbers and ii ituence. General Carnahan's visit wt therefore greatly appreciated. STATK 1IOUSK NOTK3. The Now York and Omaha Tru : company has tiled articles of incorpon tion with the secretary of state. Tl ; capital stock of this cor ] > oration $110,000 * , in shares of $100 , fully paid u $500 to bo taken before the commono mont of business. The corporatk commences business with the filing i incorporation and continues until Apr SO , lim. The indebtedness is limiu to two-thirds of the capital stock su scribed and the following are the inco poratora : Milton Hendria , Jacob 1 Hendrieks , Joshua S. Stowinan ar Mcrideth M , Green. The Clarke Coffee company of Oinah Jiua filed its articles with the sccrotai of state. The capital n.lock ia ? 100,000. in shares of 8100 each , each one-half of which Is to bo paid up before business commflnw-fl. The expiration of the cor poration is flxGd at August 1 , 1097. in debtedness limited to t ro-tblrds of the capital stock and the following named are incorporators ; W. E. Clarke. John T. Clarice , B. Gallagher , Henry Meyer , 0. 1' . Wymun , A. L. Nlelds and J. E. Markel. The McCook creamery flics articles in- cori > orating with the secretary of state , the capital stock being $7.600. business to commence when two-thirds of the Block is subscribed , the Indebtedness limited to ono-thlrd of the capital stock , the corporation commencing business last Juno and continuing for thirty-five years. Among the incorporators are F. L. Brown , George E. Johnson , O. T. Brewer , B. F. Babcoek , J. Engel , Thomas Golfer , R. H. Williams , P. Stranger and Joseph Monard. In the secretary of state's office the force is busily engaged sending out blanks for the coining ClcsVlno * u list being forwarded to each county. The supreme court moots on Monday to hear the mandamus case brought by the board of transportation against the Elkhorn rond. On Tuesday the court continues the hearing of cases from the Third district. John Jenkins , of the labor bureau , came down from Omaha yesterday for olllce work at the capitol. OAK TA > AI > ItATKS. The Matter to IJe Dlsousseil in Wash- liiKlon-Next Month. Some time ago a number of merchants of this city wont to Minneapolis where they made arguments before the inter state railway commission ngalnst the demand of eastern jobbers to do away with the shipment to the west of freight in car load quantities. The bureau of the board has not lost sight of the sub ject because a further hearing has been bet for the llth of next month in Wash ington. In view of this fact the bureau wrote to the state railway commission at Lincoln asking if they would not take action in the promises. The com mission , it seems , favorably considered the subject and yesterday Commissioner Griflllts received from Secretary O. P. Mason a copv of the argument which that board will advance before the inter state commission in Washington. This argument of course is in favor of a con tinuation of the shipping of car load lots , and displays not only the intelli gence of the commission on the subject but at the sauio time the interest that body takes in matters pertaining to merchants in this stato. CONOYKU DOJISX'T WANT IT. lie AVI 11 Not Kim for County Superin tendent ol' Kdiicatlon. Charles Conoyer , who was nominated on Tuesday last by the democratic county convention for the position of superintendent of county schools , told a BKK reiKM'tcr that ho intended to decline the nomination , and will do so when the county cen tral committee next meets. Ho said that ho had requested that his name bo not presented to the 'conven tion , but that his request had been dis regarded. Speaking of the report mudu to the council last evening by the com mittee appointed to examine into his reports , Mr. Conovor said that though $1,000,000 of school funds bad been handled by him ninco 188J5 , a period covering the olllcial life of four city treasurers there was a dis crepancy of but one cent , and then that was not his fault. Ho claimed that , though it wiis not shown in the pub lished reports of the council proceed ings , that the committee stated that not tv warrant had boon drawn without the authority of the board. Contract H Let. The board of public works let the con tracts for grading that part of Jones street from a point 300 feet east of Twen ty-fourth street to Twenty-sixth street to Fitch & Co. at 17 } cents per cubic yard ; Howard street from Twenty-sec end street to Twenty-fourth street , G. W. McKinney at 20 cents per cubic yard ; for grading Seventeenth avenue Jackson to Loavonworth to Fitch & Co. at 1 ! ) cents per cubic yard ; alloy in block 10 , Kountzo & Rulh's addition , in the city of Omaha , G. W. McKinney at S2i cents per cubic yard ; Grace street from Sixteenth street to Belt line tracks , G , W. McKinney at 10 cents per cubic yard. The contract for constructing sewers in district No. 02 was awarded to Hugli Murphy at 90 cents per lineal foot foi eight inch newer pipe. On motion of Mr. Mayno the city hall bids wore rejected and the chairman in structed to readvortiso for -three weeks for bids , and that the bond bo incrcasot from $ ij,000 to $100,000. The bill of D. Woodworth for reset ting curbing on the cast end of Daven port was rejected by the board , as the work had not been accepted by the citj at the time the curbing had been washci out by rain. _ An Kxprcs ? Deliverer DUapjicarH. George Hall , the delivery elqrlc o Wolls-Fargo's express company 1ms no been seen since last Wednesday oven ing. Ho boarded on Seventeenth stroo between Capitol avenue and Dodg < street , where was found his clothes am other effects. It is not though that ho has gone on a visit because ho would not have dom so without notifying the agent , Mr Demeth. Besides , ho was dressed ii his old clothes which ho had spociall ; put on on the day of his disappearance because of the dirty work of handling old freight in which ho was thei engaged. Hall is a temporalo youn ; man , weighing about 145 pounds , am between live and six foot in height. Hi wore a light pants , iv dark vest , a blacl hat , dark hair , full face and sandy mun tacho. It is not believed that bis par cuts are alive and his only relative is i maternal uncle living eight miles north west of Arapahoe in this stato. Bank Clearings. The bank clearances yesterday wcr KREUS August , son of Krnst nnd Mar Kroba , used 0 yours and four months , n the residence of his parents , Melrose Hill Funeral will bo mmounccil hereafter. Mayor Broatch returned from th Philadelphia centennial yesterday. II would have been hero for the Cleveland land reception were it not that ho hate to go to Middloton , Conn. , to visit hi ntred mother , who was very ill. _ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla. When the * M a. Child , the cried for CutorU , When she became Muu , slid clung to Castor ! * , When shehad Children , iha gave them CoctorU. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. .T. Cohen and son have started up a tailoring establishment on N , street. Mr. Graham , tbo agent at Albright , is able to bo out after a short illness. The wrecking train was called west on the Union Pacific yesterday. Frank IColsch , vrclgh-mn&tor at Few ler's packing house hud taken n trip to Chicago. The South Omahn Gun club will iva n grand ball and game supper on next Wednesday. Paul Stevens , n clerk In P. W. Hod- Bon's Htoro , narrowly escaped being burned yesterday morning. Ho was smoking n cigar and dropped It on his clothing , setting it on tiro. It took sev eral buckets of water to subdue the flumes. The estimated expense of grading N. ntrcot to within two of grade will ba 4,000. In Judge Reuthor's court yesterday morning John Londy , charged with dis turbing the JKWCO was lined $5 nnd costs urn , Jn.n L.'t"1' * * * ci"c with"ottHii"q Fred Schwartz with a beer glass , was lined $10 nnd costs. C. M. Hunt is making arrangements to erect a brick building 2-5x66 , four stories high on the corner of N and Twenty-sixth strcot , adjoining the ono just completed. Both buildings will bo built to the same height and the fourth "oor will bo mudo into a largo hall. John Barr , a carnontor employed on Vnnour's Packing liouso , foil from the Lop of the building , u distance of twonty- "vo feet , and alighted on his head on a lie of bricks. Ho was picked up un- onscious , and on the arrival of Dr. ' 'nson , who was summoned , it was bund the scalp was torn open about levcn inches over the lop of his bead. The wound was stitched and ho may Hibly recover , though it is feared ho s injured internally. AN Uiii The Presence ol' n Nc ! > rankiui "Which Calls Up Memoirs. J. F. Rugsloy , of Riverton , Neb. , and it ono time a leading democratic poli- ieian of this county , is in the city. Mr. ugsloy used to reside in Florence , ind is the first man who over got up a , political barbecue in Nebraska. This ivtm in 1803 when Horatio Seymour ran gainst General Grant. The excite ment in Nabra&Ua wns great because it urns the first vote in the state hat was ca t for president. Kvery- iody was out electioneering and t might truthfully be said the whole tate was in Omaha for a day. The Seymour guards ( mounted ) were a prom- .ncnt feature of the campaign and it ivns in honor of them that Mr. Pugsley gave his "ox-roast" at Florence. At ho time mentioned the "guards" rode o Belle vuo and on their return through the city they received a great ovation Tor the o days. In the evening both parties had processions , and wore It not for the consideration and common sense ; if Iho democratic and republican com- nittccs in arranging the line of inarch 10 that no conflict would occur , there certainly would have boon a local war "or party feeling ran very high then. Police Court Grind. Charlie Bell , a colored youth , charged with stoning different parties , was put tndcr a bond to keep the peace. harlcs Edwards went up for fifteen days for lounging about disreputable louses. Albert Plummer , suspicious iharactor , five days. Hills Rogers , for working u drunken man , forty days , last twelve on bread and water. 'Sleepy" Jowett , a young sneak-thief , fifteen days on broad and wntor , steal ing grapes. Frank Albron , disturbing the pcaco , ten days. All the Trains Late. The trains wore all late yesterday. The morning overland came in at mid day , when it should have arrived at 7:50 : n. in. The K. C. was two hours behind time and the eastern connections wore all out of gear. The cause of delay with trains from the west was the Central Pacific's failure to bo on time ; the main eastern trains were behind hand be cause of another mammoth "Harvest Homo" excursion to Nebraska. Seven trains loft Chicago with passengers for this city and the state Thursday. In another column of this issue will bo found an entirely now and novel specimen of attractive advertising. It is ono of the neatest over placed in our paper , and wo think our readers will bo well repaid for examining the supposed display loiters in the advertisement of Prioldy Ash Bitters. Don't AVuiit To Re Taxed. The answer of Douglas county and Treasurer Henry Bolln , in the case of the Pullman Palace Car company against the county was lllod by Solicitor Cowin , with the cleric of the United States court yesterday. The suit is to restrain the county from levying certain taxes oh the palace car company , Itroom WorkH. The Woodhull Broom Works company of Woodhull , 111. , represented by R. L. Wood , are1 desirous of moving to this city. Ono of the members of the firm is hero o'ndeuvoring to find encouragement to do so. The company gives employ ment to fifty men. J. Wallace Broatch , son of the mayor of this city , entered Yale college last week. CREAM MAKING Itssuporlor excellence proven In millions o ( homes for more than a quarter of n century. It is usud by the United States ( loveniment , Rn. ( lorded by thu heads of the great universities , an the btroiiKest , rnrest and Most Ilcsthful , Dr. 1'rlce'sthe only IlaVlns Powder that down not contain Ammoul Utneor Alum , i oldouly in cuna. cuna.PRICE IlXlvINd I > 0\VDKU CO. , Ntw York. Chicago. St. I-ouU FOUNTAIN BRA.N1DS B CUT AND PLUQ. Incomparably th BMt. THIS WEEK ! We call upcctul attention to our enormous utoclc of Suits for $1.50 , Q1.7G , 93 , $2.SO and upwards. Our large line of single pants , for QOc , G5c , 7&c , SSc , fl , tl.lfi and upwards. Our large line of flannel shirt waists. Our large line ofboya lints and caps from 25c upward. * Our $ O.SO , $1.6O and . . , $0 flO fall ovciVCxi * Q'o the greatest wonder to our competitors , X > ho cannot understand how we can do it. ISiti never mind , "we get thereJutt the same , " and nobody need go with out a fall oi-crcont when they can buy a strtendid worsted coat for $6.50. if selling at lower prices than has crTr&cra seen before. H'c ealt your attention to the gootls shown in our window ivhiclt tre are .telling at 75 Per Gout Cheapo than other Houses can Sell Them for , NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING CO. , 1308 FARNAM STREET. LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 "Wo do horotijr rprtlfjr that wo uperTl o the i r- rnticumuiiU fur all thu monthly nml § i > ml-annunl Drmrlnrsof The IxmlnlRn * Stnlo I.otturjr Comimny , and In person munnico and control the Urnwlncs ( hum * pulvcfsiind ttvtt the nniio are conducted nUhmmcaty 1 nlrnc's nnd In iiood faith toward nil imrtlo * , nnd wo HiitliurlrotUo ( .omjmiiy to 1110 till * ntrtlilfitUi wltli f HO nlmlles of our signature attached , In Its mlvertne- uicnta. " COMMISSIONED. We , tlm umlciTlsncil Bank * and nankorawlll pit ? all I'rl/i-s drawn In Iho Ixiiilslunn Ntto Lotteries which iniir bo iircnvntud ul our couiitois. J.II.OOLKSUV , Pros. Loulilana National Dank. riUUHK I.ANAUX , rro . Statq National Bank. A. IIAMJWIN , Pres. Now Orleans National Bank. GAUL KOI IN , 1'res. Union National Bank. OVKIl IlALC A MlLLlONUlSTltlUUTSU Louisiana State .Lottery Company , Incorporated lit IMS , for K rears , by the I.CKlsluturo 'oreilucntloiial and charitable purposes with a capl- al of ll.ljuu.UUO to whlolt a reaurve fnnd of over 'ViU.omi has since been added. lly an overwhelming popular votn Itn franchise wnanmiloapartof Mm present constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. IKS ) . , The only lottery ever voted ou and endorsed by the people of any iitnto. i It never scales or postpone * . IU ( jrmul Hloile Number Drawings take place monthly , and the feral-Annual Drawing regularly every six months ( .luno Hnri Doeotnber.l A HI'I.ICNDII ) Ol'l'OllTUNlTV TO WIrf A KOll. TUNIC. Tenth nrand Drimlnu. ClanH K , In the Ao ( l- otuy of Music , Tuesday , October 11,18b7-2Wtti Month ly Drawing : CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars , Only. Halv $5 ; Fiftta , $2 ; Tenths , $1. LIST or i CAPITAL iMiiXK Of irfl , x > . tironoo 1 OltANI ) I'lllX.K OV NI1U ) . UI.UUU 1 (1KAND IMIUCHOK * 20.001) ) . iXl.UK ) 2 LAKUK 1'iuy.KS or iw < o . axouo 4 i , Alton 1'itizBS or 6.000 . aj.un 20 VUf/.KH W 1,111) . 2U.UM 60 " a . 83,000 JOO " U..S . Srt ) J aw " ao. . , . ; . M.uu ) DUO " 10U . fXOUU ) APPHOXIMATION nil7M : 100 Approximation I'rlzos of t.m . 130,000 MJ an . BOUOO 1.UUD Terminal " M. , 2,179 Prltea , araonntlng to (53iXX ! ( ) Application for ratea to clubs should be made only to the office of the company In Now Orloana. For further Information write clearly , Klvlng full address. POSTAL NOTKS , express money orders , or New York Hxchange In ordinary letter. Currency by expreu ( at our expense ) addressed M. A _ * _ OrM.A. DAUPHiy. WASHINGTON , I ) . C. Address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONALIUNK , NKW OHLKANS. LA. . That the presence of Gen- " " JlennrcKanl nnd Karly , who are In charge of the dniwlntt , nntco ot abnoluto fairness and Integrity , that ttto chances are all equal , nnd that no one cun possibly dlvlnu wtmt niimhrr will draw a I'rtto. ItKMKMIIKll Unit the payment of all prlics Is niTAUANTKKi ) nv rouu NATIONAT , HANKS or NKW om.EANB , and the tickets are sinned by the prctldunt of an Institution whoso chartered rights aru recotf- nlied by the highest courts ; therefore , beware of any ImltHtlons or anonymous schemes. Mention this paper. J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER , Third Judicial District , 37 CHAMI1EU OV COMMERCE. Neb , National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOo Surplus , - 42.BOO H. W. VATKS. President. LEWIS S. HKEK , Vlco-Presldcnt. A. E. TOU/AI.IN , Sd Vlco-1'resldent. W. II. S. IIiraiiKS , Cashier DIHECTOItS. W. V. Moitsi : , JOHN S. COI.MNS , II. W. YATKS. , LRWIS S. Ituuu , A. 13. TODZAMN , Bauklns Odlce THE IRON BANK. Cor. 18th ami rnrnain Sts. A General Banking Uuslnots Transacted. SteckPiano Remarkable for powerful nympa- thetlc tono. pllablx action and ob- spluto durability. 'iU years record , the buHt guarantee of the excel lence of theao Instrmnentg. WOODBRIDGEBROS. EFFERVESCENT , ECONOMICAL , EFFICACIOUS , Heware of Indigestion' * pain And ( Viuttlpatlon't cruel rcltfiil For ortea In their wake proceed The table pall and niuuruor'i WMdl Then check theiia tnmhlfti ere an hour. In TAHHANT H HELTZKIl 1 1 el tb * power. | Bet aad martMl tuttm now In UM. Oinulan fft . Who Is WEAK , NRRTOVN. nr.niI.IVA > Tt : .wholnhIsFOI.I < randI NOttAN < 'H hM'rilIFI.KU avvny hln VI OKof UO V. MIND and IHANHOOIKcauiInc exhausting drntng upon the FOUNTAIN ! * of MFK , IIEADAVHK , BACKAVIIR , Drcndful Dreamt. WEAKNUSS of Memory , IIANH- FVI.NFJiNtn NOVIETY , I'IMIM.KH upon thn FACE , and all the EFFECTN lending to EARLY llEVAYund perjmpi CO.\SU.M P. TION or INSAN ITY , ahould cumnU at once the CELEBRATED Ur. Clarke , KstRblWiod 18A1. Dr. Clarke ban made NERVOUS IK- niIITT. ' : HHONI and all Diseases of the C1EN1TO URINARY Onrina a 1,1 fo Study. It makes NO difference WHAT you bare token or WHO has failed to euro you. liar to their sex can consult with the assurance of ipecdy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your disease * . * > -8end 4 cents postage for Celebrated Work * on Chronic , Nrrvaiin and I > rU- eate Diseases. Coniultatlon , personally or by letter , free. Consult 'the old nor tor. Thotmaua * enred. Oflleen and nnrlom private. * j-Thoso contomplatliiK Marriage end for Dr. Clarke' * celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15c. , both 25c. ( stamra ) . Before confiding your cose , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or rail may save future BUflerlneand sbame , and add golden years to life.Book " I.iro'M ( HcercFj Er. rom , " COc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing * Kent everywhere , secure from nxponuro , Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , U to 12. Address , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 180 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO. ILL. 1707 Olive Street , SI. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum ot Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University Collegn IloMpltal , Lon don , QiCHcn , Germany und New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru- dance , Invltn allwo suffering to correspond with out delay. Diseases of Infection and contagion cured Hufcly aud speedily without use of dan gerous ( Imps. I'atients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incurable - able , nhoiild not full to write UH concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate atten tion. JUST TUULISHED. nd will be mailed FHEK to any address on re ceipt of ono 2-cont stamp. "Practical Observa tions on Nervous Debility and Physical Kxhuus- tlon , " to which Is added an "Kssay on Mar riage , " with Important chapters on diseases of the Hoproductlvo Organs , the whole forming a valuable medical which ahould bo road by nil young men. Address DBS , S , & D , DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St..St. Louis , Ho. our retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE or the JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE , according to your needi. CAUTION I roiltlrely none genuine nnltM oar , name ami price anprar | > liiliilronthe toles. Borne deakra. In order to maka a larger front , will riccmmcnU the Inferior coodi n lib which the market ll ilooilrd. .TAMKS MKANS B4 8IIOK Ii llcht and gtjllih. U flu llkr aatocklnc and KK- OtJIltEH NO " IIKKAK- fNG IN , " b lns fwrfrctly eat ) ihe flnt time It U worn. It lll tatlify th rooit faitldloui ai It U In ttrry Tllal rt ict | Kjo l to the hand-ten edO which O j. ? xr A Aik for the .lam. Weini'J Shoe for Uo/i " MMa * " Iwenre- tallod at $7orK. JAMKS MFANS 83 SHOP. Is theorltl- nal $3 8ho . and U absolutely the only shoe of IU price which has ever lxen ? placed exUnihrly on the marked In which durability Ii considered before mere outward appearance. Tlmso shots are sold by the beit retailers throughout the United States , and we will place thoia eailly within yuur reach In any state or territory If > ou will send us a postal curd , mentioning this paper. lamea Bteana A Co. , < 1 Lincoln St. , Iloituti , Uata. Vull Hue of the above Rhoes for sale In OMAHA by O. W. Cook , 1300 Furrmm tttreet ; 0. H. Miller , BCJ North 10th btrect ; HajTvard Hros. , 4U7 South 1.1th Btreet. In C'ouKuib llLUrra by Bargout & Evans , 41Broadway. . 'bllt ' ! t.d Dn 5"wi C aUIITllE * " - -awlMr ovip f linuoji , mild , ( oothlnicurrtnu of Ity dbKUy Ure.h all k pttti.nitor. _ . . . . . _ - > .u < k lllniiavicro i tr. tih. ilvctrie Cumiil5Vtf Hlsiuntly r w.forf.lli > o la caia. OntUtt Xuprov cmtatiovir alt othtr belli. Wont etiet per * niMDtly ctirid la IhrH montai. Italxl ptmphl.Ko.UI D Iho Sand * * EUetrlo C * . I6B UCillo ! Chicsai SCIENTIFIC GLUCK & WILKINSON. WK. tTlNTOSn. B. t. tODWILL. BODWELL A MolNTOBH , Real Estate Dealers ; HO South Spring Street , Los Angeles , California. Dealers In city and country property of nil ile- bcrlptlons. General information to novf-com- era freely given. FOR PLANTING TIMBER CLAIMS , Illack Walnuts , hulls on , f. o. b. . . . COc per bit HUckWalnuts , hulls elf , IJor elder Seed , " lOe p r Ib Ash Seed , " lOo per Ib Honey Locust 8ee < l , " 85o per Ib HiiM-tan Mulberry Seed , " tiJTO t > er Ib CatalpaBe d , " . . . . 1.00 | > er Hi AUokll kinds of Fruit and Forest Troofl for sale. Addreos , Shenandoah Nursery , D 8. LAKE , Proprietor , BHBNAKDOAII , IA. Ik lla WJ Ottrtuttdcpartincnl is / ; > ; / / inl- inciise this scttfion , and for.VJ you can pnrcJfae a f/ood Ktlfflntt eqital to hats bottalit elsewhere for f 2. Other stiff hats for , f x , $2.KO , $3. Our soft crushers sell for OOc ami 7Sc. Soft Hats from 75c Upwards. i'i. , order r lea * ing y , 1)0 your c to sec the TO Jdjy ° Patior8 , Misfit Clot lung the . It tc 1119 Farnam. bard lng fifty. earned B uVfor a suit vritu u or overcoat , Just glance dismay the y to See jro vnslied lor so long orginal y > * attn , former trlromed * 77'50' Over- pnce lt rrect o a co our ittt- a space , mei oxamina- We a visit- tion , and your e 83838" LEAKY ROOFING TIN OR IRON , REPAIRED And painted and guaranteed tlRht for number of jrears. Palnta nerer blister. (1KAVKI , KUOKINO tnanufactunol and repalrwl. Flro 1'roof Paint applied to Bhlngloo. Fifteen years' experience. WJT. II. CUHUAN & SON , SHI S. 13th St. . liettt ceil Arbor uud Vlnton. WILL IEVEF BREAK siaMd FOR SALE EVERYWHERE THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The belt known and mo t popular note ) In the tat * . Ixx-atlon central , appointments tlr t-clmi. lleadquartcni for commercial men and all political ana public gathsrtnn. gathsrtnn.K.IMIOGOKN K.IMIOGOKN Prnprlotor. OlliTEFOL COMFOKTlNG V * * ' -A4 * X/ * \s\ft\ * * \J M + M.MM ] Epps's Cocoa " BREAKFAST" . "By a thorough knowlodpe of Ibe natural laws which corvrn the oiwratloni of dlKvttlon anil nutrition , and by careful application of the line nropertlea of well- selected Uocoa , Mr. Kppa has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored bevurage which may gave us many hnnvy doctor's bills , it U by thojudf * clous use of inch articles of diet that a constitution may bo gradually built up until strong enough to ri slst every tendency to dlseiuo. Hundreds of aubtlu maladies are floating around us ready to attack ithernvor there U a weak point. We may eactpu tunny fatal shaft by keeping oursolvu * well fortlned wltli pure blood and a properly nourished frame. " Civil bervlca OatuUe. Made simply with boiling watar nr milk. Sold only In half pound Una by Urocers labelud thus : JAMES EPPS & CO , , LO N , ENaLAKO. Uonnoa this paper. fiimii'M ( EWYORK i * AND [ Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Qucenstown. Are HIrletIr Flrat-Clitu , and among the large * ! , fastest and nnest ID the world ! Saloon , second clnsi ami iieeraire I > uMenircr AccninnioituttoiK Unrxrrlled. livorf ruitard for tlm comfort und uonvunloiicn or pa - " etudlously oonsldarod nud praoilooi Steamers every Saturday for ( iluneonr. Oily of Item * sails lor Liverpool October 13. It is the largest unj Uncut imsscncor atoamer atlont. llaU's of im i > iio lot ull tlUHius us low in by any other llrst-tlais linr. Bai looneicurslon tlckpts nt reduiwl rates. Drafts for Hiiy amount at lowest current riito. Kor book * of lours , tickets , or further Information , unnlr ( o i S"4 , ' " ' ! ' "s , cilicSUo. "I ri-\\Kk H ! ICS , Ouiuha , Neb. ST.LOUIS LAW SCHOOL LAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ThaTwentr-nrst 7 r of Ilils 11 known > cho < it will bciln at 4 o clock . on W IDNIMUT , OOT. Jith , MOT. . KAIIOM foraJtrsucvHrtundlng MoxilTOoT. lOth , Dam , Kntlra courx mar he c'oaipletnl In ( wo or thrM reari at option nf student. Diploma admit * to Hit Tuition IHUiwr annum. For ( ) atulngun , to. . illr , _ .WILLIANJQ. HAMMOND , AlUp. , Dem of faculty. l 17Luca > Hace. BTI lOUIB. JDJ. TOST 1'OIIT D. A. . W V ( MINO. SEALED P In frVlli'aTo , HUliJueto tbe ilBiml conditions , will bo rPffilvot tills olllc until 12 o'clock , noon , on October 20 , 1BH7. ut wlUch time and will be opened In the presence of attending bl < ? dent , for thii oonsiructlon of the following brick bulldlnRB u.t tills poht. viz : 2 nU of field oin- cere' quarters. 4 Mingle bets of otUccrs' quarten. 1 company barrackn. 1 qiiurtornmster B btore- lioufte. 1 Rtihdlhtencfl ntorehonio. Also for 1 framn coal hhed , und for the convention of two storelioubtH Into company bnrruckH. 1'ropniUiU \rttl be couslilert'd for furnishing both nmtorlul and labor necessary to coinplnte ths work , and for each separately. Inference Klrtn to artt * cles of domoMlc prodncture iuid nianufactum. conditions of jifloranj ( timllty belnu eqnnl , end such preferuiue boliiK given to articles of Amur- lean production und manufacture produced oa the rurIflc coast , to thn extent of. the conininiv tlon required there. Plans , hpccltlcntlons auij estimate ot material required ran be neim nt thi olllcfl of the Chief OiiartermiiHtcr. DeimrtinfJit ot the I'latte , Umalia , Nebruska , nnd at thlli olBce. Tnvelopiw containing pmpoiaM to lx > rnarked " 1'roixriaU for iknistnictlmi of HullU- liigx , " und uddrnAMid to th uiiflerHlgned at Korl I ) . A. Kunaell , Wyomlnt ; . Ilio United Stutun it setrea the rtgrit u > reject any or nil bid * . EUWAltl ) Oil VNOWICTII. l t Lieut. A Q. 1C M. , 17th Infantry. i'OJt Qu * * > tvnuastor.