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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1887)
1 ij ; ; - r---j- - I , . . . . . . . . : - ' 8 TN E OMAHA DAILYBEE : : FRIDAYS SEPTEMBER 23. 18ST ; ; A DIRTY RAILROAD DEAL , The B. 6 ; M1 Discriminating In Favor of L1ncon and Against Omaha. . GOBBLING LAND PROSPECTORS , flow thn Motor Will Itun-Marriago of Irank .1. Muir to 3II Mary fllbIe-VarIoni Other LocaL . Ilappeningu. H. & M. J'or LinColn. One of the worst blows which has lately been given to Omaha by the 13. & M. was that which has Just bcoii dlscov. . ored in connection with thu liar. ; Vest Itoriie cxctirlonist from the eist. : It will bo re inombored thttt several ot the rotd : announced SPCChLL rates on these trips to Lnduco PCOiIO to come to Nebraska. . Several entcrprising firms of this city nnd vicinity made a special effor& to ectiro a number of the visitors , anti t401110 time ago sent rcpre.scntativcs to the castto talk up and direct hither some of the more important of the in tending settlers. In this way , eleven car Joatis verc found in Columbus and other cities in Ohio. These were carried to . l'coria1 where they were turned over to the liurhington road. . There the disappointment occurred. Ninc.tentlis of the excursiunists hnviiig read so ititicit about Omnini 8otlght tick. itts from the Burlington for thk place but the road woulu not sell them , It was selling then exeur- aba tickets only to Lincoln. As ii consequence , those eleven carloads , against the will of the individuals were - carried out of their way by a road which SCCI1)S to feel that Lincoln must. in every cifsc , reap an advantage even if Omaha , Is to be deprived of that which legiti. mately belongs to her. - NOTES. .J , v. Morse , into general passenger 4 agent ot the Union I'aciic railway , was ahOhIItCd general traillo agent of the . , Missouri I'ncitlc railway company at Chicago yesterday , This fact was 3Cet very quiet , but It was given out by ' Food authority to a Baa reporter .I'lio appointment was made by S. II. 11. Clark vice president and general mana ger o the Missouri l'acihic. General Superintendent Cummings , of . the Union Pacihie , stated yesterday that , , snore trains came In and out of Omaha Weditesday titan there ever was known to be in one ( lay before in this city. : T1IF MOTOR SYSTIM. ' how EIootrlcityIto flo Applied to ' the Carq. The system of propulsion to be used on , the ? , lotor hue , is what Is known as the Vanderpoel Patent. It is said to be in : successful operation in scycral places throughouttliecountry. The electricity is t gcncratcd In a power house at a common . : point and is transmltted to the car in a novel nrnnner by means of wires fixed about as follows : On each side of the streets Poles are erected at intervals of - about two hundred fetd. heavy wires run across the street front one to the oilier. Over each track a frame of wood hangs from the wire and from this are SUSIeilttcd two supports , several feet , tpiirt and on each of these supports rests ; astrong wire , stretched with great ten- men , and on each of these wires runs a grooved iuhley from which denends an other pair of wit'&is , which , by an casynt. tachment is connected to the car. The wires then rui to a motor in one end of the ear , which tinder the iniluence of the current works the chains mind sets the wheels of the car in motion. 'iiio : apparatus , it is claimed , works as well in winter as in summer , nnd has been a success wherever applied , 4 onablin" loaded cars to climb graUcs with ta1iity. _ _ _ _ t MUIR-nIrn.Es. . A I3rihIlant Wedding at Trinity Qi. ; thetIriI , . \Sednostlay evening a brilliant wedding took placeat Trinity cathedral in the presence - once of a large conregtition. The hint. rimontut cinitlidates wore Miss Mary F. Bibles , step.daughiter of Mr. Arnold C. Barber , and Frank D. Muir , senior mem. ber of the firm of Muir & Gaylord , real estate and loan agents In this city. The guests commenced to arrive almost f , three-quarters of an hour before the . . time decided upon for the commencc nhtint of the ceremony , and continued to make their appearance until a few tutu- utes before the arrival of the wedding party. 'I'hiey ware shown to their seats by John T , Clark , Joseph Lelimer , Frank I , hamilton arid Robert V. Patrick , DurIng - Ing the aeating of the guiest , the lights burned dimly until a few moments . - before the arriyai of the bridal party when the organ commenced a low and delightful voluntary , gradually resolving itself into the accompaniment of the r "Bridal Chorus , " from Lohengrin , sung . by a choir of twenty youths tinder the direction of Mrs. Cotton. The aecom . panlnient was Played by Mr. VIh1 Tabor. t hiis was followed by Mnaman's "Trium. , phal March. " The lights were then raised , the boatiful cathedral was illunu- ' med in every corner and the bridal party walked up the main aisle to the strains ; of the licatitiful march. The bride rested UpII the arm of her foster fnther , Arnold BarbQr. The maid of honor was Miss . hattie Illaekford. of Brooklyn , and the ; bridesnialds wore Miss k'loronco Lee , of Omaha , a cousin of Miss Bibles , and Miss Jennie Taylor of Brooklyn. 'I'Lie best man was Mr. J. A , Monroe , general freight agent of the Union Pacific road , 'l'Iio marriage ceroniony of tue Episco- . 1)ttl church was read by Dean Gardne.r , ; the lroliminttry being pronounced at the ' ; entrance to , and the concluding lines within , the chancel of the cathedral. The ceremony over , the bridal party retired fromut tue church , tue bride tuid groom attracting the undivided attention of thc , - large gatiniring , the organ , the whllc soumidiug Mendelssohn's wedding march ; ; 'I'hic recptinu took llitco at the rest , deuce of Mr. Barber 2207 Fartuam street , where hosts of iriends paid their respect p , to the hiapiy couple. 'l'lio house wa beautifully decorated with fragrant flow ; ers. Everybody seemed inspired wiU ; the spirit of the happy occasion aiic unild the genial flow of conversstion the pleasing strains of the Musical Union or chcstra sounded with charming effect : Thu presents were many mid valuabh . ' and HUed a number of tables in one o , the spacious apartments. 'I'lte bride an grooni loft last night for a trip of severs weeks in the east. , , MOIITUAIIY M.tTTERS. i FacIH AIbut Those Who Have Departed parted Thits Lire. ShJLI.i'AN. : \Vihhiam 11. Sullivan , the young nini : who was kicked by a horse last week ' diet ! frcm his Injuries at the home of hi . . parents , 1810 PacifIc , at i o'clockS'ed nes . day afternoon. The Jecoased was In lii ; sixteenth year , nntl a mustily little fellov . whose demise will be regretted t - iirnny friends , 'l'ihh funeral services wm take iltco : ut the residence of his liLrents . Cornelius and Margaret Sullivan , titi moriilimg at I ) o'clok , Interment at th holy Sepulchre. TIIASgI. Xcotiri herald , Sept. O : Sitortlv afte , , the ( loath of i. B. Kuhno , Louis lrasld nephew of Mni. Kuhun , came up froi - , 5llItktQ : v11t wlIl u CQU1aUY to ' . , , . hm amicted aunt , lie wai bright , manly fellow , and soon became a favor lie In Scotia , Three or four weeks ago ho was taken ill with typhoid foyer nrni has lain suffering with that driad disease ever since until Sunday night , when his vount spirit took its flight to the world beyond. Ills mother was present at the bedside of her poor boy when ho breathed hi last and she and the now doubly nilhicted Mis. Kuhac have tue synipatimy of our whole community. Mr. 'Iraski arrived last night , and the remains of his son were taken to Omaha this mornin for Interment , Mrs. ltuhne accompanie them , OUT1i OMAHA NEW $ . David Andorsoalserecting a fine cottage - tage for his future residemico. The yard was almost blocked with incoming - coming empty stock cars yesterday. It is Sitlil that the Gospel army can not make satisfactory arrangements In procuring - curing a hail hero and consequently will not invade South Oniahia. 'rue city authorities are cotitmplating luiving 'l'wenty-soventh street graded. Twenty-five bricklayers arrived from Chicago yesterday to go to work ony Armour's packing house. ' [ 'lie boulevard is iiow being graded in good shape , anL will soon be ready for traihie. J. B. Smith has departed for Iunlap , Iowa , to attend the shooting tourna- meat. Mr. and Mrs.V. . L. Smith and son have departed alter a visit with Captain Cockrell. C. M. Hunt's new brick building of wilt be a four-story structure instead of three stories , as was first imitended. Though the opening of the bids for the grading of N street was Public one of the city officers has refused to give them to the press. Time howell Lumber comnany is build. lug a platform itt Shelley's station for the benefit of time Union Pacific passengers. The contract for the paving of the street will be lot to a Mr. [ lascall , of Omaha , at 23 cents nor ytLrl from the railroad to Tuventy-fourthi street and the rest of the distance at the rate of 17 cents per yard. Yesterday morning a dozen men wore put to work excavating for the founds- tion of the miew depot. Glen hudson has arrived from Red Cloud , Nob. , and will make his home here. Thomas hahn , ehargcl with disorderly conduct wms muicted in the stun of 7.tIO by JUIgO Rcuther. Mrs. Chris Meleher has returned from a visit to lows. A couple of dead drunks were caught in the yards about noon by Officer lied- mend , and as ho could not get both to the jail lie used time city parcel delivery anti drove them in in state. Malone & Oleson will open a restaurant - rant in their Plaeo near the depot. Armour's packing house has been closed down until November 1 , or until time now improvements are completed. 'rho passengers on the ( tummies at Simelly's are much troubled by having to PY l5cdnts Iuntt get a rebate for 10 cents each ride , as no tickets are sold at that place. _ _ _ _ _ New Incorporation. Time Pioneer Town Site coin pany filed its articles of incorporation yesterday , Time place of transacting business is at Frc mont , Nob. The purposes of time corpor mUon are to deal in realty ; the capital stock is $7i,000 , ( tivitictI Into shares of $100 each. the comnmueneenient of time corporation is August 18. 1887 and tIme termination Aun'ust 18 , 1837. The board of directors is .fhn B. Hawley , 14 , D. Richards , U. W. E. Dorsey , W. It ViIson and Frank Fowler. 'Iheso arti cbs are also filed in Dawcs , Sioux , Platte , Madison , Washington , Lancaster , Knox , Cuming , Holt , Sheridan , Cherry , Brown Antelope , Dodge , Saunders , Butler , Seward , Hamilton , York , Fillmore , Col fax tuna Clay counties , Nob. Late Tralni. Nearly all the trains arriving In the cit3 yesterday morning wore late.Vashout on time Centi al Pacific made time 7:50 : Unior Pacific late and a wreck on the Republican can Valley line made the Lincoln trait behind humid. Time .train for Denver wimich ought to leave hero at 10:55 : , cut not get away until after midday. 'I'huh was owing to time fact that the cars or the train that came in from the west it time morning imml(1 to be cleaned In orde to be sent out immediately. Time Uniom Pacific stock of coaches was eximaust& by the limurvest Home excursion , All Over a Ticker. Belle Smith , a woman of the town was arrested night before last for ills posing of a watch belonging to her bus bammd , James ICelloy. At the time o arrest Belle was very much intoxicated anti claimed she had given time thrneplec to Frank Crow , her landlady's husband Crow and imis wife were 1)0th arrestec yesterday , but claim to know notimint about time watch. After hearing time ens Judge Berka put Frank under $100 bond to appear before the district court , ani his wife under $100. The 0. F. Davis Fountain. P. 14. Perino ma isboring assit1uousl to locate the fountain to be erected b Mrs. 0. F. Davis , widow of the late gen tleman of that name. lie has been a confer with some of time county eomnmiu slomuers and the cimairman of the bonn of inmblle works , and tim probabiiity noi seems that the memorial bunter hydrati and drinking trotilu , will be located oi ttme south side of , } arnamn street , opposit time now city halt. New German ActorN. Baurels and Pimls , time managers of tb ( Jormuan Theatrical conmpany , have ci fected an entire change in time lendin nmembers of their company , which ha found favor with time lea'.ling Germans c the city. They bring here six new meni bers , and are now receiving strong an courageument in their subscriptions to next year's season which opens on Sun day , October 2 , at time opera house. Gone Back to Their Studies. A jolly company of young people Id Wednesday evening at 8 for the east , I go to their respective schools for a year study. Eugenic Kountze and May Copi land go to Boston ; Miss ltoscwater I Cooper Institute , N. 1' . ; Miss Ludingtc to Cincinnati ; Calciwell Ilanmilton I Cornell university N. Y. , and Earl Gai ; nett to time Institute _ of 'l'cclimuolog r Boston , _ . - - Rnhhi I3onson'a Lecture. Dr. Benson will lecture at the syni gogimo this evening upon time subJc of "Fime hebrew in history. " Thai has been an important change made time imour of service , instead of 7 : o'clock as heretofore , all oveniu seryme at the temple will commence front tim evening at 7 o'clock. Iiabrnv Cemmietery Fund. S Time conmmmmltteo appointed by limo H brew congregation composed of Messi S F' . Adler , I. Ilelinman and B. Sinion collect $1,000 for time beatmtifylmmg of tl ceimmetery at Pleasant lull , are mneetit L with quite a success ; about $00 have e rosily been subsenibod , amuti doubtless II ; balance will be raised to-day. , Thren HorC Killed. r \itliln the Past three days Umreo hors L have been killed by order of the liuniai mu . society , because oflucurablo . Injurlesni tllsusc. . . THE 1DIGNAT FARMERS. They ObJect to the Benson Mothr , and Do- flounce It In Unmeasured Terms. AN INDIGNATION MEETING Held In .JefTeron Precinct-The Far- fliers Propose to Take Action to Muppres What They Consider a Dangerous Nuisance. Time farmers of Jefferson precinct held an indignation meeting vcdnesday even- hag , time object of their Indlgnatioim be- 1n the Benson motor A representative - tativo of the Ban enjoyed time pleas. ant ride of twelve miles oyer the rolling road lending to Jefferson precinct - cinct behind two fast stoppers nimil in compatmy with the principal projector of time mcetimmg. Time double opportunity of viewing the Improvements lately made and in progress as also of interviewing a representatIve imman of time county , was ml flortkmd. Straight out Coming street one catches , on aim occasional rise , a splendid view of Onmaba , while skirting him here and there are new roads in prCCSS of grad- lug , Just where the city limits end mind time county begins , ho scarcely realizes , for time cotmflty road is but a comitmntmatiomt of the city street and along the line arc time sanmo oh ! rows of real estate signs. "How nmuchm does it cost to open amid grade a county road ? " time Ba man asked his companion. "No man knows , leastways not time tax payers of Douglas county , " replied the former , "But you don't moan to tell flue that 3'Oti can't timmd time cost of any road at time county commissioners' office ? " said time Bn uuau. astonished. "Arc timero no recoros. and voucimersto show ? " "Yeslutely the commissioners adopted a schedule system of blanks , sImowinr jtmst where work is done and time cost o it , but take a road opened anti graded a year amzo mind try and find any particulars regarding it and you'll hunt a needle In a luty stack , " answered time farmer disgust. mnghy. "Do you speak from actual experience or only from prejudiced iieresay , for I fancy you are no admirer of time county comnussioners' " system ? ' 1 speak from actual experience and actual exrmuination of time vouchers. I had occasion to exmnimno : the hauling imu and grudiimg of a street opemmeil in July ' 86 , ui1 what diii I liimd iii time comnmnissaners' ollice ? A lot of liy leaves called vouch- era , showing bills pumd : amounting to timotismtimds , for hmuiliug and grmtdimig , amid 110 location of time work given. 'fhme commissioners who passed the bills didn't know where time work was iloime , imeither did time clerk. No , I don't admire tim eomnmissioners' way of doing bimsimmess and there'll be achnuge before ioim. " " \Vhmt : track is this ? " asked time BEE luau. ammxious to ehmangc time subject. "Why , that's time Benson track , ' ' no- Plied the farmer. Time Ban man saw notliitmg In the harmless - less track save that it absorbed nearly time width of time public road ; but lie was assured that patience would reward iminu by causing him the usual fright expenm- cnced by everyone driving ulonrr the road. experience he realized nil too quickly. While waitihmg in time carriage in front of Tietz's imrk , without varnimmg , them was a general scattering of the dozen vehicles halting there. Reins vere clutched in quick , nervous hands , and horses snorting and with curved necks , time very licturu of fright , svero : driven like mad to a distance in time nearest fields , mmii then time cause of the sudden dispersal appeared. A dumumny steam locomotive palling acid hissing , ' and drawing it single ear , Pwept b ma the center of time public road , an iron king oi time righmt-of-wmuy by virtue of a franchise. As far as time eye could see , the scene was time same on time approach of time engine , a continued licture of r horses hushed from time main thorouimiim- 5 fare and imeadeti for contiguous fields. u As near as can be learned , John Jort's was the only runaway yesterday. 'Flie engine caine ihIOii hmmni whim hmis tetum before ime could nmake for fricimucily cover. his frightened horses became un manageable 101(1 broke their harness , m dragging turn frommi his seat to the ground mumni mu distance alommg time road. 1lmmt : he r escaped with his life is a miracle. As it W8S he was bruised and s"nseless. 'I'hie u most dangerous spot nloimr time route is the Walmnit 11111 bridge. 'o narrow is time SpttCO upon it unoccupied by the immo- tor track that a wagon could hot pass upon it. 'I'wmee during ( lie ride , oim time ' approach of time engine , the rePortOrial - - PortOrial conveyance imitate like wild - for the nearest untemuceti fiuliL 'I'ime t sight of a long line of vehicles moving along at a jog trot and then suddenly , as 0 if according to a preconcerted signal , driven rapidly in all directions , like a t stampede of cattle , murist be seen to form r any idea of its eil'ct , ' 1 lie route occupied by time motor line S track is known as the old Military road. It is time origimmal trail over which time adventurer trudged westward mu search of gold In ' 40 aiid after. A romimmdcr of time ohi1 trials and struggles ' of these V days , as welt as time danger lurking in the footsteps of time searchers of forttmmme is a deep , ugly gulch near lrvington. in ) It formerly stood a house of eimtertain. mont for travelers called "Itobbers' ' :1 : Roost. " 'l'he rookery itself is long since r gone , but time memories of time scenes of it treaoimery and bloodshed emmmueteul within a it mire perpetuated , anti the spot Is still 0 POinteti out with a shudder. TuE INi)1GNATION MEETING. It was with feelings actuated by time wm'ongs done timenu by time Motor line and a tleterimiinmttion to propose means of no- r. dress that time imummtlred fnrnmers of Jeilor son precinct ussemnbied at the g residence of F'red Cronemumcycr. Clmmncsc f lanterims and torctmligimts illuminated time grove , mind mit ( I o'cioc the muiceting was called to ordom mind a permanent organization vam r effected by the election of B. Giimuoro ol L Union precimuct as president , Clmnnle Klomuiiigor of JeiThrson , secretary , nnC Eggert Oft of Jellmrsomi , treasurer. F Mr. Cronemyer was time first speaker lie detailed time object of time meeting amid .0 spoke of the daily runaways rcsultinj 'S from time use of steam on time motor line mSince the road began operation lie enumn o ated at least twenty accidents along It n causing great pecuniary losses to farm o era , besides emulangeriug their lives. lit r- referred to time real estate syndicat y wimich projected time road In timeir inter ests amid then 'used nmbhio pr , erty , not timeir own private lain for their own gain. Ho conclemmmct 5- in strong terms the action of timt Ct commissioners in grantinir such an mmu ' portant francimiso to time fam-mnors' detni 'O macnt , for tile ) ' ( the commissioners ) wel Pa knew when [ lucy examined time clmarttmr l0 which declared that the road might b ts opurateti by horse power , electricity Is nmotor or steam wimat an lujtmr.y tlmcmy in ilictual UpOn time Ioughmis county tax IEtCrS by grammting it. 'time road was re . qimmrcdto use precautions for thu pro C. tection of life anti property , but he , tin 5. sPeaker , comitendod timat time conipnn to hiatt wilfully neglected to use any pre me CittitiOfl. lie clainmeit that time Ilhlititr road led to time only market ( Omalum ) o g time Jotltmmsomm fnrmntir , and if time jourmio ii- was to be imimuic with fear of constiumt Los m0 and bodily Injury , ofwhat use was tim road. lie proposed lmmmniedmate nctioi looking forward to the abatemmient of tim ntmlsamico. . cs Sidney Illlon being called IijOIm , pro- so. sented the jticstion. to time mumilionco , " 1 d . time rohd as managed injurious or hencE ci1l" cuiytt uunLzus rc " " "Then " said ponse-"injdriouL" , the speaker , "wo must fight it in justice to our persons andiproperty. " Time proper ones to remedy tM abuse , in time speak- er's opinion , were tim commissioners. They had no rIt to give away sucim a franchise witimom time assurance that It would ( operate tgi the advantage of the Douglas county tx-payor. lie , too , was In favor of immediate action. At I lila point herman Tinimo suggested that there was o need of any further action for he had been informed by Mr. Benson that time semi would not be used , as at present rulonger than a week. This efl'ort at osochilation was received with jeers. Several speakers followed and advised the andieneo not to be dc- ceived and hoodwinked witim specloums Promises but to protect themselves like men. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions and mitten consideration reported the following wimich was unnu- Imotisly adopted : Viioreas , as taxpayers of Douglas county and as Aimmerhean citizenswe have asscmmmbietf hero to exercise our rights of protest and wlmereastho hue knowim as the lienson-kiotor line tmas boun operations tinder Perumhis- siomi raimted by time county commimumissioners , by rminnimmmn steam cars on tracks laid upon a public thoroughfare , the wily road existing affording us means of ingress amid egress to amid from time city of Oumaha , our prinicipal immarket , anti Whereas , this road as maneged now is a public ntmismuimce , a daimmago to our property , and a constant source of dromul to our lives by frimdmtenhim anti distractimig our horses , causinir daily runaways. Resolved , that this road as nmammaed , has rendered unhtt for use time Military road. Resolved , that time comnmnissiomirs can have no power to grant a fraimchiise which uvill render unfit for use mm ptmtiimi thoroughfare. Resolved , Timat a commmnmtttee be appointed to wait upon time county commmmnissloncrs and request timeimi to take such steps as timey amy deem expedient and practicabie to abate time nuisance known as time Benson Motor line. Resolved , That such other steps be at once taken to compel by legal niesims time sumbstl- tution of oilier power luau steam , as now used by time Benson-Motor line. On motion it was resolved to print the resolutions 1mm every pmmner in Omaha. A comnuittce consisthmmgof E. Gilmore , C. Kioninger and Voter Mangold ware tip- pointed to cmrry out the rcsolutiomms by waiting upon the commissioners , etc. , aimI to report timemr action with its result at mu subsequent meeting to be imeld mit time smume pince next Monday night. It was after midnight when the meeting ad- jourued. _ _ _ _ Iluisacil's Cctmdltion. Russell , time man who was shot a few nights ate by Officer Springbrok , was In an improved condition yesterday and ltis flow thought vihI recover. OY41 ng , POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdernvorvarjes A mam-velof pur tytrength and wholesomeness. Mitro econ- omici than the ordhnary kinds , cr4 caimnot be sold in competition with the imiulthtudo ot how co.t abort weitrht alum or ptmoc'phiite powders. oId only in csnq. t1or BKIsa PownER Ce , 101 Waii-st. . N. Y. DIAMONDS , WATCH ES , JEWELRY , BRONZES AT Importer's Prices MAX MEYER & BROS Pianos & Organs Reticlicil itt VhmoIcmcaio I'rlces , write for cattlonimeq , , prices and tcrnms and save froum to tiSo 1mm the Iurebmmso of an in. GtrUnmommt. iiui'r'r URos. , st , Jocph , M . A SPLENDID OPENING For all kinds of business at the Tou of ilarbine , : idiva3- between Pairbury ar.d fleatrice on timc C.K.&N.ILlt. Lots Cheap on Easy 2ernis. 3 Address C. B. LEVTON Fairbury , WAiTED. hANK LocATioN-Or will invest ant take active part mu some active concern . Address'AL'l'Elt S. TiTUS , Winfieltl , Kansas. Care hold Brettun. : B. HAYNE ; : ( I _ _ _ _ OFFICIAl4 STENOGRAPflE Tilliti ) J UDICIAL DISTRIYI' ( , : . Chamber of Commerce. BEST WAYV To attract trade is to keep reliable goods and sell them cheap. We have done so and have had the satisfaction of seeing our busiiiess rapidly grow to be one of the lurgest In the country , Tue immense stock witicitwo carry this season will easily COI1VIIICO youof thefaot ; with such a stock we cannot afford to make higli prices , itor the profIts exacted from the Pub' V ho by smaller houses audi a stock is the people's guarantee for fair dealing and low prices. ' :7 : We have opened the fall season with an enormous variety of business and dress suita. They embrace all the new styles and novelties of the season iii V J WORSTEDS , CHEVIOTS AND CASSIMERESI . Among the many special bargains we start Ill the season with , we mention the following : dOOmeii's all wool cassimere stilts , heavy weight , of attractive greyisli color , ergc lined , aud well and substantially made , $5.50. It may sound. big to tell you that these suits are actually worth twice tIlls amount , but an examination will convince you tiuat we are not exag gerating , and you will have to admit that you never saw sicli a suit offered for less titan $10. Another great surprise is our all wool corkscrew sack suit , elegantly made and trhnmed , which we 'will sell for $6.50. No house ever sold such a suit for less than 12 , These are only a few samples of what we have in store for you tills season. - It V All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at , Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. DR. SPINNEY S. E. Cor , 13th and Iodge Sts. Succcs6fuily Treats a ! Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases of .A. WO'T Dr. S. is wehikuown as the founder of thu Montreal ( Caiiitia ) Medical Institute , uii 1)10. ) jirietor of the Sumtimmoyvhhmo Intirniaty. The Dr. mtts hind 27 years' experience In the treatment orchroiuie and sexual d,8en , , s. and iii. cOons bohng crowned by wondertumi success , ho would call the attention of time afflicted to imis long standing cmi web onrnet ( reputation as Still- clout assurance of hi. skill anh ability. NUItVOUS iEmitt.I'iY. Spcrmnntorrlict'a , Partial IrniCtCnCY nod nit discmiics or the nervous system amuil sexuaL or- gnnsspeediiy and permancrtIy cured. 111.4)1)1) A.m ) SItIN DmSEASES. SYI'mILlS-A disease Imiost horrible In its restmlms -completely eradicated without tIle USC of mercury. Cimitrges nasonabie. I'OIiG ilIE Vbo mnaybesimlrering tromn the eITcctof youth- iui routes or indicrt'tionS , wili do well to await ttiomiisoivcB of timii , the greatest booim over limid at the alter of suttoning limimnumilty. DR. SPINNEY - NEY whim guaianteo to forfeit i'O ) for every 0450 of scmniiiai woakime's or private discuses ot unykmnd or character wmmmch ho undertakes amid malis to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN There are tnaimy troubled with too frequon cyacuntlolis or time bladder , otten accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation ammO weakenimig of tIme systomim in a milammner time in- tiant eummnot account ton. On omammnimmg the uirmnttry deposits a ropy sctiimment , , vili olten be lounil , nhmmi somethimioS south iilrticie ) of multi. men will aunear or the color ho at a thin. milk- ish hue , again cbangintr to a dark or torpid up. luoaratce. 'tuIEIt } Attu MANY MIN YIi ( ) iI OF vuums iIrFiCIJtTY , ignorant or time cause , which is the ecohmii stage of souuiumai weaknesS. 'rite Iocromt WILL QUAIIAN'EC A I'motVSOT CIIRC ix At.b Such CASES , mind a healthy restoration of the gonito-umninury organs. tilico hours 9 to 19 a. in , i to 5 , 6 to P p. in. N. U. Persons uuumabie to visit us unity be treated itt their homes by correspondenue. MedicInes amid instructions sent tuy malt or ox. Pres. COSSurTATION AND ADViCE , m'EIIONAL I.i. Out iii m.vreum , Send smith for quietlon Iit unit circular. Call or address DR. S1'iNNEY St CO. , 10) S. 13th street Omaha DRS. S. &D1 DAVIESON 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Of time Mivsotmri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , University College Ilospi- tal. London , Gicscn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO TIlE TREATMENT Nervou chrii ; ad hood DISEASES , More cspeciaiiy those arisIng from imptmr- deuce , Invite alt so suffering to correspond without delay . Diseases of infection and contagion cured samely and speedily without - out use of dangerous drus. Patients whose cas S have been neglected , badly treated or paonoumutied incurable , simoumid not fail to write us commccrning their symnp- tomns. All letters receive immediate at- temution. JUST PIJULISHEI ) . And will he mailed FREE to any address on receipt oh one 2 cent stamp. "PracticaL Observations on Nervous DebiLity amid Physical Eximatistion , " to wlmicim is added an "Essay on Marriage , " vuthm imiortant chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive Organs , time whole forming a valuable mcd- icah treatibc which should be read by alt young men. Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. - STECK PIANOS Remarkable br powerful ympa- thetic tone , pliable action and ab- Stititc tiurabmitty ; 30 years' record , the best guarantee of time excellence - lence of these instruments , . W000BRIDGR BROS. , LEAKY ROOFING , - 'l'imi or Iron , Repaired. And Painted and guusmutotcod tight for numimber of yea , s. l'uimmts uiever tdli.ter. GRAVEL ROOPING ) Imunuufactured and repudutni. Fire Proof I'utnt apptied to shi. aics ' U years erperhoilco. S\M. I'm. CUittt.uN .t SON , sill S.lit St. liet. trbor nod Viimton. LO through errors and bad iiractiCes CiRED. V uLDL ( AL 4'UDLQcUaitI , ( , Lui , DiEtnuomid Merchnunt , V - OMAHA MIDICAL & SUIGICAL INSTITUTE. Csr. 1.flh St. and CapltoAue. . OMAHA , FIE8. Poll limit ThEATMST OF Alt. CHRONIC SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AiD APPLIANCES FO DEFORMITIES. TRUSSIS , Aim hit Hrw VARICOCat Susprssmmy CLAMP COMPRESS. Pu. , ) ( seilitle , . .ppr.It : % * nit iene41. , ft , ue.rul trntn.ent . t very rim , .t.1.r.qulrlng itelici ori'urglr.m ir.trpeit. , i UIT I oil ( UL414 CII ItflrinlIe ) * atal lira , r. , (1,11 , Fret , CurvEure ofitie Spine , rile. , Trwr , , , C.ncer , C&.rrtn. fliolirlIli ; ti , , ltio , . Iier : , , icily , Poriiyie , FpII.p.y , Ktoey. 1iI.dkr , I. , 5)V , SiVI ni ltlot , n1 .11 ui gicol ( ) per.tiog. , Book eu Diseases of Womneim FREE. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE FlAKixo A SPSCIALTY OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL aut NERVOUS DISEASES. Alt flioi 1)i..or ) , , ocefoiiy lreAtet. SpLiiiiio Polono renosd , fo , , , the , , btrUl O itliolut zoelcory. F en I1torahivo ire.tincnt , , Fr Ia,4 of VitI 1osrr. t.r.i , , , , , , , ile to yjit to mao I , , I. . etel .1 Lne , , by ( tOT1 , . Alt coiuoinfllC.t ion. ( onhideti.i Slid ) tine. Or ln.Ini n , , , t .dll tiy , i.ahl or Iprfl. ? erIrely irked , ni n , . , ) . ti Irdirtlo , oInit , , r senior tine , later , I , , , Fr. ( cml CtiI niid , , , , ( u , or , cnl li.tory of3ous ii. . , ivill , .inp , .05 no nil ) , ii1 li piil iUppnr , oir BOOK FREE TO MEN ! L'pan Prl.te , Pyrrial end Neroo Seminal , , Vpfl 'V SrernInrri.e. tIllote,03' ) , B ) hiii OO..UI I IRS ii Ciet , sail " cocci , , II.oon , fQV , . , , , Aim Ire , . , ThL'uhlA MEDICAL & SUI1OiCAI INSTITU , or : l4cMeualuy , Ctr.tth si. & Dalitil AvOmdna , Net. letl1cat Books orPapers Fiee. She proprietor 01 the ( tuisha Medlcul snd Surgt- cam iuutltue ( bus pulillihied a VilhIlUIIlO .e el books and papers upon OIirunDlltIU siirgicsi ulhies'S , OIiII 'Icforuiittie , lind the , uettnds of cure which lair. given hini ( VlO replItAtioli ot bOllig the ILIIISt skiilfui uiUsUcceisfiti , , spatalkt Ii thu west. aiuid made ( no in.tltuto so ceier&teIt tli.t uuirUlciutos .rc sent to and pttient. mecel et ( rout evrry suite In the utdofl. Anuong the booSS I. one mumbo the ,1l.eae. of womeir oee upon nervous. special titid prmvote di.- capes or thin tenth ) tiiid urinairy , irCarls ; vsrieoc"ie cured by surgIcal opertlofl. , ni ti'elr ' lately Invent. d cIitiii , ) compress suspnuory for tti relief and ctirlif ylirloofelS. uutrvoII eIuiu'tion enti issuul deblity. hew restoratlr e treatuacuat. i'&esrs upon purglCai brace , pllei. elmicer , , parulyIs , ot. . Elec- trlcI7 ) malid t 0 110W magnetIc battery for borne u.e ; catuirrit intl Iuhuiiiition eti. Utailke moV $ book , h.ISS by doctors free , tley do flOt conl , ( of tedlt monlai with ulethilous name. a 10 inItial , . or rubbish of that kimid , but ire piiru deicutiltion , of IUhIOlUs new discoveries lit medicine iursery and eio.trlity ( , lied tifO wrii worth tile ; , ertusnl , inl cuuuibo obtained free bt iddre.Ing the tnah , Mcdl- cam and turimleftl mn1mtute , Utlu Street and Capitui avenue , Otnitlan. Neorieki , L nnir'r 1 V BEST DI\IUU HOTELIN HOUSE. 1\AAMERIGA cD .vU * , l GOLD MlDAL , PARIe , 1878 , ' BAKER'S COCOS. Warranted bioitifcly yard Cocoa , from which the cacee. of S ( > 11 ha. been temoveti. It has three times the trugi5 of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , V and I. tiucretoro far inure economi. cal , costing less thanone cent o I It I. dciiclOue , nourhahing , strengthening , easily dlgeted , ant iduiirabiy adapted for invalida a. well as for person. In bralth. Sold by ( I roceiiiiorpcv here. L BhIKER & CO.m Borch stcr Iass. an , sue zwrosit. 11. 1' . IlIIWEt.t. 1HPI's'EI4L. & M'IN'I'OSII , Real Estate Dealers I 10 Soutim Spring Street , LOS , : i NO 1L ES , ( Li Id IFOfl.V111. Dealers in cIty ummi country irOirtY ) ( at alt descriptions. ( emierat imiturImmitton to mmciv- comerbfreeiY given. riling thoro'igh. HORT - HANDW MaIm. S Ue.L and ihorteas . $ atem now in U. . . Ctrcuhiri a'r , l'r.g UOAXiiI4iIi. iJQiC.5LQul $ . - - . - - -.T _ , wi ' _ _ .v' _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J - - _ _ * ; , . ° , p I _ _ _ V , ; .V 'z , _ _ _ V DR. POWELL REEVES5 114 S. 13th street. Onmalia , PRIVATE 1)ISI'ENSARV. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. TheOld iteliabla Specialist of many years ox. perionce , treat. with wonderful succos. nil LUNG 'i'UhtOAT , CANCEII , 1'1l.ES , FiS'i'O. LAItbPI'LJiIE , cured without KNIFE OR I CA SI'IC. Treati au forms n Tiuroat Lung , Nerve anti 11100(1 diseases , all Clutoumlo dlseseS uttid 1)0- fom'mities fmim in nulvance of amay Immstitutomm iii this country. Those who contemplate going to hot Springs for the treutmnemit of itiy , i'rivnto or miloot disease Cliri ho enrol for omiotlird the cost sit our i'ni'uitn tispcn.ary , 8t1 South 1t street. Omuinha , Nob. HUmmUttE cured without pain orhinderanco rome ltislneSS. iiythistreatnient a vitro Lovo1 L ADIES Coum ploxiomm , I ree from siownoss frecmcies , bmnektieois , , eruptions , etc. , iirtiiiauL Eyes alul perfect himiith can bo hind. r'hint 'tired" feeling nnd aim fotumitie wea' . nc'see PrOmPtlY cured. ilmonting Headaches , Nervous I'rotration , General Debility Sheep. V iessuices , Iepressiomm amid juutligestlomi , ( Svariom * trotitdos , liutiammnimtion mind Uicou idiomi ' Famiing anti iispiacomnents , Spinal weakmieaq , 'Kidney comnpi.hmita and Change of Life. ConSult i old toctor. ) E YE AND EAR umatlon Acute or of Ctironiolnflano time Eyeiids or tliole and Oar or Nor Sightedness , InversIon of the lAds. Scrofuioui Eyes , Ulceration. In. llammntttiomms , Abscess , Dimoness of Vlsiono one or both e3'ei , anti Tumors of Lid , Inflammation of the Ear , Ulceration ot Catsrrh , Internal or External Ioufnoss , or Paralysis , Singing Or Itoimning noisca , Thlckofloa Drum etc. Debility , Spenlnatnrrhea , Sum- N ERVOUS mlii Losses , Night EnishonS , Losa of Vital I'owor. Sloopiessneus , DesoM. one , , Loss of Momnory , Confusion or mtoa , Imiuirl JIcforo the Eyes , Luseltumdo , Languor , Gioominesd , lCpreslofl of SPiritS. Aversionte Society Easily iflscouraged , , Lack of ConS. - dence , buii , I.Istioss , unt , , for StudY 0r hum. iirs. and fluids ilfe a burden , Safely , i'ernis. nently and i'rtviutciy' Cured. iieaseS , Sypliliis.-.ft OL' B LOUD & SKIN most horrible In its restiits.-COmpieteiy eradicated without thus iso of mnorcmlry. Scrnfuia , Erysipoiss. Fever Sores , 13iotebe. Pimple. , Ulcers , pains In the head and ilomws , ( Sore ' 1' iront , .Moutli , ctiti Tongue , ( ilamm umlur Emulargujmnent of the Neck , Itluetimatlsm. Catnrrh , etc. , t'ormzmmumoumtiy Cure When Others luau Fultetl. Kidney auid lhlmuuutor troubleS , U RINARY Weak hack , ilurmululg Urine. i'requltimicy of niuutiug , tJnirmo high colored or mniik' sodImnentoui stail , 1mg , tiouuorrhwa , ( flout , Cyst di , etc , lromuiptiy autO safely cured. Charges reasommatilc. Blood poi8o PRIVATE DISEASES vonercai tuulmm $ gleet , stricture ' i'emmiiuilii omisslmliS , ki45 of sox. Uuti power , woa'kmiess of thu oxumuI orgamIswan of ( h'ire In male or feinijie , whether from Im. prudeut habits ot young or sexual habit. its mRtUre yeats. or any eftuiSe that ( intilttatos ) th. sexual i Unctiolli , SiUOdtlY ) miud permnanentiy cured. Consultation free and etrktiy confidential. Memlicinc , cmit free fmolmm observatloim to alt parts of the United States. Comrespondenc receiveS PromPt attention. No litters an. Bwered tmuilos b four cont8 Ir itnmp. Semud acoomplinled ! uiet and mist 0 UotioIis , Termi strictly caili. Cahi on or ad , ress IR. iOWEm.k 1IEE'Es , No. Cj South 13th St. Omaha. Neb , Nebraska Natioial lliik , U. S. lEP'Sl'I'OitY ' , Oa1-i. , - - - Paid up , . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , t I Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,500 - - II.V. . Yates , Prcsmdent. Lewis S , itteai , Vicc.Prtmident. A , K 'l'oii/.aihii , 2t1 Vicu-I'resimicnt , \v. 11. S. Ilugimes , Cashier , IiihiG'roitS : : 'iv. v. Morse , John S. Collins U.V , Ymitus , 1ivis S , Reed. A. B. Toiizahitm. V BASKING OFFICES THE IRON BANIC1' Cur. 12th nmmd F'arraniu ; ts. A General itaukin g flusinces Trtunsaati . , . , , , , . I : .