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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 22. 1887. NUMBER 1)64 ) A CRISIS IN MONEY MATTERS , Tbo Financial Situation the One Topic of Conversation at Washington A GENERAL FEELING OF ANXIETY. Xho Administration Accused of KeepIng - Ing Up the Strain to Furtlior Its Own Intcre.stR National Capital Now * . A Serious Stringency * WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele- ftvamtollio Bur. . ] The financial situation has been the topic of conversation to-day and causes much an x lot jr. No nno now doubts tlio existence of a genuine light ness of the money market , and tlio fact that BO few bonds were offered and so very few acccotcd to-day , serves to Increase the gen eral uneasiness. All- sorts of reports were going to-day. Among them one thai the Vaiiderbllts offered 8 0,000,000 In bonds , but this and others were false. The democrats to-day charge that the lightness of money lias been produced by ttio republicans and protectionists for the purpose of compelling tlio treasury to unload their surplus and en able them to tight oft the tartll bill. Nothing can be more absurd than this , as no party Is able to manipulate and control the money market , except the one that holds the treas ury keys. Tbls chance , and some uncau- tlous remarks made by leading democrats , Justify the counter charge that the idmintstratton produced and keeps up the dnanclal strain for the purpose of compelling congress to reduce the tariff Immediately after It meets In December. It Is their pur pose to keep up the strain until the session has been opened and then to Introduce the tariff bill argued on at the Oak View confer ence and whip the protective democrats Into Its support , if the house passes the bill tRoy will bo rather pleased to have the senate re ject It , for they could then lay the blatno for all the financial troubles at 1)19 ) doors of the republican senate and the republican party. This Is a serious chaw , but it is warranted. The treasury has adopted a desperate expe dient to make some show of willingness to relieve the tightness of money , but It knows It to be Inadequate because it accumulates more money than It pays out and does not prevent the reduction of the circulation. The only way to relieve the strain Is to call con gress In extra session , and by refusInK to do It the administration Is engaged In a most desperate political game that may wreck it nnd Its party's fortunes. Assistant Secre tary Thompson , now in of the treas ury department , clearly feels the great re sponsibility thriibt upon him by Secretary Falrchlld , who Is still rusticating In this crisis. The stake Is too bit for a man like Thompson and ho Is earnestly urging Fairchild - child to return. However , Thompson lias tlio president here and behind him and It U plain that the latter and Secretary Jiayard are really directing the present financial policy. Opinions of New York Financiers. NKW Yourc , Sept. SI. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The uncertainty regarding the future of the money market is causing the greatest distrust , not only In Wall street , but throughout the country. The general opinion of financiers Is that If the secretary of the treasury would come olit with something definite In regard to Us policy of bond pur chases U would hare a great eifect In reas suring the confidence of the mercantile com munity. lftlio secretary would announce that he would buy 825,000,000 of 4 > per cent bonds at a fixed price , say 108 , It Is thought that this would ease the money market for some time to come. The mercantile- com munity appears to bo suffering more than Will street on account of tight money. Banks will loud much more readily on stock collateral than on the notesot merchants and will- often afford light walsted brokers better accommodations than they will allow to strong houses. Oue great reason merchants can't get money is , they want to borrow on time. Batiks don't care to lend money for any long period now , as they expect to get a mueh higher rate of Interest If the financial stringency continues and they want to hold on to a : much money as possible for that emergency , but they will lend readily on call coans , for they can got money back at any moment. Iteferring to the matter of the treasury purchases of bonds , the Tribune says : "The dlfllculty Is that the speculative force Is like expending steam In a boiler , safe when con- lined , perilous only when suffered to gut be yond restraint That a strong rally would Immediately follow any expansion by the treasury Is admitted , and the secretary Is perfectly aware that , with higher prices foi stocks , grain , provisions , cattle , and othei objects of speculation , money would be required to carry and to handle the fcame quantity of supplies. Secretary Falrchlld should understand that no bene- clal relief but only more pressure , with iina collapse , lies that way. He did not holi business , but speculation , when lie rapldlj Inflated the currency last year. It ho put : out ten , twenty , or even fifty millions now every dollar that It rould get would be ab Borbed by speculation , and the needs of legitl mate trade might be In no respect better sap- plied than they are now. It the secretar ] could loan or pay direct to merchants 01 manufacturers , and not to holders of bonds that would be another matter , but holders o bonds are not merchants or manufacturer ! and they are apt to seek as profitable- em ployment of money as they can get niul the speculator will oiler hlclio Interest than any legitimate operator can This Is not a good time to Inflate again , because cause the effects of the former unwise Inlla tlon make money tight. The supply o money in the country is abundant for ni legitimate needs. It Is not lariro enough t enable bold operators to buy up the worli and all its crops , or to build in a year all th houses , stores , railroads , factories and otho structures that will be wauted In tivo yeoi hence. " The World to-day prints Intervlaws with i number of baikcis. The majority of thei Incline to the belief that the adnilnlstratio should come to the relief by buying bonds. IlonclH Itought. WASIIINOTON , Sept. 31. Oirurlacs c bonds to-day to tlio government aggregate 88TOSOO. The prices paid range froi S1.07-SX ) to Sl.OSJf. After other bid had been opened , a delayed proposal to se half a million bonds atSl.OSXf was receive trom Flsk it Son ? , of New York. The bi was admitted , Increasing the total olieriuv to 81,370,300. Postal Changes. WASIIINOTON. Soot , 91. [ Special Tel gram to the BEK ] . The following posi masters were commissioned to-day : Dean 1 Price , Itowan , la. ; John H.Orissom , 1'owcl Neb. ; Gertrude Goekcn , St. Charles , Neb. The postolllce at Grace , Brown count ; Neb. , has bemi removed two mlles southwe , and the office at Nora , Nlcholls county , thn miles northwest. The ofllco at Gcranluti Neb. , Is ordered discontinued , mall to .Mai derson : otllco at Sedlow , Valley county , al ; discontinued , mall to same place. Wilmot S. Conkllng was appointed pns master at Grnndviow , Louisa county , In Vice Charles KnlleiiDurg , resigned. ' Iowa and Mcbrnilca Tensions. WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. [ Special Tel gram to the Bun. ] The following Iowa an Nebraska pensions \ granted to-dai Iowa : 1'olly , mother of Hiram Allen , Jane vllle ; M. F. Sanner , Kosevlllo ; . . I' . Taylo . Gravity : William (5. ( . Koborts. Van lion Charles P. Jeannln , Waterloo ; Kobott Cop < laud , W.lnthrop. ' Nebraska : J.C.-Tutor.'Slromstmn ; ; Alula Uilliutrs , F.ullurtou ; Edward W. llJlleuo we ' ' COMING COAti FAMINE. ' A Coal narnn'a Gloomy Predictions For the Cnmlnic Winter. Cinr-Aoo , Sept. SI. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. I In an Interview this evening re garding the reported threatened fuel famine this winter , one of the most prominent of the coal barons said : "Hard coal has not been so scarce In twenty years at such a season of the year. The demand Is becoming more urgent from day to day and It Is simply Impossible to soure cars and vessel transportation to an exteiit In any way adequate to meet the Increasing requirements. There is not enough hard coal to go around and If the present state of things continues , anthractlo fuel will be a costlv luxury the coming win ter. Indeed , there are now thousands of towns and villages In various states west and north of the Ohio river that cannot get hard coal at any price. Wholesale dealers hero are receiving dispatches dally and hourly from coal merchants and manufacturers In various places in Missouri , Nebraska , Kan- 5as , Dakota and other states , earnestly plead ing for shipments to meet Immediate and urgent wants. There Is little erne no cicil , however , to spare them , and their Importunities are only rewarded with refusals or excuses. Out west soft coal or corn cobs must bo the fuel of the coming winter. " Kelernng to the Increase In the price of coal ho said : "Lot mo say right here that the Inter-state commerce bill Is responsi ble In a large measure for the high cost of coal In this market. That bill , as a whole , has so far proved a fraud , a delusion and a snaro. The long and short haul clause Is re sponsible for the enhanced cost In coal laid down here of 75 cents per ton and thereby saddles upon the people of our city alone a tax this tlrst year of Its operation of over 51,000,000 , which falls more oneorously upon the poor than upon the rich. " The gentle man further said that coal which Is selling to-iiiy : for | 7.2o per ton will be up to 89.50 or 810 before snow tiles. AVENGING H 13 I1ONOK. "Cap. " Campbell Shoots His Faith less \Vlfo In the Hronst. LEAVEHWOUTII , Kan. , Sept. 21. Qulnton Campbell , a newspaper man well known In Omaha , where he had been employed at various tunes on the papers , shot his wife yesterday at this place , the ball entering her left breast , but luckily striking a rib , deflectIng - Ing and coming out of her back' without causing a fatal Injury. Campbell , his wife and little boy , came here about three weeks asto from Omaha. He accepted a place on anew now evening paper , the Sun , and attended strictly and faithfully to business. His wife did not like Leaven wortli , evincing an almost Irresistible. Inclination to go to Kansas City , her homo , going so far as to intimate that she would even abandon her husband. At last she did go , Friday , September 11 , and visited her sister , a young widow , who lives at 1514 East Eighteenth street. At tier sis ter's Instance and request she joined In what was intended to be a little harmless frolic , but at a road house the two were , induced to partake of liquor and met two men. Camp bell finally went to Kansas City and brought his wife hero. Suspecting that she had been faithless he charged her with It , and she confessed , whoreunon ho drew his revolver and shot at her. Campbell's wife was Miss Kllza Kusler. They had been married about six years. She Is now not over twentv-ouo years of ago , pretty and InterestIng - Ing , and to all appearances , affectionate and kind. She look the shot heroically without n murmur or complaint , and when questioned after her wound was dressed , as to the cause of the affair , admitted that It was all her own fault , and that she was entirely to blame : Her recovery will be but a matter of a few days. Camubell made no effort to escape or elude the officers. Ho was a familiar and popular figure in the regular army , having graduated at West Point June It ) , IbOO. Ho served as a lieutenant until August , 1375. when ho re signed on his own motion. Since then ho has been engaged In newspaper work. He was released on ball In the evening , and there Is not likely to be a prosecution , as the wife will prefer not to appear against him. RED UIVEll RAILROAD BONOS. Premier Norquny Thinks Ho Can Float Them in London. NEwYoUK , Sept 21. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. j Before his departure from this city Premier Norquay , of Manitoba , refer ring to his failure to get money to complete the Ued IllvcrV alley road , said ho had had several offers , but they were withdrawn jusl as negotiations were about completed. Then was seine prospect , however , of being ubl < to float the bonds in London. Meanwhile the work of building the road would go on , The completion of the road would cstabllsl : competitive trelirht rates , and without these the people of Manitoba cannot IIODO U thrive. In case the injunction suits no\\ pending are decided against Manitoba' ! right to build the road , Mr. Norquay said tin matter would not be dropped. An appca would bo taken to the privy council in Kng land , pray ! nu that the Dominion govern ment be prevented from restraining Man ! toba in the exercise of the rlzht to bulk railroads enjoyed by other Canadian prov inces. Norquay thought there was no dan ger ot an uprising , as ho believed the con stitutional rights of Manitoba would bi secured by peace till means. Odd Fe Hews Drill at Denver. DENVEB , Sent 21. The session ot the sovereign grand lodge to-day continued rou tine business. The continental competitive drill began at River Front park this alter- noon In the presence of 0,000 spectators Excelsior Canton No. 1 , of Chicago , was tin first to take the ground and for an hour en tertained the people , acquitting tliemselve with great credit. They were followed b ; Arapahoe Ganton No. 8 , of Clay Centre Kan. , and Cheyenne No. 3 , of Cheyenne Wyo. The drill will be concluded to-morrow The first prize for the drill Is § 1,000. secont SbOO , third SGOO , and will be awarded Friday Citizens and visiting Odd Fellows to-nigh were entertained at Uiver Front park with i grand military concert and fancy drill , wltf a pyrotechnic display by the U. A. It , Khun beau club , of Topeka Kan. Car Drivers' Strike. CHICAOO , Sept 21. President Coyne , o the Street Car Employes association said tills morning that In antic pation of the West Division con : pauy refusing the demand for increase wages , the n-cu' have agents eimagin vehicles of all kinds to the number of Hire hundred with which to furnish transport tlon for the public when the strike Is Inaiif urated tomorrow. The strikers will wor gratis , turning the fares collected Into tliel treasury. _ The ThiMtln'8 IJar'o Bottom. NEW Yoiiir , Sept 21. The Scotch cutte Thistle was docked this morning. Froi what could be seen of her bottom , there or. peared to t > e a general resemblance to tli Volunteer , with the exception of a roundln of the side. In the Thistle this does not e > tend so low or so far aft as in the big wliil sloop. Then , too. all talk of her model bo In so different from Urn standard cutter Is a nonsense. Shu Is a typical cutter. II In Kirn at Altmnjr. AMtANY , N. Y. , Sept. 2U Capron & Woo verton's Hour mill on the pier in front of th city , burned tlili morning with 100,000 busl of grain , l.oss SIM , 000 , Insurance S100,0 ( Eight firemen who were caught In the uppi story of the burning building were rescue with difficulty. The ladders proving tc short were lifted on the shoulders of polici men and the men dropped to them from tl windows. Nearly Itoady for Business. ST. JosKi'ir , Mo. , Sept 21. [ Special Toll gram to the llEK.l The Chicago , Mllwauke i&St I'aul road .will bejln running frelgl trains Into St. Joseph via the St. Joseph St. . Louis road from . Lawioh , In about liv dins. Tlie'u twins will conio from Chlcae and the east. The line lacks tuenty miles i .being comple Into Kaunas City , whun U ua&cuitcr utilus will ta put ' ONLY LIGHTNING IN DISGUISE A Lincoln Man's Horrible Experience With an Electric Light Wire , HE COULDN'T LET GO OF IT. Nebraska City's Latcit Sensation Runaway * Captured at Aurora A Circus Man's Tragic Death- County Fairs Nebraska. Found What ItVnn. . LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE.J A worklngman named Smith was horribly mutilated In a remarka ble manner this evening. On O street , at the corner of Ninth , hanging from a telephone pole and lying along the ground for a dis tance , was a broken telophoncwlrewhlch | had In some manner become crossed , or In con nection with one of the electric light wires. As Smith was passing along the street ho saw the wire burning , and attracted by the strange appearance , and not realizing what It was , evidently took hold of It to ascertain what It meant. The shock ho received was terrific , and his shrieks brought hundreds to the street He could not loosen his hold on the wire , and It burnt his hands to the bone. In his wrlthlngs and contortions the charged wire came in contact with his head , burning out one of his eyes and laying the sldo of his face open. Wherever It struck his body It cut like a knife. A bystander , realizing the peril of the man , ran to him , grabbing him to pull him from the wire , but by the shock he received when ho came In contact with the body of the man ho was knocked ten feet Into the street and utterly prostrated so that it was feared ho was also killed. By this time the electricity had either burned the man Smith loose from the wire , or ho had succeeded In his struggles In break ing away. Ho was picked up and carried Into an adjolningrostaurantand a half dozen physicians summoned. Tlio man presented a horrible appearance and despite the physi cians' effects to put him under the Influence of morphine he shrieked and writhed In the agony ho suffered until ta ken to the hospital. The doctors express an opkiion that he may survive his Injuries although It appears lin- .posslblo. . It Is understood , thu oil company In moving tanks throuuh the streets to-day and passing under telephone wires must have broken this one , which after breaking caimi In contact with the electric light wire , and this became a death warrant where hundreds of people were passing. That others were not Injured through the carelessness Is al most a miracle. Captured Two Runaway * . AUROBA , Neb. , Sept 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BIE. : | A runaway couple were arrested here to-day , from Wamogo , Kan. The woman Is Mrs. A. Uoe , the wife of A. Koe , at Wamcgo. Kan. The man Is J. II. Jackson , a U. it M. freight conductor. They had been living together at thn Clifton hotel as man and wife. Jackson has a wife and five children in Michigan whom he deserted In Kansas and ran away with Mrs. Hoc. The authorities have had them spotted some days airo , nnd to-day the husband , Mr. Koe , and an olllccr from Kansas appeared on the scene , and together wltn Sheriff Valentino , of this county , made the arrest. They waived examination and both went to jail. Mr. and Mrs. Itoo liavo been married seven teen years. _ _ The Hamilton County Fair. AUIIOHA , NOD. . Sept 21. ( Special Tele- pram to the BEE.J The Hamilton county fair opened here to-day under favorable aus pices. The weather is all that could bo desired , the people are proud of their mag- iilhcent crop and they are prepared to make the finest county exhibit of farm and garden products and stock ever shown in the state in proportion to the size of the county. Stock is coming In , load after load ot agri cultural products are arriving and all Is busi ness and bustle In town and on the grounds of the association which embrace an area of forty acres all In prime condition. A num ber of race nazs of local repute are on hand and there will be some spirited races during the week. The fair continues four days and an Interesting programme Is down for each of the days. The leading attractions are arranged for Thursday and Friday , but Saturday will be the school children's day and a very Interesting programme has been provided for the entertainment of the school ma'ams and their pupils. The grand stock parade will take place Saturday together with the slow mule races. Chinese fireworks , and the grand march of the school children to the tune of "young America. " 11. A. Muslek is on the ground with his herd ol beautiful Short Horns and C. M. Sears has lust arrived with a lot of line Herefords , 1'oland Chinas and other stock. A large number of cattle , horses and hogs are ar riving from all parts of the county. The art hall , agricultural hall and machinery hall are beginning to look attractive. A Circus Man's- Tragic Death. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele gram to the DKE. | Charles Ward , alias Hurl Johnson , reached Lincoln with Doris A Col vln's circus Tuesday , of which ho Is a a em ploye , no was In a helpless condition froir a bullet wound in the abdomen , which he re ceived the night previous at Beatrice. He was taken to the city hospital , where ho died In great asrony to-day at 4 p. m. Up to t short time before his death be hold his own counsel as to how he received the wound , but when ho found ho had to die he confessed that In a quarrel with a prostitute who was following the show , she shot him and es caped before lie realized what she had done This occurred In tlio outskirts of lieatrlcn jus before the train left for Lincoln , and ho die not know the woman's name , although shi had boon following the show for some tlmi and often spoke of Des Molnes , as thougl her homo was there. The police liulcetool the dvlng man's statement , and tlio coronei has charge of the remains and will investl gate. _ NCWH From Oakland. OAKLAND , Neb. , Sept 20. ( Special to tin BEE , | Tekamah Is becoming anxious fo another railroad. A secret meeting was hell at that place a few days ago , and It Is undei Rtood that the town has agreed to zlve th Illinois Central If they will rui throueh there. Tne surveyors are neadei toward Oakland. The road Is about com Dieted to Onawa. la. , and the contract ha been let between Onawa and Decatur. Word was received here Saturday tha Hon. J. M. Thurston. of Omaha , could nc be here the 23d to address the people at th fair , as he has to meet the Union Pacific In vestlgatlng committee at New York thl week. Mr. W. F. Our ley , of Omaha , wil fill his place. Great preparations are being made for tin fair at tills place this week. I'uople are ar riving on every train. Dr. Arthur starts for San Diego , Cat. , to morrow , where she will practice her prt fesslnn. Her husband is practicing lai there. Dr. Arthur's professional skill wll be greatly missed here. , Thu Growth of Norfolk. Nonroi.K , Sept 21. ( Special to the HER. The Dally News published a detailed stati meat this morning showing that the pub ! and private improvements of the city th season will aggregate S375.000. This Include 125 now bulldinga betterments , together wit a system of water works , sewerage , Improve lire apparatus , a direct railway Hue , etc. Among the Adrcntiats. GUANO ISLAND , Neb. , Sept 21. ( Specif Telegram to the BEE. ] Of all the busy day since the opening of the camp meeting , thl day has been the busiest of all. The sroum were crowded all day , . many of the peep ! from the city remaining from uioralpi ; tl nlitht The Interest nulfestal Is Intense , and numbers are being converted. At the early morning meeting KMnr O. A. Olnson delivered a ducouno. At B o'clock there was a meeting of tha new converts who had come forward on Sunday. At 10:50 : the tab ernacle was again lilltd to overflowing , and In the evening an Immense audience as sembled to hear Elder'K. M. Kllgoro , of Il linois , speak. Scnaatlnnal Elopement. NEtmAsKA'CiTY , Neb. , Sept 21. ( Special Telegram to the BEE.J The friends of Charles Burr , a well known and popular young man of this city , were rather surprised to learn that during the early twilight hours ho , In company with Mrs. Ida Handley , loft for parts known only to themselves , The woman ha a record of four divorced hus bands , and one still within the holy tolls but a fugitive from Justice for an attempt on the life of her present foyer , some time ago , for his persistent attentions to Mrs. Handley. To overcome the objections of friends fhe forced absence of Hundley was taken advantage of and the couple absconded. ColTax County Fair. ScitUYLKii , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele gram to.tho UEK.J The ninth annual fair of the Colfax County Agricultural society opened to-day. The now floral hall built at the expense of $1,200 Is completely tilled with kitchen and dairy products , household fabrics , etc. , and more room could bo utllUed. The entries ot horses and cattle are numer ous. Of sheep and hogs they are rather light. So far there- have been some more tnan n thousand entries made In all departments. To-morrow Hon. E. Kosowater will deliver an address. OMAHA WINS. Hasting * Defeated Hy a Score of 8 to 2 Bane Dall Elsewhere. The game at the base ball grounds yostcr- ay between the Oinahas and Hastings was tvell attended and was a very Interesting con- est. Omaha played the game without an irror , while Hastings Is credited with three , he home team made couple of very pretty ouble plays and outplajcd the visitors at early every point The Omaha's demou- trated their efficiency In stealing bases In a redltablo manner , and the visitors had to ontent themselves with one solitary stolen ase. Below Is the bcora and summary : BUMMAitr : Earned runs Omaha ? , Hastings 1. Two-base hits Uenlns , Krchmeyer. Three-base hits Laurtmn. Home runs Mossltti ' Left on bases Omaha 4 ; Hastlnrsfi. Double plays Messltr , Walsh , Dwyer ; Jantzen , Messltt. Uwyer , 3 ; Walsh , Dwyer ; Nicholson , Welsh , Ilelslng. htruck out By Nicholson 1. Bases given for hitting man with ball By Bartson 1. Passed bails Itoynolds 1 , Krehmeyer 1. Wild Pitclies-Uartson 2. Bases stolen Omaha 0 , Hastings 1. Time of game 1 hour and 20 minutes. Umpiro-Ebrlght TO-DAT'SflAME. The following are the positions of the play ers tor to-day's game : OMAHA. I'OS. HASTINGS. Handle . ' .c Kbright llealoy p Wehrlo Uwyer 1 Hcising Jiessitt , .2 Welch .lantzcn 3 1.nunmn Walsh s . ' Peoples Bader 1 Wolsli ( Jenlns m Curtis Krehmeyer r Wliiteliead Kannas Glty to , Dnnrer 8. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tel egram to the BEK. I Kansas City and Denver played a very fair game to-day , and for a whllo It looked as if tbo visitors would win , the cowboys falling to hltSproat effectively until the fifth inning , when they went In and batted him for ten hits , with a total of four teen , scoring eight runs , six ot which were earned. This settled the game. Manning's catcli of Smith's line fly at third , which nut out hifcli , also making a double , was the play of the game. Kansas City cot twenty-four hits with a total of twenty-eight , while Den ver got eighteen with a total of twenty-six. The score : KansasClty 0 0008420 2-10 Denver. 0 20013110 8 Earned runs Kansas City 10 , Denver 0. Two-base hits Silch , McSorley , Sproat. Three-base hits MoKeon. U raves , Hughes. Home run Sproat. Struck out by Nichols 1 , Sproat 1. Double plays Manning unas sisted. Left on bases Kansas City 7 , Den ver 10. Bases on r balls-Off , Sproat 10. Bases on errors Kansas City 1 , Denver 1. Passed balls Graves 8 , Meyers 1. Wild pitches Nichols 3 , Sproat 7. Time of game 2 hours and 12 minutes. Umpire Hagen. Batteries Kansas City , Nichols and Graves ; Denver , Sproat and Meyers. National Licagno Gamca. CHICAGO , Sept 21. The game between the Chicago and Washington teams to-day resulted as follows : Chicago 1 0432000 2-12 Washington 2 00001000 9 Pitchers Spragun and ( illmore. Base hits' Chicago ID , Washington 'J. Errors- Chicago 2 , Washington 5. Umpire Powers. PJTTSIIUHO , Sept. 2U The game between thu Pittsburi : and Now Yorfc teams to-day resulted as follows : Plttsburg 0 00000000 C New York 1 0000103 * B Pitchers Morris and' Keofe. Base hits Plttsbur * 0 , New York 0. Errors-Pitts- bur ? 2 , New 1'ork 2. Umpire Doescher. DKTHOIT , Sept 21. Tlio exhibition tramo between the Detroit and Philadelphia teams to-day resulted as follows : Detroit , 1 3212 1 Philadelphia 0 1 0 a 0i Pitchers-Conwav and Casey Base hits Detrolts ? , Philadelphia 8. Errors Detroit 1 , Philadelphia L .Umpire Daniels. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 21. The iramo be tween the Indianapolis aud Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0- : Boston 0 o n o o o o 0 0 ( Pitchers Shrevo and Conway. Base hit' Indianapolis fi , Boston fl. Errors In dlanapolls 2 , Boston 2. Umpire Valen tine. American AbHoolatlon. CINCINNATI. Sept , 21. The game betweoi the Cincinnati and St. Louis teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati 3 7031001 0-11 St Louis 0 00002100-1 BAI.TIMOUK , Sept. 21. The game betweet the Baltimore and Metropolitan team to-dry resulted as follow. * ! : Baltimore 2 14121 * - 1 Metropolitans 1 030030 i Uamo called ou account of darkness. BIIOOKLYN , Seot. St. The itamo bf tween the Brooklyns and Athletics tc day resulted as follows : Brooklyn' ' : . . ! 0030000 Athletics i..O 032000 LOUISVILLE , Sept. 21. The game betweoi the Cleveland and Louisville teams to-da ; re ii I tea as follows : Loulsvllln. : 0 0 0 7 1.T 3 0 a-1 Cleveland o 3 o a.0 1 0' . 0 2 ' * Colonel llnirlips Hallet lias a'iln ; dcule the Pall , Mtl | Gazette's charges. < tiairrir if ilb * ilKtiMi iii itiii in i The Anarchist Lawyer Almost Knocked Ont 67 the Court's Last Decision. PARSONS ISSUES A DOCUMENT. A Crimson-lined Circular Doing Cir culated In JChlcaRo Governor Larrnbeo of Iowa Petitioned to Interfere. niaok DUheartoned Dy the Hnltuft . CIUCAOO , Sept. 21. [ Special Teloeram to the BKK.J The rebuff received by Captain Black yesterday before the supreme court was very disheartening. He said to-day , however , that If the worst comes to the worst the volumlnousnoss of the record and the length of time required to copy It are excel lent grounds for a stay of proceedings by the court or a respite by the governor. But he he does not despair of getting the record ready In time for the United States supreme court to act on an application for a sup r- sedeas. In fact , ho believes that a justice of that court can lawfully grant a superscdeas without seeing the whole record , and by merely consulting the abstracts In the case. Ho left therefore for Now York this evening , accompanied by Attorney Solomon , whom he takes along because of his familiarity with the case. They carry with them copies of the main papers in thu case for New York , where the prospects of securing a supcrscdoas will no doubt bo anxiously canvassed by themselves and General Koitor A. Pryor. The anarchists In the county Jail had more callers than usual to-day , and appeared to bo remarkably cheerful. The story In a morn ing paper of Nina Van Xandt's maid going to Captain Schaack with a blood-curdling ac count of how the anarchists were plotting wholesale destruction , and were endeavoring to have weapons convoyed to them from the outside by Nina herself , created considerable amusement on all sides to-d.\y , but was de nied In tote by Captain Schaack , Consider able precautions are taken at tim jail just the same to guard against any surpriso. A cor don of police surround thn building , and dir ectives hang around the corridors and ounge In and out with assumed carelessness , but still keeping a watchtul oyoou every per son who enters the place , or even looks curi ously at it from the outside. States Attorney Grlnncll Is the special object of tbo care ot the watchers. Everything bronchi Into the jail for the anarchists by their friends Is subjected ton careful , minute examination , ana It Is quite Impossible that any weapon or explosive could be given to them which would enable them to attempt an escape and any effort to destroy the building from tlio oiuslrto would involve the death of the men whom all their friends are * now moving he.ivcn and c.utli to save from that fate. The mall of the Imprisoned men has In creased vastly since the judgment of the supreme court. Twice a dav the death watch distributes u bie bundle of letters and papers among them. Spies gets the most mall. Some big , corpulent envelopes came one day last week. Ono was sent to each of the anarchist" . Tlio superscription on one ot them was : "To Citizen August Spies , Mur dered by the State. " On one corner ot the envelope was : "Citizen George Francis Train , Now York. " A visitor who talked with Sowab this morning , said he had re ceived a letter from Ilerr Bebel , thu great socialist leader of the German parliament. Parsons leave out to the newspapers to-nleht a document about two columns in length , addressed to the American public. Pnrsons Wants liberty or Poath. CHICAGO , Sept. 21. A. K. Parson's , the condemned anarchist , sent for a reporter to day and gave out for publication a long docu ment addressed "To the American People , " and made a special request that it bo pub lished without any alteration. Ho quotes at length the evidence and rulings of the su- iremo court , says that the speech credited to ilm in the trial was garbled ex tracts by excited and Imagina tive newspaper reporters ; that ills Haymarket speech did not excite the riot , and that there was no connection between his speeches and the death ot Oflicer Decan ; says the evidence did not show him gulltv , but proved his Innocence ; that he has been convicted as an anarchist and not a mur derer. Ho came and gave himself up fora fair trial , and appeals to the American people ple to avert the awful crime of judicial niur- Der. The lovers of justice are engaged in an effort to thwart the consummation ot judicial murder by the commutation of the sentence to prison. For tills I thank them , but lam an innocent man. 1 am sacrificed to those who say : "These men may be Innocent , but they are anarchists. " I am prepared to lay down my life for my rights and the rights of my fellow men , but I object to being killed ou false and unproved accusations. Therefore 1 cannot counte nance or accept the efforts of those who would endeavor to procure a commutation of my sentence to Imprisonment In the penitentiary , neither do I approve of any further appeals to courts of law , as be tween capital and Its legal rlirhts and labor and its rights the courts must decide with the capitalistic class. To appeal to them would be the appeal of the wa oslave to hi ; capital istic master for liberty. If I had never been an anarchist before , my experience with the courts , and laws would make an anarchist of me now. I appeal , not for money , but for justice. After again saying that lie will not accept a commution of sentence , he closes bv quoting the language of Patrick Henry , "Give mo liberty or give mo death. " Anarchy's Dylnjr Wall. CHICAGO , Sept 21. A circular of deep red anarchistic tendencies is being circulated In Chicago. If Is headed : "To Workiugmon of the United States of North America , " aim denounces the action of the supreme court in upholding the decision of the lower court in the anarchist cases. The circular refers to Captain Bontirld as "tho notorious police ban- dlt'1 ' and villities Judco Gary without stint. The circular Is signed by "Tho Federation ot Trade Unions , " and was printed in Now Vork. Police Captain O'Donoll telephoned this afternoon all over the citv to have any and all persons round distributing the circu lar arrested. Roger A. Pryor Retained. NEW YOIIK , Soot 21. Captain Black , counsel for the condemned anarchists , wa ; to be In town to-day to con fer with Genera ! Uoer A. Pryor. 1'ryot said this morning that Captain Black had found It impossible to come to-day , but would certalnh arrive hero Friday. Ho also said ho could not tell what line of defense he would follow until he had seen Black. General Prior this afternoon told a reporter that he had been retained by thn anarchists' sympa thizers to aid In the efforts to Do made lorthc condemned men. He stated that Captalr Ulacic would learo Chicago for Now York to night. Governor I-iarnitieo Petitioned. L'KS MoiNT.s , la. , S pt 21. Governor Lnr- rabee has received a letter trom an anitrchlsl association , asking him to sign a petition t ( Governor Oslesby for executive clemency t < the Chicago anarchists. Jnstloo llnrliin Hcen. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2t , Justice Harlan' ; attention was called to-day to the Intcrvlev published this morning with Justice Mllle In Chicago , In which he said that any writ o error In the cases of the anarchists wouli ordinarily be made to Justice Harlan , Illinol being In the latter's circuit J ml ireHarlai said no had no Information of any appllca tlon being madi. Death of Itoucli'tj Victim. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sept. 21. ( Specla Telegram to the'BKK. ] John A. Shaw , th Chicago & Alton frol ht conductor wlo | wa shot by William Koarli vestorday , died tr day. A coroner's Jury held Ituavh. for uiur deriu the first degree. , MO.N8TI2R. NAVAtj V139MEL8. Dnnrlptlon of ' the Trafalgar Launched at Portmnonth TuemJar. [ Cnpuiitttil JSSTliy Jamts ( ionlm Jlennett , ' ] LONDON , Sept. 21. ( New York Herald Cable Special to tholHi : : . | In the presence to-day ot all the lords of the admiralty and an Immense concourse of people , a war ship of an exceptionally powerful type was launched at Portsmouth to bo added to the royal navy as the Trafalgar , She will bo larger and con siderably more formidable than any British Iron clad at present afloat Although pome hugo Italian war ships exceed her In tonnage displacement and In heavy gun power , not one of them Is .so well protected. She Is known as the Trafalgar. When finished she will displace 11,040 tons of water , and will have cost not far short of 900,000. As she lies this mornIng - Ing she has cost less than $00.000 nnd only 5 , 'JOO tons of steel and Iron have been worked Into her massive hull. The Trafal gar Is 345 feet long and seventy-three feet broad. Her coal stowage Is WO tons In the fore and aft bunkers. Her arma ment Is to consist of four 13 } < , ' -lnch sixty seven-ton breech loading guns , eight live-Inch Proccti-loading guns , six thlrty-slx-poundor quick-firing guns.eight six-pounder anil eleven three-pounder Hotch- ktss quick-firing guns , machine , boat and Held guns , and twenty-four Whitohuad tor pedoes. The turret guns will lire a projectile weighing 1,250 pounds , with a powder charge of CoO pounds , and train through an ancle of 270 degrees. The eight live-Inch guns will be mounted 0:1 : thu upper deck , between tbe tur rets , and will bo protected on the sides of the ship from rlllo lire by two thicknesaosof half- liicu plating , and at each end of thn battery bv armor bulkheads an Inch thick. The eight six-pounder llotchkiss guns will bo on the. spar deck , but the threo-poumlnr guns will be distributed between the spar deck bridge stem-ports and military tops. Tliero are eight torpedo tubes , four above and four below water. The latter are llxed tubes. The water tubes are protected from machine eun lire by two-Inch plating. Thu vessel will bo lilted with twin screws , each driven by an Inde pendent set of triple expansion engines with thren vertical cylinders , a collective power of 0,000 lioises for each set. The weight of this machinery Is to be about 1,030 tons. The crank and propeller shattlne are hollow and nado of compressed steel. The diameter of lie screw propellers will bo about sixteen ect. Another turret ship exactly like her ind ot her dimensions li ; building at Pern- Hike , to be called the Nile , the Dally Nows.commentlng on the event , ays : "It is not Improbable that these mon- ters will bo the last of our very big iron- Mads. No others of tlrst-class slzo have icon laid down , and among nnval construc- ors the conviction Is now rapidly gaining ground that for practical purposes vessels of moderate tonnaLV , always provided they are of great speed , will bo found more useful ban the Invlathlans of our present iirnor- inco. Tlio realities of modern naval war- are run us dangerous risks by investing in lie construction of hlnsilti Ironclads sums vhlch otherwise disbursed would provide a vholu tloatllla of fast cruisers , armored jjun- > oats and swift torpedo vessels. " BAIl M3WS FROM STANLKV Aralm Vigorously Oppose Tlppon Tib as the Free State Representative. ICojiyrfi/M 1SS7 liy James fJitnlmJcimetf.l LONDON , Sept. 81. | New York Herald lible Special to the BKK. ] From a trust- kvorthy source I learn that bad news must mve been received from Stanley Falls , the i'reo State outpost captured by the Arabs ten mouths ago. Major Bartelott , detached from Stanley's expedition to Install Tlppoo Tib at the Falls as a representative of the Free State , found the Arabs terribly uproarous. They had been for ton mouths slavn-iatdlng and committing terrible atrocities and stub bornly refused to recognize the authority of the Free State even in the person of Tippoo Tib. Serious events are expected In compe tent circles. Astonishment is expressed that 'the Free State agents did not forewarn the Brussels administration of the probability of A < -ab rcslstcnce to the Tippoo Tib arrange ment. _ _ Kin c Leopold's VlNlt. ICopurtght IkS" tiu Jnmci Oonliu Jlcime/t.l / Br.ussni.s , Sept. 21. [ Now York Herald 'able-Special ' to the Bcic. ] Contrary to the statements of the English papers , King Leopold's visit to London has no connection with the tishorles question. It Is believed lieru that the king's real object was to got ogothor funds to cover the Congo loan of SO.OOJ.OOO francs , tlio Isssuu of which was authorized at the beginning of the present year by the Belgian parliament. The royal journey Is also.conncctod with the rconran- zatlon of the Ostond-Dovcr mall service In which the king Is personally interested , althoimh the direct intervention of the sovereign eign In thu fisheries question would bo un constitutional. Kilhrldn's Promotion. DuniiN , Sept. 21. Kilbnde. the trentle- man who accompanied William O'Brien to Canada In his tour against the Marquis of Lansdowne for the cruelty with which evic tions on the tatter's Luucacurren estates were conducted last April , was to-day elected without opposition to represent South Kerry in the house of commons. The Amocr's Troops Victorious. BOSIIIAY , Sept 21. A dispatch from Cabul states that on the 7th of September a battle was fought near Mukur between the insur gents and the troops of the ameer of Afghan istan and that the latter were victorious unit captured Xulander , the leader of the defeated at my. Floating n New ST. PKTUiisiiunn , Sept. 21. The Bourse Giuctle announces that M. Sackro , director of the St. Petersburg Discount bank , has gone to Paris for the purpose of placing a loan of 125,003,000 roubles In 5 per cent state railway route * guaranteed by the Imperial bank. Thrown Ont of a U'nyon aid Ivillml. ST. JOSK.I-H , Mo. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK.J Yesterday afternoon , just as the iamlly of Mr. John Picket , a fam ily living near Pittsburgh , had gotten Into a spring wairon to attend the muralauo cere mony of U. M. Thomas , acting superintend ent of the Missouri division of the railway mall service at St. Louis , and Miss Allic Picket , daughter of J. W. Picket , n promi nent farmer , the horses Uuc.inie frightened , npsettlnir the wagon and throwing Mrs. Picket out on her Infant child and killing It The news of thu affair was kept trom the contracting parties until the guests departed. Illegal FriHirht Hntes. OIIICAOO , Sept. 21. The Inter-state com merro commission to-day decided In favor ol the Vermont State grange in the case acains the Central Veimont rallioad. It appearei that the Boston & Albany rallioad companj and Vermont State grange com plained of tlu Central Vermont company lor charging r IC.NS rate In similar services tor a IOIIK than t slioit haul over thu Central's lines between Boston ami Detroit , Milwaukee nnd Chicago The commission declared the rates wen illegal. A Murder .MyHtorv. Woiiri'.STKH , Ma s. , Sept. ' . 'I. The decom posed body of Lllllo Hoyle , who disappcarec from Webster September 1 , was found > es terday In a barn at Oxford. Her head uai securely coveicd and her feet and hand were bound with rone. It Is believed Bin was murdered and her body taken to tin barn aud concealed. The Dickey Km ate. CinrAfio , Sept. 21. | Special Telegram t < the DIK. : | It appears the contest over tin Dickey estate is to bo prolonged , A new till has been filed In the superior court agalns the legatee * of the late Mrs. DIekoy , to en lorco the.clnlms of Judge , Dickey's -ohildre to two-thirds of 'their fatluit'b estate. Th alkKaUoua agulast MIB. Dickey utciepentet VOUCHERS NOT FORTHCOMING The Pacific Commission's Request For Them Refused By Stanford * HUNTINQTON AS A WITNESS , Ills Prepared Testimony Given In h Manner Mho wing Careful Uohear- sal How Senator * Were "Switched. " The Paolllo InvcHttffatlon. NKW VOUK , Sent. 21.-The I'aclfio rail road commission resumed Its examination i this morning. Mr. Cohen , la answer to requests - 1 quests for vouchers as to lanro disbursements made by Huntlneton , stated that Governor Stanford had refused to forward them , as the commission had already a great many Im portant documents of the company which U had failed to return , Ho did not propose to Intrust any more such papers with the com mission. C. 1 * . Huntlngton was particularly ques tioned with reference to those vaiiuhors , which boru his signature and appear to bo for "legal services mid expense account" It all happened so long ago that the witness could not remember bow exactly. Tula money was nut used for any but a legal and proper purpose. Mr. Anderson asked the witness If ho thought It proper to use this money In pay ment of largo toes to members ot congress at the time that bills ot great pecuniary interest to the Central Pacific company were pending and before the said members had voted thereon. . Witness answered : "I should hosltato be fore paying such fee. Ot course when we wanted legal advlco and wu required It often wo always wanted tU * bost" Hunt lngton said that between 1STJ and the pres ent time there had been many bills In con gress affecting the Central 1'acific company , and It was nocessaty to collect a treat deal oi information regarding the road for thu ititor- . mutlon of members of cougiess , and this cost t a great deal of money. It was the custom to } retain and umploy in mi to approach congress men and explain to them just how mattetrt stood. One man could not HCU all those legis lators , and It was necessary for a meat many to act. Witness hnld it was lively times tat thu Ccntial I'.iclllc while Tom Scott's project was before congress Witness wrote a great many letters to 1) . It Colton at this time. Hd understood they had been stolen from a salt ! In San Francisco. Four agents of Cotton's5 administration had tried to sell them to wiU ness , but ho declined to buy. Tlio commissioners produced copies of. these letters with names omitted , uelnir en < ( olned In San Francisco by the Ccntial Pa cific from producing the names and original. Witness declined to ( ill the blank In one let ter in which ho characterized a California congressman as a "d d IIOL' . " In another he said Seott had "switched" certain scna < tors to his side , but that they could bo "switched back. " This bo explained mount they could be brought back to tha Union Pacific's side by proper argument Mr , Huntlngton was uettlni : excited and ox. claimed frantically : " 1 never wrote a lettoa .luvt 1 would not be willing to have published o the woild and posted on every bulletin. 1 never used money to Influencecnngicis - inen. U would be strange if amoni ; tout Jitindred there should not be some coirupt men. " Mr. liuutiugtou said.ho did not think Scott ever paid or ottered to pay tor the votes of memtierB of congress. As to h.a statement In another letter that thu coin- .ultra on railroads of the house was fixed coinUp for Scott , the witness said : "I don't thin that anybody was bought with money. Hero tlio witness began to get angry- with the suggestions In Anderson's Inter- rotatories llir.t Uiero was something venal In the language ol His letters and he proceeded to make an Impassioned speech. Ho said : "A lot of thin skinned politicians are alwa.vs ready to place a wrong construction on my language and I see that it has even dis turbed this commission. " Commissioner Anderson These letters are produced to ascertain if any of the money represented by these unexplained vouchers was used to purchase legislation. Mr. Hunlnuton 1 can say positively that It was. It was decided that he should submit some scheme tor settllnir tlio affairs of the road and govciumcut at Friday's session. A Notrcl IMillaURlphla Ileaiity. Sept. 21. ( Special Tele- cruni to the llr.K.J Miss Kinily SchomberK was married to Colonel Henry Hughes llul- Intt five years ago. Previous to that time she spent several years traveling on the conti nent with her mother , and was promlnunt In society In Paris , Florence and London. Her father was Major Schomberg , an olllcer In the regular army. She , however , never lived with him , having been adopted at an'early her mother's brother , Colonel James Page. Colonel Page and Urotlier Henry were members of the Philadelphia bar , and , wealthy bachelors. They spared no pains or expense to educate their niece , and she de veloped Into an accomplished and beauti ful woman , of a rich brunette type. She was noted for the perfection of her throat and arms , and her portrait was fainted by some of thn most prominent artists of the past decade , hlio rould speak most of the European languages , could sing oxotilluntlv. and was a clover amateur actress. The age < $ empress of lirazll pronounced Miss KclioiiH berg one ofk tlio most remarkable women she had ever met. When her uncles riled Hha came into their great wealth , and rejecting nj number ot proposals , went to Europe , ffhcrwl blio has remained. Itnllrnnd IttimorH. Nivw YOIIK , Sept. 21. An authority on ) Northern Pacific affairs says : "The Chicago & Great Western railway will soon furnish ; an entrance to Chicago for through trains ) from the Pacific coast coming over thn Ore- con Hallway & Navigation , Northern Pacllio and Wisconsin Central. In this connection It will bo ot interest to note the fact that rumors are plentiful regarding elosu trafllq arrangements being made between the Northern Pacific and Union Pacific , also tlio talk here that tlio Union Pacific Is about to build a line direct to Chicago from Omaha , and thus bo In a position to compete - pete With the Atchlson with Its now lino. Another report entitled to eoiiHlderatlon states that a Kvndlcato which Is seeking to coutiol the lialtlmovo & Ohio , Is In hearty sympathy with this alliance , and If the Haiti- more & Ohio i/oes Into their hands Its termi nal will bu In Chicago , thus ull'ordlng an opportunity for sending a train from the Pa cific to the Atlantic over one system , " Ait llllnolH Inoano llosjiltnl Htirnrd. JACKSONVILLK , 111. , Sept. 21. Shortly after 18 o'clock to-day Oak 1/iwn Ketreat , a private hospital for thu Insane near this city , was burned to the ground. Loss , S2..VK ) . U was bo far from the city that the engines were uuablo to reach it In time to do any * thing. The proprietor , Dr. A. McFarland , was quite serlouslv burned. At present tha grounds ate a H'eno of wilil confusion. Tha patients are running to and tro and little can be done to restrain them. A Political KeiiHallon. lloriiKSTitu , N. 1. , Sept. 21. A 'sensation was caused In political circles here last nlghc by thu aimearanco of Itev , J. A. Copulaml , at th < ! United Labor club meeting. Ha avowed himself tor the ( ieortre movement. Cnncland 1ms been one of the leading prohi bition worucrH. and last year was the candi date of that party for congress. Almost Anotlnir CMataworth Horror. I'ipuiA : , III. , Sept. 21. Another railway horror on the Chicago , Kock Island & Pacllio almost happened at Killar last night Tim bridge over a chasm titty feet deep had been burnuil nut , but thn fact was discovered by the section toieiiiau. Ho want one way and ll.ii : od n passenger train , while IiU wUt , stuppt-d uui ; Uie olUw w jr.