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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Fractionally Higher at the Opening Bat Bags Toward the Close , MODERATE ACTIVITY IN CORN. Very Light Lake Shipment * of This Cereal Oats Quite Dull ntul Attracting Little Attention Provisions KcaturolcBg. CHICAGO i'nonucrc MA RKET. CincAfio , Sept 2J. ( Special Telegram to the BKK.J The wheat market opened strong and fractionally hlaher than yesterday's close , but sapgrd somewhat a llttlx later when the Immediate demands of the shorts appeared to be satisfied. The market could not be characterized an anything but strong , however , nt any llino dtirlni ; the session. The ottering of a prominent room trader MOOCO bushels or over were very easily absorbed , and produced no perceptible elfect upon prices. The bulls cheerfully contrast this with the elTcct produced during the last quarter of an hour of yesterday morning's session , whcti the purchase of 1.000,000 bush els by John M. Sham sent the price up J c In a very brief time. The haste of the shorts to cover , with the fact that there were a great many of them , accounted for most of the sudden advances. To-day the room traders appeared to bo quite evenly divided. Both private and public cables were favorable this morn- Ing. llobert Warren and Captain Phillips were both uood buyers. For some time past representatives of Loprko & Co. , Blngham Bros , and Cattel & Co. , New Vork exporting houses , hare been here and It is reported have bought largely of casli wheat and also for October delivery. The haine houses have been buvlnc In IJuluth. Among the Items of gossip on the floor was one that a promi nent exporter here had orders on hand for the purchase of 200,000 bushels of old No. 2 wheat and that when he attempted to exe cute the order In Dulutli ho could get but 20,000 bushels of the amount. Stocks of No. 2 spring hero are unusually low ana are not being increased Just now owing to the poor nuallty of the wheat arriving. Out of nfty- lottr cars inspected this mornlni ; but one car came up to contract grade. The trouble with the wheat Is that much Is damp and sprouted , and the exports from Baltimore and Philadelphia reported to-day were 106.000 bushels. From New York , none . Outside markets were steady , Toledo being strong and kc above yesterday's closing IU- ures. The fast quarter of an hour o ? the morning session was almost a repetition of the performance at the close of yesterday's Rtsslon. The same broker's appearancetn the pit , bidding for December wheat was the signal for another rush to cover by the shorts , and the December option advanced % c so rapidly that there were coiuparltlvcly few transactions between the extremes. This advance was not maintained , however , half of It being lost before the close. Thu closing was strong at CHKc for October. 72J c for December and WX@7Sc for Mav. The gain on the day over yesterday's closing was about ifc on all thn option. The corn market opened practically nt yes terday's closing liiiurcs or at 4li@t ) lfc for October , improved to 41 Uc and then broke sharply to 40 c. 1'he crowd were all feeling pretty bearish at the start and In the early dealings there was every Indication that there would bo a continuation of yesterday's dullness. The wirly wonkncss was Iniensl- lied by the offering of 100 cars ot new cash corn to grade No. 3 and dellvernblu in Octo ber at lo under the market. But 1 o'clock closings for the lending futures * ho\\cd a loss for the session of only % toc. . Sen- lumber rested at 40Xc , October and Novem ber at 41,1 < i > . December at 40J < c asked nnd May at 41Kc bid. Alter the break about the middle of the forenoon n llrmrr lecllng was developed , owing apparently to the attempt of a piomlnunt local operator to bull the market for October In order to get rid of his September holdings. Luke charters were light , footing only 114,000 bushels in the aggregate. Only a moderato speculative business was transacted , though fair anima tion wnb witnessed towards thu close. Oats were dull and fluctuations tor futures within such a narrow range us to attract no attention whatever. One o'clock's closing _ - " stood at SSJ/c for September and October , at 2525Jc for November and iKiJfo for May. In provisions the trade WAS almost feature less. In the January product tliero was some disposition to bear prices , but the changes actually made were restricted to a decline of lOc on pork and 3c on short ribs. Lard for January was comparatively strong. Short ribs for September nnd October were held steady at yesterday's break. Futures this side of January tor laid averaged W and year pork 7Hc lower. Speculation was onlv moderate and largely of a professional kind. Cash lard was again wanted and sold freely at J0.85Q0.87K. or 3Kc above October , which for the same article ranged at 80.80(30.35 ( and closed at $0.M ! > . For October short I Ibs sold nt S8.20Q8.25 and stood at I o'clock nt SS.2 . For Januarv.pork closed at 812.1iW ! aftersell- Ing at 818.07K@iaso. Tim latOsV quotation for January lard was 50.37 } $ nnd for January short ribs S0.17K. Cash meats were quiet AFTKIINOON SESSION Wheat linn ; Octo ber pnlil at 70@70ifc off to fiJ ! ) < c , closln" at 7Uc ; November sold at 71-8'71 ! } c. closinitat 71c ; December ranged at 73Ki73 ( ( ! < c , clos- VK l W7 o ; May sold at fStfCj S&c , split to 78K , closing at 7SV& Corn quiet aim a shade easier ; October sold from 44Vcto41c , May November about SSJi'c : Mav eold atiffl'fr , and on the split ! ! 9 @ 3U o and closed at ayjjfo bid. fork was ashadestroncer for January , which sold and closed at S12.15 ; year was nominally u.85. Lard was steady and closed at 50. : } for September and Octo ber , J0.27JV for November , Sfl.SO tor iec m- ber and 80.a5C W.37K for January. Trade was limited. Short ribs tor October were ad- VttUSHirx ! ! ' 8 IlinK * 8W25@S.37X and closing at 38.27X. January sola and closed at 80.15. CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Sent 2i rSpectal Telegram to the BEE. ] OATTI.K Itecolpts of cattle were large , but the proportion ot good fat , ripe beeves was very small. The market for the best kinds was steady to a shade hieher , while for common to fair stock of all de scriptions the market was no better. One car uf line cattle , the bust of three loads , sold at S5.25 , the other two loads selling at S5.0C and $4.75. Low grade steers are coming tc market from the dry districts In southern Illinois and the market for Inferior steers 1 ; kept very uadly overstocked. Uecolpts 11,000 ; shipments , ! i,200 ; market steady and hlisher. Fancy. 5.00@5.25. Shipping steers , laSOto 1500JDS , S4.00@4.l > 0 ; 1BOO to 1350 Ibs , S3.CO@4.20 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs ; S2.85 < a8.70 Stockers and feeders , 8i.'J5t.OO ; ; cows , bulls and mixed , 1.2M'J.80. Texas steers , S' @ 'tOO ; cows , L50 < 33.rjO ; yearlings , 9l. ' > ® 1.75. Western ranters , steady ; natives anil half bixeds.3,45(83.75 ( ; cows , 'iOOif2.50 ( , AVInterfid Texans , S2.S5ijU.tio. lloos Estimated receipts , 10,000 ; las Thursday , 18,675 ; week so far , 50,5J ; samt tlmo last week , 09.063. There was anothei sharp down turn of about lOc on nearly al grades , the best Phlladelpluas maklni ; onl\ $5.10 atralnst S5.2035.25 yesterday , ( ioixl tc choice butcher weights S5.00\05 , and prim * packers 84 2.Q4.W , with some common lot : Koine at S4.50. Light sorts , such as are equate to York-irs , 8J.ltt < iJ5.00 , with other sorts a FJNANCIAU Nr.w YORK , Sept. 2a.-FSpeclaI Telesran to the BER. ] STOCKS The anuouncemen that the treasury would buy 4s , and afte September UO will pay the 80,500,000 of intei eat due October 1 without rebate , althougl about what many Wall street men bad pre dieted , had a beneficial etlnct on the market and the range ot prices was higher. "Th advances , however , were not more than couli be expected , " said an operator , "after i ( hrlukaso of 8400,000,000 to 8500,000,000 Wall street discovered that the situation , ni matter what the treasury might do In buy-In bonus , bad been discounted. " The openln was one of the wildest witnessed in years stocks all being higher , the advance extend ing to IS' per cent. London and other foi clgu countries were large buyers and are sal to nave purchased 250,000 chares the past Iff J yi , cUleily Heading , Louisville A JHaat vllle. St Paul , trunk lines and the Wabash. Could , Sngu and the Drexel-Morgan party re main bullish and are credited will ) absorbing heavy lines. The short Interest Is heavy , and although many of the leaders take little stock In the present , they were Inclined to cover moderately , and are awaiting their opportu nity to put out new lines of good stock. The market continued to rally after the opening and the advances extended to 3 per cent. A period of quietness and a moderato recession followed , but about noon the buying again became brisk nnd values started upward , the market exhibiting more strength than at any previous time , particularly on Western Union , which was bought by "bargain hunt ers. " The market was Irregular during the closing hour , with trading fair. Last sales , however , were at nearly the outside prices and recorded gains over yesterday of H ® A per cent , Hock Island havlntr the lead. Man hattan was 2 > / , Heading IKi Northwestern ! , ' , St Paul / , Lackawanna Jit Lake Shore Jf , New England J { , Western Union l,1 , Omaha 1 * { , Canada Southern } ( , Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy 1 , Cotton Oil ? { and Oregon Transcontinental percent higher. Business with Chicago houses was fair , but mostly In the way of currency shorts. OovKiiNMENTfs Uovcrnment bonds were dull , but steady to linn. YKSTKUDAV'8 gUOTATIONS. MONKY On call was easy , ranging trotn 3 to G tier cent , last loan at a per cent , and closing ottered at 2 per cent PtttMK MEKCANTILK I'APKK 7 per cent. STKHI-IMO KXOHANOK IS feverish but un changed at$4.7 K ( * .W for 00 days and W.84 ; for demand. _ PRODUCE MARKETS. Chicago. Sept 23. Following quotations are the 2iOclo.MUi : ; : figures : Flour Steady and unchaneed. Wheat Active ; prices fluctuntPd within % c range and closed ? 4@Yc hicher than yes terday ; cash , 69Kc ; October , 7oc ; May. 78Vc. Corn Wag fafrU' active early but later ruled rattier quiet closing a shade easier than yesterday ; cash , 40c ; October , 41c ; May , 44Kp Oats Dull ; cash , 25 > ic ; October , 25 5-lCc ; lay , 29 fc. Kye Steady at 47@47S'c. Barley Dull at 70c. PrlnmTlrnothy Seea Closed at S2.34@2.30. Flax Seed-Closed at 1.07@1.07M. Pork Moderate trading , feeling weak ; ear , SU.82K ; January. S12.15. Lara Moduratelv active , ruled 2X@5c ewer ; cash and Octooer , SG.32 ; May , 'O.C7K. Dry baited Meats-Shoulders , 85.2.-i@5.30 ; short clear , 58.00C < s.C5 ; short ribs , 88.20 ® 'i ' w5. w5.Utittcr Firm on fancy ; creamery,18 ( < | ' 23Kc ; : alry. 14 > i@20c. Cheese Flrm ; full cream cheddars , 114 } HMc ; Hats , ll > flljfc ; Youut ; Ainoiicas , il2c ; skims , 7H < 5 c. KKKS Klrui at ir > K@l7c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy crcen hides Tk'c ; light do , 7 { aSc ; salted bull hides , JL- , green salted calf78M@'Jc ; dry Hint , li@ 'lie ; drv calf , 12rtiic : ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Unchaneed ; No. 1 country , 4@ c ; No. 2 , SXc ; cakes. 4 c. Kocetnts. Shipments. lour , bbls . 24,000 21.000 , Vheat , bu . 80.000 20,000 ; orn , hit . 27:1,000 : 201.000 Oats , bu . 200,00(1 ( 65,000 Kve. bu . 1,000 3,000 Barley , bu . 74,000 31.000 St. Ijoula , Sept. 33. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , cash , liUgC'Jtf c ; October , C'J c : ovember , 71c. Corn-Dull ; cash , 39@39 > c ; October.SSJ c ; November , 38) c. Oats-Steady ; cash , 23 { c ; October , 23c. Pork Kasy at 815.25. Lard - 0. : . Whisky 81.05. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 20@24c ; dairy. 15@20. Afternoon Board Wheat Firm ; Octo ber , G9)/c ; November , 71c ; December , ? iytc. Corn Steady ; November , 37c ; May , 40c. Oats-Qmct. lilvorpnol , Sept. 23. Wheat Steady and demand fair ; holders , offer moderately. Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s ; shipments 3d percental. Cincinnati. Sept. 22. Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 red , 74Kc- Corn Easle ; No. 3 mixed , 45c. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 27X@27c. Kye-Dull : No. 2 , 50 > { c. Provisions Easier. Pork Easier and unchanged at 815.23. Lard Easier and unchanged at & 0.35. Whisky Firm at 81.05. Knimas City. Sept. 22. Wheat Steady ; No.2 soft C3Kc bid ; May , W 'c asked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , lific ; October , Jfc bid , 35io asked ; May , SS'tfc bid , 3b ; c asked. Oats-No. 2 , 21 8. MlnnoapollH. Sept. 22. Wheat Firm ; more iloiut ; No. 1 hard , cash , 69Kc ; Octo ber , 69 J c ; November , 71c ; May , 77kc ; No. 1 northern , cash , 6Gc : October , C6c ; Novem ber , 68c ; Mar , 74o ; No. 3 northern , cash , COc ; October. 61c : November , G2c ; May. 70c. Flour Quiet lirm ; patents , 8UO@4.30 ; bakers' , $ ! J.203.40. ( Kecelpti-Wheat. 48,000 bu. = Shipments- Wheat , 62,000 bu ; flour , 25,500 bis. Milwaukee. Sent. 23. Wheat illeher : cash and October , CUc ; November , IV ic. Corn-Quiet ; No. 3. 4ic. Oats-Steady ; No. a white , 28c , Kye-Ulgher ; No. 1 , 60c. Barley Easier : No. 2 , COc. Provisions Dull. Pork-September , S14.50@15.00. New York , Sept. 23. Wheat Re ceipts , 8,3T 0 ; exports , none ; options opened a shade lower.but soon strengthened , advanced Mi ( Kc and closed firm at a trllle otf from best rates ; spot lots somewhat higher and fair demand ; ungraded red , 79 < $815i'c ; Na 8 red , 77c ; No. 1 red , nomi nal at 67Kc : No. a red , 79Kc in store , 80 # @ ! < 0 } < c t. o. b. , 81 ? @i32c delivered ; October closed at 80c. Corn Heceipts , 18,000 ; exports. 440 ; options opened } i@fn lower , closing steady ; decline shortly recovered ; spot lots a shade hlvher and moderately active ; ungraded , Gl @ 5lic ; No. 2. 50Wc in store , M@r > lWc deliv ered , to arrive and here ; October closed at 50c. 50c.Oats Uecelpts. 7,800 ; exports , none ; K ® o hieher ; moderately active ; mixed west ern , 3234Mc ; white western , 85@40c. CotTee-Siiot. fair ; Klo , dull at 819.25 ; options stronger and fairlv active ; sales , 07,750 bags ; September , S10.b5 ; October , 10.N17.15 ) : November , 817.10@17.45 ; lo- cember. 8175ail7.60 ! ! : January , 317.35 ® 17.70 ; February , 817.40@17.7U. Petroleum Firm : United. 67)c. Eggs Fairly active and linn ; western , 14 © I'Jc. Porkr-Dull and unchanged ; mess was quoted at 510.00 for new ; S15.20@15.50 lei old. old.Lard Lower ; western steam , spot , quoted at 86.75. Butter Quiet and generally steadr : west ern , is@24c ; western creamery , 16@24c. Cheese Firm and In fair demand : west ern. OXOllc. New Orlean * . Sept 23. Corn Dull nd unsettled ; mixed , 57c ; > vhlto , 5S@5Uci yellow , 59c. Oats-Easy ; No.2,33i33Kc. ( Cornmeal Quiet and weak at S2.25@2.SO. Ho. Products Unsettled and guucrally lower. Pork-Nominal at 815.50. Lard Uehned tierce. 10.75. Bulk Meats-bhonldcrs , S5.60 ; long cleai nnd clear rib. SS.62 f. MVF. STOCK. , Sept 33. The Drovers' Journa reports as follows : Cattle Uecclpts , 11,030 ; market steady coed hieher ; fancy , 85.00@5.25 ; shlpoini steers , I2.K.X34.VO ; stockera anil feeders. SL' ( 3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 1.3.Xi3.bO Texas cuttle , 91.3S < ij3.00 ; western ranera 13.00 3.75. ilo _ Jieoelpu , 1C.OOO ; market steady a yesterday' ; mixed , $4.50@r.00 ; heavy , i4.00 5.40 ; light , $4.00 ( 5.00 ; skips , S3.00 ® Sheet ) Itpcelpta , 0,000 ; market steady : na tives , 82.5094.15 ! western , S3.COS3.C5 ; Texans - ans , .tO ; lambs. 84.2.Vt25.25. Kansan City , Sept. 22-Cfxttle Hc- celpts , 1,300 ; shipments , 500 ; market about steady ; uood to choice corn fed , 84.0U(7M.40 ( ; common to medium , H.50 < an.tiO ; stocknrs , 2.oo@-i60 ; feeding steers , S2.G5@-3.25 ; cows 81.30 ( < < 2.C5. Hogs Kcrnlpts , 5,000 : shipments , 1,300 ; market dull and weaic and rX lOc lower ; common to choice , (4.1034,85 ; skips and plKS , 82.00Q4.00. National Htook Yarrln. Ka t St. l onlii. 111. . Sent. 22-Cattle Ke- eel u ts , 2,400 ; shipments , 15,000 ; fair to choice heavy native steers , S3. ! (34.70 ( ; butchers' steers , fair tn choice. 83.iXXg3.05 ; feeders , fair to good. 82COii3.30. ( llogs Itecelpts , 4,000 ; shipments , l.COO ; market slow : choice heavy and butchers' se lections , 85.00 (5.20 : packers and yorkers , medium to prime. ! 84.70@4.85 ; pigs , common to good , S4.JO@4.05. OMAHA LiIVB MTOOK. Thursday , Sept 23. Cattle. The run of cattle was considerably heavier than yesterday , but there were very few coed corn cattle In. The bulk of the receipts were made up of western range cattle. The mar ket was about steady on eood cattle , but the fecllne continues weak on common erades of butcher atock nnd crassers. There wan con * Kiderublo activity In the feeder market , and the largest single bunch of cattle ever sold at these yards changed hands to-day. II OK * . There was a fair run of hogs but as com pared with yesterday there was a falline olT of COO. The market opened at about steady prices with yesterday and was moderately active. It closed a little easier and dull , but everything was taken. Sheep. There was nothing done on the market. Itooetpti. uattle. 1 , fcOO 2,000 Shipments. Cattle . Scars Horses . Tears ProratUm ; Price * . Showlngthe prevailing urica * paid for II va stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . . 84.15 4.40 Choice steers , 1100 to 130'J Ibs. . . 4.00@4.15 Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75(43.85 Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 H.av < 44.20 Good to choice corn-fed cows . . . . 2.50t2.75 ( Common to medium cows . 1.50 2.25 Uood to choice bulls . 1.7.Vd2.50 Good range feeders . 2.50(32.75 ( Uood natlvefeedersU001bs and up wards . 2.75@3.00 Fair to medium native feeders.UOO Ibs and upwards . 2.50@2.05 Mockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.0Uc < t2.40 Prime fat sheep . 3.2.Va3.50 Fair to medium sheep . 2.50i33.00 Common sheep. . . . 1.50 ( 3.25 Light and medium noes . 4.60M4.70 Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.80(34.00 ( Uood to choice mixed hogs . 4.70 4.80 Representative Halai. NATIVE STEEHS COIIX-FED. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 33..10'JO 54.00 35. _ . HSU 84.00 ItAXOE STEEIIS. 69. . . . 1110 S'J.75 WKSTKItN STEKIIS-COHN-FED. 17. . . .1307 S3.50 COWS. 20. . . . H05 82.05. HANOIbTinnts OOALI.ALA r , . & c. co. i4..102'J 2.60 nons. No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 8I..1US 40 S4.40 70. . . . 251 120 84.M ) 71..23ri 160 4.C5 05. . .255 I'M 4.bO . C7.'J14 40 4.70 01. . . .240 N ) 4bO 4. . . . 220 1'JU 4.70 0.-I..2GS 240 4.N ) 77..2.VJ 200 4.70 05. . . . 200 200 4.bO 00. . . . 33 ! ) 100 4.70 74. . . . 244 160 4.bO 72. . . . 210 1UO 4.70 88..2OT 4 > 0 7'J . . .24G IfiO 4.70 OJ..8 : 4.i > 0 0 . . .2.10 80 4.75 C,5.25S 60 4.MJ b0..239 240 4.75 69. . . . 218 40 4.85 02. . . . 240 'JOO 4.75 59. . . . 273 N ) 4.b5 08. . . . 240 80 4.75 04. . . . 293 4 00 71. . . .249 120 4.75 72. . . .250 100 4'JO 70. . . . 233 100 4.80 _ lave Stuck Hold. Showing thu number of huad of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond & Co . 80 Local . 9 Feeders . 7H ! Shippers . 00 Total . 1)54 ) HOUS. Anglo American Packing Co . 1,454 " . 11. Hammond ite Co . 4I.5 Harris & Fisher . 5 < J Total . 1 938 All sales ot stoetc in this market are made per cwt live weight unless otherwise ) stataJ. Dead hogs sail at KB per Ib. for all weights. Skins , " or hogs welching loss than lOd IDS. no value. Pru nunt sows are dockud 40 and BUnsSJItu , urthaDublio Stock Note * . llogs about steady. A steady cattle market Thomas McUee , Uva , was m with a train of cattle. E. Mtinn , Avoca , was in and marketed two loads of cattle. There were not as many strangers in as usual yesterday. Amonif the visitors at the yards was A. A. Brown , Alma , Neb. W. B. Sprague , Cortlaud , Neb. , was In looking after feeders. George Reynolds , St Edwards , wa in town with a load ot 85c hogs. Salesmen all complain ot the light demand for common butchers' stock. T. II. Barthel , Beatrice , was here and bought three loads of feeders. A. J. Langdon , Gretna , a heavy dealer in stock cuttle , was looking over the market M. 0. Peterson , Dannebunr , Neb. , mar keted a load ot 293-Ib hogs at the top price. Mr. Uutton , of the lirm of Keno , Sheets & Dutton , located at the new town of Peters burg , was In with a load of hogs. C. McMenemy. Blair , president of the can ning company and a prominent citizen , was among the visitors at the yards. Squires & Co.'s string of hogs , bought In Chicago yesterday , cost 84.87. The same quality of hogs sold here at 4.85(34.90. ( The Standard Cattle company bought 724 head ot' the Ogallala cattle lor their feeding establishment at Ames. This Is the largest number of cattle that ever changed hands here In one bunch. OMAHA WHOLKSAIjU MARKETS. Thursday , Sept. 22. Produce. Tlic fnllowlwj arc the price ? nt tcJilch. round lots of produce arc sold on Uilt inurKit : There was no perceptible Increase In the general receipts to-dav. A car load of home grown cabbage was put on the market The price of eggs Is Inclined to advance. BUTTKM Creamery , West Point , 35c ; other , 2T30i ! per pound ; choice dalrv , 1S@ 20o. ; medium grades , 13@5c ; ordinary , 9@10c. EIIOS The market is steady at ir > c for choice stock. CIIKKSK Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , simile 13c ; full cream twins , 13c : young Americas , 13fc ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in case. He ; Limberger , 100Ibs in case , 13c ; Saurs' tancy Ohio , I'Jc. POUI.THY Fair market ; spring chickens , 2.00fi2.50 ; old fowls. S2.50@3.00 ; ducks , 82.25 < ji2.75 : turkeys , in very light request , CC * 7c per Ib. GAME Receipts light : prairie chickens , 83.50 : mallard ducks , 82.75aoo. Quail , 83.00 3.25 ; teal and mixed ducks , 81.00(31.75 ( ; snipe. 75c@S1.00 ; jack rabbits , 35c each. CABIIACII ; California stock , laue round heads , 2)c per Ib. ; homegrown 50c per.dozen heads. OVSTKRS Shell , 82.00 per hundred ; bulk , 81.35 per hundred ; selects , 82.20a gallon : Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , 35(3 ( 40c : standard. 27@30c. SWEKT POTATOES The market Is wel ! supplied and they sell at2@3 c perlb. ' CEI.EHY The receipts are larger and th < stock better. Good stock brlnirs 35c a bunch. . CiDEH-Cholce Michigan elder , SG.OO@ .5 ( per Dbl of 32 tral. 1'orcoiiN Choice , for stands , 2@2 } < c per Ib TOMATOES Commission men are onli handling a very few. Good stock 40@50 < per bushel , OIIOKB Choice large California onion. : are offered on the nurkV-t nt 80c per bushel. The demand Is light Eon PLANT Slow sale at G075c ( ! per dor , fet choice stock. POTATOES Tlio market I * well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock .ells . at feOS5c. Nebraska and Iowa stock fxxgtvw per bushel , HONEY Good honey in neat one Ib. frames 18e per Ib. BEANS. Hand-picked navy. 8iOO per bushel , and other grades down as low as 51.25. _ t < TUlta. Orders from the country re/julrtiifl se- tcc/cd fttocft ( mil crtrn dire In iMckln'i can not always be filled ( it the same price * qunfctt to ( lie local tratlc .for comiiwn stock. There Is a liberal supply of fruits uf all kinds on the market , and Blocks are moving frrely. PnACiiE.s Cholco California stock Is going at $ l.TK n.50. Michigan peaches are selling at 75@80c per 10-1 b baskets. GBArKS The supply of home-grown grapes continues liberal. California , Tokay and Muscat 81.50rt2.50 ( : choice home-grown. 3Hc. The market is fairly well supplied with eastern grapes at soracwc tier basket. CRAII A I'ri.ES-Cholce Siberian , 83.00W3.50 per bbl. OnANfiES Fancy Roni , 1W per box. 85 50 ; fancy Hodl , 200 per box , SO.IX ) ; choice Naples , 200 per box , 85.50. LEMONS Choice Palermo , SC.OO ; fair 1'a- lermo , : choice Messina , 80.50 ; fancy Messina , 87.00 ; extra fancy Kodl , 8&50 ; extra fancy Malorl , 8S.50. QUINCHS Calliornla quinces , of large size , S2.00Q3.25 per box. CUANIIEKHIES The market Is fairly welt fiiDplled with good stock. Bell and cherry , 89.00. Capo Cods will arrive in a few days and will sell at 5f9.00@10.00. APPLES The stipnly Is liberal , especially of home-grown stock. Choice Michigan ap ples , 2.75S3.00 ( ! ; home-grown , $3.35(93.50. ( PEARS California Bartlelt pears are be coming scarce , and good stock , suitable for rcshlpment , Is worth S3.25t$3.50 ; other varie ties M.OOcW.75. ( BANANAS The market Is well supplied with bananas at 82.50(33.00 ( per bunch. COCOANUTS Good stock , 85.00. Flour and Feed. /7ic/oHoi'liitrc ( the lolililnu price * ' . Minnesota patents. 82.50 par cwt : Minneso ta Bakers' straight 83.20 per cwt. ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancv patents , 8'J:4.V : < Q3.GO : Nebraska patents , 82.33@2.35 : rye flour , 81.73 01.IX ) per cwt : rye Graham , 81.40 per cwt. ; wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn meal. yellow , OOc per cwt : corn meal , white. Sl.oo per cwt ; chopped feed , S14.00c51C.OO per ton ; bran , S12.00@13.00 per ton : screenings , 89.00 ( S 12.00 per ton. HAY Upland prairie , 88.00Q9.00 ; common - mon coarse , 87.00@8.00. Oroccr' * I Ant. COFFER Ordinary grades , 20X < 321c ; fair. 21k@22c ; prime. 22gr2te ; ; fancy green and yellow , 2 ! ( < j2c ; old eovernment Java. 2S(3 ( 30c ; Interior Java , U5@23c ; Mocha , sa30c ; Arbuckle's. roasted , 2f > Vc ; McLaughlln'M XXXX , 20 c ; Dilworth's , 2Cc ; Red Cross. REFINED LAUD Tierce. 7c ; 40-lb square cans , 7c ; CO-lb round , lc ; 20-1 b round , 7-Vc ; 10-lb calls , 7 c ; 5-lb palls , 7 < tfc ; 3-lb palls , 7c. SUOATS Granulated , GX@7cconf. ; A , 6 % < l Cc ; white extra C , Gtfgr > Xc : extra C. 6 # < 3 0c ; ; yellow C , 5Ko ; cut loaf , 7 # ; powdered , I'novisioNS Uams , HK@12c : breakfast bacou.llJiceU'c ( : bacon sides lJl@loi ( ) cdrjr ; salt , OiTCl'J c ; shoulders , 7@7 c : dried beef hams , li < 311xcdripd beef regular , 10K@Uc ; hams picnic , 8$8 ( > < c. , , ad lumber DRIED FRUITS Apples , new , & 's Oc ; evaporated , 50-lb ring , ! 4 ( < $14Kc ; raspberries , evaporated , 2kj ! ; blackberries , evaporated , 10iotyj ( ; pitted cherries ; Beaches , new , Jf's , 7c : evaporated pooled peacnes , c ; evaporated , unpared , lfiK@17c ; new currants , 7)4@72c ) } ; prunes , 441300 : citron , 25c ; rai sins , London layers , California , loose muscatels , SI.W(3l.N5 ) ( ! ; new Valeticlas , 7) ) < c. SYMir No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. 31.4U@1.50 ; New Orleans , per gallon. 3Segl(5e ( ( ; maple svrtip , hall Ihbs , "old time. " per gallon , M c ; l-gnllon can * , per dozi 310.50 ; hutt'-eallon cans , per doz , SO.'S ; rjuart cans , S3.25. CANNKD ( ioons Ovstcrs , standard , per case. S'l.00il3.10 ' ( : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , S3.owa3.iO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per casp. 53.00 ® t.10 ; California pears , per case. ? 4.GOf < l4.70 ; apricots nor cise , Sl.lOi4.25 ( " ; peaches , per case , S5.7-5.N'i ; white" cherries , per case , Sfi.OO plums , per cast" . S3bO@3.UO : blue- iprrles , per case , SJ.SO O ; egg plums , U I ) , per rase , S2.50 : pineituples , a Ib , percale. S3.2U@5.75 ; I Ib mackerel , per doz. M.O'J : 1 Ib salmon , per doz , Sl.'J.XsW.ou ; a Ib rooseberries. par ea o. S3.25' ! ; 2lb string jeans , per case , 81.75 : 2 ll > lima beans , ner case , 51.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , percaset 82.50(32.60 ( ; 2 Ib early Juno peas , pur case , 22.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S2.40@'J 50 ; 2 Ib corn , f2.SOftS2.85. PICKI.BS Medium , in bbls , 50.50 ; do In half bbls S3.7S ; small , In bbls , S7.50 : do In mlf bbls , S4.2.5 ; gherkins , iu bbls , SS.50 ; do In halt bbls , S4.75. WOODKNWARE Two-hoop palls , per doz , ftl.45 ; 3-noop pails , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ; No. 2 tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash boards , SI.75 : assorted bnwls , 82.25 ; No. 1 : hurns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns , TOHACCO Lorillard'sClimax , 44c ; Splen did. 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggett A Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum- moud's llnrso Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , B7c ; Sorg's Spearhead. 44c. Koi'K Sevi-n-slxtpenths Inch. 125 12 0 STARCH Mirror Gloss , sj c ; Graves Corn , Ckc ; Oswopo ( Jioss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c. BitooMS-Kxtra 4-tlf .52.00 ; No. 1,52.00 ; No. 2 , SI.75 ; heavy stable , S4 CANDY Mixed , 8X@llc ; stick. 8K@0&e. CiiACKKits tiarneau's soda , butter and picnic. 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , be ; city soda , Tc. TRAS Japan , 20@r 5c ; gunpowder , 20@ Youn ' . Hyson. 25@55c ; Oolons , 20@C3c. JEI.MKS-30-lb palls. 83.00. General Markets. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , IBS proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , S1.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do ISa proof , S1.09. Alcohol. 188 proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Gin blended. $1.50@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 52.00(30.00 ( ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00J6.5U ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rvo whiskies , SL50.OU. ! Brandies , Imported , 85.00 8.50 ; domestic , S1.30&3.00. Gins , Imported. $4.50 ® 6.00 ; domestic , 81.25 < a > : j.OO. Champazncs .Im ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; American , per case. 8io.ooraiG.ou. HEAVT HARDWARE Iron , rate , 52.70 ; Plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , 6 c ; cast tools , an. ! 2 < < lbc ; waon spokes , per set , 82.00(4 ( > .V > ; hubs , per set , S1.5J : fel lees , sawed dry , 1.60 ; tongues , each. bOc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. ih'c ; con chain , per Ib , BH(313c ( ; malleable , K410C ; iron wedges , Cc : crowoara , Cc ; harrow teeth. * / < c ; spring steel , 45c ; Burden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shops. S5.75. Baroed wire * In car lots , 84.00 per 100 ihs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; sleet nails , 82.50. HIDES Green butchers' , 5K@fc ; green cured , 7 c ; dry flint , llo ; dry salt , 9c ; green calf skins , 7 c ; damaged hides , two-third * price. Tallow 'Ac. Grease Prime white. 3c : yellow. 3c ; brown , l > ic. Sheep pelts , 25g ( 40c. > . COAL Kge , 80.50 ; nut , 89.75 ; range , 89.75 ; Iowa lump. S.i.OO ; Iowa nut , S2.75ftlnul ; block , S3.00 ; Illinois , 84.25@4.75. Dry Goods. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls count LL , 6Jfc ; CC , 7 } c ; SS , 8fc } ! NaniRlcss , SKc ; No. 5 , Oc ; EE , B > < c : ( } , 10 > ic ; XX , 12c'OO ; , I4c ; NN , lOc RX , 18c ; R , 20c : No. 10 , 8Kc ; 40 , lO c : 00 12Kc : SO , 15c ; 30 , fnlorod , lOc ; 50. colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13tfc ; Union I'acllic. 18c. , CAUPET WAUP Bibb white , IS c ; col ored , 'M c. BATTS Standard , 8cV Gem , lie ; Beauty , ' 'c : Boone. 14c ; B , cased , S0.50. . HINTS SoLiu.Coi.ons Atlanta 5J < c ; Sla terSc : Berlin Oil flKcGarnerOUOto7. ; PI.VK AND ROUES Richmond Cc : Allen6c ; River point 5c ; Steel Riverfn ; Richmond Cc ; Pacitii BKc. INUIOO BLUE Washington Cc ; Ameri can CKcArnoldGKc ; ; ArnolUB He ; Arnolt A 12c ; Arnold Goldsi-alilOKc. DitKSS-Char ter Oak4 } < cKam po3/c ? : LodHKc ; Allei 5 } < c ; Richmond % c , Windsor Cc ; Kddystoni 6c * Paclnc Cc. GiNQHAM-Plunkett checks 7Jfc ; Whltten ton 7'i'c ; York 7J c ; Normandio Dres > i 8' c ; Calcutta Drt-ss 8Kc : Whlttentoi Dress Oc ; Renfrew Dress 9c to 12 > < c CAMnnics Slater 4Kc ; Woods 4Kc ; Stan dard4H'c ; Peacock 4 } < c. COHSKT JEANS Androscoggin 7' c ; Rear sace 7J c ; RockportCj * c ; Conestoga " ' DucK-West Pol nt i J iii..8oz. . lOKc ; Wes Point 29 In 10 oz. . l2Kc : West Point 29 In. 13 oz. . 15c ; West Potut 40 In. , 11 oz. , ICc.- Checks-Caledonla X.UKc : Caledonia XX Cordls No. 5.9Hs : Cordis No. 4 , Uc. DENIMS Amoskeag 9oz , , luc : Everett oz. , 13c ; York 7oi. , iSc ; Haymaker &Kc ; Jaf ray XX. \ \ XJaffrey XXX , 12J < c : Beave Oreek AA. Wet Beaver Creek BB , Uc Beaver Creek CO , lOc. 'KENTUCKY JEANS Manorial 15o : Canton 18c ; Durham 27 > < c : Hercules lc ; Leaming ton 23KC ! Cottswold 25ci CIIABII Stevens'BiOc : bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Kc ; bleached SHc : Stevens' P 8Mc } bleached ! Kc : Stcvrus1 N V'h'c ; bleached WWc : Stevens'SRT12KC. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth 82.85 ; plain Holland 8Kc toftv Dado Holland 13\c. \ r - l mm Raftsman 20n ; Goshou WWc ; Clear Lake 32Kc ; Mapln City HOKc. Whlte-G. H. No. 2. J21cs G. H. No. 1 , / , 37Kc ; B. H. No. 2 , * f. S2JC ! H. U. No. 1 , & SOc : Qticchco No. 1. J4Jc ; Uttcchuo No. a , 5f 87J < p ; Qupclico No. 8 , ? { , 82Ki ; Anawan 13Xc ; Windsor SJtfc. Red-C , 24 inch , 15Uc ; K. 24 Inch , 21c ; GO , 24 Inch. ISc ; H. A. F.J { , 25c ; J. R. F. , { , 2TKc ; G. , ? / , 35C. COMFORTERS SO.MXrt 35.00. Bi.ANKETs-Whlte , 81.00Q7.50 ; colored , 1.10(38.00. ( BROWN SIIKETINOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic 11 , 4-4,7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , n c : At- antic P , 4-4 , 5c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , SJj'c ; Aurora C. 4-4,4Wc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , fl\vc ; InoslcrLL , 4-4 , BWCJ Indian Head , 4-4 7c : .awrcnee LL. 4-4 , 5 fc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , He ; Pepperell 11 , 4-4 o e : i' > pporeil 0,4-4 , c ; Peppcrell , 8-4. ICc ; Peppcrell4 , 18c : cppereil , 10-4 , 20c ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4 # s ; Vachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , Gfp ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc. Di.KAOHF.n SIIKKTINO Berkeley cambric , S'o. GO. OUc ; Best Vet , 4-4 , CVc ; butter cloth JO , 4/c ; Cabot , 7Kc : Karwell , Be : Fruit of yoom , SJfc ; (5rpcneG.Cc ; Hope , 7H'c ; King 'hllllp cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. HVc ; Lons- ale. 8Kc : New York mills , lOVc ; Poppcrell , 3 Inch. lOWc : Pepperell. 40 Inch , like ; 1'ep- serell , 6-4 , l5c ; Peppcrell , 8-4.18cs Pepperell , fr-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4. 22 } < c : Canton. 4-4 , J c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9) ) < c5 Triumph , Cc ; Wam- utta , He ; Valley , Ac. Dry Lumber. r 1.1 jiiti. > ii. stand2ndclear , 1,1 inch , s.2s $80.50 id. clear , 1 inch , s. 2 H. , 45.50 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Aselpct. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4ooo ! r , \ & . 2 In 44.00 Itch , 8. 2s. , 30.00 flK,2in 37.00 VOl'LAR LtTMREII. Clear Poplar , llx. Bds. K in. , s. 2 s.$35.50 W In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00 " Corrugated Cellini : , % . . 28.50 HATTEN8 , WKLL TttUlNQ , VICKET8. O. G. Batts , 2K in 800.75 " k"3 in , Ms. t)0.45 ) i In Well Tubing. DAM and Bev 23.00 ickets , D. A iOlat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 BOARDS. fo. 1 , com. sis 818.00 No. 2 , com , si s 817.00 Jo. 3. 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00 FENCING. No. 1,4 & 6 In , 12 A14tt , rough 819,50 < o. 1 , " " JO " " 19.50 fo.2 , " ' 12&14" " 10.00 No.2 , " " 1 " " 17.6 ! ) RIDINCI. A. 12.14 and 10 ft. 821.50 C , $15.50 B. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50 CEIMNO AND 1'AUTITION. stcom , { in White Pine Coiling 834.00 ! nd ' " " 28.00 Jlear , % In. Norway " " 10.00 nd com. % In. " " " 14.00 STOCK HOAIIDS. A 12 inch s. Is 845.50 No. 1. com. 12 in. s. 1 s. , 12 tt 20.50 14 It 19.00 10 ft 18.50 No.2 , " " " 19.00 " 10 tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Roofing SI.00 per M more han 12 luch Stock Boatds t > ame length. SIIINOM'.S. I.ATH. XXclPar . .53.10 Kxtra * A * S2.90 * A Standard . . a.75 * AHli&B 2.55 In. clear No I. . 1.50 Lain 2.G5 POSTS. iVhlto cedar , C In. , ) s. , 12c ; 9 In. rjrs. , lie ; 3 in. urs. , I0c:4 : in. round 15c ; Tennessee .led Cedar , split , 15c ; Split Oak. 12c. I.IMI : . ETC. Ruincv white lime ( best ) . 90c : Akron ce- nent , Si.75 ; hair , : c ; plaster , 82.75 ; tar > oard. S1.75 ; sash , 40c perct , ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per ct. ; tar tclt , per cwt. , S2.75 ; straw board , S1.75. 80UTIIKIIN YKI.LOW PISE. 'am. ' 4 AC in. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 21.50 lear % In. Celling 21.50 " % In. Partition a\00 " Flnlsh.l * I/in.s.2s 9.00 " Cdrrugated Celling , 4 In 25.00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00 HUHLAP. . No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 in 519.50 tfo.2 " 17.50 No. 1 , O. G. , 8 iu 19.50 OFFICE POST QITAUTBKMAHTKK , FOIIT U. A. llUSSKLL , 'VOMINO , } Soptpralicr20l . ( < L. . \ OEALED proposals , In triplicate , subject to * J tliu ugtnil conditions , will bo rocelvrct nt tills oltlco until 12 o'clock , noou , on Thursday , October 20,1887 , at which time and plnco they will bo opened In the presence of nttendlntf hlildors. for the construction ot the following lirluk bulldltiKS at tins post , viz : 2 sots of Held odlcors' iiunrters. 4 alntrlo sets of o Ulcers' quarters. 1 company barracks. 1 quartorinns- tcr's storehouse. 1 subsistence storehouse. Also for I frame coal sticil , and lor the conrci- slon of two storehouses Into compnny bar racks. Proposals will bo considered for fur- nielnriK both material anil labor necessary to complete the work , and for each separately. Preference gl\cn to articles of domestic pro duction anil mnnufucturo , conditions of prlco and quullty beluir equal , and such preference Kiven to articles of American production and tnanufactuio produced on the 1'aclHo const , to f.e ; extent ot thn consumption required by the public service there. Plan ; , speclllcntlons and estimate of material required can be seen at theofllcoof thu Chief Quartermaster , Depart ment of the Pint to , Omaha , Nebraska , and at this ofllco. Envelopes containing proposals to lie marked "Proposals for Construction of llulldlntrs , " and addressed to the underslfrncd utPort D. A. Uusscll. Wyoming. The United States reserves the right tn renct | any or all bids. EllWAItU CHVNOWETH , 1st Lieut. &Q. It , M. , 17th Infantry , Post Quar termaster. Cor 13th and Douglas sts. Capital Stock $160,000 Liability of Stockholders 30OOOG The only regular savings bank m the state-Five per cent Interest paid on deposits. Loans Made on Bual state. OFFICF.RS : UtivC. HAHTON , President ; J , J. Bnoww. Vlci President ; li. M. IlKNNrrr , Manamr Ui- rector : JOHN B. Wu.iiun , Cashier. THE BANK OF COMMERCE G1O North IGth Street , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100OOC GKO. C. DAnKRK. President. ROUT. L. GAnUCHS , Vlce-Presldent. F. U JOHNSONt'aslilor DIUECTUUS : rUMurr.K. JOHNSON , Qco. R. HOUT. L. GAnucus , WM. F. U. JOHNSOX. A general banking business transacted , Interest allowed on Imo ilsrm S. T. BALDRIDGE , A. M. , Onice , Cor. 15th and Farnam sts. Residence , 2621 Farnam st. Hours. 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 p. m. RICHARD NUNN , M. D. , ( DU1II.TH ) . OCULIST AND AU3IST 1518 DODGE ST. 10 K. M. TO 4 P. M. SCIENTIFIC CLUCK & WILKINSON. JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. CHUJICH/KL PARKER , Wholcoalt Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Crrrlaxet auil lluftlon. Jnnei MrreU between 9th and lOth.Omnhn , Neb , L1N1XGER tt ) METVALF CO. , AfirrlcuUnrnl Iniplrmcnts , Waironi.CarrlMH. BuBtles , Kte. . WhoUnMe.Om ha. VARLINORENDORFA MARTIN Wkolcunlc Detlert In Agricultural Implements , rTa < on > and Bucilet. SOUW3 , ws anilKn , Jonrmt 1' . 1' . MAST As CO. , Mnnulacturor * of Drills , Seeders , Cultivators liny Itiiken , Cliter Mills nnil t.ulinu t'ltlvcrltjri. Cur. North 14th and Nlcholim Pta. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements Wnpons and 11 Jttilo * . ornor Htli & Nloliolai its. Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , nil Donglai Street , Omaha. Boots and Shoes. w. r. MORSE & co. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1111 Farnam it. , Omaha , Neb. Unuufactorj , Bummw rtrect. tlutton. KIUKENDALL. JONES A : CO. Successors to lifed.lours & Co. , osulo MiiniirHctutors of Hoots V Shoc . Airlfl lor lloslmt llilbbo : ' Slum Co. I1VJ. 11IH fC HOI Hp . .p- f 0r , , | , , . Vnlrq 1 < < | Coffee , Spices , Etc. li OOl't'hli CO. , Omaha 0 ) ffee ntvl Spice Mills. Tens , Splccf , llaklntr 1'owilor , Kluvorlim- l'\lrut'(8. ( Laundry Illuu Ink , etc. HU-lUu linrnoy St. ( Jin Htm , Nebraska , Crockery and Glassware W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for 'he Manufacturer ! and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lnrnpe , Chlmoort , etc. Office , 317 South llth St. Omaha , Neb. , Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and .lobbing. Bntter , Kneaod Produce. ConilRnmemi eollelted. Beadanartera for dtonewarv , llerrjr Itoio anil Gripe Baikeui. 1411 IXidiciircet.omahi. RIDDELL cfi RIDDELL , ' Storage nnd Commission Merchants , fpccUltiei Butter. Y.tft , Chocio , I'oiltrr , Uarae , Ojitcrt. etc. , etc. 1US. ilth St. WIEDEMAN cC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Oamc , Piulti , etc. 220 B. KlniV Omaha. Neb , GEO SCHROEDER&CO. , Successors to McSlmno X I'roilueo Coiumlsjlon a nil CoUl Omalm , Neb. Coal , Coke and Lime. Qio. F. I.AnAQit , I're . C. F. OOOMMAX , V. PitM. J. A. HUNDEIILAND , Sec. and Treat. OMA'IIA COAL , COKE .fc LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 200 South Thirteenth Itrect. Omaha. Neb. Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Blilppera of Conl antl Coke , Cenn-il , I'lanler , IJrao , llHlr , Hr DrlcK , Drain , Tile nnil .xpwur ripn. cmico , I'.ntoa dote ! Jfa - im ft. , Oniilm , Nub. Telephone 811. _ NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , u of Conl and , C < iKet 214 S. tilth St.O"mnh.i , Neb. Dry Goods anil Notions. jr. E. SMITHS CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods &Notions 1103 anil 1104 Dilution , ror. llth St. , Omnhn.Nob. KILPATRICK-KOCH , DRY GOODS CO. , Importers anil Jobbers Dry Gooils Notions , Cents' Fitinlslilnir Rooda. Cor. llth & Ilarnuy Bt furniture. "STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnam it. . Omaha , Neb. CHARLES SHIl'ERICK , Furniture , Bedding- , Upholstery , Mlrrori.etc. 1206,1308 and 1210 Fnrnam t. . Omaha. Groceries , Wliolesale Groceries and 1'rovisions , N03. 705,707 , TO nnd 711 S. 10th St , Omnlm , Neb. McCORD , li.KAJIY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , rtn nnd I.cavoniTortlt nH.OmKhu. U. i\l. til & &IA : M U , , Wholesale Clrocciy , 12in , 1221r:2HnrncrSt ; , Omnlm , Nob. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grows , 1114 nnil 1I1R llurtioy Ktrcot , Oiimhn. Hardware. LEE , FRIED * CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron. Kte. Agenti for Howe Bcalea , and Miami Po derCo.Omkha.Nel ) . HIMERA UGH C TAYLOR , Bnilders'Hardware&ScaloItcpairShop Mechanics' Tooli and Buffalo Scalei. UK , Douglai it , Omaha. N U. RliCTOK & W1LI1ICLMV CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOtb anil Hiirnoy StrcotB , Omalm , Nob. Western Ataints tor Austin 1'owilor Co. , Jclfor- son Stcol Nallti , FiUi'biinks Huuidiud i > calva. Heavy Hardware IT. J. RROATCrr , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , BprlugsTagon Stock , Hardware laimber , etc. 1201 and Ull llirner it. , Omtba. EDNEY & GIIittON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriueo Wood Stock , near ? Hardware , Ktc. U1I and 12W LenTenworth ft. , UuiHlni , Neb. Hats , Copy , Ete. \V. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , t'aj > a & Straw Goods , 1107 linrnoy Street , Oinnbn , Nob. Liquors. Dlitlllen of Mqunra , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Importer ! and Jobberof WlneiamJ l.lquori. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'f CO. and ILER , K CO. , Importer ! and Jobbers of Fine Wlnci and I.lquora , Bole ra nuf etur r of Kennedr'n Rut India lilt- t n and Dommllc Llquori. 1IU llirn 7 gt. Lumber. OMAITA TUMBER CO. , Dealer' . AIIKIndiof Buildinir Material at Wholesale. llth Btreet and nalon faelflo Track. Omaha. ' LOUIS VRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doori , Ete. Yardi Corner 7lh and Uouflui ; Corner nth and Doujlne. C. N. DIETZ , Lumlter. 13th and California trceti. Omiha. Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Ctband nonilai HiOmalia.Nei. . T , Wi XL4RFEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Odte , KOtFaratmilriet.Cmtlia. . OWIMJOBBERS' DIRECTOR ! CHAS..X..LEE , . . . Hardwood' Lumber , ' ' . Wood Cirpeti nd rrq t rtoortag , ith and DotmlM JOHN A. WAKW1ELD , ' Wholesale Lumber , Kto , . Iniportrri nnd Anrnlmn rortlmiri Ccmfnt fll U Agtnt ( orMllwiukte llrdrnullc fomentand B it < Julncj WblteLlmn Millinery and Uttiont. J. OREKVELDER M CO. , Importers anil Jobbers ot Milliner ) ! and Notions. 108.21(1 ( an t SIS 8. llth St. Notions. WholfiaU Dcaleri In Notions nnd Furnishing' Goods , [ O anil ( MB. Tenth Bt. . tm h . i V1NYAR1) & SCHNEIDER , Wholesale Notion * and Gcntu' Far * nlaliiiifj Good. * , 1105 Hninoy Street. Omnlia , Neb. Oils. CONSOLIDATE ! ) TANK LINE CO. , Wliolo ale Dealers In Refined and Lubrlcatlna Oils , A.tloGnmsc , etc. Oimilm , Neb. A. II. lli lu > | ) , Manager. PAPER CARPENTER PATER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. fnrryn nice utrckof rrlnllnn. Wrnipln | < anA Writ Inv paper , bpcoliilntlrntlon iilrea W car loud or onion Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPA PER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. DMlcritnTjpe. PrpMi-ii unit Printers' 8upp1l i. Ut South Twelfth Street. _ _ Rubber Goods. OMAHA llunufncturer itnd le ) lor § In all kind lot Kubbcr Goods , Oil Clothing nn < 1 Leather Dolling , IOM F rnam SL Sieam fittings , Pumps , Etc. " " " ' . ii STRA NO CO. , rumps , Pipea and Eiifjliips. Bteam , Wat r. Rtllwar and Mllllnir Supplier. KtA MO. va aad KM K rn m t. . Omaha. ft b. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , " \Vholesalo Pumps , Pipe , FittliiffS , Bte ra and Water Suppllei. lUadqiiarter * ror ) ln | Fo3 tCo' Uoo > li. lllliraruam it. , Omaha. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. DMIaAnT Wind Mllni nteam and Writer RnppllCf , IMuinblng Qooil . Reftlnit , llote. Klfi and V-i ) f r- cam it. , Oinnba. 8. K. Kclton , Mknager. Telephone No. 310. JtROWNISLL iC CO. , llanufacturon and Deiilors In Engines , lloilcra & Gouoral Muchliiory Slicot \Vork,8lcmm I'UIIIIH. Saw Mills. nii-l ; lri loavt'iiwoi-tli St. , Uiniiliu. Seeds. IMIIL. STIMMEL & CO. , \MIOI.F8\I.R Farm , Field and Garden Seeds , Nos. 911-.I13 ' Jones Street , Oinnlm , Nob. Star aye , Forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , 1'ETTIS & CO. Sfoi'aiicJ'\ > rirardltifC ! : tii > iit nion Ilrnnuli lioiiso of the Ilonnuv IluifL'y Co. Ilim- plus nt wlinloinlo itiul retail. NOR. 1333. 1:110 : luul 1IIU : izurd St. , Omiihu , Nob. Toluiiuono No. 7f)0. ) _ Teas and Cigars JmportorH nnd Jobbers of 2 < tm and Claarn , Spices nml Daisy llnklnif I'owdor. 1110 and 1413 llainoy Street. , Omaliii , Nub. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS Cornier. . John Eponcter , Prop. ktinnfaeturer of O lvnnltoil Iron and Cornice. < 9B Ucd e and 103 nd 105 N , 18th it. . omah . Neb. Smoke S aks. . Sailers , Etc > / . ' . SAWYEK , Mauiiractiiriiifi : Dealer in Smokestacks , llrltchln n , Tnnk' . nf1 Cunn-iil Duller ItepnlrliK , HIS Dmli'O Hlruol.OliiHlin Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrouttbt anil Cait Iron Building Work , Iron Plain , llallliiB. lleimiB mid Ulrderi , Hicnui Knulnen. llruil \Vork , li n i' nil ffpunilrr , Mncblno anil IllncknaillU Vnik. Office an J Worki , U. I' . llT.nnd 17th Btiett. UMAltA W1K.K&IKON WORKS , Miinufacturcrs or Wire and Iron Ralllni ; * , Dealt Nail * , Window Ciuarils , I'lowerKtiinils , Wire UlKUS.otc. lil N. HUIi. OMAHA SAKE & IRON WORKS G Andrein , Proprietor. Manufacturer of Flro mid Ilurirhir Proot Safos. Vnulls , Jiill Work. Iron anil Wlro FcncliiK. oto. Cor. Htli unil Jucks n-Ht. Oiiiuhn. Overalls. MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeani Pant * , Sblrti , Kte. 1102 and 1KM Uoujla * Street , Onubi. Neb. Sash , Doors , Ete. M. ArmsmRowa co. , WtioUiala Uxnufacturcn of Sash , Doors , ISHiula and Jlouldliip/g , Ilrnneh office , 121U fcud Iiart ) ts. , ( ) n : bs , > < > . BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'jign.Stalr ' Work and Interior IlnnlVond Klnlib Jutt opeuuil. N. K. cor. 8tb Hnd LeuveuwortuBta. Omaba , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Mnnufncturmsof MnulilliiKS , Hush , Docisnni ] urnlMif rilulr-work. lliuilc lUiJ Olllcu FltthiK * . ZOth nml ropiltton | Avunuo , Brewers. " STORZ tC ILER , Lager Jiesr Urowors , 1521 North IStti Street. Omnlia , Neb. " SOOTH OMAHA. C. K. rU.ltKIl N I1. 1IICIIMAN , J. 1) ) . III.A.NCIIAIIU PALM Eli , HICIIM A Artt CO. , Live titoclc Cninniixxlon Merchants , Qtficp Kiioni-l , Opposltn KxoluuiKO llullalug , Union Htouk VurilH , South OinnliH , Nub. Jrcc7 > \ jiitos . , Live Stock ( JoiiiiiilKsion MeriiliantH. Market furnltheil fre ODHpplliittlon. btnrk ri an feeileri ( iirnltlivl on uo ul torini. . Roferone * Oinilm Nutluuul II ink unil Soutli Oiuahn H Union htuck Vunli , Huutli Omulin. LOU1MEU , WKSTIiRF'LI ) & MALKY Lire Stndi Itoom 15 Kzrliiiiitfo biilhlliifL'nlon Slock Yurili , South ( liiuiliu , Nob. _ . HO iTNTs IA R P ii : ' Comnilsaluii Dealers in I.lvo Slock , lloom 21. Rr , cliitin , ' " ' HulMlnir , Union Stuck Vils. ; S. OniHtia ItiitiTimcid1'nliHi Nat'l Hank , Oiniilia , Union Stoi-K VanlH IliuiU. B. Omiiliit , K. H. Uowlcv I'M s. Am. Hank \ Trust C'o. Oinulm. _ ALKXANOKK it FlTCH , Conunljolon Donlors ) tt I.lvn Stock , lloom 22 , Opposlto KxchanK" HulMlntf , Hnlou Stock Yards boutli Omnlm , Nob. , _ _ _ _ _ _ UNJ ON STOCK YARDiicO. , Of Omaha. Mmrttd. ' Jaba ' . Bofd , Bap riat tuJ ii . _