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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 24. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Eeporta From Northwestern Harvest Fields Still Growing More Unfavorable. CORN CROP NEWS DISCOURAGING Ati Increased Volume of IJiiilncfls Transacted In Oats Tradlntt In Cattle anil llo i Brisk General Quotations. CHICAGO PHOIUJCE MARKET. CIIICAOO. AtiRiist ! i3. | Special Telegram lo the UKK.I Keoorts from the harvest lields ot the northwest grow more nnd moro unfavorable. Kvery commission house with northwestern correspondents or connections has spring wheat harvest news , and It Is pretty much of the same general tenor. It may be thus summed up : That the crop In Minnesota nnd Dakota Is not panning out as well as anticipated by from three to six bushels per acre ; that the berry Is smaller , and that the grain , bolng weedy nnd dirty , Is going to bu hard to handle and subject to heavy dockage , tax , etc. , and that wheat Is going to ho late starting on account of rainy weather. U was principally on account of this news that the market ruled firm to-day dnspltu the absence of general outside specu lative Inquiry and In the face of bearish foreign advices. The price range at the opening and at the closu was , ' M'\c above yestcrdnyjf closings and fluctuations were within narrow limits of 'fc. Septem ber ODClicd at GO @G9,6 < c , laiiKt'd ntG9 > f@ G9 > < c high and G9J4'(3G9Yc ( low , and closed at G9j4'c. October opened ht 71 Ye , ranged at 71M@ lc and closed at 71'H"c. ' December opened nt 744'c ' , ranged at 74@74 ? c and closed at 74JIOJ74XC. Trade , as belore remarKcd , was light , but the position of wheat was such as to encourage Investors In the faith that "there Is a good time coming. " The estimated receipts of corn to-day foot up411)cats. ) The official figures for yester day are 207,100 bushels and the Indications point to liberal though not largo arrivals for the remainder of the weok. A better ship ping demand Is reported , lake engagements lor the day aggregating ' ! bushels. Crop news Is of an almost universally discourag ing tenor and the public Is once moro feeling bulllshly disposed "on the crop. " The deal to-day , however , was Inraely of a scalping character , and nothing sensational transpired. Prices averaged a little higher than yesterday , a gain of 'i@\c ; being established , thu same as In wheat. September opened at 41 > c , ranged at 4l > ft3 41c nnd closed at 41fQ41Jjf. ! October opened nt 42c , ranged atU o high and % ( & % low. and closed nt 4'Jc. December opened at 4SKc , rnnimd at 454.V&c nnd closed at An increased ; voluino of business was transacted in' oats to-day ana most of the npeculatlvo trading was In September , which wan a shade raster under lf > rgo offerings by one or two heavy local operators. More de ferred deliveries wore quiet and a shade firmer. May oats attracted less attention. During the last half of the session the market relapsed Into a very quiet condition , closing dull. ; I'rdvlslons passed through the day without radical change. In the aitlclcn receiving the principal attention lard and snort ribs the lluctuntlons In price ? covered only small limits and the closings wore pretty much the same as yesterday. Trading was too slow and too light In volume to awaken any gen eral Interest or to nITect the condition of the market , which , however , was quite strong. For January , the only winter month traded in to any extent , pork closed at S1S.40 , lard at 30.00 and short ribs nt SO.7J : ! . September , ns usual , was the pivotal month of near de liveries. For this month lard sold at $ fl.4.V $ 0.fX ) and short ribs at SS.OO@8.07 } , ' , closing at H0.45 for the former and 58.00 for short ribs. Aueust property was nominally the same as September , while October lard was about 7Xc higher and October short ribs JXaTKo under September. November and October lard sold at the same prices S0.5'.iX@o.57X. CI1 IOAGO STOCK. CHICAGO. August 83. ( Special lelegram to the BEK.J CATTI.K Trade was brisk , with another slight upturn on ordinary and best grades of native steers. Shippers and dressed beef dealers were eager buyers , the former taking the best cattle and paying the highest prices. There was bought for Ott- inann , of New York , three loads of fancy steers that averaged over 1COO Ibs , at S5.15. 'A similar lot sold a WCCK ago to-day at 85.10 ; 85.15 Is the highest prire paid since-May 19. Fat cattle sold largely within a range of 84.25@4.05 , and medium t J3.7o@4.15. Tex- mm are 20e higher than last week. A prime lot of Indians made S3.SH ) . Hatchers' stock remains nt the former low range ol prices. Stackers and feeders wore a shade stronger than last week. Shipping steers. 1,850 to 1.000 Ibs. 81.30 5.15 ; l.liOO tc 1,850 Ibs , SU.7l ) ( < < ! 4.70 ; IfiO lo 1'JOO Ibs , SU.OOfij 4.00. Stockers . . ' ' and feeders. Sa.OOCtfS.'A'i ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.GOft'-MH ) ; bulk , S'J.W ) , Through Tuxas steers , S-.GOiy.'l.a'i. Ono cai of Indian Tcxnns brought S4.00 ; cows , S'-J.OC @ 3.fiO. Hoes Trade was active with an upturn of about Cc on nearly all sorts , \\ofl \ \ heavy , 85.a' ) ( < ? , ' ) .40 ; packlni : sorts.S5.i0 ! ( < t5. : ; com on packers , S4.'JO@.10 ; light sorts , S5.0Ug ( 6.JJ5 ; Michigan grassers , S4.bU(35.10. ( FINANCIAL ! . NKW YOHK , Aiisusm-tSpeclal Tologruni to the UKK.I STOCKS The stock market was again weak and prices averagud lower , The short Interest was well eliminated on the rally la to yesterday and this morning tbe Cammack-Whlto party were ottering stocks all around the room and created a weak , dis trustful fooling dosplto the fact that gold Is still coining from Europe , 3230,000 arriving to-day , ana the prospect that the troiisurj will purchase several millions of bonds to morrow. There was a lack of out'sldo sup port and without that the bu'ls ' wore unable to cause and maintain any decided advance. The market opened unsettled , with several active properties higher and others lower During the morninc the whole list broke , the declines extending to 2Y percent , North cm l'.icllle preferred being the woakost. Grangers wore offered with consldorabh freedom , but wore rather stubborn and enl ; dropped .Hf to H percent , but recalnod thi loss. Lacknwaua tumbled IJf per cent , bu reacted Jf per cent. Heading sold oft ij , but rallied H pur cent and Western Unloi liroko l } but advanced ? 8 p r cent. Mlssour 1'ncltio stock , which Is attracting the mos attention , advanced } { early , but broke : point. Cotton oils , after broakinz K , ad vanccd ! , ' ( , ' per cent , ( iould says Mlssour Pacific Is now Intrinsically worth as mud and moro than It ever sold for and "I wouli llku any ono to explain why I should liav any for sale at these low prices. I have in speculative Interest In the market and never Intend to bo again a factor In Wat street. People who hold Missouri I'aclilc o Western Union have stocks that are dlr cheap and It Is all for which I fcol a respor slbility. I hold my Missouri Pud tic for a Investment and am not seriously trouble because stock which I would not sell at olthc price Is quoted at IU Instead of 115. Other who hold for Investment are on an cqui footlnir with mo and will como out all rlgli when the general current turns. I can not however , taku care of all the traders am speculators. I cannot recall all the Instance wheni they tried very hard to take of ino Tight money will not cause further trouble The Investment buying has been o perils tent that the street U pretty well cleared o floating stocks , hence it can In future easll , obtain sufficient money to handle the markc with. Missouri Pacific stockholders , ho\\ ever , have nearly doubled In numborth present year and nearly 100 now stockhoUlei have Deen added to the Manhattan's list r < cently. " Pacific Mall was the only proport that did not decline below yesterday's close It opened 1 point higher on a report that U : executive committee had recommended tin 1 per cent be declared , advanced X. bi broke X Kr cent during the latter sart i the day , The market acted as yesterday , b exhibited more activity. The shorts were mic.isy and run to cover and competitive buying force i prices on a majority of prop erties up above yesterday's closing futures and last sales were at almost the outside fie- ure.s of tlio day , The net advances were IM on Pacllic Mall , 1M on Now England and .Missouri Pacific , ' { on Northwestern , H on Luke Shore and St. Paul , and } ( per cent on Heading. The declines were } { on Northern Pacific preferred , and * { per cent on com mon , Lackiiwaua was steady. The sales Vtcreail.OM shares. OOVIIINMF..VTS : Government bonds were dull but firm. YBSrEltDAT'S OUOTAT1OXS. U. S. 4's coupon .1 C. AN. W . U. S. 4H'scour > .l do preferred..144 Pacific tf a ot'9fi..l. _ N. vo ! 107 % CanadaSouth'n. . 64O. . K. AN , W Central Pacific. , sotf ( ) . T. 84 Chicago A Alton. 147' PncihcMall do preferred. . . , ! . ' > " P. , D. AE C. , H. AO iw ; Pullman Pal.Car. 140 I ) . , U A W 1 J Heading D. AU.O 201. Hock Island Erie Wk St L. AS. F. . . . do preferred. . . . ftsw do preferred. . . . 73 ; Illinois Central. . 118 0. , M. A 8tP. . . 82 I. , B. A W 1C do preferred K. AT SO , St P. A 0 40X Lake Shore IG'4' ' do preferred. . 108 U AN CS'J Texas Pacific. . . . 27 : Michigan Cent'l. . 84K Union . 55 Mo. Pacific . OfiVW..St. LAP. . . . No , Pacific . 2fijfl do preferred. . 31 > J do preferred. . . . Mtf W. U. Telegraph TajJ MONEY On call easy nt 4@0 txr cent , last loan C per cent , closed olfcrcd at 0 per cent. PRIMK MKUCANTILK PAPKU 6Xii9 ( per cent. STKRMXO KXCIIANOK Dull at 4bO f for 09 d.iy bills , nnd 4 i tor demand. I'UODUCE MAHKUT8. Ohlcaco , Aucust a.3. Following quota tions are the 2:80 : closing hgures : Flour Dull but linn and unchanged. Wheat Firm ; fluctuated within a 'fc range , closing a shade higher than yesterday ; casu. C8 13-lfic ; September , 69Xc ; October , 71 ; ! fc. Corn Active ; unsettled early and closed i ® ! { c above yesterdav ; cash , 4015-lGc ; Sep tember , 41 l5-18c ; October , 42c. Oats Dull and quiet with no Important clinngo ; cash , 24J o : September , 84Kc ; May , uOJfe. Kye-Qulotat44Kc Uarley Quiet ; SeptemlHir , CCc. Prime Timothy Sooa-82.17. FlaxSeed-Wc. Whlsky-Sl.10. Pork Dull and quiet with no apparent change ; cash. 816.2o@15.50 ; Octoocr , SIG.GO ; year , JJ1L76Q11.80 ; January , 812.37J4@12.4U. Lard Stronger earlv but closed steady ; casli and September , S0.45C'f.47'i ! ; October , . Dry Salted Moats Shoulders , (5.45(35.50 ( ; short clear. S8.35 ( < t8.40 ; jmrt | rjbs , 88.00. Mutter Weak ; creamery , 17 < vti25c ; dairy , Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars , lljtfc : flats , ll , @Uc ; Young Americas , 11Q HKc. HKc.ggs Firm at 14X@15c , Hides Unchanged ; heavy green hides. 7Jtc ; light do. /Z8c ( ; salted bull hiaes , Oc , green salted calf , b } Q9c ; dry Hint , 12 ® 13c ; dry calf , 12@13c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , SJ c ; No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c. 4c.Kecalnts. Kecalnts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 20,000 10,000 Wheat , bu . 40.000 87,000 Corn , bu . 207,000 93.000 Oats , bu . 247,000 55.000 Kye , bu . 2,000 l.OuO Barley , bu . 33,000 5,000 St. Ijouls , August 23. Wheat Higher ; cash , CO c ; October , 71c. Corn Higher ; cash , 39@IOlc ; October , Oats Film ; cash , 24 0 ; October , 25 < c. Whisky SLOT ) . Pork-Strong ; 815.00. Lard-S0.30. Lilvorpool , August 23. Wheat Quiet ; de mand poor ; holders olferlruely ; California , l.fis5d ( < Gsbd percental. Corn Quiet ; ueruand fair. Milwaukee. Aueust 23. Wheat Firm ; cash , C9c ; September , 09c ; Oc tober , 71Kc. Corn Quiet ; No. 3. 40c. Oats Dull ; No. 2whito.27c. Hye lligher ; No. 1 , 47Wc. Bailey Firm ; September , 57' c. Provisions Steady ; mess purk , August , $14.oO. Olnolnnatl , Ausust 23. Wheat Freely offered , lower ; No. 2 rod , 7.1c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 45c. Oats Heavy ; No. 2 mixed , 27Ji@28c. Hye-Firm ; No. 2 , 51c. Pork-Firm ; S15.00. Lard Stronger ; 0.37 } . Whisky-Steady ; 51.05. New York. August 23. Wheat Ke- ( .Oipts , 106.000 ; exports. 280,300 ; spot lots generally firm and in some cases trifle better ; in elevator ; lV@818'c delivered ; old do , 81J < c delivered ; September closed at 80 } < c. Corn Soot lots advanced Kdlc and op tions % ® % c , closing firm ; cash trading mod erate ; receipts , 8,000 ; exports , 3J.OOO ; un- gradcd , 4UJf@50 c ; No. 2 , 50c store ; SO J/C delivered ; 00c c. f. and I. ; Septembei closed at 49Xc. Oats Moderately active and steady ; re ceipts , 72,000 ; exports , 7 8 ; mixed western , 3l(5 ; c : white do , : r40c. Petroleum firm ; United , OlJ c. Kggs Moderate demand ; generally steady : westein , 12@10Kc. Pork Steady ; trading light ; family mess quoted at S15.00o.25.uo ( old ; S15.0@15.7 ! new. Lard Trllle higher and moderately active ; western steam spot , SO.bO ; Butter Firm and demand moderato : western , 1225c ; western cieamery , I0@2. > c Cheese Quiet , unchanged. Coltao Spot , fair ; Hlo quiet and sterulv ai 820 ; options lower nnd Jess active ; sales 49,000 bags ; August , S18.20 ; September S13.2.5@18.I15 ; October , S18.45@18.G5 : November vembor , S18.45iD18.55 ; December , 81S45u ( 18.70 ; January , SlS.4i ( < JlS.70. MlnncupollH , August iii.-Wlieat-Steaily light offerings ; old in good ilemaud ; No , : hard , cash and September , 73 ic : October , 70c ; No. 1 northern , cash and September 7lJo ; October , Oi ; No. 2 northern , cast and September , 70c ; October , GSjfc on track old hard , 74c ; No , 1 northern , 73c ; No. : northern , 7Jc ; new No. 1 hard , 71e ; No. : northern , OSKc ; No. a not them. Kc. Flour Steady ; patents , f4.00@4.2o ; bak ers , 83.10 ( 3.30. liecelpts Wheat , 55,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 4'5,000 bu ; Hour , 20,001 bbls. bbls.Kansas Kansas City , Aueust 23. Whcat- Stroniror ; No. 2 September , 05Kc bid , CS i asked. Corn Stonger ; No. 2. cash , 3.r.Xc bid.SSJ , ' ! asked ; September , 35 * < c ; October , 30c bid 8C > Xc asked , Oats No. 2 cash , 23c bid 23) ) c asked ; Aus ust , 23c bill. 23c asked. Now Orloiuis August 23. Corn qulc but steady ; In sacks , mixed , 54n ; white , 54 ( < 55c ; yellow , f > 5c. Oats steady nnd firm ; choice western , li sacks , 85 ( < j35Kc. Corn MeM-Quiet nt 82.35. Hoe Products Dull nnd drooping. Pork-S15.37' < . Lard-Hollued tierce , SG.02K. Hulk Mvats-Shouidcn , S5.C5 ; long clea and clear rib , fulVG STOCK. Chtu Ko , August 23. The Drovers'Joui nai reports us lollows : 1 Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; active and 10 1s 1r higher ; shipping steers. S3.005.15 ; stockut and trederii , iOOta ; : ! . ' ' ) ; cows , bulls un s mixed , Sl.GO 2.yO ; Texas cattle , S2.00@4.0 ( ,1t , Hogs Hecelpts , U.OOO ; stronger and t shade higher ; rough and mixed , S4.SOj(5.lC packing and shipping , 85. 2535.40 ; ligh 1 I " Skips , 3.f)0i4.75. ( Sheep Itecelpts , 8,000 ; strong for gooc 9 others steady ; natives , 8a.75Q4.85 ; westen J3.i53.75 ! ; Texans , i.fcOji3.70 ( ; lamb 54.Sl35.00. National Htook Yards. East Hi Lout * . III. , August 23. Cattle Hi ceipt 2,000 ; shipments , 600 ; market active , hlghei fair to choice heavy native iteers. 3'jx 4.50 ; 100 bunch at 8l.b5 ; butcliers' steen | 3.30@3.90 ; feeders , fair to good , S2.00M2.W Heirs Uecelpta , 1J00 ; stilpuients , non ( market active and ihado higher ; choice heav and butchers' selections , 85.2535.40 ; packet and YorKcrs , medium to choice. S4.9Xg5.2 < pigs , common to good , 14.40(34.90. ( Butter-Firm ; creamery , 22 < 327c ; dairy , : , K&naa * City. August 23. Cattle , Receipts , fl,000shliunents ; ( oniclal yesterda ; ' ! i,5W ; corn fpd strong and 5O10c hlghe it good grass range. So lusher ; good to choli U com fed , | 4.70 ; coinuioa to modluv S3.KXil,10 ; stockora I2.9092.SO ; feeding steers , $2,60@\SO ; cows , l.40 13. . lloji Receipts , 7,400 ; shipments , ( official yesterday ) 5,940 ; market active , 5c higher , closing strong ; common to choice , 6,70 ; skips and pigs , 3.00(3,4,75. ( OMAHA LIVE HTOOK. Tuesday , August 23. Cattle. The run of cattle was liberal to-day , Although the market was nut very active nut to n good many cattle changed bands. There Is a fair demand for eood native corn- fed steers at steady prlres. Not many feeders were Hold although there was some Inquiry after them. Butcher's stock Is slow but a few loads are sold every day , Hog * . The receipts of hogs were not very heavy for Tuesday. The market opened active at an advance of about 5c nnd the pens were cleared In a short time. The averaro quality was better than yesterday , and taking that fact Into consideration the market could not bo railed over 5c higher , although tbe sales mlirht show even a greater advance. The market closed with the feeling a llttlo caster. Sheep. There was nothing doing on the sheep market _ _ _ _ _ Itccclptf. Cattfe. 1.600 HOKS 4,500 Sheep t lee Shipments. Cattle SScara Ilogs 18 cars Prevailing Price * . Showing the prevailing orlcus paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 84.1034.30 Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 3.90C44.10 Kat llttlo steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75WJ.80 Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1400 a75T 4.00 Good to choice corn-fed cows , . . . 2.753.00 Common to medium cows 2.00(32.50 ( Good to choleo bulls 1.75W2.50 Light and medium boors 4.90a5.05 ( ( lood to choice heavy hoes 5.10@5.20 Good to choice mixed hogs 4.90 5.10 Representative Male * . NATIVK STKEUS COH.V FKD. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1210 83.50 21..11S.-1 84.15 2. . . . 1040 3.00 17. . . . 1270 4.20 16..1101 3.b5 54 . . .1194 4.20 21..1070 3.85 St.-.1175 4.20 14..1170 4.10 1..1220 4.20 27 . . .1150 4.15 62..1009 4.20 COWS. 18..942 82.10. 1..8SO 82.50 11..1020 2.40. 8..U75 2.C5 TIIXAS. CO..1103 53.00 83.00 HULLS. 2..1100 31.50 1..1580 S1.65 3..1423 1.00 1..1C50 2.00 IIUTPIIKHS STOCK MIXKl > . 4 . . .1370 82.50 2.955 83.00 WYOMINO STKHIIS OltASS. 103. . . . 1035 83.20. STAGS. 1..13bO J3.00 noos. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr 17..277 84.90 70..219 8085.05 70..280 100 4.90 21..310 40 5.05 81..204 80 4.90 67..270 80 5.05 79..203 40 4.90 02..203 200 5.05 62..190 40 4.05 60..2.J8 200 5.05 64..24S 200 4.9) 70..247 160 5.05 G0. . . . & 120 5.00 OS..252 ICO 5.05 73..232 200 5.00 57..24U80 5.05 07..219 5.00 60..243 80 5.07k 68..216 200 5.00 71..2 6 120 5.07 > i 63..242 200 5.00 05..2152 bO 5.10 70..228 160 5.00 67..2S9 80 5.10 97..204 280 5.00 59..258 200 5.10 41..225 120 5.00 GJ..2 S 80 5.10 69..207 bO 5.00 63..25SO 5.10 6.250 100 5.00 73..251 40 5.10 7i..l90 : 5.00 6:1..2V : ? 80 5.10 74..235 bO 5.00 61..2SO 80 5.10 55..244 SO 5.00 07..2T5 5.10 6S..241 40 5.00 640l : ! 200 5.10 62..212 200 5.00 63..2 9 120 5.10 63..255 bO 5.00 CO . . .280 ' . ' 00 5.10 60..253 160 5.02K 49..357 240 5.12K 6K..20T , _ 5.05 GO . . .1109 240 5.15 62. . . . 249 80 5.05 55. . . . IM ) 5.15 64..82 200 5.05 55..HU 5.15 75..234 120 505 47..314 5.15 02..251 2bO 5.05 57..291 80 5.15 69..234 120 5.05 51..278 120 5.15 00..233 80 5.C5 77 . . .242 120 5.15 70 . . .253 120 5,05 G8..242 ! 0 5.20 71..237 5.05 117..327 160 5.20 l/ive Btoolc Sold. Showlngthu number of head ot stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond A Co 394 Local 40 Shippers b2 Total 510 lions. Anglo American Packing Co 1823 G. 11. Hammond A Co 3-0 ! Armour A : Co 1010 Squires ACe 1023 UairisAFiiher ' , 1 > 0 Total 4332 All silos ot stock in this market are made per cwt. HWO weight unless otherwise * stated. Dead hog. ) soil at Ko per Ib. for all weights "Skins , " or hogs wolghlni : loss than 100 Ibs. no valuu. 1'rtunrtiit sows are docked 40 ID * . and stilus 33 Ibs. by thaoubllo las pea tor , Ijlvo Stock Xoeci. D. Henderson , Hastings. la. , was In with hogs. Mr. Morgan , of Winters & Morgan , Shelby , la. , was In. John Duru. Hooper , marketed n load of 291-lb hogs at S5.15. Mr. Anderson , Shelby , la. , was over look- ins up the market. Peter Burlet , T.ilmngp , Neb. , was here and marketed a load of cattle. M. Ticrnny , Altiille , was hero with n load of hogs and a load ot sheep. L. U. Shephard , Arlington , Neb. , vas among thu visitors at the yards. Mr. McDonald was nt thu yards and marketed - koted a load of butchers' stock. Mr. Thompson was over a ain from the Bluffs nnd marketed a load ol hogs. J. Schll , of Nebraska City , was In with two loads of cattlu trom his Fullerton ranch. 'there have boon more Iowa shippers In with stock during the past week or two than ever before. The receipts wore not aa heavy as usual on Tuesday and the quality of the hogs was a llttlo Duller. J. M. Cox , Hampton , a well-known ship per , marketed two choice loads of ho s nl 85.20. the top price. j. W. Strahn , Malvern , la. , who also has a largo ranch In Nebraska , a heavy feeder , was lu looking over the market. C. 1) . Fuller and Georco Wright , Pint BlulTs , Wyo. , were hero with six loads ol cattle which sold on Ilia market. A train of lifty cars of stock came In yes terday over the Union Pacllic. This Is the lonirest train that over eamo In hen . Mr. Van XiMidt , of the lirm of Bauer A Var Xandt , Blaiichnrd , la. , was at the yards mid marketed a load of light hogs nt 5c. Mr. Winters , of the lirm of Winters & Morgan , ShHbr , la. , was among the visitor : at the yaids. He will begin shipping here a once. once.Mr. . Stores , of the well-known firm of Heno Storrs & D. , Oakdale , came In with two load : of hogs. They have a good many cattle 01 hand. The Bey State Cattle company markotci tineo loads of Texas cattle which came li late Monday night Nineteen loads arrlvet late last night H. T.Jones , Bee , Neb. , n new station 01 the Northwestern , made his first trip her and marketed a load of hogs. Ho Is an oh Chicago shipper. Wra , Vlckory , Marne , la. , an old Chlcagi shipper , has bupn coming hero lately and I well pleased with the market. Ho marketei a load of 809-lb. hogs yesterday at 85.15. Among those having stock on the marke were the following : Cook A C. , Hebron E. U Martin , Kairmount ; C. D. Moore , liar vard ; H. McClelland. Konesaw ; G. ( i Vreeland , Junlata ; T. Mollinger. Kear ney ; Fisher A W. , York ; F. Jj Pease A Son , Aurora ; M. Klllnei Madison ; Martin A M. . Benedict ; Fuller i1 P. , Fullerton ; J. G. Hall , Gibbon : Southwicl Bros. , Atlantic : E. D. Gould , Cedar Uaplds Dorsov Bros , Wnhoo ; C Itudat A Co , Nor folk ; Robertson A M , Blue Springs ; Hunte A McA , St. Paul : Farmers' G A S Co. Mead Jackson i B. Cortland ; W H McDonald Ewlng ; F E Glllett , Alnsworth ; Urowell 1 A G Co , Vendor ; J Dlehl , Fullerton ; South wick Bros Mas.ienoa ; J H l.anrters , VIHIsca Clark H A Ce , Weston : JA Ci ne , Risings A.K.Gadv. . Uockyillo ; Xp A M.0 Cq.Clea Water ; Trovvhrldse AV , Nellgh ; A Cruls < Atkinson ; W L Baugoa , liar Ian ; W J * ' . ' * * . ' * . ' ' v .rf t * Freeman , Oakland ; M U Hcgnriy , Ncola ; Barrett A Do Wolf , Mrahan : (5 P Moore- head , Dunlap : P Berlin , Dunlap ; J Hasty , Tannage : . . 6. L _ Smith . . t < ly ; es ; , , i/i\ifif j mu t A i > > M IUII iv ouLif lijuiiD J. W , Nicholson , ManfiinttoiSiiell A A. , Ash land ; . ? . Hnck , CroteD.n. ; Hopkins , Wllber ; Joseph Kills , DeWitt ; Spelw & K. , David Cltv : W. E. Smith , & L. , Manon ; W. W. Klock & Co. , llradshaw ; M. G. Smith , llll- ( troth ; Fuller , S. * F. . Lindsay ; C. P. S. A Uro. . Norfolk ; J. Slckol , Fullerton ; Ji. IJ. Gould , Fullerton : U. U. Ryan , Doniphau. ojiAHA raoLtas.vtiE SIARKBTS , Produce. Tuesday , August 2.1. 77ic fnllnu-lng arc the prlcf < ( it niilch round lots of produce tire sold on this innrKct : GKNKHA.I. The markets were fairly active yesterday and there was a noticeable scarcity ot c is and butter and also potatoes. A few carloads of melons worn received. The price of eirigs still has an upward tendency. The near approach ot fair \\cek has creatctt a de mand for pop corn which Is usually rery slow sale. sale.Eons Scarce and prices firm , go as soon as received at i@Hc. : ! HurxKit Choice Is scarce , prices fair ; West 1'olnt creamery , 24c ; other creamery , & : choice dairy , 18rn)30c ) ; medium grades , 3@l8o : ordinary , 9@lOc. CHKKSE Market Rood. Fancy full cream heddarsslnitle , 12cfull : cream , twins , I'-Jc ; oung American , 12K < aiJc : : brick cheese , tees > s In case , now , 12c ; Llmbiirger , 100 Ibi in mso , new , 13c ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new 19c. POUI.TMY Market fair , iiricesnrm. Spring ihlcknns ? ) .75 ( < i2.75 ; old lowls 53..r)00ti.25. : L'tiero is no demand for ducks or turkeys , hoiiirh the former , when In eood order , sell at ' J.2T > @ 2.75. and the latter < X37c per pound. GAMR. There li no t.imo coming in , the weather being too warm to handle It. POTATOES Scaroo and llrm at 55@05c ; )0st 75c- CAIIDAOE Firm at 75c per dozen for solid icads. UNIONS Scarce and linn ; good stock , 90 ® 1.00 per biishel. MF.I.ONP Watermelons bring SIO.OO@15.00 ) er hundred ; cantelopes , 50$75c ( perdui. TOMATOKS The local gardeners are sun- lying the market ut 50 < gGOc per bushel. CF.I.ICIIY The demand Is not very neavy so arly In the season. Good stock suitable for eshipmcnt Is sold at 3r ! < t40n per bunch. UKANS. Hand picked navy brans le quoted at 81.SO@1.W per bushel , and the ither grades are selling from that figure lown to 51.25. KruitH. Orders from the eoimtri/ requiring sc- frtcd stock and extra care In pticMwi can- < ot iilwayg be filled nt the satne prices noted to llic local trade for common stock. General The markets were very quiet this iiornlng , the fresh arrivals ot fruit not com- n ? In until afternoon. PRUNES The market Is well supplied with jolh the Gross and silver prunes. Good lock 81.M-il.75. ( I'I.UMS The receipts of plums are not as licavy ns of other fruits from California. Prices are firm , good stock moving at 51.50 ( § 1.75 pnr box. GIIAIT.B The supply of home-crown and California grapes continues liberal. Califor nia , Sl.TSper 20-lb box ; homesrownl(35c ( per Ib. PKACIIF.S The market Is well supplied with very choice stock fiom Califo-iuo. "Jholco stock Is going at 81.fiwai.76. rKAits-California Bartletts , S3.a'i@3.50 ; ither varieties. 8'J..r)0@i3.7r ) per box. LIMONS : TIio supply liberal , with fair do- muui. Common stock , S0.00@6.50 per case ; choice , 87.00SJ7.50. ( Arri.r.s Thu market Is almost bare and good stocK is very scarce. Choice apples suitably for shipment are quoted at S5 : < ( < 4 gj.W ; pur bhl. On.vNnns There are a few good oranges on the mat ket Hodl , SC..W. HANANAS The market Is full of bananas at S1.50@a.OO per bunch. CBAII Arn.KS The demand Is very light nnd is supplied for the most part by the local farmeis. Choice stock , $1.10 per bushel. Grocer'u I Ant. .JOc ; Interior Java , 25 ( < ? JSc ; Mocha , 2C 830c ; Arbucklo's , roasted , SOJfc ; McLnughlln'a XXXX , 20 > ic ; Dllworth's , 20c ; Red Cross. 26 40. SUOAR Granulstedfl > @ < l2fcconf.A,66(3 ; ; ( ( j c ; wiilte extra C , 6iT < t5)fc ; extra C , 5KM ' % : yellow C , 5 @ 5 c ; cut loaf , 67c ; powdered. 7@7c CANNED GOODS Ovsters , standard , per case , S3.003.10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. f2.b52.90 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per casn , 82.85Q1 -.90 ; California pears , per case. ? 4.50rj4.CU ; apricots , unr case , 83.70fi3.75 ; peaches , per case , S4.60yJ4.70 ; white cherries , per case , $5.60 plums , per case. J3.60au.70 : blue berries , per case , 8-MO@2.20 ; e < g plums. Ib. per case , S2.50 : pineapples , 2 Ib , per case. S3.2U@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. 81.50 : 1 Ib salmon , per doz , Sl..iOJJl.fn : 2 Id gooseberries , percaso. S2.90 < au.OO ; 8 Ib string 3eans , per case , S1.70 : 2 Ib lima beans , per case , SI.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per caset S2.40@2.50 ; 2lbe-uly Juno peas , per case , ; 2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40@J.50 ; 21b corn , I'uo VISIONS llauis , 13gin ( > c ; brcnkfaf bacon. HC"llWc ! : bacon sides ' .i"4rflOc : dry salt , bJfQ'Jc ' ; shoiildiirs,7i71/cilncrbeil ( ( hams , I2 < $ l3c : dried beet regular , Ill2c ; hams.picnie , 8 ( ayc. DitiKi ) Fnt'iTS Apples , new , Jf's CO/c ! evaporated , 50-Ib ring , lOi17Mo ; raspberries , evaporated. 27@2bc ; blackborrlcs , evaporated pitted cherries , 17@ltc : oeachus , new , 'f's , 7V c ; ov.iorated | ) peeled poacnus c ; evaporated , uupaied , c : new currants , 7 , ' < Q7l'c ; priinos , 4jj'@lKc : citron , 'Jjc ; rnl sins , London lavcis , Sl.ii" ) ; Calirornia , loose muscatels , 91. AO ; now Vnlenclas , 7Kc. UKKINKD LAUD Tlerre , f > % c ; 40-lb square pans , C.KC ; 50-lb round , 7' c ; 20-lb round 7 u ; 10-lb calls , 7hc ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; U-Ib pails , 7fc. I'ICKI.ES Medium , In bbls , 0.50 ; do It half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls 87,50 ; do it half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , 3.50 ; do li halt bbls , S4.7.-I. WOODENWAHE Two-hoop palls , per doz SUe : 3-imop palls , Sl.70 ; No. I tub , S0.50 No. 2 tub. S5.50 ; No. 3 tub , 5J.50 ; wasu boards , $1.75 : assorted bowls , S2.2T ; No. ] cliurns , S9 ; No. 2 churns , SS ; No. 3 churns 87. 87.TOIIACCO Lorlllard'sClimax. 44c ; Splen did , HSc ; Meclmnic's Duliglit , 41c ; Legcett A Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornors.tone , 34c ; Drum mond's Horse Slioo , 41c ; T. J. , 37c ; Soru'i Spearhead , 44c. STAHCII Mirror Gloss , 5 c ; Graves Corn Cj/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; OSWCKO Corn. 7c. llrtooMS-Kxtra 4-tie.S2.CO ; No. l.S'-.OO ; No 2 , SL75 ; heavy stable , S4 I'oi' COIIN Is In demand and sells rcadll ] at 2M@SKc , Svuup No. 70 , 4-callnn kegs. S1.SS@1.3S Now Orleans , per gallon. : iSa46c ( ! ; ninpli syriiD , halt Ibbs , "old limp , " per gallon , bOo 1-gallon catin , per doz , $10.50 : half-ualloi cans , per doSo.oo : quart cans , sw : > . CANDY Mixed , bj llc ; stick , 8HS9K ( < : CltCKEHS ( larne.iu's soda , butter am picnic , 4'fc : creams , 7j c ; ginger snaps , 7Xc citv soda , 7Kc. ' ' TV. AS Japan , 20 < 355c { gunpowder , 20@GOc Yount : Hyson. axa.V * ; Oniony , 20GOc. .IKI.I.IKS 30-lb palls , 52-00. Ilori : So yen-sixteenths nch , lie. General 'Markets. SPIRITS Cologne sH'irits , Ibs proof , 11.10 do 101 proof , { 1.12 ; spirits , second quality 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , 51.09. Alcohol IbS proof. S2.10 per wine gallon. KadiKtille < whiskies , $1.00c$1.50. ( Gtn blended. S1-W < ! 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.00i3rt.00 ; Ken tucky nnd I'ennsylviinla ryes , < 2.00 < iG.5u ( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskln- Jt50@J.OO. Brandies , Imported , 85.owa8.fi0 domestic , 51.30(33.00. ( Gins , Imported , S4.500 G.OO ; domestic , Sl.'i5Wt.OO. : Champagnes , Ire ported , per case , S2S.00@83.00 ; American , pe case. 310.00(210.00. ( COAL Egg. 80.00 ; nut , J9.25 : r nce , S9.25 Iowa lump , $3.00 ; Iowa nut , 52,75 ; walut lock , $3.00 ; Illinois. S4.W44.75. HKAVY HABDWAHK Iron , rate , J2.7C Plow steel , special cast , 44'c ! ; crucible stec- Gl4"c ; cait tools , dn , I2ttl ! > c ; wa on spoke ; per set , 32.00i.50 : ; huba. per set , $1.83 ; fe lees , sawed dry , $1.60 ; tongues , each , Mc axles , each , 75c ; snu re nuts , per Ib , C@7c cell chain , per Ib , Gif@i3c ; malleable , b lc ( ) Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teett < > 9 ' , spring steel , 4(4 ( 5c ; Unrden's horn shoes , 14.75 ; Duruen's mule shoes , 35.71 IJarMd wire * In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibi Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 53.40 ; stepl nail : S2.50. HIDES Green butchers' , 5X6c ( ; gree cured , 7Kc ; dry flint , He ; dry Halt , 9c ; gree raft skins , 7 > < c ; damaged hides , two-thin price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white , 3 < yellow , 8c ; brown , iHc. Sheep pelts 25 < 40C. _ Dry Ocxxli. COTTON FLANNEL ! * 10 I > er cent trade dli count-LL , OJfc ; CO , 71jc ; SS/ c ; El 9We ; ( KJ , lOUe ; XXt ISc ! OO , 14c ; NN , Iflc. ItX , 18c ; IlfOoc ; No. 10. 8 c ; 40 , lOKo : 00- 12Kct 80 , 16c ; 30 , colored , lOc ; SO , colored , 12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 , c ; Union OAHPET WAm--Ulbb white , IS c ; col ored , 20J4C. UATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty , 12Vo ; HOODP , He : U , cased , 80.50. 1'niNTs SOI.IDCOLOHS ; Atlanta 6Kc ! Sla ter 5c : Berlin Oil o c ; Garner Oil Gto7. PINK AND HoiiF.s HlchmondOc ; Allen 6c ; Hlver- point 5c ; Steel Ulvcrfc : KIclimondGc ; Pacific OKc. iNDiooBi.iir. Washington Gc ; Ameri can 0 } < c ; Arnold GUc ; Arnold B lOKc ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10 > < c. DIIKSS Char ter O k4' < c : Hamapo3Hc : Lodl 4c ; Allen 6fc ! : Ulciimond % Windsor \ Gc ; Lddystone Be : Pacllic Gc. Gi.NoiiAM-Plunkett checks 7.l/c ; Whltten- ton 7l/c , ; York 7 > fe ; Normaudlo Dress ttjic ; Calcutta Dress b e ; Whlttonton Dress Be ; Henfruw Dress 9c to CAMIUUCS Slater 4Xc ; Woods 4Kc ; Stan dard 4 c ; Peacock 4Ke. COIIHKT JKANS Androscoggln 7' ' e ; Kcar- sagu' c ; KockportG > < c ; Conestoga OJ < c. DUCK- West i > olnt2'J ln..8oz. . lOKc : West Point 29 In. . 10 oz. , 12v'c : West Point 29 In. , 12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , IGc. Checks-Caledonia X. Hc : Caledonia XX , lojjfe ; Kconomv 9 to 'ic ' ; Otis 9 to 9 > < c. TIPKS Luwlston 30 lu. , 12J c : Lnwlston 32 In. . 13Up ; lork 32 In. , I4c ; Swift Ulver7Kc ; Thorndiko O O , 8'/c ' ; Thorndlko E F , 8kc ; Thorndlko 120 , 9e : Thorndiko XXX , 16c ; Cordls No. 5. 9)ic : Cordls No. 4 , lie. DKNIMH Amoskcag 9oz. , IGe ; Kverett 7 oz. , 13c ; York 7oz. , lic ! ; Haymaker 8K < " . JalT- rey XX. HKc ; Jaflrey XXX , 12Xc ; Ueavw Creek AA. 12e ; Beaver Creek Bl ) , lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. KKNTUCKY JKANS Memorial Ifto ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27 c ; Hercules INC ; Leaming ton 22J c ; Colts weld 2 : > c. CHASII Stevens' B Gc ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7k'c : bleached ! > Hc ; Stevens' P SJ c : bleached l > Kc : StRvens1 N 9Xc ; bleached lOKc ; Stevens' SUTlSHc. Misni.i.ANKOUs : Table oil cloth S2.S5 ; plain Holland 8' c to 9c ; Dado Holland 12' , c. FLANNKI.S Plaid Hftftstiian 20p. ; Goslien ! Xc ; Clear Lake 32 > 'c ; Mapl City 30''c. Whlte-G. 11. No. 2 , / . 21c ; G. U. No. 1 , { , . 25c : J. It. F. . % , 27Kc ; ( . , $ { , 35c. COMFOUTEIIS 8G.50 ( 35.00. BLANKETS White , * 1.00@7.50 ; colored , 81.10@8.00. BUOWN SIIKETISOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 , ' c ; Atlantlp. 11. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , G c ; At lantic P. 4-4 , 5J/c : Aurora LL. 4-4. Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Wc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , Oi c ; lloosier LL , 4-4 , 5c : Indian Head , 4-47 > fc ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5j/c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6 c ; Pepperell R , 4-4 O c ; Popperell O , 4-4. 6c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , IGc ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 18c : Popperell , 10-4. 20c ; Utlca C. 4-4. 4jfc ; WachUhCtt 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 0 > je ; Aurora B , 4-4 , 6c. BI.KACHEO SIIF.KTINO Berkeley cambric. No. 60. 9Uc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , GJ/c ; butter cloth OO. 4j4'c ; Cabot , 7Kc : Fnrwell , be : Fiult of Loom , SJfc ; Greene G , Iks ; Hope , 7J c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalr. llwc ; Lons- dale , Kc : New York mills , lOUc ; Peppeiell , 42 Inch , lOVc : Pepperell , 40 Inch , llHc ; PeP- pcrcll , 6-4 , I5c ; Peppeiell , 8-4. Ibc : Pepperell , 9-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4. U2Kc : Canton. 4-4 , 8Jfc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wam- sutta , He ; Valley , 5c. Dry Lumber. IKIAIUIS. No. 1 , com. sis 518.00 No. 2 , com , sis S17.00 No. 3 , 815,50 Mo. 4 , 513.00 rn.vcixn. No. 1 , 4&GIn , 12&14 ft , louch S19.W No. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.53 No. 2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00 No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.5'J SIDING. A. 12,14 nnd 10 ft , 521.50 0 , 815.50 B. " " " 20.50 D , 12.50 CKII.ING AND I'AItnriON. 1st com , Jf In White Pine Ceiling S34.00 2nd " " " " " 2S.OO Clear. ? h'in. Norway " " 10.0J 2nd com.'In. . " " " 14.00 FI.OOHINO. A 0 In. Wlilto Pine 535.50 C , 829.50 B " " " 33.50 D. 21.00 E " " " ( Sol. Foiicinit ) . . . . 17.00 STOCK 1IOAUUS. A 12 Inch s. Is 815.50 No. 1 , com. 12 in. s. 1 s. , 12 H 20.50 " " " " 14 It 1 ! .00 " " " " 1G ft 18.50 No. 2 , " " " 19.00 ' 10 tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Hoofing Sl.OO per M more than 12 inch Stock Boards bauio length , sunLAP. . No. 1 Plain. ScfelO in S19.50 No.a " 17.50 No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In 19.50 FI.S'ISIIINU. 1st nnd2nd , clear , 1.1 inch. s. 2s 550.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 " " 1' , IK. 2 in 40.M A select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00 " " 7'4' ' . 1 .2 In 44.CO B " 1 Inch , s. 2s. , 30.00 " " 1'4,1' ' < , 2ln 37.00 BOl'tllKKN YELLOW PINK. Com. 4 & Gin. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In. Ceiling 21.50 " 9f In. Partition 2--.00 " Finish , Kt I'ln.s.2s ' 29.00 " Corrugated Crlling , 4 in 25.00 " Yellow Pine Casing nndBabO. . . 27.00 POPLUl I.I'MIIKK. Clpar Poi > lar , Bx. Bds. J < in. , s. 2 s..531.20 " % in. P.inoi , s. 2 s 27.00 " " Coirugatcd Coiling , J . . S8.50 IIATTR.VS , Wl.LL TU1IINO , PIOKHlrt. O. G. Bates , 2K l 800.75 " Kx3 In , 00.45 : i In Well Tubing , 1) & M and Bev 23.00 Pickets , D. , t II. Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 .sinxoLi : . LATH. XXclear . .S3.10 K\traA * 52.93 * A * Standard . . 2.7.-I * A HBitB 2.55 Gin. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05 POSTS. White cedar , C in. , Hs12c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie ; Sin. qr.s. , 10c:4 : in. round 15c ; Teniu'sstio Ited Cedar , split. I5c : Split Oak , 12c. I.IMH , KTC. Quliipy white limp , ( best ) 90c : Akron cement , S1.75 ; Hair , ! ! 0c ; Plaster. 82.75 ; Tar board. 81.75 ; Sash , 40o per ct. ; Doors. 40c per ct. ; Mlluds. 40c per ct. ; Mouldings. - 0a per ct. ; Tar felt , per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 51.75. Alnrknt Prunes have advanced \i s per pound dur ing thu last few dais. There has been an advance of 5 per cent on woolen yarns during thu last tow days. Ed Day , with Branch A Co. . has returned from an extended trip In the eastern status. The hardware business has taken n liiir boom mid trade Is now better than ever be fore. fore.The The hop crop In Wisconsin is said to be u very fair one. This will bo good uows to the brewers. Among the merchants visiting the city was Mr. Smith , of Ncola , In.hohild In u now stock of dry goods. Canned goods continue firm and higher quotations will bo noticed on peaches , goose berries and salmon. CotTeo market stronger with demand bet ter. This country and Europe aio hea\y purchasers lu Brazil. The prospects for the apple crop arc said to be very discouraging In every section ex cept New York and Now England. Mr. Fredrlekson , a well known merchant of Paxton , Nco. , was calling upon the job bers and replenishing his stock ot goods. A Chicago paper states that wild irrnpc : are very abundant near Council Dlutts. II may be , but they have failed to appear , a : yet , on this market. A heavy advance will be noticed In tin piicoof mnplo sjrun. It Is estimated thai this season s output of maple sugar am ! syrup will bo exhausted by thii 1st ot Jauu- nry. Thu Iluht product Is said to bo duo tr the ground being very dry In the sugar ills trlcts last winter , causing a light How ot sni In the spring. 11. K. JtUitKCT , Funeral Director & Embalmei ' ' . Ill North < 5tlx Street , v OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural tmplementt. * . * . * . L rj.KK.mtt Whol * * ) l rln Arrteultural Implements , and UvifiKi. Jonci tlrovt , tclwctn Vtb nd IOIhOmKb > , Nvb , L1X1XGKK C IflETVALF CO. , Afirrlcultnral Implements , Wiwoni.ClrrlMoi. Bul , KIC.Tholef lf , Oin 'h . Wliulemle rxitlrm In Agricultural Implements , ( Vnon nt Baiitlcs. N1W ! , SOS mt WT , Jonft it Artists' Material. A. IfOSPE , , TR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , U1.1 | ) on ln Builders' Hardware and Scales , BuiMeri'Hardwnre&Scillo Repair Shop ' Tooli Rml lluff lo Scil Omatm. Neb. Books and Stntionery. Wlio'eul * mil no all Kooksellers and Stationers , IKS Dotun ! < gt.Omi tiiNob. . Telephone 501. Corrosnoiiilonoti Boot and Shots. Jobbrra of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 F rn m tt. , Oni h , Ntb. Unnufaclorj , Summit Ut l. llotton. _ X. T. LlXliSKl' .V CO. , Wholesclu Rubber Koots and Shoes Ihiboor Hiui Oiled Clothuiir niul I clt Hoots nnd ShorB. HU Hai-nnv troi't Beer. BTORZ C ILER. Lager Heer Brewers , 1&21 North Uih Street. Oraihn , Neb. Butcher * ' Ttoli. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Toolslind Supplies , Saunigo Ctilogi of all klndi alwari In toek. 1111 Join-not. .Clmnhft Coffee , Spices. Etc. _ Omaha Corruo and Spice Mills. Tew.CoffeUfi , Splrc , Baklnr Vowdcr. FliTOrln trmcn , Laundry Illu * . Ink. Kte. KIi-li ! 11 arc or Htri-ol , Omah a. N b. Cornier. . EAGLECOJiJflCK WORKS , John Eponcter , Prop. SlaBnfaatnrer or QtlTanlieil Iron and Cornice. VJ > nd 101 and 106 M , 10th t < . Omaha , Nob. IIUEMI'IKG BOLTE , Manufacturen of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window * , Flna'n.MeUllcSkyllcht.etc. ' 3108. 12fj < t. , ( Inmlm. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Oalranlted Iron Cornlcci , etc. Bpcct'i Improved ftitr cut Mntallc Skylight. ! O8 ami 510 S Ulli KI . ( Innlia. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbeia of larpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , I.hioluutnn. Mnttlnim , Etc. 1511 Uouglai B Crockery and Notions. Agent for 'he M uf i clurer < nnd Importer * ot Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. C'blmuoje , ate. Office , 317 Boulb 13th Bt. Oaiftlm , Nub. CLOTHING M. ELGUITER'S Mammoth Clothing House , Corner Kiirnom and Tenth Streets Omnh.i. Nch. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. InUer , Eggaamt 1'roduce. Consignments nollcltcd. IlUHilqunrtani for Hlonewnre , llvrrjr Ilnzi B imd tinpo Baskeu. 14Ii DodKOlruutOmabt. ItlDDKLL < K ItlDDELL , Storage nnd Commission Merchants , Specialties Uuttor , Kk'k' ' . Chro > c , I'o illrUaruo , Ojnters , etc. , etc.n \ S. Itth it. PETCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , I'roduei ! nurt rrovUlniie , Onmha , Neh. C CO. , Produro Commission JIorclmntB , Poultry , Duller , ( Inmu , Kinlti , elc. 2W S. iubit Oniulia. N ( 1 , Coal ana' Lime. JkO. II.AIiAdll. . ITCH. C. F. OOODMAN , V. 1101. J. A SUNDEHLANrj , Soo. nil Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE a > LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. jm Soutli Vlilrlfcnth Street , Omniia. Nob. , p co. . Manufacturers of Illinois While Lime , And Shippers of Cnnl and Coko. Caniont , IMnnUr IJnie , Hulr , Uro Hrlck , Imiln. Tile Mtul Sewer 1'lno ( iMi-e. I'BTlou Holol. Vanillin rt. , Omihn , .Nub Cigars and Tobacco , MAX MEYER .K CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Gum and Ammunition , 315 lo m H Illh St. , 1020 tx lirjt rnrnnmst .Omiha.Neb. WEST < J3 FR1TSCIIER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Drvlers In I.euf Tobnccos , No . 10 nuilllU.N.-uti Btrset , Omnlia. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goodn , Furnishing Goody & Notions 1102 and 1104 DnuKlim , rnr. lltli St. , Omabn , Neb. Distiller * . DUtlllors of Liquors , Alcohol nnil Pplrlts. Importon nnd JobbersofVlnm n.l Liquors. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLE' i CO. nnd ILER .0 CO. , Importers and Jobberr of Fine VYInoa nnd I.lqnon tioomiinuf ! oturursnf Kennedy's KHSI Inrtln Bit- turiunJ Domi stlc Liquors. 1112 llnrnay Kt. furniture. ItEU'EY cP STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Kurnam et. . Omaha. Kcb. CHARLES Furniture , lioddlng , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. liO' . , 130J and HIP Farnam St. , Oniubi Groceries , 'PAXTO'ti , ] GALT iGIlElt < fi CO. Wholesale firocories and I'rovhioiiH Nos. 7UJ,707 , "M nn.l 711 H. 10th Rt , Omnhii , .Neb. McfJORLt , B { IAD Y ,0 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , l.'ln and I.cavcnnorth ct"Oniulm. Hardware. LEE , ntlED ( V. CO. , Jobbers of Hnrdwaro and Nails , Tinware , Chi-ot Iron , Kte. Ancnt-i for Ilovro Seals and Miami Powder t o. Omnhn..Scli , tr. , r. BllOATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs \VsKon Slock. Hardware Lumber , elc. 1 uud Ull llirnrf si. , Oraulia. EDNEY iO GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , WaKonami Carrlnvo Wood Htnek , Henry llnrdwar Ktc. UI7and Ul'J l.enTfjmunll St. , Omaha , Neb. MILTON ROGERS 0 , SO.VV , Stoves , Hungoa , Furnaces , Tilt'H , Vull iUr tei , Uruts ( kx > d > . IJ31 uud 12U lamal Blreut OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Iron Works. X - ' ' % * fcrtk M y.e riE Iron Works , Wrought and Ca t Iron Building Work , Iron Suit * allTng.nfama andUlrdcn. Rtam Rnglnet. llraM ork , tlnft I fptinilrr , Maekln * and nlacktmlUI Afork . unic aaJWorkaU. I' , llr.and nth Mitel. H. Jf. SA WYER , Manufacturing Denier in SmokoStnck ? , Urllchliigii , Tniikvitnit ( Ipnrral MollerKtpalrlnf , 1U.S Poilce itreel.Oiunliit. V. It , Mi'MANUS. C. OMAHA WIRE C IROX ManufNCluror * of fro and Iron llailinps , Desk Kails , Window ( luaidi. Flower Hlnml . Wire Hlgni , > 1JJN. liilh. Onlvni by tnftll promptlj attemlodlo. Lumber , OMAHA r > UMItER CO. , Donlo' . AIIKIn.Uof Building Material at Wholesale. l th Street and Union I'aolflo Track. Omaha. LOUIS Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash. DOOM , Kte. Yardt-Corner'th and Uouglaii Cornlj SHImiHl IHUJ ] 1. _ _ _ _ * CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BIIS. ) thitrfntOmahaNb. f.Colpcltcr , Managerj Lumber. ISth and California "trcptt , Omaha. Neb , fRED W. GRAY , Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Cth and nouglai iti. . omaba.Ntx HOAGLA\1 > , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. " " _ OBle , 1(03 Farnam itreet.Omaha. _ C1XA&R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpfli and Parquet Flooring. 9th and Dovtlaf Omaha. Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and Antrlcan Portland Cement. BUU Agtat ( orUllwaukeo llrdraullo Ceuieut and B t ( Julncy WhlloMme. _ _ _ Stock. UNIONSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd , B'iperlnt cd nt. Lire Stock Commission. O. II , I'Al.MKIl. N. I' . ItlCIIMtN. ,1 , U. III.AM'IIAKd PALM Kit , ItlCHMAX < U CO. , Live Stnrlf Commission Me.rchants , Ofllcp Hnom 21 , Opposite ixohniiK : Uulldlnirt I'lilou Block Yiirils , South Unialui , Nob. ' McVOY JtltOS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Mnrkcl fiiinlslied free rnuiipll nllun. Htorlren an d fee Ion furnlsliol on o M | tornn nerercnoei Oaiahii .Vatlnnul Ilink nml So Hh Uaiaht Nallcuil Union ' 'tock Varda , South OmiiliH. * ' ' M. BURKE ,0 SONS' Live Stock Commission. Oao. Huikc , ManiRer Unloq Stock Yards , H. Omnlia. Telepliono 6 . Live Stock CommisHion Merchants , Bhlpincnta of any and all klmla of Htock tollelted. Union Stock Yanln. Oiunha. Mcb. Millinery and tiotions. u Jn LtTEiT c' Importers and Jobber ! nt Millinery uiul Notions , UlSand Klillarney Rl.eel.Oniiilia , Neb. Notions. Wholeialo Deafen In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 4ftl and J05 B. Tonlh Ht. , Omaha. Overalls. M NU COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , J an § P nt , Shirts , Kto. 1103 nnd 1101 Uuuilaa Street Omaha , Neb. PAPER t CARPEXTKlt PAI'E/l C < J Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry a nice mock of I'rlritlnit , Wmpplnic nnd Writ Inif pupnr. Spot lal Mtloiillon l veil to cur load or orilers , which will bo ihlppoil illrocl from mlltv All onlern will rccelTO penonal nttontlim. iintce gouil gooit and low prtoo * . llll unil lllll Printing. KEES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , JUank Hook Makorj , And llook lllmlers. ll i nnd 10M South Kuurtuaattl trcet. Omaha , Nrb. 'WESTERNNEWSPA PER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. DotlerilnTypo , l > rn > inn nnd Printers' Supplies. 609 Houtli Twelfth htroet. Punps. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam mid Water Hunpllcn. HuailqumU'rH fur Mu | KoT-KVi'a ( JOO-IK. llll kariiiini M. , omillui. Nob. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. Dnlladny Wln.1 Mll'n : nlcnm \ViitfrPunpllCf , FlumlilucUoMii , Hulling , lln.r. VIS mill V.V fur- naui m.Oniuhn. ti K. I cltnn , MiinuKtir. 'lelepllfino No. illO. " " A. L. ST11ANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bttam , Wnlcr , llnUwny and Mllllnt : Huppllca. Klo , 188. W-'audWOurnam BtUnmha , Neb. _ 11ROWNELI , tl > CO. , Manufacturem nnd Dealers In Engines , Hollers & ( Jeneral Machlnury Blioet Iron work , Stoara 1'uinpr.H.lw Mllli , Aomu Bhaftlng , Oodgo Woodipllt fullaya , Bdtlai , eta Alitwagoni , sarapan.Hada al tle . Tenworthit. Omaha Rubber Goods. OMAHA liUBUKIt CO. , MunufHcturor Mini Doulors In nil kind i of Kubhrr ( iools ; , OIKMnthlii't ' nnd l.ciulior Mi'l'lne ' 1 H Knrniini Safes , Etc. "P."BO YElt ,0 6'0.7 Acronts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and lluiKlar Proof Snfot , Tlmu l icki , Vault ! and Jail Work. 11UI l-uriimn utrent Omaha , Neb. _ < A ANDREEN , Omaha Kufo Works. Unnufnclurprwof Firu un < l HiirKlar 1'roof Snfcs , Vnull luor ) , Jnll Work , Shuti > rn unillru Uork. Cor. lUhnQdJuckiciii Hie ( Miolni , .S'Jb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M' \ . 'n is into irrcT co Wboloiale .Mnnufncturetn ol Hash , Doors , IIIinilB and Monldinga , llranch o.lifd.niii And ! ( . .u.ts. ; . , Or.sLs , > > , I10IIA" MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sasti , Doors , Blinds , Moutd'jiun.MalrWnrkiind ' Interior Hard Wimil Klnltb Juit upuiio.1. N. K rcr. Hthnnd l.euvcnworllibu. Oumlm , Nub. J. B. HAYWES UKFIOlAIj" STENOGRAPHBK I JUDICIAL DISTHK'T . TIllltD , , I 87 Cluunber of Coiiimurco. '