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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1887)
r - . - . " , " - - , . . , - . r - . . ' . . L . . . - , , . - , ; - , .r ' : - - - - ' ' I4 ' 'L . . . . . . ; z . . , . , . : jiiii : oNArnk .24. i88 . . . . . . 0 . TilE li0\V \ Aioc TIlE UTES , DI8patchcs rrom rort DnOhesno Bring the First Official News of It. : OPINIONS AT WASHINGTON. NIIItry Officlahi Think the Stain Au' tIioritIc Vcro IIaty-UhIor rny'i ; WidoW Ittft1fl flepurtnd KIIIetl-Fron the Front. Nnjor 1tluIIIrtt'R Dispatch. WAsItlNOTo , Attttst 23.-ISpeclal 'ret. egralil to thu liii : . I-A telegram has bemi received nt the war department itoiti . Mnjor ltatIUott ( , couirnandlng Fort Iu ; - cIiene , Utah , dated Atigut 19 , through ( hmernl 'L'urry , which says : 'Coiorow Iia his followers with him , nbotit 1t ) iii all , Including men , vonien and children. Tliero are TU ) Indications ot hIs being relitforcod. All thu Iutllaiis at Ufntah and Ouray want peace. I. bulluvo Colorow wool ! canto to the rocrvatIon If ho could pt ? ( hero wIthout being attacked. Most of the party who vcnt out with Andrews have retitrucit totho agency frightened back. 'l'licy claim that Colorow's cattip could not be fOund. Fear of the citizens kept titoiti front making search. ( Ireat anxiety Is titaulfesteit COflCrliIflg Cliellca. If the cowboys liavti banned her I anticIpate trouble. But I hope she Is with CoIorv , or It may b , Is a Pris oner at Ulenwonu Srings. ) I vlslt the latter could be ncertttinuU. " 'I'tils Is the lirat time that the name of Clteplta lets bean tiientlonott In any of the tllMtUtClt ) ( trout the scoito 01 the rnortctt indian troubles. Although nothing Is knowit of her here , It Is IrcsunIod ) at the war ( tepart mont that situ Is either a relatIve of Colorov or a datiehtcr of sottie protulnont Ute duet. ' ! 'ho acting secretary of war Is In ro receipt of a cotuuuuunlcatloii , front Acting teeretary Muldrow 8tatlnu that a tolegraut has boon reculveit at thu Interior deIarttnent train Senator 'ItlIur at Denver , to the sheet that It thus Ute IndIans In Colorado ate utot returned to the reservation there vuIl be trouble. Secretary Muldrotv says : "rite ipdlans under Colotow lua'u beetu staying iii ( oiorado Ott the sesterll border , uucar the Uncoiuupauthro reservatIon In Utah , greatly to thto dissatIsfactIon of tlit. settlers iii that lo- cality. who have Irequently couuupialned. It appears front press reports that they ftro re slstiuug by force the civil process of the state ; authorities and are creating considerable alarmtby their conduct. 'I'huIs doartnuent has uuuado several efforts to 10(111CC them to remain upon the reservation in Utah , . Under the laws the indians ate encouraged to sever their tribal relations andaro entitled to i'ock homes anti selections of lands on the public dotnahil. 'I'iuo department has no Inforina- tion that the presence of thosa Intlians In Colorado' Is for that purpose. On the other hand reports Iier'toforo niailo set out the claim of these Indians that they were Ott their own reservation , whIch t400fliS not to be the fact It Is very desIrable that these Indians should remain upon theIr rtuervathon , where they can have the care rind auriorvislon of the agent authorIzed by law to look after theta. As the aId of nuilitary 5001115 to have been Invoked to prevent a threatened outbreak and nreservo peace , I have the honor to recounuulend that whIle this forcu of troops is In that locality all proper means uttay be tised by ht to Induce the Indians - dians to go to situ renualu upon theIr reserva- A Copy of this counniunheatlon has been forwarded to General 'I'erry by General Me- Feeiy , acting secretary of war , wIth hnstruc- tiOns to gIve It the utmost consideration , e- peclally the last paragranli. 'I'hio meager In- roruirithon contaIned In the dispatches front Fort DuUiuesne ha alt of an officIal nature that the milItary authoritIes have to guhde thonu. Iteports of an engagement between CoIorov and the sheriff's iwise (10 not. In the opInion of the war departutuent officers , warrant use of troops to euppross this supposed outbreak. s soon as the IndIans are attackeI Dy the trO)5 they will not defend thueniselvos but will at once attack the settlements rind set- tIers , and in order to avoId an IndIan war the a5lstancO of troops will be witlihelU until it Is necessary for the protectIon of citizens , and every ettort will be made to In- dues the Indian. to return quietly to their reservation. From the character of the Information - formation receIved the milItary stutliorltletu - , are Inclined to the belief that the state IuthorlIie8 did not exercise Lbs best judg- Inent and were too precIpItate In their at- tentp to servo clvit process oa the Indicted Iuudhaps. It he hoped. however , that all thus trouble3 may be suppressed without blood- elied. A Hundred Bucks to Join Colorow. ( AMP OF TIlE STATE MILITIA , hEAD OF FICAVCE c1tEiir , via ( fleocoe , CoL , August 8-SpecIal relegratn to the Biuil-A Courier has just arrlvetl from Meeker bring- ln the news that a hundred bucks are on the k from Ulntali agency to join Colorow whole canipod at thus head waters of the MIlK river. The courier canto In about 2 this piorning and hail rIdden through In about four hoUrs. lie said that Kendall hail left Meeker Saturday luorntug and had not been heard from sInce. it Is not believed that hit has been lost , however , as he started to go up Coal creek and said that tie would not Scott back unless ho needed aId. The announcement of the cotuutnt of a hiundrod bucks front Uliuttih agency has changed General Jtardon's plans Ito 1usd Iptetided 13t0p1iflg here to stop the Utca on their way over the range but the news Just received is oh ao grave a character that ho has decided On startIng for Meeker at once. The signal tires of the Indians were seen on the range lastnhght. ChIefOurAl's VIdowltcported Killed MEEKICII. Cob. , August 23.-Soeclai [ Telegram - gram to the IIij-lt is feared that Chipota , the widow of old chIef Ouray , the greatest chief that has ever reigned over the Utos , was killed in one of the encounters th IndIans huuid with Slierilt Kendall's party. ii auch Is the case war is unavoidable. An Appeal For Proteolion. DENVER , Cob. , August 23.-Speclai [ 'role grain to this Baz.---Oovernor ] Adams re celvod the foIowIng letter to-day : NAYluEt CoL , August 18. 1S7. ills Excolionc3 ( lovernor Adams , ienver , Col. : Dear Sir Owiuig to the indian outbreak here and It ( larlield county we are at the mercy of an band of Indians that uutay choose to raid us We are few In. number mu hays sovera women rind children to be protected. Vi beg your excellency to send us at least oni company of troops and arms end amniunitiot forour ptot4ctloIL , I huivubeen famIlIar with Indiana for the past thirty-tine years and am thorou ulily convInced that we are on tit verge of a serious outbreak. Yours Respect fully , WILSoN lt BANKS , Wstina6ter. Th governor answered In effect that 1 $ was no thought tIed tie had any need to fear an outbreak as thus campaign would draw al the indIans out of hIs sectiou. Vtisree the hierl ( ? U1iNwoon Si'iiua a , August 23.No new Irns yet been received from Sluorli ! Kcnd& and posse of seventy-live mon who loU her Sunday morning to arrest the two IndIan indicted for horse stealIng and feaN are en tgirtalncd for their sztfety - _ _ _ lutz Warranti fotl'en.honN. . WASIIINOTON , August 23.-Warrants Ic petuslons amounting to 8lO,2kOOO vere It stied from the treasury to-daY. Notwlti htandlng this large pavuutent. the excesq c overnuuerut receIpts over expetiditures iilnc thus iirst of the present month is about thrc and a half million dollars. - . ' PPhIitCtI * Itiiferee. NEW YOutl , August 23.-Counsel ( or Ivt it : Co. and counsel for the hirui'a asignee bet preseittetl to Judge hlookstaver thIs ituornin enters for thus anpotutnuent of a referee. E : Judge Noah DavIs was appointed refer nut will begin Iakin testimony to.murrov liciics oh i l'414t Ait. CiiCl4NATI , Aucust 23.-ScIentists are It terestett In the hinding to-day in sit excavi lion for a sewer onValnut 11111 of a soctlc of litunuiSli vertebro , tolrifled. of such diniei sIons as to Indicate that it belonged to a rater or giants tune feet high. - Mrs. 0. B. So1i1onha otThrei ilYO ) ri ward for the itnltrehonsion of the tutu deter of tier hitiabtitid , who wa rocanti saaMsInhted at ManvWc , Wo Ti civornor of thta torrltorX IIM ttso oiTurc sitaular aii1ouit. . . ; , - ' . - nQn14cl'on _ ! Ot8. Much Watir Encountered in the lice % % niI-A Secret Mchcme. The vell being sunk by a syndicate of Otuirihut tzontlenien on the bottoms hear Iler's distillery as tin exploratIon for tint. urn gas has reached : t ( Ioith ) of 1hOO tea t and work hats been temporarily chocked by this uriusal flow of vntcr encountered at this level , Ever eliuco the coal scani wits passed at ( JO feet nuoro or less water Iitg : been cneountorcL Night before last the tirill broke through a stratum of refractory - fractory hint and entered it sluttiy rook which yIelds a vowerful artesian strcnnu , F'tirtiier drillIng Is almost impractIcable , Its the outflow of the seven Iticit column of water is so strong as to carry it through pIping to a heIght of 200 feet above the ground. A trench hutis becti thug front the voll amid the giant sirutitt is being drained Into time rivcr Mr. I'cter 11cr saId yesterday that the coiiiiifly ) has not yet determined upon ii ihtti of ovcreotnini this titiex- pected ohMtrluctlon atuh vas awaiting the arrival of I'rof. Edward Orton , the Ohio state geologIst , by whose counsel they should abide It I lronablo that the casing , whIch has so far beumu hut down only to the 000 feet level , would heUrivoil to the hiottni and the imipour of water thus cut ofF. Soniething will have to be done at till evoults as the enterprise hints already CO'4t too nuncli money to ho nibnn- donect. The experiment tvnt' begun in the liopti of oncounturing the expected gas s'elii in tliO neighborhood of 2200 feet , but with the intention of going 3,000 feet if It were necessary. In conneetlomi witi. artesian velIs a secret enterprise tiunit is afoot can be aPtlY niuntioned , There is so bltnssetl lunch secrecy rind such a broad dnisli of ronuauce iii it , however , thai a serious consitlernttion of the liroject is impossIble at this time. i'iic story goes thitit a shepherd - herd tootling huts Ilock on the grassy blithl's north of the city diseovereti among the brnunliles a bubbling spritug , the waters of which lund an unplcztsnuit taste timid omitted a disigrccttblo : odor. 'I'iuu n4helhueri's ctiriosit.y being aroused Ito hihleil a bottle nt tIm spring , nod , bringing - ing it to a chemist of this city , made the discovery that the agent of the water's of- fensivetiess wuls nothing less titan natural gas. Two or thurec gentlemen who were nidinitted to the secret , botihit the plat of ground front which the spring issues and liars been making niidniht exporhinotits whieii are said to hiavo ritacloseil high ii- lunuitiatlng properties in the gas. They have lund a large galvanized iron .reser- volt with a SlIgOt at the top , made for thueui by Milton Rogers , and tvill make a grauid private test to-night prior to disclosIng - closIng their ( Liscovery to the nstounded public. _ _ _ _ Tbr'dnghng Into thin CIty. The various hotel corridors presented an animated appearance last night , filled with strangers and advance committees of arraugettiont for the various festivities during thu iicxt low weeks. The registers - ters shiow that mostly all choice rooms have already been taken arid how Omaha will aeconuinodate tiuo thiousands coming with sleeping apartments is a question. Tlio diilbrcnt hotel proprietors have laid in a stock of cots , tIm Millard ordering 500 , hut it is feared the supply will be far below the tlenind. hotel annexes are in order tititi orivato families Intending to rent their roonis temporarily will do well to leave their nuhdrcsscs with the diflcrent hotel proprietors. Llrevhtios. The Internal revenue receipts cot Jected yesterday amounted to * O,26.4i. A very interesting session of tine Teachers' instituteat which ninety-seven were enrolled , was held ydstorday. Dr. Harsinit , of licilevuc college. delivered a very interesting address on "Cyclones. " itkAb EST&TF. Tran.rera Flied August 2 , 1887. RatoEllollowaytoJ MIC St John lot 21) bla 9. Uanscorn place , add. sy d. . . $ 'rOoo \v' ( .1 Aibrlghut and wIfe to M F liar- riiigton , lot 4 blk 8 , Matthews' sub- dlv of Albrhglut's Choice add to South Omaha. w ci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Tiios Ryan to Walter L Selby , :4S : 3-10 x72S toot in soc 9 14 13w d..15SS75t B B Iladleyct at to Robert Cook , lot I blk 4 , Omaha View add , w d. . . . . . . . 1,500 A II Itasinusson and wife to A. Itan- Sen. Ii 1ot23 , blk 2 , Armstrong's 1st add , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ® Frank licechior to ily L Cluatiuberlalu , lot 4 blk 1 , bake add , q e. . . . . . . . . . . . (3 E Yost and tt Ite to II L ChamberlaIn - laIn lot4bk ! 1 , Lake add , qc. . . . . . . 20 Y B Ilerlln to lit E hammond 1t , bllc 8 , Kountzo place. w d. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 S 3 Curtis and tyifo to ( I U ifhtchett. lot 7 bik 3 Belvedere , tY d . . . . . . . . . 350 S S Curths and vhfo to U II Fitchiett , lot 0 blk'3 Bolvldero , wd----------- , 400 - - - - - - - - - - - ii A Nolteand wife to J W Goodhard , lot 7 bik 2 Elklioru , wU------------- 300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - S Cotner and wIfe to J B Ilensel lot 13 and 14 blk 2 Cotnuer Archer's add to South Omaha , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 Cagen ; and wife toJohun Murraylot I blk 10 Walnut 11111 add , wd - - - - - - 8,000 J v Gritittli , trustee , to It B Wallace , lot 9 blk 1 Baker lilacs add , wd----- 850 It \Vallaco and svlfe to D MelhlI , lot 0 blk I Bakerplaceadd , wd. . . . . . . . . . 435 1) L Tlionias and wife to Fratulc it liiitchell , lot 85 bik 14 Orchard ff111. wit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F 11 Mitchell to Mrs Susan Kelsey , lot 35 blk 14 Orchard hIll. wd. . . . . . . . . . . S5 Part of section 10. 14. 18 238 lI-IOU acres , Mary A Jetteratu husband to IlJottcro d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George B Christie to B S Rowley. e41 It of a 132 of sub lot 2 blk S Capitol add wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U B ( Jhristie to E S Rowley. part of lot 0 of lot.i S and Ii , Itt CapItol add , wit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U U Ilunit et iii to Low W 1ltlI o of lotlblkIlSOinahaW d. . . . . . . . . . . 87,15C A 0 'I'roup , guardian to Low Vt 11111 , r e 44 feet of lot 1 bik ltSOnusIiag d 17,787.O ( : W A Iticluartis et al to Lew W 11111 , undivided 0-24 of e of lot 1 bik 115 , Omaha. w ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,787.51 P 11111 to Martha Brown , lot 16 blk 10 , Omaha View w d. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,3 V Latey et al to C V' Pruyu. lot 2 , a Latey S nubtllvlslon of lot 4 , lItigant's add.wd 8,004 S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C V Pruyn and wife to W S Robert- lot 2 Latey's subdIvision of lot 4. Itagan's add , w it------------------ 8,004 Oinatrn Carrlare and Sleight company - to darthua W West , lots 1 , 17 , 8 and 0 In lust add to Factory 1)IaCO , w d 1,20 I WIlliam Iatoy et al to Martha 'N Vest e8t feet of w 37e4 feet of lot 8 bhk i Foster add d-------------- 5,25 , , tv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D M Ure and wIfe to J F Flack. lots 2 , 4 and 5 of Ure .t Flack's stibtily of lot 12 of Miller & Caidwoll's add , WI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 S E S itood and wife to S A Vlneeless , Ii lot 11 bllc 3 , Albrhglits annex to S South Oiiuauua , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 S 'N A Carter to .Joiun Grant , ii 4U feet - of block 17 Itces place , w d. . . . . . . 3,50 Adeibort it Sfarsh to A J Babcock , lot 2 , usury & Shelton's add , 'V d21,00 J SI Canuphehi and wife to lIcks Van Gilder. lot 7 ltenuson'ssubdhv of lots r 6 and 7 blk SO , South Omaha , w ii . . . 10,00 iJenule hitchcock and husband to Cal- I. tin I' Kessler , lot II blk 14 , Central if park , w (1--------------------------- & : 'nutty-live transfersttrgrogatlng.$23 Htihiiiing Permits. 'rho following building piuriuiits tvcr 5 issued yesterday : hi A S Knowles , 1014 Saunders sticotad- g iIitlonai story to store..S 71 C. ' Ztt McLoan't'wenty-ninthi anti Izard 0 story tramuo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' . A l'otter , Shelby near 'I'weiity-seo nod , totirono story cottares. . . . . . . . 81 Ajuheuser lltiscti Co. , Wirt near Eight- teenthi , two htory trains . . . . . . . . . . . 3,01 Aug liemizan , Nlnetetnutti near Nich' a- olnis , iloubie two story dweiitng. . . 10,01 a Joephi Schuiuihdt , 't'etutii and Centre , store------------------- 9,51 Li- two StorY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o N B Faleoner , 1505 Dotigias , three btor. brick addItion to store. . . . . . . . 7OC Mrs } llzabeUi Kohl , TwentIeth , be- . tiveen Spenee and 1nke. one story ( I. . cottage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,71 14 1 Ganhnier Locust. betwecti 'l'wu- 3' . thoth suit 'rwenty-tlrst . , onu and a half Story cottni.e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lii perults total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . , , . ' - -4. . - LITARY ? 1ARIiSIANSII1P. A BIjDay on the Army RIfle Ranga at Bellovue. TH MEDAL PRESENTATIONS. Award of Trophies to this Soldier Mnrkstneu-Uenerai Morrow's Address--A Ilstingtiislied ( lathering I'rcseitt. The 3tedal t'rcqetitathnn. Yesterday morning the 8nI0 11. N. train bore front tiio depot about a lion- tired Invited gimtists of Senator Mander- son , tvhio occupleit a special car. 'I'Iuey wore bound for the rifle range at Belle- rind , tue occasIon attracting them beIng time presentation of medals to the leading soldiers of the department teattu , just determined - torminod by tine dopartiuieiital elIte coin- htetltnon. Among the Party svoro Mrs. Senator Mttndcrson , Mrs. Gonral Crook , Mrs. General \VIieaton , Mrs. General Cowin , Mrs. herman Konittan , Mrs. % 'IllInm Vu1lutec , Mrs.V1ll Redick , Mrs. Lhcutennoit Kentuout iSirs. Captain Ray , 'tirs. htrflWtt , Mrs. I. S. lundy , end "iis.scs J4una D.titidy , Nettle Collins , ] \laud Voo1tvorthi Clara Brown , Eunnia llbtiglanti , lalsy ioane , Emily \'akely , , Jennie McClellan , Morni mid Mable lInt- combo , Miss Voolworth , Clara lusthmu , .Eennio atiti May \Valltce : , A. liiskle , Grace anti Gertrude Clintuibors , May \Vil- soil , M. MoClittlocic , Miss Clarkson and Miss Luilintton. The genitlouten recnt tvcrc Senator Mnnlerson , ( ; cniertl : Crook , ( kinornil Morrow , General W hucaton , General I ) ; tndy , Ca p Intl it ltsy , 141011 tenin t Kennon , Lientonnitit lUnate , liciiten- ant 'l'tirner , General Cowin , Cap- ( sin Alie , Major Clarksout , Cleutient Chase of the ExcelsIor , Cotuny Attorney Simerni , Clinirles fornicator , \ ill Reiliclc , Will Wyniati amid Messrs.n oed , Dike , \ % ilson and Ilorbachi It wets it whispering , chatting , talking rind merry crowd and the number of bnts- kets whtch were stored In one ot thin ends of the coach argued that the conituuls- sariut luaU been patronized. 'l'lio party was met at the range sta- tioti , half a nub from Bellovtio , by Colonel Ernst , cominantier of the camp ; Colonel henry , inspector of rub practice of the department , together with : a host of other offlcor , all of whom were attired - tired In their most atttactivo uniforms , A short walk Iturotugit the woods and up a rustic path brought the party to the canip The nlay was leatutifiil and bright and tine. combination of brilliant uniforms , snow-white tents , a perfect greensward , terminating in a ttenso wood. the folin2e of winch yet retains its ealtii cif emerald iresented a captitttmiug Proslect which was ndmnirol by everybody. half nit hour was spent in agreeable conversation and a stroll around the Ctiiil ) when the Second Infantry band tinder the leadership of Wieilemeyer , took up its position In front of headquarters - quarters rind played several pieces in an oxcellemit manner. Tluo'bugier then sounded the successive calls , mud , mit response , the competitors , seventy-time in nitimber , onierged front thieir respective quarters minI formuied in line across the parade grotunti , tine band withi its gorgeous drum major , Sattes , occupying tIme right , the department team being next andlinailythue competitors - tors who had failed in securing a position on that body. lii the line were big and little macn , as there were als , macmi from cavalry and infantry regiments. Among the numbgr tvore scrotal colored ones , % vluo bore themselves with a ' rroat tisal of soltllerly dignity. The 'baud then paraded across the ground a couple of times playing , as they marched , a do- liglitful waltz. They .then resumed their Position Ofl the right anil , at Colonel Henry's direction , the departituont team was ordered forward nod : tIwanccd ( a dozen paces in front of tine oIlier coin- potltors. 'l'lie team consists of this following pica , their proticiency being indicated by the following order : Private Leonard Dcitz , F , Seventeenth infantry ; Sergc'aitt George A. Lewis , 1 , Seventh Infantry ; Sergeant August Schoiho. K , Seventh intantry ; Second Liotiteiuant James ' .1' . Kerr , Sovonteentit infauitry ; Corporal lloutnan Walker , A , Nintit cavalr' ; l'rivate Harry Annis , C , ' [ 'wouty-hirat mnfintry : ; Corporal Jamea P Kelly , B , Sixth infantry ; l'riva-te Frank i'ccluter , E , Second infantry ; F'nrst Lieu- burnt Josoiii Garrard , Ninth cavalry ; Sergeant Luke Rontig , D , Seventeenth infantry ; Private George ' Elliott , 1) , Second infantry ; Corporal Lewis Vt' . Ilauidy , I , Riglithi infantry. Altcrnuttcs-Secouid Lieutenant Charles H. Muir , Seventeenth infantry ; musician August Wirtonbors , A , i'wenty-iirst in- fantry. This orders of General Crook detailing the standing of each competitor were then road , after which Colonial henry catleil upon General Morrow , who in re- spouse emerged front ( lie assemblage , which was grouped a short distance away. 'fhie well-known soldier approached tIne niarkainen with a grace and dignity bo- conning ii general and this importance of the occasion. lie was attired in hut ro'lmontals and.on hits breast hung tlio badge of the Legion of horton , the gold and blue-enaniel cross of thus } iftb army corps ; the cinquefoul badge of the "Iron ) brigade , " of which the general was flue lust commander , and linally the large hoart-sluiped medal Issued by congress ) for distinguished servuces in tim Mexican ivar. 'l'huo general addressed the soIders as follows : ) ( uixIutAL monmtow's AnDlti'SS. It is a pinasing and honorable duty which ) Iss been devolved upon inc by the depart- nueiit coinmnaudory-that of presenting these menials to you who tram the SuicCCSSfLul coon- Li petltors ho the late target contest. I ama stirs 1 t'xpreas your feelings as well as my own s'hen I say I regret that ( ienvral Crook could not timid It convenient to perloriu that duty hulmiuselt. Ills presence here , hcwovi' , uti Interest and dltznlty to tile occasion. his S very large experience in active nilhltnurv service - vice In hullu comniands during this civil var , amid his great kniowledee amid experience , anud 0 3 wilt add success , in Iniilan warlare , unako him ni unquestIoiuabln authority on all that lertalns to our milItary system. A word from hIm on the suoject of thus value of tar- 0 get practice as a meamis of instructing the soldier In the use and knowledge ot the onus- ket would be worth more titan a volume 0 from inn. it he were 51)Oakiflg for hnlmselr I alit sure hue tvouid fully concur with into In 0 sayIng that ito bratuchi of Instruction con tiocted with tlio army is of more practical Inn- 0 tortaiuco than target practice. Target practice - tice , arid in thIs I Include practice in thus gallery - lery as well as on the range , has not only en- 0 hianced the value of the indtvidtmal soldier , butt it has greatly contributed to thus effective value of the aruuuy at large. By ho reason of the necessary lrchimuihnnry training - requIred , it becouues a moral factor also of 443 great value ha auny administration and dis elphlne. I do nVt rrnmieinber to have seen this last consideration noticed , but my own e observatIon fuihy warrants mute in asserting that thin j'ersoiial denial , tim self-control and time enforced habits of regularity In living In respect to drink , food anti rest , required on ) O , this cart of this candIdates for honor in iuiarlsuiuansiilp : , have had a signilicantly 20 betuelicial effect on the discipline and tuiiiral of the American army. Aside fiomnu Its Im ) o intense yaiuutt as a purely military feature , target practice exerts a moral force whIch xi otitht hot to be overlooked bY any one In tere'ted In time welfare nod efliciency of oimm ) o nuiiUary service. It has done more In tiuc lust hive years to elevate the moral standard xi of the army titan any other one thing whether It has emanated lroiq the war ile hO partmnenut , or has had its source iii politica Intitieumees at work In aocloty'at large. 'remit lerance , abtetmiIotusneSt. patience , persevor :10 : amice. antI industry , erecantinai social vIrtues and itso happens that tinny are absolutely hiu cessary qualltications of tine muiarksman. Ar DO Intemperate person , 'or one of groa - irregimiaritles of habits. in any respect , cat o uaver hULtlftU iLOOtttO expert n Uio us ant ' . knowledge of the nu'ket. It Is not neecs sary to argue at pnthi before a body of AmerIcan ohhlcers a'iU sohtllcrsthe necessIty , Lrotn a oturely military tandpoint , of the sal- dhsr fully tmntlerstami4tpg this use and PWts anti capabilitIes of t1'O weapon whicin a con- hiullng country lets l'ThCtl ' lii hits hands for Its prnti'ctlon amid defflhtco. 'l'hmo trtia sohtiher will regard it S a Rmtrt1 tiiily anti a batter' of pride and honor t't a4ituhro a knowledge of timecst nunituer of utak his iiitiskot suit of the crvlco It hi caP'b7110 of ren.lerhitr . him alt emergency. l'orsonfll otirago Is hardly a ( ilstInction itt a cotuJltt- where bravery ha a uuathonal chiaracterltit nnd it Is very near worthless iii battle whthi it is muot utilteil wltim skill and dIsctpiIneskft ; that tc.telues time sd- dier this liowers of hits Weaiitn 11011 tue best nianner of tmsImi it.ti1ciphino ; whIch never swerves from tltmty e'er In thuG face of ( loath. A solihier igmuotiuiut weapon Is woisti than sihnehoss : to his coiuiutry. lie Is a dciii- sion alit ! a snare. A hatvycr tvltliotit a kimoivl' etigo of law , a surgeon [ gnorntumt of time miii- atomny of tue luimnuirumi trntmno , a chomn- 1st who tloes tint understand ( lie Properties of lustier , would be hunirmiess muntl Imuimocent , as coniilnre ) ( ( wIth thus soldier tt'hmo , in thin hour of hits os'iu persoiinh hieril aini his coumitry's iteed , slioiiht be foiitnt ignorant of this use Sliti value ut the instru. uiioiut of wnirftro which a trustimmir govern- meat html tihtceit lii hIs iiaiutl.Var Is the imiost mntinientous timingwlihcii can happen tea a nation. ta was said by ( JeneraShiermnan to his miiavor of Atlanta , " \Var Is cruelty. " Unfortuinatehy for mankind , it Is a cruelty which , like lanilues amid tiestIloliceS , recurs with nppahhiumg tegtmhutt'lty. in modern , as In ancient tliuues loaco Is but a Preparatlomu for tvnr Vhieii t conies the Iiood-gites : of ias- sloti arc litted amid ( hue hniprkotied winds are let loose Other thilnzs being auuyttulng like equal , this nation that is best prepared for war Is almost certaimu to coimie oil vlctoriotms in thio struggle. In etir great country-icreat In extent , ha irnlitmlation anti in resources-we lint's a hiami ii to II of lute ii which we den oni 1 nate a regtilar army. In any war lii which this ctniiutty calu ever in' etigaedthue brtmrit of ( liii 0usd intist fall on the' regular troops. TIme Imutelhigeiuct , . clmar.icter anal habits of thu Americium 1)001)10 ) render a large stnuiidhng mmiii- itary force in this cumumntrV entirely inn nieces- sars : buut it ought to be obvious to time iiiost orit I mmamy 11 it tI erstanil I iinz that otim I Ittlo ariiuy shoUld bo as perfect In Its organization and as elllclwit in Its itersotunal , ins itiw dsichluilntt can iitake it. lie slittiid be thiorouigimly inured Iii those mitihitart' exercises wiihchi hiarilon and tomizhuen tine frame , such , for axunumpie , its bug and rapid itmarehies wIth kiiapsacs. huaver.acks amid anumnuoltion burnt , on this horsoim ; and above all , every nuamu-thiere should ho Oh , CXcOhithOfl-shntild have a full coniprehiolisloit at ( hue tiso nuitl mmmc of hIs unusket. 'I'huhs knowlt'tl o lutist be acquired lii time target gallery and on this target range. It was on this race course amuth In thuc wrestlIng-school ( hint this yottiug uiieit of Greece vere tralnied for the irlvatious and lmnitishmips of ( liii ctuuiiiaign ; amid when war cauiie that uiteii tvhio hail streii2thieiied thniir bodIes amid sharpened their faculties In this exercises of thuegneat gaiittiis , were thiollrtit to take ( hue hlelil , auud tIm best pruuare1 to cli- unite Its huardshiip , and to pcrformui the toast hirolongent anti rapid mnarclmes. 'l'hie swift r.tce with this I'ershnuuus that won the battle of Manattion for ( liecco , anti saved to Euromiri her civilizatloim , was hirat mini anild this aeclanuations of tinousantis , In tim vast Statihnun mit Athens. What thin stadium was to Greece , this shoot- lni gallery amid target r.smmgo tinny bum mnuatie to thus Aiuiorlcan soldier. 'l'hucy arc great schionla of hiutellectual anti miiorai training. Aliutost every faculty of the uiuhid , auth every iiitiscic of the body are devehoped and lot- proved In time exercises5 of time gallery and range. 'I'Imo benehitt intehiectuinlly and piuyshcahly , to be ( Iurt1hIl front target practice - tice , inchuitlimig Its PrP'itratorY traiuiuig , as conipired with thioso dc''Ivotl from such ox- event's and traIiulng ns wore furnished by Greece , are lit iuuy ophuhm ; , decithedly in favor of this former. Aim nn1sisof the benefits to tuti derived from thmn4e exercises , shows that Lucre is icarcely tin orqnit ( if tint body or a faculty of thu bInd timttiuey do ot tiring Into lilay. ' [ 'lucy str uftt.huii time arias ammd legs , th1ev expand time chest and Itumuics , ( lucy steady ( hut nerves. they , lnucresso the length intuit keenmuiss of vialqn , they ( isYslOl ) nuid strengthen the judgiuimit told umiderctauudhnr they beget patIence himiti lersevera000 , lastly , they ummaice that sojdher anti hIs tittisket fast amid confiding I''itumids. 'I'hio physical iCtiChItS are too obvidq to escape time most casual observer , tiult tim intchlectuai bsnel.lts to be derIved frbui : target exercises iuua- tint at iirst be so afareuut. 'I he author of EncIt'shstru says. referrlnur , I suppose , to the cultlvatoi-'nf the soil , "lie that otisorvetim time wInd shall mint sow , mimi he thiat regartletit time chouds shall not reap. " 'I'lihs timay be trite of the farnmier. bitt it is not ti'tmo of this tnarksmnain and sharpiltooter. 'Ilmey must observe tine wiutts with the ut- macst care , and oven a pasing cloud must be noted and allowed Ion' . Wind and cloutis are great factors in time scIence of acctmrate shoot- lair. 'FIts force and direction of air currents are olciuments which enter Into this science of rhhhe-practlce and whIch no man can afford to disregard. An unobserved cumrremit of air , be It ever so gentle , mnsy by dIverting your missile frotun its trttn path , i-oh you of your quarry , wimetimor it be a iiobhe stag ot ten tInes or tim comuumantling general of an op- posimig army. A swddon change of this tern- peimattmro iii tine atuutosphiere , tmumailowetl for , iiiay plunge your bullet umito earth onaIr , amid titus render useless a shot that might otherwIse have changed thu fate of an empire. ' [ 'hue eomutihtions of the atmosphere as to lmmumnklity , temperature , suinshilno or cloutis uiui'.t bo observed and carefully noted by this person who nsphres to excel in the nobhc science of utmarkaumiansitin , llas'o I lint saitl etmotught to show cotucitislvely thunit thus itutoilmictutal faculties , as vshl as this physical ioi'imrs , are brought into utuiiest lula' by hIm who e'ccels in rifle Practice ? it ha tm- cause it Is a hulghily Intellectual as vell as a great ihiyshcal exercise flint excellence lii maiksmuuansitipIs reg.nrdeu ts a great accomn- pllshinuent. 'I'hms wouiderftml skill exhibited ott this ratugo durln.c the last few days has attracted tIme mnt tentlon of tim at-toy and the country.'lest strides have been mails In the last torty years In blue hinproveinemit of tire-anus and skill in handhlnur tlmemn I Iii his "Citmipaign Sketches of the \Var with MexIco , " a work of literary anti historical value' , Caplaiii ' S. Iltmnry , this fattier of the gallant olllcer to whtoso in- telhigent sumporvision amid untirlug zeal this muillitary departmnnnt Owes , to a very great extent - tent , its present hIgh standliur in the seieimce of inarksiuauishihp , relates an lucidemit which Is interestIum , Instrtictlva aiict quits appro- hiriato to thIs occasiotu. 'I'hie captain tolls lila readers that when ( eneral 'l'mtyhnr's arumny Was iyiuit on time east sitla of tine It ho ( ' , iande , iii 1SIG , an Anuiericami soldIer tIe' sorted , and ivlmihe trying to utuake good his escape - cape by swlmnimuing across tIme river lie was liretl umuon by ( lie guuarti antI killed nit a ills. taiiee of 15'J yards , 'rimls was couieldereul evitlence , not emily of time superiority of time insrksiuuanshiip of time sentinel , aimd was rot time ( lois being the mmetisathon of thus armuiy. Commiparo the old umuskot of tinoMexicami var , which hiatt us range of a few hitmudieti iaces with time superb rifles which you holti iii your hiaumls , whose range is above 2,000 yards Compare tIme mmuarksinanhiip of this selitluutil of P310 , vhiIchu won for hum tnt , applause ci an nrny WRit thiti umarksmanihuip ot to-day , which at time dIstance of tt clvii on' hiftecfl hiuuuhrcd 3'ards , reachus-s with eate thus "ouiis eye" in time unotierti tamet. , Commuratios , It is my p ei.4lng duty lii behal of our distInguished comutfmaiudcr , to present to yotu these mneulals , honorable trophiie I your skill and zeal In m noble and tlhhiicnuht scUnco- ' [ 'hay inns always have a iirechotusv1t1e iii your eyes or accoumut of ( lituir assoeiatiohi with a contos whIch called forth tine , e5t oxertiouis of dts tinguishied marksman.t They are hinnorabhi unemumorhals of tIme zeaiquus amid altihitmil mnan nor in which you perfomhed a tlhhilcnilt alit conspictiotis lantor , anti ou may tvoit taki pride in theIr ; ossessidn. ' Mrs. Senator Maqderson run Mrs General Crook thou stohped forward a the request of Gcncritl Morrow. TIe former wits given the silver skirmish metlah , won by Sergeidt Lewis , anti tie latter the goint medalt' ' tnrmied by Privntt - Icitz. This latter 1\dal \ is the ilistinc tuon of thno best mmirksnaut , the former u reward for this best skimniisiier In th teimui. : loitz's ) miiudnl vins iniieti iipou his breast by Mrs. Crook , while ( hint o Lewis uvas llteCd by Mrs. Mitmi derson. 'flue scone presontemi win nit Interesting one , anl Wa 4 highly apnrecintod by thu asseniblag After this hreseatatmon Colonel I1enr addressed all this competitors , thiankir.j thmeiui , amid tlmroughn them this coniiaiiies : tvhmo hiati done so svell tttrotmghout thus tar get practice seoson , as witil mis at flu itosts iii ( ho dopartmeuits. lie eneotir nifiutl : thueiii to pursovero tutU each yea wonilti show vast hmnprovoimient itt nil siiootiuig lii thuu army. lie cominonde their connitmet wbil8 they were itt cam as bolug ntJtt exotuplarytintlsoitller'hik 'rhisy bad reason to be iimoutl of their soc which was shuown by ant mndymnnicO cm I 1.21)0 poiuits over the scort of inst yoni This year thimi.teamit wa time milost prof dent ( hint dePafinient had over kuowL - . - - - - , - hmavihig scored 203 points more tlimtn' flint of 1880 , , thu grand total this , your , beIng 0 , 103 PoInts. Eniolt of the Interestemi inomnbcrs.of the toatit was them Presented tvUli an envol- spIt containing 'i , part of a purse gotten nih ) by eitmzouis of Oninima to be distributed ntnomig tine coiitestaiits itt the dilremnumt niutchios to be held hem thIs scasomi. 1'lno team them rotttrioul , to time lime ttiitl raitks tysre Initnuediatumly brokon. The visitors tlutimt took seats along the east stile of the range to witness thm skir- ittishi tiring , whniclt nvasnirraiiged for their euuterttlnmnent. : F'orty hIfe'size SiiiietiOttO targets of muiemi in standing mount kmiesitiig nositlotus were fixed at time north oiitt of ( lie mango , while nit oqtmal iitmtnbcr of sol- duers were stintlonioti at time othier extromul- ity several feet apart , antI thus extendimig across tue range. 'l'Itoso ivore in corn- mnaiutt of Colonel Ilemirv , who was its- slstetL by two motnntea mugs ohhienra , Lieutenant Slmntttuek : utuid I4hnutenaimt I ltitehmeson , of thiti Sixth inimnuitry and Ninth cavalry respectively. The mcii , uiioit this orior , threw themselves 'umpoti their backs amid croscd their legs iii less thitnt : six seconds , svheit the order to fire was souiided by tIme itigie , Imistamitancotisly a volley rammg omit viiicIt awoke it hunmindreti ecimotis in time iueighiborimig wootis. It was followed - lowed by mt successioni of reports whIch fohlowcit otis amiothiur ivithn wouidcnuunl rupltlity. 'I'iuo bugle again soiuutdctl antI siiiiultammeommsly with time lust utoto , hifteemi secoiitt lmul : oltjiseil , vlucui ( lie liriumg ecaseti amid thus tutu arose thurotughi it clouttl of smoke : imttL utiramicent 100 feet hearer time tarmets , trlnemi the sntuiie uiitttimoml vts i'ehOuttol ) ( , Some of tItO mmit.mmi lirijtl three shots in thitm hiftecmn seconds allotted to ( limit , ss'lmiie otluers hired as high us six 1mm thiti same timuo. Fire Stops s'erc rnntlc buttore tIme tnrgets : tvet'e mtnprotchmed : , wlieiu a retreat was soumiili'tl , 1111(1 ( lie Inn- iuig vis : contimutmed at littervuls ituitil thmo shni'tmuig : point haul been rcnnhuetl. : 'l'luc best iiiarksmmien nimnuomug time comuiptutitors .Iut boom stlcetett for thIs skiriuiishiimig ntimtt tIme inanutor in which they themselves bore testlmuomty of this excel' lenice of their training , tsimile it coiitrib- tiLed greatly to tIns oiitertainmiieuit of tins hmitties mind gemitlemitumi in'eseimt , uliamuy of whom lout zuever scout so hoar nun nip- ; , roah to a battle bekre , After tIne exhuiiultion , tim visitorn wulkctL to tIne illionuittttm targets amid fomind them to ho literally riddled with btullots , which bmmnied themselves in flue lntraimt of tine nevolvimug targets. A return was then iniado by ( lie visitors to tine trees iii front of Cot. henry amid Col , Ermist's huoadqtmtrtors : , whiero that ladies lout srctd : tins comitenits of ( lie baskets already nuiudeit to. 'l'hin inspect and variety of this vinitids tyinG most agreeable to : npletites ShnLrhciiel : by tin- usual exercise iii tins open air , and , when itbout an hour later tins "cloth was n's- tutored , ' ' but little was left to toll of flue ( lehiglutful repast iii thus tVOttIS. lnmrimig the discussion of time nittal. Sinmmitor : l'ttntndcrsoui played time gemini host , while Mestluuues 1nlauidursomu , Crook , Kommntzc , Cowun and several others tmitheti In the con"cititl : occmipatiohi of scrvimug this lanicing followed iii this shuttle , time iiutisie being rendered by the second infntmitry hmamRI. 'l'hs canip piiotographier ( lien nuado his appoanance mid smin-paitetl time group , iiitmiy : of thai uiusmiubors of whiichi were ctnighnt : imi tine act of demnolishtitig pah'st- able slices of wuttormuelon. At 3 o'clock tine train left time range statiomi : iutd arrived iii tins city at 3:15 : , 'lint euijoynieutt of thu day amid the occa- 81011 SvtIs pon'fect. It wins ennimiemitly nun kiop'iiig ivitim tiuc kmndumcss of Semimitor i'tltumtlerson : antI a lilting counlliniammt to ( enen'al Morrow , iii whose honor it was givemi. _ _ _ _ _ _ Labor Movements Sonin-ce of Streuigtb. ACIL' ' York 1i'rnld. It is not this platform , whatever It may contain , thuat syhll win votes this year to this labor party. The idea , this sentiment , that issimo that wnhh give to thin niovement strength , grows out of tine feeling of iuinking muon , and of more wIno do not think very mnuohi , that flue equality of rights , privileges and dnmtics among nfl citizens , tvhicln is the tssenco of a ro- ptibhic , huts hero been sen'iously impaired ; that a plutocracy is growing tip within our democracy dangerous to its mtisthttn- tions. mid that instead of dealing with this iiviuig questions of the hmoumr , as they shmotilil do , fits leathers of this old organmz- ations are ciiiolly concerned iii gaining power. 'l'hie labor movenicuit gains its greatest strongtht ins a lirotest arainst cont'nipt'ioii aimd nionopolies nut1 this money imower , and mis a notice to this old party leaders tmint they nuuist bcgiit to do sontiethilug for tine masses of time people. Ilttacketi by a hawk , San Frtuncisco : Chnroiiiols : A boy naunod \\'hliiaiui Allen , who lives in this vicinmity of tine Nission , hmntt a vassioml for shooting hawks , aui(1 On Weduiesday last his pot sport caine near costing him hula life. His fmtvorite gImmis : is a large mmml hierco species of hawk that unfests flue gletis and crags sotitin of the twin peak. 'l'heso hawks arc mis carnivorous as tine vttitures of this Antics , mmiii devour gophers , weasels , iimnres anti rabbits by the dozoni , but. vill iuot : itticlc ontitrv. On tine day miumned this hot' , who Is about twelve years old , asceuithcd to this stimamnit of tine twin peak's and cast mis eye abotnt for gauto Soehuig none he sat down tipon the rocks nimiti waited for hIs iirey. in a few inomimemits :1 : splendid bird samled along graecfimlly Inn time tipper othier , niakin fuuntastic : hhigiits upward aiid riownwar whmicit svore the very poetry of motion. 'l'hie hmnwk : seemed to have an instinct that there was thauger aiieatl , und Willie , ihiscnvcring this , miii boitind the n'ocks , \Vhtoti ins looked out agnuut ( lie hiird vts : ; not risiimlmt. it lout mtpparountiy discovered ' it victim in tins shmipti : of a gopher or othitur aniiiiil : , and made a dart earth- wnit'ds to seenire it. lii lookimig a secoind tune the boy saw tIns hnanvk mtsoentling with a weasel in his claws. As Willie was itow neir ontough r to blaze awtv : ho took aunt anti quicken thin a Ilasht down canto tim hawk aui(1 weasel. 'l'hie boy approached timem , nuud tue weasel was iii this last agonies ci death , itiitl its destroyer was so badly r wounideti , appareimtly , ( hint life would becommic t400fl extinct. Whim stooped tc S 1)10k nip tIme hawk to carry it to a shieiteret spot to iltuck oil' this large feathers , 'thiom the bird suddenly extended its wltigs , tlmrowiuug thueni about ( Ins boy miuitl at tin - saints tune siuiking his berik lcrociotisl , unto his right cheek. 'I'lw miuoveutment tram - so sudtien , so mmumoxpectetlthmat'ihiui ivan drtgged : to tins eartin amiml hieltI mu thmt ( I embrace of tine infuriated hnmiwk , him gnu was hying rigint uiongsitlo or hintnlmiu I Ins coiikl not list ) it to suiitsh : in thus liin'd't t brains , bothi hms hauutls being liniouIetl. a Fiuumihiy Inc released one , just Oitoulfhi ta t take out a small penknife , with whimehu iii a mittomitliteti to stub time hawk. This stub : a htd : limit little chfl'ct , owing to time kuilfi : - hnmiuig s'orv small auiti hue liuviiig but lnttht force to drive it. a During all this time time this Imawk' : eyes fmthrly gleamoti wkhi demonimne rage t his bloou tn'nis fast oozing omit , amid himt and boy were covered uvitin ut S Fortunately for time torttied boy , m S uinimuetl Martini \'elohn caine along U anti scout" ' tine terrible situation of thnitugi rescued t1'e young mind now almost ox hmtusted hUnter. its was loummiodiatmil : : ' takeun to a phuvsicimnn : nnd hIs dressed , lie will soon be mill right again but a slIght scar will remmtiui for life. 'I'ho inutwk inutmuisnirott eughnt feet fromi wimig to tying mmml vas a monster un size :1 : , Notice. Any ierson giving imifonmuttlon to u. undersigned of tim whereabouts of ( , ni f bert Evurton will confer a favor on hun Ito luftO'Nu'ihl , Nub , , thurco years since mind baa not since been Itearul from. ' " * " ' ' ' Nob. ! ' , . . . . i ! -.11T' . Pcrsotiisl Paraugrnphis W'Ihh Xrug Is home froiut a btmsIimos jotmruiey along tiun Unioii l'aellho. ' 1' . IL. Cotter rottmruied yestordumy from a short hiutitimig tn'ip In this treat , tl1ss .Jeuink ' [ 'otvmisemmd , of Freniont , Is time guest of MIss Et't Mutuehuester. U. E. ( iraulon , of Albino , Sob , , is visit' lug .J. 11 , Green , of time Uuuiohi l'nicif'uo pnissciiger ( lepartnuomit. J , ' 1' . Loitmuix , tIne recently ulpiOifltcd ) nsistnuit genst'ai iinuss'mizer ungemit of tint Unioti [ 'micitle , left lust cveiiing for Clii. cuigo. 11 , 11 , Gibe , prcsideiit of this cotifer- 01105 of cimutnltiott until eot'roctlomus , I'ttiss Ella A. ( flIes timid A. 0. Vniglit of l\1mdi : son , \Vis. , arrived at this l'axton yes- tortlay. 1' , H , Bishop , this well.known citizen of Shelby'viile , hid , , Is stoppuiig Iii this CIty' on huis Way home front Coloratlo , ivimero his hits ) ) wmmi gaining now hifo front time inotimitnila brettzunm Clmnn'les Enviiig mutt Iitrs , Adtiis Staley \vore tuuulteti lit nimnirringe yesterdnty by Justice Read , Opening , Wait for Emhholin & Akin's gm'and open. lug of hew Jewelry auid siiscrnvmmre , nuitl rmohn broimas mutt hiu'sL vttor : dinnunonds. flffeots of leumipitat loin , 'Fits Progress Memlical 1ubhislies a imiPor by Drs. Ruguard , muiti Loye on this e.mtmnn- iitatmott of the head : tiitl body of a ocr- ttin : convict iiiiunediatciy uuftcr him doono- itnitioni by tlnc gnu hlotinio. 'i'lnc prisoner wits ctltii : to tlnt.i last , auiul iiot little , cvcui wlmimit his neck tvis : iixetl to receive this fatal ktinftt. 'I'wo cc'outtIs mutter titteapitmi- tion time cheeks were still i'os' , this eyes vitie oiieii , ivitin iutoticn'ately dilunteti pu- pus , thai niomitit lirmnl % ' closed , Wimemi a linger Wts iilaccd chose to ouio eye ito chmiiige : of cxpi'cssiout took pities ; but on tomucimiuig miii eye or tips of time iashmes , during ( ito hirst live secontls , the lids closed just mis iii hift. 'l'imis m'ehlex muetiomi cotuld itot be elicited froiti time sixth see- end after decapitation. 'I'hno jttvnm : trure tightly cleneliemlmuid could hot be oietiod by inmintial force ; ito sinitilar iimuscmmlar couitmactloui comilti Im ( letcetcut in this tnminhc or extrcuiiities. Onto uuiintnito after dentin the face begun to ( turn little , the trunk re mauiiod liacciti , the carotntis con- tintilntf to throw out blood ni- mnaitiing iii this circulatory area , At tue cud of fomir miiinutes the face was quite little , thus tmihCt' ) lids score halt closed , the' jaws less firiulycieniclied than bofore. Time knife hind inssed through this lower : nrt of this fourth cervical vsr- tebra. 'I'huese resemircines show thmutt riot a trues of consciotismtess rounitins two sue- oiids after bohmeatiimig ; thumut rcIicx movo' ments of ( hue cornea can be excited for a few secomids , that this heart unlay beat for an hour , this aturiclcs continitumuig to pul- stte : alone for over luntif of that period ; amid thuit. : piittiuig aside time reflex move- meats of the eyelid , tue contraction of this jaws , amid flue jets of blood front tiuo carotids , it scented in this case as though a corpse haiti ( mccii decanitated , so imnert were time remains of flue convict. irs , Regmiard aumd Logs note how calm mud froc even from phmysilogical denthu-strug- mzle aymptoiiis us death by the gumhiot'muie. Thmerc is riot event asphyxia. In flits coumitry we take on ourselves the respon. sibiiity of destroyiuig life jnitticiauly. 'l'lunit so grave a task should lie done as unercm fully as possible is self-evident. hlningimug 15 ii t'nry dihl'creuit niatter tromu decapitu- tioti. Auiglo-Saxomi setitimitomit is against time henulsutian , limit surely mu contrivance for a denthn : painless auiui calm might be ( lovisqil to repintcn. time iil-ftvoreil : gallow. Beware of Scrofula Scrofuha is prohabi' ; more general tlian.nny other disease. It Is luisidlonus Inn character , antlmanlfehs Itself In runuilng sores , pustular eruptions. boils , swellings , enlarged joints , abscesscssorccyes , etc. Ilood'sSarsaparilla expels all trace of scrotum from this blood , leaving It pure , enriched , amid healthy. H I was severely afflIcted with acrofula , and over a year had two running sores on my neck. Took five bottles flood's Sarsaparhhha , and am cured. " C. 11. LOVEJOT , Lowell , Mass , C. A. Arnold , Armnold , Me , , had scrofubous sores for seven years , spring aul fail. Rood's Sarsapariila cured luhin , Salt Rheum Isono otthie mosttihsagreeabbo dIseaie caiiqed byiumupuroblooth. It IsrcadilynnrcdbyIIood's Sarsaparilla , the great blood purIfier. Wlhilant Spies , Eiyrla , 0 , , suffered greatly frotn emysipelas and salt rhenuun , caused by liandihmmg tobacco , At times his hands ivoniti crack open and ljiced , lb tried various irco- aratiouis wIthout aiti ; fiuially took 1100(1's Sar- eaparlhia , amid now says : " I ant entirely ivehl. " ' , My son had salt rheumut ott his imamels minden on the calves of lmI legs. lie took hood's Barsaparlila antI ha entirely cured. " J. B. Stanton , lilt. Vernon , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla $ oittbyaildruggiste. 51 ; Izfori. 7iiadoonuy by C. I. IIOOD& CO.Aotuiecar1esLowiiIiMS. 100 Doses Ono Dollar - . ? I- \ / Titus J.OVELr COMPI.tXION is ma IIESU1.T 01' P5150 HACAN'S Magnolia Balm. It Ii a iichlghtfiii i.IQUID iou' tim FACE. t lcici : , Altalis amid JI.tNIIS. Oetcumo lImit , PSuuibmmrmi , hSahiuvue'NN , RodncN , htIoib.i'uichieii and every Chzui of SKIN 3)iMflmzureumemil , Aipiiedhu amoniLmit , Cam , . 3 tint be Iemcctad , I'U113 aimil IIAItMLESSI Take It with you to tito &ashie , Iouutaiu ! Imucni hlt'&rts ; ht Is o cleanly , it'- 3 freshlng ault rc.ttui idler a hot drhe , ioti ramble or .t'abath , TRY THE BALM ! tkteorda ( WILL NOT UNHOOI < WittC Bcia WoRN. livery iady wlv , Icic5 ! 1erIcctm..n , iii 5tyl iI.i tuUU fi houid wer them. Maiuiattrd iitily ity the WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , Vtirc.ter , 51ss. , ani siS Al.uieL CIitcs ; S.l:1itOyiter ; ammo hmorL enter hiimiiiiie6 hlrit-clas , location , 00(11 UhOItiItK iou harry wIth .wmiul esphtsL LI , Li , Joum. ' . 5 N 11th t. uQu lii HIS WIFE DID IT. . . . ' ' . ' liii 'I'Jtut Ex.CI ( LnimiiIigImler iilsIic ii Soiiiefl'liiit ItCiimii'It- * tible NavratIc , how lie Found Oiraha and Its Surrounding' Eight Years Ago-Notable Chapter front , His Ontn Experience-A Deaf Man Who hears. " 1hghmt years ago , " reniiurkt'l Mr. W' , (1. ilc'n. sima , ' , at his hmoimmo , coruiur of Siuuiuiiiers miniS 'hmtiimioi-son stroeh't , to it roI,3rtor ' 'i ( 'limos itt ( ) uiimttmii fi'omii New Vouk cIty. lhi lit t-cuirs , it is utSi omm kim hug iv ii itt chtutuigct ii mtvti I muki' ut i'imico ' un thu h ill ) ' a miS t ho suirtmnu uimi lug court I 7 ci licE I Intt Unto , I : ighu I , 'ctrs itico I I I h city wits iimi t it tOivul 0 1 nlutit ItIK ) 1 I ii tmmtb hi unit s. 'ro-d sy It iiiimmmhert t'Zist , to iUO,00) ) , lhghit 3cttrs iigotiio ( 'liii lit ) ' imercat itiutq , wn s piiisei ett led : to-.muiy w huh I um a e'hrcln. o r t we liii umim mud in hht mibo tut ( ) mmmntmut arc mmt'iirl ) ' I wo uuii ri'S itiw n , iii ere tiiiiui Is coiitaluittii him thin 'hoho ltuiqItium ouuipiun. ' ' .l r. I i cmi sti ii a' vmts stimumi I uig before ii Is co in - fort itimlo Imonis w hmiclu ha , tmts fiirt it ui mite i'uuo Ugh to iou ) ' wluhio Ouii uthmn lot s were ci hi I sl Ihum itt ttii , n itrices , ittiti si mm''u iv hu ich by I mmtitmstt'y at r. I I euishmn' luiti ( 'ml huttutt'cS I h S value by I hue orco t Itimi ( i I it stm mist mmuut liii home , Vu iv uume'n imi Omim itha lire , it'tter k umimu mm t hi intl 7 , & ; r7 , , _ , _ mr-- . # - * /9. ' 1 : * wA t\\ \ \ ( Li no. v. ci , utus'suIAw , lie vmts cIty hmimmiphighiter for ii mmiuuiubor nfyon and Is now employed by tim harbor Aspiuuli l'av log counpii ny. ' 'For thin last sixteen yomtrs , " ito conthtutiod to the r'po tier. " 1 luivo litiii ito ii ithmnhh tlnio In' order to ituitit SI my work , % % 'htie in boy ant ! ihu'miigst icy ftmthttr's coimmitry roshtiouico on laini ; htiiiuit1 touuutl , New YOrk , I toads a PitiCtiCe 5f goIng in swIimiuiihuig from , , ten to twenty mimosa ii tilt ) ' Wil'ii time weuthor wits suhtuhie , by thu uttoani I tiot'oiopoS emttmtrrIm iii Its worst feint. Ny thuromit anti hoed was tomipt'd imp lit thuno' . I coughed and hawked up phlegm , had to blow may umoso coutstaumtly , I timid a Constant Stud tech- I ii mc in my heath romtrhmmg h mm time emirs , iii cmi I got dciii graduah.y nmt so cutely that I mtOAMS SiUCil AiAlti(50 , Thus vmts uOt itO I fonuid that I talked throtugh un ) ' note , mind itt mitghit I could miot. brouttimo through niy u1)8ti'hts , at all. I saw a doctor mind iie told iii o I timid a I uuuio r growhuug In uiuy noiti caumsoi by time eatmirrhm , which lie called a potyptms. I tried util uuituummem of menu'- tii,4 to no avaIl , mittS wheum six wcok ttgo 1 cittighut ii fme'aii 001,1 , , wltichi omtuiutt'd time catmtrrh to go ( tOWn Oil iii ) ' iuuigs , iii ) ' COtidhtIfl vn5 hOt only umimuuoyhmig , but groittly alarmed uuy whto , % Vl' . sir , I felt at thiuie 111w chioutluig' , ( hun I coughed so mmmdi I could non shop uihgimt. I woiuih iiR'o vIolent iioiis of coiughmhng whIch woiuhl canes nio to vomitit. "As I saId bofoe , uny condition so itlmirmod my whmo tiid 0mm time 15th of tht' uisiith shto Ic' Risted timmit I go imuid couiuit a ( looter iiot day. I wits lidit to ltoi ) wont , butt at last eonsoumted timi , ! lust Moiidmiy I tonuitcd 1)r. J Cresap rilooy , Rmtingit fliooh , ( hits city. who smild he oouhd euro ins. Tmmle I was whtihmg to bcihcvnbtit ilid uio ( tironumi at how quIck pttrt of m' troubles cotuid ho reihnu'ed. Why , sir.iie romnovod thh entIre p01w- pius luu two or Ilirco inhuitutos : hors , you coo it un the 1)01(1(1 ) 1 huiiVo , * tiiil thmen made an appilciuthout to uiu' hhoiised thuroat. I breathed throtughm my nose at once omnothhng I bumyn not Sbus in yours. I immive been naconstarit troatnmemit shies , unuiti uuow iitui'o In it large mnoasitro regained uny Remiss of 8moih. I iin'o tiot been able to smell anything before for eight ycar5. My catmirrim " Is giimithy bonefittod , my hearing us coutming 0 aroumid all right , arid I mon certiuhui the iiootor will soon limit's iic as well mis 1 ever wiii. I woiit honio Monday from time doctor'sollIco utnid slept cli night a ipilet sleep. u'oiiuttiiuug I have not dons for so bug a tinto I can't remember. My stm'oumgth uiI dclro fot' work has iotiumumod , I don't get iii , In thio niornhng ( ceihuir mis tituS Ii before I weuit to beS , us I mmseh to do. I foe han a rctorod unman. " Mr. ilomishmiw ; B well kflOWli ahiotit town , nnh ( ho truth of huis story Cflfl easIly ho veritieS t'y CtiliInt ( upon or afidrosalitu Imlun lit lila address above glvomi. LEiIS 'ro ' coisuMI"rIoN. Intcrcsiing Evidence of a Condition Not to 13e Trifed With. t\'iien c'mttarrii lisa oxhted in thin lienS anti limo uprmr part of time thrtutt , formtuiy Ioimgthi of time --tie inuIomit ilvhmig hut ii tlh.trmct whmtiro ppio are suiijoct. to cittttrmlmimi miliectiomi-auni time tls. 51185 tins hmemm iot nmmioured , ihu cmttmurrim Iowan- ably , sortmtiiluios eiowhy , exionds 'iown the wlniipmpo mtnii Into time bronchIal ttube's , which tubosoonvoy tito air to the dhttorent ummurtS of limo liuumgs , 'l'hmt , tubes boconme affected from limo swellIng mind the latmcouus arlsiuug from catamrli ' and , in soum instances , become pluirijod up , so t'hmtt this ntitcauuuiot got in tie Iroely ( is It shmtuid. tthiortne3s of broittim follows , mind the pmitiOnt bromitimes with , iabornumii dithbeulty. lii either case timero is in sound of crackling anti whueozhumg huuslds time chest. At thhs stege of time disease tim hremnthluiui he ustuahly inure rapid titan vimon in health , 'rite patient inns also hot dmtho over ida body. Time iuthn whIch iuicomnpamiies thmI conditIon is of a dull chinuractor. bit hut tiue ciuoit , bohund the breast bouto , or tinder time simouiiiot' blitdo. Thu paint may eomoauid go-lust low days and then be absent Tor several otimer $ , Tin' comigim that occurs in lbs fIrst stages of hrouichmhal oatamnlu is dry , conies on itt Intorvuila , huickimir in cimarno. tsr , autti is nusumuthl ) ' nuost troimblesomno In tao mormuhmie on rlstns , or going to imeil mit night amid it Hilly ho Iii time hiret evhdouieo of tiam disease extending - tending into ths lttngmt , Somumothrmies thioro itro fits ofcoumgiting Imuducod ithu toitichu mfltteuis 80 vIolent as to cunuso voin- Iting , Later on time inuictus that Is raIsed , lii I ( miitiil t , I contni n stmi miii partlcie of yoiliw uimrtt- I or , whm ) Imud loimtes ihimit the imaui tim ties in t his hulmgs are now miltectoCVithi thIs timers arc ( iltoum streaks of ithooti unhxed wIth time utmuelts , iii soumlo 010105 time pmithcnt bucoiimes very pinto , ittt8 lovur , nati oxmoctoratoa bolero umuy ootugiu appoars. Imu somume ( 'ittOS smith masses of choosy sub- Stitmico InTo Stilt ttP , simk'ii , whmomi preod ito- t w000 t ho Ii migers. emit it mid odor. I ii other easel , particles Of a liarS , chalky immutiuro arc cult tup. 9'ho , raising of chmet'sy or chalky mumps lndltitte SerIOUS umilshihof itt work In the htummgs. DOCTOR JI Cresap M'Coy ' Late ofBollevuellospital , N.Y AI ) IOCiOR Columbus Henry ilavo Oliiovs 3eiiAiUE BUILDING Coy. I 5th 11)1(1 ) Iial'hlOy Stxeot1 Onmila , Nob. itii ci 0 mill en rmnilo ) 'mmses Itre' t roitI cii It I ; r.u 0. 0055. ! i t'iI mimI iI it'imos t mciii oi Ha I i rum I I ) ' . i'Ofl. suiiipiht'si , , itmIgitt's IIsi'mtrt ) , , Iyspt1'sl't , itliomu. inutImmt. until till , IItVltS Ii5iAei3. ) ! itIi 'II. seastos P1'OiiilII' to thu suit's it sl'tteftuhiy. CA- I'ltlt1I ciJItI : ) Ct ) t ! tb iil't'I' I I I i mm t ohilce is r by iii all $ I Olllto ; luiiim4 : 9 to ii limit , ; d It ) I p. un ; 710 0 p. iii , 2nummcha's IuchiuSoi , I : o nit's utimmliiiiCiI I ( ( ii ( tOS I'iQflt i't ' Si I e a tltt a. Shamiyhl.oast's ml , 0 treated siuc'ettsstiuhly iii hr ! ihvCoy tIn roil gi I ho mu sii,4. itumd it to t ii tms 1's5h , ' his fi' r t I 1135(1 II iimdhi , , I o umi miii U Ii Iii II rtot I 0 01 , . tsiim uiiCtes5tmml tiomiilttih trctumitut'umt it tinahr ljctiie , . : ' . ( J letters Iiimsuyorc'i umihess t.Lcumuim. nlsd Imy 40 in sistuii'i , : i .ti tress miii lottvus to hr. J. I , . ict'oi. rGtem1 . . . hlO awl 'Jhl it&wgu htuildlimg , Omaha , sub. . . , . ' ' I ' ' ' : ' ' ' . : ' . . - ' I