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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FKIDAY. .AUGUST 5 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. E. llOBEWATRtt. KniTon. THE 1M1L.Y IIICII. Sworn Htatoincnt of Circulation. BUtc nf Nebraska , I . . County of Douglas. { 8 > * Oeo. 11. TzschueK , secretary of The B o Publishing company , does solemnly swear that tlio actual circulation of thn Dally Bee for tlio week ending July 20 , IbVJ , wag as follows ! Date , tlorning Krentn TnfdJ. fiaturdav. July23 7.JSO ! 0b50 li.'JOO Sunday. July IM 14.200 Monday. July 'J5 7.77fi C.8.V ) ROM Tuesday. July BO 7.1M ) P..7SO 18,000 Wednesday. July ti7..7.1ftO r.,7J5 13,87.j Thursday. July ai . . .7.1.V ) 6.7IW 1.T.MO Friday. July 29. . . . .7.1M 0.750 13.000 Average 7.288 6.776 14.083 GKO. If , TZSCIIUOR. Sworn to and subscribed In my presence tula 30th day of July , A. D. 1837. rSEAL.1 Noiary 1'uWlc. BUte of Nebraska , Douglas County.BS ( Oeo. 13. Tzschuck , being flrf > t duly sworn , deposes and says that he Is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that the actual average dally circulation of the Dally Bee for the month of July , 1880 , 12.314 copies ; Tor Aujtust , 1888 , 13,404 conies : for Septem ber , ISSO , 13,1)30 ) copies j for October , ISM , 12.W9 copies ; for November. 1SSO , 13.3H copies ; for December , I860.13,237 conies ; for ' January Ib87 , lO.UCG copies ; for Kobrunrv , 1887 , 14,19s copies ; for March. lb7 , 14.400 copies ; for April , lb 7,14,810copies ; for May , 1887 , 14,2'.7 copies ; for June 1837 , 14,147 copies. Oio. : H. TZSCIIUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 1st day ot July A. D. , 1837. ISRAL.I N. P. Km * Notary Public. AN exchange says "Millionaire Cor coran Is still on the mond. " 1'orhaps it is better to bo on tlio mend thau on the town. SEVHN MULK BAHNUM can no more put Pat Collins into tlio cabinet to suc ceed Ediuott than ho can lift himself ever n stake and rider foucc by Ins boot straps. AKTKK all perhaps the result in Ken tucky is an evidence of the strength of Mr. JJIaine a kind of satale pride. The plumed knight was once a Kentucky school master. ENOLAND General Simon Bollivor Itocknor , Kentucky Dear sir : I see your election is in doubt. Claim everything. I know how it Is myself. JAMES G. SOME fifty persons , representing almost every state in the union , ascended Pike's Peak the other Hay. They formed into an organization and drafted resolutions inviting President Cleveland to visit the summit when ho comes west. This invi tation mania is spreading upwards as laterally. Maybe it will ooze out ou that peak. the letter to President Cleve land from the chamber of commerce became - came BO contaminated with dirt while passing through the Omaha postoilico that it has been impossible for the postal clerks to read the address. No doubt at this moment it is an unrecognized pack- nge in the dead letter ofllce at Washing ton. IK the mugwumps should desert Mr. Cleveland , ho will bo like a lost boy. Members of the democratic party who know him host have never regarded him us a democrat true to the tcnunts of thai party. Ho may yet live to see himself without cither a party or even political following of any kind. Stranger things than this have happened. Cinua HARTMAN and L. M. Bennett are trembling in their boots since they have been told that the chairman of the coun cil judiciary committee holds the opinion that they will bo hold responsible for any overlap that may occur In the police fund by reason of the notion taken by the other commissioners in their absence from home. This doc trine is a stunner. If a councilman , for instance , could bo made rcspousiblo for overlaps voted by other members , in his absence from any session , or if his bonds men are held liable for the boodling ol other councllmcn , ho and his bondsmen would bo in a very bail way. EXKCUTIVR MANSION. George Wil liam Curtis , Now York. Dear Sir : I am pained to realize that 1 did not have ofli cos enough to supply the demand from your friends. If you will stay with me until after the election I will dc well by you , and will in the meantime "fire" Eugene Higgins am appoint a mugwumu iu his place. Dan Bays this is the best wo can do for you at present. Yours truly , G. CLEVELAND. IT is In bad taste for the Democrats tc lay their misfortunes hi Kentucky At tin door of General Buckner , claiming IK was not popular with the masses. This is wrong and docs the Democratic can dldato an injustice. The cause of UK revolution simply means that the people had grown tired of Bourbon rule , by oh time fossils who lived upon the memorj of the past. Atidal wave issottiug in. It is , at the sumo time a rebuke to the administration of Mr. Cleveland where IK was most cordially disliked for the mug wump friends he had made. A Kontuckj Democrat is not a Cleveland Dumocrut mid the two can not be harmonized. THE prohibition experiment has boor tried for a year in Rhode Island , and the result is a total failuro. It has not evoi approximately prohibited the use of in toxicating liquor , and drunkenness , a. compared with former years , has no boon diminished. This has boon the ox pcrionco wherever total prohibition lias iron tried. Hut states , like individuals insist on learning by personal experience So state after state is trying it , alwayi with the same result. THE United States attorney for UtaJ has commenced action against the trus tees of the Mornian church prellminar ] to a contiscation of the church proper ! , for the benefit of tlio schools of the terri tory , as contemplated by the Edmunds Tucker bill. Anticipating this action tm trustees have understood to have con toyed the bulk of the property to privnti parties , which will probably defeat th object of the suit. Jt is suggested , however over , that the moral effect of the procco'l Ing will not bo valueless , nincn it wil show that there has been u signal chaugi in affairs since Brighum Young pro claimed martial law In the territory am refused to allow any citizen of the Unitei States to enter iU .borders. . ' \ Stirplni for Second Place , The statement that lion. William Mor- l&on , of Illinois , now t member of tlio liter-state commerce commission , has Ins eye ono the vice presidency and may bo ii'ard of , If ho can have his own way about it , in the next natlo'nnl democratic convention , suggests an Inquiry as < o Iho untorlul at tlio command of the do- nocracy from which to make a selection or thu second place on Its presidential Ickot. While the party , as the situation now is , has really no choice for the head of the ticket , being compelled to concede hnt position to Mr , Cleveland , with all the probabilities against there > olng any change m Iho ibsoluto ownership of the party possessed by the president , a casual stir- vojr of the field will show that for the ccond place the supply of material , more or loss available in the political sense , is over-abundant , and that about all the interest which the next national democratic convention will have must come from the contest between those who aspire or are willing to bo the tail of the ticket. Tlio democratic vice presidential can didate will bo taken from the south or vest , with the chances largely In favor of a western man. It is not unlikely hut Mr. Carlisle- might huvo the nomi nation if ho strongly desired it , but it Is not believed that ho docs. Ho is thn only southern man who possesses any positive availability and it is quite possible that that section may demand to bo represented on the ticket. The very friendly disposition of the administration toward the south may also induce an expression from that source favorable to having a southern man on the ticket. In that case Mr. Car lisle might yield to the pressure , and then nothing could prevent his nomination. The merest intimation that his associa tion would bo especially pleasing to Mr. Cleveland would end all contention , and the democracy would again present an nllitcrativn ticket , the last having been the two B's Buchanan and Brcckcn- ridge , In 1850. But Mr. Carlisle probably will not seek the nomination and docs not care for it. The vice-presidency is not necessarily a stopping stone , and the in cumbent is generally a minor quality in publio aud party affairs. Having no pat ronage at his command , except a few positions about the senate , and no power in legislation , the vice president is the merest figurehead in the government , and unless he possess the cordial confi dence of the president becomes a simple nononity politically. This was the case with the late Mr. Hcndncks , whoso vir tual abandonment by the administration and then by the party was the bitterest experience of his life. Mr. Carlisle un derstands all this , and will be hardly likely to surrender the vantage ground he now holds as n member of congress and a party leader , which ho can proba bly retain for some time to come , for the empty honor of the vice presidency , unless ho should find thu call upon him to do HO irresistible. The confederate record of other prominent men In the south would perhaps IMJ regarded as an insur mountable objection. Turning to the west a score of possible candidates file before the minds eye , each having his peculiar claims and fit ness. Indiana has the veterans McDon ald and Voorhees , each with a large per sonal following in his state , and Gov ernor Grny , who might be stronger in a democratic convention had he not been a soldier. Illinois has Morrison , Steven son , Black and Springer , all represents tive men with special individual claims to the regard of some portion of the democracy. Then there is Mr. Vilas aud General Bragg , of Wis consin , either of whom ought to be en tirely acceptable to Mr. Cleveland as a running mate. California will very likely offer the late governor , George Stonenuin , or the present executive , Washington Bartloit , and as the Pacific coast will demand more thau ordinarily careful consideration next year at the hands of both parties , iU will uot bo at all surprising to find ono of these leaders of the democracy of California a con spicuous figure before the national con vention for the second place. Wo have named only the most prominent of those from among whom a choice may be made , but there are quite as many more , though less widely known , upon ono ol whom the favor of the convention might fall. The number cited is sulli' fiolont to show that the demo < cratlc party is abundantly supplied wilt vice presidential material , all of wlnoli can be safely depended on to promptlj answer the call of the party without the necessity of being immoderately urged tc do so. There is every reason to beliovc that several of these geatlemon are now In training , so to speak , to enter the race and others will doubtless be heard fron in duo timo. The interesting contention thus promised is the only thing to b ( looked for to prevent the next national democratic convention trom being a dull monotonous and purely formal gathering The Utah Election. The result of ihe legislative election ! in Utah last Monday is regarded by tin non-Mormons of the territory as a grea and encouraging victory. They securw a fighting minority In thn legislature foi the first time , and they promise to maki thu best possible lisa of the achievement Until now the Utah legislature hus boot entirely under Mormon control , ant would undoubtedly have continued so foi a considerable time iu thu future but foi the elective franchise qualification am the abolition of woman suffrage. Polyg tuny must now1 take the dangerous ru course of perjury to reach the ballot box aud thu power ot the church ha ; been greatly weakened by the law depriving priving about fourteen thousand womer of the right to vote. In the kite election ! republicans and democrats laid aside their political differences and tough shoulder to shoulder for thn one objcc of re.'cuing the legislature from com plete Mormon domination , and if tin success was not so great as was hopei for , what has been accomplished is wul coined with hearty gratification. Th < Salt Lake Tribune says : "Tho spell i : broken. There will bo such a workmj force lu the legislature as will put thi church ou record at last. But this is no thu best feature of all. It will give th < Gentiles a confidence which will cmi.v them to see to it hereafter that the : are registered. It will have the etlVc to divide the control of city affairs will tlio mints next winter ; it will make i understood hereafter that thurn. in a tight lug chance for victory , and that is n new sensation for Utah , aud It will make met ' ' * * ' ' , . * - , * > \ lieretoforo Indifferent ixctlvo workers. " Iho chahco in the situation will bo everywhere regarded with gratification as the beginning of the end of tlio long and perplexing controversy which this Mormon question has invoked , and ft * assuring a speedy end to the practice of polygamy lu Utah. Tlio church must choose between- utter disaster and the system under which it stands condemned jy the world , and there is reason to be- Icvo that tiio youugor and progressive element will elect to abandon the perni cious system and save the church. Mil oil Nolso Hut No Jtcforin. Gcorco William Curtis tins again and more fully given expression to ills it's- ' approval of Cleveland's civil eorvico methods , and the National Civil Survico Itoform Lcngun has to admit that this administration is not one of civil service reform. Of course not. Nor of reform in any department. The party now in l > ewer is a party of noise merely. It at- irnotcd some attention by its reform cry , jut when George William Curtis and his fellow mugwumps pinned their faith to Ihe democratic party , looking for reform From that quarter , they committed a mis take which they ought to have known bettor than to make. They are no doubt sorry now. And the praise of the ad ministration which is at times hoard. What grounds arc there for it ? Thorn was opportunity to say a wise word in the matter of tariff reform , It has not been said. The fisheries dispute is ono which might profitably occupy a stales- man's thought and attention. It is not doing so. Inquiries regarding It are met with the rcplv that the administration has no olliclal knowledge of what lias happened in Canadia waters. The con dition of the country might be carefully studied and remedies suggested in eco nomic administration. Instead of that the treasury vaults are piled full of coin which no democratic statesmen scorns to know what to do with , and oppressive taxation unabated. There uro scores of importantmattcrs with which a statesman might occupy himself to the lasting benefit - fit of the country. lut ! instead of that what do wo see ? An administration spending its time and strength on petty party dodges , the same old dodcos that have been used in the party for fifty years or more. Tlio leopard can not change his spots. A Liittle Premature. We do not blame Mr. Cheney for push ing the proposed public library on Jcfl'er- son square , but we doubt whether a ma jority even of the Fifth ward , which he represents , favors this project. It is questionable whether any building erected ou Jefferson square would be de sirable. A public library building would practically destroy the park as a popu lar resort. Hut even if this was desira ble at some future day , the move at pres ent is premature. Omaha does not at this time need a public library building half as much as she market house. And it is a question whether we can af ford to vote bonds and divert the pro ceeds needed for sewers , pavements and school buildings for any other public improvements. Ample pro visions have been made for the public library in the new city hull building. A whole story has been sot apart for this purpose by the archi tect. The building will bo thoroughly fireproof and the library could not bo in a safer place. If the room set apart for the library is needed live or ten years hence for municipal purposes , it will bo time enough to erect a suitable and cred itable public library building wherever by that time the council may deem it most convenient. For the next few years Omaha will need her entire quota of bonds for substantial public improve ments and school buildings. Very Funny. The scnil-ofl'icial explanation which the Herald prints as to the reason why the official bonds of two members ol the police commission still remain in the capacious pocket of Boss Iluscull , h rather thin. The pretext is that some technical defect has been discovered in the wording of those bonds. Why didu'l Mr. Hascall make known this alleged do- feet six weeks ago ? Why did ho pigeon hole the bonds of llartmun and Bennett for more than forty days ? There was no defect in them , was there ? But Hascall is represented as predicting that Bennett and llartnian will have a heavy bill of overlaps to paj for the action taken in their absence from Omaha by Gilbert and Smith , who , according to Hascall , had no authority tc do anything before their bonds wore ap proved. This is very funny. It may go down with some of the dupes that have been following the First ward bellwether - wether , but sensible people , even if thi'.j don't know a law-book from a primer , will smile lit their credulity. A. Downright Stoal. On the recommendation of Us commit tee on claims , the council has votcii ip4S2 each to the Herald and licpublicai , for publishing Mayor Boyd's election proclamations. This is a It takes $801 out of the pockets of Omaha tax. payen without tangible excuse or approciubk benefit. The city of Omnna had an official paper and paid for tins advcrlis ing at its contract rates , which was less than one-fourth of the amount paid te the jobbers who engineered this stca' ' through the council. Moreover , the Br.i which was then and is , legally , yet the ollicial paper , has fully three times the combined city circulation of the two otliei dailcs. This costly and useless advertising was done upon a request to Mayor Boyii sicncd by a majority ot the members o ! the old council , who wore inveigled intc this extravagance by the importunities of Cadet Taylor and his rowdy editor. W Hii.K wo do not approve Councilmai : hoe's course in connection with the police and lire commission , wo cheerfully give him credit for calling a halt on reckles : appropriations for salaries and doubtfu claims. His resolution instructing the various city oillcers to report the num ber of their clerks , the salaries of nach , and the authority under which their ap. pointmcnt has been made is timely The taxpayers of Omaha do no object to paying competent one faithful officers high salaries , bu1 they do not approve the employ mcut of needless deputies , olerks and su ptiniumcraro6. ! When n roan get * a gooc salary he ought to be willing to , do hii own On tlio IliRht Trnokt The council has Instructed the city en gineer to report the number of miles of railway inside the city limits , with a view o ! placing It upon the assessment roll for taxation. This js rfminnntly proper. The city engineer oUcht to prepare a railroad map of the cit.V , showing every foot of street railway , cable or motor road , and also every railroadlwlthln the limits , In cluding side tracks. The map should also exhibit all the lots and laiuh occupied by railroads , and every building on or ad jacent to th o rlguCof-way. Such a map , corrected cnch year , would enable the council to determine exactly the extent of this class of property. If the comity assessors have omitted any part of this property , or if the railroads have failed to make correct returns to the state board , proper steps can bo taken to place the omitted properly on the tax list. It scorns to us that the county com missionersshould long Bincc have taken stops in the same direction , by causing a railroad map of the county to be made by the county surveyor , which would ex hibit every main and side track and every tatlon within the county , together with the right-of-way. The right of the com mlssioncrs to order a survey and plats exhibiting the railroad right-of-way and the various tracks will hardly bo assailed , and the propriety of incurring the ex pense of such work must be conceded by every Intelligent citizen. WILLIAM A. FiiKitirr , of New Orleans , the new supervising architect of the national governmimt , Is bald to be a gen tleman of very superior attainments in his art , having perfected his education and studies in France and Italy. Ho is credited with a number of rare archi- lectural structures , and by reason both of liis advanced culture and largo exper ience is expected to very much improve the architecture of government buildings. There can bo no question that there is ample room for improvement , but what the government has nil along needed is a surprising architect who , beslaus having a sufficient knowledge of his art also possessed the capacity and will , to have tlio work of the government promptly and thoroughly done , regardless of the personal interests of superintend ents and contractors , The system upon which the public work is carried on calls loudly for reform , both ou the score of a reasonable economy and in order that needed improvements shall not be un duly delayed. It has come to bo under stood that no government building will bo completed in less than double the time iu which it is promised by contract ors , and never at a cost within the amount originally'asked for as sufliclont. And the fault in all s'uch cases lies chiefly with the supervising architect. If the now official shall bo , found to combine practical judgment'and ' energy with ar tistic excellence He'could * not have n better opportumty'to win fame and put himself on the sure road to fortune. THE beneficial teado results expected from the reduction of the Mexican tariff , which went into effect on the 1st of July , are being realized , Advices from the customs district of Paso del Norte show a marked inctease iuithe amount of Amer ican canned goods Imported into Mexico , while other articlesamong them barbed wire , powder for mining purposes and wire rope , arc feeling the good clfects of relingulshed tariff duties. The free list was enlarged by a list of forty-two new articles , making a reciprocity treaty al most unnecessary. The people of Mexico appreciate the change , which will secure a largo aggregate saving to them , and American manufacturers of articles to which the reduction or remission of duties applies will also reap a material ail vantage. What good results , if any , have thus far been derived from the postal arrangement , which went into effect July 1 , have not yet been reported , but there is not a question that the ar rangement will prove to bo mutually beneficial. The facts are of interest as showing the gratifying progress of closer commercial relations , destined to become yet more intimate , between ttie two coun tries. Tin : refusal of the council to grant per mission to the Omaha Horse railway company to extend its tracks over the Eleventh street viaduct , will , we hope , bring about the construction of a viaduct on Tenth street with ample accommoda tions for all the street railways that may desire access to the Union Pacific and B. & M. depots. That will leave the Eleventh street viaduct unimpeded for travel by residents of South Omaha and give the traveling public a fair chance to enter or leave the city without being ex posed to the danger of the present cros sing. It may have been a mistake to lo cate the viaduct on Eleventh street , but in the long run Omaha must have u via duct across the tracks at every import ant thoroughfare , or else build tunnels under the tracks which would bo more expensive. A viaduct on Tenth street has become an absolute necessity , whether a union depot is built or not. Foit seventy-six years the Ohio Slate Journal , published at Columbus , the cap ital of the state , has been doing its duty in enlightening and moulding publio opinion , having bcoil jealous in support of republican principles since the organ ization of the party , Jt has kept well abreast with the times in nearly all re spects except its form , adhering to the antiquated folio or four-page shape. Wo are glad to note that it is about to make 4 departure and join the ranks of the eight-page pa pers , assuming metropolitan dimensions and improving itself generally. Located at the political center4 Of Ohio , in the midst of a largo and growing population , the Journal ought ti liud the change greatly to its advantagcjin adding num erously to its readers , and doubtless will. Our Ohio contemporary has our best wishes. " THE droutli over a largo extent of ter ritory in the west is becoming severe. Since the hot weather set in there has been little rain with the exception of lim ited areas hero and there. Omaha and vicinity has been favored as much as any region in the state. Throughout the greater part of Iowa there has been but little rain since last year , and the sub- Foil has been drainnd dry. Springs have given out , wells failed and streams rim dry in many loralitics , so that people arc compelled to Iwul water for miles. The effect on the crops has been disastrous , tint recent hot winds have withered and up porn and crass over largo areas , so that live stock is being sold for want of fodder. Corn has already boon out lu some places in Iowa. All the crops except wheat will bo light. This drouth has alrcadj advanced the price of butler and clieuso In the larger markets , and vegetables will bo higher than last year. While the west has been Buffering for the lack of rain , the east lias had too much. LAST oprlng tlio BEE printed an edi torial under the caption , "A Strange Fa tality. " It had reference to the editorial tripod of a morning paper in this city , and indulged In a prophecy that its lit erary rum would soon tire of butting n Btono wall. Wo have made that prophecy with reference to this same tripod , and lived to sco its fulllllmont , so often during the past ten years that It has become somewhat chestnutty. AccouniNO to the reports of the sum mer packing season , from March 1 to July 30 , there was n falling oil in the pack at Chicago -105,000 , hogs , as com pared with the sumo time last season. On the other hand Omaha gained 837,431 during the same time , while Kansas City exceeded her pack of the previous Mason by only 8D.800. This is the kind of hog we have in Omaha. Tun jolly , good-natured and hard work ing locomotive engineers made a splendid showing at their annual picnic yesterday at Lake Manawa. 1 hey hud a good time , as they deserved to have. The men who man the "gray hounds of the rail" fill a conspicuous place in the history ot the republic. All hail to the bravo and cour ageous locomotive engineers , though they do sometimes flirt with the girls who live on the linu of their runs. Tin : president and his party have dug a good deal of what they fondly imagine is paying political capital ore out of this G. A. H. business , General itosoorans , who made himself conspicuous since the war in belittling the fame of U. S. Grant , was made the latest vehicle of political tally for the president , and the exchange of graudilloquout military sontimeuts be tween these two men is an edifying spec tacle. But have we not hud about enough of this kind of tiling ? POLITICAL lines are becoming crossed in the extreme. Kentucky in doubt and the Virginia democrats marshaling under the leadership of Senator Uiddlobcrgcr. It would not bo surprising to hear of Henry \Vatterson supporting the nomina tion of General Sheridan for president ; Till mage turn pagan , Bob Ingorsoll join the clergy , St. John advocating free whisky and plenty of it , Jefferson Davis pledging ills support and Joyulity to the union and Dan Luniont becoming presi dent of the Anti-Liars association. THIS KIKMl OK INDUSTRY. ' The paporinnkine industry Is in piospcrous shape , and it is desired to restrict output now when trade Is good. There is a great demand for agricultural Implements , tools , foundry castings and wnKon material In the southern states. Thirty-six thousand acres of mineral laud liiuebeon purchased near Kansas City , Mo. , whcie iron and steel works will bo built. There IH a general movement among tex tile manufacturer * to mcreaso or Improve capacity. Trade prospects arc ) favorable. The cost of milling flour has been reduced at Minneapolis iiom SC.liQ In 1S7S to S4.8U In 1885 , ami at the present time the coat is atlll lower. Locomotive shop workmen have had their wages reduced from thai ) to time for three or four years past , but an improving tendency Is now apparent. There Is a lack of lutcllluant laborers and managers at southern ironmaklng plants. Up to July 15 there were 9,503 strikers out , ami up to July 'J-i , U08. : ; Operatives seeking work at Cohoes , where 5,000 are ou strike in the hosiery mills , are sent home. The arbitration board is socking a solution of the dill lenity. A liu'jo ; pumping engine has just been entered by mine owners from a Now York house , because none others can be had which are sate from bursting. The Mexican government has arranged with a corporation to expend S'200,000 within five years tor the surveying of all mines In four states In northern Mexico. The United States makes an excellent cus tomer for English hand and pocket cutlery. The north ot Knglaml rail-mills have orders that will last them through the year. The western miners hold more meetings and conventions than any other class of workmen , and scam to make h > s headway In the permanent settlement of disputes. The architects continuo to report activity In building operations. The quiet condition of the labor market Is encouraging a good many large cuter prises that have been with held. In a few months coke-making plants will bo scattered nil along the Alleglmny moun tains In Pennsylvania. A fl.000.030 com pany has just been organized in Cambria county. The carriage and wagon maker * have been romniknbly busy during the past six months , and all large works are sold up fur three or four months. The price of good work has not declined. Contracts will soon bo let for material to bulhl 2,500 tube-iron freight cars that will have a rapacity ol 00,000 pounds. Among the requirements are 5,000,000 feet of oak and ( ieorfii.'i pine. Hnlldlng Is progressing with unabated vlitor throughout the larger western cities. Lumber yards , foundries small machine and tool shops are springing up , started In many cases by eastern men. A company making rolling stock In Ohio , and employing 1,500 men , has decided to re move to Alabama to bo near the lumber , cheap coal and tlittlr customers , and Hi. fur from strikes as possible. Uulldors report an unusuallv largo number of hotels building and to bu bulli this yuar. Church and school IIOUMJ work Is also abundant. The character of the work is Im- provlnc. The greatest activity Is in the northwest. Wages have been stationary In nearly all crafts. Machinery-maker * will demand nn advance In September. This branch Includes boiler , unglno and tool makeru. Shops are crowded with work , and large purchases of material are being mado. The military were called out nt liolton , England , to suppress riotous strikers in tlio engineering trades. The Imlf-stnrvod chain- makers at Diidloy , who had b a on strike eight months , blew their shops up with pow der because a fvw men returned to work. A IlUgraGO to tliu ICmpIro Htnto. Tray Tlmet. The emigration commission has long been a disgrace to the state. Its members aru con stantly creating scandals. 1'hov lnvo per mitted HhlD-load after shlo-load of contract laborers and paupers to land t Castle ( iar- den , but ( hey draw the Una on an unfortun ate but etrpug ami healthy inotUer and In- fnot Tlio UoCutntlon. Ortind fit < iml IndrpendrnK Omaha complains of a dirty postofllce , A sort ot refutation ot the statement that a new broom sweeps clean. Kxhlbltlou of KnMcrn Jcalouijr. Considerable light U thrown upon an old western habit of giving largo nnmos to small things by the dispatch announcing : "A Ne braska city wrecked by a tornado one uinii killed. " Ho Noror tUtifllicH. Hoiton Globe , Senator Lclnml Standford will burn his whiskers some day wltu blushes. Jlo bra zenly persists In the assertion that It It Is nobody's business If he and his fellow-con spirators did corrupt the government with an expenditure of 32,000.000. Not Entirely Unhorsed. leatrlt Dtmncrat. The Omaha Herald thinks that Mr. Van Wyck should bo the governor of Nebraska. The Democrat fully agrees with the Herald that If elected to that position Mr , Van Wyck would Insist upon the enforcement ot all laws regulating ; the monopolies that have heretofore run the staU > , with a vigor that would borofieshlng to the common people. The corporations that so gracefully retired Mr. Van Wyck In the lost campaign may yet learn that thn old man Is not entirely un horsed , but Is right on the trail with blood in his eye. _ _ Which. IH M hloh ? JVr'iifMn ' Cttn Xc\a. \ ' 1 hat oleaginous orator , the poncral man ager of the oil-room department of thn Union ruellic railroad , who put a dynamlto cart ridge under the Nebraska rdltois out at Crete , seems to be getting a vast amount ot gratuitous advur'tlslnc for the oil room sys tem of loading legislators down the Union Pacific tracks. Can It bo possible that the lion. John M. Thiirston , who promised Blalno 00,000 majority In Nebraska , at the Chicago repub lican convention In 18S4 and who has since been a prominent republican candidate for United States senator and the general man ager of the Union Pacific oil-rooms are ro- latrd to each other ? Will somn cheerful republican newspaper Identify , sort out , and separate the two Thurstons ? Which Is Oil lloomV Which In the Hon. John M.V When Jnnio Milked the Cow * , Helen WhUneu Clailte. The dalsv hold her dainty cup To catch tho. dewdrops bright ; The Dee had kissed the clover bobs , And bade them all eood night ; The katydid had tuned her SOUK Among the apple boughs , And farther stretched the meadows Ions : , When Janlo milked the cows. The swallows flitted here and there , The bat had left his bower , Tim primrose , with a bashful air , Unclosed her wtaled flower ; The whlppoorwlll his plaintive tale 1'roclaimed 'neath wooded boughs , And twlllnht dropped her dinky veil , While Janio milked tlio cows. And Den , the plow-boy , btrolllng by , Comes throuirh the open bans , While softly In the western sky Shlnu out the tranquil stars. And while the corn-blades whisper low , Two lovers plcdco their vows , Amid the twilight's purple clew , While Janle milked the cows. A little cottage , snug and now , With lion vines at the door ; The siinbeamx , peeping softly through , Lie dancing ou tlio floor. And when the llrst pixie evening stars , Hhlno through the I ores t houghs. Young farmer linn , beside the bars , Helps Janle milk the cows. * The State of Trade. Special telegrams to Uradstrcot's from { cading business centers point to positive increases in the distribution of staple products at Chicago , St. LouisSt. Joseph , Quincy and Hurlington. la. , as compared with preceding weeks , notwithstanding the continuance of the extreme heat which has prevailed in all directions. At Chicago the gains have been most con spicuous in iron and steel and coal , with a full volume in the movement of ero- curies and dry goods. The after harvest demand at St. Louis is better than was expected , owing to ruins in the region tributary to that city , and to freer mar keting of crops. There is some com plaint of drouth near St. Joseph , but the volume of general trade there is reported in excess ot last week. At Louisville the hot weather Is said to bo restricting trade with the interior , where the crops have beuu injured by drouth. Other of the largo cities report a moderately favorable trade. Kansas City's business for the week has boon the quietest forthoscoson , with hogs oft 200,1111(1 ( cattle weak , but with the u.siiul largo volume of transactions. At the oust the improvement in the dis tribution of dry tioods at New York and IJostoii is the feature. At Pittsburgh the heat has checked industrial operations some , and bar iron is dull but firm at the two cent rate. The heat and rains have checked trade at Philadelphia , and com plaints : us to the former comes us well from New Orleans , Cincinnati , Galvcston and Savannah. The total number of striking industrial employes in the United Sates in Julvag grcgates nearly 17,000. against 11,000 m July , 1880 , and 10,000in June , 1887. It will take a week yet for thclron furnacch , idle owing to the Into Colco strike , to blow in. A number ot them are cold three month ahead. The excess stock o ! pig iron July 1 , against December 81 lasturo behoved to ho largely of low-grade irons. The pig-iron markets east have not felt the increased demand and $1 per ton : id- vanre within a month noted al the west. The outlook in the woolen industry is not improved. The leading money markets , except at Kansas City and bostonarecasier. At the formercattlo paper is closely hcrutlniyed , and so active is the general demand that the available supply is declared to bo in adequate. Funds aru going to the coun try at New Orleans , more freely at St. Louis , but inappreciably at Chicago. Boston banks are accommodating regu lar cubtoinurs only , with rates high and iinchnugud. At Philadelphia recent dis bursements by railway corporations there huvo tended to case loaning rates. The exports of merchandise , gold and silver , for thn year end < 1 Juno 'M , 1887 , practically equal in value the aggregate of import ! ) , whunsah tut ) venrs : ijo } the export * were about $ > 10,0 ! ! ( > 0.000 in excess. The international account us to securi ties , bought and sold , is the missing ele ment In our export and import totals. The totul stocks of mvisiblu wheat in the United States alone on July 1 were , ns reported to Uradstnset's , 31,000,001) ) bushels , and I,000,000 ! ! ) bushels u year ago. The total July 1 , ISHTi ( calculated ) , was 78,000,000 : July 1 , 18S1. V.000.KX ! ( ) ; IBM , Itti.OOO.OOO buslmls , IBifJ , IS.000,000 himhels , and in 1831 , JJJ.OOil.OiX ) bushels. The present inviniblo supply then in the smallest since- July 1 , 1B8J , when it was but BO per cent of what it is now. The reports of railway c'lirn- ings per mile ( sixty-seven roads ) for six months for four years past , point unmistakably to thu heavy increase in miloago.Vlnlo Ilrud.stcut's ! returns of increased gross earnings ever 1680 phew Ifi pur cunt gain , ever IBSTi 18 per cunt , ami ever 18S1 17 pur cunt gain , the earnings per mile for six months ui 1887 are but 11 per cent over 1830 , 'J per cent ever 1835 , and 7 per cent over 1881. A manipulative attack by a combination of loading operators ilnpressod the Now York stock mui ket this week , prices in many liiKtunens reaching the lowest frg- ures of the year. Thn stugnanl condition of speculation and appruhiuiHum rujranl- ing the future of the nioruiy nwrkrl ap parently fhdlitatr.d siich operations. The interest cxcjtcit in tobacco by thu heavy advance in prices , particular ly R | the west , has Increased prices on medium loaf burley at New York but Ho pet pound within the month , or about 40 per cent , while west the advance is about Co per pound. This lias been stimulated largely by reports of a short crop , ami aided by operators east mid west. Tha rclatlvi'ly higher prices west have caused the reshlptiient of 150 hogsheads from New York to Louisville to tukondvnntago of that market. The trndo hero talk of n roshlpmeiit from Hromcu. Speculation in wheat has been more active , and prices have been firmer and higher nftcr thn brouk of last Saturday and Monday. Crop reports and the ox. port movement favor lirm prices , but tlio speculative interest has not been able of the Chicago corner. Ituootpt * of new winter wheat have not reached expectations yet. The Knglish crop promises to bo largci than last year , but the Indian crop mai ler. Wheat is 80. per bushel higher at San Francisco. The movement of cotton goods at the cast on fall trade orders from first and second hands is active and prices sus tained. There is no Improvement in wool or In woolen goods yet. Sugar is dull and depressed ; except at San FranCisco - Cisco , where It has bo D advanced to < Hc. Coffee Is quiet. Hogs are lower , catllu depressed and hog products barulv steady , llrmlhtrcot's reports of failure's for thu week are : This Last < - -Thcwrrk \ - * , . , . wi-okwt-ek IbhOlKsfilbJHlbSS In United btates.,103 152 UVJJlfi ijo MM In Canada . 17 ! M ' "J iM 15 j . - .Ian 1 to July UO - . 1887 18SI 188.itm 188.1 In United St.ltCS..5 , 704 0,1M ! 7'JU7 0.408 6.81,1 In ( 'Htmilii . fj.717 u j)7j ) ( GUITEAU'S ANATHEMA. lletnnrknhlo Bet-Ion of MlHfortiineH Hint II nvn Followed Jg | | Co urn p. New York World : After thn assassin Oulteuu had been convicted and aon- tencud by the court to bo hanged for kill * Ing President Gurlluld , ho stood up 111 hit pliico and pronounced a withering curse on every ono connected with the trial. Little was thought of it at tlio timo. It wai regarded as a fitting climax of his rav ings throughout that remarkable oaso. Gultcau declared that misfortune would attend every one connected with his trial. Since then Guitcau's curse has impressed itself upon the minds of superstitious people ple by the singular manner lu which il hiiH apparently been fulfilled. The jury was composed of twelve strong and healthy men. The foreman was in comfortable circumstuuccs and was estimated to bo worth fSO.OOO. Within - in a ycur after the trial ho lost his money and is now reduced to the lercl of & day laborer. Four members of the Jury are dead , and nearly every one has been visited with Homo kind of misfortune. District Attorney George H. Corkhill was removed from ollico , his wife died and his own death followed before the cud of another yuar. Mr. Seovillo , Gmtcau's brother-in-law. who with Charles 11. Hood , defended the prisoner , was divorced from his wife and all of his property. President Arthur , who refused to grant a pardon or now trial to Guiteaii , was de feated for rcnoinlnation and blowly fulled in health and died last winter. Mr. Ulaino , who was a witness against Guitcuu , was nominated for president , but was defeated. John A. Logan , an other witness , Is now dead , stricken down iu apparent health. Dr. D. W. IMiss , Garficld's physician , been in very poor health for two years , and it is thought that he will never be a well man again. David Davis , who appeared ns a witness - ness , lias also joined the great majority , Judge John K. Porter , of Now York , one of the government counsel iu the case , has practically retired from the practice of his profession. Tlio guards who kept watch ever Gul- teau in the jail have nearly all lost their positions. Judge Cox , who presided over the trial , lost his wife. Tlio downward career of Charles H. Heed , of Guituau's counsel , whicu cul minated in New YorK thin morning by his attempting to take his own life , adds another name to the list of victims of Guitcau's anathema. Thu only conspicious exception is found in Wallace Davldge.of the govern ment counsel in the ciwe. Mr. Davidgo has apparently been more prosperous Hince the trial than before. Ho stands at the head of thu Washington bar. The defeat of thu republican party m 188o recalls the fact that Guitcuu pre dicted its defeat. Hydraulic Cement and Iron INpra , Now York Hiiilding GazetteThisfiieo - lion came up last Tuesday at tlio meeting of the commission on the electrical Hub- way In regard to laying the pipes In hy draulic cement , There Hcemed to bo a dif- feruncuof opinion oil thu subject. Engineer McNiiIly , who was one of the engineers employed on thu Brooklyn bndiiu , said that his experience showed that hydraulic cement was a good pre servative of iron. The anchorages of the Hrooklyn bridge were laid in cement. Ho examined pnrt of these a short time ago and found the iron bright. His associate engineer , Mr. Buck , had itxainiucd the cables of tlio railroad bridge across the Niagara river after nearly thirty years had passed and found them in good condition. Mr. Hoebling built a bndgo across the Alloghany river 1841 , and r * when Iho cables , which were buried in 1 cement , were examined iu 1801 , thn I cables were found comparatively unin jured. It was necessary that the iron should bo clean and frcn from hculu bu- fore being placed in the cement. He was cuiilident that iron pipu laid in hydraulic cement would lust longer thnii if laid in any other manner. Knjrinnor.s Kearney and ISeckwith supported Mr. McNully. General Avcrill opposed the use fof hydraulic cement. He uguin exhibited the specimens of iron pipu taken from the government building in Chicago , which ho said had been luid in commit , and went much corroded. Contractor Slater , who saw the pipes taken from thu build ing , declared positively that the cement had to bu broken from thu pipe. The ma.\or doubled the perfect protection of the pipe from the ullcet of air and water. So ( rood an authority as Trauiwino imikos the following statement on this point ; "Tho writer found by ten years' trial that if , after hotting , dampness is absolutely excluded , cements preserve iron , lend , , copper and brush. " Some of our renders will remember tin article in Building ( Vol. II , No. r > ) , nu abridgement of a papur read bv Mr. W. K. Ward before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at Cleveland. which , while making no direct htutoim-nt on this exact point , would seem strongly to con lirm the vluw that cement , so fur from corroding iron , is nn excellent pre servative. We think flin mayor's doubt "as to the perfect protection of tint pi pen from uir nnd water" is tint real answer to General Averill'.s argument , and doubtless thu trouble with thu pipes he produces In conlirmution of Ins view * , It would suein as If pipes thoroughly im bedded in hydraulic cement would liuvu an almost purfoct protection from ulr or water. As fitment adheres very strongly to iron , and we think in ca-'cs where iron umlxidilcd in rcment ilocs corroilo , tint Iroublii is tlmt the pipe * were not clean , or fur BOIIKI other nmsoit theni was not u perfect union wuli the ceniuiit , and that after setting them WUK t -1 iiillieU'iit ' .pucu between U | allow itccci- * to uir or wuter , ; uid ' ' this , not the ccmcjit , corroded tni ; Iron.