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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST G. 1887. NUMBER 49 NEBRASKA CROP PROSPECTS. Special Beporta on the Subject from Twenty-Eight Counties. WORK OF DROUGHT AND BUGS. " " In BOIIIO Counties They II.ivo Nearly Jtulnctl Grntu but In Many Oth er * the Outlook wnfl Never flutter . . . Fine Outloolc. The following special crop reports received from correspondents ot tlm UBU In tvventy- elght counties In thu state , Indicate that the condition of tlie various cereals Is much bet ter thnn was generally supposed. Whllo In some lew counties corn has boon so dried up Dy itruiuht that the farmers have begun cut ting It lor fodder , and wheat , rye and barley , owing to the combined ravages of the drought and chinch bugs , Is regarded as liardly worth harvesting In the majority of them such Is not thu case. In Clay , Ohoyemio , Keith. Jefferson , Lancaster - caster and Nomaha counties , crops of all kinds arc poor , but In all thu other counties heard from both corn and small grain aiu in good .shape. In Dundy county rye and oats niu fair , niut tbo prospects tor corn are said to be excellent. In Pumas county this grain promises an enormous yield ; In Dakota county prospects for grain of all kinds wote never better , while the outlook lor the farmers - ers In Pawnee , Sarpy , Seward , York and D&wbon Is almost equally gratifying. The following specials from the counties named five the situation in detail : [ Specials to the ZJcc.l DUTI.KIl. Hnu.wooD , Neb. , August 5. Wheat and oats arc just harvested. Oats \vlll yield from 45 to CO bushels to the acre ; wheat 8 to 18. This Is not half a crop. Corn Is "King" and prospects are far in advance of last year. Then ; is a slight Increase in acreage in small Brain , also In corn. Corn will yield 7J bushels - els to the aero. Flax Is a fair crop , so Is ryo. 1'otntocs u ro also a fair crop. Farmers ure feeling jubilant , CI.AY. FAinriKiji ) , Neb. , August 5. This will be a decidedly unprolitablu year for farmers In this vicinity. The acreage ot both small grain and corn will probably exceed of last jcar , but thu chinch bugs and diy weather have- practically destroyed all crops In this section , and to the south and west of us for ninny miles. A great many fields ot oats , wheat , rye and barley 'were not worth nn attempt at harvesting , and most fanners aiu cutting un their corn tor fodder. A lew miles noith of us the crops are reported to be much better , and then ; are a tew Isolated cases of talr crops In this v clnlty. CIIKVKN.M- : . SII > NIY , Neb. , Augiut o. The Increased acrcucQ over last year of small grain is 100 per cent. The yield gener.illy is very light. Corn is doing nicely and piospccts are good for a matured ciop in nearly every part ol the county. Late millet and grasses arc growing nicely. T > UNI > V. HINKILMAN : : , Nob. , August 0. The vvhcal average Is about 110 bushels per aero , rye 1J. Oats cut alien t , but fair yield. Acreage of all btnall gralu double that of Instyear. Hun- dieds of acres of millet as hue as raised any whore , Broom corn In excellent condl tion ; increase in acreage one-quarter ovei last year. IJeat the world for line melons millions of them. About tun times the cori : planted this year than there was last. Pros pccts for an enormous yield were ncTor bot- ber probablv 51 bushels per acre. I'luntv ol rain , ever > thing booming , limners jubllan ftiiu emigration pouring in. 'Ihe product Iveness ot Dundycountv-fioll isdomonstratc ( beyond any doubt. Other counties In tin htate will have to look well to their Jlauiel : or Duudy will carry oil the paliu at thi btate lair this tall. COZAD , Neb. , AugUht 5. The condltlor of all crops Is irood and small grain has al been hai vested in good shape. The nerengi of all Kinds of grain is piohibly 'M per ecu greater than last jear. The corn outlook i the brightest ever known in this couimunlt' ' and the yield will aserago fully 50 bushel per aere. Spring wheat will average 3 bushels per aero. Not much oats 01 bai ley raised heie. DAKOTA. KMKHSON , Neb. , Augusts. The condltloi ot sui.ill grain is very good. Oats will ylcli 80 bushels per aero. The auicnge is 50 pc cunt larger than last year. Wheat will yleli in to 18 bushels per acre. This year's aercng of this grain exceeds that of last year 20 pc cent. Theio was tlnee limes as nmeh bane sown this jear as last and 11 will yield Hot 40 to 50 bushels per acn1. About i1) per ceu more corn was planted this jeur than las nnd the j Icld piomlses to be 50 to 73 busliel per acre. Thu hay crop is vei ) good , Pot ; toes are an average crop. Stacking Is nearl finished and threshing has begun. Th ! county never had bettei crops. FUIINAS. AiiArAiioic , Neb. , Augusts. The crops c email grain around Arapahoe are beyond tli average. Some have as much as twenty t twonty-il\o bushels of wheat to the acre. Tr greatest part is now In the stack. The li creased acreage is about 10 per cent. Nort Furnas and Uosuor counties will take tli cake for corn. Thu large patches that d < this locality this jear are splendid , and strll iugly promising for an enormous yield. K1IANK1.I.V. HI.OOMINOTON , Neb. , August 5. Sum grain Is in stack , and some threshliiK h : been done. There Is an average ylel wheats bushels , oats SO bushels , rye " 0 bus els , corn Increased acreage , ! ! 0 per cent ; avc auo about 75 IH.T cunt ot last year , or abe thlity bushels. OAGK. Coim.ANn , Neb. , August 5. There Is larger average of oats than usual in tli county. The yield is good. It Is all hn vested. Coin Is considciahlv damaged t diy weather , but will probably make 35 a i : 40 bushels per acre. The nv urngo of corn about tlio same as last jear. Wheat Is light crop , It was damacod by chinch bug Klax Is a good crop. 1'otatocs are a tn j leld. Gardens are a failmc. 11 M I. CiiANi ) ISLAND , NebAugustr . The prc pects vvera never better lor oats. Coi promises an abundant jleld ami will tie crcat crop as seasonable showers come tro week to week. Wheat is damned some I chinch bugs. The hay erop promises n goi nvcmge. There is Increased average about 10 to 'JO per cent in oats and cor Wheat is about average. The corn and li prospect is unusually good thinudiuut 11 : countv and a larger surplus vv 111 be linn cat ot both. FAimaitv , Neb. , An-rust 5. Harvest done on small gialn. There is an avenv yield of oats , about X > tiiishfls to the nci Nut much w heat has been threshed , but will bo below the average yield. Corn vurl according to location by reason of lot talus , but the yield Is likely to bo consldi nuly below the average In thu county. T ncieaae Is somow hat increased. The genei condition ot crojis Is rather poor by reason continued dry weather , There was soi rain in the south part ot the county 1 : evening. unAUNev. JIi.NDKX , Neb. , August G. Chinch bn have damaged small giains conslderatily the south part ot this count ) * . The , north hi ot thu county show * nn average crop. AVI ngu yield tor the county : Wheat about bushels , oats 10 bushels. barley -5 bushe Harvesting and stacking are complete TJieru Is but littln it ally Increase ol acie.i over last jear. Corn throughout most of t county Is damaged by drought. The pri nblo av erago v\ ill bo about 'JO bmtiels i aero. There is nbout 10 per cunt increase the acreage over Ia t jear. Tamil hay v > extremely Unlit. Wild hay Is a fair cr < Totatova will ) leld well. KEITH. OOALAI.T.A , Neb. , August 5. On ftccoi o ( the dry weather nats and wheat will i uv Crape. only U bushels to the acre , thu n being damaged moru than thu wheat , but I yield U a great deal better than w us expect The acreage was not great , Corn wlllm.i n nveniKo crop cetieralty throughout I county , 1'Uere la a large. acreage , nuil ouo two good ralna will be sure to make a large yield. LINCOLN. NoitTit PLATTI : , Neb. , August G. The Lincoln county small grain harvest Is nearly over , Yield Wheat. Pi to 'JO bushels per acre ; oats , Si to 30 bushels. The Increase In ncreage over ISsfl Is about 400 per rent. Corn Is dolne well nnd will go nbout 40 bushels pur acre. Increased acreage over 200 per cent. I.A.VCASTI'.II. LINCOLN , Neb , , August G. Lancaster county , trom present Indications , will har vest acorn crop reduced one half trom the average of other years. The present rains may , however , better It somowtiat. Oats are harvested and are two thirds of a crop ; wheat ditto. Hay Is half a crop and pastures arc very dry. The ncrease of corn the present year Is slightly Increased over IbbO. MADISON. NouroLir. Neb. , August G. All crops In this locality are good tills season , and Inrm- ers are pleased. Harvest Is well over and threshing Is In progress. Wheat will yield 1(1 ( bushels per acre , oats40 , barley SiO. A slight stand in many Holds brlnu's the acreage down. 1'hero was nn Incieased acreage ol vv heat of probably 20 per cent. Corn Is in line condition and will yield well , 40 to CO bushels per acre. Acreage nbout the same n last jear. The potato crop will bo good. The hay crop Is also good nnd much will bu cut in places where It has heretofore gone to waste NUCKOI.LS. Si'PKinoit , Neb. , AiiL'iist G. Crop pros pects vveio excellent until within a lew days past except small gialn , which wnsdestrojed by bugs early In the season. The hot wind ol July 21 did much injury to corn In this section. There was a good rain tell yester day which will greatly benefit late coin. On the whole there w III be about one-third ot a crop of corn. Tlio increase of acreage ol small grain is GO per cent ; corn , 10 per cent. There will probably be coin sufficient to sup ply the demand for feed , Tliuro will be lie stock cattle fattened hero this season. NI'.MAHA. AunuitN , Neb. , August G. Small grain hi this vicinity Is about all harvested. It yielded from 1G to 80 bushels per acre. Com Is sulfering severely liotn drouth , and will make only about one-half a crop. Manj farmers are cutting for fodder already , but with plenty of rain horeatter they will have some coin. The Increased acreage over las ) year Is considerably larger. Hay is a tali crop and millet gives promise ot line results. Apples are short this year , excepting the Ben Davis variety. There is a good crop ot those. There nio n few peaches , but noi many. Qrapes are abundant. Ahncshowei Is tailing this evening , which , It con tinued long enough will make n wonder I ti change in the condition and yield of growing tfrops. 01 on. PALMTIU , Nob. . AugustG. Corn is ' llred' n little. It will probably average ! 50 bush els per acre ; about thu snme ns last year , bin perhaps n llttlo better. Barley is plentiful The wheat yield Is pietty lair. Hurvestitif Is nbout finished. Hay is plentiful. There ii not much rye. NKIIKASKA CITY , Neb. , Aneust 6 Th < crop condition is an averaire. Wheat Is belou average ; nbout 10 bushels her ncro. Oats anc barley nveraso well. The grain average Ii less than usual. Potatoes , fair average. Fruit good aveiage , except peaches. Corn looket unusually well until the hot winds ot Julj ' , " . ) , whicii bin nud and i uiiied it. Karly plantIng - Ing veiy fair. That planted Into is a total failure. The yield is prob.iuly 2G bushels pei ncre. Increased acieai'o over last about 21 per cent. OVIAHA IIICSHRVATION. Pr.NDEit , Neb. , August 6. The crop out look is better than ever before In this local itjp. Tne ncreago has been largely ! ncrease < and evervthlin : highly sntistactory oxcep prices. The following may bo taken as tin approximate yield : Spring wheat , 15 bush els ; oats , 40 ; early flax , 7 ; litu flax better corn , GO bushels. Increase ot acreage , suial grain , Uo per cent ; corn , 40 per cent. P VWNKK CITY , Neb. , August P. The con dltlon of crops Is good considering dr ; weather. The rain last night will help con nnd pasture out sulundidlj' . The harvest 1 all dono. The yield of oats was never better Wheat good yield. Coin nt present is fas drying up , but wltli prospective rains tin crop will in very many places over the count : lun up to almost nverairo. Tliu weather ha1 been very dry , but the condition of crops In dlcate fair results generally. HiciiAimsoN. FAI.I.S CITY , Neb. , August G. Small grnli Is nil harvested nnd threshing well undo way. The acreage of whent Is nbout th same as usual. The yield is rather above tin average. Oats , largo yield , llye , good , bu rather small acreage. Corn In fair condi tion , consldoilng the fact that n soaking rail has not fallen lor hvo weeks. H heavy lain comes within the next tew dav the yield would bo fair : If not the crop wil be rather light , especially on late plantlui ; Acreage rnthcr larger thnn usual. biiunniir , Neb. , Aimust G. The when crop Is hai vested in good condition and fal quality , yielding 15 bushels per ncre , with a increased ncreago ot 25 per cent. Oats , S bushels per ncie , good quality , acreage in creased 40 per cent. Corn , nereace increasei over last year , 25 bushels per acre is assure and a timely rain will Incieaso this G 01 ; i bushels. The potato crop Is short. The ha ; crop is fair. Pastures aie pool on account c tliu diy weather. It rained hero this mon ing. wetting the ground about an Inch , ini : > WILLOW. INDIANOLA , Neb. , August 5. Small gral Is about nil harvested. The crops threshe Indicate nn average yield. Oats will ylel 38 bushels , wheat 10 bushels , and rye 12 bus ! els. The shoitnge in yield was largely di to chinch buss , but is largely compensate by an Increase In acreage of 20 per cent. 1 corn there is also nn increased acioasre of ; to 20 per cent , lines have done consiuerabl damage to coin planted on stubble grouiu but all other fields give prospects of an avei nu'o yield. The general average vv ill bo aboi IK ) per cent. In llnx the yield will bo nbout 11 per cent of n lull crop. Jtoot nnd vine cio | vv ill show a largo increase lu both j Ield au acreage. RAIIPY. Si'iUNoriKLn. Neb , , August G. , The ere of small grain In this section of tlio countj unusually good. Oats will average 'M bus els , wheat nbout 20 , with nn excellent ou look lor barley and rye. The rain Thursdn evening saved the corn tiom completed btruction nnd tliu piosi ects now are that will average from 20 to 2o bushels , ur nboi half n yield. The general lucre ise in net I ago Is much larger than usual. Hay Is vei i shoit and tlio pastures nro so dry that tl \ farmers have to teed their cattle. Sr.vvAitn , Neb. . August 5. i'ho hay en has neatly nil been put in stacks nnd nearly up to the nverato in quantity nnd < nn excellent quality. All other ciops are r i nveraijo yield. A good rain fell last nig ii which was ceneral over the county , i Iho acreage of small grain Is nbout tl f same ns last jenr. the quality oed , the vie .1 diminished and the harvesting nil don f Cinn has been damaged In some parts of tl county bj drought , jet It vv ill average near y 40 bushels per acre. The acreage ot corn w 1 exceed that of hist year. B WKSTFIIV , Xeb , , August 5. A soaking ra tell here last night of six. hours' duratlo ' 1 here will bo a two-thirds crop ot corn ai an av ernirt < of 41 bushels to thn acre. Oats half n erop. Barley Is n total failure , lijo full . , but the . Is lens than l.i n iUtl crop Ulli IIIU acreage IO lUiiJ lllllll 111 jear. Spring wheat Is a half crop. Win ! wheat Is n lull ciop. Tame hay Is scarce ai thin ; vv lid hay Is about thrce-luurlhs uf a ti to the acre. THA.Yr.II. HmnoN. Neb."August 4. Harvesting nearly Mulshed. Threshing Is in progre Oats nro of a coed quality and yield froi" to 40 bushels per acre. Whent U poorqimll nnd n small yield. The acreage of oats larger than last yenr. Wheat is about t same. Kvo Is a fair crop , but the acreage small. ' 1 ho > Ield Is 15 to ' > bushels per uc ; The ncrtago of corn Is 20 per cent greal than last > ear , llaln is badly needed In soi parts of the county. Karly planted coi truin the present outlook , will yield trom to 00 bushels per acre , 1/atu planted co without rain soon will hardly bo worth U ; vesting. YCUIK. YOUK , Neb , August 4. Wheat Is abr half a ciop. Oats are fair. The nereago soi'.K ) larger than last year , but tl.u yield lighter. The. total number of bushels will about the same. Corn Is gi.od nnd there U larger acreage than last jear. The rain ji now will make a very heavy 3ield. Harvi Is about over tn this county. YOUK. Neb. ' August 5. The small grs harvest Is over , and oats , the principal en was good. Flax was immense nnd perhr tlm lnrgost yield ever known In the coun Cum will uiaku two-tUiiUa ol a 'good crop over , and the acreage Is greater 'than last year. The acreage of wheat was very small and nearly all the crop was destroyed by chinch bugs. AlioiTV , soaking rain which lasted nearly all of last night Insures the corn crop. All York county crops may bo said to bfl a fair average. YOUK , Neb. , August 4. Harvest Is about completed. Small grain Is being threshrd. Theacreaceof wheat Is unusually small. Not more than 50 per cent of last year. The yield of wheat Is very small , almost a failure. The yield of llax exceeds the average jleld from 10 to 20 bushels to the acre. The acreage of oats Is probably 10 per cent greater than last year and the yield Is not so good. Thirty bushels to the acre would bo n talr estimate of the average. The condition of corn In this county is fairly good , notwlthstnndlnz the dry season , but the average yield will probablv bo cut down materially by the drought A line rain prevailing at this writ- Inc will very greatly help the corn. The V leld will , hovvuver , not bo more than 25 or 110 bushels to the ncru through the county , theiu being many localities In which It has suffered very much. The acreage ot corn Is urobably 10 per cent greater than last year. The rain Is a regular old soaker , nnd will make 40 bushels of corn to the acre. Pensions Granted Westorncrn. WASHINGTON , August G. ( Special Tele gram to the ltii : : . | The following Nebraska pensions have been granted : Flurlnda , widow of J. H. Lonlngton , llordcaux ; Har riet , widow of William Sliuman , ( Juidn Uock ; William Oiegg , Fletcher ; J. C. John son , Nellgh. Iowa pensions : Marearet J. , widow of James Kobb , Wllletts ; Kll/abeth , mother of H. C. Craig , Atlantic ; Daniel Campbell , Howard ; W. B. Stone , Alpha ; William K. Burrows , Hamburg ; Thomas Barrett , Princo- tou ( Increase ; ; Taomas H. Dual born , lied Oak : Arthur Ingeisoll , Burlington ; .lames Sinclair , Oskaloosa ; William liente , Elkader ; John W. Hartlott. Crcston ; H. .1. Tects , ( Srand View ; George H. Randall. Jessup ; William ( J. linker , Hillsboro. Mexi can war , J , T. linggs , Ouawa , Presented to the President. WASHINGTON , August G. The Slatneso prince , accompanied bv several members of Ills suite and General Ilaldcman , was for mally presented to the president this morn ing. The prince was attired In clti/cn's clothes , but members of his suite wore full court costumes. The visitors were received In thu blue pallor. This afternoon the foui youne sons of the king of Slam , who accompanied Prince Dev- awougso to this country , called at the white house and had a pleasant inteiviow with the president This visit was in compliance with the request of the president , who at the morning Interview noted the absence ol the youngsteis aud expressed an earnest wish to see them. _ Why They Are Hore. WASHINGTON , August G. [ Special Tele gram to the Uii : : . | Grand nimy men are amused by Koseerans' assertion that the as sociation "as a lepubllcan maclilno was a failure. " They attribute his antagonism , as well as General Jtlack's , to the fact that both were unsuccessful candidates for com- mauder-ln-ehlef when the national encamp ment vvns held at San Francisco ln t year , Commissioner Black is again a candidate tor the oltlco ot oommander-ln-chief , and ngaln , probiblv , ho will be disappointed dtnpito hl ellorts to ride veto aud anti-veto at Hie same time. _ fjamotit Talk * For Cleveland. WASHING ION , Aueust G. [ Special Telo- cram to the BIK. : ! The piesldent could nol be seen yesterday , but Lament said the presi dent had not read Curtis' speech on civil ser vice reform , and added : "I suppose the speech will come to us In the course of a few dajs , and we will bo able to foim some opin ion on the subject. " Lament declined to gt into the merits or demerits ot the case ngalnsl Hlggins , Itasln and Thomns. Only n Newspaper Sensation. WASHINGTON , August 5. The Indian of fice has received the following telegram.dated to-dav , irom Indian Agent Sheenan , from Altkin , Minn : "Tho killing of three In dians at Klmbetly was done by the Indian * themselves. .No MM ions trouble between In dians nnd whites. Will remain here wltli the Indians until they ure quieted. Hoport ; in newspapers aie very sensational. " A Memphis Delegation. WASHING i ox , Aug. G. A delegation o : cltl/ens tiom Memphis , Tenn. , called on tin president at the white house to-day and in vlted him to visit that city on ills westerr trip. The president said It he could arrangi it to visit Memphis ho would do so am would let them know definitely through Sen ator Harris in a tew days. A sruANGij ruBXon Dunrj. It Takes Place Near Now Orleans and Ilcaults in Bloodshed. NEW OUI.EANS , August 5. A duel with short swoids took place this morning In St. Itoinard parish , between Kuillu Kevoire , OIK of the editors of the L'Opinlon and formerlj of Trait Union , nnd Lirrlen , jr. , presldenl of the club Democratic Frnncais. The con test resulted In Larrlen being wounded it the breist and right hand by a single stioke He was removed to Mr. Itoy's house. Tin wound In thu chest Is considered serious The trouble grew out of au article In L'OpIn Ion reflecting on the gentlemen of the Demo cratle Francals tor thu action of the clul recently in endorsing Governor McKmcrj" . Two Vessels and Eighty Men Missing , NodAi.r.s , Ariz. , August G. An Indian ar rived at Uuayamas two weeks ago from dovvr the coast and reported having seen thu sioo ] Sara dismasted and rolling helplessly In ( rough sea. The sloop was then clshtecn daj overdue trom San Bias. Tlm consignees < lis patched thu steamer Valie in seaich of th hloop. The Valle has now been out ten dav and It IA feared she also has gone down. 1 the sloop nnd steamer are both lost eight1 lives are gone with them. The owners wli dispatch another vessel In search of them. A Uailroad Strlbo in LONDON , August G. The number of mei on thu Midland railroad who wont out on strike laat night is 4,000 and the strike I spreading. Freight trallic on the load con tinues partially suspended. f i Dentil or MI-H. Uonornl Curtis. t . OODKNSIIUHO , N. Y. , August G. The wlf of General N. M. Cm I Is died from heart di ; 1 ease In this city last evening , aged torty-ultu Mrs. Curtis' maiden name was Kmolin Chirk , and she was a native ot Springhek Tiyo Fatal Sunstrokes. PITTSIIUIO , Pa. , August G. This was ai other hot day , the humidity of the atmo : making It . Atilo'cloc 1 phere very oppressive. 1s 1s the thermometer registered W * . Five faU s cases pt bunstroko were reported. Hotels llurncd. r DUNKIUK , N , Y. , August G. The SI James and Kastcrn hotels burned last nicln by tire which started In the former hotisi Loss S'5,000. Insurance small. The tire I thuuclit to have been ot incendiary origin. Don't Want French Water. PAIMS August G. It Is stated that the Gei man crown prince has been advised by mc < leal men to try the waters of Cauterets , i France.but that Prince Bismarck and Kin William oppose the suggestion. A. Tliuir Shot Down. IU ixn Sux , Hid. , Auicust 5. Last Wei r. nesday Night Marshal Kyle , of Patriot , Ind shot nnd Instantly killed Pad Lampkln , wli attempted to shoot the olllcer whilemult nriCst. Frenchmen Kvpcllcd. PAIIIJ , August 5. Thirty-eight Frenc railroad employes residing at Avrlcourt , LI ralne. near the French frontier , have bee expelled Irom the country. The Sucnr Uounty Cooferoncc. ROMK , August 5. The Trbuno ) says th ; Italy has consented to join. tUe sugar oouul ABADDAYFORTHEBOODLERS The Jury Brings In Verdicts Against the Eleven Defendants , TWO KINDS OF PUNISHMENT. Seven Given Two Years In the Pen , Whllo Four Are Lot Oft" With Fines of One Thousand Dollars. All of Them Found Guilty. CntcAdo , August G. The last day of the great boodle trial began this morning with thu court room jammed to suffocation with people from nearly every class In the com- inunlty. Mr. Sullivan , who made the closing speech for the defendants , warned tlio jury olemuly that It was not any part of their duty to Unit whether these men were he vvoist lot of commissioner ? Cook ounty over hud. The single charge was conspiracy together jointly to defraud Cook county by false pretenses. If they ould not bo found guilty , not simply of con- plracj' , but of conspliing together to defraud ty lalso pretenses , the jury taking heed ot heir oaths must not convict. After Sullivan lad finished his speech , States Attorney jrinnoll commenced his. Ho commenced by making a forcible statement of what the juiy hould do. Ho denied the statements of he opposing counsel that the jury should not Influenced by public sentiment , The 'oundattons of our Institutions icst upon the people upon all people , nnd heir sentiment is what pioduccf honest administration of our laws. Wltli hat sentiment the laws are honestly admin- stored ; without It everything Is amiss irlnncll then began recalling to the jury the ivervvhclmlng evidence of corruption and omblnation In tlio county board. His speech occupied two fiours preceding recess and was nasterly throughout. After recess Judge Jnmleson read his m- itructlons to the jury. There was nothing In , hem that differed materially from those usu- diy given In conspiracy cases , the courts In- itiuctluns hero being furnished jointly by ounsel of both sides according to law. \Vhcntlio \ judge finished reading , the case ivasatonco given to the jury. The cloven lefendants were at once led to a room by hemselvcs and kept under a watchful gunid Tlio vast ctovvd remained seated , showing nc ncllnation to leave. After a wait of nn loin anit n half. Judge Jamlcson , despairing of an eailyverdict , ordered an adjournmenl until flo. : : ; At that time the jury sent inn : vv old that there was no prospect of an Im mediate agreement , and supper was sent hem. About 9 o'clock the information was re ceived that the jury had reached a conclu slon. Instantly the court room was In r commotion while the people In tlio corildor ; aud along the sidewalks were on tliu tiptoe o ! expectation. The defendants tiled In ant took their seats , nnd were quickly followci by the jury. When the verdict was handct in and the clerk announced one after an other of the entlro eleven guilty , the defend ants seemed rooted to thoii chairs , the em- bndyment of despair. Then came thu lists ; ol penalties. "Commlsslonor MeClaughoy , two j-oars. " There was a start of surprise among tin spectators. The extreme penalty ot tlio law was three years and f line of Sl.WO. Nothlnc less had been oxpecloii fey the great majorltj of those present. "Commissioner Ochs , two years , " read th < clerk , and the defendants began to look up Commissioners Loyden , Van Pelt , Wren am Wasserman and wanton Vainoll all got tvv ( v ears , and ever v one looked measuraby re lleved , except Wren. Ho turned ashen am seemed utterly dazed. The crowd was nevi piepared for any surprise , and It came sud deuly In the statement : "Commissioner ! McCarthy , Oliver. Casselraan nnd Oils , a hm of Sl.OOO.1' ' A look of unmistakable exultation tool possession of the countenance ot "Buck1 McCarthy , the burly commissioner , who ha < throughout the trial nnd fur months nreviou been the most conspicuously attacked of al the crowd. , " 1 move that the lurv bo polled , " shoutec the irroprossahlo McCarthy. It was doiu and immediately those of the defendant1 who had escapoil with a line were roloasoil on bail. The othe.s wore remanded to jail , A motion for a new trial for evmy one wis quickly entered ny the dofi'mladts' attorney Alexander Sullivan , and then the crowi mulled away In wonder. 1'ICOUAKIjr MUKDKUBD. Finding of the Uorri | > ly Mutlhitci , lloily of Joseph Hart. LIIADVII.M : . Col. , August G. [ Special Tel cgram to the BEK J The horribly mutlla ted body of Joseph Hart was brought to thii city on this ovoulng's tialn from Hayden , the second station on the Kio Uraude where it was taken fiomasand bar In tlu Arkansas Hiver , into which it had been cas by the leaping waters. Upon the head ar two deep gashes that broke Into the skull while tliu limbs have been literally gioum to pieces. In the pockets of the floater wa tound a largo number of letters , mos ot them being signed by Mar tin Hart , who evidently occupies i responsible position on tlio board of trad In Chicago. In this correspondence th etlort ot thu brother seems to have been to in duce the wanderer to leturn to his home li Chicago. Ottier letters wore found froi : which it was ascertained that ho was member of the Moulders' union nt Topekn and hadlatelv worked nt his trade In I'uebUi Ho lett this city , where hn has been vvoikin on tliu eradc , some time this week , and it 1 thought ho was murdered by companion ! The case 1ms created much excitement aiv will bo followed by a careful Investigation. Salmon Are Scarce. SAX FHANCISCO , August G. The lates advices from northern parts \erify state ments heretofore mndo that thu salmon cate will this jear bo light. Dispatches receive to day Irom the Columbia river region ar that a canvass of all the canneries shows totul of S2,400 ( cases , this being 100,000 ease less than weiu put up lust year , 'JOO.OOO lus than In li S , and 300,000 less than In Ibb- Thu pack on the Saciamcnto river Is als light. Advices from Frner river , Biitls Columbia , continue dlscouiaging. Thn Alei bay llsheries have been a lalluie. All no' ' depends on the Alaska pack. Tolmcco Dealers Indignant. LOUISVILI.I : , August 0. The July repoi of tlio agricultural bureau at Washington ha stirred up tob.icco Interests all over the state The report puts the tobacco crop at 83 pe cent of the average , while It Is claimed by n ! vv no have paid any attention to the mittc that it cannot bo more than half so lar : < The Louisville and Hopkins boards of trad have protested against this report as exceed ing hurtul ! to tobacco dealers generally , au to tanners especially. Kossuth County Hcpnhllcans. AI.OONA , In. , August 5. [ Special Tel cram to the UKK. ] The republicans of Ko suth county. la convention here to day , non Inated A. 1) . Clarke for representative In tl legislature and chose a delegation favorin the reuomluation of Senator Chubb. Steamship Arrivals. PORTSMOUTH , August G. [ Special Teli hramto the HKK. ] Arrived Thu Moravi from New Vork for Hamburg. Nfcw VOIIK , August 3. Arrived Tli Werra , from Bremen , aud City of Chlcat from Liverpool. Free Delivery at Cheyenne. CIIKYKXXR , Wjo. , AimustG.-lbpeclal Te egram to the BKK.J The free delivery s > y : tern has been extended to tnn Cheyenne po : otllco and will KO Into eJIcci ou tba 1st < September , THU SHKNANDOAH S1 V. Death of Pardnw Wnrsley Ills Won * dcrful Career. JAMF.ITOVVX , N. V. , Ausust 5. f Special Telegram to the llr.u.l Pardaw Warslcy , ho "Union Spy of the Shenandoah , " died at ils homo at Foster Brook Weflnosdaj' , aged l.xty-seven years. Beginning life as a fancy goods merchant In Massachusetts , nt the > penlng of the war ho raised a company , the fourteenth Massachusetts heavy artillery , lie was soon afterward employed by Uutler In the name of the United States to ceo Into thu British provinces to look Into the system of blockade running then In vogue , lie was successful In this mission , for Major ( ieneral C. C. Aueur , In his report of August 25 , IbtW , says that it was through the instru mentality of U' , Wnrsloy that the extensive system of blockade running from Baltimore and Washington was broken uu. After re turning from this trip , Warsley wont out ns a .spy upon Mosby under orders fiom General Aiiu'iir , though not until ho had returned to Boston and married Helen Isabelle Francis , who survives him. Accompanied by lili young vvllo Warsley set out ostensibly upon a peddling trip through Virginia. Ills real object vvns soon suspected by Mo by , and n spy was placed upon his track. The spy was a handsome j'oungladj' , who was tube con- ductol to Washington bv Wnrslcy. The union spy was too smart to be caught , and In stead ot using Ills pass through the union lines ho conducted the lady through sw amps nnd by roads until she became dis gusted with the trip nnd hho returned to Mosby convinced of the loyalty of Wnrsloy. Mosby was not convinced , and at one time placed n pistol to Warslev's head , threaten ing to blow his brains out. The young lady Interceded nnd Wnislov's lite was saved. Afterward Mosby became his firm friend , lighting n duel with a nephew of Geneial Leo because Lieutenant Lee Mad .set a truaid on Wnrsley nnd had condemned him as n spy. On two occasions Warsley furnished ( information by which the federal forces were enabled to sin round tlm house In which Mosby was quartered , but the dashlnii rebel cut his way out and escaped. On sev eral occasions Warsley got information of intended raids upon Washington in time U allow the authorities to macs theli forces nnd save the capital. At the time of thu assassi nation of President Lincoln Waisloy was clven command ot a siiuad ot detective . When Booth vvns killed Wnrsloy returned tr private life and for years ran a restaurant litho the Bradford oil Holds. ruoiiinmovs nu ; DKFHAT. It Was SlKiial and Dcclnlvo It Texns. OAI.VRSTON , Tex. , August G. The lates retnius received heio are from over 500 votIng Ing piecincts and clearly indicate that tin prohibition amendment has been defeatec by a uiajotlty ranging from GO.OOO to CO.OTO. All the otlier amendments have undoubt edly been earned , except the one c\tciidlm the time of the sitting of the legislature fron sixty to ninety days , and making the pay o men.bers EG per dny for the latter peilod In stead ol for sixty da > s ns Is now law. The defeat of prohibition in Texas ha1 been a hliinnl and decisive one. The tota vote polled in Texas at thu giibernatorla election last November was : HG,000 , of whlcl SiO.OOO woie dumorntlc , 00,000 republican am 19,000 prohibitionists. Mills , however , due : not icpresent the full voting strength of tin state as clearly ns does thu presidential voti in Ib84 , which was In round numbers as fol lows : Democratic , 2.T > , X > ; republican bl.OOO ; piohlbition , lU.uoo. In yes terdny's election the democratic am republican were obliterated. Tlio large Cicniinn element , wlueh Is usually rupub lican , went almost solidly against piohlbl tion , as did at least two-thirds of the colorci vote. Thus a good mntority of the ropub licnns , nnder the leadership of UrrCucuraH republican nominee for covcrnorin 16SC , am other leahers ot that faith , voted against tin amendment , while a respectable minority o the democrats followed such leaders o tliu patty as Senator Itungan , ev-Scnato Maxoj' , Congressmen Culberson , Hare ami Lanliam and others into thu prohibition fold Taking the vote of 1SS4 as a basis the prohl unionists , to have achieved victory woulc have had to secure G per cent ot the demo crats and 3S per cent of the republicans The returns so far received show n majorlt ] against piohihitlon ot 70,000 , with eight ; counties to hear from. WIPED OUT. The A'lUano of Mfllurook , Mo. , Da Htroycd Ily a Straight AVind. KANSAS CITV , August 0 , Millbrook Graham county , twenty miles north of here was almost destroyed about sundown j-ostui day by a stialght wind coming fiom slight ! , west of north. Thuplnco contains abet ftO Inhabitants. Only one house , n residence escaped damaso. Ono person , a boy tlire jears old , was killed. About twonty-hv were injured , Some sustained broken limbs but onlv one of the Injured Is likely to die This Is W. li. Keith , n furniture denier o \Vankeeiij' . - Kentucky Still In Doubt. LOUISVII.I.K , Ky. , August 6. ISpeciallcl egram to the Bnn.J Keturns from the stat election are meagre. The Louisville Com mercial-lndepcndent of to-day says Bradloj republican , may bo elected. Kighty-nln counties snow republican gains of 'JS.OOC The republicans gain three state senator and eight members of ttio house , with flv districts in doubt. I' . O. UAWT.S. LouthVii.i.i : , August G. [ Press.l No ad dltionnl returns have been received thl morning and the hitiritlon .of the Kentiick ; election is not changed from last nlirlit's re ports. The democrats estimate lincknei' ni.ijoiity is safely over twenty thousand nn though the republicans me claiming that I will be under that , their claims are not norn out by the leturns. All thu larger countie nro In. Only n few mountain counties are t be heard from , and giving these all to Brai ley by an increased lepubllcan vote ho wl ! not come vv Itliin 10,000 of Bnckncr's vote. Killed By a Kock Cnvo. PoitTi.ANi ) , 'lie. , August 5. The On gonlan's special from Kllensbury ( Washlni ton T. ) , says : Fifty tons ot rock fell In tli eastern end of the Cascade tunnel now bulli lug by the Noithern I'acilic railroad , killin four men and wounding several otheis. 1 Is thought none ot thu wounded will dli Thu men claim that the contractors wei careless nnd did not timber the tunni cuough to keep up with the boring. No ConoiisHlon hyCnnnda. OITAWA , Out. , August G. There is not word of truth In the report tlmt fresh pri posals for a settlement of the lisheries dl puto cmanatlni : from thu American goven men t hive been approved by the Canadln irovernment. As a matter of fact , negoth lions are still in progress and a cabinet mil ister stated to-day that the governiuei would not mutlily the stand already take by Canada. Arrived From the Hanks. ( ii.ouci.STKit , Mass. , August G. Tl schooners Argonaut and Colonel J. 1 French , whose boats nnd seines worn sel/e arrived homo to-dav. No fish were hroiiu'l by either hoits. Two of the crew of tl schooner W. N. Stevens got astrnv whi tending trawls and have not been hcai from. _ Hntliemla K | > nnt4 Mii.WAfKn : , Wls. , August G. The will > the late Catherine Dunbar , who died I Franco last April , was hied for proba to-day. Her estate is valued at nbout S10 ( 000. "Thu Diinliars were the discoverers i the famous Bcthesda springs , at Waukcsh Wls. _ Wro ihn Uvlutlons Local ? Pi rrsiit'ito , PH. , August G , The olllcla of thu Knights of Labor are perfecting the plans for brtn 'Ing Milt to test the legality the evictions of thu salt worL stiUers : Natronn , Pa. _ _ Knrth < | iink- in Africa , LONDON , Ausu.t 5. Violent shocKs raithqiiaku have been fell nt Algeria. A number ot hui'.s'ja vvuru btroyed. A UAILKOAD KING. Officials nf thu Missouri Pacific Charged With Crookedness. _ , ST. Louis , August 5. JSpcclal Telegram to the HKE. | The Ulovu-Demomt says : "There is n nourishing ring In the Unco of the Missouri Pacitlc railway compnny , and nothcr ring within It , the depredations ot ivhlcli are seriously Impairing the Interests f stock nnd bondholders. The teporter's In- irmant said : 'There was one nun In the fllco of the MUsourl Pacific road to whom 1 i.ild § 60 each week ot the year for the prlvi- ego of shipping men over thu road free. 1 ras ouo of the several who famished con- ractors under Cowan & Co. with In makers nnd graders. These men ivero presumed to bu worklngmen , ut so long ns they paid thn irlco It vvns not my place to > o too Inquisitive. 1 had to give one man n icreentagtt on every man who wont over the oad as \\orklnnman. . Tins whole svstem Is otten and the matter of lecklesstlocotitiacts jinks Into Inslunlflcanco when compared ivltli the transput tatlon steal. ' "Another labor agent complnlncd that hero was only one way to get men to their ivork over thu ( iould sjstcm nnd that vvns to icutl them by the pa s of a certain contractor , ind to do this ct had to he paid to thu agent. Tliico-tourlhs ot the men sent down , he laid , \voiu not libotlng men at all. 'It's many a man that's gone to Nuttleton foi SI ivhero the regular taru Is S7.C5. In this hot weather only nbout tun men a day take pas- iage this vvnv , hut that will amount to S'.r > eon n month , and In thu traveling season it's n jig item. ' " THE PACIFIC IN Vns Senator Stanford IM Asked Ahout Cer tain Charccs of CrookndnrH4. SAN FRAXCISCO , August G. Senator Stan- 'ord's examination was resinned bj' the Pa- Ilic eommlsslon to-day. He denied that n contract had been made with Wells , Fargo & Jo. for the exclusive right of transportation over the Central Pacific. His attention was hen called to n certain case in which the illegatlon was madu that E. It. Crocker , on jehalf of the Central Pacific , made with Wells , Fargo A Co. n contract for the ex clusive Hunt of transpoiifition over the Cen tral I'abilie and In leturn therefor Wells , Fargo it Co. watered their stock from 5 10.- 000,000 to SIG.OOO.OOO , and gave Stanlord , Crocker , Hopkins and lluntfiigton Sl.GOO- 000 without consideration. Commis sioner Anderson nsked If the al legation was true nnd Stanford replied : " 1 don't think It is. If lam to be Intel rogated on all these charges , blackmail and others , It will take six months and we Hhall never ret through nil the olmiges that have been made dining the last twentj'- seven years. " Stanford had never hcaid of large tracts ot lands granted by the govern ment being sold tor the benollt of n certain stockholder ot the company. Ho was of the opinion that the "exposures" mndo by Theophllus French In thu New York papers was a scheme to blackmail Hiintington. The witness was examined on several other points regarding the Cential itnil Southern P.tciue roads but nothing of general interest was learned. _ A SlaKiiillceiit Success. Anots , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Tele- ; ram to the 15in. : | The camp-lire nnd re- inlon which Is now being held at Adams , Gage county , Is a grant ! and clorious suc cess. This is the second-day , and fully G.OOC people nro In attendance. The Tccnmsen , Sterling , Crab Orchard and Filth Cornet bands nre present. Monstrous delegations trom thu biiiioundlug towns nro heie , nnd the \oty country is nllvo wltli people. The success of the occasion was duo largely te - thpnsence of Battery A , from Wymore under Cnptaln Lurnock , nnd company 1 First Nebraska state guai ds. Governor Join M. Thaycr spoke at n o'clock this nfti moon , anil cave one of his characteristic and en thusiastic speeches , which the ov-soldleri- love to hear. The camp-lira vvns also enter- t lined by A. B. Ball , of Tecumseh , and othei able speakers. _ _ Where is A. II. It. ? KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aitaust 0. A letter signed "A. B. II. " was found In Kansa- City , Kan. , three days ago. It Indicated the purpose of the writer to kill himself , re ferred to ft lends In Pomona , Kan. , nnd spoke of unieqiiitod love. Tei-day's Journal , ot this elty , received a lettei from J. J. Whetstone , a merchant ol Pomona , asking tor information , Mr. Whet stone says that A. B. Harris , a clerk In hli employ , loft Pomona last Friday to visit hi ? sifter and dnu.htor In Mattoon , HI , , iroliiK via Kansas Citv. Ho was despondent when ho left and Mr , Whetstone feats that he was the author ot the letter aud that he has com milted suicide. The nurnliiK Mlnc < * . Dr.rKOiT , Mich. , August G. The Kvcnlni Journal's iloughton ( Mich. ) special says ; The Calumet and Heckla shafts have beer closed to-night , and steam pipes Inserted ir tliu shall could bo only got down 950 fee owing to obstructions. The steam was turnot on last evonliiL' and the miners have hopes II will put out the lire. No one can tell hov long the are will last. Mom than 1,000 met nre Idle In consequence of the lire. Tin stamp mills and new smelting works wil have to bo closed If the mine does not rcsuiiu soon. _ _ Illinois I'ralrio Flro. JOI.IKT , 111. , August G. The prnlrlo liri which raged all day yesterday in the vicinit ; of Manhattan had been gotten under control but it broke out afresh further down the mil road lu another place nnd burned over om thousand acics. One house was destroyed In some places the flnmcs were twenty o thirty feet high. Tlio lire , which would gi taster than a man could nm , was dually sub dueil near Mattoon , Tliu hie is still hurntni In the woods , vvliuru It Is destroying tiees taking roots nnd all , thus making deep hole In the ground. _ Mall Kohticr Arrested. CHICAGO , AugustG. A young man namei J. V. Baptist was arrested at Jacksonville III. , to-day , charged with robbing the mails Ho has been for live years past employed Ii transporting malls from the trains to th postolllco there. Suspicion being attractei bv finding the remnant of a mlsslnz letter h his eoit , he was nirested nnd confessed tha ho had been .systematically robbing th mills for yeats. Ho was taken toSprlui : held. Yomiu Hades Cremated. PiiTHiaiiO , Pa. , August G. Last orenln Mrs. Hade , living on the Moinlng Side roac near lUna , Pa. , left her four little children 1 the house alone. Thu children during he absence were teiribly burned by an oxploslo of kerosene , which one of them had point- on the lire. The jouimest , aged ulxtee months , died In a slioit time , and the otlier are still living but phjslciHiis bay they cai not lecovcr. Sr. PKTKiibiifiio , August G. 'Iho Hour' da/ette states that a clause in the recent lu penal ukase ordering tlio removal of forelgi ers from their positions In pnvntu commo cial houses will be suspended until It Is di elded whether such removals will bend home Industries. Provincial governors hav hcHii Insttiicted to uuo loielgners to becom naturalUcd. Canada and I In : United States. ToKOxro , Out. , August G. The e-xcrutiv committee ot the Central Farmers' Instltul of Ontario held a meeting hero and deelaie Itself strongly in fnvoi of unrestricted r ciproelty with the United States , nnd hns di elded to push the work of organl/atlo throughout the province. n SIipi > li > K Svvnlti. CjiiCAf.o , Aiuust 5. The sheriff irom Br met ( flinty , Iowa , pissed tin oughhcw to du liaUUL- custody Fred Ackurnmn , . .ofVi vctly , la . who promised to marry a gill H1 lug thuiQ uud then skipped , WORK OF MORE WILD WINDS , Ouo Fatality Results From the Storm at tit. Edwards , HAIL , LIGHTNING AND THUNDER , David City Attain Shaken Up and HastliiKH CJets n DOHC Death by I'.lcctrlclty at llluu Only One Doalli. ST. EnvvAKPs Neb. , August G. ( Special IVlegram to the BIK.J : Only one death has esulted so far from the effects ot the vvltufl and Hall storm which swept over this placet esterdny evening. The deoe.ved was n gen- Icman bv the name of Wlthcrspoon , who md only lately arrived with his family from/ ) etrolt , Mich. He had purchased a tract ofi and six miles from Iho village and orecteof low and commodious buildings , which thoyf ind only been occupying n short while be- "ore thu MioKo came which toro him horn hla 'amlly. Thu bodv was brought to town * .o-day. It Is badly bruised nnd cut up , uudT ils legs wore broken In three places. Great ) sympathy Is felt tor the family , who are thus loft alone almost among strangers. I C The Htorin at HantliiRH. II VS-TINOS Neb. , August 8. ( Special Telegram to the Bee , I A disastrous ralu and wind storm struck Hastings last even * tig about BSO : , doing extensive dixmagci 1'ho storm lasted thlrtv minutes , Thu now three-story brick building erected for tha wholesale * grocery ilrni of Morlarty , Trlin- ' jell & Co. , was onthely demolished , losft about S1G,000. The cnr stables of the Hast- * ngs Improvement compnny were blown' down , loss about S',000. I'art of tlionoittli wall of tlie lined story brick building orectocf by the Knteruriso Building association w\9 ilemollshed , Involving n loss of probably $ SOO I'welvo Height cms standing in front of the/ U. it M. detiot were blown from the track. ; Several smaller buildings were blown dovvnj : hu loss of which is not jet determined 1'ho storm was the haidcst known hero fott jears. The wind did not comu in tlio simper of n cyclone , but was moioly a rushing wind/ blowing with terrlhe force. , The Storm In Hntler County. ' DAVID CITY , Neb. , August G. [ Special- Telegram to the BKI.J : A teirltlc hall ancV wind Ntorm passed nloni : the valley jusb north ot this city last nlht , mowing a Rvvntlti ihico miles In width nnd nbout tun miles InJ length. ( damage Is reported to growing ] crops. Hail fell ns close as one nillo north ot this plice. The wind blew inilously here , ] iccompnnled bj heavy lain , deep thundui. nnd sliarp llashps of lightning. Many of outf torimdued citi/eiis became trlchtoned nneli sought shelter In eaves and cellnrs. No damage - ago was done in this city. At Bellwood window - < ' dow glass vvns broken and small outbuildings' demolished. _ Death In a Welt. WAYNI : , Neb. . August G. [ Special Tele cram to the BiiJ : : Two brothers , Peter nud ] lens Nelson , living four miles south ofi AVnyne , weio cleaning n well this morning , ' While Peter vvns in the well Jens heard nj nolso and siw Peter ovcicomo by gas. llo went down to his brothel's rescue nnd was also overcome. The hired man started to tha' neighbors for help , nnd another brother vvenC down with n rope. Ho vvns also oveicomo bjC gas. A fourth brother then vvent down nutu k'ot out the third , but vvns himself prostrated , but rccoveicd linally. The tlrst two were ) ] brought to the surface but could not bo re vived. They were Danes , nged twenty-two- ' and thirty jeats. _ Hall and Wind nt Columbus. I COI.UMIIUB , Neb. , August 5. [ Spocml t * the BIE. | A severe hall and wind storm ] passed over the southwest cornet of Columbus - ' bus , doing considerable da'iiage. The hall , stones were very largo , cutting a wide swath. through the 100 acre field of coi u on the fni iu of Hon. C. C. Bnrnnin nnd bieaking all thai gl.i ° s on the north sldo of the house. It la stated that the hail did a great deal of dam- . ; s'jo In Polk aud Butler counties. Two men , ] strangers , were killed by lightning ueay4 Shelby. Otlier casualties are repoi ted , but ) ! not authenticated. ' SorloiiB Shootlnu A ( Tray. Woon , Neb. , August G. ( Special ! to the Bi.i1. ] A shooting affray took place' here on Wednesday nlnht last , which will' ' probably result in the death of Mat Ncvllls. Nevllls and n man named Lory Kilklnney , got Into a quarrel , when Kilklnney drew a revolver nnd bhot Nevill * In the fleshy part of the right arm. The ball passed through his , arm and entcied his right side , lodging under his shoulder blade. KUoi Is to extract It have not jet been succossf ul. Kilklnnoy was arrested - , rested on n warrant charging him wltli an nssaultwlthintenttokill. | IMatti * County Prohibitionists. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , August G. [ Special Tele gram to thu Bii.jThe : prohibitionists ot , Platte county held their convention this , afternoon nud nominated n lull county , ticket and elected the follow ing named gen tlemen as delegates to the Mate convention to be held in Lincoln on the Kith ot August : i J. ( J. Fenneman , F . A. Oeriard , A. A Hark. K. O. Newton. O. W. Brown. A. H. Williams , S. C.Terry , W. 1) . Hanchett , A. llclnrlcbJ nnd M , Ui linger. fjlchtnlni ; at n nsott. UASs-i.rr , Neb. . August G. [ Speclnl to the Bhi : . | About 8 o'clock last night llulitnlufti struck bklrvlng's store , tearing oft thu cor ner boards nnd shattering It considerable. Fortunately a wire used to hang goods on. ran thu full length , acted as n conductor and can led It oil , out sat nro to the outhouses In the tear. Had It not been for the wire the occupants would havu been hint. ' ' 'or a Tournament. Loir Cm , Neb. , August . [ Special to the BHK.J Arrangements are almost com pleted for a tournament of tlio western Ne braska pigeon anil tnruot shots , to take p'nco August 'M and HI. Thu cltl/onsiiro sub scribing liberally to a tuiiil to dcfiny ex penses and make thu tournament a grand success. Killed bv Bi.n. SI-KI.SOS , N'eb. , August 5. [ Special Tali-gram to the Biii. : | Mrs. John Cnsebur , residing six miles east of here , was stiuck by llu'htiilng and killed last uvenliu ; while milking her cow. Tlie bolt struck hut on the temple , killing her Instnntlj- . The cow was knocked down but In a tew minutes got up and walked away. Itnilroad Activity at Falrhnry. FAiuiit'iiv ' , Neb. , August.1 ; . [ Special Te.lo- gram to the Bii.j Tracklajlng commenced this morning on the Denver extension of thn Chic igo , Kansas A ; Nebraska thu lloclc 1 blind from hem west. The St. Joe iSa ( iraud Island and Kansas City A Omaha from here noith is auout lintshud In this county. _ Ily a Thronlior. Pi viKii , Ned. . Aiuust G. i Correspon dence ot tlie BII.J : A scrloii" accident hap pened li-re on Monday by which Mr. Frank Brennan lost his right arm. Ho got caught on the tumbling roil ot a threshing machine. terribly'liug the limb. Ho Is doing well under tl > o skillful treatment of lta. Stout and Dennis. Katnl Stubbing Affray. Fri M. uro.v , Neb , , August B. [ Special to thu Br.i : , | Kiisslan Charley and John Flynn , laboter.s on the B , & M , railroad twenty mllen from here , quarreled and Inter I'lyiin stabbed , Uurley In the back , killing him 1