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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH ; YEAR OMAHA. TUESDAY. MORNING. AUGUST 2. 1887. NUMBER 45. M'GARIGLE ' STILL AT LARGE , The Big Boodler Remains in Sarnla With no Prospects of Returning. SLIM CHANCES OF EXTRADITION. ilow tlio Cnso la Considered at Wash ington ntid a-Local Legal Opin ion Progress of tlio Chicago cage Trial. Thn llnnt For McGnrlglc. CIIICAUO , August 1. A telegram from Sarnla , Ontario , liled at 1 o'clock this morn ing , Rays Instructions have been received from States Attorney Grlnncll , of Chicago , and the chief of police to arrest McGarlglo on an Indictment In Montreal. The Sarnla chief ot police has not been able to find him. The supposition l.s that ho lias left town. Chief of Police Ebersold admitted this afternoon having sent a dispatch to the chief of police at Sarnia asking that McGarlglo bo arrested and held. Chief Ebursold said to a reporter , "Under certain circumstances a , chief of police will recognize a certain esprit do corps that exists among the heads of police departments. " When urged to express him- fielf more fully as to what action would betaken taken by the Canadian authorities , ho be came absolutely non-committal. A special to the Evening Journal from .Sarnla , Ont , says : McGarlglo was secluded all the morning , but just where could not bo ascertained. Ho was met on arrival by a party with carriages , one of the party being Patrick Malony , ot Chicago , formerly of Port Huron , Mich. Everything had evidently bean arranged for McGarlglo's reception , and one of the party remarked that the entire plan of the rescue was mapped out before the escape was attempted. Had any attempt been made to seize McGarlglo , a desperate fight , ono of the schooner Marsh's crow says , would have been the result. The reported effort to dlsf ulse the schooner Blalcc by paintIng - Ing her red Is explained differently by the sallou. They say red blankets wcro hung over the schooner's side to prevent Identifi cation. McGarlglo's wife and child are ex pected In Sarnla to-night. SAKNIA , Out. , August 1. McGarlgle Is In hiding. The crown attorney has advised the chief of police to proceed no further on the warrant which he had last nlirht , as It was defective. Trainmen on the Grand Trunk report that McGarlgle went to London , Ont. , to-night. They recognized him from photographs. Can't Touch McGnrlclo. WASHINGTON , August 1. [ Special Tele- graui to tjio BEK.J The report that the ex tradition of McGarielc , the Chicago boodler , has been asked for is denied nt the state de partment. Mcdarlclo Is safe in Canada , and it Is the opinion of the law officers of thu government that Chicago authorities have no case against him upon which his arrest in tin Dominion could be made. But little Importance is now attached u the Interview with States Attorney Grlnnell in which that gentleman raises the point tha' ' one of thu owners of the Blake isaCanadlan , There may be some fact not yet given In tin reports , It Is said , which would modify till : view , however. The fact that one of tin owners of the vessel is a Canadian would no of Itself have any bearing upon the questlot of the escaped boodler's extradition. Tin owners of the vessel , both American am Canadian , would , under our laws , be Habit to anest If It were proven that tbev connlvei at McGariglo's escape , knowing him to be ; criminal , although that would not alfcct on right to demand thu convict's surrehder b ; Canada. _ A liocnl Ijcual Opinion , Mr. W. J. Connell was seen last night b ; a representative ot the BKR and lnterroate , as to the legal probabilities of the arrest li Canada , and return of Win. McG&rUlo to thl country. "Mr. Connellgavo It as his opinion that th Canadian authorities could not arrest an , hold the fugitive for a crime committed i : this country , when there is no extraditio treaty between this country and Canad upon which McGarlglo can be extradited. " do not understand , " said Mr. Comic "that this government lias any power It ca exercise In the matter In the absence of a extradition treaty. If there was an extrad live treaty covering the offense with whlc McGarlglo Is charged then < course the Canadian government coul hold him ana await the demand from thl government tor his return. The only \\n \ In my opinion by which McGariirlu can ti brought buck to this country would be b kidnapping him or throuith .some decoy By ; tern , in the event this wore done I am nc so positive but he could command protectlo from the Canadian government though he b a citizen of the United States. "From m knowledge of the case , " continued Mr. Cm nell , " 1 can see no legal power by which Me Garlglo can bo brought back to the Unite States when there Is no extradition treat bearing upon the offense committed. It tak It that ho U perfectly safe In any part of th Canadian government from a process of u ternational law. "An olllcer of the Canadian governmer would have no more right t place McGarlglo under arrest than n would anv other citizen of the United StaU temporarily stopping within the jurlsdlctlo of that country. " Thn fact that McGarlgle was transportr from this country to Canada by A clti/.en i r the latter country commanding a Cunadla vessel is not supposed to bavo any bearin upon the case unless It can be proven that was a conspiracy upon the part of the ere of the vessel to spirit the fugatlvo away fro tbe custodv of the otllcers ot this counu Upon this question there Is difference i legal opldlon. but with a preponderance ; favor of thu case as hbovo stated. Anslstnnt. CitiCAfiO , Auzust L Dr. St John , who n slstetl William McGarii-lo to escape , was a tested this morning while at breakfast on warrant sworn out by Inspector Bonlield ai Deputy Sherlll Dross. He was taken tot armory , whiMu ho furnished 8'-0,000 ball , B. Fisk going his security. Ho waived o amlnatlon. W. K. Fobter appeared tor 5 John nnd City Prosecutor Nicholson a pearod for the state. No attempt \vasma to arrest Janitor Dull , who was with hi that night. Although Dell was not arrested a warra was out tor him. ilo was found at t county hospital complaining of bolng sir A guard was loft with Dell until it could 1 ascertained If ho was In a condition to moved. Dr. St. John waived examination accordance with advice of his attorney. \ F , Foster , of anarchist trial notoriety. Fi the wholesale milliner , who went on : John's bond , eclieiHiled property to amount aggregating S'.OOO.OOO. A sicond bondsman was required of ! John , but after many hours' search cot not bo found. The doctor had been con dent that Columbus B. Cummlngs the L magnate , would become a suri-ty. Notwii standing Incessant urgings , Cummin failed to put In an appearance ami In t afternoon Dr. St. John was Immured In cell. The technical charge against him conspiracy neaiiiht the people In aiding .N Garlglu's escape. Conviction unttlls a PI nltyof three > ears' Imprisonment at hi labor or a line of 31,000 , The Trial of thn rionrtloro. CHICAOO , August 1. There was a tremi dims clamor by crowds of people this mo ing for admission to the court whoru t trial of the boodlers Is progress ! ) An hour before the tlmo for t opening of the doors , hundreds turn were In line for admission , nnd w hundreds of others completely tilled the lu ways , thronged tbo elevators , and tended far out on thn hltlewa aboiblp question wn whether i eleven defendants would surrender uncondi tionally and thow themselves on the mercy of the court. Plainly a majority of the crowd expected some mo\o , but many voiced the opinion that It was too late and that the de fendants only hopi ) now was to tight to the last In belief that some accident would favor them. Ju t before the opening of the trial this mornln * thn boodlers came Into the court room. Without exception their faces were set and white. Alter States Attorney Grlnnell said the state rested their case , Alexander Sullivan , attorney for the defense , Immediately began the Introduction of testimony as to the character of the men on trial , llie first witness was Millionaire Nelson Morris , the packer. Hesworo that McCarthy and Lynn had good reputations. Mould was uot cross- examined. After other witnesses had testified to the defendants' eood reputation , thcru cauio a surprise. Commissioner Michael Wassornmn left his place among the defendants and took the witness stand In Ins own behalf. Was- serinan was > ery pale and his voice , trembled. He denied seriatim all the charges of bribery against him , and In explaining how he came to reccl\e curtain sums ot money said : "In lbS4 thu county democratic club elected me as ono of the committee to go to Washington to bring the convention here. I colleoteti money everywhere. Wo went down to Washington anil kept open house to show the people of Washington the hospitality of Chicago. 'I bo result was that wo brought the convention back here. " The state did not take the trouble to cross- examine Washerman. After several other witnesses had testified to the gootl character of thu defendants Com missioner Mlko Leyden took the stand. He denied that Commissioner Lynn , the In- lormer , ever gave him boodle or that he ever received a cent from Btpper , except a little contribution when Leyden went to see Cleveland Inaugurated , witness being in poor circumstances then. Commissioner dells made similar denials , and was followed by Commissioner "Buck" McCarthy , who paid he had attended the famous meeting In the janitor's room to "fix up committees. " Nothing was said about percentages , and witness never got a dollar dishonestly from the county. Another Mild Sensation. CHICAOO , August L Another mild sensa tion has been created in the county board by the discovery that a certain wholesale gro cery firm of this city , which secured .the recent contract for the Infirmary , have been supplying goods far Inferior to the samples. The sugar furnished was the brownest In the market , the soap was the poorest to be had , and the "Java" coffee was halt chickory. The firm has been called to account. A Sentenced Boodler. CHICAOO , Aug. 1. Judge Shepard this morning overruled the petition for a new trial In the case of Edwaid S. McDonald and W. J. McGarlgle , charged with conspiracy , and sentenced McDonald to three years In the penitentiary. A motion for an arrest ol judgment was also overruled. A PROHIBITION VIOLATOR. Kansas Ofllccra After a Mau iu St , Joe. ST. Josr.i'ii Mo. , August 1. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. | Yesterday aconstabli from Brown county , Kansas , arrived in St Joseph with a requisition from Govornoi Martin , of Kansas , for James Brockton , o : Uorton , who Is wanted on a charge of vlolat Ing the prohibition law. Brockton , after his arrest , tried to secure his release by means o : a writ of habeas corpus. This mornlni Criminal Judge SVoodson heard the case and fixed the bond at 81,000 , the trial being sel tor Saturday of this week. The prosecutlui attorney objected to bill being allowed ant Brockton was accordingly sent back to jail He Is not yet under Indictment In Kansas but has been betore a justice of the peace be fore whom he is under bond to appear There Is a question In the minds of many ate to whether no can be sent back to Kansas fo a misdemeanor , but according to the Mia sourl law a requisition must be honorei where a misdemeanor Is charged. Brocktoi Is a prominent citizen of Morton. Bad Dam Bttrst. KHADINO , Pa. , August 1. Grlm's dair covering two acres near Boyertown , thl county , burst through Its breast , olghtee feet high , this morning , destroying ever ) thine in the vicinity. JWii.KRflnATtni : , Pa. , August 1. A dav burst on the mountain to-day , letting wate down Into the village of Parsons. Thn who ! town was flooded and the neoplo had to flo for their lives. Four bridges were washe away and much other damage was dono. A Laurel the water caught titty loaded coa cars and dashed them down the mountai side like kindling wood. The losses wl probably reach 5220,000. Saved From Death By Siilolile. ST. Josisi'ir , Mo. , August ! [ Special Tel egram to the BKK. | Mrs. John Bradford wife of A railroad man , attempted sulcld last night by taking morphine. Neighbor discovered her condition In time to summo a doctor , who saved her life. Her husban ran away and left her a week ago and lit daughter died recently. Thcso are given a causes. Chicago's Invitation to Cleveland. CHICAGO , August l. The committee o Invitation to offer the hospitalities of Chlcae to President Cleveland held an Informi meeting In the mayor's office to-day. Sine the president on a similar occasion has e ) pressed the wish that no delegations be sei to see him this hot weather , the committi decided to Issue a formal address , signed I all the committee , Inviting the president t visit the cltv at his earliest convenlenc Melville W. Fuller , chairman of the comml ten , wns entrusted with the duty of prop&rlr this formal Invitation. Started Dp the Mill. ST. Louis , August ! The strike In tl Little rolling mill In East St. Louis la week , when 200 stokers and laborers qii work and compelled theshuttlngdown of tl mill and throwing out of employment of s other men , was settled to-day and the m resumed work to-night. The demand Stoker Moore for an assistant was complli with , but the dismissal of Foreman Davl which the iitrikers demanded , was refused. Klgln Dairy Market. ELOIN , 111. , August 1 , Drought continu In this section , making the milk supply vci short and a corresponding deficiency In bu tor. Creamery grades are extremely scare On the call boant to-day bids started at cents , but not a pound was sold untll-Tcen was roachbd , at which urlci the majority sales were mado. A low favorite bran brought ST'lc. Sales to-day on call we 21010 pounds , Private sales the past we aggiegato lU07,153 pounds. Ri > od and Sharp. NKW Vonif.Aueust.L Eaily this mornli Jacob Sharp's condition was considered serious that his physicians were summone He complained all night of pains In t' ' stomach and dizziness of the head. Charles II. I toed. Gulteau's counsel , w ! jumped Into the North river Saturday a1 was committed to the Bellnvuo hospital I examination us to his sanity , was exa ineti to-day and pronounced iusai lie Is suffcilitK froDi melancholia. "Elaine" Proves a Sncrsn. CHIOACJO , August 1. "Elaine , " adapt from Tennyson's poem by George Parse .Jj Lathrop and Harry Edwards , was prodtic to-night by Mr. A. M. Palmer's company McVlcker's theater and achieved a decld success , Miss Annm Busscll and Mr. Alexr aerSalvlnl as Elaln and Sir Lancelot car Ini : oil thn honors of production. A lai i audteuco witnessed the play. fc Dents ttis Oldest Inhabitant. 10If Wnr.Ki.tKO , W. Va. , August 1. The lies Ifh lest ruin ever experienced hero In t ; h memory of the olden Inhabitants fell tl Ix I- afternoon about 5 o'clock. Over two Incli x- of watoi ha fallou In three Quarters of i xk. . hour. Many cvllurs and eoino lirst tloi 10 ncicilucdnU * HE STABBED HIM SIX TIMES , One Farmer Uses a Pitchfork on Another With Terrible Effect , ! THEY QUARRELED OVER A DEBT. A Husband nt Jersey City Murders Ills YouncircKfttnl Fight nt a Christening Awful Triple Tragedy Other Crimes. Unit niootl In Kansas. Kan. , August 1. fSoeclal Telegram to the BEK. ] A tragedy was en acted here to-day which throw this unusu ally quiet little hamlet Into a fever of excite ment. What will probably prove a fatal quarrel over a trivial matter between two prominent citizens of that place was the cause. Aaron Hobblns assaulted T. II. El- drldge with a pltchftirk and Inflicted what will doubtless prove fatal wounds. About a year ago Eldrldgosold UobblnsahorseforSSO agreeing to accept the pay In work , Kobblns promised to plow forty acres of wild land for Eldrldge. Un account ot dry weather and other hindrance ! ! Hobblns did not complete his contract but did enough work to amount to 850 , leaving a balance duo of 830. Eldrldge heard that Bobbins was making preparations to remove , to No Man's land and attempted to collect the balance of the debt Ho found Bobbins In the barn yard and asked him for the money. Bobbins ordered Eldridgo to leave the promises , which ho started to do , and as soon as ho turned his back on Bobbins the latter picked up a four-longed pitchfork and attacked htm with It. Ho succeeded In In flicting half a doien ghastly wounds and It Is thought Eldrldge cannot recover. A war rant ! was Immediately sworn out agaln l Bobbins and he Is held under guard to awatl the result of the wounded man's Injuries , In cas ° that there Is enough Improvement In Eldredge's condition to warrant the bcl'el ' that ho will recover Bobbins will bo given E preliminary hearing before the local justice of the peace to-moirow , otherwise the hear Ing will be postponed. Bobbins is a mac about forty-fivo years of age. Eldredge is tifty-nlno years } of ago and in no wise s match for his assailant. Both men have families. 91UUDE11ED IN COLD BLOOD. A Youthful Husband Kills 111 * Hlx tccii-Ycar-Old Wife. NEW YOHK , August L Mrs. Lillle Schlim rnor , a sixteen-year-old wife , was murderet In cold blood by her youthful husband , Jos cph , in Jersey City dl 1:20 : this afternoon The couple wore married with the consent o the girl's parents , but on account of his ag It was agreed that they should not live tn gether for two years. It Is said that youm Schllmmer has been endeavoring to persuad the girl to leave the parental roof. She re fused and ho has been hanging suspicions ! ; around the house ever since. POUIl OP THEM CAITURED. Dut the Phclp City Posse lioturn Without , the Pranlcllits. PiiKM'8 CITY , Mo. , August 1. jSpecta Telegram to The BKK. | The sheriffs poss that went outtocapturo the Franklins hav returned without effecting thmr capture They were on their trail but could not com up with Ihem. On Saturday last C. C. Kei\ \ ding came to Phelps City and admitted tha he was at Meyers when the Franklins she DoLong and Bostwlok on Friday. Ho wn at once arrested on suspicion , and last nigh Wilson and William Boatwlck ot the poss came from Crag and positively IdentUie Bedding as one ot the pang who lircd upo their party with such fatal results. Keddin Is now held for murder. Ho Is from Sulllva county , about forty-live years of age , an said to be a hard character. The officers hav now arrested three of the parties , and largo reward will bo offered for the Fran ! line , who are regarded as the real dosbern does and leaders. There Is much excltemen hero and our ollicers fear a mob , and to prt vent It have the prisoners strongly guarded Those arrested will have their prellmlnar tiial to-morrow. A Rather Lively Christening. NEW YOHK , Aueust 1. There was a chrls enlng last night In the family of Mr. Mullc In Brooklyn , which broke up about mldnlvrl In a desperate tight , In which ono man WD killed and a woman fatally wounded , an two or three guests cut nnd brulacd. Thei were about lifteen or sixteen guests , and tti festivities went along pleasantly until a lal hour , when Daniel Mullen and Denn Dillon made their appearance and con menced a tight with the guests. The visit ( the two men grew out of a feud of si months' standing between the brothers Joh and Morris Mullen. Terrible Triple Tragedy. CAMDEN , N , J. , August 1.--A horribl tragedy occurred In South Camden this e enlnu. William Wiltshire , keeper of a oyster saloon , has for a long time lived in happily with his wife. Two weeks ag tired of his abuse , she wont to the office i Squire Darr ( colored ) , justice ot the peac and had a warrant Issued charging him wit non-support and cruelty. Wiltshire was n rested , tried , and ordered to pay SO a wet for the supnoi of the wife and three ch dren. Ho did not comply and the quarrellc was renewed. This evening ho began ben Ing his wife and sht > ran to 'Snuiro Dan oil ice to complain. Wiltshire followed , ai while Darr was remonstrating with hli seemed to grow uncontrollably wild , drew revolver and shot down first his wile , the the Innocent justice , and linally put a bull in his own brain. All wore dead In a te minutes. Kscnpeil Murderer Arrested. CIIKVE.NNE , Wyo. , August 1. [ Sped Telegram to the BKK. | A few days ai Sheriff Scharplcss of this city received woi that a man was at Great Falls , Mont. , a swerlnur the description ot Harry Pattorso wanted here for the murder of James 51 l.ehone , In January , 18 ! > o. An officer w bunt on and today returned with IVvtterso whose Identity Is established by a number citizens. Patterson and McLehono we traveling companions between Deadwoi and Cheyenne. Patterson killed McLeho : and came to Cheyenne. Shortly after t murder was discovered ho was arrested , b escaned from the custody of the depu sheriff who had arrested him and until t present time has been at large. Wanted For Rape. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 1. [ Spec ! Telegram to the BKK.J Jack McCartney wanted hero to answer a charge of rape 01 : thlrtccn-year jld girl named Sarah Baldwl McCartney IS"fc market gardener and ll\ with his wife and several children south the city. Ho engaged Sarah and another hoa corn for him and assaulted her while s was at work. All the parties are Ignora people. Only A Family Feud. RAPID CITV , Oak. , August U fSpecl Telegram to the BKE.I At noon to-da > dlfllculty occurred between Graham and \V klus , of Black Hawk Springs , Lawron county , over the wife ot the latter , who llv with the former , occasioning a shooting b1 In which Wllklns was shot through the bo from tuft to right. The wound Is not cons ered fatal. Graham Is under arrest. McCoy Found Guilty. CHICAGO , August 1. A News special fr < Portsmouth , Ohio , saysj The jurj In celebrated case ot Alt MclSoy , chanrod with the murder of Dr. Nofthnp , returned a ver dict this morning. McCoy Is found guilty of murder In the second degree. Sergeant Clark Acquitted. DCTHOIT. Mich. , Adgust L The prelim inary trial of Serjeant Clark , of the Twenty- third United States Infantry , for the shoot- mi ; ot private , Albert Stone , resulted In hits discharge to-day , the court holding that ho must obey any legal ardcr of his superior ollicers. Stone , who ! t d been sentenced to the military prison , } , was shot down while trying to escape. FLOWEU ON POMTICS. P , Olvi-afills Views at Long Kance. M 16S7b\lJayi \ Oonlon Hfnii'd. ! PAIIIH , Auzust L [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the JEK. ] Democracy can not afford to wait muck longer before making an earnest effort to eofallzo and reduce the burden of taxation unller which the people of the United Slates are croantne , " said er- Congressman lloswell V. Flower at the hotel Westminster to-night. "Tim party deserves to go out of power If It does not grapple with this problem. Just think how easily It could all be arranged It Cleveland had not made the remark that his was purely an exec utive office. He could send Invitations to the leaders of both parties of the house and sen ate , and when all were assembled In the cabinet room could say : 'Gentlemen , we are piling up 853.0JO.OOO surplus yearly. Now 1 want taxation reduced bv 8125,000,000. Here are ' 3,300 articles on which duties are levied. Let us bring It down and cut this gourd. ' The job would all have done at one sitting. There are excellent business rea sons why something must bo done with the tariff at onco. It Is a thing In anticipation and business Is always unsettled by doubt as to the future. " "What do you think of the labor move ment ? " " 1 have boon In Europe four mouths , but feel it Is certain .to play a large part In our fall campaign. If it shonld , the managers ot bath parties would do much thinking before the next national convention. If New \ork should go republican it would nuke Cleveland the sure democratic nominee. Nobody knows for a certainty that htf la a candidate. It Is not Improbable that hj ( may decline. What will the republicans ilo ? They will hardly take either Blaitie or Sherman. Depaw Is In excellent shape. It b singular that ha Is coming over just as illalno returns. I am going homo very sooh and expsct to see some yery Interesting politics In Now York state this fall. * The AfRtmn Huvolt. CALCUTTA. August ! . Advices from Caa daliar state that the ameor of Afghanistan oosted a proclamation In the bazaar In thai city informing his subjects that the Britlsl government Is holding six Infantry division ! each consisting of nine regiments with cav airy and artillery. In readiness to march lnt < Afghanistan to suppress the revolt of the ameer's enemies in the Interior The proclamation adds : "I can suppress the Ghelials without them , but they remalr ready in case Bussla takes advantage of the rebellion to Invade the country. The ameei Invites the rebels to return to their home.- and says he will only punish the chiefs In the Insurrection. He warns Great Brltlan against permitting Ay-nib Khan to approacl the frontier. The opponents of the ameer explain that In Issulngaho proclamation the ameer Is playing 'his last trump card In assuming that the people value his alliance with England more than they value the ameer himself. The Insurgents ol Afghanistan have blocked the roads betweor Candaliar and the India city of Pcshawui In the northwestern part of India. 'I he Punjab is Infected with cholera of the worst type. Three hundred deaths frou that disease occurred during July. Work on the Land Bill. LONDON , August l.--ln the commons this ovenine Dillon expressed disappointment a * the form tn which clause 2- had been passet In committee. Unless the bill , was groatlj amended In the later stages It would bo thu duty of the nationalists to tell the Irish ptio pie that they must still trust onlj to the system , of combinations , Balfour said the ministry was not responsi bio for the elimination of the bankruptc ; clauses. T. P. O'Connor said those clause had committed suicldo. Clause twonty-thrc was eliminated. The Parnellites have decide , to adopt a passive policy after the passage o the land bill to allow $ speedy close of th session. Editor KaTltotr Dead. ST. Pi'.TEitSBUiio , August 1. Katkoff , cdi tor of the Moscow Gazette , died to-day. | Michael Katkoff was born at Moscow li 1820 , finished his studies at Konigsberg an Berlin , and was for several year * professor o philosophy In his native city. Since 1850 h devoted himself exclusively to journalism and exercised an enormous Inllaence , probr bly the greatest of any editor In the work Ho wns thIJ leader In founding the old Bu ; slan party , and the czar has been guided i all his do'ngs by the opinions expressed b the Moscow Gazette ) . A Fight to the Death. LONDON , August L Alfred Towney , wh was convicted of murder In the first degrc for murdering his sweetheart , was hanged a Lancaster to-day. When the hangman a tempted to pinion his arms and logs , the cor detuned made desperate resistance , sciean Ing and lighting savagely. Finally ho wa overpowered and carried to the scaffold. Migration In Huisla. ST. PK'misnuiio , August 1. An immens migration movement is proceeding In centn Bussla Peasants and farmers are moving I largo numbers to western Siberia , where trt pasturage and arable lands abountl. Tl movement threatens to result In a serlou agricultural crisis. It is reported that th government is about to stop It , Fight or Apologize. PAIUS August 1. General Boulangetlu telegraphed to his socouds to Insist on ten making an ImmodiatH apology for his rofe ences to the general in Ills speech at Kpin and In event of refusal to continue propar ; tions for the duel. Ferry has linally chosen Messrs. Prou and Baynal as Bucouds In his coming du < with Boulangor. w - Hope to Settle the Flatteries. LONDON , August L In the commons th evening Ferguson , parliamentary secretat for the foreign office , said the British irovori ment was hopeful ot obtaining a satlsfactoi settlement of the Canadian fisheries at i distant day. Ferdinand UOIIB | to Oulearia. Bnni.iK , August It It Is reported tin prlnco Ferdinand will start for Bulgaria t mot row to assume odlco against thu advii of his family. Nihilistic Murderers Arrested. ST. PKTr.itsuuno , August 1. Three youi nihilists murdered General Neatcrovt widow at Yladlkakas and stole 800,0 roubles. They were arrested whllo tryinc Cbcapo to Turkey- Cholera Spreading. ItoMK , August L From fifteen to twen deaths from cholera are reported in Cutar dally. The epidemic Is spreading In t provinces. The Visible Supply Statement , CHIOAOO , August L The visible supp statement , as compiled by thn secretary of t Chicago board of trade , is as follows : BushuN. Buehfl Wheat S3.U1.COO Corn 7,5 . ' 1 , ( Oats 3 , < h5,000 Rye , 2C3 , < J Barley. . . . ' , . , , ARISING FROM HER RUINS , David Oity Property Owners Already Begin to Repair the Damages. CUTTING DOWN THE LOSSES. Horrible Case of Inhumanity He- parted from Nebraska City A Colutnhns Young Man Tires or LI To nnd Suicides. David City Recovering. D.vvm CITY , Neb. . Aucust 1. [ Special Telegram to thti Bnr..J The estimates of the loss by the recent tornado have been gieatly overrated. The loss in the country , estimated at from 8100,000 to 51.10,000 , will not exceed 83,000. The estimate of 8100,000 loss to city property Is substantially correct. E. L. Stowoll. a farmer , lost a house valued at 8500. Jake Hanna , another farmer , lost a house and out buildings valued at 81,090. Tills completes tlio loss In the country thus far reported. The loss to the village of lltslng will not exceed 81,000. The original cost of the school build ing hero was 3 ,000 Instead of 810,000. A movement was being made for the election of a now school building for additional room which will probably not bo built , owing to the great loss to the school tund. The ono demolished by the tornado will doubtless H < rebuilt this summer. C. B. Baldwin's brick residence , loss estimated at 8'J.OOO. will not exceed 81,500. It will be rebuilt this summer , itnlnhart & Son , loss estimated at 85,000 to 87,000 , will not exceed 32,000. The David City roller mills , loss placed at 8-uOO , will probably aggregate 52,500. The engine and machinery is greatly damaged , and It will be some tlmo before it Is put In success ful operation. Mr. F. W. Paddock , who has done much to Further this summer's boom , was the heaviest loser ; 810,000 will not replace the damage to his two now brick blocks which were wholly pros trated. He Is plucky and will Immediately rebuild. The lair ground fence , amphithe atre , etc. , will be replaced In tlmo for the county fair. G. 1) . Churehlll & Co.'s loss was also over-estimated at 80.000. It will not exceed 84,000. Generally speaking our best buildings have suffered the greatest damaire. It is deeply lamented that our old claivtrap com t house , together with the north side sheds called store ; ; , unfortunately escaped thooyo of the weather clerk. Their owners loan money at Si | ier cent per month and have never spent a ll li ckle for the welfare ot the city. Every able bottled man In town Is busy this morning clearing away the debris. Be- buildlng will beirln Immediately. For the past two days the city has been crowded with people trom abroad Inspecting the ruins. Two train loads came In yester day over the Union Pacific , one from the east and ono from the west. The crowd doubled that of Saturday and Is estimated at trom 5,000 to 7.000 people. Many of the people were broiuht hero through exagger ated reports ot death , etc. Our hotels could not begin to accommodate them. Most of the buildings destroyed will bo re placed this summer with bettor ones. The loss , though heavy , will not retard the pro- cress of the town. Work on the now hotel Bolnhardt and Doty's brick , together with numerous partly completed residences was resumed with phe nomenal vigor this mornin ? . Our citizens bear the loss more cheerfully than was ex pected. Horrible Cruelty Reported. NEBRASKA , CITY , Neb.Augnst 1. ( Spoclal to the BKE.I The mayor and county commissioners have boon Informed of an alleged case of horrible brutality in thie city , the victim bolng an aged woman ami the tormentors her daughter and son-in-law. If the facts allowed are proven true the case Is one of the most fiendish over known in this state. The story , as told to the ollicials , and which will bo thoioughly invosticated by them , Isas follows : Several years aio an old settler named Mark Baurror dloil , leavIng Ing some valuable property hero , which waste to revert to a son-in-law , Alexander Buch anan , with the understanding that the do ceased'swidow , an invalid , should be caret' ' for during life. Soon after the old man's death a system of fiendish cruelty , It Is said , was Inaugurated by tlio damrhtei and son-in-law against the mother who often suffered for the commones necessaries of lite , and wlillostlll able to bt about would bo forced by hunger to bee trom the neighbors , who supplied her with tootl which she used to secrete about the house am eat atter the lumily had letired. Bvcontly as report says , she has been confined to he bed , and neiehbors who called with foot wine ordered from the house ana the eatable thrown Into the street by the daughter ant son-in-law. Several charitable ladies vlsitet the place and were driven from It by Buch anan. The old lady stated , so it Is said , tha Hhe lias eaten nothing for two weeks , bui was compelled to take a laxative every day , and It Is her fear and also the bullet among the neighbors , that she is being systemati eally murdered. Medical assistance , It 1 said , Is denied her and doctors refused ail mission to the house. Buchanan is an clde in the Latter D.iy Saints' church at thl place. A committee of Indignant ladies wa organized to horsewhip the Drute , but post poned U and Informed the officers. Suicide at Columbus. COI.UMIIUC , Neb. , August 1. ( Special t the BEK. ] Leigh ; Merrell , about nlnotoei years of age , suicided last night about 1' ' o'clock by shooting himself through the heat with a pistol , Igying himself instantly. Hi had retired to bed apparently In good healtl and spirits. Ho played a of base bal In the evening and seemed unusually full u mirth and good humor. Ho left a note o the table , saying ho was tired of life and rt quested that his effects bo idvcn to hi brother , Forrest , who works in tlio liver barn of O. L. Baker. The sulcldo lived wit his brother , Jay Merrell , who owns a tan seven miles noi th of Columbus. Dr. Schui the coroner , went out to thu house and hoi an Inquest on th body and returned a vui tllct that the deceased came to his death froi a pistol .shot liied by his own ham The family are highly respected and of e : cinplary habits , and the sympathies of tli community are a unit , as nothing Is know that could cast so dark a cloud as to can * \ him to pen "tired of life. " The funeral too place from the M. E. church at 0 o'look th evening. _ Polk County Teachers in Session. SriioMsni'iio , Neb. , August L ( Special t the BEI : . ] This Is the second week of tl Polk county teachers' Normal. It Is the fin tlmo the Normal has been held In Strom * burg , and all agree In calling it the most su cessful session the county has known. A hot In attendant- seventy-live teachers are Superintendent Kahe Is doing everything I his power to elevate th < ; schools of ( no coiinl and his labors will prove a success. Indiana for tin : Reunion. NOHKOI.K. Nob. . August 1. ( Spuclal tot ! BKK.I Acting Indian Commissioner U ; shaw has consented to a request to alia fifty Indians from Bosebud agency to atten the North Nubiaska reunion at Noifol August ii-VJT. This will Include sever noted chiefs. Death In a Weil. Sioux CITT , la. , August L [ Special Tel itrnm to the BIK. : ] Last evenlnz Willie N son , aged fifteen , living tivo miles cast i hero , wont down Into a well to got a buck that had been dropped. Ho was ovoirome I the foul air and was unable to return , il brother' , Alfred , aged thirteen , went down rescue him and was alsoovorcomo by the " finally thu boys were both takun out r were dead. 6 ' - - - Flrt" . jXA UAf-vtii JVInOL.'ttH' ' ! * l-The , v est fires are , bpog\tpi \ ; quljo oxtonBjyu nc done orchfu LANDS FOU INDIANS. Instructions to AenntA Having Charge- of the Allotment ! ) . WASHINGTON , August 1. The Indian of fice , with tlio approval of the secretary of the interior , has prepared letters of Instruction for the guidance of special aconts recently appointed to allot lauds In severally to In dians. Special Agent Howard , who Is as signed to duty on the Crow reservation In Montana , Is Instructed that allotments to thcso Indians are to be governed by the treaty of Agreement approved by act of con gress of April 11 , 1SS.3. By this treaty each Indian will receive , In addition to the number of acres specllied In the act of January , 18S7 , an equal amount of grazing land. To Illustrate , each head of a f.unily will receive KM ) acres of grs/lng land. Indian women mauled to white men should be regarded as heads of families. The white husbands cannot take allotments. In all cases where Indian women have been mar ried to Indian husbands , ami have children born of such marriage , but have been divorced from such husband after the Indian custom , the mother .should receive an allotment of land as the head of the fam ily , and should bo allowed to select the land for her children not under charge of the father , If competent to do so. The Wlnuobago Indians In Nebraska and SlleU Indians in Oregon will take their lands under the general severally act of February H. lbS7. With this exception the Instructions to special agents for the Wlnne- bago and Slletz tribes are tlio sauio as sent to Special Agent Howard. Cleveland' * Western Trip. WAsiitHtiTON , August l. The president said to-day that ho felt It to bo an absolute necessity that he should In every case request those cities which proposed to send delega tions to Washington conveying Invitations to visit them on his western trip to forego that formality and forward their communi cations by mail. Ho has a full appreciation of the cordial spirit which prompts such courtesy , and whlcn Is most gratifying , but It seems to him unnecessary that such jour neys , for such a purpose , at this heated sea- addition to this consideration , ho said It had been his purpose to feel tree to absent himself from the capital and v.'ilte house as ho would feel disposed during this month , and to make no engagements which would require his presence hero at any stated time. It U probable he will icavo hero the last days of September and go direct to St. Louis , and from there to Kansas City , Omaha , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Milwaukee. , Chlcagc , Nashville - villo and Atlanta. The St Louis hind At lanta dates bolng lived It will not bo prac ticable to deviate much from this pro gramme. The journeys will ho made by the ordinary route of travel between the cities named and the disposition of the president will bo to see as much of the country on his route as will bo consistent with his limited time and positive engagements. Pensions Granted Westerners. WASHINGTON , August L ( Special Tele gram to the BIBJ : The following pensions have been granted Nobrasicans : Jane W. , widow of Samuel Loowestoo , IlowarJ ; Hou- ben T. Hall , Orchards ; John Larson , Hold- rego ; Joseph Pretts , Davenport ; George W. Morris , Wa\erly ( reissue ) ; Thomas MoCor- mlck , Bavcnna : Joslah Hopper , Dawson ( lasioratlon ) ; Samuel Dervotoe , Howard. Iowa pensions : Dependents of Adaline , widow of Lewis Newman , Croton : Joseph It. Hoar , Marcus ; Seell Vaner , Palmyra ; William Argo , Soring Valley ; Frederick Miller , Algona ; Thomas Cochrane , Manly ; J. A. C. Whitney. Neola ; Frederick Mahuko , Sioux City ; Philip Menzer , PrlcovllleLenzy ; 1) . Andiews , Bnrkley ( Increase ) ; James Car ter , Now London ; Thomas White , Otlumwa ; Prescott Waloa , What Cheer : Shadrlck Hen- ton. Waverly ( reissue ) ; Hugh M. Cory. Sac City ; E/.ra A. Barney. Ablngdon ; Francis M. Bcauchamp , Columbus Junction ( restoration and reissue ) ; Lucicn Stevens , Independ ence ; Mexican war , Jacob Bender , Avon. News of the Military. WASHINGTON , August 1. [ Special Tole- cram to the BEK. I Captain Cyrus M. De- lany , Fifteenth Infantry , has been ordered be to re the army retiring board at St. Paul , of which General T. II. Buger Is president , for examination tor retirement. Captain Thomas J. Grosnr , Second cavalry , having been found incapacitated lor active servlco , has been fjnuitod leave of absence until further orders. Second Lieutenant L. 1) . Thyson , Ninth in fantry , has been ordered to temporary duty at David's Island , Now York. Lieutenant Colonel Montgomery Bryant , Eighth In fantry , has been granted six month * leave. First Lieutenant Prank A. Mills , Twenty- lourth Infantry , has been granted three mouths extension of leave. Second Lieuten ant L. Beokarts , Sixth infantry , Is detailed as recoider ot thn board ot olllcors ordered tn convene at Fort Leavenworth , Kansas. Bat tery F , Fourth aitlllery , has boon ordered Irom Fort Suulling to Sioux City , la. , to at tend thu annual reunion of thu Northwest Soldiers' association. Public Debt .Statement. WASHINGTON , August l. The following Is a recapitulation of thu debt statement Is sued to-day : Interest bearing debt , principal , 81.0M- COO.ttW ; lnterust7,10SG53 ; totalSlOT.tT01iU15 Debt on which interest has ceased since ma turity , princliMl$8,101,115 ; interestS10"i.Sb5 ; total , S ,857COJ. Debt bearing no intmest , JOOLaoO.m Total dnbt , principal. 81,074- 011,003 * ; lnterest7.30Vi33total ; , 1.03l.4autt : > ! less casli Items available for redemption ot the debt , 8iOI,14,7si : : ) : ; total debt , less avail able cash items , Sli'o,2b'J.loG : : ; net cash In treasury , 845,093,591 ; debt , less cash In treas ury August 1. Ib . Sl'J7i,535,8J2 ; tlubt , luss cash in treasury July I , 31,2711,4 ,787. Decrease - crease ot debt during month , $4bl4b'J4 ; cash in treasury available for reduction tif public debt , $ iJClUi,70J : ; reserve fund held for redemption domption In United States notes , < $10uooo,0)0 $ ) , unavailable for reduction of debt.S'-iO.SOS.HS ; certificates held RS cash , S'JJ.r.VJ.-UO : net cash balance on hand , 315,093,591 ; total cash In treasury as shown by treasuier's stjneial account , St.V,3HaQL ) ( Appropriations Uecommended , WASHINGTON , August 1. Captain Davis United States cnclnecis , in his annual re port recommends appropriations of varlou sums lor lake Improvements 1'ext year Among them are : iO,000 tor dredging pur poses In Green Bay haibor , Wisconsin .20,000 for blasting and pitir construction it Akimpeo harbor , Wisconsin ; 550,000 fo pier construction , diedgliu nnd repalisa Kewanco harbor , Wisconsin ; 35,000 fo dredulng at Two Bivurs harbor. Wisconsin MO.OOO f r rebuilding a part of the soutl pier superstructure .and for dredelne a Manltowoc harbor , Wisconsin ; SW.OOO fo pier extension , dredging ami lupahH at Slit bnygan , Wisconsin : 312,000 tor pier con stfuction and diotlKing at Port Washington Wbcoiibln. Mi" * . Lo nn'H Condition Serious. WAsmNO'iox , August 1.-Mr * . John A Logan has arrived at her homo In this clt ; and l.s reported to bu In a serious conditlor It Is said that her shoulder blade , which \vi : dislocated , will have to bo reiet , as the im operation was somewhat ol u failure. Surgeon General Hamilton , Mrs. Lotran' physician , alter a careful examination , loun thrit the soeknt ot ono ot her shoulders wa broken and that both shoulder ami elbo1 were dislocated and had not bo'in proper ! set. He reset both these hours and Mr Logan Is resting quletlv , though she sullere intenst ) palu for sometlmo niter the open lion was performed. AVar fihlp For Uounionn. WASHINGTON , August l. The secretary t the navy has Issued Institutions Unit tli United Slates steamer .Michigan shall bo i Detroit on the 1.4th and 1.1th of September take part In tlio ceremonies ot thu reunion i the army of tlio Tennessee , anil HI Chlcai from the 1st to the BOth of October for tl military cncampi.ient Postal ( hnnurn. WAsjilNiirroi A.UKUSI L [ Sppglal Tot crnm to the puiJ , W K. Meyer as t.o-d. appointed po6t.uias.tqr t\t Basalt , Biov county , vtco Mrs , Suslu C , A. White , r moved , , TELEPHONES FOR CHINESE , Dotnils of the Planting of the Machin Among the Celestials. A DIG AMERICAN ENTERPRISE. How the Scheme Wit * Originated ] and the Commit of tlio Em peror Obtained Who the Interested 1'nrtlcB Arc. The Onward Mnrch of Progress. NKW YOHK , August l. | SpoclalTelegram to the Uii : : . ] Itefcrrlng to the cable dis patch front London saying Jay Gould and other American capitalists were Interested la now bank to bo started In Chirm , Captain K. W. Brady , who Is connected with the Oriental Banxtngand Construction company , said tliat while such nu organization has re ceived concussions In China , Mr. Jay Uould has nothing whatever to do with It. A four line dispatch from Philadelphia was pub lished In the World last Thursday , announc ing that a 1'hitadulphia syndicate had secured the exclusive right from the Chinese Kbvcrn- mcnt to operate the telephone In China for llftv years. "LI Hung Chang , viceroy of Cnlll , and premier of Chlnn , " said Captain Urady , "cabled Mr. Wlmrton Barker , of 1'ailadclplita , the head of tlio syndicate , last Wednesday , that the concession had been granted and a decree to that effect pro mulgated. The Issuance ot that decree makes a now era In the history of the Flowciy Kingdom. Do you recollect souin remarkable telephone experiments between Now , York and Washington last year ? They were the beginning. The gentlemen who conducted them , Mr. William L. Payne , of Now York , and Count Eugene Do Mltklewles , soon found that the octopus- llko hold the Bell company had on the tele phone business of this country would prevent - vent them fiom operating hero ; thaj. costly law twits rather than fat profits were apt to bo the result of any attempt In that direction. During these experiments the llrst newspaper message over transmitted irom Washington to New York was sent by T. C. Crawford , the correspondent , to the World. As teen as these gentlemen became satistled that there was no unoccupied ground for telephones In the United States , they turned their attention to other countries. South America attracted them for a time. That Vonezuellan contract which Con gressman Hen Buttorworth' * com pany at Washington made BO much of this spring was ottered to them. They examined it , found It practically worthless - loss , and declined to undertake operation * under It. About this time they turned their attention to far Cathay. Colonel llobert Christy , their attorney at Washington , had for a number of years been on friendly terms with the Chinese embassy , especially with Mr. Bartlctt , their American secretary. The Chinese minister , Chang Yon lloon , attend ed by his private secretary and Interpreter , Liang Saung , and accompanied by his entire suite , was present at several experiments and soon became fully satisfied of the great util ity of the Instrument. I am told that It Is radically Impossibly to telegraph Chinese. wing to the vast number ot characters , jiany of which depend for their muanloit pen a particular Induction of no voice. Messages have to > o translated Into -European language ransmltted and tlienretransl ted , a very insatisftkctury method. On 'the other hand , ho Chinese. In talking , fall Into a sort ot rhythm , a Ring eong tone which the tele- jhoue transmits more readily than It does .ho non-rhythmic abrupt tones of our owns aneuage.- The minister Is one of tbe ablest iiou In China , and Is a loader in the liberal ir progressive party now In power. HI * ' eeommendation , therefore , has had great ! velght with his government. LI Hung Jliang Is Imbued with the same Ideas , ana oinu time ago , In a memorial to the emperor , i mere boy bv the way , ho urged .ho tiecesslty of European and American In dentions and manufactures. When the Hatter had progressed thus far It was laid beFore - Fore Wharton Barker of Philadelphia , who through Ills acquaintance with the celebrated Marquis Tseng , had his attention turned to- ivards that century-old dream of Europe and America , the opening of China. Mr. Barker it once took hold of It , enlisted the co-opera- lon of capitalist friends of Philadelphia , ind Irom that time until now the enter prise has moved along with almost the pre- li.slon of clock work. IP March the steamer lampshlro cleared for Shanghai via the Suez anal having on board four expert teleirraph- irs , fifteen miles of wire , telegraphers and ither material aggregating some JJUO.OJO. .n April the chiefs of the expedition , Count Mitkiewies and Simon Stern , of Philadel phia , accompanied by their electrician , Mr.E. 1' . Barker , formerly electrician of the United ' lines Telegranh company , sailed In the Han . 'ablotrom ' San Kranclsco. They arrived safely , and their mission has been crowned with success. Count Mltklowiese will return , o his country Immediately , accompanied by : ovornmcnt envoys , who come to arrange the letalls of the enterprise for thn government , which Is a partner In it. In the meantime ho rent of the expedition will stay In Chin * and put up the plant they already have. Died In a Kir. CHICAGO , August 1. Tills morning the body of n pretty white girl about sixteen years old was found under the east end of ho Eighteenth street viaduct The clothing of the unfortunate girl was in disorder nnd covered with blood. All circumstances Indl- : ated an atrocious murder and the pullee im mediately bngan a searching Investigation. Later the cirl was Identlne 1 as Hosa Lhotko. Ivlnir at 21 Johnson street. She was subject to epileptic lits , anil It was proved by exami nation that shn had sulTuio I no assault. The .nttirenco was that Him had wandered under the brldgo In a state of dementia and died luring a lit. Such w > is the verdict ot the coroncr'b Jury. Jealousy Causes n Double Tragedy. BiuiMiKi'our , Conn. , August 1. Ouor < e Whctsteln , aged seventy , a furniture dealer In this city , In a lit of jealousy this noon shot hh wlfo three times nnd then shot himself In the inouto. He died in fifteen minutes nid : his wlfo will not live. Tim couple have lived opait for heveial months , and It was mi this account that the Miootlng took place. His \\ltc was only thirty years old. The Gooritln ( 'mini Itrcak , AuniroTA , Ga. , August 1. There are two breaks In the canal , ono on the llrst and the other on the third level. Tim damage will1 probably shut up the factories for soinu time. Th > > loss to the city from high watur will ) roach f 100,000. The loss to pl.tnten * cannot be estimated , as It involves the almost total destruction ol crops In tlio .Savannah valley. 'I ho liver l.s still falling rapidly. To Withdraw Prom ihn Pirrsnuitn , August 1. At a mooting to Lo hold next t'rldav night the hteam Titters of Pittsburg and AIIeuhe.ii > , who an ; nt prrsont members ot the Knights of Labor , will with draw Horn that orani/.aton ! and form : i branch ol the Inlet national association ot plumherH , steam and iras litters. This will take about Min members Irom Urn Knights ot Labor In thlh suction. \VnHtlior liiillciitloiio. for Nebraska : ( Jeneuilly fair weather , ( ast to Houth winds becoming variable , stij- tlonory tompcr.ituro In er.stein portion , cooler in western portion. wFor Iowa : Kan weiilhor , stationary temperature , light , vaiiable winds. Ffirt'iwtirtl and Kastein Dakota : Local rains , slightly cooler , ulnds becoming varl- ftblu. Hums in Knn n , KANSAS ( 'ITV , Mo.Au tnt. J. Advlcea to the AfcMicr.ited I'lossltom v.uliU3 ) points lp Knittr > toport'hoavy rains ywwday and to- il.vThis will jjy'fiUy. bcuclit U iota ( . nip. . ' , '